HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAP_Final_Plat_190122_v1_Summary.pdfMAP_Final_Plat_190122_v1.pdf Markup Summary 2-15-2019 Subject: Callout Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler the site is not located in a protection zone and was not at the time of civil construction permit. the ordinance referenced here is not the most current with relation to the apa zones. Callout (4) Subject: Callout Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler subject to easement provision #_____ Subject: Callout Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler see comment to #5 Subject: Callout Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler show the continuation of the 15-ft private drainage easement Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: aaskren Unable to confirm that the property is in the aquifer zone. Cloud+ (6) Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler provide separate signature blocks for each city signatore Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler tract and easement language should be located under their own headings Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler The owners of said lots shall be responsible for the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities they have benefit of use, and shall equally share in the maintenance of that portion of the drainage facilities used in common. the site is not locatedin a protection zoneand was not at thetime of civilconstruction permit.the ordinancereferenced here isnot the most currentwith relation to theapa zones. subject to easementprovision #_____ see comment to #5 show thecontinuation of the15-ft private drainageeasement Unable to confirmthat the property isin the aquifer zone. provide separatesignature blocksfor each citysignatore tract and easementlanguage should belocated under theirown headings The owners of saidlots shall beresponsible for themaintenance of thatportion of thedrainage facilitiesthey have benefit ofuse, and shallequally share in themaintenance of thatportion of thedrainage facilitiesused in common. Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler tract c should be referenced in the tract notes with easement provisions listed Subject: Cloud+ Page Index: 1 Page Label: 1 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler replace with: FINAL PLAT DEDICATION Know all people by these presents that we, the undersigned owner(s) of fee simple interest in the land hereby subdivided, declare this plat to be the graphic representation of the subdivision made hereby and dedicate to the use of the public forever all streets not shown as private. We dedicate the use thereof for all public purposes not inconsistent with public highway purposes and also the right to make all necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown in the original reasonable grading of said streets. We further dedicate to the use of the public all the easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicated thereon, which may include but not be limited to parks, open space, pedestrian access, utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified on the plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public. We dedicate and convey each street, easement and tract not dedicated to the public to the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated. Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for ourselves, our heirs and assigns, and any person or entity deriving title from the undersigned any and all claims for damages against the City of Renton and its successors and assigns which may be occasioned to the adjacent lands by the established construction, drainage and maintenance of dedicated roads within this subdivision. Further, know all people by these presents that we hereby certify that we have established the Homeowners Association (HOA) of“_____________” in accordance with Washington State Law and have identified each lot of this plat as a member of said HOA. Said HOA is subject to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for the Plat of “___________” as disclosed by instrument recorded under King County Recording Number _________________. This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims is made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of said owners. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands. tract c should bereferenced in thetract notes witheasement provisionslisted replace with: FINAL PLAT DEDICATIONKnow all people by these presents that we, the undersigned owner(s) of fee simpleinterest in the land hereby subdivided, declare this plat to be the graphicrepresentation of the subdivision made hereby and dedicate to the use of the publicforever all streets not shown as private. We dedicate the use thereof for all publicpurposes not inconsistent with public highway purposes and also the right to makeall necessary slopes for cuts and fills upon the lots shown in the originalreasonable grading of said streets. We further dedicate to the use of the public allthe easements and tracts shown on this plat for all public purposes as indicatedthereon, which may include but not be limited