HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Design_109103065_V1_171208NVicinity MapN/AOwner / Developer Contact InfoofficeATTN:N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ATHIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIESCALL 811 AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGFor contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773)Inspected Steel and PE pipe per GOS 2450.1400 and 2450.1500Reviewed and complied with all construction notes.Recorded all required information on the as-built per GOS 2500.1700.Completed post installation inspection per GOS 2525.1200 and 2525.2700.Left the work area in a clean and safe condition.FITTER'S CHECKLISTForeman's Name (printed) ___________________________________ Foreman's Signature________________________________________Company: InfraSource Construction Date ______________(CHECK BOX TO CONFIRM COMPLETION)4680 06/1111286791109103065109103066108596560108596559GASPROJECT PHASENotification #Order #Retire MainRetire SVCsSAP SuperiorService/MeterService/MeterHP Svc/MSADis. Reg. / FTInd. MSAInd. ServiceService/MeterService/MeterSYSTEM MAOP DENOTED BY: SYSTEM MAOP = ___ PSIG BOX (TEST LEAD) INSTALLATION.THE CONTRACTOR PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2525.2600 FOR ALL HP VALVES IF THE LOCATION ISTO PREVENT ACCIDENTAL OVERPRESSURE OF ADJOINING SYSTEMS, NO TWO MAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED EXCEPT ASSHOWN ON THIS DESIGN UNLESS APPROVED BY APPROPRIATE PSE ENGINEER OR PSE REPRESENTATIVE.RESTORE ALL DRIVEWAYS SUBJECT TO OPEN CUT TO ORIGINAL OR BETTER CONDITION.MAINS AND SERVICES SHALL BE TESTED AND PURGED PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2525.3300 AND 2525.3400.PURGE POINTS AND PRESSURE TAPS TO BE INSTALLED PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2525.3300, AND 2525.1200.ANY CHANGE IN ROUTE, PIPE SIZE/TYPE, TIE-IN METHOD OR ADDITIONAL MAIN FOOTAGE MUST BE APPROVED BYCOMPLETE "PIPE CONDITION REPORT" ON ALL METALLIC PSE FACILITIES. CHECK BOX ON REPORT FOR WIREINSTALL MAIN VALVES OUT OF TRAFFIC WHERE POSSIBLE. VALVE MARKERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND RECORDED BYTHE OPPORTUNITY TO PURCHASE AN EXCESS FLOW VALVE WHEN THEIR SERVICE IS INSTALLED OR REPLACEDPER GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2550.1600. ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME FOR CUSTOMER DECISION AND RESPONSE.DELIVER FLYERS BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE LIST OF FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION ABOUT PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. USE iSi TO DISTRIBUTE FLYERS IF JOB IS LARGE, OTHERWISE HANDNOTIFY PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT TO PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYSEROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL AND ANY ADDITIONAL LOCAL JURISDICTION REQUIREMENTS.EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL SHALL BE PER PSE STANDARD PRACTICE 0150.3200 TECHNIQUES FOR TEMPORARYALL CONSTRUCTION IS TO CONFORM TO PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS AND GAS FIELD PROCEDURES.TO CONSTRUCTION, IN WESTERN WASHINGTON CALL: 1-800-424-5555. OR CALL NATIONWIDE: 811 FIELD LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. EXCAVATOR TO CALL "ONE-CALL" TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TOSTANDARD GAS CONSTRUCTION NOTES: APPROPRIATE PSE ENGINEER OR PSE REPRESENTATIVE. IF METALLIC PIPE IS INVOLVED, COORDINATE INSTALLATION WITH CP TECH.------------------NOTIFY APPROPRIATE PERMITTING AGENCY PRIOR TO JOB START (SEE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS).2.8.PIPELINE MARKERS AND WARNING SIGNS SHALL BE INSTALLED AND RECORDED BY THE CONTRACTOR PER PSE GASOPERATING STANDARD 2525.2500.NOT READILY ACCESSIBLE, AND FOR ALL VALVES WHERE PERSISTENT SNOWFALL MAY OBSCURE THE VALVE BOX.GAUGE AND MONITOR USE OF ALL STOPPERS TO ENSURE ADEQUATE FEED.12. ___________________________, PHONE______________. NOTE ALL ACTUAL FOOTAGE, LOCATION AND MATERIAL CHANGES ON THE AS-BUILT IN RED. ( ') DENOTES17.FOOTAGE BETWEEN FITTINGS.18.EXCESS FLOW VALVE TO BE INSTALLED ON ALL NEW RESIDENTIAL SERVICES PER GOS 2500.2200. (RECORD ALLINFORMATION ON D-4 CARD)PLUG ENDS OF DEACTIVATED OR INSERTED MAINS AND SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH PSE GAS OPERATINGINSIDE METER SETS SHALL BE MOVED OUTSIDE WHENEVER POSSIBLE OR SET REGULATORS AND VENTS OUTSIDE PER PROJECT MANAGER TO MAKE EGOR RUN IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION.MAINS AND SERVICES SHALL BE TESTED AND PURGED PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2525.3300, 2525.3400 REFER TO PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2525.1700 FOR MAIN AND SERVICE COVER REQUIREMENTS.INSTALL CURB VALVE AT PROPERTY LINE OR 5/8" PE WHIP AT MAIN (AS REQUIRED) ON NEW AND EXISTING SERVICESINSTALL ANODES AND TEST LEAD WIRES AS REQUIRED PER PSE GAS FIELD PROCEDURES 4515.1000 AND 4515.1020 ANDPSE GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2600.1200. TEST LEAD WIRES ARE REQUIRED ON ALL TRANSITION FITTINGS.MAINTAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR STEEL MAINS BY THE USE OF CONTINUITY BONDS OR OTHER MEANS DETERMINEDBY THE PSE CORROSION ENGINEER PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2600.1300.INSTALL ONE POUND ANODE FOR EVERY 1000' OF LOCATING WIRE. INSTALL ANODE AND TEST LEAD WIRES PER PSENOTIFY GAS CUSTOMERS, OR DISTRIBUTE FLYER #1443 A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO A PLANNED REPLACE ALL "NO RECORD" SERVICES AND 1-1/8" PE SERVICES INSTALLED PRIOR TO 1985.REPLACE EXISTING ACTIVE SERVICES PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2525.2100 AND 2575.2300.REMOVE OR RENDER INOPERABLE DEACTIVATED VALVES ON CASING WHERE MPE PIPE IS INSERTED.INSTALL REPLACEMENT MAINS PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2525.2100 FOR INSERTIONS AND 2525.3600 FORSTANDARDS 2525.2100 AND 2525.3600.PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARDS 2575.2300 AND 2550.1700. 