HomeMy WebLinkAboutBudget - 2009 STATE OF WASHINGTON� COUNTY OF KING } cIT'�'oF RENTon' ORDINANCE NO.5516 ora�nance No. 4260 e�c�c�ed NOTICE OF ORDINANCES An ordinance of the Ciry of °°Code of General Ordinance� of AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ADOPTED BY THE RENTON Renton, Washington, amending the City of Renton,Washington", CITY COUNCIL Chapter 8,Permits-General and to amend land use permit Following is a summary of Appeals,and Chapter 9,Permits- processes. ordinances adopted by the Renton Specific,ofTitle IV(Development Effective: 1 212 3/20 0 9 PUBLIC NOTICE City Councii on December 14, Regulations) of Ordinance No. ORDINANCE NO.5520 Linda M Mills, bein first dul sworn on oath that she is the Le al 2009: 4260 entiUed "Code of General An ordinance of the City of g y g ORDINANCE NO.5513 Ordinances of the Ciry of Renton, Renton, Washington, amending AC�VBT'tlSlllg ROpI'eSeTltatlVe Of t�10 An ordinance of the City of Washington", to amend the Chapter 3, Zoning Districts - Renron, Washington, amending processes related to amending the Uses and Standards, Chapter 4, the City of Renton Fiscal Year Comprehensive Plan and the Title City-Wide Property Development 2009 annual budget as adopted by IV Development Regulations. Standards, Chapter 8, Permits - Renton Re orter Ordinance No.5423 and thereafter Effective: 12/23/2009 General and Appeals, Chapter 9, p amended by Ordinances 5441, ORDINANCE NO.5517 Permits - 5pecific and Chapter 5451,5455,5464 and 5483. AnordinanceoftheCityofRenton, ]�, Definitions, of Title N Effective: 12/23/2009 Washington,amending Chapter 4, (Development Regulation�j of ORDINANCE NO.5514 Ciry-wide Property Development Ordinance No. 4260 entided a weekly newspaper, which newspaper 1S a legal newspaper Of An ordinance of the City of Standards, and Chapter 6, Street "Code of General Ordinances of � ge110Ta1 C1TCUlat1011 aI1Cl 1S 110W aI1Cl 11aS beell fOT 1110Te t�lall SiX 111011tI1S Renton, Washington, amending and Utility Standards, of Title the City of Renton,Washington", Chapter 1, Administration 1V (Development Regulations) to clarify language related to prior to the date of publieation hereinafter referred to, published in and Enforcement, of Title Iv of Ordinance No. 4260 entided residential unit types, residential t�10 ErigI1S�1 IarigUage COrit1riUOLlSly aS a WeOkly riOWSpapel' lri Klrig (Development Regulations) of "Code of General Ordinances of uses,and Iots,parcels,and tracts. COUllty, w1S�11L1gt011. 7'110 R011tOI1 ROpOTt2T' 11aS b0011 appTOVeCl aS Ordinance No. 4260 entitled the City of Renton,Washingtod', Effective: 12/23/2009 "Code of General Ordinances of to update minimum sveet design ORDINANCE NO.5521 a Legal NOWSpapEr by OTCleI' Of tllE Superior Court of the State of the City of Renton,Washington", standards with complete streeCs AnordinanceoftheCityofRenron, W1S�llrigtOri fOT Klllg COUIit}�. setting the impact fee at $3,344 pnnciples to enable safe and Washington,amending Chapter 7, T�18 110t1C0 111 tlle OXaCt fOI'Tll a1111eX0Cl WaS UbI1S�10C�lIl r0 UIaT 1SSUeS per new single-family home in the convenient access and travel for Subdivision Regulations,of Title � g Issaquah School District setting all users, and to foster a sense IV (Development Regulation�) Of CZle Rellt011 ROpOTteP �a11C1 IlOt 1T1 SUpp18111011t fOTlll� WI11CI1 WaS the impact fee at$5,394 per new of place in the public realm with of Ordinance No. 4260 entided TegUlaTly CI1StI'1bUteCl t0 1tS SUbSCTlbet'S ClUI'lllg tlle belOW StateCl pel'lOCl. single family home and $3,322 attracrive design amenities. "Code of General Ordinances of per new multi-family home in Effective: 12/23/2009 the City of Renton,Washington", Z'�le ai1110X0C�L10t1CO3 a: the Kent School District setting ORDINANCEN0.5518 toamendtheregulation�regarding • +• the impact Pee at$6,310 per new A❑ ordinance of the City of property annexed to the City with PubllC NOI.lCe single family home and $1,258 Renton, Washington, ame�ding preliminary plat approval in per new multi-family home in Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - Counry. the Renton School District; and Uses and Standards, Chapter 3, Effective: 12/23/2009 adopting the capital facilities Environmental Regulations and ORDINANCE NO.5522 WaS pLlbllS�leCl 011 �OCeTI1b8I' Ig, 2�09. plans of the School Districts Overlay Dish-icts, Chapter 4, An ordinance of the City of within the Ciry of Renton. City-Wide Properry Development Renton, Washingron, amending Effecdve: 1/17/2010 Standards, Chapter 9, Permits - Chapter 2, Zoning Dish-icts ORDINANCEN0.5515 Specific,ofTitlelV(Development _ Uses and Standards, and � Z'�le fUll a1110Urit Of t110 fee CllaTgeCl fOT Sa1Cl fOTegOlrig pUbllCatlOri 1S AnordinanceoftheCityofRenton, Regulations) of Ordinance No. Chapter 11, Definitions, of Tide tlle SU111 Of 332.5�. Washington,amending Chapter 7, 4260 entided "Code of General ►V (Development Regulations) � , Subdivision Reguladons, of Tide Ordinances of the Ciry of Renton, of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled �� �������„�� IV (Development Regulations) Washington", to amend the "Code of General Ordinances of ��/ of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled regulations regardiog residential the City of Renton,Washington", "Code of General Ordinances of development in the R-4, R-8, to allow Helipads as part of lllC�a M. M1llS the City of Renton,Washingron", R-10 and R-14 zone�.Effective: a Medical Institution Use ,' '�`'���''�t�o�1 rify that allcy networks are �2�23�20�9 and remove the use from the Legal Advertising Representative Renton Reporter �.;���� � ' �' ��1LS �+general requirement within ORDINANCE NO.5519� Commercial Arterial(CA)Zone. Subscr' ed and sw n to me this 18th day December 2009. - � � �'� ,�i� t� y � ---� �.����,_„ resi ntial low densit land An ordinance of the City of Effective: 12/23/2009 , j � t � - ��N CXp��'4��des�g�tion implemented by Renton, Washington, amending Complete text of these �^ ; � ; - t�,�k�soure¢ conservation (RC), Chapter 2, Zoning Districts - ordinances is available at Renton "� �� " '��� � Resi�ynt�l%1 DU/AC (R-I), Uses and Standards, Chapter 3, City Hall,1055 South Grady Way; at�ly �al g, Ot1Cy pUbll I't11e StatB Of waSYllllgt011, ReS1CIL�lg� -�<`j ` . " and �e.�tle�ial-4 Du/AC (R-4) Environmental Regulations and and posted at the Renton Public in Coving Il,Washington ;�� � �o�es-" ►- � Overlay Districts, Chapter 4, Libraries, 100 Mill Avenue South % N t<:>``"E e�i l�/23/2010 Ciry-Wide Property Development and 2902 NE 12th Street. Upon P. O. Number: a,. , g� �- Standards,Cha ter 7,Subdivision ���.,� ���, Q_.� � p request to the City Clerk's office, �`1. � �` r'�' Regulations,Chapter 8,Permits- �425)430-6510, copies will a(so ��/ "`�r P��� General and Appeals,Chapter 9, be mailed for a fee. ��i�(������w���� Permits - Specific, and Chapter Bonnie 1.WalCon,City Clerk II, Definitions, of Title IV PublishedinCheRentonReporter (Development Regulations) of an December 18,2009.#307269 (_ , f �"` '"'Amends ORD 5423 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. 5513 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCES 5441, 5451, 5455, 5464 AND 5483. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5423, approving the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5441, adding the City Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5451, appropriating funds in the Golf Course Fund for certain expenses related to securing water rights at the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, on April 20, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5455, carrying forward funds to complete projects authorized and funded in 2008, but not yet completed; and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5464, modifying its revenue projections and appropriations for 2009 as required by economic conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 17, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5483, increasing the General Fund for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the City's Emergency Management Program; and WHEREAS, year-end forecasts and estimates require the City to modify its revenue projections and the appropriations for 2009; 1 �f � � ORDINANCE N0. 5513 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinances 5423, 5441, 5451, 5455, 5464 and 5483 establishing the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget are hereby amended in the amount of $7,580,596 to an amended total appropriation of$288,880,820. SECTION II. A summary budget adjustment by fund is hereby attached as Attachment A. A detailed list of adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14th day of December . 2009. _k����t,� d� �L2.�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of December , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Appro as to form: �'�M�«•°°'� Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 12/18/2009 (summar y) ORD:1604:12/3/09:scr 2 . 4 ORDINANCE N0. 551.3 Attachment A 2009 FINAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT REQUEST ANALYSIS/SUMMARY BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE El(PENDITURES END FUND BALANCE 2009 Budgeted 2009 Budget 2009 Adjusted 2009 Budgeted 2009 Budget 2009 AdJusted 2009 Butlgeted 2009 Budgee 2009 AdJusled Ending Funtl Requirod Avaflable Fund Pund I Beg Pund Bal Changes Fund Bal Revenue Changes Revenue Expenditure Changes Expenditure Balance Reserves Balance 000 GENERAL 5,700,507 5,700,507 66,977,519 577,830 67,555,349 69,273,315 869,294 70,142,609 3,113,247 3,113,247 001 COMMUNITY SERV�CES 2,346,619 2,346,619 13,949,082 (78,840) 13,870,242 13,938,352 (129,506) 13,808,846 2,408,015 2,408,015 003 STREETS 1,896,458 1,896,458 8,793,809 51,608 8,845,417 8,902,229 51,608 8,953,837 1,788,038 1,789,038 004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (18,496) (18,496) 357,935 116,007 473,942 355,921 116,007 471,928 (16,482) (16,482) 005 MUSEUM - 151,124 - 151,124 149,625 - 149,625 1,499 ��qgg 006 LIBRARY 1,078,408 1,078,408 2,198,018 293,000 2,491,018 2,127,961 293,000 2,420,961 1,148,465 1,148,465 007 PARKING GARAGE MAINTENANCE - _ _ _ _ 009 FARMERS MARKET 52,147 52,147 35,280 - 35,280 35,280 - 35,280 52,147 52,147 010 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SVC MEMORIAL 57,Ofi2 57,062 15,000 - 15,000 72,062 - 7z,pgp _ 011 FIREAND EMERGENCY SVC HEALTH 8 WELLNES; 34,153 34,153 25,000 - 25,000 59,153 - 59,153 - 031 PARK MEMORIAL 173,452 173,452 - - - - - - 173,452 173,452 201 1997 LIM GO BONDS-CITY HALL 1,968 1,968 980,440 - 980,440 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 (998,032) (998,032) 207 1978 LIM GO BONOS-SR CTR - _ _ _ _ 215 GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC 494,283 494,283 2,244,941 - 2,24q,941 2,286,941 2,286,941 452,283 452,283 � Total Generel Govemmental Funds 11,816,667 - 71,816,661 86,728,748 969,606 96,687,763 99,181,279 1,200,405 t00,J81,682 8,122,632 8,722,632 102 ARTERIAL STREE7S 372,730 372,730 638,575 - 638,575 750,000 - 750,000 261,305 261,305 108 LEASED CITY PROPERTIES 1,252,058 1,252,058 1,244,322 728,053 1,972,375 1,881,228 728,053 2,609,281 615,152 615,152 110 SPECIALHOTEL-MOTELTAX 250,746 250,746 340,400 - 340,400 326,000 - 326,000 265,146 265,146 118 CUM 2755(PATHS/TRAILS) 3,243 3,243 - - - - - 3,243 3,243 125 ONE PERCENT FOR ART 121,678 121,678 - 45,000 45,000 - 45,000 45,000 121,678 121,678 127 CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 112,368 112,368 85,674 - 85,674 85,674 - 85,674 112,368 112,368 135 SPRINGBROOK WETLANOS BANK 8,502 9,502 10,500 - 10,500 - - 19,002 19,002 219 7989 UNLIM GO BONDS-SR HOUSING 496,119 496,119 5,100 - 5,100 523,230 - 523,230 (22,011) (22,p'11) 303 COMMUNITY SERVICES IMPACT MITIGATION 1,670,013 1,670,013 300,000 5,696 305,696 - 711,038 711,038 1,264,671 1,264,671 304 FIREIMPACTMITIGATION 2,375,767 2,375,767 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 2,375,767 2,375,767 305 TRANSPORTATIONIMPACTMITIGATION 3,332,474 3,332,474 400,000 173,102 573,102 3,000,000 173,102 3,173,102 732,474 732,474 316 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP 12,375,315 12,375,315 4,253,941 630,291 4,884,232 16,029,256 521,510 16,550,766 708,781 708,781 317 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 2,976,785 2,976,785 26,002,547 2,498,674 28,501,221 28,535,997 2,498,674 31,034,671 443,335 443,335 318 SOUTH LAKE WA INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT (999,477) (999,477) 14,744,767 (2,150,000) 12,594,767 13,693,912 - 13,693,912 (2,098,622) (2,098,622) 326 HOUSING OPPORTUNITY 200,325 200,325 - - - - - 200,325 200,325 402 AIRPORTOPERATIONS 583,924 583,924 1,209,511 - 1,209,511 1,523,268 - 1,523,268 270,167 270,167 403 SOLI�WASTE UTILITY 651,755 651,755 15,123,236 - 15,123,236 14,892,198 - 14,892,198 882,793 882,793 404 MUNICIPAL GOIf COURSE SVSTEM 861,013 861,013 2,469,699 - 2,469,699 2,479,403 - 2,479,403 851,309 851,309 405 WATEROPERATIONS 5,104,276 5,104,276 10,075,032 - 10,075,032 12,551,648 240,000 12,791,648 2,387,660 (1,955,020) 432,640 406 WASTEWATER OPERATIONS 2,941,862 2,941,862 5,557,085 - 5,557,085 7,344,263 - 7,344,283 1,154,664 (838,706) 315,958 407 SURFACE WATER OPERATIONS 3,246,177 3,246,177 5,611,584 15,000 5,626,584 7,871,700 250,000 8,121,700 751,061 (497,632) 253,429 416 KING COUNTV METRO (97,685) (97,685) 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 (97,685) (97,685) 422 AIRPORTCAPITALIMPROVEMENT 284,452 284,452 4,541,037 614,034 5,155,071 4,749,991 620,370 5,370,361 69,162 69,162 �. 424 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM CIP 257,677 257,677 154,080 - 154,080 331,398 - 331,398 60,359 80,359 425 WATERCIP 2,132,262 2,132,262 4,971,891 100,000 5,071,891 6,980,000 - 6,990,OOD 224,153 224,153 426 WASTEWATER CIP 720,740 720,740 4,573,674 - 4,573,674 5,210,000 - 5,210,000 84,414 84,414 427 SURFACE WATER CIP 734,304 734,304 4,821,017 199,500 5,020,517 5,530,000 199,500 5,729,500 25,321 25,321 461 WATERWORKS BOND RESERVE 106,377 106,377 - - 106,377 - 106,377 - 471 WATERWORKS RATE STABILIZATION 15,502 15,502 - - - - - 15,502 15,502 481 FUTURE WIS BOND PROCEEDS 174,840 174,840 - - 174,640 - 174,840 - 501 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 2,366,730 2,366,730 5,725,124 (105,500) 5,619,624 4,135,353 372,418 4,507,771 3,478,583 3,478,5&3 502 INSURANCE 10,710,432 10,710,432 3,103,522 - 3,103,522 8,085,440 - 8,085,440 5,728,514 (5,325,000) 403,514 503 INFORMATION SERVICES 1,530,937 1,530,937 3,784,860 114,687 3,899,547 4,735,993 114,687 4,650,680 579,804 579,804 504 FACILITIES - - 4,232,262 117,392 4,349,654 4,197,096 21,746 4,218,842 130,812 130,812 505 COMMUNICAT70NS - 1,100,708 - 1,100,708 1,100,708 (115,905) 984,803 115,905 115,905 512 HEALTHCAREINSURANCE 3,780,354 3,780,354 11,038,166 - 11,038,166 11,057,967 - 11,057,967 3,760,553 (3,317,390) 443,163 522 LEOFFt RETIREES HEALTHCARE 1,874,147 1,874,147 2,040,530 - 2,040,530 1,979,061 - 1,97g,061 1,g35,616 (395,812) 1,539,804 6t1 FIREMENSPENSION 4,265,991 4,265,991 290,000 - 290,000 542,276 - 542,276 4,D13,715 4,013,715 Total Other Funds 66,794,713 • 66,794,713 160,763,492 2,986,929 163,149,421 182,178,946 6,380,193 188,499,138 31,M4,996 (72,�29,660) 19,116,436 TOTALALLFUNDS 78,611,274 • 78,611,274 246,891,640 3,946,634 249,837,174 281,300,224 7,680,696 288,880,820 39,667,628 (72,329,660) 27,238,068 3 December 14, 2009 �r Renton City Council Minutes � Page 384 the King County Boundary Review Board a Notice of Intention as well as to file a certified copy of this resolution with the Board of County Commissioners of King County and the King County Boundary Review Board, and to take those actions necessary to place Proposition 1 before the voters, including the preparation of information for the voter's pamphlet. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Council President Corman clarified for the record that all references to the election date within the resolution will be revised to reflect 11/2/2009. RESOLUTION#4029 A resolution was read establishing a Small Public Works Roster process to solicit City Clerk:eCityGov Alliance public works project bids for contracts estimated to cost less than three Small Works Roster& hundred thousand dollars($300,000) and Limited Public Works process for bids Processes estimated to cost less than thirty-five thousand dollars($35,000). MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: ORDINANCE#5513 An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton 2009 Annual Budget as Budget: 2009 Final adopted by Ordinance No.5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinances 5441, Amendment 5451, 5455,5464,and 5483 in the amount of$7,580,596 for a total amended appropriation of$288,880,820. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5514 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, CED: Issaquah, Kent& Renton of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code, setting the impact fee at School District Impact Fees $3,344 per new single-family home in the Issaquah School District;setting the impact fee at$5,394 per new single-family home and$3,322 per new multi- family home in the Kent School District;setting the impact fee at$6,310 per new single-family home and $1,258 per new multi-family home in the Renton School District; and adopting the Capital Facilities Plans for the school districts within the City of Renton. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5515 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 7,Subdivision Regulations, ofTitle IV CED:Title IV(Development (Development Regutations), of City Code,to clarify that alley networks are not a Regulations),#D-07,Alleys in general requirement with the residential low density land use designation the RC, R-1, R-4 Zones implemented by the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential- 1(One Dwelling Unit per Net Acre) (R-1),and Residential-4(Four Dwelling Units per Net Acre) (R-4) zones. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5516 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 8, Permits-General and Appeals, CED:Title IV(Development and Chapter 9, Permits-Specific,of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Regulations),#D-16, Code,to amend the processes related to amending the Comprehensive Plan Comprehensive Plan &Title IV and the Title IV Development Regulations. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY Amendment Process BRIERE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. December 7, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 372 #D-10: Helipads Eliminate helipads as a use from the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone and change the definition of inedical institutions to recognize helipads as a typical part of such facilities. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances regarding these matters be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page and pages 373 and 374 for ordinances.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance:Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 288675-288991 and three wire transfers totaling $4,379,527.02;and approval of 99 Payroll Vouchers,one wire transfer,and 786 direct deposits totaling$2,561,487.69. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Budget: 2009 Final Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Amendment concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of$7,580,596 with the total amended budget to be$288,880,820. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES 12/14/2009 Council meeting for second and final reading: Budgea t 2009 Final An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton 2009 Annual Budget as Amendment adopted by Ordinance No.5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinances 5441, 5451, 5455,5464,and 5483 in the amount of$7,580,596 for a total amended appropriation of$288,880,820. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRIED. CED: Issaquah, Kent& Renton An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, School District Impact Fees of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code,setting the impact fee at $3,344 per new single-family home in the Issaquah School District; setting the impact fee at$5,394 per new single-family home and$3,322 per new multi- family home in the Kent School District;setting the impact fee at$6,310 per new single-family home and $1,258 per new multi-family home in the Renton School District;and adopting the Capital Facilities Plans for the school districts with the City of Renton. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY ZWICKER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRIED. CED:Title IV(Development An ordinance was read amending Chapter 7,Subdivision Regulations,of Title IV Regulations),#D-07,Alleys in (Development Regulations), of City Code,to clarify that alley networks are not a the RC, R-1, R-4 Zones general requirement with the residential low density land use designation implemented by the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential- 1 (One Dwelling Unit per Net Acre) (R-1), and Residential-4(Four Dwelling Units per Net Acre) (R-4) zones. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRIED. December 7, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes ,,,� Page 372 #D-10: Helipads Eliminate helipads as a use from the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone and change the definition of inedical institutions to recognize helipads as a typical part of such facilities. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances regarding these matters be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page and pages 373 and 374 for ordinances.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance:Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 288675-288991 and three wire transfers totaling $4,379,527.02; and approval of 99 Payroll Vouchers,one wire transfer, and 786 direct deposits totaling$2,561,487.69. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Bu�t: 2009 Final Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Amendment concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of$7,580,596 with the total amended budget to be$288,880,820. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES 12/14/2009 Council meeting for second and final reading: Budget: 2009 Final An ordinance was read amending the City of Renton 2009 Annual Budget as Amendment adopted by Ordinance No.5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinances 5441, 5451, 5455, 5464,and 5483 in the amount of$7,580,596 for a total amended appropriation of$288,880,820. MOVED BY BRIERE,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRIED. CED: Issaquah, Kent& Renton An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, School District Impact Fees of Title IV(Development Regulations),of City Code, setting the impact fee at $3,344 per new single-family home in the Issaquah School District;setting the impact fee at$5,394 per new single-family home and$3,322 per new multi- family home in the Kent School District;setting the impact fee at$6,310 per new single-family home and $1,258 per new multi-family home in the Renton School District; and adopting the Capital Facilities Plans for the school districts with the City of Renton. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY ZWICKER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRI ED. CED:Title IV(Development An ordinance was read amending Chapter 7,Subdivision Regulations,of Title IV Regulations),#D-07,Alleys in (Development Regulations), of City Code,to clarify that alley networks are not a the RC, R-1, R-4 Zones general requirement with the residential low density land use designation implemented by the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential- 1 (One Dwelling Unit per Net Acre) (R-1), and Residential-4(Four Dwelling Units per Net Acre) (R-4)zones. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/14/2009. CARRIED. � � �������� �� �f� �������- ��r� 1�_� �����;, FINANCE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 7, 2009 2009 Final Budget Amendment Ordinance November 23, 2009 The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of $7,580,596 with the total amended budget to be$288,880,820. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. � �..--� � i � /' �'�� t� —C._;-..e�--.� � ---- Don Persson, Chair �- _. `.,.�_ � .----- '� Greg T ��;�Vice Chair , .� �`� � / - King Parker, Member C: Iwen Wang November 23,2009 �.► Renton City Counci) Minutes � Page 359 Budget:2009 Final 'Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval ofthe Amendment 2009 final budget amendment ordinance amending expenditures in the amount of$7,420,900 for an amended total appropriation of$288,721,124. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: Heritage Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement with Park Acquisition,WA RCO the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office to accept grant funds Grant in the amount of$242,127.92 for the acquisition of Heritage Park, and to execute the related Deed of Right to Use Land for Public Recreation Purposes. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PALMER,COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA MINUS ITEM 7.b. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Item Executive Department recommended adoption of a resolution calling for the 7,b. question of annexation to be placed before the voters of the Fairwood Annexation: Greater Fairwood Annexation area on 8/17/2010. Refer to Committee of the Whole. Community Proposed Election Council President Corman remarked that the administration's complete recommendation is available on the City's website. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.b.AS PRESENTED.* Councilmember Persson pointed out that approving this item will only refer it to the Committee of the Whole for deliberation, and does not infer that a decision has been made by Council. *MOTION CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Corman presented a reported recommending concurrence in Committee of the Whole the staff recommendation to adopt the 2010 State Legislative Agenda and CED: 2010 State Legislative Statement of Policy Positions as presented. Topics include transportation Agenda &Statement of Policy solutions, fiscal stability,flood control,economic development/infrastructure Positions funding,small business assistance and strengthening the aerospace industry. The Committee further authorizes the Administration to work with state agencies and the Legislature to advance this agenda. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning:Sunset Area Council President Corman presented a report recommending concurrence in Community Investment the staff recommendation to accept the Sunset Area Community Investment Strategy Strategy and directs staff to implement the recommendations and prioritization of projects therein as resources become available. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCtL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance:Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 288348-288674 and two wire transfers totaling $7,050,420.25; and approval of 112 Payroll Vouchers,one wire transfer, and 796 direct deposits totaling$2,669,224.60. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY TAYLOR,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMfTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. .,r.�iTY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BIL�,.. Ai#: -E Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Finance & IT Department November 23, 2009 Staff Contact...... Iwen Wang Agenda Status Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. 2009 Final Budget Amendment Ordinance Ordinance............. X Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... Draft Ordinance Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept......... X Refer to Finance Committee Finance Dept...... X Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $7,420,900 Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed budget amendment increases the overall City budget appropriation by $7.4 million, and: 1) Recognizes grants/donations and associated program costs; 2) Makes minor corrections to carry-forward adjustments and the Second Quarter budget adjustment; 3) Adjusts General Governmental Capital Project appropriation with associated grants/donations and program costs. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed 2009 Final Budget Amendment and place the ordinance on for first reading. � � FINANCE AND p ^i��'�O� �� INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY �;1�� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 23, 2009 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: �� Denis Law, Mayor � FROM: Iwen Wang, Administrator i SUBJECT: 2009 Final Budget Amendment Ordinance ISSUE Should the 2009 budget be amended to incorporate changes as detailed below? RECOMMENDATION Adopt the ordinance amending the 2009 Budget. BACKGROUND SUMMARY The combined adjustments are a total addition of$7.4 million in the 2009 City's spending plan as highlighted below. I. General Governmental Operations 1) ARRA Grants: a. Court Services increased by$5k for ARRA Grant related to Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (1AG). b. Community and Economic Development increased by$95k for 200 Mill building's HVAC upgrades and LED Street Lights. c. Public Works increased by$52k for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block grants. d. Police increased by$24k for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). e. Community Services increased by$118k for LED Signal Lights. 2) Finance and Information Technology(Non-Departmental): Higher bank fees due to low interest earnings on compounding balance account. 3) Community and Economic Development: Increased by$30k for study/survey related to impact fees. 4) Police: Increased by$339k for COPS Hiring Recovery program grant and JAG grant for Domestic Violence. Randy Corman,Council Preside,,.,,, �r Members of the Renton City Council Page 2 of 5 November 23,2009 5) Community Services: Increased by$199k for: a. Senior Center Fitness Room training($10k). b. Two park benches and plaques at Renton Senior Activity Center Bocce Ball Court ($2,500). c. Cancel Parks and Golf Course division purchase of Synthetic Turf Maintenance Equipment (-$15,500). d. Custer grant and Renton Community Foundation grant moved from General Fund (001)to Municipal Facilities (316) fund related to Second Quarter Budget Adjustment (-$91k). e. Communications planning for 2010 Library Election ($15k). f. King County Library System cross-use payment ($278k). g. Move Renton Community Center temporary salaries and benefits to Facilities division (-$22k, +22k). Moving expenses within fund to reflect interfund charges to Facilities. h. Adjust CDBG Final 2009 Contract and Carry Forward actuals (-$1,498). II. Special Revenue Funds: 1) Community Services: Increased by$728k for Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants and Puget Sound Energy Grant. 2) Community and Economic Development: Increased by$45k for 1%for Arts Program, based on completed Transportation projections in 2009. III. General Government Capital 1) Community Development Impact Mitigation Fund 303: Increased by$711k for Springbrook Trail Missing Link transfer out to Fund 316. 2) Transportation Impact Mitigation Fund 305: Increased by$173k for mitigation funds from The Landing and parking garage agreement transfer out to Fund 317. 3) Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 316: Increased by$362k for: a. Transfer out to Fund 001 for Senior Center Fitness Room staffing (-$10k, +10k). Moving expenses within fund to reflect transfer out to Fund 001. h:\finance\council\01_agendabills\2009\2009 final budget adjustment agbip(2�.doc Randy Corman,Council Presid� "'� Members of the Renton City Council Page 3 of 5 November 23,2009 b. Transfer out to 317 for Transportation project contributions related to Sunset Blvd NE Corridor Improvements and Highlands to The Landing Pedestrian Connection project ($300k). c. Custer grant and Renton Community Foundation grant correction from Second Quarter Budget Adjustment ($91k). d. Study/survey related to impact fees moved to CED (-$30k). e. King County Proposition 2 related to trail acquisition and open space ($160k). 4) Transportation CIP Fund 317: Increased by$2.5 million for: a. The Rainier Avenue South Improvement Project budget was increased by $1,948,674 for a new 2009 total of$8,948,674. The increase is due to the City being awarded an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) grant in the amount of$1,948,674 for the construction of the Phase 1— Shattuck Avenue South Stormwater Bypass. b. The Sunset Boulevard NE Corridor Improvements is a new TIP project. CED will be contributing$240,000 toward the planning phase, which is scheduled to start in 2010. For budgeting purposes, CED wants to make the transfer of funds to Fund 317 in the 2009 fiscal year. Since this transfer will occur in 2009, it was not included in Transportation's 2010 CIP budget and will be � added through the carryforward process. c. The Highlands to The Landing Pedestrian Connection is a new TIP project. The design is scheduled to start in 2010. The City was awarded a non- motorized grant and CED will be contributing$60,000 for the City's required match. For budgeting purposes, CED wants to make the transfer of funds to Fund 317 in the 2009 fiscal year. Since this transfer will occur in 2009, it was not included in Transportation's 2010 CIP budget and will be added through the carryforward process. d. Transportation Fund 317 transfers 1%of expenditures in capital projects to Fund 125. Transportation's 2009 adjusted budget includes$40,000 to be for the 1%for Arts Program. This budget adjustment will allow the interdepartmental transfer to be made to Fund 125. The exact amount will be determined based upon actual costs incurred in design and construction. Moving expenses within the fund to reflect transfer out. 5) South Lake Washington Infrastructure CIP Fund 3T8 (The Landing): Transfer out to 1%for Arts program (-$5k, +$5k). Moving expenses within fund to reflect transfer out to Fund 125. IV. Enterprise Funds: 1) Golf Course operating increased by$21k for unexpected bank fees. h:\finance\council\Ol_agendabills\2009\2009 final budget adjustment agbip(2).doc Randy Corman,Council Preside�..� .... Members of the Renton City Council Page 4 of 5 November 23,2009 2) Airport capital increased by$620k for FAA grant related to runway resurfacing, reimbursement from airport tenant related to fuel spill, and capital improvements for the Renton Gateway Center Utilities. Funding for the Gateway Center will be an interfund loan provided by the Water (405) and Surface Water (407) utility operating funds. 3) Water operating increased by$240k for an interfund loan disbursement to the Airport CIP fund (Renton Gateway Center Utilities). 4) Surface Water operating increased by$250k for supplies related to Ecology Pass- through Grant and an interfund loan disbursement to the Airport CIP fund (Renton Gateway Center Utilities). Surface Water capital increases by$200k for Ecology Pass-through Grant and Green River Ecosystem Restoration Project. V. Internal Service Funds: 1) Equipment Rental increased by$372k for the purchase of an automated fueling system at Fire Station 13, Fintec 640 Mobile Screening Plant, and Mobile Sand Bagger. 2) Information Technology increased by$115k for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) related to technology. 3) Facilities increased by$22k related Renton Community Center temporary salaries and benefits being moved from Fund 001. 4) Communications decreased by$116k related to Communications Specialist I and Multi Media Specialist budgets moving back to Fire and Clerk's budget due to an error. VI. Various Transfer Adjustments to correct carry forward and Second Quarter Budget Adjustments. 1) Total revenue transfer in adjustments is-$2.4 million. 2) Total expenditure transfer out adjustments is-$29k. Attachments: Draft Budget Amendment Ordinance and Attachment A Proposed Final Budget Amendment Detail Cc: Jay Covington,CAO Marty Wine,Assistant CAO Bonnie Walton,City Clerk Department Administrators h:\finance\council\Ol_agendabills\2009\2009 final budget adjustment agbip(2).doc �+ 2009 Final Budget Adjustment Detail � GENERAL FUND(Fund 0001 Adonted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 11,816,561 - 11,816,561 REVENi1ES 95,728,148 CED Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants 95,837 CED Study-Proposed change to impact Fees-Comm Svcs portion 29,830 Police COPS Hiring Recovery Program Grant 300,000 Police/C Edwazd B}�rne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)-Local 28,558 Police Edward Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)-Federal 38,605 PW Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants 51,608 CS Custer Grant correction (15,000) CS Renton Community Foundation Graot correction (76,340) CS Donation-Sons of Italy 2,500 CS KCLS Benson Hill Annexation Payment 293,000 CS Renton Community Foundation Grant trsfr 316 to 001 10,000 CS Adj CDBG Fina12009 Conh�act and Carryforwazd actuals (1,498) CS CDBG Grant for LED Signal Lights 117,505 Total Revenue Adjustment 95,728,148 874,605 96,602,753 EXPENDTTURES 99,181,279 Court Edwazd Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) 4,968 FTT Bank Fees Adjustment 211,072 CED Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants 95,837 CED Study-Proposed change to impact Fees-Comm Svcs portion 29,830 Police Edwazd Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)-Local 23,590 Police Edwazd Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)-Federal 38,605 Police COPS Hiring Recovery Program Grant 300,000 PW Energy Efficieacy and Conservation Block Grants 51,608 CS Cancel Pazks Dept.purchase of Sy�th Turf Maint Equip (15,500) CS Custer Grant correction-should be in 316 (15,000) CS Renton Community Foundation Grant correction-should be in 316 (76,340) CS KCLS Cross-Use Study Payment 278,000 CS Communications Planning-2010 Library Election 15,000 CS Renton Comm Foundatioo Grant-Staffing trsfr to 001 10,000 CS Pazk benches and plaques at Renton Senior Activity Center 2,500 CS Comm Ctr Temp salaries/ben to Facilities (21,746) CS Adj CDBG Fina12009 Contract and CF actuals (1,498) CS Comm Ctr Temp salaries/ben to Facilities 21,746 CS LED Signal Lights funded by CDBG Grant 117,505 Transfer Corrections CS Correct 2008 cash and equity transaction 5,696 CS Correct transfer to match concessions (35,166) Total Expenditure Adjustment 99,181,279 1,040,707 100,221,986 Endin Fund Balance S 63 430 166 102 8,197 28 LEASED FACILITIES FUND(Fund 1081 Adopted Adjushnent Amended Beginning Fund Balance 1,252,058 - 1,252,058 REVENUES 1,244,322 CS Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants 470,065 CS Puget Sound Energy Grant 257,988 Total Revenue Adjustrnent 1,244,322 728,053 1,972,375 EXPENDITURES 1,881,228 CS Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants 470,065 CS Puget Sound Energy Grant 257,988 Total Expenditure Adjustment 1,881,228 728,053 2,609,281 Endin Fund Balance 615 152 615152 2009 3rd Qtr Budget Adjustment.xls 1/5 11/16/2009 �,. 2009 Final Budget Adjustment Detail ,.,,r ONE PERCENT FOR ARTS(Fund 1251 Adopted Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 121,678 - 121,678 REVENUES - CED Transfer in from 317 for 1%for Arts program 40,000 CED Transfer in from 318 for 1%for Arts prograzn 5,000 Total Revenue Adjushnent - 45,000 45,000 EXPENDITURES - CED 1%for Arts program 45,000 Totat Expenditure Adjustrnent - 45,000 45,000 Endin Fund Balance 12l 678 121 678 IMPACT MITIGATION FLTNDS(Fund 303,304,305) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 7,378,254 - 7,378,254 REVENUES 1,000,000 PW Transfer In from 316 173,102 Transfer Corrections CS Correct 2008 cash and equity transaction 5,696 Total Revenue Adjustment 1,000,000 178,798 1,178,798 EXPENDITURES 3,300,000 PW Transfer out to 318 173,102 CS Springbrook Trail Missing Link 711,038 Total Expenditure Adjustrnent 3,300,000 884,140 4,184,140 Endin Fund Balance 5 078 254 705 42 4 72 912 MLJ1vICIPAL CIP FUND(Fund 3161 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 12,375,315 - 12,375,315 REVEN[TES 4,253,941 CS Springbrook Trail Missing Link 711,038 CS Custer Grant correction 15,000 CS Renton Communiry Foundation Grant correction 76,340 CS King Counry Lery 160,000 Transfer Corrections CS Correct transfer in to match transfer out (332,087) Total Revenue Adjustment 4,253,941 630,291 4,884,232 EXPENDITURES 16,029,256 CS Custer Grant correction 15,000 CS Renton Community Foundation Grant correction 76,340 CS Renton Comm Foundation Crrant-Staffmg trsfr to 001 (10,000) CS Renton Comm Foundation Grant-Staffing trsfr to 001 10,000 CS Study-Proposed change to impact Fees-Comm Svcs portion (29,830) CED Transfer out to 317 for Transportation project contributions 300,000 CS KC Proposition 2(Trail Acquisition and Open Space) 160,000 Totat E�cpenditure Adjustment 16,029,256 521,510 16,550,766 Endin Fund Balance 600 000 108 781 708 781 2009 3rcl Qtr Budget Adjustment.xis 2/5 11/16/2009 �r 2009 Final Budget Adjustment Detail � 'PRANSPORTATION CIP FUND(Fund 31'n Adopted Adjustrnent Amended Beginning Fuud Balance 2,976,785 - 2,976,785 REVENUES 26,002,547 PW Transfer from 316(CED's portion) 250,000 PW Highway Planning and Construction Crtant-Rainier Ave S Shattuck STM bypass 1,948,674 PW Transfer in from CED for Sunset Blvd NE Corridor Improvements 24Q000 PW Transfer in from CED for Highlands to The Landing Pedestrian Counection project 60,000 Total Revenue Adjustrnent 26,002,547 2,498,674 28,501,221 EXPENDITURES 28,535,997 PW Highway Planning and Construction-Rainier Ave S Shattuck STM bypass 1,948,674 PW Capital Exp related to CED 250,000 PW Sunset Blvd NE Corridor Improvements 240,000 PW Highlands to The Landing Pedestrian Coonection project 60,000 PW Adjusting budget for 1%for Arts program (40,000) PW Transfer out to 1%for Arts program 40,000 Total Expenditure Adjustrnent 28,535,997 2,498,674 31,034,671 Endin Fund Balance 443 35 443 35 SOUTH LAKE WASHINGTON CIP FUND(Fund 318) Adopted Adjushnent Amended Beginning Fuud Balance (999,47'n - (999,47'n ��N� 14,744,767 Transfer Corrections PW Correct transfer in to match transfer out (2,150,000) Total Revenue Adjustrnent 14,744,767 (2,150,0(10) 12,594,767 EXPENDITURES 13,693,912 PW Adjusting budget for 1%for Arts program (5,000) PW Transfer out to 1%for Arts prograzn 5,000 Total Expeaditure Adjustment 13,693,912 - 13,693,912 Endin Fund Balance 51 78 2150 000 2 098 622 AIRPORT FL1ND(Fund 402/4221 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 868,376 - 868,376 REVENUES 5,75Q548 PW FAA Grant 120,376 PW Reimbursement from Airport tenant for fuel spill 18,658 PW Interfund Loan from Water and Surface for Renton Cmteway Center Utilities 475,000 Totat Revenue Adjustment 5,750,548 614,034 6,364,5H2 EXPENDITURES 6,273,259 PW Airport FAA Grant-resurfacing 126,712 PW Reimbursement from Airport tenant for fuel spill 18,658 PW Renton Crateway Center Utilities Improvemet�t 475,000 Total Eacpenditure Adjustment 6,273,259 620,370 6,893,629 Endin Fund Balance 345 665 6 36 339 329 WATER UTII,ITY FL1ND(Fund 405/4251 Adopted Adjustrnent Amended Beginning Fund Balance 7,236,538 - 7,236,538 REVENUES 15,046,923 Transfer Corrections PW Conect transfer in to match transfer out 100,000 Total Revenue Adjustment 15,046,923 100,000 15,146,923 EXPENDITURES 19,531,648 PW Interfund Loan to Airport Capital for Renton Gateway Center Utilities 240,000 Total Expenditure Adjustrnent 19,531,648 240,000 19,771,648 Endin Fund Balance 2 751813 140 000 2 611813 2009 3rd Qtr Budget Adjustment.xls 3/5 11/16/2009 � 2009 Final Budget Adjustment Detail � SURFACEWATER UTILTTY FUND(Fund 407/4271 Adopted Adjustment Amended Br.ginning Fund Balance 3,980,481 - 3,980,481 R EVENUES 10,432,601 P�N Ecology Pass-through Grant (Operating) I5,000 P\N Ecology Pass-through Grant (Capital) 35,000 P\N King County Conservation District Grant ]64,500 Total Revenue Adjustrnent 10,432,601 214,500 10,647,101 E.'�PENDITURES 13,401,700 P\'V Ecology Pass-through Grant (Capital) 35,000 PN Ecology Pass-Wrough Grant (Operating) 15,000 P\V Green River Ecosystem Restoration Project 164,500 P�V Interfund L,oan to Airport Capital for Renton Cmteway Center Utilities 235,000 Total Eacpenditure Adjustment 13,401,700 449,500 13,851,200 Endin Fund Balance 1011 82 235 000) 776 82 EOUIPMEN'I'RENTAL FUND(Fund 5011 Adopted Adjustment Amended Be�ginning Fund Balance 2,366,730 - 2,366,730 R]:VENUES 5,725,124 P�V Cancel Pazks Dept.purchase of Synth Turf Maint Equip (15,500) Transfer Corrections PW Correct transfer in to match transfer out (90,000) Tatal Revenue Adjustment 5,725,124 (105,500) 5,619,624 EXPENDITURES 4,135,353 P�V Capital Equipment-Automated fueling system at Fire Station 13 160,000 P�V Capital Equipment-Fintec 640 Mobile Screening Plant 183,4]8 PW Capital Equipment-Mobile Sand Bagger 29,000 Total Expenditure Adjustrnent 4,135,353 372,418 4,507,771 Endin Fund Balance 3 956 501 477 918) 3 478 583 INFORMATION SERVICES FUND(Fund 503) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 1,530,937 - 1,530,937 RI:VENUES 3,784,860 IS Edward Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) 114,687 Tatal Revenue Adjustment 3,784,860 114,687 3,899,547 EI�ENDITURES 4,735,993 IS Edwazd Byme Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG) 114,687 Total Expenditure Adjustment 4,735,993 114,687 4,850,680 Endin Fund Balance 579 804 579 804 FACILIITES SERVICES FUND(Fund 504) Adopted Adjushnent Amended Beginning Fund Balance - - - REVENUES 4,232,262 CS Comm Ctr Temp salazieslben to Facilities 21,746 Transfer Corrections CS Correct transfer in to match transfer out - 95,646 Tatal Revenue Adjustment 4,232,262 117,392 4,349,654 E?:PENDITURES 4,197,096 CS Comm Ctr Temp salaries/ben to Facilities 21,746 Total Expenditure Adjustment 4,197,096 21,746 4,218,842 Euidin Fund Balance 35166 95 646 130 812 2009 3rd QV Budget Adjustment.xls 4/5 11/16/2009 �ir✓ 2009 Fina)Budget Adjustment Detail �i► COMMUNICATIONS FUND(Fund 505) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance - - - REVENLTES 1,100,708 Total Revenue Adjustment 1,100,708 - 1,100,708 EXPENDITURES 1,100,708 Exec Move Comm Spec I and MultiMedia Spec back to Fire and Clerk's budget due to error (115,905) Total Expenditum Adjustment 1,100,708 (115,905) 984,803 Endin Fund Balance 115 905 115 905 2009 3rd Qtr Budget Adjustment.xis 5/5 11/16/2009 � � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCES 5441, 5451, 5455,5464 AND 5483. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5423 approving th�e City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5441 adding the City Attorney's O�ce positions to the 2009 adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5451, appropriating funds in the Golf Course Fund for certain expenses related to securing water rights at the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, on April 20, 2009,the City Council adopted Ordinance 5455, carrying focward funds to complete projects authorized and funded in 2008, but not yet completed; and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5464, modifying its revenue projections and appropriations for 2009 as required by economic conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 17, 2009,the City Council adopted Ordinance 5483, increasing the General Fund for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the Cit�s Emergency Management Program; and WHEREAS, year-end forecasts and estimates require the City to modify its revenue projections and the appropriations for 2009; 1 � � ORDINANCE NO. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinances 5423, 5441, 5451, 5455, 5464 and 5483 establishing the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget are hereby amended in the amount of $7,420,900 to an amended total appropriation of$288,721,124. SECTION II. A summary budget adjustment by fund is hereby attached as Attachment A. A detailed list of adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2009. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD:1604:11/12/09:scr 2 ORDINANCE NO. . Attachment A:Final Budget Amendment 2009 FINAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT REQUEST ANALYSIS/SUMMARY BEqNNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE E7(PENpIURES END R1ND BALANCE 2008 Budpated 2009 Budget 2008 Adjusted 2008 Budgeted 2008 Budget 2009 Adjusted 2008 Budpetod 2008 Budeet 2008 AdJusted End(ng FUnd Roqulred Avqlloble R�nd Fund/ � Bep Fund Bal Chanpes Fimd Bal Revenua Chanpes Revenue Ezpandlture Chanpes Expendlture Balancs Reserves Balanoe 000 GBJ6tAl 5,700,507 5,700,507 66,977,519 492,830 67,470,349 69,273,315 709,598 69,982,013 3,187,943 3,187,843 001 C01uTAldJfTY SH2VIC6 2,346,619 2,346,618 13,949,082 (78,840) 13,870,242 13,938,352 (129,506) 13,808,846 2,408,015 2,408,015 003 SiR�TS 1,896,458 1,896,458 8,793,809 51,608 8.845,417 8,902,229 51,608 8,853,837 1,768,038 1,789,038 004 COMMUNRY�EV�OFt�AB�1TBLOCKGRANT (18,496) (18,496) 357,935 116,007 473,942 355,921 116,007 471,928 (16,482) (16,482) 005 MUSHIM - - 151,124 - 151,124 149,625 - 149,625 1,498 �,qgg 006 LIBRARY 1,078,408 1,076,408 2,198,018 293,000 2,491,018 2,127,961 293,000 2,420,961 1,148,465 1,148,465 007 PARKINOOARAGEAAAR�f�H�14NCE - - _ _ _ _ _ 009 FARA�2SM1MRKEf 52,147 52,147 35,280 - 35,280 35,280 - 35,280 52,147 Sz��q� 010 FA2EANDBu1HtGBJCYSVCMBu10RWL 57,062 57,062 15,000 - 75,000 72,062 - 72,062 - 011 FREANDBJERGBJCYSVCFIEALTHBW�LNESS 34,153 34,153 25,000 - 25,000 59,153 - 59,153 - 031 PARK MBupRWL 173,452 173,452 - - - - 173,452 173,452 201 1997LIMOOBON0.SCfiYFW,LL 1,968 1,968 980,440 - 980,440 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 (998,032) (988,032) 207 1978 LKuI GO BON0.S-SR CTR - - _ _ _ _ 215 GBJBiALGOV62NMBJTMISCD�TSVC 494,283 494,283 2,244,941 - 2.244.941 2,286,941 - 2,286,941 452,283 452,283 Total Gene�al Gove�nmental Funds 17,816,661 • 17,816,661 96,728,148 874,606 86,602,763 99,187,279 1,040,707 100,221,986 8,197,�28 8,187,�28 102 ARTfftlnLS7R�T5 372,730 372,730 638,575 � - 638,575 750,000 - 750,000 261,305 261,305 108 LEAS�cITYPROP@2T165 1,252,058 1,252,058 1,244,322 726,053 1,972,375 1,881,228 728,053 2,609,281 615,152 615,152 110 SPE['d4LFpTS-MOTaTAX 250,746 250,746 340,400 - 340,400 326,000 - 326,000 265,146 265,748 118 CUM2755(PAT}15/TRAILS) 3,243 3.243 - - - - - 3,243 3,243 125 ONEPatCe�tiFORART 121,678 121,678 - 45,000 45,000 - 45,000 45,000 121,678 121,678 127 CABLE�TIONS OEVfl.OR�ABJi 112,360 112,368 85,674 - 85,674 85,674 - 85,674 112,368 112,368 135 SPRMJGBROOI(WE7LA�5 BANK 8,502 8,502 10,500 - 10,50D 19,002 19,002 219 1988UNLIMOOBONDS-SRFiOIISINO 486,118 496,119 5,100 - 5,100 523,230 - 523,230 (22,011) (ZZ�p�1� 303 CANTnLMxTYs6iVIC6MAPACTnM11Ga,T7oN 1,670,013 1,670,013 300,000 5,696 305,696 - 711,038 711,038 1,264,671 1,264,871 304 F6iElAAPACTronilcaAiloN 2,375,767 2,375,767 30D,000 - 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 2,375,767 2,375,767 305'TRA�PORTATIONIMPACTMfT1GAl1ON 3,332,474 3,332,474 400,000 173,102 573,102 3,000,000 173,102 3,173,102 732,474 732,474 316 N0.INICIPALFACILRIFSCIP 12,375,315 12,375,315 4,253,941 630,291 4,884,232 16,029,256 521,510 16,550,766 708,781 708,781 317 CAfiTALIMPROVBJIBJT 2,976,785 2,876,785 26,002,547 2,498,674 28,501,221 28,535,997 2,498,674 31,034,671 443,335 443,335 318 sOUTNLAKEWAINFR45TRlICTUREFl20J�T (999,477) (999,477) 14,744,767 (2,150,000) 12,594,767 13,693,912 - 13,683,912 (2,098,622) (2,098,622) 328 FIOUSINC30PFORTLMTY 200,325 200,325 - - - 200,325 200,325 402 AIRPORTOFB�ATIDNS 583,924 583,824 1,208,511 - 1,209,511 1,523,268 - 1,523,268 270,167 . 270,167 403 SOLDWASTEUTRRY 651,755 651,755 15,123,236 - 15,123.236 14,892,1g8 - 1q,8g2,1g8 882,793 882,793 404 NNNICIPALGOLFCOURSESYSTB�A 861,013 861,013 2,469,699 - 2,469,699 2,479,403 - 2,479,403 851,309 851,309 405 WAT6tOPH7AilONS 5,104,276 5,104,276 10,075,032 - 10,075,032 12,551,648 240,000 12,791,648 2,387,660 (1,855,020) 432,640 406 WA57E�vAia2oPB�AiIONs 2,941,862 2,941,662 5,557,065 - 5,557,085 7,344,283 - 7,344,283 1,154,664 (838,706) 315,958 407 SUFtFACEWAT6YOFHLITIDNS 3,246,177 3,246,177 5,611,SB4 15,000 5,626,SB4 7,871,700 250,000 8,121,700 751,061 (497,632) 253,429 � 416 KMK3COUNrvMETRO (97,685) (97,685) 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 (97,685) (97,685) �� 422 nqiPORTCqFTTALMPROVBvB,ff 284,452 284,452 4,541,037 614,034 5,155,071 4,749,991 620,370 5,370,361 69,162 69,t62 424 MUNIGPAIGOIFCOURSESYS7Hv1cIP 257,677 257,677 154,080 - 154,080 331,398 - 331,398 80,359 80,359 425 WA7B2GP 2,132,262 2,132,262 4,871,891 100,000 5,071,891 6,980,000 - �6,880,000 224,153 224,153 426 WASTPNAT62GP 720,740 720,740 4,573,674 - 4,573,674 5,210,000 - 5,210,000 84,414 gq,q�q 427 SURFACEWATHiGP 734,304 734,304 4,821,017. 199,500 5,020,517 5,530,000 189,500 5,729,500 25,321 25,321 461 WATH2WORKS BOND RBSHiVE 106,377 106,377 - - - 106,377 - 106,377 - 471 WATBiN,ORKSR4TESTABLVATION 15,502 15,502 - - - - - 15,502 15,502 481 PURIRE W/S BOND PFtOC�S 174,840 174,840 - - - 174,840 - 174,840 - 501 B1UIFlv�J7RBJiAL 2,366,730 2,366,730 5,725,124 (105,500) 5,619,624 4,135,353 372,418 4,507.771 3,478,583 3,478,583 502 NSIAtANCE 10,710,432 10,710,432 3,103,522 - 3,103,522 8,085,440 - 8,085,440 5,728,514 (5,325,OOOj 403,514 503 MIFORM4T1ONS9iVIC6 1,530,937 1,530,937 3,7B4,B60 114,687 3,898,547 4,735,993 114,687 4,850,680 579,804 579,804 504 FACILfT16 - - 4,232,262 117,392 4,349,654 4,197,096 21,746 4,218,842 130,812 130,812 505 CONrtuNNIri1TION5 - - 1,100,700 - 1,100,708 1,100,708 (115,905) 984,803 115,805 115,905 512 HEALTt%'/1REINSURANCE 3,780,354 3,780,354 11,038,166 - 11,038,166 11,057,967 - 11,057,967 3,760,553 (3,317,390) 443,183 522 L�FF�RETIR�HE4LT}iGRE 1,874,147 1,874,147 2,040,530 - 2,040,530 1,979,061 - 1,979,061 1,935,616 (395,812) 1,538,804 611 FR2B�ABJS PENSbN 4,265,991 4,265,991 290,000 - 290,000 542,276 - 542,276 4,013,715 4,013,715 Total Other Funde 66,794,77� - 66,794,718 160,165,492 2,986,9Z9 16�,149,421 182,118,946 6,�80,18J 188,499,178 ]1,444,996 (12,729,660) 18,116,436 �. TOTALAlLR1NDS 78,611,274 - 78,671,274 246,891,640 7,B60,6�4 249,762,774 281,700,224 7,420,900 288,721,124 79,642,724 (12,529,660) 27,312,764 '. 4 CITY OF RENTON STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } NOTICE OF ORDINANCES AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ADOPTED BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL � Following is a summary of ordinances adopted by the Renton PUBLIC NOTICE City Council on August 17,?009: ORDINANCE NO.5480 Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal An ordinance of �ne c�cy of Advertising Representative of the Renton, Washinoron, authorizing the execution of an amended and restated interlocal agreement relating to the South Con•ectional Entity Facility; authorizing Renton Reporter the execution of an agreement among the cities of Renton, Auburn, Federal Way, and Des Moines, Washington, and the a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of South Cotrectional Entiry: a�a amending Ordinance No.5443. general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Effective: 9/20/2009 � prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in ORDINANCE NO.5481 An ordinance of the City of the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King Renron, Washingron, des�gnac��� County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as cne soutn La�:e wast,�naton a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of area of the c�ty of Renron as a revitalization area and specifying Washin ton for Kin Count . g g y proposed public improvements to The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues be made with local revitalization financing.The le�ai description is of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was � o� fiie a��ne c��y clerk�s offi�e, regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. ana a�a�iaeie upon�-eq�es�. Effective: 9/20/2009 The annexed notice, a: ORDINANCE NO.5482 Public Notice An ordinance of the City of Renron, Washinston, designating the Port Quendall area of the City of Renton as a revitalization area and specifyinC proposed public was published on August 21, 2��9. improvements to be made with local revitalization financing.The legal description is on file at the City Clerk's office, and available The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is upon request. � the sum o �133.00. Effective: 9/20/2009 ORDINANCE NO.5483 �� ���/l.�'l� An ordinance of the City of ��G Renton, Washington, amending �t����� the fiscal ear 2009 Bud et b 'nda M. Mills �� aALs���i'�f increasing fund 000 by $�4,696 Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter `� �( F �� for the purpose of supplemental ' �.�`����d\E'���h�c �/ fundin ro su oit the cit s Subsc ibed and sworn to me this 21st day of August, 2009. = '� ��- � �:� �, �, g PP y' — Q'_� ' 'j�,b, i� Emergency Ma�agement -�'��' �,j+' . ,. ' � pro�ram. Effective: 08/27/2009 % � -� �� � z % Com lete text of these athy D e , otary Pu c for the State of Washington, Residing i ,4; ;!�`` �=�� _ ordinances P available at Renton 1T1 COVlll t011,Washington j �, '�'� �.:`;:" C� = City Hall,1055 South Grady Way; P. O. Number: �i ���'����,,,�; ���' � P / � °� _ and osted at the Renton Public ,,��!��`1�\ \\\\�� anqU 290o he C tyhClerk's offi e (425)430-6510, copies will also be mailed for a fee. Bonnie L Walron,Ciry Clerk Published in the Renton Reporter on August 21,2009.#260589. STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF ORDINANCES ADOPTED BYTHE PUBLIC NOTICE RENTON GITY COUNCIL Following is a summary of Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal ora�„an�es aa�pred ey �ne Advertising Representative of the xe„ton c;ry cou„«�o„J�iy 6. zoo9: ORDWANCE N0.5464 An ordinance of the City of Renton,Washington,amending Renton Reporter the City of Renton Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 5423 and thereafter amended a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of ey ord�„a„�e�s4a�,sas�.and 5455, by amending the totaf � general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months appropriation by cne i�Wer priar to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in am�ur,r of $�61�,2gy For an the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King amendea rotai �ppropr�a�;o„ of$281,265.058. Counry, Washington. The Renton Reparter has been approved as EEfe�t��e: �ilsiaoo9 a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of ox��N,�NCE No.s46s An ordinance of the City w1SI11ribtOI1 fOI'Kltlb COUrity. of Renton, Washington, The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues e�tabiiSn�nQ an assessmenc district for sanitary sewer of the Renton Reparter (and not in supplement form) which was ser�,�e for proPer��es ad�a�ent regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. ro a„dior eener,�t�ng rrom �ne TI18 aririeXeC� riOt1Ce, 1: Central Plateau Interceptor Phase II and establishing the Public Notice amount of the charge upon connection ro the facilities. (SAD-07-001) The legal description is on file at the City Clerk's office, and available was published on July 10, 2009. upon reqUesr. Effective: 8/9/2009 Complete text of these ordinances is available at The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is , „, ,;�; ,,� xencon c�ty Hau, ioss soucn � t11e SUIll Of $1�g.s�: ;, �,� i:,! �i Grady Way;and posted at the '•F�'�,� % Renton Public Libraries, 100 /// �j� �//�� ` " �° �% % Mill Avenue South and 2902 L������"�� '`� /�'� l : � i NE t2th Street. Upon request I.1riCla M. M111S ;,',� �u R _ � ! to the Ciry Clerk's office,(425) �� p��'� ,�'-_ � � 430-6510, copies will also be Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter � ,�g� __�. = ma,ied for a fee. Su bsc�ibed and swo to me this 13th day of July, 2009. 