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BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT, LOT 1, SECTION 32T T.24 N7 R5 E., W.M. arY OF RENTON, KWG COUNTY, WA"4GTON APPROVALS EASEMENT PROVISIONS ary OF HENroM HJSNlXJellLoexyrlSLIC woHK& Q��Blkle[r EXAMINED AND APPRI THIS _ DAY OF ?0— AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY W1AIFIED TO 111E CITY Of RCHTON, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, OWEST COMMUNICATION$, COMCAST GABLE AND OTHER PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MUNICIP4 SERVICE UTILITIES, THEIR AE5PECHT E SUCCESSORS Nis ASSIONS, FOR POEM AND ITHWTE UTILITY. W OSCAPING. IRRICAIgN. WALKWAYS, MNLBOKES. PRT,GATE DRAINAGE PURPOSES AND PANATE SANITARY SEWER SERVICES UNDER AND IRON I) THE E%IERIOR BDD FEET (AS GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED ON SHEETS A ADMINISTRATOR THROUGH 15) PIAAILEL 1WW AND AAI MHG THE STRCET FROMKE DF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, 2) TRACT 'I AND TRACT 'K', 3) 1HE PRIVATE ACCCESS AMC UTILITY EASEMENT WTNIN LDT 23, l] THE PHNATE ACCESS AND IIfILSY EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 47 AND LOT 43. AND SJ THE PRIVATE KCESS AND UTI EASEMENT WITHIN L07 ED AND LOT 70 M WmCH TO MSTN.L, NAY, CONSTA 7, RENEW, OPERATE .AND MAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, CABLE, PWELNE AM WIRES WITH ME NECESSARY FACILITIES NID OTHER EOIWMFNT FOR THE PLMPOSE OF SCR'VCE TO THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY MNELECTRM, IELIF"HOME, GAS, CADLE W SERVICE AND OVER UTILITIES. TOGETHER MTN THE AGNT TO CRY OF SON ENTER UPON THE EASEMENTS AT ALL TRIES FOR ME PURPOSE$ STATED- UPON TITL DEDICATION OF ANY"I"'. OF THIS CASEMENT MEA AS A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SAD PORTION fX THIS LASEMEHT SHALL AUTDW.TIGLLY T£RUIyIE E%AWNED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20_ ANDSELF C%7 R2WISN. GR NTI C SNA I, UPON COMPLETION OF ANY WORK WITHIN THE PRDPERTF. RESIORE THE SURFKE OF THE EASEMENT MM ANY PNNATE IMPROVEMENTS DNSNRBEO DR DESTROYED DARING ENE EMECulKN OF THE VIER% AS NEARLY AS PRACITCASLE TO THE CONONION THEY WERE IN BEFORE COMMENCEMENT OF IHE 'MOTH[ OR ENTRY BY THE f.RANTEE MAYOR EXAMINED ANG APPROVED THIS DAY DF . 2D_ S EVEYORIS NOTES C7FT CLERK, ATTEST I. BOUNDARY AND PARCEL LINES CSTABLISHEO PER RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER REC, NO. ______----. 2- BASIS OF BFANMCS, S AR17'0E- E BETWEEN CITY OF RENTON CONIROL POINTS NOS. 181A AND 1B93. 3. ALL FOUND MONUMOW ENTS SHOWN WERE VISITED IN SEPTEMBER, 20GA- �Ey CM QE 0999N FWANIE DFIECTIMS SATE A. CPS OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE USING NIMBI 57M RECEIVERS wLM INFO TO MANUFACTURE SPECIFIGTbN PER I HEREBY SERTFY THAT MERE ARE NO DELNCUENT SPECIAL AS$ESSNENiS AND ALL WA 332-130-IOD. SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON ANY OF ME PROPERTT HEREIN CGNTAwE D. DEDICITEO AS 5- SUR1'FY WS7RUMENT, COMNTIONAI FIELD MEASUREMENTS WERE MACE 1MM A GEODOMETER 610 TOTAL 57ATIoN (S FK STETS , ALLEYS OR FOR TIMER PUBLIC USE ARE PND IN FULL. HORI I KCURACY). THIS INSTALMENT AND IT'S ACCESSORIES WERE MAINTAINED 70 MANIIFADTURE'S SPECIFICATION A5 RED RED BY WK 332-130-100. THE PRECISION OE THE CONTROL TRAVERSE MEETS OR EXCEEDS THOSE AS ACUNREO DAMNED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF , 20_ PER WAC 332-130-09D. 6, THIS SURVEY MELTS NE MINIMUM SI.ANDANCS SET FORTH IN WAC 332-130. FwH E DIRECTOR LAKE WASHINGTON SNELANII FILED IN THE 7. THE HA17BDR LINES HEREON ARE AS SHOWNON THE GFFHCML MAPS OF ANNO OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS AT OLYMPIA. WASHINGTON, SEP71MBER 19. 1921. THE COORP1xATE VALUES SHOWn ON SAID MAPS WERE ZED TO ESTABLISH ME INNER AND OUTER HAREOR LINES. THE DATA WAS ROTATED AND TRANSLATED TO THE CITY OF RENT" HORIZONTAL DA7UM NAD 53/91_ KM CCKNIY DEPARTMENT OF A BITS BASIS OF POST" MONUMENT FOOM AT THE SOU H CUPATER CORNER OF SECTION 29 (NE. CORNER G T_ LOT 1) DAMNED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY 09 , 20— KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR C EpIGATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ACCOUNT NUMBER T07AL AREA 147.350 SQUARE FEET ().M ACRL5) I HEREBY TFY MAT ALL PROPERTY ARE PND. THAT NO STAXESOFF IETO N AN THAT L SPECIAL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTHES TO TH OFFICE EC CN ON AON OF 1MAT ALL SPACIAL S A 45E SSYENTS CERTIFIED fO MI5 7FlLE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF ME PROPERTY xEREm CONT—ED. DEINCATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PURAC USE ARE PND 1N TOLL THIS —DAY OF MANAGER. FINANCE dN51d1 DEPUTY lI 1 \ ti .; RESTRICTIONS - I. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF TO RU GET SOUND POWER .AND LICN7 COMPANY "--.. FOR ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTROUTION LINE PER REC. NO. 18• {. ' _ � _ -,•\ / /r EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CDNDDK)N5 THEREOF TD CRY OF RENTON FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PER 2- ReC_ 40. 721219D390. C ,•Y 1: :,\_ II i ' l / 3 EASEMENT AND E TERMS -0 CON011*H5 THEREOF FOR IIW.7IE55, EGRESS .AND UTILITIES PER AEC ND, 8TA21506II9 TH RESER,YnONS w FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGl WHEREBY , •_ � 4. C%CCPFN]NS AND GONTAINW OILED UN, THE GRAVITON EMG[vT5 AND RESERYEs ALL OIL GASES. COAL. ORES, uM1ERAL5. F'055IL5. EFL.. AND ME % /'/ //� RIGHT OF ENTRY FOR OPENING. DEVELOAMC AHI) WOAKLNG ME SAME AND PRgA7DINq THAT SODH NIGxTS �' .�. `: \ y// ■% 5F LL NDT HE EXERCISED UNTIL PROVISION ILLS BEEN MADE FOR FULL PAYMENT OF ALL DAMAGES SUSTWIEO BY AEA50N OF SUCH Ex TRY, RECOPOEU UNDER AEC, NO. •67111 5. RELEASE OF EMAADE AGREEMENT AND ME TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREOF PER REC NO- 429596. SNIT DOCUMENT RELFASING UNITED STATES OF AIMERICA FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIM' FDR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM; ODNSTRUCII IN, GPERATGN, AND MAINTENANCE OF CANAL LOCKS, SI IP,H,,S, WATERWAYS AND THE RASING NA LOWERING OF THE WATER If.NEI OF TAKE WASNINGT(kl. 6EASEMENT MD THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF PDA INGRESS AND EGRESS AND OTHER LRPOSES PER REC, No-. 2aGg929DDsn9_ NOT TO SCALE 7. OPEC" AGREEMENT, NCLUDING THE TERMS AND CDNDTDNS THEREOF FOR REPURCHASE OF A PRUP050 LOT AFTER PLATING PER REC. NO. 2006092940SE30. , B. EASEIAExT AHD NE TERMS AND CONdTOF15 THEREOF FOR ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT PER REC - x0 . 2W"29DD3a31. 11 SHEET' INDEX i 9. DEED OF TR EC AND ASSIGNMENTS OF R£HTS N10/OR LEASES N+G THE TERMS N!D CDNDTTgNS THEREOF PER RfC. x0. 2D0E0929DOSA32. CITY OF RENTON LUA"- CITY OF RENTON LND- BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT. LOT t SECTION 32 T24 K R5 E., WA Orr OF F ENTON, ICING COUNTY, WASHNOTON DEDICATION / CERTFICATION KNOW All PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS NAT WE, TYIE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS IN FEE S IFLE OF THE LAND HEBERT PLATTED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE ME GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF NE SUWIMSU MADE (HERESY. AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO FIVE USE OF ME PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES SHOWN HEREON AND THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC NKNWAY PURPOSES; AND ALSO THE RIGHT To MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLCPE5 FOR CUES AND FILLS UPON ME LOTS AND BLOCKS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT IN ME ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADND OF SAD STREETS AND AVENUES SHOWN HEREON. AND TURNER nFDCATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS SHOW) ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICATED NERECN, MCTUDNC BUT NOT LIMITED TO UTUnES AND DRAINAGE. MAC T5 'A' FLROUGH 'I' AND IT THROUGH 'P' ARE HEREBY CONVEYED TO ME OWNERS Or LOTS 1 THRQUON 114 70 BE OWNED N WEIR LINO WOOD INTERCST AND MANAGED THRGIGH THE RULES AND REGULATNONS OF ME BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY CRG4N12AnpN (BMCO). TRACTS 'A' AND '9" ARE HEREBY CREATED TO PROVIDE A NAnVE ORGAN BUFFER TO PROTECT MAY CREEK, SAID TRACTS ARE a S.GNATCO AS A "An VE GROWN PRGTTCTION AREA IN_G. P A] CREATED TO ALLOW ESTABLKNMEHT AND PRGTECTOH OF MORE EXTENSIVE ANO COMPLEK COJMUNITES OF INDIGENOUS WIDErAPON ALONG BOTH SIDES OF MAY CREEK. THE DECLMAN7 SMALL SUPPLEMENT THE EmnHC YECETATON W1HIN TRAOrS'A' AND B. IN ACCORDANCE WIN A LANDSCAPE PLAN APPROVED BY ME CITY OF RENTON. THE BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY CRGANZAMON (BMCD) SHALL MANAGE AND PROTECT THE VECETAnON *THIN THESE TRACTS. PUBLIC ACCESS MANN TRACTS 4 AM 'B' IS LIMIIEO TO USE DF A SOFT SIIBFACE TTum TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY DECLARANT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF REN7DN. DEVELOPMENT, ALTERATION, OR DISTURBANCE TANNIN ME H.G.P.A, IS PROHIBITED EXCEPT FOR PURPOSES OF HABITAT ENHANCEMENT AS PART OF AN ENHANCEMENT PROTECT WHICH H45 RECEIVED PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM ME CITY OF RENTON AND ANY DMEM AGENCY WN MMSDICnON MR SUCH AGnVITT, THIS EASEMENT SHALL RUN WITH THE LAND. TRACTS "C', 'D', 'HH', Y AND 'C THROUOI 'P• MF HEREBY CREATED AS OPEN SPACE TRACTS PUBLIC ACCESS MIMIN TRACT "C SHALL BE PERMITTED, PROVIDED SUCH ACCESS IS LIMITED TO THE SYSTEM OF 7R4MU W 1LS D/WALKWAYS BE YS TO CONSTRUCTED AND MAINTAINED BY THE BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY ORGA47ATON (BMCO). PACTS 'F- AND -G' ARE HEREBY CREATED FGR STORM DETd71ON MO TARTER MALTY PURPOSES. TRACT 'E' IS HEREBY CREATED FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION FACILITIES, INQUDINO BUT NOT LOAFED T0. A COMMUNITY CLUB HOUSE, RECREATIONAL FACILITIES AND LAKE ACCESS. ENACT -J- 5 HEREBY CRWrED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS OF LOT 22 MROUGH LOT 25 FOR PRIVATE OGRESS, EGRESS AND UTEJNES. ALL NECE55AIFF MANtEMANCE RESPON591U7E5 FOR THE RLPAR MD MAINttN6ANCL OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROADS. CRAN4CE APES *TNAN TRACT J . PRIVATE SKau.GE AND ONE R IMFRASTAuCTuRE NOT OWNED BY THE CITY OF RENTON OR OTHER PROMDERS SHALL BE THE REP5ow BAIT, OF THE OWNERS OF LOT 22 THROUGH LOT 25. DWNERSHIP OF LCT 22 THROOGN LOT 2 5 WITHIN THIS Put INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND UNDMDED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT '.Y, AND AN EQUAL AND UNDIVIDED RESPONSIBHUTY FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF SAID TRACT. TRACT lk IS HEREBY ORmTED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS OF LOT AS THROUGH LOT ALB FOR PRIVATE OGRESS. EGRESS AND UnLMES. ALL NECESSARY MAINTENANCE RESADM IUTES FOR THE REPAR AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE ACCESS ROADS, DRAINAGE PIPES WAIN TRACT 'K', PRIVATE SIGNAGE AND OTHER INFRASTRUCTURE NOT OWNED BY THE CrY OF REWON DR OTHER PROVIDERS SHALL BE THE REPSONSIDIUEY Of THE OWNERS OF LOT 45 THROUGH LOT 45. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 45 THROUGH LOT ALB WHIN NIS PLAY INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND UNDMOED OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN TRACT N. AND AN EQUAL. UNDMDED RESPONSIBILITY FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF SAND TRACT. ME CITY OF RENTON SHALL HAVE ME RIGHT TO ENTER THE ABOVE DESCMSED TRACTS TO REPARR ANY DEFICIENCIES OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES IN THE EVENT THE OWNERIST 5/ARE NEGLIGENT IN THE MAINTENANCE OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES CO TAMED THEREIN ANY REPAR AND MAINTENANCE COGS INCURRED BY THE CIM OF RENTON SHALL BE SHARED EOIIALLY AMONG THE OWNERS OF THE RE5PECTVE TRACTS, N IYNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL Ut A WASHNGTON UNITED UMU7Y COMPANY BY: CNARLES F. CONNER ITS MNNLIIIG PARTNER Br: MOMICA R. PLEAS ITS SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT KCYBANK NATIONAL ASSOOATION, AS AGENT SEE DECLM AnDN GF PROTECnVE COVENANTS FOR RARBEE WU AS RECORDED UNDER RECORDING N0.--- --„------------ RECORDS OF KING COUNTY. WASHBHGION. ALL LOTS AND TRACTS WTH1N THIS RAT ARE SUBJECT TO THE Ep OSEE MILL CUM UNITY ORGANIZATION ESTABLISHED IN ACCORDANCE WTH WASHINGTON STATE LAW WHIpN IDENTIFIES EACH LOT OF THIS RAT AS A MEMBER OF SAID BARBEE MILL CUMUNITY ORGANIZATION RECORDED UNDEM RECORDING NO, _ �,_.,,. RECORDS OF KING COIJNIY, WASHINCTON. THE OWNER OF THE LAND EMBRACED M7MN THIS LONG PLAT. IN RETURN FOR THE BENEFIT 10 ACCRUE FROM THjS SuBDIWSION, BT Va NMG HEREON CGYEIUHTS AND AGRESS 10 CONVEY ME BENEFTOAL INTEREST UN THE NEW EASEMENTS SHOWN ON THIS LONG RAT TO ANY AND ALL FUTURE PURGm ASES OF THE LOTS, CA OF ANY SUBDIVISION HEREOF- THIS COVENANT SHALL RUN m1 THE LAND AS SHOWN ON NIS LONG PLAT, CITY OF RENTON LUA- CTY OF RENTON LND- 0 e: Iona Hai N.L. Drh. S.A. 400 prW1.Wd, 1AdIrR DE037 Ph.— (4251 B22-IMa FAX (4EB) W-25TT 1nuH.L ML01Ak.001I ramie yo,.e.a ACKNOWLEDWENTS STATE OF VA5HILI COUNTY a K,NG VOL/PG I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR MAW SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT _(MARLES F. LWNNFR SIGNED NIS INSTRUMENT. ON OATH SIATLD THA1 HE WAS WTHDR12ED 70 EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOMLEDCED IT AS THE MANAGING PMMfR _ OF TO BE THE rREE AND MILUH7MY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR ME USES IAlA PURPOSES MENTIONED WI THE MSTRUEIT. SICN4TuRE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME TITLE RESIDING AT W APPOINTMENT EXPIRES STATE Or WASIIMTON COUNTY OF KING I CERTIFY NAT I KNCW PI HAVE SAPYACIORY EVIDENCE THAT P SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON CAN STATED NAT SHE WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOLLTEOGED IT AS ME OF KEMANK NATI 70 BE THE TREE ANO VDLUN7ARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR ME USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. SIGHATUNE OF NOTARY PUBLIC PRNTED NAME TITLE REQMNG AT MY APPOM7MFNT EXPWRES ABREMTM LEGAL DESCR19" HW X. NW YH SECOON 32, TOWNSHIP 24 HORN, RANGE 5 EAST. W4LAWTTE MERIDIAN W,z 4;-W,;i.J12961 THAT POR7101V Or GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 32. TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WLLAMETTE MERIDIAN, N KING COUNTr, W45HINCTCH, AND Of SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS AC.KRMING, LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RIMLROAD RIGHT OF WAY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SNORELANDS DESCRIBED AS LYING NORM OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OE THE NORTH LINE OF SAO GOVERNMENT LOT 1. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PAT OF BARBEE WILL IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SUBOMSION OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.N„ MAT THE COURSES AND DISFANCES ME SHOWN CORRECTLY THEREON; NAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CORRECTLY ON THE GROUND AS CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AMD NAT I HAVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF ME PLATTING REGULATIONS. C. LA a�� 2Ap —AM I LA NICE. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURIVEYDR. iAAIII��� CERTOCALE NO, 299E1 OTA, INC �RgRyp 10730 ME. POINTS CMWV SUITE ADD L Lk NORKLANO, WASHNGTON 9A033 PHpME: (425) 822-4446 IM�MM1 RECORDING CERTIFICATE RECORDING 40. FILED VON RECORD AT ME REQUEST OF ME KING COUNTY COUNCIL NIS _ DAY OF 20_ . AT MINUTES PAST _M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME Or PLATS, PACES) RECORDS Or KING COUNTY, WASHHINGTON. DMSIOI Or RECORDS AHD ELECTIONS MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT PORTION OF: GOV'T. LOT 1. SECTION 3D, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, OLLAAHETTE MERIDIAN, KING COUNTY. WASHINGTOI4 JOB NO 30935.001 SHEET 1 OF 15 BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT. LOT IT SECTION 32, T.24 N., R.5 E, W.M. CiTY OF RENTONN K W COUNTY, WASF MTON PLAT NOTES 1. ALL BVA.VIN I OOWNSPOES, FOOTING DRAINS AND DRAINS FROM ALL IMPERI SURFACES, SUCH AS PATIOS -a DRNEWAYS. SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT STORM DRAIN OUTLET AS SHOWN OH ME A°HROVEO CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS {WIN FILE WITH RENTOR DE4fLOPMENT SERVICES THIS PLAN ALL BE SUBMATTEO MTH ME GI APPVDON FOR ANT BUILOINC PERMIT. ALL CONNECTOW5 OF THE AWNS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED ANO APPROvED PRIOR 70 THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION ARP"AL. FOR THOSE LOTS IYNT ARE DESICNaTED FOR INDmDLNI LOT INFILTRATION SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEMS SHALL BE COHSTNVCTED AL THE TITRE OF ME 9UILGNC PEAPW AND SHALL COMPLY TOM SAID PLANS- ALL lhvmDMAL STUB -OUTS AND +NFILTRATIpN SYSTEMS SNAu BE PRIVATELY OAINEO AND 1 FYAINED BY THE LOT OWNER. 2, ME PUBLIC ORMNACE EASEMENTS $HD" HEREON ARE HEREBY GRANTED TO THE CITY Or RENTON. THE nRATA;E uHES AHD FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN SHALL BE MAmTAINEO BY THE CITY OF REN70N. 3. ME PUBLIC WATERLINr EASEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE HEREBY GRANTED 70 THE CITY OF RENTON. THE WATER LINES AND FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN SHALL BE M&WANED BY THE CRY Of RENTON. THE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER VLSEMENTS SHOWN HEREON ARE HEREETY GRANTED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, THE SEWER LINES AND FACILITIES CONTAINED MITTEN SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY ME CRY OF RENTON, 5, THE PLUM ACCESS AND PI EASEMENT WIMIN LOT 115 IS HEREBY GRANIED 10 THE CITY OF BENTDN. THE UTIUYY LINES AND FACILITIES CONTAINED THEREIN SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE CFY OF RENION. 6. THE PAN II EASEMENTSUH SHOWN WM TRACT "cT ANO TRACT "F" ARE HEREBY GRANTH ITED TO E PuBJC FOR PAIKINC AND SIDEWALK PURPOSES. ME BARBEE MILL CWWHTY ORCANQPPI SWILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ME "WENNCE OF THE PARKING AND SIDEWALK ACILITKS CONTAINED THEREIN. 7 ME PPTAAEE NORE55, EGRESS AND UTI1TIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 2 ANO LOi S R TOP THE BENEFIT OF LOT Z AND LOT 3. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 2 AND LOT S WITHIN THIS PLAY INCLUDES AN FWµ AND UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT. THE OWNERS OF SMD LOTS SHALL BE RESPON51o[L FOR ME MAINTFIANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE ACILRIES THEY UI BENEFR of USE AND SHALL EOµLY SHARE IN THE WJNTEH4ICE OF THAT PORTION Or THE FACILITIES USED M COMLAC,4. B. ME PRNArE INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTEIRES EASEMENT W9RIIN LOT 4 AN p L07 5 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LC f 4 AND LOT S. OWNERSHIP OF L07 A AND LOT 5 WITHIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EOAAL AND UNOW'IDEO INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTEHANCE OF TINT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES THEY HAVE BENEFR of VSE AND SHALL TONALLY SHARE IN THE MNTENNCE V THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON. 9. THE PRIVATE NCRESS. EGRESS AHD VIVTIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 6 AND LOT 7 IS FOR THE REHEAT OF LOT 6 AND LOT 7, OWNERSHIP QF WE 6 ARD LOT Y WHIN MIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EQUAL AND VNDWAOEO INTEREST IN EASEMEHT THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE MANTENIMCE OF THAT PORrOH OF THE FACuI MET HAYE BEREFT Or USE AND SHALL EOµIY Si IN THE M TEHAACE LIF THAT PORTION OF ME FACILITIES USED PH COMMON, 10. THE PRIVATE THORESS. EGRESS AND VIII 5 EASEMENT WIMN LOT B AND LOT 9 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT B WO LOT 9- OWNERSHIP OF LOT B AND LOT 9 MTHM THIS PLAT INCLUDES M EQUAL AND uNDmDED WTE9EST M SAID EASEMENT THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS R NLL RE RESPDHSIBLC FOR ME MAN CHANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME FACILITIES THEY HA,E BENEFIT OF USE AWp SHALL EQUALLY SHARE M ME YANT[NANCE OF THAT PBRTION OF ME FACILITIES USED IN COMMON 11_ THE PRIVATE INGRESS, EGRESS AAG UTILITIES EASEMENT MMN LOT 10 AND LOT 11 15 FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 10 AND LOT 11. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 10 AND LOT 11 WITHIN 74S PLAT INCLUDES AN EOLML AN B UNDIVIDED INTEREST N SAC EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAID LOPS SMALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TIME MINNEENANEE OF THAT PDRTION OF THE FACILITIES THEY HAYS BENEFIT Or USE AND SHALL EOVALLY SHARE IN THE MAWLNANCE Of IMF PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED N COMMON. 12. THE PRNATL INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT WTHIN LOT 12 AND LOT 11 5 FOR THE BENEFIT Of LOT 12 AND LOT 13. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 12 ANO LOT 13 WTNIN TH45 PLAT INCLUDES AN EOVµ M "WEED INTEREST IN SAD EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR YTE MANTpMAICE OF MAE POR ION OF ME FACILITIES ME, HAvE BENEFR OF USE AHD SHALL EQUALLY SHARE IH THE MAINTENANCE or MAE POAnov OF THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON. 13. ME PRIVATE 1NORESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES CASEMENT WMIN LOT 14 AND LOT 15 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 14 AND LOT 15. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 14 AND LOT 15 WITHIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EQUAL -0 UNBMDED INTEREST N SAO EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAD LOTS SHALL RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACJLITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND SHALL ZOUAL.LY SHARE IN ME "WENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON. 14. ME PRNAM INGRESS. EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 16 ANo LOT 17 IS FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 16 AND LOT 17 CIAINERSHF OF LOT 15 AND LOT li WITHIN TARS PLAT INCLUDES AN EOLML ANC UNOPAXD INTEREST N SAID EASEMENT. THE OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TOR THE MANTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FAJLITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF VSE AND SHALL EOL y SHARE PH IRE mKNUINAHCE OF THLI E FORTOµ OF THE FACILITIES USED N COMMON. IS. ME mwATE IHCRESS. EGRESS ANO urIVTIES EASEMENT WINK LOT 18 AND LOT 19 IS FOR THE BENEFR Of LOT 16 AND LOT 19. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 18 AND LOT 19 WTHIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AAI EUVAL AND UNWOED INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT- ME OWNERS OF SNP LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME I'ACILITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND SHµL EOLPRI SHARE 1N ME MAINTENANCE OF TOUT PORTION OF THE FACVTES LSfD N COMMON_ IA. ME PRIVATE MGRFSS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 70 AND LOT 21 S FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT ZO AND LOT ]I. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 20 AND LOT 21 WITINCLUDES AN THIS PLAT INAN EDLAL AN B UNDIVIDED INTEREST N SAID EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF T1AI PORTION OF ME FACILITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND SHALL EOLWLY SHARE IN ME MMWENANCE OF TIAt PORION OF ME FACILITIES USED N ODMMON. 17. ME PINNATE INGRESS. EGRESS AND VULITIES EASEMENT RTHIN LOY 23 IS FOR THE BENTFN OF LOU 72 AND, W7 23. DYINEASTIIP OF LOT ZZ Aho LOT 23 WTHIN THIS PLAY INCLUDES AN COAL AND VNDNIDEO INYERESi IN SAC EASEMENT THE OWNfR5 OF SAID LOTS ° ALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE Or THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES THEY HAVE BEAEPIT OF USE AND SHALL EQUALLY SHARE N THE WINYENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED N GOMMCN. Ia. THE PNNA,E INGRESS. ECRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 47 IS FOR ME BENEFR OF LOT AT AND LOT W. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 47 AND LOT Aa WITHIN THIS PUT IHCIUDES AN EOUµ AND UwoIWOED INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENI. ME OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME FACIUBES THEY HAVE fENFFIT OF USE AND SHALL [WALLY SHARE IN ME MANTENANCE OF MAT PORTION OF ME FACILITIES USED IN CCMMOAl 19. THE PRNAT[ INGRESS. EGRESS AND Uf1"E" EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 69 IS FOR THE oENErn BE LOT 69 AND LOT 7p. OWINERSHIP OF LOT 69 AND LOT 70 WITHN TINS PUT INCLUDES AN EOLAL AND VNDI METRIC T IN SAID EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAID LOTS SHM.L BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME FACILITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND SMALL EDJALLY SHARE IN THE "WENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME FACILITIES USED IN CCMMDN, 20' ME PRIVATE INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 97 IS FOR THE BENEFR OF LOT 97 AND MT 91. ONNERSIUP OF LOT 97 AND LOT 9a WITHIN THIS PLAY NCLUDES AN EOJAL AND UNDIVOED INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT. ME OWNERS OF SAID 1AT5 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE Of THAT PORTION OF THE FKUrIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND • ALL EWACT SHARE N THE MAINTENANCE OF TINT PORTION OF ME FACLITIES USED N COMMON. 21. THE PRIVATE 51ORM DNAPHI EASEMENT MAIN LOT 7a AND TRACE 7" IS FOR THE BENEFR Or ME OWNERS OF LOT 77 AND LOT M OWIERSMP OF LOT 77 AND LOT 7B WTHIN MIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EOML UAND VNOm0E0 NTERCST IN SAO CASEMENT. THE OWNERS OF 5A10 LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ME MANTEHAN E OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACRIDES THEY HAVE RENEW OF USE AND SHALL EOALLY SHAPE IN ME MAYNTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF ME FACVNES USED IN COMMON. 22. THE PRNA.EE STORM DRAMAGE LASEMEW "MIN LOT 80 THROVLS4 LOT 65 AND TRACT TF' S FOR THE BExEFlF OF ME vWHERS OF LOT ]9 TIHROUCH t01 86- OWNERSHIP a LOT J9 MROVOH LOT 66 N THIS PLAT IACLVDES AR EDUAI AND IRAON10E0 INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT. T OWNERS OF SAD LOTS SHALL BE RESPDxSTBLE FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACUTIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT 0VSE -0 SHALL EOI SHARE N THE MAWENABCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON PLAT MOTES 23, THE PRIVATE 51pRM ORAINWE EASEMENT WITHIN LOl a6 THROUGH LDT 95 S FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE OWNERS OF LOT 57 THROUGH LOT 95 CIINERSHIP Of LOT 37 THROUGH LOl 96 M1 FIN THIS PLAT INCLUDES AN EOUAL AND UNDMDED INTEREST IN SAID EASEMENT. ME OWNERS of SAp LOTS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE Or THAT PORTION DF THE FACIITIf5 THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF VSE AND SML EOUALLY SHARE IN THE MwMENANCE of THAT PORTION Of THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON 24. THE PRIVATE STORM DRAINAG E EASEMEW WTHIN LOT 97 IS FOR THE BENEFIT DF THE OWNERS OF LOT 97 AND LOT 9a. OWNERSHIP OF LOT 97 AND L07 96 WTHIN THIS PLAT I LLIDES AN EOIIAL AND UNOMDED INTEREST IN SAIO EASEMMENI. THE OWNERS OF SAO LOTS L 5E RESPONSIBLE TOR ME MRIHT EHANCE Of TINT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES THEY HAVE BENEFIT OF USE AND SHALL EOMµLY BARE IN THE MAWENAHCE OF THAT PORTION OF THE FACILITIES USED IN COMMON. 25. THE SMAO INSIAHOE EASEMEHTS ARE HEREBY CRANIED TO THE CITY or RENTON AND ISUCCESSORS ANQ ASSIGNS. THE LAND UPON W-11CH MESE EASEMENTS GC SNNLL NOT BE MPR D OR ALTEREU IN ANY WAY TO AIPAR THE 51GHT INTO THE RIGHT-M-MAY. SUCH IMPROVEMENTS INCLLDE. BU1 ME NOT LIMITED 70 SIRUCHJRES AHD LANDSCAPING. THE BARBEE MILL HOMEOWNERS ASSCCMTION 5HµL WyE THE RESPONSI TO KEEP CLEAR ME LINES IMF SIGHT FOR WHICH THE EASEMENT 15 IWENBEp- THE CITY OF REWON SHALL HAKE THE RGW. BUT HOT THE OBLIGATION. TO ENTER UPON THESE EASEMENTS ArHO DD *ATEvER IS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN THE PROPER SIGHT DISTANCE. a ALL LOTS WITHIN THIS PLAT ARE SUWECT TO FIVE (5) FOOT RULDINC SETBACRS FOR 510E Lot LINES, EXCEPT WHERE 2ER0 {0) FOOT BUILDING SFTBACNS ARE PTRARnEO FOR •nACHED SWELLING UNITS_ 27. THE FOLLOWING PAIRS OF LOTS ME SUBJECT TO A 2[RO (G.O') LOT LINE SETBACK µONO THRJR COMMON LOT LNE. LOTS I AND Z LOTS 31 AND 32 LOTS 61 AHD 62 LOTS 91 AND 92 LOTS 3 AND 4 LOTS 5 AND 6 LOTS 33 AND 34 LO15 35 AN0 M LOTS 63 AFID 64 LOTS 65 ANO 66 LOTS 93 AND 94 LOTS 95 ANO 46 LOTS 7 .0 B LOTS 31 AND 3B LOTS 67 AND 6B LOTS 97 AND 9a LOTS 9 AND 10 LOTS 34 AND 40 LOTS 69 AND 10 LOIS 99 AND IOD Lam 11 AND 12 lBTS 13 A7A SA Lon 41 AND 42 LOSS IS AND 44 LOTS 71 AND 72 lOTS 71 AHD 74 LOIS 101 AMp ,03 LOTS IDy ANp 104 LOTS 15 Am 16 LOTS 17 MID 16 LOSS 45 AND A6 LOTS 47 AND NB LOTS 75 AND 76 LOIS 77 AM 7B LOTS 105 hNo 1D6 LO15 TD7 AND ION LOTS 19 AND 20 LOTS 49 AHD 50 LOTS 74 AND 80 LO15 109 AND T10 LOTS 21 AND 22 LOTS 23 AND 2A LOTS 51 ANO 52 LOTS 53 AARID5a LOTS BI AND A2 TOTS a1 ANo a4 LOTS , IS I AHO 112 LOTS TAND 114 LOTS 25 AND 26 LOTS 55 AND 56 LOTS 95 AN B6 LOTS 27 A" 28 LOTS 29 AND 30 LOTS 57 AG 5B LOTS 54 ANO W LIS 17 AND " LOTS 99 AND 90 25 LAKE WASHINGION SHpREUNE BUFFER - LOT 23 THROUGH LOT 4a ME SUMITT TO A LINE SHORELINE BUTTER AS DCTABED ON SII IS 14 AND 15. THE SFORTUNE BUFFER IS ESIRBLISH(6 TO µLOW THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MANiENANCE Or C01.RAVMlIES OF INDIGENOUS VMFTAIION ALOHC THE SHOAT OF L4(E WASHmGION. THE FIRST THIRTY FM FEET N DEPTH of THE WTTER AS MENSVREO FROM THE DRWHWFr HNR4 WATER LINE ONTO EACH LOP SHALL BE FLAMED 1N ACCORDANCE WITH A BUFFER EAHDSCAPf PLAN APPROVED By THE CItt Or RENTON. THIS THPRTY FIVE SODA RUETER AREA SHALL BE IRRIGATED AND MNNt4NE6 BY THE BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY ORGANISATION )BMCO) WHICH SHALL ENSURE THE HEALTH ARE THUS RETY OF THE VEGETATION. WAAGEO REAR YARD LANDSCAPING AS APPROVED IH THE CITY Or RENTON SHALL RE PERMITTED ON THE PURITUN OF THE BUFFER AREA LYING FLRITHER THAN THIRTY FPJE FEET FROM THE GRO,_ RICH WATER LINE. 21, THE PRIVATE UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 47 5 TON THE BENEFIT Or THE OWNERS OF LOT 4B, ME OWNERS OF LOT 48 SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ME MAINTENANCE OF THE FACILITIES CONTAINEO THEREIN_ IF EXISTING PRIVATE IMPROY(MFN15 ARE DISTURBED OR DESTROYED OVIHHG NSTµUTIpN OR MANIEWNCE OF rACLIIIES THEREIN. LOT 40 WILL BE RESPONSIBLE 70 REPAIR OR REPLACE ME IMPROVEMENTS TO A CONCIIION SIMILAR AS THEY WERE IMMEDATELY BEFORE ME PROPERTY WAS Ex IERED UPON_ CITY OF RENTON LUA- CITY OF RENTON LND- BARBEE MILL PORTION OF WV T. LOT A SECTION 3Z TZ4 NY U E Wall. MY OF AWONT KM COUM'f WAet 4WON SO RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION PER REC- NG__________________ �t W5 y UNF;TED � �• �. Imo. T.L 9D T.L 9DD2 5W. 29-24-05 y �,+ �� SCALE 1•=50' IN FEEL � ! 5.F ],552 �S.F Si rT yli 5F g B 1 3.eAU �s,F B 7 w oes.se ® ].6�A S.F i3 6 S.B26 ;5.F, 8 5 --116.0D' i' l,672 S.F S 4 ],616 S.F. — r 3 wx 3.�63 S.F 2 / 6' 7 A .� 5.IB9 S.F. • . ' a/ 4 ti M1 ^ byti S.O. LINE-SEEPVBUC WATER E54'T, 13p1' i y r (� p DETAIL •G_, SNT,9- SEE OET1J •C• 6MT.9 � �* 'M1 N B9-N'39- ■ 240.% Ta �arON.�, �$yk,� N. 42ND PLACE w- _4__D_5_._f_. a_ __ i 4 S.F. 3,3G S.F. 3.3SA S.F, IG N_6 PARKING �. r / ! - r g 75 _ 75 74 L 73 72 71 TRACT 'I^ ESNISEE to ry OPEN SPACE DETAIL •C•, g� -W n g 6,79E S.F 31T.9 r N 6 N39' w 13B.Wp '' '3�• W ;ry 2, 21' 20' PRYATE ACCESS A UTN Ury ESN'T, 51.34 15 PUBL C j SEE"I T7RAINAG N SdN39 W102.61 ESY'1. C 5.695 S.F 10 pp r / LINE TABLE S.T,3,� E8 n PVBUC LINE BEARING DISTANCE n UTIUIY ES9F7. 6p' L7! 1 • I 4.767 S.F. LS4 4' ]14' jfr ! w 59 0 5.66ls.F. '4 ' 1 1 ' / r 'L' a 44e ..e768 S.F. .�. gr" z 11.Ss' ,LP ,'' �� 66J�a'I •P 5675.9A9•E a?tA ,r-bl •¢qM1 _�, in 53 •.• pr¢e4' N.GP. A./pPEy�5PAc!'