HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ERC_Determination_Internal Routing_Sapphire on Talbot_190118.pdf DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED (DNS-M) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA18-000665, PP, SA-A, CU-A, ECF, MOD APPLICANT: Tom Redding, Encompass Engineering & Surveying / tredding@hotmail.com / 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201, Issaquah, WA 98027 PROJECT NAME: Sapphire on Talbot PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat, Administrative Site Plan, Administrative Conditional Use Permit, SEPA Environmental Review approval, and a Street Modification for a 20-lot subdivision for the future construction of multi-family residential units at 4827 Talbot Rd S. The subject property is proposing two- and three-unit buildings with an increase in the maximum wall plate height up to 32 feet to allow for a third floor within the residences. The 1.69-acre site located along Talbot Rd S at S 48th St within the Residential-14 (R- 14) zoning district (3123059022). The proposal includes 20 new fee simple lots, a 13,130 square foot open space/tree retention/stormwater tract, a 20-foot wide north-south alley, and a 47 to 53-foot wide east-west public road through the property. The residential lots would range in size from 1,620 square feet to 2,775 square feet with an average lot size of 1,989 square feet. The project would result in a net density of 15.2 dwelling units per net acre. The existing single family home and accessory buildings would be demolished. The design of the primary access road from Talbot Rd S would be via a modified limited residential access street until it meets the supplemental alleyway before widening to a residential access street. The alleyway crosses the residential access street and spans the full length of the property. The street modification request includes one-foot less right-of-way dedication on Talbot Rd S in order to match the existing street section. Site soils consist of Alderwood (AgC) gravelly sandy loam at a depth of about 8 feet with advance outwash deposits from a depth of 8 feet to 13 feet. The advance outwash soils may support limited infiltration to go along with the proposed 33 ft by 60 ft stormwater detention vault. The existing site slopes to the west at 5 to 8 percent. Upon completion of the project, roughly 95 percent of the site is proposed to be graded with approximately 2,000 cubic yards of cut and approximately 4,000 cubic yards of fill material. The site contains 71 significant trees. The project is proposing to retain four (4) exiting trees in a combined tree retention tract and is also proposing 42 replacement trees onsite. The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Report, Preliminary Technical Information Report, Wetland Reconnaissance, Wetland Review Letter, Arborist Report, Letter of Understanding of Geologic Risk, and Trip Generation Report. PROJECT LOCATION: 4827 Talbot Rd S, Renton, WA 98055 LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). Conditions were imposed as mitigation measures by the Environmental Review Committee under their authority of Section 4-9-070D Renton Municipal Code. These conditions are necessary to mitigate environmental impacts identified during the environmental review process. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on February 1, 2019. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: January 18, 2019 DATE OF DECISION: January 14, 2019 SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Date Public Works Department Renton Regional Fire Authority Kelly Beymer, Administrator Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Community Services Department Department Of Community & Economic Development DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 1/15/2019 | 10:43 AM PST 1/15/2019 | 8:32 AM PST 1/15/2019 | 10:12 AM PST DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Planning Division 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200, ext. 2 www.rentonwa.gov DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE – MITIGATED (DNS-M) MITIGATION MEASURES AND ADVISORY NOTES PROJECT NUMBER: LUA18-000665, PP, SA-A, CU-A, ECF, MOD APPLICANT: Tom Redding, Encompass Engineering & Surveying / tredding@hotmail.com / 165 NE Juniper St, Suite 201, Issaquah, WA 98027 PROJECT NAME: Sapphire on Talbot PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting Preliminary Plat, Administrative Site Plan, Administrative Conditional Use Permit, SEPA Environmental Review approval, and a Street Modification for a 20- lot subdivision for the future construction of multi-family residential units at 4827 Talbot Rd S. The subject property is proposing two- and three-unit buildings with an increase in the maximum wall plate height up to 32 feet to allow for a third floor within the residences. The 1.69-acre site located along Talbot Rd S at S 48th St within the Residential-14 (R-14) zoning district (APN 3123059022). The proposal includes 20 new fee simple lots, a 13,130 square foot open space/tree retention/stormwater tract, a 