'i� sj.''��„����,,,.�� � = Bonn�e I.watcon,c�cy cierk T P -.'� Published in the Renton Reporter ,,��t��,�0,```�+��� on July 10,2009.#245296 athy Da g, otary Publ' or the State of Washington, Residing in Covington, Washington P. O. Number: � '� .."'� CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. _5483 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET BY INCREASING FUND 000 BY $74,696 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING TO SUPPORT THE CITY'S EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLIOWS: SECTION I. Appropriation in the General Governmental Fund is hereby increased as follows: Fund 2009 Original Budget 2009 Adjusted Budget Increase Budget REVENUES Revenue—000 General Fund $35,000 $74,696 $109,696.00 000.000000.000.3330.0083.50.000006 TOTA LS $74,696 SECTION II. Funds for this line item are hereby added to the 2009 Budget. SECTION III. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and five (S) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this_17th day of August , 2009. ���� C�a.�t� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of August , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor 1 � ORDINANCE N0. 5483 � Approved as to form: �t,w...sq�.� �� Lawrence 1. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 8��1/2009 (summary) ORD.1575:7/27/09:scr 2 August 17,2009 '�✓ Renton City Council Minutes � Page 255 ORDINANCE#5483 An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget by increasing Fund 000 by Fire: Emergency Management $74,696 for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the City's Performance Grant,WA State emergency management program. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY Military Department, Bud e CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. Amendment �p� CARRIED. Audience Comment Howard McOmber(Renton) requested clarification regarding the time and Citizen Comment: McOmber- place of the Sunset Area Investment Strategy special meeting. Council Sunset Area Investment President Corman replied that the meeting will occur on 8/24/2009 at 6 p.m. at Strategy Meeting the Highlands Community Center,800 Edmonds Ave. NE. Citizen Comment: McCammon Dave McCammon (Renton) remarked that a portion of 125th Ave.SE near SE -Street Redevelopment 172nd St. remains a one lane road,although the county required most of the Standards road to be widened to two lanes when the area was redeveloped. He displayed photographs of a cul-de-sac and fire hydrant and requested that City staff review the area. Mayor Law indicated that the issued would be reviewed. EXECUTIVE SESSION AND MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY ZWICKER,COUNCIL RECESS INTO ADJOURNMENT EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES TO DISCUSS LABOR ISSUES(RCW NO OFFICIAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN AND THAT THE COUNCIL MEETING BE ADJOURNED WHEN THE EXECUTIVE SESSION IS ADIOURNED. CARRIED. Time: 8:05 p.m. Executive Session was conducted. There was no action taken. The executive session and the Council meeting adjourned at 8:44 p.m. 7�+.c-t� � �(/GZ�� Bonnie I.Walton, CMC,City Clerk lason Seth, Recorder August 17,2009 August 10, 2009 �� Renton City Council Minutes ,� � Page 241 RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Finance:Valley Cities A resolution was read endorsing the efforts of the Valley Cities Association and Association, Broadband authorizing the Mayor to apply for a Federal grant to fund broadband Technology Opportunities opportunities offered through the U.S. Department of Commerce. MOVED BY Program PERSSON, SECONDED BYTAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPTTHE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 8/17/2009 for second and final reading: CED:South Lake Washington, An ordinance was read designating the South Lake Washington area of the City Local Revitalization Area of Renton as a revitalization area and specifying proposed public improvements to be made with local revitalization financing. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/17/2009. CARRIED. CED: Port Quendall, Local An ordinance was read designating the Port Quendall area of the City of Renton Revitalization Area as a revitalization area and specifying proposed public improvements to be made with local revitalization financing. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/17/2009. CARRIED. Fire: Emergency Management An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget by increasing Fund 000 by Performance Grant, WA State $74,696 for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the City's Military Department, Budget emergency management program. MOVED BY TAYLOR,SECONDED BY Amendment �j ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/17/2009. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE Citizen Comment: Lall - Fire CORRESPONDENCE FROM CHANDER P. LALL, UNION 500 APARTMENTS, Inspection Report, S00 Union (REGARDING A FIRE INSPECTION REPORT)TO THE ADMINISTRATION. Apartments CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:07 p.m. �GJD-tt,w� `�� CI�C��e� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Jason Seth, Recorder August 10, 2009 � August 10,2009 � Renton City Council Minutes �+'' Page 239 Rich Wagner(Renton) remarked he is a Fellow in the American Institute of Architects, was a long-term member of the American Planning Association, and is a City resident. He stated that he lives in between the two proposed revitalization areas and his remarks are not site specific. He encouraged Council to take advantage of the new local revitalization financing tool. He also urged Council to be stewards of the money the City receives, noting that most of it comes from taxpayers. Mr. Wagner also remarked that these particular sites have property owners, key stakeholders, and residents that are excited about the redevelopment opportunities. He opined that without citizen support the redevelopment projects are just theories. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See pages 240 and 241 for additional information regarding this issue.) ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Chief Administrative Officer Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goats and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2009 and beyond. Items noted included: � Several members of the City Council and staff met with representatives from the Washington State Auditor's Office on 8/7/2009 to receive the results of their audit. The audit found no findings and no management letters, and the report will be posted on the City's website when it is finalized. � Last week the City Council was presented with information regarding the City's second quarter financial report and preliminary revenue estimates for 2010. As a reminder,the negotiations between the City and its unions are ongoing and any 2010 salary and benefit increases are unknown at this time. AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz"Johnson (Renton) displayed a photograph of a hanging flower Citizen Comment:Johnson - basket taken in Lake Oswego, Oregon. He commended the City for taking steps Hanging Flower Baskets to reduce the budget, but remarked that flowers are a way to attract people and businesses to the City. He also suggested that the City encourage merchants to pay for their own flower baskets. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 8/3/2009. Council concur. 8/3/2009 CAG:08-201, Liberty Park Community Services Department submitted CAG-08-201, Liberty Park Ballfield Ballfield Lighting,Service Lighting; and requested approval of the project, commencement of a 60-day Electric Company lien period, and release of retained amount of$11,323.07 to Service Electric Company, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Fire: Emergency Management Fire and Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an Performance Grant,WA State agreement with the Washington State Department of Homeland Security for Military Department, Budget Emergency Management Performance Grant funds in the amount of$109,696, Amendment �pS and approval for appropriation and expenditure of the funds to support the emergency management program. Council concur. (See page 241 for ordinance.) C Y OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND:r,>,3ILL � � � AI N: i , Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Fire & Emergency Services August 10, 2009 Department/Emergency Management Staff Contact...... Deborah Needham, x 7027 Agenda Status Emergency Management Director Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. Washington State Military Department and Department Correspondence.. of Homeland Security Emergency Management Ordinance............. X Performance Grant (EMPG), Contract #E09-272 Resolution............ X Old Business........ E�ibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grant Information......... Ordinance Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept......... X Council Concur. Finance Dept...... Other......Risk Management X Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $0.00 Transfer/Amendment....... $0.00 Amount Budgeted....... $0.00 Revenue Generated......... $109,696.00 Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) is to assist the development, maintenance and improvement of local emergency management programs. The EMPG provides supplemental funding to support the key components of a comprehensive national emergency management system for disasters and emergencies that may result from natural disasters or accidental or man-caused events. Grant funds will be expended during FFY 2009, per requirements of the EMPG. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Washington State Military Department and the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), Contract #E09-272 in the amount of$109,696.00, and adopt the ordinance allowing appropriation of grant funds in 2009. '�+'` � - FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES DEPARTMENT D c;ryof Y� Q�.�O� :;��� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: August 10, 2009 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the City Council VIA: ��, Denis Law, Mayor c� FROM: I. David Daniels, Fire Chief/Emergency Services Administrator i STAFF CONTACT: Deborah Needham, Emergency Management Director SUBJECT: 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) ISSUE The purpose of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) is to assist in the development, maintenance and improvement of local emergency management programs. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City of Renton Council concur and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign and execute the Washington State Military Department and the Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) Contract#E09-272 and corresponding resolution. It is further recommended that the City of Renton Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the ordinance allowing appropriation of grant funds in 2009. BACKGROUND The EMPG provides supplemental funding to support key components of a comprehensive national emergency management system for disasters and emergencies that may result from natural disasters, accidental or man-caused events. Although EMPG funding is relatively stable the amount cannot be guaranteed. The City can reasonably expect a minimum of$35,000, which was anticipated as revenue and reflected in the 2009 budget. An additional $74,696 was ultimately granted, bringing the total award for the year's EMPG to $109,696. CONCLUSION The City of Renton's Emergency Management capabilities would be greatly enhanced by the approval of the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), corresponding resolution as well as the related ordinance allowing appropriation of grant funds in 2009. ,�;. `'�` Washington State Military Department CONTRACT FACE SHEET 1. Contractor Name and Address: 2. Contract Amount: 3. Contract Number City of Renton Emergency Management Division $ 109,696 E09-272 1055 South Grady Way Renton,WA 98057 4. Contractor's Contact Person,phone number: 5. Contract Start Date: 6. Contract End Date: Deborah Needham(425)430-7027 October 1,2008 May 15,2010 d needham@rentonwa.gov 7. MD Program Manager/phone number: 8. State Business License#: 9. UBI#(state revenue): Charma Anderson (253)512-7064 NA 177-000-094 c.anderson@emd.wa.gov 10. Funding Authority: Washington State Military Department(Department)and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security(DHS) 11. Funding Source Agreement#: 12. Program Index# & OBJ/SUB-OJ 13. CFDA#&Title: 14. TIN or SSN: 2009-EP-E9-0010 79313, 79314 NZ 97.042 EMPG 91-6001271 15. Service Districts: 16. Service Area by County(ies): 17. Women/Minority-Owned,State (BY LEG DIST): 5,11,33,37,41,47 King County Certified?: X N/A ❑ NO (BY CONG DIST): 7,8,9 ❑ YES, OMWBE# 18. Contract Classification: 19. Contract Type(check all that apply): ❑ Personal Services ❑ Client Services X Public/Local Gov't X Contract ❑ Grant ❑ Agreement ❑ Collaborative Research ❑ A/E ❑ Other ❑ Intergovernmental (RCW 39.34) ❑ Interagency 20. Contractor Selection Process: 21. Contractor Type(check all that apply) X "To all who apply&qualify" ❑ Competitive Bidding ❑ Private Organization/Individual ❑ For-Profit ❑ Sole Source ❑ A/E RCW ❑ N/A X Public Organization/Jurisdiction X Non-Profit ❑ Filed w/OFM? ❑ Advertised? ❑YES ❑NO ❑ VENDOR X SUBRECIPIENT ❑ OTHER 22. BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Provide U.S. Department of Homeland Security(DHS)Emergency Management Performance Grant(EMPG)funds to local jurisdictions and tribes that have emergency management programs to support and enhance their emergency management operating budget in an effort to enhance their emergency management program. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Department and Contractor acknowledge and accept the terms of this contract and attachments hereto and have executed this contract as of the date and year written below. This Contract Face Sheet, Special Terms and Conditions, General Terms and Conditions, Statement of Work, and Budget govern the rights and obligations of both parties to this contract. In the event of an inconsistency in this contract, unless otherwise provided herein, the inconsistency shall be resolved by giving precedence in the following order: (a) Applicable Federal and State Statutes and Regulations (b) Statement of Work (c) Special Terms and Conditions (d) General Terms and Conditions,and if attached, (e) any other provisions of the contract incorporated by reference. This contract contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this contract shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties hereto. WHEREAS, the parties hereto have executed this contract on the day and year last specified below. FOR THE DEPARTMENT: FOR THE CONTRACTOR: Signature Date Signature Date James M. Mullen, Director Denis Law, Mayor Emergency Management Division Washington State Military Department For APPROVED AS TO FORM: City of Renton Emergency Management Division Sara J. Finlay (signature on file) 9/12/2007 Attest: Assistant Attorney General Bonnie I.Walton, City Clerk Form 10/27/00 kdb DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 1 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 '�r�" �i; SPECIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ARTICLE I -- COMPENSATION SCHEDULE: This is a fixed price, reimbursement contract. Within the total contract amount, travel, subcontracts, salaries and wages, benefits, printing, equipment, and other goods and services or other budget categories will be reimbursed on an actual cost basis unless otherwise provided in this contract. Any travel or subsistence reimbursement allowed under the contract shall be paid in accordance with rates set pursuant to RCW 43.03.050 and RCW 43.03.060 as now existing or amended and in agreement with federal rates. Receipts and/or backup documentation for any approved budget line items including travel related expenses that are authorized under this contract must be maintained by the Contractor and be made available upon request by the Military Department. Some flexibility to shift funds between/among budget categories is allowed as follows: Changes to any single budget category in excess of 10% or$100, whichever is greater, will not be reimbursed without the prior written authorization of the Department. Budget categories are as specified or defined in the budget sheet of the contract. ARTICLE II -- REPORTS: In addition to the reports as may be required elsewhere in this contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit the following reports to the Department's Key Personnel: Financial #/Copies Due Date Invoices 1 Within 30 days after the end of the period in which the work was performed as specified in Attachment A Invoices must be submitted no more frequently than monthly and it is recommended that invoices be submitted at least bi-annually. Final Invoice 1 No later than 45 days (shall not exceed overall contract amount) following the contract end date Atl contract work must end on the contract end date, however the Contractor has up to 45 days after the contract end date to submit all final billing. Technical #/Copies Due Date Bi-Annual Strategy Implementation Report Electronic January 15 8� July 15 Performance Report Electronic October 15, 2009 Final Report Electronic No later than 45 days following the contract end date NIMS Compliance Progress Reports Electronic September 30, 2009 All contract work must end on the contract end date, however the Contractor has up to 45 days after the contract end date to submit all final reports, invoices and deliverables. The Bi-Annual Strategy Implementation Report will be submitted via DHS's web-based grant reporting tool located at https://www.reporting.od�.dhs.gov/. The Performance Report and the Final Report will be submitted via the Military Department's web-based grant management, e-GMS, tool located at https://fortress.wa.govlmil/gms/gms/. ARTICLE III -- KEY PERSONNEL: The individuals listed below shall be considered key personnel. Any substitution must be made by written notification to the Military Department. CONTRACTOR: MILITARY DEPARTMENT: Name' Deborah Needham Name Charma Anderson Title ' Director Title EMPG Progr�m Manager E-Mail dneedham@rentonwa.gov E-Mai( c.anderson@emd.wa.gov Phone' (425)430-7027 Phone (253) 5�2-7Q64 DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 2 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � �...�- ARTICLE IV--ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall comply with OMB Circular A-87, Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments; OMB A-102, Grants and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments; A-133, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations; and 44 CFR, FEMA's codified regulations_ ARTICLE V --ADDITIONAL SPECIAL CONDITIONS AND MODIFICATION TO GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Funds are provided by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) solely for the use of supporting emergency management programs as provided by the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). The Contractor shall use the funds to perform tasks as described in the Statement of Work and Budget portions of the Contractor's request for funding, as approved by the Department. Funding may not be used to replace or supplant existing local or tribal government funding of emergency management programs. 2. The Contractor shall provide a match of$ 109,696 of non-federal origin. Said match may be in the form of goods, services, and in-kind services. 3. The Contractor acknowledges that since this contract involves federal funding, the period of performance described herein will likely begin prior to the availability of appropriated federal funds. Contractor agrees that it will not hold the Department, the State of Washington, or the United States liable for any damages, claim for reimbursement, or any type of payment whatsoever for services performed under this contract prior to distribution of appropriated federal funds. Contractor agrees that it will not hold the Department, the State of Washington, or the United States liable for any damages, claim for reimbursement or any type of payment if federal funds are not appropriated or are not appropriated in a particular amount. 4. The Contractor agrees that in order to receive Federal Fiscal Year 2009 (FFY09) federal preparedness funding, to include EMPG, the National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliance requirements for 2009 must be met. Applicants will be required to certify as part of their FFY09 EMPG applications that they have met the FFY09 NIMS requirements. The NIMS Integration Center (NIC) web page, http:l/www.fema.qav/emergency/nims/index.shtm, is updated regularly with information about the NIMS. The website can also be used as a useful tool to determine the extent to which your jurisdiction is already compliant, as well as identify the NIMS requirements you have not yet met. ARTICLE VI—EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT: All equipment purchased under this contract, by the Contractor or a Subcontractor, will be recorded and maintained in the Contractor's equipment inventory system. 1. Upon successful completion of the terms of this contract, all equipment purchased through this contract will be owned by the Contractor, or a recognized sub-contractor/sub-grantee for which a contract, sub- grant agreement, or other means of legal transfer of ownership is in place. 2. The Contractor, or a recognized sub-contractor/sub-grantee, shall be responsible for any and all operation and maintenance expenses and for the safe operation of their equipment including all questions of liability. 3. The Contractor shall maintain equipment records that include: a description of the property; the manufacturer's serial number, model number, or other identification number; the source of the equipment, including the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number; who holds title; the acquisition date; the cost of the equipment and the percentage of Federal participation in the cost; the location, use and condition of the equipment at the date the information was reported; and disposition data including the date of disposal and sale price of the property. 4. Records for equipment shall be retained by the Contractor for a period of six years from the date of the disposition, replacement or transfer. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the six year period, the records shall be retained by the Contractor until all litigations, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 3 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � 5. The Contractor shall take a physical inventory of the equipment and reconcile the results with the property records at least once every two years. Any differences between quantities determined by the physical inspection and those shown in the records shall be investigated by the Contractor to determine the cause of the difference. The Contractor shall, in connection with the inventory, verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need for the equipment. 6. The Contractor shall develop a control system to ensure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, and theft of the property. Any loss, damage or theft shall be investigated and a report generated. 7. The Contractor will develop adequate maintenance procedures to keep the property in good condition. 8. If the Contractor is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures must be established to ensure the highest possible return. 9. When original or replacement equipment is no longer needed for the original project or program or for other activities currently or previously supported by a Federal agency, disposition of the equipment will be made as follows: a. Items of equipment with a current per-unit fair market value of less than $5,000 may be retained, sold or otherwise disposed of by the Contractor with no further obligation to the awarding agency. b. Items of equipment with a current per-unit fair market value of more than $5,000 may be retained or sold and the Contractor shall compensate the Federal-sponsoring agency for its share. 10. As sub-grantees of federal funds the Contractor must pass on equipment management requirements that meet or exceed the requirements outlined above for all sub-contractors, consultants, and sub-grantees who receive pass-through funding from this contract. ARTICLE VII—SUBRECIPIENT MONITORING The Department will monitor the activities of the Contractor from award to closeout and for the life of equipment purchased under this contract. The goal of the Department's monitoring activities will be to ensure that agencies receiving federal pass-through funds are in compliance with federal and state audit requirements, federal grant guidance, applicable federal and state financial guides, as well as OMB Circular A-133 and A-122 where applicable. Monitoring activities may include: • review of performance reports; • monitoring and documenting the completion of contract deliverables; • documentation of phone calls, meetings, e-mails and correspondence; • review of reimbursement requests to insure allowability and consistency with contract budget; • observation and documentation of contract related activities, such as exercises, training, funded events and equipment demonstrations; • on-site visits to review equipment records and inventories, verify source documentation for reimbursement requests and performance reports and verify completion of deliverables. As a sub-grantee of federal funds the Contractor is required to meet or exceed the monitoring activities, as outlined above, for all sub-contractors, consultants, and sub-grantees who receive pass-through funding from this contract. ARTICLE VIII—ENVIRONMENTAL AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION The contractor shall ensure full compliance with FEMA's Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) Program. Information about these requirements can be found on pages 35-37 of the EMPG FFY09 Program Guidance located at http:J/www.fema.qov/pdflqovernmenUqrantlempc�/fv09 empg_guidance.�df or on FEMA's website at http:ltwww.fema.clov(plan/ehplehp-applicant-help.shtm. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 4 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 „�„ "'° Exhibit A Subrecipient Washington Military Department GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS As used throughout this contract, the following terms shall have the meaning set forth below: a. "Department” shall mean the Washington Military Department, as a state agency, any division, section, office, unit or other entity of the Department, or any of the officers or other officials lawfully representing that Department. b. "Contractor" shall mean that firm, organization, group, individual, or other entity performing services under this contract, and shall include all employees of the Contractor. It shall include any subcontractor retained by the prime Contractor as permitted under the terms of this contract. "Contractor" shall be further defined as one or the other of the following and so indicated on face sheet of the contract. 1) "SubrecipienY' shall mean a contractor that operates a federal or state assistance program for which it receives federal funds and which has the authority to determine both the services rendered and disposition of program funds. 2) "Vendo►" shall mean a contractor that agrees to provide the amount and kind of service or activity requested by the Department and that agrees to provide goods or services to be utilized by the Department. c. "Subcontractor" shall mean one, not in the employment of the Contractor, who is performing all or part of those services under this contract under a separate contract with the Contractor. The terms "subcontractor" and "subcontractors" mean subcontractor(s) in any tier. d. "Recipient"— a nonfederal entity that expends federal awards received directly from a federal awarding agency to carry out a federal program. e. "Pass-Through Entity" means the Washington State Military Department as it is applied to this contract. As found in SAAM 50.30.30 — "A nonfederal entity that provides a federal award to a subrecipient to carry out a federal program." f. "Nonfederal Entity" is defined as a state local government or nonprofit organization (as defined in federal Circular A-133). g. "Cognizant State Agency" shall mean a state agency that has assumed the responsibility of implementing single audit requirements and coordinating audit follow-up for a particular grantee by virtue of providing the majority of federal assistance. If funds are received from more than one state agency, the cognizant state agency shall be the agency who contributes the largest portion of federal financial assistance to the subrecipient unless the designation has been reassigned to a different state agency by mutual agreement. h. "Federal Financial Assistance" —Assistance that nonfederal entities receive or administer in the form of grants, loans, loan guarantees, property (including donated surplus property), cooperative agreements, interest subsidies, insurance, food commodities, direct appropriations or other assistance. It does not include amounts received for provision of vendor services to federal agencies or reimbursement for services rendered directly to individuals. i. "GranY' - For the purposes herein, the term "granY' may be used to mean "contracts" or "grants" or"agreements". j. "CFDA Number" — The five-digit number assigned to a federal assistance program in the federal Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) or, in the absence of a catalog defined number, the number defined by instructions from the federal audit clearinghouse. k. "CFR"—Code of Federal Regulations I. "OMB"—Office of Management and Budget m. "RCW"- Revised Code of Washington n "WAC" -Washington Administrative Code. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 5 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � 2. SUBRECIPIENT MONITORING a. The Department, as a Recipient and/or Pass-Through Entity, receives federal financial assistance under federal programs and is charged with maintaining compliance with federal and state laws and regulations regarding the monitoring, documentation, and auditing of subrecipient grant activities using federal financial assistance. Management and implementation guidelines for the federal programs ensure compliance with statutes, grant guidelines, the sub-award agreement, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars (including OMB Circular A-133), subrecipient audits, and other guidance found in the Federal Register. The Department shall adhere to its Subrecipient Monitoring Policy and the Subrecipient Monitoring Procedures (WMD Policy number 00-025-05.) b. The Contractor shall perform under the terms of the contract and the Department has responsibility for reasonable and necessary monitoring of the Contractor's performance. The Department shall conduct contract monitoring activities on a regular basis. Monitoring is defined as any planned, ongoing, or periodic activity that measures and ensures contractor compliance with the terms, conditions, and requirements of a contract. Monitoring involves prudent collection of information about Contractor operations and is not limited to site visits or the completion of formal reviews. Monitoring may include periodic contractor reporting to the Department, Department review of audit reports, invoice reviews, onsite reviews and observations, and surveys. Adequate documentation is essential for effective contract monitoring and will include copies of letters, meeting notes, and records of phone conversations as evidence that conscientious monitoring has occurred during the period of the contract. Subrecipient monitoring will occur throughout the year rather than relying solely on a once-a-year audit. The Contractor agrees to cooperate with all monitoring activities and to comply with reporting requirements. The Department as the Recipient and/or Pass-Through Entity will conduct on-site visits as appropriate and required by contract for "for-profit" subrecipients, since the A-133 Single Audit does not apply to"for-profiY' organizations. 3. RECORDS, MONITORING AND AUDIT ACCESS a. The Contractor shall cooperate with and fully pa�ticipate in all monitoring or evaluation activities that are pertinent to this contract. b. Access to public records-The Contractor acknowledges that the Department is subject to the Public Records Act, Chapter 42.56 RCW, and that records prepared, owned, used or retained by the Department relating to the conduct of government or the performance of any governmental or proprietary function are available for public inspection and copying, except as exempt under RCW 42.56 or other statute which exempts or prohibits disclosure of specific information or records. c. The Contractor shall maintain all books, records, documents, data and other evidence relating to this contract and the provision of any materials, supplies, services and/or equipment under this contract herein, inc�uding, but not limited to, records of accounting procedures and practices that sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this contract. At no additional cost,these records, including materials generated under the contract, shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review and audit by personnel duly authorized by the Department, the Washington State Auditor's Office, and federal officials so authorized by law, rule, regulation, or contract. The Contractor will retain all books, records, documents, and other materials relevant to this contract and make them available for inspection, review or audit for six (6) years from the end date of this contract, date of final payment or conclusion of services performed under this contractor, whichever is later. tf any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6)year period, the records shall be retained until final resolution of all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 6 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � w..' d. Contractor shall provide right of access to its facilities and records to the Department and any other authorized agent or official of the state of Washington or the federal government, at all reasonable times, in order to monitor and evaluate performance, compliance, and/or quality assurance under this contract. 4. SINGLE AUDIT ACT REQUIREMENTS (INCLUDING ALL AMENDMENTS) Non-federal entities as subrecipients that expend $500,000 or more in one fiscal year of federal funds from all sources, direct and indirect, are required to have a single or a program-specific audit conducted in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-133-Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations (revised June 27, 2003, effective for fiscal years ending after December 31, 2003). Non-federal entities that spend less than $500,000 a year in federal awards are exempt from federal audit requirements for that year, except as noted in Circular No. A-133. Circular A-133 is available on the OMB Home Page at http://www.omb.qov and then select "Grants ManagemenY'followed by"Circulars". Contractors required to have an audit must ensure the audit is performed in accordance with Generally Accepted Auditing Standards (GAAS) as found in the Government Auditing Standards (the Revised Yellow Book) developed by the Comptroller General and the OMB Compliance Supplement. The Contractor has the responsibility of notifying the Washington State Auditor's Office and requesting an audit. Costs of the audit may be an allowable grant expenditure. The Contractor shall maintain auditable records and accounts so as to facilitate the audit requirement and shall ensure that any subcontractors also maintain auditable records. The Contractor is responsible for any audit exceptions incurred by its own organization or that of its subcontractors. Responses to any unresolved management findings and disallowed or questioned costs shall be included with the audit report. The Contractor must respond to Department requests for information or corrective action concerning audit issues or findings within 30 days of the date of request. The Department reserves the right to recover from the Contractor all disallowed costs resulting from the audit. Once the single audit has been completed, the Contractor must send a full copy of the audit to the Department and a letter stating there were no findings, or if there were findings, the letter should provide a list of the findings. The Contractor must send the audit and the letter no later than nine (9) months after the end of the Contractor's fiscal year(s)to: Accounting Manager Washington Military Department Finance Division, Building#1 TA-20 Camp Murray,WA 98430-5032 In addition to sending a copy of the audit, the Contractor must include a corrective action plan for any audit findings and a copy of the management letter if one was received. The Contractor shall include the above audit requirements in any subcontracts. 5. RECAPTURE PROVISIONS In the event that the Contractor fails to expend funds under this contract in accordance with applicable state and federal laws and/or the provisions of this contract, the Department reserves the right to recapture funds in an amount equivalent to the extent of the noncompliance in addition to any other remedies available at law or in equity. Such right of recapture shall exist for a period not to exceed six (6) years following contract termination or audit resolution, whichever is later. Repayment by the Contractor of funds under this recapture provision shall occur within 30 days of demand. The Department is required to institute legal proceedings to enforce the recapture provision. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW The Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with all applicable federal, state, tribal government, and local laws, regulations, and policies. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 7 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � , This obligation includes, but is not limited to, compliance with Ethics in Public Service (RCW 42.52); Covenant Against Contingent Fees (48 C.F.R. § 52.203-5); Public Records Act (RCW 42.56); Drug- Free Workplace Act of 1988 (41 U.S.C. § 701 et seq. and 15 C.F.R. Part 29); Lobbying Restrictions (31 U.S.C. § 1352 and 15 C.F.R. Part 28); and safety and health regulations. The Department is not responsible for advising the Contractor about, or determining the Contractor's compliance with, applicable laws, regulations and policies. In the event of the Contractor's or a subcontractor's noncompliance or refusal to comply with any applicable law, regulation or policy, the Department may rescind, cancel, or terminate the contract in whole or in part. The Contractor is responsible for any and all costs or liability arising f�om the Contractor's failure to comply with applicable law, regulation or policy. 7. NONDISCRIMINATION During the performance of this contract, the Contractor shall comply with all federal and state nondiscrimination statutes and regulations. These requirements include, but are not limited to: a. Nondiscrimination in Employment: The Contractor shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, creed, marital status, age, Vietnam era or disabled veterans status, or the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical handicap. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer, recruitment or recruitment selection for training, including apprenticeships and volunteers. This requirement does not apply, however, to a religious corporation, association, educational institution or society with respect to the employment of individuals of a particular religion to perform work connected with the carrying on by such corporation, association, educational institution or society of its activities. b. Nondiscrimination laws and policies (such as RCW 49.60, Washington's Law Against Discrimination, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act). 8. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) OF 1990, PUBLIC LAW 101-336, 42 U.S.C. § 12101 et seq. and 28 C.F.R Part 35 and other implementing regulations. The Contractor must comply with the ADA, which provides comprehensive civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities in the areas of employment, public accommodations, state and local government services, and telecommunication. 9. UTILIZATION OF MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISES (MWBE) The Contractor is encouraged to utilize firms that are certified by the Washington State Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprises as minority-owned and/or women-owned in carrying out the purposes of this contract. 10. PUBLICITY The Contractor agrees to submit to the Department all advertising and publicity relating to this contract wherein the DepartmenYs name is mentioned or language used from which the connection of the DepartmenYs name may, in the DepartmenYs judgment, be inferred or implied. The Contractor agrees not to publish or use such advertising and publicity without the prior written consent of the Department. 11. DISCLOSURE The use or disclosure by any party of any information concerning the Department for any purpose not directly connected with the administration of the Department's or the Contractor's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this contract is prohibited except by prior written consent of the Department. 12. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT SUSPENSION OR INELIGIBILITY If federal funds are the basis for this contract, the Contractor certifies that neither the Contractor nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participating in this contract by any federal department or agency. If requested by the Department, the Contractor shall complete and sign a Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion form. Any such form completed by the Contractor for this Contract shall be incorporated into this Contract by reference. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 8 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 �.- � Further, the Contractor agrees not to enter into any arrangements or contracts related to this grant with any party that is on the "General Service Administration List of Parties Excluded from Federal Procurement or Non-procurement Programs"which can be found at www.epls.gov. 13. LIMITATION OF AUTHORITY--"Authorized Signature" The signatories to this contract represent that they have the authority to bind their respective organizations to this contract. Only the assigned Authorized Signature for each party, or the assigned delegate by writing prior to action, shall have the express, implied, or apparent authority to alter, amend, modify, or waive any clause or condition of this contract. Furthermore, any alteration, amendment, modification, or waiver of any clause or condition of this contract is not effective or binding unless made in writing and signed by the Authorized Signature(s). 14. CONTRACTOR NOT EMPLOYEE —INDEPENDENT STATUS OF CONTRACTOR The parties intend that an independent contractor relationship will be created by this contract. The Contractor and/or employees or agents performing under this contract are not employees or agents of the Department in any manner whatsoever, and will not be presented as nor claim to be officers or employees of the Department or of the State of Washington by reason hereof, nor will the Contractor and/or employees or agents performing under this contract make any claim, demand, or application to or for any right, privilege or benefit applicable to an officer or employee of the Department or of the State of Washington, including, but not limited to, Worker's Compensation coverage, unemployment insurance benefits, social security benefits, retirement membership or credit, or privilege or benefit which would accrue to a civil service employee under Chapter 41.06 RCW. It is understood that if the Contractor is another state department, state agency, state university, state college, state community college, state board, or state commission, that the officers and employees are employed by the state of Washington in their own right. If the Contractor is an individual currently employed by a Washington State agency, the Department shall obtain proper approval from the employing agency or institution. A statement of "no conflict of interesY' shall be submitted to the Department. 15. NONASSIGNABILITY This contract, the work to be provided under this contract, and any claim arising thereunder, are not assignable or delegable by either party in whole or in part, without the express prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 16. SUBCONTRACTING Neither the Contractor nor any subcontractor shall enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this contract without obtaining prior written approval of the Department. Contractor shall use a competitive process in award of any contracts with subcontractors that are entered into after original contract award. All subcontracts entered into pursuant to this contract shall incorporate this contract in full by reference. In no event shall the existence of the subcontract operate to release or reduce the liability of the Contractor to the Department for any breach in the performance of the Contractor's duties. The Military Department may request a copy of any and/or all subcontracts for work being completed under this contract. 17. CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS The Department and the Contractor may, from time to time, request changes to the contract or grant. Any such changes that are mutually agreed upon by the Department and the Contractor shall be incorporated herein by written amendment to this contract. It is mutually agreed and understood that no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and that any oral understanding or agreements not incorporated herein, unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, shall not be binding. 18. SEVERABILtTY In the event any term or condition of this contract, any provision of any document incorporated by reference, or application of this contract to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this contract which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end, the terms and conditions of this contract are declared severable. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 9 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � 19. ADVANCE PAYMENTS PROHIBITED The Department shall make no payments in advance or in anticipation of goods or services to be provided under this contract. Contractor shall not invoice the Department in advance of delivery of such goods or services. 20. TAXES, FEES AND LICENSES Unless otherwise provided in this contract, the Contractor shall pay for and maintain in current status all taxes, unemployment contributions, fees, licenses, assessments, permit charges and expenses of any other kind for the Contractor or its staff required by statute or regulation that are necessary for contract performance. 21. TRAVEL AND SUBSISTENCE REIMBURSEMENT Unless the contract specifically provides for different rates, any travel or subsistence reimbursement allowed under the contract shall be paid in accordance with rates set pursuant to RCW 43.03.050 and RCW 43.03.060 as now existing or amended. The Contractor may be required to provide to the Department copies of receipts for any travel related expenses other than meals and mileage (example: parking lots that do not provide receipts)that are authorized under this contract. 22. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and performance hereof shall be governed by, the laws of the state of Washington. Venue of any suit between the parties arising out of this contract shall be the Superior Court of Thurston County, Washington. 23. HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION Each party to this contract shall be responsible for injury to persons or damage to property resulting from negligence on the part of itself, its employees, agents, officers, or subcontractors. Neither party assumes any responsibility to the other party for the consequences of any act or omission of any third party. 24. WAIVER OF DEFAULT Waiver of any default or breach shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent default or breach. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this contract unless stated to be such in writing signed by The Adjutant General or the Authorized Signature for the Department and attached to the original contract. 25. DISPUTES The parties shall make every effort to resolve disputes arising out of or relating to this contract through discussion and negotiation. Should discussion and negotiation fail to resolve a dispute arising under this contract, the parties shall select a dispute resolution team to resolve the dispute. The team shall consist of a representative appointed by each party and a third representative mutually agreed upon by both parties. The team shall attempt, by majority vote, to resolve the dispute. Both parties agree that this disputes process shall precede any action in a judicial or quasi judicial tribunal. Nothing in this section shall preclude the parties from mutually agreeing to a different dispute resolution method in lieu of the procedure outlined above. 26. ATTORNEY'S FEES In the event of litigation or other action brought to enforce contract terms, or alternative dispute resolution process, each party agrees to bear its own attorney's fees and costs. 27. LOSS OR REDUCTION OF FUNDING In the event funding from state, federal, or other sources is withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way after the effective date of this contract and prior to normal completion, the Department may reduce its scope of work and budget or unilaterally terminate all or part of the contract as a "Termination for Cause", without providing the Contractor an opportunity to cure. Alternatively, the parties may renegotiate the terms of this contract under "Contract Modifications" to comply with new funding limitations and conditions, although the Department has no obligation to do so. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 10 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 „�„ .”' 28. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION FOR CAUSE In the event the Department, in its sole discretion, determines the Contractor has failed to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract, is in an unsound financial condition so as to endanger performance hereunder, is in violation of any laws or regulations that render the Contractor unable to perform any aspect of the contract, or has violated any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this contract, the Department has the right to immediately suspend or terminate this contract in whole or in part. The Department may notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action and provide a period of time in which to cure. The Department is not required to allow the Contractor an opportunity to cure if it is not feasible as determined solely within the DepartmenYs discretion. Any time allowed for cure shall not diminish or eliminate the Contractor's liability for damages or otherwise affect any other remedies available to the Department. If the Department allows the Contractor an opportunity to cure, the Department shall notify the Contractor in writing of the need to take corrective action. If the corrective action is not taken within ten (10) calendar days or as otherwise specified by the Department, or if such corrective action is deemed by the Department to be insufficient, the contract may be terminated in whole or in part. The Department reserves the right to suspend all or part of the contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring additional obligations of funds during investigation of the alleged compliance breach, pending corrective action by the Contractor, if allowed, or pending a decision by the Department to terminate the contract in whole or in part. In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be liable for all damages as authorized by law, including but not limited to, any cost difference between the original contract and the replacement or cover contract and all administrative costs directly related to the replacement contract, e.g., cost of administering the competitive solicitation process, mailing, advertising and other associated staff time. The rights and remedies of the Department provided for in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. If it is determined that the Contractor: (1) was not in default or material breach, or(2) failure to perform was outside of the Contractor's control, fault or negligence, the termination shall be deemed to be a "Termination for Convenience". 29. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE Notwithstanding any provisions of this contract, the Contractor may terminate this contract by providing written notice of such termination to the Department's Key Personnel identified in the contract, specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30)days prior to such date. Except as otherwise provided in this contract, the Department, in its sole discretion and in the best interests of the State of Washington, may terminate this contract in whole or in part by providing ten (10) calendar days written notice, beginning on the second day after mailing to the Contractor. Upon notice of termination for convenience, the Department reserves the right to suspend all or part of the contract, withhold further payments, or prohibit the Contractor from incurring additional obligations of funds. In the event of termination, the Contractor shall be liable for all damages as authorized by law. The rights and remedies of the Department provided for in this section shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. 30. TERMINATION PROCEDURES In addition to the procedures set forth below, if the Department terminates this contract, the Contractor shall follow any procedures specified in the termination notice. Upon termination of this contract and in addition to any other rights provided in this contract, the Department may require the Contractor to deliver to the Department any property specifically produced or acquired for the performance of such part of this contract as has been terminated. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 11 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � If the termination is for convenience, the Department shall pay to the Contractor the agreed upon price, if separately stated, for properly authorized and completed work and services rendered or goods delivered to and accepted by the Department prior to the effective date of contract termination, and the amount agreed upon by the Contractor and the Department for (i) completed work and services and/or equipment or supplies provided for which no separate price is stated, (ii) partially completed work and services and/or equipment or supplies provided which are accepted by the Department, (iii) other work, services and/or equipment or supplies which are accepted by the Depa�tment, and (iv) the protection and preservation of property. Failure to agree with such amounts shall be a dispute within the meaning of the "Disputes" clause of this contract. If the termination is for cause, the Department shall determine the extent of the liability of the Department. The Department shall have no other obligation to the Contractor for termination. The Department may withhold from any amounts due the Contractor such sum as the Department determines to be necessary to protect the Department against potential loss or liability. The rights and remedies of the Department provided in this contract shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the Department in writing, the Contractor shall: a. Stop work under the contract on the date, and to the extent specified, in the notice; b. Place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services, supplies, equipment and/or facilities in relation to this contract except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the work under the contract as is not terminated; c. Assign to the Department, in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Department, all of the rights, title, and interest of the Contractor under the orders and subcontracts so terminated, in which case the Department has the right, at its discretion, to settle or pay any or all claims arising out of the termination of such orders and subcontracts; d. Settle all outstanding liabilities and all claims arising out of such termination of orders and subcontracts, with the approval or ratification of the Department to the extent the Department may require, which approval or ratification shall be final for all the purposes of this clause; e. Transfer title to the Department and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent directed by the Department any property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the Department; f. Complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the Department in compliance with all contractual requirements; and g. Take such action as may be necessary, or as the Department may require, for the protection and preservation of the property related to this contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Department has or may acquire an interest. AAG Approved 9/12/2007 DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 12 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 w+ """" Exhibit B Statement of Work FFY 2009 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program INTRODUCTION: The Washington State Military Department Emergency Management Division (EMD) receives grant funding each year f�om the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)through the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG). A portion of this grant has been identified by the state to be passed through to local jurisdictions and tribes that have emergency management programs to supplement their local/tribal operating budget. Each jurisdiction or tribe that applies and meets the qualifications specified in WAC 118-09 regarding emergency management assistance funds is awarded a grant based on the size of their agency's emergency management operating budget. Funds are used by local jurisdictions and tribes to enhance their emergency management capability. The Statement of Work outlines the activities and deliverables the Contractor has identified to be performed for FFY09 EMPG. The Timeline outlines the schedule that the Contractor agrees to in order to fulfill the grant deliverables during the contract performance period. The Budget Sheet outlines the Contractor's emergency management operating budget(excluding federal funds)that is dedicated to emergency management activities. GENERAL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: 1. Prepare and submit a Bi-Annual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR), via the web-based grant reporting tool (https:llwww.reporting.od�.dhs.gov). Failure to meet all of the reporting deadlines outlined in the Milestone and Timeline Schedule will prohibit the Contractor from being reimbursed while reports are outstanding. 