HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_KCESI2_TCP#2_Bypass_Sections_F-J_181113_v1.pdfD W YLogan Ave NN 8th St TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #1 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (F) NO T TO SCALE S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # Project located on Logan Ave N & N 8th St Renton Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CH ANN ELI ZI NG DEVICE S S PAC IN G ( F EET ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 115’ Taper 130’ Tangent120’ Shift 115’ Taper 1 15’ T aper 60’ Shift RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S I G N S E QUENC E A XXX W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEAD SI G N SE Q U E N C E B LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5L W4-2R 115’ Tangent A T T A C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (B) AT TAC H S I GN S E Q U E N C E (A) ATTA C H S I G N S E Q U E NCE (A) 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off durning flagging operation. LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-5L W20-1 W20-7A X X X S IG N S E Q UE NC E C AT TA CH SI G N S EQ U E N C E (C) P C M S P C M S P C M S P C M S F L A G G E R A H E A D R O A D W O R K A H E A D 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE T-19L T-19R W20-7A W20-7A W20-7A T-19L KEEP RIGHT R4-7A/R L EG E N D S ----------------- Flagger Station Traffic Direction Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone F-1 Crosswalk Barricade As Shown, Figure-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS U N I F O R M E D P O L I C E O F F I C E R (U P O) U P O F I G U R E -1 R9-3XC CROSSWALK CLOSED B A RR I CAD E L E NGT H E Q UA L TO F ULL W I DT H O F CR O S SWALK SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE Duration of work: 1-2 days; 5 days total for Bypass Section F. TR AF F I C C O N T R O L S ERVI C E S FEL I P E J. M A C I A S,T C S #008890 E X PI R AT I O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F FI C E # (425) 658.3656 N O V E M B ER 13, 2018 R3-2 R3-2 RECEIVED 11/28/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION D W YLogan Ave NN 8th St TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #2 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (F) NO T TO SCALE S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CH ANN ELI ZI NG DEVICE S S PAC IN G ( F EET ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 115’ Taper 115’ Taper 115’ Taper 60’ Shift RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S I G N S E QUENC E A XXX W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEAD SI G N SE Q U E N C E B LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5L W4-2R 115’ Tangent AT TAC H S I GN S E Q U E N C E (A) AT TAC H S I GN S E Q U E N C E (B) ATTA C H S I G N S E Q U E NCE (A) 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-5L W20-1 W20-7A X X X S IG N S E Q UE NC E C AT TA CH SI G N S EQ U E N C E (C) P C M S P C M S P C M S P C M S F L A G G E R A H E A D R O A D W O R K A H E A D 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE T-19L W20-7A W20-7A W20-7A W1-4L U P O L EG E N D S ----------------- Flagger Station Traffic Direction Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone F-1 Crosswalk Barricade As Shown, Figure-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS U N I F O R M E D P O L I C E O F F I C E R (U P O) F I G U R E-1 R9-3XC CROSSWALK CLOSED BA R R IC AD E LEN G T H E Q UAL TO FU LL W I DT H O F CR O S S WA L K SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE W20-7A Project located on Logan Ave N & N 8th St Renton Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G Duration of work: 1-2 days; 5 days total for Bypass Section F. T R A FF IC C O NT R O L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C IAS,T C S #008890 E X P I R ATI O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 N O VEM B E R 13, 2018 U P O Logan Ave NS PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHAN NELIZING DE V IC ES SPA CI NG ( FEE T ) M PH TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 115’ Taper 115’ Taper 115’ Taper 60’ Shift RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S I G N S E Q U E N C E A 115’ Tangent ATTA C H S IG N S E QUENC E (B) AT TA CH SI G N SEQ U E N C E (A) 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-5L W20-1 W20-7A X X X S I GN S EQ U E N C E C AT TA C H S IG N S E QUEN C E (C) P C M S P C M S F L A G G E R A H E A D 1.5 S E C S PEED LIMI T 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z O N E T-19L W20-7A W20-7A W1-4L DWY N 8th St T R A F FI C C ON T RO L P L A N, #3 B Y PASS SE CT IO N (F) S T R E E T U S E PERM IT # XXX W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S IG N S E Q UE NCE B LEFT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5L W4-2R