HomeMy WebLinkAboutMoratorium on Permitting of Dev Apps in COR-2 Zone (9/18/2000) `001111►►///0 o:•� K2,•• =�'e 4= r rf+ ---1 n) O 5- n n = * M 3 = a> CO ;. e -, CD 1 c CD -1 = Cn 0 O O CD CD N CD 0 0 D mco sv may o ��a• n,`� °• Z o � �� v 5 � v, v v Cv O D. co to '�////11111111 a CD a) p co 1` coo O. 0 c a 0 3. N CD 0- c sk, C4 Co OIrk. N O r« W CO D CD CAD Cn 0 CD CD D C4 y. .. Q O Qo .. o m m 6. o m ? CD = = = c vi _ �, � \ • m m3 ° c) n �, ogC v, ?1 k O� 0 = O (CD if) X (n O .--0 a O. ►T•C 0 CI N ` O CO 0 Ln a v CCD 3 c N p Co �0. C O O cyi -0 — Co - � cl, m Q sn m T as n k 71 O D. 3 D- UUI 0) c '� 0V co C n n) c m a Cd c„ CD O d ,- M CT CD y En OC O. CD fU CM Z - /.1 ° �_ c I B.CO o. 0 CI n 7 p 0 c r. JJ � ` C = C O ? Cn a ' * CAD = � ° O w : c D � -0 3 in `O 0 co CD D CDO O O _ Ca I .. an _ r. -iNCD Cv n O -0. — ... 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CO 7 A~O• ry a D N(D-6 N O N w o w U CI C(D 0 CO CD O-0 O N O n c0 N o O N Cp W cO fD ta) O a 0 ��-N� c o N (D CD O 0.735'�pr, 0_-„,-,CD O:.-O 7 CD-00 _ . Cr)ID O 5 • m-, O N O= ON <Q O Cc v, O p_O 0 0-CO CO,) *CD C1,03 C 3 "0 6< o O iDD CD v) C1?CD .O 0 N CD'< .. >' O.(n W N S A 7 C) < O < C1 CD CD n 0 N n.O w c S O CD N *Ka (D C� w O 3.CD =. O0 Cl....-..CI,� CSC O.w —O w 7 0 0 Cn -1'O 0 N DO° CD NCO O.. CD Wry N w� n ry 73 ,< CD CD 0•?.-. '� w °c"'Z o0: .w _ • m m o 0 o Cm<n rv> >•Qm CD•< N December 4,2000 Renton City Council Minutes ' Page 423 choose to voluntarily comply,the City cannot restrict hours of operation and the type of aircraft used at the airport. **AMENDMENT: ROLL CALL: FIVE AYES: PERSSON, BRIERE, KEOLKER-WHEELER, CLAWSON,NELSON; ONE NAY: PARKER. MOTION CARRIED. *MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED. CARRIED. Responding to Council inquiry, Airport Supervisor Gail Reed said that the north end of the runway was displaced 300 feet and the south end of the runway was displaced 340 feet so that a 300-foot safety area would be within airport property as required by the FAA. Councilman Parker requested that the Transportation(Aviation) Committee be supplied with information regarding the percentage of operators at the airport that are recreational versus commercial. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO DEVELOP AN AIRPORT BUSINESS PLAN.* Responding to Council inquiry, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman stated that the administration would be able to develop a scope of work for the business plan within one to two weeks. *MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Human Services: 2001 CDBG accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Funds Reallocation for St. to consider the reallocation of St. Stephen Transitional Housing Program's Stephen Transitional Housing 2001 Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) funds in the amount of Program $20,000 from the acquisition of property to the relocation of families. Karen Marshall, Human Services Manager, explained that the City had previously approved$20,000 in 2001 CDBG funds to St. Stephen Transitional Housing Program to assist in the acquisition of an 8-10 unit apartment building to be used for housing homeless families earning between 0-30% of median income. This program also received funding from King County, the City of Auburn, the State of Washington and the Federal Home Loan Bank. As a result, a twelve-unit townhouse has been secured at 416 4th Street Northeast in Auburn. Continuing,Ms. Marshall explained that the State of Washington requires that six units be occupied by low income/homeless families within 90 days of acquisition. The project now requests they be allowed to use City funding to provide relocation benefits to tenants displaced by this purchase. Use of CDBG funding solely for relocation of some of the current tenants would not trigger the federal Uniform Relocation Act and would result in significant savings of about$32,000 in relocation expenses. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 428 for Community Services Committee Report regarding the matter.) Planning: Commercial Office This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Residential 2 Zone accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Moratorium r to consider extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR 2) zone for December 4,2000 `✓ Renton City Council Minutes 'vale Page 424 six months. Sue Carlson, Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Administrator,explained that Council held a public hearing on October 9, 2000, at which time the COR-2 moratorium was extended until December 11, 2000. Referring to a map of the COR-2 zoned properties,Ms. Carlson detailed the ownership of each parcel and explained that the purpose of the moratorium was to allow staff adequate time to address the following issues: allocation of the transportation capacity amongst the parcels in an equitable manner; coordination of the public crossings of the railroad; and addressing the shoreline setbacks and the shoreline regulations as mandated by the Endangered Species Act(ESA). Referred to the Planning and Development Committee November 20, 2000 was the issue of deletion of the requirement that had been in place for all parcels to be planned together and for signatures to be on a master plan. If the parcels do not come under the same ownership, there needs to be some other mechanism to ensure that there is an equitable distribution of the transportation capacity, and also that the issues of the neighborhoods and the public crossings be linked together adequately. Continuing,Ms. Carlson indicated that the COR-2 property has significant transportation constraints, and plans for a new interchange in that area may or may not occur. The Endangered Species Act and shoreline and other setbacks will impact where development can occur on this property. Before the moratorium is lifted, and if the property owners cannot reach agreement on the sale of the property to Vulcan Northwest, the following issues must be addressed: • allocation of transportation capacity& funding of improvements, • remediation and clean up of contaminated parcels and timing of those issues, • setbacks and mitigation for salmon habitat, • joint planning and management among all parcels for railroad crossings, which are public crossings and will create a liability for the City, and • assurance that the neighborhood travel concerns are addressed in a cohesive manner. Ms. Carlson advised that because of a change from the presumption that the development will occur jointly to an assumption that the properties may develop individually,new regulations need to be adopted to resolve the identified issues. It is therefore recommended that Council continue the moratorium until June 11, 2001. The assumption is that once Vulcan Northwest presents a sale agreement, the moratorium will become moot. The moratorium is really a safeguard; it is not meant to constrain development on the property but instead to allow the right kind of development. Larry Martin,representative for Vulcan Northwest, 110 110"'Avenue NE, 5th Floor, Bellevue, Washington, 98004, was introduced and addressed Council as to where they are at in the negotiating process. He felt very optimistic that an agreement will be reached with the owners of the Barbee Mill property or, if not, a final decision will be made within this next period of extension. Discussions on the terms with which Vulcan would be interested in buying the property are ongoing. Conceptual agreement on all of the terms except one have been reached. On that issue, some very good ideas have been exchanged ' December 4,2000 `"' Renton City Council Minutes 'Nome Page 425 rto resolve the difficult problem dealing with offshore wood-waste that has, through time, created deposits underwater. These deposits may or may not be regulated, and may or may not be required to be cleaned up by various agencies such as the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of Ecology. Unknowns such as what obligations exist, who would be responsible over time, and how obligations would get resolved must be dealt with. Mr. Martin stated that he was optimistic an agreement on the remaining issue would come shortly. Still, some contingencies in the agreement need to be satisfied. Mr. Martin stated that if the moratorium were to be extended six months, it would allow the parties time to reach firm terms and proceed with the normal purchase and sale contingencies, including the abnormal contingency of defining the City's role with respect to the Quendall Terminals property. Correspondence was read from Alex Cugini, Jr., President,Barbee Forest Products, Inc.,PO Box 359, Renton, 98047, expressing the following objections to the COR 2 zone moratorium: 1. He is the only COR 2 zone landowner seeking a permit application. 2. He believes the moratorium denies him the right to develop his property in a manner that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. The moratorium language is so broad that it prohibits him from taking actions necessary to clean up the property. Public comment was invited. There being none it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE RESOLUTION ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. Resolution #3478 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the permitting of Planning: Commercial Office development and acceptance of development applications in the Commercial Residential 2 Zone Office Residential 2 (COR 2) zone, and establishing a termination date of June Moratorium 11, 2001. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2000 and beyond. Items noted included: * City Hall lobby volunteers and their guests were recently honored at a dinner hosted by the City Clerk Division staff for their generous service to the City of Renton. * Public works inspectors and plan reviewers will be attending training for, and obtaining certification in, construction site erosion and sedimentation control. Proper on-site erosion control is key in reducing the impacts on salmon from construction projects. * The Renton Community Center's annual food drive collected and donated over twelve barrels of food to the Renton Food Bank. