HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_KCESI2_TCP#3_Bypass_Sections_B-D_181113_v1.pdfGeneral Notes: * All signs and spacing shall conform to M U T C D. * Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. * Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) * All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. * Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. * Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. * Notify Transit of bus route/stop impacts: * Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. T R A FF IC C O NT R O L P LAN, #1 B Y PAS S S E C T I ON (B) N OT TO S CA LE S T R E E T USE P E R M I T # Project located at Logan Ave N & Park Ave N Renton Duration of work: 2-3 days; 5 days total for Bypass Section B. Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime and Weekends Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 D W Y Logan A ve N Park Ave NBoeing Gate D-9 W20-1 RO AD WOR K AHEAD W20-1 R O AD WOR K AHE AD W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D W20-1 ROAD W O RK AHEAD SPEED LIMIT 35 S PA C I N G TA B L E X 350’+/- K P G L E G E N D S ----------------- T E M .T R A F F I C D I R E C T I O N C H A N N E L I Z I N G D E V I C E A D VA N C E WA R N I N G S I G N L O C AT I O N W1-4L W1-4RCHANNELIZING D EV ICE S SPACING ( F EET ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 G20-2A END ROAD WORK G20-2A EN D ROAD WO RK Work Zone B-1 T RA F F I C CO N TR O L SE RV IC ES F E LI P E J. M AC I A S,T C S #008890 EX P IR AT IO N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F I C E # (425) 658.3656 N O V E MB E R 13, 2018 SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE * Coordinate with Boeing for scheduling of work and timing of traffic/pedestrian diversions RECEIVED 11/28/2018 amorganroth PLANNING DIVISION 28” Traffic Cones DWY Logan A ve N Park Ave NBoeing Gate D-9W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D SPEED LIMIT 35 W1-4L W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D CHAN NELIZING DEVICES SPACI NG ( FEET ) M P H TA PE R TA N GE N T 20/30 20 40 L E G E N D S ----------------- T E M .T R A F F I C D I R E C T I O N C H A N N E L I Z I N G D E V I C E A D VA N C E WA R N I N G S I G N L O C AT I O N Work Zone B-2 TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #2 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (B) NO T TO SCALE S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # SPEE D L IMIT 20 G20-5aP WO R K Z O N E General Notes: * All signs and spacing shall conform to M U T C D . * Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. * Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) * All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. * Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. * Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. * Notify Transit of bus route/stop impacts: * Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. T R A F FI C C ON T RO L S E RV I CE S F E L I PE J. MA CI A S,T CS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F ICE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018 Project located at Logan Ave N & Park Ave N Renton Duration of work: 2-3 days; 5 days total for Bypass Section B. Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime and Weekends Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G * Coordinate with Boeing for scheduling of work and timing of traffic/pedestrian diversions 225’ Taper W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD P C M S C O N S I D E R A LT R O U T E 1.5 S E C R I G H T L A N E C L O S E D AT PA R K AV E N 1.5 S E C ( S A M P L E M E S S A G E ) P C M S T-19L T-19L BIKE LANE ENDS W9 - 1B 30” - 36” SPE ED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W ORK ZO N E Logan A ve N Park Ave N W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D Project located on Logan Ave N between Park Ave N & N10th St Renton Duration of work: approximately 3 Days (of 5 Days total for section C) K P G T RA F F I C CO N T R O L PL A N, #1A BYPA S S S EC TI O N (C) NO T TO SCAL E ST RE E T U S E P E R MI T # CHANNELIZING DEVICES SPACING ( FEET ) MPH TAPER TANGENT 35/45 30 60 20/30 20 40 25-30 MPH 200’+/-200’+/-200’+/- 35-40 MPH 350’+/-350’+/-350’+/- WARNING SIGN SPACING = X AT TA C H H E R E, T R A F F I C C O N T R O L P L A N, #1B B Y PA S S S E C T I O N (C) P C M S Lake Washington Blvd NPark A ve N Garden Ave NN E Park Dr 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 8. Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. Maintain these signs throughout the 8 month construction period Maintain this signs throughout the 8 month construction period Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 T R A F FI C C ON T RO L S E RV I CE S F E L I PE J. M A CI A S,T CS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F ICE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018 B IKE LANE ENDS W9 - 1B Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime - Mid Week L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone C-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS DW Y DW Y AT TA C H H E R E, T R A F F I C C O N T R O L P L A N, #1A B Y PA S S S E C T I O N (C)Logan Ave NN 1 0 t h S t R3-2 Parking Garage Project located on Logan Ave N between Park Ave N & N10th St Renton Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G T RA F F I C CO N T R O L PL A N, #1B BYPA S S S EC TI O N (C) NO T TO SCAL E ST RE E T U S E P E R MI T # S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHA NNE L IZ IN G D EVI CES SPACING ( FE E T ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEA D L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Work Zone C-1 T RA F F I C CO N TR O L SE RV IC ES F E LI P E J. M AC I A S,T C S #008890 EX P IR AT IO N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F I C E # (425) 658.3656 N O V E MB E R 03, 2018 Duration of work: approximately 3 Days (of 5 Days total for section C) R3-2 SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z O NE General Notes: * All signs and spacing shall conform to M U T C D. * Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. * Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) * All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. * Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. * Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. * Notify Transit of bus route/stop impacts. * Northbound bike lane shall remain open. Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime - Mid Week D W Y D WY 80’ Taper Project located at Logan Ave N between Park Ave N & N10th St Renton Duration of work: approximately 2 Days (of 5 days total for Section C) C HAN N ELIZI NG DEV IC E S S PAC IN G ( FEET ) M P H TA P E R TAN G E N T 20/30 20 40 TRAF F I C CO N T R O L P L A N, #2 BYPA S S S E C TI O N (C) NO T TO SCALE S TREE T U S E P E R MI T # W20-1 R OAD WOR K AHE AD W20-1 R O AD WOR K AHEAD N 1 0 t h S tLogan Ave NRIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD 150’ +/- P C M S 150’ +/- 150’ +/- Southport Dr N 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 8. Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. L EG E N D S ----------------- Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone C-2 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 R3-2 S PEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W OR K ZO N E T R A FF I C C O NT R O L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C I AS,T C S #008890 E X P I R AT I O N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 N O VEM B E R13, 2018Park Ave NMaintain this signs 24 hours a day for 8 month construction period S PEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W OR K ZO N E Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime - Mid Week SPEE D L IMIT 20 G20-5aP WO R K Z O N E Place this signs 150’ South of the S E corner of N 8th St. P C M S R3-2 P C M S C O N S I D E R A LT R O U T E 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C ( S A M P L E M E S S A G E ) R I G H T L A N E C L O S E D AT N 10T H S T DW Y DWYT R A F FI C C O N TR O L PL A N, #1 BY PA S S SECT I O N (D) NO T TO SC AL E S TREE T U S E P E R MI T #Logan Ave NN 1 0 t h S t R3-2 S I GN S EQ U E N C E A X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK AHEAD BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) 80’ Taper 80’ Taper 80’ Tangent RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S IG N S E Q UE NCE B A T T A C H S IG N S E Q U E N C E (B) BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B