20-foot wide north-south alley, and a 47 to 53-foot wide east-west public road through the property. The residential lots would range in size from 1,620 square feet to 2,775 square feet with an average lot size of 1,989 square feet. The project would result in a net density of 15.2 dwelling units per net acre. The existing single family home and accessory buildings would be demolished. The design of the primary access road from Talbot Rd S would be via a modified limited residential access street until it meets the supplemental alleyway before widening to a residential access street. The alleyway crosses the residential access street and spans the full length of the property. The street modification request includes one- foot less right-of-way dedication on Talbot Rd S in order to match the existing street section. Site soils consist of Alderwood (AgC) gravelly sandy loam at a depth of about 8 feet with advance outwash deposits from a depth of 8 feet to 13 feet. The advance outwash soils may support limited infiltration to go along with the proposed 33 ft by 60 ft stormwater detention vault. The existing site slopes to the west at 5 to 8 percent. Upon completion of the project, roughly 95 percent of the site is proposed to be graded with approximately 2,000 cubic yards of cut and approximately 4,000 cubic yards of fill material. The site contains 71 significant trees. The project is proposing to retain four (4) exiting trees in a combined tree retention tract and is also proposing more than 50 replacement trees onsite. The applicant has submitted a Geotechnical Engineering Report, Preliminary Technical Information Report, Wetland Reconnaissance, Wetland Review Letter, Arborist Report, Letter of Understanding of Geologic Risk, and Trip Generation Report. PROJECT LOCATION: 4827 Talbot Rd S, Renton, WA 98055 LEAD AGENCY: The City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Planning Division MITIGATION MEASURES: 1. Project construction shall be required to comply with the recommendations found in the Geotechnical Engineering Study prepared by Migizi Group, Inc., dated October 11, 2017 (revised August 30, 2018), or an updated report submitted at a later date. ADIVISORY NOTES: The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use actions. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA18-000633 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Clark H. Close, 425-430-7289, cclose@rentonwa.gov) 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. New multi-family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. 4. A National Permit Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required when more than one acre is being cleared. 5. The applicant may not fill, excavate, stack or store any equipment, dispose of any materials, supplies or fluids, operate any equipment, install impervious surfaces, or compact the earth in any way within the area defined by the drip line of any tree to be retained. 6. The applicant shall erect and maintain six foot (6') high chain link temporary construction fencing around the drip lines of all retained trees, or along the perimeter of a stand of retained trees. Placards shall be placed on fencing every fifty feet (50') indicating the words, “NO TRESPASSING – Protected Trees” or on each side of the fencing if less than fifty feet (50'). Site access to individually protected trees or groups of trees shall be fenced and signed. Individual trees shall be fenced on four (4) sides. In addition, the applicant shall provide supervision whenever equipment or trucks are moving near trees. 7. This permit is shall comply with the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. The permitted is responsible for adhering to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Bald Eagle Management Guidelines (2007) and /or your U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Ann Fowler, 425-430-7382, afowler@rentonwa.gov) 1. See Attached Development Engineering Memo dated November 19, 2018. Fire Authority: (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonrfa.org) Environmental Impact Comments: 1. Fire impact fees are applicable at the rate of $829.77 per new residential unit. A credit is given if the existing house is demolished. This fee is paid at time of building permit issuance. EXHIBIT 19 DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA18-000633 Code Related Comments: 1. The fire flow requirement for the center duplex building is 3,500 gpm. A minimum of four (4) fire hydrants are required. One within 150 feet and the others within 300 feet of the buildings. 2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required within 150 feet of all points on the building. Fire access roads are required to be a minimum of 20 feet unobstructed width with turning radius of 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside minimum. Fire lane signage required for the onsite roadways. Roadways shall support a minimum of a 30-ton vehicle and 75-psi point loading. Maximum slope is 15% grade. 