to parks, open space, pedestrian access,utilities and drainage unless such easements or tracts are specifically identified onthe plat as being dedicated or conveyed to a person or entity other than the public. We dedicate and convey each street, easement and tract not dedicated to the publicto the person or entity identified and for the purpose stated.Further, the undersigned owners of the land hereby subdivided, waive for ourselves, our heirs and assigns, and any person or entity deriving title from the undersignedany and all claims for damages against the City of Renton and its successors andassigns which may be occasioned to the adjacent lands by the establishedconstruction, drainage and maintenance of dedicated roads within this subdivision.Further, know all people by these presents that we hereby certify that we haveestablished the Homeowners Association (HOA) of “_____________” in accordance withWashington State Law and have identified each lot of this plat as a member of saidHOA. Said HOA is subject to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for thePlat of “___________” as disclosed by instrument recorded under King CountyRecording Number _________________.This subdivision, dedication, waiver of claims is made with the free consent and inaccordance with the desires of said owners.In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 3 Page Label: 3 Lock: Unlocked Author: aaskren Add addresses on lot or in table. lot 1: 335 Shadow Ave NE Lot 2: 323 Shadow Ave NE Lot 3: 311 Shadow ave NE Lot 4: 301 Shadow Ave NE Lot 5: 6213 Ne 3rd St Lot 6: 6219 NE 3rd St Lot 7: 6218 NE 3rd St Lot 8: 6212 NE 3rd St Lot 9: 322 Shadow Ave NE Lot 10: 336 Shadow Ave NE Lot 11: 342 Shadow Ave NE Lot 12: 350 Shadow ave NE Lot 13: 6182 NE 3rd Ct Lot 14: 6174 NE 3rd Ct Lot 15: 6166 NE 3rd Ct Text Box (3) Add addresses on lot or in table.lot 1: 335 Shadow Ave NELot 2: 323 Shadow Ave NELot 3: 311 Shadow ave NELot 4: 301 Shadow Ave NELot 5: 6213 Ne 3rd StLot 6: 6219 NE 3rd StLot 7: 6218 NE 3rd StLot 8: 6212 NE 3rd StLot 9: 322 Shadow Ave NELot 10: 336 Shadow Ave NELot 11: 342 Shadow Ave NELot 12: 350 Shadow ave NELot 13: 6182 NE 3rd CtLot 14: 6174 NE 3rd CtLot 15: 6166 NE 3rd Ct Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler EASEMENT PROVISIONS PUBLIC EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS/PROVISIONS All easements within this plat, not shown as“PRIVATE”, or otherwise noted, are hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, but not limited to, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit or proceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, the City may from time to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: I.The City of Renton, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, shall restore the surface of the easement, and any private improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately before commencement of the work or entry by the City. II.The property owner(s) shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rights granted to the City. The property owner(s) shall not, however, have the right to: II.a.Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or II.b.Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within the easement by the City; or II.c.Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the City of restoring the easement area and any private improvements therein; or II.d.Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth City's facilities on the right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities; or II.e.Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the easement; or II.f.Erect fences in such a way as to prevent access by the City’s vehicles to the City’s facilities. Any fence construction must provide for an opening (gated, removable sections, barriers, etc.) of at least ten (10) feet in width; or II.g.Erect any objects within fifteen (15) above the ground surface within the easement. III. Grading and/or construction within any public easement shall not be allowed unless prior reviewed and approved by the City of Renton. PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT ENCOMPASING A PRIVATE SHARED TRACT I.An easement is hereby granted to Renton Regional Fire Authority, over and across Tract “_” for the purposes of emergency access. II.An easement is hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, over, under, and across Tract “_” for the purposes of utility and emergency access. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT (10-FT WIDTH ADJACENT TO PUBLIC ROW’S & TRACT) Easements are hereby granted to the City of Renton, Puget Sound Energy, Inc., Centurylink Telephone Company, Qwest Communications International, Inc., Comcast Cable Communications, Inc., and other utility providers and their respective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior ten (10) feet of all lots and tracts lying parallel with and adjoining the proposed and existing street frontages [ADD IF APPLICABLE: “and shared access tracts and alleys”] in which to install, lay, construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge underground pipes, conduits, cables and wires with all necessary or convenient underground or ground-mounted appurtenances thereto, for the purposes of serving this subdivision [or short subdivision] and other properties with electric, gas, telephone, television, water, sanitary sewer, public and private storm drainage and other utility service, together with the right to enter thereupon at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near as possible to their original conditoin by the utility. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current or for telephone use or cable television or any other purpose shall be placed or permitted to be placed within the easements upon any lot or tract unless the same shall be undergrounded or in conduit to a building. PUBLIC STORM WATER FACILITY EASEMENT An easement is hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, over, under, through and across Tract “__” for the purpose of conveying, storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the approved civil construction plans (No. ____) on file with the City of Renton. The City of Renton has the right to enter said easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing its facilities contained therein. Only the [ADD IF A STORM WATER POND:“chain link fence, landscaping within fencing perimeter”], flow control, water quality treatment, and storm water conveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City upon completion of the two-year maintenance period and correction of any maintenance and defects identified in the final inspection by the City. PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT A private exclusive easement for ingress and egress is hereby reserved for and/or granted to the owners of Lots _________ as follows: said owners have an equal and undivided interest in and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement and its appurtenances, including costs of same. These appurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road, drainage pipes and storm water quality, and/or detention facilities within this easement, private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Parking on any pavement within the easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet. PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG SIDE AND REAR YARD LOT LINES Easements 2.50 feet in width parallel with and abutting all interior lot lines and 5.00 feet in width parallel with and abutting all rear lot lines are hereby reserved for and/or granted to, respectively, each lot owner in this plat [or short plat] for the purpose of private storm drainage. In the event lot lines are adjusted after the recording of this plat [or short plat], the easements shall move with the adjusted lot lines. Maintenance of all private storm drainage easements on this plat [or short plat] shall be the responsibility of the lots deriving benefit from said easements. No structures other than fences, yard drains, or retaining walls over 4.00 feet in height (measured from the base of the wall footing to the top of the wall) shall be constructed within these easements. EASEMENT PROVISIONSPUBLIC EASEMENT RESTRICTIONS/PROVISIONSAll easements within this plat, not shown as “PRIVATE”, or otherwise noted, are hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, for thepurpose of constructing, reconstructing, installing, repairing, replacing, enlarging, operating and maintaining utilities and utility pipelines, including, butnot limited to, water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage, together with the right of ingress and egress thereto without prior institution of any suit orproceedings of law and without incurring any legal obligation or liability therefor. Following the initial construction of its facilities, the City may fromtime to time construct such additional facilities as it may require. This easement is subject to the following terms and conditions: I.The City of Renton, upon completion of any work within the property covered by the easement, shall restore the surface of the easement, and anyprivate improvements disturbed or destroyed during execution of the work, as nearly as practicable to the condition they were in immediately beforecommencement of the work or entry by the City. II.The property owner(s) shall retain the right to use the surface of the easement as long as such use does not interfere with the easement rightsgranted to the City. The property owner(s) shall not, however, have the right to: II.a.Erect or maintain any buildings or structures within the easement; or II.b.Plant trees, shrubs or vegetation having deep root patterns which may cause damage to or interfere with the utilities to be placed within theeasement by the City; or II.c.Develop, landscape, or beautify the easement area in any way which would unreasonably increase the costs to the City of restoring the easementarea and any private improvements therein; or II.d.Dig, tunnel or perform other forms of construction activities on the property which would disturb the compaction or unearth City's facilities onthe right-of-way, or endanger the lateral support facilities; or II.e.Blast within fifteen (15) feet of the easement; or II.f.Erect fences in such a way as to prevent access by the City’s vehicles to the City’s facilities. Any fence construction must provide for an opening(gated, removable sections, barriers, etc.) of at least ten (10) feet in width; or II.g.Erect any objects within fifteen (15) above the ground surface within the easement. III. Grading and/or construction within any public easement shall not be allowed unless prior reviewed and approved by the City of Renton.PUBLIC ACCESS EASEMENT ENCOMPASING A PRIVATE SHARED TRACTI.An easement is hereby granted to Renton Regional Fire Authority, over and across Tract “_” for the purposes of emergency access. II.An easement is hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, over, under, and across Tract “_” for the purposes of utility and emergencyaccess. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT (10-FT WIDTH ADJACENT TO PUBLIC ROW’S & TRACT)Easements are hereby granted to the City of Renton, Puget Sound Energy, Inc., Centurylink Telephone Company, Qwest Communications International, Inc.,Comcast Cable Communications, Inc., and other utility providers and their respective successors and assigns, under and upon the exterior ten (10) feet ofall lots and tracts lying parallel with and adjoining the proposed and existing street frontages [ADD IF APPLICABLE: “and shared access tracts andalleys”] in which to install, lay, construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, enlarge underground pipes, conduits, cables and wires with all necessary orconvenient underground or ground-mounted appurtenances thereto, for the purposes of serving this subdivision [or short subdivision] and otherproperties with electric, gas, telephone, television, water, sanitary sewer, public and private storm drainage and other utility service, together with theright to enter thereupon at all times for the purposes herein stated. These easements entered upon for these purposes shall be restored as near aspossible to their original conditoin by the utility. No lines or wires for transmission of electric current or for telephone use or cable television or anyother purpose shall be placed or permitted to be placed within the easements upon any lot or tract unless the same shall be undergrounded or in conduitto a building. PUBLIC STORM WATER FACILITY EASEMENTAn easement is hereby granted to the City of Renton, a municipal corporation, over, under, through and across Tract “__” for the purpose of conveying,storing, managing and facilitating storm and surface water per the approved civil construction plans (No. ____) on file with the City of Renton. The City ofRenton has the right to enter said easement for the purpose of inspecting, operating, maintaining, improving, and repairing its facilities contained therein. Only the [ADD IF A STORM WATER POND: “chain link fence, landscaping within fencing perimeter”], flow control, water quality treatment, and storm waterconveyance facilities will be considered for formal acceptance and maintenance by the City upon completion of the two-year maintenance period andcorrection of any maintenance and defects identified in the final inspection by the City.PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENTA private exclusive easement for ingress and egress is hereby reserved for and/or granted to the owners of Lots _________ as follows: said owners havean equal and undivided interest in and responsibility for maintenance of the private access easement and its appurtenances, including costs of same. Theseappurtenances and maintenance responsibilities include the repair and maintenance of the private access road, drainage pipes and storm water quality,and/or detention facilities within this easement, private signage, and other infrastructure not owned by the City of Renton or other utility providers. Parking on any pavement within the easement is prohibited, unless the pavement width is greater than 20 feet.PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT ALONG SIDE AND REAR YARD LOT LINESEasements 2.50 feet in width parallel with and abutting all interior lot lines and 5.00 feet in width parallel with and abutting all rear lot lines are herebyreserved for and/or granted to, respectively, each lot owner in this plat [or short plat] for the purpose of private storm drainage. In the event lot linesare adjusted after the recording of this plat [or short plat], the easements shall move with the adjusted lot lines. Maintenance of all private stormdrainage easements on this plat [or short plat] shall be the responsibility of the lots deriving benefit from said easements. No structures other thanfences, yard drains, or retaining walls over 4.00 feet in height (measured from the base of the wall footing to the top of the wall) shall be constructedwithin these easements. Subject: Text Box Page Index: 2 Page Label: 2 Lock: Unlocked Author: Ann Fowler TRACT NOTES TRACT DEFINITION (REQUIRED) A ‘Tract’ is land reserved for specified uses, including, but not limited to reserve tracts, recreation, open space, critical areas, surface water facilities and Best Management Practices (BMPs), utility facilities and access. Tracts are not considered building sites for the purposes of residential