2. Report progress on deliverables and advise the Military Department, in writing, of necessary adjustments to the content of the contract. PerFormance reports will be submitted using the on-line electronic Grant Management System (e-GMS) located at https://fortress.wa.gov/miU�c ros/gms/. 3. Adhere to all financial and procurement guidance, including competitive processes and other procurement requirements, to include: Office of Management and Budget(OMB) Circulars, A-87 (Cost Principles for State, local and Indian Tribal Governments) and A-133 (Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations) and Federal Emergency Management Agency's codified regulations, 44 CFR. Local and state procurement and contracting regulations take precedent over these requirements when local and state regulations are more stringent. • Adhere to DHS requirements that all sole source contracts over $100,000 be reviewed and approved by the Department prior to execution of a contract. This requirement must be passed on to all of the Contractor's sub-contractors, at which point the Contractor will be responsible for reviewing and approving their sub-contractors' sole source justifications. • Adhere to DHS requirements that all contracts with individual consultants, that are not competitively bid, and where the consultant will be charging an excess of $450 per day (excluding travel and subsistence) must be approved by the Department before the contract is executed. This requirement must be passed on to all of the Contractor's sub-contractors, at which point the Contractor will be responsible for reviewing and approving their sub-contractors' contract. 4. Plan and implement equipment purchases, exercises, training, planning and management/ administration in accordance with the FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Guidance, which can be found at http://www.fema.gov/pdflqovernment/grant/empg(fy09 empq guidance.pdf, as well as all subsequent policy changes. 5. Ensure that all sub-contractors are in compliance with the FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Guidance through monitoring of expenditures and periodic reviews of activities. 6. If purchasing equipment using EMPG funds, the Contractor must meet the following requirements: a. Be in compliance with the DHS Authorized Equipment List (AEL), as detailed at: http://www 1.rkb.m i pt.o rq/. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 13 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � . b. Submit all proposed equipment purchases to the Committee on Homeland Security, sub- committee on equipment to ensure that the requested equipment is on the AEL, is aligned with the statewide equipment purchasing strategy, and submit to DHS if necessary. No reimbursement for purchased equipment will occur until the appropriate approvals have been obtained. c. Determine whether or not it is in the best interest of the Contractor to make purchases using its own procurement process or ask the Department to make purchases on its behalf. d. Make a request to the Department in writing that authorizes the Department to de-obligate funding from the Contractor's contract and use the state's procurement process and contracts to purchase equipment on behalf of the Contractor. This will necessitate an amendment to the contract reducing the Contractor's award by an amount sufficient for the Department to make the purchase(s). The Department will pay the vendor directly and all items will be drop shipped to a location designated by the Contractor. 7. Exercises that are implemented with grant funds must meet the requirements of the FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant. Upon completion of the exercise, an After Action Report and an Improvement Plan must be prepared and submitted to the Department within 60 days of completion of the exercise. Final reimbursement for related expenditures can not be made until this requirement has been met. 8. A mechanism must be in place to capture, track and document time for staff in other agencies working on emergency management related activities. 9. No more than 3% of the total grant award may be used on Management and Administrative expenditures. 10. Submit at maximum monthly requests for reimbursement to the Department for costs incurred using the online e-GMS located at https://fortress.wa.qov/mil/c�ms/gms1. 11. No costs will be paid in advance of their being incurred by the Contractor. 12. No equipment or supply costs will be reimbursed until the items have been received by the Contractor and invoiced by the vendor. 13. No travel or subsistence costs, including lodging and meals, reimbursed with EMPG funds may exceed federal maximum rates which can be found at http://www.gsa.qov. 14. Expend a minimum 15°/a of contract award on planning activities. CONTRACTOR TASKS: 1. Perform activities described in the attached Scope of Work(Attachment A). 2. Manage and administer the FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program. 3. If necessary, hire a Subcontractor to assist in accomplishing the contract tasks. 4. Complete all work under the contract by the contract end date, to include receipt of approved equipment items and supplies. 5. Each request for reimbursement will be accompanied by a reimbursement spreadsheet and a match documentation spreadsheet detailing the expenditures to be reimbursed as well as the expenses to be considered the match for those funds. Related financial documents and invoices must be kept on file by the Contractor and be made available upon request to the Department, and local, state, or federal auditors. 6. Requests for reimbursement of equipment purchases will include a copy of the vendor's invoice and packinq slip or a statement signed and dated by the Contractor's authorized representative that "all items invoiced have been received, are operational, and have been inventoried according to contract and local procurement requirements." THE MILITARY DEPARTMENT AGREES TO: 1. Provide technical assistance, expertise, and state coordination with DHS where necessary. 2. Reimburse the Contractor within 45 days of receipt and approval of requests for reimbursement and all documentation of expenditures as required. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 14 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 �- """ MILESTONE TIMELINE FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program MILESTONE TASK October 1, 2008 Start of contract performance period May 2009 Contract Execution September 30, 2009 Submit NIMS compliance report October 15, 2009 Submission of PerFormance Report to e-GMS January 15, 2010 Submission of Bi-annual Strategy Implementation Report(BSIR) to GRT for FFY09 EMPG May 15, 2010 End of grant perFormance period No later than June 30, 2010 Submit all final reports, requests for reimbursement and/or deliverables July 15, 2010 Submission of final Bi-annual Strategy Implementation Report (BSIR)to GRT for FFY09 EMPG DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 15 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � . Exhibit C Budget Sheet FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program LOCAUTRIBAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT OPERATING BUDGET SUMMARY Contract expenditures shall be documented according to the following categories when appropriate: Category 2009 Local Funds Budget* Salaries and Benefits $453,231 In-Direct Costs $0 Travel $3,000 Equipment $19,500 Supplies $6,500 Telephones $40,132 Printing $500 Janitorial/Maintenance $0 Auto Lease $13,514 Space Rental $0 Insurance $0 Subcontractor $2,000 Other $2,000 Total All Program Costs $540,377 FFY 09 EMPG Award- $16,454 Plannin FFY 09 EMPG Award- $93,242 Other The City of Renton Emergency Management Division award is $ 109,696. This is based on the FFY09 allocation factor of 20.3% of approved local/tribal emergency management operating budgets. This award will not be used to supplant the existing local/tribal funds identified above. The DepartmenYs Reimbursement Spreadsheet will accompany each reimbursement request submitted in e-GMS. In addition, the Contractor agrees to make all records available to Military Department staff, upon request. A total of 3% of this award can be used to pay for management and administration of this contract. * No federal funds are included in the local emergency management operating budget. Funding Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security- PI#79313, 79314—EMPG DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 16 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � Attachment A Scope of Work FFY09 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Communications and Warnina Activities and deliverables within the communications and warning functional area require the ability to communicate in a disaster and effectively warn the public. This is the primary area where standards of communications interoperability and redundancy are addressed. R uired Activities D�fiverable Performance Measures Deadiine 1. Participate in all scheduled National Warning a. Ensure jurisdiction is Jurisdiction will be better Ongoing System(NAWAS)tests and exercises, whether a incorporated into the prepared to activate Primary NAWAS Warning Point, a Secondary fan out. NAWAS in an emergency. Warning Point, or a Tertiary Warning Point.This is Success will be measured the on-going test of the statewide warning fan-out b. Participate in through the number of as outlined in the State CEMP and warning annex. scheduled tests. successful NAWAS tests All emergency management jurisdictions must be completed. a art of this fan-out. 2.Work with EMD to ensure Comprehensive Communicate regularly Jurisdiction will be better Ongoing Emergency Management Network(CEMNET) with EMD to retain prepared to use CEMNET in capability is maintained and participate in CEMNET capabiliry an emergency. Success will scheduled testing between the local Emergency and participate in be measured by the number Operations Center(EOC)or similar facility and the testing as scheduled. of scheduled tests the state EOC. �urisdiction artici ates in. 3. Develop and/or update local plans and Update local plans and Jurisdiction will be better Ongoing equipment for use of amateur radio(HAM bands) equipment as prepared to utilize RACES through the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency necessary. volunteers, particularly if Service(RACES)program and as per the state other communication RACES plan. capabilities are inoperable, in an emer enc . 4.Where possible,work with the Local Area Develop/update an Updated plans will result in Ongoing Emergency Alert System(EAS)Committee EAS Plan as needed. an improved capability to (LAECC)to complete an EAS plan and the Local utilize the EAS in an Relay Network(LRN) per existing guidance from emergency. the FCC, FEMA, and the State Emergency Communications Committee with assistance from the State EMD Telecommunications staff. 5. Participate in all scheduled EAS tests Participate as Jurisdiction will be better Ongoing commensurate with your EAS plan and scheduled. prepared to activate EAS in operational status of your LRN. an emergency. Success will be measured by the number of scheduled tests the 'urisdiction artici ates in. 6. Notify the state EOC immediately upon Submit a daily Situation Coordination between the As activation of your local EOC. Provide periodic(at Report(SITREP)to the state and the local EOC will required least once per day)Situation Reports(SITREPs) state EOC during improve response due to an activation. ca abilities in an event. activation. A�difional Activi#ies Detiueratite F'Qr�rirmance'Measures; Deadline; ' Implement a community notification system. Community notification Test of community 10/31/2009 system implemented. notification system successfull com leted. Crisis Communication. Public Education and Information Activities and deliverables within the crisis communication, public education and information functional area should address procedures for disseminating information to the public pre-, during, and post-disaster. OHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 17 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 �rrir' � . Re uired Activities Deliverable Perf�rmance Measures Deadline 1. Conduct a pubiic disaster a. Preparedness presentations and Citizens of Washington will 12/31/2009 education program for the distribution of preparedness materials be better able to care for inhabitants of your community. to schools, civic groups, business themselves,family organizations, nursing care facilities, members, neighbors, etc. child care facilities, governmental and will improve their ability agencies, hospitals, the general to stay safe during an public,etc. emergency. Success can and/or be measured through the number of presentations b. Participate in the State's Disaster provided or participation in Preparedness Campaign. the Washington State cam ai n. Additional Acti�itiss Deliverable P�rforrn�nce Measures ' Qeadline Provide informational/training 4 training sessions provided. Vulnerable individuals and 8/28/2009 sessions to vulnerable their caregivers will be populations or their care better prepared for roviders. disasters. Direction. Control and Warninq Activities and deliverables within the direction, control, and warning functional area should address the ability to analyze a situation, make decisions for response, direct and coordinate response forces and resources, and coordinate with other jurisdictions. This requires use of a recognized National Incident Management System (NIMS)and compliance with NIMS requirements to remain eligible for all future preparedness funding. Et uireii�lativities ° Deliuerabte R�r#ormance Me�sures; '��_lin�; 1. Be fully compliant with all Report NIMS compliance progress Emergency responders will Ongoing Federal and State National through the state online NIMS have a uniform set of Incident Management System reporting toot. processes and procedures thus (NIMS)compliance requirements. improving all-hazard incident Guidance for compliancy and response capabilities. reporting requirements will be provided by Toney Raines; State NIMS Coordinator. Please contact Toney at nimscoordinator a(�.emd.wa.gav if ou have uestions. NIMS Compliance Self Certification:YES Note:Failure to meet NIMS compliance requirements wil/resulf in the loss of federa/preparedness funding. Exercises, Evaluations and Corrective Actions Activities and deliverables within the exercise, evaluation, and corrective actions functional area calls for regularly scheduled exercises, evaluations and corrective actions, including a process for addressing corrective actions. R uireti Acfivifies ` Deliverabte" F'er�carrrta�c�11tle�sures ' }3e�dlirte"= 1. Each jurisdiction receiving Submit an After Action Report(AAR) Through the exercise process a 60 days EMPG funds must participate in and Improvement Plan(IP)to the jurisdiction can determine areas the design, conduct and State Exercise Training Officer(ETO) of strength and weakness in evaluation of at least one exercise within 60 days of the completion of response capabilities. during the perFormance period: the exercise. full-scale,functional or tabletop. Development of an AAR and IP The exercise should fit into the allows for the documentation, jurisdiction's multi-year exercise The standard format for the AAR and monitoring and follow-up on plan and be consistent with the IP can be found in Volume III of the those issues. Upon submission Homeland Security Exercise and HSEEP manuals at and approval of the AAR,the Evaluation Program(HSEEP). https:/lhseep.dhs.gov/support/Volume ETO will issue a letter of EMPG lll.pdf credit to the jurisdiction. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 18 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 „,� "”' At least one full-scale and one functional exercise must be completed within a five-year period. These exercises are to be multi-agency and multi-functional in design and conduct. The exercise may be accomplished alone or in conjunction with FEMA, EMD, other public or private entities, or with nei hborin 'urisdictions. 2. In the event a jurisdiction Submit an After Action Report(AAR) Development of an AAR and IP 60 days experiences an actual and Improvement Plan(IP)to the allows for documentation and evenUactivation that adequately State Exercise Training Officer(ETO) follow-up on issues identified tests overall emergency within 60 days of the end of the during an activation. Upon management capabilities, activation.The standard format for the submission and approval of the exercise credit may be requested AAR and IP can be found in Volume AAR, the ETO will issue a letter within 60 days. III HSEEP manuals at of EMPG credit to the https:/lhseep.dhs.govJsupport(Volume jurisdiction. Ill.pdf Five Year Exercise Schedule: 2009: Tabletop Exercise 2010: Functional Exercise 2011: Full-Scale Exercise 2012: Tabletop Exercise 2013: Functional Exercise Mutual Aid Activities and deliverables within the mutual aid functional area should address the development and maintenance of mutual aid agreements. R " uir�d Acfivities Deiiverabie Performar�c�Measur`es �eadline ' 1. Review mutual aid agreements, Update mutual aid agreements as Up-to-date mutual aid 12/31/20 following the guidance set forth in deemed necessary by the jurisdiction. agreements enable expedited 09 the state Emergency partnership and support Management Division's Mutual among jurisdictions during an Aid and Inter-local Agreement actual emergency. Handbook. Planninq Activities and deliverables within the planning functional area should address the development and general content of the program's emergency operations plan, strategic plan, mitigation plan, recovery plan, evacuation plan, continuity of operations/continuity of government plan, etc. R uired Aeti�i�ies �elivera6te Perfarmance Measures ' D�ad[ine. " 1. Review the Comprehensive a.Any jurisdiction that has not CEMP will address all 12/30/2008 Emergency Management Plan submitted an updated CEMP to the hazards identified in the (CEMP)and supporting state Emergency Management Division jurisdiction's Hazard Emergency Support Functions within the past four years must do so Identification and (ESFs).The CEMP should be during this program year. Vulnerability Analysis and compliant with both the National infrastructure and improve Response Framework and the b. First time applicants must complete a the jurisdiction's abiliry to National Incident Management draft of their Basic Plan portion of the prepare for, respond to and System(NIMS). Requirements for CEMP within the program year. recover from an plan development and submission emergency. are provided in RCW 38.52.070, WAC 118.09 and WAC 118.30. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 19 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � Additiona!Actiuities Deliverable Performance Measures Deadlir�e Incorporate State's CEMP Renton CEMP revised CEMP updated 12/31/2009 recommendations into Renton CEMP, and revise and/or expand the Evacuation Annex, ESF 15, and ESF 2. Finance and Administration Activities and deliverables within the finance and administration functional area require a financial management framework that complies with applicable government requirements and that allows for expeditious request for, and receipt and distribution of funds. ' Re uired'Activiti�s Deliver�bie 'Perforrt��nce Measures Deadfine . 1. Submit reimbursement a. Submit requests for reimbursement EMPG funds enhance As needed requests online, ensuring that online using e-GMS. A Reimbursement local/tribal emergency with final expenditures comply with FEMA's Spreadsheet showing how EMPG funds management programs invoice due EMPG FFY09 Program Guidance, were spent must accompany all requests and are spent in 45 days all applicable Office of for reimbursement. Expenditures listed accordance with all after the Management and Budget(OMB) on the Reimbursement Spreadsheet applicable laws and end of the Circulars(A-87,A-102, A-133)as cannot be items listed in the 2009 guidelines. contract well as FEMA's Administrative Local Funds Budget portion of the Requirements in the Code of Emergency Management Operating Federal Regulations(CFR)44. Budget in this application. OMB Circulars can be found at: b. Verify in performance reports that the www.whitehouse.gov/OMB/circula agency has reviewed and agrees to all rs relevant State and Federal requirements. CFR 44 can be found at: http:/twww.access.qpa.qov/naralc fr/waisidx Q7/44cfrv1 07.html The Uniform Administrative Requirements related to Grants can be found in Part 13. Proqram Management Activities and deliverables within the program management functional area should address program structure and organization so that an agency is capable of coordinating emergency preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery activities across multiple agencies and organizations. R �ir d Activiti�s �": Deliverable : ': : P�rf'c�rmarice' e�sures It7e�d[�ne 1. Progress reports and BSIRs a. Progress reports must be submitted Demonstration of the a. October are required twice during the online in e-GMS. Reports must clearly impact EMPG funding 15, 2009 contract period. Failure to submit describe the progress the recipient is has on emergency and June either type of report may result in making towards the deliverables described management capabilities 30, 2010 cancellation of the contract. in this Scope of Work. will be documented in progress reports. b.January The final report should highlight the impacf 15, 2010 EMPG funding has had on the jurisdiction's and July capabilities. 15, 2010. b. The Bi-annual Strategy Implementation Report(BSIR)must be submitted through the Department of Homeland Security on- line Grant Reporting Tool every July and Janua . DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 20 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � Hazard Identification. Risk Assessment and Impact Analvsis Activities and deliverables within the hazard identification, risk assessment, and impact analysis functional area should address a comprehensive assessment and identification of risks, including potential natural and human-caused events, and the potential impact of those hazards. These identification and analysis activities, including current efforts to better identify risks to critical infrastructures, should then feed into the planning process. Activities Defi�rerable Performance Measures Deadline Revise City HIVA to include HIVA revised. Revised HIVA will provide a 9/1/2009 elevated risk of flooding due to better understanding of flood dam problem on the Green River. risks in the Green River flood lain. Hazard Mitigation Activities and deliverables within the hazard mitigation functional area require that the program create and implement a strategy to lessen the impacts of disasters. The strategy must take into account results of hazard identification and risk assessments, analysis of impacts of each hazard, and experiences in the jurisdiction, and must prioritize mitigation projects based on loss reduction. Ac#ivi#ies i psliuerable Perfc�rm�nce Measures ' ' �eadline Update the Hazard Mitigation Plan updated. Updated plan will provide better 9/1/2009 Plan. guidance for city mitigation ro'ects. Complete a seismic assessment Prioritized list of non-structural As money becomes available, 12/31/2009 of all City facilities to identify non- seismic mitigation projects. mitigation projects can be structural miti ation ro'ects. im lemented more uickl . Loqistics and Facilities Activities and deliverables within the logistics and facilities functional area should address facilities and a logistical framework capable of supporting response and recovery operations. This includes the requirement for emergency operations primary and alternate facilities that are established,equipped, periodically tested, and maintained. Activities : k�el�verabte .' P�rfc�rmance M�asures ' t7eadline Establish a new backup EOC EOC backup location identified and Alternate EOC location is 3/1/2010 location. outfitted with necessary supplies and relocated out of the Green River informational references necessary flood plain providing more to function as a backup EOC. reliable backup for the primary EOC location. Ooerations and Procedures Activities and deliverables within the operations and procedures functional area should address standard operating procedures, checklists, and other instructions to execute the emergency operations plan and other plans. Procedures should relate to hazards previously identified by the jurisdiction. Acfivitiss . ' Deliuecable : [��rform�nce Measures Deadline . . _. Review and revise EOC position Checklists revised. EOC staff will be better able to 3/1/2010 checklists. follow written guidance in car in out their osition duties. Traininp Activities and deliverables within the training functional area require that the program maintain a documented training program for emergency management/response personnel and public officials, including that emergency personnel receive training on the incident management system of the jurisdiction. Ac#ivities C3eliverable�°' '�; :;Perfdrrnance Measures ' Deadline ' Provide Emergency Management At least eight city staff attend at least Emergency Management 12/31/2009 training for City personnel with one Emergency Management knowledge and skills increased Emergency Management Conference or special training for individuals responsible for responsibilities. related to EM. Emergency Management activities. DHS-EMPG-FFY 09 Page 21 of 21 City of Renton EMD E09-272 � � � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUD6ET BY INCREASING FUND 000 BY $74,696 FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUPPLEMENTAL FUNDING TO SUPPORT THE CITY'S EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Appropriation in the General Governmental Fund is hereby increased as follows: Fund 2009 Original Budget 2009 Adjusted Budget Increase Budget REVENUES Revenue—000 General Fund $35,000 $74,696 $109,696.00 000.000000.000.3 33 0.0083.50.000006 TOTALS $74,696 SECTION II. Funds for this line item are hereby added to the 2009 Budget. SECTION III. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval and five (5j days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2009. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor 1 �..� ORDINANCE N0. ,,,r,,. Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.1575:7/27/09:scr 2 July 6, 2009 'w•r Renton City Council Minutes +�► Page 200 Planning: 2009 Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development (Development Regulations) Standards; and Chapter 11, Definitions,ofTitle IV(Development Regulations); Docket#D-12,Animal and Chapter 4,Animal Licenses, of Title V(Finance and Business Regulations), Regulation Modification of City Code,to amend the regulations regarding the keeping of animals and the definitions of"Animals, Domestic," "Animals, Domestic-Large Lot," "Animals, Domestic- Medium Lot," "Animals, Domestic-Small Lot," and "Pets, Household." MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/2009. CARRIED. Planning: 2009 Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, (Development Regulations) Chapter 2,Zoning Districts- Uses and Standards, Chapter 8, Permits-General Docket#D-14,Temporary and Appeals, and Chapter 9, Permits-Specific,of Title IV(Development Uses Regulations), of City Code,to amend the regulation of temporary uses and review processes. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/2009. CARRIED. Planning: 2009 Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and (Development Regulations) Overlay Districts; and Chapter 11, Definitions,of Title IV (Development Docket#D-21, Down Lighting Regulations), of City Code,to amend the regulations regarding pedestrian scale lighting and the definition of"Light Definitions." MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/2009. CARRIED. Planning: 2009 Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2, Zoning Districts- Uses and (Development Regulations) Standards; Chapter 4,City-Wide Property Development Standards; Chapter 8, Docket#D-23, Detached Permits- General and Appeals; and Chapter 9, Permits-Specific, of Title IV Accessory Dwelling Units (Development Regulations), of City Code,to amend the regulations regarding detached accessory dwelling units. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7 13 2009. CARRIED. Planning: 2009 Title IV An ordinance was read amending Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) (Development Regulations), of City Code,to amend the regulations regarding Docket D-24, Bulk& Density Bulk Standards and Density Calculations by revising the definitions of"Building Standards & Definitions Height" and "Density, Net" and adding definitions for"Grade, Existing" and "Grade Plane." MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/13/2009. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5464 An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget as adopted by Ordinance Budget: 2009 Amendments No. 5423, and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos.5441, 5451, and 5455, '�' which decreases the 2009 Budget by$7,611,289 resulting in a total amended budget of$281,265,058. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5465 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer SAD: Central Plateau service for properties adjacent to and/or benefitting from the Central Plateau Interceptor Phase II Interceptor Phase II and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. �, � � �� i . '.. �. *� '� Amends ORDs : 5423 , 5441 5451 , 5455 , CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5464 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCES 5441, 5451, AND 5455, BY AMENDING THE TOTAL APPROPRIATION BY THE LOWER AMOUNT OF $7,611,289 FOR AN AMENDED TOTAL APPROPRIATION OF $281,265,058. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5423 approving the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5441 adding the City Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5451 appropriating funds in the Golf Course Fund for certain expenses related to securing water rights at the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, on April 20, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5455, carrying forward funds to complete projected/programs authorized and funded in 2008, but not yet completed; and WHEREAS, economic conditions require the City to modify its revenue projections and the appropriations for 2009; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: 1 � � , ORDINANCE NO. 5464 5ECTION I. Ordinances 5423, 5441, 5451, and 5455 establishing the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget are hereby amended in the lower amount of $7,6ll,289 for an amended total appropriation of$281,265,058. SECTION II. A summary budget adjustment by fund is hereby attached as Attachment A. A detailed list of adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this 6th day of July , 2009. 1 �• (.1/G��.t-4�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 6th day of Julv , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: �.�..�.��%��f�.�� Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 7/10/2009 (summary) ORD:1558:6/9/09:scr 2 ORDINANCE NO. 5464 . Attachment A: Mid-Year Budget Amendment BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE IXPENDITURES END FUND BALANCE 2009 Budgated 2009 Budget 2009 Adjusted 2009 Budgeted 2009 Budget 2009 Adjusted 2009 Budgeted 2009 Budget 2009 Adjusted Ending Fund Required Available Fund Fund/ Beg Fund Bal Changes Fund Bal Revenue Changes Revenue Expendkure Changes 6cpenditure Balance Reserves Balanee 000"GBJ62H� 5,700,507 5,700,507 70;527,270 (3,341,347) 67;185,923' 72,012;259 (2,738;944) 89,273,315 3',613;115 3�613,115 001 GOMMUNfTY SERVICES 2,346,619 2,346,619 13,949,082 91,340 14,040,422 14,021,385 (26,859) 13,994,526 2,392,515 2,392,515 003 S1R�TS 1,896,458 1,896;458 9,051;809 (258.000) 8,793,809 9;077,028 (t74;799) 8;902,229 ' 1.788,038 1,788,038 004 CONWIJNfTY DEV�ORvfNiBLOCKGRAIYT (18,496) (18,496) 357,935 - 357,935 357,935 (2,014) 355,921� (16,482) (16,482) 005 MUSHXvI �� � �. � � � � - �- � � ��151;124 - 151.124"�' 151.124 (t-:499j � �t49.625'�. ' ��t.499 . � . ...1,499 006 LIBR4RY 1�,078,408 1,078,408 2,148,018 50,000 2,198,018 2,146,018 (20,057) 2,127,961 1,148,465 1,148465 007�PARKINGGARAGE�NY+MffBJANCE � � . - _ � - . . � . . . .. . . . . . � - �, . � . - 009 FARA�tS M4RKET 52,147 52,147 35,280 - 35,280 35,280 - 35,280 52,147 52,147 Ot0 FIREAND Bv62GBdCY-SVC NBNORWL � 57,062 57;062 � � 15,000 - � � 15,000''� t5;000�� � 57,062� 72,062'.�. - ' � � � � - 011 FIREANDEM62GQJCYSVCHEALTH&WElLNESS 34,153 34,153 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 34,153 59,153 - 031 PnRKMB410RWL 173,452 173,452 - - - - 173;452 173,452 201 1997LIMGOBONDS-CfTYHALL 1,968 1,968 1,980,440 (1,500,000) 480,440 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 (1,498,032) (1,498,032) 207�1978 CIMGOBONDS-SR��C7R� � - - - �� � - � - - - - � � �- ���. � . 215 GBJB4AL GOV E}2NNIBJT MISC DEBT SVC 494,283 494,283 2,609,941 (365,000) 2,244,941 2,609,941 (323 000) 2,286,941 452,283 4< Total�General�Govemmental�Funds � 1�7�,816�,661� � - 11�,81�6;b61� � 1'40,8b0,899 (6,323,007) 96,627,892'��� 102;433,410�� �(3,196;887) 99,237,463�.����� 8,107'�,000 � ' � � 8,107�,u00 107ARTBtt4LSTR�TS 372,730 372,730 638,575 - 638,575 750;000 - 750,000 261,305 261,305 108 LEASmCfTY PROP6ZTIES 1,252,056 1,252,058 1,244,322 - 1,244,322 1,882,837 (1,609) 1,887,228 615,152 615,152 1 t0 SaECwI ri07a-M07a TaX 250,746 250,74& 340,400 - 340,400 326,000 - 326,000 265,146 265,146 118 CUM2755(PATNSlfRAILS) 3,243 3,243 - - - - - - 3,243 3,243 125 ONEP62C�FOR�ART �121,678� 121�,678� ' ' . - ' - 121:678 � T2�1�,678 127 CABLECOMvXJNICATIONSDEVE10Pfv8JT 112,368 112,368 65,674 - 85,674 85,674 - 85,674 112,368 112,368 1'35 SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS�BA�NK 8�,502 .8;502 1�0�;500 - 10,500%� - - - 19��;002 . 19�;002 219 1989 UNLIM GO BONDS-SR FiOUSING 496,119 496,119 5,100 - 5,100 523,230 - 523,230 (22,011) (22,011) 303 CANT�JNfI'1'S62VICESNAPACTNttT'IG�ATION 1,670,013 1,670,013- 300;000 - 300,000��� � - - - 1,970;013 �� 1,970,013� 304 FIRE IMPACT MlTIGATION 2,375,767 2,375,767 300,000 - 300,000 � 300,000 - 300,000 2,375,767 2,375,767 305 TRANSRORTA770N�MAPACTMTIGATION 3,332,474 3,332,474� 400,000 - 400,000�� 3,000�;000 -. 3;000�,000��� 732,474 ,' 732,474 316 MUNICIPAL FACIIffIES CP 12,375,315 12.375,315 9,912,601 (5,750,000) 4,162,601 20,787,916 (4,850,000) 15,937,916 600,000 60Q000 317'��G�.PfTAI NuPROVB�B+li� 2,976,78�5 2,976,785 26,002,547 � - 26,002,54T��' 28,535,997 - 28�,535,997�� 443,335 �� 443,335 318 SOUTHLAKEWAINFR4S7RUCTUREPROJECT (999,477) (999,477) 14,744,767 - 14,744,767 � 13,693,912 - 13,693,912 51,378 51,378 326 FiOUSUJG OPPOR7lJNf7'1` �200,325 200,325 - - � - - - 200,325 �, 200;325 402 AIRPORTOPH�.4TiONS 583,924 583,924 1,209,511 - 1,209,51�1 1,53Q379 (7,111) 1,523,268 270,167 270,167 403 SOLID'Wa.STEU11LfTY 651,755 651;755 15,123,236 - 15,123,236 14,899;606 (7,408) 14;892,198 882,793 882;793 404 MUNICIPALGOLFCAURSESYSTEA 861,013 861,013 2,469,699 - 2,469,699 2,491,969 (12,566) 2,479,403 851,309 851,309 405 WATB2�OF�62ATIONS �5,104,276 5,104,276 10,01-Y;844 63,188 1�0,075,032"�� 12,599,780 (48,132) 12,551,648' ��� 2;627,660 (1,955`,020) 672�,640� 406 WASTEWATB�OPERaTIONS 2,941,862 2,941862 5,529,980 27,105 5,557,085 7,365,344 (21,061) 7,344,283 � 1,154,664 (838,706) 31 ^°8 407 SURFACEWa7B2OP9�ATIONS 3,246,177 3,246,177 5,595,500 16,084 5,611,584 7,904,801 (33,101} 7;871,700 986;061 (497;632) 4� 416 KING COUN'fY DAETRO (97,685) (97,685) 1 1,414,648 - 1 1,414,648 1 1,414,648 - 1 1,414,648 (97,685) (9 ',ud5) 422 AIRPORTCA�PfTACINPROVBv8JT 284;452 284;452� 4,54'1�,037 - 4,54t,037- �� 4;7d9;991 - 4��7A9�,991 � �75,498 75,498 424 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTBv1 CIP 257,677 257,677 154,080 - 154.080 331,398 - 331,398 80,359 80,359 425 WATH2CIP 2,132,262 2,132,262 4,971�,891 - 4,971�,851� 6,980,000 - 6,980;000� � 124;153 �� 124�,1"53 426 WASTEWATB�CIP 720,740 720,740 4,573,674 - 4,573,674 5,210,000 - 5,210,000 84,414 84,414 427 SURFACEWATH3CF� 734,304 734,304 4,821,017 - 4,821pf7 5;530,000 - 5,530;000 25,321 25,321 461 WAT6�Vv�RKS BOND R6ERVE 106,377 106,377 - - - - 106,377 106,37� - - 471 WATES2WORKSRn7ES7A6�L¢AT10N 15,502 15,502 - - - - - 15,502 75,507 481 FUIlJRE W/S BOND PftOC�S 174,840 174,840 - - - 174,840 - 174,840 - - 501 EQUIHvBdiRB�frAL 2,366,730 2,366J30� 5,738,940 (13,816) 5,725;124� 4,149,169 (13,816) 4,135,353 � 3�,956,501 3,956;501 502 MlSUR4NCE 10,710,432 10,710,432 3,108,355 (4,633) 3,103,522 8,090,273 (4,833) 8,085,440 5,728,514 5,728,514 503 It�ORM4TKKJSB2VICES 1,530,937 1,530,937 4,297,069 (512,209) 3,784;860� 5;248,202 (512,209) 4,735,993�- � 579,804 579,804 504 FACILfT1ES - - 4305,262 (108,166) 4,197,096 4,305,262 (108,166) 4,197,096 - - 505 COMNIAJICATIONS - - - 1,100,�08 1,100;708� - 1.100,708 1,100.708 - � - 512 HEALTFi('AREINSURANCE 3,780,354 3,780,354 11,040,415 (2,249) 11,038,166 11,060,216 (2,249) 11,057,967 3,760,553 3,760,553 522 LEOFFI RET7Rff.SHEAL'iHCARE 1,874,147 1,874,147 2,040,686 (156) 2,040,530� 1,979,217 (156) 1,979,061 1,935,616 1,935,616 611 FIRBvBJS PETISION 4,265,991 4,265,991 290,000 - 290,000 542,276 - 542,276 4,013,715 4,013,715 TotatOtherFunds 66,794,713 0 6s,794,713 166,221,330 (6,184,3a4) �60,036,986 186,442,937 (4,416,332) 182,027,606 34,804,094 (3,291,358} 31,612,736 TOTALALLFUNDS 78,671,274 0 78,611,274 266,072,229 (10,607,361) 246,664,878� 288,876,347 (7,611,289) 281,265,068 42,911,094 (3,291,3b8) 39�,619,736 3 lune 22, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes '""` Page 187 AJLS: Create Communications Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Division concurrence with the staff recommendation to create a consolidated Communications Division within the AJS Department, relocate the following positions and responsibilities to the Communications Division, and move the respective budget and staff resources to the new Division as part of the 2009 budget. The positions include: • Communication Specialist II from Mayor's Office • Communications Specialist I and Communications Specialist II from Fire and Emergency Services Department • Desktop Publisher from Community Services • Form &Graphic Technician from Finance and Information Services • Print Shop Operations including Print& Mail Coordinator and Print Operator • Transition the function of video production and management of Channel 21 programming and associated resources from the City Clerk Division to the new Communications Division There is no additional funding needed. The budget transfer for the actual remaining 2009 budget will be included as part of the mid-year budget adjustment ordinance. The Committee further requested that the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 7/6/2009 for second and final reading: Budget: 2009 Amendments An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. 5423, and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos. 5441, 5451, and 5455, which decreases the 2009 Budget by$7,611,289 resulting in a total amended budget of$281,265,058. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7 6 2009. CARRIED. SAD: Central Plateau An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer Interceptor Phase II service for properties adjacent to and/or benefitting from the Central Plateau Interceptor Phase II and establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY ZWICKER,SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7 6 2009. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Taylor announced that the Renton Rotary and Salvation Army Community Event: Renton Food Bank will be conducting their annual fundraising event on Tuesday,lune Rotary&Salvation Army Food 30, 2009 at 5:30 p.m.at the IKEA Performing Arts Center. He stated that a Bank Fundraising Event screening of"Where God Left His Shoes," a movie that focuses on homelessness,will be aired. He noted that although the movie is free, donations and food contributions are expected. Community Event: Benefit Councilmember Palmer announced that the EriAm Sisters will be performing a Concert for Communities In benefit concert for Communities in Schools of Renton (CISR) on Friday,June 26, Schools of Renton 2009 at 7 p.m. at the IKEA Performing Arts Center. She encouraged everyone interested in supporting CISR to attend. �O/C� ,C�L'�`,-�:�,1 ;�-..�� STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICEITION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton Re orter SPECIAL 2010 BUDGET p PROCESS WORKSHOP NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the RenCon Ciry Council has set a special meeting(workshop) a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of co he nei�on wtanesaay,May 20, general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months aoo9,at 2:00 p.m.in the 7th Floor � rior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to, ublished in Conferencin�Center,Renron City ]� p p HaII,1055 S.Grady Way,Renton, the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King wA 9sos�, to consider the 2010 County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as B�agec Pro�es�. Council work sessions are open a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of to�he pubi��;however,no public Washington for King County. �omme�c will be taken. For The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues informationregardingcompliance with the American Disabilities of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was A�t, and �ncerP�ec��e sery��es re ularl distributed to its subscribers durin the below stated eriod. for �he hearing ��„Pa�rea, Pieasz g Y g P contact the City Clerk Office at The annexed notice, a: 4?s-a�absio. Public Notice C6y ClerkWalton Published in the Renton Reporter on May I5,2009.#223518. was published on May 15, 2009. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is � the sum of $66.50. ����� ��� � � nA�SFG�fi�� P�� �� ,�.� , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, � inda M. Mills t` _:�,�oN Ex''%�, i�, Renton Re orter `==� ° ���'" ��; % Legal Advertising Representative, p :o = � � Subs ibed and sworn to me this 15th day of 1lilay, 200R. =� - ° "� = z � 2� /G��� % �,�:,, �t;ag �_ �_ � �. �� � 7 ,. C� � athy D seg, Notary Pu ic for the State of Washington, Residing �����iy�F OF � �PS���' in Covington,Washington ����ii��t`W��,����� P. O. Number: � June 22, 2009 '`"' Renton City Councif Minutes ``"'` Page 186 #D-21: Down Lighting Amend the regulations to require the use of downlighting for pedestrian and vehicular movement in the Design Districts. Lights used for things such as flags, airport signals, artwork, etc. are exempt from the requirement. Also,other decorative alternative lighting may be approved upon review and Administrative approval. #D-23: ADU's Allow detached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU's) in the following residential zones: Resource Conservation (RC), Residential One Dwelling Unit per Acre (R-1), Residential Four Dwelling Units per Acre (R-4), Residential Eight Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), Residential Ten Dwelling Units per Acre (R-10), and Residential Fourteen Dwelling Units per Acre (R-14) zones. Also,to establish development standards for detached Accessory Dwelling Units. Standards are to include items such as: allow ADU's only as accessory to detached single-family dwellings, limit the number of ADU"s allowed per year to 50, require either the primary home or the ADU to be owner occupied, and building standards (side setbacks, height, etc.)will be the same as the primary dwellings. #D-24: Bulk Standards and Definitions Amend regulations so that building height is measured from finished grade, consistent with International Building Code (IBC). Also, revise the definition of Net Density to exempt trails from the calculations and exempt man-made slopes when reviewed and approved Administratively. The Committee further recommended that the ordinances regarding these matters be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CED: Sunset Area Community Planning and Development Committee Chair Parker presented a report Investment Strategy, Mithun recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the agreement with Mithun not to exceed $65,000 to provide consulting services for development of a Community Investment Strategy for the Sunset Area of the Renton Highlands. The Committee further recommended that the Mavor and Citv Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval Finance:Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 284125 -284298 and one wire transfer totaling $2,332,651.64; and approval of 259 Payroll Vouchers,one wire transfer,and 823 direct deposits totaling$2,736,029.74. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Budget: 2009 Amendments Finance Committee Chair Persson recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of-$7,611,289 with the total amended budget to be $281,265,058. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITfEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 187 for ordinance.) � ,,,,,,,, ... APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE Date �',2 a-ap69 COMMITTEE REPORT June 22,2009 2009 Mid-Year Budget Amendment Ordinance June 15, 2009 The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of-$7;611,289 with the total amended budget to be$281,265,058. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. _� :�� ��� �� Don Persson, Chair ��� � _._ �reg" aY � , �i�e Chair � � King Parker, Memb r C: Iwen Wang h:\committee info\reports�finance�2009�2009 mid-yeaz bgt committee repoR.doc Apri127, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes � Page 121 1. That the City Council finds that the Hearing Examiner did not make any error of fact or law in affirnung the denial of the variance. 2. That the City Council adopt all the Findings and Conclusions set forth in the Hearing Examiner's Report dated 2/24/2009. 3. That the City Council affirms the decision made by the Hearing Examiner to deny the variance. Councilmember Parker explained that the City has development standards that need to be adhered to,and what the appellants were proposing would not work. He emphasized that City officials and staff are sensitive to citizen requests, however, decisions that are made must meet City regulations and be in the best interests for the community. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT oward McOmber(Renton) suggested that the City perform the following two Citizen Comment: McOmber- proposals as an effort to increase communications with the public: 1)conduct a Townhall Meeting Event in townhall meeting event in the Renton Highlands to allow citizens an opportunity Renton Highlands&2009 to express concerns and opinions with City officials, and 2)publish a paper Budget _ outlining the recent measures that the City has taken as an effort to minimize costs and operate within a reduced budget without raising taxes. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council Meeting minutes of 4/20/2009. Council concur. 4/20/2009 Police: Memorandum of Administrative, Judicial, and Legal Services Department recommended approval Understanding, Edward Byrne of a Memorandum of Understanding with 19 participating jurisdictions, which Memorial Justice Assistance outlines their responsibilities related to the 2009 Recovery Act: Edward Byrne Grant Memorial Justice Assistance Grant(JAG)program. Council concur. City Clerk: Quarterly Contract City Clerk submitted quarterly contract list for period of 1/1/2009 through List, 1/1/2009 to 3/31/2009 3/31/2009 and expiration report for agreements expiring 4/1/2009 to 9/30/2009. Information. Annexation: Shamrock, Community and Economic Development Department recommended a public NE l Oth St&Jericho Pl NE hearing be set on 5/18/2009 to consider the proposed Shamrock Annexation and R-4 zoning of approximately 124 acres located generally south of NE l Oth St. and east of Jericho Pl.NE. Council concur. Fire: 2009 Storm Event,WA Fire and Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an State Military Department agreement with the Washington State Military Department far a public Grant assistance grant to receive up to 75 percent of the eligible non-insurance covered damages sustained by the City during the January 2009 storm event. Estimated eligible expenses are in excess of$4.8 million. Council concur. Lease: Addendum#2, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an addendum to AirO Inc, LAG-03-002 aiiport lease LAG-03-002, with AirO, Inc.,to defer rent payments and late fees to 8/15/2009 in exchange for a significant penalty and collateral. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. Utility: City 196 Zone Water Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Reservoir Evaluation, RW $69,043.35 with R.W. Beck for consultant services for evaluation of a site for a Beck future City 196 zone water reservoir in the Black River quarry area. Council concur. � `�' Amends ORD 5423 5441 , 5451 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5455 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCES 5441 AND 5451. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5423 approving the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5441 adding the City Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5451 appropriating funds in the Golf Course Fund for certain expenses related to securing water rights at the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, funds appropriated in 2008, but not expended in 2008 due to project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, need to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2009; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinances 5423, 5441, and 5451 establishing the City of Renton's � 2009 Annual Budget is hereby amended in the total amount of$37,203,924. SECTION II. A summary budget adjustmen� by fund is hereby attached as Attachment A. Detailed list of adjustments are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. 1 . , � � ORDINANCE NO. 5455 SECTION IIL This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 20th day of April , 2009. ��t-,c�.c.�; � �G�� � Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 20th day of April , 2009. i Denis Law, Mayor Approve s to form: � �" ����-*-�-_ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 4/24/2009 (Summary) ORD:1544:3/31/09:scr 2 ORDINANCE NO. ' Attachment A: 2009 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund BEqNNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE EXPENDITURES END FUND BALANCE Bud eted Aetual Be Carry Ado ed Car Ad'usted Ado ed Carr Ad'usted Ado ted Chan e In Re uired Available Fund � 9 9 P< <Y 1 P� Y 1 P 9 9 Fund NoJName Begin�ing FB Fund Bal Forward Adj Revenue Forward Adj Revenue 6cpenditure Forward Adj Eupenditure Ending FS EFB Reserves Balance 000 GENERPL 7,451,347 5,700,507 (1,750,840) 70,616488 127,682 70,744,�70 71,318,314 693,945 72,012,259 6,749,521 (2,317,103) 4,432,418 001 COMMUNITYSERVICES 1,114,069 2.346,619 1,232,550 13,949,082 - 13,949,082 13,949,082 72,303 14,021,385 'i,'114,069 '1,160,247 2,274,316 003 STREETS 1,549,034 1,896,458 347,424 9,051,809 - 9,051,809 9,051,809 25,219 9,077.028 1,549,034 322,205 1,871�,239 004 COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRAN (66,792) (18 496) 48,296 294,596 63,339 357,935 294,596 63,339 357,935 (66,792) 48,296 (18,496) 005 MUSEUM - - - 151,124 - 151,124 151,124 - 151,124 - - - 006 LIBRPRY 267,028 '1,078,408 811,380 2,138,268 9,750 2,148,018 2,138,268 9,750 2,148,0�8 267028 811,380 1,078,408 009 FARMERS MN�KET 46,492 52,147 5,655 35.280 - 35,280 35,280 - 35,280 46,492 5,655 52,147 010 FIRE AND EMERGENCYSVC MEMORIAL 10,081 57,062 46,981 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 10,081 46,981 57,062 091 FIRE AND EMERGENCY S�HEPLTH&WE 16,783 34,153 17,370 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25 000 16,783 17,370 34,153 031 PARK MEMORIPL . 170;300 � 173,452 3;t52 - - - - - 170,300 3,152 173,452 201 1997LIMGOBONDS-CITYHALI 23506 1,968 (21.538) 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 1980440 - 1,980,440 23,506 (21,538) 1,968 215 GENERPL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC 556,782 494,283 (62,499) 2,609,941 - 2,609,941 2,609,941 - 2,609,941 556,782 (62,499) 494,283 Total General Governmental Funds 11,138,630 11,816,661 677,931 100,867,028 200,771 101,067,799 101,b68,863 864,666 102,433,409 10,436,806 14,146 - 10,460,961 102 ARIERIAL STREETS 316,068 372,730 56,662 638,575 - 638,575 750.000 - 750,000 204,643 56,662 261,305 � 108 LEASEDCITYPROPERTIES 529,744 1.252058 722,314 1,244322 - 1,244322 1,244,322 638,515� 1,882.837 529,744 83,799 613,543 � 110 SPECIALHOTEL-MOTELTAX 272,601 250,746 (21,855) 340,400 - 340,400 � 295,000 31,000 326,000 318,001 (52,855) 265,146 118 CUM2755(PATHS/TRAILS) 3,183 3,243 60 - - - - - - 3,183 60 3,243 125 ONEPERCENTFORART 57;164 121,678 64,514 - - - - - - 57,164 64,514 121,678 � 127 GABLECOMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 13,174 112,368 99,'194 85,674 - 85,674 85,674 - 85,674 13,'174 99,194 112,368 z1 735 SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS BANK - � 8;502 8,502 10,500 - 10,500 - - 10,500 8,502 19,002 d H 219 1 989 UNLIM GO BONDS-SR HOUSING 607,839 496,119 (111,720) 5,100 - 5,100 523,230 - 523,230 89,709 (111,720) (22,011) rZ 303 COMMUNITYSERVICES IMPACTMITIGATIOP 1,612,975 1;670,013 57,038 300,000 - 300,000 - - - 1.912,975 5�,038 1,970,013 �'/ 304 FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION 2,556.013 2,375,767 (180,246) 300,000 - 300,000 300,000 - 300,000 2,556,013 (�80,246) 2,375,767 7"' 305 TRANSPORTATION IMPACTMITIGATION 3,791.711 3,332,474 140,763 900,000 (500,000) 400,Q00 � 900,000 2,100,000 3,000,000 3,191,711 (2,459,237) 732,474 � � 316 MUNICIPALFAC�LITIESCIP 1,578,845 12,375,315 10,796,470 8,621,329 1,291,272 9,912,601 8,700.174 12,087742 20,787,916 1,500,000 (0) 1,500,000 (0) z 3�7 CAPITALIMPROVEMENT 282;933 2,976;785 2.693,852 22,616,348 3,356,199 26,002,547 22,675,579 5,860,418 28,535,997 223,702 219,633 443,335 O 318 SOUTH LAKE WAINFRASTRUCTURE PROJ 51,625 (999,477) (1,051.102) 12.500.000 2,244,767 14,744,767 12 500,000 1,193,9'12 13,693,912 51,625 (247) 51,378 326 Housi�g Opportunity - 200;325 200,325 - - - - - - - 200;325 200.325 � 402 AIRPORTOPERATIONS 379,684 583,924 204,240 1,209,511 - '1,209,511 1,530,379 - '1,530,379 58,816 204,240 263,056 I� 403 SOLID WASTE UTILITY 346,349 651;755 305,406 15,123,236 - 15,123,236 14,899,606 - 14,899,606 569,979 305,406 875,385 (n 404 MUNICIPALGOLFCOURSESYSTEM 961,591 861,013 (100,578) 2,469,699 - 2,469,699 2,49'1,969� - 2,491,969 939321 (100,578) 838,743 405 WATER OPERATIONS 4,139,186 5,104,276 965,090 10,011,844 - 10,011,844 12,558,870 40,910 12,599,780 1.592,160 924,180 1,955p20 561,320 406 WASTEWATEROPERATIONS 2,'145,158 2,941862 796,704 5,529,980 - 5,529,980 5,304,273 2,06'1,07'I 7,365,344 2,370,865 (1,264,367) 838,706 267,792 407 SURFFuCE WATER OPERATIONS 2,345,200 3,246 177 900,977 5,595,500 - 5.595,500 5,138,478 2,766,323 7,904,801 2,802,222 (1,865,346) 497,632 439,244 416 KINGCOUNTYMETRO (311,143) (97,685) 213,458 11,414,648 - 11414,648 114�4,648 - 11,414,648 (311,143) 213,458 (97,685)� 422 AIRPORTCAPITALIMPROVEMENT (59,421) 284,452 343,873 2,867,421 1,673,616 4,541,037 2,808,000 1,941,991 4,749991 - 75,498 75,498 424 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM CIP 55,163 257 677 202,514 154,080 - 154,080 �50,000 181.398 331,398 59,243 21,116 80 359 425 WATERCIP 351,231 2,132,262 1,781,031 4886,219 85,672 4,971891 5,000,000 1980.000 6,980000 237,450 (113,297) 124,153 426 WASTEWATERCIP 1,136,613 720,740 (415,873) 2461,899 2,1�1,775 4,573,674 3,375,000 1,835,000 5,210,000 223,512 (139,098) 84,414 427 SURFMEWATERCIP 802,578 734,304 (68,274) 1,615765 3,205,252 4,82�,017 3,850,000 1680000 5.530,000 (1,431,657) 1,456,978 25,321 461 WATERWORKS BOND RESERVE - 106,377 106,377 - - - - - - - 106,377 106,377 - 471 WATERWORKS RATE STABILIZATION 90,320 15,502 (74,81 S) - - - - - - 90,320 (74,818) 15,502 - 48� W/SBONDPROCEEDS 4632 174,840 �70,208 - - - - 174,840 174,840 4,632 (4,632) - - 501 EQUIPMENTRENTPL 2,139,472 2,366,730 227,258 5,717,000 2�,940 5,738,940 3,597,985 551,184 4,149,169 4,258,487 (301,986) 3,956,501 502 INSURPNCE 9.981919 10,710,432 728.5'i3 3,108,355 - 3,108,355 8,090,273 - 8,090273 5,000,001 728,5�3 5.728,514 503 INFORMATIONSERVICES 378 1,530,937 '1,530,559 4,287,3�9 9,750 4,297,069 4,287,316 960,886 5,248,202 381 579,423 579,804 504 FAG�ITIES - - - 4.051,084 254,178 4,305,262 405'1,084 254,178 4,305,262 - - - 512 HEPLTHCPREINSURPNCE 2986,268 3,780,354 794,086 110404�5 - 11,040,415 1�,060,2�6 - 1'1,060,216 2,966,467 794,086 3,760,553 522 LEOFFIRETIREESHEALTHCARE �,322821 1,874,147 55'1,326 2,040,686 - 2,040,686 1,979.217 - 1,979217 1,384290 551,326 1,935,616 611 FIREMENS PENSION 4 386,425 4,265,991 (120,434) 290,000 - 290,000 542 276 - 542,276 4,134,149 (120,434) 4,013,715 Total Othe�Funds 44,278,299 66,794,713 22,616,4�4 14�,436,909 �3,784,42� �66,22�,330 160,103,669 36,339,368 �86,442,938 36,6�1,639 (38,634) 4,9�3,237 30,669,868 TOT`ALALLFUNDS 66,4�6,929 78,611,274 23,194,346 242,303,937 13,986,192 266,289,'129 261,672,423 37,203,924 288,876,347 46,048,443 (24,387) 4,913,237 41,110,819 � Apri120, 2009 ,,4r, Renton City Council Minutes ,,�,,,.. Page 114 UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Community Services concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Kathleen Booher(an unexpired Committee term expiring 12/31/2009;position previously held by Jennifer Knickerbocker) Appointment: Advisory to the Advisory Commission on Diversity. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED Corrunission on Diversity BY PALMER, COLTNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 282367 -282657 and two wire transfers totaling$2,115,535.91; and approval of 110 Payroll Vouchers,zero wire transfers, and 807 direct deposits totaling$1,581,498.73. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4004 A resolution was read authorizing the Mavor and City Clerk to enter into a Fire: 2009 Basic Life Support contract with King County regarding funding for basic life support services for Services, King County the Renton Fire and Emergency Services Department for 2009 - 2013. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/27/2009 for second and final reading: Annexation: Mackay, An ardinance was read annexing approximately 7.4 acres of property generally 148th Ave SE&NE 26th St located west of 148th Ave. SE, south of NE 26th St., east of Lyons Ave.NE, and north of SE 102nd St.; Mackay Annexation. