HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdden 3Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 1 of 10 Addendum No. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Federal Aid Number: STP(UL)-1201(023) Date of Issue: February 5, 2019 Bid Due Date: February 12, 2019 (CHANGED FROM DATE IN CALL FOR BIDS) Date of Bid Opening: February 13, 2019 (CHANGED FROM DATE IN CALL FOR BIDS) ATTENTION: ALL BIDDERS AND PLAN HOLDERS: The Bid Documents for the above-named project are modified as described below. Bidders shall take this Addendum into consideration when preparing and submitting their bids. Bidders shall attach this addendum to their copy of the Contract Documents, and shall acknowledge receipt of this Addendum on the Proposal Signature Page. A Proposal may be considered irregular and may be rejected if the receipt of Addenda are not acknowledged. A Proposal will be considered irregular and will be rejected if the Schedule of Prices included in this Addendum is not completed and submitted with the Proposal. THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS ARE MODIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. PROPOSAL – SCHEDULE OF PRICES REPLACE the Schedule of Prices in the Proposal (5 pages) with the revised Schedule of Prices (5 pages) attached to this Addendum. The Schedule of Prices was revised to reflect the following: • Item No. 108 “FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY” quantity was revised. • Item No 201 “WIRELESS INTERCONNECT” bid item was added. • Sales Tax was added to Schedule B 2. SPECIAL PROVISIONS The following special provision sections are revised for this contract as follows: • Section 1-10.3(3)M Uniformed Police Officer, located on page SP 1-86, line 6 is ADDED as follows: Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 2 of 10 “1-10.3(3)M Uniformed Police Officer (******) Section 1-10.3(3)M is a new section: The Contractor shall arrange for uniformed police officers that are off duty to be present for the following: 1. For all activities within 150 feet of signalized intersections where the operation of the signal will be adversely affected. 2. Countermanding a traffic signal indication at a signalized intersection. 3. Directing vehicle and pedestrian traffic when a traffic signal indication is turned off or inoperative. 4. For all other conditions where the Engineer deems it necessary for safety, including Work during hours of darkness. The Contractor shall identify the use of uniformed police officers on the Traffic Control Plan(s). The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Engineer prior to use of uniformed police officers. The Contractor may contact the City of Renton Police Department to inquire about uniformed police officers that may be interested in performing off duty work or contract with a business, licensed in the State of Washington, that provides Security Guards and Patrol Services.” • Section 6-07.2 Materials, located on page SP 6-2, between line 5 and 6 DELETE the table “Paint Color/Paint System Table” and all paragraphs “Galvanizing, Decorative Signal Poles, Decorative Luminaires” below and REPLACE with the following: Paint Color/Paint System Table Specification Section Item Paint Color Paint System 9-29.6(1)A Decorative Signal Poles Type II and III and associated sub- assemblies and terminal cabinets RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.6(1)B Decorative Luminaire Poles and Bases RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.6(1)C Decorative Signal Poles Type PPB and associated sub- assemblies RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.10(2) Decorative Luminaires RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below 9-29.18(3) Video Detection System RAL 9005TX “Jet Black” Refer to specification below Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 3 of 10 Decorative Signal and Luminaire Poles and Sub-Assemblies Paint Specifications Steel poles and sub-assemblies shall be factory galvanized, primed and painted with polyester. Powder coating per Section 6-07 and Section 9-08 of the Standard Specifications. The Contractor is to purchase a one gallon sample from the pole manufacturer for use as a color match for the Engineer’s approval prior to factory finish coating. Decorative Luminaires, Terminal Cabinets, and Video Detection Systems Paint Specifications All decorative luminaire housings, signal pole terminal cabinets shall be factory primed and painted with polyester powder coating to meet ASTM-B-117/D-2247 requirements to salt spray and humidity resistance. The video detection system mounting hardware shall be painted by manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor shall provide a sample to the Engineer for approval prior to factory finish coating. Contractor shall provide one gallon of touch-up paint to the City. Galvanizing All fabricated steel components and materials to be galvanized per ASTM 123. All steel hardware components and materials to be galvanized per ASTM 153. Aluminum materials surface shall be prepared per ASTM D1730 – 09 and factory powder coated per Section 9-08.2 of the Standard Specifications. • Section 7-05.3(1) Adjusting Manholes and Catch Basins to Grade, the seventh paragraph of this Section on page SP 7-6, lines 16 through 39 is DELETED and REPLACED with the following: In asphalt concrete pavement: manholes shall not be adjusted until the pavement is completed, at which time the center of each manhole shall be carefully located from references previously established by the Contractor. The pavement shall be cut in a restricted area and base material shall be removed to permit removal of the cover per Standard Plan – 106 except note 1 shall be replaced with “REMOVE PAVEMENT AND BASE MATERIALS FOR A DISTANCE WHICH IS EQUAL TO THE DIAMETER OF THE FRAME PLUS ONE FOOT. ADJUST CASTING FRAME TO PAVEMENT SURFACE USING RISER RINGS AND MORTAR.” The manhole shall then be brought to proper grade utilizing the same methods of construction as for the manhole itself. The cast iron frame shall be placed on a full course of mortar and adjusted to finish grade. The excavated material Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 4 of 10 shall be replaced and completed per the City of Renton Standard Plan 106 in the Plans. The complete patch shall match the existing paved surface for texture, density and uniformity of grade. The joint between the patch and the existing pavement shall then be carefully painted with hot asphalt cement or asphalt emulsion and shall be immediately covered with dry paving sand before the asphalt cement solidifies per Standard Plan 106. All joints between the cone, adjustment rings, and frame shall be fully mortared and struck clean with a trowel. The use of shims, wedges, or blocks is prohibited. • Section 8-20.4 Measurement, on page SP 8-32, lines 25 through 29 are DELETED and REPLACED with the following: When shown as lump sum in the Plans or in the proposal as “Wireless Interconnect” no specific unit of measure will apply, but measurement shall be for the sum total of all items for a complete system to be furnished and installed per lump sum. • Section 8-20.5 Payment, on page SP 8-32, lines 38 through 42 are DELETED and REPLACED with the following: “Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Signal System, Complete”, per lump sum. “Wireless Interconnect”, per lump sum. • Section 8-20.5 Payment, on page SP 8-32, lines 44 and 45 REPLACE the phrase “Installation of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Signal System, Complete” with the following: “Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Signal System, Complete” • Section 8-20.5 Payment, on page SP 8-33, lines 27 through 31 are DELETED and REPLACED with the following: “Wireless Interconnect” lump sum shall be full pay for the construction of a partial wireless interconnect system at the Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (HAWK) Signal System location at the intersection of Renton Avenue South and S 132nd Street as specified in Section 9-29.22 to include furnishing, installing, and testing all equipment for a partial wireless interconnect system. • Section 9-29.2(1)A Standard Duty Junction Boxes, on page SP 9-3, after line 11 ADD the following: Junction boxes shall be marked for use in accordance with the following schedule: Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 5 of 10 System Type: Legend Illumination: LT Traffic Signal: TS Interconnect Only: COMM • Section 9-29.3(2)J Cable for Vehicle Video Detection Cameras, on page SP 9-5, DELETE lines 33 through 41 in its entirety. • Section 9-29.6(1)C Signal Poles Type PPB, on page SP 9-7, ADD the following: 9-29.6(1)C Signal Poles Type PPB Section 9-29.6(1)C is added as follows: Type PPB signal poles shall be as noted on the approved Plans. Pole and its subassemblies color shall be per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. • Section 9-29.13 Traffic Signal Controllers, on page SP 9-9, DELETE this Section in its entirety and REPLACE with the attached (24 pages) Section 9-29.13 Control Cabinet Assemblies. • Section 9-29.16(2) Conventional Traffic Signal Heads, on page SP 