dwelling. The owners of Lots _________ shall have an equal and undivided interest in and responsibility for maintenance of the private tracts unless otherwise noted. NOTES AND RESTRICTIONS PRIVATE SHARED ACCESS TRACT (UTILITY AND EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT REQUIRED OVER TRACT) Tract “__” is a private shared access tract for the benefit of Lots [___, ___, ___, ___ and ___] which adjoin said tract and obtain their access to the public roads over said tract and is conveyed to said lots’ owners as follows: Lots [___, ___, ___, ___ and ___] include an equal and undivided ownership interest in said tract for shared access purposes. Owners of said lots shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the tract and any improvements contained therein [ADD IF APPLICABLE: “, with the exception of those utilities owned and maintained by utility providers as listed in easement provision _”]. Parking is prohibited within said tract, and it must remain clear of any obstructions. [Tract “_” is subject to easement provision(s) _______.] PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE TRACT (FOR PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STORM WATER FACILITIES) Tract “__” is a private storm drainage tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat and is conveyed to all lot owners in this plat as follows: each ownership of a lot in this plat includes an equal and undivided ownership interest in Tract “_”. The plat’s homeowners association shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of the tract and any improvements contained therein [ADD IF APPLICABLE: “, with the exception of those utilities owned and maintained by utility providers as listed in Easement Provision _”]. However, should the homeowners association fail to properly maintain Tract then the owners of the lots within the plat shall all be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. The homeowners association shall obtain any required permits from the City of Renton, or its successor or assign, prior to activities disturbing the tract such as clearing and grading, filling, piping, cutting or removing vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing within the two-year maintenance period). SINGLE FAMILY DRAINAGE NOTES All building downspouts, footing drains and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios and driveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved construction drawings on file with the City of Renton (Plans No. 3919) or addressed in the single family residential building permit drainage review on file with the City of Renton. All connections to the downstream drainage system shall be in compliance with City of Renton standards. All connections of the drains must be constructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that are designated for individual BMP systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit and shall comply with said plans. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned and maintained by the lot owner. Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the lots created by this subdivision must implement the on-site best management practices (BMPs) matching or equivalent to the approved technical information report and civil construction plans on file with the City of Renton (no.3919) and requirements of the City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual, as well as any declaration of covenants and grants of easement recorded hereon or at the time of building permit issuance. Compliance with these requirement will be addressed in the drainage plan submitted for residential building permit drainage review when application is made for single family residential building permit for each lot. PRIVATE UTILITY MAINTENANCE NOTES Each property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the sanitary sewer or storm water stub from the point of use on his/her/its own property to the point of connection in the City’s and/or district’s sanitary sewer main or storm main. Any portion of a sanitary sewer or surface water stub which jointly services more than one property shall be jointly maintained and repaired by the property owners sharing the stub. The joint use and maintenance shall run with the land and be binding on said property owners , including their heirs, successors and assigns. SIDEWALK AND LANDSCAPE STRIP MAINTENANCE NOTES Each property owner of Lots __, __, __, __, and __ shall be responsible for keeping the sidewalk abutting the subject property clean and litter free. Each such property owner shall be responsible for the maintenance of vegetation with the abutting landscape strip, excluding the street trees which are owned by the City of Renton. The maintenance shall run with the land and be binding on all property owners within this short plat [or plat], including their heirs, successors and assigns. Under no circumstances shall the City bear any maintenance responsibility for landscape strips created by this short plat [or plat]. TRACT NOTESTRACT DEFINITION (REQUIRED)A ‘Tract’ is land reserved for specified uses, including, but not limited to reserve tracts, recreation, openspace, critical