HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_Drainage_Technical_Information_Report_190109_v1Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 1 Section Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................... 2 SECTION 1 - PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................... 4 TIR WORKSHEET ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 SITE LOCATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 DRAINAGE BASINS, SUBBASINS, AND SITE CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................. 7 SOILS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8 SECTION 2 - CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY .................................................................................. 9 SECTION 3 - OFF-SITE ANALYSIS ........................................................................................................................... 12 SECTION 4 - FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY FACILITY ANALYSIS DESIGN ................................................. 15 SECTION 5 - CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ................................................................................. 15 CONVEYANCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 100-YEAR FLOOD/OVERFLOW CONDITION ....................................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 6 - SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES ....................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 7 - OTHER PERMITS ............................................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 8 - CSWPPP ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ....................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 9 - BOND QUANTITIES, FACILITY SUMMARIES, AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT ............................... 17 SECTION 10 - OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL .................................................................................. 17 APPENDICES: A – EXHIBITS B – PLANS C – RENTON SAM’S 2003 STORMWATER REPORT D – RENTON SAM’S 2003 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL E – BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET Table of Contents Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 2 Site Location: The project property is located at 901 South Grady Way in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by Talbot Rd/Hwy 515 to the west, Hwy 405 to the south and east, and an old Sam’s Club building to the north. The site is currently developed as a fuel station that was operated by Sam’s Club, which has a canopy footprint of 5400 square feet, a kiosk of approximately 325 square feet, and associated parking and landscaping. The entire work area is approximately 28,500 square feet (0.65 acres) in size. This project proposes to demolish the existing structures and hard surfaces and replace them with sod/hydroseed utilizing amended soils. The overall project was permitted and built in 2003 utilizing the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A reprint of the permitted report is found in Appendix C. An original of the report could not be located. The project site lies within the Lower Green River Subwatershed, which is part of the Green/Duwamish Watershed. It is in the City of Renton Black River drainage basin. The project site is located in the City of Renton Commercial Mixed-Use Overlay District (Community Planning area). The property is zoned CA (Commercial Arterial). Design Criteria: The City of Renton has adopted the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM) which will be used for this project. The existing site is developed and primarily impervious with the exception of landscape islands. The current plan is to remove hard surfaces and leave the landscaping unless the irrigation lines necessitate removal of the internal islands. Existing storm will remain with grated lids replaced by solid lids. The project acreage includes removal of the islands to be conservative in the area assumed in the TIR. The proposed demolition will lead to a decrease in the amount of overall impervious area and therefore reduce runoff. Per the requirements of KCSWDM, neither flow control or water quality mitigation will be required as a result of the proposed development. Table 1 Jurisdictional Requirements Peak Runoff Control: Flow Control Duration Standard Matching Forested Site Conditions Matching durations from 50% of 2- year flow up to full 50-year events, and peak flow rates for the 2-year and 10-year runoff events Water Quality: Enhanced Basic WQ Treatment Preceding detention 60% of the developed 2-year peak flow rate Downstream of detention The full 2-year release rate from detention facility Executive Summary Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 3 Proposed Drainage System: This project proposes to remove the internal trench drain around the fuel pad and oil water separator (connected to sewer) and oil/water separator connected to the storm system. The existing catch basins and conveyance that currently collect water from the parking area will be left in place and new extruded curb placed to separate the landscaping from the existing pollution generating surfaces. Grated lids will be placed on raised rim elevations within the demolished parking area. There are no plans to change the existing swale as it will continue to receive pollution generating runoff from existing hard surfaces. No new pollution generating surfaces will discharge to the catch basins. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 4 TIR Worksheet Section 1 - Project Overview Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 5 Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 6 Site Location Figure 1 - Site Location Location: 901 South Grady Way (Southeast corner of South Grady Way and Talbot Road South), Renton, WA 98055 Section/Township/Range: NW ¼ Sec. 19, T.23N, R.5E of W.M. Parcel/Tax Lot(s): 2023059007, 9154600010 Size: 0.65 acres City, County, State: Renton, King County, Washington Governing Agency: City of Renton Design Criteria: 2017 City of Renton Stormwater Manual Fuel Station Demolition Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 7 Drainage Basins, Subbasins, and Site Characteristics Drainage Basin The project site is located in the Lower Green River Subwatershed, which is part of the Green/Duwamish Watershed. It is in the City of Renton Black River drainage basin. Existing Sub-basins The fuel station lies within existing Basin D per the 2003 Storm Report by PACLAND. This basin discharges through a swale to the south of the fuel station and then into existing wetland south of the swale. Proposed Sub-basins The proposed project will remove impervious surfaces and replace them with sod. Table 2 – Site Areas Surface Existing Area (SF) Proposed Area (SF) Roof 5,725 0.00 Landscaping (Pervious) 1,000 28,314 Pavement (PGIS) 21,589 0.00 Sidewalk (NPGIS) 0.00 0.00 Total 28,314 28,314 Site Characteristics The project property is located at 901 South Grady Way in Renton, Washington. The site is bordered by Talbot Rd/Hwy 515 to the west, Hwy 405 to the south and east, and an old Sam’s Club building to the north. The site is currently developed as a fuel station that was operated by Sam’s Club, which has a canopy footprint of 5400 square feet, a kiosk of approximately 325 square feet, and associated parking and landscaping. The entire work area is approximately 28,500 square feet (0.65 acres) in size. This project proposes to demolish the existing structures and hard surfaces and replace them with sod/hydroseed utilizing amended soils. The overall project was permitted and built in 2003 utilizing the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual. A reprint of the permitted report is found in Appendix C. An original of the report could not be located. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 8 Soils Websoil Survey Figure 2 - Site Soils (USDA Web Soil Survey Map) The site surface soils are classified by The United States Departments of Agriculture Soil Survey for King County, Washington, to be to be the urban complex (Ur). In regards to hydrology, this soil complex is described by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to be relatively impervious and hence has a SCS Soil Hydrologic Group class of “D”. Geotechnical Report Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. performed a detailed geotechnical study of the site to determine the properties of the on-site surface and subsurface soils. This geotechnical report titled “Subsurface Exploration and geotechnical Services Engineering Evaluation, Proposed Retail development”, dated December 6, 2002, project number J-1470 indicates that surficial soils consist of topsoil of an average depth of varying depths present over limited portions of the entire site, with the rest of the site being paved. These surface soils are underlain by coal tailings fill with depths ranging of 4.5 to 12.5 feet situated on a soft organic alluvium. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 9 As required by the 2017 City of Renton Stormwater Manual, this project is subject to a full drainage review. Therefore, the storm drainage design for this project is required to comply with all Nine (9) Core Requirements, and six (6) Special Requirements. The requirements have been met as follows: Core Requirement #1: Discharge at Natural Location All surface and storm water runoff from a project must be discharged at the natural location so as not to be diverted onto or away from downstream properties. The manner in which runoff is discharged from the project site must not create a significant adverse impact to downhill properties or drainage systems. Response: The project is replacing pollution generating impervious surface with landscaping. Any stormwater that does not absorb or get infiltrated into the soils will sheet flow into the existing conveyance system and discharge to the same location (Talbot Rd) as designed in 2003. Core Requirement #2: Off-site Analysis All proposed projects must submit an offsite analysis report that assesses potential offsite drainage and water quality impacts associated with development of the project site and propose appropriate mitigation of those impacts. The initial permit submittal shall include, at minimum, a Level 1 downstream analysis. Response: There are no visual signs of impairment to the existing conveyance system or treatment swale. We have assumed that the City will not require further investigation to be performed as the system is operating at a higher run-off than will occur after the work is complete. Core Requirement #3: Flow Control All proposed projects, including redevelopment projects, must provide onsite flow control facilities or flow control BMPs or both to mitigate the impacts of storm and surface runoff generated by new impervious surface, new pervious surface, and replaced impervious surface targeted for flow mitigation. Response: Exempt. Flow control is not required as the project will decrease site run-off. Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System All engineered conveyance system elements for proposed projects must be analyzed, designed, and constructed to provide a minimum level of protection against overtopping, flooding, erosion, and structural failure. Response: No new conveyance required. Existing conveyance was designed to pass the 25-year storm and flow will be reduced. Core Requirement #5: Erosion and Sediment Control All proposed projects that will clear, grade, or otherwise disturb the site must provide erosion and sediment controls to prevent, to the maximum extent practicable, the transport of sediment from the project site to downstream drainage facilities, water resources, and adjacent properties. Both temporary and permanent ESC measures shall be implemented. Section 2 - Conditions and Requirements Summary Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 10 Response: Erosion and sediment control requirements will be an integral part of the project construction documents. The project will include a SWPPP and appropriate BMP’s to keep silt-laden water from entering existing stormwater water catch basins or the swale. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations Maintenance and operation of all drainage facilities is the responsibility of the property owner, except those facilities for which the City of Renton assumes maintenance and operation and must be maintained and operated in accordance with King County or other maintenance standards as approved by the City of Renton. Response: An Operations and Maintenance Manual is in Appendix is included in Appendix E from the 2003 site approval which includes Grounds (Landscaping). We would encourage the City to deem this adequate as introducing a new Manual would complicate the site maintenance crews. Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability In accordance with RMC 4-6-030J, RDSD shall require all persons constructing any surface water facilities (including flow control/water quality facilities, conveyance systems, erosion control, and road drainage), to post with the City of Renton a bond, assignment of funds or certified check. The applicant must also maintain liability insurance. Response: See Section 9- Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant. The Site Improvement Bond Quantity Worksheet and Declarations of Covenants will be submitted upon approval of the Building Permit plans. Core Requirement #8: Water Quality All proposed projects, including redevelopment projects, must provide water quality (WQ) facilities to treat the runoff from those new and replaced pollution-generating impervious surfaces and new pollution-generating pervious surfaces targeted for treatment. Response: Exempt. We are removing pollution generating surface and therefore exempt from new water quality design. Core Requirement #9: On-Site BMPs All proposed projects, including redevelopment projects, must provide on-site BMPs to mitigate the impacts of storm and surface water run-off. Response: The project will be installing landscaping with a minimum of 4” of modified soils per BMP C.2.13. The existing site soils have limited infiltration ability and are underlain by coal deposits. The original site construction limited earth disturbing activity due to the coal deposits. Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements The City of Renton may apply requirements for controlling drainage on an area-specific basis. Potential other adopted area-specific requirements may include: Master Drainage Plans, Basin Plans, Stormwater Compliance Plans, etc. Response: The project site is within Washington State Water Resource Inventory Area 9: Green/Duwamish and Central Puget Sound Watershed Salmon Habitat Recovery. However, the proposed Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 11 project will have no effect on any salmon habitats. The project site does not lie within any City of Renton Master Drainage or Basin Plans. Special Requirement #2: Flood Hazard Area Delineation If a proposed project contains or is adjacent to a flood hazard area as determined by the Renton Department of Storm Drainage, the project must determine those components that are applicable and delineate them on the project’s site improvement plans and recorded maps. Response: The project site does not lie within or adjacent to a City of Renton Flood Hazard Area (determined by FEMA FIRM Panel 53033C0977F dated May 16, 1995) and therefore does not need to apply the provisions of this requirement. See Appendix A. Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities Proper analysis, design, and construction are necessary to protect against the potentially catastrophic consequences if flood protection facilities such as levees and revetments should fail. Response: The proposed project will not rely on an existing flood protection facility, nor modify or construct a new flood protection facility. Special Requirement #4: Source Control If a proposed project requires a commercial building or commercial site development permit then the water quality source controls applicable to the proposed project shall be applied in accordance with the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Manual. Response: No source control BMPs will be required for the landscaped area. Modified soils will reduce the need for fertilizers. Special Requirement #5: Oil Control Projects proposing to develop or redevelop a high-use site must provide oil control in addition to other water quality controls required. Response: The site is vacant and is not designated a high-use site. As a Sam’s Club Fuel Station there were two oil/water separators on the site. One was for stormwater outside the canopy and one for sewer under the canopy. These will be removed as a part of this project for safety reasons. Special Requirement #6: Aquifer Protection Area If a proposed project is located within the Aquifer Protection Area as identified in the RMC 4-3-050, this special requirement requires the project to determine those components that are applicable and delineate them on the project’s site improvement plans. Response: The project is located within Zone 2 Aquifer Protection Area. We are not proposing any new ponds or swales. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 12 Upstream Analysis The project site is essentially isolated from off-site runoff. Runoff from the north is intercepted with the South Grady Way drainage facilities, while drainage from the west is intercepted by the Talbot Road South drainage facilities. The site does receive some runoff from Benson Road South and the vegetated slope to the east, though most of this is picked up by the existing concrete paved ditch along the east side of the site. The topography on-site drain from the north to the south, therefore, there is no drainage contributing from the south of the property. As shown on the attached site plans there is a large existing paved concrete ditch that runs down the southeast property line of the site. This channel picks up the flow from two concrete pipes that flow from Renton Hill. The first is an 18-inch concrete pipe, which is believed to carry ground water due to the strong sulfur smell. The second pipe is a 48-inch concrete pipe, which carries runoff under I-405 and Benson Road South from approximately 406 acres of residential developments on Renton Hill to the southeast side of I-405. The flows from both of these pipes converge at the entrance to the concrete ditch and travels southwest along the property line bypassing the site. The existing 4-foot wide, 3-foot deep rectangular concrete paved ditch has a clean cross section with only the occasion small deposits of pebbles along the bottom. The channel ends at the south corner of the site where it empties into a 5- foot diameter culvert that passes under Talbot Road South and continues to flow to the west. Downstream Analysis Because the site will not increase discharges into the system, no new analysis was performed downstream of the existing swale that discharges into the conveyance and into the wetland. Per the original analysis: USGS Maps and the King County GIS System shows that runoff from the project site eventually outfalls into the Black River, approximately 2.75 miles downstream, which occupies a small part of the Duwamish - Green River watershed. Under existing and proposed conditions, a large portion of the site drains to a five-foot diameter culvert that crosses beneath SR-515 (Talbot Road) adjacent to the south property corner. The remainder of the site drains to the storm drain in Grady Way which converges with the outlet end of the afore mentioned five-foot culvert on the west side of Talbot Road. From this point the total flow then continues south underneath Talbot Road for about 470 feet before it turns west next to One Renton Place and flows under South Renton Village Place between the Thriftway and Two Renton Place for about 1,000 feet. The storm system then turns south at the east corner of Two Renton Place and daylights in a ditch after another 300 feet. This 9 feet wide by 4 feet deep rectangular earth/rip rap ditch is part of the Rolling Hills Creek drainage course. It flows west for about 700 feet along the north embankment of I-405 and is sheltered by a dense covering of tree, shrubs and blackberries. This down stream study found that it has a clean cross section with no signs of blockages or erosion. At the I-405 /SR-167 interchange the ditch disappears underground into a ~42” concrete culvert. To the left of the 42” culvert there is a much larger 8-foot Section 3 - Off-Site Analysis Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 13 corrugated plate arch culvert, which is situated to take extreme rainfall events that exceed the 42” culvert. According to the City of Renton Storm Drainage Maps, both culverts eventually daylight in the southeast corner of the I-405 /SR-167 interchange where a system of open ditches and closed pipes convey the stormwater runoff to the Springbrook Creek/Black River/Duwamish River. There are reported occurrences of downstream flooding problems in the South Renton Village Place during extreme runoff conditions. This is believed to be due to the smaller 42” pipe at the end of the downstream study, but it is expected that the 8-foot diameter corrugated plated culvert will be able to handle the future extreme events and reduce flooding. In regards to the overall drainage basin tributary to the problem area, the site occupies only about ~1.8% of the heavily developed tributary basin. Therefore, the site is a very small contributor of runoff to the downstream, and therefore has a nominal influence on the downstream conditions. Further impact analysis of the downstream system is not necessary. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 14 Figure 3 - Downstream Area (Renton COR Maps) Resource Review The following resources were reviewed in preparing an offsite analysis: · FEMA flood maps · Sensitive areas maps (King County DDES) · King County Soils Survey (USDA) · Wetlands Inventory (RDSD) · Section 303d list of polluted waters (WSDOE) · City of Renton Erosion and Landslide Maps Conclusion: The proposed stormwater management system for this project has been designed in accordance with regulatory criteria described above and is consistent with sound engineering practice. The site has been analyzed to determine the requirements for detention and water quality treatment, and no significant adverse impacts to the stormwater management system are expected as a result of the proposed development. Existing Wetland Existing Swale Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 15 The project is exempt from flow control and water quality. Conveyance No new conveyance analysis was performed as the project will reduce runoff. 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition Review of the current FEMA FIRM maps (Panel 0977 F) indicates that the project site lies within the Zone X, which is determined to be outside of the 100-year flood plain (Appendix A). If the existing storm system were to experience a major storm event, the stormwater detention area would overflow in to the wetland, through existing conveyance or overland and end up in the Black River/Duwamish system. No additional special reports or studies were performed as a part of this project. The following governmental approvals or permits will likely be required for this project: · City of Renton Construction Permit · City of Renton Demolition Permit · SEPA is pending by the City of Renton Planning LUA 18-000542. · DOE notice · City of Renton Fire Department Tank Removal All erosion and sediment control measures shall be governed by the requirements of the City of Renton and the Washington State Department of Ecology. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan will be prepared to assist the contractor in complying with these requirements. The Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) plan will be included with the construction plans. 1. Erosion Risk Assessment The degree of erosion risk on the proposed project site is minimal. Slope across the site is minimal. Runoff will not travel at high velocities across the site and, therefore, will not cause noticeable erosion impacts. Section 6 - Special Reports and Studies Section 4 - Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Analysis Design Section 8 - CSWPPP Analysis and Design Section 7 - Other Permits Section 5 - Conveyance System Analysis and Design Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 16 2. Construction Sequence and Procedure The proposed development will include an erosion/sedimentation control plan designed to prevent sediment-laden run-off from leaving the site during construction. The erosion potential of the site is influenced by four major factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, and climate. Erosion/sedimentation control is achieved by a combination of structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored to fit the specific site. Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control measures, including stabilized construction entrances, shall be installed in accordance with the construction documents. The best construction practice will be employed to properly clear and grade the site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence for the construction of the site is as follows: 1. Attend a pre-construction meeting with the City of Renton. 2. Install temporary erosion control features. 3. Demolish existing structure(s). 4. Remove asphalt. 5. Prepare subgrade for modified soils. 6. Install curbing. 7. Install landscaping. 8. Remove temporary erosion control features once site is fully stabilized. 3. Trapping Sediment Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. The control measures will be selected to fit specific site and seasonal conditions. The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation processes: · Stabilized construction entrances · Filter fabric fences · Construction fences · Straw Waddles · Catch Basin Inlet Sediment Protection · Proper Cover measures Weekly inspection of the erosion control measures will be required during construction. Any sediment buildup shall be removed and disposed of off-site. A stabilized construction entrance will be installed at the site entrance to avoid vehicle tracking off mud off-site. The entrances are a minimum requirement and may be supplemented if tracking of mud onto public streets becomes excessive. If mud is tracked off site, it shall be swept up and disposed of off site on a daily basis. Depending on the amount of tracked mud, a vehicle road sweeper may be required. Because vegetative cover is the most important form of erosion control, construction practices must adhere to stringent cover requirements. More specifically, the contractor will not be allowed to leave soils open for more than 14 days and, in some cases, immediate seeding will be required. Sam’s Club Fuel Station Removal Technical Information Report Renton, Washington PACLAND Page 17 4. Wet Season TESC Operating Plan Work between October 1st and April 30th must adhere to the Wet Season Special Provisions noted in the 2009 KCSWDM. See Appendix B for plans showing the limited scope of work. See Appendix E for a copy of the Bond Quantities Worksheet including the summary of costs for flow control and water quality facilities. No Declaration of Covenant is included in the Report given the nature of the work. A manual detailing the operations and maintenance for all privately-maintained flow control and water quality facilities has been prepared and can be found in Appendix D. Section 10 - Operations and Maintenance Manual Section 9 - Bond Quantities, Facility Summaries, and Declaration of Covenant Appendix A – Exhibits Appendix B – Plans Know what'sbelow.before you dig.CallRSAM'S CLUB #4835-00FUELING STATION901 SOUTH GRADY WAYRENTON, WA 98055IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSRENTON SAM'S CLUB FUEL STATION REMOVAL1505 Westlake Ave. N.Suite 305Seattle, WA 98109T (206) 522-9510F (206) 522-8344WWW.PACLAND.COMDEMOLITION AND ESC PLAN EROSION CONTROL DETAILSR-394705SAM'S CLUB #4835-00FUELING STATION901 SOUTH GRADY WAYRENTON, WA 98055IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSRENTON SAM'S CLUB FUEL STATION REMOVAL1505 Westlake Ave. N.Suite 305Seattle, WA 98109T (206) 522-9510F (206) 522-8344WWW.PACLAND.COM SITE PLANSAM'S CLUB #4835-00FUELING STATION901 SOUTH GRADY WAYRENTON, WA 98055IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSRENTON SAM'S CLUB FUEL STATION REMOVAL1505 Westlake Ave. N.Suite 305Seattle, WA 98109T (206) 522-9510F (206) 522-8344WWW.PACLAND.COMKnow what'sbelow.before you dig.CallR Appendix C – Renton Sam’s 2003 Stormwater Report (rng3-stm.doc) Sam’s Club #4835-00 901South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Storm Drainage Analysis Prepared By: October 24, 2002 Revised: April 18, 2003 Contact: Joe Geivett, PE Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 1 Section Page Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 2 Stormwater Drainage Report .............................................................................................................. 