• J.s Ipe,I23'S.F. , 0 ��i?1ff�dA'>i6S�Fl1 mr>rra�xar,�s� mrr,-,Y,��1■�sr m�t�la; NII-mirvppm. EFrrT= 1 V-Mmwm-'a--- mamow.orm Dry" FND. 112' R(BAR TY/vEttp'M PLASTIC CO sTAm PED -DTM 29961 U S NOIED 07HEMSE B - STAMCARD NRIG COUNTY POFL IN CASE STAMPED IS 29961- 'TO DE SET UPON CGMFLETION OF CONSTRUCTION n/PRMVERTSI 0 - SET 112- REBW WJ`YELLOW "IC CAP 5TAMPED IS ]9961' ------ OR IACN IN LEAS W/*A [R STAWEO 'Ls X9961' IRy - III BEARING - PUBLIC UTIUN E4SENEN7 l r � Q - SEE PRIYAT[ INGRESS. EGRESS k UTILITY ESM'T. DETAIL A. SHEET 9 5 S.D. LINE - SrDISTANCE EASEMENT. SEE MDTE 25, SHEET 3 1 O.N.'R. - OROINARY NIGH WATER t1 1 J N,O?.A - wTNE CRUNTH PN0IECTION AREA A. r/ ITfAO NE PoI DI RlficlelNl.SiniTln�ul 9eD33 +AY1L C, LEIq r ( ) 4 PUBLIC RATER ES PUBDRMLE ESM'T� PFPARr iY4S2}5 T-9577 SEE DErA 6 ♦ V 's'. vlr.Ts � lncoTp9refed ��� mOta9.LOM JOB NO 30935,001 ' ag CITY OF RENTON LUA- "" '" L u+� CITY OF RENTON LND- SHEET 4 OF 15 TPNtl A9V.MNfT BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOUT. LOT t SECTION 3IZ T.24 N„ R.5 E„ W.M. CITY OF F ENTON, TONG COUNTY, WAS!->tVGTON EPP= m9 �12UVMFNM�� ®KNMWMEEWM INUTZIM ®�iT�ibSS�!ffi� rrar�ri��a m EDT m-� m UNPLATTEU T L. 9002 W. 29-24-05 4* 50' 0' 50' 100' SCALE 1"=50' IN FEFT LECENO • - ENO. I/2" REIRAR w/YELLO* PLASTC W ST-PED DIRK 29951" UNLE55 N07ED OTHERWISE B - Sr-WRQ %P1G COUNTY MN. IN C PWPED 1S 29961' (70 BE SEI UPON COMPLEIKMI D COMSTRUCTION IWRMEMENIS) 0 - SE1 1/2" PEW W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP FAMPEO 15 29961 DR TACK N/ LEAD W/YlASNER STAMPED "LS 29961 (R) - R .L BEAR P.U.E. - PUBLIC UIEIIY EASEMENT - WE PRIVATE INGRESS, EGRESS k MITI ESM'E DEIUL A. SHEET 9 S.D. EWE - SIGHT DISTANCE EASEMENT. SEE NOTE 25. SHEET i O.N.W. - ORONART HIGH WRIER x.G.P,A - NATI t GRMA'1x PROTEGIK)N AREA CITY OF RENTON LUA— CITY OF RENTON LND— 6 50 5CALE 1 -50' IN FEET TRACT •E' ( CONWNITr ORGANL2ATION FACILITIES 2.962 S. W li•y1JE' _ PUi UC 'V 5' PU O ESN'i. E N m 1N SC _SEE NOi[ 2. S•1T.] PLRVC WAETR EW-Tr SEE OETAIL'R', SNT.1] ]o.w 12a4e 2 4,233.4T S.F, x 32 5.770 S.F. W Do 0 SAY 5f. W 34 6572 S.F. -L56 24. ID233 3 3. N NM9OR a03 ��,y�C�i1n�F9 ifPa ��• �J�L`Ll 190363 F k 101m, i 37 S.Qa2 S.F. ' IQLy I N 89'0a']4' w L tOg a9' 5,W3g IF 5.46tQ5F- BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOY•T_ LOT t SECTION 3Z T24 N, R5 E, WM CITY OF RENTON, KNJG COUNTY, WASHNJGTON 7 � �IS' PUBLIC SEE DETAiL;K. SHT.0 t} 1a SEE ROTE 2,� IS' PVUUC r~ a F S.HT,j, ORAINA" E51J'T.� ' SEE NOTE 2. SHf,! TRACT •F• 1 STORM DETENTION TER WAEITY ty';13 S6 �-" :� Ow-s A7 /I 2� 7T 61 �61 5F. � L 1�%`.(i J NN � ��0. • � / ".: ",777rrrjjjnnn!!! RVC DP '.LINAGE ESY'1. YE DETAIL 'I, SHT 1089 8 40�" B° 8� X• ARNRIC ESN' i T rrrr SEE DElAL 'J. al' 91 l _ IN T 65 9L ?o . �3 ^ �92 wf R tt a D:i 64 ° sA i. .feLiMZty' ty�.C� ga"t_. �'�r 17, _ -"; t� 4 -•^ qp, 95�� p3;w J 1'� 4 ��__`-` " s^ 63 qr s.• •, l�" s Lt0 'rsy�°r\\o# '9$ �f' � ,�'i ? � _ g•� 61 try 0 � ", � 62 57 C - t•9y 56 �m w Sa R31�S F£ E L 0 .S .Y X817a.69' 54 W 0 Fi.n �1 C13 52 moo• �^ �....-.. ,- ,. 1 J r s so N 1fi � so 4'W TRACT B IF s., o2 sr. NGy'A/OPEA SPACE l4 Ty 95 OS :o !E ' l� 65.2 ITN (w TRACT 'C• 2.�2i 1',�. a OPEN SPLOE O •.9u SF. ®6EI�Y•}�65�7® MEN!• '.... 41=11100MVE ® A'.•. EF""n ®E I�i� EMNEW E ®Q.FR*�FiFS�9���1 �Esum off -rim LEGEND - FNO. 1/2" REEUR W/vEILUR PIAS C CAP ST-KI) 'OIAX 2w 61• UNLESS NOIED OTHEFWI5E 9 - STANDARD N1NG CUUNTY NON. 1N CASE STANPEO -L5 29961" (TO RE SET UPON CCOOENPLETKm OF CONSTRUCTq WPRUV(REHTS) O SET ORT. [X IN LF1Dwi4JWISNCREEIARR sSIJC CAP Tmprd 5 2"w 15 29441' (Rf _ RQ'AL SLIRNG P.V_C_ - PUBLIC UTILRT EASEMENT �]A - SEE PRIVATE INGRESS. EGRESS t UIILPY EW'T, DETAIL A. SHEET 9 5.0. LINE - SIGHT OISTANCE F/SENENI, SEE NOTE ]S, SHEET 3 O.N.W. - g101N4tY NIGH WATER CITY OF RENTON LUA- CITY OF RENTON LNO- BARBEE MILL VOL/Pr, PDATM OF GOV'T. LOT 1, SECTION 3Z T24 N., R5 E, W.M. CITY OF RENTON. KWG COUNTY, WASFMTON 5.]7} S F_ I L5] X Y04'39' w a O I 9.a9 f1. M1. 49 11l 2,942 S.F. IN C1� 1 N T. lLa aT, SCALE 1"=50' IN FEET 1 Lai Lw - 3961 S.F. ON w TRACT . xti OPEN SPACE L 1.9M sF y 63 41 5,95a S.F. N o �BVFFEF SETBACK ^ I :, $E DEr11 T S 14 SIlr . SEE NOr♦� 7E, SX7.i.] PLBLC 113.31 PARKING E5Y'7. " ! 42 SEE DETAIL 'N'. 262 S.F. u� SH7.12 43 1 es tiK 5.4 5.F.TA X,GP.A/APE. BSPAC{ ' NBD ARR LINE 36 ai 92 108.173 Sf. 51µ3 S.F. 5.0, LINE -SE✓: OETAl'P', 9�• 1T.11,;. S.F. 5,571 S.F. + 45 `P �g A� / RACY ,'qr" OPEN SPACE ' Let / 4 •R 'i y;,E fits ` s . h 40t l T °F'�`.�• � { 14y+ PUBLIC wA [$Y'1_ ! Yl, 'C' y $y,T. S SP. UNE-EE\ F .� L]2 Y h4� DETAIL P. 5XT i2 ,' f fJ�\ 8' 1 M1 ID,t35 S.F. S y ,oe TRACT \ 4k ! `'11-L LTLITY E,-T.�. 03E0155 F. E VAR ACCEjS h UTAl1Y ElT, F -., Of O B)hf SEE DETAIL _P-, SwT ' ? '<g Salk, •• J OE N � QjgrT � ✓/ h� Sw • $ � � PN,{Y +�.�1•�' ss 7RACT 'C' �®� 1 STp1Y pETE LIT + M1 --CC•• WAFCR LIT 13,IT45F.F-� rzW", �/ �• cm J Y 5� 4 �• 4wi �ry� w •�•/ 11 � by Yh TS 4 �.4'C ' CITY RENION L28 OF 15' ACCESS ! VTUTY ESM'T- , SEE OCTAL "Y-, SNT.II 1l `C S 8g49'SS" E 419.56' r• aVh � ;G Ada ®rs�ri mmum momm 25- PUGET SPUN'P ENERGY ESM'l. PER ROC. NO 30030705001j69 /Y0y IS' UNRECORDEDRCN ION EMERGENCY ACCESS & UTILTY LSY'T. ��01ITFm ®rgr�Ii�.� ®tLUS�li�41��'S� �FTIMEMEFR m5rl-m L ECFf4n • - FND. i/2" REBAR W/ LLOW FYASTIC C 51A PED 'DlA( 29961' UNLESS YVTED OINERNISL 6 - STwOARD KING C"TY 1FOX. INCASE SIAAPLO "LS 29961' (10 BE SET UPON COMPLETION OF CON57RVLTICN IMPROYTYEMs) 0 - SET 1f2 RERAR W/YEILdw PLASTIC CAP 5'IAYPE0 lS 299b1 OR TACK IN LFID W/wASNER STAMPED LS 29951' (R) - RAOVL OCARRlG P.UE - PUBLIC URLNY EASEMENT O - SEE PRIVATE INLRCSS, ECRESS k UTILITY ESM'T. DETAIL A. SNCLT 9 5.D. LINE - 40.T DSWIcf: EJSEYCNT, SEE NOTE 25, SHEET 3 0.— - OROIIAITTY X WA1ER N_G.P.A - NATNE ORO . PROTECT*. AkEA CITY OF RENTON LUA— CITY OF RENTON LND- BARBEE MILL VOL/PC PORTION OF GOV7. LOT L SECTION 3Z T24 N., R5 E= WAd. CRY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHMTON 0 69 70 I M,55' M 67 / �86 � 5 84S.9B 9' E s T 6fiJgsl J„ � �b m$ 55 8?Q, 50' �' S0 Imo' w w .�J hyFn scALE I =so IN FEET 64 63 'o �s„ Ana w / �4 61 LL pJ 60 59 - u 57 LL O N .ti5 t ,P� M � 6•tT 6h �v' p; Na 54 l"ga' E Tip' mow, %W £ D s , n PUBLIC DRAINAGE ESM'T 51 ww � - SEE DEIAII 'S-, W T3 - 1,15a S.F. yd��. ' TRACT 'P' N r " OPEN sFA Imp - 395 S.F. CIO SD 6.DB' TRACT 'g` D.aa (31 !Y 1,IC2 S.F. W N. CPA S°ACE h ` G ,P 99C5- ,d� Ir/`y 2.949 SF. hba L p ry QSF 2 [l-1 �h$ti Cin F Zw r LSD '0?s 2 ''''. `r ��'J�✓ CPFJ�M `.P ^tE'(�v .�// PUBIC WA"EN ESY T�\� .� 21 tl 4,9A4 S" CSf. All? PUBLIC 01 ��5"�SHT 111 N La6 'QJ ✓� 5� 4 �¢ 0 PUBLIC u PM1cINC ESNT, ., SEE �91T 2, 7�� x' DPENCSPAM M1 8.802 5 F b Y Q . 97NIS y b' a TML'PE Sw"2 LA5 ry 7 JQ Q $ ¢'i'y� ` f� •}} 'TR OCENCSPACE• 757. S.F. OOZE M-101III \ JD7!• � S r• \ v ,g. a t a3j\ 1 c EI _ `}'` l4 • - FNP. 112" PEBAH W/iELLOW MNnC CAP STAMPED ' 'C'. 29991' UNLESS NOTED CTHEMSE CITY OF RENTON LUA- CiTY OF RENTON LND- �®ESA AfR�i2iR'Tli�if7 ®�F3Y�F;.II�F1i �E'Ffii�i74;¢>i I \ / qt 1 yam~ �" M1' (TO BE SET UPON COMPLETION Of ONSTRUCTgN iuP MIENTSj O - SET 1/2" REBAR W/vELLOW "MASTIC CAP 5TAMPED •L5 me" CA 7I 9 IN LEAD YI/WASHER STAMPED l5 29" " (A) - NADML BEAN,NC P.U.E. - PUBLIC UTkn EASEMENT \ QR - SEE PRIVATE INGRESS, EGNf55 9 UIILITr LSM'T. DEIAIL A. SHEET 9 SD LINE - SIGHT GSIANCE EASEMENT, SEE NOTE 25, SHEET ON, - NAM WATER ' E G WTH N G. P.A - NpIN2 GROWTH PROTECTION AREA NIL 40C 6irYlena. 1APhin ". 9963} PAY. (425) 9z2-9572 PAX f125f V-1677 InLArneL' Yff_OWICON 4�\ gCwPysErrA��lpF fncarporaled JOB NO 30935.001 s �hrndyy�' SHEET 8 OF 15IE BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOUT. LOT 1, SECTION 3Z T24 N, RS E" MA CITY OF PENTON, KNJG OOUNTY, WASy gNGTON ..)JAI 59 £ N 6aAa'za W ; N - � 2D 0' 2U 40 CT 5CALE 1"-20' IN FEET 3 5 I �,�b�5. lkw 66'4e'22- wf PG 9 y 61 GlIR1'[ TABLE RADIUS TYPICAL TYPICAL N. Cu CSvE DELIA 1 T L[NC'X LOTS 2-21 LOTS 2-2I gp N• Cfi NOTES 25TiR0UGN 12,E 5' 26 AND 21, 5HT] S SEE • NOTES 1 HROUGH IT. 3fi ANV 22, SXT.] i. [T L56 l mod 1]1. a T.6V DETAEL "B" (SEE SHEET 4) N. 42NO PLACE N BS0`39` W �� N, 42ND PLACE N 69'w'39-w . — _ _ ,- _5<� a' vuE. N a9La'39` w Y'1 PUBLIC WATER ES. P _ SiC NUIC ]. SNi, PUBLIC WATER E5Y'T. SEE N. 42ND PLACE ��q aa0`]9- w [- hN 79 79 :' PRIVATE INGRESS• EGRESS k ®UTILITY "D" CASEMENT DETAIL (TYP.) DETAIL (SEE SHEET 51 DETAIL "A" DETAIL "C" {SEE SHLLI 4) N SWL-Lp• w N. 42ND PLACE W _-- N. 42ND PLACE N 6sw:e9- w PIIODC WAIER ESY'T M1sla'11' r+ 6.5' a is' SEf NOTE 3, SHT.3 S'}4 PUBLIC ..TER E$u'T_ N T51533 E a.50 N 45'SS'21' E SEE NOTE 3. SHT N 660P5. U.'2E 1' E I�S'I.9TSqTI- N 44L4'9 W 25 35 535 .] 2a2 LNIERING 9GX1 DISTANCE ESx'T, ISP 9— DEj N INYG BEp' SLx_ -'5T.3. 6Y1 �dd,�dWdpWIrLN) �s 6589?2214.1«�'drIIlI W'z^II 4~=W�djy• Y2no aPVESE'c"25.SIENTRO81 gy 61'22'33` DISTANCE 1-39Y SEOlE 5SLIT] DETAIL "E" uv6w• (SEE SIEEI 5)676PLIPARX SEE NOTE 6, SIT.] 92 D--_ s a962'+r 93 o-122'0- ~ 1029_ y.`NF xPUBLIC WATER CY/'1L-F6T _ l5 SEE NOTE 3, 947.3 5 Ti P�t'3���yNrNE1 -Ts NOIE 21' 21' I 69 o-7.75 00I9- _ 20' PRNv TE ACCESS k UTIEITY ESWITRACT - µ 6. SEE NOTE 19. SHL 250 STORM / 8-120'19" "F DETENTION WATER QUALITY C5 •'� SS P LEGEND - ENo. I/2- "'BAR WMLLaW PLASTIC W STPAI DETAIL "F" OTM 29161' UNLESS NOTED OTHERNSf {SEE SHEET 6) DETAIL "Vl� '6 - STANp4RD RING COU*47Y LPN. IN ClSE SWIPED i5 29961' (SEE SHEETS 4 h 5) 170 BE SET UPON COYPLEnON OF CONSTRIICININ IQPNOYEYENIS) 0 SET 1/21REM /RPlS'PAIPE0'tS 2961' • IGTLIAod,S�AAa,t401)_ C fER7AZX LESTAMP 5 299I 'Till(R) - RADIAL. ERxPL.- 1425ia�q P V.E - PVaLN: vkI EASEMENT PAX (4251 al"677 Q _ SEE PRIYaTE IxORC55. EGRESS k VnLTTT ESY'T OE TAIL A, SHEET 9 TncP Bed IM—t, tR.Olek.COW $D LINE - SIGHT aISTANCE MfUENt. 5EE NOTE 25. SXLET ] ryare ITY OF RENTON LUA— ❑N.w - DRINKAW WIG+ WATER JOB NO 30935.001 �''E L C x. C.P.A. - NA1 GROWTH PROTECTION AREA L A71D CITY OF RENTON LND— SHEET 9 OF 15 BARBEE MILL VOL'P3 PORTION OF GOV-r. LOT t SECTION 3Z T24 N, R.5 E, WM CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WAS*4GTON 77 - 7s 1 - ti 79 so zo' PUBVC PATER ESM'T. SEE NO1E 3. SHI.3 tr � J6 Op SCALE 1--20- IN SECT vp 5.39 S B9'36'S5- W 2M M' s 94 }}--'`-�—————————— --- — —- �- r „='Eyil. 45 t /xnS'Bl" r a II�� TSpp 5141.7�-�pkAT3--�~- ~- POSE 1� PUBLIC WRIER EW 1. L-8136 TRACT "F SEE NVTE 3. SHE 5��' �. STORM DETENTION WATER 4VACITY _k_9SZT'S_6_ E 7>• - ]2. �PUPARKING E5M'T. q MIIE'i� C SEE NOTE 6. SHT.3 0 +J tr L•J.35' N1 1 qn' 7' I tl DETAIL "I" (SEE SHEET 6) DETAIL "H" (SEE SHEET 3) UNE IADLE ENE REARING DISTANCE L. N 5m0 t, LB] k l ' $3 84 = SS Sff-'dn h'Y 1 SfE -d p qj - ..__.--"-- ----1 8 • �rJ _-N 85'36'35- f N G4'2525 ) x 0i'27'25" F S B9'36'S5 W 2G6.9' 2_R. _- A'pSD.E S$986.5-W Y-`- } SEE .Oj 22. 5NT.3 - - rR 50 TRACT "F r � � �-� ,�,E - 5rURM Df TENTIQN ( WATER OUALI7Y ) r" I _ DETAIL X' (SEE SNEET 5) CITY OF RENTON LJA— CTY OF RENTON LNO— LECEN❑ • - MO. 1/2- REBAR W/YELLOW PLASTIC CAP 51AMPEV 'OTAN M61- VN(E56 WEED OTHERWISE 9 - STANDARD KING CDEx M0N_ w CASE STAMPED 1S 2996t- (TO BE SET UPON CO-1.01" Ci CONSTRUCTION w RMLIENTS} C - SET 1/2" REBAR W/YTLLOW PLASTFC CAP STAMPED 15 29961- OR IAGK w LEAD w�wrt_SxER ST—PED 15 29961" RADNL BFMIflG P.Vm.E - PVKK UICIT, E-SEMENT I& - SEE PRIVATE 1N 55, EGRESS III UDLNv ESN T. DEIA A. SHEET 9 SO LINE - SIGHT N%7A E TJ16EME411, SEE NOTE 25, SHEET 3 D. H.W, - ORDIN NIGH WATER x.G.P.A. - NATNE 6ROARH PROTECTION kR-0 I ,5' PUBLIC PRuxAGE ES,-'E.$-S9'Gl�� EfW SEE NOTE i. SH13 22 16, 7 I I n 5.99SA1LE_Iz STORM Af)ETENTION p'26 WATER QUALITY I PVBUC PA -NC ESM'1 - J ` SEE NOTE 6, SHT.3 �y �\ Ao B% C 5E �' byH� 50'S 9 96 E@ 56•�� \ V N •6 \ y, i 9T i 1 DETAIL "J" (SEE SKEET 5) BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT. LOT 1, SECTION 3Z T24 N., R.5 E, W_M_ CITY OF F ENTON, KING COUNTY, WAS! � 40TON y 98 40, ENTERING SIGHT S SCAIE I'-20' IN FEET CIS TANCE ESM'T. E" SEE HGTE 35. SNT ] ��J N 6]'A2'4615.G0'� _ I C' 9e"• 7---� z N a2'17'14' w LINE TABLE CURvE TABLE 6,a6' N Ull'14' IR LINE BEARRIG DISIANCE CVRK DELTA I RA04US j2M7 ss.w 6.50 L25 N 4" 1 C28 W57' 7" L-172 POBUC WATER ESM'T. L36 N 395'24' E 13.CD' C37 u1fi SEE NOTE 3. SHY L27 N SD"Cl'36' w 16_ C33 6 'O2' 0.W'L2a N 5o'C7'36' w 6' C34 90VD0020 DO' �1L32 N 1 5" w C15 1L33 N i ' '1 " W 34l ' G36 7' - 1 4 i 1 ' cm 9'3i5T )V.w' py 4l5 L35 N 5a'36'40" E io.m'l C34 T.' Ex1ERIxC $1CHi ' LOS N W 7- " LY 1714' CEs 4l ' 41' b DISTANCE [SY'1. L69 H A' C66 y4' OOp' L u SEE WYE 25, SHT,3 IS.Ct G36 I '1 2C c% ,•'1,' AC r ' TRACT "D OPEN SPACE 024 ? 5 871852 IN 87-25 21, 52 Jg J 90 DETAIL "L" (SEE 5NEE1' 6) TRACT 'A" IN G,P,A, /OPLN SPACE TRACT 'G STORM CIETEN7I611 WATER QUALITY I IL ti n C4o{25"E 2SEC NOTE —ESM'T, E.AI51'04 l-ti_95' S 1OM'55' E 1 / - ".52' %�- � . - _..11 T 5 1 T.5• CITY OF RENTON LLIA— CITY OF RENTON LND— DETAIL "M" (SEE SHEE1 7) o 115 CITY 7 RENTCN 15- ACCESS k UTILITY ESM'T SEE NOTE 5• y1T.3 6.48' �. I le h P - FNC. 1/2' REflUi wjYELLOIY PLASTIC CAP ST"PED / TOTAX 29961' MNLESS NOTED DTNEMME 9 - STAWARp k1NG CWMT11 WN. IN EASE $TAMPED 15 29961' (70 BE SET UPON COAIPLE11Cx OF CDNSTRUCTION WPROvFWENT57 O - SET 1/2- REBAR wELLOw "TC CAP S1"PED "LS 29961" OR TACK IN LEAO low MER STAMPED iS 29951' (R) - kALIAL BILMING P V.E - PUBLIC XL,TTT EASEMENT Q - SEE PR1vATE INGRESS. EGRESS k UTLIT? ESM'T OCINL A. SHEET 9 SO. UNE - SIGHT MlANCE' fASEMENT• SEE NDTE 25, SHEET 3 0.nw, _ ORDINARY HIGH "TES, x.CV.A. - NATNE GRONTM PRDTECTION AREA �f. 1 ' it5i9. vi ^1•>: N 02'+J09- S lE SO �� 9.22' CPEN�SPACE N f Y 1 PY' I= M 001270 w q la O o T z x 6Gs1'51' El 8 62'` ' 1 14y__-J I x BARBEE MILL PORPON OF OOV7. LOT t SECTION 321 T.24 N., FL5 E, W.M, CITY OF RENTON, KN O COUNTY, WASHI TON 6 2C' 0' 20' 40' SCALE 1'-20' IN FEET 22 � J 61 � r ENY[TnxG 9CHT o-rn'2!- 25 9I [,J � 4 V L"I w DISTANCC E�i. SEE NOT[ 25, 5kT 3 ` r f�6N43'32' 1 L"V'3515 a 51 M 21.+a' l"O.6 ' ' �9,Ay9. EN1EftwG scx; o O15�GTE (Sle'7----t—�� / [F GTE 25, SHT3 - N 11 21'30" E T'9``ryq 2B R , DETAIL "0" }SEE SHEET 5) / DETAIL "N" / (SEE SHEET T} 43 / / TRACT "�" �' RG-P A/OPEN SPACE y MGM ®� =2d10 uNE TADLE A I al. LINE BEARwG 0�5rAxCE TRACT " Lib x 5ti3'+ - w 1 �:iD. f OPEN SPACE 1.17 D'29'+6- L20 N +9 7�2- W 11. / L22 44 1i GE ENTERING SIGH; SEE -0707 / E54'7 o "�'• [ 25. SHT.3 9 45 b�•rO` " Y6� �� � °- y 4e5. �Ji L PV[ILIC WA;Cft ESM'1+B�a'Sg- 46 r\ J� SEE NOTE 3, SmT.3 7 61' ` r0 , � \ PVOLIC WATER ESY'l. h~� ,� tr2�1'Sfi 0o' A 1SEA \\ (_ SEE NOTE 3. SHE3 hid .yd` L•i+.+ p6?.\ `£ G t-a s ,4'i�• A,�iy \� N 3Izat, E 'k y5 f 47 --rE unuTr ESM'r. GRANTEE LOT +E N 56'16'29` E 2." N 33'+331- A ep \ \ WE NOTE 29. 9N7.3 / 6'+1 .D YJP T . " 5,� e 5 4B * �35� �-ys¢4iKAs d TRACT "L" �. SEEPUEL 5E-ENLITY ESM'r, ,•t'L E. SL �' 4' _ s OPEN SPACE (SEE EASEMENT f S RQ LLIZI I PRoVsSIoNs NOTE, SH72) IL a k 12.27 TRACT "A' DETAIL "P" N_O. P, A_/OPEN SPACE (SEE SHEET 7) ♦ e E W S 6 �I ECFNO , - NO 112' REW */YELLOW PLASTIC CAP 0T 1`10 brut 2996T- VNLESS NOTED 01HERWSE - S7ARD RO KING COUNTY MON. IN CASE 57AMPLO lS 29961- (TO SE SET UPON COMPLEYII)N V CONSTROC7CM RAPROVEUENIS) O - SET T/2- RC61R W/YELLD* PLASRC CAP STAVPCo_'25 299a1` IL230 NE P94DO OR rAON I" LEAD W/WSHER SIAIVPED 7S 29561 r GrNend, !fe rehi,l2ta¢ 98093 � 1'F E' iA►qty[+ f (R} - RADIAL WMING Phenr, [425) an-4446 P.V.L. - PUEII UTILi EASEMENT FAX; (4251 677-91T $ C) O hllernrl. TTf.01.e3.COW SEE PRIVATE INGRESS, EGRESS M JDLITY ESY'T_ DETAL A, SHEET 9 lxorpore[rd S.D. LINE - 51GM DISTANCE EA50&NT. SEE NOTE 25. SHEET 3 {Q,= IIWH N 0 CITY OF RENTON LUA— DH* - ORDWATER JOB NO 30435.001 `era s.Axo CTY OF RENTON LND— N.G.Y.A - WITA GROWTH PRa cfom AREA SHEET 12 OF 15 Were ne.m 1m, BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT. LOT 1, SECTION 3Z T24 N, R.5 E, W-M. CITY OF RENTON, KING COUNTY, WAS, NGTON 'o y s " SC A ti yo� 0 W C H] M25V.'S6• �44, LAB ]6, �A az79'os• a L"2.55' Tom. WEN WATER L, SEE NOTE ]..LIT.3 HT.3BL y, O+ L-0.90' /Y 4 C H 06'2327- w 27 62' �l• ENTERING SIGHT Q 04STAMCC ESN' J . 03 SCE HOTS 25, SHT.3 6.2-35'12•v L"09rf / N / �Sy � 4 ,6 J0J r,. DETAIL "0" (SEE SHEETS 2 k el mom 700 � FE4�3i11F1:Ca711�'� mr��1[�7t*�Tti mr�x-p� OVUM laams CITY OF RENTON LLIA— CITY OF RENTON LNO- 6 20' 0' ?D' 40' SCALE ]-=20' IN FEET TRACJ'T ��COMM21DRUANIZATTONTIES �Inll B—_----.--— --I— 15' PUBLIC OBAINT. b=0Z9'SbrL"15 00' ISEEOlE2,--__--r L.i 56 -- ATER ESM'f. IE 3, SHT.3 1 }In ', 9- W DETAIL "R" (SEE SHEETS 5 h 6) TRACT "B" N.C,P.A/OPEN SPACE / SEE R`IS' PUBLICOTE xMUINASNGET3E�" fV. . N 09'05'51• W N a9nssr r �� L—1 4 1-15.03' �� \ j 0.92' dx.l2, / gl N 54a'S6• W \ \ d1.T6' Hsi TRACT " ssOPEN SPACE e• / # / IS' PUBLIC DRUN AGE ESN'f SC / ,TT E NOTE 3. S+I i,] d�sp�r ; a0, �. ➢g2,7' 4� 7/ ITS Al W s� 113 / §n y / LECEN❑ / • - FNO. 1/x• REBN w/IELLm Pus1�C CAP 5TUPEO DETAIL "S " 'OTAN 29961' CNtE NOTCo 01HERMSE (SEE SHELF B) 6 _ SIM D KING COUNT" WON, IN CASE STAMPED 'LS 299E1' (To 9E SET UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCFLTM IMM04EMEMS) 0 - SET 1/2- REW W/'�ELLOW PWIC GAP STAMPE9 -LS 29"I- 1=0 We Pots Dn.. CO (R) HAD+ B�Nc w/wiwER sTAMPEo is 299e 1' A IN Xirkh d. U ion 9MI39 1\yA} MC, (d�RP,�. i P.U.E. - PUBIC M11LRY EASEWEN7 PAX. ({� 827-9677 , +� Gl (D - SEE PRIVATE PICRE55. (CRESS R vnulT EW'T. DETAIL A, SHEET 9 lncP Led Inlcrncl: 1fII,01AY.CDY S.D. LINE - SIGM DISTANCE EASEMENT. SEE HOIE 25. SHEET 3 EPPTA oHw - ORDHART HIGH WATER JOB NO 30935.001 arE+p E (itl9 N-GP.A -NATIVE caowTH PRD1EcnoH AREA SHEET 13 OF 15 aHn .e.. la wn BARBEE MILL PORTION OF GOVT. LOT t SECTION 32, T.24 N„ R.5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON, KNG COUNTY, WAMNGTON aoG- g OH W 23 3�K �4 N 00552,- E pa�" 26.17 3aaa' ', H B9'04 19 g 24 30 Tp �-BUFFER EEIB ACN SEE NOTE 25. 511T.3 & 25 4zar x 69'w'39" W b.W 3 o, & 26 4719' N e 10, 39 w 3a.Do INNER HARBpt FINE 27 _J 50 00' i 28 3D,00 29 z z a6.1° k R9'aa s9" w to a sD.00 }' �.—BUFFER 5E>9ACK LL1 SEE NOTE 28, SN 1.3 - 30 - i6'a H 89'aa'S9' w - TRACT "E" COMMUNi TY ORGANIZATION FACILITIES _Ha9lOD0•W--- ___ IS' PUBLIC DRAINAGE Esw SEE NOTE 2. SHT3 N e9'0�',79 W 31 32 SEE DETAIL ABOVE AT RIGHT CITY OF RENTON LUA— CITY OF RENTON LND— DETAIL "Tx (BEE SHEETS 5 k 6) LEC£ND • - PNO. 1/1' RERAP W/TEttM 9 STIC CAP STAMPED -01- 29981- UNLESS NOTED OTHER SE - STANDARD KING COUNIY MON. Ri CASE STAMPLD L5 299EI (TO DE SET UPON DO KETION OF CONSIRUCTIDN IMPRMIOEMS) O - SET 1/2' REBAR w/r(LLOW PLASTIC CAP STAMPED l5 29961" Oft TACK H LEAD w/WASHER STAMPED LS 29%1 (P) - RADUL BEmma P, V.C. - PUBLIC VTIUV C. EMENT Q - SEE PRIVATE INGRESS. E[ ESS k UMrT ESN'T. DETAIC A, S [ET 9 5.0. UNE - SIGHI DSTANCE EXEMENT, SEE NOTE 25. SHEET 3 O H.w - ORDb1ARf HIGH WATER N. G.P. A. - NATNE GROM PNO1LCT10H AREA VOL/PG SCM 1'-30' IN FEEL SEE DETAIL BELOW AT LEFT 8 31 K.w N BYw's9" W —au[EER SETA � SEC x01f 28, SAT SHT.1 d ^ 45, N' N 89'w'39" w 3O g ' 33 0x0o 3E94 4'w 3'39" 2i.05 5700, 75 a oT 3'5R4]9� r'. � 89'04]9'W 00089'w8w 36 - Saw " W 31 0U 37 z_ K 30 L5 - !'cv 3J � --SAYER SETBACK SEE NalE 28. SHT.] 39 51.55' N BYw'39-,Y 33.00 L6r 40 SEE DETAIL U'. SHEET 15 10200 NE Eeinl, Brie ELiti< 400 C. �B IOrll ll, TaahiRElun 9E000 E'TE229114E PAX A7E [i2*) zsl 827-9577 Intern'(', M.BIaE.EOY :orDwe I rd � JOB NO 30935.001 SHEET 14 OF 15 L LIxO BARBEE MILL PORT*N OF GOVT. LOT 1, EEECTKNJ 3Z T24 N., R5 F- WM CRY OF RENTON, KING COI WASI-MTON 4* 30' 0' 30' 60' srkE 1"-30' IN FEET NORM iibii9 OPEtL ' DETAIL 'U' (SEE SKEET 7) LEGEND - FND. T/2' REAR x/TELLOw PLASTIC CAP STAMPEO 'OTAK 39961' UNLE55 40TE0 C1 ER111SE Q - STAM KING COUNTY MON. IN CASE STAMPED 'LS 29961' (TO BE WT UPON OOMP(EIION OF CONSTRUCTION IM AMUENTSI o - SET T/2, REW -/ to. PL-s"u STAMPED 15 29I 'CAP OR TACK . LEAD wfwASNER STMPO IS 29961- 1R1 - RWuL SEAB'I P V_E - PURLIC UTILTTY (ASEME"T Q - SEE mR ATE INORE55. ELPE55 h ulk,Tl E5m'T. UEIAN. A. $MEET 9 S.O. LINE - S OISTANOE EASEMENT, SEE NOTE 25, SNEET S o."w - OAD. RT NIGH wAIER CITY OF RENTON L1A_ N, G.P.A. - NATIVE GRONM PROTECIK VEA CITY OF RENTON LND— BARBEE MILL Neighborhood Detail Map yQjg: THIS P1,AN 15 CONCEPTUAL. BUILDINGS, LOT' 0' 130' 300' 600 LAYOUTS AND IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT THAT IS PROPOSED. BUT IN MOST CASES. THEY HAVE NOT BEEN DESIGNED OR CONSTRUCTED. THE FINAL PLAN ircvrporaied MAY DIFFER FROM THIS CONCEPTUAL PLAN. THE DEVELOPER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES 70 14250 HE Yoin(s ➢rice �400 AS THE PLAN I5 FINALIZED AND IMPLEM EN(rED lml�77 hlrkland. Washington SUDK Phone: 425) 922-4445 •-.. - .,, . R5X 425) U27-9577 Internet WWW.Otak.COM April 18, 2007 Exhibit C788SO63: Neighborhood Detail Map CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 6, 2008 TO: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator FROM: Arneta Henninger, Development Services SUBJECT: BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT FP 07-109 I am submitting the attached original final plat mylars for your signature. Construction is completed to the satisfaction of staff. Fire has signed off, Technical Services has signed off and the Planning issues are completed to the satisfaction of staff. I am both the plan reviewer and the Project Manager and I recommend that this plat be approved for recording. The yellow file is attached for your use. If you have any questions please call me at X7298. Thank you. cc: Kayren K Neil W. CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 5, 2008 TO: Michael Bailey, Finance and IS Administrator FROM: Ameta Henninger X7298 IN,& SUBJECT: BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT FP 07-109 The above plat is ready for recording. Please sign the attached mylars. I put both of the sheets for your signature on top for your convenience. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you! Cc: Kayren K. L\TcmplazeslF&ISM Ek10-docicor CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORDS MEMORANDUM DATE: January 25, 2008 TO: Bob Mac Onie Sonja Fesser, Technical Services FROM: Arneta Henninger, X7298 SUBJECT: BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT LUA 97-109FP FINAL REVIEW & APPROVAL FORM If all concerns have been addressed and you recommend recording of the mylar, please sign this memo below and return to me. Thank you. Approval: Name Title Date Approval: I Name dtle Date : AgpRoYAL L t) SUt'"� '-r ` "�; �.ttAG ..b . cc: Yellow File rj1 .:S€,1ne points drive, suite400 • kirklaiid,wd,tiii-y_;Lun 984M (425) 022-4446 • fd% (425} 8?7 ,577 December 20, 2007 Citv of Renton Development Services Dlvis,101'1 105 5 South Grady Way Denton, WA 98055 Re: .Barbee ?YLii1 Final Plot--Otak Project No. 30935 Dear Sirs: We are submitting this letter on behalf of out client, Conner f tomes, to request a deferral in the setting of the centerline monuments as required by the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance for the final plat of Barbee Mill. The final plat Nvill involve the setting of approximately thirty-three centerline monuments upon the completion of the construction improvements on the streets within the plat. We anticipate that the construction improvements and the centerline monuments will be complete within one years time. Please feel free to contact Otak or Gary Upper of Conner Homes if you should have any questions or concerns. Suicetely, Oak, Incorporated / Keith L. Damann, PLS Survey Ptoject (Manager K:��ro��ct', 3i iznX 1'•, 3lY"1.3���.1:3mi; i 1(.� rrres{� E \i�miJe � �rr.il.Joc Printed: 01-31-2008 Payment Made: CITY OF FENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-109 01 /31 /2008 11:31 AM Total Payment: 166,241.64 MILL LLC Current Payment Made to the Fallowing Items: Receipt Number: R0800459 Payee: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE Trans Account Code Description Amount ------- 3021 ------------------ 303.000.00.345.85 ------------------------------- Park Mitigation Fee ---------------- 60,506.64 5045 304.000.00.345.85 Fire Mitigation-SFR 55,632.00 5050 305.000.00.344.85 Traffic Mitigation Fee 50,103.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount ---------- -------- --------------------------- --------------- Payment FINANCE 166,241.64 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat 5009 000.345.81.00.0006 Conditional Use Fees 5010 000.345.81.00.0007 Environmental Review 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD 5014 000,345.81.00_0011 Grading & Filling Fees 5015 000.345.81.00.0012 Lot Line Adjustment 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone 5018 000.345.81.00.0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval 5021 000,345.81.00.0018 'Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees 5024 000.345.81,00,0024 Conditional Approval Fee 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend 5045 304.000.00.345.B5 Fire Mitigation-SFR 5050 305.000.00.344.85 'Traffic Mitigation Fee 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) 5954 650.237.00.00,0000 Special Deposits 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage 5998 000.231,70.00.0000 Tax Balance Due .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 _00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 _00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 From: Corey W Thomas To: Higgins, Elizabeth Date: 01/30/2008 2:27:28 PM Subject: Fwd: RE: Fire Dept sign -off Ok, I hereby accept the final plat for Barbee Mill with the understanding that building permits will not be issued for anything north of N. 40 PI. on Wells Ave. N. until the completion of all required railroad right-of-way improvement are constructed and accepted. Thanks for your coordination on this matter. >>> Elizabeth Higgins 01/30/08 1:10 PM >>> Here is the string of emails regarding the completion of roads at Barbee Mill. CI IT'r ) F RENTON .� � Es ru w! '� R_ Denis Law, Mayor \t'r_. �, N. To: From: Date: Subject: MEMORANDUM Arneta Henninger, P/B/PW Zanetta L. Fontes, Senior Assistant City Attorney Office of the City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren Senior Assistant City Attorneys Mark Barber Zanetta L. Fontes Assistant City Attorneys Ann S. Nielsen Carmon Newsom II Shawn E. Arthur January 9, 2008 Resolution Approving Barbee Mill Final Plat; File No. LUA-07-109FP I have enclosed a copy of the above -mentioned resolution. The original has been sent to the City Clerk. Z etta L. Fontes ZLF: scr Enc. cc: Jay Covington Bonnie Walton Post Office Box 626 - Renton, Washington 98057 - (425) 255-8678 / FAX (425) 255-5474 alai=_ Paper cnntams 51 46 recycled mnterial. 30"%- past consumer RENTON' go "' t_ikw� , D'1- ILA CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3926 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT; FILE NO. LUA-07-109FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION I1. The final plat approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth RESOLUTION NO. 3926 (The property, consisting of approximately 22 acres, is located in the vicinity of Lake Washington Boulevard N, N 40`h Place, Williams Avenue N, N 42"d Place) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department dated January 7, 2008. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 14t:h day of January , 2008. Bonnie I. Walton, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 14th day of January ] 2008. &'U'An 4, z Denis Law, Mayor Appr ed as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1317:01 /9/07: scr 2 RESOLUTION NO. 3926 EXHIBIT"A' BARBEE MILL PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO THIS COM�IITNIENT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF ',x'ASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND OF SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING LYING WESTERLY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SHORELANDS LYING NORTH OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT I _ SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. K_Aproject\30700\30788\Admfn\Corresp%,PLAT Ll GAL.doc RESOLUTION NO. 3926 VICINITY MAP 500' 0' 500, 1000' SCALE IN FEET NORTH Return Address: City Clerk's Office City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 KING COUNTY, WA Please print or type information WASHINGTON STATE RECORDER'S Cover Sheet (RCW 65.04) Document Titles) (or transactions contained therein): (all areas applicable to your document must be filled in) 1. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and 2. Restrictions for Barbee Mill 3. 4. Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: None Additional reference #'s on page _ of document Grantor(s) (Last name first name, initials) 1. Conner Homes at Barbee Mills, LLC , 2. , Additional names on page _ of document. None Grantee(s) (Last name first, then first name and initials) 1. Conner Homes at Barbee Mills, LLC , 2. Barbee Mill CommuniV ft2nization , Additional names on page of document. None Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot block, plat or section, township, range) Portion of Gov. Lot 1, Section 22, T24N, R5E, WM, King County, WA and adjoining 2"d class shorelands, lying westerly of Northern Pacific Railroad Right of Way, except that portion of shorelands lying north of the westerly production of the north line of said Gov, Lot 1 Additional legal is on page of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel Account Number © Assessor Tax # not yet assigned 322405-9034-00 The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy or completeness of the indexing information provided herein. I am requesting an emergency nonstandard recording for an additional fee as provided in RCW 35.18.010. I understand that the recording processing requirements may cover up or otherwise obscure some pare of the text on the original document. Signature of Requesting Party DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS FOR BARBEE MILL THIS DECLARATION is made on this I day of C� , 2008, by CONKER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, a Washington limited liability company, referred to herein as "Declarant", which is the owner of a portion of certain real property now known as "Barbee Mill", situated in the City of Renton, King County, Washington. References herein to the "community" are references to all of the property subject to this Declaration. The Declarant has created a non-profit corporation known as the Barbee Mill Community Organization. The Organization (hereafter referred to as "Organization") shall be delegated and assigned the duties and powers of owning, maintaining, and administering any and all Common Areas and related facilities in the Plat, administering and enforcing these covenants, conditions and restrictions, and collecting and disbursing the assessments and charges hereinafter created. The Organization shall also have the right and power to promulgate rules and regulations which may further define and limit permissible uses and activities consistent with the provisions of this Declaration. NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned hereby covenants, agrees, and declares that all of the Plat as defined herein and the buildings and structures hereafter constructed thereon are, and will be, held, sold, and conveyed subject to and burdened by the following covenants, conditions, and restrictions, for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the value, desirability, and attractiveness of Barbee Mill for the benefit of the Owners thereof, their heirs, successors, grantees, and assigns. ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS Section 1.1: Articles. "Articles" shall refer to the adopted Articles of Incorporation of the Organization as now or hereafter amended. Section 1.2: Board. "Board" shall mean and refer to the board of directors of the Organization established pursuant to the Articles and Bylaws. Section 1.3: Bylaws. "Bylaws" shall refer to the adopted Bylaws of the Organization as now or hereafter amended. Section IA: Common Areas. "Common Areas" shall mean and refer to all real property that is owned by all of the Lot Owners in equal undivided shares and is managed by the Organization. Section 1.5: Committee. Committee as provided in Article b. "Committee" is defined as the Architectural Control DWT t804452v3 0036183-000004 Section 1.6: Declarant. "Declarant" shall mean and refer to Conner Homes at Barbee Mill, LLC, its successors and assigns, if such successors and assigns should acquire all or substantially all of the then undeveloped parcels of the Plat from Declarant for the purpose of development; provided, however, that no successor or assign of Declarant shall have any rights or obligations which are not specifically set forth in the instrument of succession or assignment or other recorded instrument or passed by operation of law. Certain rights and obligations of Declarant, as set forth herein, shall cease at the end of the Development Period. Section 1.7: Declaration. "Declaration" shall mean and refer to this instrument, as the same may be supplemented or amended from time to time. Section 1.8: Development Period. "Development Period" shall mean and refer to that period of time beginning on the date of initial recording of this Declaration and ending whenever any of the following first occurs. (i) 3 years from the date hereof; or (ii) 2 months after title has been transferred to purchasers of Lots representing ninety-five percent (95%) of the total voting power of all Owners as then constituted; or (iii) written notice from Declarant to the Organization in which Declarant elects to terminate the Development Period. The "Development Period" may be extended for a period of 5 years or longer at the sole option of Declarant. Section 1.9: Governing Documents. "Governing Documents" shall mean and refer to this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, the By -Laws of the Organization, and the recorded Plat, as any of the foregoing may be amended from time to time. Section 1.10: Lot. "Lot" shall mean and refer to the lots as shown on the Plat as of the date of this Declaration, as well as any future lots created through subdivision, short subdivision, site plan approval, or any other legal process for dividing land with the Plat. The word "Lot" as used herein excludes any parcel designated as a Tract on the recorded Plat, unless and until that Tract is later legally divided into lots through subdivision, short subdivision, site plan approval, or any other legal process for dividing land. Ownership of each Lot also includes ownership of an equal undivided interest in the Common Areas. Section L I I i Mortgage. "Mortgage" shall mean and refer to any recorded mortgage or deed of trust encumbering one or more of the Lots or Living Units. "First Mortgage" shall mean and refer to a Mortgage with priority over other Mortgages. "Mortgagee" shall mean and refer to the holder or beneficiary of any Mortgage and shall not be limited to Institutional Mortgagees. As used herein, the term "Institutional Mortgagees" or "Institutional Ilolder" shall include banks, trust companies, insurance companies, mortgage companies, mortgage insurance companies, savings and loan associations, trusts, mutual savings banks, credit unions, pension funds, Federal National Mortgage Association ("FNMA"), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("FHLMC"), all corporations, and any agency or department of the United States Government or of any state or municipal government. Section 1.12: Native Growth Protection Area. "Native Growth Protection Area" shall mean and refer to an area in a Lot, Tract or Common Area so designated on a final plat, short plat, binding site plan, or other analogous recorded plan or map, in which the removal of trees and significant natural ground cover, as well as the conduct of other activities, is restricted. 2 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 Section 1.13: Owner. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner (whether one or more persons or entities) of a fee interest in any Lot but excluding mortgagees or other persons or entities having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. Purchasers or assignees under recorded real estate contracts shall be deemed Owners and their respective sellers or assignors shall not be deemed Owners. Section 1.14: Plat. "Plat" shall mean and refer to the approved plat of ba r -6 e e contained therein recorded at Volume , pages to under King County Recording Number Section 1.15: Tract. "Tract" shall mean and refer to those portions of the recorded Plat which are so designated and which are generally held for purposes other than use as lots for construction of a residence. ARTICLE 2 COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION Section 2.1: Description of Organization. The Organization is a non-profit corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Washington charged with the duties and vested with the powers prescribed by law and set forth in the Governing Documents, as they may be amended from time to time. No Governing Document other than this Declaration shall for any reason be amended or otherwise changed or interpreted so as to be inconsistent with this Declaration. Section 2.2: Organization Board of Directors. Declarant shall select an initial Board of Directors of not fewer than 3 persons, who need not be Owners. The initial Board shall have the full authority and all rights, responsibilities, privileges, and duties to manage the Organization under the Governing Documents and shall be subject to all provisions of the Governing Documents. The term of the initial directors of the Board shall expire as set forth in the Articles and Bylaws. The Board shall elect officers of the Organization, which shall include a president who shall preside over meetings of the Board and meetings of the Organization. Section 2.3: Organization Membership. Every Owner shall by reason thereof be a member of the Organization as set forth in the Articles and Bylaws. Section 2.4: Votes Appurtenant to Ownership. Every Owner shall be entitled to vote in accordance with the provisions of the Articles and Bylaws. Section 2.5: Owner's Compliance with Governing Documents. By acceptance of a deed to a Lot, execution of a contract therefore, or any other means of acquisition of an ownership interest, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other instrument, the Owner thereof covenants and agrees thereby, on behalf of himself and his heirs, successors, and assigns, to observe and comply with all terms of the Governing Documents of the Organization, and all rules and regulations duly promulgated by the Board. Section 2.6: Rules and Regulations. The Board shall have the power to adopt from time to time and to enforce rules and regulations governing the use of Common Areas and the use and maintenance of Lots and Tracts, in addition to the use restrictions contained in this Declaration 3 DWT 18044520 0036183-000004 and whether or not expressly contemplated herein, provided that such rules and regulations shall not be inconsistent with this Declaration. The rules and regulations may not discriminate among Owners. The Organization may prescribe penalties for the violation of such rules and regulations, including but not limited to suspension of the right to use the Common Areas or portions thereof. Any such rules and regulations shall become effective 30 days after promulgation or amendment and shall be mailed to all Owners within 30 days after promulgation or amendment. A copy of the rules and regulations then in force shall be retained by the secretary of the Organization and shall be available for inspection by any Owner during reasonable business hours. Such rules shall have the same force and effect as if set forth herein. Section 2.7: Architectural Control Committee. The Board shall establish and thereafter continuously maintain an Architectural Control Committee to review and approve or disapprove the details and written plans and specifications of all construction, including initial construction other than new construction exempt pursuant to Section 5.1(a), additions or exterior alterations to homes and accessory buildings, fences, walls, or other structures and all clearing or excavation of Lots, or cutting of trees within the Plat, pursuant to Article 6 hereof. The Board shall have the power to adopt from time to time and to enforce guidelines, criteria, and procedures governing the Architectural Control Committee and the Owners' compliance with the provisions of Article 6 hereof. Section 2.8: Additional Committees. The Board shall have the authority to create, from time to time, additional committees that the Board, in its sole discretion, determines would be useful for the efficient and proper administration of the duties of the Organization. The Board may delegate such functions and duties to such committees as it deems fit, provided that the Board shall retain the ultimate decision making authority on all issues affecting the Organization, ARTICLE 3 - ORGANIZATION BUDGET, ASSESSMENTS, AND LIENS Section 3.1: Owner's Covenant to Pay Assessments. By acceptance of a deed to a Lot, execution of a contract therefore, or any other means of acquisition of an ownership interest, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other instrument, the Owner thereof covenants and agrees thereby, on behalf of himself and his heirs, successors, and assigns, to pay the Organization, in advance, all general and special assessments levied as provided herein. Section 3.2: Organization Budget. The Organization shall prepare, or cause the preparation of, an operating budget for the Organization at least annually, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and the procedures specified in the Bylaws. The operating budget shall set forth all sums required by the Organization, as estimated by the Organization, to meet its annual costs and expenses including, but not limited to, all management and administration costs of the Organization, operating and maintenance expenses of Common Areas, expenses for services furnished to or in connection with the Common Areas, including the amount of all taxes and assessments levied against, the cost of liability and other insurance on the Common Areas, charges for any services furnished to the Organization, the cost of utilities and other services, and the cost of funding all reserves established by the Organization, including, if appropriate, a general operating reserve and a reserve for replacements. The funds required to meet the Organization's annual expenses shall be raised from a general assessment 4 DWT 1804452d3 0036183-000004 against each Owner as provided hereafter. The Organization may revise the operating budget after its preparation at any time and from time to time, as it deems necessary or advisable in order to take into account and defray additional costs and expenses of the Organization. Section 3.3: Levy of General Assessment. In order to meet the costs and expenses projected in its operating budget, the Organization shall determine and levy in advance on every Owner a general assessment. The amount of each Owner's general assessment shall be the amount of the Organization's operating budget divided among the Lots; provided that, any vacant Lot(s) not yet liable for payment of assessments pursuant to Section 3.6 shall not be included in this calculation. Notice of the proposed budget and estimated general assessment shall be sent to each Owner as required by RCW Ch. 64.38.025 as now or hereafter amended; provided, however, that notification to an Owner of the amount of an assessment shall not be necessary to the validity thereof. The omission by the Organization, before the expiration of any assessment period, to fix the amount of the general assessments hereunder for that or the next period, shall not be deemed a waiver or modification in any respect of the provisions of this Article or a release of any Owner from the obligation to pay the general assessment, or any installment thereof, for that or any subsequent assessment period, but the general assessments fixed for the preceding period shall continue until a new assessment is fixed. Upon any revision by the Organization of the operating budget during the assessment period for which such budget was prepared, the Organization shall, if necessary, revise the general assessments levied against the Owners and give notice of the same in the same manner as the initial levy of general assessments for an assessment period. Section 3.4: Payment of General Assessment. As determined by the Board, installments of general assessments may be collected on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. Any Owner may prepay one or more installments on any assessment without discount or penalty. Section 3.5:. Non -Discriminatory Assessment. No assessment shall be made at any time which may unreasonably discriminate against any particular Owner or group of Owners in favor of other Owners. Section 3.6. Commencement of Assessments, Limited Exemptions for Vacant Lots. Liability of an Owner for assessments shall commence on the first day of the calendar month following the date upon which any instrument of transfer to such Owner becomes operative (such as the date of a deed, the date of a recorded real estate contract for the sale of any Lot, the date of death in the case of a transfer by will or intestate succession, etc.) and shall terminate on the date that the Owner transfers title to a new Owner, provided such transfer shall not relieve a selling Owner from liability for assessments due prior to the close of such transfer. The due dates of any special assessment payments shall be fixed by the Board when authorizing such special assessment. The Board shall have the discretion to exempt Lots which are vacant from assessments or portions of assessments attributable to improvements or work which does not benefit vacant Lots. Section 3.7: Special_ Assessments. In addition to the general assessments authorized by this Article, the Organization may levy a special assessment or assessments at any time for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, k DWT 18044520 0036163-000004 inordinate repair, or replacement of a described capital improvement located upon or forming a part of the Common Areas, including necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, or for such other purpose as the Organization may consider appropriate; provided, however, that any such assessment must have the prior favorable vote of Owners representing two-thirds of the Lots affected by the special assessment. If appropriate, the Organization may levy a special assessment against a portion of the Lots in cases where some but not all of the Lots would benefit by the special assessment, so long as any such assessment shall have the favorable vote of Owners representing two-thirds of the Lots affected by the special assessment. The amount of each Owner's special assessment for any year shall be the total special assessment for such year, divided by the sum of the number of Lots affected by the special assessment, provided the Organization may set different special assessment rates for Lots if the Organization determines that the benefit of the special assessment is different for the Lots. Section 3.8: Effect of Non -Payment of Assessment. If any assessment payment is not made in full within 30 days after it was first due and payable, the unpaid amounts shall constitute a lien against the Lot and shall bear interest from the date on which payment was first due and payable at the rate applicable to judgments in Washington. By acceptance of a deed to a Lot, execution of a contract therefore, or any other means of acquisition of an ownership interest, and whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other instrument, each Owner shall be deemed to grant thereby to the Organization, its agents and employees, the right and power to bring all actions against such Owner personally for the collection of such assessments as a debt, and to enforce the liens created by this Declaration in favor of the Organization by foreclosure of the continuing liens in the same form of action as is then provided for the foreclosure of a mortgage on real property. The liens provided for in this Declaration shall be for the benefit of the Organization as a corporate entity, and the Organization shall have the power to bid in at any lien foreclosure sale and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage, and convey the Lot foreclosed against. Section 3.9: Lien to Secure Payment of Assessments. Declarant hereby creates in the Organization perpetually the power to create a lien in favor of the Organization against each Lot to secure to the Organization the payment to it of all assessments, interest, costs, and attorneys' fees; and Declarant hereby subjects all Lots perpetually to such power of the Organization. Such lien shall arise in accordance with the terrns of this Declaration without the necessity of any further action by the Organization, and any such lien when created, shall be a security interest in the nature of a mortgage in favor of the Organization. Such lien shall become a continuing lien in the amount stated in the assessment from the time of the assessment, and shall also be the personal obligation of the person or entity who is the Owner of the Lot at the time of the assessment. The personal obligation to pay a prior assessment shall not pass to successors in interest unless expressly assumed by them, provided, however, that in the case of a sale or contract for the sale of any Lot which is charged with the payment of an assessment the person or entity who is the Owner immediately prior to the date of such sale shall be personally liable for the amounts of the monthly installments due prior to said date, and the new Owner shall be personally liable for monthly installments becoming due on or after such date. The foregoing limitation on the duration of the personal obligation of an Owner to pay assessments shall not, however, affect the validity or duration of the continuing lien for unpaid assessments against the respective Lot. 2 DWT t804452v3 003 6183 -000004 Section 3.10: Suspension for Non -Payment of Assessment. If an Owner shall be in arrears in the payment of any assessment due, or shall otherwise be in default of the performance of any terms of the Governing Documents for a period of 30 days, said Owner's voting rights shall without the necessity of any further action by the Board, be suspended (except as against foreclosing secured parties) and shall remain suspended until all payments, including interest thereon, are brought current and any other default is remedied. Section 3.11: Reserves for Replacement. As a common expense, the Organization may establish and maintain a reserve fund for replacement of any Common Areas and any improvements and community facilities thereon by the allocation and payment monthly to such reserve fund of an amount to be designated from time to time by the Organization. Such fund shall either be deposited with a banking institution, the accounts of which are insured by any state or by any agency of the United States of America or, in the discretion of the Organization, be invested in obligations of, or fully guaranteed as to principal by, the United States of America. The reserve fund shall be expended only for the purpose of effecting the replacement of the Common Areas and any improvements and community facilities thereon, equipment replacement, and for start-up expenses and operating contingencies of a nonrecurring nature. The Organization may establish such other reserves for such other purposes as it may from time to time consider necessary or appropriate. The proportional interest of any Owner in any such reserves shall be considered an appurtenance of that Owner's Lot and shall not be separately withdrawn, assigned, or transferred, or otherwise separated from the Lot to which it appertains and shall be deemed to be transferred with such Lot. Section 3.12: Certain Areas Exempt. The Common Areas and all portions of the Plat dedicated to and accepted by a public authority or other charitable or non-profit organization exempt from taxation under the laws of the State of Washington, shall be exempt from assessments by the Organization. ARTICLE 4 - SUBORDINATION OF LIENS Section 4.1: Intent of Provisions. The provisions of this Article 4 apply for the benefit of each Mortgagee who lends money for purposes of construction or to secure the payment of the purchase price of a Lot. Section 4.2. Mor agee's Non -Liability_. The holder of a Mortgage shall not, by reason of the security interest only, be liable for the payment of any assessment or charge, nor for the observance or performance of any covenant or restriction, excepting only those enforceable by equitable relief and not requiring the payment of money, and except as hereafter provided. Section 4.3. Mortgagee's Rights During Foreclosure. During the pendency of any proceeding to foreclose a Mortgage, including any period of redemption, the holder of the Mortgage, or the receiver, if any, may exercise any or all of the rights and privileges of the Owner of the encumbered Lot, including but not limited to the right to vote in the Organization to the exclusion of the Owner's exercise of such rights and privileges. Section 4.4: Mortgagee as Owner. At such time as a Mortgagee shall become the record Owner of the Lot or previously encumbered by the Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall be subject to 7 DW T t 8044520 0036 t 83-000004 all of the terms and conditions of this Declaration, including the obligation to pay for all assessments and charges in the same manner as any Owner. Section 4.5. Mortyayee's Title Free and Clear of Liens. A Mortgagee or other secured party acquiring title to a Lot through foreclosure, suit, deed of trust sale, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or equivalent method, shall acquire title to the encumbered Lot free and clear of any lien authorized by or arising out of the provisions of this Declaration, insofar as such lien secures the Payment of any assessment or charge or installment due but unpaid before the final conclusion of any such proceeding, excluding the expiration date of any period of redemption. The Organization may treat any unpaid assessments against a Lot foreclosed against as a common expense, in which case it shall prorate such unpaid assessments among the remaining Lots, and each such remaining Lot shall be liable for its prorated share of such expenses in the same manner as for any other assessment. Section 4.6. Survival of Assessment Obligation. After the foreclosure of a security interest in a Lot, any unpaid assessments shall continue to exist and remain as a personal obligation of the Owner against whom the same was levied, and the Organization shall use reasonable efforts to collect the same from such Owner. Section 4.7: Subordination of Assessment Liens. The liens for assessments provided for in this Declaration shall be subordinate to the lien of any Mortgage or other security interest placed upon a Lot as a construction loan security interest or as a purchase money security interest, or refinancing thereof and the Organization will, upon demand, execute a written subordination document to confirm the particular superior security interest. The sale or transfer of any Lot, or any interest therein, shall not affect the liens provided for in this Declaration except as otherwise specifically provided for herein, and in the case of a transfer of a Lot for purposes of realizing a security interest, liens shall arise against the Lot for any assessment payments coming due after the date of completion of foreclosure (excluding the expiration date of any period of redemption). ARTICLE 5 - BUILDING AND LAND USE RESTRICTIONS Section 5.1: Improvements. No Lot, dwelling, residence, outbuilding, fence, wall, building, pool, deck, substantial landscaping, change in exterior paint color or other structure or other improvement shall be erected, altered, placed or maintained on any Lot unless it shall comply with the following: (a) Prior to placing any such structure or making such improvement on the Lot, the plans and specifications for the stricture or improvement and a request for approval shall be submitted to and approved by the Architectural Control Committee ("Committee") as provided in Article 6. When constructed or placed on the Lot, the structure or improvement shall substantially conform to the plans and specifications approved by the Committee. This provision shall not apply to the Declarant until all homes are initially sold and occupied. (b) Prior to making any change or alteration to the external appearance of any existing improvement on a Lot, plans and specifications for the alteration and change shall be submitted to and approved by the Committee as provided in Article 6. When made, the changes 0 DWT 18044520 0036183-000004 or alteration shall substantially conform to the plans and specifications as approved by the Committee. This provision shall not apply to the Declarant until all homes are initially sold and occupied. (c) Once started, the work of constructing, altering, repairing, or reconstructing any structure or improvement on a Lot shall be diligently prosecuted until completion thereof and in any event the exterior of the structure shall be completed and finished within six months after the work first commences, In the case of landscaping improvements or modifications, the work shall be completed within two months after the work first commences. , (d) All buildings and improvements on a Lot shall be of permanent construction, and no temporary structure, trailer, mobile home, tent, garage, outbuilding or other similar device shall be placed on any Lot, except with the permission of the Committee. This provision shall not apply to the Declarant during the Development Period. (e) Lots shall be used solely for residential purposes and related facilities normally incidental to a residential community. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot except for one (1) single family dwelling and any permitted accessory building. (� Accessory buildings which are appurtenant to the use of an existing permanent residential building may be permitted on a Lot. Permitted accessory buildings may include playhouses, tool sheds, doghouses, and gazebos. No permitted accessory building shall be placed on a Lot unless the plans for the accessory building have been first approved as to the design and location on the Lot by the Committee. The Committee may refuse to approve a permitted accessory building if, in the exercise of the discretion of the Committee, the structure detracts from the general visual appearance of the neighborhood or other homes. The location of a permitted accessory building shall be located where it minimizes the visual impact and, as a general guideline, shall be in the rear yard or side yard behind the front of the house. The Committee shall not be bound by the guidelines, but may exercise its discretion in that respect. The Committee may require visual screening of accessory buildings from adjacent Lots. Accessory buildings shall not be easily visible from any street. (g) All structures and improvements shall comply with the provisions of the applicable Building Code, as amended from time to time, relating to setback requirements; provided that nothing herein shall require removal of a building which was originally placed in conformity with such Building Code because of change in the Building Code. The Applicant is responsible for procuring all necessary permits. (h) No exterior aerials, antennas, microwave receivers or satellite dishes for television or other purposes shall be permitted on any Lot except as follows: The Committee will not require prior approval as to placement and screening from residents who wish to install satellite dishes (18" or less in diameter) in accordance with current FCC rulings. The Committee recognizes the need to locate these dishes in a place that will allow the best reception possible, however, residents are encouraged to consider aesthetics as well. Residents choosing to install satellite dishes measuring larger than 18" in diameter are required to obtain approval from the Committee prior to installation. 9 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 (1) All mailboxes are to be of uniform design as approved by the Committee. 0) Owners of fences shall be obligated to repair and maintain such fences so that they are structurally sound and in attractive appearance. Owners of fences shall have the right to enter adjoining property on a temporary basis for purposes of such maintenance, provided the owner seeking to exercise this right of entry shall give two weeks written notice to the owner of the adjoining property and further provided that no damage to adjoining property shall be permitted and the adjoining property shall be restored to a condition reasonably equivalent to its condition prior to such entry as soon as such maintenance or repair work is completed. Section 5.2: Animals. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot except that usual household pets such as dogs, cats and small birds may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes, and that they do not unreasonably interfere with the use and enjoyment of any part of the Plat. Section 5.3: Nuisances. No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish; and trash, garbage, or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers or composting areas. Equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and out of sight. Nothing shall be done on a Lot which may become a nuisance to the neighborhood. Section 5.4: Businesses. No trade, craft, business, profession, manufacturing, commercial enterprise or commercial activity of any kind shall be conducted or carried on upon any Lot or within any building located within the Plat unless it is authorized by and is in compliance with local land use ordinances and does not interfere with the quiet and peaceful use and enjoyment of any part of the Plat. For purposes of this Section, "interference" will be assumed to exist if (1) evidence of said use is visible from the street or adjacent Lots, (2) the use causes an increase in the noise level in the surrounding area, or (3) the use increases traffic above usual residential volumes. No signs for such businesses shall be permitted. Section 5.5: Storage. No goods, materials, supplies or equipment, and no boats, trucks, motorcycles, busses, motor homes, campers, trailers, or vehicles of any description, shall be stored, dismantled, or repaired in the street, driveway, or within view from any street or Lot in the Plat. Upon 48 hours notice to the Owner of the Lot, the Organization has the authority to have removed at the Owner's expense any improperly stored or parked vehicle, boat, or other equipment. During the Development Period, the Declarant may store equipment and building materials and maintain temporary trash storage sites within the Plat. The restrictions contained in this Section shall not exclude the temporary parking of automobiles on the designated driveway areas adjacent to garages on the Lots. Section 5.6: Construction and Sale Period. So long as Declarant owns any property in the Plat for development and/or sale, the restrictions set forth in this Article 5 shall not be applied or interpreted so as to prevent, hinder, or interfere with development, construction or sales activities of Declarant or any builder or developer approved by the Declarant. Section 5.7: Docks. Owners of Lots which have frontage on Lake Washington shall have the right to apply for permits for the construction of joint use docks (a joint use dock is a 10 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 single dock serving two adjoining lots, typically located straddling the common property line between the two lots). (a) Owners shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits for the construction and maintenance of such docks and for construction of such docks in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements. Declarant does not, in any way, guarantee that docks will be permitted or that any particular dock design will be approvable since applicable government regulations change from time to time and are beyond Declarant's control. All docks shall be designed, constructed and maintained in a manner so as not to alter or impact the remediation trench (or Passive Attenuation Zone) described in Section 5A4, nor interfere with the access or sampling rights referenced in Subsection 5.7(c) below. (b) All Lots with frontage on Lake Washington shall be subject to an easement on their common property lines which allows the construction and use of a joint use dock with the adjoining Owner. The width and length of that easement shall be the area in which a dock is allowed pursuant to the rules and regulations of governmental agencies with jurisdiction over the construction of a dock at the time permit applications for a dock are submitted. In cases where both Owners of a joint use dock agree to construct and use a dock, the Owners shall share equally in all costs, including but not limited to design, permitting, construction and maintenance, unless the two Owners agree otherwise in writing. In cases where one Owner desires to construct a dock but the other Owner does not, the Owner desiring to build the dock shall bear all costs, including but not limited to design, permitting, construction and maintenance, providing the other owner may not use the dock (even though a portion of the dock is on their property) until such time as the non -participating Owner reimburses the participating owner for fifty percent (50%) of the cost of design, permitting, construction and maintenance, adjusted for inflation. In the event of dispute regarding the amount of such reimbursement or any other issue regarding the construction, maintenance, repair or use of a common dock, the dispute shall be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee for review and a decision. The Committee's decision shall be final and binding on all parties. (c) The Organization shall have the right to adopt Rules and Regulations regarding the design of docks, the size, shape and other features of the dock, the maintenance of docks, and all other aspects of dock ownership and use. Section 5.8 Lakefront Buffer (a) The City of Renton has required that a permanent fifty foot (50') wide buffer be provided along the shore of Lake Washington. On some lots this buffer is less than fifty feet and on others it is larger such that the average along the entire lake shore is fifty feet. These variances have been specified as part of a buffer averaging plan approved by the City. The buffer width on each lot is set on the recorded plat and cannot be reduced. The first thirty five feet (35') of buffer adjacent to Lake Washington is required to be planted in native species in accordance with a buffer landscape plan approved by the Ctiy. The remainder of the buffer which varies from lot to lot may contain "managed" landscaping but may not contain structures other than patio surfaces, garden retaining walls.and other such garden improvements that may be approved by the City. 11 DWT 18044520 0036183-000004 (b) The first 35 feet of buffer adjacent to the lake as measured from the Ordinary High Water Mark is subject to an easement allowing the Organization to enter this area for the purpose of inspecting, maintaining, irrigating and repairing this buffer and associated vegetation. Lot Owners shall not be allowed to remove or trim the native vegetation or to plant anything in this area, except with prior written approval from the Architectural Control Committee and, as applicable, the City of Renton. (c ) Access through the 35' native species buffer to the lake shore or dock shall be limited to a joint use walkway that is constructed on or near the joint property line of homes that are attached to each other. An easement five feet in width shall be provided on either side of said portion of the property line for this purpose. The walkway will be constructed by the builder as part of the initial home and buffer landscaping. (d) Barbee Mill Co., Inc. ("Barbee") and its consultants and contractors shall be provided with access to perform sampling in the tidelands as necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the remedial action discussed more fully in Article 5A. Barbee shall have the right to access the sediment in the vicinity of any dock for purposes of sampling. Section 59: Landscaping and Landscaping Maintenance. (a) The Declarant will be responsible for initial installation of all in -ground landscaping and irrigation systems in both the Common Areas and on Lots. The Organization will be responsible for the maintenance including irrigation of all Tracts (Tracts A through I and L through P) and the 35 foot buffer easement adjacent to Lake Washington. In addition the Organization will maintain the front yard landscaping of all Lots. All Lots are subject to a permanent easement allowing the Organization access to the Lots for this purpose. Lot Owners shall be responsible for irrigating their front and rear yards and landscape maintenance of their rear yards. (b) Lot Owners will be allowed to personalize their in -ground landscaping, subject to prior review and written approval of the Architectural Control Committee_ The Organization shall establish Rules and Regulations for both a process for requesting such approvals and design guidelines for Owners who wish to make such changes to their landscaping. The Committee shall, in reviewing such applications, consider the impact of the proposed changes on the overall aesthetic appearance of the community, view blockage issues, compatibility with other landscaping on the Lot and nearby Lots and Common Areas. The Committee may impose limitations on such landscaping, including but not limited to restrictions related to size, mature height and width, and shade and shadow creation. Section 5.4: Maintenance of Homes. (a) All Lots and homes, including any associated improvements, shall be maintained in a clean and attractive manner consistent with the overall appearance and quality of the Barbee 12 DWT 1804452v3 0030183-000004 Mill community. All homes and other improvements shall be painted and otherwise maintained in the same colors and with the same exterior finishes as the original construction, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Architectural Control Committee. The obligations established by this section shall include an obligation to keep all exterior areas of Lots clear of debris, stored items and unsightly accumulations of materials of any kind which detract from the general appearance of the community. The Architectural Control Committee shall be responsible for determining whether any individual Lot or home is being maintained in compliance with the standards in this Section. (b) All of the homes on the Lots share certain physical improvements with an adjoining home, including but not limited to shared roofs, exterior walls and other features. The following rules regarding maintenance and repair shall apply to such homes. 1. Each Lot Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of all building components which are not shared with the adjoining lot. This shall include minor repairs to roof or siding that can be accomplished without involving the other party. 2. Both Lot Owners shall be jointly responsible for maintenance and repair of all shared building components, provided: 1. If maintenance or repair is required as the result of the negligence or intentional misconduct of an Owner, their guests, invitees or other agents, that Owner shall be responsible for all associated costs of maintenance and repair. 2. If one Owner believes that maintenance and repair, other than minor touchup painting and the like, is required or prudent, that Owner shall contact the adjoining Owner and seek that Owner's mutual consent to the proposed work. (c) The Organization may adopt Rules and Regulations regarding repainting, schedules for routine maintenance and all other aspects of the repair and maintenance of all homes in the community, including components which are the responsibility of individual Owners. (d) In the event of any dispute between Owners regarding issues about whether any particular building component is a shared component subject to subsection 5.8.c, whether maintenance or repair is necessary or prudent, the costs of such work, or any other issue related to the application of this Section, the dispute shall be submitted to the Architectural Control Committee for review and a decision. The Committee's decision shall be final and binding on all parties. Section 5.10: Clubhouse, Common Areas and Common Area Improvements. (a) A clubhouse is located on Tract E in the Common Area. The Clubhouse and Tract E shall be maintained by the Organization. (b) The Organization shall have the right to construct, maintain and repair, and regulate security gates and fences around the Common Areas and amenities. I3 NWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 (c) The Organization shall have the right to regulate the use of all parking areas associated with Common Areas, including but not limited to the imposition of time limits on parking. (d) The Organization shall adopt Rules and Regulations regarding the use of the Clubhouse and Tract E, as well as other Common Areas and amenities in those Common Areas, including imposition of fees for uses, rental of the facility for use by Owners or others for various purposes, revocation of use privileges for non-payment of assessments and/or misuse of the Common Areas, including the clubhouse, and all other aspects of the maintenance, use and operation of the clubhouse. Section 5.11: Fences. Declarant shall install rear yard and perimeter fences for most lots in accordance with a master fence plan. Lakefront lots will not have a rear yard fence as standard but such fences may be approved by the ACC as long as fence proposals are consistant with neighborhood fence styles and that said fences do not encroach in the 35 foot lake buffer area., Any alteration or additions to fencing must be approved in advance by the Architectural Control Committee. Decorative iron or aluminum fences will be permitted to separate the two shared yards of paired homes. Section 5.12: Easement Agreement (Lot 115 and Harbor Area).. The Organization shall assume and be responsible for all duties and obligations of the "Grantor" under Section 6 of that certain Easement Agreement (Lot 115 and Harbor Area) recorded on September 29, 2006 under King County Auditor's File No. 20060929003429 (the "Harbor Area Easement") to the extent arising from and after recording of the Declaration, and the Organization shall succeed to the interests of such Grantor under Section 5 regarding the dredging of the Tract A Open Space (as such term is defined in the Harbor Area Easement), including all rights of such Grantor thereunder_ Notwithstanding any other provision in this Declaration to the contrary, neither Lot 115 nor the Owner of Lot 115 shall be subject to any assessment or special assessment that may be levied or imposed by the Organization for purposes of funding dredging costs under Section 5 of the Harbor Area Easement. Section 5.13: Certain Restrictions Not Applicable to Lot 115. Notwithstanding anything set forth to the contrary in this Article 5 or the Declaration: (a) the Owner of Lot 115 may use such Lot for any lawful purpose (including a boathouse, dock and vehicle parking spaces) and shall not be bound by the restrictions or requirements set forth in Section 5.1 (a), (b), (e) or (0 or Section 5.7; (b) the Owner of Lot 115 shall have the right to repair, remodel or replace the existing boathouse and related improvements located on Lot 115, at such Owner's discretion; and (c) permitted uses on Lot 115 shall include the existing osprey nest pole, platform and nest and any replacements and modifications. ARTICLE 5A SPECIAL ACCESS RIGHTS Section 5A.1: Remedial Action. Barbee has conducted and is conducting an independent remedial action under the Model Toxies Control Act ("MTCA") on the Plat which is subject to this Declaration. The remedial action is described in the Independent Remedial Action Plan (Hart Crowser, September 6, 2000) and the independent Remedial Action Plan Addendum 14 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 are on file with the Washington State Department of Ecology's ("Ecology's") Northwest Regional Office. Because the Remedial Action resulted in residual concentrations of arsenic and zinc (the "Residual Contamination") which exceed the MTCA Method B Residual Cleanup Level for groundwater established under WAC 173-340-720, a restrictive covenant limiting certain activities which may affect the groundwater and the remediation plan shall be recorded against the plat prior to the conveyance of the lots. Section 5A.2: Barbee's Access Ribts. Barbee, and Barbee's contractors and consultants, shall have the right to access the Common Areas and Tracts from time to time to perform, complete and monitor the Remedial Action as necessary to: (a) improve, maintain, test and otherwise operate, repair and remove existing and new groundwater monitoring and extraction wells and to improve, install, maintain, repair, replace, operate and remove the groundwater treatment systems required to complete the Remedial Action, including all associated fixtures and equipment (collectively the "Treatment System'); and (b) conduct any and all other environmental testing, monitoring and/or remediation operations on, under, over and across the Common Areas and Tracts in the event any such additional testing, monitoring and/or remediation operations relating to the soil or groundwater beneath the Common Areas and Tracts are required by the applicable regulatory agencies and any removal or decommissioning of the Treatment System. Section 5A.3: System Location. The Remedial Action is being conducted in part on and beneath the Common Areas and Tracts, and the Treatment System installed at the Plat at this time, is depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Section 5A.4: Non Interference with Remedial Action; Repair. The Treatment System shall not be removed or altered without prior written approval from Barbee in each instance, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Removal or alteration of any portion of the Treatment System may also require approval by Ecology and/or any other regulatory agency with jurisdiction over the Remedial Action. Prohibited alterations include but are not limited to changes to the Treatment System or the nearby area in a manner that disrupts operations or monitoring, prevents installation or reduces efficiency or effectiveness of the Treatment System, including installation or construction of any structure, planting, or material, or allowing, conducting or permitting any activity, that unreasonably interferes with or significantly increases the cost of implementing the Remedial Action. Promptly after learning thereof, the Organization, Declarant and/or any Owner shall notify Barbee in writing of any material actions planned or in progress that could impact the Treatment Systems including unintentional acts, accidents, or naturally caused damages. An Owner or the Organization, as the case may be, shall be responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of any portion of the Treatment System that is removed or altered by such Owner or by the Organization without the prior written approval of Barbee. In general what this means is that there shall be no interference with the wells, piping, equipment, or other physical components of the remedial action that have been installed as shown on the exhibit in Section 5A.3 above or will be installed in the future and that no one shall disturb the ground below the top of the remediation trench (referred to as the Passive Attenuation Zane on Exhibit "A"). The top of the remediation trench is located above the Lake Washington 15 DWT 18044520 0036183-OD0004 Ordinary High Water Mark of 18,67 feet NAVDSS at an approximate elevation between 19.5 and 21.4 feet NAVDSS. Section 5A.5: Access, Notice. Barbee, and its contractors and consultants, shall be permitted to conduct the Remedial Action and shall be provided reasonable access to the Common Area and Tracts. The Organization, Declarant and the Owners shall cooperate with Barbee in Barbee's undertaking and completing the Remedial Action. If requested by the Organization, Barbee shall provide the Organization with reasonable prior notice of any planned entry onto the Common Areas or Tracts by Barbee, its contractors or consultants pursuant to this Section 5A. Section 5A.6: Water Quality Pond Liner. The Plat includes a storrnwater water quality pond located on Tract F within the Plat approximately where depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Water Quality Pond"), The Water Quality Pond has a liner installed therein with an expected life of 100 years which is designed to prevent the discharge of site groundwater up into the Water Quality Pond. In addition the bottom of said water quality pond is approximately one foot higher than the underlying water table substantially reducing the possibility that ground water ever would be inclined to enter the pond even if there were no liner. During the Development Period, Declarant shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of the liner within the Water Quality Pond, at Declarant's cost and expense. Following expiration of the Development Period, the Organization shall be responsible for maintenance, repair and replacement of the liner within the Water Quality Pond, at the Organization's cost and expense. If Barbee believes, in good faith and based on credible evidence, that the liner is not being properly maintained or repaired or requires replacement, Barbee shall have the right, at its election, to undertake and complete such maintenance, repair or replacement activities as it deems reasonably necessary and appropriate after first providing at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of its intent to the Declarant (during the Development Period) or the Organization (following expiration of the Development Period). If the Declarant or the Organization, as applicable, fails to commence such maintenance, repair or replacement of the liner within such thirty (30) day period, then Barbee may proceed to complete such work itself, in accordance with the requirements set forth herein, and all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by Barbee in connection with such work shall be reimbursed to it by the Declarant or the Organization, as applicable, within twenty (20) days following delivery of written invoices therefor. Amounts not paid when due hereunder shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum from the due date through the date of payment. The liner was installed and shall be maintained, repaired and replaced in accordance with the design and specifications approved by the Declarant, prepared by Otak Engineering, dated as of January 30, 2008. All work relating to the liner was and shall be undertaken and completed by qualified and experienced contractors and consultants. Section 5A.7: Miscellaneous. Neither the Organization, Declarant nor any Owner may impose any type of monetary penalties, fines, or fees against Barbee as long as Barbee is lawfully performing the Remedial Action and exercising its rights under this Article 5A. In no event shall Barbee be liable for any claims for special, indirect or consequential damages, including but not limited to claims for loss of use, rents, anticipated profit, business opportunity or business interruption associated with the Remedial Action. Each Owner and the Organization 16 DWT tS04452v3 003 618 M00004 releases Barbee, its affiliates and Declarant from all liability associated with or arising from the Residual Contamination or the Remedial Action to the extent it is properly conducted by Barbee. Notwithstanding the provisions in Article 11 (Amendment and Revocation) to the contrary, the provisions of this Article 5A shall only be amended by an instrument executed and approved by Barbee. ARTICLE 6 - ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL Section 6.1: The Committee. The Board shall designate the Committee herein referred to. The address of the Committee shall be the registered office of the Organization. Section 6.2: Submission of Plans. Prior to construction, all plans and specifications or information required to be submitted to the Committee for approvals shall be submitted by mail to the address of the Committee in duplicate, shall be in writing, shall contain a written request for approval and the name and address of the person submitting the same and the Lot involved, and shall set forth the following with respect to a proposed structure: The location of the structure upon the Lot, the elevation of the structure with reference to the existing and finished lot grade, the general design, the interior layout, the exterior finish materials and color including roof materials, the landscape plan, and such other information as may be required to determine whether such structure conforms with the restrictions established by the Governing Documents and any Community Regulations adopted by the Organization. The Committee may require applicants to notify adjacent Lot Owners of their request for approval. Section 6.3: Standards. The Committee shall have the authority to determine and establish standards involving aesthetic considerations of harmony of construction and color which it determines to be in the best interest of providing for attractive development of the Plat, which authority shall include but not be limited to determining the height, configuration, design and appearance of the home, fences, walls, outbuildings, pools, and other structures and improvements appurtenant to the use of the Lot. Such determinations shall be binding on all persons having any interest in the Lot. Owners shall be responsible for informing contractors, agents and others working on the Lot of the standards and conditions of all approvals issued by the Committee and shall be responsible for correcting any violations of any and all violations of those standards and conditions. Section 6.4: Approval or Disapproval Process. Within 30 days after the receipt of plans and specifications or information with a request for approval, the Committee shall by majority vote approve or disapprove the request. The Committee may disapprove any request which in its opinion does not conform to the Governing Documents and any Community Regulations adopted by the Organization or its aesthetic or other adopted standards. Approval or disapproval of a request shall be made upon one of the copies thereof and returned to the address shown on the request. If the Committee fails to approve or disapprove submitted plans and specifications within 30 days after the plans and specifications have been submitted, which submission shall be evidenced by a written receipt for said plans and specifications, approval will not be required, and this Section will be deemed to have been fully complied with. In this event, any such plans and specifications shall nevertheless be in compliance with all the restrictions contained in the Governing Documents and any Community Regulations adopted by the Organization. 17 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 Section 6.5: Advisors. The Committee may appoint advisors or advisory committees from time to time to advise on matters pertaining to the Plat. No person on the Committee or acting for it shall be responsible for any defect in any plan or specification submitted or approved nor for any defect in any plan or specification submitted or approved nor for any defect in any work done according to such plans and specifications. Section 6.6: Variations. The Committee shall have the authority to approve plans and specifications which do not conform to these restrictions in order to overcome practical difficulties or prevent hardships in the application of these restrictions; provided that such variations so approved shall not be materially injurious to the improvements of other Lots and shall not constitute a waiver of the restrictions herein contained but shall be in furtherance of the purposes and intent of these restrictions. ARTICLE 7 - COMMON AREAS AND MAINTENANCE Section 7.1: Title to Common Areas. The Common Areas are owned by all of the Lot Owners in Barbee Mill in equal undivided shares. Ownership of a share of the Common Areas is indivisible from ownership of a Lot and transfer of a Lot to a new Owner automatically transfers ownership of the associated share of the undivided interest in the Common Areas to the new Owner. Any attempt to transfer, assign or otherwise separate ownership of an interest in the Common Areas from ownership of a Lot shall be null and void. The Common Areas shall be maintained by the Organization. Section 7.2: Owners' Common Rights. Owners shall have equal rights to use the Common Areas, subject to the rules that may be established by the Organization. All easements for ingress, egress, utilities, and use of facilities in the Common Areas, unless otherwise specifically limited, shall exist in favor of all Owners in the Plat. ARTICLE 8 - EASEMENTS AND OPEN SPACE Section 5.1: Construction, Utility and Drainage Easements. Easements for the construction, repair, replacement, reconstruction, and maintenance of utilities and drainage facilities have been created and established by the recorded Plat including notes thereto. No structure, planting or other material which may damage or interfere with the installation and maintenance of utilities or facilities, or which may change the direction of Flow of drainage channels in the easements, or which may obstruct or retard the flow of water through the drainage channels in the easements, shall be placed or permitted to remain within any of these easements, except as otherwise authorized by the Plat. Section 8.2: Maintenance of Common Areas. In addition to maintenance obligations specified in Article 5, the Organization shall be responsible for maintaining, repairing and replacing: (a) Any plat entry monuments, lighting, landscaping, and irrigation constructed in a Tract. 18 DWT 18044452v3 0036t83-000004 (b) Landscaping, irrigation, fencing, and any other community improvements that have been or may be constructed in the future within a Common Tract or other areas designated by the Board. (c) Any landscaping and irrigation systems located within the public rights of way located in the Plat. (d) The mailbox stands. ARTICLE 9 - INSURANCE, CASUALTY LOSSES, CONDEMNATION Section 9.1: Insurance Coverage. The Organization shall obtain and maintain at all times as an Organization expense an insurance policy or policies and bonds written by companies licensed to do business in Washington which provide: 9.1.1. Insurance against loss or damage by fire and other hazards covered by the standard extended coverage endorsement in an amount as near as practicable to the full insurable replacement value (without deduction for depreciation) of the Common Areas, with the Organization named as insured, or such other fire and casualty insurance as the Organization shall determine will give substantially equal or greater protection. 9.1.2. General comprehensive liability insurance insuring the Organization, the Owners, Declarant, and any managing agent, against any liability to the public or to the Owners and their guests, invitees, licensees, or tenants, incident to the ownership or use of the Common Areas. 9.1.3. Worker's compensation insurance to the extent required by applicable laws. 9.1.4. Fidelity coverage naming the Organization as an obligee to protect against dishonest acts by the Board, Organization officers, committees, managers, and employees of any of them, and all others who are responsible for handling Organization funds, in an amount equal to three months general assessments on all Lots, including reserves. 9.1.5. Insurance against loss of personal property of the Organization by fire, theft, and other losses with deductible provisions as the Organization deems advisable. 9.1.6. Such other insurance as the Organization deems advisable, provided, that notwithstanding any other provisions herein, the Organization shall continuously maintain in effect casualty, flood, and liability insurance and a fidelity bond meeting the insurance and fidelity bond requirements for Projects established by Federal National Mortgage Organization, Government National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Housing Authority, and Veterans Administration, so long as any of them is a Mortgagee or Owner, except to the extent such coverage is not available or has been waived in writing by Federal National Mortgage Association, Government National Mortgage Association, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, Federal Housing Authority, or Veterans Administration. 19 DWT 18044520 0036183-000004 Section 9.2: Casualty Losses. In the event of substantial damage to or destruction of any of the Common Areas, the Organization shall give prompt written notice of such damage or destruction to the Owners and to the holders of all First Mortgages who have requested such notice from the Organization. Insurance proceeds for damage or destruction to any part of the Common Areas shall be paid to the Organization as a trustee for the Owners, or its authorized representative, including an insurance trustee, which shall segregate such proceeds from other funds of the Organization. Section 9.3: Condemnation. In the event any part of the Common Areas is made the subject matter of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding, or is otherwise sought to be acquired by any condemning authority, the Organization shall give prompt notice of any such proceeding or proposed acquisition to the Owners and to the holders of all First Mortgages who have requested from the Organization notification of any such proceeding or proposed acquisition. All compensation, damages, or other proceeds therefrom, shall be payable to the Organization. ARTICLE 10 - ENFORCEMENT Section 10.1: Right to Enforce. The Organization, Declarant, and any Owner shall have the right to enforce, by any appropriate proceeding at law or in equity, all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, liens, and charges now or hereafter imposed by or pursuant to the provisions of this Declaration. Failure or forbearance by any person or entity so entitled to enforce the provisions of this Declaration to pursue enforcement shall in no event be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. Section 10.2: Imposition of Fines. (a) Authority to Impose Fines. The Organization shall have the right to impose monetary penalties against the owner and/or occupant of any Lot who violates these Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions or the Community Regulations or other rules and restrictions adopted by the Organization. The Board shall, from time to time, adopt a schedule for such monetary penalties. The schedule may provide for penalties that are assessed a single flat rate and may provide for penalties which are incurred on a periodic {daily, weekly, etc.) basis and which accrue until violations are corrected. (b) Procedure for Tmpasition of Fines. If the Organization determines that a violation of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, or the Community Regulations or other rules and restrictions adopted by the Organization has occurred, the Organization shall send a written Notice of Violation to the owner or occupant of the Lot determined to be responsible for the violation. The Notice of Violation shall identify (1) the location where the violation has occurred, (2) the name of the person responsible for the violation, (3) the nature of the violation, (4) the action or actions required in order to cure the violation and a deadline for compliance, and (5) the rate or amount of the fine that will be assessed if the violation is not cured by the compliance deadline. In addition, the Notice of Violation shall indicate that the owner or occupant deemed responsible for the violation shall be entitled to request a hearing before the Board, provided a written request for such a hearing is submitted to the Board within fourteen calendar days after the issuance of the Notice of Violation. 