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Municipal Arts Mayor Tanner reappointed Virginia Corder, 8205 S. 120th St., Renton, 98178; Commission Nancy Clendaniel, 11545 SE 174th St., Renton, 98055; Eleanor L. Simpson,418 Pu-41-te Mt4,e/,IG BA BEE FOREST PRODUCTS, 11'i'C. �F ��T 0-a CITY OF r�Etv�'ON P. O. Box 359 Renton, WA 98057 DEC 0 4 2000 425-226-3900 December 4, 2000 Randy Corman, Renton City Council President Renton City Council Members 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, Washington 98055 Re: Extension of the Moratorium on Acceptance and Processing of Development Applications in the Center Office Residential (COR-2) Zone Dear Mr. Corman and Council Members: I am a member of the family that owns Barbee Forest Products, Inc. ("BFP"), which owns the Barbee Mill property. The City Council has scheduled a public hearing tonight on the proposed Resolution of the City of Renton, Washington Declaring a Moratorium on the Permitting of Development and Acceptance of Development Applications in the COR 2 Zone and Establishing a Termination Date. I am providing this letter on behalf of BFP to give the Council the benefit of our views on the proposed resolution. On August 14, 2000, BFP submitted a Master Use Permit Application and Level II Site Plan for a proposed development of the Barbee Mill property. The City initially accepted the application, and then, that same evening, without notice or public hearing, adopted a moratorium on development of COR 2 zoned property. Subsequently the City returned to us the original permit application and site plan materials. The City cited the moratorium as authority for this action, even though the moratorium had been adopted after we had submitted the application. The City also cited Ordinances 4802 and 4850, which purported to require us to obtain the consent and signature of neighboring property owners to any plans for development of our property. For some time now, we have been in discussions with representatives from Vulcan Northwest regarding our sale of the property to them. We have made significant progress in those discussions, but the issues are complex and will not be easy to resolve. We continue to believe that a sale of the property on mutually agreeable terms would be a good result for everybody, and we are continuing to work toward that goal. If our negotiations with the Vulcan representatives break down, however, we will want to go forward with our plans for development. We registered our objections to the moratorium in person on October 9, 2000, when the City Council first held a public hearing on the moratorium. We continue to adhere to the positions we stated at that time. We are submitting these additional comments in writing so that we again put on the public record the reasons for our objection to the moratorium. First,the moratorium only affects these four COR-2 zoned properties. We are the only COR-2 zone land owner seeking a permit application, so the moratorium is really just a moratorium on F:\docs\36I 83\1\00003rem.doc Bellevue/I2.4.00 our development of our property. The reference to the 4(d) rule of National Marine Fisheries underlines this point. We are not the only owners of shoreline in the City of Renton. If a moratorium were necessary to permit the City to plan in light of the 4(d) rule, the moratorium should apply to all shoreline properties, not just ours. This use of the moratorium authority to target a single property owner and a single proposed development is improper and unlawful. Second, we believe that the moratorium denies us the right that other land owners in the City have to develop their property in a manner that is consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. The moratorium is in effect the sort of ad hoc planning which was to have ended with the passage of the Growth Management Act many years ago. We note that the City appears to recognize the unconstitutionality of Ordinances 4802 and 4850, and that the repeal of these ordinances has either already occurred or is under consideration by the Council. We are concerned, however, that the Resolution under consideration tonight states that the City staff needs time to develop a new zoning concept. We are concerned that the City may instead try to accomplish through new zoning restrictions what it cannot lawfully accomplish through the use of Ordinances 4802 and 4850. Finally, the language of the moratorium is so broad that it would prohibit us even from taking actions necessary to clean up the property. We know that the City has invested time and money in promoting the joint development of the COR-2 zoned properties. If all of the COR-2 zoned property is owned by a single entity, or if all the property owners agree on a plan for development, then joint development is probably a good idea. We cannot lawfully be held hostage, however, to the desires of the City and Vulcan in the absence of an agreement. Joint development cannot lawfully be forced upon us by the requirements of Ordinances 4802 and 4850, and it likewise cannot lawfully be forced upon us by the more indirect pressure of a moratorium and of new ad hoc zoning and shoreline development restrictions. We oppose the moratorium. If we are able eventually to agree with the Vulcan people to a satisfactory arrangement for the sale of the property, however,the issue of the moratorium may become moot. In the meantime, we are actively negotiating with Vulcan representatives to arrive at a satisfactory arrangement regarding the property and we intend to pursue those negotiations until we arrive at an agreement or until the negotiations are no longer productive. If we are not able to reach agreement, we would notify City representatives to that effect. Thank you for your consideration of these issues. Yours truly, ciukc... • * 41111101L Alex Cull) Presiden di.. see Forest Products, Inc. P.O. Box 359 Renton, Washington 98057 C:\WINDOWS\Temporary Internet Files\OLKDIA2\00003rem.doc 2 Seattle/12.4.00 N O O . 5 P4 (9 O ct 0 ;--i(y24 +m)• �' phi • 7-4 � A-)Ct 0 .� _ E U N N C:i El 0 'N ci) • cn • ,-4 77) It AFt' a) u (1) ,--i 0 c.) 0 O U 4� f—lb.A r • •--4 E — ,..4.5, 0 . ..-1 an) • ,..-.1 -4- ' ct 8 0 a ,4 cn ,0 O7-8 " -4-) • ,--4 2g „_, cu, ct --4 cn ci) 0 0 8 t:(0 • '-,ci) 0 t 0 V -1--e ;..i e 5 ,..- ct --i • . 7,5 o (1) 6- Ct 7E --' 1.4e T-cJ TD4 "--4 cl o E ,ti PO T-8 8 41 R ..,,') u • E c) ,o ,_, ,_, „?-t at c) a:: bi) b.!) 0 7-4 N O • '- 71 ' ct N ) ct cn n 1--) E • 20 4--) *-7-)( P-4 ‘4 . 5 O u c ) .4;4 0 . ..)., c ) ..„ c4 c) c) „, — e • '--, 4) 4) . 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T--4 '7E ' ' 7 r j, +4 u N .0 a) ,4 0 tv) c", o (..) •� c� � � a' � c ) E 5 • • November 20,2000 'ttirr' Renton City Council Minutes r„rr Page 410 Citizen Comment: Giuliani— John Giuliani, 1400 S. 7th St.,Renton, 98055,brought to the Council's Renton Airport attention an article from The News Tribune regarding City airfields. Expressing his concerns regarding the potential growth of the Renton Airport,Mr. Giuliani urged Council to inform citizens of the happenings at the airport. He also asked whether the City could repay the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) for the grants it has received in order for Renton to have more decision making power with regards to the airport. Council President Corman requested that copies of the newspaper article be distributed to the Mayor and Council. He explained that the City has control of the property surrounding the airport,but the airfield and the tower is under the control of the FAA. Mayor Tanner commented that at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on December 4th,the subject of Aeropacific Aviation's request to operate an aircraft charter at the airport will be discussed. He expressed his concerns regarding the growth of aviation, and reiterated his fear that the Renton Airport will become another Boeing Field. In regards to paying back the FAA,Mayor Tanner explained that it is not possible because when the airport was purchased,the City signed covenants with the federal government agreeing that the airport would be used as a general aviation reliever airport. Council President Corman said that he would reserve a portion of the Committee of the Whole meeting for public comment; however, if more time was needed,he recommended that public comment regarding this matter be carried over into the Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 00-150, Carco Theater City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/15/2000 for CAG-00-150, Carpet Carpet Replacement,Decor Replacement at.Carco Theater; three bids; project estimate$19,000; and Carpet One submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder in the amount of$15,901.41 (includes base bid plus alternate#1). Council concur. Vacation: St. Anthony, Alley City Clerk reported receipt of$27,500 compensation paid by petitioner,as set Between Whitworth& by Council on 10/9/2000, and recommended adoption of an ordinance to Shattuck,North of S 4th St finalize the St. Anthony Parish vacation of an alley located north of S. 4th St. (VAC-00-001) between Whitworth and Shattuck Avenues S.; VAC-00-001. Council concur. (See page 412 for ordinance.) Planning: Renton Village Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Depaitiiient Properties Request for submitted a letter from Michael Sandorffy of Renton Village Properties, Comprehensive Plan requesting a change in the Comprehensive Plan Designation from Employment Amendment Area Commercial with Commercial Arterial zoning to Center Downtown Designation with Center Downtown zoning. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Planning: Commercial Office Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Residential 2 Zone requested approval to set a public hearing on December 4, 2000, to consider Moratorium (Port Quendall) extending the COR 2 zone moratorium regarding acceptance and processing of fdevelopment applications. Council concur. Planning: Commercial Office Legal Department requested approval to delete the requirement that abutting Residential 2 Zone Site Plan and contiguous properties in the COR 2 zone be included in any Level II site Requirements plan, and the requirement that the site plan be signed by all owners of those parcels. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. CITY`OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA Bra., . AI#: '7 (I, • For Agenda of: November 20, 2000 Dept/Div/Board.. EDNSP Staff Contact Sue Carson ex 6591 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. X Set a public hearing on December 4,2000 to extend the Correspondence.. COR2 Zone moratorium on accepting processingOrdinance p g or Resolution development applications. Old Business Exhibits: New Business none Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur. Legal Dept Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... _0_ Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted -0- Revenue Generated Total Project Budget -0- City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Set a public hearing for December 4, 2000 on the extension of the moratorium in the COR 2 Zone. The moratorium prohibits the City from accepting or processing development applications in the zone. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Strategic Planning Department requests the City Council set the hearing for December 4, 2000. H:\EXEC\PROPAQUI\Agenda bill PQ public hearing.doc/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3469 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE PERMITTING OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE COR 2 ZONE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS, a planned action Environmental Impact Statement is in process to address the impacts of the development of COR 2 zoned parcels; and WHEREAS, the four COR 2 zoned properties cannot sustain the planned intensity or development without sharing in the costs of upgrading the infrastructure in the area;and WHEREAS, substantial effort has been expended to study a traffic solution in the area and development on only one parcel zoned COR 2 would significantly harm that effort; and WHEREAS, development of one COR 2 zoned parcel would consume available roadway capacity to the detriment of the other parcels zoned COR 2;and WHEREAS,the Quendall Terminals property is significantly polluted; and WHEREAS,the private sector cannot economically clean the parcel; and WHEREAS, even with state grants, if the City buys the Quendall Terminals property, the City must sell the Quendall Terminals parcel for enough to pay its share of the grant or unreasonably subsidize the project; and WHEREAS, allowing one COR 2 zoned parcel to develop without a site plan for all similarly zoned parcels in the area would shift transportation costs onto the remaining parcels, destroying the market value of the Quendall Terminals parcel and destroying the chance for cleanup; and 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3469 SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting of all development in the COR 2 zone and the acceptance of all development applications in that zone. SECTION III. This moratorium shall be in place until December 11, 2000 unless extended or renewed for one or more six month periods but only if a public hearing is held and findings of facts entered in support of each extension or renewal. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th _day of October , 2000. ?)-11412n./ •�/ Marilyn . P rsen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of October , 2000. Jes a,-0--4.4.-&- c71L%-,-- nner, Mayor Approved as to form: C7e,wilAileV44,rtat/ Lawrence J. Warren, ty Attorney RES.808:8/14/00:sr Date of publication: 10/13/2000 (Summary) 3 November 20,2000 Now' Renton City Council Minutes Page 410 Citizen Comment: Giuliani— John Giuliani, 1400 S. 7th St.,Renton, 98055,brought to the Council's Renton Airport attention an article from The News Tribune regarding City airfields. Expressing his concerns regarding the potential growth of the Renton Airport, Mr. Giuliani urged Council to inform citizens of the happenings at the airport. He also asked whether the City could repay the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA) for the grants it has received in order for Renton to have more decision making power with regards to the airport. Council President Corman requested that copies of the newspaper article be distributed to the Mayor and Council. He explained that the City has control of the property surrounding the airport,but the airfield and the tower is under the control of the FAA. Mayor Tanner commented that at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on December 4th,the subject of Aeropacific Aviation's request to operate an aircraft charter at the airport will be discussed. He expressed his concerns regarding the growth of aviation, and reiterated his fear that the Renton Airport will become another Boeing Field. In regards to paying back the FAA,Mayor Tanner explained that it is not possible because when the airport was purchased, the City signed covenants with the federal government agreeing that the airport would be used as a general aviation reliever airport. Council President Corman said that he would reserve a portion of the Committee of the Whole meeting for public comment; however, if more time was needed,he recommended that public comment regarding this matter be carried over into the Council meeting. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 00-150, Carco Theater City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/15/2000 for CAG-00-150, Carpet Carpet Replacement, Decor Replacement at Carco Theater; three bids; project estimate $19,000; and Carpet One submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder in the amount of$15,901.41 (includes base bid plus alternate #1). Council concur. Vacation: St. Anthony,Alley City Clerk reported receipt of$27,500 compensation paid by petitioner, as set Between Whitworth& by Council on 10/9/2000, and recommended adoption of an ordinance to Shattuck,North of S 4th St finalize the St. Anthony Parish vacation of an alley located north of S. 4th St. (VAC-00-001) between Whitworth and Shattuck Avenues S.; VAC-00-001. Council concur. (See page 412 for ordinance.) Planning: Renton Village Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Properties Request for submitted a letter from Michael Sandorffy of Renton Village Properties, Comprehensive Plan requesting a change in the Comprehensive Plan Designation from Employment Amendment Area Commercial with Commercial Arterial zoning to Center Downtown Designation with Center Downtown zoning. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Planning: Commercial Office Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Residential 2 Zone requested approval to set a public hearing on December 4, 2000, to consider Moratorium (Port Quendall) extending the COR 2 zone moratorium regarding acceptance and processing of development applications. Council concur. Planning: Commercial Office Legal Department requested approval to delete the requirement that abutting Residential 2 Zone Site Plan and contiguous properties in the COR 2 zone be included in any Level II site Requirements plan, and the requirement that the site plan be signed by all owners of those parcels. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. h CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Al #: SUBMITTING DATA: FOR AGENDA OF:Nov.20,2000 Dept/Div/Board.. Legal Staff Contact.. Lawrence J. Warren AGENDA STATUS: Consent X SUBJECT: For COR2 zone,elimination of the requirement that abutting Public Hearing.. and contiguous COR2 zoned parcels be included in any Level II site plan. Correspondence.. Ordinance X Resolution Old Business.... EXHIBITS: Draft ordinance New Business.... Study Session... Other RECOMMENDED ACTION:Refer to Planning and Development Committee APPROVALS: Delete the requirements from the COR2 zone, let the Level II site plan Legal Dept X include all contiguous and abutting properties zoned COR2, Finance Dept.... and let the site plan be signed by all owners of those parcels. Other FISCAL IMPACT:None Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated... SUMMARY OF ACTION: Once the requirements for the Level II site plan for COR2 zoned parcels were adopted, it was anticipated that all such parcels would be part of a joint development plan. The Barbie Forest Products parcel has indicated that it wishes to independently develop. At the same time, Barbie Forest Products Inc. has announced that it has a tentative agreement to sell the parcel to Port Quendall Co. If Barbie Forest Products continues with its desires to develop independently, a joint development will be frustrated, the parcels will develop independently, and the code section requiring joint planning would be frustrated and therefore unnecessary. Similarly, if Port Quendall Co. buys the Barbie Forest Products parcel it will be included as part of the two parcels owned by Port Quendall Co. The City would own the 4t parcel, and after performing environmental cleanup, would sell it to Port Quendall Co., or some other company that would agree, as part of the sale, to jointly plan the development. Therefore, again, the code requirement is superfluous. .Agendadoc.A8:175:5 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-2-120.B OF CHAPTER 2, LAND USE DISTRICTS, AND 4-8-120.D.19.k OF CHAPTER 8, PERMITS AND DECISIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY DELETING THE REQUIREMENT FOR PROPERTIES THAT ARE ADJACENT OR CONTIGUOUS ZONED COR2 TO PLAN TOGETHER FOR SITE PLAN LEVEL II. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Section 4-2-120.B, Special Review Process, General, under the COR zoning designation, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington," is hereby deleted. SECTION II. Section 4-8-120.D.19, Definitions S, of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" shall have the definition of"Site Plan, Land Use Review, Level II" amended by deleting subsection k. SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. 1 ORDINANCE NO. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of , 2000. Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of , 2000. Jesse Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.896:11/10/00:ma 7 ,...... ,...- \���111111II,,11,0 ��n as 82 15-8 E �tiSc. O ,Z c $ , oo m _ / �:`J Z� a m U7:7, ma) m >:' 0 0 $-N mo :c; d `� N':__LD pzN xM 2 °•m� E oV `; acvo o c� ao: Q�CI W_ m m�V O Of, O.Lm.N 2 2 . U o � �„ ! ,• .'O�``�C� .)cr 8 cm.; occvrn.o•o�o = , maoD /i/ ��.W{.�� ��23 = 7N.� > COEy GCd'O CZ h .'C.V /// \ \\` Si (0UmEmo ,o� mv,as co �mi6mS.as -PE cc /���IIIIIIII1sl��\\\ i'•.o'w. a7... a) m co' WUEpcmL� � 2c.mm > 3 €a �N f- O m $ m T1 N n U m C m m at: m p , m y 2 O cp my m" -o --t E n.-c.TC�a m Zm _mm mowcaai< mo . maoR+ 'a' o ¢ o at oC7 U as aft UM.g._LL C Z O a7 N -o wO C) CD •• C) CD (� O N CIS 0 >' p C N eJ,, O .0 N N .0 L C c0 4- O v) cv a)E F`• O co O to M a. a) to = m C C « "N O C C. ai i .... N N A U to N t a) pp a 0 7 V O L L as tq L D\ N E O- C) p C al O C CO Q c C C a) N C c C ` \ =O \ C 0 C w cCu `1 'C a3 d N N V `� \ -J O V .0 Z c� 0m E- cg004- - 0c • C o Jcn �'CO 0 N � cY m 3 a �� o ,� v) y N L O O co O p L p c0 ta- ,,, a) a) a UI O 22 G Y a) \ 7 ` O +� d C C :Q N Q y 0 0 = p .a C C y L p` Ifl 7 U N •� w/ O p L co C CO t' G p In C Q �' U s~ o 0 � 0a 3 v)`�CI -er \ -IE Z E Y ► + to v Li n�` o � X � .0to 00 0 o .441 c E c a) • w U a) o 0 Q a) 03 = as17 = oo N sQ E cn cc) 2 ° 0 0C-, a) cam, o w o r�= cv vl a) C .0 a)cr,t E 0 Y 0_c til ' co 0 Il 3 -v O C .a C N 'L- �° rn Q H U Cl- N V c a) ... " C a3 to L C c9 • O O • L - !n N N N C C N U 7 `? cO 0 N La) .C3CCco3o 00 o n a) v C) UU al c EW5 c0 Uw Z co I-- CO J U) CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 7 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE PERMITTING OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE COR 2 ZONE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS, a planned action Environmental Impact Statement is in process to address the impacts of the development of COR 2 zoned parcels; and WHEREAS, the four COR 2 zoned properties cannot sustain the planned intensity or development without sharing in the costs of upgrading the infrastructure in the area; and WHEREAS, substantial effort has been expended to study a traffic solution in the area and development on only one parcel zoned COR 2 would significantly harm that effort; and WHEREAS, development of one COR 2 zoned parcel would consume available roadway capacity to the detriment of the other parcels zoned COR 2; and WHEREAS, the Quendall Terminals property is significantly polluted; and WHEREAS, the private sector cannot economically clean the parcel; and WHEREAS, even with state grants, if the City buys the Quendall Terminals property, the City must sell the Quendall Terminals parcel for enough to pay its share of the grant or unreasonably subsidize the project; and WHEREAS, allowing one COR 2 zoned parcel to develop without a site plan for all similarly zoned parcels in the area would shift transportation costs onto the remaining parcels, destroying the market value of the Quendall Terminals parcel and destroying the chance for cleanup; and 1 RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 7 8 WHEREAS, railroad tracks cross between the properties and the freeway and must be crossed to develop these parcels, and having the parcels developed under a single site plan will permit an overpass or similar solution that will eliminate car-train collisions; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 4-2-120.B requires that any site plan submittal for property zoned COR 2 provide site planning for all adjacent and abutting parcels zoned COR 2 but with the understanding that all property owners desired COR 2 zoning which included such a planning requirement;and WHEREAS, City staff has recommended deleting this requirement since there is no longer unanimity amongst the property owners that such unitary planning is desirable; and WHEREAS, staff needs time to develop a new zoning concept, review its Shorelines Master Program and develop regulations for the COR 2 zoned parcels; and WHEREAS, such staff work takes time because of the complicated interaction of the new regulations to be proposed with each other and existing laws such as SEPA, ESA and GMA; and WHEREAS, such regulations, once proposed, will require council review and approval; and WHEREAS, May Creek to the South of the Barbee Mills parcel is a salmon bearing stream and Lake Washington to the West has not only salmon but bull trout; and WHEREAS,National Marine Fisheries has issued its 4(d)rule; and WHEREAS, the City does not believe its Shorelines Master Program and development regulations comply with the 4(d)rule; and WHEREAS, the State has passed legislation which will require the City to review, and, most likely, substantially alter its Shoreline Master Program;and 2 r rr... •..r► ' RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 78 WHEREAS, the City needs time to review its current plans, laws, rules and regulations to protect its process and protect the rights of all property owners; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting of all development in the COR 2 zone and the acceptance of all development applications in that zone. SECTION III. This moratorium shall be in place until June 11, 2001 unless extended or renewed for one or more six month periods but only if a public hearing is held and findings of facts entered in support of each extension or renewal. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 4th day of December , 2000. Marilyn . Pe e en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 4th day of December , 2000. (2e---t-/-e. Jesse'`Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warre , ity Attorney RES.821:11/27/00:ma 3 A ut ,�" cCnino i O Z .S. Zi.:i.M CA 0m..0 X) - C►. o l 1 LTA a' '` 37 imi A� / fn + — i) 70 0 ism" � :-.24:6141 1 . .... .. 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NOTARY SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME this /4171/1 day of0,!-#/l7"�t,r 'tt , 20 L) O Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at (COPIES OF THE ATTACHED NOTICE WERE FORWARDED TO THE MAIN AND HIGHLANDS LIBRARY AND POSTED AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WA, BY CITY CLERK STAFF.) r • .0 ��lvrro� NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 4, 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential (COR 2) Zone. ,,,.." „,.,A),.,:,„.N..,., .,. / Ire - „,....„::, ,,,:,,.4.**,:::.::::::::1 ii ..,:mkg41::,::::::b.::::0*:>. as , Ili vt' .::„„.,..„,..„...,. . lr .,,:,,..,..„„.....,...,::,„:,„ ...,:.:„.,„,,,,,,,,..:.,,,,.,...„ ..._ ,,„„„„„.,„,,,,..,,,,..„,, 6/fre - iliiiiiiiiiinsiii:Kft.,,,,:x Ail iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiii�rr•R+:v4:,, r, rrrfi+'i++�. NE 113rd 'I •..• ltib tab . ::::•::: ; : �t raiiit {,fir,{•r?�: a, 1\ MI 0 atilliVIN NAM COR2(Port Quendall Site) All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description&further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 The removal,mutilation,destruction,or concealment of this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and Warning ! imprisonment. :ITY OF RENTON Office of the City Clerk Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 DDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Barbee Forest Products Inc. PO Box 359 Renton, WA 98057 kik r+ CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 4th day of December, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential (COR 2) Zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. • ea Man i/ . ,( ersen City Clerk Published South County Journal November 24, 2000 11/21/2000 — Mailed to 110 parties per attached list. bw All S' 0 A .), 4t:C4* fi ♦♦.o� Aliiiiiiiii-1:11 v..... ` .4 •••••••••••••••••„ ................... ••••••••••••••••.• «ii `` iiii1i `i .�•ii «••••••••o•.•••••♦.•••••b••Vi • ••••••♦••••`••♦•••••♦•••+•♦♦♦♦•••♦•••••••❖•�•••♦••• •`••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4..,.i Ammim Allomm ••.•••••.1.•••••oo.♦•••••+.•♦v •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ail MIA 8 imr. siii ,y .............................., ..4.•....••••.••♦...•.•••••.... .•+•a ...........•♦....♦.........a.. •.•.o.•••••:•••,♦•••••••♦•♦oo•••••♦.♦ •♦•4. 4 (.1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,, .._e_JI (----- •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,, 4/e .❖.❖.❖.❖.❖.❖.❖.❖.•1•.`.`.❖.❖.❖.❖.❖.`;•.0•.•� .•.....•.••.....♦•••••••.•♦.•...•.,. •••...♦,..♦.•.•••••..1•••••.••.•. •.••`•+••••••♦.••i•••••••••••••♦♦•o••i•«••�•••,•�•i•�••i•�•�•�•i•�•�•i •• NE L3rd •••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• kr) / ♦•••.•..00..••.••.♦ oo•.•.••..•i 0 ••••••..♦,...• 1..•.•........+ •.♦.o.....ee ...• J� > ♦•••••••.♦•• ••••••••••• fr Ol' A 0 Aiet 7 •.•.�•�••♦•♦•♦•., N APS= 1 allillin - -, ■■■ ■■■■■MI ■ _ COR2 (Port Quendall Site) 0 500 1000 a t+ Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning >%: -:..x > V. 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RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON,WA 98056 98056 98056 556155009005 221200029009 221200002006 MCCONNELL DAVID H MCCULLOCH BRIAN D MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C CONCKLIN KATHLEEN 12046 67TH AVE S P 0 BOX 60106 PO BOX 47104 SEATTLE WA RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 98146 98178 98058 334330287601 221200024000 221200031005 MOORE WALTER C MUSCAT JAMES P&JANE M NAGAMINE AKIRA+HIDEKO 3817 203RD AVE NE 1308 QUEEN AVE NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N REDMOND WA RENTON WA #D203 98053 98056 RENTON WA 9Rn5f 221200026005 334270042701 556155031009 NEWING ANDREW H NICOLI BRUNO I O'BRIEN WILLIAM R 8815 116TH AVE SE 310 HIBRITEN AVE SW 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#209 RENTON WA LENOIR NC RENTON WA 98056 28645 98056 556155007009 556155016000 556155018006 OSBORN TONY+SHEWBERT SHANA OVRUCHESKY ALEXANDER PALMER GARY D+MARCIA M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#7 5021 RIPLEY LANE#108 2507 PARK PLACE NORTH RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 556155015002 556155017008 556155037006 PETERSON DALE V PFLUEGER PAUL T ET AL PFLUEGER STEVE 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#107 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#109 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT 301 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 322405904903 292405901201 556155008007 PORT QUENDALL COMPANY PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PULLEN ETHOL N 110 110TH AVE NE STE 550 PROPERTY TAX DEPT 2450 AURORA AVE N#309 BELLEVUE WA PO BOX 90868 SEATTLE WA 98004 BELLEVUE WA 98009 98109 292405900203 556155010003 556155042006 QUENDALL TERMINALS RIMIER GARY R+GAIL R ROBINSON DIANE E PO BOX 477 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#102 5021 RIPLEY LN N#306 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98056 98056 556155012009 221200032003 334330287502 ROSEMAN ROSS RUEGGE STEVEN A SABOUR-MOHAJAR HOSSEIN 1500 114TH AVE SE 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5031 RIPLEY LANE N BELLEVUE WA #204D RENTON WA 98004 RENTON WA 98056 9056 556155034003 556155005003 556155049001 SHEEHAN SCOTT J SOTELO SYLVIA H SWANGER RUTH A 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT#212 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#5 5021 RIPLEY LANE#313 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 r • 556155033005 334330115000 556155036008 THAIDIGSMAN CYNTHIA THC-EXIT SEVEN L L C THEIMER HELMUT&KAREN 5021 RIPLEY LN N 3241 156TH AVE SE 123 W GRIFFIN CREEK RD NE RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA CARNATION WA 98056 98007 98014 322405905009 556155026009 556155021000 THOMSON NEIL THRIFT VILLAGE INC TORGERSON SUSAN L&F A PO BOX 76 11400 SE 6TH ST#220 955 GOAT TRAIL LOOP RD MERCER ISLAND WA BELLEVUE WA MUKILTEO WA 98040 98004 4 98275 556155030001 221200028001 556155050009 TREPUS GORDON&JOYCE WAGNER BEVERLY J WARREN MARGARET L 10332 208TH CT NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#D104 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#314 REDMOND WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98053 98055 98056 556155032007 221200020008 556155027007 WATSON ERIC M WINSTON B WRIGHT JACK C 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#210 CHRISTIANSEN JUDY M P 0 BOX 80887 RENTON WA 2932 DANIEL AVE SEATTLE WA 98056 DALLAS TEXAS 75205 98108 556155041008 556155002000 221200004002 WRIGHT PERRY WRIGHT RICHARD I WYWROT LOIS R 5021 RIPLEY LANE#305 12724 RENTON AVE S 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N#A- RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 104 98058 98178 RENTON WA 9R056 221200003004 YOUNGBLOOD JON C Inez Petersen Larry Reymann 4100 LK WASH BLVD N#A-103 3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N. #2 1313 N. 38th Street RENTON WA Renton,WA 98056 Renton,WA 98056 98056 Sean O'Neill Nancy Denney 575 High Avenue S. 3818 Lake Washington Blvd.N. Renton,WA 98055 Renton,WA 98055 r ,..... 1. 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CO 4I ! II 1 -, <I 1 / i 7 COR2 (Port Quendall Site) 0 5 0 0 1000 1 ass=I Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning kat u Nh � t Site Area 1 :6 0 0 0 ''.2(4y,1 29 Auguat 2000 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 4th day of December, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential (COR 2) Zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. / error .ti.) Man y-/� '= ersen City Clerk Published South County Journal November 24, 2000 Account No. 50640 ei G` Y per . + .41.3 (=) Nei.:- RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 4, 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential (COR 2) Zone. Ally....N., if ik , .,,,,,A,origiop ....,..,-.,0).,..,*:.:::::toishe \"' j;:iilifetallit 46.J.:016141 LI 1 1 A feeteatier a t,.•.•.•.,••'.' ',t.❖..,, M(-4 latnaggfr,* ginatnia:0* itinitiga* kr/•"1 .:rt•.•••?x•..... �,pig t NE kf3rd 'I NEWa Sa,.,. O INVa� .;.•:;;'is 1 ...::::„, ..._ _ _ < , x k 1011111 11...a_.. a ,s„ -5 _ In /MI Mill CD illi fW !rA I ,RN — / / iII I l I II I II I II II —" — �� 1' COR2(Port Quendall Site) All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office— 425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of • IP this notice is a misdemeanor punishable bydarnlnimprisonment. CG &„*-:I\TriCS NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 4, 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Extending the moratorium on acceptance and processing of development applications in the Center Office Residential (COR 2) Zone. ANA , %4i' '''',,, /40,140-Migors Alf••e r�f.•S:; r•`,'• ,. 4101111Wiliiiiiiiioukete iiiiiiiiiiiiediiiii :<•:•:•.•..a'4:::F�':;.•�� er•:•*,. 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CC W F- se J cn �, 1 `'a '= h ` 1 0) ..'N) 1 4' Ly, e October 9,2000 softie Renton City Council Minutes Page 358 the development regulations and recommended that Council adopt a resolution to continue the moratorium until December 11, 2000. Public comment was invited. Sean O'Neill, 575 High Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, speaking on behalf of the family who owns the Barbee Mills property, expressed his opposition to the moratorium. He explained that the City passed the moratorium in response to the efforts of Barbee Forest Products to file a Master Use Permit Application and Level II Site Plan for the property. Currently,Barbee Forest Products has two lawsuits and three administration appeals pending against the City. Mr. O'Neill described his objections to the moratorium by saying that it is not a proper use of the moratorium authority and it denies landowners the opportunity to develop their property in a manner that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. He reported that progress has been made towards selling the Barbee Mills property, and if negotiations move forward to a satisfactory arrangement, the moratorium will be moot. Nancy Denney, 3818 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton, expressed her concern regarding the number and size of recent development projects occurring in the Kennydale area. She stated that all the projects have an effect on traffic patterns,water quality in Lake Washington, and the quality of life for Renton residents, especially for those living in the Kennydale neighborhood. Ms. Denney described the traffic problems occurring on Lake Washington Blvd. and urged the City to improve its infrastructure in order to accommodate the increase in vehicles. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Resolution#3469 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the permitting of Planning: Commercial Office development and acceptance of development applications in the Commercial Residential 2 Zone 'p n Office Residential 2 (COR 2) Zone, and establishing a termination date of Moratorium December 11, 2000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2000 and beyond. Items noted included: * The capital campaign goal of$1.5 million has been achieved for the Renton Community IKEA Performing Arts Center thanks to pledges and contributions from over 120 businesses, organizations, and individuals. Construction will begin September 2001. Mr. Covington expressed his thanks to Fundraising Chair Charmaine Baker; Economic Development Director Betty Nokes; Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler; and Renton School Superintendent Dolores Gibbons for their work in soliciting contributions for the performing arts center. AUDIENCE COMMENT The following speakers urged Council to adopt a resolution in support of Citizen Comment: Finley, et al naming the U.S. District Courthouse for the Western District of Washington -US District Courthouse after Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient William K.Nakamura. Steve Naming, William K Nakamura Finley, 12606 SE 30th St., Bellevue, 98005; Mas Odoi, 631 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055, who also entered a letter into the record; Vincent Matsudaira, 16005 SE 149th St.,Renton, 98059; and Paul Hosoda, 12517 NE 30th St., Bellevue, 98005. The speakers explained that Washington native Private First Nstwe RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting October 9,2000 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF RANDY CORMAN, Council President; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN CLAWSON; TONI NELSON. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON, Economic Development Administrator; BETTY NOKES, Economic Development Director; ABDOUL GAFOUR, Water Utility Supervisor; COMMANDER CURTIS SMALLING, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF OCTOBER 2, 2000, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Commercial Office accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing, Residential 2 Zone continued from September 25, 2000, to consider the moratorium on the Moratorium 1 permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR 2)zone. Sue Carlson, Economic Development Administrator, stated that Council adopted a resolution declaring a moratorium on August 21, 2000. She explained that when the COR 2 zone was established, it was assumed that the properties would be developed jointly; however, a presumption that the properties will develop jointly is no longer certain. The purpose of the moratorium is to provide adequate time for staff to address the following issues: the allocation of transportation capacity, the coordination of public crossings for the railroad, and shoreline setbacks and other shoreline regulations. Referring to a map of the COR 2 zoned properties, Ms. Carlson detailed the ownership of each parcel. She reported that the City has been working with the property owners for three years to develop a plan to clean up and redevelop the entire 68 acres. Explaining that the Quendall Terminals parcel is highly contaminated and is one of the Department of Ecology's highest priorities for remediation, Ms. Carlson pointed out that it is unlikely the parcel will be cleaned up if no development potential exists. Continuing,Ms. Carlson reviewed the issues to be resolved before development occurs. These issues include: allocation of transportation capacity and funding of improvements, remediation and clean up of contaminated parcels, setbacks and mitigation for salmon habitat,joint planning among all parcels for railroad crossings, and to ensure that the neighborhood travel concerns are addressed in a comprehensive manner. She stated that because of the change from the presumption that development will occur jointly, to the assumption that the properties may develop individually,new regulations may need to be adopted to resolve the issues previously mentioned. Concluding, Ms. Carlson explained that the ongoing property negotiations may eliminate the need for changes in October 9,2000 `r..' Renton City Council Minutes Page 358 the development regulations and recommended that Council adopt a resolution to continue the moratorium until December 11, 2000. Public comment was invited. Sean O'Neill, 575 High Ave. S.,Renton, 98055, speaking on behalf of the family who owns the Barbee Mills property, expressed his opposition to the moratorium. He explained that the City passed the moratorium in response to the efforts of Barbee Forest Products to file a Master Use Permit Application and Level II Site Plan for the property. Currently,Barbee Forest Products has two lawsuits and three administration appeals pending against the City. Mr. O'Neill described his objections to the moratorium by saying that it is not a proper use of the moratorium authority and it denies landowners the opportunity to develop their property in a manner that is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. He reported that progress has been made towards selling the Barbee Mills property, and if negotiations move forward to a satisfactory arrangement, the moratorium will be moot. Nancy Denney, 3818 Lake Washington Blvd. N., Renton, expressed her concern regarding the number and size of recent development projects occurring in the Kennydale area. She stated that all the projects have an effect on traffic patterns, water quality in Lake Washington, and the quality of life for Renton residents, especially for those living in the Kennydale neighborhood. Ms. Denney described the traffic problems occurring on Lake Washington Blvd. and urged the City to improve its infrastructure in order to accommodate the increase in vehicles. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Resolution#3469 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the permitting of Planning: Commercial Office development and acceptance of development applications in the Commercial Residential 2 Zone Office Residential 2 (COR 2) Zone, and establishing a termination date of Moratorium December 11,2000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2000 and beyond. Items noted included: * The capital campaign goal of$1.5 million has been achieved for the Renton Community IKEA Performing Arts Center thanks to pledges and contributions from over 120 businesses, organizations, and individuals. Construction will begin September 2001. Mr. Covington expressed his thanks to Fundraising Chair Charmaine Baker; Economic Development Director Betty Nokes; Councilmember Keolker- Wheeler; and Renton School Superintendent Dolores Gibbons for their work in soliciting contributions for the performing arts center. AUDIENCE COMMENT The following speakers urged Council to adopt a resolution in support of Citizen Comment: Finley, et al naming the U.S. District Courthouse for the Western District of Washington -US District Courthouse after Congressional Medal of Honor Recipient William K.Nakamura. Steve Naming, William K Nakamura Finley, 12606 SE 30th St., Bellevue, 98005; Mas Odoi, 631 Morris Ave. S., Renton, 98055,who also entered a letter into the record; Vincent Matsudaira, 16005 SE 149th St., Renton, 98059; and Paul Hosoda, 12517 NE 30th St., Bellevue, 98005. The speakers explained that Washington native Private First O • 0" E • 0 \ D PZ o N Cfc? O N � CD 0 • • • • °"-i • ,-d ti CIA P-i '-c n c " — -"'l P ,-.N CD CD --i . °'Ci E p.) 0..." oi . # 1 ,m% CM P" P n ';-4P- 8 'Ti -+, . r-+ 0 P-A q '-( # o 0 q on E " 0 . • " 0 0 cfq ''''"4 C) CIr CD �' O 2 • 0-► • P . 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ROLL CALL OF RANDY CORMAN,Council President; TONI NELSON;DAN CLAWSON; COUNCILMEMBERS KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; KING PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMAN DON PERSSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; BETTY NOKES, Economic Development Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; CHIEF LEE WHEELER, Fire Department; DEPUTY CHIEF GLEN GORDON,Fire Department; CHARLES ANDREWS, Fire Inspector III; BONNIE RERECICH, Recreation Supervisor. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 18, 2000, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Fire Chief Lee Wheeler explained that the Washington Insurance Council's PRESENTATIONS Arson Alarm Foundation award would be presented tonight and asked Fire Fire: WA Insurance Council's Inspector Charles Andrews and Deputy Fire Chief Glen Gordon to assist him in Arson Alarm Foundation the presentation. Mr.Andrews described an incident that occurred at Ron Award Regis park in June of 1998,where a contractor's equipment had been repeatedly vandalized by gunfire and a fire was set which destroyed several vehicles. The Fire Department investigated the arson but the leads ran out and the case became inactive. Fortunately, in 1999, witnesses came forward with information that led to the arrest and conviction of the arsonist. Deputy Fire Chief Gordon introduced George Eastman,Vice President of the Washington Insurance Council's Arson Alarm Foundation. Mr. Eastman presented the award to the Fire Department which in turn will present the award to the witnesses who wish to remain anonymous. Fire Chief Wheeler accepted the award on behalf of the witnesses, thanking the Arson Alarm Foundation for its support and commending citizens who step forward to assist the Fire Department in solving these cases. Parks: Employee Recycling Jim Shepherd, Community Services Administrator, advised that proceeds raised Program through the Employee Recycling Program are used to provide equipment and uniforms to athletes with special needs throughout the State of Washington. He reported that Renton's Community Services Department Special Recreation Program has received$4,909.95 in equipment and uniforms over the past two years. Nick Nicholson, President of the Board of Trustees for the Employee Recycling Program,presented the City with a certificate of appreciation and thanked those who work in City Hall for recycling their aluminum cans. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Commercial Office accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing, Residential 2 Zone continued from September 18, 2000,to consider declaring a moratorium on the September 25,2000 `Aire Renton City Council Minutes `✓ Page 341 Moratorium permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. City Attorney Larry Warren reported that negotiations regarding the property transaction are still underway and recommended that the public hearing be continued until October 9, 2000. ublic comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY LAWSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE UBLIC HEARING UNTIL OCTOBER 9, 2000. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2000 and beyond. Items noted included: * As part of Renton's Centennial Celebration, a 2001 edition of the Community Calendar is being produced. The free calendar will be distributed to all Renton residents in mid-December as an insert in the Renton Reporter and additional copies will be available at public facilities throughout the community. * A recent addition to the City's website allows current Renton public library cardholders to search the library catalog on-line at www.ci.renton.wa.us. The on-line service also allows users to place a hold on a book from the convenience of their home. * A revised City ordinance now requires alarm owners to register their alarm with the Police Department by either downloading a registration form from the City's website at www.ci.renton.wa.us or by calling(425)430-7560 and requesting a form. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 00-134,N Renton City Clerk reported bid opening on 9/19/00 for CAG-00-134,North Renton Sewer Replacement, Gary Sewer Replacement Project Phase I; 12 bids; engineer's estimate$365,948.33; Merlino Const Co and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Gary Merlino Construction Company,in the amount of$351,688.07. Council concur. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Kim Browne,President of Kennydale Citizen Comment: Browne— Neighborhood Association, 1211 N. 28th Pl.,Renton, 98056, commending the Public Transit in Kennydale Mayor, Council, Transportation Systems Director Sandra Meyer, Civil Neighborhood, Sound Transit Engineer III Stephen Rolle, and Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Route 560 Gregg Zimmerman for lobbying for the inclusion of Route 560 Sound Transit express bus stop at I-405 and N. 30th St. Councilman Clawson reported that he rode the aforementioned bus to work last Friday saying it was a very quiet and pleasant experience and he encouraged citizens to take advantage of the public transit system. OLD BUSINESS Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Community Services recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Troy Wigestrand to Committee an unexpired term on the Park Board. The unexpired four-year term expires Appointment: Park Board June 1, 2004. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL September 18,2000 ,, Renton City Council Minutes , Page 331 Ms.Nokes announced that the Council for Urban Economic Development (CUED)has selected the City of Renton's "Renton Ahead of the Curve" marketing campaign as the winner of its 2000 Economic Development Promotional Gold Award. She explained that CUED is an economic development membership association that assists communities in building economies that attract and retain jobs. The gold award is bestowed upon those organizations that achieve successful results from an overall campaign which includes economic development advertising,marketing and public relations. Continuing,Ms.Nokes explained that the success of the campaign stems from the corroboration of the community stakeholders who are: Dennis Law and Hugh Crozier from the Renton Chamber of Commerce; Councilman King Parker and Community Relations Manager Julie Brewer from the City of Renton; Dr. Don Bressler and Randy Carmical from Renton Technical College; Dr. Dolores Gibbons and Peter Daniels from the Renton School District; Rich Meinig and Tim Salley from the Renton hotel industry; and Terry Pile and Cindy Tangen from Valley Medical Center. She also acknowledged the contributions of the City's consultants,Michael Hamilton and Ken Saunderson, from Hamilton/Saunderson Marketing Partnership. Economic Development Administrator Sue Carlson praised Betty Nokes for her efforts in facilitating the marketing campaign. EDNSP: City-County Community Relations Manager Julie Brewer announced that the City-County Communications& Marketing Communications and Marketing Association(3CMA)has awarded the City of Assn(3CMA) Savvy Award Renton, and the rest of the marketing campaign stakeholders, with a first place Savvy Award for the 1999-2000 Renton Community Calendar. She said that each year, 3CMA recognizes local governments for innovations in communicating and marketing government issues to citizens. Noted by 3CMA, the community calendar's colorful pictures were spectacular, the design was exceptional, and the comprehensive event listings were easy to follow. Explaining that the calendar is a useful product for local business owners and residents, Ms.Brewer reported that a 2001 edition of the community calendar will be produced as part of Renton's Centennial Celebration. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Commercial Office accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Residential 2 Zone to consider declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and Moratorium acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2)zone. Economic Development Director Sue Carlson announced that she had been contacted by the Cugini family(COR-2 zone parcel owner)and Paul Allen's representatives requesting that the City continue the public hearing until next Monday, September 25th. Ms. Carlson reported that negotiations regarding the property transaction are underway and both parties hope to finalize an agreement before next Monday. Public comment was invited. Inez Petersen, 3306 Lake Washington Blvd.N. #2, Renton, 98055, said she was glad to hear that the impasse was about to be resolved and she will attend next week's meeting. Larry Reymann, 1313 N 38th St.,Renton, 98056, advised that the increase of development in Kennydale is changing the nature of the neighborhood. He pointed out that the abundance of development occurring around Lake September 18,2000 .,r Renton City Council Minutes _ Page 332 Washington needs to be balanced with the creation of more parks,more open space,and an infrastructure that will accommodate the increase in density. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL 9/25/00. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE City Clerk Marilyn Petersen reviewed a written administrative report REPORT summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2000 and beyond. Items noted included: * Planning/Building/Public Works Department reported that an application was received for Liberty Ridge, a subdivision that involves 436 lots for single-family residences at the site of the old gravel pit north of the intersection of NE 3rd St. and Edmonds Ave.NE. * Nineteen King County cities, including Renton, will proclaim Saturday, September 30th,to be"Mayors' Day of Concern for the Hungry Day." This effort will assist both the Emergency Feeding Program and participating food banks to gather an adequate food supply for the needy in King County during the months leading up to the holiday food drives. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Park Board Mayor Tanner appointed Troy Wigestrand, 2101 Queen Ave.NE,Renton, 98056,to the Park Board to fill an unexpired four-year term, expiring 6/01/04. Refer to the Community Services Committee. Human Services: 2000 Local Human Services Division recommended setting a public hearing on October 2, Law Enforcement Block Grant 2000, to consider the 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. Council (LLEBG) concur. EDNSP: Port Quendall SEPA Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department SEIS Planned Action, requested approval of an addendum to a contract(CAG-00-067) with Huckell/Weinman, CAG-00- Huckell/Weinman Associates, Inc. for Phase III of the SEPA Planned Action 067 Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Port Quendall project. The costs will be reimbursed 100%by the developers. Council concur. Police: Humane Society for Police Department requested approval of an amended contract with The Seattle/King County,New Humane Society for Seattle/King County to reflect new business hours and Fees &Business Hours fees. Council concur. Added Item 9.e. Planning/Building/Public Works Department requested authorization for the Public Works: King Mayor to sign a letter to the King County Council supporting the Conservation District reauthorization of the King Conservation District assessment at the current rate Assessment of$5.00 per parcel and supporting the current allocation of these funds. Council concur. Mayor Tanner said that the King Conservation District assessment which was originally set for three years, is close to expiring. Explaining that the money is used to fund Endangered Species Act projects,he reported that the District is proposing the reauthorization of the assessment at the current rate of$5.00 per parcel for a period of ten years MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE ITEM 9.e. CARRIED. 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' 04>`1, it e,pa6!1X.4 wta 7 y 9 .rd�//� i O `N N11 2 ILA `` m i—c=c'.e-2)) -. :, Ui II, .,i cis ; c4 ce 6 G ^m D5,s' l 1 r' E U y cn <XI 1 m p au m = n g . 98, A S�` wq c, m P " ra M n 0 = O n v 00 v � cn 41 z oo ;k '-C o yY ..tt z 0 z fRL 'riRTE-.t FIRST cLAss. d / Al =`� c.m r...,letit :::-. 1 I 1 it o in jt I L' ' , KM ,;. --fir' . ,, ., F'' 'L cc,4 O CA o ` 1 DJ Do � � F 111 44 cn m 0 0 73 s 1 C 0 CD gmil 4 0 . m ►*, • °, t m 0 ID 0 UQ �" 0 n H 0 opZ CD pi � �' ory tk N IA zb < 2 r , u., a .< c� o rr ax m E flR'T zC T CLAS4 0 413, d et H 'U !� v O iico ;(� fin I. August 14,2000 Renton City Council Minutes„ Page 294 WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/21/00. CARRIED. Planning: Office Uses in the An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-060.B,4-2-060.F, and 4-2-070.P Light Industrial&Commercial of Chapter 2,Land Use Districts, and Section 4-11-150 of Chapter 11, Arterial Zones Definitions, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code relating to permitted office uses in the Light Industrial and Commercial Arterial Zones. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/21/00. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption. Ordinance#4853 An ordinance was read vacating an alley located between 625 and 621 Camas Vacation: Camas Ave Alley, Ave.NE(Born and Korn; VAC-00-002). MOVED BY CORMAN, 600 Block(Korn/Born,VAC- SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS 00-002) READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4854 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 2,Land Use Districts,Chapter 4, Planning: Center Downtown Property Development Standards,Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria, Bulk Parking and Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code relating to development standards for setbacks, landscaping, and parking. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.* Responding to Councilman Persson's inquiry,Mayor Tanner affirmed that this ordinance does set new parking standards. *ROLL CALL: SIX AYES: CORMAN, SCHLITZER, PARKER, KEOLKER- WHEELER, CLAWSON,NELSON; ONE NAY: PERSSON. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance#4855 An ordinance was read adopting the 2000 amendments to the City's 1995 Comprehensive Plan: 2000 Comprehensive Plan,maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY Amendments KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Planning: COR 2 Zone Larry Warren, City Attorney,explained that the City received a development Moratorium,Port Quendall application for one parcel within the Commercial Office Residential (COR)2 Property zone(Barbee Mills site)without the site planning for the other parcels (Quendall Terminals property)within the COR 2 zone with a claim that this application vests certain development rights in the applicant. He pointed out that such a claim, if upheld,would significantly destroy several years of City planning, zoning, environmental review and other efforts in the area. Stating that the City does not believe that this area is ready for development, Mr. Warren detailed efforts the City is making towards addressing the area's environmental and traffic concerns. He said that at the request of the Administration,he has prepared a moratorium resolution for Council's consideration. Resolution#3466 A resolution was read declaring a moratorium on the permitting of Planning: COR 2 Zone development and acceptance of development applications in the COR 2 Zone, Moratorium,Port Quendall establishing a public hearing date on 9/18/00 and establishing a termination Property date of 2/14/00. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.* August 14,2000 ` Renton City Council Minutes*.e. Page 295 Responding to Councilman Persson, Mr. Warren clarified that the moratorium is in place until September 18th, at which time a public hearing will be held regarding the matter. He added that although the moratorium is in place for six months, Council could revoke the moratorium at any time. *MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Persson reported the posting of illegal Burlington Northern RR Public Works: Illegal Signs at signs on City-owned property located at Burnett Ave. S. and S. 2nd St. He also Burnett& S 2nd St mentioned the abundance of blackberries in the area and noted numerous broken windows in the pavilion building. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:25 p.m. D2.7.4". MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann August 14, 2000 LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS DONE ON S/7 --- 3 I , 20 C&a. 1. q//? 4//- 4Aby_ Ast 2. &(LQ 6i4. 3. 4/0d7,, A/ k),017 4. 3 706 ki/ 41204/ 1344 /5/1/241-4114) -72 clfr//t b/t)(1,) fi-leA&Y, CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING I FAIT! ODahnm iI HEREBY CERTIFY THAT `f' COPIES OF THE ATTACHED NOTICE WAS POSTED BY ME ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE ON DATE OF ,52-31- as SIGNED P(ary (;)a77-71.-1-1( OMB 'III � % Z SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE Mitt444 .c a , 20 D G Notary Public in and for the State of Washingtoh,1esidlrig,g; - �. e-i LA_ 1 FATE OF (COPIES OF THE ATTACHED NOTICE WERE `FORWARD'ED TO THE MAIN AND HIGHLANDS LIBRARY AND POSTED AT THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY, RENTON, WA, BY CITY CLERK STAFF.) C1-Y OffNor" vase 'ePZ:l\TrrO NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. c• „..,,./., ii � �✓i�. 1, as ,jai tire, .+{i. AmV . . ,f l fir`ii.< "? '4`',• i a /4:01A' .,h�}s, ®' ' ` I I e AHEM ■ J /,'H 'N'4' V V . `' COR2(Port Quendall Site) e..n.....»..."'- "-7 Man Site Area R w.. All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office—425-430-6510 The removal,mutilation,destruction,or concealment of this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and Warning ! imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of September, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. / 10,--,-1 Maril `een City Clerk Published South County Journal August 16, 2000 8/30/2000 - Mailed to 106 parties per attached list. W S) de A141A1 ♦♦♦Jim♦♦♦♦♦♦.• ♦',♦♦♦♦♦♦i.,+i i`.f' . ki_Z__4) ,, ,'Y•''•' •••••'..•••..•:•.•••••••••••••••:.•••••••••••••••'••.••.:•*.•'••.••,••..*••r•••••*••••*•••••!•••*•k••••0,,•• y•)*i* 11111 bC; •♦'♦..♦.'♦••':'i♦i'i'i'♦♦i'♦♦i♦di'ii'i0':'*♦'�.♦i 1ll" ,.‘ 1-kr +1.•••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••O•••••••Ali. 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Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning :•bv:•}:}: BD,NisPx�?. Site Area 1 :6 0 0 0 .............. u N.`at 29 August 2000 Smooth.Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® 221200027003 .ft. 556155029003 ...� 556155003008 ALLEN COLLEEN ALLERS JEROME F JR ARSENAULT BRET 4100 LK WASH BLVD SE#D103 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#207 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#3 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98055 98056 221200023002 556155043004 322405903905 BAGBY STEVEN M+LEE ANGELA R BAKER PATRICK+COLBERT BRIGI BALDWIN DONALD P 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD 5021 RIPLEY LANE NORTH#307 4017 PARK AVE N #C203 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 9R056 322405903400 334270000501 556155044002 BARBEE FOREST PRODUCTS INC BARBEE FOREST PRODUCTS INC BENSON NORMAN L BOX 359 4101 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#308 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98057 98056 334330300008 334270007001 556155025001 BERGAN LOUIS A+LESLYE I BOYDSTON TONY BUCKLEY THOMAS SEELY 5029 RIPLEY LANE N 3901 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#203 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 556155048003 556155023006 221200015008 BURKUS T CANNON ARLENE CARL KENNETH J 5021 RIPLEY LN N 5021 RIPLEY LANE#201 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#B203 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98055 334330287106 334330288005 221200001008 CRAWFORD ROD CROSETTO FRED A CROSSMAN CHERYL A PO BOX 2521 5025 RIPLEY LN N 4100 LAKE WASH.BLVD A-101 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 221200013003 556155001002 556155028005 CRUZE RANDE R+CELIA E CULVER BONNIE J DALPAY DIANE G 5105 HIGHLAND DR 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT#1 5021 RIPLEY LANE NORTH BELLEVUE WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98006 98056 98056 221200016006 334330118004 556155004006 DAPELLO CHERYL DENNY S REALTY INC DORSEY JAMES C 1420 NW GILMAN BLVD#2268 293 E MAIN ST 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#4 ISSAQUAH WA SPARTANBURG SC RENTON WA 98027 29319 98056 556155046007 556155014005 221200018002 ELLINGSON LEIF E ENGLAND MARCIA T ERNST LEE E 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#310 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#106 4100 LAKE WASH BLVD N#C102 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 322405901008 221200011007 556155047005 FAWCETT CLARISSA FORESTER MARYLYN L G R FRANK&ASSOCIATES LLC 4008 MEADOW AVE N 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 3306 E YESLER WAY RENTON WA #B-10 SEATTLE WA 98056 RENTON WA 98122 0056 Smooth.Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® limo 221200025007 221200010009 "owe 556155006001 GIBSON GARY J GIBSON LANCE M+CAREN M GOMEZ RUDY&PAMELA 4100 LK WASH BLVD N D-101 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 34522 N SCOTTSDALE RD#164 RENTON WA #B102 SCOTTSDALE AZ 98056 RENTON WA 85262 98056 221200021006 556155020002 221200014001 GOOD BRUNO+ANN E GRIGGS KAREN K GUREL MEHMET 605 S 194TH ST 5021 RIPLEY LANE NORTH 112 PO BOX 1921 DES MOINES WA RENTON WA LANCASTER CA 98148 98056 93539 556155038004 221200022004 556155022008 HALVERSON EILEEN J HARWOOD CHARLES H+SHARON HELFENSTEIN PETER P+CAROL A 16226 CRYSTAL DR E LY 5021 RIPLEY LANE NORTH#114 ENUMCLAW WA 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA 98022 #C202 98056 R F,NTON WA 322405905801 556155039002 322405905900 HELINA PATRICIA S M HEPPENSTALL TIMOTHY L HICKS GARDNER 4004 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#303 4008 LAKE WASH BLVD RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98055 98056 556155040000 556155019004 556155024004 HILLIARD MAURINE M HINES WILLIAM L JR HOUK ROBERT L 411 BLACK FOREST LN 6947 COAL CREEK PKWY SE#230 PO BOX 947 PAYSON AZ. NEWCASTLE WA ISSAQUAH WA 85541 98059 98027 221200030007 334270041505 334270042503 HOUSER PAUL W JR&AMY S HUNT MARGARET E HUNT THOMAS R+CARYL J 2230 SQUAK MTN LOOP SW 3908 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 3916 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N ISSAQUAH WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98027 98056 98056 221200006007 221200008003 221200005009 HUTTON RONALD E IGELMUND DARRELL A+LINDA J IGELMUND DARRELL+LINDA J 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#A202 3602 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 3602 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 334330286009 292405900104 221200017004 IMUS RICHARD J H BAXTER AND CO LTD JELINEK JANE M 5143 RIPLEY LANE N PO BOX 5902 2259 74TH SE RENTON WA SAN MATEO CA MERCER ISLAND WA 98055 94402 98040 556155035000 221200012005 556155045009 JONES MICHAEL S KELLY KIMBERLY ANN KENNAMER WILLIAM BRUCE JR 5021 RIPLEY LANE#213 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#309 RENTON WA #B104 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 98056 334330286207 221200019000 556155011001 LEE FRANK B LEW KEVIN ANTHONY+JENNIFER LILL FRANCIS J PO BOX 3040 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD#103 1308 W LAKE SAMMAMISH BLVD NE KENT WA RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA 98032 98055 98008 Smootb•Feed Sheets"' Use template for 5160C) 221200007005 .... 556155013007 a.. 334330287403 LUGER THERESE M LUND VIRGIL H MAK HOMES INC 4100 LK WA BLVD N#A203 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#105 2458 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA 98056 98056 98005 556155009005 221200029009 221200002006 MCCONNELL DAVID H MCCULLOCH BRIAN D MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C CONCKLIN KATHLEEN 12046 67TH AVE S P 0 BOX 60106 PO BOX 47104 SEATTLE WA RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 98146 98178 98058 334330287601 221200024000 221200031005 MOORE WALTER C MUSCAT JAMES P&JANE M NAGAMINE AKIRA+HIDEKO 3817 203RD AVE NE 1308 QUEEN AVE NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N REDMOND WA RENTON WA #D203 98053 98056 RENTON WA 9R056 221200026005 334270042701 556155031009 NEWING ANDREW H NICOLI BRUNO I O'BRIEN WILLIAM R 8815 116TH AVE SE 310 HIBRITEN AVE SW 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#209 RENTON WA LENOIR NC RENTON WA 98056 28645 98056 556155007009 556155016000 556155018006 OSBORN TONY+SHEWBERT SHANA OVRUCHESKY ALEXANDER PALMER GARY D+MARCIA M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#7 5021 RIPLEY LANE#108 2507 PARK PLACE NORTH RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 556155015002 556155017008 556155037006 PETERSON DALE V PFLUEGER PAUL T ET AL PFLUEGER STEVE 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#107 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#109 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT 301 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 322405904903 292405901201 556155008007 PORT QUENDALL COMPANY PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PULLEN ETHOL N 110 110TH AVE NE STE 550 PROPERTY TAX DEPT 2450 AURORA AVE N#309 BELLEVUE WA PO BOX 90868 SEATTLE WA 98004 BELLEVUE WA 98009 98109 292405900203 556155010003 556155042006 QUENDALL TERMINALS RITNER GARY R+GAIL R ROBINSON DIANE E PO BOX 477 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#102 5021 RIPLEY LN N#306 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98056 98056 556155012009 221200032003 334330287502 ROSEMAN ROSS RUEGGE STEVEN A SABOUR—MOHAJAR HOSSEIN 1500 114TH AVE SE 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5031 RIPLEY LANE N BELLEVUE WA #204D RENTON WA 98004 RENTON WA 98056 0056 556155034003 556155005003 556155049001 SHEEHAN SCOTT J SOTELO SYLVIA H SWANGER RUTH A 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT#212 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#5 5021 RIPLEY LANE#313 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 .