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/27/2009. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5455 An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. Finance: Carry Forward �, 5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos. 5441 and 5451 in the total Ordinance ZO� � amount$37,203,924 to carry forward to 2009 funds appropriated in 2008, but not expended in 2008. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL REFER THE Streets: Potential Closure of SUBJECT OF A POTENTIAL CLOSURE OF BENSON RD. S. TO THE Benson Rd S TRANSPORTATION�VIATION)COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Council President Corman announced that a public hearing regarding the potential closure of Benson Rd. S. will be held at the regular Council meeting of May 11, 2009. Public Safety: Photo MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCII.REFER THE Enforcement Program LETTER FROM THE RENTON POLICE OFFICERS GUILD REGARDING Revenue THE USE OF REVENUE FROM THE TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT CAMERAS PROGRAM TO THE ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Human Resources: Liability MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE Claims Report LIABII,ITY CLAIMS REPORT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. April 13, 2009 „r,, Renton City Council Minutes ,�,,,, Page 107 Finance Committee Finance Comrnittee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Finance: 2009 Carry Forward concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an increase in the 2009 Ordinance Budget appropriations in the amount of$37,203,924 by carrying forward fund balance of$23,194,345 from 2008 for projects that were not completed in 2008, but are anticipated to be completed in 2009. Additional grant and other revenue in the amount of$13,921,677 are also anticipated to provide for a portion of these expenditures. The combined resources from fund balance and revenue to carry forward are$37,179,537. The Committee further recommended that the related ordinance be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ardinance.) Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council adopt an Development Services: ordinance to amend the Renton Municipal Code Title IX, Chapter 10, Street Contractor Liability for Street Excavations,to specify the requirement for liability insurance as a permit Repairs/Maintenance condition, and to extend the duration of maintenance bonds from one year to two years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared for first reading. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 4/20/2009 for second and final reading: Finance: 2009 Carry Forward An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. Ordinance 5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos. 5441 and 5451. MOVED BY �0�� ,f^o.�' PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ������ ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/20/2009. CAR.RIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5454 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district far sanitary sewer SAD: Earlington Sanitary service for properties adjacent to the Earlington Sanitary Sewer Interceptor and Sewer Interceptar establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Law welcomed the boy scouts who were in attendance. Boy Scout Community Event: Boy Scout Spencer McCarty introduced the troop as Boy Scout Troop 498 from the Troop 498 Attendance Issaquah School District. Council: Firefighter Training Councilmember Zwicker announced that he and Chief Administrative Officer Operations Covington attended firefighter training in Richland,Washington where they tested their skills through a battery of fire simulations, ladder climbs, and extrication operations. Community Event: 7th Annual Councilmember Palmer invited the community to attend the 7th Annual Piazza Piazza Spring Festival&4th Spring Festival and the 4th Annual Downtown Renton Poker Run occurring on Annual Downtown Poker Run Saturday, April 18 in downtown Renton. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:21 p.m. x�"��`yl�N�� �G GUGZ�� Bonnie L Walton, CMC, City Clerk Jason A. Seth,Recorder April 13, 2009 Afpril 13, 2009 ,,�,,,, Renton City Council Minutes ,,,,,,,, Page 107 Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Finance: 2009 Carry Forward concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an increase in the 2009 Ordinance Budget appropriations in the amount of$37,203,924 by carrying forward fund ,�nOC� � balance of$23,194,345 from 2008 for projects that were not completed in 2008, V' �� but are anticipated to be completed in 2009. Additional grant and other revenue in the amount of$13,921,677 are also anticipated to provide for a portion of these expenditures. The combined resources from fund balance and revenue to carry forward are$37,179,537. The Committee further recommended that the related ordinance be presented far first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCII,CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page far ordinance.) Transportation(Aviation) Transportation(Aviation)Committee Chair Palmer presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council adopt an Development Services: ordinance to amend the Renton Municipal Code Title IX, Chapter 10, Street Contractor Liability for Street Excavations,to specify the requirement for liability insurance as a permit Repairs/Maintenance condition, and to extend the duration of maintenance bonds from one year to two years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be prepared for first reading. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 4/20/2009 for second and final reading: Finance: 2009 Carry Forward An ardinance was read amending the 2009 Budget as adopted by Ordinance No. Ordinance 5423 and thereafter amended by Ordinance Nos. 5441 and 5451. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FiNAL READING ON 4/20/2009. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5454 An ordinance was read establishing an assessment district for sanitary sewer SAD: Earlington Sanitary service for properties adjacent fo the Earlington Sanitary Sewer Interceptor and Sewer Interceptor establishing the amount of the charge upon connection to the facilities. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Mayor Law welcomed the boy scouts who were in attendance. Boy Scout Community Event: Boy Scout Spencer McCarty introduced the troop as Boy Scout Troop 498 from the Troop 498 Attendance Issaquah School District. Council: Firefighter Training Councilmember Zwicker announced that he and Chief Administrative Officer Operations Covington attended firefighter training in Richland,Washington where they tested their skills through a battery of fire simulations, ladder climbs, and extrication operations. Community Event: 7th Annual Councilmember Palmer invited the community to attend the 7th Annual Piazza Piazza Spring Festival&4th Spring Festival and the 4th Annual Downtown Renton Poker Run occurring on Annual Downtown Poker Run Saturday, April 18 in downtown Renton. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCII,ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:21 p.m. X����1�iy1,(,C,�� !,�/GZ��-� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Jason A. Seth,Recorder April 13, 2009 . � �rr.. �... APPaOVED BY CITY COUNCIL. Dat� `� 3 �� FINANCE COMMITTEE COMMiTTEE REPORT April 13, 2009 2009 Carryover Budget Amendment Ordinance Apri16, 2009 The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an increase in the 2009 Budget appropriations in the amount of$37,203,924 by carrying forward fund balance of$23,194,345 from 2008 for project that were not completed in 2008, but are anticipated to be completed in 2009. Additional grant and other revenue in the amount of $13,921,677 are also anticipated to provide for a portion of these expenditures. The combined resources from fund balance and revenue to carry forward are $37,179,537. The Committee recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. �.�..___� �� �r. � - t=i l�'�� � '`� �J�� ��.,e_.__,..... . . . . � Don Perss n, Chair . C � eg;'�'�ylor, � Chair r``�--�---� J `- ' King Parker, Member C: Iwen Wang � � � � oa `�: `w' ►�b �,�Y o� �INANCE AND INFQRMATION SERVICES � �= �- ♦ DEPARTMENT � �'�N�4� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: Api�l 6, 2009 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council CC: Denis Law, Mayor Administrators FROM: Iwen Wang, Administrator `� SUBJECT: February 2009 Financial Status Report Attached is the February 2009 Financial Status Report. 5ales tax for the month is foz- business activities tha� occurred in December 2008. Overalt the City's general gavernmental rev�nues are under projection by 4.2% with the help of additional revenue generated frozn the new Red-Light Photo Enforcement pz-o�;razxi. Without this progt�am's revenue, the ove�•all revenue coIlection is around 6.7% below budget projection. The City is currently anticipating a revenue shortfall between 4% - 6% or$4 to $6 million for 2009. To balance this revenue shortfall, the City administration has identified expenditure reductions of$2,5 million and is working with the labor unions to reduce labor costs by $1.2 million, and this will draw down $2 million from the projected $10.4 million (10%) of the General Fund Balance. The budget variances are based on the compaz-ison of actual year-to-date collections/ expenditures with the year-ta-date budget. In the past, we have used the revenuelspendin� pattern af immediate past 2-years as a base in developing the "year-to- date budget" amount. Due to the mid-year implementation of Benson Hill Annexation in 2008, some of the revenue and expenditure pattenns are substantially different for 2008 than it would be for 2009. Therefore we are using a combination of 2006 and 2007 trends, 2008 data; and a strai�ht-line (1/I2 per month} calculation where applicable to determine the year-to-date budget. Piease do not hesitate to contact me at x6$58 or Hai Nguyen at x6952 should you have any questions or any suggestions about the report. �Y O �1 � , '�� � � Mo�"�l'ily Financial Repo� February 2009 �'NT� �� ��: � • . . � . : . Beginning Fund Balance $ 12,613,461 $ 12,613,461 $ 13,300,854 $ 13,300,854 $ 11,138,630 $ 11,138,630 $ i1,81b,561 $ 677,931 6.1% OPERATING REVENUES Property Tax 23,476,384 895,754 29,050,790 566,588 30,903,043 484,560 372,932 (171,628) -35.4`%, Sales Tax 19,851,760 3,429,969 20,825,055 3,550,785 20,702,610 3,566,975 3,321,502 (245,473) -6.9% Sales Tax-Annexation Credit - - - - 2,900,000 400,000 392,007 (7,993) -2A`% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,445,095 249,491 1,755,469 275,168 1,750,000 286,872 311,656 24,784 8.6% Natural Gas Use Tax 272,822 92,60t 253,377 73,239 335,209 106,592 56,975 (49,61'� -46.5'% Admission Tax 279,768 52,541 197,740 46,705 606,420 144,153 57,767 (86,986) -60.3% Franchise Fees 838,932 221,921 998,288 240,795 ],095,276 275,852 259,992 (15,860) -57'% Electric Tax 3,858,030 760,603 4,580,037 786,179 5,007,323 917,592 1,029,605 ll1,713 122'% Gas Tax 1,451,902 418,586 7,565,810 381,260 1,745,651 462,771 595,888 133,118 28.5% Transfer Station 381,730 48,666 350,961 40,072 380,000 44,247 46,905 2,661 6A`% TV Cable 986,176 224,406 1,073,168 81,424 1,166,609 173,251 207,139 33,888 19b`% Phone/Telegraph/CellularPhone 2,537,465 425,388 2,780,196 439,69] 3,205,685 521,502 491,336 (30,16'� -5.8% City Utilities 1,976,900 172,471 2,606,786 359,268 2,939,046 340,926 471,659 130,733 38.3`% Leasehold Excise Tax 87,605 12,456 190,644 9,416 136,322 10,775 27,996 17,280 161.3`% GamblingExciseTax 2,175,495 511,671 2,757,029 401,109 2,467,544 519,864 398,744 (121,120) -23.3`% Real Estate Excise Tax 5,086,327 614,98t 2,800,103 382,887 3,000,000 379,587 300,624 (78,963) -20.8`% Less:Municipal Facilities CIP REET (2,644,220) (382,491) (450,103) (191,440) (1,000,000) (785,479) (174,406) 11,072 -6A"/., EMS Levy 428,727 - 890,998 85,744 850,990 55,290 - (55,290) -100D`% Penalties&Interest on Delinquent Tax 32,029 4,913 8,125 96,071 5,100 12,826 73 (12,753) -99.4%, Business License Fees 435,593 65,687 485,537 60,333 514,184 70,346 112,016 41,669 592`%, . Other Licenses and Permits 241,259 28,497 257,477 26,732 228,171 25,267 2i,803 2,536 l0A`% Building Permits 3,383,570 417,OS2 2,034,225 586,259 2,575,206 476,917 257,788 (219,129) -459`%� Intergovemmental(Grants,etc) 3,998,906 329,221 8,748,436 530,601 5,971,086 605,109 486,203 (118,906) -199`% General Covernment 96,592 38,261 176,950 38,772 247,153 69,534 27,854 (41,680) -59.9% PublicSafety 595,068 83,745 524,565 83,435 656,620 98,047 79,853 (i8,194) -18.6% Development Service Fees 7,743,521 200,679 903,768 140,012 7,092,700 140,609 87,734 (58,875) -41.9'% CultureandRecieation 1,6t7,975 134,776 1,675,818 149,044 1,674,495 143,855 138,397 (5,455) -3.8'% Interfund/Intecdept-Services 2,944,768 481,679 3,072,950 437,711 3,310,752 502,154 496,643 (5,517) -1.1"/., Fines and Forfeits 951,270 179,873 2,710,973 194,149 1,494,000 ]82,447 565,975 383,525 210.2`% Interests and Other Eamings 1,ll0,626 70,203 735,910 709,016 921,616 89,449 94,222 4,773 5.3`%, Rents,Leases and Concessions 654,786 149,983 676,919 767,382 716,580 763,852 175,950 12,095 7.4% Contributions and Donations 121,489 26,822 175,513 62,146 737,400 41,159 27,177 (13,982) -34A`% OtherMiscellaneous 99,679 20,757 91,070 45,581 i70,000 38,256 35,576 320 0.8'% Agency Type Deposits 72,848 - (31,840) 17,367 - - 96 96 OA%, Transfer-In 2,379,043 115,653 381,364 - 517,174 21,668 - (21,668) -100.0"/., Total OperaHng Revenues 82,939,098 10,096,070 93,687,106 10,560,894 100,867,028 11,187,065 10,718,082 (468,953) -4.2'% OPERATING EXPENDITURES Legislative 244,773 40,344 245,441 40,897 269,779 44,708 40,339 4,369 9.8%, City AHorney 1,371,376 220,966 1,667,225 279,208 1,696,096 279,737 163,451 116,286 41.6% City Clerk SSS,I10 82,683 604,844 103,952 732,322 ]05,132 95,898 9,234 8.8'% CourtServices 1,836,834 268,223 1,744,122 267,672 1,779,712 263,273 300,245 (36,972) -14.0% Executive 885,147 164,980 966,373 159,664 1,489,887 267,237 218,383 42,854 16.4%, Hearing Examiner 157,199 26,042 166,820 27,557 199,325 32,588 29,101 3,487 107% Community and Eco Dvlpmnt Admin - - -. - 271,786 45,295 46,111 (814) -1.S`% DevelopmentServices 3,858,816 620,077 4,178,096 652,710 3,844,101 640,684 630,788 9,895 1S`% Economic Development 1,350,597 229,591 1,875,749 318,796 ],392,340 232,057 202,776 29,280 12.6% Planning - - - - 1,626,602 271,100 210,565 60,532 22.3% Finance 1.,728,040 249,332 1,909,652 370,576 2,037,717 395,427 393,590 1,537 0.4% Human Resources 742,505 83,237 951,306 165,031 t,035,009 149,062 131,405 17,657 11.8% Police 20,126,590 3,129,248 23,894,895 3,625,696 25,945,815 4,171,828 4,391,561 (219,733) -5.3% Fire ]5,637,272 2,861,743 27,763,640 3,525,827 21,280,636 3,940,097 4,250,970 (310,873) -7.9% Facilities 2,935,521 456,504 3,674,850 593,958 4,146,584 691,097 675,181 15,917 2.3% Parks 4,452,900 443,756 4,892,441 507,909 5,285,513 538,206 508,370 29,836 SS% Recreation 4,734,321 664,549 4,353,163 639,690 4,084,070 SS4,219 556,614 27,605 47"/., HumanServices 1,001,783 91,475 1,162,553 95,531 1,307,231 217,872 120,078 97,793 44.9% Community Resources&Events 127,392 577 367,627 39,758 419,915 69,986 41,503 28,483 409%, Library 1,556,960 282,100 1,890,886 306,237 2,738,268 356,378 305,850 50,525 142`% Museum 125,670 20,073 136,327 23,031 151,124 25,787 23,758 1,429 57`%, P�blic Works Administration 627,667 103,457 886,867 i52,098 489,010 80,602 79,651 951 1.2'% Street Maintenance 2,876,016 441,447 3,212,111 457,490 3,790,935 581,880 617,379 (35,499) -6.1% TechnicalServices 492,184 79,42] 515,708 85,791 688,034 111,024 72,205 35,819 35.0"/., Transportation 4,353,914 665,78] 4,847,955 668,213 5,260,874 804,470 790,599 13,870 19`% DebtService 3,662,853 - 4,263,739 - 4,590,381 - - - 100A% Non-Departmental 3,844,869 739,979 4,622,865 805,797 4,828,385 881,422 731,767 149,655 17A`% � Other 2,632,398 775,653 388,142 2,230 785,000 1,244 t,244 - OA`% Total Operafing Expenditures 82,251,705 12,080,571 95,171,399 13,909,310 101,568,854 15,775,814 15,629,684 146,130 0.9% � Total Ending Fund Balance $ 13,300,854 $ 10,628,959 $ 11,816,561 $ 9,952,438 $ 10,436,804 $ 6549,882 $ 6,904,960 N/A N/A Page 1 Monthly Financial Report ,,,_,,,,. February 2009 ,� OVERVIEW This financial overview reflects the City's overall financial position for the fiscal year through February 28, 2009. Except as noted, year-to-date budgeted revenues and operating expenditures are generally based on the collection/disbursement patterns for the same during the same period of the two preceding years. The table on the previous page summarizes the general governmental fund revenues and expenditures. Revenues Taxes The combined collection of property tax, sales/use tax, utility tax, gambling, admissions, and real estate excise tax represents 72.74% of all resources supparting general governmental activities. The following section provides detail information on property, sales,utility,and other taxes. Pro�erty Tax February collection is$304k or 1% of the budget. In comparison to the previous ' � � � � � ear the Cit collected about$227k less. � � � - ---- -- -- � _ y � �aa� ; � � ss,9�a $ 4�4ss __$__._._.9,a� � (zs,sss� �4i; $ (sz,o��; -��i -�— � Compared to the projected current Mab� s��,��"� 443,006 � :��3os,s��-- �zz��ioi� asr��� t�9�a9s� s��� ,,, _ ,.,,,.,..659,488 : �„m,,, „ ,.,,,,,,� ,�.,,. • '-- ---.., _..— :. ._._ . .. -- €-- month's budget, the City �s un er y nPr a b�s a3z j s,9so,oss : � � . . _.__�----�� <__ _�_� T�._.___- Ma 7,041,294 � 7,938,415 j : $139k or 31.49%. This brings the year- y- — ;� — -- ----- - -- Jun ��105690 � 118,781 � ..� m�e� ....,_ � .......,.,,�..��,m.� . . � � �„P to-date shortfall to $172k when �u� �� �309339 �� �6s,,�ss E ; - --_ — — '---- � ----- com ared to the bud et. Included in A°� �,z b,zbo s�s,�ss , j_ __ _ _ p g Sep 452106 235,232 � � the decrease was a correction of $48k o�t s s�s z9� ` 6 9zo,6a3 ,�..u. �a.m� ��.�� a,�.�m .,., , .� ..,_. �.,�..�.��.� overstatement of property tax in the N°" �'s',s6z,s9a 6z»,zs� r � �` --- ---- Dec... 2,374,818.. .1,119,375 � �.... � �2C2TTlVeT 2��8 tl�dt WdS dCtLldlly T'2d1 YTDTotal ; $ 566,588 $ 484,560 � $ 312,932 $ (253,656)= -45%; $ (17�SY2)! -35% AnnualTotal; $29,050,790 �. $30,903,043 E estate excise taxes. This amount has been corrected and is reflected in the month of January. If it were not for this correction in January, the year-to- date shortfall would be $124k or 25%. We anticipate the difference will be made up in subsequent months and that property tax collection will be in line with budget projections. Sales Tax February 2009 sales tax receipts totaled ' $178 million. Compared to the same � � � �� �� � � � �, ;_ month last j�ear, it is Q362k or 17% less. - �- - � � _9.>>� $ �az�s9s�' zb9i `U J an $ 1,710 225 $ 1585 666 $ 1,543 072 $ (167 152 ./ �3.__.,_..._,...... - ._,_ Compared to the projected current month's ____Feb z,ao s6o ( � �9s�so9 ���s aso �3ez�o> w 9z� �zoz,s�9> �o za i ____-_ _.,. � ___ _,. _ �__ Mar - 1,488 829 $ ],438 042 budget, it is below projection by $203k ar wP� � �sso,zao $ �so�so� ' �,,..,�. _ .�__T 10%. The year-to-date collection is $3.32 "''ay ��os,asa $ �soa a�s �_ _� �J un �1,636,871 $ 1,651,683 ' - � million or 16%of the total sales tax budget. �"""JUi ��" �"�" �""�`F`�"�� �"�"�� ; 1,852,096 $ �754 573 ; ; --- '-- This is $529k less than the same eriod last w�� �sa9,�s9 � �sass�s - e - ; p Sep ��658,620 : $ 1,746 539 � - � year and $245k below budget projections o�t �90�ooz � �az6 9�z ��_,__� _.....,.._ _ _.._ _.___ ___.___ ___. ___�__�� ____.._�. Nov 1,708,097 $ 1,862140 t BdSP.Cl 011 CUT'T'eTlt tYP.1lCIS� the CltY 1S Dec ;�� 1,544,323 $ �695,660 ; ��� - ��� � � ��� , � �JrO�eCtl2�lg Sd12S taX T2VeTlUeS t0 V2 v% OT' YTDTotal ` $ 3,850,785 . $ 3,566,975 : $3,321,502 $(529,283)j -13J4% $(245,473); -6.88% AnnualTotali $20,956,089 �� $20,702,610 i $1.7 million below budget for a total collection of$19 million by the end of 2009. Page 2 Monthly Financial Report � � February 2009 The following table breaks out the City's base sales tax (excluding Criminal Justice and Annexation Credit) by major business sectors: . � �: �. . � �. �. ., ; ,.. • z _... _ __ __ New Construchon ; $ 491,185 , $ 896 146 � $ 562 935 € $ 657,215 $(238,931) -269% � $ 94,281 16.8% .... ___. __' � _._� Auto Sales 681,371 � 640 726 807,337 471,617 (169,108)� -26.4% � (335,720) -41 6% _,� ��____„_��...__.._....._...,._..._,.____ �____ _____W �_��.. � . , _.�.�_.._..�_.__..�_ ,_w, _�,� General Retail ; 1,038,616 ; 1,160 919 ; 848,668 � 1,135,757 (25,162)�� -2.2°/o 287,089; 33.8% �_��.,��.,._.._._�_._.._.____W_...__..................____�____.._..__._ , ___ �...���_���,,,,�_,._�,,.,.,_;............... . . ..__.__ _. . _._.�._........_.. ......_..�_____ ___�_.___ Manufacturing 195,081 ' 160 171 , 162,768 ; 194 718 34 547 21.6% �� 19.6% 31 949 _.__..............W ___.____....��_. ����_.�._ �. _.........__.._.._��_____._.__.._......_...W_____ � � _..._. Wholesale = 173,810 210,600 ; 344,575 3 169,491 (41 108)[ 19 5% (175 084)�� 50.8% _...___ __._.__ __. ..___......_-__... , __�_.......________ _...__ _ �.._ _...__ [__.__.. _.._..._. __..�.� __ �-.. ______W_....._._ Service 637,156 ; 710,762 : 737,739 � 639,629 . (71,133)� -10.0% (98,110)= -13.3% Other . 109,901 E 71 457 c 102,952 � ~ 53,074 (18,383) ..-25.7% . (49,878)€ -48.5% Total ; $3,327,120 ; $3,850,781 ' $3,566,975 ; $3,321,502 � (529,279)� -13.7°/o $(245,473)` �i.9% UtilitV tax Compared to the previous year, the current . . month collection of $1.49 million is $365k or � � 33% hi her. Com ared to the bud et the � �" � � � g p g i 7an $ 1,040,077 $ �460,625 $ 1,413,641: $373,564 359/; $(46955)- 32% C011@Ct10Tl 1S ahead by $184k OT' 14%. �l2 Feb � � 1,121,056 � ],302,353 1,485,870 ; 364,814 ; 32 5/ 183 516 � 141% Mar - 1,195,452 ],281,982 ; i : i year-to-date collection is $2.9 million, above F""�np��""➢�"� " �' �,.��,�.u._�:�� �,ozo 69a i,2ss,�s� .,. _._ _ _ May...... 1,007 818 �.. .. 1,162 679.. ...... . . : the projected year-to-date budget by$137k or _.,.._� ,�.���,A,.. �... ,.m,,,nnn�,n,n�� m.� �„m,_�. ,,r�m�.� �r� � Jun 1,073,430 1,173,673 around 5%. The higher than anticipated tax - �ui��, �z��;os6 ��os,9�9 ' �' au� .�iab z�s �,2ib,9�s a,._.� _�e ,��m. revenue in February is primarily attributable -- -seP � 9sz,��a `" �s�a�o - T �� to the extended cold weather during late o�i`"�`' ��o�a,�sa �`�bia,a6i �"� ��"� ""`�� �`"�` Nov � 1,145,IW 1204,775 �� � ; December of 2008 and anuar The Cit is -- mm n���•r = �-. � J y y Dec 1,266,817 1,372,420"'L m��� �7r0�2CtllZg Utlll�7 tdX P2Ve1lU2S t0 TTl2et t�Le YTDTotal k $ 2,161,132 $ 2,762,979 $2,899,511° $738,379 ] 342%3 $ 136,532 ' 4.9% AnnualTotal� $ 13,24Q334 $ 14,782,553 2009 budgeted amount of$14.8 million. The table below breaks out Utility Tax by source: � � • �� . � � :• Electrical 760,603 786,179 987,184 1,029,605 31.0% 4.3% Natural Gas 511,188 454,499 617,820 652,863 43.6% 5.7% Cell 244,430 267,666 318,721 318,635 19.0% 0.0% Phone 180,958 172,026 218,716 172,701 0.4% -21.0% Cable 224,406 81,424 265,464 207,139 154.4% -22.0% Transfer Station 48,666 40,072 48,522 46,908 17.1% -3.3°/o City Utilities 172,411 359,268 306,552 471,659 31.3% 53.9% YTD Total 2,142,663 2,161,132 2,762,979 2,899,511 34.2°0 4.9°0 Annual Total 11,463,725 13,240,334 14,782,553 YTD as°/o of 18.7% 16.3% 18.7% Page 3 Monthly Financiai Report ,,,,,,,,,. February 2009 Other Taxes The City collected $69k in Real Estate Excise ' � � � .� . Tax revenues (REET) in February. This is � • � � � • �� _ � $110k or 61% below bud et ro1'ection and ��'��� g P 1 Jan $ 211,833 $ 257 440 $ 231,334 $ 19,501 9/ $ (26 107)� 10% ,.._. .__...... ..._.... _.,._.. �.._.__....�... ....._ „ ___.,_.._ _ . ... o Fe� i��,oas i�92o��, 69,290 (�o��ss� s9i (�o9,9n� bii 59/o below last year. Year-to-date collection of _ _. _� .. _ ; . Mar 194 575 175 185 � $301k is $82k or 21% below same period in �� apr����"��sao�60 ;� sso oso : � � �` � � � _ �._ _ _V__. 2008. There was also a correction which "'ay ` zo�sas � ����as x � ��� m.�_� �. __ Jun 225,714 � 357,244 g . . . ..._ . ._ �. �. . T. ._ ..__.. resulted in a $48k-positive adjustment in Ju� zd3 s9a ` 29a 6oa� _ _,_,�._�, _� � � ���r Aug 268 863 � 280 844 3 Januar Without this ad ustment, the YTD r- � E, - ~ - ; - - � - - - y � Sep 178,535 ; 291,858 e revenue is 34% below 2008 and 42% below o�r �ss s9s �`��66 sas z t � � ���� budget, respectively. A struggling real estate � �eC 3 as�s9 ? � � �93 o�a � �"�""�� " �� � � market is a major factor in the City's decline of 'TDTotai : $ 3sa,sa�� � a36,6so � � soo,bza �: $ �sa,as�>; -a�i $ ��b,ozs� -s�� AnnualTotal $2,800,103 `': $3,000,000 � € REET. Based on the first two months' collections, the City is anticipating REET revenues to be around$2 million by the end of 2009. February Gambling Tax collections totaled ' �_� _ $391k, $106k or 21% below budget. Year-to- � � • � � date revenue total of$399k is$2k less or down ,an ; $ �,z3o � � �� zz,s99 n � �,s9�; � �a,sao�� � ��� 66�� o Feb ... � 388,878 ' ..497,265 � 39 054 , 2,175 � .lo'o (106,211' 21°'0 by 1/o from the year before. Due to the � m_ ; � ,; >; �] Mar� t 97 177 73,737� � . .. � ... 2COTlO1Tly COT1U1t10I1� We dT'2 S221T1g SOTTIe Apr 29,503 '� 30,004 g ��"�'" TT', T��-T� T-^ businesses experiencing difficulties in meeting "'T�y- s3o aoz sss s�9 - -� � ` _,. _._ .r�n 2�s9 ta tts - ... --..._._.._ J . € k the change in reporting frequency from "„y„J�i " "`iz ssz ; "" as��� ` x ; " _ �____ _.,,_,,, r,,,.mr�_�. ,� -_. uarterl to monthl A few are re uestin a ^°� 559,893 sss zs9 : - � , q Y Y• �l g seP 6osz �oaos . � transitional period to adjust to the change. The � o�t �` ��za6�; 6�sso� `��� ------ � ._.._.e .,..�...,. _ Nov 518683 52Q563 € -� � -. � � � City is projecting Gambling Tax revenues to be peC��-� �-����;�,�a ; �,g,b s --��� n�� �__._._ .�...e.... slightly below budget this year. ti'T�Totai $ ao�,io9 ? � s�,ssa � �s9s,�aa ; $ (a,36a>� -u=� $ ��z�,�zo> -zs i AnnualTotal� $2,157,029 =; $2,467,544 � � Franchise Fees are due quarterly, and the YTD � revenue collections are $260k. This is $16k or • �� �' ��• = � . � 6% under the projected year-to-date budget. Ja„ �zao�9s � a�s ssz" $zs9�9z� $ ts 99� s i � ��6 obo� v;o ��__� The City is projecting Franchise Fees revenues _ _._Mar 3,032 o Zoo �oo� zoo �oo� Feb .....,.. _.,_.,__ ��.. _ ....._ . .._�.. .._ ...,.�.. .g... to meet budget projection. nPr zo�2�6 zz9,9a9 � ` May . _. .� .._ a .,.,,_.,..1 un.�_ `___. ..,,,. - �.__.__.. _,.,....._........_.., ..,.._...... �........__ ,�...._.....,._. ...........�..-.. _ � ' � ._-_-=�.--.. .-�-- ��---- Jul.... ..218042 `..... 237,950 - � . ` �.... ...r .._ � Aug. � - (334) ...._. __ _ _..�. ., _. -._. ... .... .. . ... _ Sep � . 48427 : 62,168� ; " ,.. � ...-- Oct ^ 247271 261,335 ; �� � �� .,T,,,.,. ,.._.- ... _ __,...�_. N o v ��� .. ... .�..._- __. _..... .�,...,.. ___. , -... , . ...... --- Dec 42 477 ; 25,323 € - Y7'DTotal - $ 240,795 i $ 275,852 $259,992 ; $ 19,197 � 8%�i $ (S,S60) -6% AunualTotal-$ 998,288 ; $ ],095,276 I Page 4 Monthly Financial Report � � February 2009 Admission Tax returns are due quarterly on january,April,July, and October each year. January 2009 collections represent activities conducted during the 4� . . quarter o 2008. � � � , , , , � '� Jan - $ 46705 � $ W4,153 $ 57,167 ; $ 1Q461� 22/, $(86986) -60% The report shows an increase of $10k from ��������Apr����� �so saa��ss;iz9" � `"�� " """"" ___ �����, .� �.���.,� � e� same period the year before, primarily due to - 'u' � sz a6s , �a9,69� - Oct = ..48,025..',... 159,442 _ ; . .. -.- the new Landing 14 Regal Cinemas opened in YroTotai , � a6,�os ; � wa,us � s�,i6� ; � m,a6i zai= ��s6,9s6>�� -6oi mid-October 2008. But this higher revenue is AnnualTotal � ��,�ao ; s bo6,azo i still $87k less than anticipated. T'he City is projecting Admission Tax revenues to be only $300k by the end of 2009, for an annual shortfall of$256k. Licenses and Permits These revenue sources reflect the collection of business licenses; building permits; and other licenses, fees, and permits. Building Permit Fees and General Business Licenses constitute 88% of the revenue in this category. As of the end of February, we have collected 12% of the projected revenue from licenses and permits. T'he percentage of year-to-date actual to year-to-date budget is under by 28%. Compared to the two prior years'YTD to Budgeted, the City is collecting 2% less as compared to 2007 and 5% less as compared to 2008. The City is projecting Licenses and Permits to be $2.4 million by the end of 2009. The following sections provide detail information for Building Permits and Business Licenses revenues. Building Permits and Fees revenues totaled ' . -_ � $125k in February. Compared to the projected � � • � _ '��'I - , monthly budget, the Ci is collectin $121k `"'' �'�� , g Jan $ �61,43d �__ 191,L30 3 $ 106,633 $_(B470Q'_-59% $ (84496)� -44% o , ....FeU ........285,849� 245,212 ' @4,555 (161,294)� .-56°/a (120656).......-49% less or down by 49/o. Compared to the prior _ _ _ _ __ Mar 191353 171,926 - � year, the City is collecting $161k less or down �`npT �""""z�s,9a� e� �a62,s�� '"""' ����'�""" "��" �_ __ _.- --��------ p • May 159893 ; 251,280 0 by 56/o. If the trend continues, Building ---�--� -�,� m. �,..,�r ,-=,mm,m � ���m� Jan 123,003� 228,524 � - , ; Permits and Fees will be$1.4 million by the end ��� ���� �9,i�3 , zos,ss�; ""� , E e a� ,�».� - �.,��,o of 2009. This will be ay�t'�roximatel�7 $1 million "°b 9a s6��" Za9 s�o : - t"r J Sep 128406 121,724 - ( j ..... less than the adopted budget. As with new o�t ��nzos��' �a�";s�� ; �``"�`�` `�"` Nov 15G 707 ; 149,087 ( ! construction sales taxes and REET these - - ���mr � � i �Dec 79,681���159,214 - � reVeTlU2 SOUT'Ce5 dre dISO 17e1T1g TTlOSt SeVeI'21y ti'TDTotal ��. $ 547,183 � $ 436,342 3 $ 231,189 �. $(315,994)€ -58% $(205,53)j -47% AnnualTotal�. $2,068,357 � $2,421,950 � affected by the current economic downturn. Business Licenses are $112k since the start of the year. Compared to budget, the revenue is $42k or �• �� � • � . 59% higher. Compared to the prior year, the �an $ 3a,s69 : s ss,2�6 � s�s3s ; s a�z6� , ��i $ 46559 �zi revenue is $4k or 17% ahead. This is due because �.. Feb zs��s ss"o�o 3o�so " 4ays ` vi "�as9o>` `iai __......._:__W__ _ _...___ ,......_._ __�,____.._____ . ___ Mar 67924 ' 69,462 ' : '; the City did not receive a December 2008 return �� ap������ ��� 3�i6s �"'3z,sa� � ��" "�' � �"' from a large employer until January of 2009. The "'ay z�;690 z��6s ; ; -- �,.,.._...��� w�o�.� ,�,.m n Jun ; 56,002 ; 63,705 - i t � City is projecting lower overall Business Licenses --.....__..��� ;"""___"3��04_: 33,-go�_ ..__.____,__-___.;___W _... _ ...__..____ __._. �� � e, revenue in 2009 based on the la offs from local ^°�����" �z�s�z zs,s6� ; y Sep � 69,987 �..70,767 " ..... ; ...... �Y . 1........... businesses announced in late 2008 and early 2009. �_,,, o�t """"` s9�09 es ozs E�"" `�`�" __._. _�__.... _._.._......._�.._ _ �........._� _.__.___ __.._.. Nov 20,It3 �� 15,502 : ...�.,�.,,.,�,,,,,,,,,,...._�.,�.e�...,,�,.,,.,,,,N,.,_„Y_„ . .�.,,,�-...�,., ? ...�,�.,,�,n�,� Dec IQ997 f 37,095 - YTDTotal ?� $ 6Q333 � $ 70,346 - $ I@,016 1 $ 51,682 ', 86% $ 41,669 ; 59% AnnualTotal; $485,537 ' $ 514,184 ' Page 5 Monthly Financial Report ,,,,,_,,, February 2009 _� Inter�ovemmental These revenue sources include federal (direct and indirect) grants, state grants, state shared revenues, and local grants, entitlements, impact payments, in-lieu taxes, and service revenues. State shared revenues and Fire Districts' 25 and 40 contracts compose 81% of the total revenues in this category. The year-to-date total intergovemmental revenue is $798k or 7.4% of the budget. The year-to-date actual to year-to-date budget is down by 14.3%. The City is projecting Intergovernmental revenues to meet budget projections. The following table summarizes the intergovernmental revenues by source. i� ��• ��• : � � �• �• �• : Fire District#25 2,000 - 961 - N/A -100.0% Fire District#40 - - - - N/A #DIV/0! State Shared Revenue 402,901 436,024 506,681 530,681 219% 4.7% Federal Grants 152,385 317,061 87,874 159,687 -49.6% 819% State Grants 2,176 - 1,405 71,777 100.0% 5009.0% Other Grants 19,250 52,682 32,654 35,714 -32.2% 9.4% Total Rev YTD 578,712 805,768 930,697 797,859 -1.0°0 -14.3°o Total Rev Annual 5,444,000 10,503,905 10,721,086 YTD% 10.6% 79% 8.7% 7.4% Note: Includes CJ Sales Tax. State Shared revenue collections are$530k �' � . _ � _ , since the start of 2009. Compared to the ' � � � • � � � � projected budget, State Shared revenues c�m J�st saies Tax � z�s,�6a � za6 s�z � su,bsb � � �6 asa � ��;� za,�sd �i� o ' Judical�Contribution ��� �,� ..r 12�M4 � $ 12141 P 100/ 12�143 100,%� are above by 9/o. Compared to the prior - Ctvn Just P op 3 043 � 4,291 1,248 41� 4 291 100% . . .»,.,.,,,,,,,,� ,,,,,,,._�,,.�m.�,.,.�P�,,,�.,m _, .._e ,P.m,�.� , ... .. ,,_e.e.m,e... year, the City is collecting $95k more or cr,�„�us�-spe�r�o� ��sob`� ��s66 i�;d�9�' a6�z F ao�'""� a,e� az�o . State DLJI 2 762 � 2 870 668 � 906 � 33/ 798 28% up by 22%. The ma�or revenue source __... _ _ _..__ _. � @...._. _.__ _.._ L 7� 1,� 11 IrquorProfits � . .. ... � . � .N/A � N.A tlldt 1S COTItT'1VUt1Il t0 t1�2 OVeT'd11111CT'edSe L�quorEaciseTax ���� 69823 88071 97810 27988 40/ 9739 11% g ..�.._._...._. -_...,...�. ......,.�..�.._. ..._....--„-._ _._.., ,_ .�._..... ..... . ..�__ � FuelTax � 73423 99,112 84,634 � ll,2ll� S/ (14,478) -LS% in State Shared Revenues is Criminal �,.�.�Torai f $ as6,oza 9 � ass,a9� �� � sso,6a� 3 � 9a,�s6 � aai_ � az,�o �� 9i Justice Sales Tax. The City is projecting Ann�aiTo�ai �3,�s6,9ss g �a,�b�,000 � State Shared revenue collections to meet the 2009 budgeted amount of$4.2 million. Charges for Services These revenue sources consist of general government, public safety, plan review and inspection, culture and recreation, and interfund/interdepartmental-sales and services. Interfund/interdepartmental-sales and services constitute nearly one-half of the total revenue in this category. The year-to-date total charges for services are $824k or 12% of the budget. This is 11.4% below budget projection. The City is projecting Charges for Services revenues to be $6.2 million at the end of 2009, which is about $800k less than the 2009 budget. T'he following sections provide detail information for Plan Review with Inspection Fees, Recreation, and Interfund Services. Page 6 Monthly Financial Report �` � February 2009 Plan Review with Inspection fees are $82k since the start of the year. Compared to the projected � � �� ' ��• bud et the Citp is collectin $59k ar 42%less than ' �� ` ' � �' ' . ' g i J g Jan � $ 69,485 ; $ 73,695 $35,851 $(33 634)E -4S% $(37,844) -5 P/o ...... . ... ' ' Feb � 70,527 66,994 45�883 24 645 35/; 2 antici ated revpnue. The decrease in Plan �. ,�..Mpr �M9,8ao ia�';azi"" ��� � � >� � � �,,,���32�� P Review and Ins ection fees is consistent with the n � �s,�ae ���osz overall construction decline in the Puget Sound Ma'" ",s36�� 16'''1' J un 64,691 63 140 � � Region. The City is projecting Plan Review "`��"�Jui ��a9� iio;o96" - ��" � """ """ `"` _ ; __ Aug : 65,963 95,195 Inspection fees to be $635k at the end of 2009, ---sep 6s,6sa� 63,m :�� which is about$450k less than the 2009 budget. _._o�� so,oso �a�6s ; �"� � Nov 62,495 ��58,20�.1� � � .� ���.�� - Dec 56,351 i'� 68,490 � �mr ( . . . . . � Y'TD Total $ 140,DY2 =; $ k40,688 $81,734 ; $(58,279)E -42% $(58,955)� -42% � AnnualTotal. $903,768 i $1,092,700 ? Recreation revenues are $138k since the start of the year. Compared to the projected budget, the � � • • . Ci{-�� is collectin $5k less or down b 4%. � ' '� `J g y Jan $ 67,012 3 $ .....69,831 $ 65,409 ` $ (1,603).�.. 2/ $ (4,422 �.__..._6% . -._.._ Compared to the prior year the City is collecting Feb 82,031; 74,024 �z,9ss �s,oaa>; -�ri� ��o3s> �i , .,w..�.�. .m.�,�� ,� _aw�.� ,n�,ati_..�,m Mar - 80519 85,607 ' - ; ; $11k less or down by 7%. The City is projecting nP� n99os - ���;so6 - Recreation revenues to be slightly under the '"ay ��b�,�o� ia9,aos _� _ �"� � Jun � 162,243 (83,763 ; � � budgetprojectionfor2009. �„i`"'""""`s92,sss € 36s,oia`N,���' D' `�`� �� _ __� _ - _- �Aug 238,101 247,606 - :-- ; . . .�.�..�,,,m T ._.e e Sep 99,656 ��115,368 - __. .- -.-- � _ .___ ..Oct 72,696 ; 83,571 ........ ..... f. . ...... .. .. ,,,deee .m�� ..,���.e�,�� ��,mm . Nov 54,721� 55,773 - � __ ..-.,....- ' - --- -.-.,<_.. _..--� --- .... ..Dec �: 81,995 ; 73,032 ........ .. ; ` Y'TDTotal _$ W9,044 ! $ 143,855 $138,397 $ (1Q647); -7%; $ (5,458) -4% AnnualTotal;$1,678,818 ; $ 1,674,498 The year-to-date collections for Interfund ' Service revenues are $497k. Compared to � � �, ., the 1�ro'ected bud et, the revenues are - � �Z,8�6�', -�� i" � g Jan � $ 223,664 , $ �256,023 $ 253,147 ' $ 29,483 � 13% $ ._ _ ...._,,.,._. �__... ...__..�..W._... under b ������� o Feb ;� 207,447 246131 243496 ' 36,049 D/ (2,635) 1% y $6k or down by 1/o. Compared � �.. �___. _ �.. � .,� _� _ Mar 239,041 239,7W ��� to the prior year, the revenues are over by �"":nP� zss,zdo z90 6za � -- .. . . _ __T ._ �._. ;- ,�._._„ _T . r.. $666k or up by 15%. The City is projecting May 3 22,,�9� zs�,ws , , Jun ,; 309,632 306,705 ��� ; , Interfund Service revenues to meet budget J�� zso,s9z zs6,�s� - T � -- -.. , _�__ _ �__ • Au}, 247,089 288,479 t�ro1ections. _..� ... _���__... . ...�.. �,.. r 1 Sep ":`:, 198,417 �...245,985 �..-.-� - : " ; _...,__n.� ...,� .�._..-.,,...,,_ � ..��...._ ,_,...� � Oct 303,505 304,149 � - ____Nov ...-j..9 35,088 . _....�--.. .... .. _. ; __._.. ,,,..:.,�.�,....._ ,�.'.v_.. __�_ .. . ...-,.,T,,,�.,. < Dec 303,570 310,531 - YTDTotal : $ 431,111 $ 502,54 $ 496,643 � $ 65,532 15% $ (S,SIQ? -1% AnnualTotal; $3,072,950 $ 3,310,752 Page 7 Monthly Financial Report ,� February 2009 Fines and Penalties These revenue sources contain civil � ' ' , � , (penalties, infractions, and parking), ��' �; V��IIIIIIIIIIII ''' � �' _ criminal (traffic non-traffic and costs) � � � ' � �' i i r J an $� 86 341 $ ]00 537� $ 280 S49 $ 194 509 �. 225/ $ 180 3 I3 l79% and non-court fines, forfeitures and Feb ���aos ;� s�9���� zas�z6 �� ms�s � �ba� � zos,z�s ( aasi� _.. __ e_� � _.._ � _.____��___ _.._..__ Mar 90 8A7 67,903 ° penalties. The table below breaks down AP� �'""" u�osa: u6,sos '" " �� �`-" these fines by type. The year-to-date total � as,sos "� May 21,780 �. �.. ;�. . .�, _ ..., :.��E..�r�,,.. ...__..,... J un 86 867 : 71,929 �� ..�.. ..... �.. .._..__ .___... ...._. �_ _ ,___.,_ fines and penalties is$566k. Compared to �ui �o99s9 aa,�oo € _. r« �.. r �-_ _ Aug ]40 831; 102,854 r , ; _ the projected monthly budget, the City is sep �����z6sso6 ;- �b�,s� � ��� �- - ��� , � over by $317k or up by 127%.The City is o�� ��z9�aao � �9006� ���� ��� � � ��������� �_._.._ _e. _.. �_ __.. _� � nro1'ectinv Fines and Penalties revenues to N°" � 31'�39 �z,o�s "" , 1' 1 o Dec � ....437,732 s.-�_ ZS�...9 .- -m,. ...,.... ...�.:.._... be $3.3 million by the end of 2009. The YTDTota� � �a,�a9 $ isz,aa� � sbs,9�s i � s��,sz� ; �zi � sss,szs E z�oi AnnualTotal; $2,11D,973 ; $ 1,494,000 increased revenue is primarily due to the Red-light Photo Enforcement program implemented in June 2008. The higher revenues also require additional expenses associated to the program as discussed in the section below. . � . � • � • �• Civil Penalties $ 2,373 $ • 1,333 $ 1,886 $ 487 -21% $ 552 41% Civil Infraction Penalties 98,515 78,500 108,233 9,718 10% 29,733 38% Civil Parkin Infraction Penalties 23,943 22,500 22,816 (1,127) -5%, 316 1% Red-Li ht Photo Enforcement Pro ram - 100,000 358,029 358,029 100% 258,029 258% Crim Txaffic Misdemeanor Fines 20,589 14,167 16,916 (3,673) -18'% 2,750 19% Criminal Non-Traffic Fines 5,596 5,833 9,119 3,523 63% 3,286 56% CriminalCosts 34,287 19,667 39,843 5,556 16`%, 20,176 103% Non-Court Fines Forfeitures and Penalties 8 847 7 000 9,134 287 3% 2134 30% YTD Total $ 194,149 $ 249,000 $ 565,975 $ 371,827 192% $316,975 127%, Annual Total $2 110 973 $1 494,000 Included in the Fines and Penalties budget is $600k from ' � ' the Red-Light Enforcement program. The year-to-date � � � . : . : .�- . . - collections from this program equates to$358k. The only ian s so,000; � �sz�s6s ; � ��6��; s ss,��s $ wa��s - - _ . , ._. expenses shown in the table are equipment and data _Feb so 000 ' ns a�� ��a�� 3s�9 � ,��z6z ___. Mar 50000 L�671 f - services provided American Traffic Solutions Inc (ATS) np� s0000 ��,6�� e . _..... _ _.._.. _.. __._.._� � at this time. The budget of $140k was based on two "'ay""" so 000 - ����� Jun 50,000 ; - 11,671:;. - locations of Red-Light Photo equipment. The program i�i " :""" s0000` ������= �����i���� "" � =�"" . �_____�_ _ has since been ex anded and the actual e ui ment rental ^°� so,000 - 3�s�i; - - 1� �1 1� sep so,000 � - q6�i; - - cost is roughly $38k per month or $440k per year. In ___o�t ,. s0000 - ��6�i ; - _ __. .__._ _. _ � ,.�_ __ �___ addition to the equipment costs, we are also dedicating pe�- so,000 ' ` ��671 i�b�i: - - about two FTEs in the Court to process the increased YTDTota' ',, $ loo,000 ; s sss,oz9 ; � 23,341 3 s ��,s�z � za�as� AnnualTotal; $600,000 ; { $ L40,046 ? caseload as well as police staff time to process these violations. These staff time are not yet included in the table and will be included as soon as the City determines the total FTE costs. Pa�e 8 Monthly Financial Report � ;� February 2009 Miscellaneous This revenue source reflects the collection ' ' ' . of interest and other earnings, rents, �• �� � � � leases and concessions contributions = -- - � � -- � - �--- �- - � _ i i Jan ; $ 231,854 $ 192,581 $ 143,245 ; $ (88,609) 38% $(49,336); -26% and donations from private sources, and _�W Fe'' " �i9 o2z' �z9 sss € �9z 6so " 63 6ss a9i 6s pi d9i _...._.. ���_ _�. � _ ____ _.._� __..,.., Mar ; 86]2S 107,977 ; �� other miscellaneous revenues. Interest "a,p��� ub;�os' � �zo��� � "�m.T� and other earnings and rents, leases and "'aY ` z3zbs6 soszi2 - � Jun -___ ]21,329 139902 ! _..,.u.�.µ. . . . ..... concessions constitute 87% of the total ����ui �� a92;oss� za�;"si�""" " �""�".___ _.. __.� _.. .._. ,.. .. .,.._,r ,., - _._ .,.._....� ....._. .� . Aug . 90,168 ( 53,451� ; revenue in this category. The year-to- -rn~ sep ; bs,sos �o9;��z --` i date total miscellaneous is $336k ar 18% o�c �9,a6o �a�;sas � ____.. _ ___ _. _.__�__..�_____ �__ �__._. Nov .138,835 Y27105 � p of the bud et. Com ared to the ._.��...�. _�. _. �..T,_r� __�.. ;.�._ .. g p Dec 94,958 1L0,465 � projected budget� tlle Y@V2TlU2S dT'2 OV@T' YTD Total � $ 360,876 $ 322,140 $ 335,925 ; $ (24,951) -7% $ 13,785 4% by $14k or up by 4%. The City is AnnUaiTotai; $ �,b�s,s�� � �,sss,s9� ' projecting miscellaneous revenues to meet the budget by the end of 2009. Contributions/Donations from private source revenues are the main revenue sources that are receiving less revenue from the prior year. Compared to the prior year,miscellaneous revenues are$25k less or down by 7%. � . • � � � �� Interests and Other Earnin s $ 109,016 $ • 85,040 $ 94,222 $ (]4,794) -14% $ 9,182 11% Rents,Leases,and Concessions 161,382 163,852 175,950 14,568 9`% 12,098 7% Contributions/Donations from Private Sources 62,146 41,159 27,177 (34,969) -56% (]3,982) -34% Other 28,331 32,084 38,576 10,244 36'% 6,492 20% YTD Total $ 360,876 $ 322,135 $ 335,925 $ 24,951 -7% $ 13,790 4% Annual Total $ 1,678,677 $1,885,596 Page 9 Monthly Financial Report . .: February 2009 EXPENSES The City has completed 16.66%of the year and our operating costs are running below the trends from prior years. Overall the City has expended 15.39%of its budgeted general governmental expenditures. The table below gives the expenditure budgets for each department. Departmental operating expenditures are also under or over budget as summarized by the following: �� �: : � . �� ��• ��• : � General Fund Legislative 40,344 40,897 44,708 40,339 (558) -1.4% 4,369 9.8% Executive 164,980 159,664 261,237 218,383 58,718 36.8% 42,854 16.4% Court Services 268,223 261,672 263,273 300,245 38,573 14.7% (36,972) -14.0% City Attorney 220,966 279,208 279,737 163,451 (115,758) -41.5% 116,286 41.6% City Clerk 82,683 103,952 105,132 95,898 (8,054) -7.8% 9,234 8.8% Hearing Examiner 26,042 27,557 32,588 29,101 1,543 5.6% 3,487 10.7% CED 849,662 971,506 1,189,138 1,090,244 118,739 12.2% 98,894 8.3% Finance 249,332 370,576 395,427 393,890 23,314 6.3% 1,537 0.4% Human Resources 83,237 165,031 149,062 131,405 (33,626) -20.4% 17,657 11.8% Public Works 182,877 237,889 191,626 151,856 (86,033) -36.2% 39,770 20.8% Other City Services 855,632 808,022 882,666 733,011 (75,011) -9.3% 149,655 17.0% Police 3,129,248 3,625,696 4,171,828 4,391,561 765,865 211% (219,733) -5.3% Fire&Emergency Svcs 2,861,743 3,525,827 3,940,097 4,250,970 725,142 20.6% (310,873) -7.9% Human Services 52,815 65,777 180,066 81,663 15,886 24.2% 98,403 54.6% Community Svc Fund 1,564,785 1,781,315 1,883,508 1,781,667 352 0.0% 101,841 5.4% Street Fund 1,107,228 1,125,703 1,386,349 1,407,978 282,275 25.1% (21,628) -1.6% CDBG Fund 38,660 29,754 37,806 38,415 8,662 291% (609) -1.6% Library/Museum Fund 302,113 329,262 381,565 329,608 346 01% 51,957 13.6% LTGO Funds - - - - - N/A - 0.0% Total Gen Govt 12,080,571 13,909,310 15,775,814 15,629,684 1,720,374 12•4% 146,130 0.9% ENTERPRISE FUNDS The table below gives an analysis of the operating enterprise funds. Overall, the Enterprise Funds are within the budgeted expenditures. Also,displayed are the year-to-date revenues. i � ��. � ��• � ��• � ��• � : ��• � . . . : . . Utilities 4,967,181 5,375,640 6,582,993 6,426,246 (156,747) 6,338,467 6,157,053 181,414 Airport 146,103 155,277 192,058 211,190 19,132 158,355 169,108 (10,753) Golf Course 243,429 281,229 174,435 171,611 (2,824) 291,704 230,665 61,039 Total Enterprise 5,356,713 5,812,146 6,949,486 6,809,047 (140,439) 6,788,526 6,556,826 231,700 Note: Operations only,excludes bond proceeds and transfers to capital. Page 10 Monthly Financial Report � � February 2009 FUND BALANCE Page 35 shows the ending fund balance as of February 2009. The City's fund balance is a combination of current deficit/surplus of funds which have accrued from unexpended operating budgets and unanticipated excess revenues and from balances accumulated from prior years. The prior year balances (or beginning balance) include funds identified as being reserved for specific purposes or required to meet current year appropriations. These balances also provide financial stability to the City's operation during uncertain times and provide a layer of security to bondholders. Historically the City's financial policy targeted general government balance at 8% of general government operating expenditures. In 2007, due to the additional operating surplus, the City increased the Fund Balance to 10%of the expenditure budget. Due to the economy downturn and anticipated revenue shartfall in 2009,the City is expecting to tap into the General Governmental Fund Balance by $2 million. This would revert the Fund Balance target to the historical8%level. At the end of February, the City has $6.9 million reported in combined general governmental fund balance of current year operating budget, which is approximately 7% of budgeted operating expenditures. This is a decrease of$5 million from the beginning balance of January 1,2009. The$6.9 million fund balance is in line with previous years' fund balance level at this time and is above the anticipated general governmental fund balance of $6.5 million for February 2009. With the lower fund balance target, the City is projected to have an ending fund balance of around$9 million for general governmental funds at the end of 2009. CONTACT INFORMATION This report is prepared by the Finance Division of the FIS Department. Far additional financial information please also review our website: I�tt�:%�v��-�v.r�:��to���-�rL1.{�c�Y-/. For any questions about the report, please feel free to contact us at l�r��;r��renCfire��t��n���a.�c��% or ic�a���->tiz t�r�tor�Gva.�«�-r. Paye 11 � ;,�,` City of Renton General Government Financial Position 2008 Budget Year General Government Summary $Difference w/beginning Revenues Expenditures over(under) balance 11,816,561 January 4,853,501 6,905,085 (2,051,584) 9,764,977 February 10,718,082 15,629,684 (4,911,601) 6,904,960 March April May June July August September October November December Rev/Exp Revenues Difference 110,000,000 �Expenditures �, - 7,000,000 �.. Difference 100,000,000 -- — 6,000,000 5,000,000 90,000,000 4,000,000 80,000,000 3,000,000 70,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 60,000,000 50,000,000 (1,000,000) ao,000,000 � �2,000,000> so,000,000 (s,000,000� 20,000,000 `� �a,000,000� �s,000,000> �o,000,000 r;: �s,000,000� ;; - ��,000,000� Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Page 12 � � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year General n� Annual °�o Total Revenue Government Budget Actual over(under) Millions General Government $110 Jan 5,321,744 4,853,501 -8.80% $100 Budget Feb 11,786,312 10,718,082 -9.06% Actual �°' $90 Mar 16,834,707 ----_�----Last Year $80 �� Apr 28,116,684 $�� � May 40,787,600 $60 � ��n �: Jun 46,688,321 $50 � � �" �� Jul 53,295,112 $40 � ' "� �� � � � Aug 61,147,610 $30 �� M �' �` $20 � Sep 67,778,608 �` ' ' ,: ��� Oct 80,452,550 $10 ��� � �^. $- � a� _ .0 = _. M..�.�.�w���; Nov 91,430,918 �� �� 4 �M M DeC 100,867,028 �a� `�� �a� P�� �a� �°� �J P°�' Se� ��� �`�, oe� Percent of budget 10.63% Property YTD Annual % Millions Property Tax Tax Budget Actual over(under) $33 ----- -- - ------ Jan 41,410 9,419 -77.26% $30 ' 'Bud9et _ __ -- Actual � Feb 484,560 312,932 -35.42% $27 � ��- •�ast Year ',� Mar 1,144,031 $24 �' Apr 7,124,079 $21 �� $18 °� �,. � May 15,062,452 --- ,�� Jun 15,181,120 $15 ""� �� Jul 15,832,247 $�2 � $9 � �.. Aug 16,407,353 � � Sep 16,645,615 $6 �� �"�) $3 `�` Oct 23,566,352 " � �_ d ( Nov 29,783,735 �ao ��o �a� PQ� �a� ��� ��� Q,Jo, �eQ �o'� �oo Oeo Dec 30,903,043 Percent of budget 1.01% Pa�e 13 r... �.. City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year YTD Annual% Millions Sales Tax Sales Tax Budget Actual over(under) $24 - Jan 1,814,710 1,629,247 -10.22% Budget $21 Actual --- Feb 4,135,136 3,713,509 -10.20% ° -�astYear Mar 5,759,019 $�$ Apr 7,482,473 $15 May 9,274,081 ���/ --- ----- 12 ,�`'. Jun 11,095,028 Jul 12,999,839 $9 Aug 15,047,885 �6 � Sep 16,969,791 � ' $3 Oct 18,932,127 C $- I � ' � � � �` � � �' � `� Nov 20,933,968 �ac Fe� �`a� PQ� �a� ��� �J\ Q���' SeQ �°~ �°, peG Dec 23,102,610 Percent of budget 16.07°/a Note: Includes Funds 108, 318,501, and 503. Excludes CJ Sales Tax and Natural Gas Use Tax. YTD Annual % Millions Utility Tax Utility Tax Budget Actual over(under) $16 - - --- ----- Budget Jan 1,460,625 1,413,641 -3.22% $14 Actual _—_ Feb 2,762,979 2,899,511 4.940�0 � --�astYear Mar 4,044,961 $12 Apr 5,300,118 $10 -- ------- _._ _ `_ � May 6,462,797 ����� � $8 __ -- _--__ ----- -" � Jun 7,636,470 Jul 8,742,450 $6 Aug 9,959,428 $4 �� � Sep 10,590,898 $2 ��'' Oct 12,205,359 $O ,� I � '� � �° � ' T T ' '� Nov 13,410,133 �ao Fe`o �`a� PQ� �Sa� �Jo �J Q�`��' S�Q �c� �p, peo Dec 14,782,553 Percent of budget 19.61% Note: Includes Natural Gas Use Tax. Page 14 �'° � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Licenses/ YTD Annual % Millions Licenses & Permits Permits Budget Actual over(under) $3.60 Jan 249,315 210,787 -15.45% $3.30 aud9et $3.00 Actual ,;� Feb 553,071 397,606 -28.11% --�-�w----Last Year � ' �'W Mar 819,504 $2.70 �,� : $2.40 Apr 1,157,232 $2.10 ��,\q �,- May 1,472,533 ��' $1.80 � Jun 1,797,554 $1.50 � ' �� ' �; Jul 2,066,111 $1.20 ���� �� �h� $0.90 !�� � . ��, , Aug 2,369,004 ' F � Sep 2,588,826 $0.60 � �� � Oct 2,885,117 $0.30 �;� $- Nov 3,087,355 )a� Q�� �`�� PQi �Sa� �J� �J\ Q-J�' S�'� ��'� �°, O�G Dec 3,317,561 Percent of budget 11.98% Note: Includes Fund 318. rr� Annual % Intergovernmental IntergovYl Budget Actual over(under) Millions Jan 486,201 342,567 -29.54% $1� Bud9et � $�� Actual -- ____ ___ Feb 930,697 797,859 -14.27% $9 -.��.-...Last Year �, Mar 1,310,867 $$ � _ -- � Apr 1,750,646 $7 _—_ � May 2,133,711 $6 ' �� ` �' ,� Jun 3,646,670 $5 �f ��� _.: JuI 4,157,101 $4 �;,M.�� Aug 4,647,269 $3 ���- r ;; Sep 6,303,355 $1 �.�� Oct 6,921,104 $ � ;��, � Nov 7,773,216 �ao ��,�o �`a� PQ� `Sa� �J� ��� Q-J� ��Q �°'� �°� peo Dec 10,721,086 Percent of budget 7.44°/a Note: Includes CJ Sales Tax. Page 15 � � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Charges for n� Annual % Charges for Services Svcs Budget Actual over(under) Millions $7 Jan 468,545 407,469 -13.04% Bud9et $6 Actual Feb 930,947 824,480 -11.44% --- ---�ast Year Mar 1,511,689 $5 � ---__ _ _.- �� Apr 2,141,723 � May 2,835,988 $4 Jun 3,449,894 $3 Jul 4,279,186 �� �: . .�• $2 .�� �' Aug 4,964,934 Sep 5,446,745 $1 Oct 5,973,309 $- Nov 6,462,311 �a� Fe� �`�� PQ� ��� ��� �J\ Q,J�' SeQ o°� �°, peG Dec 6,981,753 Percent of budget 11.81°/a Fines& YTD Annual % Fines & Forfeits Forfeits Budget Actual over(under) Millions Jan 100,531 280,849 179.37% $2'20 Budget Feb 182,447 565,975 210.210�0 $2'00 Actual $1.80 - --LastYear ------ -- Mar 250,350 $1.60 Apr 386,856 $1.40 ��� May 430,660 $1.20 - - - �- -- -- - �`� Jun 502,597 $1.00 Jul 587,291 $0.80 �� �� Aug 690,153 $0.60 °� Sep 851,954 $0.40 $0.20 Oct 1,050,969 $- Nov 1,242,978 ,a� ��.p �ac PQc ��� ,J� �J� PJp� �eQ o�� �o� O�� Dec 1,494,000 Percent of budget 37.88% Pa�e 16 � '� City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year vT� Annual% Millions Other Taxes Other Taxes Budget Actual over(under) $8 Jan 617,836 416,222 -32.63% Budget $7 Actual Feb 1,159,328 870,189 -24.94% �����ast Year �.�� Mar 1,475,157 $6 °�. > Apr 2,111,613 $5 "°� � �� ? ,���. May 2,869,173 ! ' $4 _ �� Jun 3,039,190 `� ' ��� � $3 __ _ _ � , ��, „ � Jul 3,598,873 �°` � ;� ��:�� � :� ;, Aug 5,568,543 $2 - — �: . ��� �; . Sep 5,851,499 $� .��-H�M'�� Oct 6,380,889 $� ' Nov 7,034,962 �ac Qe� �`�� PQ� �Sa� �J� �J\ Q-J�' S�� �°� �°, p�G Dec 7,161,652 Percent of budget 12.15% YTD Annual % Millions Miscellaneous Misc Budget Actual over(under) $2.00 Jan 192,576 143,245 -25.62% Bud9et $1.80 - Actual �� Feb 322,135 335,925 4.28% -��---Last Year ��� $1.60 — � Mar 430,123 �" $1.40 , �� ��' n,h, Apr 550,255 �""� $1.20 May 855,476 � ' $1.00 — , Jun 995,368 � �� ' �� �,- �_ $0.80 ���: Jul 1,242,985 $0.60 �� Aug 1,396,435 ���-' $0.40 Sep 1,506,195 ' , f: $0.20 �� Oct 1,648,030 � / �� $- Nov 1,775,138 )a� Q�� �`a� PQ� �a� ��� �J\ Q-��' S�� ��'� �°, peG Dec 1,885,596 Percent of budget 17.82% Page 17 ,,�, `�r'' City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year General YTD Annual% Millions General Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $80 Jan 4,228,515 3,589,063 -15.12% $�� Bud9et Feb 9,591,131 8,044,222 -16.13% Actual .,., Mar 13,429,138 $60 --�^•-•Last Year ` Apr 19,712,593 $50 �� �r May 27,531,250 $40 `���� Jun 32,307,749 � Jul 37,594,806 $30 -- - �� Aug 43,129,726 $20 �� : Sep 48,609,566 $10 �� Oct 58,745,856 Nov 63,414,312 � Dec 70,616,488 �a� �e�0 �a� Q'Q� �a� ��� ��� P�°' ��Q o�` �o� O�� Percent of budget 11.39% Community YTD Annual % Millions Community Svcs Fund Svcs Fund Budget Actual over(under) $15.00 Jan 604,972 633,402 4.70% ` µ $13.50 — Budget Feb 1,128,620 1,350,012 19.62% Actual $12.00 ..--Last Year j� Mar 1,665,520 $10.50 Apr 3,994,320 ��` $9.00 May 6,361,479 $7.50 -- Jun 6,873,131 "�� $6.00 Jul 7,735,882 �` $4.50 ,� Aug 8,463,466 $3.00 Sep 8,819,726 Oct 10,261,224 $1.50 Nov 13,420,133 $ Dec 13,949,082 ��'c Q�,p �`m� PQc �Sa� )J� �J\ Q-J�' SeQ �°� �°, Qeo Percent of budget 9.68°/a Page 18 � � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year YTD Annual % Millions Street Fund Street Fund Budget Actual over(under) $10 Jan 362,525 437,609 20.71% $g Bua9et Actual Feb 853,042 921,838 8.06°/a - - '' $8 ---— Last Year —— � Mar 1,289,340 � s: . $7 �� ��,,. Apr 2,775,918 $6 May 4,236,790 ' ' $5 Jun 4,706,307 $4 � � � ,. , � ��.� Jul 5,025,655 $3 ,, �3��: , p : Aug 5,404,292 � �� , '� � �� �2 ' Sep 5,635,928 �� $1 „„�� ; Oct 6,537,126 � g��, $- .�� Nov 8,551,153 Dec 9,051,809 �a� �t�� �`�� PQ� �5�� )J� �J\ Q-J�' S�� 0�� �°, QeG Percent of budget 10.18°/a Library YTD Annual % Millions Library Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $2.60 - --- ---— - - Jan 5,196 11,937 129.73% $2.40 _ _ :sudget _ _ ____. ----_ $2.20 --- Actual _ _---- Feb 11,140 17,543 57.48% �ast Year $2.00 --- -- -- — Mar 16,572 $1.80 Apr 523,619 $1.60 _ _ _ - May 1,033,425 $1.40 Jun 1,041,080 $1.20 $1.00 �'•, � Jul 1,047,516 $0.80 Aug 1,110,638 $0.60 '� � `„ Sep 1,114,957 $0.40 Oct 1,623,309 $0.20 a ' ; ti,• ': $- �� ���.. :�„„.� .n;�.��.� �:� ����a. Nov 2,129,287 Dec 2,138,268 �a� Q�`o �`a� PQ� �Sa� ��� �o\ Q���' SeQ �°� �°, peo Percent of budget 0.82% Page 19 � � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Museum YTD Annual % Millions Museum Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $0.18 - -- ------- ----- -- - Jan 431 - 0.00% $0.16 Budget Actual Feb 825 25,182 2952.38% ��- �astYear $0.14 Mar 1,259 $0.12 Apr 37,727 May 73,739 $0.10 Jun 73,918 $0.08 Jul 74,658 $0.06 Aug 78,290 $0.04 ' 4 Sep 78,730 $0.02 Oct 114,854 ' : $' r � F, {.�.,...,.N�;..,«.,,.��"'»„^�»,^..�„��.,�,,,^ ,.�.._......r�aw.w,.,.��„ Nov 152,706 �ao �e�o `1`a� PQ� ��� �°� �°� Q,°� �eQ �°'� �°� p�o Dec 151,124 Percent of budget 16.66% LTGO Debt YTD Annual % Millions LTGO Debt Funds Funds Budget Actual over(under) $5.00 - ----- - --- Jan 179,163 177,670 -0.83°/o $4.50 aud9et Feb 242,556 281,941 16.24% $4.00 Actual --Last Year Mar 523,717 $3.50 _--- --- --- - - ' Xy ' r Apr 1,039,584 $3.00 �� May 1,470,988 $2.50 ' Jun 1,609,938 $2.00 �` Jul 1,805,259 $1.50 ,.. Aug 2,875,874 $1.00 � Sep 3,500,716 � . . $0.50 Oct 3,554,653 ��'�� $- � � -�, � r � � r-- Nov 3,658,947 �a� Q�� �`a� PQ� �`a� �Jc �°� P-Jp� �eQ 0��. �°� O�c, Dec 4,590,381 Percent of budget 6.14% Page 20 �`" � City of Renton Monthly Revenue Analysis - 2008 Budget Year n� Annual % Real Estate Excise Tax REET Budget Actual over(under) Millions Jan 257,430 231,334 -10.14% $3 Budget �' : Feb 436,650 300,624 -31.15% Actual �.�;'�M� _�-- Last Year 'v � � - ------- : .,r : . Mar 611,820 � �� � Apr 1,141,890 $2 ,:F� May 1,313,670 : ,��y *�' � � R �� Jun 1,670,910 � sw^F ,,� ��� Jul 1,965,510 $� . ��� ���, ,�� •' ;, ,. , >;� Aug 2,246,370 � , �� y; � ' � � Sep 2,538,210 �,��` ���� �`��" � ` �:, Oct 2,705,070 $- Nov 2,907,000 �ac Q�� �`�� P�� �a� �J� �J\ Q-J�' S�Q �°� �°, QeG Dec 3,000,000 Percent of budget 10.02% Note: Combines Funds 201, 215, 316, and 318 Paye 21 �..�. `r-" City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Generai n� Annual% Total Expenditures Government Budget Actual over(under) Millions General Government Jan 7,233,734 6,905,085 -4.54% $110 ; , Budget Feb 14,878,821 15,629,684 5.05% $100 Actual $90 --���-�Last Year � �` > Mar 22,386,791 $80 F Apr 29,944,530 $70 ''��� �< May 37,551,021 $60 , .�� Jun 46,677,998 $50 Jul 55,444,406 $40 - �:: Aug 63,548,585 $30 �� �.