20 DWT 1804452v3 0036183 000004 (c) Hearing by Board. If a request for a hearing is submitted, the Board shall conduct a factual hearing and allow interested parties to present evidence relevant to the issues of whether or not a violation has occurred and what action is required to cure the violation. The Board shall issue a written decision after the conclusion of the factual hearing. All Notices of Violation become final either fourteen days after they are issued if no request for a hearing is submitted, or on the date that the Board issues its decision following a hearing. (d) Collection of Nines, Lien_ on Title. Unpaid fines assessed pursuant to Section 10.2 shall constitute liens against the Lot, be subject to the terms and conditions of this Declaration regarding liens for assessments and attorneys fees. Section 10.3: Abatement of Violations. In the event that a Lot Owner fails to maintain a Lot or home in compliance with the procedures and standards in Article 5 or constructs improvements, including landscaping, in violation of the procedures and standards in Article 5, the Organization shall have the right, following the completion of any applicable appeals process set forth in Section 10.2, to enter the Lot which is the subject of the violation and perform such maintenance, repairs or abatement as may be necessary to eliminate the violations. The costs of such maintenance, repairs and/or abatement, including any and all attorneys' fees, costs and expenses associated with such an enforcement action, shall constitute a lien against the Lot and a personal obligation of the Owner, which shall be subject to foreclosure by the Organization in King County Superior Court. Section 10.4: Remedies Cumulative. Remedies provided by this Declaration are in addition to, cumulative with, and are not in lieu of, other remedies provided by law. There shall be, and there is hereby created and declared to be, a conclusive presumption that any violation or breach or attempted violation or breach of the covenants, conditions, and restrictions herein cannot be adequately remedied by an action at law or exclusively by recovery of damages. ARTICLE 11 - AMENDMENT AND REVOCATION Section 11.1: Amendment by Organization. Prior to the expiration of the Development Period, any amendment to the Declaration may be executed by the Declarant. Subsequent to the expiration of the Development Period, this Declaration may be amended only by an instrument executed by the Organization for and on behalf of the Owners, provided, however, that such amendments shall have received the prior approval of a vote of the Owners having 75 percent of the total outstanding votes in the Organization. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing: (1) the prior written approval of the Owner of Lot 115 shall be required for any amendment to Sections 5.12 or 5.13 of the Declaration (or any provision relating thereto in the Organization's By -Laws or Rules and Regulations that may be adopted by the Organization); (2) the prior written approval of Barbee shall be required for any amendment to Section 5.7(e) or Article 5A of the Declaration (or any provision relating thereto in the Organization's By -Laws or Rules and Regulations that may be adopted by the Organization); and (3) the prior written approval of 51 percent of all Mortgagees who have requested from the Organization notification of amendments shall be required for any material amendment to the Declaration or the Organization's By -Laws of any of the following: voting rights, assessments, assessment liens, and subordination of such liens, reserves for maintenance, repair, and replacement of Common Areas, responsibility for 21 DWT 18044520 0036183-000004 maintenance and repair, reallocation of interest in the Common Areas, or rights to their use, convertibility of Lots into Common Areas or of Common Areas into Lots; leasing of Lots other than as set forth herein; imposition of any restrictions on the right of an Owner to sell or transfer a Lot; any action to terminate the legal status of the Organization after substantial destruction or condemnation occurs, or any provisions which are for the express benefit of Mortgagees or eligible insurers or guarantors of First Mortgages. Section 11.2: Effective Date. Amendments shall take effect only upon recording in the County where the Plat is located. ARTICLE 12 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 12.1: Taxes. Each Owner shall pay without abatement, deduction, or offset, all real and personal property taxes, general and special assessments, including local improvement assessments, and other charges of every description levied on or assessed against his Lot (including that Lot's undivided interest in the Common Areas, or personal property located on or in the Lot. The Organization shall likewise pay without abatement, deduction, or offset, any taxes, assessments, and charges levied or assessed against the Common Areas, Section 12.2: Non -Waiver. No waiver of any breach of this Declaration shall constitute a waiver of any other breach, whether of the same or any other covenant, condition, or restriction. Section 12.3: Covenants Running with the Land. The covenants, conditions, restrictions, liens, easements, enjoyment rights, and other provisions contained herein are intended to and shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all persons purchasing, leasing, subleasing or otherwise occupying any portion of the Plat, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, grantees, and assigns. All instruments granting or conveying any interest in any Lot and all leases or subleases shall refer to this Declaration and shall recite that it is subject to the terms hereof as if fully set forth therein. However, all teens and provisions of this Declaration are binding upon all successors in interest despite an absence of reference thereto in the instrument of conveyance, lease, or sublease. Section 12.4: Attorneys' Fees. In the event of a suit or action to enforce any provision of this Declaration or to collect any money due hereunder or to foreclose a lien, the unsuccessful party in such suit or action shall pay to the prevailing party all costs and expenses, including title reports, and all attorneys fees that the prevailing party has incurred in connection with the suit or action, in such amounts as the court may deem to be reasonable therein, and also including all costs, expenses, and attorneys fees incurred in connection with any appeal from the decision of a teal court or any appellate court. Section 12.5: No Abandonment of Obligation, No Owner, through his non-use of any Common Area, or by abandonment of his Lot, may avoid or diminish the burdens or obligations imposed by this Declaration. Section 12.6: InteMretation. The captions of the various articles, sections and paragraphs of this Declaration are for convenience of use and reference only and do not define, 22 DWT 1804452v3 0036t83-000004 limit, augment, or describe the scope, content or intent of this Declaration or any parts of this Declaration. The neuter gender includes the feminine and masculine, the masculine includes the feminine and neuter, and the feminine includes the masculine and neuter, and each includes a legal entity when the context so requires. The single number includes the plural whenever the context so requires. Section 12.7: Severability. Invalidation of any one of these covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, or provisions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other of the same, all of which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 12.8: Notices. All notices, demands, or other communications ("Notices") permitted or required to be given by this Declaration shall be in writing and, if mail postage prepaid by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested (if a Notice to Declarant, Barbee, the Organization, or to fewer than all Owners), or if mailed first-class postage prepaid (if a Notice to all Owners), shall be deemed given three days after the date of mailing thereof, or on the date of actual receipt, if sooner, except as otherwise provided in the Governing Documents. Notice to an Owner may be given at any Lot owned by such Owner; provided, however, that an Owner may from time to time by Notice to the Organization designate such other place or places or individuals for the receipt of future Notices. Notices shall be addressed to the last known address of the addressee if not otherwise known. If there is more than one Owner of a Lot, Notice to any one such Owner shall be sufficient. The address of Declarant during the Development Period and of the Organization shall be given to each Owner at or before the time he becomes an Owner. If the address of Declarant or the Organization shall be changed, Notice shall be given to all Owners and to Barbee. The initial address for notices to Declarant or the Organization shall be 846 108"' Ave NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004, and the initial address for notices to Barbee shall be 846 1081" Ave NE, Bellevue, Washington 98004. 23 DWT 1804452v3 0036183-000004 Section 12.9: Applicable Law, This Declaration shall be construed in all respects under • the laws of the State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE UNDERSIGNED DECLARANT HAS EXECUTED THIS DECLARATION THE DAY AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. CONNE"OMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC v31/09 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) On this day of `� , r. , 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Garret M. Upper, to me known to be the Assistant Vice President of Conner Homes at Barbee Mill , LLC which executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said limited liability company, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stat d t he was authorized to execute the said instrument. �; %-Al psi, 4 t' �! °�F Printed name: t o vp-ki Notary Public in and for the State of Washington IJ 9_ 0,g My commission expires: [0.31 O� 24 DWT 1804452v3 0030183-000004 Return Address: City Clerk's Office Cite of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 20080215000922 CITY OF RENTON BS 43.00 PAGE001 OF 002 02/15/2008 11:20 KING COUNTY, WA BILL OF SALE Proj Name: %h.Jl Property Tax Parcel Number: 3o;6? — j03y Project File #: 5 Street Intersection: *� Address: It 0GO0$O 333 � �4/ Sf J/ Gkc v Reference Number(s) of Documents assigned or released: Additional reference numbers are on page Grantor(s): Grantee(s): 1 C40"C. AV" f S r!a..p,�� I . City of Renton, a Municipal Corporation 2. The Grantor, as named above, for, and in consideration of mutual benefits, hereby grants, bargains, sells and delivers to the Grantee, as named above, the following described personal property: WATER SYSTEM: Length Size TyVe L.F. of /0 62 Water Main i off of /off DT Water Main 12 � of 10 � P)zv Water Main IN each of /O Gate Valves -5: each of /d (late Valves a (. each of Fire Hydrant Assemblies SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM: Length Size Type X.53 L.F. of 9 1OX Myc Sewer Main 1) 01 L.F. of /O QS Sewer Main 416& 23 L.F. of (e Sewer Main 157 each of V F Diameter Manholes each of Diameter Manholes 1 each of Gam —1 e Lift Stations STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: Length Size Type p, (4 L.F. of I Ar Storm Main L.F.333-1 of -/e 44P Storm Main 33_ L.F. of are -30�" P Storm Main each of _ 11� L Storm Inlet/Outlet each of Storm Catch Basin 'AA each of Manhole STREET IMPROVMENTS: (Including Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk, Asphalt Pavement) Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk 7731) L.F. Asphalt Pavement: „ 27".QD C> _ Sy or L. F. of Width STREET LIGHTING: # of Poles dLf � r e f By this conveyance, Grantor wi tl warrant and defend the sale hereby made unto the Grantec against all and every poison or persons, whonLeoever, lawfully claiming or to claim the s:tnte_ 11tis conveyance shall bind the heirs, executor. adminiGtrators and assigris forever. 0AFonrislPSPVl11BlLLSALE2.D00bh Page 1 IN WI SS EREOF aid Grantor has caused this instrument to be executed this /11 day of IMOA CIF INDIVIDUAL FOR410FACh:V01VLF_AG*fFVT Notary Seal must be within box STATE OF WASIIINGTON ) SS COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _ signed this instrument and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: RFPRE.4EAT4.TIVE FORM OFACKNOWLEDG;i1F_.NT Notary Seat must be within box STATE OF WASHINGTON } SS COUNTY OF KING } I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that _ signed this instrument, on oath stated that he/shelthey was/were authorized to execute the instrument and acknowledged it as the _ and _ of to be -the -free -and -voluntary act of such party/parties for the uses and purposes mentioned in the instrument. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires: Dated: Notary S L OE" Mlli � box CORPOR4TF. FORM OFACKNOWIF.DONIFEAT STATE OF WASHINGTON ) SS w .: s,-t ,,`j� I n ' e 1�d� COUNTY OF KING ) ��rr,t� On this Z S day of U))Mv e�m & , 20, before e personally appeared .Z^ 2L-SN N� ►Z to me known to be �Y tics I OF i&a: of the corporation that lot),0 = /�f U , executed the within instrument, and acknowledge the said instrument to be the free q �ti t€j'4rr and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein that he/she to execute said 011ll mentioned, and each on oath stated was authorized t� Or W� cagey ins ent and that the seal affixed is the corporate seal of said corporation. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington Notary (Print) My appointment expires-- 10' Q - crl Dated: -aS�DB O: For=s PBPW1BILtSALE2.DOClbh Page 2 Rjr1. Denis Law, Mayor January 22, 2008 CITY "lF RENTON City Clerk Bonnie I. Walton Gary Upper Conner Homes, Company 846 108`h Avenue N.E. Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Barbee Mill Final Plat, File No. LUA-07-109, FP Dear Applicant: At the regular. Council meeting of January 14, 2008, the Renton City Council approved. the above -referenced final plat by adopting Resolution No. 3926, A copy of the resolution is enclosed for your files. If I can provide additional information or assistance, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, V. w6d Bonnie I. Walton City Cleric Enclosure BW:cm Cc: Mayor Denis Law Council President Marcie Palmer Arneta lIenninger, P13PW Development Services Engineer 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 48057 - (425) 4.30-6510 / FAX (425) 430-6516 R E N T Q N AHEAD OF THE CURVE Th�papercvntains50°/Orecycled material, 30%post consumer January 14, 2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 14 CAG: 06-069, Rainier Ave S, Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an amendment to Hardie Ave SW & SW 27th CAG-06-069, agreement with Sound Transit, to formalize revised commitments St/Strander Blvd Funding, relative to the Rainier/Hardie Ave. Arterial Improvement Project and the Union Sound Transit Pacific Railroad Relocation Project. Council concur. Vacation: Queen Ave NE, Technical Services Division reported receipt of appraisal performed for the Newfourth, VAC-07-003 vacation of portion of Queen Ave. NE (formerly 128th Ave. SE), south of NE 4th St., and requested Council accept the appraisal and set compensation at $7,000 for the right-of-way. (VAC-07-003; petitioner Newfourth, LLC) Council concur_ Utility: West Coast Technical Services Division recommended acceptance of a quitclaim deed from Preliminary Plat, Quitclaim The Kenny for additional Hoquiam Ave. NE right-of-way related to the West Deed, Hoquiam Ave NE Coast Preliminary Plat (PP-04-149) due to an error in King County's records. Council concur. MOVED BY PALMER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Parker presented a report Plannin2 & Development regarding the City Code Title IV (Development Regulations) docket. The Committee Committee recommended concurrence in the staff recommendation to set a Planning: Development public hearing for 2/4/2008 on the following three items within the Title IV Regulations (Title IV) Docket docket: Review 1) Housekeeping Amendments Group I 2) Animal Regulations 3) Center Downtown Code Amendments The Title IV docket referral will remain in Committee for further consideration. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claim Vouchers 267234 - 268245 and seven wire transfers totaling $8,941,297.21; and approval of 258 Payroll Vouchers, two wire transfers, and 1,359 direct deposits totaling $4,416,247.72. MOVED BY PERSSON, SECONDED BY BRIERE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. RESOLUTIONS AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: ORDINANCES Resolution #3925 A resolution was read approving the Cassidy Cove Final Plat; approximately Plat: Cassidy Cove, NE 4th St, 68.05 acres located in the vicinity of NE 4th St. and Monroe Ave. NE. FP-07-115 MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PALMER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. Resolution #3926 ! A resolution was read approving the Barbee Mill Final Plat; approximately 22 Plat: Barbee Mill, Lake WA ! acres located in the vicinity of Lake Washington Blvd. N., N. 40th P1., Williams Blvd N, FP-07-109 ! Ave. N., and N. 42nd P1. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY TAYLOR, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: January 14, 2008 Renton City Council Minutes Page 13 * The City will host a workshop on January 23 for those interested in learning more about applying for a 2008 Neighborhood Program Grant. Grant applications are due on 2/29/2009. BNSF Railway Company's Rainier Ave. S. and Hardie Ave. S. railroad bridges construction project is progressing. Installation of the steel for the Rainier railroad bridge will cause lane closures, and current information about the closures can be found on the City's website. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sandel DeMastus (Renton) announced that an interview session with political Citizen Comment: DeMastus - activist Tim Eyman and Washington Policy Center Vice President of Research Public Access Channel 77 Paul Guppy regarding property taxes will occur at the public access cable Program channel 77 studio on January 26. Citizen Comment: Johnson - Arland "Buzz" Johnson (Renton) expressed his support for the hanging flower Hanging Flower Baskets, Post basket program. Additionally, he encouraged the City to obtain right of first Office Property Purchase refusal for the downtown post office property, suggesting that the property can be used for a parking lot. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Council Meeting Minutes of Approval of Council meeting minutes of 1 /7/2008. Council concur- 1 /7/2008 CAG: 07-189, Burnett Linear City Clerk reported bid opening on 1 1/30/2007 for CAG-07-189, Burnett Linear Park Phase 11, Evergreen Park Phase 11; ten bids; engineer's estimate $212,660; and submitted staff Landscape & Construction recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, Evergreen Landscape & Construction, Inc., in the amount of $228,363.30. Refer to Finance Committee for discussion of funding. Plat: Cassidy Cove, NE 4th St, Development Services Division recommended approval, with condition, of the FP-07-1 l5 Cassidy Cove Final Plat; two lots on 68.05 acres located at 3009 NE 4th St. Council concur. (See page 14 for resolution.) Plat: Barbee Mill, Lake WA i Development Services Division recommended approval, with conditions, of the Blvd N, FP-07-109 Barbee Mill Final Plat; 1 15 single-family lots on 22 acres located in the vicinity - of Lake Washington Blvd. N. and N. 40th PL Council concur. (See page 14 for resolution_) EDNSP: Downtown Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning .Department Wayfinding System Advanced requested approval of a contract in the amount of $67,545 with Sea Reach Ltd. Directional Signage, Sea to manufacture and assist with installation of the prioritized Downtown Reach Wayfinding System advanced directional signage. Council concur, Annexation: Red Mill, 128th Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Ave SE & SE Petrovitsky Rd submitted 10% Notice of Intent to annex petition for the proposed Red Mill Annexation and recommended a public meeting be set on 2/4/2008 to consider the petition; 224.3 acres located in the vicinity of 128th Ave. SF, SE Petrovitsky Rd., and SE 171st Way_ Council concur. Fire: King County Fire District Fire and Emergency Services Department requested approval of an agreement 440 Interlocal, Additional with King County Fire District #40 for fire and emergency services and joint Employees, 2008 Budget operations of facilities. Approval was also sought to authorize an additional 31 Amend full time employees to provide services under the contract and for a 2008 Budget amendment as a result of the contract. Refer to Committee of the Whole. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Ai #: Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works Dept/Div/Board.. Development Services Division Staff Contact...... Arneta Henninger X7298 Subject: Barbee Mill Final Plat File No_: LUA 07-109FP (Preliminary Plat LUA 02- 040) Exhibits: 1. Resolution and legal description 2. Staff report and Recommendation January 7, 2008 Recommended Action: Council concur Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... Amount Budgeted Total Project Budl NIA For Agenda of: January 14, 2008 Agenda Status Consent ............. Public Hearing.. Correspondence Resolution......... Old Business..... .X Ordinance ............. X New Business....... Study Sessions...... Information ......... Approvals: Legal Dept ......... X Finance Dept .___.. Other ............... Transfer/Amendment....... Revenue Generated......... City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: This is a Final Plat for a 115 lots for single family attached houses. All conditions placed on the preliminary plat by the City of Renton will be met prior to recording the plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Barbee Mill Final Plat, LUA 07-109FP, with the following conditions and adopt the resolution. 1. All plat fees shall be paid prior to recording the plat. 2. All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to recording the plat. F: remplates`,AGN13CCI-doc CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, APPROVING FINAL PLAT (BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT; FILE NO. LUA-07-109FP). WHEREAS, a petition for the approval of a final plat for the subdivision of a certain tract of land as hereinafter more particularly described, located within the City of Renton, has been duly approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, after investigation, the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department has considered and recommended the approval of the final plat, and the approval is proper and advisable and in the public interest; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that appropriate provisions are made for the public health, safety, and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools, school grounds, sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of the subdivision and dedication; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above findings are true and correct in all respects. SECTION IL The final plat approved by the Planning/Building/Public Works Departinent pertaining to the following described real estate, to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof as if fully set forth (The property, consisting of approximately 22 acres, is located in the vicinity of Lake Washington Boulevard N, N 40th Place, Williams Avenue N, N 42nd Place) is hereby approved as such plat, subject to the laws and ordinances of the City of Renton, and subject to the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department dated January 7, 2008. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES.1317:01 /9/07:scr day of , 2008_ Bonnie 1. Walton, City Clerk day of Denis Law, Mayor 2008. 2 EXHIBIT"A' BARBEE MILL PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO TI-IIS COIvDJITNIENT IS SITUATED IN "THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W.M., IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND OF SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING LYING WESTERLY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, EXCEPT TI IAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SHORELANDS LYING NORTH OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1. SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. K:\projccf %30700L30788\Adrnin`�(:r�rresp\ M AT LEG L.doc VICINITY MAP 500' OR 500' 1000' SCALE IN FEET NORTH DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION BUILDINGlPLANNINGlPUBLIC WORKS CITY OF RENTON STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS APPLICANT: LOCATION: SUMMARY OF REQUEST: RECOMMENDATION: Conner Homes Company Barbee Mill Final Plat (Preliminary Plat LUA 02-040PP) Filc: LUA 07-109FP Lake Washington Blvd N, N 40th Pl, Williams Ave N and N 42nd Pl Section 32, Twp. 24 N. Rng_ 5 E. Final Plat for a 115 lots for single family attached houses with water, sewer, storm, streets and lighting_ Approve With Conditions FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATION Having reviewed the record documents in this matter, staff now makes and enters the following: FINDINGS: The applicant, Conner Homes Company, filed a request for approval of a 115 lot Final Plat. 2. The yellow file containing all staff reports, the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) documentation and other pertinent materials was entered into the record as Exhibit No. 1. 3. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC), the City's responsible official, issued a Determination of Significance (DS) and an Expanded Scope on November 5, 2002, for the subject proposal. The Mitigation Document was issued on August 16, 2004 but the Revised Mitigation Document was approved by ERC on January 20, 2005. 4. The subject proposal was reviewed by all departments with an interest in the matter. 5. The subject site is located at Lake Washington Blvd N, N 40th PI, Williams Ave N and N 42nd Pl. The new plat is located in Section 32, Twp. 24 N. Rng. 5 E. 6. The subject site is a 22 acre parcel. 7. The Preliminary Plat received City of Renton Council approval on March 21, 2005. 8. The property is located within the Center Office Residential —2 (COR-2). 9. The Final Plat complies with both the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Plan. 10. The Preliminary Plat was subject to a number of conditions as a result of both environmental review and plat review. The applicant has complied with the conditions imposed by the ERC: Summary Table of Mitigation Measures: A. Earth, soils and geology Al. The Applicant shall implement Best Management Practices (bmp5) during clearing, grading and site construction. ANUMOAQ4, A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan including a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan has been implemented during construction. Site development is nearing completion. A2. A deep foundation system for building construction shall be utilized; or A3. Ground improvement measures shall be installed; or A4. Containment walls shall be provided to prevent lateral spreading; or A5. Comparable engineering design. �n�`,f A geotechnical and engineering study was submitted to establish the required building foundation design. These reports have been reviewed and accepted by the City Building Department. Several building permits have been issued. B. Surface water resources B 1 _ The project shall include the construction, operation and maintenance of water quality facilities designed according to the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. „ Water quality ponds were developed north and south of May Creek following the 1998 KSWDM. B2. The residences and other structures shall be constructed with the lowest floor one foot above base flood elevation. This requirement has been met; finished floor elevations were set at least I' above the gutter flow line for each lot and several feet above the maximum, 100 year flood elevation of May Creek. B3. New vehicular bridges shall be built to span the floodway to avoid restriction of flows during regulatory flood events, and provide a final engineering design consistent with one or a combination of 14d, or 14e, or 14f. 90 ,. The one bridge required for this development has been designed to meet this requirement, it has been approved by the City and it has been constructed. B4. Contain the 100-year floodplain within the proposed May Creek open space corridor of approximately 50-foot width on each side of the stream by enhancements to the existing stream channel, removal and replacement of bridge crossings, and/or placement of till outside of the established stream buffer edge. The floodplain delineation and any necessary stream/buffer improvements shall be based on hydraulic modeling at the time of final engineering design. "pE = This requirement has been met. A report has been submitted to FEMA to amend the flood plain map showing that the 100 year flood is well contained within the banks and retaining walls that border the 50 foot buffer on either side of the creek. B5. Compensate for flood storage area lost by removing existing fill within the open space corridor and providing additional storage volume (Le, a flood terrace excavated on either side of the stream). ift" This requirement was approved as part of the final site plan review. BARBEEMILLFRDOC B6. Provide a wider 100-foot wide corridor to provide additional convc ancc and flood storage to reduce channel scour and compensate for future increases in flood elevations because of sediment deposited in the stream channel. espo#$e: Sediment deposition was incorporated in the hydraulic modeling. C. Groundwater Cl. Remove contaminated soil during Model Toxics Control Act cleanup of the site as outlined in the Independent Remedial Action Plan uplands areas dated June 16, 2000 and/or pursuant to an alternative plan that achieves applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. The Barbee Mill Corporation, through Aspect Consulting, has accomplished a voluntary cleanup progrant which included the removal of contaminated soils_ C2. Evaluate the need for groundwater remediation after the soil remediation is complete and perform groundwater remediation as necessary to achieve applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. cn; A groundwater remediation preliminary and secondary system have been installed. D. Plants and animals D1. Relocate the osprey nest to an artificial structure erected in the project site vicinity. The osprey nest has been relocated to a location near the mouth of May Creek. D2. Protect the existing vegetation buffer vegetation along May Creek from disturbance during construction by erecting barrier fencing and locating staging and access areas away from buffer areas. p , 0.