HomeMy WebLinkAboutMedical Institution Definition Zoning Code Amendment (2/7/2005) zimends ORD 4963, 4982 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 5125 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY REVISING THE DEFINITIONS OF "MEDICAL INSITUTIONS" AND "CONVALESCENT CENTERS," AND ADDING A DEFINITION FOR"HOLISTIC HEALTH CENTERS." WHEREAS, the City of Renton includes definitions of different categories of land use within its development regulations; and WHEREAS, the City from time to time refines these definitions to facilitate better review of land use applications; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined, after consideration of the testimony and evidence before it, that specific definitions require amendment or inclusion in order to provide adequate direction for interpretation of land use regulations; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION L Section 4-11-030 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) is hereby amended by revising the definition of Convalescent Centers,to read as follows: CONVALESCENT CENTERS: Facilities for patients who are recovering health and strength after illness or injury, or receiving long-term care for chronic conditions, disabilities, or terminal illnesses where care includes ongoing medical treatment and extended care facilities. This definition does not include retirement residences, adult family homes, group homes II, medical institutions, and/or secure community transition facilities. 1 ORDINANCE NO. 512 5 Isle SECTION II. Section 4-11-080, of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) is hereby amended by adding a definition for Holistic Health Care Center,to read as follows: HOLISTIC HEALTH CARE CENTER: A combination of activities intended for improvement or maintenance of health including out-patient and/or in-patient care and supporting accessory activities including space for medical practitioners, retail sales, educational classrooms and meeting spaces. SECTION III. Section 4-11-130 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) is hereby amended by revising the definition of Medical Institutions, to read as follows. MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS: Facilities providing physical or mental health services, in- patient accommodations, and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured. This definition includes hospitals, clinics, hospice, and holistic health centers. This definition excludes medical and dental offices, convalescent centers, retirement residences, and group homes II and I. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 2 8 th day of February , 2005. OJa1 Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk 2 p ORDINANCE NO. 512 5 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 2 8 th day of February , 2005 /46-ileA t)k112,L, Kathy K..lker-Wheeler, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, Attorney Date of Publication: 3/4/2 0 0 5 (Summary) ORD.1171:2/25/05:ma 3 February 28,2005 'saw' Renton City Council Minutes '1' Page 66 The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Planning: Medical Institution An ordinance was read amending Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV Definition, City Code Amend (Development Regulations) of City Code by revising the definitions of "Medical Institutions" and "Convalescent Centers," and adding a definition for "Holistic Health Centers." MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance#5125 Following second and final reading of the above ordinance, it was MOVED BY Planning: Medical Institution CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE Definition, City Code Amend AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#5126 An ordinance was read adding Section 5-1-2.K to Chapter 1,Fee Schedule,of Finance: Special Water Meter Title V(Finance and Business Regulations)of City Code to adopt service fees Read Service Fees for special meter readings,new utility account set up, and utility account transfers. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#5127 An ordinance was read amending Section 5-1-2.K to Chapter 1, Fee Schedule, Finance: Utility Outstanding of Title V(Finance and Business Regulations)of City Code to adopt service Balance Search Fees fees for utility outstanding balance searches. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilwoman Nelson reviewed Renton School District happenings, which School District: Activities included: the naming of Nicole Parris,Lindbergh High School senior, as a finalist in the National Achievement Scholarship Program; the selection of Lori Dunn,Hazen High School physical education and health teacher, as the Northwest District High School Teacher of the Year by the Association of the American Alliance of Health,Physical Education,Recreation and Dance; and the celebration of Black History Month at Hazen High School. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:07 p.m. &ilin a;•/ C&/a ) Bonnie I. Walton, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann February 28,2005 =' °' ' ?froinin, `27 bevelopn - CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: February 25, 2005 TO: Tern Briere, President City Council Members �/� FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator p%c vt " Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department The property owner of the convalescent facility at Sunset and Edmonds requests that the City Council consider both first and second reading of the ordinance amending the medical institutions definitions on Feb. 28th. Cancellation of the City Council meeting last week, in observance of President's Day, delayed introduction of this ordinance. The property owners are waiting for the adoption date as part of the contingency on their closing and indicate that further delay creates a hardship for them. As this is a simple issue, with no other parties of record commenting, or other broader issues that might need to be addressed between first and second reading, staff recommends that the ordinance be forwarded for second reading on Monday.The item is listed on the agenda for first reading. A City Council motion to forward the ordinance for second and final reading is the recommended action. cc: Mayor Keolker-Wheeler H:\EDNSP\Title IV\Definitions\Medical Institution Council adoption.doc February 7,2005 4.10, Renton City Council Minutes`gm' Page 40 Planning: MedicaLlnstitution I This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Definition, City Code,...) accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Keolker-Wheeler opened the Amendment V r public hearing to consider City Code Title IV (Development Regulations) amendments to the definition of"Medical Institution." Alex Pietsch,Economic Development Administrator, stated that a property owner and an interested business wanted to request a Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezone of a property to take advantage of a particular land use at a single location. Upon review of City Code, it was discovered that some of the existing definitions were out of date with evolving medical industry practices; thus a City Code amendment is being sought that will address this matter and also be applicable Citywide. Rebecca Lind, Planner Manager,explained that the proposed land use is for a holistic health clinic involving non-traditional medical practitioners and a short- term in-patient facility, with massage,non-traditional therapy, retail, and gardens as accessory activities. She indicated that the existing zoning code definitions of"Medical Institution," "Medical Office," "Office," and "Convalescent Facility" were not appropriate for this use; however, the definition "Medical Institution" most closely described the proposed activity. Ms. Lind pointed out that "Medical Institution" includes physical or mental health services, in-patient accommodations, medical and surgical care, and hospitals; and excludes medical and dental offices, convalescent centers, retirement residences, and group homes. Ms. Lind stated that staff recommends adding a definition of"Holistic Health Center" as a type of activity to the zoning code, and then add it into the "Medical Institution" definition=as an included use along with hospitals. The new definition combines a number of activities intended for the improvement or maintenance of health, allowing both outpatient and inpatient care and various supporting accessory activities. Continuing,Ms. Lind explained that the proposed City Code amendment includes the holistic health activity within the "Medical Institution" land use. The amendment also continues the Hearing Examiner conditional use permit for this type of land use activity in all zones. Additionally, the amendment includes moving the hospice facility from the "Convalescent Center" definition to the "Medical Institution" definition, and removing the term sanitarium from the "Medical Institution"definition. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. Planning &Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an Planning: Medical Institution amendment to the definition of"Medical Institution." The Committee further Definition,City Code recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first Amendment reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (cY C. ♦ aa. � )♦ PUBLIC HEARING HANDOUT Amendment to Title IV(Zoning Code) Definitions Medical Institution February 7,2005 The existing definitions of"Medical Institution,""Medical Office,"and"Convalescent Facility" concludes exclusionary language that prohibits a mixed-use treatment facility that includes components of all of these land uses. The property owner of the existing convalescent facility on Sunset Blvd. is requesting consideration of a code amendment to allow a holistic health facility that combines out-patient treatment, short-term stay, retail products, gardens, doctor's offices, massage, and other forms of physical therapy as part of a"medical institution"use. The "medical institution"use is allowed in all zones in the City with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit. Recommendation The Planning Commission recommends adoption of the following amendments to the definition of"Medical Institution"to incorporate "holistic health clinics"and"hospice"uses. It is further recommended that the"hospice"language be deleted from"convalescent center." A new definition of"holistic health clinic"is also proposed. Staff concurs in this recommendation. Medical Institutions A facility providing physical or mental health services, in-patient accommodations, and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured. This includes hospitals, clinics, and sanitariums hospice, and holistic health centers,but excludes medical and dental offices,-convalescent centers, retirement residences, and group homes I and II. Holistic Health Center A combination of activities intended for improvement or maintenance of health including out- patient and/or in-patient care and supporting accessory activities, and/or including space for medical practitioners,retail sales, educational classrooms and meeting space. Convalescent Centers Facilities for patients who are recovering health and strength after illness or injury, or receiving long-term care for chronic conditions, disabilities,terminal illness where care includes ongoing medical treatment, ' and extended