HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Residential Demonstration Dist - CA/CS/CN Zones (3/8/1999) January 24,2000 %w, Renton City Council Minutes Page 23 these are indeed inadequate, the City should review its parking standards for religious facilities of this size. Community Services MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL SUSPEND Committee ITS RULES AND ADVANCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES Parks: Jail and Basement COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE JAIL AND BASEMENT DEMOLITION Demolition at 200 Mill Ave S AT 200 MILL AVE. S. CARRIED. Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to award a contract to demolish the former jail and police area in the 200 Mill Ave. S. building. This demolition will bring the ground floor to a"core and shell" condition in preparation for leasing activities. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR ON THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. City Clerk: Quarterly Contract City Clerk submitted Quarterly Contract List for October 1 through December List, 10/99 to 12/99 31, 1999; 65 agreements totaling$1,679,158.80. Information. CAG: 99-167, Demolition of City Clerk reported bid opening on 1/20/2000 for CAG-99-167,Demolition of the Jail and Basement(Former the Jail and Basement of the former city hall building located at 200 Mill Ave. City Hall),Wyndham Design S.; ten bids; project estimate $100,000; and submitted staff recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Wyndham Design, Inc., in the amount of $58,644.00. Council concur. CRT: 2000-01, Sign-O-Lite Court Case filed on behalf of Sign-O-Lite Signs alleging negligence in Signs v Renton connection with the City's approval and issuance of electrical, sign and building permits for a monument and pole sign for Solomon's Used Cars, when the sign was not allowed under City Code at the time. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Plat: La Colina,Final,NE 3rd Development Services Division recommended approval, with condition, of the St/Edmonds Ave NE (FP-00-) La Colina Final Plat; 138 single family lots on 45.37 acres in the vicinity of NE 3rd St. and Edmonds Ave. NE. Council concur. (See page 26 for resolution.) Comprehensive Plan: 2000 Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Amendments submitted proposed 2000 Comprehensive Plan amendments. Refer to the Planning Commission and the Planning& Development Committee. Planning: Centers Residential Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Demonstration District recommended discussion of the Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay Regulations Overlay regulations, adopted by Council in April, 1999. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. EDNSP: Renton Lodging Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Industry's Promotion Plan, recommended approval of the Renton Lodging Industry's Promotion Plan and Renton Chamber of Commerce that$56,000 in hotel/motel tax funds be applied towards this project via a contract with the Renton Chamber of Commerce. Refer to Committee of the Whole. EDNSP: Hilands Shopping Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Area Acquisition,AC-2000- recommended that the Administration be authorized to enter into an assignable option to purchase the Hilands Shopping Center property as part of phase one of the Highlands Sub-Area Redevelopment Plan. Council concur. Plat: Briere Creek, Hearing Examiner recommended approval,with conditions, of the Briere Creek Preliminary, 1900 Block of Preliminary Plat; 18 single family homes on 3.6 acres in the 1900 block of RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA 1,,,r,,,L AI#: tO.. • For Agenda of: January 24, 2000 Dept/Div/Board.. Economic Development, Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning Staff Contact Owen Dennison, Senior Planner Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Development Regulations Amendments: Correspondence.. Ordinance Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: N/A Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget • City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Ordinance No. 4777 establishing the Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District and associated regulations was adopted in April, 1999. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Discussion item for Council direction, no recommendation at this time. H:\Econo micDevelopment\STRATPLN\PLANNING\OD\CRDOD\Agnbil I.doc/ CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: January 18, 2000 TO: Randy Corman, President City Council Members VIA: ji Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Sue Carlson, Administrator Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department STAFF CONTACT: Owen Dennison (Ext. 6576) SUBJECT: Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District Amendments ISSUE: Should the Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District regulations be amended to increase latitude for problematic parcels? RECOMMENDATION: • No recommendations, discussion item only. • BACKGROUND SUMMARY: The Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District was adopted as an amendment to the Center Neighborhood and Center Suburban Zones in 1999. The Overlay District regulations were meant to encourage high quality residential development. "The intent is to require superior residential projects which complement commercial uses, provide first floor commercial activity along arterials, and provide a transition between intensive commercial areas and surrounding single family neighborhoods." (RMC 4-3-120A) The Overlay District divides two Suburban Centers and one Neighborhood Center into Areas A and B. (See Figure 1) Area A represents the first 150 feet from the arterial, either NE Sunset Boulevard or NE 4th Street. The remainder of these CN and CS Zones, outside of the first 150 feet, is designated Area B. Residential uses in Area A area required to include a commercial component in the first thirty feet of the structure on the street frontage. Residential uses within Area A may be flats or townhouses. Flats are not permitted in Area B. January 17, 2000 Page 2 Since their adoption, several potential projects have been suggested that point out deficiencies in the Overlay District regulations. Parcels that are long and narrow with little arterial frontage, and parcels that include only a small Area B have limited development potential in the Area B portion. Since the