2 1. Project Location........................................................................................................................ 3 2. Project Overview ...................................................................................................................... 4 a. Existing Condition b. Discharge at Natural (Existing) Location c. Soils Conditions d. Wells, Septic Tanks and Fuel Tanks e. Proposed Development 3. Conditions and Requirements Summary ................................................................................ 6 4. Off-Site Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 7 a. Downstream Analysis b. Upstream Analysis 5. Drainage Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 9 a. Hydrologic Modeling Method b. Sub-Basin Description c. Peak Runoff Control d. Water Quality e. Conveyance f. 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition g. Existing Concrete Paved Ditch (Aqueduct) Replacement 6. Erosion Control ........................................................................................................................ 13 7. Maintenance ............................................................................................................................ 15 8. Covenants, Dedications, and Easements .............................................................................. 19 Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet ............................................................................... 21 Appendix A Figures ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure A1 – ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Property Figure A2 – Site Plan Figure A3 – Grading and Drainage Plan Figure A4 – King County GIS Map Figure A5 – SCS/USDA Soils Map Figure A6 – Basin Map Figure A7 – Offsite Basin Map Appendix B Existing Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations .................................... 30 Appendix C Developed Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations ................................. 31 Developed Basin “A” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “B” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “C” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “D” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “Roof” – Detention Pipe Existing Concrete Paved Ditch (Aqueduct) Replacement Calculations Appendix D Erosion Control Calculations ........................................................................ 44 Table of Contents Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 2 Appendix E Developed Conveyance (Backwater) Calculations ..................................... 48 Appendix F Geotechnical Report .................................................................................... 110 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 3 Site Location: The property is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Grady Way South and Talbot Road South, in the City of Renton, Washington. The 16.0-acre site presently has the demolished foundation remains of two former PSE buildings with most of the remainder of the property being paved. This project proposes to reuse the site by developing a 135,000 square foot Sam’s Club retail store and gas station with its associated paving, utilities, storm drainage and landscaping improvements. Design Criteria: The City of Renton utilizes a modified version of the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KC-SWDM). As this project will not increase the amount of impervious surfaces and not increase the peak runoff more then 0.4 cfs for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year storm events, detention will not be required. However, at the request of the hearing examiner, runoff from the roof will be detained. Water quality and conveyance design will be addressed through KC-SWDM as summarized below. Table 1 Jurisdictional Requirements Peak Run-off Control: None required Water Quality: Treat the 2-year, 24-hour event Conveyance Design: Convey the 25-year, 24-hour event Downstream Analysis: Level 1: ¼ mile downstream Proposed Drainage System: This project proposes to replace the existing drainage system with a new network of underground pipes, catch basins, curbs and gutter, to collect surface water runoff throughout the site and direct to biofiltration swales and an oil/water separator for water quality treatment. The runoff will leave the site through storm drains located along Grady Way South and Talbot Road South. Conclusion: The proposed stormwater management system for this project has been designed in accordance with regulatory criteria described above and consistent with sound engineering practice. This design has not increased the peak runoff rate and has incorporated stormwater quality BMP’s. Therefore, no significant adverse impacts to the stormwater management system are expected as a result of this proposed development. Executive Summary Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 4 Location: 901 South Grady Way (Southeast corner of South Grady Way and Talbot Road South), Renton, WA 98055 Section/Township/Range: NW ¼ Sec. 19, T.23N, R.5E of W.M. Parcel/Tax Lot: 172305-9183, 202305-9007, 915460-0010, 202305-9008 Size: 16.0 acres City, County, State: City of Renton, King County, Washington Governing Agency: City of Renton Design Criteria: Modified 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KC-SWDM) Project Location Proposed Retail Site Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 5 Existing Conditions The topographic survey indicates that the existing site presently has the demolished foundation remains of two former PSE buildings, while the rest of the site is paved with asphalt, gravel and concrete pavement with limited vegetative areas of grass/weeds. The existing site has a slight 0.7 to 1.2% grade falling to the north and to the south of the site. Storm runoff sheets across the property into scattered onsite catch basins where it is then conveyed offsite into either the Grady Way or SR-515 (Talbot Road) public storm systems. A small 1 acre patch of vegetated slope located on the east side of the site drains into a concrete ditch that bypasses the site with off-site runoff from Renton Hill. In accordance with the 1990 KC-SWDM, the condition of the site as it is will be used to calculate the existing runoff condition. As listed in the attached geotechnical report and on the SCS/USDA Soils Map, the soils on this site have been classified as SCS “D”, this results in a hydrologic curve number of 92 for the grass/weed areas as; these areas are represented in the table below. Table 2 Existing Conditions Area Condition CN 9.83 AC Paved 98 2.42 AC Gravel 91 3.74 AC Grass/Weeds 92 Discharge at Natural (Existing) Location Stormwater presently leaves the site through a storm drains located on the northwest side of the site into the Grady Way South public storm system and though a storm drain at the south corner of the site that outfalls into a 48” culvert under SR-515 (Talbot road). These same two discharge points will be used in the site redevelopment to conveyance storm runoff from the site. Please see the downstream analysis for more information. Soils Conditions Zipper Zeman Associates, Inc. performed a detailed geotechnical study of the site to determine the properties of the on-site surface and subsurface soils. This geotechnical report titled “Subsurface Exploration and geotechnical Services Engineering Evaluation, Proposed Retail development”, dated December 6, 2002, project number J-1470 indicates that surficial soils consist of topsoil of an average depth of varying depths present over limited portions of the entire site, with the rest of the site being paved. These surface soils are underlain by coal tailings fill with depths ranging of 4.5 to 12.5 feet situated on a soft organic alluvium. The site surface soils are classified by The United States Departments of Agriculture Soil Survey for King County, Washington, to be to be the urban complex (Ur) (See attached Figures A5). In regards to hydrology, this soil complex is described by the Project Overview Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 6 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to be relatively impervious and hence has a SCS Soil Hydrologic Group class of “D”. Wells, Septic Tanks and Fuel Tanks Based upon field reconnaissance and the environmental review, it appears that no fuel tanks, wells or septic tanks are presently located on the property. Though it has been noted in environmental reviews that a number of underground tanks did exist on the site, but were removed during site remedial activities that occurred between 1987 and 1990, and as a part of those actions, a number of monitoring wells presently exist on the site but will be decommissioned in the near future. If at a later date any more tanks are discovered on the property, they will be removed in accordance with all regulatory requirements, local, state and federal. Proposed Development Project proposes to redevelop this site with a ±135,000 square foot Sam’s Club retail store and a gas station with its associated paving, utilities, storm drainage and landscaping improvements. This development will result in a decrease in impervious surfaces on the site and will provide limited stormwater detention and additional stormwater treatment for the runoff. The table below shows the break down of the proposed surface areas. Table 3 Proposed Conditions Area Condition CN 8.83 Paved 98 4.07 Irrigated Landscaping 92 3.10 Rooftop 98 In the developed condition, storm runoff will sheet over the proposed asphalt paving to strategically placed catch basins. The runoff from asphalt paving will then be conveyed though storm drains to an oil/water separator and/or biofiltration swales for treatment before disposal of site. The site is further divided into five basins: · Basin “Roof” is the roof area of the proposed retail building. Runoff from here will receive detention in a 48” pipe before being separately conveyed, without treatment, to a discharge point on the west side of the site. · Basin “A” is the area on the south side of the site, except for the gas station. This area will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “A” to the discharge point at the southern corner of the site. · Basin “B” occupies areas to the front (west side) of the building. This basin area will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “B” to discharge into the Grady Way South public storm sewer. · Basin “C” is the part of the site that occupies areas to the north and east of the building. This basin area will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “C” to discharge into the Grady Way South public storm sewer. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 7 · Basin “D” is the rest of the site that occupies the area of the gas station. This basin area will be conveyed though a coalescing plate oil/water separator to remove any oils before out falling into biofiltration swale “D” for additional treatment. Final disposal will be to the discharge point at the southern corner of the site. These basins are highlighted in figure A6 and the runoff calculations are also found in the drainage analysis section in the appendix. As required by the City of Renton, storm drainage design for this project complies with the King County Surface Water Design Manual (KC-SWDM). For this proposed retail project, a full drainage review is required as the project is expected to cost more than $500,000 and to replace more than 5,000 SF of on-site impervious area. Hence all five core requirements and all five special requirements listed in KC-SWDM will be met. These requirements are addressed below. Core Requirement No.1: Discharge of the Natural Location: The drainage produced from the proposed project site must occur at the natural location. Response: The property drains to the public drainage system located in Talbot Road and South Grady Way. The South Grady Way system connects to the Talbot Road South system and then drains to the south west to converge with the runoff from the south of the site. In essence, the site's natural point of discharge is the culvert crossing beneath Talbot Road South at the southwest property corner, which will be maintained during this project. Core Requirement No.2: Off-site Analysis: All proposed projects must identify the upstream tributary drainage area and perform a downstream analysis, the level of analysis required depending on the problem identified or predicted. Response: As stated in the off-site analysis, there is no significant off-site source of tributary runoff from the adjoining properties. Runoff from Renton Hill will continue to bypass the site in a storm drain/paved concrete ditch system along the south east side of the site. Based on our site and upstream/downstream analysis, no evidence of runoff problems (flooding, erosion, conveyance) was encountered. There have been reported occurrences of downstream flooding. However, as the site occupies a very small percentage of the tributary drainage basin the runoff impact from the site is insignificant. This project will maintain the site’s current runoff characteristics hence; a more involved analysis of the downstream is not necessary. Core Requirement No.3: Proposed project must provide runoff control to limit the developed condition peak rate of runoff to the existing peak rate for a specific design storm event based on the proposed project site's existing runoff condition, and install biofiltration measure. Response: The King County Surface Water Design Manual allows an increase of 0.40 cfs beyond current conditions before requiring a controlled release (retention/detention). The proposed peak runoff is less than the existing peak runoff when detention is incorporated Conditions and Requirements Summary Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 8 into the Basin “Roof” runoff. The project does propose to provide stormwater treatment of runoff from paved surfaces. Core Requirement No.4: Conveyance System: All new conveyance systems for a proposed project must be analyzed, designed, and constructed for existing tributary off-site runoff and developed on- site runoff from the proposed project. Response: All new pipe systems will be designed to convey the 25-year storm peak flow. An analysis will be performed to provide for an overflow route of the 100-year runoff event to prevent on-site flooding or erosion, please see the Drainage Analysis – Conveyance calculations for further information. Core Requirement No.5: Erosion / Sedimentation Control Plan: All engineering plans for the proposed project that propose to construct new, or modify existing drainage facilities, must include a plan to provide all measures for the control of erosion and sedimentation during construction and to permanently stabilize soils exposed during construction. Response: Erosion and sediment control requirements as out lined in the KC-SWDM will be an integral part of the project documents. These measures will include methods to reduce erosion of onsite site soils and to prevent sediments from inadvertently leaving the project site. Special requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirement Response: At this time, this site does not fall under any other known Adopted Area-Specific Requirements. Special requirement #2: Floodplain/Floodway Delineation Response: This project does not contain nor is it adjacent to any stream, lakes or closed depressions; and is not situated within the 100-year floodplain, hence floodplain / floodway delineation is not required. Special requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities Response: This project is not located near a Class 1 or 2 stream and does not propose to modify or construct a flood protection facility. Special requirement #4: Source Controls Response: Water quality source control will be utilized during the operation of the completed project in accordance with the King County Stormwater Pollution Control Manual. Special requirement #5: Oil Control Response: This site does not fall under the requirements for oil control as the number vehicles/day are expected is below the limit of 13,500 vehicles/day for this site, and the site will not involve the maintenance storage and use of the site by a fleet of 25 or more diesel vehicles, heavy trucks, buses, etc. Therefore, special treatment of stormwater runoff will not be necessary or required for the retail store. However, as a gas station will be part of the development, a coalescing plate oil/water separator will be incorporated into the Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 9 stormwater system servicing the gas station to prevent accidentally spilt oil from leaving the site. In accordance with the KC-SWDM and to verify the suitability of the onsite site improvements, a level one analysis was performed. This involves studying the watershed conveyance path about ¼ miles along the upstream and downstream of the site to check for conditions, such as flooding or excessive erosion, that might indicate that additional drainage requirements standards are required. Downstream Analysis USGS Maps and the King County GIS System shows that runoff from the project site eventually outfalls into the Black River, approximately 2.75 miles downstream, which occupies a small part of the Duwamish - Green River watershed. Under existing and proposed conditions, a large portion of the site drains to a five-foot diameter culvert that crosses beneath SR-515 (Talbot Road) adjacent to the south property corner. The remainder of the site drains to the storm drain in Grady Way which converges with the outlet end of the afore mentioned five-foot culvert on the west side of Talbot Road. From this point the total flow then continues south underneath Talbot Road for about 470 feet before it turns west next to One Renton Place and flows under South Renton Village Place between the Thriftway and Two Renton Place for about 1,000 feet. The storm system then turns south at the east corner of Two Renton Place and daylights in a ditch after another 300 feet. This 9 feet wide by 4 feet deep rectangular earth/rip rap ditch is part of the Rolling Hills Creek drainage course. It flows west for about 700 feet along the north embankment of I- 405 and is sheltered by a dense covering of tree, shrubs and blackberries. This down stream study found that it has a clean cross section with no signs of blockages or erosion. At the I- 405 /SR-167 interchange the ditch disappears underground into a ~42” concrete culvert. To the left of the 42” culvert there is a much larger 8-foot corrugated plate arch culvert, which is situated to take extreme rainfall events that exceed the 42” culvert. According to the City of Renton Storm Drainage Maps, both of these culverts eventually daylight in the southeast corner of the I-405 /SR-167 interchange where a system of open ditches and closed pipes convey the stormwater runoff to the Springbrook Creek/Black River/Duwamish River. There are reported occurrences of downstream flooding problems in the South Renton Village Place during extreme runoff conditions. This is believed to be due to the smaller 42” pipe at the end of the downstream study, but it is expected that the 8-foot diameter corrugated plated culvert will be able to handle the future extreme events and reduce flooding. In regards to the overall drainage basin tributary to the problem area, the site Off-Site Analysis Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 10 occupies only about ~1.8% of the heavily developed tributary basin. Therefore, the site is a very small contributor of runoff to the downstream, and therefore has a nominal influence on the downstream conditions. Further impact analysis of the downstream system is not necessary. Upstream Analysis The project site is essentially isolated from off-site runoff. Runoff from the north is intercepted with the South Grady Way drainage facilities, while drainage from the west is intercepted by the Talbot Road South drainage facilities. The site does receive some runoff from Benson Road South and the vegetated slope to the east, though most of this is picked up by the existing concrete paved ditch along the east side of the site. The topography on- site drain from the north to the south, therefore, there is no drainage contributing from the south of the property. As shown on the attached site plans there is a large existing paved concrete ditch that runs down the southeast property line of the site. This channel picks up the flow from two concrete pipes that flow from Renton Hill. The first is an 18-inch concrete pipe, which is believed to carry ground water due to the strong sulfur smell. The second pipe is a 48-inch concrete pipe, which carries runoff under I-405 and Benson Road South from approximately 406 acres of residential developments on Renton Hill to the southeast side of I-405. The flows from both of these pipes converge at the entrance to the concrete ditch and travels southwest along the property line bypassing the site. The existing 4-foot wide, 3-foot deep rectangular concrete paved ditch has a clean cross section with only the occasion small deposits of pebbles along the bottom. The channel ends at the south corner of the site where it empties into a 5- foot diameter culvert that passes under Talbot Road South and continues to flow to the west. Hydrologic Modeling Method Hydrologic analysis of the project area was performed using the computer-modeling program “StormSHED release”, which uses the Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) methodology. The program effectively models pre-developed and developed runoff conditions using hydrographs for each basin. Given a specified design storm (precipitation value) and its associated distribution, the computer model calculates runoff hydrographs in terms of peak rates and total volume based on the approximated characteristics of the basin (i.e. area, curve number (CN), time of concentration (Tc), etc.). The StormSHED software program has been designed to enable the user to apply the Level Pool Routing Method to route the hydrographs generated from the basin analysis through a proposed conveyance system and/or detention facility. The modeled peak flows and volumes were used in the analysis of the proposed drainage system. Drainage Analysis Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 11 For this project the following model parameters were inputted into the StormSHED program to size the proposed stormwater facilities: Rain Fall Distribution: 24-hour, Type 1A distribution Hydrograph Interval: 10 minutes Peak Factor: 484 Tp Factor: 4 Table 4 Precipitation Values Storm Event Rainfall Amount (inches) 2-yr, 24-hr 2.0 10-yr, 24-hr 2.9 25-yr, 24-hr 3.4 100-yr, 24-hr 3.9 Sub-Basin Description For purposes of analysis, the existing property has been divided into four drainage basins: · Basin “Roof” is the roof area of the building (approximately 3.1 acres), runoff from here will be separately conveyed without treatment to a discharge point on the west side of the site into the Grady Way South public storm sewer. · Basin “A” is 3.33 acres of paving and landscaping on the south side of the site that will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “A” to the discharge point at the southern corner of the site into the SR-515 (Talbot Way South) public storm sewer. · Basin “B” is about 3.92 acres of paving and landscaping that occupies areas to the front (west side) of the building. This basin area will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “B” along the west property line to discharge into the Grady Way South public storm sewer. · Basin “C” is about 3.51 acres of paving and landscaping that occupies areas to the north and east of the building. This basin area will be conveyed though biofiltration swale “C” in the north corner to discharge into the Grady Way South public storm sewer. · Basin “D” is the area that occupies the proposed Gas station, about is 1.14 acres of paving and landscaping. This basin area will be conveyed though an oil/water separator and a biofiltration swale “D” to the discharge point at the southern corner of the site into the SR-515 (Talbot Way South) public storm sewer. Refer to figure # A6 in the appendix for an illustration of the site. Peak Runoff Control As the proposed site will have a peak runoff rate that is less then the 0.40 cfs increase allowed in the 1990 KC-SWDM, storm water detention would not be required. However, at the request of the hearing examiner, runoff from the roof will be detained in a 48” storage Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 12 pipe to reduce its peak flow. Complete analysis is included in the Appendix. A basic summary of inputs/outputs is as follows: Table 5 Existing Conditions Basin Paving (acres) - CN=98 Gravel (acres) - CN=91 Landscaping (acres) - CN=92 Composite CN Total Area (acres) TC (min) 2-year 24- hour Event (CFS) 10-year 24- hour Event (CFS) 100-year 24- hour Event (CFS) 1 4.05 2.42 0.07 95.3 6.54 6.47 2.46 3.84 5.46 2 5.78 0.0 2.68 96.1 8.46 4.77 3.24 5.01 6.97 Total 9.83 2.42 2.75 95.8 15.00 - 5.70 8.55 12.43 *Soils Type D per soils Table 6 Proposed Conditions Basin Paving (acres) - CN=98 Landscaping (acres) - CN=92 Roof (acres) - CN=98 Composite CN Total Area (acres) TC (min) 2-year 24-hour Event (CFS) 10-year 24-hour Event (CFS) 100-year 24-hour Event (CFS) A 2.50 0.84 0.00 96.5 4.47 9.71 1.29 1.97 2.73 B 3.50 0.42 0.00 97.4 3.92 8.59 1.61 2.42 3.32 C 2.01 1.50 0.00 95.4 3.51 11.16 1.19 1.87 2.62 D 0.82 0.31 0.00 96.5 1.13 6.08 0.45 0.69 0.95 Roof 0.00 0.00 3.10 98.0 3.10 5.78 1.371 2.031 2.761 - - - - - - - 0.552 1.242 1.452 Total 8.83 3.07 3.10 96.8 15.00 - 5.09 8.19 11.07 *Soils Type D per soils 1 – Pre-detained Roof Peak (not included in runoff total) 2 – Post-detained Roof Peak (included in runoff total) Water Quality The 2-year 24-hour event runoff from paved surfaced will be treated in a biofiltration swale utilizing 1990 KC-SWDM design criteria. Calculations for sizing the biofiltration swale are included in the Appendix. Both biofiltration swales will be seeded with a wetland seed mix, as the actual swale will have 0.5% slope. After treatment, the runoff will leave the site by out- falling into the public storm sewer system along either Grady Way or Talbot Road. Summaries of the biofiltration facilities are included in the table below. Table 7 Summary of Biofiltration Swale Components Basin 2-yr, 24-hr event (cfs) Bottom Width (ft) Swale Length Required (ft) Swale Length Provided (ft) Surface Area (sf) Detention Time (min) “A” 1.29 5 155 190 1,710 10.2 “B” 1.61 4 210 220 880 11.5 “C” 1.19 6 130 145 1,450 7.8 “D” 0.45 4 100 110 880 7.6 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 13 Due a gas station being part of the project, a coalescing plate oil/water separator (CPS) will be incorporated into the Basin “D” stormwater system to capture accidental spills outside the canopy. This BMP will be sized to handle the 2-year flow with the following properties. · Treatment flow rate = 0.45 cfs = 202 gpm · Effluent quality = 10 ppm = 10 mg/l · 100% collected size = 60 microns A coalescing plate oil/water separator, equivalent to the 612-1-CPS designed by the Utility Vault Company (Oldcastle Precast Inc.), Auburn WA, will be used. This design meets the requirements of the DOE and has the capacity to treat 219 gpm. A bypass will be incorporated in the CPS to divert runoff from storms greater than the 2-year event to prevent flushing of captured oils. Conveyance For conveyance design, a backwater analysis utilizing Manning’s equation was employed with a Manning’s “n” value of 0.012. Manning’s equation - Q=n 49.1 xAxR2/3xS1/2 With: Q = Flow (CFS) n = Manning’s Roughness Coefficient (0.012) A = Flow Area (SF) R = Hydraulic Radius = Area /Wetted Perimeter (LF) S = Slope of the pipe (ft/ft) All storm pipes were designed and checked for capacity during the 100-year event. The storm water quantities used were calculated from StormShed software using the SBUH methodology. A summary of the calculations are presented in the appendix 100-Year Flood/Overflow Condition The stormwater system for this project has been designed to address all storm events in accordance with design criteria described previously. In the event of a storm larger than the 100-yr 24-hr the system may overflow into the public right-of-way. Based on our review, we anticipate the overflow of the stormwater drainage system would allow surface water to discharge directly to the public storm system along Grady Way South and SR-515 (Talbot Road). Please see the attached exhibit A6 to illustrate. Existing Concrete Paved Ditch (Aqueduct) Replacement As part of this project, it has been proposed that the existing concrete aqueduct that flows along the southeast side of the site be relocated/replaced due to portion of the existing system that overflow at low intensity storms. In our conservations with the City of Renton, it has been requested that this new conveyance system be based upon the upstream Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 14 conditions instead of matching the existing conveyance capacity of the concrete aqueduct immediately downstream. Therefore, the offsite basin that drains into this aqueduct was analyzed to determine the peak events flows in order to adequately size the new conveyance system. The new system has been design to handle both the 25-year event with a 0.5 foot freeboard and safely convey the full 100-year event. Further details of these calculations have been provided in the appendix. During a unlikely high intensity rainfall event that exceed the provided 0.5 foot freeboard, the Aqueduct replacement will overflow into to the proposed parking lot and will drain via a combination of surface route/storm drains/swales to the discharge points of the site as shown on exhibit A6. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 15 All erosion and sediment control measures shall be governed by the requirements of King County and the City of Renton. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan has been prepared to assist the contractor in complying with these requirements. See the attached TESC plan. 1. Construction Sequence And Procedure The proposed development includes an erosion/sedimentation control plan designed to prevent sediment-laden run-off from leaving the site during construction. The erosion potential of the site is influenced by four major factors: soil characteristics, vegetative cover, topography, and climate. Erosion/sedimentation control is achieved by a combination of structural measures, cover measures, and construction practices that are tailored to fit the specific site. Prior to the start of any grading activity upon the site, all erosion control measures, including installation of a stabilized constriction entrance, shall be installed in accordance with the construction documents. The best construction practice will be employed to properly clear and grade the site and to schedule construction activities. The planned construction sequence for the construction of the site is as follows: 1. Flag and stake clearing limits. 2. Arrange and attend a preconstruction meeting with the City of Renton. 3. Install perimeter erosion control features (silt fence, construction entrance etc.) 4. Field locate all utilities. 5. Clear/demo and grub site. 6. Grade the site in accordance with the approved grading plan. 7. Install sanitary sewers, storm, water, and other site utilities in accordance with the approved drainage/utilities plans; provide CB inlet protection at the new inlet locations. 8. Stabilize the site in accordance with the approved paving and landscaping plans. 9. Install wetland seed mix sod on bottom of biofiltration swales or seed with a wetland seed mix to a healthy stand of grass prior to bringing the storm drain system “on- line”. 10. Thoroughly clean new storm system upon completion of paving to prevent sediment from leaving the site. 11. Remove temporary erosion control facility upon final stabilization of entire project site, as approved by governing jurisdiction and project engineer. Erosion Control Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 16 2. Trapping Sediment Structural control measures will be used to reduce erosion and retain sediment on the construction site. The control measures will be selected to fit specific site and seasonal conditions. The following structural items will be used to control erosion and sedimentation processes: · Stabilized construction entrance · Temporary gravel construction entrance · Filter fabric fences · Cover measures · Temporary swale and sediment ponds (see calculations on the appendix) Weekly inspection of the erosion control measures will be required during construction. Any sediment buildup shall be removed and disposed off site. Vehicle tracking of mud off-site shall be avoided. Installation of a gravel construction entrance will be installed at a location to enter the site. The entrances are a minimum requirement and may be supplemented if tracking of mud onto public streets becomes excessive. In the event that mud is tracked off site, it shall be swept up and disposed off site on a daily basis. Depending on the amount of tracked mud, a vehicle road sweeper may be required. Because vegetative cover is the most important form of erosion control, construction practices must adhere to stringent cover requirements. More specifically, the contractor will not be allowed to leave soils open for more than 7 days and, in some cases, immediate seeding will be required. During the period of November 1st through April 30th, all disturbed soil areas will be stabilized within seven days. Areas next to paved areas may be armored with crushed rock subbase in place of other stabilizing measures. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 17 Maintain Stormwater Facilities The owner or operator of the project shall be responsible for maintaining the stormwater facilities in accordance with local requirements. Proper maintenance is important for adequate functioning of the stormwater facilities. The following maintenance program is recommended for this project: NO. 5 - CATCH BASINS Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed General Trash & Debris (Includes Sediment) Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic foot which is located immediately in front of the catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by more than 10% No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin opening. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 1/3 the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. No trash or debris in the catch basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking more than 1/3 of its height. Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate odors that could cause complaints or dangerous gases (e.g., methane). No dead animals or vegetation present within the catch basin. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in volume No condition present which would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Frame and/or Top Slab Corner of frame extends more than 3/4 inch past curb face into the street (If applicable). Frame is even with curb. Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than 1/4 inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into basin). Top slab is free of holes and cracks. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., separation of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. Frame is sitting flush on top slab. Cracks in Basin Walls/ Bottom Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any inlet/ outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. No cracks more than 1/4 inch wide at the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. Sediment/ Misalignment Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Maintenance Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 18 NO. 5 - CATCH BASINS (Continued) Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas, oil and gasoline. No flammable chemicals present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than 10% of the basin opening. No vegetation blocking opening to basin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that is more than six inches tall and less than six inches apart. No vegetation or root growth present. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot per three feet of basin length. No pollution present other than surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open catch basin requires maintenance. Catch basin cover is closed Locking Mechanism Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less than 1/2 inch of thread. Mechanism opens with proper tools. Cover Difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift; intent is keep cover from sealing off access to maintenance. Cover can be removed by one maintenance person. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. Ladder meets design standards and allows maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates (If Applicable) Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% of grate surface. Grate free of trash and debris. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. NO. 6 DEBRIS BARRIERS (e.g., Trash Racks) Maintenance Components Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% of the openings in the barrier. Barrier clear to receive capacity flow. Metal Damaged/ Missing Bars. Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% deterioration to any part of barrier. Repair or replace barrier to design standards. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 19 NO. 7 - ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Components Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. External: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Rock Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of native soil. Replace rocks to design standards. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth. Pipe cleaned/ flushed so that it matches design. Not Discharging Water Properly Visual evidence of water discharging at concentrated points along trench (normal condition is a “sheet flow” of water along trench). Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Trench must be redesigned or rebuilt to standards. Perforations Plugged. Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe are plugged with debris and sediment. Clean or replace perforated pipe. Water Flows Out Top of “Distributor” Catch Basin. Maintenance person observes water flowing out during any storm less than the design storm or its causing or appears likely to cause damage. Facility must be rebuilt or redesigned to standards. Receiving Area Over-Saturated Water in receiving area is causing or has potential of causing landslide problems. No danger of landslides. Internal: Manhole/ Chamber Worn or Damaged Post. Baffles, Side of Chamber Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to 1/2 or original size or any concentrated worn spot exceeding one square foot which would make structure unsound. Replace structure to design standards. Other Defects See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 NO. 10 - CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS (Pipes & Ditches) Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 20 Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment & Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the diameter of the pipe. Pipe cleaned of all sediment and debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through pipes. All vegetation removed so water flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is causing more than 50% deterioration to any part of pipe. Pipe repaired or replaced. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of pipe by more than 20%. Pipe repaired or replaced. Open Ditches Trash & Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet of ditch and slopes. Trash and debris cleared from ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20 % of the design depth. Ditch cleaned/ flushed of all sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through ditches. Water flows freely through ditches. Erosion Damage to Slopes See “Ponds” Standard No. 1 See “Ponds” Standard No. 1 Rock Lining Out of Place or Missing (If Applicable). Maintenance person can see native soil beneath the rock lining. Replace rocks to design standards. Catch Basins See “Catch Basins: Standard No. 5 See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 Debris Barriers (e.g., Trash Rack) See “Debris Barriers” Standard No.6 See “Debris Barriers” Standard No. 6 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 21 NO. 11 - GROUNDS (Landscaping) Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Weeds (Nonpoisonous) Weeds growing in more than 20% of the landscaped area (trees and shrubs only). Weeds present in less than 5% of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous vegetation. No poisonous vegetation present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper, cans, bottles, totaling more than 1 cubic foot within a landscaped area (trees and shrubs only) of 1,000 square feet. Area clear of litter. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or broken which affect more than 25% of the total foliage of the tree or shrub. Trees and shrubs with less than 5% of total foliage with split or broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or knocked over. Tree or shrub in place free of injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported or are leaning over, causing exposure of the roots. Tree or shrub in place and adequately supported; remove any dead or diseased trees. NO. 13- WATER QUALITY FACILITIES A.) Biofiltration Swale Maintenance Component Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Biofiltration swale Sediment Accumulation on Grass Layer Sediment depth exceeds 2-inches No sediment deposits on grass layer of the bio-swale, which would impede filtration of runoff. Vegetation When the grass becomes excessively tall (greater than 10-inches); when nuisance weeds and other vegetation starts to take over. Vegetation is mowed or nuisance vegetation is eradicated, such that flow not impeded. Grass should be mowed to a height between 4 inches and 9 inches. Inlet Outlet Pipe Inlet/ outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/ or debris. No clogging or blockage in the inlet and outlet piping. Trash and Debris Accumulation Trash and debris accumulated in the bio-swale. Trash and debris removed from bioswale. Erosion/ Scouring Where the bio-swale has eroded or scoured the bottom due to flow channelization, or higher flows. Bioswale should be re-graded and re-seeded to specification, to eliminated channeled flow. Overseeded when bare spots are evident. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 22 NO. 14 - OIL CONTROL FACILITIES A.) Oil/ Water Separators Maintenance Component Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. API Type OWS Monitoring Inspection of discharge water for obvious signs of poor water quality. Effluent discharge from vault should be clear with out thick visible sheen. Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth in bottom of vault exceeds 6- inches in depth. No sediment deposits on vault bottom which would impede flow through the vault and separation efficiency. Trash and Debris Accumulation Trash and debris accumulation in vault, or pipe inlet/ outlet, floatables and non-floatables. Trash and debris removed from vault, and inlet/ outlet piping. Oil Accumulation Oil accumulations that exceed 1-inch, at the surface of the water Extract oil from vault by vactoring. Disposal in accordance with state and local rules and regulations. Damaged Pipes Inlet or outlet piping damaged or broken and in need of repair. Pipe repaired or replaced. Access Cover Damaged/ Not Working Cover cannot be opened, one person cannot open the cover, corrosion/ deformation of cover. Cover repaired to proper working specifications or replaced. Vault Structure Damage- Includes Cracks in Walls Bottom, Damage to Frame and/ or Top Slab Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any evidence of soil particles entering the structure through the cracks, or maintenance/ inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. Vault replaced or repaired to design specifications. Baffles Baffles corroding, cracking, warping and/ or showing signs of failure as determined by maintenance/ inspection person. Repair or replace baffles to specifications. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, not functioning properly, missing rungs, cracks, and misaligned. Ladder replaced or repaired and meets specifications, and is safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. Cracks wider than 1/2-inch at the joint of any inlet/ outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering the vault through the walls. No cracks more than 1/4-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/ outlet pipe. This information shall be provided at the next submittal as coordinated with the City of Renton. Covenants, Dedications, and Easements Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 23 Appendix Technical Information Report (TIR) Worksheet ............................................................................... 21 Appendix A Figures ........................................................................................................... 24 Figure A1 – ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Property Figure A2 – Site Plan Figure A3 – Grading and Drainage Plan Figure A4 – King County GIS Map Figure A5 – SCS/USDA Soils Map Figure A6 – Basin Map Appendix B Existing Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations .................................... 30 Appendix C Developed Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations ................................. 31 Developed Basin “A” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “B” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “C” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “D” – Biofiltration swale Design Developed Basin “Roof” – Detention Pipe Existing Concrete Paved Ditch (Aqueduct) Replacement Calculations Appendix D Erosion Control Calculations ........................................................................ 44 Temporary Sediment Pond “A” Temporary Sediment Pond “B” Temporary Sediment Pond “C” Appendix E Developed Conveyance (Backwater) Calculations ..................................... 48 South Basin North Basin Appendix F Geotechnical Report .................................................................................... 110 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 24 King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET Part 1 PROJECT OWNER AND PROJECT ENGINEER Part 2 PROJECT LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION Project Owner Sam’s Real Estate Investment Trust Address c/o PACLAND, 1144 Eastlake Blvd E, Suite 601, Seattle, WA 98109_ Phone (425) 487-6550_____ _______ Project Engineer_ Joe Geivett _ Company_ PACLAND __ ___ Address/Phone_(206) 522-9510_____ Project Name _Sam’s Club #4835-00, Renton, WA_____ Location Township __23N__________ Range ____5E____________ Section SW¼-17, NE¼-19, NW¼-20 Part 3 TYPE OF PERMIT APPLICATION Part 4 OTHER REVIEWS AND PERMITS • Subdivison • Short Subdivision • Grading • Commercial Other _____________________ • DFW HPA • Shoreline Management • COE 404 • Rockery • DOE Dam Safety • Structural Vaults • FEMA Floodplain • Other Retaining Wall • COE Wetlands Part 5 SITE COMMUNITY AND DRAINAGE BASIN Community____ City of Renton _________________________________________ Drainage Basin___ Black River Basin_ ___________________________________ Part 6 SITE CHARACTERISTICS • River__________________________ • Stream________________________ • Critical Stream Reach • Depressions/Swales • Lake__________________________ • Steep Slopes Up to 40% (limited area) • Floodplain ______________________ • Wetlands _______________________ • Seeps/Springs • High Groundwater Table • Groundwater Recharge • Other _Poor quality soils. ___ X X X X X Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 25 Part 7 SOILS Soil Type __Urban ______ _______________ _______________ _______________ Slopes ____0.8 to 40%__ _______________ _______________ _______________ Erosion Potential _____High_ ____ _______________ _______________ _______________ Erosive Velocities ____Unknown___ _______________ _______________ _______________ • Additional Sheets Attached Part 8 DEVELOPMENT LIMITATIONS REFERENCE • Ch. 4 – Downstream Analysis__ • __________________________ • __________________________ • __________________________ • __________________________ • __________________________ • Additional Sheets Attached LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT ___None due to not exceeding existing peak__ _Detention of roof runoff will be provided ___ _ at the request of the hearing examiner. ____ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Part 9 ESC REQUIREMENTS MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION • Sedimentation Facilities • Stabilized Construction Entrance • Perimeter Runoff Control • Clearing and Grading Restrictions • Cover Practices • Construction Sequence • Other MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION • Stabilize Exposed Surface • Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities • Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris • Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities • Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas • Other X X X X X X X X X X X X Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 26 Part 10 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM • Grass Lined Channel • Pipe System • Open Channel • Dry Pond • Wet Pond • Tank • Vault • Energy Dissipater • Wetland • Stream • Infiltration • Depression • Flow Dispersal • Waiver • Regional Detention Method of Analysis ___Santa Barbara_ Compensation/Mitigati on of Eliminated Site Storage ___Pipe detention___ Brief Description of System Operation Pipe conveyance to bioswale for treatment before disposal to public storm sewer. Roof runoff to be detained in 48” storage pipes. Facility Related Site Limitations Reference Facility Limitation ____________ ________________ ______________________________________ ____________ ________________ ______________________________________ Part 11 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Part 12 EASEMENTS/TRACTS • Cast in Place Vault • Retaining Wall • Rockery > 4’ High • Structural on Steep Slope • Other • Drainage Easement • Access Easement • Native Growth Protection Easement • Tract • Other Utility Easements Part 13 SIGNATURE OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER I or a civil engineer under my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this worksheet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the information provided here is accurate. Signed/Date X X X X X X Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 27 Figure A1 – ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey of the Property Appendix A –Figures Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 28 Figure A2 – Site Plan Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 29 Figure A3 – Grading and Drainage Plan Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 30 Figure A4 – King County GIS Map Proposed Retail Site Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 31 Figure A5 – SCS/USDA Soils Map Key: Ur = Urban Land Proposed Retail Site Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 32 Figure A6 – Basin Map Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 33 Figure A7 – Offsite Basin Map Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 34 BasinID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Exist Basin "1" 2.85 8.00 0.9638 6.54 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Exist Basin "1" 4.24 8.00 1.4509 6.54 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Exist Basin "1" 5.76 8.00 1.9938 6.54 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Exist Basin "2" 3.24 8.00 1.1380 8.53 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Exist Basin "2" 5.01 8.00 1.7590 8.53 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Exist Basin "2" 6.97 8.00 2.4577 8.53 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Drainage Area: Exist Basin "1" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0700 ac 92.00 0.29 hrs Impervious 6.4700 ac 98.00 0.11 hrs Total 6.5400 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Vegetation 92.00 0.0700 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 6.4700 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Shallow Flow over pavement 200.00 ft 1.10% 27.0000 1.18 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 520.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 3.26 min Sheet over landscaping 40.00 ft 2.00% 0.4000 13.05 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 200.00 ft 1.10% 0.0110 3.39 min Channel Flow through storm drain 520.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 3.26 min Drainage Area: Exist Basin "2" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 2.7500 ac 92.00 0.17 hrs Impervious 5.7800 ac 98.00 0.14 hrs Total 8.5300 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Vegetation 92.00 2.7500 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 5.7800 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 10.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 1.49 min Sheet Flow over pavement 387.00 ft 0.50% 0.0110 7.88 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 120.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 0.75 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 387.00 ft 0.50% 0.0110 7.88 min Channel Flow through storm drain 115.