care facilities. This definition does not include retirement residences, adult family homes, group homes II,medical institutions, or secure community transition facilities. Medical Institution Definition .. , �r Code Amendments February 7,2005 • � � s' City Council Public Hearing Presentation •Non-traditional therapy •Retail •Gardens . fix ti' 5 •' 1 Includes hospitals —A place where the affairs of a business,profession —Excludes medical and dental offices, service or industry are undertaken • Convalescent Facility convalescent centers,retirement residences, —Patients are recovering health and strength after illness group homes or receiving care for chronic disability � }y`T •'''Allow in au zones with a F : ng l itatn or CUP Educational classrooms • defiion to me"hospi " ility • fromAmend"Convalescent nits Centeovr"to"Medicalcefac Meeting Institution" • Amend"Medical Institution"to remove "Sanitarium" 1 - ra PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date .2_7►2DOS COMMITTEEE REPORT February 7,2005 "Medical Institution" Definition Exception to Title IV Docket Review Process for a Zoning Code Amendment (Referred Dec. 6, 2004) The Planning and Development Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve an amendment to the definition of"Medical Institution". The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. CP7 Dan Clawson, Chair 6t0A-, r I. Denis W. Law,Vice-Chair 1/1 (Ya16/1A1A------ Randy Corman, Member Cc Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind Veer ',err January 24,2005 Renton City Council Minutes Page 30 Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Corman presented a report concurring in the CAG: 03-168, Maplewood recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department that Water Treatment Facility Council approve Addendum No. 2 to the consultant agreement CAG-03-168 Improvements, Economic and with Economic and Engineering Services, Inc. in the amount of$116,510 for Engineering Services additional engineering services assistance for the construction of the Maplewood Water Treatment Improvements project. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Committee regarding the big-box retail uses design guidelines and the Urban Center Design Planning: Big-Box Retail Uses Overlay Regulations. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff Design Guidelines &Urban recommendation to approve the proposed revisions to the Urban Center Design Center Design Overlay Overlay Regulations incorporating revised standards for new development in Regulations the Urban Center and big-box retail in all locations except the Valley. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 31 for ordinance.) Planning: Medical Institution Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Definition, City Code regarding the exception to the City Code Title IV (Development Regulations) Amendment docket review process for a zoning code amendment of the "Medical +.f- Institution" definition. The Committee recommended setting a public hearing for this issue on 2/7/2005. The Committee further recommended that the draft ordinance regarding this matter be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the final ordinance. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Release of Easement: Planning and Development Committee Chair Clawson presented a report Lakeshore Landing Site, regarding the release of easements to be granted by Boeing for the Lakeshore Boeing,RE-04-001 Landing site development project (RE-04-001). The Committee recommended concurrence in the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation that Council approve a release for each of the easements with the following King County recording numbers: 8811300191; 9607220167; 200011205003127; 200011205003128; 200011205003129; and 200011205003130. The Committee further recommended concurrence in the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Work Department that Council retain a portion of the easement recorded under King County recording number 8805190541 and approve the partial release of the remaining portion of this easement. The documents recorded under King County recording numbers 9105231158 and 9106060988 (which replaced 9105231158) are not easements but agreements and will be handled by staff in a separate action to Council. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution#3732 A resolution was read setting a public hearing date on 2/28/2005 to vacate Vacation: Bremerton Ave NE, portions of Bremerton Ave. NE between NE 2nd St. and NE 3rd St. (Petitioner: Liberty Ridge,VAC-04-007 Liberty Ridge LLC; VAC-04-007). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY LAW, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. • trcrovED BY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE CM'COUNCIL COMMITTEEE REPORT Date /ash aoos January 24,2005 "Medical Institution" Definition Exception to Title IV Docket Review Process for a Zoning Code Amendment (Referred Dec.X2004) t3 The Planning and Development Committee recommends setting a public hearing for this issue on February 7, 2005. The Committee further recommends that the draft ordinance regarding this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office for preparation of the final ordinance. 61)Ln. Dan Clawson, Chair Denis W. Law, Vice-Chair CY)(1 Cakik.) t9Atai— Randy Corman, Member Cc Alex Pietsch Rebecca Lind n• azH err 5" H aH � n0 o or b° n =cn r. zw rn `y O' raCDotAz21.c G co - 7 c b `< g o z cu Cr G G ' co Z v C "Zi n oAD �' ° o c tC Cr Hn, 4 cr o o c nozG 'il.a G Iliic1 ,I cti = cn o 0, o G- A, G- �'. o �. O O v, o co o a cr. m C� ° 5 C cA tD a `" - z G 0 m ,,, -" G G Q k< - x a �°- o 0Pow G' ~5' 5 o � o b � yzo a x ao a : ° y CD a�G n' o �' ° goo 0 G o o w G 'Z1 0 (-) G✓ z b_ AD o �, x 5 A°, Z `Dx met, C O< G o w , cn T AD O Uo ,< �. 