intent of the Centers, as well as of the Overlay District, is to create intense and compact urban areas, this Code problem creates an obstacle to the efficient use of land within the Centers. Further, it may have implications for the successful implementation of the Overlay District itself. Potential developers have expressed a concern that allowing stacked flats on the entirety of parcels that are partially within Area A may be required to make some mixed-use developments viable. CONCLUSION: The Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District has had little time to prove its effectiveness at engendering the type of development envisioned with the adoption of the regulations. However, certain implementation issues have already been raised. Remedies for these issues will likely have policy implications. Therefore, staff is seeking direction from the Council before proposing amendments to the Overlay District regulations. Attachment H:\ECONDEV\STRATPLN\PLANNING\OD\CRDOD\AGN ISS.DOC/OD . Figure 1 CENTERS RESDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION DISTRICTS (RMC 4-3-12063) a. a . . IN. �: — o = �w �, na / — 4thnti-SS �� a ��: NI wiE w ,•• to E Ia1th t� .. 1/itil ri-1 i ti k ...J. ......„,4„::, .„, . .. .V , ` o NEri0h I.I v„:„..., -'__. - (ffeo:qiiii Emmuum #40. , Att• __ am =ME E � ■fE 0tn! TIMMtt♦ � - E 'ri— iZt!En : i,�Y7 -a = ' I 4C NE IELL... 5. 6 Amp mug me Ill ilea Pair _ �. lac is Utz 4��6i$! t e • -,*iiiiii:,+,fit.: �.. :::0 r'� ate, _ E\i.(----sr su _--0? — 'S ,x,ii,,. i L+•••%`ram ::*: �C 1 _jik S7 J 7 z V� �I ►''MP I a z 1 . 1,cg E ����] �QSi11IN f I o ®ri E �I i Mit n �DWIIU ln n wll■ ■��iAWU+' •i amp 0 ammo - v. • f0V. r r \,.•:J:;h J,:,,.{r i1+ is?sY ••;:::T 14'..i` '�^...AS' rig ,Y1,: •ii, �q�, F.c Kais ., :. rAl rai .r Sy , Y � 'I® ©♦ alic afi � g \ J 4 Jig KB ♦ 6\ 1. i $' ..\. 1•.-.,�„1{ > r:i:�:jJ•i::,'.:i:9 i%.;:iii7.:n v: ?i. 4!•.}.:,.;d.d?Y +^:[:•...•:.•a s�rrax�;::<:w:Yi•;;ki%e::::•`i• .13 i?;:i. ENE 1111111 Nil= :IIIIIE NE 2nd St DI II, 'iii i i$.L� Area A J . , —� Area B This figure is a graphic representation, not guaranteed to survey accuracy. To find the district(s) applicable to a specific parcel, refer to Sections 4-31-120B1 and 82. NIS April 19, 1999 °"' Renton City Council Minutes Page 137 Resolution#3386 A resolution was read authorizing the Fire Chief to enter into an agreement to Fire: Confined Space&Dive provide mutual aid for confined space and emergency dive team services Team Rescue Services, City of between the City of Bellevue and the City of Renton for confined space rescue Bellevue and emergency dive team capabilities. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution#3387 A resolution was read authorizing the Fire Chief to enter into an operational Fire: Marine Rescue statement of understanding between the King County Police Department and Agreement, King County the Renton Fire Department concerning the use of marine rescue equipment Marine Patrol Division and personnel. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution#3388 A resolution was read authorizing the Fire Chief to enter into a memorandum of Fire: Puget Sound Urban agreement between Pierce County, the City of Renton and the Puget Sound Search&Rescue Task Force Urban Search&Rescue Task Force. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED (Renton Participation) BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution#3389 A resolution was read authorizing the Fire Chief to enter into interlocal Fire: Emergency Response agreements entitled "Public Works Emergency Response Mutual Aid Mutual Aid Agreements Agreement." MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 4/26/99 for second and final reading: Police: Air Gun Exception re: An ordinance was read amending Section 6-2-3 of Chapter 2,Air Guns,of Title Migratory Bird Control VI(Police Regulations)of City Code by adding an exception relating to the control of migratory birds. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/26/99. CARRIED. Prior to second and final reading on this ordinance next week, Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler wanted information on whether the use of air guns will impact any other birds besides the Canada geese. Rezone: Pierre Grady Way An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately Site from CO to IM,R-98-126 2.74 acres located at SW Grady Way between Oakesdale and Powell Avenues SW from Commercial Office(CO)to Medium Industrial(IM); Pierre rezone, R-98-126. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/26/99. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4777 An ordinance was read amending Title IV,Development Regulations, of City Zoning:centers Residential Code by creating a Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District within Demonstration Overlay the Center Suburban(CS)and Center Neighborhood(CN) zones, establishing a District modification process within the District, and amending residential use provisions in the Commercial Arterial(CA)zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. C• 'I' D. Time: 9:07 p.m. Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold MARIL J!` TERSEN,CMC,City Clerk April 12, 1999 err Renton City Council Minutes Page 126 CORMAN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution#3385 A resolution was read authorizing the sale of the former Municipal Court Parks: Municipal Court building as surplus equipment. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY Modular Building, Sale& EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. Removal CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading: Zoning: Centers Residential An ordinance was read amending Title IV, Development Regulations, of City Demonstration Overlay Code by creating a Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District within District the Center Suburban(CS) and Center Neighborhood (CN)zones, establishing a modification process within the District, and amending residential use provisions in the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/19/99. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Annexation: East Renton An ordinance was read establishing the zoning classification of approximately Plateau Zoning 193 acres located north and south of SE 128th St. from Renton's city limits to 152"d Ave. SE, if extended, to Residential- 5 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-5), Residential- 8 Dwelling Units per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Dwelling Units per Acre(R-10), and Convenience Commercial (CC) for the East Renton Plateau Annexation Area. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY • EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4776 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Annexation: East Renton MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT Plateau Zoning THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman commented that Renton's deliberations over the issue of Finance: Issaquah School imposing impact fees for the Issaquah School District have not centered on District Impact Fees whether to impose such fees,but rather on the amount to be assessed. He noted that the School District is requesting a much higher fee per house than was previously charged, prompting Renton to seek information on the justification for the higher fees before making a final decision. Transportation: Accidents at Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested information on the accident rate at 4th&Wells; Parking in Front S.4`h St. and Wells Ave. S. in the downtown. She also relayed information of Downtown Post Office from a citizen stating that people have received parking tickets for parking in the "motorcycle only" space in front of the downtown post office, when in fact, the cars had been legally parked behind the motorcycle-designated space. She wanted to know what the City's enforcement policy is on this matter,noting that the paint lines delineating these parking spaces are not well-marked. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: • .m. J Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold MARIL J. TERSEN, CMC,City Clerk April 12, 1999 ` March 8, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes `..+ Page 81 MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Jonathan and Joyce Siu, 2549 SE 16th St., Citizen Comment: Siu— Renton, 98059,submitting information on gambling and expressing hope that Gambling in Renton Renton will ban further cardrooms. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Planning&Development regarding multi-family development standards in the Center Suburban(CS), Committee Center Neighborhood(CN)and Commercial Arterial(CA)zones. The Planning:Residential Committee conducted several study sessions on the moratorium currently in Demonstration' `Dis rTicicf effect on properties within these zones, including meeting with property owners, developers, and planning consultants who reviewed draft proposals for new development standards. The Committee met on February 18, 1999 to consider the proposed overlay zone amendments to these zones. The Committee recommended that an ordinance be adopted creating a Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay in the CS and CN zones, and restricting residential uses in the CA zone to mixed use buildings. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending adoption Budget: 1999 Adjustments of the 1999 Budget Amendments in the amount of$4,302,030 to meet legal obligations, continue capital projects, and appropriate excess fund balances. The revised 1999 Budget total will be$134,967,406. Included in the changes is a recognition of new revenue of a total of$795,000 from insurance proceeds for the Highlands Community Center. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 82 for ordinance.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending approval of Payroll Vouchers 165212 - 165469 and 522 direct deposits in the total amount of$1,309,216.14. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending that Council concur in the staff recommendation to remove the Human Services: Human proposed Human Services Element of the Comprehensive Plan from the Services Element of the Committee's referral list, as staff has advised that this item has been removed Comprehensive Plan from the department's work programs at this time. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Maplewood Golf Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Course Scorecards recommending concurrence in the Board of Park Commissioners' recommendation that color scorecards be purchased for the Maplewood Golf Course. The Committee did not agree,however, with the proposal that the scorecards be provided at no cost in exchange for allowing the sale of advertising to be displayed on the cards. Instead,the Committee recommended that staff determine whether one of the food and beverage suppliers to the golf course would be interested in underwriting printing costs for the scorecards in exchange for displaying their company logo on the cards. APPta.OVrED BY CITY COUNCIL Nair ,gare Date -r- f PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT March 8, 1999 Multi-family Development Standards in the CS, CN, and CA Zones (Referred Sept. 14, 1998) The Committee conducted several study sessions on the moratorium currently in effect on properties within these designations, including meeting with property owners, developers, and planning consultants who reviewed draft proposals for new development standards. The Committee met February 18, 1999 to consider the proposed Overlay Zone amendments to the CS, CN, and CA zones. The Committee recommends that an ordinance be adopted creating a Centers Residential Demonstration District Overlay in the Center Suburban, and Center Neighborhood Zones, and restricting residential uses in the Commercial Arterial zone to mixed use buildings. �' 1 C ��' � ' k11� —t . Kathy Ke er-Wheeler, Chair ----. 7:„...4 Bob Edwards, Vice Chair r4---L—G---e"--‘...---,.----,-i an Clawson, Member cc: Ali — Sue Carlson planning/zoning/CSP&D . _.. LI S. POSTAL_. SERVICE . , . .. - . 'an" - •,... ..t, .,,•' '''. •:-..1'- P,. S FORM 3--I5-f-. '-I1 -. -- '.,,-_-,, ,-: -",••;••P.,„s.'....-,0,,,t;"4....4.,.-.,1,,,N.--''''---- -.-/--e-'4%,.,...r,.t.....,•',;:,.,1' _ ----- --• .1...04K.;e . . - ,-, i • .-' --,, IL 40,:t. 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CD T 52Kn mo w O �z m.0 N m g w m 3.nm pF„3-00v=w mpw -"�Z v to o ot< o o.M�0 3w � 4.3cr 3-a-e?= 3�-05• om,jw,o - �c����»y3 �m3 moH 3 o > >p� < g � ' m �F < 3c�mm4�ms, ()m �T� mcnmP-nC) cal p•' m `Sax—�cmCn w 03, c c Z' 9,-o m 5 N as a (° s = A7aa) ��o„og _o , w o 5m -Vn g � 5 6 am w a oppC7° w n.=n , no o,_.� ��—m oaN. -amnomo ? ?. _cu'i,n. mwwoo,`- N 0 o� 5� D3•c,5 c- >0.°� 2, _=oN •)0 nn� M.RZ CD t m-om`y°o ?�mo.� o CD 3 0 �3o�, m•mCj ` a. n� = y Qm �Z_ 0 0=mmw=w ow— omoy mew= wwr . c o w w -ism � -3 0 c w - L)o m a.-.a . C. a-• w -. 