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 0.72 min Appendix B – Existing Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 35 BasinID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Basin "A" 1.29 8.00 0.4554 3.33 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "A" 1.97 8.00 0.6993 3.33 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Basin "A" 2.35 8.00 0.8360 3.33 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "A" 2.73 8.00 0.9731 3.33 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Basin "B" 1.61 8.00 0.5608 3.92 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "B" 2.42 8.00 0.8507 3.92 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Basin "B" 2.87 8.00 1.0126 3.92 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "B" 3.32 8.00 1.1747 3.92 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Basin "C" 1.19 8.00 0.4518 3.51 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "C" 1.87 8.00 0.7053 3.51 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Basin "C" 2.25 8.00 0.8481 3.51 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "C" 2.62 8.00 0.9915 3.51 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Basin "D" 0.45 8.00 0.1543 1.14 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "D" 0.69 8.00 0.2375 1.14 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Basin "D" 0.82 8.00 0.2842 1.14 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "D" 0.95 8.00 0.3311 1.14 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Basin "Roof" 1.37 8.00 0.4595 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "Roof" 2.03 8.00 0.6912 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 10 yr Basin "Roof" 2.40 8.00 0.8202 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "Roof" 2.76 8.00 0.9493 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Drainage Area: Basin "A" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.8323 ac 92.00 0.17 hrs Impervious 2.5000 ac 98.00 0.16 hrs Total 3.3323 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Irrigated Landscaping 92.00 0.8323 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 2.5000 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 15.00 ft 3.00% 0.2400 3.28 min Shallow Flow over pavement 190.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 1.17 min Channel Flow through stormdrain 370.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 2.08 min Channel Flow through bioswale 200.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 2.77 min Channel Flow through stormdrain 140.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.79 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 240.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 3.98 min Channel Flow through storm drain 370.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 2.08 min Channel Flow through bioswale 200.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 2.77 min Channel Flow through storm drain 140.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.79 min Drainage Area: Basin "B" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Appendix C – Developed Site Hydrology Output Data\Calculations Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 36 Area CN TC Pervious 0.4200 ac 92.00 0.21 hrs Impervious 3.5000 ac 98.00 0.14 hrs Total 3.9200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Irrigated Landscaping 92.00 0.4200 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 3.5000 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 14.00 ft 2.00% 0.2400 3.74 min Sheet Flow over pavement 240.00 ft 1.60% 0.0110 3.38 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 321.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.80 min Channel Flow through bioswale 220.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 3.05 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 64.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.36 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 240.00 ft 1.60% 0.0110 3.38 min Channel Flow through storm drain 321.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.80 min Channel Flow through bioswale 220.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 3.05 min Channel Flow through storm drain 64.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.36 min Drainage Area: Basin "C" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 1.5000 ac 92.00 0.29 hrs Impervious 2.0100 ac 98.00 0.19 hrs Total 3.5100 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Irrigated Landscaping 92.00 1.5000 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 2.0100 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 40.00 ft 2.00% 0.2400 8.67 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 890.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 4.99 min Channel Flow through bioswale 145.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 2.01 min Channel Flow through storm sewer 295.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.66 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 130.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 2.49 min Channel Flow through storm drain 890.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 4.99 min Channel Flow through bioswale 145.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 2.01 min Channel Flow through storm drain 295.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.66 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 37 Drainage Area: Basin "D" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.3177 ac 92.00 0.18 hrs Impervious 0.8221 ac 98.00 0.10 hrs Total 1.1398 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Irrigated Landscaping 92.00 0.3177 ac Impervious CN Data: Impervious Paving 98.00 0.8221 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 35.00 ft 3.00% 0.2400 6.63 min Shallow Flow over pavement 90.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.56 min Channel Flow through stormdrain 210.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.18 min Channel Flow through bioswale 140.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 1.94 min Channel Flow through stormdrain 110.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.62 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over paving 150.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 2.12 min Channel Flow through storm drain 210.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 1.18 min Channel Flow through bioswale 140.00 ft 0.50% 17.0000 1.94 min Channel Flow through storm drain 150.00 ft 0.50% 42.0000 0.84 min Drainage Area: Basin "Roof" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 86.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 3.1080 ac 98.00 0.10 hrs Total 3.1080 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Roof 98.00 3.1080 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over roof 360.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 4.27 min Channel Flow through storm drain 240.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 1.51 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 38 Project name: Date: 09/03/02 Project number: Designer: RDP Swale Designation: Q100-yr,24-hr:2.73 cfs If high flows flow through Q25-yr,24-hr:0 cfs If high flows bypass Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):1.29 cfs Water quality design flow Will high flow flow through? (Yes or no) y enter "y" or "n" Manning's roughness coeff (nwq): 0.35 KC-SWDM Design flow depth (y): 0.66 ft 0.66' for a wetland seed mix KC SWDM Longitudinal slope along flow (s): 0.02 1%-6% <1.5% underdrains are req'd KC SWDM Side slope (Z):3.0 H:1V 3H:1V max, >3:1 reinforced grass, >1:1 rockery (max 2') Swale bottom width (b):4.3 ft Ok b = (Q wq *n wq )/(1.49*(y^1.67)*(s^0.5)) Cross sectional area (Awq): 4.1 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.31 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Min. Hydraulic residence time: 540 s KC SWDM step 4 Min. swale length (L):168 ft >100';Ok L = 540*v wq Swale layout adjustment-Calc top area and provide equivilent area. KC SWDM step 5 Top width above sides (bslope): 4.0 ft b slope = 2*Z*y Top area (Atop):1389 sf A top = (b f +b slope )L i Revised bottom width (bf): 5 ft Enter new width Revised swale length (Lf):155 ft >100';Ok New Q2-yr flow depth (y): 0.60 ft y = ((Qwq*nwq)/1.49*(s^0.5)*b)^3/5 Cross sectional area (Awq): 4.1 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.31 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Conveyance capacity for flows > Qwq Manning's roughness coeff (nc): 0.35 KC SWDM Design Flow (Q25-yr or Q100-yr): 2.73 cfs Q100-yr Depth of 25-yr or 100-yr flows (yc): 0.94 ft yc = (Q*n c /(1.49*(s^0.5)*b))^(3/5) Cross sectional area (Ac): 7.38 sf A c = b*y c +Z*y c ^2 Hydraulic radius (Rc): 0.67 R c = A c /(b+2*y c *((Z^2)+1)^0.5) Flow capacity (Qc):3.41 cfs >Qdesign; Ok Q c = (1.49/n c )*A c *(R c ^0.67)*(s^0.5) High flow velocity (V100):1.00 fps <5 fps; design Ok V 100 = Q 100 /A c Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Developed Basin "A" Developed Basin “A” – Biofiltration swale Design (KC-SWDM) Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 39 Project name: Date: 09/03/02 Project number: Designer: RDP Swale Designation: Q100-yr,24-hr:3.31 cfs If high flows flow through Q25-yr,24-hr:0 cfs If high flows bypass Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):1.61 cfs Water quality design flow Will high flow flow through? (Yes or no) y enter "y" or "n" Manning's roughness coeff (nwq): 0.35 KC-SWDM Design flow depth (y): 0.66 ft 0.66' for a wetland seed mix KC SWDM Longitudinal slope along flow (s): 0.02 1%-6% <1.5% underdrains are req'd KC SWDM Side slope (Z):3.0 H:1V 3H:1V max, >3:1 reinforced grass, >1:1 rockery (max 2') Swale bottom width (b):5.4 ft Ok b = (Q wq *n wq )/(1.49*(y^1.67)*(s^0.5)) Cross sectional area (Awq): 4.8 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.33 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Min. Hydraulic residence time: 540 s KC SWDM step 4 Min. swale length (L):180 ft >100';Ok L = 540*v wq Swale layout adjustment-Calc top area and provide equivilent area. KC SWDM step 5 Top width above sides (bslope): 4.0 ft b slope = 2*Z*y Top area (Atop):1673 sf A top = (b f +b slope )L i Revised bottom width (bf): 4 ft Enter new width Revised swale length (Lf):210 ft >100';Ok New Q2-yr flow depth (y): 0.79 ft y = ((Qwq*nwq)/1.49*(s^0.5)*b)^3/5 Cross sectional area (Awq): 5.0 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.32 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Conveyance capacity for flows > Qwq Manning's roughness coeff (nc): 0.35 KC SWDM or Design Flow (Q25-yr or Q100-yr): 3.31 cfs Q100-yr Depth of 25-yr or 100-yr flows (yc): 1.21 ft yc = (Q*n c /(1.49*(s^0.5)*b))^(3/5) Cross sectional area (Ac): 9.24 sf A c = b*y c +Z*y c ^2 Hydraulic radius (Rc): 0.79 R c = A c /(b+2*y c *((Z^2)+1)^0.5) Flow capacity (Qc):4.76 cfs >Qdesign; Ok Q c = (1.49/n c )*A c *(R c ^0.67)*(s^0.5) High flow velocity (V100):1.00 fps <5 fps; design Ok V 100 = Q 100 /A c Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Developed Basin "B" Developed Basin “B” – Biofiltration swale Design (KC-SWDM) Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 40 Project name: Date: 09/03/02 Project number: Designer: RDP Swale Designation: Q100-yr,24-hr:2.62 cfs If high flows flow through Q25-yr,24-hr:0 cfs If high flows bypass Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):1.19 cfs Water quality design flow Will high flow flow through? (Yes or no) y enter "y" or "n" Manning's roughness coeff (nwq): 0.35 KC-SWDM Design flow depth (y): 0.66 ft 0.66' for a wetland seed mix KC SWDM Longitudinal slope along flow (s): 0.02 1%-6% <1.5% underdrains are req'd KC SWDM Side slope (Z):3.0 H:1V 3H:1V max, >3:1 reinforced grass, >1:1 rockery (max 2') Swale bottom width (b):4.0 ft Ok b = (Q wq *n wq )/(1.49*(y^1.67)*(s^0.5)) Cross sectional area (Awq): 3.9 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.30 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Min. Hydraulic residence time: 540 s KC SWDM step 4 Min. swale length (L):164 ft >100';Ok L = 540*v wq Swale layout adjustment-Calc top area and provide equivilent area. KC SWDM step 5 Top width above sides (bslope): 4.0 ft b slope = 2*Z*y Top area (Atop):1298 sf A top = (b f +b slope )L i Revised bottom width (bf): 6 ft Enter new width Revised swale length (Lf):130 ft >100';Ok New Q2-yr flow depth (y): 0.51 ft y = ((Qwq*nwq)/1.49*(s^0.5)*b)^3/5 Cross sectional area (Awq): 3.9 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.31 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Conveyance capacity for flows > Qwq Manning's roughness coeff (nc): 0.35 KC SWDM or Design Flow (Q25-yr or Q100-yr): 2.62 cfs Q100-yr Depth of 25-yr or 100-yr flows (yc): 0.82 ft yc = (Q*n c /(1.49*(s^0.5)*b))^(3/5) Cross sectional area (Ac): 6.99 sf A c = b*y c +Z*y c ^2 Hydraulic radius (Rc): 0.62 R c = A c /(b+2*y c *((Z^2)+1)^0.5) Flow capacity (Qc):3.06 cfs >Qdesign; Ok Q c = (1.49/n c )*A c *(R c ^0.67)*(s^0.5) High flow velocity (V100):1.00 fps <5 fps; design Ok V 100 = Q 100 /A c Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Developed Basin "C" Developed Basin “C” – Biofiltration swale Design (KC-SWDM) Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 41 Developed Basin “D” – Biofiltration swale Design (KC-SWDM) Project name: Date: 09/03/02 Project number: Designer: RDP Swale Designation: Q100-yr,24-hr:0.95 cfs If high flows flow through Q25-yr,24-hr:0 cfs If high flows bypass Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):0.45 cfs Water quality design flow Will high flow flow through? (Yes or no) y enter "y" or "n" Manning's roughness coeff (nwq): 0.35 KC-SWDM Design flow depth (y): 0.66 ft 0.66' for a wetland seed mix KC SWDM Longitudinal slope along flow (s): 0.02 1%-6% <1.5% underdrains are req'd KC SWDM Side slope (Z):3.0 H:1V 3H:1V max, >3:1 reinforced grass, >1:1 rockery (max 2') Swale bottom width (b):1.5 ft <2';Swale layout adjustment req'd b = (Q wq *n wq )/(1.49*(y^1.67)*(s^0.5)) Cross sectional area (Awq): 2.3 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.20 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Min. Hydraulic residence time: 540 s KC SWDM step 4 Min. swale length (L):106 ft >100';Ok L = 540*v wq Swale layout adjustment-Calc top area and provide equivilent area. KC SWDM step 5 Top width above sides (bslope): 4.0 ft b slope = 2*Z*y Top area (Atop):578 sf A top = (b f +b slope )L i Revised bottom width (bf): 4 ft Enter new width Revised swale length (Lf):100 ft Calc length <100' rounded up to 100' New Q2-yr flow depth (y): 0.37 ft y = ((Qwq*nwq)/1.49*(s^0.5)*b)^3/5 Cross sectional area (Awq): 1.9 sf A wq = b*y+Zy^2 Design flow velocity (vwq):0.24 fps <1.0fps max; Ok v wq = Q wq /A wq Conveyance capacity for flows > Qwq Manning's roughness coeff (nc): 0.35 KC SWDM or Design Flow (Q25-yr or Q100-yr): 0.95 cfs Q100-yr Depth of 25-yr or 100-yr flows (yc): 0.57 ft yc = (Q*n c /(1.49*(s^0.5)*b))^(3/5) Cross sectional area (Ac): 3.27 sf A c = b*y c +Z*y c ^2 Hydraulic radius (Rc): 0.43 R c = A c /(b+2*y c *((Z^2)+1)^0.5) Flow capacity (Qc):1.12 cfs >Qdesign; Ok Q c = (1.49/n c )*A c *(R c ^0.67)*(s^0.5) High flow velocity (V100):1.00 fps <5 fps; design Ok V 100 = Q 100 /A c Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Developed Basin "D" Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 42 Basin “Roof” – Detention Pipe Design Running S:\Washington\Renton\grimes\GRADY WY-SR 515 (RNG3)\4Reports\Storm\02-10-24 Permit\StormShed\Basin-roof.pgm on Tuesday, January 07, 2003 Project Precips [2 yr] 2.00 in [10 yr] 2.90 in [25 yr] 3.40 in [50 yr] 3.40 in [100 yr] 3.90 in Event Summary BasinID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Basin "Roof" 1.3693 8.00 0.4595 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 2 yr Basin "Roof" 2.3987 8.00 0.8202 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin "Roof" 2.7633 8.00 0.9493 3.11 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Basin Definition Drainage Area: Basin "Roof" Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 86.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 3.1080 ac 98.00 0.10 hrs Total 3.1080 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Roof 98.00 3.1080 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over roof 360.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 4.27 min Channel Flow through storm drain 240.00 ft 0.40% 42.0000 1.51 min Storage Structure Definition Node ID: Roof Detention - 48" Pipe Desc: Roof Detention in 48" Pipes Start El: 27.8000 ft Max El: 34.0500 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Length Diam Slope UpNode DnNode Num 450.0000 ft 4.0000 ft 0.50 % 1 Outlet Structure Definition Control Structure ID: Roof Detention Riser - Multiple Orifice Structure Descrip: Multiple Orifice for the roof detention pipe Start El Max El Increment 27.8000 ft 37.0000 ft 0.10 Orif Coeff: 0.62 Bottom El: 25.80 ft Lowest Diam: 3.5000 in out to 2nd: 2.7500 ft Diam: 4.0000 in Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 43 RLPool Node Definition Node ID: Roof Detention - 48" RLP Desc: RLP node for Roof Detention Pipes Start El: 29.0000 ft Max El: 33.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Storage Id: Roof Detention - 48" Pipe Discharge Id: Roof Detention Riser Routing Information 2 yr Match Q: 0.5930 cfs Peak Out Q: 0.5508 cfs - Peak Stg: 30.55 ft - Active Vol: 2283.75 cf - Pipe length: 450.00 ft 25 yr Match Q: 1.2927 cfs Peak Out Q: 1.2443 cfs - Peak Stg: 32.16 ft - Active Vol: 0.10 acft - Pipe length: 450.00 ft 100 yr Match Q: 1.5473 cfs Peak Out Q: 1.4518 cfs - Peak Stg: 33.07 ft - Active Vol: 0.12 acft - Pipe length: 450.00 ft Outflow Hydrograph Information HydID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Cont Area ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) (ac) Basin "Roof"-2yr out 0.55 8.67 0.4594 3.1080 Basin "Roof"-25yr out 1.24 8.33 0.8201 3.1080 Basin "Roof"-100yr out 1.45 8.33 0.9496 3.1080 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 44 Existing Concrete Paved Ditch (Aqueduct) Replacement Calculations Runoff Peak Analysis With the help of the City of Renton Utility Systems Division - Surface Water section, the basin draining into the existing aqueduct from the existing 48” concrete culvert was delineated as shown in attached Figure A7. This 406.3 acre basin covers two types of residential zoning whose surface properties where determined as follows: R-8 (8 dwelling units/acre): The area was assumed to be 60% impervious surfaces. (This was because large tracts of the area are still undeveloped) RM-I (Residential Family Infil): The actual amount of impervious surface was measured. (As this area is fully developed) Using this data and the model parameters listed in the Hydrologic Modeling Method discussed above, the 25-year and 100-year peak flow was calculated making the following assumptions for the surface properties. Curve Number for Impervious Surfaces: CN = 98 Curve Number for Pervious Surfaces: CN = 90 (SCS=”C” type soils) As listed in the following calculations, the 100-year, 24-hour event peak was determined to be 163.07 CFS for the existing 48” concrete culvert. In addition, an 18” concrete storm drain that is believed to carry groundwater also discharges into the existing concrete aqueduct. As groundwater flows are notoriously difficult to estimate, a conservative approach was used adding the full flow capacity of this 18” pipe to the 100-year, 24-hour surface water flow. Slope of 18” pipe = 16.65% Capacity of 18” pipe = 46.52 CFS Total offsite flow (100-year event) = 163.07 CFS + 46.52 CFS = 209.59 CFS Conveyance As the existing aqueduct is undersized in a couple of areas, the new aqueduct has been sized with a 4’ width x 4’ depth cross section at a 1.05% bottom slope. These geometric properties give the new aqueduct the ability to convey the 209.59 CFS of the 100-year event with ~0.5 foot of freeboard, utilizing Manning’s roughness coefficient of n=0.012. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 45 Calculation Summary Basin Upstream Event Summary: BasinID Peak Q Peak T Peak Vol Area Method Raintype Event ------- (cfs) (hrs) (ac-ft) ac /Loss Basin Upstream 138.17 8.50 93.6079 406.28 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 25 yr Basin Upstream 163.07 8.17 110.1683 406.28 SBUH/SCS TYPE1A 100 yr Drainage Area: Basin Upstream Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 92.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 406.2800 ac 94.26 1.28 hrs Total 406.2800 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: RM-I Zoning (impervious) SCS = "C" 98.00 31.1800 ac RM-I Zoning (pervious) SCS = "C" 90.00 66.3300 ac R-8 Zoning (8 units/acre) 40% per 90.00 123.5100 ac R-8 Zoning (8 units/acre) 60% imper 98.00 185.2600 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Flow over grass 300.00 ft 1.20% 0.1500 36.61 min Shallow Flow over grass 257.00 ft 1.20% 11.0000 3.55 min Shallow Flow over grass 147.00 ft 3.31% 11.0000 1.22 min Shallow Flow over grass 328.00 ft 0.61% 11.0000 6.36 min Shallow Flow over grass 1115.00 ft 4.57% 11.0000 7.90 min Shallow Flow over grass 255.00 ft 10.55% 11.0000 1.19 min Channel Vegitative stream 2341.00 ft 3.93% 10.0000 19.68 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 46 Conveyance Calculation Summary Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 47 The Temporary Sediment Ponds “A”, “B” and “C” where sized to handle a 2-yr, 24-hour event using the KC-SWDM requirements. Each pond was located to treat runoff from the following areas as summarized in the table below. Temporary Sediment Pond Summary Temporary Sediment Pond Drainage Basins / 2-yr Events Combined 2-yr event Water Surface Dim. Top of bank Dim. Bottom Dim. Orifice Size “A” A-1.29 cfs, D-0.45 cfs 1.74 cfs 90’ x 30’ 102’ x 42’ 69’ x 9’ 1.75” “B” B-1.61 cfs 1.61 cfs 100’ x 33’ 112’ x 45’ 79’ x 12’ 2.00” “C” C-1.19 cfs, Roof-1.37 cfs 2.56 cfs 126’ x 42’ 138’ x 54’ 105’ x 21’ 2.50” The required surface area of the pond is indicated in the table above by the Water Surface Dimensions. This area is located 3.5 feet above the bottom of the pond and is the minimum required surface area to treat the runoff. The Top of Bank Dimension is the required surface area at the top of the pond bank located 2 feet above the water surface elevation with a 3:1 bank slope. Calculations for these areas are shown below. Appendix D – Erosion Control Calculations Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 48 Temporary Silt Pond "A" Design (KC-SWDM) Project name: Date:January 8, 2003 Project number: Designer: RDP Pond Title: References: Pond Requirements: -Design Flow = Peak discharge from a pre-developed 2-yr, 24hr storm (p.D-28) -Max. slope 3:1 (p.D-28) -Length-to-width ratio = 3:1 to 6:1 (p.D-28) -Pond to be divided into two equal cells by a permeable divider (p.D-29) -Min. pond depth = 3.5ft (top of riser to bottom of pond), plus 1ft freeboard Assumptions: -Settling velocity of 0.00096 ft/s Sediment Pond Sizing: Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):1.290 cfs Pond Surface Area =2687.5 sf SA= 2 x Qwq / 0.00096 Settling Depth =2.00 ft Min.= 2ft (2-4feet range) Sediment Storage Depth =1.5 ft 1.5ft Recommended Depth Length-to-width ratio =3 :1 Between 3:1 to 6:1 Top Dimensions Length=90 ft Width=30 ft Bottom Dimensions Length=69 ft Width=9 ft Pond bottom width is greater then 10 feet, proceed to Top Area Adjusted Top Dimensions Length=-ft Width=-ft Adjusted Bottom Dimensions Length=30 ft Width=10 ft Top Area =2688 sf Bottom Area=300 sf Sediment Storage Volume=1185 cf Total Volume=5228 cf Sizing of Discharge Mechanisms Dewatering Time 24 hrs Area of dewatering office=0.0183 sf Ao= Asx(2xh)^0.5/(0.6x3600xTxg^0.5) Diameter of dewatering office =1.83 in. D= 24x(Ao/3.14)^0.5 Diameter of the perforated tubing =3.83 in. Dp= D+ 2 Round number to closest 0.25" Round number up to closest 0.50" 24 Hours (typ.) Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 -King County Washington Surface Water Design Manual , 1998, Appendix D, Sec Pre-dev storm design flow (10-yr optional) Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Temporary Silt Pond "A" SEDIMENTATION POND CALCULATIONS Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 49 Temporary Silt Pond "B" Design (KC-SWDM) Project name: Date:January 8, 2003 Project number: Designer: RDP Pond Title: References: Pond Requirements: -Design Flow = Peak discharge from a pre-developed 2-yr, 24hr storm (p.D-28) -Max. slope 3:1 (p.D-28) -Length-to-width ratio = 3:1 to 6:1 (p.D-28) -Pond to be divided into two equal cells by a permeable divider (p.D-29) -Min. pond depth = 3.5ft (top of riser to bottom of pond), plus 1ft freeboard Assumptions: -Settling velocity of 0.00096 ft/s Sediment Pond Sizing: Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):1.61 cfs Pond Surface Area =3354.2 sf SA= 2 x Qwq / 0.00096 Settling Depth =2.00 ft Min.= 2ft (2-4feet range) Sediment Storage Depth =1.5 ft 1.5ft Recommended Depth Length-to-width ratio =3 :1 Between 3:1 to 6:1 Top Dimensions Length=100 ft Width=33 ft Bottom Dimensions Length=79 ft Width=12 ft Pond bottom width is greater then 10 feet, proceed to Top Area Adjusted Top Dimensions Length=-ft Width=-ft Adjusted Bottom Dimensions Length=-ft Width=-ft Top Area =3354 sf Bottom Area=986 sf Sediment Storage Volume=2135 cf Total Volume=7596 cf Sizing of Discharge Mechanisms Dewatering Time 24 hrs Area of dewatering office=0.0228 sf Ao= Asx(2xh)^0.5/(0.6x3600xTxg^0.5) Diameter of dewatering office =2.04 in. D= 24x(Ao/3.14)^0.5 Diameter of the perforated tubing =4.04 in. Dp= D+ 2 Round number to closest 0.25" Round number up to closest 0.50" Pre-dev storm design flow (10-yr optional) Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 24 Hours (typ.) Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 -King County Washington Surface Water Design Manual , 1998, Appendix D, Sec Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Temporary Silt Pond "B" SEDIMENTATION POND CALCULATIONS Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 50 Temporary Silt Pond "C" Design (KC-SWDM) Project name: Date:January 8, 2003 Project number: Designer: RDP Pond Title: References: Pond Requirements: -Design Flow = Peak discharge from a pre-developed 2-yr, 24hr storm (p.D-28) -Max. slope 3:1 (p.D-28) -Length-to-width ratio = 3:1 to 6:1 (p.D-28) -Pond to be divided into two equal cells by a permeable divider (p.D-29) -Min. pond depth = 3.5ft (top of riser to bottom of pond), plus 1ft freeboard Assumptions: -Settling velocity of 0.00096 ft/s Sediment Pond Sizing: Qwq(2-yr, 24-hr):2.56 cfs Pond Surface Area =5333 sf SA= 2 x Qwq / 0.00096 Settling Depth =2.00 ft Min.