3. Secondary access is required for complexes of three or more buildings that are more than 200 feet from a public street. Use of adjacent private streets is acceptable if proper easements are obtained. The proposed emergency access easements shown are not sufficient. S 48th St is a private road, the access easements shall cover all roadways all the way out to Talbot Rd S. Technical Services: (Contact: Amanda Askren, 425-430-7369, aaskren@rentonwa.gov) 1. The gravel driveway and parking lot encroachment on the south side of the property would need to be addressed during the construction phase. There is concern about driveway access and setbacks for the new properties. Community Services: (Contact: Leslie Betlach, 425-430-6619, lbetlach@rentonwa.gov) 1. Parks Impact Fee applies as per adopted Ordinance. Police: (Contact: Cyndie Parks, 425-430-7521, cparks@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments at this time. Building: (Contact: Craig Burnell, 425-430-7290, cburnell@rentonwa.gov) 1. Recommendations of the geotechnical report must be followed as a condition of building permits. DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT M E M O R A N D U M DATE: November 19, 2018 TO: Clark Close, Planner FROM: Ann Fowler, Civil Plan Reviewer SUBJECT: Utility and Transportation Comments for Sapphire on Talbot 4827 Talbot Road South LUA 18-000665 I have reviewed the application for the Sapphire on Talbot at 4827 Talbot Road South (APN(‘s) 3123059022) and have the following comments: EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is approximately 1.69 acres in size and is rectangular in shape. The site is currently developed with an existing single family residence, detached garage, outbuilding, and an asphalt driveway. The remaining site is vegetated with grass, trees and shrubs. The site slopes to the west at approximately 5- 8%. Water Water service is provided by City of Renton. The site is in the Talbot Hill service area in the 350 hydraulic pressure zone.  There is an existing 12-inch City water main located in Talbot Road South (see Water plan no. W-2158) that can deliver a maximum total flow capacity of 4,000 gallons per minute (gpm).  There is an existing 10-inch City water main located in South 48th Street (see Water plan no. W-2785) that can deliver a maximum total flow capacity of 1,900 gallons per minute (gpm).  There is an existing 16-inch City water main located in Talbot Road South (see Water plan no. W-0599) that can cannot provide adequate water pressure for fire protection.  The approximate static water pressure is 81 psi at the elevation of 162 feet.  The site is located outside of an Aquifer Protection Area.  There is existing water service to the subject property: o One – 3/4-inch domestic water meter. If the service is abandoned or removed, it shall be capped at the main in accordance with City Standards. Sewer Wastewater service is provided by the City of Renton.  There is an existing 8-inch wastewater main located in Talbot Road South (see City plan no. S-2993). DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 2 of 8  There is an existing 8-inch wastewater main located in the neighboring property to the southwest (see City plan no. S-2785). The cleanout begins approximately 40-feet south of the southwest site corner.  There is an existing 8-inch wastewater main located in South 48th Street (a private street)(see City plan no. S-17409). The wastewater main begins at a cleanout approximately 120-feet northwest of the northwest site corner along the northern frontage of South 48th Street. Storm The site currently contains a single family home with an asphalt parking area / driveway. The remainder of the site consists of lawn areas with numerous trees. The site slopes moderately away from Talbot Road S. There is no on-site conveyance system. There is also no conveyance system along the Talbot Road South property frontage. Drainage from the Talbot Road South frontage sheet flows onto the site. There is an existing storm drainage system in the east frontage of Talbot Road South (see City plan no. R-2993) which appears to discharge into the property frontage. Streets The proposed development fronts Talbot Road South on the east property line. Talbot Road South is a Collector Arterial Street with an existing right of way (ROW) width of 60 as measured using the King County Assessor’s Map. No frontage improvements currently exist along the property frontage. The proposed development fronts South 48th Street on north property line. South 48th Street is classified as a private access street. CODE REQUIREMENTS WATER 1. The proposed water main improvements as shown on the composite utility civil plan submitted with the Land Use Application include the required 10-inch water main extension into the development, connecting to the existing 12-inch water main located in Talbot Road South and the existing 10-inch water main located in South 48th Street. Renton Fire Authority has determined that the preliminary fire flow demand for the proposed development is 2,250 gallons per minute. The following water system improvements are required: a. The water main improvements as shown on the preliminary water plan prepared by Encompass Engineering & Surveying dated 10/29/18 which were submitted with the land-use application showed the new mains to be 8-inch in diameter. The minimum water main size required for fire flows above 1,000 gpm and up to 2,000 gpm is 10- inch in diameter. 