areas, surface water facilities and Best Management Practices (BMPs), utility facilities andaccess. Tracts are not considered building sites for the purposes of residential dwelling. The owners ofLots _________ shall have an equal and undivided interest in and responsibility for maintenance of the privatetracts unless otherwise noted. NOTES AND RESTRICTIONSPRIVATE SHARED ACCESS TRACT (UTILITY AND EMERGENCY ACCESS EASEMENT REQUIRED OVER TRACT)Tract “__” is a private shared access tract for the benefit of Lots [___, ___, ___, ___ and ___] which adjoin saidtract and obtain their access to the public roads over said tract and is conveyed to said lots’ owners asfollows: Lots [___, ___, ___, ___ and ___] include an equal and undivided ownership interest in said tract forshared access purposes. Owners of said lots shall be equally responsible for the maintenance, repair andreplacement of the tract and any improvements contained therein [ADD IF APPLICABLE: “, with the exceptionof those utilities owned and maintained by utility providers as listed in easement provision _”]. Parking isprohibited within said tract, and it must remain clear of any obstructions. [Tract “_” is subject to easementprovision(s) _______.]PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE TRACT (FOR PRIVATE AND PUBLIC STORM WATER FACILITIES)Tract “__” is a private storm drainage tract for the benefit of all lot owners in this plat and is conveyed toall lot owners in this plat as follows: each ownership of a lot in this plat includes an equal and undividedownership interest in Tract “_”. The plat’s homeowners association shall be responsible for themaintenance, repair and replacement of the tract and any improvements contained therein [ADD IFAPPLICABLE: “, with the exception of those utilities owned and maintained by utility providers as listed inEasement Provision _”]. However, should the homeowners association fail to properly maintain Tract then theowners of the lots within the plat shall all be equally responsible for the maintenance of said tract. Thehomeowners association shall obtain any required permits from the City of Renton, or its successor orassign, prior to activities disturbing the tract such as clearing and grading, filling, piping, cutting orremoving vegetation (except for routine landscape maintenance such as lawn mowing within the two-yearmaintenance period). SINGLE FAMILY DRAINAGE NOTESAll building downspouts, footing drains and drains from all impervious surfaces such as patios anddriveways shall be connected to the permanent storm drain outlet as shown on the approved constructiondrawings on file with the City of Renton (Plans No. 3919) or addressed in the single family residentialbuilding permit drainage review on file with the City of Renton. All connections to the downstream drainagesystem shall be in compliance with City of Renton standards. All connections of the drains must beconstructed and approved prior to the final building inspection approval. For those lots that aredesignated for individual BMP systems, the systems shall be constructed at the time of the building permit andshall comply with said plans. All individual stub-outs and infiltration systems shall be privately owned andmaintained by the lot owner.Single family residences and other improvements constructed on the lots created by this subdivision mustimplement the on-site best management practices (BMPs) matching or equivalent to the approved technicalinformation report and civil construction plans on file with the City of Renton (no.3919) and requirementsof the City of Renton Surface Water Design Manual, as well as any declaration of covenants and grants ofeasement recorded hereon or at the time of building permit issuance. Compliance with these requirement willbe addressed in the drainage plan submitted for residential building permit drainage review when application ismade for single family residential building permit for each lot.PRIVATE UTILITY MAINTENANCE NOTESEach property owner shall be responsible for maintenance of the sanitary sewer or storm water stub fromthe point of use on his/her/its own property to the point of connection in the City’s and/or district’ssanitary sewer main or storm main. Any portion of a sanitary sewer or surface water stub which jointlyservices more than one property shall be jointly maintained and repaired by the property owners sharing thestub. The joint use and maintenance shall run with the land and be binding on said property owners , includingtheir heirs, successors and assigns.SIDEWALK AND LANDSCAPE STRIP MAINTENANCE NOTESEach property owner of Lots __, __, __, __, and __ shall be responsible for keeping the sidewalk abutting thesubject property clean and litter free. Each such property owner shall be responsible for the maintenanceof vegetation with the abutting landscape strip, excluding the street trees which are owned by the City ofRenton. The maintenance shall run with the land and be binding on all property owners within this short plat[or plat], including their heirs, successors and assigns. Under no circumstances shall the City bear anymaintenance responsibility for landscape strips created by this short plat [or plat].