= 2ft (2-4feet range) Sediment Storage Depth =1.5 ft 1.5ft Recommended Depth Length-to-width ratio =3 :1 Between 3:1 to 6:1 Top Dimensions Length=126 ft Width=42 ft Bottom Dimensions Length=105 ft Width=21 ft Pond bottom width is greater then 10 feet, proceed to Top Area Adjusted Top Dimensions Length=-ft Width=-ft Adjusted Bottom Dimensions Length=-ft Width=-ft Top Area =5333 sf Bottom Area=2233 sf Sediment Storage Volume=4106 cf Total Volume=13240 cf Sizing of Discharge Mechanisms Dewatering Time 24 hrs Area of dewatering office=0.0363 sf Ao= Asx(2xh)^0.5/(0.6x3600xTxg^0.5) Diameter of dewatering office =2.58 in. D= 24x(Ao/3.14)^0.5 Diameter of the perforated tubing =4.58 in. Dp= D+ 2 Round number to closest 0.25" Round number up to closest 0.50" Pre-dev storm design flow (10-yr optional) Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 24 Hours (typ.) Using Max. slope 3:1 Using Max. slope 3:1 -King County Washington Surface Water Design Manual , 1998, Appendix D, Sec Renton Proposed Sam's Club #4835-00 1999010.008 Temporary Silt Pond "C" SEDIMENTATION POND CALCULATIONS Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 51 The “South” Basin Layout Report: South Side Project Precips [2 yr] 2.00 in [10 yr] 3.40 in [25 yr] 3.40 in [100 yr] 3.90 in [6 mo] 1.27 in ROUTEHYD [] THRU [South Side] USING TYPE1A AND [100 yr] NOTZERO RELATIVE Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel fVel CBasin / Hyd ----- ac cfs cfs ratio ft ---- ft/s ft/s ------------ SD#16 0.2326 0.1884 2.7366 0.07 0.1777 12" Diam 1.9963 3.4843 CB-B#16 SD#15 0.3653 0.3099 2.7366 0.11 0.2272 12" Diam 2.3105 3.4843 CB-B#15 SD#18 0.3534 0.3264 2.7366 0.12 0.2332 12" Diam 2.3451 3.4843 CB-B#18 SD#17 0.5129 0.4786 2.7366 0.17 0.2830 12" Diam 2.6189 3.4843 CB-B#17 SD#14 0.9531 0.8598 2.7366 0.31 0.3850 12" Diam 3.0844 3.4843 CB-B#14 SD#13 1.1320 1.0279 2.7366 0.38 0.4247 12" Diam 3.2359 3.4843 CB-B#11 Bio "D" 1.1320 1.0279 ---- 1.00 0.2209 Ditch 0.9979 ----- SD#12 1.5410 1.3664 2.7366 0.50 0.4996 12" Diam 3.4831 3.4843 CB-B#12 SD#11 1.7199 1.5346 2.7366 0.56 0.5355 12" Diam 3.5839 3.4843 CB-B#11 Curb-E Ditch 0.7700 0.6859 ---- 1.00 0.1105 Ditch 1.1639 ----- Curb Out-E Curb-W Ditch 1.0500 0.9465 ---- 1.00 0.1337 Ditch 1.3105 ----- Curb Out-W SD#06 0.3500 0.3327 7.0304 0.05 0.1481 12" Diam 4.5885 8.9513 CB-B#06 SD#08 0.2970 0.2741 2.7366 0.10 0.2137 12" Diam 2.2289 3.4843 CB-B#08 SD#09 0.7210 0.6037 2.7366 0.22 0.3192 12" Diam 2.7966 3.4843 CB-B#09 SD#07 1.0880 0.9266 2.7366 0.34 0.4011 12" Diam 3.1473 3.4843 CB-B#07 SD#03 1.5804 1.3948 3.3516 0.42 0.4498 12" Diam 4.0718 4.2674 CB-B#03 Bio "A" 2.6304 2.3413 ---- 1.00 0.2854 Ditch 1.1967 ----- SD#58 3.1504 2.6735 2.7366 0.98 0.7996 12" Diam 3.9712 3.4843 CB-B#58 Ex. SD# A 4.8703 4.2081 1.2238 3.44 -1.0000 12" Diam 3.4385 1.5582 ----- ----- Rch App Bend Junct HW Max El/ ----- ----- Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El From Node To Node ft ft ft ft ft ft Ex. CB-N-A 30.6000 CB-N#62 Ex. CB-N-A 31.6469 0.1799 0.1150 0.0670 31.6489 34.0000 CB-N#11 CB-N#62 31.8290 0.0470 0.0145 ------ 31.7965 32.7000 CB-N#12 CB-N#11 31.9331 0.0000 0.0000 ------ 31.9331 33.0000 CB-N#59 CB-N#12 30.0638 0.1626 0.0048 ------ 29.9061 34.0000 CB-N#13 CB-N#59 30.1016 0.1477 0.0019 ------ 29.9558 36.5000 CB-N#14 CB-N#13 30.2420 0.1065 0.0434 0.0434 30.2223 36.1000 CB-N#15 CB-N#14 30.3091 0.0619 0.0179 ------ 30.2651 35.5000 CB-N#16 CB-N#15 30.8706 ------ ------ ------ 30.8706 35.7000 CB-N#17 CB-N#14 30.3906 0.0854 0.0350 ------ 30.3402 36.0000 CB-N#18 CB-N#17 30.8178 ------ ------ ------ 30.8178 36.0000 CB-N#58 CB-N#62 31.9665 0.0001 0.0001 ------ 31.9664 32.0000 CB-N#02 CB-N#58 30.2350 0.2574 0.0068 0.1087 30.0931 33.0000 Curb-W CB-N#02 1.1257 0.0001 0.0001 ------ 1.1257 35.5000 Curb-E Curb-W 0.2645 ------ ------ ------ 0.2645 35.5000 CB-N#03 CB-N#02 31.5230 0.1538 0.0012 0.0393 31.4098 33.8000 CB-N#06 CB-N#03 31.5070 ------ ------ ------ 31.5070 33.8000 CB-N#07 CB-N#03 31.7660 0.1214 0.0006 0.0376 31.6827 34.4000 CB-N#08 CB-N#07 31.7990 ------ ------ ------ 31.7990 34.3000 CB-N#09 CB-N#07 32.3438 ------ ------ ------ 32.3438 34.4000 Appendix E – Conveyance Calculations Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 52 Reach Records Reach ID: Bio "A" Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 200.0000 ft 0.50 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 6.0000 ft 2.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#02 CB-N#58 29.3000 ft 28.3000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.6304 ac 2.3413 cf 2.3413 cf 1.1967 ft/s 0.2854 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 31.9664 ft Reach ID: Bio "D" Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 140.0000 ft 0.50 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 4.0000 ft 2.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#59 CB-N#12 29.4500 ft 28.7500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.1320 ac 1.0279 cf 1.0279 cf 0.9979 ft/s 0.2209 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 31.9331 ft Reach ID: Curb-E Ditch Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 22.0000 ft 1.54 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 53 5.0000 ft 1.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert Curb-E Curb-W 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.7700 ac 0.6859 cf 0.6859 cf 1.1639 ft/s 0.1105 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 1.1257 ft Reach ID: Curb-W Ditch Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 160.0000 ft 1.54 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 5.0000 ft 1.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert Curb-W CB-N#02 0.0000 ft 0.0000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.0500 ac 0.9465 cf 0.9465 cf 1.3105 ft/s 0.1337 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 30.0931 ft Reach ID: Ex. SD# A Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 32.0000 ft 0.10 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#62 Ex. CB-N-A 28.2000 ft 28.1680 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 4.8703 ac 4.2081 cf 1.2238 cf 3.4385 ft/s -1.0000 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 54 Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.222881 ft 0.445762 ft 0.378233 ft 30.6000 ft comment: Hydrograph not shifted, 5.33 min forwarded.Submerged or overtop bank condition. Reach ID: SD#03 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 205.0000 ft 0.75 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#03 CB-N#02 30.8000 ft 29.2625 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.5804 ac 1.3948 cf 3.3516 cf 4.0718 ft/s 0.4498 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.128721 ft 0.257442 ft 0.266203 ft 30.0931 ft Reach ID: SD#06 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 12.0000 ft 3.30 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#06 CB-N#03 31.2000 ft 30.8040 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.3500 ac 0.3327 cf 7.0304 cf 4.5885 ft/s 0.1481 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.163468 ft 0.326937 ft 0.000886 ft 31.4098 ft Reach ID: SD#07 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 74.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 55 Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#07 CB-N#03 31.2000 ft 30.8300 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.0880 ac 0.9266 cf 2.7366 cf 3.1473 ft/s 0.4011 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.076904 ft 0.153809 ft 0.042408 ft 31.4098 ft Reach ID: SD#08 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 12.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#08 CB-N#07 31.3000 ft 31.2400 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2970 ac 0.2741 cf 2.7366 cf 2.2289 ft/s 0.2137 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.038573 ft 0.077146 ft 0.000602 ft 31.6827 ft Reach ID: SD#09 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 140.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#09 CB-N#07 31.9000 ft 31.2000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 56 0.7210 ac 0.6037 cf 2.7366 cf 2.7966 ft/s 0.3192 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.060721 ft 0.121442 ft 0.034059 ft 31.6827 ft Reach ID: SD#11 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 58.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#11 CB-N#62 28.4000 ft 28.1100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.7199 ac 1.5346 cf 2.7366 cf 3.5839 ft/s 0.5355 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.029640 ft 0.059280 ft 0.091169 ft 31.6489 ft Reach ID: SD#12 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 53.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#12 CB-N#11 28.8000 ft 28.5350 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.5410 ac 1.3664 cf 2.7366 cf 3.4831 ft/s 0.4996 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.023501 ft 0.047002 ft 0.066054 ft 31.7965 ft Reach ID: SD#13 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 15.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 57 Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#13 CB-N#59 29.5000 ft 29.4250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.1320 ac 1.0279 cf 2.7366 cf 3.2359 ft/s 0.4247 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.081298 ft 0.162595 ft 0.010580 ft 29.9061 ft Reach ID: SD#14 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 35.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#14 CB-N#13 29.7000 ft 29.5250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.9531 ac 0.8598 cf 2.7366 cf 3.0844 ft/s 0.3850 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.073863 ft 0.147726 ft 0.017271 ft 29.9558 ft Reach ID: SD#15 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 58.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#15 CB-N#14 30.0000 ft 29.7100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 58 0.3653 ac 0.3099 cf 2.7366 cf 2.3105 ft/s 0.2272 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.041446 ft 0.082893 ft 0.003719 ft 30.2223 ft Reach ID: SD#16 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Cast-Iron, New 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 125.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#16 CB-N#15 30.6000 ft 29.9750 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2326 ac 0.1884 cf 2.7366 cf 1.9963 ft/s 0.1777 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.030940 ft 0.061881 ft 0.002963 ft 30.2651 ft Reach ID: SD#17 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 61.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#17 CB-N#14 30.0000 ft 29.6950 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.5129 ac 0.4786 cf 2.7366 cf 2.6189 ft/s 0.2830 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.053252 ft 0.106503 ft 0.009325 ft 30.2223 ft Reach ID: SD#18 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 98.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 59 Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#18 CB-N#17 30.5000 ft 30.0100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.3534 ac 0.3264 cf 2.7366 cf 2.3451 ft/s 0.2332 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.042697 ft 0.085393 ft 0.006968 ft 30.3402 ft Reach ID: SD#58 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 10.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#58 CB-N#62 28.3000 ft 28.2500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1504 ac 2.6735 cf 2.7366 cf 3.9712 ft/s 0.7996 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.089964 ft 0.179927 ft 0.047709 ft 31.6489 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 60 Node Records Node ID: CB-N#02 Desc: Type II Catch Basin Start El: 29.4000 ft Max El: 33.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.0931 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.2574 ft Bend Loss: 0.0068 ft Junction Loss: 0.1087 ft Node ID: CB-N#03 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 30.4000 ft Max El: 33.8000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#03 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.4098 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1538 ft Bend Loss: 0.0012 ft Junction Loss: 0.0393 ft Node ID: CB-N#06 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.5000 ft Max El: 33.8000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#06 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.5070 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#07 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.8000 ft Max El: 34.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#07 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.6827 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1214 ft Bend Loss: 0.0006 ft Junction Loss: 0.0376 ft Node ID: CB-N#08 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.9000 ft Max El: 34.3000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#08 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.7990 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 61 Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#09 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 31.1000 ft Max El: 34.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#09 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.3438 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#11 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 28.5000 ft Max El: 32.7000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#11 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.7965 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0470 ft Node ID: CB-N#12 Desc: Headwall / End of pipe Start El: 28.8000 ft Max El: 33.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#12 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.9331 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#13 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 29.6000 ft Max El: 36.5000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#11 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.9558 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1477 ft Node ID: CB-N#14 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 29.8000 ft Max El: 36.1000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#14 Contrib Hyd: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 62 Hgl Elev: 30.2223 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1065 ft Bend Loss: 0.0434 ft Junction Loss: 0.0434 ft Node ID: CB-N#15 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.1000 ft Max El: 35.5000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#15 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.2651 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0619 ft Node ID: CB-N#16 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.7000 ft Max El: 35.7000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#16 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.8706 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#17 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.1000 ft Max El: 36.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#17 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.3402 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0854 ft Node ID: CB-N#18 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.6000 ft Max El: 36.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#18 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.8178 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#58 Desc: Headwall / End of Pipe Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 63 Start El: 28.3000 ft Max El: 32.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#58 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.9664 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0001 ft Node ID: CB-N#59 Desc: Headwall / End of Pipe Start El: 29.4500 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.9061 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1626 ft Node ID: CB-N#62 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 28.8000 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.6489 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1799 ft Bend Loss: 0.1150 ft Junction Loss: 0.0670 ft Node ID: Curb-E Desc: Curb Scupper Start El: 35.0000 ft Max El: 35.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Curb Out-E Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 0.2645 ft Struct Type: Dummy Classification Storm Dummy Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 0.0000 ft Bot Area: 0.0000 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: Curb-W Desc: Curb Scupper Start El: 35.0000 ft Max El: 35.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Curb Out-W Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 1.1257 ft Struct Type: Dummy Classification Storm Dummy Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 0.0000 ft Bot Area: 0.0000 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0001 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 64 Node ID: Ex. CB-N-A Desc: Existing Headwall / End of Pipe Start El: 28.1600 ft Max El: 32.1600 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.6000 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Existing Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 65 Contributing Drainage Areas Drainage Area: CB-B#03 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1424 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.1424 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1424 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 93.00 ft 1.51% 0.0110 1.62 min Drainage Area: CB-B#06 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.3500 ac 98.00 0.04 hrs Total 0.3500 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.3500 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 75.00 ft 1.30% 0.0110 1.45 min Shallow Over Asphalt 184.00 ft 1.10% 27.0000 1.08 min Drainage Area: CB-B#07 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0700 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.0700 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0700 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 56.00 ft 1.10% 0.0110 1.22 min Drainage Area: CB-B#08 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2970 ac 98.00 0.06 hrs Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 66 Total 0.2970 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2970 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 230.00 ft 1.13% 0.0110 3.75 min Drainage Area: CB-B#09 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1787 ac 90.00 0.15 hrs Impervious 0.5423 ac 98.00 0.09 hrs Total 0.7210 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.1787 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.5423 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Landscaping 34.00 ft 2.00% 0.2400 7.62 min Sheet Over Asphalt 74.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.59 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 321.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 5.14 min Shallow Over Asphalt 10.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.06 min Drainage Area: CB-B#11 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1789 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.1789 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1789 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 248.00 ft 2.18% 0.0110 3.06 min Drainage Area: CB-B#12 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1290 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.2800 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 0.4090 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 67 Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.1290 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2800 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 42.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 4.70 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 330.00 ft 1.20% 0.0110 4.89 min Drainage Area: CB-B#14 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0749 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.0749 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0749 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 45.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.07 min Drainage Area: CB-B#15 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0260 ac 90.00 0.04 hrs Impervious 0.1067 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.1327 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0260 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1067 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 10.00 ft 2.00% 0.1300 1.75 min Shallow Gutter Flow 70.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.43 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 85.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.78 min Drainage Area: CB-B#16 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1000 ac 90.00 0.14 hrs Impervious 0.1326 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.2326 ac Supporting Data: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 68 Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.1000 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1326 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 65.00 ft 2.00% 0.1300 7.83 min Shallow Gutter Flow 50.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.31 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 95.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.94 min Drainage Area: CB-B#17 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1595 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.1595 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1595 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 80.00 ft 2.50% 0.0110 1.17 min Drainage Area: CB-B#18 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0400 ac 90.00 0.11 hrs Impervious 0.3134 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.3534 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0400 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.3134 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 35.00 ft 2.00% 0.1300 4.77 min Sheet Across Pavement 80.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.69 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 80.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.69 min Drainage Area: CB-B#58 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.5200 ac 90.00 0.12 hrs Impervious 0.0000 ac 98.00 0.00 hrs Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 69 Total 0.5200 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.5200 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 56.00 ft 2.00% 0.1300 6.95 min Drainage Area: Curb Out-E Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.7700 ac 98.00 0.09 hrs Total 0.7700 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.7700 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 346.00 ft 1.13% 0.0110 5.20 min Drainage Area: Curb Out-W Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2800 ac 98.00 0.04 hrs Total 0.2800 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2800 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 150.00 ft 1.60% 0.0110 2.32 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 70 Layout Hydrographs Hydrograph ID: Ex. CB-N-A - 100 yr Area: 4.8703 ac Hyd Int: 10.00 min Base Flow: Pending tt translation: 5.33 min Peak Flow: 4.2081 cfs Peak Time: 7.83 hrs Hyd Vol: 1.4181 acft Time Flow Time Flow Time Flow hr cfs hr cfs hr cfs 0.67 0.0125 8.83 1.4664 16.67 0.5642 0.83 0.0496 9.00 1.4814 16.83 0.5642 1.00 0.0914 9.17 1.2619 17.00 0.5643 1.17 0.1392 9.33 1.0973 17.17 0.5428 1.33 0.1834 9.50 1.1185 17.33 0.5258 1.50 0.2117 9.67 1.0433 17.50 0.5279 1.67 0.2484 9.83 0.9985 17.67 0.5267 1.83 0.2786 10.00 1.0030 17.83 0.5273 2.00 0.2972 10.17 0.9373 18.00 0.5271 2.17 0.3276 10.33 0.8879 18.17 0.5057 2.33 0.3530 10.50 0.8944 18.33 0.4885 2.50 0.3679 10.67 0.8486 18.50 0.4907 2.67 0.3843 10.83 0.8166 18.67 0.4895 2.83 0.3982 11.00 0.8204 18.83 0.4901 3.00 0.4110 11.17 0.7973 19.00 0.4899 3.17 0.4224 11.33 0.7815 19.17 0.4684 3.33 0.4327 11.50 0.7836 19.33 0.4512 3.50 0.4421 11.67 0.7614 19.50 0.4534 3.67 0.4677 11.83 0.7451 19.67 0.4522 3.83 0.4890 12.00 0.7473 19.83 0.4527 4.00 0.4949 12.17 0.7250 20.00 0.4525 4.17 0.5389 12.33 0.7087 20.17 0.4527 4.33 0.5732 12.50 0.7108 20.33 0.4527 4.50 0.5768 12.67 0.6885 20.50 0.4528 4.67 0.6228 12.83 0.6721 20.67 0.4528 4.83 0.6574 13.00 0.6742 20.83 0.4528 5.00 0.6608 13.17 0.6732 21.00 0.4529 5.17 0.7073 13.33 0.6739 21.17 0.4529 5.33 0.7425 13.50 0.6739 21.33 0.4530 5.50 0.7454 13.67 0.6527 21.50 0.4530 5.67 0.7925 13.83 0.6357 21.67 0.4531 5.83 0.8279 14.00 0.6380 21.83 0.4531 6.00 0.8303 14.17 0.6369 22.00 0.4532 6.17 0.9172 14.33 0.6376 22.17 0.4316 6.33 0.9839 14.50 0.6375 22.33 0.4144 6.50 0.9823 14.67 0.6162 22.50 0.4165 6.67 1.1133 14.83 0.5992 22.67 0.4152 6.83 1.2122 15.00 0.6014 22.83 0.4158 7.00 1.2076 15.17 0.6003 23.00 0.4155 7.17 1.3636 15.33 0.6009 23.17 0.4157 7.33 1.4801 15.50 0.6008 23.33 0.4157 7.50 1.4745 15.67 0.5795 23.50 0.4158 7.67 3.0003 15.83 0.5624 23.67 0.4158 7.83 4.2081 16.00 0.5646 23.83 0.4158 8.00 4.0898 16.17 0.5635 24.00 0.4158 8.17 2.9419 16.33 0.5641 24.17 0.1775 8.33 1.9232 16.50 0.5639 24.33 0.0094 8.50 2.0757 16.67 0.5642 24.50 0.0018 8.67 1.6788 16.83 0.5642 24.67 0.0004 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 71 The “North” Basin Layout Report: North Side Project Precips [2 yr] 2.00 in [5 yr] 2.90 in [10 yr] 3.40 in [25 yr] 3.40 in [100 yr] 3.90 in [6 mo] 1.27 in ROUTEHYD [] THRU [North Side] USING TYPE1A AND [100 yr] NOTZERO RELATIVE Reach Area Flow Full Q % Full nDepth Size nVel fVel CBasin / Hyd ----- ac cfs cfs ratio ft ---- ft/s ft/s ------------ SD#65 0.0983 0.0940 3.8701 0.02 0.1074 12" Diam 2.0703 4.9276 CB-B#65 SD#TW 0.1450 0.1388 1.3126 0.11 0.1464 8" Diam 2.4446 3.7604 CB-B#TW SD#39 0.1565 0.1418 2.7366 0.05 0.1547 12" Diam 1.8354 3.4843 CB-B#39 SD#38 0.2768 0.2518 2.7366 0.09 0.2050 12" Diam 2.1747 3.4843 CB-B#38 SD#37 0.8412 0.6657 2.7366 0.24 0.3359 12" Diam 2.8742 3.4843 CB-B#37 SD#36 1.2382 0.9617 2.7366 0.35 0.4093 12" Diam 3.1793 3.4843 CB-B#36 SD#35 1.5602 1.2087 2.7366 0.44 0.4653 12" Diam 3.3762 3.4843 CB-B#35 SD#34 1.8894 1.4593 2.7366 0.53 0.5195 12" Diam 3.5403 3.4843 CB-B#34 SD#33 2.2298 1.7700 2.7366 0.65 0.5854 12" Diam 3.7052 3.4843 CB-B#33 SD#32 2.5304 2.0301 3.8701 0.52 0.5144 12" Diam 4.9868 4.9276 CB-B#32 SD#31 0.0481 0.0460 2.7366 0.02 0.0902 12" Diam 1.3097 3.4843 CB-B#31 SD#30 0.0951 0.0853 2.7366 0.03 0.1211 12" Diam 1.5759 3.4843 CB-B#30 SD#29 2.6255 2.1154 3.8701 0.55 0.5273 12" Diam 5.0370 4.9276 SD#28 2.7682 2.2519 3.8701 0.58 0.5478 12" Diam 5.1132 4.9276 CB-B#28 Bio "C" 2.7682 2.2519 ---- 1.00 0.2790 Ditch 1.1807 ----- SD#26 3.3862 2.7345 4.9617 0.55 0.6624 15" Diam 4.1414 4.0432 CB-B#26 SD#57 3.1000 2.8453 2.7366 1.04 -1.0000 12" Diam 1.0397 3.4843 CB-B#57 SD#25 3.1000 2.8453 3.8701 0.74 0.6373 12" Diam 5.3862 4.9276 SD#24 3.1000 2.8453 156.03 0.02 0.3751 48" Diam 4.7817 12.4167 SD#61 3.1000 2.8453 3.8701 0.74 0.6373 12" Diam 5.3862 4.9276 SD#60 3.1000 2.8453 3.8701 0.74 0.6373 12" Diam 5.3862 4.9276 SD#23 3.1000 2.8453 156.03 0.02 0.3751 48" Diam 4.7817 12.4167 SD#22 3.1000 2.8453 156.03 0.02 0.3751 48" Diam 4.7817 12.4167 SD#21 3.1000 2.8453 7.0169 0.41 0.5540 15" Diam 5.4188 5.7179 SD#20 6.4862 5.5798 4.9617 1.12 -1.0000 15" Diam 1.1246 4.0432 SD#63 0.2329 0.2116 3.8701 0.05 0.1588 12" Diam 2.6368 4.9276 CB-B#63 SD#56 0.2499 0.2356 3.8701 0.06 0.1674 12" Diam 2.7220 4.9276 CB-B#56 SD#55 0.5466 0.5142 3.8701 0.13 0.2462 12" Diam 3.4220 4.9276 CB-B#55 SD#54 0.7323 0.6865 2.7366 0.25 0.3414 12" Diam 2.8991 3.4843 CB-B#54 SD#53 0.8295 0.7775 2.7366 0.28 0.3647 12" Diam 3.0007 3.4843 CB-B#53 SD#64 0.3234 0.2982 3.8701 0.08 0.1878 12" Diam 2.9183 4.9276 CB-B#64 SD#52 1.2369 1.1554 3.8701 0.30 0.3746 12" Diam 4.3017 4.9276 CB-B#52 SD#51 1.6792 1.5605 3.8701 0.40 0.4418 12" Diam 4.6628 4.9276 CB-B#51 SD#50 1.8272 1.6958 3.8701 0.44 0.4632 12" Diam 4.7650 4.9276 CB-B#50 SD#49 0.2287 0.2093 5.1923 0.04 0.1371 12" Diam 3.2295 6.6110 CB-B#43 SD#48 0.4208 0.3545 3.8701 0.09 0.2045 12" Diam 3.0713 4.9276 CB-B#48 SD#47 0.4208 0.3545 4.0590 0.09 0.1997 12" Diam 3.1765 5.1681 SD#46 0.8113 0.7003 2.7366 0.26 0.3450 12" Diam 2.9151 3.4843 CB-B#46 SD#45 0.8806 0.7545 2.7366 0.28 0.3589 12" Diam 2.9760 3.4843 CB-B#45 SD#44 1.3127 1.1381 8.3026 0.14 0.3126 15" Diam 4.7413 6.7655 CB-B#44 SD#43 3.3686 3.0433 7.0169 0.43 0.5756 15" Diam 5.5146 5.7179 CB-B#43 SD#42 3.3686 3.0433 7.0169 0.43 0.5756 15" Diam 5.5146 5.7179 Bio "B" 3.3686 3.0433 ---- 1.00 0.4093 Ditch 1.4223 ----- SD#40 3.5096 3.1440 4.9617 0.63 0.7222 15" Diam 4.2796 4.0432 CB-B#40 SD#19 9.9958 8.7238 4.9617 1.76 -1.0000 15" Diam 1.7582 4.0432 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 72 ----- ----- Rch App Bend Junct HW Max El/ ----- ----- Loss Head Loss Loss Elev Rim El From Node To Node ft ft ft ft ft ft Ex. CB-N-B 28.0750 CB-N#19 Ex. CB-N-B 29.4838 0.3210 0.0094 0.1178 29.2901 33.8000 CB-N#20 CB-N#19 30.8399 0.0835 0.0831 0.0449 30.8845 34.0000 CB-N#26 CB-N#20 31.1914 0.0001 0.0002 ------ 31.1915 33.5000 CB-N#27 CB-N#26 30.0858 0.4060 0.0015 ------ 29.6813 33.0000 CB-N#28 CB-N#27 30.6950 0.3940 0.0050 0.0145 30.3205 36.2000 CB-N#65 CB-N#28 30.4206 ------ ------ ------ 30.4206 35.1000 CB-N#29 CB-N#28 30.9516 0.3862 0.4357 0.0134 31.0146 37.8000 CB-N#32 CB-N#29 31.7246 0.0789 0.0969 ------ 31.7426 37.0000 CB-N#33 CB-N#32 32.0428 ------ ------ ------ 32.0428 37.2500 CB-N#TW CB-N#33 34.4290 ------ ------ ------ 34.4290 36.0000 CB-N#34 CB-N#33 33.0114 0.1770 0.0037 ------ 32.8381 38.0000 CB-N#35 CB-N#34 33.4308 0.1570 0.0028 ------ 33.2766 38.0000 CB-N#36 CB-N#35 33.7784 0.1283 0.0032 ------ 33.6534 38.0000 CB-N#37 CB-N#36 34.1687 0.0734 0.0011 ------ 34.0963 38.0000 CB-N#38 CB-N#37 34.6769 ------ ------ ------ 34.6769 38.0000 CB-N#39 CB-N#38 35.0332 ------ ------ ------ 35.0332 37.8000 CB-N#30 CB-N#29 31.0727 0.0266 0.0004 ------ 31.0465 37.4000 CB-N#31 CB-N#30 31.1302 ------ ------ ------ 31.1302 34.0000 CB-N#21 CB-N#20 31.0475 0.3550 0.3424 ------ 31.0348 35.6000 CB-N#22 CB-N#21 31.5679 0.3550 0.0018 ------ 31.2147 38.7000 CB-N#23 CB-N#22 32.0327 0.4505 0.0016 ------ 31.5838 37.7000 CB-N#60 CB-N#23 33.1870 0.2038 0.0008 ------ 32.9839 37.7000 CB-N#61 CB-N#60 33.3707 0.3550 0.0016 ------ 33.0172 37.7000 CB-N#24 CB-N#61 33.4327 0.4505 0.0020 ------ 32.9842 38.5000 CB-N#25 CB-N#24 34.7870 0.2038 0.0012 ------ 34.5844 38.4000 CB-N#57 CB-N#25 36.1113 ------ ------ ------ 36.1113 38.4000 CB-N#40 CB-N#19 29.6176 0.0004 0.0000 ------ 29.6172 33.0000 CB-N#41 CB-N#40 29.3766 0.4722 0.6369 ------ 29.5413 33.0000 CB-N#42 CB-N#41 30.2778 0.0955 0.0007 ------ 30.1830 32.5000 CB-N#43 CB-N#42 30.3450 0.0724 0.0005 0.0303 30.3034 32.0000 CB-N#50 CB-N#43 30.5349 0.0613 0.0007 ------ 30.4743 33.9000 CB-N#51 CB-N#50 30.7753 0.2873 0.0065 0.0406 30.5351 34.3000 CB-N#63 CB-N#51 30.7501 ------ ------ ------ 30.7501 34.0000 CB-N#52 CB-N#51 31.4426 0.1398 0.0010 0.0377 31.3415 35.3000 CB-N#53 CB-N#52 31.6116 0.1305 0.0006 ------ 31.4816 36.2000 CB-N#54 CB-N#53 31.7768 0.1818 0.1820 ------ 31.7770 34.3000 CB-N#55 CB-N#54 32.2037 0.1150 0.1159 ------ 32.2046 36.0000 CB-N#56 CB-N#55 32.5648 ------ ------ ------ 32.5648 36.5000 CB-N#64 CB-N#52 31.6003 ------ ------ ------ 31.6003 34.1000 CB-N#44 CB-N#43 30.3351 0.0143 0.0095 0.0029 30.3332 31.4000 CB-N#49 CB-N#44 30.4447 ------ ------ ------ 30.4447 33.2000 CB-N#45 CB-N#44 30.3604 0.0123 0.0001 ------ 30.3481 32.3000 CB-N#46 CB-N#45 30.3833 0.1567 0.0021 ------ 30.2287 31.4000 CB-N#47 CB-N#46 31.6291 0.1465 0.0009 ------ 31.4836 33.1000 CB-N#48 CB-N#47 32.2296 ------ ------ ------ 32.2296 32.8000 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 73 Reach Records Reach ID: Bio "B" Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 220.0000 ft 0.50 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 4.0000 ft 2.