9-41, REVISE the first paragraph as shown below (added text is italicized): Vehicular signal heads shall have McCain 12-inch lens sizes or approved equivalent unless shown otherwise on the signal Plans. • Section 9-29.16(2) Conventional Traffic Signal Heads, on page SP 9-41, DELETE the second paragraph in its entirety. • Section 9-29.18 Vehicle Detector, on page SP 9-45, ADD the following new section: 9-29.18 VEHICLE DETECTOR 9-29.18(3) Video Detection System This Section is a new section: (*****) The video detection camera mounting hardware shall be painted per Section 6-07 of these Special Provisions. The fully functional video Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 6 of 10 detection systems shall be provided and installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit complete equipment list to the City Engineer for approval prior to the system’s purchase. The video detection system shall be capable of providing presence vehicle detection and shall be expandable without removing or replacing existing units. All materials furnished during construction for temporary and permanent detection shall be new, unused, current production models and shall be items currently in distribution. The video detection system shall have a minimum 18-month warranty (from the time of permanent installation) against manufacturing defects in materials and workmanship from the date of shipment. The Contractor shall supply the warranty and all documentation necessary to maintain and operate the system to the COR Transportation Operations Maintenance Representative prior to approval of the video detection system by the Transportation Operations Maintenance Manager. The Video Detection System shall consist of ITERIS video detection equipment, auxiliary equipment, cameras, housings, and mounts, and all required mounting hardware, cables, connectors, and wiring. The video detection equipment shall be of the quantities shown in the Plans, and shall meet the following specifications (The contractor shall submit to the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop Representative a detailed summary of video detection equipment prior to placing an order): Camera: Vantage Vector color camera with video and radar sensor fusion and with integrated weatherproof housing or approved equivalent. Mounting: The camera shall be mounted on a mast arm per manufacturer’s recommendations. The Contractor shall have approval for the mounting location from the Transportation Operations Maintenance Manager prior to installation. Video Detection Board: Iteris Dual Camera Processor or approved equivalent that operable with the Vantage Vector Camera Monitoring: Include (1) shelf mounted 9" LCD color monitor and (1) computer optical USB mouse at each signal. Modem: Edge Connect Network Modem Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 7 of 10 Surge Suppression: Each camera assembly shall have a surge suppressor which shall be installed inside the traffic signal controller cabinet. The surge suppressor shall be an EDCO CX06-BNCY or approved equivalent meeting these specifications: Peak Surge Current 5Ka Technology Hybrid, Solid State Attenuation 0.1dB @ 10 Mhz Response Time <1 nanosecond Protection Line to Ground Clamp Voltage 6 V Connectors BNC Impedance 75 ohms Environmental -40°F to 185°F Mechanical 4½" x 1½" x 1¼" • Section 9-29.22 Wireless Interconnect, the seventh paragraph of this Section on page SP 9-47, ADD the following on line 42: 9-29.22 Wireless Interconnect (New Section) (******) This section is supplemented with the following: Contractor shall furnish, install and test a partial wireless interconnect system to include radio, antenna, antenna mount and connecting cable at: • Renton Ave S/S 132nd St (Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon) The Contractor shall demonstrate that the wireless interconnect components installed function properly (i.e., radio and antenna operation and connectivity). Wireless interconnect shall be Intuicom’s Integrated Nitro58n wireless interconnect system, including all equipment for a functioning wireless interconnect system, or approved equivalent. The wireless interconnect system shall be a broadband product capable of the following specifications. Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 8 of 10 General Specifications: • PoE Standard: IEEE 802.3af/at • Ethernet: 10/100/1000base-TX • Geolocation: Embedded GPS • Size: 13.2 inches X 13.2 inches x 3.5 inches • Weight 4.0 lbs • Antenna Included: Dual Polarized Panel • Environmental: -40 to +70 degrees C (IP67) Wireless Interface: • Wireless Protocols: IEEE 802.11a/n • Frequency Range: 5.150 – 5.825Ghz • Data Rate: 300Mbps/600Mbps (dual) • Receive Sensitivity: -97 to -74dBm • Channel Widths 20, 40MHz • Modulations: OFDM, BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM • MIMO: 2x2:2 • Topology: Point-to-Point, Point-to-Multipoint • Dynamic Frequency Selection: Automatic or User Configurable Security: • Capable of being secured with multiple types of encryption to prevent non-authorized access o 802.11i WPA-PSK o 802.11i WPA2-PSK o 802.11i WPA-EAP o 802.11i WPA2-WAP o 802.11i TKIP o 802.11i AES-CCM o 802.11i 802.1X o 802.11i –RSN o Radius authentication o Mac Access Control List o 128/256 Encryption The connecting cable between the radio unit in the signal controller cabinet and the antenna shall be a shielded Category 5 cable provided by the manufacturer. Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ADDENDUM NO. 3 TED4003844 February 5, 2019 Page 9 of 10 The antenna mounting bracket shall be per manufacturer’s recommendation. It shall be fully articulating and capable of mounting to a signal mast arm or shaft of a signal standard. • Section 9-30.4 Construction Requirements, located on page SP 9-57, lines 2 through 10 are DELETED and REPLACED with the following: Relocated signs shall be installed on new galvanized steel posts per the detail shown in the Plans or attached to light poles where noted on the Plans. 3. PLANS (VOLUME 2 OF 2) • ADD Site Preparation & TESC Construction Note 12 to the Plan view 8/TE-5 at Sta 35+80, 35’ LT and at Sta 36+70, 34’ LT. • ADD the following to the detail title for Modified Standard Plan 103 on sheet 23/RD-9: “AND PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL” • ADD Construction Note 10 to sheet 44/TS1 as follows: “INSTALL WIRELESS INTERCONNECT EQUIPMENT PER MANUFACTURER’S RECOMMENDATIONS. RADIO UNIT SHALL BE INSTALLED IN CONTROLLER CABINET. ANTENNA WITH MOUNTING SHALL BE INSTALLED ON SIGNAL MAST ARM OF SIGNAL STANDARD #1 ONE FOOT AWAY FROM SIGNAL STANDARD SHAFT. CABLE SHALL BE INSTALLED FROM RADIO TO ANTENNA THROUGH CONDUIT RUNS 2 AND 6 IN WIRING SCHEDULE.” • ADD Construction Note 10 label to NW Corner Detail on 45/TS2 at signal standard #1 adjacent to Construction Note 1. • ADD Construction Note 10 label to NW Corner Detail on 45/TS2 at controller cabinet adjacent to Construction Note 5. 4. FUTURE ADDENDA • A future addendum is planned that will update Appendix A – Wage Rates. ALL OTHER REQUIREMENTS OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS REMAIN IN EFFECT. CITYOFRENTONRentonAvenueSouthResurfacingTED4003844ADDENDUMNO.3February5,2019P.E.TransportationDesignManagerPage10of10 Addendum No. 3 1 9-29.13 CONTROL CABINET ASSEMBLIES 9-29.13(1) Environmental, Performance and Test Standards for Solid State Traffic Controller (******) This Section is supplemented by adding the following: s The traffic signal controller assemblies, including the traffic signal controller, auxiliary control equipment and cabinet shall be shop tested to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Testing and check-out of all timing circuits, phasing and signal operation shall be at the City of Renton Signal Shop, Renton, Washington. The contractor shall give the city of Renton Signal Shop at least one week notice in advanced for lead time to delivery. The contractor shall deliver the controller and cabinet to the shop and shall pick up the units at the end of the test period, deliver to the job site, and install. Allow for three weeks for testing. The Signal Shop will make space available to the Contractor for the required test demonstrations. The Contractor shall assemble the cabinet and related signal control equipment ready for testing. A complete demonstration by the Contractor of all integrated components satisfactorily functioning shall start the test period. Any malfunction shall stop the test period until all parts are satisfactorily operating. The test shall be extended until a minimum of 72 hours continuous satisfactory performance of the entire integrated system has been demonstrated. The demonstration by the Contractor to the Engineer of all components functioning properly shall not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility relative to the proper functioning of all aforestated control gear when field installed. 