- A combined construction/silt fence has been constructed along the shores of May Creek. Development work is complete and the buffer area will be landscaped per the pending landscape plan. D3. CIear to completely remove existing invasive species in buffer areas and replant with native species consistent with preliminary landscaping mitigation plans approved as part of the Barbee Mill preliminary plat approvals. AIRLandscape plan is pending approval by the City. D4_ The width of proposed bridges shall be minimized to that necessary to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic in order to optimize light penetration to those areas immediately adjacent to and under the bridge deck. Bridges shall also be designed with reasonable below -deck clearance adequate to pass debris and maximum flood volumes in accordance with current City of Renton and other applicable regulatory criteria for life safety. et«; The bridge type size and location have been designed to meet City standards for permit issuance. The plans were approved and the bridge has been constructed. D5. Plant open space and buffer areas with native vegetation consistent with preliminary landscaping mitigation plans approved as part of the Barbee Mill preliminary plat. ptre.4 Landscape plan has been submitted to the City. D6. The width of proposed bridges shall be minimized to that necessary to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic with minimum below -deck clearance adequate for passage of 3 BARBEEMIL[_F -DOCI small animals and/or mammals including, but not limited to deer, ducks and geese, muskrats, squirrels, mice and frogs. ;R r Gi' The bridge type size and location have been designed to meet City standards for permit issuance. The plans were approved and the bridge has been constructed. D7. Use native plants in residential landscaping to minimize the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. .}.e Residential landscape plans will be submitted for approval as homes are constructed. D8. Limit wetland displacement to the extent practical by designing changes in the proposal to place development outside the wetland and buffer. g 3}.Po � ' Wetland and buffer impacts were minimized with the use of walls. D9. Compensate for loss of wetland by replacement onsite. Class III Wetland impacts are less than 2,000 s f. and therefore do not require mitigation. D 10. Compensate for loss of buffer through buffer -width averaging and enhancement of the existing buffer vegetation. ' g Buffer intrusions have been mitigated by preserving the buffer area north of the southern entrance off of Lake Washington Boulevard. This was reviewed as part of the final site plan review. D 11. If applicable, then a) Remove bulkheads where natural shoreline conditions can be reestablished (where the lake is shallow, on public lands or in conjunction with greater building setbacks) or; b) Remove bulkheads and rely on vegetation stabilization (where the lake is shallow, on public lands or in conjunction with greater building setbacks); or c) Provide plantings in rip -rap. " � � The treatment o various shoreline situations was reviewed and approved as art o the P. ., f PP P final site plan approval process. D12. Reduce the elevation above ordinary high water mark (ohwm) of sheet pile walls and rip -rap to allow more natural shoreline plantings. This was done as an approved part of the final site plan review and amended shoreline permit. DI3. Preserve those pilings and other in -water structures that are at a distance from the near - shore habitat that is important for juvenile salmonids. �� . Existing in -water ilia s have remained undisturbed ., g� P g D14_ Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of more extensive and complex communities of indigenous vegetation. < The required buffers along Lake Washington and May Creek have been established through the site plan, development plan and final plat processes. The pending landscape plans address the landscaping requirements. D15. Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of mature canopy from indigenous vegetation to provide summer shade and to intercept light and glare. Native canopy tree species have been selected for the buffer landscaping plan. BARBEEMTLLhP.DQC/ D16. Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of more extensive communities of indigenous vegetation to buffet- disturbance and allow public access further from the shoreline. The first 35 feet from the ordinary high water mark shall be vegetated with native plant or grass species as appropriate. The remaining 15 feet may be landscaped as appropriate to be utilized as a yard area. esprvtse The required buffers along Lake Washington and May Creek have been established through the site plan, development plan and final plat processes. The pending landscape plans address the landscaping requirements. Lots abutting Lake Washington may install managed landscaping, approved by the City, in the first IS' of the buffer area. D17. Either: a) Prohibit docks and require the use of mooring buoys or floats at a distance from near - shore habitat; or b) Reduce the number of docks through shared moorage, and then; e) Reduce shading impacts by narrower docks or materials that allow light penetration. Home buyers may apply for joint use docks. A single community dock is being requested by the developer to serve the community center on Tract E. D 18. Provide long-term management of shoreline vegetation by an entity other than residents such as the homeowners association or a similar entity. pafs Buffer areas will be separately irrigated and maintained by the Community Organization as encumbered by the plat and CC&Rs. E_ Transportation E1. Site access (railroad crossings) shall occur in the vicinity of existing at -grade crossing locations with roadway improvements reviewed and approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WLJTC) and Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF). Pre- cast concrete crossings shall be utilized. pt Two railroad crossings have been proposed, and are currently being reviewed by BNSF and the City. E2. Provide active control for the two (2) railroad crossings designed with cantilever and gates and warning devices automatically activated by train approach as required by BNSF and the WUTC. Further, the City and future developer(s) shall work together with BNSF during the design of roadway improvements to determine any other appropriate railroad crossing solution(s). Active control crossing gates are incorporated in the current plan which has been reviewed by the City and BNSF. Due to the impending decommissioning of the tracks, negotiations are underway to delete the crossing arras. E3. A traffic circulation system to serve properties west of the railroad to reduce crossings shall be provided. Provisions for access to the properties to the North and South of the site have been provided. E4. The Applicant shall pay the appropriate traffic mitigation fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project; the fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. O , Understood. It is expected that the City will provide a fee quote and a receipt. s BARBLLMILUP.DOC/ 1s5. The on -site roadway system shall be constructed per the details and specifications provided by the approved Barbee Mill preliminary plat as a public road system designed to public road section standards for residential access streets per the City of Renton development regulations. 104 The roadway design has been approved by City staff following public specifications and dedicated as ROW on the plat. F. Hazardous Materials F1, The Applicant shall remove contaminated soil as outlined in the independent remedial action plan uplands areas dated June 16, 2000 and/or pursuant to an alternative plan that achieves applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. Soil removal has been completed. F2. The Applicant shall evaluate the need for groundwater remediation after the soil remediation is complete and shall perform groundwater remediation as necessary to achieve applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. 1 A passive iron filing trench has been installed to prevent groundwater contamination of the lake and a secondary remediation pumping system has been installed to be used if necessary. F3. The Applicant shall address contaminants from the proposed roadway through Quendall terminals through appropriate removal, stabilization, or isolation, consistent with requirements of the Model Toxics Control Act. 0�r This requirement was met by the submittal ofgeotechnical reports to the City for review prior to approval of the site development plans. F4_ A contamination and hazardous materials contingency plan shall be provided. This was done by the prior owner when the remediation plan was implemented. That work has been completed. G. Aesthetics G1. Apparent building bulk shall be reduced by design features, materials and color, including sloping roofs, roof detail such as gables and eave overhangs and building offsets. Accom lashed as art o the anal site plan review. P p f f G2. If buildings are greater than three stories or 35 feet in height, relative building bulk may be reduced by screening through large vegetation. Additional setbacks for planting areas and a change in proposed plantings may be required - 'Accomplished Accomplished as part of the final site plan review. H. Light and Glare H1. Shielding for exterior lights in fixture selection shall be incorporated. Exterior lighting will be shielded. H2. If buildings are greater than three stories or 35 feet in height, buildings shall be designed and sited to reduce or eliminate glass surfaces that might produce glare from sun reflection. „ Understood. Building designs have been reviewed by City staff for compliance. 1. Noise 11. Reasonable measures shall be taken during construction to minimize noise and vibration resulting from any necessary pile driving operations. Such measures shall include pre -drilling BARB FEMILLFP000 of the upper portions of driven piles for large structures or use of alternate technologies such as pin piles for smaller, residential supports. Response. Auger cast drilled pilings were used for bridge construction to comply. Site development is nearing completion. I2. Vibration, auger casting, or similar alternate construction methods shall be used where practical to limit noise related to pile support installation. Response: Auger cast drilled pilings were used for bridge construction to comply. Site development is nearing completion. 13. Noise barriers around stationary equipment such as compressors, welding machines, pumps, and similar equipment that would operate continuously and could contribute to steady background noise levels shall be provided. Response: The only .such equipment at this time are generators being utilized prior to the activation of the permanent electrical power. Quiet running generators are being used. 14. At -grade rail crossings shall have underground conduit installed and other equipment installed as needed to facilitate future double -gating of public railroad crossings at the time of crossing construction. Response: Conduits have been provided for utility crossings of the railroad. J. Historic and Cultural Resources JI .An interpretive display with images of the historic industrial use of the site reflecting the lumber economy and shipbuilding heritage of the area shall be provided by the developer. The design and location shall be reviewed and approved by development services prior to recording of the final plat. 6p,onse The interpretive display is still in the design phase. J2. In the event archaeological deposits are found during construction, work is to stop and the Washington State Archaeologist is to be contacted by the developer/contractor(s). Ai?spottse: Understood. No archaeological deposits were found during construction. K. Public Services K l . The Applicant shall pay the appropriate fire mitigation fee. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. irtrponse Understood. It is expected that the City will provide a fee quote and a receipt. K2. The Applicant shall pay the appropriate parks mitigation fee. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. A. `a. Understood. It is expected that the City will provide a fee quote and a receipt. K3. Public access to the shoreline of Lake Washington and along May Creek shall be provided and incorporated into the preliminary plat. The Applicant shall work with City of Renton staff to determine the location and design of the public access_ The system may include a soft surface trail along May Creek, sidewalks, and an open space tract adjacent to Lake Washington. „rlW Public access via the creek trail has been provided by the public trail to he constructed within the May Creek Buffer (shown on final site plan and construction plans and landscape plans) and to Lake Washington at the terminus of the trail at the mouth of May Creek also as shown on the approved plans. 7 BARBEEMILUP DOC` 11. In addition, the applicant has complied with the conditions imposed as a result of Preliminary Plat: 1. The applicant shall comply with the mitigations measures,formulated as a result of the EIS process. The applicant has complied with the requirements as noted above. 2. Landscaping shall be installed., similar to that illustrated on the preliminary landscape plans, dated January 3, 2005. The landscaping is to be installed prior to the issuance of the certificate of building occupancy orfinal inspection, as applicable. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Final landscaping plans are under review by Elizabeth Higgins, City of Renton Senior Planner. A verbal go ahead has been given to start installing the landscaping and it is under way. 3. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted prior to the recording of the final plat for each phase. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project.Manager. Final landscaping plans are under review by Elizabeth Higgins, City of Renton Senior Planner. A verbal go ahead has been given to start installing the landscaping and it is under way. 4. The Applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings, except those located on Lot 95, located on the property prior to the recording of the f nal plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. The demolition work is done. 5. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently with the recording of the plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities. for all shared improvements within this development. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton .Development Services Division,for review and approval by the City Attorney and Property Services section prior to the recording gfthe final plat. The Barbee Mill Community Organization has been created and the CC&R's have been submitted for review. b. The Applicant shall dedicate the public right-of-way for the north entrance to the project, labeled as Street F, prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. The ROW for the north entrance shall be dedicated by a separate instrument and recorded simultaneously with the plat. 7, The Applicant shall revise the plat to provide for the required f re emergency turnarounds and/or cul de sacs or additional access road at the end of the private access easement serving Lots 43 to 18 and at the south end of Street Cprior to recording of the.inal plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. The layout was modified to meet this requirement as part of the final site plan approval and final development plan approval process. Both were reviewed and approved. BAR EEMILLFPDOC7 8. The Applicant shall provide compensation for the reduction of managed landscaped yard of that portion of the 50 foot buffer along the shoreline of.Lake Washington by providing: common open space or nati . ve plantings or other agreed upon compensation prior to recording of'thefinal plat. The satisjaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. This was satisfied as part of the final site plan review process. 9. A lots fronting the Lake Washington shoreline shall be limited to one walkway/trail per building/.structure andlor one walkway per each two units, in the event that the structures would contain more than two units. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. This requirement is included in the CC&R's_ 10. The fire department shall approve all road widths, lengths and turnaround provisions. The Fire Department reviewed and approved the final site development plans. 11. The Applicant's proposed yard setbacks shall be used when the buildings are constructed. Those yards shall be a minimum of 5-foot side yards, and 10 foot front and rear yards. Applicant acknowledged requirement and shall comply. 12. Staff .shall determine the legal status ofproposed Lot 95. Preliminary Plat Lot 95 is designated as Lot 115 on the Final Plat. It is understood that the existing use is allowed. The Final Plat generally appears to satisfy the conditions imposed by the preliminary plat process and therefore should be approved by the City Council. RECOMMENDATION: The City Council should approve the Final Plat with the following conditions: 1) All plat improvements shall be either constructed or deferred to the satisfaction of City staff prior to the recording of the plat. 2) All fees shall be paid prior to the recording of the plat. SUBMITTED THIS 7TH DAY OF JANUARY, 2008 Le DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVISION 13ARBEEMJI_I PP.I)0('r VICINITY MAP 500' 0' 500' 1000' SCALE I N FEET 0 NORTH LARBEE MltL Plat Lot Layout - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - ----- ------ ---- — - - - — - - - - - - - - - - — - - — - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - -- - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - - - - T-T- T 7 F-7-1- -7T_ F _77 T __1 7 L L N 42ND PL 7-77 1777 77 7 T, Ll 1_ j _Z1 R IN I z NIV q Lp � j LAK z WASQ��) jr if A� Y 0' 'La, 80 16 P OXA 7m77JL V� 4.1 Jt December 26,2007 Exhibit C788S076; Plat Lot Layout EXHIB IT` A' BARBEE MILL PLAT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE LAND REFERRED TO THIS COMMITMENT IS SITUATED IN THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, COUNTY OF KING AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, W-M_, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON AND OF SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING LYING WESTERLY OF NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY, EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SHORELANDS LYING; NORTH OF TIIE )XTSTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT I. SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. K:\project\30700\30788\Admix\Cnrrespl Pl-9T LEGAL.doc CITY OF RENTON PLANNING / BUILDING / PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM Date: January 7, 2008 To: City Clerk's Office From: Stacy Tucker Subiect: Land Use File Closeout Please complete the following information to facilitate project closeout and indexing by the City Clerk's Office, Project Name: Barbee Mill Final Plat LUA (file) Number: LUA-07-109, FP Cross -References: LUA01-174; LUA02-040; LUA06-171 AKA's: Barbee Mill Mixed Use; Barbee Mill Residential Project Manager: Arneta Henninger Acceptance Date: October 15, 2007 Applicant: Conner Homes Co. Owner: Conner Homes Co. Contact: Gary Upper, Conner Homes Co. PID Number: 3224059034 ERC Decision Date: ERC Appeal Date: Administrative Denial: Appeal Period Ends: Public Hearing Date: Date Appealed to HEX: By Whom: HEX Decision: Date: Date Appealed to Council: By Whom: Council Decision: Date: Mylar Recording Number: Project Description: An 115-lot subdivision for the development of single-family attached houses. The plat includes the installation of water mains, sanitary sewer, street lighting, curb gutter sidewalks and street paving. Site location is on west side of Lake Washington Blvd N at N 40th Place, Location: 4201 Lake Washington Blvd N Comments: ! r CITY lt,' Denis Law, Mayor January 2, 2008 Mr. Paul 011estad Conner Homes 846 108th Avenue NE Bellevue, Washington 98004 Re: Barbee Mill 4301 Lake Washington Blvd. Renton, WA 98056 Dear Mr. 011estad: Planning/Building/PublieWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator On January 2, 2008, the Development Services Division granted your request to defer the following items: Deferred Items Completion Date Street Li is — Onsite and Frontages June 30, 2008 Onsite Sidewalk June 30, 2008 Landscaping — Lake Frontage June 30, 2008 Landscaping — May Creek June 30, 2008 Landsca in — Pond June 30, 2008 Landscaping —Club House June 30, 2008 Onsite Paving — Final 2-inch Lift December 31, 2008 Surveying December 31, 2008 SurveX Monument December 31, 2008 Mailboxes December 31, 2008 Landsca in —Tract 1 December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings -- Place Fill December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings — Type I Catch Basin December 31, 2008 Railroad Cross ins — 12" N12 Strom Main December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings — Curb December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings — Sidewalk December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings — 4" Asphalt December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings --- Utility Borin December 31, 2008 Railroad Crossings — BNSF Rail Improvements December 31, 2008 Sewer Lift Station December 31, 2008 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98057 1. :,•.r t.. f5 -tciei tat'ra.!.. Mr. Paul 011cstad Conner Homes January 2, 2008 Deferral of these items is granted based on the following conditions: 1. Receipt of a $50,000 cash deposit to the City of Renton and submittal of a bond in the amount of $677,100.00 prior to recording of the plat. 2. A letter is received from the surveyor acknowledging the requirement to install the survey monuments. 3. Proper drainage is maintained throughout the duration of the project. According to City code, you have 15 days from today's date to appeal the administrative determination. Appeals are to be fled in writing, with the City Clerk and require a filing fee in the amount of $75.00. Additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk's office by calling (425) 430-6510. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Mike Dotson, Engineering Specialist at (425) 430-7304. Sincerely, Linda Moschetti Administrative Secretary II Planning/Building[Public Works cc: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator, Planning/Building/Public Works Neil Watts, Director, Development Services Kayren Kittrick, Engineering Supervisor �. Mike Dotson, Engineering Specialist Arneta Henninger, Engineering Specialist Andrea Petzel, Senior Planner File`,1 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: December 28, 2007 TO: Jan C. FROM: Arneta H. X7298 A SUBJECT: BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT The applicant has submitted the final plat drawing. Please review and comment, if all is in order I will proceed with the recording process. You may use this memo to note any comments, conerns, corrections or approval. If you have any questions please call me. Thank you! C'c: Kayren K. C9/(- 1:\Memo.doclCUT 3 Z,L ,� S-y�C 3i ------------ 71 ..... ..... .... . N 3363 MWAIMAMI Ak QXD PLACE 42ND PLAM is E34RBEE NILL 0IVY O� PLANNING/BUILDING/ ♦ a: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NT 0, M E M O R A N D U M DATE: December 26, 2007 TO: Arneta Henninger FROM: Elizabeth Higgins, Senior Planner SUBJECT. Barbee Mill Final Plat; File No. FP07-109 I have reviewed the revised Final Plat submittal items for the above -referenced project and have found them to be in accordance with the Preliminary Plat and Site Plan Review approvals. Thank you, h:ldivision. sldevelop.ser%dev&plan.ing%projects\06-171.elizabeth%memorandum to plan review (ah)aloe C CONNER HOMES Fax:425-462-0931 Dec 7 2007 12:49pm P001/003 Retum FAX: (425) 462-0426 To: Ameta Henninger From Gary Upper Fa= 425 430 7300 Pam 3 indudtrtg tl t one Date: 1217MO7 Ra: Barbee ROW Dedicatlort Cc: Here is the completed form ttW I Dian on having signed to complete the dedkatan of right of way required fix the Bargee Fina} Plat. Please approve it in form, except for ttte si9rtaWre part, hek re I get it executed. I have to work through an atbmey and two separate ownem to get it signed so l oniy want W have to do R once- Thank you - Gary Upper CDNNER HOMES Fax;425-462-0931 Dec 7 2007 12:50pm P0021002 .Reftirn Address: Cady Clefk's Office City of Renton 1055 Sour Grady Way Renton, WA 98057 DEED OF DEDICATION )Propeirty Tax Parcel Nitimber: ;L `1-1 (0 9'900 ,�, project File #- Street Tatersectiort. N 43t° street and NE 42d Place Retemucc Number(s) o£ Dommm" a signed or ra(ea5ed: Additional reference n.iuobers are om page Grantor (8)- Grantee(s), 1. Quendall Terminals 1. City of Renton a Municipal C2TqxatjQn That portion. of Govenmiezat I of 5, Sectiotx?q, Township 24 North., Range 5 East, W_M, de5cribed as follows: Beginning at theintersection of the south lute of said Oovetru-nent Lot 5 and ,he westerly margin of;he 100 foot wide BurhTigwn Northern Railroad C o_ ri.ght-of--way. Thence N 30°54'57'-E:, along the we5tFrly of said railroad right -of Na; , 111.99 feet_ Thence :eaving said right-at=way margin, Ncl( 05-02" , 60.OD feet: Thence 530'54 57"W. parallel to satd right-ax way rnargir 146.14 feet to the 34-%& lime of said Govesrn-Ltnt'Lot 5: Thence S8fA8'22" E. 69.09 feet to the Point of Bewir;2ing-. Containing as area of 7 74' 5 tuat'e feet mare or less. Thr Grantor, for and in consideration of mutual benefits touvcys, quit claims, dedicates and donates to the Gmtee(s) as framed above, the above described real cstate situated in. The County of Kitt& State of Washington. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I Have hereunto set my }rand and seal the day and year as written below_ ADDroved and Accented Bv: Grantor(s): Grantee(s): City of Renton Mayor City Cleric 71NDI JltlUAI FOF.V OF STATE OF WASk1TNGTON ) SS ACOUNTY OF ICING ) I certify that I know or have satisF)ctot•v evidmcc that Notary Seal must be within box sigxted this ms#rumeut and acknowledged it to be his/her/their free and voluntary act for the uses and purposes meatloned 0. the k stnuncnt. Notary Public in and fax the State of Washington Notary My appointment expires_ Dated' CONNER HOMES Fax:425-462-0931 Dec 7 2007 12:EOpm P003/003 Map Exhibit i sEazs q SQ, e 40' 040' so, SCALE IN FEET Barb" mm ACCESS ROADWAY RENTON. WASHINGTON RLS SE 42ND PLACE 191 RIGHT —OF WAY DEDICATION - City of Renton InterOffice Memo To: Larry Warren, City Attorney From: Arneta Henninger Date: December 5, 2007 Subject: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions BARBEE MILL FINAL PLAT LUA 07-109FP Please review the attached Declaration as to legal form_ Per the Hearing Examiner's report under Decision item 5, the applicant shall create a Homeowner's Association or Maintenance Agreement in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared improvements. The attached documentation discusses maintenance on pages 15, 17, and 1 S. This plat will be on the City Council Agenda toward the end of December. If I may be of assistance in expediting this request please call me at 430-7298. CC: Kayren Kittrick Yellow Fife LUA 07-109FP Project Name: 1 �)W , tit _11W13wo Project Address: LAW L�_ l�lS[ n�rn� f�>Ll b Contact Person: Permit Number: (lug Z00-70 A Project Description: i VA- 0,K)lT --rauuyokkg- Land Use pe: Method of Calculation: JO Residential ITE Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition ❑ Retail ❑ Traffic Study ❑ Non -retail ❑ Other Calculation: 5.bto- Lots. o� AST L'65. Oq x '0 5.`o = .6 50) I0 S' 00 Transportation Mitigation Fee: Calculated by: Date of Payment: ' NO 10 %w- if! .tune 18, 2007 Neil Watts Director of Development Services 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98055 Re: Barbee Mill BNSF Issues Dear Neil, C 0 N N E R I)EVE PMENT SERVICES CrTY OF RENTON ,SUN 19 2007 REECEIVED The purpose of this letter is to outline what we need from the City of Renton to complete our contracts with Burlington Northern and then complete the construction of the two new public BNSF crossings that will serve Barbee Mill. The crossing plans have been approved by Renton as part of our plat development plan package. The plans have also been approved by Burlington Northern as part of the document package that is ready for Renton's signature. The actual construction of the crossing is a joint effort on the part of Burlington Northern and Conner Horses. Basically Burlington Northern must install the actual track crossing surface and the automated signal arms. Conner will do all the rest including structural fills, storm drainage, curbs, paving sidewalks etc. Each crossing requires the execution by the City of a Construction and Maintenance Agreement and an Easement Agreement. These documents are in the form previously. reviewed by the City Attorney. Each of these agreements requires a substantial payment be made. Soy orre of the . reasons I have wanted to meet with City personnel on this was to determine what sift,agreemeht needs to be made between the City and Conner since we are doing the work and paying the fees. Second, since it has become common knowledge that the railroad operation is going to. be shut down some time around the end of the year, we have been wanting to explore ways th t'we can enter into these agreements but defer the construction and payment fvrthe signal arms; They represent over $300,000 of what will be wasted money. We do want to implement the rest of the package so we can build the crossings and purchase the- easements and have them ready to go. We also would like to explore with you the possibility of our being able to record the plat prior to all of this being accomplished. For example if we have purchased;the easement and have the rest of the agreements in place, would_ that enough provided the rest of our Site improvements are , done? have the documents in hand. They are the result of over a year's worth of netatirig with BNSF. I need to meet with someone to review there and determine what issues they raise and where we go from here_ Sincerely AGa omen Co. p r 846 108th Avenue NE Bellevue, Washington 98004 425 455 9280 www.connerhomes.com Kathy Keolker, Mayor October 15, 2007 Gary Upper Conner Homes Company 846 108t� Avneue NE Bellevue, WA 98004 Subject: Barbee Mill Final Plat LUA07-109, FP Dear Mr. Upper: CIT- - OF RENTON Planning/Building/PublicWorks Department Gregg Zimmerman P.E., Administrator The Development Planning. Section of the City of Renton has determined that the subject application is complete according to submittal requirements and, therefore, is accepted for review. You will be notified if any additional information is required to continue processing your application. Please contact me at (425) 430-7298 if you have any questions. Sincerely, ' n !F Arneta Henninger Project Manager 1055 South Grady Way - Renton, Washington 98057. This paperoorrtains 50%recycled material, 30 % postcansumer RENTON AHEAD OF THE CURVE U4iiiizuu1 1V:16 PAX 425 827 9577 OTAR Inc. APR-10-2007 17:07 CITY OF RENTON Z008/013 425 430 7231 P.07 LG,`1 City of Renton LAND. USE PERM -IT MASTER APPLICATION FPROPERTY OWNER(S) NAME: C'03 Nej.>_ +. Co . ADDRESS; 5ve/� CITY- � zIP:��� TELEPHONE NUMBER: V6 APPLICANT (if other than owner) NAME: 4d COMPANY (if applkabie): ADDRESS: CITY; ZIP: TELEPHONE NUMBER CONTACT PERSON NAME: / r COMPANY fit applicable). CO Ue/Z !+Q CC), ADDRESS. CITY: ZIP- --u �oay TELEPHONE NUMBER AND E-MAIL ADDRESS; Y►� � G qjG qY3� CC" or(? R-OVA65 .COJ4 PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT Oft DEVELOPMENT NAME: ,,// PROJECT/ADDREWS)/LOCATION AND ZIP CODE: ICING WUNTY ASSESSOR'S ACCOUNT NUMBER(S): 37zqos- g03 q EXISTING LAND USE(S): L PROPOSED LAND USE(S): MSTING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION: Cok PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP DESIGNATION (if applicable): EXISTING ZONING- COR_ ? PROPOSED ZONINO (if applicable): SITE AREA (in square feet): `�t� (015 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PUBLIC ROADWAYS TO BE DEDICATED: ! 141 _7 S13 SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PRIVATE ACCESS EASEMENTS: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DENSITY IN UNITS PER NET ACRE (If applk:eWs): $. 5, NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS (d applicable): // s NUMBER OF NEW DWELLING UNITS (if applicable): // Q-wcVp-/ae—lf*nWpl. um pp.aao 04/11/1007 10:19 FAX 425 827 9577 OTAK Inc. APR-10-2007 17'07 CITY OF RENTON Z 009/013 425 430 7231 P.08 PROJECT INFORMA NUMBER OF EXISTING DWELLING UNITS (It applicabls): C� SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED AESIDEN7I,�L BUILDINGS (if applicable); 3 g O, C)ov U + SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicable): U SQUARE FOOTAGE OF PROPOSED NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (if appkable): LE 5r SQUARE FOOTAGE OF EXISTING NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS TO REMAIN (if applicab14); NET FLOOR AREA OF NON-RESIDENTIAL UILDINGS (if appli+cable): NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES TO BE EMPLOYED BY THE NEW PROJECT (d aipplioable): O TION (contin PROJECT VALUE, IS THE SITE LOCATED IN ANY TYPE OF ENVIRONMENTALLY CRITICAL AREA. PLEASE INCLUDE SQUARE FOOTAGE (If applicable): Q AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA ONE O AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA TWO ❑ FLOOD HAZARD AREA o GEOLOGIC HAZARD sq. fL A HABITAT CONSERVA71ON sq. ff. a $HOAELINE STREAMS AND LAKES _ sq. R Q WETLANDS sq. It LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY Attach legal desori tlon on ate sheet with the followlno Information Included IrOF ITUATE 1N THE Nam? QUARTER OF SECTION,, TOWMSHIP�VIN,.RANGF,�_ , IN THE CITY RENTON, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. TYPE OF APPLICATION & FEES List all land use applications being applied for: I. �� a. . 2. 4. Staff will cakullate applicable fees and postage: $ AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP 1, (P(int Nam) a e , deders that I am (please dw4 one) _ ft =wit owner of the pmpeAy kwdved In 999 appf"dw or _--lbe ew0wrIWd rePrsanraM to act for a *gxmdon (pease.dtsch proof of aun►ortza" and that to forsgning ststernents and answers herein oont fined and tt+a Maranon twowilh are in all respects true end oorrect to ttw best of my Imowfedge and beef. I canny stet I Wow or nave satlaractDry evidence NW ����� /L,l . GAD Gf` signed this i atrumart and Wluv wledged I> to be hislfw~ tree and +ro-�ry eta ct for the f trees v4 purposes nlent pad In the inebiamnt (Signature of Owna(/Represantatrve) T " ,�`( �jE4Cfl T A,p Notary PUW!0 and for the State of washingtorr, 09, (Sipnahxe of Owner/Reprosentadve) , Notary (Print) My appointrneN explres' Q:wc6Jpwldcvsr<rv/forms/piaouLWmnumpp.dm 7 n�noms APR-10-2027 17:07 I rc Yn.p.+ Wi 42�> -_ CITY OF RENTON DEVELdPMENT SERVICES DIVISION ER OF SUBMITTAL REG. _ .REMENTS *rt� FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS mot' VV- -E 0.4 0, 64VW��-!-� :.� F'. ,,., :, .ya �.Yi � �{',;x�,-„�,k� >Q'%�S'�k"�1}�i`><•, '.,,',,,`• ?'A';5.r"ng, Lot Coverage R Landscaping Analysis 4 UParking, wri d.a +�I} p i5.`y, xW�}c2 .N1i Plat Name Reserva#ion 4 'Y' .1� 1 K � N I� yy.SX• p�< �iC ,1. 7 {'%iNt<Jk � )y YY i 3::' ... b4 �lR�4`� i.�k' 113{x1'M1}y�� Preapplication Meeting Summary, < Rehabilitation Plan 4 }. 5. �: , t� � as :<• .xksi' a+iis.+:S,. 'ris.-�z}S k'''�'x .`cs>?: :��;. s. .��, n Site Plan 2 Mid 4 'ka 'k '^ox"ox.: '§':�' x2ti}� s: :e:x< k s .k�e'�i .s :tr vfi:` u:�S`e..N�'a. �: f�,ti"�.;«`�:•.?F ,$. ,a; Stream or Lake Study, Supplemental of lowm.�. �ws,•r�k'wn'ri,r :sT"»%+� ,a•: tr,r4}s r Street Profiles 2 Topography Map 3 Cutting/Land Clearing Plan 4 Utllities Plan, Generalized 2 Mitigation Plan, Preliminary 4 Wireless Applicant Agreement Statement 2ANO s Inventory of Existing Sites 2AND 3 Lease Agreement, Draft 2mD, Map of Existing Site Conditions 2 AW 3 Map of View Area ,2,,,NE, 3 PhotosimulatiQns 2AND 3 This require"nt may be waiv0d by: 1 _ Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: 2_ Public works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: 4. Development Planning Section fr/1wI ry�W fin M g1 &-it rtC �• a Q'1WEa%PW\DEVSERVIFor►s1PlaFininglwalmof$Ub"ttalregs_9-06.xls APR-10-2007 17:07 CITY OF RENTON 425 470 7231 P.11 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIVIS'"N WA_ :R OF SUBMITTAL REQ,...ZEMENTS FOR LAND USE APPLICATIONS This requirement may be waived by. 1, Property Services Section PROJECT NAME: y Lj,' 2_ Public works Plan Review Section 3. Building Section DATE: 4. Development Planning Section DENSITY WORKSHEET City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady Way -Renton, WA 98055 Phone: 425-430-7200 Fax: 425-430-7231 1. Gross area of property: 1. 9 4-o (O - square feet 2. Deductions: Certain areas are excluded from density calculations. These include: Public streets** Private access easements*" Critical Areas* Total excluded area: 3. Subtract line 2 from line 7 for net area: 4. Divide line 3 by 43,560 for net acreage: 5. Number of dwelling units or lots planned 6. Divide line 5 by line 4 for net density: r y $ square feet 6- square feet L square feet 2. Shi ,, �o� square feet 3. Sb9 , go I square feet 4. 13,51- acres 5. t t 5� units/lots 6. !B = dwelling units/acre *Critical Areas are defined as "Areas determined by the City to be not suitable for development and which are subject to the City's Critical Areas Regulations including very high landslide areas, protected slopes, wetlands or floodways." Critical areas buffers are not deducted/excluded. ** Alleys (public or private) do not have to be excluded. Q:IWEBIPW%DEVSERVTorms%PranningWensity.doe last updated: 11/08/2004 1 APR-10-2207 17:07 CITY OF RENTON 425 430 7231 P.e9 MAILBOX REQUIREMENTS NOTICE FOR ALL NEW PLATS AND SHORT PLATS City of Renton Development Services Division 1055 South Grady way -Renton, WA'98055 Phone- 425-430-7200 Pax: 425-430-7231 The Post Office wants to be involved in helping you locate your mailboxes before construction begins. Please take a copy of your plat map along with this form to the City of Renton Post Office, 314 Williams Avenue South, for their sign -off- please submit a signed copy of this form, with your application, Property Looetion:`-t I o 1-- Owner's Name: Phone Number Land Use Application Number. \� Post Office Approval. Date: a:1WE13\PMDEVSERVIPormslPlanninglmailbox.doc 10230 ne points drive, suite 400 . kirkland, washington 98033 (425) 822-4446 . fax (425) 827-9577 W,Vw.otak-corn September 25, 2007 Arneta F lcnninger City of Renton Development Services Dept. 1055 South Grady Way, bth ]Floor Renton, W.A 98055 Re: Barbee Mill — Conlrrmation of Compliance with all Conditions of Plat Approval — City of Renton Project U060080 Otak project No. 30788 Dear Arneta: This submittal is to demonstrate a compliance with all of the conditions of Final Plat Approval. Included in the letter is a list of required measures, and the measures that have, or will be, addressed. The Level II Site Plan is approved subject to the following conditions: A. The Applicant shall comply with the mitigations measures formulated as a result of the EIS process. Response. Sec an .item by item response at the end of this letter. B. landscaping shall be installed, similar to that illustrated on the prehrmnarE- landscape plans, dated January- 3, 2005. The landscaping is to be installed prior to the issuance of the certificate of building occupancy or final inspection, as applicabic. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Response: Final londscapingplans are under revie wbyElizabeth Higgins, City of Renton Senior Planner. A verbal go ahead has been given to start installing the landscaping and it is under way. C. Final landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted prior to the recording of the final plat for each phase. The satisfaction of this rcquircmcnt is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. K:�pmjc[[1jf1;1113�-3117ki8�;l�lminl(;urrc�j��1 I�nnin}?cd1925f}"1L.dot creativity, integrity, and skill • strengthening oar communities • perform'rg exciting Svork • serving our clients Arneta Henninger Page 2 Barbee Mill Colifinnatian of Coinpiicance with all CondiCions of 'Pkj1 Appro»ul Seplmber 2.5, 2001 Response: Final landscaping plans are under review by Elizabeth Higgins, City of Renton Senior Planner. A verbal go ahead has been given to start installing the landscaping and it is under way. D. The Applicant shall obtain a demolition permit and complete all inspections and approvals for all buildings, except those located on Lot 95, located on the property prior to the recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Response: The demolition work was completed months ago. E. A homeowner's association or maintenance agreement shall be created concurrently- with the recording of the final plat in order to establish maintenance responsibilities for all shared inprovcments, including landscaping, utilities, private access casements, ctc. A draft of the document(s), if necessary, shall be submitted to the City of Renton development services division for review and approval by the city attorney and property services section prior to recording of the final plat. Response: The Barbee Mill Community Organization has been created and the CC&R's are attached to this submittal for review. V. The Applicant shall dedicate the public right-of-way for the north entrance to the project, labeled as Street F, prior to the recording of the final plat The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Response: The ROW for the north entrance shall be dedicated by a separate instrument and recorded simultaneously with the plat. G. The Applicant shall revise the plat to provide for the required fire emergency turnarounds and/or cul de sacs or additional access road at the end of the private access easernent serving Lots 43 to 18 and at the south end of Street C prior to recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requitement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. K:Aprojcct\311700\30788\Admin\Corresp\I lcnnm,, cr11925117J.Aoc Arneto Henninger Page. 3 Barhee Alill - Co: fimafiol a/'Co.-,lpliaizee )PA all Conditions of Plat Appro)-al Sepicvlbo- 2S, 200i Response: The layout was modified to meet this requirement as part of the final site plan approval and final development plan approval process. Both were reviewed and approved. H. The Applicant shall provide compensation for the reduction of managed landscaped yard of that portion of the 50 foot buffer along the shoreline of Lake Washington by providing: common open space or native plantings or other agreed upon compensation prior to recording of the final plat. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project Manager. Response: This was satisfied as part of the final site plan reviewprocess. The lots fronting the Lake Washington shoreEnc shall be limited to one walkway/trail per building/structure and/or one walkway per each two units, in the event that the structures would contain more than two units. The satisfaction of this requirement is subject to the review and approval of the Development Services Project :Manager. Response: Understood This requirement is .included in the CC&R's. The fire department shall approve all road widths, lengths and turnaround provisions. Response: The Fire Department reviewed and approved the final site development plans. K. The Applicant's proposed yard setbacks shall be used when the buildings are constructed. Those yards shall be a minimum of 5-foot side yards, and 10-foot front and rear yards. Response: Correct. L. Staff shall determine the legal status of proposed Lot 95, Response: Preliminary Plat Lot 95 is designated as Lot 115 on the Final Plat. It is understood that the existing use is allowed. K:��rujcct�_i1171}I]�3f}�gµ�,ttirnin\(:orres��\f fcnningcrU925U71,.doc Arneta Henninger Page 4 Barbee Mill - Uvfinmtxn of Conplianxe uah all Corxlixum cfPlat A ppmud Septen� 25, 2007 Summary Table of Mitigation Measures: A. Earth, soils and geology Al. The Applicant shall implement Best Management Practices (bmp5) during clearing, grading and site construction. Response: A Stormwater Pollution Prewntion Plan including a Sediment and Erosion Control Plan has been implemented during construction. Site dew1opment is nearing completion. A2. A deep foundation system for building construction shall be utilized; or A3. Ground improvement measures shall be installed; or A4. Containment walls shall be provided to prevent lateral spreading; or A5. Comparable engineering design. Response: Ageotechnical and engineering study was submitted to establish the required building foundation design. These reports haze been reziezwd and accepted by the City Building Department. Sezeral building permits haze been issued. B. Surface water resources B 1. The project shall include the construction, operation and maintenance of water quality facilities designed according to the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Response: Water quality ponds were developed north and south ofMay Creek folloning the 1998 KSWDM. B2. The residences and other structures shall be constructed with the lowest floor one foot above base flood elevation. Response: This requirement has been met, finished floorelewtions were set at least 1, above the gutter flow line for each lot and sezeral feet above the maximum, 100-year flood elewtion ofMay Creek. B 3. New vehicular bridges shall be built to span the floodway to avoid restriction of flows during regulatory flood events, and provide a final engineering design consistent with one or a combination of 14d, or 14e, or 14f. K:\project\30700\30788\Admin\Gorresp\l-knninger0925071-doc Arneta Henninger Page 5 Barba-, Mill - G3,firrratim Gf Ow plra?xe with all Catxbni ofPlat A pp mal Septerrxr 25, 2007 Response: The one bridge required for this development has been designed to meet this requirement, it has been approved by the City and it has been constructed. B4. Contain the 100-year floodplain within the proposed May Creek open space corridor of approximately 50-foot width on each side of the stream by enhancements to the existing stream channel, removal and replacement of bridge crossings, and/or placement of till outside of the established stream buffer edge. The floodplain delineation and any necessarystream/buffer improvements shall be based on hydraulic modeling at the time of final engineering design. Response: This requirement has been met. A report has been submitted to FEMA to amend the flood plain map showing that the 100 year flood is well contained within the banks and retaining walls that border the SO foot buffer on either side of the creek. B5. Compensate for flood storage area lost by removing existing fill within the open space corridor and providing additional storage volume (i.e. a flood terrace excavated on either side of the stream). Response: This requirement was approved as part of the final site plan review. B6. Provide a wider 100-foot wide corridor to provide additional conveyance and flood storage to reduce channel scour and compensate for future increases in flood elevations because of sediment deposited in the stream channel. Response: Sediment deposition was incorporated in the hydraulic modeling. C. Groundwater C1. Remove contaminated soil during Model Toxics Control Act cleanup of the site as outlined in the Independent Remedial Action Plan uplands areas dated June 16, 2000 and/or pursuant to an alternative plan that achieves applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. Response: The Barbee Mill Corporation, through Aspect Consulting, has accomplished a suluntary cleanup program which included the remowl of contaminated soils. C2. Evaluate the need for groundwater remediation after the soil remediation is complete and perform groundwater remediation as necessary to achieve applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. K:\projc-a\30700\30788\Adrnin\Corresp\FicnningerO92507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 6 Barbe Mill - Wrrmnon of Cw plum wth all Undztiarzs of Plat A ppruzat Septerrl er 25, 2007 Response: Agroundwater remediation preliminary and secondary system haze been ins tailed. D. Plants and animals D 1. Relocate the osprey nest to an artificial structure erected in the project site vicinity. Response: The osprey nest has been relocated to a location near the mouth of May Creek. D2. Protect the existing vegetation buffer vegetation along May Creek from disturbance during construction by erecting barrier fencing and locating staging and access areas away from buffer areas. Response: A combined construction/silt fence has been constructed along the shores of May Creek. Dew1opment work is complete and the buffer area gill be landscaped per the pending landscape plan. D3. Gear to completely remove existing invasive species in buffer areas and replant with native species consistent with preliminary landscaping mitigation plans approved as part of the Barbee Mill preliminary plat approvals. Response: Landscape plan is pending approwl by the City. D4. The width of proposed bridges shall be minimized to that necessary to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic in order to optimize light penetration to those areas immediately adjacent to and under the bridge deck. Bridges shall also be designed with reasonable below -deck clearance adequate to pass debris and maximum flood volumes in accordance with current Caty of Renton and other applicable regulatory criteria for life safety. Response: The bridge type size and location have been designed to meet City standards forpermit issuance. The plans uvre approved and the bridge has been constructed. D5. Plant open space and buffer areas with native vegetation consistent with preliminary landscaping mitigation plans approved as part of the Barbee Mill preliminary plat. Response: Landscape plan has been submitted to the City. K:\project\30700\30788\Admin\Corresp\HenTunger042507L.doe Arneta Henninger Page 7 Bares Mill - Caor"tion of Cwpharxe with all Carelr"r of Plat AMnmd Seporhr 25, 2007 D6. The width of proposed bridges shall be minimized to that necessary to accommodate vehicular and pedestrian traffic with minimum below deck clearance adequate for passage of small animals and/or mammals including, but not limited to deer, ducks and geese, muskrats, squirrels, mice and frogs. Response: Landscape plan has been submitted to the City. D7. Use native plants in residential landscaping to minimize the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides. Response: Residential landscape plans will be submitted for approwl as horses are constructed. DS. Limit wetland displacement to the extent practical by designing changes in the proposal to place development outside the wetland and buffer. Response: Wetland and buffer impacts were minimized with the use of walls. D9. Compensate for loss of wetland by replacement onsite. Response: Class III Wetland impacts are less than 2,000 s.f. and therefore do not require mitigation. D10. Compensate for loss of buffer through buffer -width averaging and enhancement of the existing buffer vegetation. Response: Buffer intrusions hazes been mitigated by presening the buffer area north of the southern entrance off of Lake Washington Boulewrd. This uvs resieued as part of the final site plan resiew. D11. If applicable, then a) Remove bulkheads where natural shoreline conditions can be reestablished (where the lake is shallow, on public lands or in conjunction with greater building setbacks) or, b) Remove bulkheads and rely on vegetation stabilization (where the lake is shallow, on public lands or in conjunction with greater building setbacks); or c) Provide plantings in rip -rap. K Aprojcct\30700\3078 S\ Admin\Corresp\Henaingef092507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 8 Bares Mill - Corfiroution cf Owphar" zuM all anc ili (f Plat AMmd Sepkirber 25, 2007 Response: The treatment of wrious shoreline situations was resiezoed and approved as part of the final site plan approw1 process. D 12. Reduce the elevation above ordinary high water mark (ohwm) of sheet pile walls and rip -rap to allow more natural shoreline plantings. Response: This was done as an approved part of the final site plan resiew and amended shoreline permit. D 13. Preserve those pilings and other in -water structures that are at a distance from the near -shore habitat that is important for juvenile salmonids. Response: Existing in -water pilings haw remained undisturbed. D14. Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of more extensive and complex communities of indigenous vegetation. Response: The required buffers along Lake Washington and May Creek hazy been established through the site plan, development plan and final plat processes. The pending landscape plans address the landscaping requirements. D15. Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of mature canopy from indigenous vegetation to provide summer shade and to intercept light and glare. Response: Natiw canopy tree species hazy been selected for the buffer landscaping plan. D16. Provide 50-foot buffers on stream and lake shoreline to allow establishment of more extensive communities of indigenous vegetation to buffer disturbance and allow public access further from the shoreline. The fast 35 feet from the ordinary high water mark shall be vegetated with native plant or grass species as appropriate. The remaining 15 feet may be landscaped as appropriate to be utilized as a yard area. Response: The required buffers along Lake Washington and May Creek haw been established through the site plan, development plan and final plat processes. The pending landscape plans address the landscaping requirements. Lots abutting Lake Washington may install managed landscaping, approved by the City, in the first 15- of the buffer area. K:\project\30700\30788\Admin\Corresp\HenningerC92507I..doc Arneta Henninger Page 9 Bares Mill - Cw firmxtion cf G)P*zaw wth all Gwhtm Gf Plat A ppwzal STOThr 25, 2007 D 17. E ither: a) Prohibit docks and require the use of mooring buoys or floats at a distance from near -shore habitat; or b) Reduce the number of docks through shared moorage, and then; c) Reduce shading impacts by narrower docks or materials that allow light penetration. Response: Home buyers may apply for joint use docks. A single community dock is being requested by the demloper to serw the community center on Tract E. D18. Provide long-term management of shoreline vegetation by an entity other than residents such as the homeowners association or a similar entity. Response: Buffer areas will be separately irrigated and maintained by the Community Organization as encumbered by the plat and CC&Rs. E. Transportation E 1. Site access (railroad crossings) shall occur in the vicinity of existing at -grade crossing locations with roadway improvements reviewed and approved by the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) and Burlington Northern Sante Fe (BNSF). Pre -cast concrete crossings shall be utilized. Response: Two railroad crossings haze been proposed, and are currently being reviewed by BNSF and the City. E2. Provide active control for the two (2) railroad crossings designed with cantilever and gates and warning devices automatically activated by train approach as required by BNSF and the WUTC. Further, the City and future developer(s) shall work together with BNSF during the design of roadway improvements to determine any other appropriate railroad crossing solution(s). Response: Actiw control crossing gates are incorporated in the current plan which has been revz ewed by the City and BNSF. Due to the impending decommissioning of the tracks, negotiations are underway to delete the crossing arms. K:\project\307D0\30788\Adrnin\Corresp\F Tenninger042 507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 10 Bares Mill - Wrnutiona c¢Cniphanre wth all Canditm qrPlatApprowl Seponr er 25, 2007 E3. A traffic circulation system to serve properties west of the railroad to reduce crossings shall be provided. .Response: Provisions for access to the properties to the North and South of the site hazes been pro,t ded. E4. The Applicant shall pay the appropriate traffic mitigation fee based on $75.00 per each new average daily trip associated with the project; the fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: Understood. It is expected that the City will pro4de a fee quote and a receipt. E5. The on -site roadway system shall be constructed per the details and specifications provided by the approved Barbee Mill preliminary plat as a public road system designed to public road section standards for residential access streets per the City of Renton development regulations. Response: The roadway design has been approved by City staff following public specifications and dedicated as ROWon the plat. F. Hazardous Materials F1. The Applicant shall remove contaminated soil as outlined in the independent remedial action plan uplands areas dated June 16, 2000 and/or pursuant to an alternative plan that achieves applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. Response: Soil remowl has been completed. F2. The Applicant shall evaluate the need for groundwater remediation after the soil remediation is complete and shall perform groundwater remediation as necessary to achieve applicable Model Toxics Control Act cleanup standards. Response: Apassize iron filing trench has been installed to preventgroundwater contamination of the lake and a secondary remediation pumping system has been installed to be used if necessary. K:\project\30700\ 30788\ Admin\Corresp\Henningec092507L.dnc Arneta Henninger Page 11 Barba Mill — Cairoution cf Conphaw umb all Core mom of Plat A ppraud Septet 25, 2007 F3. The Applicant shall address contaminants from the proposed roadway through Quendall terminals through appropriate removal, stabilization, or isolation, consistent with requirements of the Model Toxics Control Act. .Response: This requirement was met by the submittal ofgeo technical reports to the City for res icew prior to approwl of the site development plans. F4. A contamination and hazardous materials contingency plan shall be provided. Response: This was done by the prior owner when the remediation plan was implemented. That work has been completed. G. Aesthetics Gl. Apparent building bulk shall be reduced by design features, materials and color, including sloping roofs, roof detail such as gables and eave overhangs and building offsets. Response: Accomplished as part of the final site plan rev'Gew. G2. If buildings are greater than three stories or 35 feet in height, relative building bulk may be reduced by screening through large vegetation. Additional setbacks for planting areas and a change in proposed plantings may be required. Response: Accomplished as part of the final site plan resiew. H Light and Glare H1. Shielding for exterior lights in fixture selection shall be incorporated. Response: Exterior lighting will be shielded. 1-12. If buildings are greater than three stories or 35 feet in height, buildings shall be designed and sited to reduce or eliminate glass surfaces that might produce glare from sun reflection. Response: Understood. Building designs have been revieswd by City staff for compliance. KAproject\30700\307$ 6\Admin\Conresp\Henningei042507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 12 Bade Mill - Cafinmtton cf Qwplrance with all C crrliti cf Plat A ppmud September 25, 2007 Noise I1. Reasonable measures shall be taken during construction to minimize noise and vibration resulting from any necessary pile driving operations. Such measures shall include pre -drilling of the upper portions of driven piles for large structures or use of alternate technologies such as pin piles for smaller, residential supports. Response: Auger cast drilled pilings were used for bridge construction to comply. Site development is nearing completion. I2. Vibration, auger casting, or similar alternate construction methods shall be used where practical to limit noise related to pile support installation. Response: Auger cast drilled pilings uvre used for bridge construction to comply. Site dew1opment is nearing completion. 13. Noise barriers around stationary equipment such as compressors, welding machines, pumps, and similar equipment that would operate continuously and could contribute to steady background noise levels shall be provided. Response: The only such equipment at this time are generators being utilized prior to the actizntion of the permanent electrical you rr. Quiet running generators are being used. I4. At -grade rail crossings shall have underground conduit installed and other equipment installed as needed to facilitate future double -gating of public railroad crossings at the time of crossing construction. Response: Conduits haw been prosided for utility crossings of the railroad. Historic and Cultural Resources J1.An interpretive display with images of the historic industrial use of the site reflecting the lumber economy and shipbuilding heritage of the area shall be provided by the developer. The design and location shall be reviewed and approved by development services prior to recording of the final plat. Response: The interpredw display is still in the design phase. K_\project\307D0\30788\Admin\Corresp\Henningei092507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 13 Barbw Mill - Coomutm cfGo zarxe with all CAY,CIItm of Plat A ppmzul Septe� 25, 2007 J2. In the event archaeological deposits are found during construction, work is to stop and the Washington State Archaeologist is to be contacted by the developer/contractor(s). Response: Understood. No archaeological deposits were found during construction. K. Public Services K1. The Applicant shall pay the appropriate fire rnitigation fee. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: Understood. It is expected that the City will provide a fee quote and a receipt. K2. The Applicant shall pay the appropriate parks mitigation fee. The fee shall be paid prior to the recording of the final plat. Response: Understood. It is expected that the City will prodde a fee quote and a receipt. K3. Public access to the shoreline of Lake Washington and along May Creek shall be provided and incorporated into the preliminary plat. The Applicant shall work with City of Renton staff to determine the location and design of the public access. The system may include a soft surface trail along May Creek, sidewalks, and an open space tract adjacent to Lake Washington. Response: Public access s a the creek trail has been provided by the public trail to be constructed within the May Creek Buffer (shown on final site plan and construction plans and landscape plans) and to Lake Washington at the terminus of the trail at the mouth of May Creek also as shown on the approved plans. K:\project\30700\30788\Admirl\Corresp\I-L-nningerO92507L.doc Arneta Henninger Page 14 BarbxMill - Cofimutwn qf Corrpliaw with all Cwxirtians (ftlatAgmwml Septerrxr 25, 2007 I appreciate your attention and prompt response to this project. Please call me directly at 425-739- 4243 if you have questions or require additional information to complete your review and approval. I look forward to talking with you soon. Sincerely, Ckak, incorporated Ray Smalling, RE, CPESC Project Manager cc: Gary Upper, Conner Homes Paul 011estad, Conner Homes xs:rp K:\project\30700\30788\Admin\Conesp\Henningetfl92507L.doc STATES OF SrATi§wp of a Secretary of tate I, SAM REED, Secretary of State of the State of Washington and custodian of its seal, hereby issue this CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION to BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION a/an WA Non -Profit Corporation. Charter documents are effective on the date indicated below. Date: 4/ 13/2007 UBI Number: 602-716-316 APPID: 829000 "TAr, Given under my hand and the Seal of the State of Washington at Olympia, the State Capital d � ( Secretary State Sam Reed, of `7f if �C� State of Washington Secretary of State CORPORATIONS DIVISION Jane% M. Dolliuer Building 801 Capitoi Way SOL1111 PO Box 40234 Olympia WA 99504-0234 360.753.7115 Application for NOnProfit Corporation Application ID 829000 Tracking ID 1280686 Validation ID 1041285-001 Date Submitted for Filing: 4/13/2007 Office Information Contact Information Contact Name Evanna Charlot Contact Address 1601 - 114th Avenue S.E. Suite 110 Bellevue WA 980046969 Contact Email charlot[u7�jmmlaw.com Contact Phone 425-451-2812 FILED SECRETARY OF STATE SAM REED 04/1312007 STATE OF WASHINGTON Vat 602 716 316 Articles of Incorporation Preferred dame BARBEE MILL COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION Purpose Any Lawful Purpose Duration Perpetual Incorporation Date Effective Upon Piling by the Secretary of State Expiration Date 4/30/2008 Distribution of Assets The net assets of the corporation shall be distributed equally among persons and p holding its memberships in proportion to the number of votes held by the mspecti• memberships. Registered Agent Information Agent is Individual Agent Name Agent Street Address Robert Johns Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC 160I 114th Avenue SE Suite I10 Bellevue WA 98004 6969 Agent Mailing Address Same as Street Address Agent Email Address johns u@jrnrnlaw,com Submitter/Agent Submitter has signed consent of specified agent Relationship Initial Directors Information Director #1 Director Nance Garrett M. Upper Title Director Director Address Conner Hones Company 846 - 108th Avenue NE Bellevue WA 98004 Director #2 Director name Robert P. Beeson Title Director Director Address Conner Homes Company 846 - 108th Avenue NE Bellevue WA 98004 Director #3 Director Name Bryan Grusz Title Director Director Address Conner Homes Company 846 - 108th Avenue NE Bellevue WA 98004 Incorporators Information Incorporator #X Incorporator Name Evanna Chariot Incorporator Address Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC 1601 - 1 l4th Avenue S.E. Suite 110 Bellevue WA 980046969 Incorporator 42 Incorporator Name Robert D Johns Incorporator Address Johns Monroe Mitsunaga PLLC 1601 - 114th Avenue S.E. Suite 110 Bellevue WA 980046969 Incorporator #3 Incorporator Naive Garrett M. Upper Incorporator Address Conner Homes Company 846 - 108th Avenue N.L. Bellevue WA 98004 Signature Information Signed By Evanna L. Chariot ':AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A,.. Ix'M AVENUE, #3400, SEAT=, WA 98104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No,: 122-1586 Certificate for Filing Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to -wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $200.00 TAX: $ I7.6 0 Records examined to NOVEMBER 2, 2006 at 8.00 AM EY ._ 406+� HARRIS/EISENBREY Title Officer (206)S28-5623 PIATCRTA/RDA/0M '4ICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN) PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A (Continued) Order No.: 1221596 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN ICING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING, LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SHORELANDS DESCRIBED AS LYING NORTH OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT 1. PIATCRn/RDAI0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Order No.: 1221586 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records, G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including casements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLL ARS($1000.00)_ PLATCRTB/RDA j09W 11CAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA -} g a c D s PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 EXCEPTIONS 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY PURPOSE: ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINE AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: NOVEMBER 15, 1957 RECORDING NUMBER: 4850684 2. EASEMENT .AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES AREA AFFECTED: A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: DECEMBER 19, 1972 RECORDING NUMBER: 7212190390 EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES AREA AFFECTED: THE EAST 60 FEET AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT RECORDED: FEBRUARY 15, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 9602150689 4. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: BARBEE MILL CO., INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PURPOSE: INGRESS AND EGRESS AND OTHER PURPOSES AS STATED IN SAID INSTRUMENT AREA AFFECTED: PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003429 5. AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILT.,, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND: BARBEE FOREST PRODUCTS, INC-, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003431 REGARDING: ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT P�.rrrc�-s�/Rnn/avm IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE s (Continued) Order No.: 1221-586 p EASEMENT AND THE 'TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND UTILITY VEHICLES AREA AFFECTED: PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT RECORDED: OCTOBER 2, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20061002002087 a 7. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, WHEREBY THE GRANTOR EXCEPTS AND RESERVES ALL OIL, GASES, CCAL, ORES, MINERALS, FOSSILS, ETC., AND THE RIGHT OF ENTRY FOR OPENING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH RIGHTS SHALL NOT BE EXERCISED UNTIL PROVISION HAS BEEN MADE FOR FULL PAYMENT OF ALL DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY REASON OF SUCH ENTRY; RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 467141. a S. RELEASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN. CLARISSA D. COLMAN AND: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RECORDED: OCTOBER 24, 1906 RECORDING NUMBER: 429598 RELEASING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM: CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF CANAL LOCKS, SHIPWAYS, WATERWAYS AND THE RAISING AND LOWERING OF THE WATER LEVEL OF LAKE WASHINGTON S 9. QUESTION OF LOCATION OF LATERAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID SECOND CLASS TIDELANDS OR SHORELANDS_ ,r 10- ANY PROHIBITION OR LIMITATION CF USE, OCCUPANCY OR IMPROVEMENT OF THE LAND RESULTING FROM THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC OR RIPARIAN OWNERS TO USE ANY PORTION WHICH IS NOW OR HAS BEEN FORMERLY COVERED BY WATER. x 11. PARAMOUNT RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE UNITED STATES FOR COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, FISHERIES AND THE PRODUCTION OF POWER_ a 12. NOTWITHSTANDING PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE INSURING CLAUSES OF THE POLICY, THE ACCESS COVERAGE REFERENCED IN SAID PARAGRAPH 4 IS LIMITED TO THE ACCESS ALLOWED IN ANY CROSSING PERMIT WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE OWNER OF THE ADJOINING RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (OR FORMER RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY), SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS THEREIN_ Pv4Tct tRDA j0M IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 a 13_ THE FOLLOWING MATTERS DISCLOSED BY OUR INSPECTION ON OCTOBER 5, 2005: 1.) ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE ENCROACHMENT OF STRUCTURES, PERIMETER FENCES, PERIMETER WALLS AND PLANTINGS OF ANY NATURE ONTO OR OFF FROM NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES. x 14. OPTION AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: 0 P BY AND BETWEEN: BARBEE MILL CO., INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION AND: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003430 REGARDING: REPURCHASE OF A PROPOSED LOT AFTER PLATTING 15. DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND/OR LEASES, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TRUSTEE: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: FCEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AMOUNT: $ 37,500,000,00 DATED: SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003432 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THS SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. NOTE 1: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE -LAND: ASSESSED VALUE -IMPROVEMENTS: AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID 2006 322405-9034-00 2100 $ 8,200,600.00 $ 554,700.00 $ 104,596.24 PLAT=/RDA/0%9 AICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN . PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 Q NOTE 2: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL, DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENT'S TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04. SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: POR GL 1, SECTION 32-24-5. AS OF NOVEMBER 2, 2006, THE TAX ACCOUNT FOR SAID PREMISES IS 322405-9034-00. END OF SCHEDULE H r1ATCRM/RpA/n�v 0 s R' v CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX (206)628-5657 001221586 BARBEE MILL PROPERTY 10 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E z N P O R M A T 1 0 N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 1 SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: AS VESTED PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 11/02/06 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S) HAS (HAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: PARAGRAPH NUMBER 16: u 1_ GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: 2007 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322405-9034-00 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE -LAND: $ 7,498,600.00 ASSESSED VALUE -IMPROVEMENTS: $ 227,100.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 84,531.25 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 84,531,25 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY_ if THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE NOVEMBER 2, 2006, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPLCOM/RDAjDM x CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Order No.: 1221586 Your No.: BARBEE MILL PROPERTY Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL. COMMITMENT (Continued) APRIL 10, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY r NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE SEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: CONNER HOMES COMPANY BOB BEESON I/1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY GARY UPPER E/O sLTXr0 2/RvA/oqw CHICAGO INSURANCE COMPANY N=f 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 a PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 ORDER NO: YOUR NO: UNIT NO: LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #2 001221586 BARSEE MILL PROPERTY 10 O R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F 0 R M A T I 0 N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 2 SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: AS VESTED PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 11/02/06 at 8iOO A-M. is supplemented as follows: AA PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 16 HAS (HAVE) BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: As 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: 2007 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322405-9034-00 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUR-LAND: $ 7,498,600.00 ASSESSED VALUE -IMPROVEMENTS: $ 227,100.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 84,531.25 PAID: $ 42,265.63 UNPAID: $ 42,265.62 AC THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE NOVEMBER 2, 2006, EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREIN ABOVE AND ON SUPPLEMENTAL(S) 1. AD SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPC0M21RDA f 0999 CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Ozder No_: 1221586 Your No.: BARBEE MILL PROPERTY Unit No.: 1 o SUPPLEMENTAL COMNRTME.NT (Continued) xa NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COM@7ITMENT' CONNER HOMES COMPANY BOB BEESON 1/1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY GARY UPPER E/O SUPLCoM2/ann/0vA nw CHICAGO TITL- INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIF£H AVENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is funaished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with referencc to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. Government Lot I, Section 32-24-5 + i e f I / 11 4 e r 31 I I y I I S i r z g oI '` - Q---------------- --------- -' �-- ------ '---- ___'-_ ----ram-- � t I w. I f /ffP r.r c—+ela.loraPaxea / / 1 /.. — J l I C e l N• �. — w :. CD+HlI?LAAAN'S y WASG Ti4 -vr GARDEN OF ED€ii; FIR 2 awe w + 272 f "AGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY EF`I'H AVENUE, #3400, SEA7'FLE, WA 96104 PLAT CERTIFICATE Order No.: I2215�"6 Certificate for Piling Proposed Plat: In the matter of the plat submitted for our approval, this Company has examined the records of the County Auditor and County Clerk of KING County, Washington, and the records of the Clerk of the United States Courts holding terms in said County, and from such examination hereby certifies.that the title to the following described land situate in said KING County, to -wit: SEE SCHEDULE A (NEXT PAGE) VESTED IN: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY EXCEPTIONS: SEE SCHEDULE B ATTACHED CHARGE: $ 2 0 0. 0 0 TAX: $17.6 0 Records examined to NOVEMBER 2, 2006 at 8 : 00 AM I 0;� By M+► HARRIS/EISENBREY Title Officer (206)628-5623 PLAWA CA/RDA/0999 41CAG0 TITLE INSURANCE COMPA PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A r (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF GOVERNMENT LOT I, SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 24 NORTH, RANGE 5 EAST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND OF SECOND CLASS SHORELANDS ADJOINING, LYING WESTERLY OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY; EXCEPT THAT PORTION, IF ANY, OF SAID SHORELANDS DESCRIBED AS LYING NORTH OF THE WESTERLY PRODUCTION OF THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GOVERNMENT LOT I. PLAWRn/RDA/09W CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B Order No.: 1221586 This certificate does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following exceptions: GENERAL. EXCEPTIONS: A. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires for value of record the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. B. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. C. Encroachments, overlaps, boundary line disputes, and any other matters which would be .disclosed by an accurate survey and inspection of the premises. D. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. E. Any lien, or right to lien, for contributions to employee benefit funds, or for state workers' compensation, or for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, all as imposed by law, and not shown by the public records. F. Liens under the Workmen's Compensation Act not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. H. General taxes not now payable; matters relating to special assessments and special levies, if any, preceding or in the same becoming a lien. I. Reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. J. Water rights, claims, or title to water. K. THIS REPORT IS ISSUED AND ACCEPTED UPON THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY SHALL NOT EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS($1400.00). PIATCRTR fRDA/0999 IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN-' A s c D s PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.. 1221586 EXCEPTIONS 1. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: PURPOSE: AREA AFFECTED: RECORDED: RECORDING NUMBER: PUGET SOUND POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION LINE A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES NOVEMBER 15, 1957 4850684 2. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: PUBLIC UTILITIES" AREA AFFECTED- A PORTION OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: DECEMBER 19, 1972 RECORDING NUMBER: 7212190390 3. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: PURPOSE: INGRESS, EGRESS AND UTILITIES AREA AFFECTED: THE EAST 60 FEET AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT RECORDED: FEBRUARY 15, 1996 RECORDING NUMBER: 9602150689 4_ EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 'THEREOF: GRANTEE: BARBEE MILL CO., INC_, A WASHINGTON CORPORATION PURPOSE: INGRESS AND.EGRESS AND OTHER PURPOSES AS STATED IN SAID INSTRUMENT AREA AFFECTED: PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003429 5- AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND: BARBEE FOREST PRODUCTS, INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003431 REGARDING: ACCESS EASEMENT AGREEMENT PIATCRIBI/RDA/0M 1ICAG0 TITLE INSURANCE COMPAPr" PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 F 6. EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTEE: CITY OF RENTON PURPOSE: INGRESS AND EGRESS FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES AND UTILITY VEHICLES AREA AFFECTED_ PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES AS DESCRIBED IN SAID INSTRUMENT RECORDED: OCTOBER 2, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20061002002087 c 7. EXCEPTIONS AND RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED FROM THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, WHEREBY THE GRANTOR EXCEPTS AND RESERVES ALL OIL, GASES, COAL, ORES, MINERALS, FOSSILS, ETC., AND THE RIGHT OF ENTRY FOR OPENING, DEVELOPING AND WORKING THE SAME AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH RIGHTS SHALL NOT BE EXERCISED UNTIL PROVISION HAS BEEN MADE FOR FULL PAYMENT OF ALL DAMAGES SUSTAINED BY REASON OF SUCH ENTRY; RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 467141_ a S_ RELEASE OF DAMAGE AGREEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BETWEEN: CLARISSA D. COLMAN AND: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RECORDED: OCTOBER 24, 1906 RECORDING NUMBER: 429598 RELEASING UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FROM ALL FUTURE CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM: CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF CANAL LOCKS, SHIPWAYS, WATERWAYS AND THE RAISING AND LOWERING OF THE WATER LEVEL OF LAKE WASHINGTON = 9_ QUESTION OF LOCATION OF LATERAL BOUNDARIES OF SAID SECOND CLASS TIDELANDS OR SHORELANDS. IT 10. ANY PROHIBITION OR LIMITATION OF USE, OCCUPANCY OR IMPROVEMENT OF THE LAND RESULTING FROM THE RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC OR RIPARIAN OWNERS TO USE ANY PORTION WHICH IS NOW OR HAS BEEN FORMERLY COVERED BY WATER. a 11. PARAMOUNT RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS IN FAVOR OF THE UNITED STATES FOR COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, FISHERIES AND THE PRODUCTION OF POWER_ L 12. NOTWITHSTANDING PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE INSURING CLAUSES OF THE POLICY, THE ACCESS COVERAGE REFERENCED IN SAID PARAGRAPH 4 IS LIMITED TO THE ACCESS ALLOWED IN ANY CROSSING PERMIT WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE OWNER OF THE ADJOINING RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY (OR FORMER RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY), SUBJECT TO THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS THEREIN. PLAWRB2/RDA/0999 IICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAt "' PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B (Continued) Order No-: 1221586 m 13. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS DISCLOSED BY OUR INSPECTION ON OCTOBER 5, 2005: I-) ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE RESULTING FROM THE ENCROACHMENT OF STRUCTURES, PERIMETER FENCES, PERIMETER WALLS AND PLANTINGS OF ANY NATURE ONTO OR OFF FROM NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH PORTIONS OF SAID PREMISES- - a 14. OPTION AGREEMENT, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: BY AND B2TWEEN: BARBEE MILL CO., INC., A WASHINGTON CORPORATION AND: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER= 20060929003430 REGARDING: REPURCHASE OF A PROPOSED LOT AFTER PLATTING 0 15. DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND/OR LEASES, AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF: GRANTOR: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE MILL, LLC, A WASHINGTON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TRUSTEE: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BENEFICIARY: KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AMOUNT: .$ 37,500,000-00 DATED: SEPTEMBER 28, 2006 RECORDED: SEPTEMBER 29, 2006 RECORDING NUMBER: 20060929003432 THE AMOUNT NOW SECURED BY SAID DEED OF TRUST AND THE TERMS UPON WHICH THE SAME CAN BE DISCHARGED OR ASSUMED SHOULD BE ASCERTAINED FROM THE HOLDER OF THE INDEBTEDNESS SECURED. r NOTE 1: GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAID IN FULL: YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE -LAND: ASSESSED VALUE-IMPROVEMENTS- AMOUNT BILLED AND PAID 2006 322405-9034-00 2100 $ 8,200,600.00 $ 554,700-00 $ 104,596.24 PLATCBMIPMA/0999 4ICAG0 TITLE INSURANCE COMPA` " PLAT CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE B _ (Continued) Order No.: 1221586 q NOTE 2: THE FOLLOWING MAY BE USED AS AN ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON THE DOCUMENTS TO BE RECORDED TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF RCW 64.04_ SAID ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR A COMPLETE LEGAL DESCRIPTION WHICH MUST ALSO APPEAR IN THE BODY OF THE DOCUMENT: POR GL I' -SECTION 32-24-5. AS OF NOVEMBER 2, 2006, THE TAX ACCOUNT FOR SAID PREMISES IS 322405-9034-00• END OF SCHEDULE B PIAA7CRR2JRIlA/0999 CHICAGO TIT. INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATILE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 ORDER NO: W1221586 YOUR NO: BARBEE MILL PROPERTY UNIT NO: 10 LOAN NO: SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT O R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F 0 R M A T I❑ N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1 AS VESTED WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 11/02/06 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: T THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH(S) HAS (NAVE) BEEN ADDED TO OUR COMMITMENT: u PARAGRAPH NUMBER 16: v 1_ GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS D0 NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): a YEAR: TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: LEVY CODE: ASSESSED VALUE -LAND: ASSESSED VALUE -IMPROVEMENTS: GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES 2007 322405-9034-00 2100 $ 7,498 , 600. 00 $ 227,100..00. BILLED: $ 84,531.25 PAID: $ 0.00 UNPAID: $ 84,531.25 NOTE: IF THE TAX AMOUNT IS NOT EVENLY DIVISIBLE INTO TWO PAYMENTS, KING COUNTY WILL REQUIRE THE HALF PAYMENT BE ROUNDED UP TO THE NEXT CENT. FAILURE I TO ROUND UP THE HALF PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN REJECTION OF THE TAX PAYMENT BY THE COUNTY. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE NOVEMBER 2, 2006, EXCEPT THE MATTERS NOTED HEREINABOVE. SEE NEXT PAGE SVVPLC0M/RpA/0999 —'HICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN x x Order No.: 12 215 8 6 Your No.: BARBEE MILL PROPE,TY Unit No.: 1 o SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) APRIL 10, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: KEITH EISENBREY - r NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: CONNER HOMES COMPANY BOB BEESON 1/1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY GARY UPPER E/0 i SUPLCOM2/RDA/9999 z CHWAGO TITI INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATTLE, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: (206)628-5657 ORDER NO: 001221586 YOUR NO: BARBEE MILL .PROPERTY UNIT NO: 10 LOAN NO; SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT #Z 0 R D E R R E F E R E N C E I N F O R M A T I O N SUPPLEMENTAL NUMBER: 2 SELLER: PURCHASER/BORROWER: AS VESTED PROPERTY ADDRESS: WASHINGTON Our Title Commitment dated 11/02/06 at 8:00 A.M. is supplemented as follows: AA PARAGRAPH NUMBER(S) 16 HAS (HAVE) BEEN AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: AB 1. GENERAL AND SPECIAL TAXES AND CHARGES, PAYABLE FEBRUARY 15, DELINQUENT IF FIRST HALF UNPAID ON MAY 1, SECOND HALF DELINQUENT IF UNPAID ON NOVEMBER 1 OF THE TAX YEAR (AMOUNTS DO NOT INCLUDE INTEREST AND PENALTIES): YEAR: 2007 TAX ACCOUNT NUMBER: 322405-9034-00 LEVY CODE: 2100 ASSESSED VALUE -LAND: $ 7,498,600.00 ASSESSED VALUE -IMPROVEMENTS: $ 227,100.00 GENERAL & SPECIAL TAXES: BILLED: $ 84,531.25 PAID: $ 42,265.63 UNPAID: $ 42,265.62 Ac THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THIS COMMITMENT SINCE NOVEMBER 2, 2006, EXCEPT AS SHOWN HEREIN ABOVE AND ON SUPPLEMENTAL(S) 1. AD SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 AUTHORIZED BY: MIKE HARRIS SEE NEXT PAGE SUPPC0M2/RDAJ09W HICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA— Order No.: 1221586 YourNn_: BARBEE MILL PROPVPTY Unit No.: 10 SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT (Continued) As NOTE: THE FOLLOWING PARTIES HAVE BEEN SENT A COPY OF THIS SUPPLEMENTAL COMMITMENT: CONNER HOMES COMPANY BOB BEESON 1/1 CONNER HOMES COMPANY GARY UPPER E/0 SUPLCDM2/RDA/0999 CHICAGO TV INSURANCE COMPANY 701 FIFTH AVENUE, #3400, SEATME, WA 98104 PHONE: (206)628-5623 FAX: _206)628-5657 IMPORTANT: This is not a Survey. It is finmished as a convenience to locate the land indicated hereon with reference to streets and other land. No liability is assumed by reason of reliance hereon. Government Lot I, Section 32--24-5 3 ` f. l s, z O 1- 4f KC i 4( s w. �. ' ■ Ift i l yano �r . VLA ''+� r 1Y1 eo�lAMAN'$ tl WASrfpyG if TY� ` err GARDEN OF EDEN,«. NO.2 auie �r ' r .. N —W—b. P V 0 Printed: 09-25-2007 CITY OF PENTON 1055 S. Grady Way Renton, WA 98055 Land Use Actions RECEIPT Permit#: LUA07-109 Payment Made: 09/25/2007 04:29 PM Total Payment: 1,000.00 MILL, LLC Current Payment Made to the Following Items: Receipt Number: R0705127 Payee: CONNER HOMES AT BARBEE Trans Account Code Description Amount 5012 000.345.81.00.0009 Final Plat 1,000.00 Payments made for this receipt Trans Method Description Amount ---------- -------- --------------------------- ----------------- Payment Check 146 1,000,00 Account Balances Trans Account Code Description Balance Due 3021 303.000.00.345.85 Park Mitigation Fee .00 5006 000.345.81.00.0002 Annexation Fees .00 5007 000.345.81.00.0003 Appeals/Waivers .00 5008 000.345.81.00.0004 Binding Site/Short Plat _00 5009 000.345.81.00,0006 Conditional Use Fees .00 5010 000,345.81.00,0007 Environmental Review .00 5011 000.345.81.00.0008 Prelim/Tentative Plat .00 5012 000.345.81,00,0009 Final Plat .00 5013 000.345.81.00.0010 PUD .00 5014 000.345.81.00,0011 Grading & Filling Fees .00 5015 000.345.81.00,0012 Lot Line Adjustment 00 5016 000.345.81.00.0013 Mobile Home Parks .00 5017 000.345.81.00.0014 Rezone .00 5018 000,345.81.00,0015 Routine Vegetation Mgmt .00 5019 000.345.81.00.0016 Shoreline Subst Dev .00 5020 000.345.81.00.0017 Site Plan Approval .00 5021 000.345.81.00.0018 Temp Use, Hobbyk, Fence .00 5022 000.345.81.00.0019 Variance Fees .00 5024 000.345.81.00.0024 Conditional Approval Fee .00 5036 000.345.81.00.0005 Comprehensive Plan Amend .00 5909 000.341.60.00.0024 Booklets/EIS/Copies .00 5941 000.341.50.00.0000 Maps (Taxable) .00 5954 650. Special Deposits _00 5955 000.05.519.90.42.1 Postage .00 5998 Tax .00 Remaining Balance Due: $0.00 IN APPROVALS BARBEE POR110N OF GOVT.'LOT 1, SECTION 32,7.24N.,'R.5 E., W.M. CITY OF RENTON,'. KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ASEMENT PROVISIONS VOL/PG CITY OF REN PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LTQN PLANNING NG/BUILCA. AN. EASEMENT IS HEREBY GRANTED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, PUGET SOUND ENERGY, QWEST COMMUNICATIONS, COMCASr EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY.OF 20- CABLE AND OTHER. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MUNICIPAL SERVICE UTILITIES, THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITY, LANDSCAPING, IRRIGATION, WALKWAYS, MAILBOXES, PRIVATE DRAINAGE PURPOSES AND PRIVATE SANITARY SEWER SERVICES UNDER 'AND UPON 1) THE EXTERIOR 8.00, FEET (AS -GRAPHICALLY DEPICTED ON SHEETS 4 THROUGH -15) PARALLEL WITH AND ADJOINING THE STREET FRONTAGE OF ALL LOTS AND TRACTS, 2) TRACT "J" AND TRACT ADMINISTRATOR 3) THE -PRIVATE ACCCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT .WITHIN LOT 23, 4) THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 47 AND LOT 48, AND 5) THE PRIVATE ACCESS AND UTILITY. EASEMENT WITHIN LOT 69 AND LOT 70 IN WHICH TO INSTALL, LAY, CONSTRUCT, RENEW, OPERATE AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND CONDUITS, CABLE, PIPELINE AND WIRES WITH THE NECESSARY FACILITIES AND OTHER EQUIPMENT FOR THE 'PURPOSE OF SERVICE TO THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV. SERVICE AND OTHER UTILITIES. TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO crTy OF RENTONENTER UPON THE EASEMENTS AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSES STATED. UPON. THE DEDICATION OF ANY PORTION OF THIS EASEMENT AREA AS A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY, SAID PORTION OF. THIS EASEMENT SHALL AUTOMATICALLY TERMINATE AND SELF EXTINQUISHJ EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY.OF 20-. GRANTEE SHALL, UPON COMPLETION OF ANY WORK WITHIN THE PROPERTY, 'RESTORE THE SURFACE OF THE EASEMENT AND _�"A�Y_P.RIVATE, IMPROVEMENTS DISTURBED OR DESTROYED, DU �ING THE EXECUTi:ON OF THE.. WORK AS NEARLY AS - PRACTICABLE 0 HE" CONDITION ION THEY WERE y R COMMENCEMENT THE �WORK OR `ENTRY BY THE GRANTEE. MAYOR EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20-. SURVEYORS NOTES CITY CLERK, ATTEST 1, BOUNDARY AND PARCEL LINES ESTABLISHED -PER RECORD OF SURVEY RECORDED UNDER REC. NO - ----------- 2. BASIS OF BEARINGS: S 88*47'06" E BETWEEN CITY OF RENTON CONTROL POINTS NOS. 1834 AND 1893. 3. ALL FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN. WERE VISITED IN SEPTEMBER, 2004. C" OF RENTON FINANCE DIRECTOR'S CERTIRCATE OBSERVATIONS MADE USING TRIMBLE. 5700 4. GPS OBSERVATI -RECEIVERS MAINTAINED TO MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATION PER WAC 332-130-100. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS 5, SURVEY INSTRUMENT: CONVENTIONAL FIELD MEASUREMENTS " WERE MADE WITH A GEODOMETER 610 TOTAL STATION (3 STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL. HORIZONTAL ACCURACY). THIS 'INSTRUMENT AND IT'S ACCESSORIES WERE MAINTAINED TO MANUFACTURE'S SPECIFICATION AS REQUIRED BY WAC 332-130-100. THE PRECISION OF THE CONTROL TRAVERSE MEETS OR EXCEEDS THOSE AS REQUIRED EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20-. PER WAC 332-130-010. 6. THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS SET FORTH IN WAC 332-130. FINANCE DIRECTOR 7, THE HARBOR LINES HEREON ARE AS SHOWN ON THE OFFICIAL MAPS OF LAKE WASHINGTON SHORELANDS, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC LANDS AT OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1921. THE COORDINATE VALUES SHOWN ON SAID MAPS WERE USED TO ESTABLISH THE INNER AND OUTER 'HARBOR LINES. THE DATA WAS ROTATED AND TRANSLATED TO THE CITY OF RENTON, HORIZONTAL DATUM NAD 83/91. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS GOV'T. LOT 1 BASIS OF POSITION: MONUMENT FOUND AT THE SOUTH QUARTER CORNER OF SECTION 29 (NE. CORNER EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS DAY OF 20- KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEDICATED RIGHT-OF-WAY • ACCOUNT NUMBER. TOTAL AREA = 147,350 SQUARE FEET (3.38 ACRES) FINANCE DIVISION CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELINQUENT .. . ......... ........... .... . .... .. ........... SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL ...... ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN: CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE PAID IN FULL THIS DAY OF 20- . ............... . ........... .. ........................ .......... ............ MANAGER, FINANCE DIVISION DEPUTY, .............. ........... ............... 4--_ . ..... CITY OF RENTON LU A. CITY OF RFNTON I Nn- JOB NO 30935.001 SHEET 2 OF. 15 0 r_ E� ME in in