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#41 CB-N#40 28.3000 ft 27.2000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.3686 ac 3.0433 cf 3.0433 cf 1.4223 ft/s 0.4093 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 29.6172 ft Reach ID: Bio "C" Section Properties: Shape: Ditch Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By Conc-Steel Form 0.0350 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 145.0000 ft 0.50 % Width Bank Hgt ss1 ss2 6.0000 ft 2.0000 ft 3.00h:1v 3.00h:1v Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#27 CB-N#26 29.4000 ft 28.6750 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.7682 ac 2.2519 cf 2.2519 cf 1.1807 ft/s 0.2790 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 0.000000 ft 31.1915 ft Reach ID: SD#19 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 15.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 74 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#19 Ex. CB-N-B 26.9000 ft 26.8250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 9.9958 ac 8.7238 cf 4.9617 cf 1.7582 ft/s -1.0000 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.392353 ft 0.784707 ft 0.231789 ft 28.0750 ft comment: Hydrograph shifted 10.00 min, 0.00 min forwarded.Submerged or overtop bank cond Reach ID: SD#20 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 169.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#20 CB-N#19 27.7000 ft 26.8550 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 6.4862 ac 5.5798 cf 4.9617 cf 1.1246 ft/s -1.0000 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.160509 ft 0.321018 ft 1.068342 ft 29.2901 ft comment: Hydrograph not shifted, 9.86 min forwarded.Submerged or overtop bank condition. Reach ID: SD#21 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 23.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#21 CB-N#20 28.1000 ft 27.8700 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 75 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 7.0169 cf 5.4188 ft/s 0.5540 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.041736 ft 0.083471 ft 0.037806 ft 30.8845 ft Reach ID: SD#22 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 48" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 145.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 4.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#22 CB-N#21 29.6000 ft 28.1500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 156.0324 cf 4.7817 ft/s 0.3751 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.177522 ft 0.355044 ft 0.000482 ft 31.0348 ft Reach ID: SD#23 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 48" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 186.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 4.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#23 CB-N#22 31.4000 ft 29.5400 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 156.0324 cf 4.7817 ft/s 0.3751 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.177522 ft 0.355044 ft 0.000618 ft 31.2147 ft Reach ID: SD#24 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 48" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 76 72.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 4.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#24 CB-N#61 32.8000 ft 32.0800 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 156.0324 cf 4.7817 ft/s 0.3751 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.177522 ft 0.355044 ft 0.000239 ft 33.0172 ft Reach ID: SD#25 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 79.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#25 CB-N#24 33.6000 ft 32.8100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 3.8701 cf 5.3862 ft/s 0.6373 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.225240 ft 0.450479 ft 0.426886 ft 33.5332 ft Reach ID: SD#26 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 126.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#26 CB-N#20 28.5000 ft 27.8700 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 77 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.3862 ac 2.7345 cf 4.9617 cf 4.1414 ft/s 0.6624 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.038551 ft 0.077101 ft 0.191304 ft 30.8845 ft Reach ID: SD#28 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 43.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#28 CB-N#27 29.7000 ft 29.2700 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.7682 ac 2.2519 cf 3.8701 cf 5.1132 ft/s 0.5478 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.202988 ft 0.405976 ft 0.145554 ft 29.9118 ft Reach ID: SD#29 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 29.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#29 CB-N#28 30.0000 ft 29.7100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.6255 ac 2.1154 cf 3.8701 cf 5.0370 ft/s 0.5273 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.196984 ft 0.393967 ft 0.086620 ft 30.3313 ft Reach ID: SD#30 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 78 116.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#30 CB-N#29 30.6000 ft 30.0200 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.0951 ac 0.0853 cf 2.7366 cf 1.5759 ft/s 0.1211 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.019281 ft 0.038561 ft 0.000563 ft 31.0146 ft Reach ID: SD#31 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 83.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#31 CB-N#30 31.0000 ft 30.5850 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.0481 ac 0.0460 cf 2.7366 cf 1.3097 ft/s 0.0902 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.013318 ft 0.026636 ft 0.000117 ft 31.0465 ft Reach ID: SD#32 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 76.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#32 CB-N#29 30.8000 ft 30.0400 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 79 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.5304 ac 2.0301 cf 3.8701 cf 4.9868 ft/s 0.5144 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.193076 ft 0.386152 ft 0.209076 ft 31.0146 ft Reach ID: SD#33 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 87.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#33 CB-N#32 30.4000 ft 29.9650 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 2.2298 ac 1.7700 cf 2.7366 cf 3.7052 ft/s 0.5854 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.039431 ft 0.078861 ft 0.181924 ft 31.7426 ft Reach ID: SD#34 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 109.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#34 CB-N#33 32.2000 ft 31.6550 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.8894 ac 1.4593 cf 2.7366 cf 3.5403 ft/s 0.5195 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.097312 ft 0.194623 ft 0.154936 ft 32.1745 ft Reach ID: SD#35 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 80 101.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#35 CB-N#34 32.7000 ft 32.1950 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.5602 ac 1.2087 cf 2.7366 cf 3.3762 ft/s 0.4653 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.088499 ft 0.176998 ft 0.098487 ft 32.8381 ft Reach ID: SD#36 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 100.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#36 CB-N#35 33.2000 ft 32.7000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.2382 ac 0.9617 cf 2.7366 cf 3.1793 ft/s 0.4093 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.078477 ft 0.156954 ft 0.061738 ft 33.2766 ft Reach ID: SD#37 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 100.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#37 CB-N#36 33.7000 ft 33.2000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 81 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.8412 ac 0.6657 cf 2.7366 cf 2.8742 ft/s 0.3359 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.064137 ft 0.128275 ft 0.029584 ft 33.6534 ft Reach ID: SD#38 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 135.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#38 CB-N#37 34.4000 ft 33.7250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2768 ac 0.2518 cf 2.7366 cf 2.1747 ft/s 0.2050 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.036718 ft 0.073436 ft 0.005715 ft 34.0963 ft Reach ID: SD#39 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 85.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#39 CB-N#38 34.8000 ft 33.1750 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.1565 ac 0.1418 cf 2.7366 cf 1.8354 ft/s 0.1547 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.026155 ft 0.052310 ft 0.001141 ft 34.6769 ft Reach ID: SD#40 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 82 87.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#40 CB-N#19 27.3000 ft 26.8650 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.5096 ac 3.1440 cf 4.9617 cf 4.2796 ft/s 0.7222 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.050961 ft 0.101922 ft 0.174614 ft 29.2901 ft Reach ID: SD#42 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 15.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#42 CB-N#41 28.5000 ft 28.3500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.3686 ac 3.0433 cf 7.0169 cf 5.5146 ft/s 0.5756 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.236109 ft 0.472218 ft 0.028207 ft 29.5413 ft Reach ID: SD#43 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 10.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#43 CB-N#42 28.6000 ft 28.5000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 83 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.3686 ac 3.0433 cf 7.0169 cf 5.5146 ft/s 0.5756 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.047747 ft 0.095495 ft 0.018805 ft 30.1830 ft Reach ID: SD#44 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 15" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 44.0000 ft 1.40 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.2500 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#44 CB-N#43 29.2000 ft 28.5840 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.3127 ac 1.1381 cf 8.3026 cf 4.7413 ft/s 0.3126 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.006678 ft 0.013356 ft 0.011572 ft 30.3034 ft Reach ID: SD#45 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 15.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#45 CB-N#44 29.3000 ft 29.2250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.8806 ac 0.7545 cf 2.7366 cf 2.9760 ft/s 0.3589 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.007166 ft 0.014331 ft 0.005700 ft 30.3332 ft Reach ID: SD#46 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 84 51.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#46 CB-N#45 29.6000 ft 29.3450 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.8113 ac 0.7003 cf 2.7366 cf 2.9151 ft/s 0.3450 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.006174 ft 0.012347 ft 0.016697 ft 30.3481 ft Reach ID: SD#47 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 157.0000 ft 1.10 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#47 CB-N#46 31.3000 ft 29.5730 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.4208 ac 0.3545 cf 4.0590 cf 3.1765 ft/s 0.1997 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.078339 ft 0.156678 ft 0.013167 ft 30.2287 ft Reach ID: SD#48 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 59.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#48 CB-N#47 31.9000 ft 31.3100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 85 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.4208 ac 0.3545 cf 3.8701 cf 3.0713 ft/s 0.2045 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.073235 ft 0.146469 ft 0.004948 ft 31.5556 ft Reach ID: SD#49 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 56.0000 ft 1.80 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#43 CB-N#42 30.2000 ft 29.1920 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2287 ac 0.2093 cf 5.1923 cf 3.2295 ft/s 0.1371 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.000552 ft 0.001103 ft 0.001638 ft 30.3332 ft Reach ID: SD#50 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 64.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#50 CB-N#43 29.2000 ft 28.5600 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.8272 ac 1.6958 cf 3.8701 cf 4.7650 ft/s 0.4632 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.036197 ft 0.072394 ft 0.122854 ft 30.3034 ft Reach ID: SD#51 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 86 75.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#51 CB-N#50 30.0000 ft 29.2500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.6792 ac 1.5605 cf 3.8701 cf 4.6628 ft/s 0.4418 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.030649 ft 0.061299 ft 0.121905 ft 30.4743 ft Reach ID: SD#52 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 72.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#52 CB-N#51 30.8000 ft 30.0800 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 1.2369 ac 1.1554 cf 3.8701 cf 4.3017 ft/s 0.3746 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.143670 ft 0.287340 ft 0.064161 ft 30.5351 ft Reach ID: SD#53 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 75.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#53 CB-N#52 31.1000 ft 30.7250 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 87 Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.8295 ac 0.7775 cf 2.7366 cf 3.0007 ft/s 0.3647 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.069910 ft 0.139819 ft 0.030265 ft 31.3415 ft Reach ID: SD#54 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 52.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#54 CB-N#53 31.3000 ft 31.0400 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.7323 ac 0.6865 cf 2.7366 cf 2.8991 ft/s 0.3414 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.065255 ft 0.130510 ft 0.016358 ft 31.4816 ft Reach ID: SD#55 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 44.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#55 CB-N#54 31.8000 ft 31.3600 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.5466 ac 0.5142 cf 3.8701 cf 3.4220 ft/s 0.2462 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.090917 ft 0.181834 ft 0.007767 ft 31.7770 ft Reach ID: SD#56 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 88 59.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#56 CB-N#55 32.3000 ft 31.7100 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2499 ac 0.2356 cf 3.8701 cf 2.7220 ft/s 0.1674 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.057524 ft 0.115048 ft 0.002186 ft 32.2046 ft Reach ID: SD#57 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 320.0000 ft 0.50 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#57 CB-N#25 35.2000 ft 33.6000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 2.7366 cf 1.0397 ft/s -1.0000 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.008393 ft 0.016786 ft 1.729158 ft 34.6000 ft comment: Hydrograph not shifted, 5.13 min forwarded.Submerged or overtop bank condition. Reach ID: SD#60 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 53.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#60 CB-N#23 32.0000 ft 31.4700 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 89 Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 3.8701 cf 5.3862 ft/s 0.6373 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.225240 ft 0.450479 ft 0.286392 ft 32.1932 ft Reach ID: SD#61 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 15.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#61 CB-N#60 32.1000 ft 31.9500 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 3.1000 ac 2.8453 cf 3.8701 cf 5.3862 ft/s 0.6373 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.101894 ft 0.203788 ft 0.081054 ft 32.9839 ft Reach ID: SD#63 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 54.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#63 CB-N#51 30.5000 ft 29.9600 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.2329 ac 0.2116 cf 3.8701 cf 2.6368 ft/s 0.1588 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.053981 ft 0.107963 ft 0.001614 ft 30.5351 ft Reach ID: SD#64 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 90 Length Slope Entrance Loss 54.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#64 CB-N#52 31.3000 ft 30.7600 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.3234 ac 0.2982 cf 3.8701 cf 2.9183 ft/s 0.1878 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.066122 ft 0.132245 ft 0.003205 ft 31.3415 ft Reach ID: SD#65 Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 12" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 34.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 1.0000 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#65 CB-N#28 30.1000 ft 29.7600 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.0983 ac 0.0940 cf 3.8701 cf 2.0703 ft/s 0.1074 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.033279 ft 0.066558 ft 0.000201 ft 30.3205 ft Reach ID: SD#TW Section Properties: Shape: Circular Routing Method: Travel Time Translation Size Material Mannings n Hyd params By 8" Diam Conc-Steel Form 0.0120 Mannings Formula Length Slope Entrance Loss 60.0000 ft 1.00 % Square Edge w/Headwall Diam 0.6667 ft Up Node Dn Node Up Invert Dn Invert CB-N#TW CB-N#33 34.2000 ft 33.6000 ft Conduit Constraints: Min Vel Max Vel Min Cov Min Slope Max Slope Min drop 2.0000 ft 15.0000 ft 3.0000 ft 0.5000 ft 2.0000 ft 0.0000 ft In/Exfil Hold Up Hold Dn Match Inv Allow Smaller 0.0000 in/hr YES YES YES NO Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 91 Conduit Summary: Trib Area Flow Capacity Velocity Normal Depth 0.1450 ac 0.1388 cf 1.3126 cf 2.4446 ft/s 0.1464 ft Ent Loss Exit Loss Frict Loss Start TW 0.046399 ft 0.092798 ft 0.006711 ft 33.7706 ft Node Records Node ID: CB-N#19 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 26.9000 ft Max El: 33.8000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.2901 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3210 ft Bend Loss: 0.0094 ft Junction Loss: 0.1178 ft Node ID: CB-N#20 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 27.9000 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.8845 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0835 ft Bend Loss: 0.0831 ft Junction Loss: 0.0449 ft Node ID: CB-N#21 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin w/FCS Start El: 28.1000 ft Max El: 35.6000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.0348 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3550 ft Node ID: CB-N#22 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin Start El: 29.6000 ft Max El: 38.7000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.2147 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3550 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 92 Node ID: CB-N#23 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin Start El: 31.4000 ft Max El: 37.7000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.5838 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.4505 ft Node ID: CB-N#24 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin Start El: 32.8000 ft Max El: 38.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.9842 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.4505 ft Node ID: CB-N#25 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 33.6000 ft Max El: 38.4000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 34.5844 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.2038 ft Node ID: CB-N#26 Desc: Headwall / End of pipe Start El: 28.5000 ft Max El: 33.5000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#26 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.1915 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0001 ft Node ID: CB-N#27 Desc: Headwall / End of pipe Start El: 29.3000 ft Max El: 33.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.6813 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.4060 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 93 Node ID: CB-N#28 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 29.7000 ft Max El: 36.2000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#28 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.3205 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3940 ft Bend Loss: 0.0050 ft Junction Loss: 0.0145 ft Node ID: CB-N#29 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.0000 ft Max El: 37.8000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.0146 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3862 ft Bend Loss: 0.4357 ft Junction Loss: 0.0134 ft Node ID: CB-N#30 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 30.6000 ft Max El: 37.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#30 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.0465 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0266 ft Node ID: CB-N#31 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 31.0000 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#31 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.1302 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#32 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.8000 ft Max El: 37.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#32 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.7426 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 94 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0789 ft Node ID: CB-N#33 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 31.6000 ft Max El: 37.2500 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#33 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.0428 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#34 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 32.2000 ft Max El: 38.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#34 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.8381 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1770 ft Node ID: CB-N#35 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 32.7000 ft Max El: 38.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#35 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 33.2766 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1570 ft Node ID: CB-N#36 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 33.2000 ft Max El: 38.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#36 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 33.6534 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1283 ft Node ID: CB-N#37 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 33.7000 ft Max El: 38.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#37 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 34.0963 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 95 Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0734 ft Node ID: CB-N#38 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 34.4000 ft Max El: 38.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#38 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 34.6769 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#39 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 34.8000 ft Max El: 37.8000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#39 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 35.0332 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#40 Desc: Headwall / End of pipe Start El: 27.2000 ft Max El: 33.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#40 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.6172 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0004 ft Node ID: CB-N#41 Desc: Headwall / End of pipe Start El: 28.3000 ft Max El: 33.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 29.5413 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.4722 ft Node ID: CB-N#42 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 28.4000 ft Max El: 32.5000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.1830 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 96 Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0955 ft Node ID: CB-N#43 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 28.5000 ft Max El: 32.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#43 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.3034 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0724 ft Bend Loss: 0.0005 ft Junction Loss: 0.0303 ft Node ID: CB-N#44 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 28.7500 ft Max El: 31.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#44 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.3332 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0143 ft Bend Loss: 0.0095 ft Junction Loss: 0.0029 ft Node ID: CB-N#45 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 31.3000 ft Max El: 32.3000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#45 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.3481 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0123 ft Node ID: CB-N#46 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 29.1000 ft Max El: 31.