2525.1200, AND PSE GAS FIELD PROCEDURE 4700.1500.PER PSE GAS OPERATING STANDARD 2550.1600.ABANDONMENT OR DEACTIVATION. OPERATING STANDARD 2525.2300. IP & LP GASREPLACEMENT CONSTRUCTION NOTES15.ACTIVE SERVICES TO BE REPLACED DENOTED BY:#####HOLE HOG TABLECALLOUTLOCATIONDEPTHLENGTHBP1STARTBP2ENDBP3STARTBP4ENDBP5STARTBP6ENDBP7STARTBP8ENDBP9STARTBP10ENDBP11STARTBP12ENDBP13STARTBP14ENDBP15STARTBP16ENDBP17STARTBP18ENDBP19STARTBP20END109103065DESIGNED BYUTILITIESCONTACTPHONE#COUNTY1/4 SECOP MAPEmer SectGAS WK CTRPLAT MAPJOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTSDRAWN BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYCP APPROVALMAPPINGSCALEPAGEENGR - GASFUNCTIONPROJECT MGRPERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT21REV#3DATEDESCRIPTIONBYCONTACTPHONE NODATEDrawing NumberSAP Sup Order NbrPC APPROVALP. DOLL425-424-6568K.WEISS303-615-7093M.LOCK425-424-6413P. DOLL425-424-6568N/ARENTONDUPONT PIPE REPLACEMENT255 POWELL AVE SWRENTON, WA 98055PSE1091030651"=50'1/5KING29SYSSKGPMSE 13-23-04 E208.074208.079, 209.079N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANE 13-23-04 ECell Phone:"Locates Required""Flagging Required"Yes NoYes NoE-Mail:Manager:Project Manager Contact Information:PHIL DOLL425-424-6568phil.doll@pse.comSTOP TIMESTART TIMEGAS MAIN PRESSURE & TESTINGTESTED BYGAS MAIN INSTALLATION/RETIREMENTSOAPAIRNITROGENWATERSOAPAIRNITROGENWATERSTOP TIMESTART TIMETESTED BYTEST RESULTSPFTESTED BY PSE PRESSURE CONTROL, SEE FORM 1928PFType/WorkManufacturerPipe SizeTypeEst LengthAct LgthTYPE TEST / /DATE OFFPRESSUREDATE ONDATE OFFTYPE TESTPRESSURESYS MAOPDESIGN PRESSDATE ON2023 03/10TEST RESULTS / / / / / /INSTALL2"PE887'RETIRE2"PE-A868'6045 PSIGSAP BATCH YEAR & FOOTAGEACTUALLENGTH OFRETIREMENTMATERIALRETIREDORIGINALJOBORIGINALYEARPROPOSEDLENGTH OFRETIREMENTSIZE OFRETIREDMAINFIELD DESIGNER: CELL: EMAIL: CONSTRUCTION QUESTIONS:PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION:CONST MANAGER: CELL: EMAIL: PROJ MANAGER: CELL: EMAIL: FOR MAIN DESIGNS REALIGNMENTS - FIELD DESIGNERSHALL BE CONTACTED:BILLING QUESTIONS:425-424-6568PHIL DOLLphil.doll@pse.com206-255-4824STEVE MELLINGERsteve.mellinger@pse.com425-424-6568PHIL DOLLphil.doll@pse.comFIELD NOTES:NOTIFY PROJECT MANAGER IF ADDITIONAL DUPONT AND/OR STW MATERIALS ARE FOUND DURING CONSTRUCTION,ALL DUPONT AND STW PIPES SHALL BE RETIRED PER SCOPE OF WORK.INCLUDING AT OR BEYOND THE CONNECTION POINTS.1.2.###T&T###T&TKEY TO SERVICE ACTIONLEGEND It is that time of year to give notice to all developments within the City that any site withexposed soils during the WET SEASON (October 1 to April 30) shall be subject to special erosioncontrol provisions. These special provisions are required in addition to the standard TESC covermeasures. Please notify your contractor of these requirements, as well as respond in writing tothis letter identifying the name and contact information for your current project Certified Erosionand Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) or Erosion and Sediment Control Supervisor if project is lessthan one acre.All projects that clear, grade, or otherwise disturb the site, must provide erosion and sedimentcontrols to the maximum extent possible, to prevent the transport of sediment from the projectsite to downstream drainage facilities, water resources, and adjacent properties.The following provisions for wet season construction are detailed in Appendix D of the 2009 KingCounty Surface Water Manual. Please ensure your site is protected and complies with the specialprovisions outlined below. The basic requirements are:1. The allowed time that a disturbed area can remain unworked without cover measures is reduced to two (2)days, rather than seven (7).2. Stockpiles, steep cut, and fill slopes are to be covered or protected with mulch, sod, plastic covering, jutemat etc. if left unworked for more than 12 hours.3. Cover materials (plastic, matting, etc.) sufficient to cover all disturbed areas, shall be stockpiled andavailable on site.4. All areas that are to be unworked during the wet season shall be seeded within one week of the beginning ofthe west season. Seeding should be completed by September 23.5. Mulch is required to protect all seeded areas.6. Fifty linear feet of silt fence (and the necessary stakes) per disturbed acre must be stockpiled on site.7. Properly installed silt fencing is mandatory along the downslope of all disturbed areas of the site. Perimeterprotection filters runoff and reduces the amount of sediment that may leave the site.8. Sediment retention is required unless no offsite discharge is anticipated for the specific design flow.9. Construction road and parking lot stabilization are required for all sites unless the site is underlain bycoarse-grained soil.10. Surface water controls are required unless no offsite discharge is anticipated for the specific design flow.11. Phasing and more conservative BMP's must be evaluated for construction activity near surface waters.12. Any runoff generated by dewatering shall be treated through construction of a sediment trap when there issufficient space or by releasing the water to a well vegetated, gently sloping area. Since pumps are used fordewatering, it may be possible to pump the sediment-laden water well away from the surface water so thatvegetation can be more effectively utilized for treatment. A straw bale filter shall be placed around the dischargefrom the dewatering pump. If there is not space for a sediment trap or 25 feet of suitable vegetation, otherfiltration methods shall be required.13. The frequency of maintenance review should be increased from weekly to daily where warranted.The City of Renton is committed to effective erosion and sediment control practices. Please beadvised if voluntary action is not taken to properly