9-29.13(2) Traffic Signal Controller Assembly Testing (******) This Section is supplemented with the following: The Contractor shall give fourteen (14) calendar days written notice to the Engineer prior to delivering the signal control equipment to the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop. The equipment shall be delivered far enough in advance of actual need to allow for testing by the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop. This may involve retesting because of failures or rejections. The COR Transportation Maintenance Shop may require thirty-five (35) calendar days for testing the signal control equipment. This time will increase if the equipment does not meet the contract requirements or is incomplete. If more than thirty-five (35) calendar days are required for any individual testing or retesting by the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop, an extension of time will be considered in accordance with Section 1-08.8. Addendum No. 3 2 Tests in environment chamber will only be run as needed for type changes. Upon successful completion of testing by the COR Transportation Maintenance Department, the signal controller equipment shall be available for pickup. A certificate verifying environmental testing, if required, shall be supplied in the cabinet to the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop for each respective control cabinet. The Contractor shall notify the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop in writing a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days before the Contractor is ready to pick up the signal controller cabinet. The Contractor shall not pick up the controller cabinet from COR Transportation Maintenance Shop until the electrical service is energized and all site preparation required to install the controller cabinet is complete. Documentation A complete documentation set shall be furnished with the control equipment prior to the start of testing. It shall include the following: • Serial numbers when applicable. • Written certification that equipment of the same make and model has been tested according to NEMA Environmental Standards and Test Procedures, and has met or exceeded these standards. The certificate shall include equipment model number and where, when, and by whom the tests were conducted. This certificate shall accompany each shipment of controllers. • The Contractor shall provide wiring diagrams, including a USB flash drive containing the diagrams for all controllers in AutoCAD Release 2018 or later and two blue-tone prints for each controller and cabinet supplied. The sheet size shall be 22 inches by 34 inches. • Wiring diagrams for all auxiliary equipment furnished. One set per cabinet. • Complete operations and maintenance manuals including complete and correct software listing and flow charts, five sets of operations and maintenance manuals per cabinet, and five sets of software listings and flow charts. • Complete operations and maintenance manuals for all auxiliary equipment. One set per cabinet. • The operational and maintenance manuals for each traffic signal controller supplied including as a minimum, but not to be limited to the following: Detailed instructions for maintaining all hardware components, controller, and auxiliary equipment; a complete parts list detailing all manufacturer’s identification codes; detailed wiring Addendum No. 3 3 diagrams and schematics indicating voltage levels and pictorial description, part name, and location for all hardware components, controller, and auxiliary equipment. The supplier has 5 working days to repair or replace any components that fail during the testing process at no cost to the Contracting Agency. All failed or rejected equipment shall be removed from the COR Transportation Maintenance Shop within seven (7) calendar days following notification; otherwise, the failed or rejected equipment will be returned, freight collect, to the Contractor. 9-29.13(3) Traffic Signal Controller (******) This Section is revised with the following: The NEMA controller shall be a Siemens Eagle Model EPAC300-M62 with a USB Data module with a hand-held Display Unit. Two Input/Output configurations shall be provided: a. NEMA TS-2 Type 1 for serial connection to cabinet Bus Interface Unit. b. NEMA TS -2 Type 2 for direct parallel connection to load switches and detectors. In addition to NEMA requirements, the controller shall provide the following: a. Built-in 10 Base-T Ethernet with RJ-45 connector on controller front panel. b. Built-in Internet Protocol (IP) address assigned by Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), one unique IP address for each controller. c. Built-in Infrared (IR) wireless port compatible with Microsoft Windows for Pocket PC Infrared RAW mode. d. Built-in 1200 bps Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) modem. Modem is optional per Agency specification. Choice of 2 or 4 wire operation per Agency specification. e. Built-in EIA-232 port for uploading and downloading applications software, as well as to update the operating system. Addendum No. 3 4 f. Built-in C60 connector for use with removable Keyboard and Display, Personal Computer COM1 or Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). C60 protocol per Joint NEMA/AASHTO/ITE ATC standard. 9-29.13(4) Traffic Signal Controller Software (******) This Section is supplemented as follows: The controller shall have Siemens SE-PAC HAWK IO Firmware 3.34G and shall also be completely operable with TACTICS central system. 9-29.13(5) Flashing Operations The following items in this Section are revised as follows: (******) 2. Police Panel Switch. When the flash-automatic switch located behind the police panel door is turned to the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash and remove power from the controller. When the switch is placed on automatic, power shall be applied to the controller to initiate start-up sequence. 3. Cabinet Switches. When the flash-automatic switch located inside the controller cabinet is placed in the flash position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash; however, the controller shall continue to function. When the flash-automatic switch is placed in the automatic position, the controller shall immediately resume normal cyclic operation. Adjacent to the flash-automatic switch shall be a controller on-off switch. If the flash-automatic switch is in the automatic position and the controller on-off switch is placed in the OFF position, the signals shall immediately revert to flash. 5. Conflict Monitor. Upon sensing conflicting signals or unsatisfactory operation voltages, the conflict monitor shall immediately cause the signal to revert to flash; however, the controller shall stop time at the point of conflict. After the conflict monitor has been reset, the controller shall immediately take command of the signal displays. The following is a supplement: 6. Flash unit shall be a two-circuit type, capable of switching loads up to 1,000 watts per circuit alternately at a rate of 60 flashes per minute per circuit, plus or minus two flashes per minute. Addendum No. 3 5 9-29.13(6) Emergency Pre-emption This Section is replaced with: (******) Immediately after a valid call has been received, the preemption controls shall cause the signals to display the required clearance intervals and subsequent preemption intervals. Preemption shall sequence as noted in the contract. Preemption equipment shall be installed so that internal wiring of the controller, as normally furnished by the manufacturer, is not altered. Termination of the pre-emption sequence shall NOT place a call on all vehicle and pedestrian phases. Pre-emption indicators, if required, shall turn on when the controller reaches the pre-empted phase. Emergency vehicle pre-emption shall be furnished as modules that plug directly into a rack wired to accept GTT Opticom discriminator type units. The pre-emption system operation shall be compatible with the 764 GTT company “Opticom” system which the City of Renton is currently using and shall be capable of being activated by the same transmitters and GPS opticom antenna. The optical signal discriminator system shall enable an authorized vehicle to remotely control traffic control signals from a distance of up to 1800 feet (0.54 kilometers) along an unobstructed "line of sight" path or within range of the antenna if the vehicle is equipped with a GPS receiver. The system shall cause the traffic signals controller to move into an appropriate fire pre-emption program. This optical discriminator shall interface to the 562 software, for field programmability. It shall consist of the following components: 1. Optical energy detectors which shall be mounted on the traffic signal mast arms and shall receive the optical energy emitter's signal. There shall also be a GPS antenna on the signal pole located closest to the traffic signal controller cabinet and shall receive a GPS signal. 2. Discriminators which shall cause the signal controller to go into internal pre-emption which will give the authorized vehicle the right of way in the manner shown on the phase sequence diagram. 3. Pre-emption Indicator Lights. Optical Detector 1. Shall be of solid state construction. Addendum No. 3 6 2. Fittings shall meet the specifications of the system manufacturer to facilitate ease of installation. 3. Shall operate over an ambient temperature range of -40°F to +180°F (- 40°C to +85°C). 