HomeMy WebLinkAboutBinding Site Plan Code Changes - Industrial, Commercial, Multi-Family (1/14/2002) c c o aso o,- c(7)Gicc ��oco^>oa)ooc us my=_r z.am W OQas O a) C am$ ." Nr M �N �� U•'= V r0«.B CV TU m L() ZV N1v¢ O�p�® COmQ� (aa��� Up)NO tca= �0W a)Oio N U$ ZO°0 Zt�v o ror. �7 �r-0s o CD..c 7'(4c cca N0Zr“,"a O 1.-zi, as >,a)invCCU 6.gvcU`o:.., Arno v=cT o YT ZpZJE >, 'O_ C CnC8 = asO - �c8N9— p 6-alNOc .9 8g uim¢V E. 2Z m ca° o as o co o rna) a) c_ o :cU'o`cm- -0 mu) cm LLO = `� ate)a)0 ca "> _oN m¢� c° cts m5875 c ccaa_a 7'n= O O m 0•`) o c Z m E T U 2� o��'S) rn et c c d N X c m-z C E S E ��� �WG ooZcas � aasai�vas ,E,:E. t ao °sc � VW a)_ C -0)aD B.•WO cccO co N cE3U as. 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CO ! 4 'NI a) cap 8 a)Y a- C E ~ o cc) > ` C y.`' G• ��, >, - 0▪ C C mCD 7 42 Z 8 °°JBjee�eat�vaoe��a m C � 3 f° -0 a N 0 a) a) m m a)ac m coTuoi 0 as 1-- < I- -J V) Amends ORD 4851, 4587 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTION 4-1-050 OF CHAPTER 1, ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT, SECTION 4-7-040 OF CHAPTER 7, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION 4-8-120 OF CHAPTER 8, PERMITS AND DECISIONS, SECTION 4-9-200 OF CHAPTER 9, PROCEDURES AND REVIEW CRITERIA, AND SECTION 4-11-020 OF CHAPTER 11, DEFINITIONS, AND ADDING A NEW SECTION, 4-7-230, TO CHAPTER 7, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, OF TITLE IV (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" RELATING TO ESTABLISHMENT OF A BINDING SITE PLAN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF RENTON. WHEREAS, binding site plans are authorized under Chapter 58.17 RCW for dividing land into lots or tracts classified for industrial or commercial use as an alternative to subdivision or short subdivision;and WHEREAS, in order for a city to approve a binding site plan, the city must have adopted by ordinance the procedures for the division of land through a binding site plan pursuant to RCW 58.17.035; and WHEREAS, the City of Renton does not currently authorize by ordinance the division of industrial or commercial land through a binding site plan; and WHEREAS, the City has determined that the authorization of a binding site plan procedure for the division of industrial and commercial land would promote the public health, safety and general welfare of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: ORDINANCE NO. 49 5 4 SECTION I. Section 4-1-050.A.1 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled_"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section, 4-1-050.A.1.a, with the existing sections a-z to be renumbered accordingly, and to read as follows: a. Binding Site Plans, SECTION II. Section 4-1-050.F.1 of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled_"Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section, 4-1-050.F.1.c, with the existing sections c-u to be renumbered accordingly, and to read as follows: c. Binding Site Plans, SECTION III. Section 4-1-050.G of Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section, 4-1-050.G.4, with the existing sections 4-15 to be renumbered accordingly, and to read as follows: 4. Binding Site Plans, SECTION IV. Section 4-7-040.A of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section, 4-7-040.A.4, to read as follows: 2 ... ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 4. Divisions of land classified for industrial or commercial use into lots or tracts when the City has approved a Binding Site Plan in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Renton Municipal Code and Chapter 58.17 RCW. SECTION V. Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section, 4-7-230, with the existing sections 4-7- 230 and 4-7-240 renumbered accordingly, to read as follows: 4-7-230 BINDING SITE PLANS A. PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose of this Section is to provide an optional method for the division of land classified for industrial, commercial, or mixed use [CN, CS, CD, CO, COR, CA, CC, IL, IM, and IH zones] through a binding site plan as authorized in Chapter 58.17 RCW. This method may be employed as an alternative to the subdivision and short subdivision procedures in thisChapter. This Section specifies administrative requirements for the review and approval of binding site plans that are in addition to the procedural requirements of Chapter 4-8 and other applicable provisions of the City development regulations. B. PRINCIPLES OF ACCEPTABILITY: Approval of a binding site plan shall take place only after the following are met: 1. The site that is subject to the binding site plan shall consist of one or more contiguous lots legally created. 2. Adequate provisions, either on the face of the binding site plan or in a supporting document, have been made for drainageways, alleys, streets, other public ways, water supplies, open space and sanitary wastes, for the entire property covered by the binding site plan. 3 111, ORDINANCE NO. 4 954 3. Comply with all building code requirements. 4. Comply with all zoning code requirements and development standards. 5. Have suitable physical characteristics. A proposed binding site plan may be denied because of flood, inundation, or swamp conditions or construction of protective improvements may be required as condition of approval. C. APPLICABILITY: A binding site plan may be approved as a separate mechanism for the division of land. A binding site plan may also be approved concurrently with a site plan. A binding site plan may also be merged with a site plan, a development agreement, or both a site plan and development agreement per the criteria listed in this section. The site that is subject to the binding site plan may be reviewed independently for developed sites, concurrently with or subsequent to a site development permit application for undeveloped land or concurrently with or subsequent to a building permit application. All applications for binding site plans shall be subject to the provisions of this Section, including binding site plans to be incorporated within a development agreement under the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 and including binding site plans to be approved in conjunction with Site Plan Review under RMC 4-9-200;provided that a development agreement approved under the authority of RCW 36.70B.170 may include standards and decision criteria that apply to a binding site plan application in lieu of the standards and criteria contained in this Section. D. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS: 1. General Requirements: All applications for binding site plans must conform to the requirements of RMC 4-8-120. E. DESIGN STANDARDS FOR BINDING SITE PLANS: 4 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 ...d 1. Legal Lots: Lots,parcels, or tracts created through the binding site plan procedure shall be legal lots of record. The number of lots, tracts, parcels, sites, or divisions shall not exceed the number of lots allowed in the applicable zoning district. 2. Access: All lots shall provide access to a public street or to a public street by means of an access easement or other recorded instrument approved by the City. 3. Dedication Statement: Where lands are required or proposed for dedication, the applicant shall provide a dedication statement and acknowledgement on the binding site plan. 4. Access to Utilities: Each parcel created by the binding site plan shall have access to water supply, sanitary sewer, and utilities by means of direct access or access easement approved by the City. 5. Shared Conditions: The Administrator may authorize sharing of open space, parking, access and other improvements among contiguous properties subject to the binding site plan. Conditions of use, maintenance and restrictions on redevelopment of shared open space, parking, access and other improvements shall be identified on the binding site plan and enforced by covenants, easements or other similar mechanisms. F. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: 1. Improvements: The following tangible improvements shall be provided for, either by actual construction or a construction schedule approved by the City and bonded by the applicant, before a binding site plan may be recorded: grading and paving of streets and alleys, installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, monuments, sanitary and storm sewers, street lights, water mains and street name signs, together with all appurtenances thereto to specifications and standards of this code, approved by the Department and in accordance with other standards of the 5 %409 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 54 City. A separate construction permit will be required for any such improvements, along with associated engineered plans prepared per the City Drafting Standards. 2. Phasing of Improvements: To satisfy these requirements, the Administrator is authorized to impose conditions and limitations on the binding site plan. If the Administrator determines that any delay in satisfying requirements will not adversely impact the public health, safety or welfare, the Administrator may allow requirements to be satisfied prior to issuing the first building permit for the site, or prior to issuing the first building permit for any phase, or prior to issuing a specific building's certificate of occupancy, or in accordance with an approved phasing plan, or in accordance with plans established by a development agreement or as otherwise permitted or required under City code. G. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS: Access requirements and street design and development standards shall be provided in accordance with Section 4-6-060 of the Renton Municipal Code, unless superseded by the terms of a development agreement as provided by RMC 4-9-210.J. New public roads shall be provided for lot access where determined by the Administrator to be reasonably necessary as a result of the proposed development or to make appropriate provisions for public roads. Establishment of public roads may also be proposed by the applicant. H. PERMIT PROCEDURES FOR BINDING SITE PLAN APPROVAL: 1. Permit Type: Binding site plans shall be processed as Type III permits in accordance with the procedures in Chapter 4-8 RMC for Type III permits and the standards and criteria set forth in this Section, unless the applicant elects to merge the binding site plan application with the Site Plan review process or Combined Site Plan/Planned Action review process in which case the binding site plan shall be processed in accordance with the procedures 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4 95 4 set out in Chapter 4-8 and 4-9 RMC. If a binding site plan permit is processed concurrently, but not merged with another permit process, then the binding site plan application shall be processed as a Type III permit. 2. Review Authority: Pursuant to Chapter 4-8 RMC, the responsible Reviewing Official for a binding site plan application shall be the Administrator, unless the applicant elects to have the binding site plan application merged with a Type VI permit site plan application or a development agreement under Chapter 36.70B RCW. If a binding site plan application is to be processed with a Type VI site plan, then the responsible Reviewing Official shall be the Hearing Examiner. If a binding site plan application is to be processed with a development agreement , the responsible Reviewing Official shall be the City Council. The final decision on a development agreement with an application for a binding site plan shall be made by City Council. No administrative appeal of the City Council decision shall be available. I. MERGER WITH SITE PLAN: 1. Review Standards for a Previously Approved Site Plan: If a previously approved site plan is submitted in conjunction with an application for binding site plan approval, the conditions and limitations imposed by the Administrator may, where appropriate, include any conditions and limitations contained in the previously approved site plan. Subsequent site development permits for the land will still be subject to compliance with the zoning, building, and other applicable land use codes and regulations existing at the time of development permit review, unless addressed as part of the binding site plan review and expressly depicted on the binding site plan. 2. Review Standards for Concurrent Site Plan Application: When a binding site plan is being considered concurrently with another land development application, the Administrator 7 41, ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 54 **4104 will incorporate all conditions and limitations imposed on the concurrent application into the binding site plan. Subsequent site development permits for the land will still be subject to compliance with the zoning, building, and other applicable land use codes and regulations existing at the time of development permit review, unless addressed as part of the binding site plan review and expressly depicted on the binding site plan. J. MERGER WITH DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT If a binding site plan is merged with a development agreement, in the event of a conflict between the terms of the development agreement and thisSection,the terms of the development agreement shall control. K. REVIEW AUTHORITY DECISION: 1. Action: The responsible Reviewing Official shall review and act upon binding site plans based upon the general criteria in this section and other criteria applicable to the site plan or development agreement with which the applicant elects to merge the binding site plan application. Every decision made under this section shall include findings of fact and conclusions to support the decision. 