‘ fib. ;o ; : .r Smooth,Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160 556155033005 334330115000 556155036008 THAIDIGSMAN CYNTHIA THC-EXIT SEVEN L L C THEIMER HELMUT&KAREN 5021 RIPLEY LN N 3241 156TH AVE SE 123 W GRIFFIN CREEK RD NE RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA CARNATION WA 98056 98007 98014 322405905009 556155026009 556155021000 THOMSON NEIL THRIFT VILLAGE INC TORGERSON SUSAN L&F A PO BOX 76 11400 SE 6TH ST#220 955 GOAT TRAIL LOOP RD MERCER ISLAND WA BELLEVUE WA MUKILTEO WA 98040 98004 4 98275 556155030001 221200028001 556155050009 TREPUS GORDON&JOYCE WAGNER BEVERLY J WARREN MARGARET L 10332 208TH CT NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#D104 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#314 REDMOND WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98053 98055 98056 556155032007 221200020008 556155027007 WATSON ERIC M WINSTON B WRIGHT JACK C 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#210 CHRISTIANSEN JUDY M P 0 BOX 80887 RENTON WA 2932 DANIEL AVE SEATTLE WA 98056 DALLAS TEXAS 75205 98108 556155041008 556155002000 221200004002 WRIGHT PERRY WRIGHT RICHARD I WYWROT LOIS R 5021 RIPLEY LANE#305 12724 RENTON AVE S 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N#A- RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 104 98058 98178 RENTON WA 9X056 221200003004 YOUNGBLOOD JON C 4100 LK WASH BLVD N#A-103 RENTON WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of September, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Maril `e .en City Clerk Published South County Journal August 18, 2000 Account No. 50640 ,...., '' r. liii 4.47'';INIIII:****t,.4., ----....1____ lullmil. S' ,04,4.4 ,,, 4,,,,, . ,,o,,, ,, ,, ,,,,,, ..,_:P,:;:' ;40 '''''%' . , ,,,.. .... . ' c , „,,,,s:,..„. ../, ,-,`•':i.: ' ,.... „,.... ..,:. ' , .„,, .. ty ..s. .. 4, ......$,,:,,,,. ‘.,;.•:.'-:-.. , . . . 4' . it, :x,,,,,...44.4..,,,,,,„, ........,,,,..,,,,,:::,,:4.74,...S,..,,,,,,'4444*,:,,,.„..,..,..*"......'". 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NEWCASTLE WA ISSAQUAH WA 85541 98059 98027 221200030007 334270041505 334270042503 HOUSER PAUL W JR&AMY S HUNT MARGARET E HUNT THOMAS R+CARYL J 2230 SQUAK MTN LOOP SW 3908 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 3916 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N ISSAQUAH WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98027 98056 98056 221200006007 221200008003 221200005009 HUTTON RONALD E IGELMUND DARRELL A+LINDA J IGELMUND DARRELL+LINDA J 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#A202 3602 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 3602 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 334330286009 292405900104 221200017004 IMUS RICHARD J H BAXTER AND CO LTD JELINEK JANE M 5143 RIPLEY LANE N PO BOX 5902 2259 74TH SE RENTON WA SAN MATEO CA MERCER ISLAND WA 98055 94402 98040 556155035000 221200012005 556155045009 JONES MICHAEL S KELLY KIMBERLY ANN KENNAMER WILLIAM BRUCE JR 5021 RIPLEY LANE#213 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#309 RENTON WA #B104 RENTON WA 98056 RENTON WA 98056 0056 334330286207 221200019000 556155011001 LEE FRANK B LEW KEVIN ANTHONY+JENNIFER LILL FRANCIS J PO BOX 3040 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD#103 1308 W LAKE SAMMAMISH BLVD NE KENT WA RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA 98032 98055 98008 „ Smooth Feed Sheets”' Use template for 5160® 221200007005 556155013007 ..r 334330287403 LUGER THERESE M LUND VIRGIL H MAK HOMES INC 4100 LK WA BLVD N#A203 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#105 2458 134TH AVE SE RENTON WA RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA 98056 98056 98005 556155009005 221200029009 221200002006 MCCONNELL DAVID H MCCULLOCH BRIAN D MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C CONCKLIN KATHLEEN 12046 67TH AVE S P 0 BOX 60106 PO BOX 47104 SEATTLE WA RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 98146 98178 98058 334330287601 221200024000 221200031005 MOORE WALTER C MUSCAT JAMES P&JANE M NAGAMINE AKIRA+HIDEKO 3817 203RD AVE NE 1308 QUEEN AVE NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N REDMOND WA RENTON WA #D203 98053 98056 RENTON WA 98056 221200026005 334270042701 556155031009 NEWING ANDREW H NICOLI BRUNO I O'BRIEN WILLIAM R 8815 116TH AVE SE 310 HIBRITEN AVE SW 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#209 RENTON WA LENOIR NC RENTON WA 98056 28645 98056 556155007009 556155016000 556155018006 OSBORN TONY+SHEWBERT SHANA OVRUCHESKY ALEXANDER PALMER GARY D+MARCIA M 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#7 5021 RIPLEY LANE#108 2507 PARK PLACE NORTH RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 556155015002 556155017008 556155037006 PETERSON DALE V PFLUEGER PAUL T ET AL PFLUEGER STEVE 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#107 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#109 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT 301 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 322405904903 292405901201 556155008007 PORT QUENDALL COMPANY PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC PULLEN ETHOL N 110 110TH AVE NE STE 550 PROPERTY TAX DEPT 2450 AURORA AVE N#309 BELLEVUE WA PO BOX 90868 SEATTLE WA 98004 BELLEVUE WA 98009 98109 292405900203 556155010003 556155042006 QUENDALL TERMINALS RITNER GARY R+GAIL R ROBINSON DIANE E PO BOX 477 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#102 5021 RIPLEY LN N#306 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98055 98056 98056 556155012009 221200032003 334330287502 ROSEMAN ROSS RUEGGE STEVEN A SABOUR-MOHAJAR HOSSEIN 1500 114TH AVE SE 4100 LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD N 5031 RIPLEY LANE N BELLEVUE WA #204D RENTON WA 98004 RENTON WA 98056 98056 556155034003 556155005003 556155049001 SHEEHAN SCOTT J SOTELO SYLVIA H SWANGER RUTH A 5021 RIPLEY LN N UNIT#212 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#5 5021 RIPLEY LANE#313 RENTON WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98056 98056 98056 Smoejth Feed SheetsTM Use template for 5160® 556155033005 w.y 334330115000 ..• 556155036008 THAIDIGSMAN CYNTHIA THC-EXIT SEVEN L L C THEIMER HELMUT&KAREN 5021 RIPLEY LN N 3241 156TH AVE SE 123 W GRIFFIN CREEK RD NE RENTON WA BELLEVUE WA CARNATION WA 98056 98007 98014 322405905009 556155026009 556155021000 THOMSON NEIL THRIFT VILLAGE INC TORGERSON SUSAN L&F A PO BOX 76 11400 SE 6TH ST#220 955 GOAT TRAIL LOOP RD MERCER ISLAND WA BELLEVUE WA MUKILTEO WA 98040 98004 4 98275 556155030001 221200028001 556155050009 TREPUS GORDON&JOYCE WAGNER BEVERLY J WARREN MARGARET L 10332 208TH CT NE 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD#D104 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#314 REDMOND WA RENTON WA RENTON WA 98053 98055 98056 556155032007 221200020008 556155027007 WATSON ERIC M WINSTON B WRIGHT JACK C 5021 RIPLEY LANE N#210 CHRISTIANSEN JUDY M P 0 BOX 80887 RENTON WA 2932 DANIEL AVE SEATTLE WA 98056 DALLAS TEXAS 75205 98108 556155041008 556155002000 221200004002 WRIGHT PERRY WRIGHT RICHARD I WYWROT LOIS R 5021 RIPLEY LANE#305 12724 RENTON AVE S 4100 LK WASHINGTON BLVD N#A- RENTON WA SEATTLE WA 104 98058 98178 RENTON WA 9R0S6 221200003004 YOUNGBLOOD JON C 4100 LK WASH BLVD N#A-103 RENTON WA 98056 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 18th day of September, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Maril `eten City Clerk Published South County Journal August 18, 2000 Account No. 50640 C) „ COD Airro NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1055 SOUTH GRADY WAY TO CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Declaring a moratorium on the permitting of development and acceptance of development applications in the Center Office Residential 2 (COR-2) zone. ofi ` aim MEM aliftill 44:Igamm, 111 • � I : s` r ;:•: 0/ • d:, ;:Y.. s �t4: ,, v" NE 43rd Ell tt :'`.','.:•tip° 3 •i It It I r „„„...:.,.._!. Aim LI 1 I I En 41451111111111 I-- En 01 c ,1, a ARM A oAHEMr i 1111111111 N ter- 1 COR2 (Port Quendall Site) A0` ,..:t (>f Site Area f All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office— 425-430-6510 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or concealment of • W ' this notice is a misdemeanor punishable by fine and a r n in � imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3466 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DECLARING A MORATORIUM ON THE PERMITTING OF DEVELOPMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS IN THE COR 2 ZONE, ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE AND ESTABLISHING A TERMINATION DATE. WHEREAS, a planned action Environmental Impact Statement is in process to address the impacts of the development of COR 2 zoned parcels; and WHEREAS, substantial effort has been expended to study a traffic solution in the area and development on only one parcel zoned COR 2 would significantly harm that effort; and WHEREAS, development of one COR 2 zoned parcel would consume available roadway capacity to the detriment of the other parcels zoned COR 2; and WHEREAS, the Quendall Terminals property is significantly polluted; and WHEREAS,the private sector cannot economically clean the parcel; and WHEREAS, even with state grants, if the City buys the Quendall Terminals property, the City must sell the Quendall Terminals parcel for enough to pay its share of the grant or unreasonably subsidize the project;.and WHEREAS, allowing one COR 2 zoned parcel to develop without a site plan for all similarly zoned parcels in the area would shift transportation costs onto the remaining parcels, destroying the market value of the Quendall Terminals parcel and destroying the chance for cleanup; and WHEREAS, railroad tracks cross between the properties and the freeway and must be crossed to develop these parcels, and having the parcels developed under a single site plan will permit an overpass or similar solution that will eliminate car-train collisions; and 1 • ,r RESOLUTION NO. 3466 WHEREAS, with development under a single site plan, the City can plan the type and size of City utilities to the area, rather than experiencing cumulative demands for services at unpredictable levels; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 4-2-120.B requires that any site plan submittal for property zoned COR 2 provide site planning for all adjacent and abutting parcels zoned COR 2; and WHEREAS, the City has received a development application for one parcel within the COR 2 zone without the site planning for the other parcels within the COR 2 zone with a claim that this application vests certain development rights in the applicant; and WHEREAS, such a claim, if upheld, would significantly destroy several years of City planning, zoning, environmental review and other efforts in the area; and WHEREAS, the City needs time to review its current plans, laws, rules and regulations to protect its process and protect the rights of all property owners; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. There is hereby declared a moratorium on the permitting of all development in the COR 2 zone and the acceptance of all development applications in that zone. SECTION III. There is hereby a public hearing date of September 18, 2000, to accept public testimony on whether or not the City should continue this moratorium. SECTION IV. This moratorium shall be in place for six months unless extended or renewed for one or more six month periods but only if a public hearing is held and findings of facts entered in support of each extension or renewal. 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3466 SECTION V. This moratorium shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14 t kiay of August , 2000. rr) Marilyn t rsen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14 tiay of August , 2000. Je Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: 0(2 a4071Ar Lawrence J. Warren, C Attorney RES.808:8/14/00:sr Published: 8/18/2000 (Summary) 3