4. Shall have internal circuitry encapsulated in a semi-flexible compound and shall be impervious to moisture. 5. Shall respond to the optical energy impulses generated by a pulsed Xenon source with a pulse energy density of 0.8 micro joule per square meter at the detector, a rise time less than one microsecond and half power point pulse width on not less than thirty microseconds. Discriminator When a pre-emption detector detects an emergency vehicle, the phase selector shall hold the controller in the required phase or advance directly to that phase after observing all vehicle clearances. The phase selector shall hold the controller in the phase selected until the detector no longer detects the emergency vehicle. When the phase selector is responding to one detector, it shall not respond to any other detector until calls from the first detector are satisfied. Indicator lights shall indicate power on, signal being received, channel called. Switches shall control system power and simulate detector calls for each phase. Phase selectors shall be able to validate both IR detectors and GPS enabled receivers. 9-29.13(7) Wiring Diagrams This Section is modified and supplemented by retaining the first three sentences and replacing the remainder with: (******) The controller cabinet shall have a waterproof envelope with a side access attached to the inside of the cabinet door. There shall be four complete sets of controller cabinet schematics as well as manuals for all assemblies and sub- assemblies. The controller cabinet schematics shall include the intersection name, and an intersection diagram that shall include intersection phasing and loop assignments. There shall be a USB flash drive containing the controller cabinet schematics in AutoCAD Release 2018 or later digital file format. Addendum No. 3 7 9-29.13(9) Radio Interference Suppressors This Section is supplemented by adding the following: (******) A Cornell-Dubiler radio interference filter NF 10801-1 30 amps or approved equivalent shall be used to filter the A.C. power. Additionally, all power supplies shall have noise immunity from other devices within the cabinet. 9-29.13(10) NEMA, Type 170E, 2070 Controllers And Cabinets The following auxiliary equipment shall be furnished and installed in each cabinet for NEMA traffic-actuated controllers: Flasher The cabinet shall come with one (1) flasher. The flasher shall be discrete type and have LED indications. The flasher shall be PDC model SSF-87 or approved equivalent. Flasher Transfer Relay The cabinet shall come with eight (8) heavy duty flash transfer relays. The relays shall be Detrol Controls model 295 or approved equivalent. Load Switches The cabinet shall come with sixteen (16) load switches. All load switches shall be discreet type and have LED indications for both the input and output side of the load. The load switches shall be PDC model SSS-87I/O or approved equivalent. Bus Interface Unit (BIU700) The cabinet shall come with four (4) bus interface units (BIU) 1/2 width. These shall meet all the requirements of NEMA TS -2 1988 standards. In addition, all BIUs shall provide separate front panel indicator LEDs for DC power status and SDLC Port 1 transmit and receive status. The BIUs shall be Eberle Design, Inc. model BIU700H or approved equivalent. Power Supply (PS) The cabinet shall come with a shelf-mounted cabinet power supply meeting at minimum TS 2-2003 standards. It shall be a heavy duty device that provides +12VDC at 5 Amps / +24VDC at 2 Amps / 12VAC at .25 Amp, and line Addendum No. 3 8 frequency reference at 50 mA. The power supply shall provide a separate front panel indicator LED for each of the four outputs. Front panel banana jack test points for 24VDC and logic ground shall also be provided. The power supply shall provide 5A of power and be able to cover the load of four (4) complete detector racks. The PS shall be Eberle Design, Inc. model PS250 or approved equivalent. BBS System The cabinet shall come with a complete uninterruptable power system (BBS) which shall include at a minimum a UPS module with SNMP, ATS assembly, batteries, battery heater mats, battery cables, and a battery management system. All other ancillary equipment for a complete functioning UPS system shall be included. The key BBS system components include: UPS Module The cabinet shall come with one FXM 1100W uninterruptible power supply that supplies clean reliable power control and management. It shall have Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR), an Ethernet SNMP interface, and a control and power connection panel that is rotatable for viewing in any vertical or horizontal orientation. It shall have nominal dimensions of 5.22 inches by 15.5 inches by 8.75 inches and come with mounting brackets. The UPS module shall be an Alpha model 017-201- 23 or equivalent. UATS/UGTS Assembly The cabinet shall come with one universal automatic transfer switch and universal generator transfer switch connected between the UPS module and the batteries. It shall have surge protection, have dimensions of 3.25 inches by 15.5 inches by 6.00 inches, and come with mounting brackets. The ATS module shall be an Alpha model 020- 168-25 or equivalent. UPS Batteries The cabinet shall come with eight high performance extreme temperature Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) technology AlphaCell™ XTV Glass Mat Cell batteries with 56Ah runtime. The BBS batteries shall be Alpha model 100XTV or equivalent. Addendum No. 3 9 UPS Battery Harness The cabinet shall come with a battery “Y” cable, two (2) battery cables 10 feet long wired for four (4) batteries each. The battery harness shall be Alpha model 740-628-27 or equivalent. Battery Management System The cabinet shall come with an AlphaGuard™ battery charge management system which extends battery operational life. It shall be an Alpha model 012-306-21 or approved equivalent. Malfunction Management Unit (MMU) The cabinet shall come with a MMU that meets all the requirements of NEMA TS2-2003 while remaining downward compatible with NEMA TS1. It shall have two high contrast LCD displays and an internal diagnostic wizard. It shall come with a 10/100 ethernet port. It shall come with software to run flashing yellow arrow operation. The MMU shall be an Eberle Design, Inc. model MMU2- 16LEip or approved equivalent. Ethernet Switch The cabinet shall come with a 10-port Ethernet switch. Eight ports of 10/100TX and two ports of 1,000-base single-mode fiber with LC ports with 10km distance. The Ethernet switch shall support all of the following minimum requirements: rapid spanning tree protocol (IEEE 802.1w), quality of service (IEEE802.1p), virtual local area networks (VLAN) tagging (IEEE 802.1q), IGMP snooping, port mirroring, broadcast storm filtering, and simple network management protocol (SNMP). The Ethernet switch shall be a RuggedCom model RS940G-HI-D-2SFP-XX or approved equivalent. The following cables and cords shall be supplied with the Ethernet switch: • Two single mode patch cords (LC to LC); two meters • One 16-gauge, 3-conductor power adapter • Four Cat6 patch cables; five meters Opticom The cabinet shall come with one 4-channel, rack-mounted Opticom™ phase selector. This device shall be capable of receiving encoded signals from Opticom series 700 emitters and detectors. The Opticom™ phase selectors shall be Global Traffic Technologies model 764 or approved equivalent. One Opticom™ 768 auxiliary interface panel or approved equivalent shall be supplied for each Opticom™ phase selector supplied. Addendum No. 3 10 Cabinet Quality The cabinet shall be compliant to both mechanical and function specification prior to being shipped to owner. 1. Cabinet and hardware will comply with project specification. 2. Function compliance will be tested with power applied. 3. All cabinet and loadbay functions will pass point-to-point tests including expansion requirements. 4. All field detector inputs must be checked from field connection point to controller. Cabinet issues and clarifications need to be documented and addressed prior to delivery. This agency will NOT provide QA or testing service for the delivered cabinet. Testing done by this agency is not in lieu of manufacturer test requirements. 9-29.13(10)C NEMA Controller Cabinets The standard traffic signal controller cabinet shall be a TS2 – Type 1 Stretch M36+ (SM36+). The traffic signal cabinet(s) built to NEMA TS2 – Type 1 M standards with modifications as required to include separate compartment with BBS and shall be supplied in compliance with Section 9-29.13, Traffic Signal Cabinet of the Standard Specification and modified as stated herein. All new traffic signals located within a signal interconnect system shall be connected to said system. The following are minimum requirements for all cabinets: 1. The cabinet shall have nominal dimensions of 60 inches high by 36 inches wide by 17 inches deep and meet the footprint dimensions as specified in Section 7.3, Table 7-1 of NEMA TS2 standards for a Type M36 cabinet. The cabinet base shall have continuously welded interior mounting reinforcement plates with the same anchor bolt hole pattern as the footprint dimensions. 