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City of Renton
Request for Statement of Qualifications
SE 172"d Street and 125t" Avenue SE Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Project
Including Survey, Geotechnical, and Civil Design
Submittal Deadline: 4:00 p.m., February 1, 2019
The City of Renton Surface Water Utility(city) is soliciting statement of qualifications (SOQs)from
engineering consulting firms interested in providing engineering, landscaping,geotechnical, and
surveying services for the SE 172"d Street and 125t"Avenue SE Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design
Project.The work shall include: preparation and submittal of State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA);
preparation and submittal of necessary applications in compliance with local, state, tribe,federal
permits, licenses, easements, or property right; preparation and submittal of applications to comply
with Executive Order(05-05) culture resources review requirements; preparation and submittal of a
project engineering design report, construction plans and specifications.The project is funded by a State
of Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance Agreement grant.
The successful firm will have experience in providing professional engineering design services for
stormwater water quality retrofit projects.
The detailed SOQ, background information, consultant selection criteria, and instructions for submittal
of Qualifications may be obtained at the City of Renton website, http://rentonwa.�ov/bids/in the RFQ
section, or by contacting Kevin Evans, City of Renton Surface Water Utility Engineer at 425-430-7264, or
by email at krevans@rentonwa.�ov.
The project area is located near SE 172nd Street and 125th Avenue SE of the Benson Hill neighborhood
in the City of Renton (Fig. 1).The two-lane paved roadways (Fig. 2) have paved shoulders but no curbs,
gutters, or sidewalks.The area is made up of single family homes. Currently stormwater runoff from SE
172nd Street, 122nd Ave SE, 123rd Ave SE, 124th Ave SE, and 125th Ave SE is collected and conveyed
into a storm system on SE 172nd Street, where it discharges into a wetland located approximately 150
feet south of the intersection of 127th Ave SE and SE 172nd Street. Runoff from the wetland continues
south and crosses in a culvert under SE Petrovitsky Road and then into another large wetland before
discharging into Big Soos Creek. Big Soos Creek eventually discharges to the Green River near Highway
18 just east of Auburn (Fig. 3). Big Soos Creek is a Category 5, 303(d)-listed waterbody for dissolved
oxygen, ammonia, and pH.
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This project will provide a design for green infrastructure, such as bioretention swales and pervious
concrete sidewalks,that will collect,treat, and infiltrate stormwater runoff from approximately two
acres of pollution generating impervious surfaces in the vicinity of SE 172nd Street and 125th Avenue SE
before it reaches Big Soos Creek. Other Ecology-approved TAPE facilities will be designed if green retrofit
is infeasible. Existing street runoff will enter the new water quality treatment facilities along both sides
of the street or alternating sides through curb-cuts.The water quality treatment facilities will slow
stormwater runoff and break down and remove pollutants such as total suspended solids (TSS),total
phosphorus, dissolved copper and zinc, and oil. Curbs,gutters, and pervious concrete sidewalks will
improve pedestrian safety by providing a pedestrian path outside of the roadway or paved shoulders.
The project will also create a planter strip area, if possible, between the street and sidewalk,which will
allow for soil amendment in these areas, and planting of street trees and green space to increase
infiltration and evapotranspiration within the street right-of-way. A storm conveyance system will
collect and convey street runoff to and from the Ecology-approved water quality treatment facilities,
and if necessary,flow from facility underdrain systems. Project improvement will also increase
conveyance capacity and reduce the likelihood of flooding.
Coordination with Soos Creek Water and Sewer District and other franchise utilities in the project area
will be done as part of the project design. Coordination between multiple divisions of the Public Works
Departments and other city departments will also be done during project design.
The City of Renton requests that the consultant prepare a proposal for the work needed to meet the
project goals and tasks in the Water Quality Combined Financial Assistance Agreement, WQSWPC-2016-
Renton-00058(attached). No cost information is to be provided for the proposal or tasks therein.The
anticipated tasks and design elements will include, at a minimum,the following:
A. Coordinate the preparation and submittal of State Environmental Policy Act(SEPA).
Prepare and submit the required land use application for environmental review and comply with
SEPA Determination, issued by the city's Planning Department.
B. Prepare for application of, receipt of,and compliance with all required local,State,and federal
permits, licenses,easements,or property rights necessary for the project. If required,
coordination with property owners in project area. Coordination with tribal groups or
neighborhood groups may also be necessary.
C. Develop a Project Engineering Design Report.The project must be designed in accordance with
the Renton Surface Water Design Manual that is equivalent to Ecology's Stormwater Management
Manual for Western Washington.The Project Design Report must be reviewed and accepted in
writing by Ecology.
1. The Engineering Design Report.The engineering design elements must be in accordance with
Ecology's Design Deliverables for Stormwater projects with Ecology Funding.
The consultant must respond timely to Ecology's and the city's comments. The Ecology Design
Report Acceptance Letter will be received prior to proceeding to 90 percent design.
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2. 90 Percent Design Package.At a minimum,this package must include 90 percent proposed
construction plans, specifications, and engineering's opinion of cost,which includes eligible
costs and project construction schedule.The stormwater grant program bid specification clause
and bid insert must be included: (https://ecolo�y.wa.�ov/About-us/How-we-operate/Grants-
The consultant must respond timely to Ecology's and the city's comments.The Ecology 90
percent Design Acceptance Letter will be received prior to proceeding to Final Design.