0 am �i a> > n m m m m� m CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of March, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055,to consider the following: Proposed Residential Demonstration District, and amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Center Suburban (CS) and Center Neighborhood(CN) zones. Proposed extension of the moratorium on residential uses in the Center Suburban (CS), Center Neighborhood (CN), and Commercial Arterial (CA) zones. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. rr✓ Manlyn t r n City Clerk Published South County Journal February 26, 1999 3/2/99 Copy mailed to Parties of Record (48) Garry Marshall Michael Bradley 15248 SE 39th Harper Bond Inc. Bellevue,WA 98006 1500 112th Avenue NE Bellevue WA 98004 Scott Springer Dick Gilroy Lincoln Properties Northward 1756 114th Avenue SE,#135 1560 140th Avenue NE,#100 Bellevue WA 98004-6931 Bellevue WA 98005 Fred Bentham Jim Granger Charlie Laboda Parkwood Homes Inc. Granger Group Dally Homes 12330 NE 8th, Suite 101 7981 168th Avenue NE 3316 Furhman Avenue E.#100 Bellevue WA 98005 Redmond WA 98052 Seattle WA 98102 Bruce Conner Mike Hubbard Lis Soldano Fletcher Wright Construction Trammell Crow INTERCORE PO Box 3764 5601 6th Avenue S. 2505 2nd Avenue#300 Seattle WA 98124-2264 Seattle WA 98108 Seattle WA 98121 Judith Stoloff Eric Evans Wayne Jones 8705 25th Place NE Centex Homes Lake Ridge Development Seattle,WA 98115 2320 130th Avenue NE#200 PO Box 146 Bellevue,WA 98005 Renton,WA 98057 Jeff Cox Bob Wenzl Peter Tiersma Triad Associates Belmont Homes,Inc. PO Box 1029 11814 115th Avenue NE PO Box 2401 Woodinville,WA 98072 Kirkland,WA 98034 Kirkland,WA 98083-2401 Cheryl Girard Beth Alexander American Engineering 2336 NE 315t Street 4032 148th Avenue NE Renton WA 98056 Redmond, WA 98052 • Barton Treece John McKenna Jack Willing Treece and Company Fiorilla NW Inc. Northwest Commercial 320 2nd Avenue S.,#200 PO Box 66826 11555 SE 8th,Suite 140 Kirkland,WA 98033 Seattle,WA 98166-0826 Bellevue,WA 98004 Scott D. Shaull Craig J.Krueger Dick Gilroy Security Capital Pacific Trust Dodds Engineers,Inc. Northward Construction 330 112th Avenue NE 4205 148th Ave.NE,#200 1560 140th Avenue NE,Suite 100 Bellevue,WA 98004 Bellevue,WA 98007 Bellevue,WA 98005 Martin Seelig Ralph Evans Jim Dalpay PO Box 1925 3306 NE 11th Place PO Box 2436 Bellevue,WA 98009 Renton,WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Bill Kelley Dick Burr Nadine Zackrisson,AICP Kelley Realty Burr&Temkin Pacific Properties Inc. 4026 133rd Avenue SE 165 NE Juniper Street,#203 14410 Bel-Red Road Bellevue,WA 98006 Issaquah,WA 98027 Bellevue,WA 98007 Pete deLeuw,President Colleen Payne Conrad Vernon Colony Craft Inc. John L. Scott Real Estate 119100 Meridian E.#325 14410 Bel-Red Road 64 Rainier Avenue So. Puyallup WA 98373-3410 Bellevue,WA 98007 Renton,WA 98055 Richard Galusha Jon Simpson Harry Friebe 1051 Shine Road CWS Design 14211 SE 37th Street Port Ludlow,WA 98365-9287 8924 121 Ave. SE Bellevue,WA 98006 Newcastle,WA 98056 Greg Steinhauer David Halinen Ethan Salkind Gregory Development Company Halinen&Vander Wel,PS Harper Bond Realtors 9311 SE 36th Street,Suite 208 10500 NE 8th 1500 112th Avenue NE Mercer Island,WA 98040 Bellevue,WA 98004 Bellevue, WA 98004 Bryon Ziegler Steve Leitzke Erick Wells Mithun Partners Leitzke Architects Polygon Northwest 414 Olive Way 220 First 4020 Lake Washington Blvd NE, Sty 103 Seattle,WA 98101 Kirkland WA 98033 Kirkland,WA 98033-7862 Lynnea McSteen Ricky Chang Jim O'Donnell Murray Franklyn,Inc. 3010 77th Avenue SE,Suite 201 Talbot Development Partners 14410 Bel-Red Road Mercer Island,WA 98040 703 Skinner Building Bellevue,WA 98007 1326 Fifth Avenue Seattle,WA 98101 Don Daily Denny Dochnal Fred Burnstead Daily Homes 3316 Fuhrman E. Dochnal Construction Burnstead Construction Seattle,WA 98102 16442 SE Renton Issaquah Road 1215 120`h Avenue.NE,Suite 201 Renton, WA 98059 Bellevue, WA 98005 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 8th day of March, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Proposed Residential Demonstration District, and amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Center Suburban (CS) and Center Neighborhood(CN) zones. Proposed extension of the moratorium on residential uses in the Center Suburban (CS), Center Neighborhood (CN), and Commercial Arterial(CA) zones. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. Y ✓ Marilyn t r n City Clerk Published South County Journal February 26, 1999 Account No. 50640 RENTON CITY COUNCIL • Regular Meeting March 8, 1999 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KING PARKER, Council President;DAN CLAWSON;KATHY KEOLKER- COUNCILMEMBERS WHEELER; BOB EDWARDS; TONI NELSON; RANDY CORMAN; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER,Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development,Neighborhoods & Strategic Planning Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN,Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning; BETTY NOKES,Director of Economic Development; ABDOUL GAFOUR,Water Utility Supervisor; GLENN KOST, CIP Manager; DEREK TODD, Finance Analyst; BATTALION CHIEF CHUCK DUFFY,Fire Depait„ient; COMMANDER DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. PRESS Elizabeth Parker,Renton Reporter APPROVAL OF MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 1999 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Harold Hawken,Troop Leader for Boy Scout Troop 464, explained that as a Executive: Boy Scout Troop service project and a fundraiser,Troop 464 raises over 100 American flags 464 Recognition along several main streets in downtown Renton on seven major holidays. All of the flags were donated by local politicians and service groups,and anyone wishing to sponsor a flag for one year may do so with a$30 contribution. The flags fly on South 2nd and 3rd Streets, Bronson Way and Mill Avenue South. To express thanks for the way in which this project has contributed to Renton's community spirit, Mayor Tanner presented certificates of appreciation to members of Troop 464, as follows: Mike Harris,Brett Bishop,Kevin Vreeken, Brandon Wilson,Andrew Hams, Robert Lewis, Jacob Hawken, Jacob Zornes, • Paul Vreeken,and John Rains. Scouts and Varsity/Explorer Scouts Jessie Zornes, Steven Lee,Neil Robison, Bret Tingey,Tyler Opfar, CJ Swenson, Reggie Opfar,Lance Tingey,Jeff Rains,Dan Eastman,Jeff Jones,James Opfar, Brett Pierce and Brian Howarth could not be present to accept their certificates. Mayor Tanner noted he has received many positive comments from citizens who