2. The cabinet shall be fabricated from 5052-H32 0.125-inch-thick aluminum. 3. The cabinet shall be double-flanged where it meets the cabinet door. Addendum No. 3 11 4. The top of the cabinet shall be sloped 1 inch towards the rear to facilitate water runoff. And shall bend at a 90-degree angle at the front of the cabinet. Lesser slope angles are not allowed. 5. The inside of the cabinet shall have two separate compartments. The main compartment shall be accessible from the front door and shall house the cabinet load facilities and electronics. The BBS compartment shall be accessible from the side door and shall contain the UPS system batteries. The UPS system inverter and ATS assembly shall be mounted in the BBS compartment but shall be accessible when the front door is open. 6. The inside of the cabinet shall utilize C channel rails. Two welded on the back wall on 19-inch center and two welded on each side wall on 08-inch center. The C channel rails on the back wall shall be 52 inches in length and start 5 inches from the bottom of the cabinet interior. The C channel rails on the side walls shall be 52 inches in length and start 5 inches from the bottom of the cabinet interior. Adjustable rails are not allowed. 7. The Cabinet shall be supplied with the following finishes: the interior natural mill finish and the exterior natural mill finish. 8. All external fasteners shall be stainless steel. Pop rivets shall not be allowed on any external surface. 9. The front door handle shall be 3/4-inch-round stock stainless steel bar. The side door shall use a recessed hexagonal socket in lieu of a door handle. All door handle mechanisms shall be interchangeable and field replaceable. 10. The front door shall contain two flush-mounted locking recessed compartments. The upper compartment that houses a police door and a lower compartment that houses a generator bypass receptacle. A stiffener plate shall be welded to the inside of the front door to prevent flexing. It shall have a two-position, three-point door stop that accommodates open-angles at 90 degrees, 125 degrees, and 150 degrees. A louvered air entrance located at the bottom of the main door shall satisfy NEMA rod entry test requirements for 3R ventilated enclosures. Bearing rollers shall be applied to ends of door latches to discourage metal-on-metal surfaces from rubbing. The main front door lock assembly shall be positioned so the door handle does not cause interference with the key when opening the door. Addendum No. 3 12 11 . The police door compartment shall come with a conventional police lock. 12. The generator bypass receptacle compartment shall be equipped with a universal lock bracket capable of accepting a Best™ style lock and a Corbin #2 tumbler series lock. The lock shall be a tapered lock using a Best™ style lock or Corbin #2 series core. The door shall have an integrated door slide mechanism that allows the door to be closed and locked after a generator has been connected to the internal receptacle. This compartment is used by maintenance personnel for emergency generator operation in the absence of service power or BBS control. 13. The side door shall be one-piece construction without any recessed compartments. It shall have a three-position, two-point door stop that accommodates open-angles at roughly 80 degrees, 100 degrees, and 120 degrees. A louvered air entrance located at the bottom of the side door shall satisfy NEMA rod entry test requirements for 3R ventilated enclosures. Bearing rollers shall be applied to ends of door latches to discourage metal-on-metal surfaces from rubbing. Lock assembly shall be positioned so handle does not cause interference with key when opening the door. 14. Closed-cell, neoprene gaskets shall be bonded to the inside of the cabinet doors. The gaskets shall cover all areas where the doors contact the double-flanged cabinet housing exterior and be thick enough to provide a watertight seal. 15. A complete set of keys shall be supplied providing access to the cabinet front door, cabinet side door, the police door, and the generator receptacle door. 16. The cabinet shall be equipped with universal lock brackets capable of accepting a Best™ style lock and a Corbin #2 tumbler series lock. The cabinet shall come equipped with a Best™ style locks and green cores. 17. The cabinet shall be supplied with one door switch which controls the cabinet interior lighting circuits. 18. All exterior seams shall be manufactured with a neatly formed continuously welded construction. The weld for the police and generator bypass box door shall be done on the inside of the cabinet door. All welds shall be free from burrs, cracks, blowholes, or other irregularities. Addendum No. 3 13 19. The fan baffle panel seams shall be sealed with RTV sealant or equivalent material on the interior of the cabinet. 20. The cabinet shall be UL listed. 21. The cabinet shall come with lifting ears affixed to the upper exterior of the cabinet. These ears shall utilize only one bolt for easy reorientation. (The cabinet lifting ears shall not be used when the batteries are installed.) 22. The cabinet shall come with one dual-ply Dustlock™ Media polyester, disposable air filter; and the filter performance shall conform to listed UL 900 Class 2 and conform to MERV-8 & ASHRAE Standard 52.2-1999. The filter element shall be secured to louvered entrance on the main door with a metal filter cover. The filter and metal cover shall be secured to the entrance on the main door by two (2) horizontally-mounted restraints. 23. All cabinet doors shall be mounted with a single continuous stainless steel piano hinge that runs the length of the door. The hinge shall be attached via stainless steel tamper resistant bolts. 24. All steel incorporated in the cabinet shell shall be manufactured in the United States of America, and shall meet the requirements of Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. 25. The cabinet enclosure shall be a SM36+ style Western Systems Part # 3025505000 or approved equivalent. Labels A permanent printed thermo vinyl, engraved, or silk screened label shall be provided for all terminals and sockets. Labels shall be legible and shall not be obstructed by cabinet wiring, panels, or cables. All labels shall conform to the designations on the cabinet wiring prints. Shelves Shelves shall come with two double-beveled shelves 10 inches deep that are reinforced welded with V channel, fabricated from 5052-H32 0.125-inch-thick aluminum with double flanged edges rolled front to back. Slotted hole shall be inserted every 7 inches for the purpose of tying off wire bundles. The BBS compartment shall come with four shelves designed to hold batteries and capable of supporting 75 lbs each. Addendum No. 3 14 Cabinet Layout The shelves shall be populated as follows: The controller and monitor shall be placed on the bottom shelf. The two detector racks and power supply shall be placed on the top shelf. The roll out drawer shall be mounted under the bottom shelf. Load bay shall be mounted on the back wall with 5 inches of clearance to the bottom of the cabinet. The detector panel for all field inputs shall be located on the lower left wall. The SDLC and power supply interface panels shall be located on the left wall between the shelves. The load resistor panel shall be mounted on the lower right wall. The power panel shall be located on the lower right wall above the load resistor panel. The 768 shall be mounted on the left “C” channel located on back wall. It shall be placed between the shelves. The cabinet wiring assembly for the SM+ shall be Western Systems Part # 2525012085 or approved equivalent. Ventilating Fans The cabinet shall be provided with two finger-safe fans mounted on the right and left sides of the cabinet plenum, and shall be thermostatically controlled (adjustable between 4 to 176 degrees Fahrenheit). The safe touch thermostat fuse holder and power terminal block(s) shall be rail-mounted on the right side of the cabinet plenum. Computer Shelf A slide-out computer shelf 16 inches in length by 12 inches in width by 2 inches in depth shall be installed below the middle shelf underneath the controller. The shelf shall be mounted just right of center so that controller cables will not interfere with the operation of the shelf when equipment is installed. The shelf shall have a hinged cover that opens from the front and shall be powder-coated black. It shall be a General Devices Part # VC4080-99-1168 or approved equivalent. The door when fully extended shall hold up to 50 lbs. Addendum No. 3 15 Main Panel Configuration (Load-Bay) The design of the panel shall conform to NEMA TS2 Section 5, Terminals and Facilities, unless modified herein. This panel shall be the termination point for the controller unit (CU) MSA, (MMU) MSA and B cables, bus interface units 1 and 2 (BIU), and field terminal facilities. The terminal and facilities layout shall be arranged in a manner that allows all equipment in the cabinet and all screw terminals to be readily accessible by maintenance personnel. The load-bay shall be fully wired and meet the following requirements: • The load-bay shall have the following