protect your site, a civil infraction citationcan be issued and civil penalties will be assessed for each and every day the infraction continues.Fines under Renton Municipal Code Title I, Chapter 3, are as follows: First three (3) days ofviolation at $100 a day; second three (3) days of violation at $200 a day; third (3) days ofviolation at $300 a day and $500 a day each additional day thereafter.In addition, any paving performed during COLD WEATHER (October 1 - March 31) shall be subject tospecial provisions. The basic requirements are:1. The contractor shall submit a written request to the engineer (City project manager) requesting to pavewearing course if paving between October 1st through March 31st.2. WSDOT specification 5-04.3(16) Weather Limitations describes the temperature limitation for cold weatherpaving.3. The contractor should have a material tester onsite to verify both compaction as well as temperature.4. Reports should be sent to the City of Renton ensuring that the compaction and temperature were met duringpaving.Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact your project inspector oryou may reach me at 425-430-7299 or bbannwarth@rentonwa.gov IP GAS FLOWT&T985PEIT&T920T&T1001T&T1013T&T3041085 T&T940T&T930T&T1000256250244238232226224T&T221 T&T215 T&T 9169731084PEIPEISW LANGSTON RDOAKSDALE AVE SWSW SUNSET BLVDTHO M A S A V E S W 81ST AVE SSW 3RD PLSW 3RD PLPOWELL AVE SW IP GAS FLOWIP GAS FLOWIP GAS FLOWIP GAS FLOWIP GAS FLOW 222209T&T227T&T255 T&TPEIT&T PEI222IP G A S F L O W IP G A S F L O W IP G A S F L O W IP GAS FLOWIP G A S F L O W IP GAS FLOW1085 T&TT&T920IP GAS FLOWIP GAS FLOWTHIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIESCALL 811 AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGFor contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773)Inspected Steel and PE pipe per GOS 2450.1400 and 2450.1500Reviewed and complied with all construction notes.Recorded all required information on the as-built per GOS 2500.1700.Completed post installation inspection per GOS 2525.1200 and 2525.2700.Left the work area in a clean and safe condition.FITTER'S CHECKLISTForeman's Name (printed) ___________________________________ Foreman's Signature________________________________________Company: InfraSource Construction Date ______________(CHECK BOX TO CONFIRM COMPLETION)4680 06/11PLOT PLANSCALE: 1" = 50'-0" DESIGNED BYUTILITIESCONTACTPHONE#COUNTY1/4 SECOP MAPEmer SectGAS WK CTRPLAT MAPJOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTSDRAWN BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYCP APPROVALMAPPINGSCALEPAGEENGR - GASFUNCTIONPROJECT MGRPERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT21REV#3DATEDESCRIPTIONBYCONTACTPHONE NODATEDrawing NumberSAP Sup Order NbrPC APPROVALP. DOLL425-424-6568K.WEISS303-615-7093M.LOCK425-424-6413P. DOLL425-424-6568N/ARENTONDUPONT PIPE REPLACEMENT255 POWELL AVE SWRENTON, WA 98055PSE1091030651"=50'2/5KING29SYSSKGPMSE 13-23-04 E208.074208.079, 209.079N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANE 13-23-04 ECell Phone:"Locates Required""Flagging Required"Yes NoYes NoE-Mail:Manager:Project Manager Contact Information:PHIL DOLL425-424-6568phil.doll@pse.com###T&T###T&TKEY TO SERVICE ACTIONLEGEND 123Scale: NONETIE-IN DETAIL1Scale: NONETIE-IN DETAIL3Scale: NONETIE-IN DETAIL2 THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIESCALL 811 AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGFor contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773)Inspected Steel and PE pipe per GOS 2450.1400 and 2450.1500Reviewed and complied with all construction notes.Recorded all required information on the as-built per GOS 2500.1700.Completed post installation inspection per GOS 2525.1200 and 2525.2700.Left the work area in a clean and safe condition.FITTER'S CHECKLISTForeman's Name (printed) ___________________________________ Foreman's Signature________________________________________Company: InfraSource Construction Date ______________(CHECK BOX TO CONFIRM COMPLETION)4680 06/11DESIGNED BYUTILITIESCONTACTPHONE#COUNTY1/4 SECOP MAPEmer SectGAS WK CTRPLAT MAPJOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTSDRAWN BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYCP APPROVALMAPPINGSCALEPAGEENGR - GASFUNCTIONPROJECT MGRPERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT21REV#3DATEDESCRIPTIONBYCONTACTPHONE NODATEDrawing NumberSAP Sup Order NbrPC APPROVALP. DOLL425-424-6568K.WEISS303-615-7093M.LOCK425-424-6413P. DOLL425-424-6568N/ARENTONDUPONT PIPE REPLACEMENT255 POWELL AVE SWRENTON, WA 98055PSE1091030651"=50'3/5KING29SYSSKGPMSE 13-23-04 E208.074208.079, 209.079N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANE 13-23-04 ECell Phone:"Locates Required""Flagging Required"Yes NoYes NoE-Mail:Manager:Project Manager Contact Information:PHIL DOLL425-424-6568phil.doll@pse.com###T&T###T&TKEY TO SERVICE ACTIONLEGEND The following narrative addresses the 12 SWPPP elements.1 - PRESERVE VEGETATION/ MARK CLEARING LIMITSInfraSource's project limits will be delineated by construction cones when working on impervious surfaces.High visibility plastic fence(HVF) or silt fence will be used while working in soft surface areas.All areas required to be delineated will be marked prior to beginning of any land disturbing activities.All delineating HVF will be removed once construction in the area is complete.All construction activities consist of disturbing earth, to accommodate the installation of aPSE Gas Pipe Facility by way of a trench. Absolutely no grading or clearing will be involved.All work will remain within hard surface roadway or roadway shoulder while with in the Right of Way.Work limits are determined by the approved Traffic Control Plans submitted with theCity of Renton Right of Way Permit.Sections of this work may proceed outside of the Right of Way, at which point all work limits will be definedwith HVF. Absolutely no natural vegetation will be impacted during our construction.There are no Critical areas within our project limits.