truly appreciate the patriotic look and feel of the downtown when the flags are flying. PUBLIC HEARINGS This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning;Residential accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Demonstration District to consider the proposed Residential Demonstration District,and proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Center Suburban (CS), and Center Neighborhood(CN) zones. Mike Kattermann, Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning, explained that part of the proposal is to create an overlay district in the Center Suburban March 8, 1999 .r Renton City Council Minutes Page 79 (CS)and Center Neighborhood(CN)zones that would establish special development standards for review of multi-family projects in these zones. Another proposal would restrict multi-family uses in the Commercial Arterial (CA)zone to development in a mixed use structure. The purposes of the changes are to preserve prime commercial properties and achieve quality residential developments. Explaining the proposed overlay district,Mr.Kattermann said this would function similar to the Automall overlay district. The overlay would have a District"A",defined as within 150 feet of NE 4th St. or Sunset Blvd.,and a District"B",encompassing the remainder of the CS and CN zones. No stand- alone residential uses would be allowed in District"A", which would require first floor, streetfront commercial. District`B"would permit detached, semi- attached and townhouse uses. Both districts would allow changes to existing development standards, in accordance with a formal modification process. Parking would be allowed underneath a structure or in the rear, with surface parking reserved for guests only. Because research has indicated that higher density is needed to locate parking under buildings, staff has proposed allowing a density bonus in District`B"up to 36 dwelling units per acre. Turning to the CA zone,Mr.Kattermann said staff proposes that residential uses be restricted to mixed-use structures only in this zone. In conclusion, staff recommends adoption of the Demonstration Overlay District design standards, and that the City continue to develop zone standards and design guidelines. Responding to Councilman Corman,Mr. Kattermann said concerns relating to the topography of a specific property could be addressed through the modification process. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 81 for Planning&Development Committee report.) Councilman Schlitzer emphasized the need for clear definitions relating to design criteria so the regulations are easily understood and consistently applied. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler replied that the question of how to ensure that Renton has well-designed, quality development will remain in Planning& Development Committee. Planning: Moratorium on This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Residential Uses in accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Commercial Areas to consider extending the moratorium on residential uses in the Center Suburban(CS), Center Neighborhood(CN) and Commercial Arterial (CA) zones. Mike Kattermann,Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning,explained that the moratorium was enacted so Council could analyze relevant issues and explore options relating to residential development in these commercial zones. The proposed demonstration standards described earlier this evening resulted; however, the required legislation has yet to be brought to Council for its adoption. In the meantime, the Planning&Development Committee recommends extending the moratorium until the demonstration standards are officially in place. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 82 for resolution extending the • O'S� o n^ City Of Renton PUBLIC INFORMATION HANDOUT MARCH 8, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED CENTERS RESIDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION DISTRICT For additional information, please contact: City of Renton Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning at(425) 430-6588. The proposal creates an overlay district in the Center Suburban and Center Neighborhood zones that functions similarly to the City's Automall Overlay. This overlay zone will create special development standards for review of multi-family projects in these zones, but still allow commercial uses to proceed using the standards in the base zoning. The proposed overlay zone establishes two residential demonstration areas. Area A, within 150 feet of N. E. 4th Street or within 150 feet of Sunset Blvd. N. E., allows stacked flats above the first floor of commercial uses. A bonus provision of up to 60 dwelling units per acre is proposed for provision of: a) commercial uses on the first floor with a minimum depth of 30 feet within the primary structure; and b) parking provided under the structure with rear or side access. Area B includes the remainder of the zones. Within Area B, townhouse development, semi-attached and detached units are allowed at 20 dwelling units per acre. A bonus of up to 36 dwelling units per acre would be allowed subject to design modifications. Townhouses are limited to clusters of four, with a building length of 100 feet and a requirement of 1,200 sq. ft. of land area per unit. A design oriented optional modification process is proposed in which the special development standards in the overlay zone could be modified if the project demonstrates quality design. Eleven design criteria are proposed to guide review of modification requests. A special review process administered through the Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Administrator is recommended to facilitate processing of this review. This proposal also amends the Commercial Arterial Zone to restrict multi-family uses in the zone to development in a mixed use structure. For additional information, please contact Rebecca Lind, at 425-430-6588. 3/4/99 AMENDMENTS TO TITLE IV, CREATING THE CENTERS RESIDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION OVERLAY DISTRICT WITHIN THE CENTER SUBURBAN AND CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD ZONES,ESTABLISHING A MODIFICATION PROCESS WITHIN THE DISTRICT,AND AMENDING RESIDENTIAL USE PROVISIONS IN THE COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONE. SECTION ONE 4-1-050 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including many different elected and appointed boards and City staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies is set forth below: A.PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE: The Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his or her designee, shall review and act on the following: k.Modifications to development standards in the Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District, (Re-number existing K-X) B.