dimensions; constructed from aluminum with a nominal thickness of 0.125 inch, a maximum height of 25.5 inches and maximum width of 23 inches. The field terminals width shall be 24 inches, including attached wiring bundles. • The entire assembly shall roll down and provide access to all of the back of the panel wiring. All solder terminals shall be accessible when the load-bay is rolled down. The assembly shall be able to roll down without requiring other components, cables, or switches to be removed. • The load-bay shall be designed so that all other cabinet screw terminals are accessible without removing cabinet electronics. • All the controller (CU) and malfunction management (MMU) cables shall be routed through the back of the load-bay so that they will not be subject to damage during load-bay roll down. • The top of the load-bay panel shall attach directly to “C” channel and detach without the use of tools or loose hardware for roll-down purpose. • The load-bay shall be balanced such that it will not roll down when the top of the load bay is detached from the “C” channel, even when fully loaded with BIU load switches, flashers, and flash transfer relays. • The load-bay facility shall be wired for 16 channels. Load switch(s) 1-8 shall be vehicle phases 1-8; load switch(s) 9-12 shall be pedestrian phases 2, 4, 6, and 8; load switches 13-16 shall be overlaps A, B, C, and D. Load switches 1-8 and 13-16 shall be routed through a flash transfer relay. • Sixteen load switch sockets in two rows of eight spaced on 2-inch center per NEMA TS2 section, figure 5-2. • Six flash transfer relay sockets. Addendum No. 3 16 • One flasher socket. • All load switches and flashers shall be supported by a bracket extending at least 1/2 the length of the load switch. • Two bus interface unit rack slots for BIUs 1 and 2. The main panel BIU racks shall be left of the load switches, placed vertically with BIU 1 on top and BIU 2 on bottom. • BIU wires connection to the PCB shall be two 34-pin connectors. These connectors shall have locking latches. • All BIU wiring shall be soldered to backside of a screw terminal. The screw terminals provide access to all functions of BIUs. • Wiring for one Type-16 MMU. All MMU wiring shall be soldered to backside of a screw terminal. The screw terminals provide access to all functions of the MMU. • All 24-VDC relays shall have the same base socket, but it shall be different from the 120-VAC relays. • All 120-VAC relays shall have the same base socket, but it shall be different from the 24-VDC relays (not applicable to flash transfer relays). • Shall have a relay that drops +24 VDC to load switches when the cabinet is in flash. • There shall be a wire between the pedestrian yellow field terminals and another terminal on the load bay. The MMU channel 9-12 yellows shall terminate next to said pedestrian yellows terminal. • The load-bay shall be silkscreened on both sides. Silkscreen shall be numbers and functions on the front side, and numbers only on the back side. • The field terminals shall be labeled with 300 series for load bay wiring proposes and with WSDOT 600 and 700 series for landing field wiring. Wiring chart: Red: 611, 621, 631, 641, 651, 661, 671, 681, 6A1, 6B1, 6C1, 6D1 Yellow: 612, 622, 632, 642, 652, 662, 672, 682, 6A2, 6B2, 6C2, 6D2 Addendum No. 3 17 Green: 613, 623, 633, 643, 653, 663, 673, 683, 6A3, 6B3, 6C3, 6D3 Don’t Walk: 711, 721, 731, 741, 751, 761, 771, 781 Ped Yellow: 712, 722, 732, 742, 752, 762, 772, 782 Walk: 713, 723, 733, 743, 753, 763, 773, 783 • Field wiring terminations shall be per channel across the bottom of the load-bay. Each channel shall have three terminations corresponding to the appropriate vehicle phase Red, Yellow, and Green. Default wiring shall be left to right Red, Yellow, Green, vehicle phases 1-8; pedestrian phases 2, 4, 6, and 8; and overlap channels A, B, C, and D following the order of the load switches. Field terminals shall be #10 screw terminal and be rated for 600V. • All cable wires shall be terminated. No tie-off of unused terminals will be allowed. • Shall be 100% manufactured in the United States of America. All wiring shall conform to NEMA TS2 Section 5.2.5 and table 5-1. Conductors shall conform to military specification MIL-W-16878D, Electrical insulated high heat wire, type B. Conductors #14 or larger shall be permitted to be UL type THHN. Main panel wiring shall conform to the following colors and minimum wire sizes: Vehicle green load switch output 14 gauge brown Vehicle yellow load switch output 14 gauge yellow Vehicle red load switch output 14 gauge red Pedestrian Don’t Walk switch 14 gauge orange Pedestrian Walk switch 14 gauge blue Pedestrian Clearance load switch 14 gauge yellow Vehicle green load switch input 22 gauge brown Vehicle yellow load switch input 22 gauge yellow Vehicle red load switch input 22 gauge red Pedestrian Don’t Walk input 22 gauge orange Pedestrian Walk input 22 gauge blue Pedestrian Clearance input 22 gauge yellow Logic Ground 18 gauge white with red tracer +24V DC 18 gauge red with white tracer +12V DC 18 gauge pink AC+ Line 14 gauge black AC- Line 14 gauge white Earth Ground 16 gauge green AC line (load bay) 12/14 gauge black AC neutral (load bay) 12/14 gauge white Controller A cables 22 gauge blue with the exception of power wires (AC+ Black, AC- White, and Earth Addendum No. 3 18 Ground Green). These wires shall be 18AWG. MMU A & B cables 22 gauge orange with the exception of power wires (AC+ Black, AC- White, and Earth Ground Green Start Delay Relay Common Black, Normally open Black, and Normally Closed Black) These wires shall be 18AWG. Four conductors will supply alternating current (AC) power to the load switch sockets. The load switch sockets shall be supplied 1-4, 5-8, 9-12, and 13-16 by each conductor. The vehicle and overlap field terminal blocks shall have a screw Type No. 10 post capable of accepting no less than three No. 12 AWG wires fitted with spade connectors. Three 12-position terminal blocks shall be provided in a single row across the bottom of the main panel. Spade lugs from internal cabinet wiring are not allowed on field terminal screws. There shall be a second row of three 12-position terminal blocks with screw type #10 above the field terminal blocks. These blocks shall operate the flash program. It shall be changeable from the front of the load bay. The power terminal blocks shall have a screw Type No. 10 post capable of accepting no less than three No. 12 AWG wires fitted with spade connectors. One 12-position terminal block shall be provided vertically on the right side of the load bay. The placement of the power terminal block on any other panel shall not be allowed. The pedestrian terminal blocks shall have a screw Type No. 10 post capable of accepting no less than three No. 12 AWG wires fitted with spade connectors. One 12- position terminal block shall be provided vertically on the right side of the load bay, below the power terminal block. The placement of the power terminal block on any other panel shall not be allowed. All load switches, flasher, and flash transfer relay sockets shall be marked and mounted with screws. Rivets and clip-mounting is unacceptable. Wire size 16 AWG or smaller at solder joints shall be hooked or looped around the eyelet or terminal block post prior to soldering to ensure circuit integrity. All wires shall have lugs or terminal fittings when not soldered. Lap joint/tack on soldering is not acceptable. All soldered connections shall be made with 60/40 solder and non- corrosive, non-conductive flux. All wiring shall be run neatly and shall use mechanical clamps, and conductors shall not be spliced between terminations. Cables shall be sleeved in braided nylon mesh, and wires shall not be exposed. Addendum No. 3 19 Load-Bay and Panel Wire Termination All wires terminated behind the main panel or on the back side of other panels shall be SOLDERED. No pressure or solder-less connectors shall be used. Printed circuit boards shall only be used on the load bay where connecting to the bus interface units (BIU). Cabinet Light Assembly The cabinet shall have an LED lighting fixture with 15 high power LEDs using a cool white color emitting 300Im min @ 12VDC/750mA. The LED shall be a Rodeo Electronics TS-LED-05M02. The LED fixture shall be powered by a Mean Well class 2 power supply LPV-20-12 that shall be mounted on the inside top of the cabinet near the front edge. The cabinet light circuit shall be designed so a second LED fixture can be installed in the cabinet without the need of a second power supply. It shall be attached under the cabinet drawer so that it remains stationary when the drawer is extended. An on/off switch that is turned on when the cabinet door is opened and off when it is closed shall activate the lighting fixture(s) power supply. Convenience Outlet The cabinet shall be wired with one convenience outlet with a ground fault interrupter (GFI) and one quad convenience outlet without ground fault interrupters. The ground fault outlet (GFI) shall be mounted on the right side of the cabinet on or near the power panel. The quad outlet shall be mounted on the right side between the UPS