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·BMP C103: High Visibility Plastic Fence2 - ESTABLISH CONSTRUCTION ACCESSBecause this work remains in the roadway, and will be phased in lengths of 200' each day, there will notbe the need to establish a specific construction access. Nor will there be the need to implement any BMP's.In cases where construction will proceed onto a undeveloped plat, the established construction access builtby the General contractor on site will be utilized.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·None3 - CONTROL FLOW RATESConstruction will not be encountering any channels or swales. No BMP's to control water flowswill be necessary. Please see Element 4 for BMP's related to sediment flow control.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·None4 - INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROLSAccumulated sediment will be removed from the site with the aid of BMPs listed below, at the locationsshown on the SWPPP plan.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·BMP C235: Straw Wattles5 - STABILIZED SOILSThe only soil stabilization necessary during our project will be to cover our stock piles.Plastic covering on top and below the stock pile will be implemented. Straw wattles are sometimesused around the stock piles if they are on the soft shoulder near the roadway.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·BMP C123: Plastic Covering·BMP C235: Straw Wattles6 - PROTECT SLOPESNo slopes will be constructed or impacted during our construction. No BMP's will be necessary.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·None7 - PROTECT PERMANENT DRAIN INLETSThere are permanent drains near or in the project limits. BMP's will be implemented prior to start ofconstruction.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet Protection8 - STABILIZE CHANNELS AND OUTLETSOur project will not encounter any channels or outlets. No BMP's will be necessary.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·None9 - CONTROL POLLUTANTSAny and all chemicals, liquid projects, petroleum projects, and other materials that have thepotential to pose a threat to human health or the environment will be covered, contained andprotected from vandalism. We will keep all such products either in a locked trailer or a locked,leak proof container. Any heavy equipment/vehicles will only be onsite temporarily. Any spillswill be cleaned immediately. If any restoration requires fertilizers and pesticides, it will beapplied per the manufacturers' label requirements for application rate and procedures. No pHmodifying sources such as cement kiln dust, fly ash, concrete washing treatment, curingwaters, etc are anticipated; if however they are, we will contain and/or remove the pollutedsubstance from the site per manufacturer's recommendations. Any saw cutting will followBMP C152.Best Management Practices (BMPs) used:·BMP C152: Saw cutting and Surfacing Pollution Prevention·BMP C153: Material Storage, Delivery, and ContainmentCITY OF RENTON SMALL PROJECTSTORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP)255 POWELL AVE SW, RENTON, WA 9805510 - CONTROL DEWATERINGThere will be no need for any dewatering during our construction.Best Management Practices (BMPs) to be used:·None11 - MAINTAIN BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICESBMPs will be inspected and maintained during construction and removed within 7 days after our project isfinished and the County Inspector is satisfied.12 - MANAGE THE PROJECTThis SWPPP will be implemented at all times. The Erosion control BMPs will be implemented in thefollowing sequence:1. Mark the project limits2. Install protection for existing drainage systems and permanent drain inlets4. Establish staging areas for storage and handling polluted materials and BMP's.5. Install sediment control BMP's if necessary6. Maintain BMPs until project is complete and site is stabilized, at which time they may be removed.PLEASE SEE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR SWPPP NOTES AND ALL LOCATIONSFOR BMPS TO BE UTILIZED.ALL BMP'S ARE INDICATED ON THE PLAN IN THE FOLLOWING SYMBOLBMP C103: High Visibility Plastic or Metal FencePurpose:Fencing is intended to: (1) restrict clearing to approved limits; (2) prevent disturbance ofsensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left undisturbed; (3) limitconstruction traffic to designated construction entrances or roads; and, (4) protect areaswhere marking with survey tape may not provide adequate protection.Conditions of Use:To establish clearing limits, plastic or metal fence may be used• At the boundary of sensitive areas, their buffers, and other areas required to be left uncleared.• As necessary to control vehicle access to and on the site.Design and Installation Specifications:High visibility plastic fence shall be composed of a high-density polyethylene materialand shall be at least four feet in height. Posts for the fencing shall be steel or wood andplaced every 6 feet on center (maximum) or as needed to ensure rigidity. The fencingshall be fastened to the post every six inches with a polyethylene tie. On long continuouslengths of fencing, a tension wire or rope shall be used as a top stringer to preventsagging between posts. The fence color shall be high visibility orange. The fence tensilestrength shall be 360 lbs./ft. using the ASTM D4595 testing method.Metal fences shall be designed and installed according to the manufacturer'sspecifications.Metal fences shall be at least 3 feet high and must be highly visible.Fences shall not be wired or stapled to trees.Maintenance Standards:If the fence has been damaged or visibility reduced, it shall be repaired or replacedimmediately and visibility restored.BMP C235: Straw WattlesPurpose:Straw wattles are temporary erosion and