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#46 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.2287 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1567 ft Node ID: CB-N#47 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 97 Start El: 29.7000 ft Max El: 33.1000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.4836 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1465 ft Node ID: CB-N#48 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.0000 ft Max El: 32.8000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#48 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.2296 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#49 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 29.5000 ft Max El: 33.2000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#49 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.4447 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#50 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 29.2000 ft Max El: 33.9000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#50 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.4743 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0613 ft Node ID: CB-N#51 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.0000 ft Max El: 34.3000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#51 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.5351 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.2873 ft Bend Loss: 0.0065 ft Junction Loss: 0.0406 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 98 Node ID: CB-N#52 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 30.8000 ft Max El: 35.3000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#52 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.3415 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1398 ft Bend Loss: 0.0010 ft Junction Loss: 0.0377 ft Node ID: CB-N#53 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 31.1000 ft Max El: 36.2000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#53 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.4816 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1305 ft Node ID: CB-N#54 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 31.3000 ft Max El: 34.3000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#54 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.7770 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1818 ft Node ID: CB-N#55 Desc: Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 31.8000 ft Max El: 36.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#55 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.2046 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.1150 ft Node ID: CB-N#56 Desc: Type I Catch Basin Start El: 32.3000 ft Max El: 36.5000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#56 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.5648 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 99 Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#57 Desc: 8" Cleanout Start El: 35.2000 ft Max El: 38.4000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#57 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 36.1113 ft Struct Type: CAST METAL INLET Classification Storm Cleanout Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 0.0000 ft Bot Area: 1.0000 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#60 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin Start El: 32.0000 ft Max El: 37.7000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 32.9839 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.2038 ft Node ID: CB-N#61 Desc: Type II - 96" Catch Basin Start El: 32.1000 ft Max El: 37.7000 ft Contrib Basin: Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 33.0172 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-96 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 50.2650 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.3550 ft Node ID: CB-N#63 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.5000 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#63 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.7501 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#64 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 31.3000 ft Max El: 34.1000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#64 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 31.6003 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 100 Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#65 Desc: Type I - Catch Basin Start El: 30.1000 ft Max El: 35.1000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#65 Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 30.4206 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: CB-N#TW Desc: Truck Well Drain Start El: 34.2100 ft Max El: 36.0000 ft Contrib Basin: CB-B#TW Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 34.4290 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 1 Classification Catch Basin Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 1.4160 ft Bot Area: 3.9700 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Node ID: Ex. CB-N-B Desc: Existing Type II - Catch Basin Start El: 26.8000 ft Max El: 34.0000 ft Contrib Basin: Curb Out-E Contrib Hyd: Hgl Elev: 28.0750 ft Struct Type: CB-TYPE 2-48 Classification Manhole Ke Descrip: CONC: Headwall: square edge;.ke=0.5 Catch Depth: 2.0000 ft Bot Area: 12.5664 sf Condition: No particular shape. Status: Proposed Structure Approach Credit: 0.0000 ft Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 101 Contributing Drainage Areas Drainage Area: CB-B#26 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.3380 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.2800 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 0.6180 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.3380 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2800 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 42.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 4.70 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 330.00 ft 1.20% 0.0110 4.89 min Drainage Area: CB-B#28 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0444 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.0444 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0444 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 120.00 ft 2.31% 0.0110 1.67 min Drainage Area: CB-B#30 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0200 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.0270 ac 98.00 0.01 hrs Total 0.0470 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0200 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0270 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 35.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 4.06 min Sheet Across Paving 35.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 0.87 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 102 Sheet Over Asphalt 35.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 0.87 min Drainage Area: CB-B#31 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0481 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.0481 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0481 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 121.00 ft 4.13% 0.0110 1.34 min Drainage Area: CB-B#32 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0579 ac 90.00 0.17 hrs Impervious 0.2427 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.3006 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0579 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2427 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Landscaping 65.00 ft 3.85% 0.2400 9.84 min Shallow Gutter Flow 106.00 ft 2.00% 27.0000 0.46 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 160.00 ft 1.10% 0.0110 2.84 min Shallow Gutter Flow 102.00 ft 2.00% 27.0000 0.45 min Drainage Area: CB-B#33 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0420 ac 90.00 0.13 hrs Impervious 0.1534 ac 98.00 0.04 hrs Total 0.1954 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0420 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1534 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 67.00 ft 2.84% 0.1300 6.97 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 103 Shallow Gutter Flow 119.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.73 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 100.00 ft 1.25% 0.0110 1.85 min Shallow Gutter Flow 119.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.73 min Drainage Area: CB-B#34 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.2702 ac 90.00 0.06 hrs Impervious 0.0590 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.3292 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.2702 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0590 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 80.00 ft 33.30% 0.1300 3.00 min Shallow Gutter Flow 51.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.31 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 40.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 0.97 min Drainage Area: CB-B#35 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.2280 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.0940 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.3220 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.2280 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0940 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 125.00 ft 33.30% 0.1300 4.29 min Shallow Gutter Flow 51.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.31 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 40.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 0.97 min Drainage Area: CB-B#36 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.3030 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.0940 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 104 Total 0.3970 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.3030 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0940 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 140.00 ft 33.30% 0.1300 4.70 min Shallow Gutter Flow 50.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.31 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 40.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 0.97 min Drainage Area: CB-B#37 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.4570 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.1074 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.5644 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.4570 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1074 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 140.00 ft 33.30% 0.1300 4.70 min Shallow Gutter Flow 60.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.37 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 60.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.34 min Drainage Area: CB-B#38 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0216 ac 90.00 0.06 hrs Impervious 0.0987 ac 98.00 0.03 hrs Total 0.1203 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0216 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0987 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 15.00 ft 1.00% 0.1300 3.20 min Shallow Gutter Flow 70.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.43 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 80.00 ft 1.00% 0.0110 1.69 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 105 Drainage Area: CB-B#39 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0174 ac 90.00 0.16 hrs Impervious 0.1391 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.1565 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0174 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1391 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 53.00 ft 1.00% 0.1300 8.78 min Shallow Gutter Flow 90.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.56 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 104.00 ft 0.60% 0.0110 2.56 min Shallow Gutter Flow 42.00 ft 1.19% 27.0000 0.24 min Drainage Area: CB-B#40 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1410 ac 90.00 0.06 hrs Impervious 0.0000 ac 98.00 0.00 hrs Total 0.1410 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.1410 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 30.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 3.59 min Drainage Area: CB-B#43 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2287 ac 98.00 0.07 hrs Total 0.2287 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2287 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 275.00 ft 1.66% 0.0110 3.71 min Shallow Gutter 52.00 ft 1.02% 27.0000 0.32 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 106 Drainage Area: CB-B#44 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0206 ac 90.00 0.08 hrs Impervious 0.1828 ac 98.00 0.08 hrs Total 0.2034 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0206 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1828 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 55.00 ft 4.80% 0.1300 4.83 min Shallow Gutter Flow 13.00 ft 1.54% 27.0000 0.06 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 393.00 ft 1.54% 0.0110 5.09 min Drainage Area: CB-B#45 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0341 ac 90.00 0.07 hrs Impervious 0.0352 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.0693 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0341 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0352 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 42.00 ft 4.80% 0.1300 3.89 min Shallow Gutter Flow 53.00 ft 1.05% 27.0000 0.32 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 31.00 ft 1.30% 0.0110 0.71 min Shallow Gutter Flow 53.00 ft 1.05% 27.0000 0.32 min Drainage Area: CB-B#46 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0103 ac 90.00 0.05 hrs Impervious 0.3802 ac 98.00 0.09 hrs Total 0.3905 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.0103 ac Impervious CN Data: Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 107 Asphalt 98.00 0.3802 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Across Landscaping 15.00 ft 3.00% 0.1300 2.06 min Shallow Gutter Flow 130.00 ft 1.00% 27.0000 0.80 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 288.00 ft 1.25% 0.0110 4.31 min Shallow Gutter Flow 158.00 ft 1.14% 27.0000 0.91 min Drainage Area: CB-B#48 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.1040 ac 90.00 0.12 hrs Impervious 0.3168 ac 98.00 0.07 hrs Total 0.4208 ac Supporting Data: Pervious CN Data: Landscaping SCS=D 90.00 0.1040 ac Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.3168 ac Pervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Landscaping 45.00 ft 2.00% 0.1500 6.54 min Shallow Gutter Flow 86.00 ft 1.10% 27.0000 0.51 min Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 240.00 ft 1.10% 0.0110 3.92 min Shallow Gutter Flow 86.00 ft 1.10% 27.0000 0.51 min Drainage Area: CB-B#49 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1803 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.1803 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1803 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 216.00 ft 1.76% 0.0110 2.99 min Drainage Area: CB-B#50 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1480 ac 98.00 0.07 hrs Total 0.1480 ac Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 108 Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1480 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 300.00 ft 1.58% 0.0110 4.06 min Drainage Area: CB-B#51 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2094 ac 98.00 0.06 hrs Total 0.2094 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2094 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 254.00 ft 1.52% 0.0110 3.61 min Shallow Gutter Flow 14.00 ft 0.70% 27.0000 0.10 min Drainage Area: CB-B#52 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0840 ac 98.00 0.04 hrs Total 0.0840 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0840 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 165.00 ft 1.52% 0.0110 2.55 min Shallow Gutter Flow 13.00 ft 1.54% 27.0000 0.06 min Drainage Area: CB-B#53 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0972 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.0972 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0972 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 199.00 ft 1.31% 0.0110 3.15 min Shallow Gutter Flow 16.00 ft 2.50% 27.0000 0.06 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 109 Drainage Area: CB-B#54 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1857 ac 98.00 0.06 hrs Total 0.1857 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1857 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 220.00 ft 1.31% 0.0110 3.41 min Shallow Gutter Flow 35.00 ft 2.00% 27.0000 0.15 min Drainage Area: CB-B#55 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2967 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.2967 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2967 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 200.00 ft 1.60% 0.0110 2.92 min Shallow Gutter Flow 40.00 ft 2.00% 27.0000 0.17 min Drainage Area: CB-B#56 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2499 ac 98.00 0.05 hrs Total 0.2499 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2499 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 144.00 ft 1.18% 0.0110 2.53 min Shallow Gutter Flow 74.00 ft 1.35% 27.0000 0.39 min Drainage Area: CB-B#57 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 110 Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 3.1000 ac 98.00 0.07 hrs Total 3.1000 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Roof 98.00 3.1000 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over roof 325.00 ft 2.00% 0.0110 3.93 min Drainage Area: CB-B#63 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.2329 ac 98.00 0.07 hrs Total 0.2329 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.2329 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 308.00 ft 1.56% 0.0110 4.16 min Shallow Gutter Flow 19.00 ft 1.11% 27.0000 0.11 min Drainage Area: CB-B#64 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.3234 ac 98.00 0.06 hrs Total 0.3234 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.3234 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 257.00 ft 1.62% 0.0110 3.55 min Shallow Gutter Flow 39.00 ft 1.11% 27.0000 0.23 min Drainage Area: CB-B#65 Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.0983 ac 98.00 0.04 hrs Total 0.0983 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.0983 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 111 Sheet Over Asphalt 105.00 ft 1.55% 0.0110 1.76 min Shallow Gutter Flow 71.00 ft 1.55% 27.0000 0.35 min Drainage Area: CB-B#TW Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.1450 ac 98.00 0.02 hrs Total 0.1450 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.1450 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 112.00 ft 3.00% 0.0110 1.43 min Drainage Area: Curb Out-E Hyd Method: SBUH Hyd Loss Method: SCS CN Number Peak Factor: 484.00 SCS Abs: 0.20 Storm Dur: 24.00 hrs Intv: 10.00 min Area CN TC Pervious 0.0000 ac 90.00 0.00 hrs Impervious 0.7700 ac 98.00 0.09 hrs Total 0.7700 ac Supporting Data: Impervious CN Data: Asphalt 98.00 0.7700 ac Impervious TC Data: Flow type: Description: Length: Slope: Coeff: Travel Time Sheet Over Asphalt 346.00 ft 1.13% 0.0110 5.20 min Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 112 Layout Hydrographs Hydrograph ID: Ex. CB-N-B - 100 yr Area: 9.9958 ac Hyd Int: 10.00 min Base Flow: Pending tt translation: 10.00 min Peak Flow: 8.7238 cfs Peak Time: 7.83 hrs Hyd Vol: 2.9088 acft Time Flow Time Flow Time Flow hr cfs hr cfs hr cfs 0.67 0.0246 8.83 2.9772 16.67 1.1576 0.83 0.0994 9.00 3.0322 16.83 1.1578 1.00 0.1856 9.17 2.5936 17.00 1.1580 1.17 0.2830 9.33 2.2365 17.17 1.1140 1.33 0.3738 9.50 2.2871 17.33 1.0774 1.50 0.4328 9.67 2.1441 17.50 1.0824 1.67 0.5064 9.83 2.0433 17.67 1.0812 1.83 0.5694 10.00 2.0561 17.83 1.0819 2.00 0.6077 10.17 1.9244 18.00 1.0818 2.17 0.6686 10.33 1.8174 18.17 1.0378 2.33 0.7222 10.50 1.8328 18.33 1.0011 2.50 0.7536 10.67 1.7423 18.50 1.0061 2.67 0.7876 10.83 1.6723 18.67 1.0048 2.83 0.8166 11.00 1.6819 18.83 1.0055 3.00 0.8428 11.17 1.6367 19.00 1.0053 3.17 0.8661 11.33 1.6019 19.17 0.9613 3.33 0.8874 11.50 1.6071 19.33 0.9245 3.50 0.9065 11.67 1.5628 19.50 0.9295 3.67 0.9582 11.83 1.5275 19.67 0.9282 3.83 1.0031 12.00 1.5327 19.83 0.9289 4.00 1.0156 12.17 1.4881 20.00 0.9287 4.17 1.1032 12.33 1.4527 20.17 0.9289 4.33 1.1768 12.50 1.4578 20.33 0.9289 4.50 1.1845 12.67 1.4131 20.50 0.9291 4.67 1.2753 12.83 1.3775 20.67 0.9292 4.83 1.3500 13.00 1.3826 20.83 0.9293 5.00 1.3569 13.17 1.3817 21.00 0.9294 5.17 1.4492 13.33 1.3826 21.17 0.9295 5.33 1.5250 13.50 1.3828 21.33 0.9296 5.50 1.5306 13.67 1.3394 21.50 0.9297 5.67 1.6240 13.83 1.3031 21.67 0.9298 5.83 1.7005 14.00 1.3083 21.83 0.9299 6.00 1.7050 14.17 1.3072 22.00 0.9300 6.17 1.8790 14.33 1.3081 22.17 0.8857 6.33 2.0227 14.50 1.3082 22.33 0.8489 6.50 2.0186 14.67 1.2646 22.50 0.8538 6.67 2.2803 14.83 1.2281 22.67 0.8524 6.83 2.4939 15.00 1.2333 22.83 0.8530 7.00 2.4827 15.17 1.2321 23.00 0.8528 7.17 2.7937 15.33 1.2330 23.17 0.8531 7.33 3.0458 15.50 1.2329 23.33 0.8531 7.50 3.0315 15.67 1.1892 23.50 0.8532 7.67 6.1305 15.83 1.1527 23.67 0.8532 7.83 8.7238 16.00 1.1578 23.83 0.8533 8.00 8.4612 16.17 1.1566 24.00 0.8534 8.17 6.0352 16.33 1.1574 24.17 0.3649 8.33 3.8870 16.50 1.1573 24.33 0.0032 8.50 4.2028 16.67 1.1576 24.50 0.0005 8.67 3.4702 16.83 1.1578 24.67 0.0001 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage Analysis Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 113 Geotechnical Report Zipper Zeman Associates Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation Proposed Retail Development S. Grady Way and Talbot Road Renton, Washington Project # J-1470 December 6, 2002 Appendix E – Geotechnical Report Appendix D – Renton Sam’s 2003 Operations and Maintenance Manual (rng3-maint.doc) Sam’s Club #4835-00 901South Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Prepared By: May 13, 2003 Contact: Joe Geivett, PE Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 1 Maintain Storm water Facilities The owner or operator of the project shall be responsible for maintaining the stormwater facilities in accordance with local requirements. Proper and regular maintenance is important for adequate functioning of the stormwater facilities. The following maintenance program is recommended for this project and should be used as a checklist during the semiannual review of the storm water system (May and September). The completed checklist should then be kept as a record of past inspections. Contact the local county cooperative or the City of Renton if any problems or questions arise. NO. 5 - CATCH BASINS Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed General Trash & Debris (Includes Sediment) Trash or debris of more than 1/2 cubic foot which is located immediately in front of the catch basin opening or is blocking capacity of the basin by more than 10% No Trash or debris located immediately in front of catch basin opening. Trash or debris (in the basin) that exceeds 1/3 the depth from the bottom of basin to invert the lowest pipe into or out of the basin. No trash or debris in the catch basin. Trash or debris in any inlet or outlet pipe blocking more than 1/3 of its height. Inlet and outlet pipes free of trash or debris. Dead animals or vegetation that could generate odors that could cause complaints or dangerous gases (e.g., methane). No dead animals or vegetation present within the catch basin. Deposits of garbage exceeding 1 cubic foot in volume No condition present which would attract or support the breeding of insects or rodents. Structure Damage to Frame and/or Top Slab Corner of frame extends more than 3/4 inch past curb face into the street (If applicable). Frame is even with curb. Top slab has holes larger than 2 square inches or cracks wider than 1/4 inch (intent is to make sure all material is running into basin). Top slab is free of holes and cracks. Frame not sitting flush on top slab, i.e., separation of more than 3/4 inch of the frame from the top slab. Frame is sitting flush on top slab. Cracks in Basin Walls/ Bottom Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 3 feet, any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks, or maintenance person judges that structure is unsound. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Cracks wider than 1/2 inch and longer than 1 foot at the joint of any inlet/ outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering catch basin through cracks. No cracks more than 1/4 inch wide at the joint of inlet/outlet pipe. Sediment/ Misalignment Basin has settled more than 1 inch or has rotated more than 2 inches out of alignment. Basin replaced or repaired to design standards. Maintenance Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 2 NO. 5 - CATCH BASINS (Continued) Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is performed Fire Hazard Presence of chemicals such as natural gas, oil and gasoline. No flammable chemicals present. Vegetation Vegetation growing across and blocking more than 10% of the basin opening. No vegetation blocking opening to basin. Vegetation growing in inlet/outlet pipe joints that is more than six inches tall and less than six inches apart. No vegetation or root growth present. Pollution Nonflammable chemicals of more than 1/2 cubic foot per three feet of basin length. No pollution present other than surface film. Catch Basin Cover Cover Not in Place Cover is missing or only partially in place. Any open catch basin requires maintenance. Catch basin cover is closed Locking Mechanism Not Working Mechanism cannot be opened by on maintenance person with proper tools. Bolts into frame have less than 1/2 inch of thread. Mechanism opens with proper tools. Cover Difficult to Remove One maintenance person cannot remove lid after applying 80 lbs. of lift; intent is keep cover from sealing off access to maintenance. Cover can be removed by one maintenance person. Ladder Ladder Rungs Unsafe Ladder is unsafe due to missing rungs, misalignment, rust, cracks, or sharp edges. Ladder meets design standards and allows maintenance person safe access. Metal Grates (If Applicable) Grate with opening wider than 7/8 inch. Grate opening meets design standards. Trash and Debris Trash and debris that is blocking more than 20% of grate surface. Grate free of trash and debris. Damaged or Missing. Grate missing or broken member(s) of the grate. Grate is in place and meets design standards. NO. 6 DEBRIS BARRIERS (e.g., Trash Racks) Maintenance Components Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. General Trash and Debris Trash or debris that is plugging more than 20% of the openings in the barrier. Barrier clear to receive capacity flow. Metal Damaged/ Missing Bars. Bars are bent out of shape more than 3 inches. Bars in place with no bends more than 3/4 inch. Bars are missing or entire barrier missing. Bars in place according to design. Bars are loose and rust is causing 50% deterioration to any part of barrier. Repair or replace barrier to design standards. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 3 NO. 7 - ENERGY DISSIPATERS Maintenance Components Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. External: Rock Pad Missing or Moved Rock Only one layer of rock exists above native soil in area five square feet or larger, or any exposure of native soil. Replace rocks to design standards. Dispersion Trench Pipe Plugged with Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the design depth. Pipe cleaned/ flushed so that it matches design. Not Discharging Water Properly Visual evidence of water discharging at concentrated points along trench (normal condition is a “sheet flow” of water along trench). Intent is to prevent erosion damage. Trench must be redesigned or rebuilt to standards. Perforations Plugged. Over 1/2 of perforations in pipe are plugged with debris and sediment. Clean or replace perforated pipe. Water Flows Out Top of “Distributor” Catch Basin. Maintenance person observes water flowing out during any storm less than the design storm or its causing or appears likely to cause damage. Facility must be rebuilt or redesigned to standards. Receiving Area Over-Saturated Water in receiving area is causing or has potential of causing landslide problems. No danger of landslides. Internal: Manhole/ Chamber Worn or Damaged Post. Baffles, Side of Chamber Structure dissipating flow deteriorates to 1/2 or original size or any concentrated worn spot exceeding one square foot which would make structure unsound. Replace structure to design standards. Other Defects See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 NO. 10 - CONVEYANCE SYSTEMS (Pipes & Ditches) Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Pipes Sediment & Debris Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20% of the diameter of the pipe. Pipe cleaned of all sediment and debris. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through pipes. All vegetation removed so water flows freely through pipes. Damaged Protective coating is damaged; rust is causing more than 50% deterioration to any part of pipe. Pipe repaired or replaced. Any dent that decreases the cross section area of pipe by more than 20%. Pipe repaired or replaced. Open Ditches Trash & Debris Trash and debris exceeds 1 cubic foot per 1,000 square feet of ditch and slopes. Trash and debris cleared from ditches. Sediment Accumulated sediment that exceeds 20 % of the design depth. Ditch cleaned/ flushed of all sediment and debris so that it matches design. Vegetation Vegetation that reduces free movement of water through ditches. Water flows freely through ditches. Erosion Damage to Slopes See “Ponds” Standard No. 1 See “Ponds” Standard No. 1 Rock Lining Out of Place or Missing (If Applicable). Maintenance person can see native soil beneath the rock lining. Replace rocks to design standards. Catch Basins See “Catch Basins: Standard No. 5 See “Catch Basins” Standard No. 5 Debris Barriers (e.g., Trash Rack) See “Debris Barriers” Standard No.6 See “Debris Barriers” Standard No. 6 Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 4 NO. 11 - GROUNDS (Landscaping) Maintenance Component Defect Conditions When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed General Weeds (Nonpoisonous) Weeds growing in more than 20% of the landscaped area (trees and shrubs only). Weeds present in less than 5% of the landscaped area. Safety Hazard Any presence of poison ivy or other poisonous vegetation. No poisonous vegetation present in landscaped area. Trash or Litter Paper, cans, bottles, totaling more than 1 cubic foot within a landscaped area (trees and shrubs only) of 1,000 square feet. Area clear of litter. Trees and Shrubs Damaged Limbs or parts of trees or shrubs that are split or broken which affect more than 25% of the total foliage of the tree or shrub. Trees and shrubs with less than 5% of total foliage with split or broken limbs. Trees or shrubs that have been blown down or knocked over. Tree or shrub in place free of injury. Trees or shrubs which are not adequately supported or are leaning over, causing exposure of the roots. Tree or shrub in place and adequately supported; remove any dead or diseased trees. NO. 13- WATER QUALITY FACILITIES A.) Biofiltration Swale Maintenance Component Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed Biofiltration swale Sediment Accumulation on Grass Layer Sediment depth exceeds 2-inches No sediment deposits on grass layer of the bio-swale, which would impede filtration of runoff. Vegetation When the grass becomes excessively tall (greater than 10-inches); when nuisance weeds and other vegetation starts to take over. Vegetation is mowed or nuisance vegetation is eradicated, such that flow not impeded. Grass should be mowed to a height between 4 inches and 9 inches. Inlet Outlet Pipe Inlet/ outlet pipe clogged with sediment and/ or debris. No clogging or blockage in the inlet and outlet piping. Trash and Debris Accumulation Trash and debris accumulated in the bio-swale. Trash and debris removed from bioswale. Erosion/ Scouring Where the bio-swale has eroded or scoured the bottom due to flow channelization, or higher flows. Bioswale should be re-graded and re-seeded to specification, to eliminated channeled flow. Overseeded when bare spots are evident. Sam’s Club #4835-00 Storm Drainage System – Maintenance Report Renton, WA PACLAND Project # 1999010.008 Page 5 NO. 14 - OIL CONTROL FACILITIES A.) Oil/ Water Separators Maintenance Component Defect Condition When Maintenance is Needed Results Expected When Maintenance is Performed. API Type OWS Monitoring Inspection of discharge water for obvious signs of poor water quality. Effluent discharge from vault should be clear with out thick visible sheen. Sediment Accumulation Sediment depth in bottom of vault exceeds 6- inches in depth. No sediment deposits on vault bottom which would impede flow through the vault and separation efficiency. Trash and Debris Accumulation Trash and debris accumulation in vault, or pipe inlet/ outlet, floatables and non-floatables. Trash and debris removed from vault, and inlet/ outlet piping. Oil Accumulation Oil accumulations that exceed 1-inch, at the surface of the water Extract oil from vault by vactoring. Disposal in accordance with state and local rules and regulations. Damaged Pipes Inlet or outlet piping damaged or broken and in need of repair. Pipe repaired or replaced. Access Cover Damaged/ Not Working Cover cannot be opened, one person cannot open the cover, corrosion/ deformation of cover. Cover repaired to proper working specifications or replaced. Vault Structure Damage- Includes Cracks in Walls Bottom, Damage to Frame and/ or Top Slab Cracks wider than 1/2-inch and any evidence of soil particles entering the structure through the cracks, or maintenance/ inspection personnel determines that the vault is not structurally sound. Vault replaced or repaired to design specifications. Baffles Baffles corroding, cracking, warping and/ or showing signs of failure as determined by maintenance/ inspection person. Repair or replace baffles to specifications. Access Ladder Damaged Ladder is corroded or deteriorated, not functioning properly, missing rungs, cracks, and misaligned. Ladder replaced or repaired and meets specifications, and is safe to use as determined by inspection personnel. Cracks wider than 1/2-inch at the joint of any inlet/ outlet pipe or any evidence of soil particles entering the vault through the walls. No cracks more than 1/4-inch wide at the joint of the inlet/ outlet pipe. Appendix E – Bond Quantities Worksheet Planning Division |1055 South Grady Way – 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200Date Prepared: Name:PE Registration No:Firm Name:Firm Address:Phone No.Email Address:Project Name: Project Owner:CED Plan # (LUA):Phone:CED Permit # (U):Address: Site Address:Street Intersection:Addt'l Project Owner:Parcel #(s):Phone:Address: Clearing and grading greater than or equal to 5,000 board feet of timber? Yes/No:NOWater Service Provided by:If Yes, Provide Forest Practice Permit #:Sewer Service Provided by: AddressAbbreviated Legal Description:SEE ATTACHEDCity, State, Zip901 S Grady Way2001 SE 10th StreetAdditional Project OwnerGrady Way & Talbot########(479) 277-65291/7/2019Prepared by:FOR APPROVALProject Phase 1jchambers@pacland.comJeff Chambers34375PACLAND-Seattle1505 Westlake Ave N #305, Seattle, WA 98109(206) 522-9510SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETPROJECT INFORMATIONCITY OF RENTONCITY OF RENTON1 Select the current project status/phase from the following options: For Approval - Preliminary Data Enclosed, pending approval from the City; For Construction - Estimated Data Enclosed, Plans have been approved for contruction by the City; Project Closeout - Final Costs and Quantities Enclosed for Project Close-out SubmittalPhoneEngineer Stamp Required (all cost estimates must have original wet stamp and signature)Clearing and GradingUtility ProvidersN/AProject Location and DescriptionProject Owner InformationSam's Club Fuel Station RemovalBentonville, AR 72716-52509154600010 & 2023059007Walmart Stores, Inc. 18-000542Page 1 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION I PROJECT INFORMATIONUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########UnitReference #PriceUnitQuantity CostBackfill & compaction-embankmentESC-16.50$ CY12007,800.00Check dams, 4" minus rockESC-2SWDM$ Each Catch Basin ProtectionESC-335.50$ Each10355.00Crushed surfacing 1 1/4" minusESC-4WSDOT 9-03.9(3)95.00$ CY DitchingESC-59.00$ CY Excavation-bulkESC-62.00$ CY8601,720.00Fence, siltESC-7SWDM$ LF175262.50Fence, Temporary (NGPE)ESC-81.50$ LF500750.00Geotextile FabricESC-92.50$ SY Hay Bale Silt TrapESC-100.50$ Each HydroseedingESC-11SWDM$ SY31502,520.00Interceptor Swale / DikeESC-121.00$ LF Jute MeshESC-13SWDM$ SY Level SpreaderESC-141.75$ LF Mulch, by hand, straw, 3" deepESC-15SWDM$ SY Mulch, by machine, straw, 2" deepESC-16SWDM$ SY Piping, temporary, CPP, 6"ESC-1712.00$ LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 8"ESC-1814.00$ LF Piping, temporary, CPP, 12"ESC-1918.00$ LF Plastic covering, 6mm thick, sandbaggedESC-20SWDM$ SY100400.00Rip Rap, machine placed; slopesESC-21WSDOT 9-13.1(2)45.00$ CY Rock Construction Entrance, 50'x15'x1'ESC-22SWDM,800.00$ Each11,800.00Rock Construction Entrance, 100'x15'x1'ESC-23SWDM,200.00$ Each Sediment pond riser assemblyESC-24SWDM,200.00$ Each Sediment trap, 5' high berm ESC-25SWDM$ LF Sed. trap, 5' high, riprapped spillway berm section ESC-26SWDM$ LF Seeding, by handESC-27SWDM$ SY Sodding, 1" deep, level groundESC-28SWDM$ SY Sodding, 1" deep, sloped groundESC-29SWDM$ SY TESC SupervisorESC-30110.00$ HR10011,000.00Water truck, dust controlESC-31SWDM 5.4.7140.00$ HR UnitReference #PriceUnitQuantity CostSWDM D.$ LF350875.000.10$ SF280002,800.00 EROSION/SEDIMENT SUBTOTAL:30,282.50SALES TAX @ 10%3,028.25EROSION/SEDIMENT TOTAL:33,310.75(A)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROLDescription No.(A)Straw Wattle with SandbagsTemp IrrigationWRITE-IN-ITEMS Page 2 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.a EROSION_CONTROLUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostGENERAL ITEMS Backfill & Compaction- embankmentGI-16.00$ CYBackfill & Compaction- trenchGI-29.00$ CYClear/Remove Brush, by hand (SY)GI-31.00$ SYBollards - fixedGI-4240.74$ EachBollards - removableGI-5452.34$ EachClearing/Grubbing/Tree RemovalGI-610,000.00$ AcreExcavation - bulkGI-72.00$ CYExcavation - TrenchGI-85.00$ CYFencing, cedar, 6' highGI-920.00$ LFFencing, chain link, 4'GI-1038.31$ LFFencing, chain link, vinyl coated, 6' highGI-1120.00$ LFFencing, chain link, gate, vinyl coated, 20' GI-121,400.00$ EachFill & compact - common barrowGI-1325.00$ CYFill & compact - gravel baseGI-1427.00$ CYFill & compact - screened topsoilGI-1539.00$ CYGabion, 12" deep, stone filled mesh GI-1665.00$ SYGabion, 18" deep, stone filled mesh GI-1790.00$ SYGabion, 36" deep, stone filled meshGI-18150.00$ SYGrading, fine, by handGI-192.50$ SYGrading, fine, with graderGI-202.00$ SYMonuments, 3' LongGI-21250.00$ EachSensitive Areas SignGI-227.00$ EachSodding, 1" deep, sloped groundGI-238.00$ SYSurveying, line & gradeGI-24850.00$ DaySurveying, lot location/linesGI-251,800.00$ AcreTopsoil Type A (imported)GI-2628.50$ CYTraffic control crew ( 2 flaggers )GI-27120.00$ HRTrail, 4" chipped woodGI-288.00$ SYTrail, 4" crushed cinderGI-299.00$ SYTrail, 4" top courseGI-3012.00$ SYConduit, 2"GI-315.00$ LFWall, retaining, concreteGI-3255.00$ SFWall, rockeryGI-3315.00$ SFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)Page 3 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)ROAD IMPROVEMENT/PAVEMENT/SURFACINGAC Grinding, 4' wide machine < 1000syRI-130.00$ SYAC Grinding, 4' wide machine 1000-2000syRI-216.00$ SYAC Grinding, 4' wide machine > 2000syRI-310.00$ SYAC Removal/DisposalRI-435.00$ SYBarricade, Type III ( Permanent )RI-556.00$ LFGuard RailRI-630.00$ LFCurb & Gutter, rolledRI-717.00$ LFCurb & Gutter, verticalRI-812.50$ LFCurb and Gutter, demolition and disposalRI-918.00$ LFCurb, extruded asphaltRI-105.50$ LFCurb, extruded concreteRI-117.00$ LFSawcut, asphalt, 3" depthRI-121.85$ LFSawcut, concrete, per 1" depthRI-133.00$ LFSealant, asphaltRI-142.00$ LFShoulder, gravel, 4" thickRI-1515.00$ SYSidewalk, 4" thickRI-1638.00$ SYSidewalk, 4" thick, demolition and disposalRI-1732.00$ SYSidewalk, 5" thickRI-1841.00$ SYSidewalk, 5" thick, demolition and disposalRI-1940.00$ SYSign, Handicap RI-2085.00$ EachStriping, per stallRI-217.00$ EachStriping, thermoplastic, ( for crosswalk )RI-223.00$ SFStriping, 4" reflectorized lineRI-230.50$ LFAdditional 2.5" Crushed SurfacingRI-243.60$ SYHMA 1/2" Overlay 1.5" RI-2514.00$ SYHMA 1/2" Overlay 2"RI-2618.00$ SYHMA Road, 2", 4" rock, First 2500 SYRI-2728.00$ SYHMA Road, 2", 4" rock, Qty. over 2500SYRI-2821.00$ SYHMA Road, 4", 6" rock, First 2500 SYRI-2945.00$ SYHMA Road, 4", 6" rock, Qty. over 2500 SYRI-3037.00$ SYHMA Road, 4", 4.5" ATBRI-3138.00$ SYGravel Road, 4" rock, First 2500 SYRI-3215.00$ SYGravel Road, 4" rock, Qty. over 2500 SYRI-3310.00$ SYThickened EdgeRI-348.60$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 4 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostSITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTSQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)PARKING LOT SURFACINGNo.2" AC, 2" top course rock & 4" borrowPL-121.00$ SY2" AC, 1.5" top course & 2.5" base coursePL-228.00$ SY4" select borrowPL-35.00$ SY1.5" top course rock & 2.5" base coursePL-414.00$ SYSUBTOTAL PARKING LOT SURFACING:(B)(C)(D)(E)LANDSCAPING & VEGETATIONNo.Street TreesLA-1Median LandscapingLA-2Right-of-Way LandscapingLA-3Wetland LandscapingLA-4SUBTOTAL LANDSCAPING & VEGETATION:(B)(C)(D)(E)TRAFFIC & LIGHTINGNo.SignsTR-1Street Light System ( # of Poles)TR-2Traffic SignalTR-3Traffic Signal ModificationTR-4SUBTOTAL TRAFFIC & LIGHTING:(B)(C)(D)(E)WRITE-IN-ITEMSExtruded Curb & Tack Coat5.00$ LF5002,500.00SUBTOTAL WRITE-IN ITEMS:2,500.00STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBTOTAL:2,500.00SALES TAX @ 10%250.00STREET AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL:2,750.00(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 5 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.b TRANSPORTATIONUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostDRAINAGE (CPE = Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, N12 or Equivalent) For Culvert prices, Average of 4' cover was assumed. Assume perforated PVC is same price as solid pipe.) Access Road, R/DD-126.00$ SY* (CBs include frame and lid)BeehiveD-290.00$ EachThrough-curb Inlet FrameworkD-3400.00$ EachCB Type ID-41,500.00$ EachCB Type ILD-51,750.00$ EachCB Type II, 48" diameterD-62,300.00$ Each for additional depth over 4' D-7480.00$ FTCB Type II, 54" diameterD-82,500.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-9495.00$ FTCB Type II, 60" diameterD-102,800.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-11600.00$ FTCB Type II, 72" diameterD-126,000.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-13850.00$ FTCB Type II, 96" diameterD-1414,000.00$ Each for additional depth over 4'D-15925.00$ FTTrash Rack, 12"D-16350.00$ EachTrash Rack, 15"D-17410.00$ EachTrash Rack, 18"D-18480.00$ EachTrash Rack, 21"D-19550.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 4"D-20150.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 6"D-21170.00$ EachCleanout, PVC, 8"D-22200.00$ EachCulvert, PVC, 4" D-2310.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 6" D-2413.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 8" D-2515.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 12" D-2623.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 15" D-2735.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 18" D-2841.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 24"D-2956.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 30" D-3078.00$ LFCulvert, PVC, 36" D-31130.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 8"D-3219.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 12"D-3329.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)Quantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESPage 6 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESDRAINAGE (Continued)Culvert, CMP, 15"D-3435.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 18"D-3541.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 24"D-3656.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 30"D-3778.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 36"D-38130.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 48"D-39190.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 60"D-40270.00$ LFCulvert, CMP, 72"D-41350.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 8"D-4242.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 12"D-4348.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 15"D-4478.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 18"D-4548.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 24"D-4678.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 30"D-47125.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 36"D-48150.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 42"D-49175.00$ LFCulvert, Concrete, 48"D-50205.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 6" D-5114.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 8" D-5216.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 12" D-5324.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 15" D-5435.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 18" D-5541.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 24" D-5656.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 30" D-5778.00$ LFCulvert, CPE Triple Wall, 36" D-58130.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 6"D-5960.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 8"D-6072.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 12"D-6184.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 15"D-6296.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 18"D-63108.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 24"D-64120.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 30"D-65132.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 36"D-66144.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 48"D-67156.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 54"D-68168.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 7 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESDRAINAGE (Continued)Culvert, LCPE, 60"D-69180.00$ LFCulvert, LCPE, 72"D-70192.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 6"D-7142.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 8"D-7242.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 12"D-7374.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 15"D-74106.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 18"D-75138.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 24"D-76221.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 30"D-77276.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 36"D-78331.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 48"D-79386.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 54"D-80441.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 60"D-81496.00$ LFCulvert, HDPE, 72"D-82551.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 6"D-8384.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 8"D-8489.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 12"D-8595.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 15"D-86100.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 18"D-87106.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 24"D-88111.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 30"D-89119.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 36"D-90154.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 48"D-91226.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 54"D-92332.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 60"D-93439.00$ LFPipe, Polypropylene, 72"D-94545.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 6"D-9561.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 8"D-9684.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 12"D-97106.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 15"D-98129.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 18"D-99152.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 24"D-100175.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 30"D-101198.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 36"D-102220.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 48"D-103243.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 54"D-104266.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 60"D-105289.00$ LFCulvert, DI, 72"D-106311.00$ LFSUBTOTAL THIS PAGE:(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 8 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESSpecialty Drainage ItemsDitching SD-19.50$ CYFlow Dispersal Trench (1,436 base+)SD-328.00$ LF French Drain (3' depth)SD-426.00$ LFGeotextile, laid in trench, polypropyleneSD-53.00$ SYMid-tank Access Riser, 48" dia, 6' deepSD-62,000.00$ EachPond Overflow SpillwaySD-716.00$ SYRestrictor/Oil Separator, 12"SD-81,150.00$ EachRestrictor/Oil Separator, 15"SD-91,350.00$ EachRestrictor/Oil Separator, 18"SD-101,700.00$ EachRiprap, placedSD-1142.00$ CYTank End Reducer (36" diameter)SD-121,200.00$ EachInfiltration pond testingSD-13125.00$ HRPermeable PavementSD-14Permeable Concrete SidewalkSD-15Culvert, Box __ ft x __ ftSD-16SUBTOTAL SPECIALTY DRAINAGE ITEMS:(B)(C)(D)(E)STORMWATER FACILITIES (Include Flow Control and Water Quality Facility Summary Sheet and Sketch)Detention PondSF-1Each Detention TankSF-2Each Detention VaultSF-3Each Infiltration PondSF-4Each Infiltration TankSF-5Each Infiltration VaultSF-6Each Infiltration TrenchesSF-7Each Basic Biofiltration SwaleSF-8Each Wet Biofiltration SwaleSF-9Each WetpondSF-10Each WetvaultSF-11Each Sand FilterSF-12Each Sand Filter VaultSF-13Each Linear Sand FilterSF-14Each Proprietary FacilitySF-15Each Bioretention FacilitySF-16Each SUBTOTAL STORMWATER FACILITIES:(B)(C)(D)(E)Page 9 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIESWRITE-IN-ITEMS (INCLUDE ON-SITE BMPs)Catch Basin Riser & Solid LidWI-1250.00$ Each1250.00Cap Existing StormWI-21,500.00$ Each11,500.00Remove Oil/Water Separator (storm only)WI-31,500.00$ Each11,500.00WI-4WI-5WI-6WI-7WI-8WI-9WI-10WI-11WI-12WI-13WI-14WI-15SUBTOTAL WRITE-IN ITEMS:3,250.00DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES SUBTOTAL:3,250.00SALES TAX @ 10%325.00DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER FACILITIES TOTAL:3,575.00(B) (C) (D) (E)Page 10 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.c DRAINAGEUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostConnection to Existing WatermainW-12,000.00$ EachDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 4 Inch DiameterW-250.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 6 Inch DiameterW-356.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 8 Inch DiameterW-460.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 10 Inch DiameterW-570.00$ LFDuctile Iron Watermain, CL 52, 12 Inch DiameterW-680.00$ LFGate Valve, 4 inch DiameterW-7500.00$ EachGate Valve, 6 inch DiameterW-8700.00$ EachGate Valve, 8 Inch DiameterW-9800.00$ EachGate Valve, 10 Inch DiameterW-101,000.00$ EachGate Valve, 12 Inch DiameterW-111,200.00$ EachFire Hydrant AssemblyW-124,000.00$ EachPermanent Blow-Off AssemblyW-131,800.00$ EachAir-Vac Assembly, 2-Inch DiameterW-142,000.00$ EachAir-Vac Assembly, 1-Inch DiameterW-151,500.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 3-inch DiameterW-168,000.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 4-inch DiameterW-179,000.00$ EachCompound Meter Assembly 6-inch DiameterW-1810,000.00$ EachPressure Reducing Valve Station 8-inch to 10-inchW-1920,000.00$ EachWATER SUBTOTAL:SALES TAX @ 10%WATER TOTAL:(B) (C) (D) (E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR WATERQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)Page 11 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.d WATERUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 CED Permit #:########ExistingFuture PublicPrivateRight-of-WayImprovementsImprovements(D) (E)DescriptionNo. Unit PriceUnitQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostQuant.CostClean OutsSS-11,000.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 500 gallonSS-28,000.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 1000 gallonSS-310,000.00$ EachGrease Interceptor, 1500 gallonSS-415,000.00$ EachSide Sewer Pipe, PVC. 4 Inch DiameterSS-580.00$ LFSide Sewer Pipe, PVC. 6 Inch DiameterSS-695.00$ LFSewer Pipe, PVC, 8 inch DiameterSS-7105.00$ LFSewer Pipe, PVC, 12 Inch DiameterSS-8120.00$ LFSewer Pipe, DI, 8 inch DiameterSS-9115.00$ LFSewer Pipe, DI, 12 Inch DiameterSS-10130.00$ LFManhole, 48 Inch DiameterSS-116,000.00$ EachManhole, 54 Inch DiameterSS-136,500.00$ EachManhole, 60 Inch DiameterSS-157,500.00$ EachManhole, 72 Inch DiameterSS-178,500.00$ EachManhole, 96 Inch DiameterSS-1914,000.00$ EachPipe, C-900, 12 Inch DiameterSS-21180.00$ LFOutside DropSS-241,500.00$ LSInside DropSS-251,000.00$ LSSewer Pipe, PVC, ____ Inch DiameterSS-26Lift Station (Entire System)SS-27LSSANITARY SEWER SUBTOTAL:SALES TAX @ 10%SANITARY SEWER TOTAL:(B) (C) (D) (E)SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEETFOR SANITARY SEWERQuantity Remaining (Bond Reduction) (B)(C)Page 12 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION II.e SANITARY SEWERUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019 Planning Division |1055 South Grady Way – 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 (425) 430-7200Date:Name:Project Name: PE Registration No:CED Plan # (LUA):Firm Name:CED Permit # (U):Firm Address:Site Address:Phone No.Parcel #(s):Email Address:Project Phase: Site Restoration/Erosion Sediment Control Subtotal (a)Existing Right-of-Way Improvements Subtotal (b)(b)-$ Future Public Improvements Subtotal(c)-$ Stormwater & Drainage Facilities (Public & Private) Subtotal(d)(d)3,575.00$ (e)(f)Site RestorationCivil Construction PermitMaintenance Bond715.00$ Bond Reduction2Construction Permit Bond Amount 3Minimum Bond Amount is $10,000.001 Estimate Only - May involve multiple and variable components, which will be established on an individual basis by Development Engineering.2 The City of Renton allows one request only for bond reduction prior to the maintenance period. Reduction of not more than 70% of the original bond amount, provided that the remaining 30% willcover all remaining items to be constructed. 3 Required Bond Amounts are subject to review and modification by Development Engineering.* Note: The word BOND as used in this document means any financial guarantee acceptable to the City of Renton.** Note: All prices include labor, equipment, materials, overhead and profit. EST1((b) + (c) + (d)) x 20%-$ MAINTENANCE BOND */**(after final acceptance of construction)33,310.75$ -$ 3,575.00$ 33,310.75$ -$ 3,575.00$ -$ 36,885.75$ P (a) x 100%SITE IMPROVEMENT BOND QUANTITY WORKSHEET BOND CALCULATIONS1/7/2019Jeff Chambers34375PACLAND-SeattleR((b x 150%) + (d x 100%))S(e) x 150% + (f) x 100%Bond Reduction: Existing Right-of-Way Improvements (Quantity Remaining)2Bond Reduction: Stormwater & Drainage Facilities (Quantity Remaining)2T(P +R - S)Prepared by:Project InformationCONSTRUCTION BOND AMOUNT */**(prior to permit issuance)(206) 522-9510jchambers@pacland.comSam's Club Fuel Station Removal18-000542901 S Grady Way9154600010 & 2023059007FOR APPROVAL########1505 Westlake Ave N #305, Seattle, WA 98109Page 13 of 13Ref 8-H Bond Quantity WorksheetSECTION III. BOND WORKSHEETUnit Prices Updated: 06/14/2016Version: 04/26/2017Printed 1/7/2019