�p Sep 72,964,018 $20 $10 Oct 80,920,922 $- ,� � � � � � � � � , Nov 89,074,869 'a� �e,� ��� PQt �a� ,J� ��� P�� �eQ o�� �o� oeo Dec 101,568,854 Percent of budget expended 15.39°/a YTD Annual% Legislative Legislative Budget Actual over(under) $300,000 Jan 22,170 20,336 -8.27% audget Feb 44,708 40,339 -9.77% $250,000 Actual — - Last Year Mar 68,845 $200,000 Apr 91,706 May 113,982 $150,000 ' Jun 136,872 Jul 158,816 $100,000 Aug 180,846 '�� � �� Sep 203,394 $50,000 Oct 226,045 $- Nov 248,423 ,a� �e.p �a� PQc ��� ,J� �J� PJ� �eQ o��,�o� Oeo Dec 269,779 Percent of budget expended 14.95% Page 22 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Court YTD Annual % Millions COuI't SePVICeS Services Budget Actual over(under) $1.80 r Jan 128,630 141,212 9.78% Budget '�� ' Feb 263,273 300,245 14.04% $1.50 Actual --�-•--Last Year Mar 399,678 . . $1.20 - --- Apr 541,900 F May 696,754 � �"�` $0.90 �`` Jun 840,203 �� '�� � � " � % Jul 985,415 $0.60 ' " � Aug 1,129,487 �' � ���� Sep 1,271,905 $0.30 , �� ',� �'' Oct 1,419,411 $- Nov 1,553,058 �a� ��� �`ac P�t `Sa� �J� �J� e-°�, �eQ o°�. �°� p�o Dec 1,779,112 Percent of budget expended 16.88% YTD Annual % Millions Executive Executive Budget Actual over(under) $1.50 Jan 125,344 87,309 -30.34°/a :Bud9et Feb 261,237 218,383 -16.40% __ Actual $1.20 ,----.Last Year ' Mar 385,106 ' � Apr 510,540 $0.90 May 610,988 :�'. Jun 732,339 $0.60 � ����� Jul 869,826 Aug 994,917 ��``� $0.30 � Sep 1,118,995 ' -�' ,: Oct 1,248,555 $- Nov 1,368,417 �a� Qe� �`a� PQj �Sa� )J� �J\ Q-°�' SeQ ��'� �°, peG Dec 1,489,887 Percent of budget expended 14.66°/a Page 23 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year YTD Annual % Millions Finance Finance Budget Actual over(under) $2.10 Jan 245,344 226,614 -7.63% Budget �'� $1.80 Actual ,�. Feb 395,427 393,890 -0.39% �ast Year �`� Mar 557,333 $1.50 �:s� Apr 718,935 $1.20 X'��� ' May 883,115 ^,�`��' Jun 1,043,632 $0.90 ���r�tl �,�,� Jul 1,192,835 ��""Y $0.60 �,..•�'� Aug 1,362,662 N,f,% Sep 1,538,050 $0.30 Oct 1,703,548 $- Nov 1,887,481 �a� Q�,o �`a� PQ� ��'� )J� �J\ Q,��' SeQ ��~ �°, p�o Dec 2,037,717 Percent of budget expended 19.33°/a City YTD Annual % Millions City Attorney Attorney Budget Actual over(under) $1.80 Jan 132,753 54,023 -59.310�o Budget >"' $1.60 Actual >� Feb 279,737 163,451 -41.57% ___ __._ --•��-•�•Last Year �� $1.40 _ _ _ �.� Mar 437,745 m� � $1.20 `� Apr 590,581 �-��-�'� � May 772,300 $1.00 �^' Jun 868,367 $0.80 ------ � ' Jul 1,070,457 $0.60 '�� � �"`; Aug 1,139,573 $0.40 � - �` Sep 1,281,587 $0.20 Oct 1,413,255 � ' ' $- I f I I I 1 I �T Nov 1,547,654 �a� Qe� �a� PQ� �Sa� �J� �J\ Q-��' S�� �°� �°, peG Dec 1,696,096 Percent of budget expended 9.64% Pa�e 24 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Human YTD Annual% Millions Human Resources Resources Budget Actual over(under) $1.10 Jan 61,304 66,273 8.11°/a $1.00 -- .sudget — - �' �� Actual � " ; Feb 149,062 131,405 -11.85% $0•90 -� -•�astYear , Mar 234,078 $0.80 - - --- — � Apr 334,401 $0.70 � Ma 428,297 $0.60 ,�r��F, � ��,, �' y � t �, J u n 512,174 $0.50 �,,. $0.40 � Jul 595,679 �'' � �� �` „� $0.30 - ,�, Aug 697,286 �� �; ', �,, ' ��;, �, $0.20 Sep 784,433 " " $0.10 Oct 866,168 $- Nov 947,882 �a� Q�� �`�� PQ� �Sa� ��� �J\ P°�' SeQ 0°� �°, p�G Dec 1,035,009 Percent of budget expended 12.70% Public YTD Annual % Millions Public Works Works Budget Actual over(under) $1.50 Jan 84,712 73,940 -12.72°/a :sud9et ��'``� Feb 187,009 151,856 -18.80% $1.20 Actual �' � -�---Last Year �"' Mar 288,953 ,�, Apr 382,786 $0.90 May 485,283 `� Jun 577,446 $0.60 Jul 675,294 Aug 766,126 $0.30 Sep 859,666 ,� ,, � , Oct 953,382 �,; , ` �;r ' $- ,�—�—, � � � ' ���=---r i Nov 1,054,843 )a� Q�� ��� PQi �Sa� �J� �J\ Q,J�' SeQ �°� �°, p�G Dec 1,177,044 Percent of budget expended 12.90% Note: For comparative purposes history does not include Development Svcs division(now in CED). Page 25 ..w "�,°; City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Other City YTD Annual % Millions Other City Services Services Budget Actual over(under) $5.00 Jan 492,592 299,635 -39.17% $4.50 ------ eudget - ��' Feb 881,422 731,767 -16.98% Actual $4.00 -K�-.-Last Year Mar 1,302,988 $3.50 ��"�� Apr 1,622,386 $3.00 ; � ' May 2,006,532 ,�'"� $2.50 Jun 2,372,910 '� $2.00 ���� Jul 2,853,769 ��� � $1.50 �� Aug 3,277,991 $1.00 ��� � �� : Sep 3,626,648 $0.50 Oct 3,985,542 $- Nov 4,328,985 Dec 4,828,385 �a� �e� �`�` P�` �5�� )°c ��\ e.�°' c,eQ O°� �o, �eo Percent of budget expended 15.16% YTD Annual % Millions POIICe Police Budget Actual over(under) $27 Jan 2,019,103 1,882,172 -6.78% $24 Budget ;s Actual ���� Feb 4,171,828 4,391,561 5.27% $21 ������----�astYear ��'���� ,,�°'' Mar 6,454,281 � $18 Apr 8,378,423 May 10,278,435 $15 �„ Jun 12,655,850 $12 '� Jul 15,004,724 $9 �� � , � Aug 17,077,535 $6 Sep 19,173,179 $3 Oct 21,216,412 $- Nov 23,477,849 )a� Fe`o �`�� PQ� �Saa )�o �J\ Q-J�' S�Q �°� �°, Oeo Dec 25,945,815 Percent of budget expended 16.93°/a Pa�e 26 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Fire& n� Annual °�o Millions Fire & Emergency Services Emerg Svc Budget Actual over(under) $24 Jan 1,626,183 1,831,430 12.62% $21 Budget _� Actual Feb 3,940,097 4,247,071 7.79% a��Last Year �� ' f Mar 5,602,006 $18 �: ,� Apr 7,294,751 $15 � � ,�` � May 9,006,210 $12 �� �� • `,� ��-� Jun 10,680,878 ' $g � s, Jul 12,448,903 �� ,�; ���' ,�y , W v � Z/ 3 1�`-��, �'��, Aug 14,114,853 � ,,� � Sep 15,902,655 $3 �' ��,� � �� , �� Oct 17,718,103 $ `� �� ���� �'� Nov 19,436,791 ��� �e� �`ac P�c `Sa� �Jc �J� e-°�, �eQ o°�. �°� O�c, Dec 21,265,636 Percent of budget expended 19.97% YTD Annual % City Clerk City Clerk Budget Actual over(under) $800,000 Jan 46,927 45,501 -3.04% $700,000 Budget Feb 105,132 95,898 -8.78% Actual $600,000 ""�'�'-'Last Year Mar 158,343 .-�"'� �� Apr 290,673 $500,000 ��� � May 344,682 �=�_ ������� $400,000 " Jun 398,127 $300,000 '� '� ( � Jul 452,223 � � Aug 501,384 $200,000 � �� , ='E Sep 550,977 $100,000 ' ���' � ' �` � ' Oct 607,659 �- . ��;. ', Ye-, , �.,,' $- � -"T-'r-TTTTT-'I Nov 661,602 ,ac �e.o ��c PQc ��� ,J� �J� PJ���Q OG�,�o� oe� Dec 732,322 Percent of budget expended 13.10% Page 27 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Human n� Annual % Millions Human Svcs (Comm Svcs) Services Budget Actual over(under) $1.10 Jan 31,979 39,487 23.48% $1.00 -- Bud9et _ _ - Actual Feb 86,114 81,663 -5.17% $0•90 -- LastYear �"�v Mar 133,394 $0.80 _ ___- - ,,� , �, �� $0.70 Apr 290,110 ��'��� May 370,351 $0.60 ������" Jun 419,271 $0.50 ' Jul 529,699 $0.40 -- ���,.�� ' $0.30 .� Aug 608,097 $0.20 -- ,� �� Sep 657,970 $0.10 Oct 740,540 $0.00 � � � � � ' � � �' �'' � '� Nov 831,799 Dec 1,012,635 �a� ��� ��` P�` ��� �J� ,J PJ� ��� �G� �o, �eG Percent of budget expended 8.06% Hearing YTD Annual % Hearing Examiner Examiner Budget Actual over(under) $200,000 Jan 15,454 14,648 -5.21% $180,000 eud9et -- Actual ` �-= Feb 32,588 29,101 -10.70% $160,000 --Last Year �,x Mar 48,805 $140,000 �� ��``��� Apr 65,156 $120,000 � May 81,932 $100,000 �`'�_�� Jun 98,554 $80,000 ' � ✓ r Jul 114,944 $60,000 �� Aug 131,676 $40,000 ��'q Sep 148,446 $20,000 Oct 165,281 $ ,� � � � � ' � �' � '� � ' � Nov 182,604 �a� Fe� �a� PQ� �a� )J� �J\ P��' S�Q �°��°, p�G Dec 199,328 Percent of budget expended 14.60°/a Pa�e 28 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year vT� Annual % Community & Economic CED Budget Actual over(under) Millions Development Jan 572,863 513,248 -10.41% $7.50 __ __ _ -- Feb 1,170,716 1,087,726 -7.09% Budget �" ' Mar 1,761,256 $6.00 Actual ; ,��'� •---Last Year ��� ; Apr 2,348,744 ' " $4.50 �' �'`" May 2,923,168 � , � �� , �� � �3), Jun 3,523,222 �` $3.00 � ` Jul 4,119,229 ���°°� , �� ��� °, Aug 4,720,419 '� � $1.50 �....... Sep 5,288,596 � ��' � • Oct 5,863,447 `r R ' $- I � � � � � �' � '� � � � i Nov 6,480,113 �ac Qe�o �`a� P.�� �`a� ��� �J� Q-JA ��Q O°'� �°� peo Dec 7,099,549 Percent of budget expended 15.32% Note: For comparative purposes history includes Development Svcs division(previously in Public Works). General YTD Annual % Millions General Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $75 Jan 5,699,760 5,295,830 -7.09% Budget ��� Feb 11,500,791 12,064,354 4.90% $6p __ Actual �, - Last Year `• Mar 17,263,311 "� ' Apr 22,888,187 '`�' � $45 May 28,540,876 v��� �� Jun 34,420,358 $30 ��'� Jul 40,858,975 �� F� Aug 46,441,060 $�5 Sep 52,411,829 Oct 58,157,946 $_ ��� ( �� ; a I�� I � I I 1 I �ITI Nov 64,308,437 ��c Qe�o �`a� PQ� �a� )°o �J� Q,°0 �,�Q �°'� �°� pec, Dec 71,318,314 Percent of budget expended 16.92% Pa�e 29 ��...Y �,-,' City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Community YTD Annual% Millions Community Svcs Fund Svcs Fund Budget Actual over(under) $14 �u. Jan 844,896 758,460 -10.23% eudget ` $12 __----- Actual . �.� Feb 1,829,841 1,781,667 -2.63% »-�ast Year Mar 2,785,492 $10 �.;��"`� Apr 3,884,680 �r�'�� $8 _ ____ Y,�..� May 4,964,897 Jun 6,170,097 $6 Jul 7,679,388 y.k . $4 ___ ; ' Aug 9,225,504 F�''�' Sep 10,465,717 $2 Oct 11,571,182 $- Nov 12,703,987 �a� Fe`o �`a� P�� �Sa� �Jo �J\ Q-��' S�Q �°� �°, peo Dec 13,949,082 Percent of budget expended 12.77% YTD Annual % Millions Street Fund Street Fund Budget Actual over(under) $10 Jan 626,657 672,424 7.30% $g ---- Budget _ _ _ _ Actual Feb 1,322,469 1,407,978 6.47% $8 �-�---•�ast Year - --- �" , , Mar 2,001,174 $7 �- --� - � � �-� Apr 2,731,745 $g �� " ��< May 3,505,041 $5 Jun 4,192,798 $4 Jul 4,913,865 $3 Aug 5,705,808 $2 �A Sep 6,504,087 �,� , $1 ,�-� Oct 7,253,396 $- Nov 8,062,537 �a� Qe� �`a� PQ� �Sa� )�c �J\ PJ�' SeQ �°� �°, peG Dec 9,051,809 Percent of budget expended 15.55°/a Pa�e 30 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year YTD Annual% Millions CDBG CDBG Budget Actual over(under) $0 Jan 18,206 15,969 -12.29% = sud9et $0 — Actual . _ _ _ Feb 37,806 38,415 1.61% -�x---l.ast Year Mar 55,655 $0 Apr 73,790 $� �,�'�� May 90,915 —- - - . �"�� Jun 108,974 $� ;��,�' Jul 127,263 � � $� _ ___-- � � �s �H,, Aug 172,430 �""� � � � Sep 190,536 $� � ;, , ��", Oct 211,959 $- Nov 252,360 �a� �e.� �a� PQc �a� �J� �J� PJ�, ��Q o��. �o� oeo Dec 294,596 Percent of budget expended 13.04% Library YTD Annual % Millions Library Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $2.40 Jan 128,125 146,852 14.62% `=Budget $2.10 Actual Feb 309,921 305,850 -1.31% ----�-•--Last Year .�,,. $1.80 ��� Mar 469,179 '-�' - Apr 644,239 $1.50 � 'A May 822,378 $1.20 ��'�. Jun 1,015,827 �� $0.90 Jul 1,209,747 �,��''� ,�,• Aug 1,430,501 $0.60 �. �.... �`:;:..:; Sep 1,599,211 $0.30 Oct 1,771,769 '� "' $- Nov 1,937,078 ��� �e.� ��c PQc �a� �Jc ��� PJ�, ��Q o�,. �o� oeo Dec 2,138,268 Percent of budget expended 14.30% Pa�e 31 � � City of Renton Monthly Expenditure Analysis - 2008 Budget Year Museum YTD Annual% Museum Fund Fund Budget Actual over(under) $160,000 Jan 11,767 11,589 -1.51% $140,000 Budget Actual Feb 24,828 23,758 -4.31% s •�ast Year ��� Mar 37,362 $120,000 Apr 49,773 $100,000 �g May 62,600 $80,000 f � Jun 76,160 $60,000 Jul 88,979 Aug 101,929 $40,000 �'"� ���' Sep 114,742 $20,000 �`� Oct 127,583 � $- � � � � � � � � '� � ' � � Nov 140,541 �a� Q�� �`a� PQ� �a� ��� �J\ Q-J�' SeQ 0°��°, p�G Dec 151,124 Percent of budget expended 15.72°/a LTGO YTD Annual °/o Millions LTGO Funds Funds Budget Actual over(under) $5.00 Jan 138 - 0.00% $4.50 Budget Feb 16,296 - 0.00% $4.00 Actual ___ ___ _ ____ ;F ����Last Year Mar 16,296 $3.50 - -------- - ------ -- Apr 16,296 $3.00 — _ May 16,296 $2.50 � Jun 848,991 $2.00 � � Jul 849,083 � $1.50 — �` Aug 849,083 $1.00 �� Sep 2,053,232 $0.50 Oct 2,262,737 � ,, ,, ,,,,;,,,,, �.� ' $- Nov 2,344,078 ��� Q�� �`a� PQc `Sa� )�� ��� Q,J� ��Q 0��. �°� O�a Dec 4,590,381 Percent of budget expended 0.00% Page 32 � � City of Renton Monthly Enterprise Fund Financial Report - 2008 Budget Year Millions Utllltl@S Utilities Budget Revenue Expense $50 Jan 3,122,049 3,262,278 2,734,429 $45 -- aud9et , � , ----�•--Revenue � Feb 6,338,467 6,426,246 6,157,053 $40 - -• •-•Expense ,�; � �w �. Mar 9,755,188 $35 Apr 13,126,575 $30 �- '�� �.�� ��' �� � � ��„ May 20,904,635 $25 � Jun 28,455,561 $20 � � ,� Jul 33,068,551 '� $15 � �� �� � i� , � �: �: Aug 36,481,109 $�� 1 " Sep 40,139,767 $5 Oct 43,549,550 $� Nov 47,097,648 �a� Fe,o �`�� P�i �a� �J� �J\ Q-J�' S�Q 0�'� �°, Qeo Dec 46,259,427 Percent of budget expended 13.31% Note: Operations only,excludes bond proceeds and transfers to capital. Millions AiPp01"� Airport Budget Revenue Expense $1.20 Jan 74,364 92,275 70,182 Budqet Feb 158,355 211,190 169,108 $1.00 - �--Revenue --------Expense Mar 264,546 $0.80 Apr 371,445 =� ' � ' May 456,087 $0.60 Jun 547,478 Jul 663,957 $0.40 `` '' �:. Aug 769,817 �; '' $0.20 Sep 856,834 � � ' Oct 942,081 � , ,��, $- Nov 1,031,154 �a� Q�'� �`�� PQ� �Sa� )J� �J\ Q-J�' SeQ ��� �°� QeG Dec 1,141,958 Percent of budget expended 14.81% Note: Operations only. Page 33 � � City of Renton Monthly Enterprise Fund Financial Report - 2008 Budget Year Millions Golf Course Golf Course Budget Revenue Expense $2.80 Jan 168,703 58,166 115,536 >aud9ec $2.40 ---�----Revenue Feb 291,704 171,611 230,665 ----�--Expense Mar 433,368 $2.00 Apr 602,938 $1.60 — --- May 908,570 Jun 1,128,649 $1.20 Jul 1,334,676 $0.80 — Aug 1,532,301 Sep 1,689,430 $0.40 Oct 1,851,862 $- Nov 1,972,013 )a� Fe� �`�� PQ� �a� �J� �J\ Q-��' SeQ �°� �°, p�G Dec 2,478,369 Percent of budget expended 9.31% Note: Operations only. Page 34 +� City of Renton ' All Fi)Tfds - Revenue, Expenditures and Fund �nces Cash Basis through February 28, 2009 Balance Budgeted Revenue Total Funds Budgeted Expenditure Funds 01/01/2009 Revenue 02/28/09 Available Expenditure 02128/09 Ending Balance GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDS: 11,816,561 100,867,028 10,718,083 22,534,644 101,568,854 15,629,683 6,904,961 ": t�Otl�eneraI �,,,- „ ,.; ; 5>7't�t�.�7 ', 7{�,616',�88 ' ��Q����22 ����:���44,72�, ;; ,,,.,..7i,31,8�14' ', `12�t64 3�?} 1,6&Ra��'.�=. 001 Community Services 2,346,619 13,949,082 1,350,012 3,696,631 13,949,082 1,781,667 1,914,964 �ra�..��r.�'c' °�.,' :i.: ' �::�s�:��s sa�ti.���s ���,���.,,,_�. ' �,���,�ss .: �,a��s'sos '° �aar>s�ra, �,a����8°° .,.�., 004 Community Dev Block Grant (18,496) 294,596 68,694 50,198 294,596 38,415 11,783 ,. ' S�a.�'��us�um ' ', 3 3..�.;... '' ?.�.w, ,,,,'4�4„124 ' „3�,�����8� ;• ' ��.�82 �51 124:;.: ' ;7�S..h ; ,. , �;�424:' 006 Library 1,078,408 2,138,268 17,543 1,095,951 2,138,268 305,850 790,101 .,, � � � i �t1g��I'rrl;�;,�"��?��5�, ..•.. „ , ,::. '52x147 :, , . 35'„2�84 - 2,788. 54,935 ..,, '3�28d; .. .;; 2 51;�p�� „�:.1 ,�H:.����17", 010 Fire Memorial 57,062 15,000 1,840 58,902 15,000 3,899 55,003 ; .. , . �1.�'[�#�ir+e l�alil�T,��V�IIne�S ; 3�,3 53 ' ��,QE�},_., _ 3,�45 ��;tl�$'.�_'... '_`'.� ���-', �3" `I a��F �e,�;; �.�s.. 031 Park Memorial 173,452 - 78 173,530 - - 173,530 ;:: �0�#,�,#�� ����:��n;�caYf C�ekt� "�,���$ ', 1��3��;�140 ' '�,,... '' �,���;��' �,'1�£��.... .: ... 1,98t);44(i ',. ' - . ' � 'I.��;;. 215 Gen Govt Misc Debt Service 494,283 2,609,941 281,940 776,223 2,609,941 - 776,223 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: : �i0�Art��ia1 Sire+E�,,,,,,,,i,,,,, „';, ,,...:372�7�0:.; 6�8�575 ",..18t}a{l58 ? . ..�S2 7'86„ ' ;,.750,QOp.' y 55�,7`��,: 108 Leased City Pro,�pe,rties 1,252,058 1,244,322 93,674 1,345,732 1,244,322 38,276 1,307,4�5y6 ,��i""° R���L.°��1+������i. .�w,xk��7��.��.��v�..... ...a�zf�,`�,. �J�����.;;., ,"+�{����,,•`�,_ -.� ��r��.� . , ..������ .... . .. °��.rT a��„ .. .����}�� ..� ..��,�y„��„�k+�J�r,a, ... .. : ,.;��. . �. 118 Reserve for Paths&Trails 3,243 - 1 3,244 - - 3,244 ���'�°f+�Fr�ra?�� ......, . .; , . 12�1,��8"', ' " :=;54., .,_.,.'; �1�:1�7�� ;; .;.. ; .. '• ; ' ' 1��s732: , 127 Cable Communication 112,368 85,674 1,550 113,918 85,674 179 113,739 ;,;, '-�13�S':r��t �r�ak�fettaniIs Banic ', j.':8;5�?� ', 1(1s5b0 ' .,,��0��'. �' ' „,,,.� .B A. .,, . , � � ' - .,,,,,� s ;$,7"��:- DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: ' 2�C�.^�S#��.�nti�iiC�tl GQ�onds ', 49�3>1�� i..: 5�1L10 ' �,H�7 „ „t.�(��7� ��3,�3t�;,;..,, ; a1`8s13t}.,.� ?�.3��.)i CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS(CIP): ', 303Corni�runitY',Dev-�litig�tion ', . .: 1;67�3,fl13;;',,.,, 3QE1�{��Md,, ,.;..�. , �a�23 ;; .����;83� ; ° �. _... '�67��8,��; 304 Fire Mitigation 2,375,767 300,000 25,403 2,401,170 300,000 - 2,401,170 � ��305't`€ansp�srtation l+,titig�t�esr�� � ��3,�3�`,�474:;'` � 90���il � 81,�6 3,4i�4;4�(� � 9fH3,(H3f� '��, '��� 3,4�f4A70 '��� 316 Municipal Facilities CIP 12,375,315 8,621,329 263,055 12,638,370 8,700,174 357,986 12,280,384 '�,�°3'fTTranspa�a�ior�:CiP : 2>�7�7�5:'�,'� �2,51�r',348 3,Q5488� '�� 6,p4�;�� . ��,675.SX9 '�.� 2,287,59� '; .3,774,4�63'�, 318 So Lake WA Infrastructure Proj (999,477) 12,500,000 347,849 (651,628) 12,500,000 3,089 (654,717) ' 32+�Hciu�ing�ppctrtcrn�t�+' ' 2�4�32� ,, ` ' ;:�i�". ��i,1����'l�a;, ' ��� 24b�15 ENTERPRISE FUNDS: ' 4t12 Airp�ri . ;: �83,924 ' �,2Q9,511 ' 211,19Q '��'�;1.�'4- `1,�3D,�79 '. : 189,1Q$ 626,Q(l6 ' 403 Solid Waste Utility 651,755 15,123,236 1,585,464 2,237,219 14,899,606 2,067,733 169,486 4q4Cewtf�c,��,lYSe„; $61,Ut3 ' 2,$65,699 ' �171.61� �€,���;�24 �;47�:�69:'; ;' 234,66� < $t�1,95J: 422 Airport Capital 284,452 2,867,421 3,597 288,049 2,808,000 61,616 226,433 �: ,��4��s��f.Ccn�rse�a ftal ', 2��'.67� ', 'k.��fQ8t� 105 ;',. ,,,f���'�.7�� ' `'�5U,4fi�0.::::.: 53,5A2 2134;241- INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: ', 5U1�qui��nent`�e��frl�t�pfacem�nE` 2.366,73Q ', 5;7t7,af3� ' 917,143 `�3��3,$73 , ,'; 3,��7��5.:: >; 4�CY,�9�.. ' �.7��,C�74, : 5021nsurance 10,710,432 3,108,355 483,781 11,194,213 8,090,273 1,013,829 10,180,384 ', 5�Y3lt�flr�nation',��ruic��. 1,53C?,337 ', : 4;28�,319 717r157 ; �;��;1��4 4,2��'318. 55�,4.�$. : ', '1.69d,�� ', 504 Facilities - 4,051,084 677,459 677,459 4,051,084 604,183 73,276 !��� �'��.���{�C�€�1ce,�}ealYhcare. 3;�8£i���A� ����, :'�,�,Q4�,415 �� 1,9�5,��5 ,�; :�,78��74�.,...,� _ . 11,�6Q.�1�� 1,�7"�,A��3�:-, . ' �:��,���., 522 Insurance,Leoff1 Retirees HC 1,874,147 2,040,686 319,515 2,193,662 1,979,217 93,947 2,099,715 FIDUCIARY FUNDS: ^,.. $,�i��ir�rrlen�s Pen5k4n ' 4,2�5�99�),;: ,% 29p�O0E?. . + 2{�a�3�� .. ,,'' 4,�6�,'?�7.. ..-'," �a4Z.Z7� ' ' $�,6�� , ', 4;��9�8[t6 '. Balance Budgeted Revenue Total Funds Budgeted Expenditure Funds 01/01/2009 Revenue 02/28/09 Available Expenditure 02/28/09 Ending Balance ENTERPRISE FUNDS:UTILITIES - ------ - -- --- -- ---- - - - - --- - ----- -- ----- �` t��W���rUti��t , ; 5,i�l4�7C� 10,011844 ' 1�A8t�F1G� 65�4'439 'i2��,�70 , , � '�,�38;262 5546,1 7 �:, Y . 7,..' ; 406 Waste Water Utility 2,941 862 5,529,980 854 011 3 795,873 5�304 273 564,794 3,231,079 ; �: �t�7 Swrtac�,l±�a��r�ltiliiy: :, ....,. ��2�6,1,7'�"�.;:, 5,��5�0�_.. '', 8fi���l�"':."'- ', 4,1t�1w�E1,?,�, ' �,:138�47$;;.� � . �+ 'S�C9,BtY7. 3 4�37��.� r. � 416 King County Metro (97 685) 11,414 648 1 645 672 1 b47 987 11 414 648 1 866,657 (318,670)� ;. ,����nr�t�ut���ty c�r����U;���ar� ., �,�������;; a,ass���„ �����;. , z��s�;��sz ' 3;�,aa�nar�.�. �... , aa�,�s� .. ;.�;�,�s���x; ; 426 Waste Water Construction 720,740 2,461,899 21,268 742,008 3,3e7/5�y,0�y,0y}0 531,251 210,757 ; F: .^�4����E��th��������il��� .�,.:� ..� �������,��.,. ��sGfi���V� , ''... �������,:': � ���.,�� Y :a .'�.........a��.�fA�Sl1/Sd����.., ,„x... ��... �W�Y��..�.,, ...3.:1����x��%�S �- . . . . . . . ���. . ,n: .. � 461 Waterworks Bond Reserve 106 377 19 341 125 718 125 718 ; � �{ s p c ( F e e �« Y���'A�L�..�J���i��li^���F��.r���� :�.- '�.��lx���,'�. .,....; y�. .�� ..::`.,;�"� 3��:���A�,� .iY f,}:`: �i7���;1 I � . ; i ; , �.. . � � �. -; .. . -, . . . ,:, . �. ,�.: �. . �..,, . �' 481 Future W/S Bond Proceeds 174,840 - 12,088 186,928 - - 186,928 � -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Note: Waterworks Utility Funds are managed as a system and are designated by the dotted lines. Interfund loan of$1,000,000 to Fund 318 from Fund 316 per RES 3905. Page 35 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF ORllINANCE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal nnorTEn sY TxE xN NTON Advertising Representative of the ciTY courtcir, Following is a summary of an ordinance adopted by the Renton City Council on April 20,2009: ORDINANCE NO.5455 Renton Reporter An Ordinance of the City of Renron, Washington, amending the Ciry of Renton Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Budget as adopted a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of by Ordinance No. 5423 and eneral circulation and is now and has been for more than six months thereafteramendedbyOrdinances � g 5441 and 5451. prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in Effe����e: Ap�i a9,Zoo9 the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King Complete text of this ordinance is available at Renron City Hall, County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as ioss soUcn Graay way; and a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Po�ced at tne Renron Public Libraries, 100 Mill Avenue South Washington for King County. and 290? NE �zcn scTeec. upon The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues request to the City Clerk•5 ofs�e, of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was c42s>a3o-6sio, copies will also be mailed for a fee. regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. Bo���e�.wa�co� City Clerk The annexed notice, 1: Published in the Renton Reporter Public Notice on April 24,2009.#213291. was published on Apri124, 2009. ,.���11��) The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is ,�.^`�`N ES�,C'�1���i�� the sum qf $70.00. _ =�5 �T%, i � _� ��a�RY s'%, � . . i�� �'�L�.' =� ` - o � '` � inda M. Mills �� R��`� �.� �= Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter '�� s;''f�,,,�o-'�`�.���,��= Subscxibed and sw rn to me this 25th day of April, 2009. ���� ��I F o F �1`�p.���`" I ����Il\1\\������� athy Da g, otary Publ' for the State of Washington, Residing in Coving on,Washington P. O. Number: . . . , .,..J:{� � � ,,�,,.Amends ORD 5423 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5451 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET TO AUTHORIZE $13,600 FROM GOLF COURSE FUND (404) BALANCE TO APPROPRIATE FOR WATER RIGHT ATTORNEY FEES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The appropriation in the Golf Course Fund is hereby increased as follows: Fund 2009 Original Budget 2009 Adjusted Budget Increase Budget 404 $2,478,369 $13,600 $2,491,969 SECTION II. This project will be funded by the Golf Course Fund prior year revenue. SECTION III. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 16th day of March , 2009. ����.� (.�a.�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 16th day of March , 2009. De is Law, Mayor 1 �' ORDINANCE NO. 5451 � Appr d as to form: <���, h�— ' �/�/ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 3/20/2009 (summary) ORD.15 3 9:2/13/09:scr 2 STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUN�Y OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RENTON Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal NOTICE OF ORDINANCES Advertising Representative of the ADOPTED BY THE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Following is a swnmary of ordinances adopted by the Renton City Council on January 12, Renton Reporter Zoo9: ORDINANCE NO.5441 An ordinance of the City of Renton, Washington, amending a weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of the fiscal year 2009 annual budget general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months by adding the Ciry Attorney�s Office positions to the 2009 � prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in budget index of positions. the English language continuously as a weekly newspaper in King Effechve: 1/21/2009 ORDINANCE NO.5442 County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as An ordinance of the c�ry of a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Renton, Washington, amending Chapter 1, Administration Washington for King County. and Enforcement of Title IV The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues (Development Regularions) of of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of regularly distributed to its subscribers dur�ng the below stated period. cne c�cy or Re�co�,Washington," The annexed notice, a: setting the unpact fee at $5,495 Public Notice per new qsingle-family home in the Issa uah School District; setting the impact fee at $5,304 per new single family home and $3,266 per new multi-family was published on January 16, Z,OO9. home in the Kent School District; and adopting the Capital Facilities Plans of the school districts within the City of Renton. The full amount of the fee char ed for said fore oin ublication is �,-,� ,� �, Effecdve: 1/21/2009 g g g P 'S �� Complete text of these ordinances �the sum of $105.00. ,`1`�����µ�E���h`C �/� is available at Renton City Hall, � j � � �=\�5�0 Xa����, /�j 1055 South Grady Way; and i�i���� J.`;1�J`jZ�// „ ,�;� �S ARy t�`r�,� j posted at the Renton Public ���� � ' d � % =� 2 5 i Libraries, 100 Mill Avenue South `' 'c�i ' � ' Z % and 2902 NE 12th Street. Upon Linda M. Mills � ; ,�, � o � � ! AUa�, �_ /'� � request to the Ciry Clerk's office, Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter � N%,,� � ; � _ (425)430-6510,copies will also Subsc i ed and sworn t me this 26th da of Janu 2009. � ' ����9���'� �' ' be mailed for a fee. Y �'� �% �y '''�",„.�...��� � — � �'� c,`r`� Bonnie 1.Walton ,t,'��il�O�W P��`` Published in the�R nton Reporter Kathy Dals o ary Public fo e State of Washington, Residing on January 16,2009.#174027. in Covington,Washington P. O. Number: Apri15, 2009 ,�, Renton City Council Minutes . ., Page 99 Appointment: Advisory Mayor Law appointed Kathleen Booher to the Advisory Cominission on Commission on Diversity Diversity for an unexpired term expiring 12/31/2009(position previously held by Jennifer Knickerbocker). Refer to Community Services Committee. Utility: Release of Easement City Clerk submits request for release of easement by Kristine Maristela, Request, Certified Land Certified Land Services Corporation, for approximately 1,347 square feet of Services Corporation property located in the area of 536 -606 Mill Ave. S. Refer to Utilities Conunittee. Appeal: Ram Short Plat City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision regarding the Ram Variance,Varma&Ram, Short Plat Variance(V-08-123); appeal filed by Kushal Varma and Kajal Ram; V-08-123 accompanied by required fee. Refer to Plannin�and Development Committee. CED: Multi-Family Housing Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Property Tax Exemption, the multi-family housing property tax agreement for the Liberty Square Liberty Square Apartments Apartments project. Refer to Plannin�and Development Committee. Lease: Park&Ride Garage Community Services Department recommended approval of Amendment Two Agreement, City Center of LAG-04-003,King County Park&Ride Garage agreement, to extend the Parking Garage, King County termination date to 12/31/2009 at existing rates and conditions. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Carry Forward Finance and Information Services Department requested approval of the carry Ordinance �4��' forward ordinance in the amount of$37,203,924, which increases the 2009 � Budget by carrying forward funds from 2008 for projects that were not completed in 2008. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Stage II Lake Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the Washington Trail South Lake amount of$72,464 with WHPacific for the Stage II Lake Washington Trail Connector,WHPacific South Lake Connector project. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. ITNFINISHED BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Zwicker presented a report recommending Utilities Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation that the Earlington Sanitary Sewer SAD: Earlington Sanitary Interceptor Special Assessment District No. 0038 be approved. The Special Sewer Interceptor Assessment District will establish new connection charges of residential units as shown in Zone"A"on the Earlington Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District Map as $6,512.40 per dwelling unit. New connections of residential units as shown in Zone"B" on the Earlington Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District Map shall pay a fee of$7,366.22 per dwelling unit. In addition, simple interest will accrue at a rate of 5.30 percent for a period of ten years. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance finalizing the Earlington Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Special Assessment District be presented for first reading. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page for 100 ordinance.) Communitv Services Community Services Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Robert J. Ingersoll(Airport Appointment: Airport Leaseholder alternate position) to the Airport Advisory Cominittee for an Advisory Committee unexpired term expiring on May 7, 2010. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL CONCUR 1N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. . CI�,,,.,� OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND�,riLL AI#: �e► Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Finance & IS Department Apri16, 2009 Staff Contact...... Iwen Wang Agenda Status Finance/IS Administrator Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. 2009 Carryover Budget Amendment Ordinance Ordinance............. X Resolution............ Old Business........ E�ibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... Draft Ordinance Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept......... X Refer to Finance Committee Finance Dept...... X Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $37,203,924 Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... $37,179,537 Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: The proposed Ordinance increases the 2009 Budget appropriation in the amount of$37,203,924 by carrying forward fund balance of$23,194,345 from 2008 for projects that were not completed in 2008, but are anticipated to be completed in 2009. Additional grant and other revenue in the amount of$13,985,192 is also anticipated to provide for a portion of these expenditures. The combined resources from fund balance and revenue forward are $37,179,537. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 2009 Budget Amendment in the amount of$37,203,924, and authorize first reading ofthe Ordinance. C:�Documents and Settings�BWalton�Loca1 Settings\Temporaiy Intemet Files\Content.0utlook�X7DZYiINA�2009_Cairyforward Agenda BiLdoc �' � . `SY O� FINANCE AND INFORMATION SERVICES � � �- �- , DEPARTMENT � �'-�N�O� M E M O R A N D U M DATE: April 1, 2009 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: enis Law, Mayar FROM: Iwen Wang, Administratar �� SUBJECT: 2009 Carry-forward Budget Amendment Ordinance ISSUE Should the 2009 budget be amended to authorize expenditures for projects started but not completed in 2008 and to incorporate other adjustments identified herein? RECOMMENDATION Adopt an ordinance amending the 2009 Budget to authorize the carry-forward of projects and corresponding appropriations. BACKGROUND SUMMARY Each year Council is asked to consider an ordinance amending the current year's budget by authorizing additional appropriations for projects that were authorized in the prior year's budget but have not yet been completed. This is known as the carry-forward budget amendment ordinance. Except for four items listed below, all of the proposed carry-forward amounts relate to a project that was budgeted in 2008 and or had been previously approved by the City Council. These projects were not able to be completed in 2008, or final payments were not made during 2008. In order to complete the projects and to meet the City's financial obligations, the 2009 budget should be amended to include these amounts. There are four items that were either not originally budgeted, and need to be addressed in the 2009 Budget; or the origina12009 budget is no longer projected to be sufficient, due to revised expenditure estimates. These are: • (000) Maintain staffing level at Kennydale Beach $15,000 This would restore the reductions made in 2009 budget in lifeguard hours to 20081eve1 at the Kennydale Beach. h:lfinance\budget\2009 budgeticarryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc . Randy Corman,Council P�ent ,,,�,, Members of the Renton City Council April 1,2009 Page 2 of 9 • (000) Replace Lifeguard Tower at Coulon Beach Park $13,000 The existing lifeguard tower has reached the end of its life and is beyond repair and is in need of replacement at this time. • (316) City Facility Reconfiguration for BH Annexation $1,218,181 This is to complete the city facilities reconfiguration to accommodated staffing increases which resulted from the Benson Hill Annexation. The project scope was expanded to include police substations at the Transit Center, the move of programs to the old City Hall, creating office space at the Liberty Park Building and in Fire Station 13. These changes allowed the City to fully utilize its facility resources and are the most cost effective way to accommodate the City's space needs. The associated costs will be captured and charged back to the Annexation Project for reimbursement from the state sales tax credit. • (503) eGov Alliance membership—increase appropriation $50,000 The City has increased its subscription to various services provided by the eGov Alliance, a consortium of most eastside cities that provide common web-based service solutions to local governments. Switching from a subscription to membership service would allow the City to speedup on-line service offers to our businesses and residents, and to participate in fizture software development to best meet the City's needs while avoiding the cost to acquire or develop our own stand alone applications where applicable. The amount of carry-forward adjustment totals $37,203,924, including $13,921,677 in anticipated revenues and $23,194,345 in fund balances are also to be carried-forward from 2008 to 2009. A detailed list by fund is attached to this memo. CONCLUSION The 2009 budget amendments proposed are corrections to the original budget adoption ordinance. Attachment: Proposed budget carry-forward amendment detail Draft Budget Amendment Ordinance and Attachment A. cc: Jay Covington,CAO Marty Wine,Assistant CAO Bonnie Walton,City Clerk Department Administrators h�lfinance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc Randy Corman,Council Pr��nt � • _ Members of the Renton City�ouncil April 1,2009 Page 3 of 9 GFIVFRAL FUIVD/Fund 000) Adopted Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance t 1,138,630 677,931 11,816,561 REVII�iUF�S i00,867,028 CDBG Program Reve�ue 63,339 Shoreline Master Plan DOE Grant 107,682 Gates Foundation Library Technology 9,750 W ipeout Gaffiti(move from 504 fund) 20,000 Total Rerenue Adiustment l OQ867,028 200,771 10i,067,799 EKPN7VD[I'URES I01,568,8�3 CED Shoreline Master Plan 92,946 CED kr�act Fee Study 39,470 CED Neighborhood Trailer Erpense(Baf of$Sk sponsorship received in 2(�8) 3,282 CED WestHillAnnehationSurvey 10,000 PD (�affiti Program Moved From 504 20,000 PD Seimre Fund balances and youffi programself-sustaining 426,6&� PlN Tech Svcs Prof Svcs-Aerial Mapping 1(�,000 PW ST:2008 Approved E�ense To Purchase Additional Fumiture&Design iQ000 PW ST:Overlay!Road Ratings ForAnne�tions. 15219 CS 2008-4th Qtr Payment to Big Brothers Big 3isters in 2009 1,563 CS CDBGProgramE�enses 63,339 **CS Maintain staffing costs of fifeguards at Kennydale Beach. 15,000 CS Secunty fencing gates at Liberty Park by river--balance to be paid in(�. 2,W0 **CS Lifeguard tower replacement. I3,000 CS Trees Purchased[n 08 paid in 09 6,200 CS BalanceofLindberghPool 36,103 CS Cates Foundation Caant 9,750 Total Fapenditure?.diustment 101,568,8.53 864r556 t02,433,409 H}�din FundBulance 10,436,805 14,146 10,450,951 A RTERIAL STRELT FUND f Fund 1021 Adopted Adiustment Arrended Beginning Fund Balance 316,068 56,6b2 372,730 Fndin �nd Balance 204,643 56,662 26l 05 LFASID FACILII'IES FU1VD(Fund 108► Adopted Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 529,744 722,314 1,252,058 RE1'E'YL� 638.575 Totai Revenue Adiustment 638 575 - 638,.575 - ��� ,���� �CPINDII'URES 750.000 Transfer to 316 for CH Reconfiguration 638,515� Total Expen�iture Adjushnent 750,000 638,515 1,388„515 Fndio Fund Balance 529,744 83,799 613 43 HOTIIIMOTFL TAX(Fund I 10) Adooted Adiustment Amended Beginning�nd Balance 272,601 (21,855) 250,746 REVII+IUFS 340 400 Totai Re�xnue Adiustment 340,400 340,400 �tiPINDIt'URES 29�,000 Reproduction of KC Trails Map 3,000 CAG08-199 Hamilton/Saunderson 19,000 CAC OS-197 Charober Of Coim�erce 9,000 TotalFapenditureAd.justment 295,000 31,000 326,000 Endin FundBalance 318,OO1 52,855 265,146 h:lfinancelbudget�2.009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc Randy Corman,Council I^r..ident ,,,�„r Members of the Renton City Council April 1,2009 Page 4 of 9 PAT7I&TT�IL E'UII,T.�\fFund 1 i 81 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning FundBalance 3,183 60 3,243 Fndin EundBalance 3,183 60 3,2=13 OrE PFRCEI`T FOR ARTS(Fund 125) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 57,16=1 64,514 121,678 Fndina Fund Balance 57,164 64,514 121,678 CABLECO�ti�1lIlY1CATtOtiS(Fund 127) Adooted Adiustment Amended BeginningFundBalance 13,174 99,194 112,368 Fndin FundBalance 13,174 99,t94 112,368 SPRI;V`GBROOK�VECLAiYDS BANK(Fund 1351 Adoated Adiustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance - 8�502 8„502 Fnd'in Fund Balance 10,500 8T502 19,002 SEi�`IOR HOC'SING BOND E1!ND(FS�nd 219) Adopted Adiustment An�ended Beginning Fund Balance 607,839 (111,720) 496,119 En�n F'und Balance 89,709 (i l 1,720) 22,011) I:�9PACT�tITIGAT(ON FUNDS(Fund 303,304,305) Adopted Adjustment Ame�ded Beginning Fund Balance 7,360,699 17,555 7,378,254 RE1'�VU�S 1,500,000 Revised recenues based on current economic data. (500,000) Total Re�enue Adjustmeni 1,500,000 (500,000) 1,000,000 �KPEr'DITURES 1,200,000 Transferto Transportation CIP to Complete Project 2,100.000 Totat Fxpenditure Adjustment 1,200,000 2,100,000 3,300,000 Fndin FundBalance 7,660,699 2,582,445) 5,078,254 h:\finance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc Randy Corman,Council Pr�nt �y . Members of the Renton City�ouncil April l,2009 Page 5 of 9 hiU!YICIPAL C�FLIND(Fund 3161 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning F'und Balance 1,578,845 10,796,470 IZ,375,315 �'p�L� 8,621,329 May Creek Acyuisition Crrant 2�>� Panther Creek Acqu is ition Cmant 95,000 Fire Station 11 FEMA Grant 32�,��� ** TransferinFromFund 108forCHReconfiguration 638,515� Transfer[n From Fd 001 forCommunitv Center Studv 30,000 Total Re�nue Adjustment 8,62(,329 1,291,272 9,912,601 �p�YD[711RFS 8,700,l74 Maintenance Facility(will be used for Landing Ciarage Acy.In 2009) 7,500,000 Carco Theater,HVAC electronic controis �1.� Senior Center Banquet AV equipment,in process 12,000 Main Library Minor remodeling 2�.� E�roise Equipn�ent Replacement 16,000 North Highiands Neighborhood Center Roof wod:done.to be paid in 09 30,Ob0 Renton Community Center&Rcc Readerboard 80,00� Fire Station i l improvement(including seismic upgrade) 685,O1A Fire Station IZ 12,43� � Fffe Station 13 �,� Renton Historical Museum Master Plan 100,000 Logan Ave Bike Lane 3a1,�00 Parks/Rec/Open Space Plan,Trails Plan,and Com Center study 193,933 Regis Pa�i:Athletic Field E�ansion consultantlonhoid 286,352 Parks General Major Maintenance,various projects 684,152 Urban Fo�stry Devlpnult Plan,tree inventory/assmt,UF ordinance 133,386 Path�vay,Sidewaik,Patio&Boardwalk safety repairs 267,766 Irrigation Automation&Water Conservation,completed payment in 09 22,084 SpringbrookTrail Missing Link t50,11 l ** City Facility Reconfiguration for Benson Hill Anne.ration Sta$ing 1,2(8,181 Park Maintenance Facility United Rental Site Lease Pmts 19�,624 Downtown Wayfinding 50,000 S.Lk Washington Redeve(opment 33,000 Highiands Redevelopment Plan 50,000 Total Expen�ture Adjustment 8,700,L74 1Z,087,7a2 20,787,916 Fa�in Fund Balance 1,500,000 0) 1,500,Q00 h:lfinance\budget12009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc ' Randy Corman,Council Pt�,.�cient ,� Members of the Renton City Council April l,2009 Page 6 of 9 "I'RANSPORTATION CIP FUND(Fund 3171 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 282,933 2,693,852 2,976,785 REVIN[JE5 22,616,348 ('rants and other Revenues 1,286,199 Transfer in from I�act Fee(305) 2,100,Q00 Total Re�enue AdjusUnent 22,616,348 3,386,199 26,002,547 EXPF7VDiI'URFS 22,675,579 Tnnspo�tation Ir�rovement Projects 5,860,418 --- _ Tota!F�rpenditure Adjustment 22,675,579 5,860,418 28,535997 EncGn Fund Balance 223,702 219 633 443 35 SOUTH LAKE WASHINGTON CIP FUIYD(Fund 318) Adopted Adjustment Amended BeginningFundBalance 51,625 (1,051,702) (999,477) � RE.VINIIES 12,500,000 Grants and other Revenues 347,849 La�ding Development Reimbursement Receivable 1,896,918 Total Re�enue Adjustment 12,500,000 2,244,767 14,744,767 IXPINDI'I'URFS 12,500,000 Landing Infrastructure Project Cornpletion 1,193,912 Tota1 E�penditure Adjustr�nt 12,500,000 1,193,912 13,693,912 Fn�n Fund Balsnce 51,625 (247) 51,378 HOL6ING OPPOR"I'UNYCY FUND(Fund 3261 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance - 200,325 200�25 Fn�n FundBalance - 200,325 200�25 AIRPORT F'UIVD(Fund 402/4221 Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning�ndBalance 320,263 548,113 868,376 REVDV[JES 4,076,932 FAA Runway 15/33 Resurfacic�g Caan[ 1,563,657 FEMA Crtan[approved in 2007/2008 but not yet received 109,959 Total Re�enue Adjustrnent 4,076,932 1,673,616 5,750,548 � IXPINDTI'[JRES 4,338,379 Airport CIP 1,941,991 Total F�cpenditure Adjustment 4,338,379 1,941,991 6,280,370 Fn�n FundBalance 58,816 279738 338 54 SOLIDWASTE Ul'II.TI'Y FUND(�nd 403) Adopted Adjustmen[ Amended Beginning FundBalance 346,349 305,406 651,755 En�n Fund Balance 569,979 305 406 875 85 COLF COURSE FYRVD(Fund 404/424) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 1,016,754 101,936 1,118,690 REVFIVIJFS 2 623 779 Totai Re�enue Adjustment 2,623,779 2,623,779 L��LPIIVD[I7)RFS 2,641,969 GolfCourse CIP 13 600� 181398 Totsl Fycpen�ture Adjustment 2,655,569 181,398 2,836,967 Fn�Sn FundBalance 998,564 (79,462) 905,502 h:\finance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc Randy Corman,Council Pr�nt . Members of the Renton City�ouncil � April 1,2009 Page 7 of 9 �VATER ITtLITY F'I�M1D(Fund d05/�25► Adopted Adjustment Arrended Beginning F'undBalance 4,a90,417 2,746,121 7,236r538 REV�iCiES 14,898,063 Bond Fund Interest Faming Allocation 85,672 Total Revenue Adjustment 14,898,063 85,672 14,983,735 E�PEy'DI'I't?RFS 17,558,870 WaterMaintenance:Vehicle 21,940 Co�relator(water leak detector) 18,970 W ater CIP 1,980,000 Total Expen�ture Adjustment 17,558,870 Z,020,910 19 579,780 E'ndin N�+nd Ralance 1,829,610 810,883 2,640,493 �YASTEIVATER lrI'IL17't'FIIYD(Fundd06/416/a26) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 2,970,628 59�,289 3 564,917 REV F�11JES 19,406,527 Bond Fund(nterest Eaming Allocation 50,704 Transfer from406 to 4?b 2,061,071 Totai Revenue Adjustment 19,�l06,527 2,111,775 21 518,302 ELPFitiDITLRES 20,093,921 W astewater CIP 1,835,000 Ttansfer from406 to 42b 2,061,071 Total Expenctiture Adjustment 20,093,921 3,896,071 23,989,992 �ndiu �nd Balance 2,283,234 (1,190,007) 1,093,227 SIRFACE;�VATFR l!TILITY FL;tiD(Fund 407/427) Adopted Adjustment Amended BeginningHlmdBalancc 3,1�7,778 832,703 3,980,481 RE:V EN UES 7,21],265 Bond Fund lnterest Faming Allocation 38,464 Remaining FEMA grant revenue for 2009 288,9�0 Remaining W S Military grent revenue for 2009 48,162 ('aant revenue approved in November2007,but not rec - 75,000 Fxpected remaining W SDOT revenue to be received in - 43,333 Transfer from407to 427 2,711,323 Total Re�enne Adjustment 7,211,265 3,205,Z�2 10,416,517 El"P��1Tl!RF,'S 8,988,478 Surface water CtP 1,680,000 Surf W ater Maint Mach/Equip 55,400 Transfer from407 to 427 2,711,323 Total Expen�fiture Adjustmeot 8,988,478 a,446,323 13,A34,801 Fiidin FundBalance 1,370,565 408,368) 962,197 Lrl'[LITYBOND/RATESTABLIZA7'[ON F[IlYD(Fund461/d71/481) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 94,9>2 201,767 296,719 IXPEM1�I'T[1R�S - Closeout 481/Interest Famings allocated to 405/06/07 - 174,840 Total Expencliture Adjustment - 174,840 174,840 Fndin FundBalance 94,952 26,927 121,879 h:\finance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2004 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc ' Randy Corman,Council Fy,,,.dent ,,,,�,,,, Members of the Renton City Council April 1,2009 Page 8 of 9 EOiJ[PMEIVT'RINTAL FUND(Fund 50 t) Adopted Adjustment Amended BeginningFundBatance 2,139,472 227,258 2,366,730 RE1'INIJES 5,717,000 Transfer finm 405 for Vehic(e purchase 21,940 Total Revenue Adjustment 5,717,000 21,940 5,738,940 EXPINDiTU1tES 3,597,985 Water Maintenance Vehicle 21,940 2008 EquipmenUVehicle ordered not yet received 529 244 Total bepenchture Adjustment 3,597,985 551,184 4,149,169 FhcSn Fund Balance 4,258 487 (301 86) 3 956 O1 INS URANCE FUND(�nd 502) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balance 9,981,919 728,513 10,71Q,432 FiuTin Fund Balance 5 000 001 728 13 5 728 14 INFORAMI'[ON SIItVICES FUND(Fund503) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning FundBalance � 378 1,530,559 1,530,937 REVINIJES 4,287,319 Gates Foundation Grant Transfer from[abrary Fund 9,750 Total Re�enue Adjustment 4,287,319 9,750 4,297,069 F�CPINDITURES 4,287,31b Crates Foundation Grant 9,750 Eaiterprise Maintenance Task Management 466,136 eGov Alliance SQ000 Public Disclosure Mandates 40,000 Eden Web E�densions 35,000 New World Systei� 100,000 Automated Agenda Bill Process 50,000 CJIS SystemSecurity 35,000 Fire Video/RemoYe Training 2p,0pp Microsoft Migration Project 110,000 Mailing Stuffer 45,000 Total F.acpent�ture Adjustment 4,287�16 960,886 5,248,202 Endio FtindBalance 381 579423 579 04 FACILiTiES SFRV[CES FUND(Fund 504) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning N1indBalance - - - REVINUFS 4,051,084 Transfer CA office lease,utilities,and janitorial servicf - 154,200 TransferParks Maint.Facility lease budget - 99,978 Totat Re�enue Adjustment 4,051,084 254,178 4,305,262 EXPINDfI'[JRES 4,051,084 CA Office space at 100 S 2nd St-BuiMing Lease - 130,000 Lease payments for Parks Maint.Facility(United Rent - 99,978 City Attorney Office Utility - 14,000 City Attomey Of�ce Janitorial Service - IQ200 Total Expendture Adjushnent 4,051,084 254,178 4,305,262 Fncfin Fund Balance - - - h:\finance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc Randy Corman,Council Prt�,�nt ,� . Members of the Renton City�ouncil April 1,2009 Page 9 of 9 E11P L01�HE4LTHCARE 1NS[!R.4NCE Fl9VD(Fund 512) Adopted Adjustment Amended Beginning Fund Balancc 2,986,268 79�3,086 3,780,354 Endin Fund Balance 2,9b6,�67 794,086 3,760,553 RET[RF�HEILTHCARE LVSURANCE El!ND(Fuod 5221 Adopted Adjustu�ent Amended Reginning Eund Balance 1,322,821 5�1,326 1,874,147 En�n FuodBalance 1,384,290 ii1,326 1,935,616 FfRE1tEN'S P�YSION FT7\`D(Fund 611) Adopted Adjustn�ent Amended Beginning Fund Balance 4,38G,�25 (120,434) 4,265,991 Fn�n FundBalance 4,134,149 ]20,434 4,013,7i5 h:\finance\budget�2009 budget\carryforward_bdgt_adj�2009 budget carryforward amendment issue paper revised.doc � , . ,y�,: v..r+ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE CITY OF RENTON FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AND THEREAFTER AMENDED BY ORDINANCES 5441 AND 5451. WHEREAS, on November 17, 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5423 approving the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget; and WHEREAS, on January 12, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5441 adding the City Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 adopted Budget; and WHEREAS, on March 16, 2009, the City Council adopted Ordinance 5451 appropriating funds in the Golf Course Fund for certain expenses related to securing water rights at the Golf Course; and WHEREAS, funds appropriated in 2008, but not expended in 2008 due to project interruptions and delays in invoice payments, need to be carried forward and appropriated for expenditure in 2009; NOW,THEREFORE,THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Ordinances 5423, 5441, and 5451 establishing the City of Renton's 2009 Annual Budget is hereby amended in the total amount of$37,203,924. SECTION II. A summary budget adjustment by fund is hereby attached as Attachment A. Detailed list of adjustments are available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton City Hall. 1 � � • . � 4 ORDINANCE NO. SECTION III. T'his ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five(5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2009. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 2 ORDINANCE NO. Attachment A: 2009 Carry Forward Budget Adjustment Summary by Fund BEGINPkNf3 R1ND BALANCE REVBJUE IXPENOITURES END RJNO BALANCE Butlp�t�tl Actuai Bsg Carry Adopted Carry AdJusbd AtlopNd Carry AdJusUd Adopt�d Chang�In It�qulnd AwHabl�Fund Flind NoJNams B�qinnl�p FB Fund 8ai forward Adj R�wnus Forward Ad) Rsv�nus Exp�ndkurs Forward AdJ Exp�ndkur� EndlnO FB EFB R�s�rws Balano• 000 GENERPL 7,451,347 5,700,507 (1,750,840) 7Q,816,488 127,682 70,744,170 71,318,314 893,945 72,012,259 8,749,521 (2,317,103) 4,432,418 001 COMMUNITYSERVICES 1,114,069 2,346,619 1,232,550 13,949,082 - 13,949,082 13,949,082 72,303 14,021,385 1,114,069 1,160.247 2,274,316 003 STREETS 1,549,034 1,896,458 347,424 9,051;809 - 9,051,809 9,051,809 25,219 9,077,028 1,549,034 322,205 1,871,239 � 004 COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT BLOCK GRPN (66,792) (16,496) 48,298 294,596 63,339 357 935 294,596 63,339 357,935 (66,792) 48,296 (18,496) 005 MUSEUM - - 151,124 - 151,124 151,124 - 151,124 - - - 006 LIBRPRY 267,028 1,078,408 811,380 2,138,268 9,750 2,148,018 2,138,268 9,750 2,148,018 267,028 811,380 1.078,408 009 FARMERS MAFtKET 46,492 52,147 5,655 35,280 - 35,280 35,280 - 35,280 46,492 5.655 52,147 010 FIRE AND EMERGENCY SVC MEMORIPL 10,081 57,062 46�,981 15,000 - 15,000 15,000 - 15,000 10,061 46,981 57;082 Ot 1 FIRE PND EMERGENCY S�C HEPLTH&WE 16,783 34,153 17,370 25,000 - 25,000 25,000 - 25,000 16,783 17,370 34,153 031 PARK MEMORIAL 170,300 173,452 3,152 - - - - - - 170,300 3,152 173,452� 201 1997LIMGOBONDS-CITYHPLL 23,506 1,968 (21,538) 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 1,980,440 - 1,980,440 23,506 (21,536) 1,966 � 5 GENERAL GOVERNMENT NpSC DEBT SVC 558,782 494,283 (62,499) 2,609,941 - 2;609.941 2,609,941 - 2,609,941 556,782 (82,499) 494,283 I Gsnsral Gov�rnm�ntal Funds 11,1z8,830 11,816,661 677,931 100,867,028 200,771 701,067,799 101,688,863 864,666 102,�33,408 10,436,606 14,146 • 10,460,961 1 2 ARTERIALSTREETS 316,088 372,730 56,662 638,575 - 638,575 750,000 - 750,000 204,643 56,662 261,305 108 LEASEDCITYPROPERTIES 529,744 1,252,058 722,314 1,244,322 - 1,244,322 1,244,322 638,515� 1,862,837 529,744 83,799 613,543 110 SPECIALHOTEL-MOTE�TAX 272,601 250,748 (21,855) 340,400 - 340,400 295,000 31,000 326,000 318,001 (52,855) 265,146 118 CUM 2755(PATHS/TRAILS) 3,183 3,243 60 - - - - - - 3,183 60 3243 125 ONE PERCENT FOR ART 57,164 121,878 84,514 - - - - - - 57,164 64,514 121,678 127 CABLE COMMUNICATIONS DEVELOPMENT 13,174 112,368 99,194 85,674 - 85,674 85,674 - 85,674 13,174 99,194 112,368 135 SPRINGBROOK WETLANDSBPNK - 8,502 8,502 10,500 - 10,500 - - 10,500 8,502 19,002 219 1989UNLIMGOBONDS-SRHOUSING 607,839 496,119 (711,720) 5,100 - 5,100 523,230 - 523,230 89,709 (11t,720) (22,011) 303 COMMUNITYSERVICESIMPACTMITIGATIOP 1,612,975 t,670,013 57,038 300,000 - 300,000 - - 1,912,975 57,038 1,970,013 304 FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION 2,556,013 2,375,767 (180,246) 300,000 - 30Q000 300,000 - 300,000 2,556,013 (180,246) 2,375,767 305 TRPNSPORTATIONIMPACTMITIGATION 3,191,711 3,332,474 140,763 900,000 (500,000) 400,000 900,000 2,700,000 3,000,000 3,191,711 (2,459,237) 732,474 316 MUNICIPALFACILITIESCIP 1,578,845 12,375.315 10,796,470 8,621,329 1,291,272 9,912,601 8,700,174 12,087,742 20,787,916 1,500,000 (0) 1,500,000 (0) 317 CAPITALIMPROVEW�NT 282,933 2,976,785 2,693,852 22,616,348 3,386,199 28,002,547 22,875,579 5,860,418 28,535,997 223J02 219,633 443,335 318 SOUTH LAKE WAINFRASTRUCTURE PROJ 51,625 (999,477) (1,051,102) 12,500,000 2,244,767 14,744,767 12,500,000 1,193.912 13,693,912 51,625 (247) 51,378 . 328 Housing OppoRunity - 200,325 200,325 - - - - - - 200,325 200,325 402 AIRPORTOPERATIONS 379,684 583,924 204,240 1,209,511 - 1,209,511 1,530,379 - 1,530,379 58,816 204,240 263,056 403 SOLID WASTE UTILITY 348,349 651,755 305,406 15,123,236 - 15,123,236 14,899,606 - 14,899,606 589,979 305,406 875,385 404 MUNICIPALGOLFCOURSESYSTEM 967,591 861,013 (100,578) 2,469,699 - 2,469,699 2491,969� - 2,491,969 939,321 (100.578) 838,743 405 WATEROPERATIONS 4,139,186 5,104,276 985,090 10,011,844 - 10,011,844 12,558,870 40,910 12,599,780 1,592,180 924,180 1,955,020 561,320 ,� WASTEWATEROPERATIONS 2,145,158 2,941,862 796,704 5,529,980 - 5,529,980 5,304,273 2,061,071 7,365,344 2,370,885 (1,264,367) 838,706 26�,792 SURFP�CE WATER OPERATIONS 2,345,200 3,246,177 900,977 5,595,500 - 5,595,500 5;138,478 2,76B,323 7,904,801 2,802,222 (1,865,346) 497,632 439,244 416 KMGCOUNTYMETRO (311,143) (97,685) 213,458 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 11,414,648 - 11,414,648 (311,143) 213,458 (97,685) 422 AIRPORTCAPITALIMPROVEMENT (59,421y 284,452 343,873 2,867,421 1,673,616 4,541,037 2,808,000 1,941,991 4,749,991 - 75,498 75,498 424 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTEM CIP 55,163 257,677 202,514 154,080 - 154,080 150,000 181,398 331,398 59,243 27,116 80,359 425 WATER CIP 351,231 2,132,282 1,781,031 4,B86,219 85,672 4,971,891 5,000,000 1,980,000 6,980,000 237,450 (113;297) 124,153 426 WASTEWATERCIP 1,136,613 720,740 (415,673) 2,461,699 2,111,775 4,573,674 3,375,000 1,835,000 5,210,000 223,512 (139,098) 84,414 437 SURFhCE WATER CIP 602,578 734,304 (68,27�) 7,615,785 3,205,252 4,821,017 3,850,000 1,880,000 5,530,000 (1,431,857) 1,458,978 25,321 461 WATERWORKS BOND RESERVE - 106,377 106,377 - - - - - 106,377 106,377 - 471 WATERWORKS RATE STABILIZATION 90,320 1b,502 (74,818) - - - - 90,320 (74,818) 15,502 481 WJS BONO PROCEEDS 4,632 174,840 170,208 - - - - 174,840 174,840 4,632 (4,632) - - 501 EQUIPMENTRENTFL 2,139,472 2,386,730 227,258 5,717,000 21,940 5,738,940 3,597,965 551,184 4,149,169 4,256,487 (301,986) 3,956,501 502 INSURANCE 9,981,919 10,710,432 728,513 3,108,355 - 3,108,355 8,090,273 - 8.090,273 5,000,001 728,513 5,728,514 �503 JNFORMATION SERVICES 378 1,530,937 1,530�,559 4,287,319 9,750 4,297,089 � 4,287,316 9fi0,888 �5;248,202� 381 b79�,423 579,804 F04 FACI�ITIES - - - 4,051,084 254,178 4.305,262 4,051,084 254,178 4,305,262 - - - 512 HEPLTHCPRE INSURANCE 2,986,268 3,780,354 794,088 11,040,4t5 - 11,040,415 11,080,218 - 11,080;218 2,988,487 794,088 3;760,553 522 LEOFFI RETIREESHEALTHCARE 1,322,821 1,8�4,147 551,326 2,040,686 - 2.040,686 1,979,217 - 1.979,217 1,384,290 551,326 1,935,618 611 FIRENENS PENSION 4,388;425 4,265,991 (120,434) 290,000 - 290,000 542,276 - 542,278 4,134,149 (120,434) 4,013,715 Tohl ON��r Funds 44,278,289 66,794,713 22,618,414 141,436,909 13,784,421 166,221,�30 160,703,689 38,S39,Z68 188,142,818 36,811,839 (38,614) 4,913,237 30,868,868 TOTAIALLFUND6 66,416,828 78,611,274 23,184,346 242,303,937 13,866,192 266,289,129 261,BM,423 J7,203,824 288,876,347 48,048,443 (24,787) 4,811,257 41,110,818 � March 16, 2009 '�✓ Renton City Council Minutes ti.,., Page 83 RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION#4001 A resolution was read regarding the maximum permitted equipment and City Clerk: Cable Franchise, installation rates set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Form Permitted Equipment& 1205 filed by Comcast Cable Communications, LLC on or about April 1, 2008. Installation Rates MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION #4002 A resolution was read regarding the maximum permitted basic programming City Clerk: Cable Franchise, service rate set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Form 1240 Basic Programming Service filed by Comcast Cable Communications, LLC on or about April 1, 2008. Rate MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. RESOLUTION #4003 A resolution was read approving the Langley Meadows Final Plat; Plat: Langley Meadows, approximately 11.16 acres located in the vicinity of Hoquiam Ave. NE and NE Hoquiam Ave NE, FP-08-056 6th St. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, CUUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/23/2009 far second and final reading: Planning: Land Use An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1,Administration and Enforcement, of Application Expiration Date Title IV(Development Regulations), of City Code, extending the period of Extension validity of land use and subdivision approvals. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/23/2009. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5451 An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget to authorize $13,600 from the Community Services: Golf Golf Course Fund (404) balance to appropriate for water right attorney fees. Course Water Right Attorney, MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE 2009 Budget Amendment ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL WAIVE THE Community Services: Golf GOLF COURSE FEES (IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,900) FOR THE LIBERTY Course Fee Waiver Request, HIGH SCHOOL GOLF TEAM. CARRIED. Liberty High School Golf Councilmember Persson clarified that the golf course requires the high school Team golf team members to volunteer their time to assist with maintenance of the golf course. He also noted that Liberty High School is allowing Renton the use of their track at no cost while the Renton Stadium track is being renovated. Council: Special Committee of MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COLTNCIL REFER TO the Whole meeting THE ADMINISTRATION THE SCHEDULING OF A COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING(WITH A TOWNHALL FORMAT)TO TAKE PLACE IN THE HIGHLANDS AREA AT A FUTURE DATE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:56 p.m. ,�i9�'Itn�l�t,l. �. W LZ�� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth March 16, 2009 March 9 2009 :�, Renton City Council Minutes ,,,�,. Page 74 Community Services: Golf Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence Course Water Right Attorney, in the staff recomn�endation to authorize spending of Maplewood Go(f Course's 2009 Budget Amendment reserve fund balance for water right legal services in the amount of$13,600. The Conlmittee furtller recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) CED: Impact Fee Analysis, Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Henderson, Young and the contract with Henderson, Young and Company for the amount of$121,250 Company to conduct analysis and make recommendations regarding the impact fees charged by the City for public streets and roads, publicly owned parks open space, and recreation facilities, and fire protection facilities. Added: The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. RCSOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORDINANCES Council meeting of 3/16/2009 for second and final reading: Com���unity Services: Golf 'An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget to authorize $13,600 from the Course Water Right Attorney, Golf Course Fund (404) balance to appropriate for water right attorney fees. 2009 Budget Amendment MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE � ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/16/2009. CARRIED. NC�V BUSINESS MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE Annexation: Honey Creek REQUIR6D PUBLIC HEARINGS RELATING TO ZONING FOR THE Estales & Sunset East, Zoning HONEY CREEK ESTATES ANll SUNSET EAST ANNEXATIONS TO THE Public Hearings PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:07 p.m. �� �/ C�Q��..� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth March 9, 2009 March 9 2009 r,,�,,, Renton City Council Minutes �,,,� Page 74 Community Services: Golf Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence Course Water Right Attorney, in the staff recommendation to authorize spending of Maplewood Golf Course's 2009 Budget A�nendinent reserve fund balance for water right legal services in the amount of$13,600. ' " The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be � presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR COUNCIL CONCUR (N THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) CED: Impact Fee Analysis, Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Henderson, Young and the contract with Henderson, Young and Company for the amount of$121,250 Company to conduct analysis and make recommendations regarding the impact fees charged by the City for public streets and roads, publicly owned parks open space, and recreation facilities, and fire protection facilities. Added: The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR W THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the ORD[NANCES Council meeting of 3/16/2009 for second and final reading: Community Services: Golf An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget to authorize $13,600 from t11e Course Water Right Attorney, Golf Course Fund(404) balance to appropriate for water right attorney fees. 2009 Budget Amendment MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/16/2009. CARRI ED. NE�' BUSINESS MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE Annexation: Honey Ci-eel< REQUIRED PUBLIC HEARINGS RELATING TO ZONING FOR THE Estates & Sunset East, Zoning HONEY CREEK ESTATES AND SUNSET EAST ANNEXATIONS TO THE Public Hearings PLANNING COMMISSION. CARRIED. ADJOURNMCNT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:07 p.m. �Ssc..u,� d/ C�a.Gt`.,e� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth March 9, 2009 - �r.� .�.r ` APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date 3-9-aoo 9 FINANCE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 9, 2009 USE OF FUNDS FROM MAPLEWOOD GOLF COURSE RESERVE FUND BALANCE Water Rights Attorney Fees (March 2, 2009) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in staff recommendation to authorize spending of Maplewood Golf Course's reserve fund balance for water right legal services in the amount of$13,600. The Finance Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. r-'"��. /� / �,i� -�-�,,'_ Don Persson, Chair � �--- Gr or, Vice Chair -��nrg-P�rker, Me er �p� Zc,¢�1�C� � v� �5�fl�is� cc: Iwen Wang,Finance&Tnformation Services Administrator Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator Leslie Betlach,Parks Director Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager March 2, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes ...� Page 68 RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION #4000 A resolution was read authorizing the City of Renton to impose a sales and use Finance: 2009 Threshold and tax as authorized by RCW 82.14.415 as a credit against state sales and use tax, Sales Tax Rebate, Benson Hill relating to annexations. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, Annexation COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ��C l ����� The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5450 An ordinance was read correcting Chapter 10, Planning Commission, Chapter Planning: Development 14, Environmental Review Committee, Chapter 16,Lodging Tax Advisory Regulations (Title IV) Docket, Committee, and Chapter 17,Airport Advisory Committee, of Title II Housekeeping Amendments (Commissions and Boards); Chapter 3, Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department, and Chapter 7, Planning/Building/Public Works Department, of Title III(Departments and Officers); Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Chapter 2, Zoning Districts -Uses and Standards, Chapter 3, Environmental Regulations and Overlay Districts, Chapter 4, City-Wide Property Development Standards, Chapter 5, Building and Fire Prevention Stan�dards, Chapter 6, Street and Utility Standards, Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, Chapter 8, Permits - General and Appeals, Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, and Chapter ll, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations); Chapter 3, Salaries, Chapter 12, Adult Entertainment Standards, and Chapter 19, Telecommunication Licenses and Franchises, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations); Chapter 1, Garbage, and Chapter 7, Noise Level Regulations, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation); Chapter 2, Excess Right-of-Way Use, Chapter 5, Latecomer's Agreements, Chapter 8, Sidewalk Construction, Chapter 9, Street Closure, Chapter 10, Street Excavations, Chapter 11, Street Grid System, Chapter 14, Vacations, Chapter 15, Weeds and Noxious Matter, and Chapter 16, Special Assessment Districts, of Title IX(Public Ways and Property); Chapter 8, One-Way Streets and Alleys, Chapter 10, Parking Regulations, and Chapter 13, Commute Trip Reduction, of Title X(Traffic), of Ciry Code, to complete a second set of housekeeping amendments to Title IV amendments made during docket review and to correct references to the former Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department and the former Planning/Building/Public Works Department. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE Community Services: Fee TOPIC OF FEE WAIVERS INVOLVING THE COMMLTNITY SERVICES Waivers DEPARTMENT TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time:8:50 p.m. ����-^�1�Yt,lrG�9• GlJG2.E� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth March 2, 2009 � � March 2, 2009 �� Renton City Council Minutes .�.� Page 67 CED: Structural Plans Review, Community and Economic Development Department reconunended approval of Reid Middleton a contract in the amount of$40,000 with Reid Middleton for structural plans review. Council concur. CED: 2009-2012 Consultant Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Roster the 2009 through 2012 environmental review and related disciplines, land use planning/economic development, and building plan review consultant roster. Council concur. CED: Impact Fee Analysis, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Henderson, Young and a contract in the amount of$121,250 with Henderson, Young and Company for Company impact fee analysis and recommendations. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: Golf Comnlunity Services Department recommended amending the 2009 budget to Course Water Right Attorney, transfer$13,600 from the golf course reserve fund balance for water right 2009 Budget Amendment attorney fees to assist in the water rights change application and claim for golf course irrigation. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: 2009 Threshold and �Finance and Information Services Department recommended adopting a Sales Tax Rebate, Benson Hill resolution to set the threshold and state sales tax rebate for 2009, related to Annexation ��;� ��,,oi��'' annexations. Council concur. (See page 68 for resolution.) Utility: 2009 Wastewater Lift Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Station Pre-Design, Carollo $206,418 with Carollo Engineers for the 2009 Wastewater Lift Station Pre- Engineers Design project. Council concur. CAG: 08-012, 2008 Sanitary Utility Systems Division submitted CAC-08-012, 2008 Sanitary Sewer E�epairs; Sewer Re��airs, Shoreline and requested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the Construction amount of$15,538.57, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$33,516.27 to Shoreline Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG:08-033, Ripley Lane Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-08-033, Ripley Lane North Storm North Storm System System Improvement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Improvement, Rodarte final pay estimate in the amount of$55,073.50, commencement of a 60-day lien Construction period, and release of a retainage bond in the amount of$66,720.93 to Rodarte Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence Finance Committee in the staff recommendation to waive the Liberty Park and Riverview Park Community Services: Renton shelter fees of$300 for the Crop Hunger Walk on May 3, 2009. The Cropwalk Fee Waiver Request, Community Services Department will take the lead in finalizing the Kenyon details/coordination of this event. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. UNF[NISHED BUS[NESS Community Services Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Community Services concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Barbara Clark-Elliott(an unexpired Committee term expiring 12/31/2009; position previously held by Audrey Godwin) to the Appointment: Advisory Advisory Commission on Diversity. Committee on Diversity MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. - CI' OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND� ;LL ___�,,, �_ Ai�: , . Submitting Data: For Agenda of: March 2, 2009 Dept/Div/Board.. Finance & IS Department Staff Contact...... Iwen Wang Agenda Status Consent..............X Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. State Funding for Benson Hill Annexation Ordinance............. Resolution............X Old Business........ E�ibits: New Business....... Resolution Study Sessions...... Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur. Legal Dept......... Finance Dept...... Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... N/A Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Each year by March 1, the City of Renton must report to the State of Washington the annexation-related costs to seek state sales tax credit funding to assist with annexation. Review of the costs and revenues for the Benson Hill annexation reveals a net cost to serve the Benson Hill annexation area in 2009 in excess of$2,400,000. RCW 82.14.415 provides that cities may impose sales and use tax as a credit against the state sales and use tax to provide for assistance with these annexation-related costs. This resolution sets the state funding threshold for imposing the sales and use tax credit for 2009. 5TAFF RECOMN�NDATION: Approve a resolution setting the threshold and sales tax rebate rate for 2009. �` `'� ` CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF RENTON TO IMPOSE A SALES AND USE TAX AS AUTHORIZED BY RCW 82.14.415 AS A CREDIT AGAINST STATE SALES AND USE TAX, RELATING TO ANNEXATIONS. WHEREAS, state law authorizes the reallocation of the sales tax already collected by the state to be remitted to the City to assist with funding the costs of certain newly annexed areas; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, called for a special election to be held, at which election the question of annexation was presented to the voters of the Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area; and WHEREAS, the notice of intention to annex was filed with the King County Boundary Review Board and subsequently approved; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Chapter 35A.14 RCW the annexation was put to a vote of the people in the annexation area; and WHEREAS, the King County Records, Elections and Licensing Services Division certified that the annexation had been approved by voters; and WHEREAS, following a favorable vote on the annexation proposition, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, adopted its Ordinance annexing said Benson Hill Communities Annexation Area, an annexation area that has a population of at least ten thousand people; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, finds and determines that the projected cost to provide municipal services to the annexation area exceeds the projected 1 • RESOLUTION NO. � � general revenue that the City would otherwise receive from the annexation area on an annual basis by at least $2,400,000; and WHEREAS, pursuant to RCW 82.14.415, the City is authorized, under the circumstances of this annexation, to impose a sales and use tax as authorized with that tax being a credit against the state tax; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. Purpose. The City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, does hereby authorize the City's Finance Administrator to set the threshold for imposing the sales and use tax credit at Two Million Four Hundred Thousand Dollars ($2,400,000) for the Benson Hill Coinmunities Annexation Area. SECTION III. Implementation. The Mayor and City of Renton is hereby authorized to implement such administrative procedures as inay be necessary to carry out the directions of this Resolution. SECTION IV. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect and be in full force upon passage and signatures hereon. PASSED BY THE CITY COiJNCIL this day of , 2009. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 � RESOLUTION NO. � , _ APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1402:2/25/09:scr 3 March 2, 2009 � Renton City Council Minutes r.r% Page 67 CED: Structural Plans Review, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Reid Middleton a contract in the amount of$40,000 with Reid Middleton for structural plans review. Council concur. CED: 2009-2012 Consultant Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Roster the 2009 through 2012 environmental review and related disciplines, land use planning/economic development, and building plan review consultant roster. Council concur. CED: Impact Fee Analysis, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Henderson, Young and a contract in the amount of$121,250 with Henderson, Young and Company far Company impact fee analysis and recommendations. Refer to Finance Committee. Community Services: Golf Community Services Department recommended amending the 2009 budget to Course Water Right Attorney, transfer$13,600 from the golf course reserve fund balance for water right 2009 Budget Amendment attorney fees to assist in the water rights change application and claim for golf ��—` course irrigation. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: 2009 Threshold and Finance and Information Services Department recommended adopting a Sales Tax Rebate, Benson Hill resolution to set the threshold and state sales tax rebate for 2009, related to Annexation annexations. Council concur. (See page 68 for resolution.) Utility: 2009 Wastewater Lift Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of Station Pre-Design, Carollo $206,418 with Carollo Engineers for the 2009 Wastewater Lift Station Pre- Engineers Design project. Co�u�cil concur. CAG: 08-012, 2008 Sanitary Utility Systems Division submitted CAG-08-012, 2008 Sanitary Sewer Repairs; Se�rer Repairs, Shoreline and reguested approval of the project, authorization for final pay estimate in the Construction amount of$15,538.57, commencement of a 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of$33,516.27 to Shoreline Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. CAG:08-033, Ripley Lane Utility Systenls Division submitted CAG-08-033, Ripley Lane North Storm North Storm System System Improvenlent; and requested approval of the project, authorization for Improvement, Rodarte final pay estimate in the amount of$55,073.50, commencement of a 60-day lien Construction period, and release of a retainage bond in the amount of$66,720.93 to Rodarte Construction, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending concurrence Finance Committee in the staff recommendation to waive the Liberty Park and Riverview Park Community Services: Renton shelter fees of$300 for the Crop Hunger Walk on May 3, 2009. The Cropwalk Fee Waiver Request, Community Services Departinent will take the lead in finalizing the Kenyon details/coordination of this event. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMtTTEE REPORT. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Community Services Coinmittee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Community Services concurrence in Mayor Law's appointment of Barbara Clark-Elliott(an unexpired Committee term expiring 12/31/2009;position previously held by Audrey Godwin)to the Appointment: Advisory Advisory Commission on Diversity. Committee on Diversity MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COtJNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. , CI1��.,�F RENTON COUNCIL AGEND�y._.,�ILL AI#: Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Community Services/Parks/Golf March 2, 2009 Staff Contact...... Leslie Betlach (ext. 6619) Agenda Status Kelly Beymer (ext. 6803) Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. Authorization for use of funds from Maplewood Golf Correspondence.. Course reserve fund balance Ordinance.............X Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... Ordinance Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Finance Committee Legal Dept.........X Finance Dept......X Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $13,600 Transfer/Amendment...... Amount Budgeted....... $0 Revenue Generated........ Total Project Budget $0 City Share Total Project.. SUNIMARY OF ACTION: The Community Services Department's Maplewood Golf Course request the use of funds from the golf course reserve fund balance (account 404) for water right attorney fees to assist in the water rights change application and perfection of existing water right claim for the purpose of irrigating the golf course. STAFF RECOMI��NDATION: Approve request to authorize use of funds from the golf course reserve fund balance in the amount of$13,600. Rentonnet/agnbill/ bh �Y U�¢, ��� �OMMUNITY SERVICES``�PARTMENT � - ♦ _ ,•� � ��� ��� M E M O R A N D U M NT DATE: February 19, 2009 TO: Randy Corman, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: -� Denis Law Mayor ��,�'" � FROM: Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Leslie Betlach, Parks Director(x-6619) Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager(425-430-6803) SUBJECT: Authorization—Use of Funds from Golf Course Reserve Fund Balance for Water Rights Attorney fees ISSUE Should Maplewood Golf Course be authorized to spend$13,600 from the (404) account reserve fund balance to extend legal consultant contract with water rights Attorney, Joe Brogan of Foster Pepper, PLLC, to finalize documentation and assist in perfecting a golf course water right claim? RECOMMENDATION Authorize spending of the Maplewood Golf Course reserve fund balance to extend the contract of water rights Attorney, Joe Brogan of Foster Pepper, PLLC, for legal services to include final documentation, provide copies of all supporting documentation to city staff, and presentation of case to Department of Ecology for review and decision, in the amount of$13,600. BACI�GROUND SUMMARY Maplewood Golf Course submitted a water right change application to the Deparhnent of Ecology(DOE) in 1999 to change from the use of surface water to groundwater for irrigation purposes. In April of 2003, DOE notified the golf course that the process of the claim to change the surface water right to groundwater was moving ahead. In order for the change application to move forward, the City needed to perfect or validate the water right claim. The City of Renton's Maplewood Golf Course provided DOE with findings from historical research, water quality testing results, and annual irrigation figures, to validate/perfect the water right claim and the use of the surface water source prior to 1917. DOE requested additional information of continued water use from 1917 to current, at such time administration and the City Attorney recommended the use of an attorney specializing in water rights and communications with DOE to provide legal consulting through this process. The water rights attorney was hired in 2006 and has provided additional historical research, declarations, and case study, to prepare the document for submittal to DOE for review and decision to perfect the water right claim. i:�2009 files�2009-0�6mb(issue paper waterrights consultant09).doc . ,�,. „r, Randy Corman,Council President Members of the Renton City Council Subject: Authorization for use of Golf Course Reserve Fund Balance February 19,2009 Page 2 of 2 DOE's request for additional information necessitates the services and associated costs of utilizing an attorney specializing in water rights to complete the review and decision process. CONCLUSION The approval of authorization for the use of the Maplewood Golf Course reserve fund balance will allow contracting of a water rights attorney to assist in the water rights change application and the perfection of existing surface water claim, and allowing Maplewood Golf Course to continue to irrigate and maintain its high standards and quality product. C: Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Iwen Wang,Administrator Finance/IS Larry Warren,City Attorney i:�2009 files�2009-026mb(issue paper waterrights consultant09).doc �' � - CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASffiNGTON, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 BUDGET TO AUTHORIZE $13,600 FROM GOLF COURSE FUND (404) BALANCE TO APPROPRIATE FOR WATER RIGHT ATTORNEY FEES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The appropriation in the Golf Course Fund is hereby increased as follows: Fund 2009 Original Budget 2009 Adjusted Budget Increase Budget 404 $2,478,369 $13,600 $2,491,969 SECTION IL This project will be funded by the Golf Course Fund prior year revenue. SECTION III. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2009. Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor 1 _ ,�„ ORDINANCE N0. „r,,,, Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.1539:2/13/09:scr 2 � ... . _ .. _ .� . .� ' �,1 „� Amends ORD 5423 � CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5441 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2009 ANNUAL BUDGET BY ADDING THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE POSITIONS TO THE 2009 BUDGET INDEX OF POSITIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The following positions are hereby added to the 2009 Budget index of positions: City Attorney; Senior Assistant City Attorney (2 positions); Assistant City Attorney; Chief Prosecuting Attorney; Prosecuting Attorney (2 positions); Paralegal; Legal Assistant (3 positions); and Administrative Assistant. SECTION IL This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this 12th day of January , 2009. ��d`�a.y� �. (�(�G�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 1 � ORDINANCE NO. 5441 �r APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12th day of January , 2009. Denis Law, Mayor Approved to as to form: I�s Ii����W'r'vt'�--,,, Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 1/16/2009 (summary) ORD.1527:12/30/08:scr 2 January 12, 2009 ,,,�,,,_ Renton City Council Minutes ,,,,�,a Page 18 Accordingly, the Committee recommends that the City Council close this matter. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for ORDINANCES second and final reading and adoption: Human Resources: City An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget by adding the City Attorney Office Position Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 Budget index of positions. MOVED Classifications � � BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COIJNCIL ADVANCE THE 2��� �� � ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5441 An ordinance was read amending the 2009 Budget by adding the City Human Resources: City Attorney's Office positions to the 2009 Budget index of positions. MOVED Attorney Office Position BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COLJNCIL ADOPT THE Classifications ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5442 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, CED: School District Impact of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code, setting the impact fee at Fees $5,495 per new single-family home in the Issaquah School District; setting the impact fee at $5,304 per new single-family home and $3,266 per new multi- family home in the Kent School District; and adopting the Capital Facilities plans of the school districts within the City of Renton. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:35 p.m. �G���y(,t.G �• (,!/G2��'t� Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Jason Seth January 12, 2009 Y �- ` � .i��.r. 1 Y� �h.._�3 ' � � �, CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5423 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 2009, IN THE AMOUNT OF $251,658,823. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2009; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted public hearings for the purpose of accepting testimony related to the 2009 Budget on November 03, 2008 and again on November 10, 2008; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L After due notice and public hearing thereon as provided by law, the annual budget for the City of Renton for the year 2009, previously prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified hereby, be and is hereby ratified, confirmed and adopted, in all respects, as such annual budget for the year 2009. Such annual budget is detailed in Attachment A, 2009 Budget Summary by Fund, Resources and Expenditures, which is incorporated herein as if fully set forth. SECTION IL Attachment A defines the total sums authorized and allowed for expenditures and establishes such sums in each of the funds in the annual 2009 budget. SECTION III. Acts pursuant to this Ordinance, but prior to its passage or effective date, are hereby ratified and confirmed. � SECTION IV. A copy of the 2009 budget, as herein adopted, shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor, Division of Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. 1 Y � ORDINANCE NO. 5423 `� SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this 17th day of November , 2008. ���� Cc�a.�� Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of November , 2008. Dems Law, Mayor Approved as to form: G��'7'V'4-�-�.�.. Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/22/2008 ( summary) ORD.1513:10/31/08:scr 2 `"" ORDINANCE N0. 5423 �µ 2009 BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND - ALL FUNDS Increase 2009 Fnal 2009 Fnal (Decrease)in Estimated Ending Fund Fund/ Department Revenue Appropriation Fund Balance Beg Fund Bal Balance 000 GENERAL 70,616,488 71,318,314 (701,826) 7,451,347 6,749,521 001 COMMUNIT`(SERVICES 13,949,082 13,949,082 - 1,114,069 1,114,069 003 STREFfS 9,051,809 9,051,809 - 1,549,034 1,549,034 004 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT 294,596 294,596 - (66,792) (66,792) 005 MUSElJM 151,124 151,124 - - - 006 LIBRARY 2,138,268 2,138,268 - 267,028 267,028 007 PARKING GARAGE MAINTENANCE - - - - - 009 FARMERS MARKEf 35,280 35,280 - 46,492 46,492 010 FIREAND EMERGE7JCY SVC MET/IORIAL 15,000 15,000 - 10,081 10,081 011 FIRE AND QNERGENCY SVC HEALTH&WEILNESS 25,000 25,000 - 16,783 16,783 031 PARK MQvIORIAL - - - 170,300 170,300 201 1997 LIM GO BONDS-CITY HALL 1,980,440 1,980,440 - 23,506 23,506 207 1978 LIM GO BONDS-SR CTR - - - - - 215 GENERAL GOVERNMENT MISC DEBT SVC 2,609,941 2,609,941 - 556,782 556,782 General Governmental 100,867,028 101,568,854 (701,826) 11,138,630 10,436,804 102 ARTERIA�STRE�S 638,575 750,000 (111,425) 316,068 204,643 108 LFASm CI7Y PROPERTIES 1,244,322 1,244,322 - 529,744 529,744 110 SPECIAL HOTE1-MOTE1 TAX 340,400 295,000 45,400 272,601 318,001 118 CUM2755(PATHS/TRAILS) - - - 3,183 3,183 125 ONE PERCENT FOR ART - - - 57,164 57,164 127 CABLECOMMUNICATIONSDEVEIOPMENT 85,674 85,674 - 13,174 13,174 135 SPRINGBROOK WETLANDS BANK 10,500 - 10,500 - 10,500 219 1989 UNLIM GO BONDS-SR HOUSING 5,100 523,230 (518,130) 607,839 89,709 303 COMMUNITY SFRVICES IMPACTMITIGATION 300,000 - 300,000 1,612,975 1,912,975 304 FIRE IMPACT MITIGATION 300,000 300,000 - 2,556,013 2,556,013 305 TRANSPORTATION IMPACT MITIGATION 900,000 900,000 - 3,191,711 3,191,711 316 MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP 8,621,329 $700,174 (78,845) 1,578,845 1,500,000 317 CAPITAL IMPF20VEN1FNT 22,616,348 22,675,579 (59,231) 282,933 223,702 318 SOUTH LAKE WA INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT 12,500,000 12,500,000 - 51,625 51,625 402 AIRPORTOPEF2ATIONS 1,209,511 1,530,379 (320,868) 379,684 58,816 403 SOLIDWASTEUTILITY 15,123,236 14,899,606 223,630 346,349 569,979 404 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTET�I 2,469,699 2,478,369 (8,670) 961,591 952,921 405 WATEROPERATIONS 10,011,844 12,558,870 (2,547,026) 4,139,186 1,592,160 406 WASTEVVATEROPERATIONS 5,529,980 5,304,273 225,707 2,145,158 2,370,865 407 SURFACEWATEROPERATIONS 5,595,500 5,138,478 457,022 2,345,200 2,802,222 416 KINGCOUNTYMETRO 11,414,648 11,414,648 - (311,143) (311,143) 422 AIRPORT CAPITAL IMPROVQVIENT 2,867,421 2,808,000 59,421 (59,421) - 424 MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE SYSTQvI CIP 154,080 150,000 4,080 55,163 59,243 425 WATERCIP 4,886,219 5,000,000 (113,781) 351,231 237,450 426 WASTEWATERCIP 2,461,899 3,375,000 (913,101) 1,136,613 223,512 427 SURFACEWATERCIP 1,615,765 3,850,000 (2,234,235) 802,578 (1,431,657) 461 WATERWORKS BOND RESFJ�VE - - - - - 471 WATERWORKS RATE STABILIZATION - - - 90,320 90,320 481 FUTURE W/S BOND PROC�S - - - 4,632 4,632 501 EQUIPMENTRENTAL 5,717,000 3,597,985 2,119,015 2,139,472 4,258,487 502 INSURANCE 3,108,355 8,090,273 (4,981,918) 9,981,919 5,000,001 503 INFORM4TIONSFJ�VICES 4,287,319 4,287,316 3 378 381 504 FACILITIES 4,051,084 4,051,084 - - - 512 HEALTHCARE INSURANCE 11,040,415 11,060,216 {19,801) 2,986,268 2,966,467 522 LEOFFI RETIREES HEALTHCARE 2,040,686 1,979,217 61,469 1,322,821 1,384,290 611 FIRENIENS PENSION 290,000 542,276 (252,276) 4,386,425 4,134,149 All Other Funds 141,436,909 150,089,969 (8,653,060) 44,278,299 35,625,239 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 242 303 937 251,658,823 (9,354,887) 55,416,929 46,062,042 ATTACHMENT A - November 17, 2008 �`�� Renton City Council Minutes �+% Page 390 The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/1/2008 for second and final reading: Fire: Equipment Purchases, An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by increasing the General Department of Homeland Fund(000)by $509,900 for the purpose of purchasing equipment for the Fire Security Grant, Budget and Emergency Services Department. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED Amendment BY CORMAN, COLJNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/1/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and � adoption: ORDINANCE #5421 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by increasing the General Fire: Emergency Management Fund(000) by $50,840 for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the Performance Grant, WA State City's emergency management program. MOVED BY CORMAN, Military Department, Budget SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS Amendment KEAD. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5422 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 13, Commute Trip Reduction, of Transportation: Commute Trip Title X(Traffic), of City Code,by incorporating recent legislative and Reduction Regulations Update administrative changes to the State of Washington's Commute Trip Reduction Program as required by RCW 70.94.527. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5423 An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2009 in the total Budget: 2009 Annual City of amount of$251,658,823. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY Renton CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5424 An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2009 for Budget: 2009 Property Tax both general purposes and for voter-approved bond issues. MOVED BY Levy PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5425 An ardinance was read amending Chapter 4, Water, and Chapter 5, Sewer, of Utility: 2009 Rates Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code, to allow for adjustments to current utility rates. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5426 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V (Finance Community Services: 2009 and Business Regulations), of City Code,by increasing certain golf course Golf Course Fees green fees and club rental fee. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5427 An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Administration and Enforcement, CED: Multi-Family Housing of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code,by modifying the Property Tax Exemption application deadline for multi-family housing property tax exemptions. Amendments & Liberty Square MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COtTNCIL ADOPT Apartments Application THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. � � ._ ` � ""�"`` Amends ORD 5321 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5426 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER l, FEE SCHEDULE, OF TITLE V (FINANCE AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS), OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON," BY INCREASING CERTAIN GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES AND CLUB RENTAL FEE. WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to provide to its citizens the most cost effective services possible; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a policy that the golf course fees shall cover the costs of services; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHiNGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 5-1-SA, Greens Fees, of Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended by changing the title to "Green Fees: The cost of golf course green fees shall be as follows," and to read as follows: A. Green Fees: The cost of golf course green fees shall be as follows: 18 Hole / Weekday: $29.00 18 Hole / Weekend: $35.00 9 Hole/ Weekday: $20.00 9 Hole/ Weekend: $20.00 18 Hole/ Senior/ Weekday: $20.00 9 Hole/ Senior/ Weekday: $15.00 18 Hole / Junior/Weekday: $16.00 9 Hole /Junior/ Weekday: $12.00 Club Rental: $15.00 1 � ORDINANCE NO. 5426 � For purposes of this section, "weekend" shall mean Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. "Weekday" shall mean the remaining four days of the week. SECTION IL This ordinance shall become effective April 1, 2009, except that the Club Rental fee shall become effective January 1, 2009. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this 17th day of November , 2008. �J• �GL�-�--nJ Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this l�th day of November , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: ��+V bw,.�<G/��(,..�`^�+�.. Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/22/2008 (summary) ORD.1508:10/9/08:scr 2 , . � � � � Amends ORD 5319, CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5425 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 4, WATER, AND CHAPTER 5, SEWER OF TITLE VIII (HEALTH AND SANITATIOI� OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON," TO ALLOW FOR ADJUSTMENTS TO CURRENT UTILITY RATES. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsection 8-4-24A.1, Fire Protection Charge, of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended to read as follows: l. Fire Protection Charges: The private fire protection charges are hereby fixed in the following schedule: Meter Rate 1 inch $3.78 1 `/� inch $4.22 2 inch $5.43 3 inch $14.33 4 inch $17.64 6 inch $25.34 � 8 inch $34.12 10 inch $44.03 SECTION II. Subsection 8-4-31B, Metered Rates, of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended to read as follows: B. Metered Rates: 1 � �` ORDINANCE NO. 5425 `� 1. The minimum rates for metered water supplied within the City in one month or fractional period thereof are hereby fixed in the following schedule: Single-family/duplex, Size of multi-family, Private irrigation, city service non-residential irrigation 3/4" $ 10.60 $ 6.38 1" $ 21.95 $ 11.39 11/2" $ 40.56 $ 19.45 2" $ 63.56 $ 29.79 3" $ 130.61 $ 63.05 4" $ 199.31 $ 93.76 6" $ 388.69 $ 177.59 8" $ 760.85 $ 388.63 10" $ 1,134.11 $ 499.73 12" $ 1,650.50 $ 721.62 2. Commodity Rates: Three (3) consumption blocks will be established for single family and duplex customers. The size of the first block will be less than 500 cubic feet of water consumed per month. The second block will be 500 to 1000 cubic feet of water consumed per month. The third block will be over 1000 cubic feet of water consumed per month. The rates for these three (3) blocks are as follows: Less than 500 cubic feet $1.53 500 - 1000 cubic feet $2.05 Over 1000 cubic feet $2.59 Customers that are multi-family, non-residential, private irrigation and city irrigation will pay for consumption at the following rates per one hundred (100) cubic feet. Multi-family $1.98 Non-residential $2.10 Private Irrigation $3.36 City Irrigation $2.36 2 ,� ORDINANCE NO. 5425 ,�,r SECTION III. Subsection 8-4-31C.1, Low Income Seniors, of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance Nq. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended to read as follows: L Low-Income Seniors: A "low-income senior citizen" is defined as a person sixty one (61) years of age or older who resides in a single-family dwelling that is separately metered with a city water meter for water usage, either as owner, purchaser, or renter, and whose total income, including that of his or her spouse or co-tenant, does not exceed the annual income threshold for low-income rate eligibility. The annual income threshold for eligibility for low-income rate shall be adjusted each calendar year, using the Income Guidelines for King County as provided annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and King County's qualifying income criteria for a senior citizen/disability property tax exemption. Any household with a disposable income of thirty percent (30%) or less of the median household income for King County and qualified for a subsidy prior to May 31, 2008 will be eligible for a seventy-five percent (75%) rate subsidy. All other households with an annual disposable income less than King County's maximum qualifying income for a senior citizen/disability property tax exemption are eligible for a fifty percent (50%) rate subsidy. For the calendar year 2009 those figures for a seventy five (75%) rate subsidy shall be seventeen thousand one hundred dollars ($17,100) or less per annum for single occupancy and nineteen thousand five hundred ($19,500) or less per annum for double occupancy, and thirty six thousand four hundred ($36,400) or less per annum for a fifty percent (50%) rate subsidy. For 3 � `'�' ORDINANCE NO. 5425 "�' households with more than two (2) individuals qualifying under subsection C of this Section, an additional five thousand dollars ($5,000) is added to the income threshold per qualifying individual. SECTION IV. Subsection 8-4-31C.4.a, of Chapter 4, Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended to read as follows: a. For a seventy-five percent (75%) rate subsidy: (1) For those senior citizens and disabled persons who qualified as economically disadvantaged, and were on this low-income rate prior to August 1, 1994, the rate for water service relating to such single-family dwelling in which such eligible person or persons permanently reside is one dollar and twenty-five cents ($1.25) per month, limited to nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month. Any water consumption over nine hundred (900) cubic feet per month shall be charged as provided in subsections A and B of this Section. (2) For those senior citizens and disabled persons who qualify as economically disadvantaged, and were on this low-income rate after August l, 1994 and prior to May 31, 2008, the rate for water service relating to such single-family dwelling in which such eligible person or persons permanently reside is two dollars and sixty- three cents ($2.63) per month, limited to nine hundred (900) cubic feet of water per month. Any water consumption over nine hundred (900) cubic feet per month shall be charged as provided in subsections A and B of this Section, except for those persons who qualify under home kidney dialysis. These customers are 4 .,,�„ ORDINANCE NO. 5 4 2 5 ,,,,,. limited to one thousand seven hundred (1,700) cubic feet of water per month before any excess is charged as provided in subsections A and B of this Section. SECTION V. Subsection 8-5-15A, Disposal Rates, of Chapter 5, Sewer, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: A. Disposal Rates: The monthly rates and charges for sewage disposal service shall be as follows: 1. Single-Family: Sixteen dollars and seventeen cents ($16.17). 2. All Other Users: A base charge of two dollars and forty-four cents ($2.44) plus one dollar and eighty-three cents ($1.83) per month for each one hundred (100) cubic feet of water used, but not less than sixteen dollars and seventeen cents ($16.17) per month. 3. Charges For Sewer Service Without City Water: In the event that water obtained from sources other than purchased from the City is either discharged or drained into the sewer system, users shall be charged by one of the two (2) following methods: a. For single-family residences, sixteen dollars and seventeen cents ($16.17) per month. b. For other than single-family dwellings, the Public Works Administrator shall install a water meter into such private water system at cost to property owners, and the method of billing shall be in compliance with subsection A.2 of this Section. 5 �'" ORDINANCE NO. 5425 � SECTION VI. Subsection 8-5-15D, Additional Charges, of Chapter 5, Sewer, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended to read as follows: D. Additional Charges: In addition to the foregoing charges specified in this Section, the following rates shall be charged: 1. A charge of thirty-one dollars and ninety cents ($31.90) per month and a rate adjustment charge of one dollar and sixteen cents ($1.16) per month payable to King County Wastewater for each single-family dwelling unit. 2. A charge of thirty-one dollars and ninety cents ($31.90) per month and a rate adjustment charge of one dollar and sixteen cents ($1.16) per month payable to King County Wastewater for each seven hundred fifty (7�0) cubic feet, or any fraction thereof, of water used for all users other than single-family. 3. Any additional charges hereafter imposed by King County Wastewater under the "Industrial Cost Recovery" or "Industrial Waste Surcharge" programs required under the FWPCA (PL 92-500), Section 204, or as same may be amended hereafter, plus fifteen percent (15%) thereof as an additional charge for the City's cost of implementing such programs. 4. Senior and/or disabled low income rates: a. For a seventy-five percent (75%) subsidy: (1) Senior and/or disabled low-income citizens who qualified under RMC 8-4- 31C for low-income rates prior to August 1, 1994, are eligible for a nonsubsidized rate of thirty-one dollars and ninety cents ($31.90) per month and a rate adjustment charge of one dollar and sixteen cents ($1.16) per month payable to 6 ORDINANCE NO. 5 4 2 5 �.r �,-„` King County Wastewater, and a subsidized rate of one dollar thirty-nine cents ($1.39) per month for City sewer charges for a total of thirty-four dollars and forty-five cents ($34.45). (2) Senior and/or disabled citizens who qualify under RMC 8-4-31 C for low- income rates after August l, 1994, and prior to May 31, 2008, are eligible for a nonsubsidized rate of thirty-one dollars and ninety cents ($31.90) per month and a rate adjustment charge of one dollar and sixteen cents ($1.16) per month payable to King County Wastewater, and a subsidized rate of four dollars five cents ($4.05) per month for City sewer charges for a total of thirty-seven dollars and eleven cents ($37.ll). b. All other Senior and/or disabled citizens qualifying under RMC 8-4-31 C for low-income rates after May 31, 2008, are eligible for a fifty percent (50%) subsidy equal to a nonsubsidized rate of thirty-one dollars and ninety cents ($31.90) per month and a rate adjustment charge of one dollar and sixteen cents ($1.16) per month payable to King County Wastewater, and a subsidized rate of eight dollars and nine cents ($8.09) per month for City sewer charges for a total of forty-one dollars and fifteen cents ($41.15). SECTION VIL This ordinance shall be effective on January l, 2009. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 17th day of November , 2008. �• LC/G�,L�� Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 7 � ORDINANCE NO. �4�S � APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of November , 2008. e Denis Law, Mayor Appro as to form: �����/l�G'..`"�'`--- Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/22/2008 (summary) ORD.1515:11/6/08:scr 8 .r.� `�` CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5424 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, ESTABLISHING THE PROPERTY TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2009 FOR BOTH GENERAL PURPOSES AND FOR VOTER APPROVED BOND ISSUES. WHEREAS, the City of Renton has met and considered its budget for the calendar year 2009; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton, after hearing and duly considering all relevant evidence and testimony presented, determined that, in order to discharge the expected expenses and obligations of the City and in its best interest, the City of Renton requires a regular levy in the amount of $31,300,000, which includes an increase in property tax revenue from the following sources: a) an increase from the previous year of one-percent, b) amounts resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, c) any increase in the value of state- assessed property, and d) amounts authorized by law as a result of any annexations that have occurred and refunds made; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The regular property tax levy is hereby authorized for the 2009 levy in the amount of$31,300,000, which is an increase of 0.76 percent from the previous year plus an amount for new construction and annexations. This increase includes revenue resulting from the following sources: a) an increase from the previous year of 0.76 percent, b) amounts resulting from the addition of new construction and improvements to property, c) any increase in the value of state-assessed property, and d) 1 �, ORDINANCE NO. 5424 ,� amounts authorized by law as a result of any annexations that have occurred, and e) refunds made. SECTION II. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this 17th day of November , 2008. ,��,�� �- C�a:�'�..�-J Bonnie L Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 17th day of November , 2008. � Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: �t+��..�<�%���^�"�•�._... Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 11/22/2008 (summary) ORD.1514:10/31/08:scr 2 . ' �✓ "r'r RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 10, 2008 Council Chambers Monday, 7 p.m. M I N U T E S Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Pro tem Palmer called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. ROLL CALL OF MARCIE PALMER, Mayor Pro tem; RANDY CORMAN, GREG TAYLOR; COUNCILMEMBERS RICH ZWICKER; KING PARKER. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS TERRI BRIERE AND DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ZANETTA FONTES, ATTENDANCE Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON, City Clerk; IWEN WANG, Finance and Information Services Administrator; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Public Works Administrator; DEPUTY CHIEF MARK PETERSON, Fire Department; COMMANDER KENT CURRY, Police Department. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Bud�et: 2009 Annual City of accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Pro tem Palmer opened the public Renton� hearing to consider the City of Renton 2009 budget. (Finance and Information Services Administrator Iwen Wang summarized the budget deliberation process and reported that the total proposed budget for 2009 ;is $251,658,823. She stated that the general governmental portion of the budget �is $101,568,854. Regarding revenue, Ms. Wang reported that an increase of i one percent is proposed for the property tax levy, and that a four percent `revenue increase for water and wastewater utilities is also proposed,with no �increase for surface water utilities. 'Public comment was invited. �Leo Eineker(Renton)King County Sexual Assault Resource Center(KCSARC) �Board member, explained his reasons for serving the board and stated that �KCSARC provided assistance this year to 110 Renton residents, 51 of who were � children or teenagers, at no cost to the individuals. He pointed out that 1 KCSARC also provided educational resources to 200 Renton residents in 2007. � Mr. Eineker estimated KCSARC's costs of serving the Renton community to be approximately $200,000 and noted that the City provides about 20%of the funding. Mr. Eineker expressed concern regarding a proposed 18%reduction in funding for 2009, and commented that reductions in funding will cause KCSARC to reduce its services to people who need it the most. Bill Block(King County), Project Director for the Committee to End Homelessness in King County, stated that the Committee has worked hard with South County cities to address the needs of local communities. Mr. Block remarked the Crisis Clinic Line (2-1-1)has seen requests for rental assistance go up 53%, requests for heat and light assistance go up 20%, and that overall calls are up 11% since 3rd quarter 2007. He noted that 62%percent of all calls in Renton are related to housing needs. He requested that Council keep these facts in mind, and stated that the true test of a community is how we help those who are most vulnerable when we ourselves are most stressed. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ' November 10, 2008 '""" Renton City Council Minutes `"'" Page 376 Chief Administrative Officer Covington explained that the human services allocation process was revamped four years ago and that the City received more than $780,000 in requests against an anticipated allocation of just under $484,000 this fiscal year. He pointed out that this year's funding recommendations include a recommendation to provide more funding to the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, Renton Area Youth and Family Services, and the Washington Women's Employment and Education agencies, if more money becomes available. Mr. Covington noted that this has been a tough budget year, and that the City is, for the first time, looking at potential service impacts to police, fire, and street maintenance. He emphasized that the City has great sympathy for the needs of human services agencies, and will continue to look to find ways to leverage City resources against other resources in the community. AUDIENCE COMMENT Arland "Buzz"Johnson (Renton) remarked that the loading zone signs in front Citizen Comment: Johnson - of Spencer Court(Senior Community) are located too high for people to see and Access Bus Parking stated that because of this, people believe the spaces are regular parking spots. He commented that this leaves no room for the Access Bus to load and unload passengers. Mayor Pro tem Palmer suggested that Mr. Johnson speak to Public Works Administrator Zimmerman regarding this matter. Citizen Comment: Sword - Hallie Sword(Renton) stated that residents of the Valley View Mobile Home Valley View Mobile Home Park will be getting organized to speak to Council about their housing options at Park the beginning of next year. She expressed appreciation for Council's concern and submitted two letters from park residents (Hung Van Pham and Danh Cao Dinh)regarding their housing situations. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1 1/3/2008. Council concur. 11/3/2008 CED: 2008 Neighborhood Community and Economic Development Department reported submission of Program Grants nine grant applications for the 2008 Neighborhood Grant Program(second round), and of those recommended funding of three projects and three newsletters in the total amount of$4,972. Refer to Community Services Committee. Fire: Emergency Management Fire and Emergency Services Department recommended approval of an Performance Grant, WA State agreement with the Washington State Military Department to accept Military Department, Budget Department of Homeland Security Emergency Management Performance Grant Amendment funds in the amount of$85,840,to support the emergency management program. Council concur. (See page 379 for ordinance.) Plat: Kelseys Crossing Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions, of Kelsey's Preliminary Plat, SE 192nd St, Crossing Preliminary Plat; 13 single-family lots on 2.13 acres located in the PP-08-069 vicinity of SE 192nd St. and 120th Ave. SE (PP-08-069). Council concur. Transportation: Commute Trip Transportation Systems Division recommended adoption of updated Commute Reduction Regulations Update Trip Reduction regulations and 2007 Commute Trip Reduction Plan to reflect State mandated changes. Council concur. (See page 379 for resolution and ordinance.) Utility: Water Line Protection Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the amount of &Relocation, SR 167 & I-405, $200,500 with Bilfinger/Tri-State Joint Venture for the protection and Bilfinger/Tri-State Joint relocation of existing water lines in SR 167 and I-405 as part of the I-405,I-5 to Venture SR 169, Stage 1 Widening project. Council concur. - ' wr v..r 1,,.,: .,u,ui� �.,>„t'z ���s r�n��mo-� i�� f°��� ����� a� �v� ,;. ,,:. , ., , Yt, 3'� �� 3. „ �.....�',, � �� :�'�.: // ..;;;� .. �' •. % f � / �'-t� � � �`. ! �, !R , . � . .. ..... �-� � ' - � � . `�a��"'�`.!Y��.,�. Public Process - -•- ��-' 0 Mayor delivers Budget Message October z� � �� .�„_:: � Full-day Council Workshop October z9 " —�" '` - ' " Q Council Committee of the Whole Nov 3 Q is�Public Hearing Nov 3 November iq zoo8 Q Committee of the Whole Nov io Q Nov io,z"d Public Hearing,ordinances i�reading z �i .�:a iT,.�q�,,,�c ..�.,:. , ,,., .I n� F ..�,�i_ .;. ,�...,.. .a. �.�� �' �.,�° � �u..�� . a Propose ` e��� ,,�� 3-Budget related ordinances $252 million •zooq Budget ��.�3���� : •zooq Property Tax Levy ��� _ � f�fi£'.3;", t •zooq City ope�ated,piped utility rates ,�, � � �&. .�Q ���,p'' ,r �� �, � ii � I dC i:�. 3 ..,a:��;..ii n��i5 �7`ER I�i,nY .:_� o .,.,_,� -. - .. ... . � x �,�4� ���,a?N�:I. , ��,%... ,, " s>,o,� . �� ... . � ,H„ eneral Governmen `d�t� � N .y . �� �roperty Tax: $30.4 milfion� $101.5 million ,,.. Public Safety PrinrYzarLe� ' ' $ 24,6G2,57' �'� i��';;;E` =48% u v `�� i��:' 1!o Growth L'unit 246 62 Base Le ' �i 24,90�20 ° New Construction 1,184 73 � g�� , K ��� t�� ,�W A�uaexation 4 04b 28 ,;�n Refund Le 292,25 Total Tax Le S :30 422 46 � , I1 'Figures are as of 10/21/2008.King Counry vnll conlinue to update data. Final levy will be available in early November and will be reflected in Property Taz Ordinance. 5 6 �r►'' "+�✓ ' - ,� �.., ... � gro. .W,�.�a'�'� a �: �•�. �.z�U^`�� ,"'�� ta r '� ,',. �ll �„-��`� ",` I ���,it.'f" �` . ..„„D � � ,� ��. ..._ . .. ��.'i .: , ,_.� _a�:;� _.... �,r�,�,s,..:;,...... .�. . ,. Utility Rates •Proposed increase: •Water 4%(-Si.S) •Wastewater q%(So.6z) _ ... _,, •Surface Water o%(Eo.00) •Support increase in KC Rate adjustment charge to $i.i6 per 75ocf usage L�0 ��(�1 � Agenda Item No.: �o , ` ��.r+ w�• RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: ((�l O `ZUd � PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 / , 5 Name: �D l�//U'�(��° '�. Name: Address: r����1�-�L(C;(�7��� � �(� Address: City ,��}fio� Zip Code � S�S City Zip Code Topic:�� ��� ��, ����� �j�� Topic: 2 6 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 3 n �'a v�r r.�^� �l� � 7 Name: ��`��/j��C" �� ��l�ss�r S Name: Address: �/ �G� C��� Address: c�U/ ,�' � � 57J� City �'�T�'� Zip Code ��16�� City Zip Code Topic: l���.,� ��,v�fc..�o J'�u�r� � Topic: 4 8 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) �Continued from Reverse Side - Page� . ` RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP �HEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APFROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: � Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: November 10, 2008 ``"'" Renton City Council Minutes `�'""` Page 380 Utility: 2009 Rates An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, Water, and Chapter 5, Sewer, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code, to allow for adjustments to cunent utility rates. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Community Services: 2009 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V (Finance Golf Course Fees and Business Regulations), of City Code, by increasing certain golf course green fees and club rental fee. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. CED: Multi-Family Housing An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Property Tax Exemption of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code, by modifying the Amendments & Liberty Square application deadline for multi-family housing property tax exemptions. Apartments Application MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON ll/17/2008. CARRIED. Public Works: Capital An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9,Permits - Specific, of Title IV Improvement Deferrals Cost (Development Regulations), of City Code,by adding a provision to make Contribution uniform the amount of cost contribution toward City capital projects required of properties for which frontage improvements have been deferred by restrictive covenant. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5417 An ordinance was read amending Chapter ], Administration and Enforcement, Development Services: Vested of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code by adding an exception Projects Established Fee Rates, for projects vested in the County to land use review fees. MOVED BY King County PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5418 An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Utility: 2009 Solid Waste, Sanitation), of City Code, related to year 2009 Services and Utility Rates for all Rates ���� .g� � customer classes. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, � COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5419 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget to appropriate and transfer CED: Housing Opportunity $200,000 from the General Fund (000)to the newly created Housing Fund Establishment Opportunity Fund(326). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5420 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by allocating funds from a Police: Washington Auto Theft grant from the State of Washington,Washington Auto Theft Prevention Prevention Authority Grant, Authority, in the amount of$70,962 to fund 000/008 General Fund- Police Additional Employee, &2008 Department; authorizing the addition of a full-time Investigator; and adding the Budget Amendment position to the 2008 Budget index of positions. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. November 10, 2008 `�'"` Renton City Council Minutes "'�"r Page 380 Utility: 2009 Rates An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, Water, and Chapter 5, Sewer, of Title VIII(Health and Sanitation), of City Code, to allow for adjustments to current utility rates. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Community Services: 2009 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V(Finance Golf Course Fees � � and Business Regulations), of City Code, by increasing certain golf course �bc� �.� � green fees and club rental fee. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON ll/17/2008. CARRIED. CED: Multi-Family Housing An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Property Tax Exemption of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code, by modifying the Amendments & Liberty Square application deadline for multi-family housing property tax exemptions. Apartments Application MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON ll/17/2008. CARRIED. Public Works: Capital An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV Improvement Deferrals Cost (Development Regulations), of City Code, by adding a provision to make Contribution uniform the amount of cost contribution toward City capital projects required of properties for which frontage improvements have been deferred by restrictive covenant. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE#5417 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Development Services: Vested of Title N (Development Regulations), of City Code by adding an exception Projects Established Fee Rates, for projects vested in the County to land use review fees. MOVED BY King County PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5418 An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Garbage, of Title VIII(Health and Utility: 2009 Solid Waste Sanitation), of City Code, related to year 2009 Services and Utility Rates for all Rates customer classes. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5419 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget to appropriate and transfer CED: Housing Opportunity $200,000 from the General Fund (000)to the newly created Housing Fund Establishment Opportunity Fund(326). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5420 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by allocating funds from a Police: Washington Auto Theft grant from the State of Washington,Washington Auto Theft Prevention Prevention Authority Grant, Authority, in the amount of$70,962 to fund 000/008 General Fund- Police Additional Employee, &2008 Department; authorizing the addition of a full-time Investigator; and adding the Budget Amendment position to the 2008 Budget index of positions. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. November 10, 2008 "�"'" Renton City Council Minutes `"` Page 380 Utility: 2009 Ra4e; `� An ordinance was read amending Chapter 4, Water, and Chapter 5, Sewer, of �� .� r�� Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code, to allow for adjustments to current utility rates. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Community Services: 2009 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V (Finance Golf Course Fees and Business Regulations), of City Code, by increasing certain golf course green fees and club rental fee. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. CED: Multi-Family Housing An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Administration and Enforcement, Property Tax Exemption of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code, by modifying the Amendments & Liberty Square application deadline for multi-family housing property tax exemptions. Apartments Application MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Public Works: Capital An ordinance was read amending Chapter 9, Permits - Specific, of Title IV Improvement Deferrals Cost (Development Regulations), of City Code,by adding a provision to make Contribution uniform the amount of cost contribution toward City capital projects required of properties for which frontage improvements have been deferred by restrictive covenant. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COITNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON ll/17/2008. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: ORDINANCE #5417 An ordinance was read amending Chapter l, Administration and Enforcement, Development Services: Vested of Title IV (Development Regulations), of City Code by adding an exception Projects Established Fee Rates, for projects vested in the County to land use review fees. MOVED BY King County PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE #5418 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII (Health and Utility: 2009 Solid Waste Sanitation), of City Code,related to year 2009 Services and Utility Rates for all Rates customer classes. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5419 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget to appropriate and transfer CED: Housing Opportunity $200,000 from the General Fund (000)to the newly created Housing Fund Establishment Opportunity Fund(326). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. ORDINANCE#5420 An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by allocating funds from a Police: Washington Auto Theft grant from the State of Washington,Washington Auto Theft Prevention Prevention Authority Grant, Authority, in the amount of$70,962 to fund 000/008 General Fund-Police Additional Employee, &2008 Department; authorizing the addition of a full-time Investigator; and adding the Budget Amendment position to the 2008 Budget index of positions. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL. ALL AYES. CARRIED. November ]0, 2008 �" Renton City Council Minutes "r' Page 379 Finance Committee Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 278067 - 278423 and two wire transfers totaling $5,716,063.71; and approval of 126 Payroll Vouchers, one wire transfer, and 785 direct deposits totaling$2,608,195.68. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: 2009 Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Golf Course Fees concurrence in the staff recommendation to increase certain Golf Course fees and Club Rental fees to cover the cost of services. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 380 for ordinance.) Lease: Park & Ride Garage Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Agreement, City Center concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and Cit�rk Parking Garage, King County to sign Amendment One to the lease agreement(LAG-04-003) with King County for parking spaces at the City Center Municipal Parking Garage. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION #3982 A resolution was read adopting the 2007 City of Renton Commute Trip Transportation: Commute Trip Reduction Plan, including policies for major employers in Renton, to satisfy the Reduction Regulations Update Commute Trip Reduction requirements of state law. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and refened to the Council meeting of 11/17/2008 for second and final reading: Fire: Emergency Management An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by increasing Fund 000 by Performance Grant, WA State $50,840 for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the City's Military Department, Budget emergency management program. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY Amendment TAYLOR, COIINCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Transportation: Commute Trip An ordinance was read amending Chapter 13, Commute Trip Reduction, of Reduction Regulations Update Title X (Traffic), of City Code,by incorporating recent]egislative and administrative changes to the State of Washington's Commute Trip Reduction Program as required by RCW 70.94.527. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Bud e� t: 2009 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2009 in the total Renton amount of$251,658,823. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Budget: 2009 Property Tax An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2009 for Levy both general purposes and for voter-approved bond issues. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. November 10, 2008 �"�' Renton City Council Minutes "�"'` Page 379 Finance Committee Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claim Vouchers 278067 -278423 and two wire transfers totaling $5,716,063.71; and approval of 126 Payroll Vouchers, one wire transfer, and 785 direct deposits totaling$2,608,195.68. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services: 2009 Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Golf Course Fees � � concurrence in the staff recommendation to increase certain Golf Course fees � and Club Rental fees to cover the cost of services. The Committee further ��"� � � recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 380 for ordinance.) Lease: Park & Ride Garage Finance Committee Substitute-Chair Parker presented a report recommending Agreement, City Center concurrence in the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and Cit�rk Parking Garage, King County to sign Amendment One to the lease agreement(LAG-04-003) with King County for parking spaces at the City Center Municipal Parking Garage. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION #3982 A resolution was read adopting the 2007 City of Renton Commute Trip Transportation: Commute Trip Reduction Plan, including policies for major employers in Renton, to satisfy the Reduction Regulations Update Commute Trip Reduction requirements of state law. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 11/17/2008 for second and final reading: Fire: Emergency Management An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by increasing Fund 000 by Performance Grant, WA State $50,840 for the purpose of supplemental funding to support the City's Military Department, Budget emergency management program. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY Amendment TAYLOR, COLTNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Transportation: Commute Trip An ordinance was read amending Chapter 13, Commute Trip Reduction, of Reduction Regulations Update Title X(Traffic), of City Code, by incorporating recent legislative and administrative changes to the State of Washington's Commute Trip Reduction Program as required by RCW 70.94.527. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Budget: 2009 Annual City of An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 2009 in the total Renton amount of$251,658,823. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. Budget: 2009 Property Tax An ordinance was read establishing the property tax levy for the year 2009 for Levy both general purposes and for voter-approved bond issues. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/17/2008. CARRIED. , � � APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL FINANCE COMMITTEE Date ��/��'2�d� COMMITTEE REPORT � November 10, 2008 2009 GOLF COURSE GREEN & CLUB RENTAL FEES (Referred October 27, 2008) The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to increase certain Golf Course Green fees and Club Rental Fees to cover the cost of services. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. � � rsson, air SZt �t�l�G�.�f ,5 V�S'u"l TV T� / V/� . €�ri-S3`ier•� .r �,.- _ - J; r � King Parker, Member ( �' cc: Iwen Wang,Finance&IS?.dminsitrator Terry Higashiyama,Community Services Administrator Leslie Betlach,Parks Director Linda Parks;.Fiscal Services Director Kelly Beymer,Golf Course Manager - N�vember 10, 2008 ""r"'` Renton City Council Minutes `"''� Page 377 MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Pro tem Corman presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole recommending concurrence in the following 2009 Budget recommendations: Budget: 2009 Annual City of property Tax Levy: A revised preliminary property tax worksheet provided by Renton King County has an estimated property tax of$30,428,206, based on $246,626 in 1% levy base increase, $1,180,955 in new construction levy, $4,045,797 in annexation levy, and $292,254 in re-levying of prior year refunds. The actual increase in the base levy when compared with the amount actual levied in 2008 is an increase of 0.76%. The new construction and state public utility levy will not be finalized until near the end of December. Therefore, the Committee recommended authorization for the 2009 levy in the higher amount of$31,000,000 to ensure the City receives the full amount allowed under the state statute. Utilitv Rate Increases: The Committee recommended that water and wastewater rates be increased by an amount that would provide a 4% overall revenue increase to fund the operation, maintenance, and improvements to the systems. Also included in the recommended rate increases is the amount necessary to fully fund the rate increase imposed by King County Metro for sewer treatment. Other Rates and Fees: Other rate and fee adjustments that are currently being considered and/or have previously gone through the public hearing and Council approval process, such as recreation and golf course fees, as well as solid waste rates, are integral to the 2009 budget. 2009 Budget: The Committee recomtnended a total 2009 Budget�appropriation of$251,658,823. Budget Related Ordinances: The Committee further recommended that the following ordinance regarding these matters be presented for first reading: 1. Property Tax ordinance 2. Utility Rate ordinance 3. 2009 Budget ordinance MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMM.ITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 379 and 380 for ordinances.) Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve a lease rate Lease: Aerodyne, Airport, increase using a recent market appraisal and approve a change in the size of the LAG-84-006 leased area for Aerodyne, LLC. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the addendum to the lease agreement with Aerodyne, LLC (LAG-84-006). MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: Capital Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Corman presented a report Improvement Deferrals Cost recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to establish a cost Contribution contribution toward City capital improvement projects of properties in which frontage improvements have been deferred by restrictive covenant in an amount consistent with the payment of fee-in-lieu of street improvements, as established by RMC 4-9-060C.9.d. Owners of such properties would also have an option of paying the contribution over a ten-year period with three percent annum interest n� � nvvCV �T CITY COUNCIL " � � COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE � Date /�/0-a00� COMMITTEE REPORT November 10, 2008 ADOPTION OF THE 2009 BUDGET ORDINANCES Referred October 6, 2008 The Committee of the Whole recommends concurrence in the following 2009 Budget recommendations: Property Tax Lev�; A revised preliminary property tax worksheet provided by King County has an estimated property taxes of$30,428,206, based on $246,626 in 1% levy base increase, $1,180,955 in new construction levy, $4,045,797 in annexation levy, and $292,254 in re-levying of prior year refunds. The actual increase in the base levy when compared with the amount actual levied in 2008 is an increase of 0.76%. The new construction and state public utility levy will not be finalized until near the end of December. Therefore, the committee recommends authorization for the 2009 levy in the higher amount of$31,000,000 to ensure the City receives the full amount allowed under the state statute. Utilitv Rate Increases: The Committee recommends that water and waste water rates be increased by an amount that would provide a 4% overall revenue increase to fund the operation, maintenance, and improvements to the systems. Also included in the recommended rate increases is the amount necessary to fully fund the rate increase imposed by King County Metro for sewer treatment. Other Rates and Fees: Other rate and fee adjustments that are currently being considered and/or have previously gone through the public hearing and Council approval process, such as recreation and golf course fees as well as solid waste rates, are integral to the 2009 budget� 2009 Bud� The Committee recommends a tota12009 Budget Appropriation of$251,658,823. Bud�et Related Ordinances: The Committee further recommends that the following ordinances regarding these matters be presented for first reading: 1. Property Tax ordinance 2. Utility Rate Ordinance 3. 2009 Budget Ordinance /�Gv�� Marcie Palmer, City Council President cc: Iwen Wang Nancy Violante '� i t "� Nvvember 3, 2008 +rr Renton City Council Minutes �.✓ Page 365 � PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Budget: 2009 Revenue Sources accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to & Preliminary Budget consider the 2009 revenue sources and preliminary budget. Finance and Information Services Administrator Iwen Wang reported that 2009 revenue levels were projected using mid-year 2008 as a base, and explained that at the time inflation and other economic conditions were more normal compared to current economic conditions. Ms. Wang stated that even at mid-year the City anticipated a four percent budget gap in the General Governmental Fund group. She noted that with the recent spike in the inflation rate, the City now has an anticipated seven percent budget gap. Ms. Wang pointed out that all City departments were asked to provide andJor identify seven percent budget reduction options, noting that early in the budget process only some of the proposed cuts were needed,but that all of the reductions offered,with the exception of staff lay-offs, were taken. She emphasized that the City is able to avoid lay-offs by reducing department budgets. Moving on to the financial summary, Ms. Wang stated that the overall proposed budget is $252 million, which is approximately two percent above the adopted 2008 budget. She explained that approximately forty percent of the total budget is for general governmental operations,which includes providing fire,police, street services, and park and recreation services, and explained that the other sixty percent includes enterprise funds and internal services funds, eighteen percent of which are capital projects. Ms. Wang stated that overall revenue is approximately $7 million less than the proposed expenditures. She noted that the difference will be made up from contributions of prior year fund balances to fund capital projects. Ms. Wang reported that it is not just Renton, but all governmental agencies facing budget gaps, and that Renton is focusing on basic services. She stated that overall governmental expenditures total $101 million, and that public safety (fire,police, and court services combined) represents forty-eight percent of that $101 million. Continuing, Ms. Wang reported that the City is projecting$100.8 million in general government revenues, of which over seventy-eight percent is from taxes,primarily property tax, sales tax, and utility tax. Noting that property tax is limited to one percent growth every year, she stated that approximately $30 million in property taxes will be generated in 2009. Ms. Wang remarked that this is a$6 million increase over 2008. She noted that $4 million of the increase is directly due to the Benson Hill annexation. Ms. Wang reported that the 2009 preliminary tax rate per$1,000 of assessed valuation for Renton is now $2.29. She explained that when the levy rate and the voter-approved bonds are included,the tax rate increases to $2.62 per $1,000. She noted that the City's base tax rate has only risen one percent per year since 2005,but in the same time period there has been a substantial increase in new construction and annexations. Ms. Wang explained the state property tax law and remarked that a large growth in home values has occurred in Renton. She commented that the City receives only 26.8 cents per dollar of property tax. Regarding sales tax, Ms. Wang stated that the City projects to generate$26 million in revenue in 2009. She noted that the assumption of 2009 sales tax revenue is based on three elements: anticipating a slight decline in base sales tax, recognizing a full year of annexation sales tax credit, and assuming a full year of impact from businesses in the Benson Hill area and The Landing. Ms. Wang stated that it is important to recognize that Renton generates over$200 , � November 3, 2008 ,,,�,,,; Renton Ciry Council Minutes �,, Page 366 million in sales tax and that approximately seventy-two percent goes to the � state, and another large portion supports transit and transportation improvements. She noted that Renton receives approximately nine percent of the sales tax revenue. Ms. Wang stated that approximately$15 million in utilities tax revenue is projected for 2009. She remarked that various rate increases are anticipated and that growth is primarily from the Benson Hill annexation. Ms. Wang also remarked that development fees and permits combined generate around $6 million. She also reported that a substantial decrease in permit activity resulting in a one-third decrease in plan review fees is anticipated for 2009. Concluding, Ms. Wang stated that even after transferring funds to cover various capital projects, including the parking garage acquisition at The Landing, the City meets all Council policies and financial management requirements regarding reserve balances. Public Warks Administrator Gregg Zimmerman reported on 2009 piped utility � rates. He stated that when determining future rate scenarios, the Ciry is mindful of the state of the economy, and has attempted to balance the needs of maintaining quality utility services,providing adequate supply and capacity, maintaining high-quality infrastructure, and providing quick responses to issues of a growing customer base. Mr. Zimmerman remarked that this translates into recommending the lowest possible revenue and rate increases while still providing responsible stewardship for utilities services. Utility Systems Director Lys Hornsby reported that the primary drivers that detertnine rates for piped utilities are energy, construction and labor costs, and meeting approved financial policies, including debt to risk coverage ratios, maintaining reserves, debt to equity ratios, system reinvestment, and the rate stabilization fund. Pointing out that energy costs have grown higher than the rate of inflation, Ms. Hornsby noted that electricity, fuel, petroleum-based products, copper piping, and construction costs have grown faster than the Consumer Price Index. She stated that all of these factors influence the need to increase utility rates. She stated that after modeling rates with these assumptions and requirements, no 2009 increase for surface water utilities is proposed, and a four percent revenue increase is recommended for water and wastewater utilities for 2009. Ms. Hornsby reported that 2008 is the first year the City used a cost of service structure and block rate structure for single families. She explained that because of the new rate structures, an increase is no longer a straight-across-the-board increase for all single families. Ms. Hornsby emphasized that by minimizing 2009 rates,higher rate increases will be needed in 2010 and beyond. Concluding, Ms. Hornsby reported that the last utility rate recommendation is to increase the King County treatment rate to $1.16. She commented that this increase will attempt to make the King County charge a true pass-through fee. Ms. Hornsby stated that if the proposed 2009 rate structures are approved, City utility rates will still be lower than what was charged ten years ago. She presented a chart comparing the City's rate to other jurisdictions and noted that Renton rates are currently the lowest in the region and remarked that if the new rate structures are adopted, only the City of Auburn would have lower total utility rates. Responding to Councilmember Parker's inquiry, Mr. Zimmerman reported that there are $12.3 million of capital projects scheduled as part of proposed rate . ` November 3, 2008 � Renton City Council Minutes �,r+� Page 367 , schedule. He remarked that there are several funding sources for capital � projects including utility tax revenue and the issuance of bonds. He explained bond covenants and requirements, and pointed out that if the City does not meet those requirements, the City's bond rating will decrease, which will increase interest rates and have an impact on the City's abiliry to secure bonds in the future. Mr. Zimmerman acknowledged the tough economic times and stated that the proposed rate increase is as low as possible while still allowing the City to meet requirements and provide responsible stewardship of utility systems. Councilmember Parker remarked that he does not want to raise rates but that the City must not put the system at risk. He commented that City staff has recommended a responsible rate increase required to maintain the system. Public comment was invited. Rich Brooks (Seattle) stated that he represents Renton Area Youth and Family Services (RAYS). He expressed appreciation for the City's continued support and remarked that RAYS will receive an eighteen percent funding cut in 2009 even though it exceeded its service goals. Mr. Brooks stated that with cuts in funding from the City, multiplied with cuts in funding from King County, RAYS will not be able to provide services to as many youth next year. He requested that Council re-examine human service funding recommendations. Mary Ellen Stone(Renton), South King Council of Human Services President, and Executive Director of the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC), expressed appreciation for the City's continued support. She noted that KCSARC will receive a funding cut of approximately fifteen to twenty percent for 2009. Ms. Stone stated that the agency's ability to provide services is greatly diminished when funding cuts from the City are coupled with those from King County. She requested that Council re-examine human service funding recommendations. Howard McOmber(Renton) requested relief from higher utility bills for senior citizens and low-income residents. City Attorney Warren stated that utility discounts are currently available for senior andlor low-income citizens. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COLJNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 10/27/2008. Council concur. 10/27/2008 CED: Impact Fees, Issaquah, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval to Kent, & Renton School revise the amounts of the impact fees collected on behalf of the Issaquah and Districts Kent School Districts, adopt the 2008 Issaquah School District Capital Facilities Plan and the 2008-2009 through 2013-2014 Kent School District Capital Facilities Plan, and approve the collection of an impact fee on behalf of the Renton School District and adopt the Renton School District 2007 Capital Facilities Plan. Refer to Finance Committee; set public hearing on 11/17/2008. Lease: Park & Ride Garage Community Services Department recommended approval of an amendment to Agreement, City Center LAG-04-003, King County Park &Ride Garage Agreement, to implement a Parking Garage, King County higher base rate charged for additional designated spaces at the City Center parking garage. Refer to Finance Committee. e „_ __._ �„ __�_. -- -- �� __,._.. ��,.,....--^"'"'_,_.. �.�_�� �e e �__-` ^»...."-�, "a ' ) �� wa � � ;� '',,�� � § (� �� '�`'"� � � ;S �._"'� e .J � � '�' } I' �� � '� � � E � �� � �,l i k� i �:!�� � � � .'� � � �>..�,r""��. €.,�a;;.�. �'�." � �'A '�'K-.,� � � � �� �` \ �Y t� ��S "�� �`� 6 � '",""., .�,"w'� .�-�-"' r� '"""m"`^. � . ��� "',� l t ,.,'."` 4 'm� a z � *.�,.l.rT 6, .,� ��,+,:. �' � •�,� �"^'° ��{ „ � -,�,. � � � . r""`� y- � d-- �r�y � �at� �� ��,.,.,� ..� �� ��``;� �„"„: �����: �� � � e , t�" g�� 4 .»°.,....�� �t�.. � " �� V� `^.� �'"':.«,.�� '�"� :e�.�..,, ��.� .,,.," )�� ,_„.� ��...:7 �n«� November 3, Zoo8 � _ _.._ _ �..�_ _.�- _ __ " �.--..,..-:,..---- _.�- _ .._.._ �. �� � `«��'"""`�` _�. _. ._�_�.... , v m nt � �� u et e e o e ❑ Bud et development process starte �� ����� �� s �� � g J Jk , �� �. �..� , y � : a. �� `�� �l � � '� :I : � ❑ Revenue ro'ection from une Zo �� ° ��� p � J �, £� �. �� � �� � i � ' 3x ���� � . ,��' �� � � ,. i�'f4dy i��4+ } �, �+� ��a y'/ �� '' ;� iy as � ��� �F,', � t ��� t ❑ Normal rate of inflation for ex � � ���� 3� �� ,� g: �; ;� St \ � \i:. � ❑ Initial estimated GG fund �\° �� a���� g. :� . =�r . � ❑ Asked de artments to propose �° o � s p ;,, . � , �� �� � p� f intended to allow flexibility and choices �� �'} - � 2 . �._ �__ _.�_ _� __ -�. �:�_ __ _ _� � _,. . ,,, , .�.._.� _ m i i o n � _- ___�__�_ ._�__ _�____._. � r ��� . � � �.�� � ���; aa�� ,7;,�`�' ���I,�s "�j ��" �iy��l�l! � i I�II�II,II�I�I I e • � � . � � t � � � o • e • o � f r � � � - . . . . 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'k � � � * Figures are as of 10/21/2008. King County will continue to update data. Final levy will be available in early November and will be reflected in Property Tax Ordinance. . � . $ w�.... __—- �_.�; • � , _ „ . .ti , - � �� _ „� �..:..._..�------ __ ; . ✓ � � �� � �� m u ative Pro ert Tax� rowt p Y 2005 - 2009 ��. v �._.���..__N��_���W.�� ._�.��.�..� _ ...�.��..���um_ W m�m��..��....�..�W A. p��..._.�. � � � � $3 3.0 �.�.�. .��.mm�.,�_.� e�,�� w..��u���.� .��_�.�.�ro,�..a._x�.�. � ` Annexation New Construction � Base Property Tax : � $31.0 �,� ..�.,���.rn.v ,�a.�,r�� m,M.��.a� u.v..,.���,��n.�.�, �,.���,�,._..�„ ,�,..��.��,��., �. � �� ' } 3 1 5 � 4 ' $2 9.� `�`_�.�._.u.___.._..._.........�..__....._...�_�_._. � s _�... ___...�._._....___�...,�_.____�.. ._,_..._.�..._..�.�..�_., �....._�.__� h 3 ' $27.� �",,�......�...__.._..�....,....__._............................ .�.....K ...,.,�._.�..�._.�...._..____ ,,,,,,�_.._. ��,�,.... ._. _.w_�...,._�..�.._,�.� _....,..___....__... .�..., �' '�� ,w .._._..,,. � 5 f � S S � ; $25.0 ��, ��.. � ���, �. _ �.�� �,.�„ _ �.�..���, � , .. : � „': , ,., : 3 9 O & z s •— $23.0 , � _ ;, r�.;, ; > �„�,�„� ���,...a. ....�_..�,.. , _....�w..._.� ..,µ.� _,.�.�...�. �...��.�.,��„�,.... ..�,.��..._.. � _._. � ' $21.0 _.._ . ..�... __��. �. �__ _ ..__. ,� � y ��:. �� � � $19 A -._ � _ � .. _�,. �: __�_. 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' 12 _ __. _ ��� �--__ _ _ � , ___...—�--. �.:�.. ., . ._...,,,._ _._ ,��. e�;, w_. r�.� � �w _ _. __ __ ���.,._ � ��'�; ��,-�"'.�""' `'� � _�� �,.� • a es a x ssu m tions > • -3.6% on base sales tax • Full year annexation credit • Full year Benson Hill area businesses and CJ sales tax allocation • The Landing businesses � • Fairfield residential development ' ' 13 � _,. � � _.... -� � -�� m i i o n Sa es T��a�X�� r_ _�__..W � �.��:. 5 �. �. _.._z���� �.a,m ��..� .��p���v�� �.���� ��� ����� ,������,���.� �� m ugn��.��� � � ; , � � � � � 4 � � � � . � . f . . � � � �: . , . . � � � � > • , � . � � � . � � ? , . � � � � � � � Criminal � � � Co RTA Justice � � $ ; , $6 $10 2 � � � � 2.8% 4.4% 1.1% °' 14 .�. ��.. m �,�.,��.� e� _ � ,�-----_�----�—�. � ,� ww_�—� ��__ . . ._ _......._ _..__ _.w� � � "��..�,�.,��__ :�.�" � � �- N.�..�.:�u�� '�.v..�� .�.,�.�.�...�..�...���.���.�..��..�..,.u. _..�. ��. ..� .�� . .. . .�����.I.� ....�� ' $15.0 5 � t ; .� Y k,;`r Y �U,. i '� �:. ( �a y i �v�5•`� 4� �6 i s�"'� y � . 4 � iwei c?� � a . � y��.'''�� � � . M �� � $ ` 12.0 �` � i �, , s .�� � � ,. I � � ..;,� M �'� � , � `�� �� ���'� � .,� � $9.0 � �.�. , � �Y;�� � � . �� , t: \ �,�,� � t � � s��,; � ��,�,�, � � ��.� � ��"�.,. � � � O $6.� � n Y 1 � s $3.0 ��. ��������� ���aa�aa �.��a�e �� �����M�. �s g � � , $0.0 ; Actual Actual Actual Actual Adopted Proposed � 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 � Electric Gas/Ut & Use Tax � Transfer Station Tv Cable � Phone ��,; Cellular Phone City Utilities , - �.,�� .�....,��.� �.� ..w� �. �, .�. ���.�..�„�.�,�...,.��,��w,��u._,__��15 � �..�_ �.. ��_-_ _ _ _�. �,,, >; �;� Nrv.�=--�.' ___._ _ .____._ _. ,. p�, ssum t � ons � • Full year of Benson Hill revenue • Utility tax from the Landing businesses and residents • Solid Waste and Metro rate increases • General rate increases � ' ' 16 _. __. �T_ _. .... ----�.w�.._�--_.__ „ .M._:✓=-�--=�'~"� ,,. � „.��,��--- _�.� _ ,�._...._,._....._.�.n � eve o m e nt e rm its ees � d�� �� � ��.«.� a�w�.� ��..�_��� r ��. .v ._��_m.�m�m��a� � � ����� � , $4.0 § ; $3.5 � M • $3.0 µ , , i ; f _, _�.,�.,.�, �,.��� 9H�,�. $2.5 � _ ; I q : . �, �# �ou..�.. ° i $2.0 ....��� ��.�,..� � r � ' o $ ` 1.5 �� � .��x ��� ���� �� � � Mx��e � � $1.0 � � ° s � � $0.5 � � �� $0 A �� � �� � ' � u 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Bgt 2009 Proj � � �� � , ■ Building/Development Permits ■ Plan Review , �,�. ...,,,.�, ...._.����_..�,��..�»,��.�.,.r ,... .A.. �.�v��.. ..�.�.,�.��...,.�,..v �.w n.w.�� .���� .�,�. , � �,�_ ��. � � �� �.n.�. �o� ,� 17 _. _ __ , __. _.,,.... _w.__.__..__._�..�.. �._, �--�..�-="" �� • . 4$ . 6 I'Yl I I O Cl - 6.8 million overall ( $ ) � $14 A "`�""� $12.4 $12 A �'"°�""" 11.1 $10.4 11.1 $10.6 $10.0 $10A $9 7 $8.7 $8.5 ,� M � $s.o ���, .�. � $6.0 . I $4.3 � $4.0 ' o $2.1 � n $2A s $oA ..� General Gov't Capital/ Enterprise Equipment Risk Health/ Designated Replacement Pension ■ 2008 ■ 2009 • 18 _ �, �,. �..._,. a �u �_,.:___._-- :�:.: ; :��� ,; �-- _ .,._.._. �..._ _ ._ _._. � __. , ��,,.�..— _. �.-'�`�""�W. Pr Cit Pi e Uti it Rates o pose y p y � � • � 19 __... _�,_ _. ��_ .� �...�..��_ �,w„_w�.:e-.:::-=== �:�:.- � ,�� ----- , �.�� �__�..� �� �,� �,,.W��,.� � �.�-�L~�_ � � �� r "�S � � ....+� 9 a f __„� _��` rM� � . � � '�i a� "� � � "„'`' ``�.�� ,.-� ' �..� � � c � z- ��;�.' y p �� �/� ��� ^�j� � � ^� ����J `!���� ��j �r '"`_� `�Y: ,������ ,»����� °�;.:,� ��.�.�� i�� � .,.� �� � * � _ W�-.w.__.. ...... a �� . °,� ,;r. �. _ ,_� �� .._�:------''`__.._ �___..... "�..�-���� .��.�.,.x.�,�.... _,. ��:; ,. u i c rocess � [� Full-day Council Workshop October 29 f� Council Committee of the Whole earlier this evening l� lst Public Hearing tonight Next: :� ❑ Potential Committee of the Whole Nov lo ❑ Nov lo, Znd Public Hearing, ordinances lst reading ❑ Nov l�, ordinances Znd reading, adoption ' 21 Pro osed 2C��9 Pi ed Utilit Rates p p y � City of Renton � _ Utility Systems Division Lys �Iornsby • Prlm D 1 ary r vers ' • Meet a roved financial olicies pp p — DSC, reserves, debt-to-equity ratio — system reinvestment — rate stabilization fund � • Energy costs — electricity and fuel • Construction and materials costs • Labor and benefits 1 . ' � ��� � � � , � • � ., f:�. ... :":. �f��f.,, � ` � ��!�'� �f 3 � u� � f �� � AX�� 6 :, " " ,.., ' ' � � �' „ / '. . : .�, �� .:,{ k3 .,,"'n .;'r ,.' '.,� ..' '�. � � � �'Q 11'1 � �W S 111 B 111 � fJ t t�3 � LlS �SS � $9,30CY,OQC3 � $9,�140,D00 Water $B,9QO,flOQ �����,��n Wastewater �8��a�Q,QQQ �8,3D4,D00 ' Surtace Water $s,�a�,oaa Op eratin� Exp ens�� ��.9Q°�°°° $�,7c�o,oao ' $�,5��x�ao ' � (includin ������� d�+ebt . � $�,���.�R� . $�,,o�,000 ` � � $6,9QO,Q00 \ �s,7oa,000 $6,500,p00 $6,300,000 ` 1997 — 2�J�'l ��.���a�� in Ex enses: $5f�oof000 � ��` $5,500,000 ' $5,300,000 � �. •. $5,100,000 $4,900,000 Water -- 41 °�'������.� l�� $4,�00,000 �. �a,-- $4,509A00 $4,300,000 � $4,100,000 Wastewater � �� ��� i��✓V � $3,500,000 Q • $3,700�00 l $3,300,000 $3,100;000 $2,900,000 Surface Water — 60%: $ 1 .0 M $2:500;000 $2,300,000 $2,100,000 $1,900,000 $1,700,000 $1,500,000 �S''� �S''�' �'�' cQo cA^ cQ� cS�� d�°` d��' c4�O c4� � ^ � ti ti ti � ti ti ti �, Pro osed Revenue Increases 2009-2012 p � 2009 2010 2011 2012 Water �0. 88 �1. 93 �1. 97 �2. 13 4% 8 .5% 8% 8% Surface Water �0. 00 �0. 41 �0. 43 �0. 54 0% 5 .5% S .5% 6.5% � Wastewater �0. 62 $1. 29 �1. 39 �1. 50 4% 8% 8% 8% 2009 KC Rate Adjustment Charge $ 1 . 16 �, �� �r � �� �„,� � ''t�� �K, '�: }".N��`,�. bb3�� '"`� a� . � ._ ... ..> �<. ... �, � . • :.� , . :��. : �- . ,, ', � � s ,F s s `• • 111 -F �111 � �l e a ate sto g Y �Y % I ncrease % I ncrease Surface % I ncrease Year Water Previous Yr Wastewater Previous Yr Water Previous Yr � 1997 $ 23.70 0% $ 12.29 0% $ 5.23 0% 1998 $ 23.10 0% $ 12.2� 0% $ 5,23 0% 1999 $ 23.10 0% � �2,2� 0% $ 5,23 0% 2000 $ 23.�� 0% � : ��.�� 0% $ 5.23 0% , . 2001 $ 23.70 0% � � � � ��� 0% $ 5.39 3% �� ��� : � .a.��, ,�� ,,��� 2002 � G�.�� ; �% � � 0 � � : ��,�� 0/0 $ 5.39 0/0 � _ . . ,� � 2003 $ 23.7U 0% �� � � ��� �33���� 3�1� $ 5.39 0% ,� �� „ � � �M . � �. :. � -. � 2004 $ ���� 24,40 ��� ���3�1��. :�� ��� � 1��.04 � ��� ��lo ������ � $ ���� 5.39 0% 2005 � $ � 24,9� ��������� ���������2% ������� � ������� �� 13.43� ��� 3°l0 ���� ����� $ �� 5.39 0% 2006 � $ � 25.69 �3% � ���$ ������� 13.97 ��� 4°/Q �������� ���� $ ��������� � 5.55 ��������� 3% 2007 � $ 27.01� ������ 5%0 ����� � $ � 14.67 ���� ���� 5%0 � � $ ��������� 5.72 ��� 3% 2008 ����� $ 21.88 �� -19% ������� $ 15.55 ������� 6% ���� $ 7.41 ������ 29.50% �� �� Prop 2009 $ 23.37 �� 4% ��� $ 16.17 � 4% $ 7.41 0% I . .. ., . ; '..'��. ,, �� �., ���� a��.: 3 ...� '.,ra s i � ,;� s�b. ��� � „ � � °' '�� �� ' T ta �� .�t , ' '• � ate o��. arlsa�. l� RANK CITY/ DISTRICT (Solid Waste Provider) TOTAL WATER WASTE SURFACE SOLID WATER WATER WASTE � 1 Skyway Water/Sewer District (WM) 98.27 33.62 22.70 9.25 32.70 2 Seattle (WNVA) 95.49 30.48 30.18 11.83 23.00 3 Soos Creek Water/Sewer District (WM) 86.51 29.76 14.80 9.25 32.70 4 Cedar River Water/Sewer District (A) 85.70 29.78 16.90 9.25 29.78 5 Coal Creek Utility District (WM&A) 84.02 30.80 12.91 9.25 31 .06 6 Bellevue (A) 80.32 31.93 17.17 12.89 18.33 7 Issaquah (WM & A) 78.47 32.17 18.01 14.08 14.22 � 8 Redmond (WM) 71 .60 30.92 11.59 16.56 12.53 9 Kent (A) 65.96 19.55 13.81 5.94 26.67 10 Tukwila (WM - SEATAC DISP) 64.39 26.60 10.12 5.92 21.75 11 Au bu rn (W M) 62.70 20.83 10.39 11.50 19.99 12 RENTON (WM) 58.28 21.88 15.55 7.41 13.44 R mm n 1 n eco e at o � • Support revenue increases as proposed: — Water $0. 88 �4��0� — Wastewater $0.62 �4��0� — Surface Water $0.00 �o��o� � • Support increase in KC Rate adjustment charge to $ 1 . 16 er 750cf usa e p g � � . .h a�;s, �s7�, �,��� tr� '�� �� iiv%'' ? ,Y,,,'. ,, a�� � �;' �����ti,�. ,s'� �:�z� ������������;��k� _, ��; ... , Budget Development s . _t_ .,_. ❑Budget development process starte s������R, �_ _, ...._ _.. .,._�_ , .. ❑Revenue projection from June ao' �s � .��, � November 3,zoo8 ❑Normal rate of inflation for ex �� ;,�a�',+ ❑Initial estimated GG fund g� ❑Asked departments to propose flo s intended to allow flexibility and choices �- z ��� � ,;, � � a ��i ; ��k '����,, : �,��' x,.;.. ���. ,,...,.._._.. ..� . � ;k _ _ �� ,.�...�. ,_, � $252 million $245 million �� �,°�'°sr� � � ���,�, ����.;- �� a, i p�l s- : s. 5 ,R�., \� . ���� .,-c� :.. ' !,, av m ' '���'� ` ,.� c ' ����\ �� ���� ��. ���,�. . 3 .l': . � �� - .. . . ., � . .., .'. . . �l „- :, ., ��f�, i \..\ �• ••,'N� � .�.�. .�a�..a. .,., ,� . _ .._ \ ��k\� ,..� ._,. .. ... ���.� t. �`��$101.5 m i I I i o n ����� GG Expenditure by Line Item .�,, Public Safety � � ' =48% � _ ,� � 6 ;s =�- fi . . � �rr�` v� , ie,�.' /�:�����F�����,,������w� � �'�/A � �p �'�4k���'3� � �� 9 /r �.. ,;: ..x'�. �r .. �� ". �h^`���. �- " .- ������� � -. �a ..i a .:1�/:. h �.a Ft. .a...,.... �. ...(. . ,._wc � � $fi00.8 million Property Tax: $30 million Taxes < , , .x,:_ ,. � ,u�ll I I;� _ — Prior Year Lev $ '2�,�,62,57 �''�" „, iar�� ° 1%Growth Limit 246,62 7$�o — BaseLe � '24 9Q9,2Q' �� �. New Construction 1,1$4,73 _, -. ���.�•�,,� '� Annexation ' 4 046 28 b �;��,' Refund Le 292 25 �:;`�' T4tal Tax Le $ '3U 422 46 'Figures are as of 10/21/2008.Kirg County will coMinue to update data.Final levy will be available in early November and will be refleded in Property Tax Ordinance. i e .. �.,st� „ . ' y' ,}���°� . ........ E �::;.E,.. �,,, \a S,iEt�S:. �.i' ... . ...1 O � ....�. , G7 • ._:.�.. �;,53:.. - umulative PropertyTax rowt '?"' � Assessed Value Over Time 2005-2009 _ _ _ _ $330 __ ____ ...... ....._... '�. ..... .... ... ... . �.Annexat on�'New C ns uct on e Base ProPenY Tan '��. '', 514.00 .... ..... ...... .-. . 53.80 ���. ; $330 .......... ..__..._.. ____. __._ .� �' w..._. ��-AssessedValue .m-TaxRafe/SOOOAV ,' .�:�$3.60 �. : � $12.00 �..�....._ ......... ........ . ..... .. . . : $290 ..... ._.... .. . ..... , N `m-_. �� .. $3.40 c : $270 .... . ...... .... � .. �., ° $10.00 . . .. ---m...,. � ' .. $3.20 ����. . ,, - '�. ..ar.,.,R � > .,. _ � : H $250 . ......... .____ ____. ............... ', ,, c 58.00 . .____ ......... ......... ��,z � '.� $3.00 . � $230 ____. ___... ...,-. ... �. '�, �n ,�, ,� __.. '.. $2.80 ....... .. . �..: � � '� � ____ __._ ___ : $230 .... ._ .... q $6.00 -..ar- � ._.'y. ..$2.60 � ..�-.. '� a $4.00 .r. .ce_..-� � ��. $2.40 : $19 0 .... ....... ,, y, ,..ar." �. ..._... : ''�. i ��� $220 � $170 ......... .............. _. ___... : '! a $2.00 . ____ ..._... ......... ......... ......: $2.00 �. : ''�. ': 1s9)1s99 1999 za00 1001]ODz z003 z00a i00s 3004 200J z00a z00s �� ' $I50 ........ .. __. ___ . ..._..:. 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B �� ......... . .. . ._...,..w, . . .� :�.. 5.00 ..... .. .. ... ... ..._ .. ...... ....,. 2005 2006 2007 2008 Bgt 2009 Proj. �� tz v.. � ; � , � �E�� ��� > � �� �� ,>;, �.;.� ,�..�, ,: ., . +c ���� �� � <�, .�� a� . „ (� � . ... � F ,;,�_ 'V /�.���'`� . .:...:,; "��� '.. .... " $Z15 million Sales Tax � Sales Tax Assumptions __ ___. •-3.6%on base sales ta�c •Full year annexation credit '" '' • Full year Benson Hill area businesses and CJ sales tax ', allocation •The Landing businesses •Fairfield residential development �' Criminal '�. 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October 29 Follow up Public Works � Capital Improvement Pro�ram , ,;,,.. : ,u, _ .. . . . _ . ..... ,, .... ., . ❑ Parking enforcement officer m ��^ ' {I y3 �"' � "°"��� ❑ City Attorney Office positions to Finance Committee i ,;'b�, � 1 1/17 ��! � ❑ Other services and charges ❑ Street Maintenance ❑ Updated replacement vehicle�equipment list Pages 65 ta&12 Pu�lic Wnks 2009 Budget PresentaYm Community Services Community Services Ma�or Maintenance Pro�ects Develo�ment Pro�ects � a��. ,�,,- . . . ,�� �! r , �: ::: ,,,,,..;:. ,,,;;;�'r,,,,, -, ,ti. ..,. < �:�/",/,G,i.i, .. u r„� ....., „ . .:: .::: ....... i'',,;, '�' � I', �':, � � " Community Services Community & Economic Development Golf Course Pro�ects , }.:� , „������,..,�u�,�_ . ,.;: ,%.,,,,: .,;� �,��,..,.. ,,_;,��,..�� ,.,,,.... : �, ..:., _....,. :��;.. „r,��i�,����..�,�t.::. � ID,��a ��r , ���� vv, 7�1 ��v ,rrvo '� Yt� 8'�5';�M,.,r�i i�; i IE�'', �r�i �Ei6r� PV i1�� d�i� �V�. 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RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET (Page 1) CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APPROPRIATE DATE: � � 3 '�l, � PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 1 5 Name: C,VI�v(� 1���� Name: Address: ��[x� s � �� Address: �( City Zip Code 9��� City Zip Code Topic: �U�� ���� Topic: 2 � 6 Name: y Name: Address: 7_�) �/(,(l� �� Address: 1 _ � , City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: �� �;� Topic: 3 Name: �C,1(�,,,c� ��c ��� 7 Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 4 8 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: (CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE) i • . � • (Continued from Reverse Side- Page� RENTON CITY COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING/MEETING SPEAKER SIGN-UP SHEET CITIZENS MUST PROVIDE NAME AND ADDRESS IN ORDER TO BE CONTACTED OR TO BE A PARTY OF RECORD WHEN APFROPRIATE PLEASE PRINT 5 Minute Time Limit 9 13 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code : Topic: Topic: 10 14 Name: Name: Address: Address: ' City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 11 15 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: 12 16 Name: Name: Address: Address: City Zip Code City Zip Code Topic: Topic: November 3, 2008 ;,,,�, Renton City Council Minutes � Page 369 Communitv Services Community Setvices Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to transfer$200,000 of unallocated CED: Housing Opportunity General Fund fund balance (000) to establish a Housing Opportunity Fund Fund Establishment (326). Funds will be used to assist public and private housing projects serving low and/or moderate income households and/or special-needs populations within City limits. Requests for funding from the Housing Opportunity Fund will be brought forward to the City Council for approval after staff review and recommendation. The Committee further recommended that this ordinance be presented for first reading. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for ordinance.) RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES RESOLUTION #3981 A resolution was read authorizing acceptance of the grant from the State of Police: Washington Auto Theft Washington to fund a full-time Investigator to be assigned to the "Preventing Prevention Authority Grant, Auto Theft Through Regional Operations Links" taskforce. MOVED BY Additiona] Employee, & 2008 TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Budget Amendment RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 11/10/2008 for second and final reading: Development Services: Vested An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, Projects Established Fee Rates, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code by adding an exception for King County projects vested in the County to land use review fees. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/10/2008. CARRIED. Utility: 2009 Solid Waste An ordinance was read amending Chapter 1, Garbage, of Title VIII(Health and Rates Sanitation)of City Code, related to year 2009 Services and Utility Rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY ZWICKER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/10/2008. CARRIED. CED: Housing Opportunity An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget to appropriate and transfer Fund Establishment $200,000 from the General Fund (000) to the newly created Housing Opporiunity Fund (326). MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/10/2008. CARRIED. Police: Washington Auto Theft An ordinance was read amending the 2008 Budget by allocating funds from a Prevention Authority Grant, grant from the State of Washington, Washington Auto Theft Prevention Additional Employee, & 2008 Authority, in the amount of$70,962 to fund 000/008 General Fund-Police Budget Amendment Department; authorizing the addition of a full-time Investigator; and adding the position to the 2008 Budget index of positions. MOVED BY TAYLOR, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 11/10/2008. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL SET PUBLIC Budget: 2009 Annual City Of HEARING DATES OF 11/3/2008 AND 11/10/2008 (REVISED FROM Renton Budget, Public 11/3/2008 AND 11/17/2008) TO CONSIDER 2009 BUDGET ITEMS. Hearings CARRIED. � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL REVISED DATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the l Oth(revised from the 17th) day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: 2009 City of Renton Proposed Budget All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. �� . Jason A. Seth Deputy City Clerk Published Renton Reporter November 1 and 5, 2008 Account No. 50640 October 27, 2008 �, Renton City Council Minutes ,,,,,r Page 356 �itizen Comment: Sigman - Carmen Sigman (Renton) stated that she is proud of having helped save Wonderland Estates Mobile Wonderland Estates earlier this year and questioned why addresses needed to be Home Park Address Change changed. She noted that it is not a minor expense to change driver licenses, credit cards, vehicle titles, and other documents. Ms. Sigman also questioned why a neighborhood just down the street with the same type of entrance off of the Maple Valley Highway did not have to change their addresses. Citizen Comment: McArthur- Jennifer McArther(King County) stated that most dog owners are in favor of Off-Leash Dog Parks off-leash dog parks. She explained that the parks are places where dogs can run free, socialize with other dogs, and are places to foster well tempered animals in an urban environment. Ms. McArther stated that dog owners also benefit from the parks, explaining that the parks are a great place to socialize with other dog owners. She remarked that having a park in Renton would minimize environmental issues, noting that the closest parks to Renton are in Bellevue, Mercer Island, and the Kent/Des Moines area. Ms. McArther commented that animal license revenue will increase as the city grows, that dog parks are self- policed, and that dog owners will participate in maintaining the parks. Citizen Comment: Nordlund - Marc Nordlund(King County) stated that his experience collecting signatures West Hill Annexation for the proposed West Hill area annexation has been wonderful, and commented that the large group of residents attending tonight's meeting shows that there is growing support for the annexation effort. Citizen Comment: John Worthington (King County) stated that he has issues with the Puget Sound Worthington - Civic Spectacle Regional Council and Vision 2040. He requested that Council consider creating Spaces and 24/7 Districts a civic spectacle space at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park and keep it open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. He noted that by using a system called Levex,residents from Auburn or Bellevue could be transported to Renton within minutes. Mr. Worthington concluded by suggesting that walkable communities such as The Landing are limited in the amount of money they can generate, and that Renton needs a civic spectacle such as seasonal floating architecture that is open twenty fours hours a day and attracts people to Renton to spend money. Citizen Comment: Pardey - Dave Pardey(King County) owner of Skyway Park Bowl &Casino, stated that West Hill Annexation he is the major employer in the Skyway area of West Hill. He remarked that he was a member of the West Hill Governance Task Force, and that after studying the issue of governance for nineteen months, all but one member recommended becoming part of Renton. Mr. Pardey stated that the area is in sad shape after years of poor county leadership, and suggested that the area would benefit from Renton's leadership. He requested that Council allow area residents the chance to vote on being annexed to Renton in the near future. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 10/20/2008. Council concur. 10/20/2008 Community Services: Community Services Department recommended adoption of an ordinance Maplewood Golf Course Fees increasing golf course green fees and club rental fee for 2009. Refer to Finance �Loo° �3���C'�" Committee. Development Services: Taylor Development Services Division recommended acceptance of a deed of Court Short Plat, ROW dedication for additional right-of-way in the vicinity of Monterey Pl. NE to Dedication, Monterey P1 NE, fulfill a requirement of the Taylor Court Short Plat(SHP-OS-082). Council SHP-OS-082 concur. C,,� �' OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDl�..rILL ' AI#: � f� Y Submitting Data: For Agenda of October 27, 2008 Dept/DivBoard.. Community Services Staff Contact...... Kelly Beymer x6803 Agenda Status Consent.............. Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. Proposed golf course fee increases Ordinance............. X Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Issue Paper Study Sessions...... Ordinance Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Finance Committee Legal Dept......... X Finance Dept...... X Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... $69,430 Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Community Services proposes raising the 18-hole weekend green fee, 18- hole senior weekday green fee, 9-hole weekday/weekend green fee and club rental fee, in order to cover the costs to provide services. These fee increases have been incorporated into the 2009 budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize increased golf course green fees and club rental fee for 2009. RentonneUagnbill/ bh � � �Y . U��, ��� COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT " � � � ��' �0� M E M O R A N D U M N� DATE: October 13, 2008 TO: Marcie Palmer, Council President Members of the Renton City Council VIA: �,� Denis Law, Mayor ��L� FROM: Terry Higashiyama, Community Services Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Kelly Beymer, Golf Course Manager, x6803 SUBJECT: 2009 Proposed Fee Increases for Golf Course ISSUE: Should the Council approve the proposed 2009 increases to identified golf course green fees and club rental fee? BACKGROUND: The Community Services Department proposes raising the 18-hole weekend green fee, 18-hole senior weekday green fee, 9-hole weekday/weekend green fee, and club rental fee. Fee increases are based upon a competitive market analysis with nearby golf courses. The proposed fee increases were reviewed and supported by Park Commissioners at their regular meeting on September 9th, 2008. All other fees will remain unchanged. The increased fees will provide revenue to continue to provide services and maintain the course and building facility. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the increases to the golf course green fees, and club rental fee, for 2009. Enc. cc: Jay Covington,CAO Iwen Wang,F&IS Administrator Leslie Betlach,Parks Directar � � . CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 1, FEE SCHEDULE, OF TITLE V (FINANCE AND BUSINESS REGULATIONS), OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON," BY INCREASING CERTAIN GOLF COURSE GREEN FEES AND CLUB RENTAL FEE. WHEREAS, the City of Renton wishes to provide to its citizens the most cost effective services possible; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted a policy that the golf course fees shall cover the costs of services; and NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L Subsection 5-1-SA, Greens Fees, of Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, of Title V (Finance and Business Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby amended by changing the title to "Green Fees: The cost of golf course green fees shall be as follows," and to read as follows: A. Green Fees: The cost of golf course green fees shall be as follows: 18 Hole/ Weekday: $29.00 18 Hole / Weekend: $35.00 9 Hole / Weekday: $20.00 9 Hole / Weekend: $20.00 18 Hole/ Senior/ Weekday: $20.00 9 Hole / Senior/ Weekday: $15.00 18 Hole/Junior/ Weekday: $16.00 9 Hole /Junior/ Weekday: $12.00 Club Rental: $15.00 1 � ORDINANCE NO. � , For purposes of this section, "weekend" shall mean Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. "Weekday" shall mean the remaining four days of the week. SECTION II. This ordinance shall become effective April l, 2009, except that the Club Rental fee shall become effective January 1, 2009. PASSED BY THE CITY COLTNCIL this day of , 2008. Bonnie Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2008. Denis Law, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.1508:10/9/08:scr 2 October 13,2008 �..r° Renton City Council Minutes �..✓ Page 333 � CAG: 08-144, SW 27th St/ Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Supplemental Strander Blvd Extension, Agreement No. 1 to CAG-08-144,with Perteet, Inc., in the amount of Perteet $1,870,021 for additional design and construction management services for the SW 27th St./Stander Blvd. Extension project. Council concur. Transportation: Logan Ave N Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of a contract in the Bike Lane, WHPacific amount of$20,031 with WHPacific for construction support services for the Logan Ave. N. Bike Lane project. Council concur. Transportation: Coal Creek Transportation Systems Division requested approval of a deed of dedication, an Parkway SE Widening& May Easement for Sight Distance, and an Agreement to Reconstruct Driveway Creek Park Construction (ARD) with King County, required for widening of Coal Creek Parkway SE and Agreements, King County in order to construct the new access to May Creek Park. Council concur. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADD A AJLS: Initiative 985 (Reduce RESOLUTION REGARDING COUNCIL'S OPPOSITION TO STATE Traffic Congestion Account) INITIATNE NO. 985 TO THE AGENDA FOR ADOPTION THIS EVENING. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 277083 - 277646 and three wire transfers totaling $7,979,341.49; and approval of 149 Payroll Vouchers, one wire transfer, and 772 direct deposits totaling $2,607,994.53. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Financial Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Management Policies � i/ the proposed Financial Management Policies and directing the Finance � �� �`� Deparm�ent to include the policies in the Mayor's proposed 2009 Preliminary �],� Budget document that will be presented to Council in October 2008. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance: Gambling Tax Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending Revenue Amendments concurrence in the staff recommendation to modify gambling tax reporting frequency from quarterly to monthly for those establishments whose annual tax due is over$10,000,based on previous year's activity. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY ZWICKER, COLTNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 334 for ardinance.) Ptannin� & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Parker presented a clean-up report Committee recommending the following referrals be closed: Council: Planning& Development Committee 1. Item#2234, "North Harrington Redevelopment Strategies and Outreach and Agenda Item Clean-up Report Utilization of the Highlands Task Force." The Council concurred with a committee report appointing members to the Highlands Task Force, Phase II on July 23, 2007. The Task Force is completing its work program and will present a report and recommendations to the Committee of the Whole in December. � � ' FINANCE COMMITTEE APPROVED BY COMMITTEE �PORT CITY COUNCIL Date �D/3-a008' October 13,2008 Revisions to Financial Management Policies (Referred October 6, 200&) Approve the proposed Financial Management Polices and direct Finance staff to include these policies in the Mayor's proposed 2009 Preliminary Budget document that will be presented to the Council in October 2008. � �'`'CSY". --��� Don Persson, Chair ; � • � h .r '' ,w -�� <<��� �- 5�:;+�s r t n`� �vl-E�v���i� i , � mg Parker, Member C: Linda Parks,Fiscal Services Director Nancy Violante, Financial Services Manager � � Financial Management Policies Basic Policy Statement The City of Renton is committed to the highest standards of responsible financial management. The City, including the City Council, Mayor and staff will work together to ensure that all financial matters of the City are addressed with care, integrity, and in the best interest of the City. The rules and procedures contained in this section are designed to: 1. Protect the assets of the City of Renton; 2. Ensure the maintenance of open and accurate records of the City's financial activities; 3. Provide a framework of operating standards and behavioral expectations; 4. Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local legal and reporting requirements; and 5. Provide a means for the City Council to update and monitor these policies with the assistance and cooperation of the Mayor's office and the Finance and Information Services Administrator. Lines of Authority 1. The Renton City Council has the authority to execute such policies as it deems to be in the best interest of the City within the parameters of federal, state, and local law. 2. The Finance Committee has the authority to perform reviews of the organization's financial activity, determine the allocation of investment deposits, and assure that adequate internal controls are in place. 3. The Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer(CAO)have the authority to oversee the development of the annual budget,make spending decisions within the parameters of the approved budget, enter into contractual agreements,make capital asset purchase decisions and make decisions regarding the allocation of expenses within designated parameters. Unless otherwise specified in this document,principal responsibility for complying with the directives enumerated herein shall be vested in the Mayor. 4. Each Department Administrator has the authority to expend City funds within approved budget authority and in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Mayor's Office, and to recommend spending requests within the parameters of the approved budget process to the Mayor. Accounting Records and Reports 1. Basis of Accounting a. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on its financial activity shall be presented in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). Introduction IJS � � Financial Management Policies 2. Basis of Budget a. The City budget is presented on a GAAP basis of accounting. 3. Fund Accounting a. The City of Renton's accounting and budgeting systems use a fund accounting consistent with guidance provided by the GASB and the Washington State Auditor's Office. b. The funds are grouped into categories: General Fund, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Enterprise, Internal Service, and Fiduciary/Trust. c. The City Council shall create and eliminate funds as appropriate by separate ordinance, or through the budget ordinance. d. Funds shall either be"external" or"internal" for financial reporting purposes. i. Internal funds shall be separate sets of accounts for the purpose of enhancing internal management control only. These funds shall reside within an external fund. For cash management purposes, internal funds may rely on their related external fund without payment of interest or violation of the City's cash management policies. (See Interfund Loan policy for further clarification). e. The City's financial accounting system shall assure that the status and transactions of each account and their relationship to budget authority is clear. 4. Financial Reporting a. The CAFR shall be timely and comprehensive and meet or exceed professional industry standards. b. The City's budget documents shall provide for comparison with prior years. c. Revenue and expenditure reports shall be prepared monthly and be available on the City's website. d. A written analysis of the City's monthly report shall be prepared quarterly, coordinated with the Chief Administrative Officer and Mayor, reviewed with the City Council, and available on the City's website. e. All budget amendments shall be included in the monthly report. f. Any outstanding interfund loans shall be disclosed in the quarterly report. 5. Audit a. The City shall commission an annual audit of its financial reports and related records to be conducted by the Washington State Auditor's Office. b. At the conclusion of the audit, the auditor shall be available to brief the City Council on the results. c. The results of the audit shall be available to the public. Policy on Stabilization Funds Sufficient fund balances and reserve levels are important in the long-term financial stability of the City. 1. The City shall maintain reserves required by law, ordinance and/or bond covenants. a. General Government i. The City shall maintain reserves in the General Government Funds of at least 10% of total budgeted operating expenditures. ii. In addition, the City shall maintain an additional reserve as a part of the City's Risk Management Funds in a minimum amount of$5,000,000. Introduction � �� � � Financial Management Policies iii. In addition, the City shall maintain an "Anti-Recessionary Reserve" in an amount of at least 2% of General Government budgeted operating expenditures. Expenditures utilizing the "Anti Recessionary Reserve" require a two-thirds majority vote of the City Council. b. The City shall maintain one year payments in voted general obligation debt service funds. c. The City shall maintain reserves in the Enterprise Funds as follows: i. Water Utility Fund: 12% - 25% of total budgeted operating expenses ii. Golf Fund—25% - 50% of total budgeted operating expenses. iii. All other Enterprise Funds: 10% - 20% of total budgeted operating expenses d. Reserve balances of other funds shall be set through the budget process in an amount consistent with the purpose and nature of the fund. 2. Replacement reserves shall be established for equipment, and computer software should the need continue beyond the estimated initial useful life, regardless of whether the equipment is acquired via lease, gift or purchase. Service charges paid by City departments to the appropriate Internal Service funds should include an amount to provide for replacements. Financial Planning 1. The City shall maintain a long-term (five year) financial planning model. a. The financial planning model shall: i. be based on the currently adopted budget; ii. utilize these policies; iii. be based on assumptions and drivers realistically expected to occur; iv. clearly document the assumptions and drivers used and the results of the use of such assumptions and drivers; v. be designed in such a way to permit analysis of alternative strategies; vi. relate to the related plans of the City to include Service Delivery Plans, Comprehensive Plans, Master Plans, etc.; and vii. shall be prepared for the General Government and such other funds as the deemed necessary. 2. Budget development a. The City shall prepare an annual budget that is consistent with: i. state law; ii. the long-term financial planning model; iii. these policies; and iv. industry best practices. a. The City of Renton's annual budget shall be prepared using the following schedule and process as a general guide: i. Review stakeholder input such as surveys, public forums, neighborhood meeting notes and business community communication. ii. The Mayor, City Council and Chief Administrative Officer will conduct a goal-setting retreat with the Department Administrators updating the Business Plan and other policy guidance. iii. The City Council and Administration will meet to review and discuss the prior year's audited results, current year budget status, next budget lntroduction /-/7 � � Financial Management Policies , schedule, process, budget guidelines and budget preparation items of interest. iv. The Finance & IS Administrator prepares the budget preparation instructions and meets with Department Administrators to distribute budget instructions and discuss budget preparation. v. The instructions will include policy priorities, estimates of compensation adjustments, internal service and indirect charges. vi. Departments will provide to the Finance & IS Department budget estimates and requests conforming to the budget instructions. vii. The Mayor submits a proposed balanced Preliminary Budget to the City Council in conformance with state law. viii. The City Council conducts public hearings on the proposed budget in conformance with state law. ix. The City Council sets the City's property tax levies. x. The City Council adopts the final budget ordinance. xi. The Final Budget Document is published and posted to the City website. b. Budget amendments should be presented for consideration when the need arises. i. Budget authority shall be at the fund level. ii. Changes resulting in a need to revise the appropriation authority shall be presented as they occur. 3. Revenues a. Revenue forecasts shall assess the full spectrum of resources available to finance City programs and services. b. The City shall consider the diversification of revenue as a strategy when developing its financial plans. c. Should an economic downturn develop that results in (potential) revenue shortfalls or fewer available resources, the City will make appropriate adjustments to its budget. d. Revenue estimates shall be based on forecasting methods recommended by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and will typically be more likely to be conservative rather than aggressive. 4. Expenditures a. Priority shall be given to expenditures that will improve productivity. 5. CapitalImprovements � a. A comprehensive six-year plan for City capital �e�e�s- investments shall be prepared annually and adopted by the City Council as part of the City budget. � i. All projects included in the Capital �ar�ex�ex�Investment Program (CIP) shall be consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. ii. The Capital I-^rr^•r��* Investment Program shall be prepared in consultation with Council Committees for ongoing capital��� investments. b. All proposed capital improvement projects shall include a recommended or likely source of funding. c. Private development (including residential, commercial and industrial projects) I shall pay its fair share of the capital ' investments that are necessary Introduction , ry �..� �...� . Financial Management Policies to serve the development in the form of system development charges, impact fees, mitigation fees, or benefit districts. d. Capital project proposals should indicate the project's impact on the operating budget, including, but not limited to, long-term maintenance costs necessary to support the ' investment. � e. Capital projects shall be budgeted for on a project life basis (rather than fiscal year). Policy on Fees and Charges 1. The City shall annually review all fees for licenses, permits, fines, rates and other miscellaneous charges as part of the budget process. 2. User charges and fees shall be established based at a percentage of the full cost of providing the service, unless otherwise provided by statute or regulation. a. Full cost incorporates direct and indirect costs, including operations and maintenance, overhead, and charges for the use of capital facilities. b. Other factors for fee or charge adjustments may also include the impact of inflation, other cost increases, the adequacy of the coverage of costs, and current competitive rates. 3. Proposed rate adjustments, user charges and fees shall be presented to the City Council for approval each year as part of the Mayor's proposed Preliminary Annual Budget to the Council. 4. The City shall rigorously collect all amounts due. Policy on Utility Funds l. The City shall establish and maintain separate utility operating and capital �e�e�-investment funds and budgets for each of its utility operations. ( 2. Utility rate studies shall be conducted every six years to update assumptions and ensure the long-term solvency and viability of the City's Utilities. 3. Utility rates and capital fees shall be reviewed annually and necessary adjustments made to avoid major rate increases. 4. The City shall use system development charges, grants and low interest loans to fund capital projects where possible. Overall, the utilities should maintain a debt to equity ratio of 60/40. 5. Each Utility should fund an amount of the cost equal to the annual "depreciation expense" of capital assets less debt service principal payments. 6. System Development Charges (SDCs) shall be established at levels to ensure that all customers seeking to connect to the City's utility systems shall bear their equitable share of the cost of both the existing and future systems. 7. Debt financing of utility improvements will be consistent with the utility master plans, council rate policies and other factors so as to smooth the effect of major improvements on utility rates. 8. The City shall strive ta maintain minimum debt service "coverage" with the net revenue (gross operating revenue of the Utilities less operating and maintenance expenses) of the combined Utilities being 1.25 - 1.5 times the actual debt and the net revenue of the individual Utility being at least 1.25 times the actual debt. Introduction �_�o � � Financial Management Policies . Policy on Debt Issuance and Management I 1. Long-term borrowing shall be confined to capital �e�e�- investments or similar projects with an extended life when it is not practical to be financed from current revenues. The City shall not use long-term debt to finance current operations. 2. Debt payments shall not extend beyond the estimated useful life of the project being financed. The City shall keep the average maturity of general obligation bonds at or below fifteen years, unless special circumstances arise warranting the need to extend the debt schedule. 3. The City shall work to maintain strong ratings on its debt including maintaining open communications with bond rating agencies concerning its financial condition. 4. With Council approval, interim financing of capital projects may be secured from the debt financing market place or from other funds through an interfund loan as appropriate in the circumstances. 5. The City may issue interfund loans when appropriate and consistent with a separately adopted City Council policy on the subject. 6. When issuing debt, the City shall strive to use special assessment, revenue or other self-supporting bonds in lieu of general obligation bonds. 7. Long-term general obligation debt shall be utilized when necessary to acquire land or capital assets based upon a review of the ability of the City to meet future debt service requirements. The project to be financed should also be integrated with the � City's long-term financial plan and Capital �e�e�- Investment Program. 8. General obligation debt should be used when the related projects are of a benefit to the City as a whole. a. General Obligation Bond (Voted): i. Every project proposed for financing through general obligation debt should be accompanied by a full analysis of the future operating and maintenance costs associated with the project. b. Limited Tax General Obligation Bond (Non-Voted): i. The City should avoid issuing general obligation (non-voted) debt beyond eighty percent(80%) of its general obligation debt capacity. 9. The City shall use refunding bonds where appropriate when cost savings can be achieved of at least 4% (NPV), restructuring its current outstanding debt and/or improving restrictive bond conditions. 10. The City's financial team for the issuance of debt shall consist of the Council, Mayor, CAO, Finance & IS Administrator, applicable department management (related to the projects to be financed), City Legal Counsel, designated bond counsel, financial advisor and underwriter in order to effectively plan and fund the City's capital ( ����tex�e��investment projects. a. Through a competitive selection process conducted by the Finance & IS Administrator with consultation with the Mayor, Chief Administrative Officer and Legal Counsel, the City Council shall approve the most qualified financial advisor/underwriter and bond counsel. b. These services shall be regularly monitored by the Finance & IS Administrator. 11. The City shall evaluate the best method of sale for each proposed bond issue. a. When a negotiated sale is deemed advisable (in consultation with the Mayor and City Council) the Finance & IS Administrator shall negotiate the most lntroduction r �n �'••- "•► , Financial Management Policies competitive pricing on debt issues and broker commissions in order to ensure the best value to the City. b. When a negotiated sale is used, the City shall use an independent financial advisor to advise the City's participants in matters such as structure, pricing and fees. 12. The City shall comply with IRS regulations concerning use of, and reinvestment of bond proceeds. a. The City shall monitor and comply with IRS regulations with regard to potential arbitrage earnings. If arbitrage earnings are believed to be above amounts provided by IRS regulations, the City will set aside earnings in order to pay the appropriate amount to the federal government as required by IRS regulation. 13. The City shall provide full secondary market disclosure related to outstanding debt. Related Policies • Investment Policy • Contracting Policy(Purchasing Authority) • Interfund Loans Introduction 1_JI � � Financial Management Policies . City Funds and Fund Structure Ke Re ort 000 General `°' E 001 Communit Services(formerl 101) A I(000) � 003 Streets (formerly 103) A I(000) I004 Communit Develo ment Block Grant A I 000 I005 Museum formerl art of 006 � 006 Library "`�n-(formerly 106)(Museum 005� �' I(000) I � �3 I009 Farmers Market A I 000 I O10 Fire and Emer enc Services Memorial A I(000) I O11 Fire and Emer enc Services Health and Wellness �' I(000) � 031 Park Memorial `°' �I�Q00� 201 Ltd GO Bonds Gen Govt Misc Debt A I(215) � I 7n7 ��74 T:,,,:.oa rn u,,.,a� � T!� 215 Gen Govt Misc Debt Service �' E Total�eneral Government SPECIAL REVENLTE FUNDS: � 102 Arterial Streets E I 108 Leased Properties€�� E 110 Hotel Motel E 118 Reserve for Paths&Trails E 125 1%For Art E � 127 Cable Communication Develo ment E � 135 S rin brook Wetlands Bank E DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: 219 1989 Unlimited GO Bonds E CAPITAL PROJECT FLTNDS CIP : � 303 Communit Develo ment Im act Miti ation E � 304 Fire Im act Miti ation E � 305 Trans ortation Im act Miti ation E 316 Municipal Facilities CIP E � 317�s�e�t�Capital Investment Program E I 318�a�g-C—H�South Lake Washington Infrastructure E Project Introduction , „ � � ' Financial Management Policies 326 Housing_Opportunity Fund I 316 I City Funds and Fund Structure (continued) ENTERPRISE FLTNDS: Key Report 402 Airport Operations E I 403 Solid Waste Utility E 404 Municipal Golf Course E � 405 Water Operations Utility B E � 406 Waste Water Operations Utility B I (405) I 407 Ste�- Surface Water Operahons Utility B I (405) � 416 King County Metro B I (405) 422 Airport CIP I (402) 424 Municipal Golf Course�=a�a1CIP I (404) � 425 Water Utility r'^��*^�^*�^� CIP B I (405) � 426 Waste Water Utility CIP B I (405) � 427 � Surface Water Utility B I (405) I CIP � �3 � �i�1 �7II�ro,-....,rL� �.,,,a Do�e,..,o � �-Czv:'7 I 471 Rate Stabilization B I (405) 481 Water/Sewer Bond Proceeds B I (405) � INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 501 Equipment Repair/Replacement E 502 Insurance Property E � 503 Information Services I (501) 512 Insurance, Healthcare I (502) 522 Insurance, Leoffl Retirees�Healthcare I (502) I FIDUCIARY FUNDS: 611 Firemen's Pension E 650 Special Deposits E ACCOUNTING FUNDS: GWS Government-wide Statements Ia 901 Bank Surplus Ia 910 General Fixed Asset Account Group Ia 950 General Long-term Debt Account Group Ia lntroduction l-23 � � Financial Management Policies � 631 Claims Clearing Ia 632 Payroll Clearing Ia lntroduction 1-24 � � . Financial Management Policies A. General Government Funds share general revenues. Therefore, no interest shall be charged for loans between funds. B. Water Utility Funds shall be managed as a system such that balance sheet accounts are merged for management and reporting purposes. E. External Fund for Reporting Purposes I. Internal Fund for Management Purposes Ia. Internal Fund for Accounting Purposes lntroduction 1-25 October 6,2008 Renton City Council Minutes �,; Page 324 � � Discussion ensued regarding the cost of painting and maintaining the project, equity amongst schools,residents'reaction, timing of the City's repainting project, the water tower paint colors, and the project's design. Mayor Law indicated that the Administration is warking with Mr. Carlson and that this issue will come back to Council once Mr. Carlson has obtained both the funding and the School District's approval. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 9/22/2008. Council concur. 9/22/2008 CAG: 08-132, City Hall City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/24/2008 for CAG-08-132, City Hall Human Resources Remodel, Human Resources Office Remodel; 12 bids; engineer's estimate $150,000; and Straigl�tline Construction submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Straightline Construction & Remodel, LLC, in the amount of$135,160. Council concur. CED: Boeing Sub-district 1B Community and Economic Development Department recommended amending Revised Planned Action & the Conceptual Plan and adopting a Planned Action ordinance for a second Amended Conceptual Plan phase of redevelopment of surplus property for Sub-district 1 B of the Boeing Renton Plant property, an approximately 51-acre parcel bounded by Logan Ave. N., Garden Ave. N., N 8th St., and N. 6th St. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearing on 10/20/2008. CED: "Welcome to Renton, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Home of the Seattle an agreement in the amount of$39,083 with TubeArt for the fabrication and Seahawks" Sign, TubeArt installation of a "Welcome to Renton, Home of the Seattle Seahawks" sign in the vicinity of Lake Washington Blvd. N. and Seahawks Way/Ripley Lane N. Refer to Community Services Committee. CED: 2008 Budget Amend, Community and Economic Development Department recommended amending Housing Opportunity Fund the 2008 Budget to appropriate $200,000 to a newly created Housing Creation Opportunity Fund(326) to assist housing projects serving low and/or moderate income households. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services: Fire Community Services Department recommended approval of a lease in the Station #12, King County amount of$1,200 per month with King County Emergency Medical Services to Emergency Medical Services station a paramedic unit at Fire Station#12, 1209 Kirkland Ave. N. Refer to Lease Finance Committee. Community Services: Cedar Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract in the River Bank Stabilization, amount of$97,000 with Berger/Abam Engineers for engineering services for Berger/Abam Engineers the Cedar River Stabilization at Jones Park project. Council concur. Budget: 2009, Annual City of Finance and Information Services Department recommended a public hearing Renton be set on 11/3/2008 to consider the 2009 Revenue Sources and Preliminary Budget, and a public hearing be set on 11/17/2008 to consider the 2009 budget. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearings on 11/3/2008 and 11/17/2008. Finance: Financial Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of Management Policies revisions to the Financial Management Policies for inclusion in the 2009 Preliminary Budget. Refer to Finance Committee. ' CIT�OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ' AI#: Submitting Data: For Agenda of: October 6, 2008 Dept/Div/Board.. Finance & IS Department Staff Contact...... Iwen Wang, Administrator Agenda Status Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. X Correspondence.. 2009 Preliminary and Final Budget Ordinance............. Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Study Sessions...... Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: • Refer to Committee of the Whole Legal Dept......... • Set Public Hearing on 2009 Revenue Sources and Finance Dept...... X Preliminary Budget for November 3, 2008 Other............... • Set final Public Hearing on proposed 2009 Budget far November 17, 2008 Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: In compliance with RCW 35.33.051, the proposed 2009 Preliminary Budget will be submitted to the Mayor, City Council, and City Clerk by October 27, 2008. This agenda bill sets the time and place for two public hearings, November 3 and November 17, 2008. The following Ordinances will be presented in November as part of the 2009 Budget public hearing process: 1. 2009 Budget 2. 2009 Property Tax 3. Proposed Fees and Rate ordinances (prepared by departments implementing fees/rate changes.) STAFF RECOl���NDATION: Set public hearing dates of November 3 and November 17, 2008, to consider the 2009 Budget, and subsequently adopt the ordinances necessary to fmalize the 2009 Budget. October 6, 2008 ,�� Renton City Council Minutes „�; Page 324 ' Discussion ensued regarding the cost of painting and maintaining the project, equity amongst schools, residents'reaction, timing of the City's repainting project, the water tower paint colors, and the project's design. Mayor Law indicated that the Administration is working with Mr. Carlson and that this issue will come back to Council once Mr. Carlson has obtained both the funding and the School District's approval. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 9/22/2008. Council concur. 9/22/2008 CAG: 08-132, City Hall City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/24/2008 for CAG-08-132, City Hall Human Resources Remodel, Human Resources Office Remodel; 12 bids; engineer's estimate $150,000; and Straightline Construction submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Straightline Construction & Remodel, LLC, in the amount of$135,160. Council concur. CED: Boeing Sub-district 1B Community and Economic Development Department recommended amending Revised Planned Action & the Conceptual Plan and adopting a Planned Action ordinance for a second Amended Conceptual Plan phase of redevelopment of surplus property for Sub-district 1B of the Boeing Renton Plant property, an approximately 51-acre parcel bounded by Logan Ave. N., Garden Ave. N.,N 8th St., and N. 6th St. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearing on 10/20/2008. CED: "Welcome to Renton, Community and Economic Development Department recommended approval of Home of the Seattle an agreement in the amount of$39,083 with TubeArt for the fabrication and Seahawks" Sign, TubeArt installation of a"Welcome to Renton, Home of the Seattle Seahawks" sign in the vicinity of Lake Washington Blvd.N. and Seahawks Way/Ripley Lane N. Refer to Community Services Committee. CED: 2008 Budget Amend, Community and Economic Development Department recommended amending Housing Opportunity Fund the 2008 Budget to appropriate $200,000 to a newly created Housing Creation Opportunity Fund(326)to assist housing projects serving low and/or moderate income households. Refer to Community Services Committee. Community Services: Fire Community Services Department recommended approval of a lease in the Station#12, King County amount of$1,200 per month with King County Emergency Medical Services to Emergency Medical Services station a paramedic unit at Fire Station#12, 1209 Kirkland Ave. N. Refer to Lease Finance Committee. Community Services: Cedar Community Services Department recommended approval of a contract in the River Bank Stabilization, amount of$97,000 with Berger/Abam Engineers for engineering services for Berger/Abam Engineers the Cedar River Stabilization at Jones Park project. Council concur. Budget: 2009, Annual City of Finance and Information Services Department recommended a public hearing Renton be set on 11/3/2008 to consider the 2009 Revenue Sources and Preliminary Budget, and a public hearing be set on 11/17/2008 to consider the 2009 budget. Refer to Committee of the Whole; set public hearings on 11/3/2008 and 11/17/2008. Finance: Financial �Finance and Information Services Department recommended approval of Management Policies revisions to the Financial Management Policies for inclusion in the 2009 ��Q9 g���..�- Preliminary Budget. Refer to Finance Committee. C; OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA LL . , AI#: Submitting Data: For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Finance & IS Department October 6, 2008 Staff Contact...... Iwen Wang Agenda Status Finance/IS Administrator Consent.............. X Subject: Public Hearing.. Correspondence.. Financial Management Policies Ordinance............. Resolution............ Old Business........ Exhibits: New Business....... Financial Management Policies (red-lined draft) Study Sessions...... Information......... Recommended Action: Approvals: Legal Dept......... Refer to Finance Committee Finance Dept...... Other............... Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment....... Amount Budgeted....... Revenue Generated......... Total Project Budget N/A City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Finance presents revised Financial Management Policies for review and consideration by the Renton City Council. The proposed changes include: • Separating the Historical Museum from the Library Fund which will allow to separately account for their fund balances. • Creating the Housing Authority Fund (if approved by Council). • Retitling"Capital Improvement Plan"to"Capital Investment Plan"to clarify the plan includes property acquisitions (such as The Landing Parking Garage) as well as improvements. • Other housekeeping adjustments. These policies were last updated in March 2008. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the proposed Financial Management Polices and direct Finance staff to include these policies in the Mayor's proposed 2009 Preliminary Budget document that will be presented to the Council in October 2008. H:�FINANCE�ADMINSUP\O1_AgendaBil1s�2008_Financial Management Policies_Sept.doc � � � Financial Management Policies Basic Policy Statement The City of Renton is committed to the highest standards of responsible financial management. The City,including the City Council,Mayor and staff will work together to ensure that all financial matters of the City are addressed with caze,integrity,and in the best interest of the City. The rules and procedures contained in this section are designed to: 1. Protect the assets of the City of Renton; 2. Ensure the maintenance of open and accurate records of the City's financial activities; 3. Provide a framework of operating standazds and behavioral expectations; 4. Ensure compliance with federal,state,and local legal and reporting requirements;and 5. Provide a means for the City Council to update and monitor these policies with the assistance and cooperation of the Mayor's office and the Finance and Information Services Administrator. Lines of Authority 1. The Renton City Council has the authority to execute such policies as it deems to be in the best interest of the City within the parameters of federal,state,and local law. 2. The Finance Committee has the authority to perform reviews of the organization's financial activity,detennine the allocation of investment deposits,and asswe that adequate internal controls are in place. 3. The Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer(CAO)have the authority to oversee the development of the annual budget,make spending decisions within the parameters of the approved budget,enter into contractual agreements,make capital asset purchase decisions and make decisions regarding the allocation of expenses within designated parameters. Unless otherwise specified in this document,principal responsibility for complying with the d'uectives enumerated herein shall be vested in the Mayor. 4. Each Department Administrator has the authority to expend City funds within approved budget authority and in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Mayor's Office, and to recommend spending requests within the parameters of the approved budget process to the Mayor. Accounting Records and Reports 1. Basis of Accounting a. The City's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) on its fmancial activity shall be presented in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as defined by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). /ntroduckon 1-IS . �...> � Financial Management Policies iii. In addition,the City shall maintain an"Anti-Recessionary Reserve" in an amount of at least 2% of General Government budgeted operating expenditures. Expenditures utilizing the "Anti Recessionary Reserve" require a two-thirds majority vote of the City Council. b. The City shall maintain one year payments in voted general obligation debt service funds. c. The City shall maintain reserves in the Enterprise Funds as follows: i. Water Utility Fund: 12%-25%of total budgeted operating expenses ii. Golf Fund—25%-50°/a of total budgeted operating expenses. iii. All other Enterprise Funds: 10%-20% of total budgeted operating expenses d. Reserve balances of other funds shall be set through the budget process in an amount consistent with the purpose and nature of the fund. 2. Replacement reserves shall be established for equipment, and computer sofiware should the need continue beyond the estimated initial useful life, regardless of whether the equipment is acquired via lease, gift or purchase. Service charges paid by City departments to the appropriate Internal Service funds should include an amount to provide for replacements. Financial Planning L The City shall maintain a long-term(five year)financial planning model. a. The financial planning model shall: i. be based on the currently adopted budget; ii. utilize these policies; iii. be based on assumptions and drivers realistically expected to occur; iv. clearly document the assumptions and drivers used and the results of the use of such assumptions and drivers; v. be designed in such a way to permit analysis of alternative strategies; vi. relate to the related plans of the City to include Service Delivery Plans, Comprehensive Plans,Master Plans,etc.;and vii. shall be prepared for the General Government and such other funds as the deemed necessary. 2. Budget development a. The City shall prepare an annual budget that is consistent with: i. state law; ii. the long-term fmancial planning model; iii. these policies;and iv. industry best practices. a. The City of Renton's annual budget shall be prepared using the following schedule and process as a general guide: i. Review stakeholder input such as surveys, public forums, neighborhood meeting notes and business community communication. ii. The Mayor,City Council and Chief Administrative Officer will conduct a goal-setting retreat with the Department Administrators updating the Business Plan and other policy guidance. iii. The City Council and Administration will meet to review and discuss the prior year's audited results, current year budget status, next budget lntroduclion /-!7 �rw►�` �' . Financial Management Policies to serve the development in the form of system development charges,impact fees, mitigation fees,or benefit districts. d. Capital project proposals should indicate the project's impact on the operating budget, including, but not limited to, long-term maintenance costs necessary to support the�eve�et�investment. � e. Capital projects shall be budgeted for on a project life basis (rather than fiscal year). Policy on Fees and Charges 1. The City shall annually review all fees for licenses, pernuts, fines, rates and other miscellaneous charges as part of the budget process. 2. User charges and fees shall be established based at a percentage of the full cost of providing the service,unless otherwise provided by statute or regulation. a. Full cost incorporates d'uect and indirect costs, including operations and maintenance,overhead,and charges for the use of capital facilities. b. Other factors for fee or charge adjustments may also include the impact of inflation, other cost increases,the adequacy of the coverage of costs, and current competitive rates. 3. Proposed rate adjustments, user charges and fees shall be presented to the City Council for approval each year as part of the Mayor's proposed Preliminary Annual Budget to the Council. 4. The City shall rigorously collect all amounts due. Policy on Utility Funds 1. The City shall establish and maintain separate utility operating and capital �ve�t�eHt-investment funds and budgets for each of its utility operations. I 2. Utility rate studies shall be conducted every six years to update assumptions and ensure the long-term solvency and viability of the City's Utilities. 3. Utility rates and capital fees shall be reviewed annually and necessary adjustments made to avoid major rate increases. 4. The City shall use system development charges,grants and low interest loans to fund capital projects where possible. Overall,the utilities should maintain a debt to equity ratio of 60/40. 5. Each Utility should fund an amount of the cost equal to the annual "depreciation expense"of capital assets less debt service principal payments. 6. System Development Charges (SDCs) shall be established at levels to ensure that all customers seeking to connect to the City's utility systems shall bear their equitable share of the cost of both the existing and future systems. 7. Debt financing of utility improvements will be consistent with the utility master plans, council rate policies and other factors so as to smooth the effect of major improvements on utility rates. 8. The City shall strive to maintain minimum debt service "coverage" with the net revenue (gross operating revenue of the Utilities less operating and maintenance expenses)of the combined Utilities being 1.25 - 1.5 times the actual debt and the net revenue of the individual Utility being at least 1.25 times the actual debt. lnlroducnon /-/9 . ww �✓' �,. Financial Management Policies competitive pricing on debt issues and broker commissions in order to ensure the best value to the City. b. When a negotiated sale is used, the City shall use an independent fmancial advisor to advise the City's participants in matters such as structure, pricing and fees. 12. The City shall comply with IRS regulations concerning use of, and reinvestment of bond proceeds. a. The City shall monitor and comply with IRS regulations with regard to potential arbitrage earnings. If arbitrage earnings are believed to be above amounts provided by IRS regulations, the City will set aside earnings in order to pay the appropriate amount to the federal government as required by IRS regulation. 13. The City shall provide full secondary market disclosure related to outstanding debt. Related Policies • Investment Policy • Contracting Policy(Purchasing Authority) • Interfund Loans lntroducrion I-2/ `� "'� . � Financial Management Policies 326 Housing Opportunitv Fund I I--j316� I City Funds and Fund Structure(continued) ENTERPRISE FUNDS: Key Report 402 Airport erations E � 403 Solid Waste Utility E 404 Municipal Golf Course E I 405 Water Operations Utility B E � 406 Waste Water O�erations Utility B I(405) � 407 SEer-� Surface Water Operations Utility B I(405) � 416 King County Metro B I(405) 422 Airport CIP I(402) 424 Municipal Golf Course Gapita�CIP I(404) I 425 Water Utility�e�ts�e�ien CIP B I(405) I 426 Waste Water Utility C--et�s�et�CIP B I(405) � 427 F>te� Surface Water Utility Eens�e�ieH B I(405) CIP A G t \II.,�e.....,...L�D o.,o..,.e i]..«.7 .B I_,[Af1G1 �LTw� � � I 471 Rate Stabilization B I(405) 481 Water/Sewer Bond Proceeds B I(405) � INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: 501 Equipment Repair/Replacement E 502 Insurance Property E � 503 Information Services I(501) 512 Insurance,Healthcare I(502) 522 Insurance,Leoffl Retirees�Healthcare I(502) I FIDUCIARY FUNDS: 611 Firemen's Pension E 650 Special Deposits E ACCOUNTING FUNDS: GWS Government-wide Statements Ia 901 Bank Surplus Ia 910 General Fixed Asset Account Group Ia 950 General Long-term Debt Account Group Ia lntroducbon 1-23 . �..r .�.y y. Financial Management Policies A. General Government Funds share general revenues. Therefore,no interest shall be charged for loans between funds. B. Water Utility Funds shall be managed as a system such that balance sheet accounts are merged for management and reporting purposes. E. External Fund for Reporting Purposes I. Internal Fund for Management Purposes ta. Internal Fund for Accounting Purposes lntroduction 1-25 /')r- �( ., '`l._l ��� '� A .�° � STATE OF WASHINGTON,COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CI'fl OF RENTON Effective: UV2009 NOTICE OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCE NO.5426 ADOPTED BY THE An ordinance of the Ciry of PUBLIC NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton, Washington, amending Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Following �s a summary or Chapter i, Fee Schedule, of ordinances adopted by the Renton Title V (Finance and Business Advertising Representative of the Ciry Council on November 17, Regulations), of Ordinance No. 2008: 4260 entitled "Code of General ORDINANCE NO.5421 Ordinances of the City of Renton, An ordinance of the City of Washington," by increasing Renton Reporter Renton, Washington, amending certain golf course green fees and the Fiscal Yeaz 2008 Budget by club rental fee. increasing fund 000 by $50,840 Club Rental Fee Effective: for the purpose of supplemental Ui/2009 funding to support the City's Green Fees Effective: 4/1/2009 a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of Emergency Management ORDINANCE NO.5427 general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Program. An ordinance oc the c�cy prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in Effective: i l/27/2008 Renton, Washington, amendi� the En lish lan ua e continuousl as a bi-weekl news a er in Kin ORDINANCE NO.5422 Chapter i, Administration g g g y y p Q g An ordinance of the City of and Enforcement, of Title N County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as Renton, Washington, amending (Development Regulations) of a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of Chapter i3, co�uce Trip Ordinance No. 4260 entitled Reduction, of Title X (Traffic), `Code of General Ordinances of Washington for King County. of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled the City of Renton,Washington," The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues "Code of General Ordinances of by modifying the application the City of Renton,Washington," deadiine for multi-family housing of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was by incorporaung recent legislative property tax exemption. regularly distributed to its subscribers dunng the below stated period. a�d aaa,��istrari�e�ha�ges co tne Effective: 12/2?J2008 State of Washington's Commute ORDINANCE NO.5428 The annexed notice, a: Trip Reducrion Program as An ordinaoce of the City of Public Notice required by RCW 70.94.527. Renton, Washington, amending Effective: 12/22/2008 Chapter 9, Permits — Specific, ORDINANCE NO.5423 of Title [V (Development An ordinance of the City of Regulations), of Ordinance No. Renton,Washington,adopting the 4260 entitled "Code of General was published on, November 22, ZOOH. Annual Budget for the year 2009, Ordinances of the Ciry of in the amount of$251,658,823. Renton, Washington," by adding Effective: 11/27/2008 a provision to make uniform ORDINANCE NO.5424 the amount of cost contribution The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is nn ordinance or the c�ty oe coWa�a c�cy capital proje r� the Sum Of $210.00. Renton,Washington,establishing required of pmperties for w the property tax levy for the year frontage improvements have b ��� �/�7�y,,�i 2009 for both generai purposes deferred by restrictive covenant. r/ l� and for voter approved bond Effective: l2/22/2008 issues. Complete text of these ordinances Linda M. Mills Effective: l l/27/2008 is available at Renton City Hall, Legal Advertising Representative,Renton Reporter ORDINANCE NO.5425 1055 South Grady Way; and Subsc ibed and sworn to me this 24th day of November, 20�g. �����\�\���� An ordinance of the City of posted at the Renton Pubiic `��OPLS�1��� Renton, Washington, amending Libraries, 100 Mill Avenue South .,� C �/�� Chapter 4, Water, and Chapter and 2902 NE 12th Street Upon � —� ����������u���� /� 5, Sewer of Title VII[ (Health request to the City Clerk's office, � .r�`�N EXp��i��� // and Sanitation) of Ordinance (425)430-6510, copies will also at y Dal g, otary Publ' for the State of Washington, Resid�ii y5 ,�PRr F�,�.,, � rro. a26o entided �°Code of be mailed for a fee. in Coving n Washington ��!� � % Z i General Ordinances of the City Bonnie I.Walron P. O. Num ber: � �p 2 .' � v % � ` of Renton,Washington;'to allow City C ler k � �V p � ^_ � _ for adjustments ro current utility Published in the Renton Reporter j �i� V0 9;`, _ — rates. on November 22,2008.#149461. /'� �'/,/I'''�u�o..1��`�`c,`�\= /,/I,'+����O ���P���� ��� S ��! i � , ,f�_� ?' • l,:, STATE OF WASHINGTON,COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter CITY OF RENTON a bi-weekl rieWS a er, which news a er is a le al news a er of PUBLIC NOTICE Y P P P P g P P 2009 Solid Waste Rates general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEIV � prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in cn�c ac cne regular co�n��i meeting of November 17, 2008, the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King the Renton City Council adopted County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as Ordinance sa2s, setting c�cy a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of solid waste rates for 2009. The g p p y P 2009 rates will become effective Washington for King County. Ja�uary l, 2009. Solid Waste The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues Ra�es a�e Posted o� cne ��cy5 website at rentonwa.gov. of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was For further information or a copy regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. of�he ord��an�e,contact the City Clerk's office at 425-430-6510. The annexed notice, a: Bonnie I.Walton Pul����, 1�T��j�� Ciry Clerk �� l�� Published in the Renton Reponer on November l9, 2008 and November 22,2008.#I48206. was published on, November 19, 2008 and November 22, 2008. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $91.00. � � � ��G� inda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter \\`�����������i���� Subsc ibed and sworn to me this 24th day of November, 2008. , pALSF i� � i _ �,�,,..,,,,,,,, � % _ � yg�pN EXp���i,i /��/ _ Q�`� �ARY F�'. i athy D e Notary P lic for the State of Washington, Residing� x;o i `� % Z � in Covi ton,Washington � ;� " � ^�o =o � P. O. Number: % �'% '°U8�'��= � ��������'y�r'��„��....9��1,���_ o-� ; ������F�;W p,\\���� STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal CTl'Y OF RENTON ORDINANCE NO.5419 Advertisin Re resentative of the NOTICE OF ORDINANCFS An ordinance of the City of g p ADOPTED BY THE RENTON Renton, Washington, amending CITY COUNCIL �he Ciry of Renton Fiscal Year 2008 Annual Budget to Fol(owing is a summary of appropriate and transfer$200,000 Renton Re orter ordinances adopted by the Renton from the General Fund (000) P City Council on November ]0, to the newly created Housing 2008: Opportunity Fund(326). ORDINANCE NO.5417 Effective: 11/20/2008 An ordinance of the Ciry of ORDINANCE NO.5420 a bi-weekly newspaper, which newspaper is a legal newspaper of Renton, Washington, amending AnordinanceoftheCityofRenton, general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Chapter i, Administration Washington,amending the Fisc and Enforcement, of Title IV Year 2008 Budge[ by allocati� prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in (Development Regulations) of funds from a grant from the Stat the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King Ordinance No. 4260 entitled of Washington(Washington Auto Count Washin ton. The Renton Re orter has been a roved as �°Code of General Ordinances of Theft Prevenaon Authority) �� y' g P PP the Ciry of Renron,Washington," the amount of $70,962 to fund a Legal Newspaper by order of the Superior Court of the State of by adding an exception ro� 000/008 General Fund — Police Washington for King County. pro�e�cs �esced in the County to Department; authorizing the land use review fees. additionofafull-timelnvestigator; The notice in the exact form annexed was published in regular issues Effective: 12/IS/2008 and adding the position co cne of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was ORDINANCE NO.5418 2008 budget index of positions. re ularl distributed to its subscribers durm the below stated eriod. An ordinance of �,e e;ry of Effective: 11/20/2008 g Y g P Ren[on, Washington, amending Complete text of these ordinances The annexed notice, a: Chapter l, Garbage, of Title is avai(able at Renton Ciry Hall, • • VII[ (Health & Sanitation) of 1055 South Grady Way; and Public Notice Ordinance No. 4260 entitled posted at [he Renton Public "Code of General Ordinances of Libraries, 100 Mill Avenue South the Ciry of Renton,Washington," and 2902 NE 12th Street. Upon related to year 2009 Services and request to the City Clerk's office, was published on, November 15, 2��g. Utility Rates for alI customer (425)430-6510, copies will also classes. be mailed for a fee. Effective: 1/1/2009 JasonA.Seth Depury City Clerk The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is Dublished in the Renton Reporter the sum of 136,�0. � i November 15,2008.#1474� �� ,��%2r.eG '1� Linda M. Mills ` � Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter ` � Subscr'bed and sworn to me this 17th day of November, 2008. �,��a���� �� O� �HY L d'"' =� *��.�`ssio' e�/ K thy Dals , otary Publ' for the State of Washington, Residing _��'�or,�� U in Covington,Washington : , 'I �� P. O. Number: ; �; 4� ' � ��N '%y�;���`eu� , L-� %,, o,c'''��'9;.�� � ��►I����WASH`� STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF RENTON Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal NOTICE OF Advertisin Re resentative of the PUBLIC HEARING g p RENTON CTI'Y COUNCIL REVISED DATE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has Renton Reporter fixed the lOth (revised from the 17th)day of November,2008,at 7:00 p.m.as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the a bi-weekly newspaper which newspaper is a legal newspaper of seventh floor Council Chambers + of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months Grady Way, Ren[on, 9sos�, co � rior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to, ublished in consider the following: p p p 2009 City of Renron the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King Proposed Budget County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as All interested parties are invited a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of to attend the public hearing and g P P �' p present written or oral comments waS�11I1gtOI1 fOI'Klllg COUllty. regazding the proposal. Renton The notice in the exact form annexed was ublished in re ular issues c�cy Hall �s fully accessible, p g and interpretive services for the of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was hearing impaired will be provided regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 The annexed notice 1' for additional information. � • Jason A.Seth Public Notice Depury City Clerk Published in Ihe Renton RepoRer on November l, 2008 and November 5,2008.#136211. was published on, November 1, 2008 and November 5, 2008. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $126.00. � ,��'�1.� inda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subs r' ed and sw to me this Sth day of November, 2008. ���������������� �� �Y pAL �i� '�� r� ���' � `SioH F�s�C��i� =�,,,.�� �, athy Da g, otary Publ' or th State of Washington, Residing_ _����o7�Rx'0%�'%, �� in Covin on,Washington � ;� �_ , ` u% � P. O. Number: � ' � ' ' i �(f; '�VB�,�G = 2 = �i ����`��,��-19�����— � �' '�a„���.....•�. �� ���i��Fp;WASN\�\� STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE �I OTI��FON Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL Advertising Representative of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary City of Renton budget for 2009 has been filed with the City Clerk Renton Reporter and a copy will be furnished to any taxpayer who will call at the clerk's office,and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN a bi-weekl news a er, which news a er is a le al news a er of that the Renton City Council has y p p p p g P P fixed the 3rd day of November, general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months aooa,at�:oo n.�,.a�rne aat�ana rior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to, ublished in r�m� fo�� a p��b>>� nelr�n� �o he � p p p held in the seventh floor Council the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King en�,»ee��� oe uenron c�ry Ha�i, County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as �oss s. c��1�ty w�,y, Re„���, a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of 9sos�,ro�on��a���rne touoW��g: g p p }� p 2009 Revenue Sources and wlSlllllgt011 fOI'Klllg COUllty. Prelimin:�ry Budget The notice in the exact form annexed was ublished in re ular issues A» ;n«reSre�pa,-�;es a��e�n���ea p g to attend the public heaiing and of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was p��esenr Wri�en or ora��omn�epr� regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. �egard�ng tne proPo�ai. ue�con City Hall is fully accessible, The annexed notiee, 1: and interpretive services for the Public Notice hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. Bonnie I.Walton City Clerk was published on, October 29, ZOOg. Published in the Renton Reporter on October 29,2008.#128694. The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $80.50. � M1 f�� � �� inda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter �������������� Subscri ed and swor to me this 29th day of October, 2008. ;����.( DALS ��r�� " _`��'�55`O"`EXA;�C ,,''�, � �C=�.�'� OZARJ' ��N'' % K t y Dal , I� otary Public� r the State of Washington, Residing ; ;0 2 . � in Covington,Washington ; ;" � ^�� ' p ; P. O. Number: ;, N�,,,,,� ��e� �`'`; C�_ '', �9 ''�u�;,�g�`�� '� � , �� �,� ,, �F W PS ``� ��'��������������� STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL Renton Reporter SP WO �HOpET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Ren[on City Council has a bi-weekl news a er, which news a er is a le al news a er of set a special meeting(workshop) Y P P P P g P P to be held on Wednesday,October general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months a9, Zoos, from 9:00 a.m.—5:00 � prior to the date of publication hereinafter referred to, published in p.m. in the Conferencing Center, 7th Floor,Renton City Hall, 1055 the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King S.Grady Way,Renron,WA 98057. County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as The following 2009 Budget items a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of �'���be discussed: g P P Y P Revenue Projections WaS�llllgt011 fOT'Klrig COUrity. Preliminary Budget Overview The notice in the exact form annexed was ublished in re ular issues DepaRment Presentations,and P g Capital Budgets of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was co�n��i work sessions are open regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. to�he Pubr�;however,no public The annexed notice a: comment will be taken. For , information regarding compliance Public Notice with the American Disabili[ies Act,and interpretive services for the hearing impaired,contact the City Clerk Office at 425-430- 6510. was published on, October 18, ZOOH. Bonnie I.Walton Ciry Clerk Published in the Renton Reporter on October 18,2008.#129869. The full amount of tY�e fee charged for said foregoing publication is the sum of $73.50. ti � ��� ' da M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subsc ibed and swor to me this 18th day of October, 2008. \`\�����������i�' _'.j��.H�Y„�q�S;���,�i athy Da� g, otary Publi r the State of Washington, Residing = _�Q�`"�orq�F+q;� � in Covin on,Washington ; :'' `' '�,� ;o;� � � fn % ' � m� i P. O. Number: ; ..., ; .. ' y: � � }'�%y 7 GBt��' = ". '�, F �'��,�rg.�� .�=02_ i, p ������,,,�..��-�' � — �������'wA S N`�G�.�,�� } STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING } AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION PUBLIC NOTICE Linda M Mills, being first duly sworn on oath that she is the Legal Advertising Representative of the Renton Reporter a bi-weekl news a er, which news a er is a le al news a er of CTTY OF RENTON Y P P P P g P P NOTICE OF general circulation and is now and has been for more than six months PUBLIC HEARING � rior to the date of ublication hereinafter referred to, ublished in RENTON CITY COUNCIL P p p NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the English language continuously as a bi-weekly newspaper in King that the Renton City Council has County, Washington. The Renton Reporter has been approved as fixed the 3rd day of November, a Le al News a er b order of the Su erior Court of the State of Zooa,at 7:00 p.m.as the date and S P P Y P time for a public hearing to be W1S�11rigtOII fOI'Klrig COUIlt�/. held in the seventh floor Council The notice in the exact form annexed was ublished in re ular issues Chambers of Renton City Hall, P g 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, of the Renton Reporter (and not in supplement form) which was 9sos�,to consider the following: regularly distributed to its subscribers during the below stated period. zoo9 c�cy of Renton Revenue The annexed notice a: Sources and Preliminary Budget � All interes[ed parties are invited Public Notice to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton Ciry Hall is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the was published on, October 18, ZOOH. hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional informadon. Bonnie I.Walton The full amount of the fee charged for said foregoing publication is City Clerk the sum of $70 00. Published in the Renton Reporter � � on October 18,2008.#128776. ��� inda M. Mills Legal Advertising Representative, Renton Reporter Subscr'bed and swo to me this 18th day of October, 2008. \\\���������t������ ` �P,�HY p,����ih ,.,,,,,,,,� at y Da�s , otary Publi or the State of Washington, Residing _ +;�e►�SS��ti'��,,�5��i�� in Covington,Washington ; _� �,orq� +q,,,� � , P. O. Number: � v,= - • .` m= � � —1 '; � �; � i y�',.1 GBL��, ' ... / 'i O, — i� � �,,� ��,�� ��_� //� O,C ���p»����•••�`G,� � � ���������'�'ASN`N\`�.�� ..� �..� CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: 2009 City of Renton Revenue Sources and Preliminary Budget All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Ca11430-6510 for additional information. ��,� �� �1��� Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published Renton Reporter October 18, 2008 Account No. 50640 � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the preliminary City of Renton budget for 2009 has been filed with the City Clerk and a copy will be furnished to any taxpayer who will call at the clerk's office, and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 3rd day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: 2009 Revenue Sources and Preliminary Budget All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Ca11430-6510 for additional information. ��e��. �G='2��"ex-> Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published Renton Reporter October 29, 2008 Account No. 50640 � � CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 17th day of November, 2008, at 7:00 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98057, to consider the following: 2009 City of Renton Proposed Budget All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. ���,�. �a�� Bonnie L Walton City Clerk Published Renton Reporter November 8 and 12, 2008 Account No. 50640