HomeMy WebLinkAbout114_04 Renton Narrative 1 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY 600 SW 39TH ST SUITE 275 RENTON, WASHINGTON 98057 (425) 235-7736 May 14, 2018 City of Renton Development Services 1055 South Grady Way 6th Floor Renton, Washington 98057 Attention: Holly Powers Re: Project Narrative and Application Authorization 12-inch Renton-Seattle Petroleum Products Pipeline Casing Maintenance Site 114+04 Renton, Washington INTRODUCTION Olympic Pipe Line Company LLC (Olympic) operates a 12-inch petroleum products delivery pipeline that extends from their Renton Station to their Seattle Station. Casing inspections performed by Olympic recently indicated that further evaluation of the casing test point is warranted on the 12-inch pipeline in Renton. In order to monitor the cathodic protection of the pipeline and maintain electrical separation between the pipeline and the overlying casing, Olympic maintains and tests electrical test points at all pipeline casings in accordance with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) standards. Olympic is, therefore, required to excavate the test point at this location for inspection. Additionally, Olympic plans to install a permanent vent and test station at this location to protect the test wires for long- term, routine inspection. The casing maintenance site is located next to Renton Avenue, just east of the intersection with S. 132nd Street in Renton (see Vicinity Map, Figure 1). The pipeline stationing at this site is approximately 114+04. The small excavation area is located in the vegetated area on the northeast side of Renton Avenue. The excavation area will be within City of Renton right-of-way and we are applying for a city of Renton Franchise Permit and Traffic Control Plan review. In order to conduct the work, we will need to temporarily close the northwest-bound lane of Renton Avenue to allow access to the 2 site and to maintain a safe work area. The northwest direction of Renton Avenue is two lanes wide at this location; we propose to shift traffic to the inside lane, maintaining one travel lane a minimum of 12 feet wide for regular traffic use. Additionally, a King County Metro bus stop Route 106 is located at the casing maintenance site. Richard Garcia, Metro Transit Construction Information Center, has indicated that Metro likely will not provide a temporary stop during the pipeline work and that Metro will post notification signs at the bus stop prior to the start of work. The purpose of this narrative is to describe the work associated with the project. This narrative presents a general description of the work activities, environmental controls to be employed and anticipated project schedule. A Detailed Site Plan and Cross-Sections are provided as Figures 2 and 3. A Traffic Control Plan has been developed for the proposed lane closure and traffic shift (Figure 4). PROJECT DESCRIPTION This paragraph describes the general construction methods to be employed for the pipeline casing inspection excavation. Prior to excavation, the Contractor will complete a Utility One- Call. The Contractor will excavate down to the top of the pipeline casing, visually inspect the casing, and repair and/or install the casing wires and a new casing vent. The excavation dimensions are expected to be about 8 feet wide, 8 feet long, and 13 feet deep and conventional shoring will be used to support the excavation (see Site Plan, Figure 2, and Cross Sections, Figure 3). Soil removed from the excavations will be removed using a vacuum truck. The excavation will be backfilled with imported fill and compacted to match the surrounding surface grade. The disturbed area will be seeded with a native grass seed mix and mulched with weed-free straw. The whole process is expected to take approximately one to three days. Steel plates will be placed over the excavation overnight if the work is not completed in one day. Total material excavation volume generated for this project is estimated at about 31 cubic yards. The amount of soil to be excavated may vary somewhat depending on the actual underground site conditions, the depth of the pipeline casing and other site-specific issues. TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS A plan view of the maintenance site and typical cross-sectional views of the excavations are shown on the Site Plan and Cross Sections. If required, the following general BMPs are proposed as temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures at the dig site: 1. This TESC Plan addresses temporary construction impacts and does not anticipate any 3 permanent drainage design changes. 2. The boundaries of the temporary work and access areas will be clearly marked in the field prior to construction. During construction, no disturbance beyond the marked limits will be permitted. 3. Straw wattles may be installed prior to construction to help confine sediment transport and runoff from the immediate work area. If used, • Upon removal of the straw wattles, the disturbed areas will be restored. Straw wattles will be disposed of in a proper manner. • Straw wattles will be inspected immediately after each rainfall and at least daily. Any required repairs will be made immediately. 4. Surface water controls, such as interceptor berms, will be constructed, if necessary. 5. Site preparation, excavations, and fill placement will be completed during drier weather to the extent practical. Precipitation and runoff patterns will be monitored during construction. If inclement weather occurs, stockpiles of excavated materials, if present, will be covered with plastic or another protective covering. 6. Groundwater pumped from the excavation, if any, will be collected in a vacuum truck and disposed offsite with the soil. 7. Backfilled soil will be compacted. Compaction will be completed to result in a density consistent with permit specifications. BMPS FOR PREVENTING AND CONTAINING PETROLEUM SPILLS To prevent petroleum products or other material from contaminating soils and water bodies during vehicle and equipment maintenance, the following Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be implemented: 1. Construction equipment and vehicles will be properly maintained to prevent leaking of petroleum products. 2. Specific staging areas for equipment and vehicle maintenance will be established away from wetlands, water bodies and drainage pathways. 3. Drip pans and tarps or other containment systems will be used when changing oil and other vehicle and equipment liquids. 4. Any contaminated soils or material will be disposed of offsite in proper receptacles and transported to an approved disposal facility. 5. Spill cleanup materials will be stored on site, and employees are trained in spill control procedures.