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT,NEIGHBORHOODS AND STRATEGIC PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE: The Economic Development,Neighborhoods,and Strategic Planning Administrator or his or her designee,shall review and issue the following. 1. Report on Design Criteria for Modifications in the Centers Residential Demonstration Overlay District. (Renumber B-G) SECTION TWO 4-2-060 ZONING USE TABLE SECTION B.RESIDENTIAL is amended to add the following notes as shown on Exhibit 1. 1)Note P113 add to the following categories in the Center Neighborhood and Center Suburban Zones. a)"Detached dwelling" b) "Townhouses up to 4 consecutive attached" 2)Note P114 add to category"Semi-attached dwelling" in the Center Neighborhood and Center Suburban zones. 3)Note 116 add to category"Flats"in the Center Neighborhood and Center Suburban Zones planning/zoning/2es page 1 z . ._' . Iftor c a -0 § � § r / Cl, E 0 k g2 ( - 0 < o e o$ f . o a_kc / c co§ k / e o ) \ N / k k to . - - o 0 2 c a c CCI § $ . o CO 4 z 1 o o x \ ° E E c 8 a) 0 o c o — o ± o e . § < k 2 co E 2 V a 0 f . 2 \ 2 c ( _ ) A. � & i CD Ce C ) u. ) . % co / % kcc § ii E E 'z - _ 0 c p o u o n 2 co < } To a CG D E E _ Cl) ° 2 -0 § _ z j \ 2 k zEcZ 0 co \ CL a) to CO 17- CD % Co 0 0 C « § E. § -o - Q_ afi cc - 2 ( e o \ CZ CO CZ u 0 > ln C — _ m } al Cn C I c ( \ U. \ ) / cm § 5 z ...c \ 0 6 0 » E z a E ) \ \ 7 I co N @ d i d » - _ _ -0 _ ) _ $ 9 0 ] c § ) 2 k / c W I' m 00 00 0 0 0 k ) co a Q 0 0 0 U) c) co co .- a r f- a a a in (0 a a a a a no a ro a NI CO el co 0) co Vt g a a ro cn cn a a Q. a a) L a) U c N U co N +@- t) C ^ C) • >, T >. LC-. C) CO a) To > ` O) N c j> > .. a) CD C 01 U U N . 0.)N U)12 O •n y C m0) X O cn co c8 p8 p� Ca) (h o O) a) a) QC) o o O Cl) 0 0 L a o , o 0 3 L L L C .o C C cn cn co O N O O %s A c c c N o 0 o 0 2 3 3 3 _m CO co m m 0 to- 1-- u' ( u. u cn = 3/4/99 SECTION THREE 4-2-070J CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD(CN) USES: TYPE: RESIDENTIAL Multi-Family Multi-family(existing legal) P Multi-family/townhouses 10 15 du/ac 20 du/ac.Bonus density of 40-60 du/ P#116 SECTION FOUR 4-2-070K CENTER SUBURBAN(CS) USES: TYPE: AGRICULTURE,RESOURCE RESIDENTIAL Multi-Family Multi-family/townhouses 10 20 du/ac Bonus up to 40-60 du/ac P#116 Multi-family(existing legal) P SECTION FIVE 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES A. SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 107. Residential uses are prohibited in the Employment Area, Valley (EAV) Comprehensive Plan Designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Outside of the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan Designation, flats or townhouses are allowed at 20 dwelling units per net acre when provided within a mixed use structure. Multi family residential uses located in a structure that is restricted , ' • ` sidential s'ha„ be ,.b:eet to the de e tan"ards �cui cuui u a as specified in the Multi Family Zone, Community Center, (RM C), Section 1 31 8D of the City Code. Maximum density shall be twenty (20) dwelling units per acre. Projects reviewed under Site Plan Review procedures, Section 4 31 33, may be required to build a ten foot (10')high ceiling for the first story of a building constructed solely for residential use, in order to maintain the long term potential for conversion to commercial usage. 114. No more than four (4) units may be consecutively attached. Maximum structure length is 100 feet. Subject to the density limitations located in the Development Standards for this Zone. 116. Commercial and residential uses may be located within the same structure. Residential Residential uses are permitted subject to the provisions and development standards in Section 4-3-120 Suburban and Neighborhood Center Residential Demonstration District.ety structures must be unified with existing or planned commercial uses by similar design themes, pedestrian access, and compatible lighting and signage. planning/zoning/2estiert, page 2 3/4/99 SECTION SEVEN 4-3-120 SUBURBAN AND NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER RESIDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION DISTRICT A. PURPOSE: These regulations are intended to provide an opportunity for high quality residential developments within the Center Suburban and Center Neighborhood Zoning Districts. The intent is to allow superior residential projects when the development complements commercial uses, provides a user population to support Center businesses, and provides a transition between intensive commercial areas and surrounding single family neighborhoods. To provide greater flexibility in meeting this purpose, projects may be approved through an optional modification process when superior design is demonstrated. • B.APPLICABILITY: 1. Centers Residential Demonstration District A Within the Suburban Center and Neighborhood Center Zoning Designations, that area within 150 feet offset from both sides of the public right-of-ways of Sunset Blvd. and NE 4th St. 2. Centers Residential Demonstration District B Within the Suburban Center and Neighborhood Center Zoning Designations,that area comprising the remainder of the zone excluding District A. District B begins 150 feet from the public right- of- ways of Sunset Blvd. and NE 4th St. on both sides of the roadways. Centers Residential Demonstration Districts A and B are shown on Maps A, B. and C. C. USES PERRMITTED IN CENTERS RESIDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION DISTRICT USES ALLOWED IN DISTRICT A USES ALLOWED IN DISTRICT B Flats or townhouses when in a mixed Detached dwelling use (residential/commercial) structure Semi-attached dwelling, up to 4 consecutively and located above the first floor. attached Flats or townhouses,existing Townhouses, up to 4 consecutively attached All other uses as permitted in the Flats or townhouses,existing underlying zoning All other uses as permitted in the underlying zoning planning/zoning/2csdeni page 3 . . , •, . . . . --.1, I I I I Il I I rn --. t-, 0%t44 i I , S] 21LV ; PLIO 11 IN u..1 DI nbo L . ill , .bhil ( — I I 1 1 I I o 0:1 Willi j o o - .