2. Approval: If the Reviewing Official finds the proposed binding site plan is in conformance to the standards and requirements of this section, then it shall be approved. 3. Approval with Modifications: If modification(s) are deemed necessary by the Reviewing Official, then they may be added to the binding site plan or a revised binding site plan may be required. The applicant shall be notified of any such modification action. 4. Referral to the Hearing Examiner: Except when a binding site plan is merged with a development agreement, if the Administrator determines that there are sufficient concerns by residents in the area of the binding site plan, or by City staff, to warrant a public hearing, then 8 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 he/she shall refer the binding site plan to the Hearing Examiner for public hearing and decision by the Hearing Examiner. Notice of the public hearing will be given as for a Type VI permit hearing. Binding site plans merged with development agreements shall be approved by City Council pursuant to the requirements of RCW 36.70B.170 et seq. 5. Denial: If the binding site plan is denied by the Reviewing Official,the applicant shall be notified in writing of the decision, stating the reasons therefore. 6. Reconsideration: Any party may request that an application, on which the Reviewing Official has made a decision, be reopened by the Reviewing Official if it is found that new information that was not previously available has come to light that might affect the action taken by the Reviewing Official. Requests for reconsideration must be filed within 14 days of the date of the decision. L. RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION: Where dedication of right-of-way is required for the approved binding site plan or proposed by the applicant,the dedication shall require separate approval by City Council prior to recording of the binding site plan with record of survey. The dedication shall be effective upon recording of the binding site plan with record of survey. M. SURVEY AND RECORDING: Prior to recording, the approved binding site plan shall be surveyed and the final recording forms shall be prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed in the state of Washington. In addition to the requirements of RMC 4-8-120.C, surveys shall include those items prescribed by RCW 58.09.060, Records of survey, contents—Record of corner, information. 9 Nior ORDINANCE NO. 4954 1. Administrator Approval: The binding site plan must be signed by the Administrator before it is filed. The final approved binding site plan shall remain with the City until such time as the applicant requests that the binding site plan be recorded. 2. Filing by City Clerk: The approved binding site plan will be sent to the City Clerk by the Department when the binding site plan is final and all prerequisites to filing have been completed. The binding site plan shall be filed by the City Clerk for record in the office of the King County Auditor and shall not be deemed approved until so filed. N. BINDING EFFECT: 1. Vesting: Upon filing of a complete application for a binding site plan,the application shall be considered under the binding site plan ordinance,the zoning, and other development regulations in effect on the date of application for the land uses and development identified in the binding site plan application or identified in a complete Site Plan Review application filed in conjunction with or processed concurrently with a binding site plan application. 2. Legal Lots: Lots, parcels, or tracts created through the binding site plan procedure shall be legal lots of record. 3. Binding: Approved binding site plans shall be binding and shall be enforceable by the City. All provisions, conditions and requirements of the binding site plan shall be legally enforceable on the purchaser or on any person acquiring a lease or other ownership interest of any lot, tract, or parcel created pursuant to the binding site plan. A sale, transfer, or lease of any lot, tract, or parcel created pursuant to the binding site plan that does not conform to the requirements of the binding site plan approval, shall be considered a violation of this Section, shall be a nuisance 10 ORDINANCE NO. 4.9 5 4 and may be subject to an injunction action in Superior Court or such other remedies provided by City code. O. EXPIRATION AND EXTENSION: 1. Expiration Period: For binding site plans not merged with a site plan or development agreement, the approval shall lapse unless submitted for recording within five(5) years of the binding site plan approval. 2. Expiration Period for Merged Approvals: For binding site plans approved as part of merged application with a site plan or development agreement, the binding site plan shall lapse when the site plan or development agreement expires unless submitted for recording prior to the date of expiration for the merged application. 3. Extension of Expiration Period: Additional time extensions beyond the five year time period may be granted by the Administrator if the applicant can show need caused by unusual circumstances or situations which make it unduly burdensome to file the binding site plan within the five year time period. The applicant must file a written request with the Administrator for this additional time extension;this request must be filed at least thirty(30) days prior to the expiration date. The request must include documentation as to the need for the additional time period. Additional time extensions may be granted in not greater than one (1)year increments, up to a maximum of two (2)years. 4. Extension of Expiration Period for Phased Projects: In the case of a phased binding site plan, submittal for recording of any phase of the binding site plan will constitute an automatic one (1)year extension for the submittal of the next phase of the binding site plan. P. APPEALS: See RMC 4-8-110.H. 11 NW ORDINANCE NO. 4954 Q. ALTERATION OR VACATION 1. Alteration: Alteration of an approved binding site plan, excluding standard easements for utilities and lot line adjustments, shall be accomplished following the same procedures required for a new binding site plan application as set forth in this Section;provided, that only owners of lots within the binding site plan that are directly affected by the proposed alteration shall be required to authorize application for the alteration. If a binding site plan application was approved as part of a development agreement approval process as provided in Subsection H(2) of this Section or if property subject to a binding site plan approval is the subject of a development agreement,the alteration of the approved binding site plan shall not require an amendment to the development agreement or approval by the City Council and, after approval and recording, shall automatically be incorporated within the development agreement unless otherwise provided in the development agreement. 2. Vacation: Vacation of a recorded binding site plan shall be accomplished by following the same procedures required for a new binding site plan application as set forth in this Section. If a portion of a binding site plan is vacated, the property subject to the vacation shall constitute one lot, and the balance of the approved binding site plan shall remain as approved. If a binding site plan application was approved as part of a development agreement approval process or if property subject to a binding site plan approval is the subject of a development agreement, the vacation of the approved binding site plan, whether total or partial, shall not require an amendment to the development agreement or approval by the City Council and, after approval and recording shall automatically be incorporated within the development agreement unless otherwise provided in the development agreement. 12 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 SECTION VI. Table 4-8-120.0 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions, of Title IV (Development Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as shown in Exhibit"A," attached. SECTION VII. Section 4-8-120.D.16 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: Preliminary Plat or Binding Site Plan: A plan, with a two-inch border on the left edge and one-half inch on all other sides, prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020 and/or RCW 58.17, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty feet (1" =40') on an eighteen inch by twenty four inch(18" x 24")plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) and shall include the following: a. Name of the proposed preliminary plat or binding site plan(and space for the future City file numbers). b. Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners. • c. Legal description of the property to be subdivided. d. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet. e. Vicinity map (a reduced version of the neighborhood detail map as defined above). f. Drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned. Lots designated by number within the area of the lot. Tracts shall be similarly 13 111110 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 designated and each tract shall be clearly identified with the ownership and purpose. Indicate the required yards(setbacks) with dashed lines. g. Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections (including intersections opposite the subject property), alleys and other rights-of-way. h. Names, locations,types,widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations. i. Location, distances from existing and new lot lines, and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, freestanding signs, and easements. j. Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development. k. Flood hazard information and boundary on the subdivision drawing including the nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of the subdivided area. 1. A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the preliminary plat plan: (1) Total area in acres, (2) Proposed number of lots, (3) Zoning of the subject site, (4) Proposed square footage in each lot, and (5) Percentage of land in streets and open space. 