W20-7A Project located at the corner of Logan Ave N & N 10th St Renton Hours of operation: Night Time Construction Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G PARKING AREA F I GU R E-1 R9-3X C CROSSWALK CLOSED B A R R ICADE L E N GT H E QU AL TO FU L L W I D T H OF CRO S S WAL K S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHA NNE L IZ IN G D EVI CES SPACING ( FE E T ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 60’ P C M S Place P C M S at the N W C of Lk Washington Blvd 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off durning flagging operation. SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE P C M S F L A G G E R C O N T R O L L E D 1.5 S E C O N E L A N E R O A D A H E A D 1.5 S E C ( S A M P L E M E S S A G E ) S PEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W OR K ZO N EPlace these signs 150’ North of the N E corner of N 8th St.P C M S ROAD C LOSED A HEA D W20-3 ROAD CL O SED AHEAD R OAD CLOSE D AHE AD W20-3 W20-3 ROAD WORK AHEAD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD T YPE I I I BARR I C A D E S W IT H R11-2 R OA D C L OSE D R O A D C LO S E D L EG E N D S ----------------- Flagger Station Traffic Direction Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone D-1 Crosswalk Barricade As Shown, Figure-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS (T Y P E B) H IG H INT E N S IT Y F L A S H IN G WA R N IN G LI G HT S F O R NI G HT T I M E C L OSUR E OP E RAT E 24 H O U R S P E R D AY Duration of work: 3 days; 6 days total for Bypass Section D. 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. Maintain crosswalk at south leg of Logan Ave/N 10th St. Coordinate with Boeing for scheduling of work and timing of traffic/pedestrian. 12. Lighting to meet M U T C D standards for nighttime work. T R A F F I C C ONT RO L S E RV I C E S F E L IPE J. M A C I AS,T CS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net OF F I CE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018Place P C M S south of N 8th S T. DW Y DWYT R A F FI C C ON TRO L PL A N, #2 B Y PA SS SE CT IO N (D) N O T TO S C AL E ST RE E T U S E P E R MI T # Loga n A ve N N 1 0 t h S t R3-2 S I G N S E Q U E N C E A X X X W20-1 W20-7A ROAD WORK AHEAD BE PRE PARED TO STOP W20-7B AT TA C H S I G N S E Q U E N C E (A) 80’ Taper RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R W4-2L X X X W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD S I G N S E Q U E N C E B BE PREPARED TO STOP W20-7B W20-7A PARKING AREA F I G U R E-1 R9-3XC CROSSWALK CLOSED BA RR I C A D E LENG T H E Q U A L TO F U L L W ID TH O F C R OS S WA LK S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- CHA NNE L IZ IN G D EVI CES SPACING ( FE E T ) M P H TA P E R TA N G E N T 20/30 20 40 26’ 40’ Shift 80’TangentX SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE P C M S Place P C M S at the N W C of Lk Washington Blvd A T T A C H S IG N S E Q U E N C E (A) Project located at the corner of Logan Ave N & N 10th St Renton Hours of operation: Night Time Construction Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 K P G S PEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W OR K ZO N E L EG E N D S ----------------- Flagger Station Traffic Direction Temporary Traffic direction Channelizing Device Advance Warning Sign Location Sequential Arrow Board Work Zone D-2 Crosswalk Barricade As Shown, Figure-1 Portable, Changeable Message signPCMS SPEE D L IMIT 20 G20-5aP WO R K Z O N E Place this signs 150’ North of the N E corner of N 8th St. P C M S F L A G G E R C O N T R O L L E D 1.5 S E C O N E L A N E R O A D A H E A D 1.5 S E C ( S A M P L E M E S S A G E ) ROAD CLOSED AHE AD W20-3 ROAD CLOSED AHEAD ROA D CLOSED AH EAD W20-3 W20-3 W20-1 ROAD WORK AHE AD W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD T YPE I I I BARR I C A D E S W IT H R11-2 R OA D C L OSE D R O A D C LO S E D (T Y P E B) H IG H INT E N S IT Y F L A S H IN G WA R N IN G LI G HT S F O R NI G HT T I M E C L OSUR E OP E RAT E 24 H O U R S P E R D AY Duration of work: 3 days; 6 days total for Bypass Section D. T R A F FI C C ON T RO L S E RV I CE S F E L I PE J. MA CI A S,TCS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O FF ICE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 6. Maintain 4’ minimum sidewalk widths. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 9. Flagger station shall be in line of sight of approaching vehicles. 10. Flagger shall maintain radio communication. 8. Flaggers shall be used in accordance with WA C 468-950302. U P O will be required if a traffic signal could be countermanded. 11. Lighted intersection shall be set to “ red flash mode” or turn off during flagging operation. 12. Lighting to meet M U T C D standards for nighttime work. Coordinate with Boeing for scheduling of work and timing of traffic/pedestrian diversions. P C M S Place P C M S south of N 8th S T. D W Y Logan Ave NLogan A ve N N 1 0 t h S t L E G E N D S ----------------- T E M .T R A F F I C D I R E C T I O N C H A N N E L I Z I N G D E V I C E A D VA N C E WA R N I N G S I G N L O C AT I O N Work Zone E-1 P CM S P O RTA B L E C H A N G E A B L E M E S S A G E S I G N Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 8. Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. SPEED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP WO RK ZONE W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD R I G H T L A N E C L O S E D AT N 10T H S T W4-2L W20-1 ROAD WORK AHEAD RIGHT LANE CLOSED AHEAD W20-5R Place P C M S at the N W C of 757th Ave/Park Ave P C M S Project located at Logan Ave N between N 10th St & N 8th St Renton Duration of work: approximately 4 Days K P G T RA F F I C CO N T R O L PL A N, #1 BYPA S S S EC TI O N (E) NO T TO SCAL E ST RE E T U S E P E R MI T # 80’ Taper Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime - Mid Week P C M S C O N S I D E R A LT R O U T E 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C T RA F F I C CO N TR O L SE RV IC ES F E LI P E J. M AC I A S,T C S #008890 EX P IR AT IO N 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F I C E # (425) 658.3656 N O V E MB E R 13, 2018 P C M S Place P C M S south of N 6th S T. Construction Ahead P C M S Consider Alt. Route 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C #1 #1 #2 #2 CHAN NELIZING DE V IC ES SPA CI NG ( FEE T ) M PH TA P E R 20/30 TA N G E N T 20 40 S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- Logan Ave N L E G E N D S ----------------- T E M .T R A F F I C D I R E C T I O N C H A N N E L I Z I N G D E V I C E A D VA N C E WA R N I N G S I G N L O C AT I O N Work Zone E-1 P CM S P O RTA B L E C H A N G E A B L E M E S S A G E S I G N Contact Person: K P G Interdisciplinary Design Michael Lapham michael@kpg.com D: 206.267.1065 C: 206.595.7875 R3-2 CH ANN E LI Z IN G D EVICE S SPACING ( F E ET ) M P H TA P E R 20/30 TA N G E N T 20 40 1. Notify Transit for bus stop relocation and/or relevant access impediments. 3.All signs, channelized devices and spacing shall conform to the M U TC D. General Notes: 2. Priority passage through work area for emergency vehicles shall be provided at all times. 4. Channelization devices are 28” reflective cones. (see table for spacing distances) 5. All spacing must accommodate at-grade intersection and/or driveways. 7. Maintain 11’ vehicle travel lane widths. 8. Contact City signal operators 10 days prior to any work that may affect signal operations. W20-1 ROAD WORK A HEAD SP EED LIMIT 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z ONE R3-2 R3-2 R3-2 N 8th St S PEED LIMI T 20 G20-5aP W O R K Z O N E Place this signs 150’ North of the N E corner of N 6th St. W20-1 ROAD WO RK AHEAD Project located at Logan Ave N between N 10th St & N 8th St Renton Duration of work: approximately 4 Days K P G S PA C I N G TA B L E X 200’+/- W20-1 R OAD WORK AHE AD Hours of operation: T B D, Construction work Daytime - Mid Week T R A F FI C C ON T RO L S E RV I CE S F E L I PE J. MA CI A S,T CS #008890 E X P I RAT I ON 04-30-2019 jack@trafficcontrolservices.net O F F ICE # (425) 658.3656 NO V EM B E R 13, 2018Place P C M S south of N 6th S T. P C M S#2 Construction Ahead P C M S Consider Alt. Route 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C #2 P C M S ( S A M P L E M E S S A G E ) R I G H T L A N E C L O S E D AT N 10T H S T C O N S I D E R A LT R O U T E 1.5 S E C1.5 S E C Place P C M S at the N W C of 757th Ave/Park Ave P C M S T RA F F I C CO N T R O L PL A N, #2 BYPA S S S EC TI O N (E) NO T TO SCAL E ST RE E T U S E P E R MI T # #1