2. The following water main improvements are required to provide water service for domestic use and fire protection for the development per City Code and Development standards (RMC 4-6- 010B) including, but not limited to: a. Installation of on-site water mains, minimum 10-inch in diameter within the north/south and east/west interior access roads as shown on the preliminary water plans submitted with the land-use application. The new water mains shall be connected to the existing 12-inch water main in Talbot Rd S and also to the existing 10-inch water stub in S 48th St along the north property line. DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 3 of 8 b. Installation of fire hydrants as required by Renton Fire Prevention. The number and location of the hydrants shall be determined based on the City’s review of the final building and site plans. c. If a fire sprinkler system is required, installation of a fire sprinkler stub with a detector double check valve assembly (DDCVA) for backflow prevention to the building. The DDVCA shall be installed in an outside underground vault per City standard plan no. 360.1 (or 360.2 depending on the size of the system). The DDVCA may be installed inside the building if it meets the conditions as shown on the City’s standard plan 360.5 for the installation of a DDCVA inside a building. d. Installation of a domestic water meter with a double check valve assembly (DCVA) behind the meter if the buildings are 3-story or more and/or if equipped with a fire sprinkler system. 3. Meter sizing shall be based on Uniform Plumbing Code meter sizing criteria. 4. A separate meter is required for landscape irrigation per COR Standard Plan 320.1. A double check valve assembly (DCVA) is required behind the meter per COR Standard Plan 340.8. 5. Please refer to City of Renton General Design and Construction Standards for Water Main Extensions as shown in Appendix J of the City’s 2012 Water System Plan. 6. Water mains located outside of existing or proposed right-of-way will be required to be in public easement. 7. Each unit shall have a separate meter. The project proposes one 1-inch water service line and meter to each lot, for a total of twenty (20) new domestic water service lines and meters. 8. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation fees based on the size of the water meters. a. Water system development charges for each proposed 1-inch domestic water service is $3,727.00 per meter or $74,540.00 for (Error! Reference source not found.) 1-inch meters. b. A redevelopment credit of the water system development charges in the amount of $3,727.00 will be applied to the existing ¾-inch meters servicing the property(ies) if they are abandoned and capped at the main line or $3,727.00 for (1) ¾-inch meters. c. The total water SDC fee is $70,813.00. This is payable at construction permit issuance. 9. Drop-in meter fee is $460.00 per meter. The total water drop-in meter fee is $9,200.00 for (20) 1- inch meters. This is payable at issuance of the building permit. 10. The subject property is within the (Valley General) Hospital and South Talbot Hill Water Special Assessment District (SAD) #8406 as established by City ordinance #3790 with recording no. 8403260504. Since the preliminary fire flow demand is greater than 1,500 gpm, the following assessments will apply: a. Area Charge of $0.048 per square foot x 73,616 SF = $3,533.57 b. Frontage Charge of $18.00 per linear foot x 273.12 LF = $4,916.16 11. Additional water system development charges and water meter charges will apply if a landscape irrigation meter is required and is based on the size of the meter. 12. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges (SDC’s) and meter installation fees based on the number and size of the meters for domestic uses and for fire sprinkler use. The development is also subject to fees for water connections, cut and caps, and purity tests. Current fees can be found in the current Fee Schedule on the City’s website. Fees that are current will be charged at the time of construction permit issuance or building permit issuance as applicable. DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 4 of 8 SEWER 1. The proposed sewer main improvements as shown on the composite utility civil plan submitted with the Land Use Application provides the required 8-inch sewer main extension to serve each row of townhomes. The sewer main shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City and Washington Department of Ecology standards. All new on-site sewer main shall be private. 2. Sewer main connections to City sewers located on adjacent parcels shall be located in a 15-foot wide utilities easement. 3. Direct vehicular access will be required to the connection point of on-site and off-site sewer at the southwest corner of the property. 