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K"' n4 T' ,k•` A. .' ;3', �,' s , r ,r �J��ITiA�Miii�� 02 - C, tc. t �j�- 2 3'. ,S ✓'s - ' i�L �.7��r�� V�AfeY' �� r�'� � � Yet, �$1��'�4�.��7',�� r ..' x -.- . .".,,::- :,.•.,.z-,to - `L,� - x ey 4 t - CF.. .,.� ^ , S 3_x +> , - ®09Tc ,asel ssaJppv eAtmAti Darlene Johnson Jim Jacques Windermere Real Estate Chamber of Commerce J & D Adventures, LLC 3800 NE 4th Street 300 Rainier Avenue North 608 Grant Ave. S. Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 Rich Roodman Healing Arts Clinic CEO 19390 Byeres Rd. Valley Medical Center Maple Valley,WA 98038 400 S 43rd Street Renton,WA 98055 @NTS Joy MOWN asn w c $aa paaj Inootus CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 7th day of February, 2005, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time of a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of Renton City Hall, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Zoning Code amendment to the definition of"Medical Institution" to allow a wider range of medical practices to occur on-site as accessory functions to hospital, clinic, or sanitarium use. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. Renton City Hall is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6502. 66 u1 ( Ja 2 r Bonnie I. Walton City Clerk Published King County Journal January 28, 2005 Account No. 50640 December 13,2004 `"" Renton City Council Minutes Nall.' Page 443 Planning: Medical Institution Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Definition, City Code ' recommended an amendment to the definition of"Medical Definition" in City Amendment Code to allow a wider range of medical practices to occur on-site as accessory functions to the hospital,clinic, or sanitarium use. Refer to Planning and Development Committee and Planning Commission. Comp Plan: 2005 Amendment Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Pre-Application,4915 NE submitted pre-application for 2005 Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change Sunset Blvd land use designation for property located at 4915 NE Sunset Blvd. from Single Family(R-8 zoned)to Corridor Commercial (Commercial Arterial zoned). Refer to Planning and Development Committee. Comp Plan: 2005 Amendment Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Filing Deadline Extension recommended approval to extend the filing deadline for Comprehensive Plan Amendments from 12/15/2004 to 1/14/2005,for the next annual review cycle. Council concur. Fire: Haz Mat Equipment, Fire Department recommended approval of three subgrant agreements with King County Grants King County(acting as pass through agency for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security)for receipt of funding in the total amount of$77,798 for Haz Mat(hazardous materials)equipment. Council concur. (See page 447 for resolution.) MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Michael Modl, 103 Monterey P1. NE,Renton, Citizen Comment: Modl- 98056,noting the noise disturbances created by vehicles with modified Modified Vehicle Noise mufflers, and requesting adoption of an ordinance regulating this type of noise Disturbances disturbance or enforcement of the noise level laws if already regulated. MOVED BY LAW, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Added The following e-mail was read requesting that the development of Heather Citizen Comment: Various- Downs Park not be delayed: Tern&Joseph Zurra,4507 SE 4th St.,Renton, Heather Downs Park 98059;Kevin Schrock,413 Chelan Ave. SE,Renton, 98059; Sandel DeMastus, Development 1137 Harrington Ave. NE,Renton,98056;Valerie O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St., Renton,98059; Ken&Anne Miller,4415 SE 4th St.,Renton,98059;Mike O'Halloran,4420 SE 4th St.,Renton,98059;Lori Foster,4413 SE 3rd PI., Renton,98059; Bob&Cindy Ensley,4108 SE 4th St.,Renton,98059;and Vic Bloomfield&Jeni Skuk,4418 SE 3rd Pl.,Renton, 98059. Comments included: residents have waited a long time for the park; funds have already been allocated for this purpose; and children need a place to play away from traffic. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Council President Persson presented a Committee of the Whole report Committee of the Whole regarding adoption of the 2005 Budget ordinances. Budget: 2005 Annual City of 2005 Budget. The Committee recommended adoption of the 2005 Budget, Renton&Related Ordinances including the following changes recommended by the Executive: • Convert a .4 Parking Enforcement Officer position into a Police Specialist for the RENSTAT program. • Add a Police Specialist for the RENSTAT program-$69,000. • Eliminate the vacant position of Finance Analyst Supervisor,Finance and Information Services Department-$89,000. • or, A- OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA ILL AI#. ! , b Submitting Data: For Agenda of: December 13, 2004 Dept/Div/Board.. Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Staff Contact Rebecca Lind(ext 6588) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Exception of Title IV docket review process for zoning Correspondence.. code amendment to the definition of"Medical Ordinance Institution" Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Definitions Handout Information Excerpts from Healing Arts Clinic Website Code Amendment application Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to the Planning and Development Committee and Legal Dept Planning Commission Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: NA Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: A property owner desiring to re-use the former convalescent facility at 1100 Edmonds Ave NE. for a holistic medical treatment facility approached the City. The proposed use falls between the definitions of medical institution, medical office, and convalescent facility and includes components of each now separate use. To allow this use in the City, an amendment to these definitions is needed because each current definition excludes at least a portion of the proposed activity. Staff recommends that the medical institution definition be amended for this purpose. The amended definition would allow a mixed- use medical institution with components of convalescent care and medical office in addition to the traditional over-night or shorter-term care facilities. The text amendment review process (Section 4-9-025) allows an exception to the annual docket "bundling" of proposed code amendments, allowing "imperative" code amendments to be given a higher priority and processed outside the normal annual review cycle. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Prioritize an amendment to the definition of"Medical Institution" for review outside the normal Title IV docket review process and refer this issue to the Planning and Development Committee and the Planning Commission for review and recommendation. Title IV Definitions Medical Institutions CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: December 1, 2004 TO: Don Persson, Council President Members of Renton City Council VIA: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Mayor FROM: Alex Pietsch, Administrator ItclAjf Economic Development,Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind(ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Exception to Title IV docket review process for zoning code amendment to the definition of"Medical Institution" ISSUE: The existing definitions of"Medical Institution,""Medical Office," and "Convalescent Facility"include exclusionary language that prohibits a mixed-use treatment facility that includes components of all of these land uses. The property owner of the existing convalescent facility on Sunset Blvd. is requesting consideration of a code amendment to allow a holistic health facility that combines out-patient treatment, short-term stay, retail products, gardens, doctor's offices,massage, and other forms of physical therapy. RECOMMENDATION: • Amend the definition of"Medical Institution"to allow a wider range of medical practices to occur on-site as accessory functions to the hospital, clinic, or sanitarium use. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The proposed holistic clinic is an example of a non-tradition medical use that challenges the assumptions underlying mainstream approaches to land use definitions. The activities described in the attached brochure for the "Healing Arts Clinic" are similar to a medical office use, however, as part of the business plan of this organization, over-night stays and a retreat atmosphere is incorporated into the treatment program. According to the proponents,many clients travel distances to use the facility, and at the present, need to stay in hotels. A small short-term convalescent use is envisioned within the facility to allow clients to remain on site. • December 1,2004 Page 2 The proposed amendments to the medical institution definition would facilitate this non- traditional medical activity,but could also be useful for mainstream"mixed-use"medical applications, such as cancer care facilities where patients need a place to stay for treatment. The proposed definition would retain the hospital, clinic, or sanitarium as the primary activity, but allow a combination of medical offices, convalescent, and other activities, such as retail as accessory functions. CONCLUSION: An amendment to existing definitions to allow a response to evolving medical institutions is supported to allow innovative uses and activities in the City. H:\EDNSP1Title IV\Definitions\Medical Institution Issue.doc DEFINITIONS HANDOUT MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS: An facility providing physical or mental health services, in-patient accommodations,and medical or surgical care of the sick or injured. This definition includes hospitals,clinics,and sanitariums. This definition may include excludes medical and dental offices,convalescent centers when those facilities and or uses are accessory to the primary purpose of the hospital,clinic or sanitarium. This definition excludes,retirement residences,and group homes I and H. OFFICE,MEDICAL AND DENTAL Any office used by physicians,dentists, and/or other medical professionals to examine,diagnose, and treat patients, and to administer day-to-day accessory office functions relating to the medical or dental practice. CONVALESCENT CENTERS; Facilities for patients who are recovering health and strength after illness or injury, or receiving long-term care for chronic conditions,disabilities,or terminal illness where care includes ongoing medical treatment,including hospice,and extended care facilities. This definition does not include retirement residences, adult family homes,group homes I and II, medical institutions,or secure community transition facilities. y el 0 O N �-' N b.)) N cat Q , r # 'a� i�. O .--. O 2 c, a0i I,. -=,.°:' •• 4 • ''',°:' '„,/',',1' 1_, tn 0 v �.O [� tu c , of ; b Q 2 v 4-2 U a cu >� O y a)R€ ¢ y n 1 O 0. �' v a3 cd .fl P ,. O '� w 104 a � Vv - wU � � v o u o An �, c/i , ' . .6 U ..O )- O CA O O '0 ,n O y ,� CA«i Q • a. v cC$ U 3 •ti ++ v O .1; 4-6 O O O O Q, N 0., ¢ w O `ate ,'?"t r•+y 8 —�+ Tj FN" N N K,'d •V-, 0 0 as .0 v ' v 3 h > P O -0 ct .q «i a.).) 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