sediment control barriers consisting of straw thatis wrapped in biodegradable tubular plastic or similar encasing material. They reduce thevelocity and can spread the flow of rill and sheet runoff, and can capture and retainsediment. Straw wattles are typically 8 to 10 inches in diameter and 25 to 30 feet inlength. The wattles are placed in shallow trenches and staked along the contour ofdisturbed or newly constructed slopes. See Figure A for typical construction details.Conditions of Use:Disturbed areas that require immediate erosion protection.Exposed soils during the period of short construction delays, or over winter months.On slopes requiring stabilization until permanent vegetation can be established.Straw wattles are effective for one to two seasons.If conditions are appropriate, wattles can be staked to the ground using willow cuttingsfor added revegetation.Rilling can occur beneath wattles if not properly entrenched and water can pass betweenwattles if not tightly abutted together.Design and Installation Specifications:It is critical that wattles are installed perpendicular to the flow direction and parallel tothe slope contour.Narrow trenches should be dug across the slope on contour to a depth of 3 to 5 inches onclay soils and soils with gradual slopes. On loose soils, steep slopes, and areas with highrainfall, the trenches should be dug to a depth of 5 to 7 inches, or 1/2 to 2/3 of thethickness of the wattle.Start building trenches and installing wattles from the base of the slope and work up.Excavated material should be spread evenly along the uphill slope and compacted usinghand tamping or other methods.Construct trenches at contour intervals of 3 to 30 feet apart depending on the steepness ofthe slope, soil type, and rainfall. The steeper the slope the closer together the trenches.Install the wattles snugly into the trenches and abut tightly end to end. Do not overlap theends.Install stakes at each end of the wattle, and at 4-foot centers along entire length of wattle.If required, install pilot holes for the stakes using a straight bar to drive holes through thewattle and into the soil.At a minimum, wooden stakes should be approximately 3/4 x 3/4 x 24 inches. Willowcuttings or 3/8-inch rebar can also be used for stakes.Maintenance Standards:Stakes should be driven through the middle of the wattle, leaving 2 to 3 inches of thestake protruding above the wattle.Wattles may require maintenance to ensure they are in contact with soil and thoroughlyentrenched, especially after significant rainfall on steep sandy soils.Inspect the slope after significant storms and repair any areas where wattles are nottightly abutted or water has scoured beneath the wattles.BMP C123: Plastic CoveringPurpose:Plastic covering provides immediate, short-term erosion protection to slopes anddisturbed areas.Conditions of Use:Plastic covering may be used on disturbed areas that require cover measures for less than30 days, except as stated below:• Plastic is particularly useful for protecting cut and fill slopes and stockpiles.Note: The relatively rapid breakdown of most polyethylene sheeting makes it unsuitablefor long-term (greater than six months) applications.• Clear plastic sheeting can be used over newly-seeded areas to create a greenhouseeffect and encourage grass growth if the hydroseed was installed too late in the season toestablish 75 percent grass cover, or if the wet season started earlier than normal. Clearplastic should not be used for this purpose during the summer months because theresulting high temperatures can kill the grass.• Due to rapid runoff caused by plastic sheeting, this method shall not be usedupslope of areas that might be adversely impacted by concentrated runoff. Such areasinclude steep and/or unstable slopes.• Whenever plastic is used to protect slopes, water collection measures must beinstalled at the base of the slope. These measures include plastic-covered berms,channels, and pipes used to covey clean rainwater away from bare soil and disturbedareas. At no time is clean runoff from a plastic covered slope to be mixed with dirtyrunoff from a project.Plastic covering may also be used for:• Temporary ditch liner;• Pond liner in temporary sediment pond;• Liner for bermed temporary fuel storage area if plastic is not reactive to the typeof fuel being stored;• Emergency slope protection during heavy rains; and,• Temporary drainpipe (“elephant trunk”) used to direct water.Design and Installation Specifications:Plastic sheeting shall have a minimum thickness of 6 mils (0.006 inches, or 0.15 mm).Plastic slope cover must be installed as follows:• Run plastic up and down slope, not across slope;• Plastic may be installed perpendicular to a slope if the slope length is less than 10feet;• Minimum of 8-inch overlap at seams;• On long or wide slopes, or slopes subject to wind, all seams should be taped;• Place plastic into a small (12-inch wide by 6-inch deep) slot trench at the top ofthe slope and backfill with soil to keep water from flowing underneath;• Place sand filled burlap or geotextile bags every 3 to 6 feet along seams andpound a wooden stake through each to hold them in place;• Inspect plastic for rips, tears, and open seams regularly and repair immediately.This prevents high velocity runoff from contacting bare soil which causes extremeerosion;• Sandbags may be lowered into place tied to ropes. However, all sandbags mustbe staked in place.• If erosion at the toe of a slope is likely, a gravel berm, riprap, or other suitableprotection shall be installed at the toe of the slope in order to reduce the velocityof runoff.Maintenance Standards:• Torn sheets must be replaced and open seams repaired.• If the plastic begins to deteriorate due to ultraviolet radiation, it must becompletely removed and replaced.