14 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 m. Access and Utilities: Indicate how the proposed subdivision will be served by streets and utilities, show how access will be provided to all lots, and the location of sewer and water lines. n. Contours and Elevations: Shall include contour and/or elevations(at five foot (5') vertical intervals minimum)to the extent necessary to accurately predict drainage characteristics of the property. Approximate, estimated contour lines shall be extended at least one hundred feet (100')beyond the boundaries of the proposed plat. o. Zoning: Shall indicate the zoning applicable to the land to be platted, subdivided or dedicated and of the land adjacent and contiguous. SECTION VIII. Section 4-8-120.D.19 of Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows: Short Plat or Binding Site Plan Map, Final: A plan, with a two-inch border on the left edge and one-half inch on all other sides,prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.010 and/or RCW 58.17, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of one inch equals forty feet (1" =40') on eighteen inch by twenty four inch(18" x 24")plan sheet(s) (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director). The reproducible original shall be in black ink on stabilized drafting film and shall include the following: a. Name and location of the short plat or binding site plan, b. Space reserved for"City of Renton file number" (large type) at top of first sheet, 15 11110 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 c. Space reserved for City of Renton"land,record number" (small type) at bottom left of first sheet, d. Legal description of the property, e. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, f. Vicinity map (a reduced version of the"neighborhood detail map"as defined above), g. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations. Shall show all utilities, streets, existing and new easements and associated covenants within or abutting the short plat. If a new easement is created on the plat, it must show grantee of easement rights. If the grantee is the City, a statement of easement provisions reserving and conveying the easement, with a description of the rights and purposes, needs to be made on the short plat, h. Lots designated by number within the area of the lot. Tracts shall be similarly designated and each tract shall be clearly identified with the ownership and purpose. Lot lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot, i. Lot numbers, j. Addresses for each lot and new street names determined by the Department in accordance with the street grid system regulations of chapter 9-11 RMC, k. Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements and any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee. If the grantee is the City, a statement of provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes must be shown, 16 ... ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 1. Coordinates per City surveying standards for permanent control monuments, m. All interior permanent control monuments located per City surveying standards, n. Statement of equipment and procedure used per WAC 332-130-100, o. Basis for bearing per WAC 332-130-150(1)(b)(iii), p. Date the existing monuments were visited per WAC 332-103-050(1)(f)(iv), q. Verification that permanent markers are set at corners of the proposed lots, r. Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearing and distances of record and those measured or calculated, s. Location, dimensions and square footage of any existing structures to remain within or abutting the plat, t. Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, watercourses) on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, u. Reference to all agreements or covenants required as a condition of approval. v. For binding site plans only: provisions requiring site development to be in conformity with the approved binding site plan. w. Certifications by: (1) A State of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes have been set, and (2) The King County Department of Health that the proposed septic system(s) is acceptable to serve the plat if not served by sewer. 17 ORDINANCE NO. 4954 x. Signature and date line for: (1) All property owners(signatures must be notarized with an ink stamp), (2) The King County Assessor, (3) The City of Renton Finance and Information Systems Director with the following text preceding: "There are no delinquent special assessments and any special assessments for any dedicated property herein contained have been paid in full,"and (4) The Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. SECTION IX. Section 4-9-200 of Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new section H.,to read as follows, with the existing sections H-M to be renumbered accordingly: H. MERGER WITH BINDING SITE PLAN: 1. The applicant may request that the site plan submitted for Site Plan Review under this chapter constitute a binding site plan pursuant to Chapter 58.17 RCW, subject to the requirements of this Subsection. 2. In order to constitute a binding site plan, a site plan submitted for Site Plan Review shall comply with all applicable requirements and standards set forth in RMC 4-9-210. 3. All approved site plans, including those constituting a binding site plan, shall comply with the applicable requirements, procedures, and review criteria for Site Plan Review set forth in this Section. 4. An approved site plan that constitutes a binding site plan shall be recorded with the King County Department of Records and Elections and shall be subject to all other approval conditions included in RMC 4-9-210.G. 18 ORDINANCE NO. 4 9 5 4 5. Upon the approval and recording of an approved site plan that constitutes a binding site plan, the applicant may develop the property in conformance with that binding site plan and may sell or lease parcels subject to that binding site plan. SECTION X. Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11, Definitions, of Title IV (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended by adding a new definition, which reads as follows: BINDING SITE PLAN: A drawing as authorized by RCW 58.17 , which: A. Identifies and shows the areas and locations of all streets, roads, improvements, utilities, open spaces, and any other matters specified by RMC 4-8-120.C, Submittal Requirements ;and B. Contains inscriptions or attachments setting forth such appropriate limitations and conditions for the use of the land as are established by the City; and C. Contains provisions requiring site development to be in conformity with the approved Binding Site Plan. SECTION XI. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and 5 days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 11th day of February , 2002. )607tA •,/ Zeia Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 11 th day of February , 2002. Je anner, Mayor 19 IOW ORDINANCE NO. 4954 Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, Ci ttomey Date of Publication: 2/15/2002 (Summary) ORD.968:2/4/02:ma. 20 EXHIBIT A ... ORDINANCE NO. 4954 n.r Z c 0 " O n n n SOD a? D D D o D m * D 3 D o' , m v, D c 3 0 -• 0 0 0) o c 5 c m V o -0 0 =-0 N 9 9 m e 3 co a o = , o 0 3 y. 0, 0 v av = ma . a o o Om g N = 5 0 ^ m d m m m 2 H y ^ y y ; 7 <. - o C 3 r o 33mgao0OH � 03070wo - u? o ? z '' I) D ag Icr > > n . oDm 0m 3D r > f o -' o E cn m m v o m o 0 3 0 y o o Z r- — Z C. v c D .� `< c 0.0 °t _ 0 m T 0 -1 a 0- Q s< 05 m y C o D 3 cr 3 m () d 0 cp o' 3 ? N C . n � . D w v v FIT = 3 ? 0 C O x 0 o B Si D Z rn 7• 0 u, m '0 0 -4 6O o- o o Q ' n TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT 1 1 o. �, Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 0 co -, x 4, Annexation(60%Petition) n 3 x Appeal o co 0 > x Business License for Home Occupation 0 o x Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c 3 x Comp.Plan Text Amendment c c 0 Conditional Approval Permit for a co Nonconforming Structure fConditional Approval Permit for a CDNonconforming Use a a c„ x v, Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) cr 5- A v, -a x cn Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) 0 0, x cn Environmental Review -I fD x Environmental Review(Non-Project) D o 9 CO3 �„ x Grade and Fill Permit(Special) rm w Kennel License ?' m 43 Kennel License,Hobby 0 w x Lot Line Adjustment o o O. a . o, -, Master Site Plan(Overall) 0 o . . ? Ui Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) 0, x Mobile Home Park,Preliminary A A -` x to Mobile Home Park,Final a Modification/Alternate Request A Co X cn Plat,Final A alx IV Plat,Preliminary/Binding Site Plan U„ - x PUD,Preliminary .A — C. x to n, PUD,Final - x Rezone c„ x Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shoreline Exemption x Shoreline Substantial Development Permit o, x Shoreline Conditional Use Permit o, x Shoreline Variance x ry Short Plat,Preliminary Short Plat,Final / Binding Site Plan A vi x Site Plan x Special Permit co x r., Temporary Use Permit w x Variance Waiver U, Wetland Permit EXHTRTT _A • `r11le ORDINANCE NO. 4954 • w z 0 m N y < azi a) y m o o -Ti X X mm,m d m O m C D 3 Ncil 7 —. H W i, y Q n. 0. 0 0 o N u) a) < < j = x D co T1 O m 2 d 3 0 W o -0 a 7 N Ol m n = 7 7 (D fD T. 'Ili 3 V > to co m '< = cii) = 3 m -a i— a n 7 ? °' m m �+ o. '0 m ? m CD m a o 0 m rD- n z m > ? iv G� D m c , _ y a• a m 0 n m 0 7 m m C) 0. ? a o m -i Q. m m 5 ni In c o m re, m W 0 0 'O 0 tn i COC 13• a 0 0 cl G C Ol fD 0 a' .m 7 CD = O (D to 9 ^ H 0 N "0 0 0 7 Z y .0 m m ^ ar n o. . - ( "-o ? y O m 0 m a T �/� m `' Q a Vn 3 m y f, 0 a, o o o 5 m m iD ."( TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT N o. Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 4, Annexation(60%Petition) la a 5 Appeal CD 717 0 Business License for Home Occupation1 0 o ro m coN Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c , 3• N w Comp.Plan Text Amendment m Conditional Approval Permit for a m "' ' Nonconforming Structure * m m A Conditional Approval Permit for a 7C Nonconforming Use CD a c„ N W m Cn n, v, CA .", A n, a an A Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) Q m CT .., W cn v, N CA CT h, A t�, A CA A Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) CD Cn N N Cn a' N to Cn N A N A Cn A Environmental Review fD Environmental Review(Non-Project) D O N CO 3 N N N Cn o, N A A Cn A Grade and Fill Permit(Special) rn Kennel License {' a m Kennel License,Hobby co _-A.Cn al w A Lot Line Adjustment N 0 O. N .. N cn at N A Master Site Plan(Overall) Ei N N CA a N cn o' N A N n A. c Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) N N N u, 0, N A A c' Mobile Home Park,Preliminary A A Mobile Home Park,Final Modification/Alternate Request r4, al cn N CA A Plat,Final N Cn a' r, A A to Plat,Preliminary /Binding Site Plan N N cn a' N, cn cn r�, A *, A cn PUD,Preliminary N Cn 0i N N A PUD,Final m Cn n, A Rezone A - Routine Vegetation Management Permit Shoreline Exemption t�, t„ ci cn N al N n> A ;�, A to Shoreline Substantial Development Permit , N Cn v, N cn cn N A :N A a' Shoreline Conditional Use Permit n, iv 0 m w m m , N Shoreline Variance N �, 1., m cn )Z, 4- v' Short Plat,Preliminary A A Short Plat,Final /Binding Site Plan N N Cn C� N Cn VI n, N A Cn A Site Plan N N 0 0 N 0, -N " N Special Permit Le ...., or co rs, cn Temporary Use Permit N cn cn w m to c Variance Waiver N N c, 0' N 01 01 N A - A a' Wetland Permit EXHIBIT A Nt,,., ORDINANCE NO. 4954 �•0+ Z A. Xj r r o r r 0 r r = x L L. xi c- c > C.- ^ D C. xi to c 60 CD m CD O m CD o a n, ,o - C C •m ^ Vm -o ^ -, o ^ m c 3 m m m c Ii m 3 y n cA A ca cr 13 0 g o m p O 2 y y m c d m H m m m Ti m d z 3 o w p m 3 o H 0 o�° v• = o o T o -0 '6 -0 5 3 D r N = CI ^ m 2 `z = _ _ al 3 N = r Z a - 3. a v, 7.. 33 D 0 0 0 30 3a z n Z N CD '0 gi W = n m H i W O 7 m 7 0 N a a) v --I C AIo v n 0 mmco = o0o0 C )c., H • �73 n a p - a) O o o Z Ka7 = C o a 71 3 = 3 C C) 0 O1 O f N C m = Cl 7 m m 3 ii ii - - 3 GD to co 0 TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT =a• w Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) w Annexation(60%Petition) cc . Appeal m m C Business License for Home Occupation1 o n.1 CO Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone c 3 ... Comp.Plan Text Amendment 0 Conditional Approval Permit for a m vs criNonconforming Structure N Conditional Approval Permit for a m "' "' Nonconforming Use Z. CD N m CA N Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) Q 5 N �„ �, N Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) a) o N cn cn Environmental Review OD D `D Environmental Review(Non-Project) o 03 N Grade and Fill Permit(Special) Kennel License to Z' I Kennel License,Hobby _, m u, Lot Line Adjustment o ✓ Master Site Plan(Overall) n N N N Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) N cn Mobile Home Park,Preliminary N Mobile Home Park,Final Modification/Altemate Request N Plat,Final N u, Plat,Preliminary /Binding Site Plan -3 (A PUD,Preliminary N rro PUD,Final r _ N N Rezone Routine Vegetation Management Permit A Shoreline Exemption N („` Shoreline Substantial Development Permit - Shoreline Conditional Use Permit N Shoreline Variance Short Plat,Preliminary _ Short Plat,Final / Binding.Site Plan N N ai Site Plan N C„ Special Permit al v, Temporary Use Permit 0 o Variance Waiver Wetland Permit N EXHIBIT_ A lie ORDINANCE NO. 4954 3 0. o v CD m 0 0 0 w 0v a O7; O0 ? 