=, Tto ,c4.4, •cu— _N, -I\ ITO nd ..,,,„ ,.., , : , ,.. ' - ' ” — triA.: ]N and IID(\na -4-) , p -,.:‘, •,-, ': ' 1, 9A V L11 [ 1 I -4-3 ---. —1 Li- — 4- ''4.?;,4-k.„ 74!',, I I — •r•-I I 1 1:17.i. 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N. 1 G Nz co � � G � .r �y U zsA� �zwo o` C M roe Ave. \E `":3 + I -libtilCi III _I eaj - F- N I I I �j o 1 /iTTI1 �a'oi00 Pierde Ave.!' rJ �' 1 - `-' na o I "'Fl- I I I 1 —!: 'FL- -- 1 I --k- 7 1 -: 1- I r i 1,I IldI PcaaId - - cr}- ► -( I j -Ym 0 —1_ ► 1i III a (-7-- --= i II • 1 • i ! _ ! I L `\ I . II ! .—I r n ct N I I - 1 N IIi 1 .0 ._- - 7 i I - )_y______ r U e �. _ Illli � fljil �I ( ' i r �� i i 1 ��_JJ_. • 4 iil1 I � ; o ::: - „ I H NI ,..,., , 4.- d <11P, 4:4,,,', R. I. o I i Cl) Q o: El::::::::-: 0 I. I !� w - • -� �\ -�►3_ =--� 0 n 11- I� -p u I; a U \ i II I ® D \ LI o HH rn o Jol5UUUJDH V I I I I r r-. , _ , I C.)•� I I ! I , L1 � 1 � I I II U - -. — ' I _ 1 _I ; O ••fr - 09 , �1\ _ _____,......„_. , - u t•u , .I _, i. z k , I 1 I .__ 4 P o et, o 11 r I I i r� ' ` C 4 1 ` 3/4/99 D.DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES LOCATED WITHIN THE CENTERS RESIDENTIAL DEMONSTRATION DISTRICT Where development standards are not specified in Table 1, the standards listed in the underlying CS and CN zoning prevail. The modification procedure specified in Section E.must be used for proposals that exceed the development standards in Table I or the standards of the underlying zoning. Table I. Residential Uses in District A Residential Uses in District B Density,Maximum Base density 20 dwelling units per net acre. A Base density 20 dwelling units per net bonus of 40 du/ac (up to a maximum of 60 acre. A bonus for architectural du/ac) may be granted subject to a)provision of innovation, of up to 36 dwe'ling units a mixed use project defined as a minimum per acre. may be approved through the depth of 30 feet of commercial use on the first modification process floor of the primary structure facing the arterial, and b)parking enclosed under or within the first floor of the primary structure with either side or rear access. Front entry parking may be approved subject to the modification process. Density,Minimum 10 dwelling units per net acre 10 dwelling units per net acre. Height,Maximum 50 feet 35 feet Building Length No requirement 100 feet Maximum Minimum Building No requirement 6 Feet Separation Setbacks Primary Use the standards in the base zone Standards in the base zone apply except Structure: a 3 feet minimum side setback is required. Projections e.g. eaves. bay windows are not allowed within the 3 foot side setback Setbacks Accessory Use the standards in base zone Front: 10 feet if parking access is Structure: provided from the rear Side: None Rear: 3 feet Garages must provide a minimum 24 feet of back out space including the alley • Lot Coverage 65% , 75% with structured parking 65% Minimum Land No requirement 1,200 square feet (includes building, Area per Unit footprint) Units per building No requirement 4 units maximum planning/zoning/2es page 4 • 3/4/99 Parking As required in Section 4-4-080 with the As required in Section 4-4-080 with the following additional requirements following additional requirements. Location: Rear of primary structure or Location: Rear or side access detached garage with rear access. Guest parking location: Surface stalls limited to clusters of 6 spaces separated by 15 feet of landscaping. Shadow plat None required All permitted uses may be developed on either: a) properties which are platted through the subdivision process: or b) properties which are to remain unplatted. For properties which are to remain unplatted,the development application shall be accompanied by a shadow plat. For purposes of this District"lot" shall mean legal platted lot and/or equivalent shadow platted land area. The applicant must demonstrate to the reviewing official that the proposed development will: a)meet standards for yards, land areas. and setbacks b)provide access and infrastructure to • serve the development equivalent to those requirements established in the • subdivision regulations. Building Location Residential units and any associated commercial 1)The relationship of the dwelling. Standards development within an overall development parking and the street should create the shall be connected through organization of appearance of a single family roads,block, yards, central places,pedestrian neighborhood. linkages and amenity features. 2)Residential units and any associated commercial development within an overall development shall be connected through organization of roads,block. yards,central places,pedestrian linkages and amenity features. 3)Front facades of structures shall address the public street,private street or court by providing: a) a landscaped pedestrian connection b) an entry feature facing the front yard. Iplanning/zoning/2esdefj page 5 - ;!w.ad puepaM UeM a,./ ;!wWad esn AJeJodwej co 3!wJad le!oadS i Ueld al!S leu!d'leld lio4S _ N lueu!w!Iaid'leld aJo4S aoueueq eu!lalogs *cued asn leuo!;!puoo°u!lalogs ;!uuad luawdolenaa!elluelsgns au!laJogs N uogdwex3°unclogs v v l!uLad luewa6euevy uonele6an augnolj euozeN c Ieu!d'and N v tieu!w!laJd'and 1- Ln keu!w!la.Id'leld Ieu!d'leld cs1 v lsenbe8 a;ewa;ly/uo!;eo !povll C u, leu!d Ved awoH el!gow (v CV ,Jeu!wpaJd'And awoH al!gow (sesegd lenp!n!puI)ueld a;!S ialse!j o y (piano)ueld ells Ja;seyy > cn c luaw;snfpy cull loi 0 icggoH'esueo f lauuayl z 0 esueon lauueN c W (leloads)l!uued II!d pue epeJo E J CO (loajoid-uoN)Me!nali Ie;uowuoJ!nu3 a00 n0a!na13!Ellie wuoJ!nu3 N Cs1d E w oeulex3 6upeeH);glued asn leuompuoo c (anlleJ;slulwpy)3!uued asn leuompuoo 1 -F4 i asn 6u!uuo;uoouoN CV CVi e Jo;3!uuad IenoJddy leuo!;!puoo "' ; eJnlonils 6u!WJo;uoouoN m E e Jo;l!uued Ienoiddy ieuo!l!puo3 § A 4wewpuawy lxal ueld-dump N E c euozeupuewpuewy devil ueld•dwo3 oI 6 1uopednoop awoH J01 esueo!l sseu!sne , !caddy ca (uo!llled%09)uo!;exeuuy 0 �— S (wow";o eopoN%Di)uopexeuuy = 42 �%, I A c -!— 11Wa3d/N011yollddy JO 3d.11 0 �+ c Q d T 1- - � /r� {J N t •..... E0 0 .043 V T en O H o 0 d co -� Cl) SzlO �l•�.. d 07 = m •a =a. E Z m Q. �c_ 0 d 0 0E 0 ° c d 0 ai c ° H '3 % a>i € CO c � x = V ii sm a 51 2 E v V � w o o E 0 0 ° co m m c = v2 -0 0 v o d J < c c Y 0 c d o a - J co Q 8 Q c Q a r .,- `J JQ� �_ �_ Boa � ??�° o Qo m m c c � '0 o8 17, a) c0 a 0 N Q' a_ c d 04KM Q (n co E N co to N u) c co cc co cc 'a co 1- Z 8-38 3/4/99 �.. Building Design 1)Variation in vertical and horizontal 1)Variation in vertical and horizontal Standards modulation of facades and roof lines. modulation of facades and roof lines. 