• When the plastic is no longer needed, it shall be completely removed.BMP C220: Storm Drain Inlet ProtectionPurpose:To prevent coarse sediment from entering drainage systems prior to permanentstabilization of the disturbed area.Conditions of Use:Where storm drain inlets are to be made operational before permanent stabilization of thedisturbed drainage area. Protection should be provided for all storm drain inletsdownslope and within 500 feet of a disturbed or construction area, unless the runoff thatenters the catch basin will be conveyed to a sediment pond or trap. Inlet protection maybe used anywhere to protect the drainage system. It is likely that the drainage system willstill require cleaning.Design and Installation Specifications:Catchbasin filtersCatchbasin filters should be designed by the manufacturer for use at construction sites.The limited sediment storage capacity increases the amount of inspection andmaintenance required, which may be daily for heavy sediment loads. The maintenancerequirements can be reduced by combining a catchbasin filter with another type of inletprotection. This type of inlet protection provides flow bypass without overflow andtherefore may be a better method for inlets located along active rights-of-way.5 cubic feet of storage.Dewatering provisions.High-flow bypass that will not clog under normal use at a construction site.The catchbasin filter is inserted in the catchbasin just below the grating.Maintenance Standards:Catch basin filters should be inspected frequently, especially after storm events. If theinsert becomes clogged, it should be cleaned or replaced.For systems using stone filters: If the stone filter becomes clogged with sediment, thestones must be pulled away from the inlet and cleaned or replaced. Since cleaning ofgravel at a construction site may be difficult, an alternative approach would be to use theclogged stone as fill and put fresh stone around the inlet.Do not wash sediment into storm drains while cleaning. Spread all excavated materialevenly over the surrounding land area or stockpile and stabilize as appropriate.BMP C152: Sawcutting and Surfacing Pollution PreventionPurpose:Sawcutting and surfacing operations generate slurry and process water that contains fineparticles and high pH (concrete cutting), both of which can violate the water qualitystandards in the receiving water. This BMP is intended to minimize and eliminateprocess water and slurry from entering waters of the State.Conditions of Use:Anytime sawcutting or surfacing operations take place, these management practices shallbe utilized. Sawcutting and surfacing operations include, but are not limited to, thefollowing:• Sawing• Coring• Grinding• Roughening• Hydro-demolition• Bridge and road surfacingDesign and Installation Specifications:Slurry and cuttings shall be vacuumed during cutting and surfacing operations.Slurry and cuttings shall not remain on permanent concrete or asphalt pavementovernight.Slurry and cuttings shall not drain to any natural or constructed drainage conveyance.Collected slurry and cuttings shall be disposed of in a manner that does not violategroundwater or surface water quality standards.Process water that is generated during hydro-demolition, surface roughening orsimilar operations shall not drain to any natural or constructed drainageconveyance and shall be disposed of in a manner that does not violategroundwater or surface water quality standards.Cleaning waste material and demolition debris shall be handled and disposed of ina manner that does not cause contamination of water. If the area is sweptwith a pick-up sweeper, the material must be hauled out of the area to anappropriate disposal site.Maintenance Standards:Continually monitor operations to determine whether slurry, cuttings, or process watercould enter waters of the state. If inspections show that a violation of water qualitystandards could occur, stop operations and immediately implement preventive measuressuch as berms, barriers, secondary containment, and vacuum trucks.General SWPPP Notes:This project is covered under the small project SWPPP requirements.Construction Phasing will proceed day by day, limited to approximately 200 linear feet each day. AllBMP's will be implemented at the beginning of the day prior to any construction activities. All BMP'swill be removed at end of day after site is stabilized. Construction Crew will always make an effort todivert runoff away from exposed areas wherever possible.This SWPPP is NOT limited by the BMP's illustrated in this drawing. A CESCL will always be availableto advise a more appropriate or additional BMP's when necessary.All Stock Piles will be held within the project phasing for that day's work.Project Area Calculations:Impact in ROW:___________sqft Impact in Impervious Surface:___________sqft THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIESCALL 811 AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGFor contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773)Inspected Steel and PE pipe per GOS 2450.1400 and 2450.1500Reviewed and complied with all construction notes.Recorded all required information on the as-built per GOS 2500.1700.Completed post installation inspection per GOS 2525.1200 and 2525.2700.Left the work area in a clean and safe condition.FITTER'S CHECKLISTForeman's Name (printed) ___________________________________ Foreman's Signature________________________________________Company: InfraSource Construction Date ______________(CHECK BOX TO CONFIRM COMPLETION)4680 06/11DESIGNED BYUTILITIESCONTACTPHONE#COUNTY1/4 SECOP MAPEmer SectGAS WK CTRPLAT MAPJOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTSDRAWN BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYCP APPROVALMAPPINGSCALEPAGEENGR - GASFUNCTIONPROJECT MGRPERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT21REV#3DATEDESCRIPTIONBYCONTACTPHONE NODATEDrawing NumberSAP Sup Order NbrPC APPROVALP. DOLL425-424-6568K.WEISS303-615-7093M.LOCK425-424-6413P. DOLL425-424-6568N/ARENTONDUPONT PIPE REPLACEMENT255 