0 rm 5 < m Oia V n 0 ; = 7' v C m 0 c) o o = 7 a °. 7 9, co -0 -, C C r � 9 -v CD cn co m 7,1 0 0 3 Dr 3 = o -0 8 y Q a y F 5 r, c m -i- m D r M o 5 a 0o 0 3 — f co c' 0 x a 7 ^ °1 3 r Z CD c '-, c N. o a m °: g. D ca a' • n d a a Z C) p T 7 0 < W N m O =. N (n O� a, 7 7 d .7' O V1 a w e a EU c x 7 c -0 0 cc >v 0 '4 ci `2 —I. Cl)no j O co CD Ct o o -. l7 . N 7 0 Al CD .'e... a 'a) o 7 3 f. 7 o . 0 CO co C) O m 0 _m a m a .a 0 0 GI 0 0 Z i1i3 w 00 O . ' HIU 7 O u)c 7 y CD TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT Dr a w -• N N Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 'o m n w co N N N Annexation(60%Petition) . 3 Appeal m m a Business License for Home Occupation1 7- O N N N N N Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone C . 3 N — Comp.Plan Text Amendment 7 1,3 7 Conditional Approval Permit for a m 0 0c" �' �' Nonconforming Structure co rn Conditional Approval Permit for a co cn 01 c" �' IV Conditional Use n m m N N cn N N v, Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) cr , 01 N N c„ N N (A Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) mu, U N n, (7' no N cn Environmental Review _$ o nQ Environmental Review(Non-Project) r v' N N N N cn Grade and Fill Permit(Special)CD m 7 Kennel License ;' cn o0 CDKennel License,Hobby Nu, o, Iv cn cn Lot Line Adjustment o a. N N N n, cn Master Site Plan(Overall) rd o N N N N 0 Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) 7 _ v' N N N N N cn Mobile Home Park,Preliminary N N Mobile Home Park,Final cn Modification/Alternate Request u, - U' cn Plat,Final n, N N N cn Plat,Preliminary /Binding Site Plan N N N N cn PUD,Preliminary a, 01 N PUD,Final N N `N N Rezone Routine Vegetation Management Permit A a Shoreline Exemption uc N N3 N N 0 Shoreline Substantial Development Permit • a' N N N N U Shoreline Conditional Use Permit c 1 no N N N a Shoreline Variance N N. N to at Short Plat,Preliminary Short Plat,Final /Binding Site Plan N N N to cn Site Plan cJl N N N N v, Special Permit cn tT N_ N to Temporary Use Permit c" o o ro N a, Variance Waiver n 3 N N 0 Wetland Permit E4JIIR,IT A New ORDINANCE NO. 4954 — z cn rn rn cn 3 (n O D 7J 3 �l "U o -0 M -0 j v -O o v z M D c • = m- c o o lo 0 cm c n0 ;TIC y o d d 6- o D m o. < d g o m m d z m o 0 a Xi Y > > d d o o, y a c m r 7, cg ra '0 d m 0 m g o w c -0 =o d o m a m 'D" Z c O 0 > _ = K m O m 1p V a _ < ET _ y Z C� v N „ = 35 ED Sia m - u) D ' m —a O mm = cm I O v+ � 0 3 m= TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT y , a w x Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 0 m 4, x Annexation(60%Petition) m 5. Appeal ox Business License for Home Occupation1 N o o, 01 x — Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone 0 c 7 N N 0% Comp.Plan Text Amendment m o, cn o, x Conditional Approval Permit for a CV. Nonconforming Structure 0 H Conditional Approval Permit for a Z N �" N `'� "' " Nonconforming Use o 0. N t„ N N cn x -, Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) o- a m N N u, x Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) m oN Ni N of x -, Environmental Review W m m Environmental Review(Non-Project) D o N N CO CD N , cn x Grade and Fill Permit(Special) m - Kennel License A cn o0 c Kennel License,Hobby a, at Lot Line Adjustment o _O N N m x Master Site Plan(Overall) N U N N cn x Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) = N N mx Mobile Home Park,Preliminary N N Mobile Home Park,Final r;, a, u Modification/Alternate Request a, N A -• Plat,Final , N UI Piat,Preiiminary/Binding Site Plan N N 01 x - PUD,Preliminary N N x -• PUD,Final N cn Rezone 1 x -• Routine Vegetation Management Permit A Shoreline Exemption N r., 01 x Shoreline Substantial Development Permit N of -x -, Shoreline Conditional Use Permit N u,_ 7xc , Shoreline Variance a..... N CA s: x Short Plat,Preliminary N o,; Short Plat,Final / Binding.Site Plan N N N cn.. x Site Plan o N „ x Special Permit V, 01 as x Temporary Use Permit o _ _ c a: x Variance ui Waiver N -+ x Wetland Permit EXHIBIT_ A Wont p Aaa) ORDINANCE NO. 4954 • Z C C D --I 32 = -i -4 _I Co !. Ito ,TS5.).). DU) m to N D o c < m m m o� m e 5 m m c° ^ T. m v m S m n o fD 2 a) m in c tom 3 m -o F, £ co v E d m m o n n ° 91 C 0 3 m = 3 m 3 o m c -31 13 r o 0, ° can -0 -o in n 2 c co o = c am. ,3 - m -�. 0 w m -I � D '� l _ x Co C �. '< o .p a m a o. d 7 W m r Z m G) c-° o m o o c a - a Z-, n > 3 z D 0 m S C. O m to m co io U) N N m U) N 7 co co m w o y 3 co 3iTi, cn N - .,.i C o d o o n C nm Pli 7 N C - 7 j .m I .D G m -U n O =i o al N m c a) -0 W h CO `•G 7 a) m O y 7 O -y co o c TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT Nnn a Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) 0 ?;Fi, Annexation(60%Petition) a Appeal o0 Business License for Home Occupation1 o- o co Comp.Plan Map AmendmenVRezone c 3 Comp.Plan Text Amendment m c Conditional Approval Permit for a Io F Nonconforming Structure EConditional Approval Permit for a o Nonconforming Use CD o- W N A CT Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) Q 5 w R.,' A �i Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) o CON CA A Co Environmental Review -a Environmental Review(Non-Project)17 D o IA C N m A A Grade and Fill Permit(Special) CD Kennel License sa it, cn m Kennel License,Hobby m N cn Lot Line Adjustment c, ✓ N cn A N Co Master Site Plan(Overall) o w n) at A A N cn Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) 7 N GIN Co A i„ Mobile Home Park,Preliminary Mobile Home Park,Final V, Modification/Alternate Request A Plat,Final w A Co Plat,Preliminary /Binding Site Plan CO CT A to PUD,Preliminary ., PUD,Final a Rezone N .Dh Routine Vegetation Management Permit co N A Shoreline Exemption ,A uc Shoreline Substantial Development Permit Shoreline Conditional Use Permit w- N u .D. Shoreline Variance w N m a, Short Plat,Preliminary Short Plat,Final /Binding Site Plan w is-_, � m A Co . Site Plan w N c„ A VI Special Permit LI to v, „ Temporary Use Permit w N .CT Variance Waiver coN Wetland Permit EXHIBIT A .,r,. ORDINANCE NO. 4954 Now Z op^ c0 co V N rn O• -o -o Cl A w • a' m (n ` C v O r- •Z m •O O m y o' -n r r J Q m = D y,D Qi d 3 co 0 a > > 3..O > 0 <m < m N d .__ 3 O m a m m * c o 5 co m -1 00 oi Oo -0 N c < c c 01 m o. a a o ,3 25 r m rJ E m •m m - - a = o o m m 3 o -0 CO m r n Z 2 W a < 0 3 a a m m m m 07 m ^ n O �. -Z1 3_ _ o r a N D CD o m 0 3 �. m m fD 3 • m /C//�� 0 V) j m y 0 d f0 C• m y 7 �• 61 V/ a m a m g (c) o. m a ; a 0. To m ao 0 to 1 0 m w y^co m m y ? 0 W o 3 H � T N a) D r- -II H v 91. a °' m _I Po Q '003 0 m a ? < m' .• 3 0 0 m m N '< TYPE OF APPLICATION/PERMIT ii; I. _ co S m m r- a CD ij a a < = c m . y v N 0 co 5 o Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) a a c a c 7 a o a v m I• < o m v m 0 = �• m ' . m Annexation(60%Petition) a �1 rn ^ ci c a * S 5 N 3 < m rn m n o-i < m n a Appeal m - CD m < O 3 ,co lo, • -, •- m N 3 CO m o al C = m— 5 o ,n 2. 1v Business License for Home Occupation 0 , H Q o 0. m 3 'm D "0 Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone C co ID = (D 0 3 m y x o' m o-a c o Comp.Plan Text Amendment • 7 00 - O y O fn O * -. In c� v o o d N m ? Conditional Approval Permit for a . _• =. N 0 0 m m 0 _ 3 0 o Nonconforming Structure 03 Q " co 0. 3 m c m -. Conditional Approval Permit for a m A > > m 3 0 n Nonconforming Use m O m 7 N c o < 0. m O m ' ,n w1 Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) v o _ a = c 1 5 j c m 3 m o w Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) vco -CD CD T Cji _. CO Environmental Review —I CD c > = o c a ^ Environmental Review(Non-Project) W mO w n 3 o N 3 3 w w Grade and Fill Permit(Special) m -a C- m a c c.„CD Kennel License ? co 0 • °' o a > ? m Kennel License,Hobby m . w Lot Line Adjustment m Ad ustment N om d � o C o 7 N , (Overall) mO m — 3. o A) co . 0.. m 7 C w Master Site Plan(Individual Phases) ? 3 ' � 2 co a =• m d ° N , w Mobile Home Park,Preliminary co no y _ m 7P 0CD o 7 m .< n m O. C.' Mobile Home Park,Final Q 0 o EAT 3 m o Modification/Alternate Request a • y 0 3 m m Nno w Plat,Final 03 0 $ . o 9-1coPlat,Preliminary /Binding Site Plan o -a o CO o o m co PUD,Preliminary --I N 3 m y A- A * 3 o o co PUD,Final ry Ja c<m ID '0x Rezone o 0 -, m m w Routine Vegetation Management Permit 0co C) c 3 9 9 �', co- 0 'm m w Shoreline Exemption ao °—' 3 y 5 w Shoreline Substantial Development Permit A C.., a o. o c w Shoreline Conditional Use Permit CA) ° a' 5 5. 0 w Shoreline Variance CD fD 3 o co Short Plat,Preliminary co so o.O 3 fV CA 3 co Short Plat,Final / Binding Site Plan V 0, o < 9 a) - No < m 0 o 5 w Site Plan O 2 C o v O N 3- o w Special Permit om -• p a �m , w Temporary Use Permit P. y o o ° w Variance .p c °� a) D- CD o m C 3 Waiver a ? 5" w Wetland Permit "toof February 11,2002 l,r,, Renton City Council Minutes ,, r Page 58 Airport: Business Plan Councilman Corman commented that the Transportation(Aviation)Committee is currently reviewing the airport business plan, and due to the public interest in the plan,the Committee will review various elements of the plan one by one over a scheduled session of committee meetings. Community Services: Farmers Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler complimented the recently adopted logo for Market Logo the Farmers Market at the Piazza and Council President Nelson's work on this project. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3552 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of S. 180th/SW 43rd Streets: S 180th St/SW 43rd St St. for a period of 12 months during the grade separation project by the City of Closure(Tukwila's Grade Tukwila. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL Separation Project) ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/25/2002 for second and final reading: Vacation: NW 5th St(Rainier An ordinance was read vacating a portion of NW 5th St., from Rainier Ave.N. to 91st), Chang Brothers & to 91st Ave. S. (Petitioners: Chang Brothers and Miller;VAC-01-005) Miller(VAC-01-005) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/25/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4954 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-050 of Chapter 1, Administration Development Services: and Enforcement, Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, Binding Site Plan Process Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, Section 4-9-200 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria, and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions, and adding a new Section,4-7-230,to Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations,of Title IV (Development Regulations)of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ.* Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's inquiry regarding the changes made to the expiration periods in the ordinance, Senior Planner Lesley Nishihira indicated that the expiration periods vary according to the type of application. She explained that a stand-alone binding site plan is valid for five years with possible extensions of one-year increments up to a maximum of two years and must be recorded within that time frame. When the binding site plan is merged with a site plan, it is valid up to six years, including an extension. Finally, when a binding site plan is merged with a development agreement, the time frame would be based upon the expiration of the development agreement as specified within that agreement; and the binding site plan would have to be recorded prior to the expiration of the agreement in order to be valid. *ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CANCEL Council: Meeting Cancellation ITS REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 18, 2002, IN OBSERVANCE OF (2/18/2002) PRESIDENTS'DAY. CARRIED. *ti CITY OF RENTON Planning/Building/Public Works MEMORANDUM DATE: February 5, 2002 RECEIVED TO: Toni Nelson, Council President F t(j 0 5 ZUOZ City Council Members FROM: Lesley Nishihira, Development/Planning, x7270 SUBJECT: Binding Site Plan Ordinance RENTON C%TYCOUNCIL Subsequent to the public hearing held on January 28, 2002 for the Binding Site Plan Ordinance, additional in-house review of the final ordinance document was conducted. This final review is typical prior to the adoption of an ordinance in order to verify the document is formatted correctly and is appropriately organized within the Development Regulations (Title IV). The final review of the Binding Site Plan Ordinance resulted in a number of edits, including changes for problematic wording that was previously overlooked. The revisions were intended to rectify how the new regulations would fit into the current structure of Title IV. The changes, which are indicated in the attached redlined version, do not alter the content or process established by the ordinance as it was initially presented. The following generally outlines the purpose of the revisions to the ordinance document: • Amendments to Chapter 1, Administration and Enforcement, were added to establish the appropriate review authorities for the binding site plan process. • The new subsection, which establishing the Binding Site Plan process, was moved to Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations. Since the Binding Site Plan is another form of the subdivision process, this location was determined to be more appropriate than placing the process within Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria. • The term "mixed use"was added to the Purpose and Intent section of the regulations (page 3 of attachment) in order to clarify that the Binding Site Plan process would be applicable to all land uses and classifications currently established under the Industrial and Commercial zones. Specifically, the commercial zoning designations referenced in the ordinance allow for a mix of residential and commercial development; thus, "mixed use"was added to present all potential applications of the process, including industrial, commercial, and mixed use development. • The application requirements, which were previously listed within the proposed Binding Site Plan subsection, were moved to Chapter 8, Permits and Decisions in order to be consistent with the organizational method established by existing sections within Title IV. Similarly, the expiration and appeal subsections were moved to the end of the section to match other sections. • Minor editing was also necessary to correct grammar and typographical errors, as well as word choices to clarify the regulations. For example, "Reviewing Official" was substituted for "Review Authority,"which was used inconsistently throughout the document. I hope this memo has provided the necessary explanations behind the revisions to the ordinance. Please contact me immediately should you have any questions or need additional information regarding this matter. cc: Jay Covington Bonnie Walton Sue Carlson Gregg Zimmerman Neil Watts Alex Pietsch Jennifer Henning Rebecca Lind %1/' Ntoo February 4,2002 'Star Renton City Council Minutes '...r Page 44 Mr. Zimmerman recalled concern about King County's need to expand its regional wastewater treatment capability and the ultimate decision to site a third facility to the north rather than expand the existing facility which would greatly affect the City of Renton. He indicated that if the opportunity to build a site to the north is lost,there is a possibility that the expansion of the current treatment facility would be revisited. In conclusion,Mr. Zimmerman stated that the administration recommends the opposition of the two bills on the grounds that they are contrary to the GMA and would set a dangerous precedent in the siting of essential regional facilities. *MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL APPROVE THE RESOLUTION OPPOSING SENATE BILL 6366 AND HOUSE BILL 2340.* Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated her opposition to the resolution, saying that she would like the matter to be studied further. She expressed concern that this action indicates that a city does not have any authority through its comprehensive plan in the event another jurisdiction wants to site a facility within its boundaries. Ms. Keolker-Wheeler stressed that cities should have control over their own land use. Councilman Corman stated that the issue is the use of eminent domain: a mechanism that public entities can use to acquire private property for official purposes at fair market value. Regarding the ultimate use of property, Mr. Corman said that there are State,County and local regulations in place that allow or disallow what can be done with property. Pointing out that this legislation will have a dramatic effect on the entire region, Councilman Parker indicated that there must be other avenues within the governmental process that can be utilized instead of adopting legislation that favors one community. Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington noted that the City has two essential facilities located outside the City limits, and since the legislation is retroactive, he expressed concern regarding its impact on the existing structures as well as on any future facilities the City may need to place. *MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Development Services: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-1-050 of Chapter 1,Administration Binding Site Plan Process and Enforcement, Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations, �t� I Section 4-8-120 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, Section 4-9-200 of Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria, and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions, and adding a new Section,4-7-230, to Chapter 7, Subdivision Regulations,of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL HOLD THIS ORDINANCE FOR ANOTHER WEEK FOR FURTHER REVIEW. CARRIED. wow vito lerve tier+' RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 28, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER;TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE RUSSELL WILSON,Assistant City Attorney; BONNIE WALTON,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUE CARLSON,Economic Development Administrator; ALEX PIETSCH,Economic Development Director;NEIL WATTS, Development Services Director;LESLEY NISHIHIRA, Senior Planner; TOM BOYNS,Property Services Supervisor;LARRY RUDE,Fire Marshall/Battalion Chief; COMMANDER ROBERT SEELYE,Police Department. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Development Services: accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Binding Site Plan Process continued from January 14,2002,to consider the proposed City Code changes that would establish a binding site plan process, as well as outline the requirements for using a binding site plan. Senior Planner Lesley Nishihira reported that when the subdivision ordinance was rewritten in 1995,the provisions for a binding site plan process were removed from the City Code. Although the current regulations work well for residential platting, these regulations are not suited for commercial or industrial subdivisions. She detailed the benefits of the proposed binding site plan as follows: • Allows for more flexibility in phasing of street and utility improvements to allow for better design to match the final building construction on the site. • Allows for further division of prior commercial or industrial short plats without requiring a full subdivision process. • Allows for the creation of lots for leasing purposes. • Streamlines the review process which allows for a quicker, less costly review and approval process. • Allows for merging with the approval of a site plan or development agreement for the same site,thereby coordinating development and land division for larger parcels which may take many years to complete. Continuing,Ms. Nishihira explained that the binding site plan, when proposed individually or with a site plan, would be reviewed at the administrative level within a time frame of six to eight weeks. When merged with a site plan that needs hearing examiner level review,the review time would be eight to twelve weeks. Finally, when merged with a development agreement and Council approval is needed,the review time is estimated at twelve to sixteen weeks. In January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 conclusion, she stated that staff recommends approval of the proposed binding site plan ordinance. Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the need to change the City Code,Ms. Nishihira explained that over time, staff discovered that the subdivision regulations did not adequately address the different needs involved with the platting of properties zoned for other than single-family dwellings. She pointed out that the binding site plan is an addition to current regulations and will address the needs of commercial and industrial zoned land. Public comment was invited. Gene Warden,Boeing Realty Corporation,PO Box 3707,M/CIF-58, Seattle, 98124,expressed his support for the adoption of the binding site plan ordinance, saying that it provides flexibility to property owners as times change. In addition, he stated that it will reduce the City's processing expense and provide owners of commercial and industrial zoned land with a timely subdivision process. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 31 for related Planning& Development Committee report and page 34 for ordinance.) Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ROW, Abney-Revard(VAC- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public 01-006) hearing continued from January 7, 2002,to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney-Revard,Inc.,Conner Homes and George Bales(VAC-01-006; Morgan Place Preliminary Plat). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor,explained that when the matter was heard on January 7th,Mr. Quang T. Do expressed objections to the street vacation. He reported that a meeting has been set on February 4th with Mr.Do to discuss his concerns. Mr. Boyns described the proposed vacation area and noted that if the vacation is approved,Lyons Ave. S. will be realigned. Commenting that the realignment of Lyons Ave. S. is a good traffic solution, Mayor Tanner pointed out that Mr. Do's property cannot be given access to the realigned road. If approved,the vacation will provide Mr. Do with one-half of the area located adjacent to his property resulting in an approximately 30-foot addition to his property. He noted that Mr. Do is currently using the right-of- way as a driveway. Mayor Tanner recommended closure of the public hearing after all testimony has been heard,and referral of the matter to the Transportation Committee. Responding to Council inquiry regarding traffic concerns on NE 4th St., Development Services Director Neil Watts stated that as the plats are developed in the area, the roads are being configured so that residents can use Jericho Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE to access traffic signals on NE 4th St. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 28 conclusion, she stated that staff recommends approval of the proposed binding site plan ordinance. • Responding to Councilman Clawson's inquiry regarding the need to change the City Code,Ms. Nishihira explained that over time, staff discovered that the subdivision regulations did not adequately address the different needs involved with the platting of properties zoned for other than single-family dwellings. She pointed out that the binding site plan is an addition to current regulations and will address the needs of commercial and industrial zoned land. Public comment was invited. Gene Warden,Boeing Realty Corporation,PO Box 3707,M/CIF-58,Seattle, 98124,expressed his support for the adoption of the binding site plan ordinance, saying that it provides flexibility to property owners as times change. In addition,he stated that it will reduce the City's processing expense and provide owners of commercial and industrial zoned land with a timely subdivision process. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 31 for related Planning& Development Committee report and page 34 for ordinance.) Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public 01-006) hearing continued from January 7,2002,to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave.NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney-Revard,Inc., Conner Homes and George Bales(VAC-01-006;Morgan Place Preliminary Plat). Tom Boyns,Property Services Supervisor,explained that when the matter was heard on January 7th,Mr. Quang T.Do expressed objections to the street vacation. He reported that a meeting has been set on February 4th with Mr.Do to discuss his concerns. Mr.Boyns described the proposed vacation area and noted that if the vacation is approved,Lyons Ave. S. will be realigned. Commenting that the realignment of Lyons Ave. S. is a good traffic solution, Mayor Tanner pointed out that Mr.Do's property cannot be given access to the realigned road. If approved,the vacation will provide Mr. Do with one-half of the area located adjacent to his property resulting in an approximately 30-foot addition to his property. He noted that Mr.Do is currently using the right-of- way as a driveway. Mayor Tanner recommended closure of the public hearing after all testimony has been heard,and referral of the matter to the Transportation Committee. Responding to Council inquiry regarding traffic concerns on NE 4th St., Development Services Director Neil Watts stated that as the plats are developed in the area,the roads are being configured so that residents can use Jericho Ave. NE and Nile Ave. NE to access traffic signals on NE 4th St. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE MATTER TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE. CARRIED. voiti U�`tY O� e City Of Renton PUBLIC INFORMATION HANDOUT January 28, 2002 BINDING SITE PLAN ORDINANCE For additional information,please contact:Lesley Nishihira,Project Manager; City of Renton Development Services Division; (425)430-7270 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: The City is proposing code changes that would establish a binding site plan process, as well as outline the requirements for using a binding site plan. The proposed amendments would allow binding site plans to be approved individually as well as with other land use approvals, site plans, or development agreements and would also create a number of benefits for both developers and the city(i.e., increased flexibility with phasing, faster review, and predictability). BACKGROUND SUMMARY: When the Subdivision Ordinance was rewritten in 1995, the provisions for a binding site plan process were removed from City code. The current subdivision ordinance for full subdivisions and short plats has worked relatively well for platting of single family properties. However, there are different needs involved with the platting of properties zoned for other than single family dwellings, and the binding site plan process is an additional procedure which will allow for approving these types of land divisions. Some of the benefits of the binding site plan are: • Allows for more flexibility in phasing of street and utility improvements to allow for better design to match the final building construction on the site. • Allows for further division of prior commercial or industrial short plats without requiring a full subdivision process. • Allows for merging with the approval of a site plan or development agreement for the same site, thereby coordinating development and land division for larger parcels which may take many years to complete. • Allows for the creation of lots for leasing purposes. • Approval is administrative, which allows for a quicker, less costly review and approval process. Most binding site plan proposals would be approved administratively. An exception would be when the binding site plan application is merged with a site plan that would be subject to Hearing Examiner review and approval, in which case the merged binding site plan and associated site plan would be approved by the Hearing Examiner. A second exception would be when the binding site plan application is merged with a development agreement, in which case the merged binding site plan and development agreement would require Council approval. RECOMMENDATION: The Development Services Division is recommending the City Council adopt the proposed Binding Site Plan Ordinance. January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes ""'' Page 34 AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus, 1137 Harrington Ave.NE,Renton,98033,introduced herself Citizen Comment: DeMastus— as the new president of the Highlands Community Association and announced Highlands Community that Doug Kyes will serve as Vice President,Mary Fisher as Secretary and Association Marie West-Johnson as Treasurer. ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3549 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Comprehensive Plan: WA St interlocal agreement with the Washington State Department of Community, Department of Community Trade and Economic Development for funding to update the Comprehensive Trade Grant Plan. MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution#3550 A resolution was read adopting the final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste King County: 2001 Solid Management Plan for King County. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY Waste Management Plan CORMAN,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 2/04/2002 for second and final reading: Development Services: An ordinance was read amending Section 4-7-040 of Chapter 7, Subdivision Binding Site Plan Process Regulations, Section 4-8-120.0 of Chapter 8,Permits and Decisions, Section 4- ,Q A 9-200 of Chapter 9,Procedures and Review Criteria,and Section 4-11-020 of Chapter 11,Definitions,and adding a new Section,4-9-210,to Chapter 9, Procedures and Review Criteria,of Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Code relating to the establishment of a binding site plan ordinance for the City of Renton. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/04/2002. CARRIED. Finance: Audio&Video Tape An ordinance was read amending Section 5-1-2 of Chapter 1,Fee Schedule, of Fee Inclusion,Fee Schedule Title V(Business Regulations)of City Code by adding a new Section"D" to list the charges for copying audio or video tapes. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 2/04/2002. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4952 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Rezone: St. Claire Property, four acres located in North Renton in the lower May Creek Basin, south of the RC to R-5 (PP-01-055) new LaCrosse(Stafford Crest)subdivision,between Lincoln Ave.NE to the west and Aberdeen Ave.NE to the east,between NE 31st St. to the south and NE 33rd Pl.to the north from RC(Rural Conservation; one dwelling unit per ten acres)to R-5 (Residential Single Family; five dwelling units per acre)zone; PP-01-055 (St. Claire). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY NELSON,SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:34 p.m. BONNIE I. WALTON,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann January 28,2002 January 28,2002 �rrr Renton City Council Minutes Page 31 PARKER,COUNCIL REFER ITEM 6.f.TO THE FINANCE COMMl'11'EE. CARRIED. Item 6.h. Technical Services Division recommended the acquisition of Tract A of Technical Services: Acquire Arlindale Plat from King County at no cost in order to join as owners of Arlindale Tract A for ROW property included in the proposed Honey Crest Plat by dedicating the tract as Dedication at NE 9th Ct additional right-of-way for NE 9th Ct. (Honey Crest Plat) Requesting a more detailed map of the subject area and stating that this matter needs further review,it was MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER 1'1'EM 6.h.TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE.* Responding to Councilman Corman's inquiry regarding the timing of the item, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Zimmerman reported that he was not aware of any severe timelines,and he stated that staff would be prepared to discuss the matter at the next Transportation Committee meeting on February 7th. *MOTION CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Glenn and Donna Wood,2305 NE 16th St., Citizen Comment: Wood— Renton,98056,concerning the appeal of the Hearing Examiner's decision Smith Short Plat Appeal(SHP- regarding the Smith Short Plat(SHP-01-118). The Woods'expressed concern 01-118) about the placement of a private road and the potential increase in traffic noise. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING& DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Human Correspondence was read from the Human Services Advisory Committee Services Advisory Committee thanking the Council for approving the additional$26,000 to the 2002 human —2002 Human Services services budget, and stating that the City contributes to a number of extremely Budget Increase essential agencies serving citizens who have no other recourse for their needs. Councilman Corman expressed his appreciation to the Human Services Advisory Committee for all of their hard work. OLD BUSINESS Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Public Safety Committee concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the contract with Public Fire: Records Management Safety Consultants,Inc. to develop a request for proposal and bench test all Evaluation Contract,Public systems and hardware associated with implementing a records management Safety Consultants Inc system for the Fire Department in the amount of$65,000. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract. MOVED BY CLAWSON,SECONDED BY PARKER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Police: Jail Conditions Reporting that the City Attorney responded to Michael C. Kahrs'letter concerning Renton jail conditions,Councilman Dan Clawson commented that he is confident that the City is addressing the concerns of inmates. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding the binding site plan ordinance. On January 17,2002,the Development Services: Committee convened to discuss the benefits of an updated binding site plan Binding Site Plan Process process. The proposed changes would allow binding site plans to be approved individually as well as with other land use approvals, site plans,or development agreements and would also create a number of benefits for both developers and the City such as increased flexibility with phasing,faster review,and predictability. *41.0 Novo January 28,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 32 The Committee recommended approval of the proposed City Code changes which would establish a binding site plan process and outline the requirements for using a binding site plan. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,SECONDED BY BRIERE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 34 for ordinance.) Development Services: 230 Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler stated that on September 11,2000,Council Williams Ave N Residence granted an appeal to allow the non-conforming single-family dwelling located Restoration,AAD-00-036 at 230 Williams Ave. N. which was destroyed by fire,to be rebuilt on the same site. Ms.Keolker-Wheeler reported that the owner has not yet applied for a building permit and the City sent a letter informing the owner that if a building permit is not issued by September 11,2002,the approval becomes null and void. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Briere presented a report recommending concurrence King County: 2001 Solid with the recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department Waste Management Plan that Council approve a resolution adopting the King County Final 2001 Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY BRIERE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTFF REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 34 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 200573—200964 and three wire transfers totaling $2,403,766.02; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 35989—36347,one wire transfer and 537 direct deposits totaling$1,732,739.14. MOVED BY PARKER,SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Human Resources: Healthcare Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending changes to Plan Modifications the City's existing self-insured healthcare plan as proposed by the Health Benefits Task Force. One discretionary change involves extending medical coverage to the end of the month in which an employee no longer qualifies for coverage. The recommended changes are as follows: Preferred Provider Network—New regulations require that the name of the Preferred Provider Organization(PPO)network be listed in the Plan Document along with a description of the network being used;mandatory change. Revise the first paragraph under Level of Covered Benefits to read as follows: "The level of benefits received is based upon the participant's decision at the time treatment is needed to access care through either preferred or non-preferred providers. Benefits are payable at the preferred level by accessing your care through a Preferred Provider,Preferred Medical Facility or from a Preferred Hospital. Out-of-network charges will be paid at the out-of-network level of benefits. Your preferred PPO is....." Qualified Medical Child Support Order(QMCSO)—New regulations state that the Plan Document must now outline the QMCSO procedures of the Plan Supervisor; mandatory change. Add the following under the new heading Special Enrollment for New Dependents through QMCSO: "Section 609(a)of ERISA requires medical benefit plans to honor the terms of a QMCSO. The order must be a judgment,order of decree or a divorce settlement agreement related to a child support,alimony,or the division of marital property,issued 11111110 *r.r CFI'CGUNCIL. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date /_a gb_aoo' COMMITTEE REPORT JANUARY 28, 2002 Binding Site Plan Ordinance , (Referred December 10, 2001) On January 17, 2002, the Planning and Development Committee convened to discuss the benefits of an updated binding site plan process. The proposed changes would allow binding site plans to be approved individually as well as with other land use approvals, site plans, or development agreements and would also create a number of benefits for both developers and the city (i.e., increased flexibility with phasing, faster review, and predictability). The Committee recommends approval of the proposed code changes, which would establish a binding site plan process and outline the requirements for using a binding site plan. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. 4 ,e,,,,46.,_ /34.2., Kathy eolker-Wheeler, Chair Terri Brie ce Chair King Parker,Member cc: Susan Carlson Gregg Zimmerman Neil Watts Jennifer Henning Lesley Nishihira N RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting January 14, 2002 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Renton City Hall CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON,Council President;DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; TERRI BRIERE; KING PARKER; DON PERSSON;RANDY CORMAN. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor;JAY COVINGTON,Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney;MARILYN PETERSEN,City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; DEREK TODD,Assistant to the CAO; COMMANDER FLOYD ELDRIDGE,Police Department. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of January 14th Marilyn Petersen Week— through 18th, 2002, to be "Marilyn Petersen Week" in the City of Renton, in January 14 to 18, 2002 appreciation for her faithfully serving the citizens of Renton for over 30 years - the last twelve years as City Clerk. Marilyn Petersen's can-do attitude,humor and professionalism will be missed upon her retirement on January 31st. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. Expressing her appreciation for the proclamation, City Clerk Marilyn Petersen said that it has been a pleasure working for the City. She stated that she would look back upon her years of service at the City with fondness and with pride at what the City has accomplished. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS FOR 15 MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 7:37 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:51 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. PUBLIC HEARINGS The public hearing regarding the binding site plan process was continued on Development Services: January 7,2002,until January 28, 2002. Binding Site Plan Process Vacation: Lyons Ave NE This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in ROW,Abney-Revard(VAC- accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner reopened the public 01-006) hearing continued from January 7, 2002, to consider the street vacation petition for portion of unopened Lyons Ave. NE right-of-way located south of NE 4th St. submitted by petitioners Abney-Revard, Inc., Conner Homes and George Bales (VAC-01-006). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING UNTIL JANUARY 28, 2002. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2002 and beyond. Items noted included: January 14,2002 Renton City Council Minutes Page 17 * On Saturdays and Sundays, snowshoe and cross-country ski trips are available through the Recreation Division. To register,call the Renton Community Center at(425)430-6700. * On Tuesday,January 15th,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman will make a presentation to the Trade and Economic Development Committee of the State House of Representatives regarding Renton's regulatory reform case study. This presentation will describe how Renton improved its land use regulatory process such that many land use review and permitting actions take half as much time as they used to, without any reduction in protection offered to the environment and the neighborhoods. Community Services: Parks & Mr. Covington reported that a team of inspectors from the Commission for Recreation Accreditation Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies recently reviewed the accreditation requirements prepared by the Community Services Department. Indicating that the accreditation team found no weaknesses in the City's report, Mr. Covington pointed out that if the City is accredited, it will be the first City to receive such an honor in the entire western United States. AUDIENCE COMMENT Rosemary Quesenberry, 3609 SE 18th Ct.,Renton,98058,reported that the Citizen Comment: City of Tacoma recently adopted a law requiring that helmets be worn during Quesenberry—Helmet Law recreational activities such as skateboarding. She requested that Council Modification consider modifying Renton's helmet law to include skateboarders, scooter riders and skaters. Ms. Quesenberry also entered a letter regarding the matter into the record. MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE SUBJECT TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council Meeting minutes of January 7,2002. Council concur. January 7, 2002 Appointment: Board of Ethics Mayor Tanner appointed Pastor Bonnie Chandler-Warren, 121 Monterey P1. NE,Renton,98056,to the Board of Ethics to fill the unexpired term of Pastor Karla Fredericksen, who has resigned(term to expire 1/01/2005). Refer to Community Services Committee. Appointment: Board of Ethics Mayor Tanner reappointed Joy Poff,2925 Morris Ave. S.,Renton, 98055,to the Board of Ethics for a four-year term expiring 1/01/2006. Council concur. Appeal: Smith Short Plat, City Clerk reported appeal of Hearing Examiner decision regarding the Smith Keith Menges (SHP-01-118) Short Plat(SHP-01-118); six single-family lots on 1.16 acres located at 2309 NE 16th St. Appeal filed by Keith Menges, accompanied by required fee. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. Court Case: Rita M. Bingham, Court Case filed on behalf of Rita M. Bingham by Keller Rohrback L.L.P., CRT-02-001 1201 3rd Ave., Suite 3200, Seattle, 98101, who seeks compensation for medical expenses and mental anguish allegedly due to the negligence of a Fire Department employee for releasing the plaintiff and causing her to fall when transferring her from her wheel chair to her bed on 9/21/2000. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. TEAM DIRECTORY CITY OF RENTON (Rev. 12.18.01 dm) DEC 1 9 2001 BOEING REALTY CORPORATION - LONGACRES (Renton, Washington) RECEIVED CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....... . OWNER BOEING REALTY CORPORATION I Tel: (206) 662-1620 Dir: (206) 662-1329 Mailing Address: Fax: (206) 662-1355 P.O. Box 3707, M/C 1F-58 Fax2: (206) 662-1455 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 Cel: (206) 851-4287 Overnight Mail& Physical Address: E-mail: walter.e.warden@boeing.com 7755 East Marginal Way South 2nd Floor, M/C 1F-58 Seattle, WA 98108 Gene Warden, Senior Project Manager PROJECT MANAGER HEARTLAND Tel: (206) 682-2500 524 Second Avenue, Suite 200 I Ext. 39 Seattle, WA 98104 I Fax: (206) 467-1429 Dave Blanchard, Vice President E-mail: dblanchard@htland.com CIVIL ENGINEER W & H PACIFIC i Tel: (425) 951-4846 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Fax: (425) 951-4808 Bothell, WA 98021 1 Cell: (206) 915-9334 Scott Sherrow, P.E. 1 E-mail: ssherrow@whoacific.com CIVIL ENGINEERING - STORM WATER SVERDRUP CIVIL, INC. I Tel: (425) 452-8000, Ext. 3789 600 - 108th Avenue NE, Suite 700 I Fax: (425) 452-1212 Bellevue, WA 98004 I E-mail: jeff.schutt@jacobs.com Jeffrey J. Schutt, P.E., Project Manager .................................................................................................................................................................. } 1 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ CIVIL ENGINEERING — SURVEYOR W & H PACIFIC I Tel: (425) 951-4825 3350 Monte Villa Parkway Fax: (425) 951-4808 Bothell, WA 98021 Cell: (206) 391-3503 James L. Purkey, PLS, E-mail: ipurkey@whpacific.com Director of Surveying Services .. .. .................................................................................................................................................................................................. LAND USE COUNSEL PERKINS COIF Tel: (206) 583-8584 1201 Third Avenue, 40th Floor Fax: (206) 583-8500 Seattle, WA 98101-3099 Laura Whitaker, Attorney at Law Cell: (206) 669-2086 E-mail: whitl@perkinscoie.com Tim Watterson, Attorney at Law Dir: (206) 287-3483 E-mail: wattw@perkinscoie.com ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING Tel: (425) 820-1728 NORTHWEST Fax: (425) 820-5913 11410 NE 124th Street, #691 Cell: (425) 922-6415 Kirkland, WA 98034 E-mail: havnie@tenw.com Jeff Haynie, P.E., Principal Team Directory— Boeing Longacres - Proposed Binding Site Plan 12.18.01 / Page 2 *se January 7,2002 .r Renton City Council Minutes Nms Page 11 COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4940 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 9,681 square Rezone: Rajaratnam Property, foot site at 21 Logan Ave. S., located at the intersection of Logan Ave. S. and Logan Ave S,P-1 to CD(R- N. Airport Way and abutting the Renton Airport to the west from P-1 (Public 01-132) Use)zone to CD(Center Downtown)zone;R-01-132(Rajaratnam property). MOVED BY CORMAN,SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4941 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of a 3.79 acre site Rezone: Mt Olivet Reservoir, located at 250 Bronson Way NE at the intersection of Bronson Way NE and NE Bronson Way NE, P-1 to RM-I 3rd St. from P-1 (Public Use)zone to RM-I(Residential Multi-Family Infill) (R-01-101) zone with a P-suffix designation;R-01-101 (Mt. Olivet Reservoir). MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL REFER Police: Parking Fines THE ISSUE OF PARKING FINES TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMI'1"1'EE. CARRIED. Development Services: MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL Binding Site Plan Process CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE BINDING SITE PLAN Public Hearing PROCESS ORIGINALLY SCHEDULED ON 1/14/2002 TO 1/28/2002. CARRIED. Public Works: Bronson Way Councilman Persson relayed a citizen concern regarding water runoff problems NE Water Runoff Problems originating from Bronson Way NE that allegedly caused several accidents on Sunset Blvd. Mayor Tanner requested that Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman investigate the matter. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:57 p.m. .r/ MARIL J. TERSEN,CMC,City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann January 7,2002 %NO VW 1-6 0)o o.0 G)fA_0 OC 0)rn C a)_ 8 C7 y•o = aa))�L0 '0v°)iav 2`ALL gJ Ww 0 0 u1i 6OO y> a0)m E aN a) Z'6Z.