4. Each new townhome building shall be served by an individual side sewer. All new side sewers shall be 6-inches. All side sewers shall flow by gravity to the main at a minimum slope of 2%. If a unit lot subdivision is formed, each new townhome unit shall be served by an individual side sewer. 1. The existing single family home is served by a private on-site septic system. The septic system shall be abandoned in accordance with King County Department of Health regulations and Renton Municipal Code when the home is removed. 2. The development is subject to applicable wastewater system development charges based on the size of the new domestic water to serve the project. a. SDC fee for a 1-inch meter is $2,837.00 per meter. The total fee is $56,740 for (20) 1-inch meters. SURFACE WATER 1. A geotechnical report, dated August 30, 2018, completed by Migizi Group, Inc. for the site has been provided. The submitted report describes the site is a Low Erosion Hazard area. Erosion control measures will need to be in place prior to starting grading activities on the site. The report needs to discuss the soil and groundwater characteristics of the site including infiltration potential and provide recommendations for project design and construction. Geotechnical recommendations presented need to be address within the project plans. 2. A Preliminary Drainage Plan and Technical Information Report (TIR), dated October 29, 2018, was submitted by Encompass Engineering & Surveying with the Land Use Application. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, the site falls within the Flow Control Duration Standard area matching Forested Site Conditions and is within the Black River Drainage Basin. The development is subject to Full Drainage Review in accordance with the 2017 City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual (RSWDM). All nine core requirements and all six special requirements must be discussed in the Technical Information Report. The following stormwater improvements are required and shall be discussed within the TIR: a. The development shall ensure that Core Requirement #1 “Discharge at the Natural Location” in the RSWDM is met. b. The final TIR shall provide a full Level 1 analysis to ensure that Core Requirement #2 “Offsite Analysis” in the RSWDM is met. Please provide a Level 1 analysis that includes all information regarding Task 1-4. c. Applicant shall include discussion of special requirement (SR) #6 in the final drainage report. SR #6 relates to the aquifer protection area, which is not applicable to this site, but it should be noted as such in the report. d. There is a storm drain line and catch basin located within the property frontage. Storm drainage improvements along Talbot Road South are not addressed in the Civil Plans or TIR. Storm drainage improvements along all public street frontages are required to DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 5 of 8 conform to the City’s street standards. New storm drain shall be designed and sized in accordance with the standards found in Chapter 4 of the 2017 Renton Surface Water Design Manual and shall account for the total upstream tributary area, assuming developed conditions for onsite tributary areas and existing conditions for offsite tributary areas. 3. The development is required to provide flow control and enhanced basic water quality treatment prior to discharge. Project water quality treatment will consist of conveyance to a combined water quality/detention vault. a. The drainage report discusses the possibility of utilizing full infiltration in lieu of detention for the site flow control requirements. The applicant will be required to submit infiltration testing, meeting the requirements outlined in Section 5.2 of the 2017 RSWDM at the time of civil construction permit application. The drainage report shall be updated to include the recommendations outlined in the infiltration testing report. i. The vault and outlet structure sizing provided in the potential infiltration vault modeling analysis does not demonstrate compliance with Core Requirement #3 – Flow Control. If an infiltration facility is used on the project, the drainage report shall demonstrate compliance with Core Requirement #3 for the entire site. b. The drainage report does not currently demonstrate the project has met the requirements for enhanced basic water quality treatment. Compliance with Core Requirement #8 – Water Quality shall be demonstrated with the civil construction permit application. c. The conveyance pipes and storm water facilities shall be designed in accordance with the RSWDM that is current at the time of civil construction permit application. d. A maintenance access road from the public right-of-way is required to the public stormwater facilities in the proposed Tract A for ”Open Space / Tree Retention / Stormwater” and shall be in accordance with the design requirements outlined in the RSWDM. The stormwater facilities located within Tract A will be maintained by the City. An easement over a portion of Tract A will be required for the City to access and maintain the stormwater facilities in Tract A. The lot owners within the subdivision shall have equal and undivided ownership and maintenance responsibility of Tract A, excluding the stormwater facilities contained therein. e. Any surfaces used in a “treatment trade” or “area swap”, both untreated onsite and treated offsite areas, must be clearly identified within the plan set and in a TIR exhibit. 