ATTA C H S IG N S E QUENC E (A) P C M S P C M S R O A D W O R K A H E A D 1.5 S E C N O T TO S C A L E L EG E N D S ----------------- Flagger Station Traffic Direction Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone F-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS U N I F O R M E D P O L I C E O F F I C E R (U P O) W20-7A S PEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W OR K ZO N E Project located on Logan Ave N & N 8th St Renton Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G Duration of work: 1-2 days; 5 days total for Bypass Section F. T R A F FI C C ON T RO L S E RV I CE S F E L I PE J. MA CI A S,TCS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O FF ICE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018 DWY1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments.3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the MUTCD.General Notes:2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times.4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances)5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways.6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths.7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, #1BYPASS SECTION (G)STREET USE PERMIT #NOT TO SCALERIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADXXXW20-1ROADWORKAHEADSIGN SEQUENCE ARIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RLogan Ave NN 8th StATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (A)ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1T-19L LEGENDS-----------------TemporaryTraffic directionChannelizing DeviceAdvance WarningSign LocationWork ZoneG-Portable, ChangeableMessage signPCMSSPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEW4 - 1BBIKESMERGE WITHTRAFFIC30” - 36”SPACING TABLEX200’+/-CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING ( FEET )MPHTAPERTANGENT20/302040PCMSRIGHTLANE CLOSEDROADWORKAHEAD1.5 SEC1.5 SECTRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICESFELIPE J. MACIAS,TCS #008890EXPIRATION 04-30-2019jack@trafficcontrolservices.netOFFICE # (425) 658.3656OCTOBER 31, 2018SPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEContact Person:KPG Interdisciplinary DesignMichael Laphammichael@kpg.comD: 206.267.1065C: 206.595.7875Duration of work:approximately 9 DaysHours of operation:NightsProject locationLogan Ave N between 8th St and500’ North of intersection with N 6th St RentonKPG DWY115’ TaperSPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONER3-2Project locationLogan Ave N Approximately 500’North of intersection with N 6th St RentonHours of operation:NightsContact Person:KPG Interdisciplinary DesignMichael Laphammichael@kpg.comD: 206.267.1065C: 206.595.7875KPG LEGENDS-----------------TemporaryTraffic directionChannelizing DeviceAdvance WarningSign LocationSequentialArrow BoardWork ZoneH-1SPACING TABLEX200’+/-CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING ( FEET )MPHTAPERTANGENT20/3020401. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments.3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the MUTCD.General Notes:2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times.4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances)5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways.6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths.7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths.Logan Ave NN 6th StROADWORKAHEADW20-1CENTERLANECLOSEDAHEADCENTERLANECLOSEDAHEADW9-3W9-3115’ Tangent60’ShiftKEEPRIGHTR4-7A/RW1-4LTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, #1BYPASS SECTION (H)STREET USE PERMIT #NOT TO SCALESIGN SEQUENCE ARIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5RXXXW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW4-2LATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (A)SPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEW4 - 1BBIKESMERGE WITHTRAFFICN 8th StR3-2Duration of work:2-3 days; 5 days totalfor Bypass Section H.PCMSCONSIDERALT.ROUTE1.5 SECRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEAD1.5 SEC( SAMPLE MESSAGE )BIKELANE ENDSW9 - 1BW4 - 1BBIKESMERGE WITHTRAFFICPCMSPCMSTRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICESFELIPE J. MACIAS,TCS #008890EXPIRATION 04-30-2019jack@trafficcontrolservices.netOFFICE # (425) 658.3656NOVEMBER 13, 2018 DWY115’ TaperSPEEDLIMIT20WORKZONER3-2 LEGENDS-----------------TemporaryTraffic directionChannelizing DeviceAdvance WarningSign LocationSequentialArrow BoardWork ZoneH-2SPACING TABLEX200’+/-CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING ( FEET )MPHTAPERTANGENT20/3020401. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments.3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the MUTCD.General Notes:2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times.4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances)5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways.6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths.7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths.Logan Ave NN 6th St115’ Tangent60’ShiftSTREET USE PERMIT #SIGN SEQUENCE ALEFT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5LXXXW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW4-2RATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (A)SPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEROADWORKAHEADW1-4LW1-4LW20-160’Shift60’Shift60’Shift115’ TangentBIKELANE ENDSW9 - 1BR3-2Hours of operation:NightsContact Person:KPG Interdisciplinary DesignMichael Laphammichael@kpg.comD: 206.267.1065C: 206.595.7875Project locationLogan Ave N Approximately 500’North of intersection with N 6th St RentonDuration of work:2-3 days; 5 days totalfor Bypass Section H.TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, #2BYPASS SECTION (H)NOT TO SCALEG20-5aPROADWORKAHEADW20-1KPGTRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICESFELIPE J. MACIAS,TCS #008890EXPIRATION 04-30-2019jack@trafficcontrolservices.netOFFICE # (425) 658.3656NOVEMBER 13, 2018 DWYSPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEProject locationLogan Ave N (Eastside)between N 8th Stand N 6th St RentonDuration of work:3 DaysHours of operation:NightsContact Person:KPG Interdisciplinary DesignMichael Laphammichael@kpg.comD: 206.267.1065C: 206.595.7875KPG LEGENDS-----------------TemporaryTraffic directionChannelizing DeviceAdvance WarningSign LocationSequentialArrow BoardWork ZoneI-1SPACING TABLEX200’+/-CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING ( FEET )MPHTAPERTANGENT20/3020401. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments.3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the MUTCD.General Notes:2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times.4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances)5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways.6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths.7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths.Logan Ave NN 6th StROADWORKAHEADW20-160’ShiftTRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN, #1BYPASS SECTION (I)STREET USE PERMIT #NOT TO SCALEATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (A)SPEEDLIMIT20G20-5aPWORKZONEROADWORKAHEADW1-4LW20-160’Shift60’ShiftBIKELANE ENDSW9 - 1BKEEPRIGHTR4-7A/RApproximately205’ Activity AeaROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1FIGURE-1SIDEWALKCLOSED BARRICADE LENGTH EQUAL TO FULL WIDTH OF SIDEWALKSidewalk BarricadeAs Shown, Figure-1PLACE R9-11AT THE SECOF N 8th StSIDEWALKCLOSEDAHEADR9-11SIDEWALK CLOSEDAHEADCROSS HERER9-11BIKELANE ENDSW9 - 1BPedestrian walkway will be closed for project duration,TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICESFELIPE J. MACIAS,TCS #008890EXPIRATION 04-30-2019jack@trafficcontrolservices.netOFFICE # (425) 658.3656NOVEMBER 13, 2018 D WY Alley TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #2 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (I) S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # NO T TO SCALE Project location Logan Ave N & N 6th St Renton Duration of work: approximately 8 Monts Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G N 6th St 60’ Shift ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 W1-4L SPEED LIM IT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE 115’ Taper AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD W9-3 CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD CENTER LANE CLOSED AHEAD S I G N S E QUENC E A RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S I G N S E QUENC E B AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (B) S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- C HAN N ELIZI NG DEV IC E S S PAC IN G ( FEET ) M P H TA P E R TAN G E N T 20/30 20 40 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. KEEP RIGHT R4-7A/R L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone I-1 Burnett Ave ND W Y T R A F F I C C ONT RO L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C I AS,T CS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 OC TO BER 31, 2018 R3-2 R3-2 Temporary sidewalk F I G U R E-1 SIDEWALK CLOSED BA R R IC AD E LEN G T H E Q UAL TO FU LL W I DT H O F S I DEWALK Sidewalk Barricade As Shown, Figure-1 DETOUR M4-9B D W Y DWY Alley TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #1 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (J) S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # NO T TO SCALE Project location N 6th St & Burnett Ave N Renton Duration of work: approximately 6 Days Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G N 6th St 115’ Taper S IG N S E Q U E N CE A RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHA NNE L IZ IN G D EVI CES SPACING ( FE E T ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone I-1 Burnett Ave NLogan Ave NDWY T-19L 28” T R A F F I C C O N E S 12”x18” B/O DWY Williams Ave NAT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) U P O T R A F F I C CO N TR O L S E RV IC ES F E LI P E J. MAC I A S,TC S #008890 EX P IR AT I O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O FF I C E # (425) 658.3656 N O V E MB E R 13, 2018 AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (B) S I GN S E Q U E N C E B X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK AHEAD BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B ROAD WORK AHE AD W20-1 W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (B) W1-4L Uniform Police Officer 115’ Taper 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. DWY Alley TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #2 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (J) S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # NO T TO SCALE Project location N 6th St & Burnett Ave N Renton Duration of work: approximately 6 Days Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G N 6th St S I G N S E QUENC E A W20-5R S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHAN NELIZING DE V IC ES SPA CI NG ( FEET ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone I-1 Burnett Ave NLogan Ave NDWY DWY Williams Ave NU P O T R A FF I C C ONT R O L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C I AS,T C S #008890 E X P I R AT I O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 N O VEM B E R 13, 2018 AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK AHE AD W20-1 W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B ATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (B)Uniform Police Officer 115’ Taper T-19R ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. D W Y Alley T R A FF IC C O NT R O L P LAN, #3 B Y PAS S S E C T I O N (J) S T R E E T USE P E RM I T # N OT TO S C A LE Project location N 6th St & Burnett Ave N Renton Duration of work: approximately 6 Days Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G N 6th St SI G N S E QU EN C E A W20-5R S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHA NNE L IZ IN G D EVI CES SPACING ( FE E T ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 L E GE NDS ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone I-1 Burnett Ave NLogan Ave ND W Y D W Y Williams Ave NU P O T R A F FI C C O N TR O L S E RV ICES F E LI P E J. MACI A S,TC S #008890 E X P IR AT I O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O FF IC E # (425) 658.3656 NO V E M B E R 13, 2018 AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK AHEAD ROAD WORK A HEAD W20-1 W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B W20-7A BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B ATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (B)Uniform Police Officer 115’ Taper ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD T-19L SI G N S E QU EN C E B X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK A HEAD BE PREPAR ED TO STOP W20-7B 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. DWY Alley S T R E E T U SE PERM IT # Hours of operation: Nights Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 N 6th St S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- L EG E N D S ----------------- Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Work Zone J-2 Burnett Ave NLogan Ave NDWY DWY Williams Ave NR OAD CLOSE D AHE AD W20-3 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 D W Y ROAD C LOSED AHEA D W20-3 X X N 5th St T Y P E I I I B A R R I C A D E S W I T H R11-2 R O A D C L O S E D ROAD C LOSED TO THRU T RAF F IC R11-4 R OA D CL OS ED (T Y P E B) H I G H I N T E N S I T Y F L A S H I N G WA R N I N G L I G H T S F O R N I G H T T I M E C L O S U R E O P E R AT E 24 H O U R S P E R D AY ROAD CLOSED T R A F FI C C ON T RO L P L A N, #4 B Y PASS S E CT IO N (J) N OT TO S C A L E Project location N 6th St & Burnett Ave N Renton Duration of work: Road closed for duration of project. K P G A D VA N C E N O T I C E P O S T 10 D AY S I N A D VA N C E 60” 48” T HI S R O A D W I L L B E C L O S E D 7 AM MONDAY, 7/21 TO 6 PM FRIDAY, 9/19 U P O 1.Property owners/businesses adjacent to the closure shall be contacted, and their access concerns shall be addressed and mitigated if possible. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off burring flagging operation. Uniform Police Officer AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A)ATTACH SIGNSEQUENCE (A)SI G N S E QU EN C E A X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK A HEAD BE PREPAR ED TO STOP W20-7B R3-2 T R A FF IC C O NT R O L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C IAS,T C S #008890 E X P I R ATI O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 N O VEM B E R 13, 2018