2)Private entry features which are designed to provide individual ground floor connection to the outside. E. MODIFICATION PROCEDURE Application may be made for modification of the development standards in Section D. Applications shall be made pursuant to Section 4-9-250 D. of this title,. In addition to the decision criteria stipulated in Section 4-9-250D.2.. applicants must comply with the design criteria in Section 4-9- 250D.3. SECTION EIGHT 4-8-100 APPLICATION AND DECISION-GENERAL: A.PREAPPLICATION MEETING 1. Recommended: A pre-application meeting prior to formal submittal of a development application is recommended but not required unless 1)_a waiver of submittal requirements is recommended-1-)-2) a modification of development standards is requested in the Centers Residential Demonstration District. SECTION NINE TABLE 4-8-120C 4-8-120C Table 4-8-120C is amended to include Report on Design Criteria for Modifications 12 copies required. Note 6 is added to Table 4-8-120C footnotes to read: 6. Only required for modification to development standards in the Centers Residential Demonstration District. Amendments to Table 4-8- 120C are shown on Exhibit 2 SECTION TEN 4-9-250 VARIANCE,WAIVERS,MODIFICATIONS,AND ALTERNATES: D.MODIFICATION PROCEDURES 1.Application Time and Decision Authority: Modifications from standards,either in whole or in part, shall be subject to approval by the Planning Building/Public Works Department upon submittal in writing of jurisdiction for such modification. For a modification to development planning/zoning/2es4e4H page 6 3/4/99 standards in the Centers Residential Demonstration District,the Department shall use the recommendations in a Report on Design Criteria for Modifications prepared by the Economic Development.Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Administrator or designee as the basis for approval or denial of the request. Application will be made prior to detailed engineering and design. 3. Additional Decision Criteria Only for Center Residential Demonstration District In addition to the criteria in Section 4-9-260D. 2. the request for modification in the Center Residential Demonstration District shall meet the following criteria. a. Project uses a modified street grid system where most buildings front on a street. Where no public streets exist, a grid system within the project is provided. b. Project orients residential developments to the street and has primary building entries facing the street. Entries are identified with a prominent feature or detail. c. Parking garages are designed in a way which does not dominate the facade of the residential building. When garages must be located with vehicular access in the front due to physical constraints of the property,they are stepped back from the facade of the building. d.Parking lots are oriented to minimize their visual impact on the site and are designed so that the size and landscaping support the residential character of the developments in contrast to adjacent commercial areas. e. Project provides direct pedestrian access from the street fronting the building and from the back where parking is located. f.Walkways through parking areas are well defined and provide access from public sidewalks into the site. Walkway width is adequate (approximately five feet). Pavers, changes in color, texture or composition of paving are used. g. Pedestrian connections are provided to the surrounding neighborhood. h.Distinctive building design is provided. No single architectural style is required. However,reliance on standardized"corporate"or"franchise" style is discouraged. i. Exterior materials are durable, easily maintainable and attractive even when viewed up close. These materials have texture,pattern, or lend themselves to a high level of quality and detailing. j. A consistent visual identity is applied to all sides of buildings which can be seen by the general public.An equivalent level of quality is provided for materials,detailing and window placement. k. At least one of the following features is incorporated in structures containing three or more attached dwellings: (i)For each dwelling unit,provide at least one architectural projection not less than two feet from the wall plane and not less than four feet wide. (ii)Incorporate building modulation to reduce the overall bulk and mass of buildings (iii)Equivalent vertical and horizontal modulation of roof lines and facades which adds interest and quality to the project. • planning/zoning/2esden► page 7 3/4/99 SECTION ELEVEN 4-11-130 DEFINITIONS M MODULATION: A measured setback or offset of a minimum of two feet, at an interval of a minimum of 40 feet on a building face. 4-11-170 DEFINITIONS R REPORT ON DESIGN CRITERIA FOR MODIFICATIONS : A written evaluation issued by the Economic Development, Neighborhoods And Strategic Planning Director, of whether a proposed project qualifies as a superior design and is eligible for modification of development standards based on adopted criteria. planning/zoning/2es&ei page 8 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date a''a-- 97 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT February 22, 1999 Moratorium on Residential Development in the Center Suburban, Center Neighborhood, and Commercial Arterial Zones (Referred 9/14/98 ) The Planning and Development Committee met several times over the past few months on proposed amendments to the commercial zoning designations currently affected by the moratorium on residential development. The Committee recommends Council concurrence on the follow items: • The definition of mixed use be referred to the Planning Commission for further review and recommendation. • That March 8, 1999 be set for a Public Hearing on the proposed Resident}'al Demonstration District, and the amendments to the Commercial Arterial Zone` CA, t., C A/ ' /-112-0 • That March 8, 1998 be set for a Public Hearing on a proposed extension of the moratorium on residential uses in the Center Suburban(CS), Center Neighborhoods(CN), and Commercial Arterial (CA)Zones. • The City Council consider extending the existing moratorium for one month or until the proposed amendments to the CS, CN and CA zones take effect. • The issue of extension of the moratorium be referred to the City Attorney's Office for preparation of a resolution. a.Or / -tra.k7 Kathy K olker-Wheeler, Chair Affiiii-d(L- ob Edwards, Vice Chair Dan la on, ember cc: Mayor Tai.n.,r Sue Carlson Mike Kattermann P&DTEMP\ Revision Date 1/99