invertor and the bypass. No outlets shall be mounted on the door. The GFI power shall be fed through the auxiliary breaker (CB2). The quad outlet shall be fed through an EDCO SHP300-10 or approved equivalent transient voltage suppressor located on the cabinet power panel. Auxiliary Panel The cabinet shall include an auxiliary switch panel mounted to the interior side of the police panel compartment on the cabinet door. The panel shall be secured to the police panel compartment by two (2) screws and shall be hinged at the bottom to allow access to the soldered side of the switches with the use of only a Phillips screwdriver. Both sides of the panel shall be silkscreened. Silk-screening on the backside of the switch panel shall be upside down so that when the panel is opened for maintenance the silk-screening will be right side up. All of the switches shall be protected by a hinged see-through Plexiglas cover. At a minimum the following switches shall be included: Controller ON/OFF Switch: There shall be a switch that renders the controller and load-switching devices electrically dead while maintaining flashing operations for purpose of changing the controller or load-switching devices. Addendum No. 3 20 The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. Signals ON/OFF Switch: There shall be a switch that renders the field signal displays electrically dead while maintaining controller operation for purpose of monitoring controller operations. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. Stop Time Switch: There shall be a 3-position switch labeled “Normal” (up), “Off” (center), and “On” (down). With the switch in the “Normal” position, a stop timing command shall be applied to the controller by the police flash switch or the MMU (Malfunction Management Unit). When the switch is in its “Off” position, stop timing commands shall be removed from the controller. The “On” position shall cause the controller to stop time. The switch shall be a general- purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. There shall be a red LED indicator light that illuminates when stop time is applied. Technician Flash Switch: There shall be a switch that places the field signal displays in flashing operation while the controller continues to operate. This flash shall have no effect on the operation of the controller or MMU. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. Vehicle Test Switches: All eight vehicle phase inputs shall have a 2-position (on, on) test switch. Switches shall be labeled “On” (up) and “Test” (down). With the switches in the “On” position, normal operations of the vehicle detection occur. When in the “Test” position, a constant input shall be applied to the controller. The switches shall directly input a call to the related controller vehicle phase without routing the call through the detector rack(s) when activated. These switches shall be labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Pedestrian Test Switches: All eight pedestrian phase inputs shall have a 2- position (on, on) test switch. Switches shall be labeled “On” (up) and “Test” (down). With the switches in the “On” position, normal operations of the pedestrian detection occur. When in the “Test” position, a constant input shall be applied to the controller. The switches shall directly input a call to the related controller pedestrian phase. These switches shall be labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Police Panel Behind the police panel door there shall be switches for use by emergency personnel. The wiring for these switches shall be accessible when the auxiliary panel is open. The following switches shall be included: Addendum No. 3 21 Flash Switch: There shall be a switch for the police that puts the cabinet into flashing operations. The switch shall have two positions, “Auto” (up) and “Flash” (down). The “Auto” position shall allow normal signal operation. The “Flash” position shall immediately cause all signal displays to flash as programmed for emergency flash and apply stop time to the controller. When the police flash switch is returned to “Auto”, stop time shall be removed from the controller except when the MMU has commanded flash operation. The effect shall be to disable the police panel switch when the MMU has detected a malfunction and all controller and MMU indications shall be available to the technician regardless of the position of the police flash switch. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. Signals ON/OFF Switch: There shall be a switch that renders the field signal displays electrically dead while maintaining controller operation for purpose of monitoring controller operations. The switch shall be a general-purpose bat style toggle switch with .688-inch long bat. Cables All wire cable bundles shall be encased in flex or expandable braided sleeving along the entire free length. All SDLC cables shall be terminated on both ends; securely terminated to the SDLC interface panel with screw type connection; and professionally routed in the cabinet interior to easily reach the load bay, controller, malfunction management unit, and detector racks. All SDLC connectors shall be fully populated with 15 pins each. Flashing Operation All cabinets shall be wired to flash for all vehicle channels. Flashing operation shall alternate between the used vehicle phases 1, 4, 5, 8, OLA & OLD and 2, 3, 6, 7, OLB & OLC. Flash programming shall be either red, yellow, or no flash simply by changing wires on the front of the load-bay. Detector Racks At a minimum, the cabinet shall be wired to accommodate 32 channels of detection. One detector rack shall be standard size and support 16 channels of loop detection, one Buss Interface Unit (BIU), and four channels of Opticom™. These racks shall be capable of using both two-channel or -channel detection devices or Opticom™ cards. One detector rack shall be standard size and support 16 channels of loop detection and one Buss Interface Unit (BIU). This racks shall be capable of using both two- channel and four-channel detection devices. The loop cabling shall be connected via a 37-pin DB connector using spring clips. The Opticom cable shall be connected via a 24-pin connector using locking latches. The power cable shall be a 6-pin connector. Addendum No. 3 22 All power wires shall be 18 AWG. The addressing of detector racks shall be accomplished via dipswitches mounted to the PCB. There shall be the capability to turn off the TS2 status to the BIU for the uses of TS1 detector equipment via dipswitches mounted to the PCB. There shall be a 34-pin connector using locking latches that breaks the output from the detector to the input of the BIU; there shall also be +24VDC and logic ground on this connector. All racks shall have space at the bottom front for labeling. All racks shall be designed for horizontal stacking. Separate racks for detection and preemption are not allowed. 768 Panel There shall be an Opticom™ GTT 768 or approved equivalent.interface panel installed in the cabinet. At a minimum, it shall be soldered to the load switch green outputs and to the advanced vehicle preemption terminal block on the detector panel. This panel shall have a protective plastic cover. It shall be mounted between the shelves on the left side of the back wall. Detection Panel The detection panel shall support 32 channels of vehicle detection, 4 channels of emergency vehicle preemption detection, 8 channels or pedestrian detection, and 8 pedestrian returns on a single panel. The loop wires shall be a 22-AWG twisted pair, color coded as follows. Channel one brown, channel two red, channel three orange, and channel four yellow. One of the twisted pair wires of all colors shall have a white tracer and land on the second position terminal of each loop. The emergency preempt wires shall be color coded as follows: +24VDC orange, preempt inputs yellow, and ground blue. This panel will be mounted on the left side of the cabinet below the bottom shelf. The panel shall also include 19-position solid aluminum, tin-plated neutral, and ground buss bars with raised slotted and torque style screw heads. The buss bars shall be mounted vertically at the bottom of the panel. The Opticom and pedestrian terminal blocks shall be labeled as follows: Opticom + orange: 5A1, 5B1, 5C1, 5D1 Opticom Call yellow: 5A2, 5B2, 5B3, 5B4 Opticom – blue: 5A3, 5B3, 5C3, 5D3 Pedestrian Calls: 714, 724, 734, 744, 754, 764, 774, 784 Pedestrian Returns: 715, 725, 735, 745, 755, 765, 775, 785 Power Supply Interface Panel The power supply interface panel shall include terminations for all the cabinet power supply inputs and outputs. It shall have a protective plastic cover. This panel shall be mounted on the left wall of the cabinet. Addendum No. 3 23 Generator Bypass Compartment and Cable The cabinet front door shall have a locking generator bypass compartment that shall be used to connect a generator to operate the cabinet during extended loss of service line power. The generator compartment shall be capable of being closed and locked while a generator is connected. The mechanism for allowing generator cable access, while the compartment is closed, shall