City of Renton staff will evaluate the consultant's qualifications based on the project approach, each
firm's technical skills and resources,the project team's technical skills, and history of performance.
Consultants may use other firms as sub-consultants for work or tasks that they may not have sufficient
staff or expertise for. All work by sub-consultants must be identified. Qualifications and resumes for sub-
consultants must be included in the SOQ. The prime Consultant must perform the majority of the work
for the contract work on a dollar basis.
The city will evaluate the statement of qualifications and select the highest ranking firms for oral
interviews. All firms submitting qualifications will be notified in writing as to their status in the selection
process. Interviews will be held at Renton City Hall and will be scheduled after the short list is
Final selection will be based on the combined score of the written SOQ and the oral interviews.The city
may choose to forego oral interviews and base selection solely on the submitted SOQ.
The city encourages minority-owned and women-owned businesses, socially and economically
disadvantaged business enterprises, and small businesses to respond to this Proposal, or participate
with other firms as partners or sub-consultants in response to this Proposal.
• SOQs that do not include all of the submittal requirements outlined herein may not be
considered, or may be downgraded.
• At the city's discretion,the city may amend the Selection Process and Schedule at any time.
• The city may revise the evaluation and scoring criteria at any time without providing notice to
the Consultants.
• At the city's discretion,the city may choose to republish the RFQ.
• The execution of the Consultant Agreement is subject to budgeted funds.
• Until such time a Consultant Agreement is executed, there are no express or implied
obligations or commitments on the part of either the city or the Consultant concerning either
this RFQ or any Proposal associated with it.
• All materials submitted for the Proposal will become property of the city and will not be
• By submitting materials to the city for consideration for this RFQ,the Consultant is waiving
any claim of confidentiality,trade secrets, or privilege with respect to materials submitted.All
submitted materials are subject to public records disclosure under the State of Washington
Public Records Act and are subject to provisions of the Public Disclosure Law.
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• The city reserves the right to reject any or all submittals and to waive any irregularities and/or
• Late document submittals will be kept by the city, but not considered for award.
• The city accepts no responsibility for misdirected or lost documents.
• Consultant will be notified of Addenda, however it is the Consultant's responsibility to verify
whether any Addenda were issued.
• Fax or e-mail submittals will not be accepted or considered.
To be considered responsive, the respondent must include the following information. Proposals that do
not fully comply with these instructions may not be considered.To facilitate evaluation,the Statement of
Qualifications must be organized in the order of the outline below. Do not exceed 20 pa�es total for
sections A, B, C and D. Resumes should be limited to one to two pages for each person.
1. Describe your proposed approach to the project and the specific tasks that would be included in
a proposed Scope of Work for the project as follows:
ACTION OUTLINE (Approach/Actions/Results):
2. Provide a preliminary time schedule for carrying out various tasks.
3. Prepare time estimates and availability for key team members used in each of the major tasks.
4. Provide an explanation of the quality control program utilized, if any.
1. Provide a description of your approach to organize and carry out the work.
2. Provide an organizational chart indicating how the firm's management will interface with this
project. Identify the overall Project Manager and task leaders/key team members.
1. Identify the Project Manager, each task leader, and key team members. Describe their
experience,technical expertise, and their role in this project. Provide their office location and
other pertinent information. Provide a professional resume for each member of the proposed
2. Identify sub consultants that you will use on this project, indicate their specific roles, and
provide their experience on similar related projects.
3. Describe three projects that your firm has completed that are similar to the proposed project.
Describe how the projects performed in terms of desired outcome, budget and schedule.
Describe the work that your firm's project team members for this project performed for those
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1. Provide three recent references (within last ten years)that may be contacted concerning your
firm's performance on a project of this type.
2. Provide three recent references (within last ten years)that may be contacted concerning the
performance of your firm's proposed Project Manager on projects of this type.
The firm that is selected for this project will be required to obtain, at its own expense, professional
liability insurance of$1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for Commercial General
Liability(CGL)for the term of the contract and other insurance as required by the city(see
informational documents).The firm selected will be required to sign the City of Renton Consultant
Agreement. All firms working on the project will be required to obtain a city Business License.
Indicate if you can meet these requirements.
The deadline for submittals is 4:00 p.m. on February 1, 2019.
If mailed,the submittal must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2019.
Five (5) paper copies and one (1) electronic copy of the Proposal in PDF format on a CD, DVD, or
jump drive, shall be mailed or delivered to the following address:
City of Renton
City Clerk's Office—7t" Floor
Attn: RFQ SE 172nd St and 125t"Ave SE Green Stormwater Infrastructure Design Project/
Kevin Evans, Project Manager
1055 South Grady Way
Renton,WA 98057
All questions regarding this request for RFQ should be directed to:
City of Renton
Attn: Kevin Evans, Surface Water Utility
1055 South Grady Way, 5t" Floor
Renton,WA 98057
Phone:425-430-7264, Email: krevans@rentonwa.�ov
• Figure 1—Vicinity Map
• Figure 2—Project Area
• Figure 3—Drainage Basin
• Insurance Guidelines for the City of Renton
• RFQ Consultant Evaluation Criteria
• Draft Department of Ecology Agreement WQSWPC-2016-Renton-00058
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