- co 0 a) r� c CO `)al C 00.oto 5 I: Y- caa� aU ° c v aoo� G� wiWVm � E � o)a a) mrnE °� cc.cv y, OC 'o mc•°.cm o min o.0 Y Em•3 a) ai, c C V x , 5 a)-` aa0i-3°3°ca) °-0 °L c°)i%�= n: N 0z -,6 a)-•vcr ov o-ot ca~ Q� Oy0 °73-C C = -0 C ro co c y ° a) ° a) ma zLLI o ay ° 'o2�..-. f3° fit° aE 0°v oa�c `o � .. Zcc a)L E OS 0 8 t�`0 C Q N o y a o "_>'Q s.r ci°cc0 c°8 .0 Ego as 000 y O C a C rn c o) o 13 C ' = ...,, ca) c rn O y (603a3(oOL to o \� O :p5. 3 -pya � n a) vic Y C a) a) O C+>• m oi \c 1- L V w a) pp Cj 0 — NJY 0' U Z (3 N N C= 0(D O t ,o w c M O a) 000 y'Q 0 m O j J E Y O Y QJ CJ •� y 0 E 0) 0•- y N �O 0 L 2, F ADO C� y w U O ..-. O O C H w "ui N U N �O0 " > O y I n. E C C `n C N , a) ML c'�i, N.X (6 -p 0 10 J N CO 3 c yLU a).c O o m \ t � z t O a)r rn� o� � w , .114 O. s CU o C oU :' a ,� �uJ�Lam. a-0 0) o \ O LL }' H a0a) a) y•c O uN) ° 3 E ..0 0 3 c C 1 N o c m c v c v4 o-CQ a c s m cp- �U a) Q oo x 0 yet O C N N '..CI 0 tom. t o a) 0. E y a) c c O 0 c c�cn o 3 0 °? ° ,� LPL O a) as v c w c�i o o E ‘‘����t,, �),;; CD vi ACC o 0a) 3 ...', y. ." — -o C)-00-w E C LO w O `r` .0 C °Y o.0 0 C a) -0 E w s-o 0 m co CA o �t 4- C1 •0 v N fl-"r a-Y o aa))I- as c p co a, 0) Cl) as a) p C O c p c . % L... 0— - C C a) a)•0 '0 0 o J C "en,w , ? Q 3 7 c 8 to i_ a-- "— 0 O" L 0 ar)0 0 0 -o j -.. N c o_0 0•a in y as o y 43 �,�� �� •.....,. t0 >'N 0 Q C y j Z O Z U °��ssaaa)aaaaaaa�' Q y •C 7 4— U y N C To C a, a) C C a a) 5 a) O) co as O1aC 2 C TA 0) as I- < I— J co . _ *gar, CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 14th day of January, 2002, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Binding Site Plan Ordinance Code Changes All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. .f s° Marilyn!. Oersen City Clerk Published South County Journal December 15, 2001 Account No. 50640 fir+' Decen`'4er 10,2001 'so"' Renton City Council Minutes **No' Page 440 CAG: 01-178, Surge City Clerk reported bid opening on 11/27/2001 for CAG-01-178, Surge Suppression/Main Electrical Suppression, Main Electrical Service at City Hall; six bids;project estimate Service,JR Electric $50,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder J.R.Electric, in the amount of$46,390. Council concur. Vacation: SE 2nd PI between City Clerk reported receipt of$50,000 compensation paid by petitioner(the full Lyons Ave SE&Nile Ave SE, market value of the property as appraised),as set by Council on 9/10/2001, and Harbour Homes (VAC-01- recommended adoption of an ordinance to finalize the Harbour Homes street 001) vacation for portions of SE 2nd Pl. and Nile Ave. SE; VAC-01-001. Council concur. (See page 443 for ordinance.) Community Services: Fire Community Services Department recommended approval of an agreement in Station#12 Design Contract, the amount of$426,000 with Rice Fergus Architects to design Fire Station#12 Rice Fergus Architects to be located at 1209 Kirkland Ave. NE. Refer to Finance Committee. Plat: Caledon,Union Ave NE Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions,of the &NE 28th Ct(FP-01-126) Caledon final plat; 21 single-family lots on 3.81 acres located at Union Ave. NE and NE 28th Ct. (FP-01-126). Council concur. (See page 443 for resolution.) Development Services: Development Services Division recommended approval of City Code changes Binding Site Plan Process, establishing a binding site plan process and outlining the requirements for using City Code Change 1` a binding site plan. Refer to Planning&Development Committee; set a public hearing on 1/14/2002 to consider the matter. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of Morgan Court Short Plat, dedication for additional right-of-way at the southwest corner of NE 4th St. and ROW Dedication on NE 4th Nile Ave. NE for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court St/Nile Ave NE(SHP-01-018) short plat (SHP-01-018). Council concur. Development Services: Development Services Division recommended Council acceptance of a deed of Morgan Court II Short Plat, dedication for additional right-of-way for a seven-foot wide portion of NE 4th ROW Dedication on NE 4th PI Pl. for public road use to fulfill a requirement of the Morgan Court II short plat (SHP-01-078) (SHP-01-078). Council concur. Special Assessment District: Finance&Information Services Department requested approval to amend Interest Rate Calculation for Ordinance 4293 in order to change the method used to calculate the interest rate Time Payments Amendment on time payments for special assessment district fees. Refer to Finance Committee. Utility: Sewer Rate, Pass- Planning/Building/Public Works Department reported an increase in the King through Metro Increase County Metro sewer rate from$19.75 to$23.40 per residential customer per month, and requested approval of an ordinance authorizing a pass-through increase. Council concur. (See page 444 for ordinance.) Police: Jail Inmates Health Police Department recommended approval of a contract with Public Hospital Services Contract, Public District No. 1 of King County for occupational health services for Renton jail Hospital District No 1 inmates from 4/01/2001 to 12/31/2002. Council concur. Utility: Maplewood Water Utility Systems Division requested approval to shut down the Maplewood Treatment Facility Shut Down water treatment facility and to put the station on a stand-by basis until additional water treatment facilities can be constructed to improve the water quality of the Maplewood wells. Refer to Utilities Committee. Franchise: Water District 90 Utility Systems Division recommended approval of a franchise agreement with Water District 90 for the installation, maintenance and repair of the District's water lines within the City streets. Refer to Utilities Committee. i i CIS... OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDAILL 6J1. AI#: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: December 10, 2001 Dept/Div/Board.. Development Services Staff Contact Neil Watts, x-7218 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Binding Site Plan Ordinance Code Changes Correspondence.. Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning & Development Committee and set public Legal Dept X Finance Dept hearing for January 14`h, 2002. Other Fiscal Impact: None Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Provisions for a binding site plan process were removed from City code in 1995, when the Subdivision Ordinance was rewritten. The current subdivision ordinance for full subdivisions and short plats works relatively well for platting of single family properties. However, platting of properties zoned for other than single family dwellings involve different needs. The binding site plan process is an additional procedure which will allow for approving these types of land divisions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of adoption of code changes, establishing a binding site plan process and outlining the requirements for using a binding site plan. This would allow for: 1) Approval of binding site plans without other land use approvals. 2) Approval of a binding site plan concurrently with a site plan. 3) Approval of a binding site merged with a site plan approval. 4) Approval of a binding site plan merged with a development agreement. Benefits of the binding site plan include, but are not limited to: 1) more flexibility in phasing of street and utility improvements, allowing design to better match final building construction on site; 2) further division of prior commercial or industrial short plats without requiring a full subdivision process; 3) combined approval with a site plan or development agreement for the same site, 4) the creation of lots for leasing purposes; 5) faster, less costly review and approval process, as approval is administrative. 1 • CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: November 29, 2001 TO: Dan Clawson, President City Council Members VIA: )4 Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Gregg Zimmermak Administrator STAFF CONTACT: Neil Watts, x-7218 SUBJECT: Binding Site Plan Ordinance ISSUE: When the Subdivision Ordinance was rewritten in 1995, the provisions for a binding site plan process were removed from City code. The current subdivision ordinance for full subdivisions and short plats has worked relatively well for platting of single family properties. There are different needs involved with the platting of properties zoned for other than single family dwellings, and the binding site plan process is an additional procedure which will allow for approving these types of land divisions. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that Council approve adoption of code changes, establishing a binding site plan process and outlining the requirements for using a binding site plan. The recommended binding site plan ordinance allows for the (1) Approval of binding site plans without other land use approvals, (2) Approval of a binding site plan concurrently with a site plan, (3) Approval of a binding site merged with a site plan approval, and (4) Approval of a binding site plan merged with a development agreement. Some of the benefits of the binding site plan are: • Allows for more flexibility in phasing of street and utility improvements to allow for better design to match the final building construction on the site. • Allows for further division of prior commercial or industrial short plats without requiring a full subdivision process. • Allows for merging with the approval of a site plan or development agreement for the same site, thereby coordinating development and land division for larger parcels which may take many years to complete. • Allows for the creation of lots for leasing purposes. I Binding Site Plan Ordinance November 29, 2001 Page 2 • Approval is administrative, which allows for a quicker, less costly review and approval process. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: A binding site plan is an easier, voluntary alternative for dividing land (versus a plat or short plat), and is authorized by RCW 58.17.035 and 58.17.040(4), (5) and (7). A binding site plan is used to divide land that is not zoned for single family use, and is typically used for commercial or industrial zoning applications. A binding site plan shows the location of all proposed and existing improvements, and includes appropriate limitations and conditions based upon project review. All development on the site must conform to the approved binding site plan. A binding site plan can be used to divide land for sale or lease of commercial or industrial zoned land. A binding site plan is very flexible. It can be used for proposed or existing development. It can be used concurrently with a site plan approval, or merged with a site plan to allow for better coordination of conditions, phasing and timing of improvements. A binding site plan can also be merged with a development agreement for larger projects that may be developed over many years. A binding site plan includes requirements for street, utility and drainage improvements, but allows for phasing construction to better coordinate the installation and design of these improvements with the construction of the buildings on the site. Some typical examples of uses for a binding site plan are: • Divide a fully developed commercial property. • Divide an undeveloped industrial site to increase the number of lots from three to six. • Divide a partially developed commercial site, concurrently revise previously approved site plan, and issue a commercial building permit. • Divide a large commercially zoned property as part of a development agreement with a previously approved site plan. The project can then be implemented in phases with some flexibility as outlined by the development agreement. Most binding site plan proposals would be approved administratively. An exception would be when A the binding site plan application is merged with a site plan that wouldrs'ubject to Hearing Examiner review and approval, in which case the merged binding site plan and associated site plan would be approved by the Hearing Examiner. A second exception would be when the binding site plan application is merged with a development agreement, in which case the merged binding site plan and development agreement would require Council approval. tgale ' P