4. Appropriate on-site BMPs will be required to help mitigate the new runoff created by this development. A preliminary drainage plan, including the application of on-site BMPs, has been included with the land use application. The final drainage plan and drainage report must be submitted with the civil construction permit application. a. Final evaluation of the application of on-site BMPs to the maximum extent feasible will be completed during civil construction permit review. The applicant shall provide infiltration testing at the time of civil construction permit application. The applicant may be required to apply additional on-site BMPs in order to apply on-site BMPs to the maximum extent feasible. Any onsite impervious surfaces (including swapped areas) not served by the infiltration facility utilizing full infiltration are not exempt from the on-site BMP requirement by the Flow Control Facility Exemption in Section 1.2.9 of the RSWDM . DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 6 of 8 5. Separate structural plans will be required to be submitted for review and approval under a separate building permit for the detention and/or water quality vault. Special inspection from the building department is required. 6. All work proposed outside of the applicant’s property will require a permanent drainage easement to be provided to the City and a temporary construction easement prior to any permits being issued. 7. A Construction Stormwater General Permit from Department of Ecology will be required since grading and clearing of the site exceeds one acre. A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required for this site. 8. A surface water development fee of $0.718 per square foot of new impervious surface will apply. The fee is subject to final design and payable prior to issuance of the civil construction permit. TRANSPORTATION 1. To meet the City’s complete street standards, the following street improvements will be required to be installed by the developer for each of the following roads fronted by the development: Talbot Road South  To meet the City’s complete street standards for Error! Reference source not found. streets, minimum ROW is 94 feet for three (3) lane roads. Dedication of 17 feet of ROW fronting the site will be required. Per City code 4-6-060, half street improvements shall include a pavement width of 57 feet (28.5 feet from centerline), a 0.5-foot curb, an 8-foot planting strip, an 8-foot sidewalk, street trees and storm drainage improvements.  South of the site, a 44-foot wide pavement section has been established for Talbot Road South. The modified pavement section consist of 2 – 11-foot travel lanes, 1 – 12-foot two- way left turn lane, and 2 – 5-foot bike lanes. New curb and sidewalk along the site’s Talbot Road S. frontage should tie into the existing curb and sidewalk south of the site. The established curb alignment shall be maintained. A street modification will need to be submitted with the land use submittal to use a pavement width of 44-feet instead of the required 57-feet. A right of way dedication of approximately 10.5-feet would be required to building out the modified half right of way section (0.5-foot curb, 8-foot planter, 8-foot sidewalk, and 2-foot clear at the back of sidewalk).  The applicant has requested a street modification in order to modify the ROW width and/or street cross section to match the established street section for Talbot Road South. a. City staff is recommending approval of the applicant’s street modification request. Please see the Street Modification Criteria and Analysis for a complete summary of the request, staff analysis, and staff recommendation. South 48th Street  An access easement will be required from the property owner(s) if access via South 48th Street is desired as part of the proposed development. New Public Streets  Current City of Renton standards require a turnaround for dead-end streets greater than 150 feet. Dead-end streets up to 300 feet may utilize a hammerhead turnaround provided it meets the requirements for emergency services access, including a 25-ft inside and 45-ft outside turning radius. Reference RMC 4-6-060H. The hammerhead DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 7 of 8 turnaround shall have a design approved by the Administrator and Fire and Emergency Services.  