be an integral part of the generator bypass door, via a sliding panel that will normally be in the closed position. Inside the compartment, there shall be a silkscreened panel housing a Hubbell HBL2615 30A/125V flanged inlet receptacle capable of accepting a standard 30-amp generator plug, a BACO HC52DQG cam switch with split 120-VAC line, and neutral feeds .The switch shall be a break before make type. Two (2) LED lamps with sockets. One LED shall be illuminated when the cabinet has service line power available and the other when the cabinet has generator power available. All LEDs shall be field replaceable without putting the intersection in flash and shall carry a 5-year manufacturer warranty. All wiring to and from the generator bypass compartment shall be contained in a single cable bundle. The cable shall connect to the backside of the electrical components and shall only be accessible from the inside of the cabinet front door. All electrical components on the inside of the front door that carry AC voltage shall be covered by a see-through plexi-glass cover. The generator bypass cable shall terminate at the same power panel location as service line voltage. Service Surge Suppression The cabinet shall be equipped with an EDCO model SHP300-10 or approved equivalent surge arrestor mounted on the power panel. Power to all cabinet electronics equipment and power strip shall come through this surge suppression circuit. Power Panel The power panel shall handle all the power distribution and protection for the cabinet and shall be mounted in the bottom right side of the facility. All equipment shall be mounted on a 12-inch by 17-inch silkscreened aluminum panel and include, at a minimum, the following equipment: • A 40 -amp main breaker shall be supplied. This breaker shall supply power to the load bay, load switches, and auxiliary panel. The breaker shall also supply power via the EDCO SHP300-10 to the controller, MMU, power supply, detector racks, and quad outlet. • A 20 -amp auxiliary breaker shall supply power to the fan, light, and GFI. • A 50 -amp, 125 VAC radio interference line filter. Addendum No. 3 24 • A normally open, 50-amp, solid-state relay. The relay shall have a green LED light that is on when energized. (No Mercury Contactors shall be allowed.) • One see-through plexi-glass cover on stand-offs to protect maintenance personnel from AC line voltages. It shall cover the top and front of the power panel. With cover on access to the neutral and ground busses is possible. It shall also cover the utility power in terminal block. The protective cover shall have a slot to access the field side of said power block with a standard screwdriver. This shall be removable by loosening screws but without removing screws. • Two 19-position solid aluminum, tin-plated neutral buss bar with raised slotted and torque style screw heads. • One 19-position solid aluminum, tin-plated ground buss bar with raised slotted and torque style screw heads. • Two MOVs shall be terminated on the 120AC in field terminal. One tied between line and ground, the other between neutral and ground. Manuals and Documentation The cabinet shall be furnished with three complete sets of cabinet prints. All cabinet wiring, and layout shall come on one E1 size sheet, multiple pages shall not be allowed. Upon request a USB flash drive with AutoCAD Release 2018 or later cabinet drawing for the cabinet wiring. Cabinet mounting and installation The foundation for a cabinet shall be a concrete pedestal of the same size as the base of the cabinet with one foot of the foundation above the adjacent grade. The pedestal shall be poured in place and shall be 12 inches below grade and 12 inches above grade. A sidewalk shall be provided on all sides of a cabinet and poured in place with the cabinet foundation. Refer to Cabinet Foundation details on project Plans for concrete pedestals where multiple cabinets are to be installed on one pad. ADDENDUM NO. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Page 1 of 5R Schedule of Prices 2018 ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 1 Unexpected Site Changes (1‑04.4(1))CALC 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2 Record Drawings (Minimum Bid $500)(1‑05.18)LS 1 3 Roadway Surveying (1‑05.4)LS 1 4 Licensed Surveying (1‑05.4)FA 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 5 ADA Feature Surveying (1‑05.4)LS 1 6 SPCC Plan (1‑07.15(1))LS 1 7 Mobilization (1‑09.7)LS 1 8 Portable Changeable Message Sign (1‑10.5)HR 3,720 9 Project Temporary Traffic Control (1‑10.5)LS 1 10 Clearing and Grubbing (2‑01.5)AC 0.21 11 Removal of Structures and Obstructions (2‑02.5)LS 1 12 Roadway Excavation, Incl. Haul (2‑03.5)CY 310 13 Gravel Borrow, Incl. Haul (2‑03.5)TN 110 14 Unsuitable Foundation Excavation, Incl. Haul (2‑03.5)CY 10 15 Locate Existing Utilities (2‑09.5)LS 1 16 Controlled Density Fill (2‑09.5)CY 10 SCHEDULE OF PRICES Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID SCHEDULE A - ROADWAY RESURFACING NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ADDENDUM NO. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Page 2 of 5R Schedule of Prices 2018 SCHEDULE OF PRICES Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 17 Crushed Surfacing Top Course (4‑04.5)TN 320 18 Planing Bituminous Pavement (5‑04.5)SY 21,000 19 Pavement Repair Excavation, Incl. Haul (5‑04.5)SY 420 20 HMA Cl. 1/2" PG 64-22 (5‑04.5)TN 4,050 21 Job Mix Compliance Price Adjustment (5‑04.5)CALC 1 $0.00 $0.00 22 Compaction Price Adjustment (5‑04.5)CALC 1 $0.00 $0.00 23 CPEP Storm Sewer Pipe, 12 In. Diam. (Incl. Bedding) (5‑04.5)LF 90 24 Catch Basin, Type 1 (7‑05.5)EA 2 25 Adjust Manhole (7‑05.5)EA 2 26 Adjust Catch Basin (7‑05.5)EA 8 27 Trench Excavation Safety Systems (7‑08.5)LS 1 28 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill (7‑08.5)TN 60 29 Trench Excavation, Incl. Haul (7‑08.5)CY 55 30 Removal of Unsuitable Material (Trench) (7‑09.5)CY 5 31 Television Inspection (7‑12.5)LS 1 32 Adjust Meter Box (7‑15.5)EA 3 ADDENDUM NO. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Page 3 of 5R Schedule of Prices 2018 SCHEDULE OF PRICES Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 33 Adjust Valve Box (7‑15.5)EA 3 34 Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching (8‑01.5)SY 100 35 Erosion/Water Pollution Control (8‑01.5)LS 1 36 Topsoil, Type A (8‑02.5)CY 60 37 Cement Conc. Traffic Curb and Gutter (8‑04.5)LF 990 38 Cement Conc. Driveway Entrance (8‑06.5)SY 40 39 Cement Conc. Driveway Repair (8‑06.5)SY 10 40 Raised Pavement Marker, Type 1 (8‑09.5)HD 39 41 Raised Pavement Marker, Type 2 (8‑09.5)HD 5 42 Adjust Monument Case and Cover (8‑13.5)EA 2 43 Cement Conc. Sidewalk (8‑14.5)SY 215 44 Cement Conc. Curb Ramp (8‑14.5)EA 9 45 Video Detection (8‑20.5)LS 1 46 Permanent Signing (8‑21.5)LS 1 47 Plastic Line (8‑22.5)LF 660 48 Plastic Crosswalk Line (8‑22.5)SF 107 ADDENDUM NO. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Page 4 of 5R Schedule of Prices 2018 SCHEDULE OF PRICES Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 49 Plastic Stop Line (8‑22.5)LF 60 50 Plastic Traffic Arrow (8‑22.5)EA 10 51 Plastic Yield Lane Symbol (8‑22.5)EA 6 52 Temporary Pavement Marking – Short Duration (8‑23.5)LF 16,500 53 Landscape Block Wall (8‑24.5)SF 60 *TOTAL BID AMOUNT, SCHEDULE A = ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 100 Trench Excavation Safety Systems (7‑09.5)LS 1 101 Bank Run Gravel for Trench Backfill (7‑09.5)TN 300 102 Trench Excavation, Incl. Haul (7‑09.5)CY 400 103 DI Water Main Pipe, 8 In. Diam. (7‑09.5)LF 540 104 Connection to Existing Water Main (7‑09.5)EA 2 105 Additional Ductile Iron Fittings (7‑09.5)LB 500 106 Gate Valve, 8 In. (7‑12.5)EA 1 107 Tapping Sleeve and Valve Assembly (7‑12.5)EA 1 SCHEDULE B - WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS ADDENDUM NO. 3 Renton Avenue South Resurfacing Page 5 of 5R Schedule of Prices 2018 SCHEDULE OF PRICES Renton Avenue South Resurfacing ALL ENTRIES SHALL BE WRITTEN IN INK OR TYPED TO VALIDATE BID NOTE: Unit prices for all items, all extensions, and total amount of bid shall be shown. Enter unit prices in numerical figures only, in dollars and cents to two (2) decimal places (including whole dollar amounts). All figures must be clearly legible. Bids with illegible figures in the Unit Price column will be regarded as nonresponsive and rejected. Where conflict occurs between the unit price and the total amount specified for any item, the unit price shall prevail, and totals shall be corrected to conform thereto. ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 108 Fire Hydrant Assembly (7‑14.5)EA 3 109 Service Connection, 1 In. Diam. (7‑15.5)EA 5 Subtotal Bid Amount, SCHEDULE B = Sales Tax of 10% = TOTAL BID AMOUNT, SCHEDULE B = ITEM NO.ITEM DESCRIPTION SPEC. SECTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE*EXTENSION 200 Pedestrian Hydbrid Beacon (Hawk) Signal System, Complete (8‑20.5)LS 1 201 Wireless Interconnect (8‑20.5)LS 1 *TOTAL BID AMOUNT, SCHEDULE C = TOTAL BID AMOUNT, SCHEDULES A, B AND C = SCHEDULE C - HAWK SIGNAL *NOTE: All applicable sales tax shall be included in the unit and lump sum bid price per section 1-07.2(1) and WAC 458-20-171.