POWELL AVE SWRENTON, WA 98055PSE1091030651"=50'4/5KING29SYSSKGPMSE 13-23-04 E208.074208.079, 209.079N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANE 13-23-04 ECell Phone:"Locates Required""Flagging Required"Yes NoYes NoE-Mail:Manager:Project Manager Contact Information:PHIL DOLL425-424-6568phil.doll@pse.com###T&T###T&TKEY TO SERVICE ACTIONLEGEND TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL (TESC) ELEMENTS CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS:The elements listed below apply to work on Seattle Park Department right of way. Seattle Park Department erosion andsediment control elements will be implemented during the construction of this project. These elements include the following:1. Mark Clearing LimitsPrior to land clearing activities, mark all clearing limits on the plan and in the field with high visibility fences, to protect sensitiveareas and their buffers, as well as adjacent properties. Retain duff layer, native topsoil and existing vegetation to the maximumextent practicable.Physical BMPs- Buffer zones2. Establish Construction AccessInstall stabilized construction access points prior to major grading operations. Limit access points to the fewest numberpossible, only one whenever feasible. Whenever possible, slope entrances downward into the site to reduce track-out ofsediments onto the roadway. If sediment is tracked off site, roads are to be cleaned thoroughly at the end of each day byshoveling or sweeping. Removed sediment is transported to a controlled disposal area. When applicable, a wheel washshould be used and the wash water should be treated separately on site, or discharged to a sanitary sewer if allowed by permit.If streets are washed with water, treat wash water prior to discharge.No additional access required.3. Control Flow RatesProtect downstream properties and waterways from erosion by preventing increases in the volume, velocity, and peak flow rateof stormwater runoff from the site during construction. Install permanent sediment control facilities to provide flow control asearly in construction as feasible.Retention/detention facilities should be installed as one of the first steps in grading, for use as infiltration or sedimentationfacilities prior to mass grading and the construction of site improvements. Temporary drainage conveyences should accountfor both on and off site water sources. Use vegetated areas that are not identified as wetlands or other sensitive features toinfiltrate and dispose of water whenever possible, and mark those areas on the TESC plan sheets.Non-stormwater (i.e., dewatering, line flushing, etc.) must also be controlled to protect downstream properties. Whennon-stormwater discharges are routed through separate storm sewer systems, the flow rate must be controlled to minimizescouring and flushing of sediment trapped in the system.4. Install Sediment ControlsBore - pit at concrete curb just outside of asphalt shoulder.Physical BMPs- Street cleaning (as noted in TESC Element 2).5. Stabilize SoilsStabilize all exposed and unworked soils by applying effective BMPs that protect the soil from wind, raindrops, and flowingwater. Selected soil stabilization measures must be appropriate for the time of year, site conditions, estimated duration of use,and the water quality impacts that stabilization agents may have on downstream surface waters or ground water. Soilstockpiles are especially vulnerable to slumping when saturated and must be stabilized and protected with sediment trappingmeasures. Plastic may be necessary on silty stockpiles, as it is the only BMP that can prevent soil saturation. In westernWashington, cover erodible soil that is not being worked, whether at final grade or not, within the following time limits, usingapproved soil cover practices.October 1 through April 30, 2 days maximum, no more than 5 acres.May 1 through September 30, 7 days maximum, no more than 17 acres.Expose no more soil than can be covered within the above time limits.Physical BMPs– Spoil Pile will be near work pit (well away from traffic lane).6. Protect SlopesDesign and construct cut and fill slopes in a manner that will minimize erosion by:1) reducing continuous lengths and steepness of slopes with terracing and diversions; and2) roughening slope surfaces, considering soil type and its potential for erosion. In addition, all soil must be protected fromconcentrated flows through temporary conveyances, such as diversions and pipe slope drains. Best professional judgmentshould be used when sizing the conveyance, so consult the Project Engineer for guidance when runoff or ground water isintercepted. Conveyances exceeding ten percent in slope should have a solid lining. To capture sediment and runoff whencutting trenches, place excavated soil on the uphill side of the trench (when consistent with safety and space considerations).Physical BMPs– Protect downstream runoff from entering road or adjacent properties with PSE standard BMP's.7. Protect Drain InletsProtect all operable storm drain inlets from sediment with PSE standard inlet BMPs.Physical BMPs– Inlet protection (above/below grate covers)8. Stabilize Channels and OutletsDesign, construct, and stabilize all temporary conveyance channels to withstand the 2-year, 24-hour frequency storm for thedeveloped condition. The outlets of all conveyance systems must be adequately armored.10. Control DewateringIf ground water is encountered in an excavation or other area, control, treat, and discharge it as described in StandardSpecification 8-01.3(1)C.11. Maintain BMPsInspect BMPs per Standard Specification 8-01.3(1)B to ensure that they perform their intended function properly until theProject Engineer determines that final stabilization is achieved. Final stabilization means completion of all soil-disturbingactivities and establishment of a permanent vegetative cover or permanent stabilization measures (such as riprap) to