All new public streets for the development shall meet the minimum street standards as outlined in RMC 4-6-060F. Minimum standards for a residential access road requires a 53-foot right-of-way, 26-foot pavement width, 0.5-foot curb and gutter, 8- foot planter strips and 5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street. a. The applicant has proposed a reduced street section for a portion of the new public road, eliminating the required parking lane for a distance of approximately 100-feet at the entrance to the development. b. City staff is recommending approval of the applicant’s street modification request. Please see the Street Modification Criteria and Analysis for a complete summary of the request, staff analysis, and staff recommendation. c. The applicant has proposed alley access to the townhomes facing east and west, which would run parallel to Talbot Road South and perpendicular to the new public road. Paved roadway width shall be 20-feet to allow for emergency vehicle access. No parking is allowed in the alleys. 2. Refer to City code 4-4-080 regarding driveway regulations. a. A minimum separation of 5 feet is required between driveway and the property line. b. Maximum driveway slopes shall not exceed 15%. Driveways exceeding 8% shall provide slotted drains. c. The maximum width of single loaded garage driveway shall not exceed nine feet (9-ft) and double-loaded garage driveway shall not exceed sixteen feet (16-ft). 3. Per RMC 4-6-060, public street frontages along sites proposing more than four residential units are required to conform to the City’s street lighting standards. A street lighting analysis and plan shall be submitted with the construction permit. 4. Corner lots on arterial Streets require a minimum curb radius of 35 feet. 5. ADA access ramps shall be installed at all street crossings. Ramps shall be shown at each intersection. Ramps shall be oriented to provide direct pedestrian crossings. 6. A traffic analysis dated September 28, 2018, was provided by DN Traffic Consultants. The site generated traffic volumes were calculated using data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition. Based on the calculations provided, the proposed development would average 101 new daily vehicle trips. Weekday peak hour AM trips would generate 9 new vehicle trips, with 7 vehicles leaving and 2 vehicles entering the site. Weekday peak hour PM trips would generate 13 new vehicle trips, with 8 vehicles entering and 5 vehicles existing the site. As detailed in the report the proposed project is not expected to lower the levels of service of the surrounding intersections included in the traffic study. Increased traffic created by the development will be mitigated by payment of transportation impact fees. d. The Trip Generation Report (TGR) references 21 townhomes. The application documents note only 20 townhomes. The applicant shall submit an updated TGR with the Civil Construction Permit Application for review and approval by the Development Engineer. e. The values provided in the table do not appear to match values generated based on the 10th edition of the ITE Manual and should be verified prior to submittal. 7. Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Overlay Requirements. 8. Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the construction of the development at the time of application for the building permit. The current rate of transportation impact fee is $2,822.61 per dwelling unit for duplexes/townhomes. The project proposes the addition of 19 new residences (20 new townhomes, 1 existing single family residence to be removed). The DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86 Sapphire on Talbot – LUA18-000665 Page 8 of 8 estimated total fee is $51,021.35, including a credit of $5,430.85 for the existing home to be removed. Traffic impact fees will be owed at the time of building permit issuance. Fees are subject to change. The transportation impact fee that is current at the time of building permit application will be levied. 9. Concurrency under separate cover, if applicable. GENERAL COMMENTS 1. Adequate separation between utilities as well as other features shall be provided in accordance with code requirements. a. 7-ft minimum horizontal and 1-ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with the exception of water lines which require 10-ft horizontal and 1.5-ft vertical. b. The stormwater line should be minimum 5 feet away from any other structure or wall or building. c. Trench of any utility should not be in the zone of influence of the retaining wall or of the building. 2. All construction utility permits for utility and street improvements will require separate plan submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the civil plans. 3. A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate sheets. 4. All utility lines (i.e. electrical, phone, and cable services, etc.) serving the proposed development must be underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of Renton inspector. 5. Fees quoted in this document reflect the fees applicable in the year 2017 only and will be assessed based on the fee that is current at the time of the permit application or issuance, as applicable to the permit type. Please visit www.rentonwa.gov for the current development fee schedule. DocuSign Envelope ID: 28571868-0B48-4FE7-A458-8D437128BF86