preventerosion. Maintain BMPs in accordance with Standard Specification 8-01.3(15). When the depth of accumulated sediment anddebris reaches approximately one third the height of the device, the contractor must remove the deposits. BMPimplementation and maintenance should be documented in the Site Log Book. Clean sediments may be stabilized on-site ifthe Project Engineer approves.12. Manage The ProjectTo the maximum extent possible, apply the following actions at all sites:1) Preserve vegetation and minimize disturbance and compaction of native soil, except as needed for construction.2) Where feasible, stage work to minimize the amount of soil exposed at any one time and prevent the transport of sedimentfrom the site during construction.3) Time sediment control BMP installation in accordance with TESC Element 4.4) To minimize erosion, follow soil cover timing requirements and exposure limits in TESC Element 5 and StandardSpecification 8-01.3(1). Projects that infiltrate all runoff are exempt from the above timing requirements. Individual contractspecial provisions and Project Engineer directives may be more stringent, based on specific location characteristics orchanging site and weather conditions.5) The work of utility contractors and subcontractors is coordinated to meet requirements of both the TESC and SPCC plans.6) All BMPs are inspected, monitored, and maintained in accordance with TESC Element 11. Sampling may be initiated toensure compliance.7) If permit conditions require a Certified Erosion Control Lead (CESCL), the CESCL is on site or on call at all times.8) The TESC and SPCC plans are kept on site or within reasonable access to the site. Due to the unpredictable nature ofweather and construction conditions, the TESC plan is a living document that is open to modifications during construction.Whenever inspections and/or monitoring reveal that the BMPs identified in the TESC plan are inadequate due to the actualdischarge of or potential to discharge pollutants, the plans must be modified, as appropriate, within ten days. The plans mustalso be updated whenever there are significant changes in the project design or in construction methods that could affect thepotential for erosion or spills.CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE STANDARDS9. Control PollutantsAll pollutants, including construction materials, waste materials, and demolition debris, must be handled and disposed of in amanner that does not cause contamination of stormwater. Wood debris may be chipped and spread on site. Methods forcontrolling pollutants that can be considered hazardous materials, such as hydrocarbons and pH-modifying substances, mustbe described in the contractor’s Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. The SPCC plan must beprepared to meet Standard Specification 1.07.15(1) and Department of Ecology’s Standards as described in WSDOT SPCC Plan Preparation Instructions and Spill PlanReviewers Protocols located at :http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/environment/hazmat/spillprevention.htmStormwater or ground water that has come into contact with curing concrete must be sampled to ensure that water qualitystandards are not violated. Processed water (concrete washout, slurry water, hydrodemolition, etc.) must be contained and cannot be discharged to waters of the State. THIS SKETCH NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR EXACT LOCATION OF EXISTING FACILITIESCALL 811 AT LEAST 2 BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DIGFor contacts below dial 1-888-CALL PSE (225-5773)Inspected Steel and PE pipe per GOS 2450.1400 and 2450.1500Reviewed and complied with all construction notes.Recorded all required information on the as-built per GOS 2500.1700.Completed post installation inspection per GOS 2525.1200 and 2525.2700.Left the work area in a clean and safe condition.FITTER'S CHECKLISTForeman's Name (printed) ___________________________________ Foreman's Signature________________________________________Company: InfraSource Construction Date ______________(CHECK BOX TO CONFIRM COMPLETION)4680 06/11DESIGNED BYUTILITIESCONTACTPHONE#COUNTY1/4 SECOP MAPEmer SectGAS WK CTRPLAT MAPJOINT FACILITIES ARRANGEMENTSDRAWN BYCHECKED BYAPPROVED BYCP APPROVALMAPPINGSCALEPAGEENGR - GASFUNCTIONPROJECT MGRPERMITREAL ESTATE/EASEMENT21REV#3DATEDESCRIPTIONBYCONTACTPHONE NODATEDrawing NumberSAP Sup Order NbrPC APPROVALP. DOLL425-424-6568K.WEISS303-615-7093M.LOCK425-424-6413P. DOLL425-424-6568N/ARENTONDUPONT PIPE REPLACEMENT255 POWELL AVE SWRENTON, WA 98055PSE1091030651"=50'5/5KING29SYSSKGPMSE 13-23-04 E208.074208.079, 209.079N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANE 13-23-04 ECell Phone:"Locates Required""Flagging Required"Yes NoYes NoE-Mail:Manager:Project Manager Contact Information:PHIL DOLL425-424-6568phil.doll@pse.com###T&T###T&TKEY TO SERVICE ACTIONLEGEND SECTION 5-05 OF THE WSDOT/APWA SPECIFICATIONS.Excavated Dirt Pile24" MinNOTE: Install 12" shadingif the backfill contains rocksgreater than 6" dia.24"MinCoverTO 36" MaxCoverGas Main LineSIDEACCESSVEHICLEFinal Grade4" Sand Bedding12" Min. ofAcceptable Backfill(See Definition Above)6" Sand Shading12"-18"MinBackfill for Direct Bury - The final backfill may be soil-based select material or native soil, butfree of construction debris and shall not contain rocks larger than 10"-in. diameter to preventimpedence of gas system maintenance.TYPICAL COMMERCIAL GAS MAINLINE TRENCH DETAILNot to scale COMMERCIAL BILL OF MATERIAL ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION PART NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 887' SAP# 109103065 40 41 42 43 44 45 BYPASS MATERIALS 19 20 21 22 23 18 PIPE 2" MPE COIL 7000261 WIRE #14 TRACING 8500940 CAP 2" MPE 5200649 ELL 2" X 90° MPE 6000484 TEE 2" X 2" MPE HV TAPPING 9996711 TEE 2" X 2" MPE INLINE 7800362 887' 4 4 4 4 2 HDPE FUSION TAPPING TEE 2" X 5/8" (GAUGE TEE)9999565