HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit - CSPP ATCT Seismic Retrofit & Remodel CONSTRUCTION SAFETY AND PHASING PLAN (CSPP) Renton Municipal Airport Prepared by: Renton Municipal Airport Project Representative: William Adams 02/25/2018 (Per: AC 150/5370-2 Operational Safety on Airports During Construction) Renton Municipal Airport Table of Contents SECTION 1: COORDINATION.................................................................................................................................4 SECTION2: PHASING.....................................................................................................................................................5 SECTION 3: AREAS AND OPERATIONS AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY.......................................6 SECTION 4: NAVIGATIONAID(NAVAID)PROTECTION............................................................................ 8 SECTION 5: CONTRACTORACCESS..........................................................................................................................9 SECTION 6: WILDLIFEMANAGEMENT......................................................................................................12 SECTION 7: FOREIGN OBJECT DEBRIS (FOD)MANAGEMENT......................................................................13 SECTION 8: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS(HAZMAT)MANAGEMENT.........................................................14 SECTION 9: NOTIFICATION OFCONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES ........................................................................15 SECTION 10: INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................17 SECTION 'I'I: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES............................................................................................................18 SECTION 12: PENALTIES........................................................................................................................................................19 SECTION 13: SPECIALCONDITIONS.....................................................................................................................20 SECTION 14: RUNWAYANDTAXIWAYVISUALAIDS(VISAIDS).................................................................21 SECTION 15: MARKINGAND SIGNS FORACCESS ROUTES.............................................................................22 SECTION 16: HAZARD MARKING,LIGHTINGAND SIGNING......................................................................23 SECTION T7: PROTECTI ON OF RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY SAFETY AREAS......................................................24 SECTION 18: OTHER LIMITATIONS ON CONSTRUCTION.................................................................................26 APPENDIX A: CSPP DRAWINGS...............................................................................................................................27 Renton Municipal Airport List of Abbreviations Abbreviation Description AC Advisory Circular AC Asphalt Concrete ADG Aircraft Design Group ADO Airport District Office AOA The Airport Operator Area BMP Best Management Practice CAD Computer Aided Design EIS Environmental Impact Statement FAA Federal Aviation Administration FBO Fixed Base Operator FOD Foreign Object Debris GA General Aviation OFA Object Free Area OHW Ordinary High Water PCC Portland Cement Concrete RTN Renton Municipal Airport ROFA Runway Object Free Area RSA Runway Safety Area SPCD Safety Plan Compliance Document SWMP Storm Water Management Plan SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan TOFA Taxiway Object Free Area TSA Transportation Security Administration USACE U.S.Army Corps of City Engineers VFR Visual Flight Rules VSR Vehicle Service Road WDFW Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Renton Municipal Airport Note: The referenced Advisory Circulars in this CSPP must be the most current versions. SECTION 1: COORDINATION During the design, bid and award phases of this project,the following meetings,workshops or conferences will be held to introduce the subject of airport operational safety during construction. • Monthly design review meetings • Pre-Bid Conference During the Pre-Bid conference, the requirement will be discussed with all potential bidders for the creation, submission, review and approval (by Renton Municipal Airport and the FAA) of a Contractor's project specific Safety Plan Compliance Document (SPCD) prior to the airport issuing a Notice ofAward (NOA). Once the NOA has been issued, a Pre-Construction Conference will be scheduled during which the SPCD will be discussed in detail, including the schedule for all construction progress meetings. Construction Progress Meetings shall be conducted a minimum of once per week for the entire duration of the project. At the Construction Progress Meetings, operational safety shall be a standing agenda item. a. Scope or Schedule Changes No changes in the scope or duration of the project are foreseen.Should changes be warranted, the enclosed CSPP document will be revised to reflect those changes. It is recognized that any changes to this document will trigger a 7 day review period by the FAA. Revisions to the CSPP will, in turn, require revisions to the Contractor's SPCD. Such revisions will be submitted to Renton Municipal Airport and the FAAfor review and approval. b. Coordination with FAA Air Traffic Organization (ATO&A TCT} All airway facility shutdowns, (ATCT, runway, taxiways, signage, lighting or NAVAIDS), that may be required as a result of construction operations must be requested through the airport assistant manager a minimum oftwo weeks in advance ofthe closure. Renton Municipal Airport will be responsible for coordinating such closures with FAA,ATO &ATCT to schedule airway facility shutdowns and restarts. The contractor will contact the airport assistant manager to contact ATCT. The project will be coordinated with Kevin Latschaw Seattle Airports District Office (ADO) project manager in conjunction with submittal of FAA form 7460-1. The project will be coordinated with Renton Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) manager. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 2: PHASING The sequence of construction has been phased to gain maximum efficiency while allowing minimizing impacts to normal operations. The construction phases will be coordinated with airport users. The general phasing strategy has been to incorporate the majority of the construction activity during periods of temporary closure of the Taxiway A and the ATCT. This will eliminate construction interference with regulated airspace concurrent with the construction operation in the project area. Typically this closure will occur during the hours (2100 —700), but the Airport reserves the right to extend the closure into day time on a case by case basis. a. Phase Elements. Refer to the construction drawings for: 1) Areas closed to aircraft operations 2) Duration of closures 3) Taxi routes 4) Construction staging areas 5) Construction access and haul routes 6) Impacts to NAVAIDs 7) Lighting and marking changes 8) Declared distances 9) Hazard marking and lighting 10)Lead times for required notifications. (See also Division 01 documents for lead times) b. Construction Phase Drawings. Drawings have been developed which indicate the specific safety procedures, and construction crane height restrictions. Available declared horizontal distances are shown in both the CSPP as well as the construction drawings. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 3: AREAS AND OPERATIONS AFFECTED BY CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY a. Identification ofAffected Areas. All areas that will be affected by this project are identified in the drawings and technical specifications. ��� Closing of runways. • No impact to runway operations are foreseen at this time. �2� Closing, or partial closing, of taxiways. To the maximum extent possible,the project has been designed to minimize construction that would impact the normal operation of the airport's taxiways and taxi lanes. During all construction which is required within taxiway protection surfaces( TOFAs,etc.),and in conformance with the provision of FAAAC 5370-2, the following taxiways will be partially closed until such construction activity has been completed and the protection surfaces restored to the required standards: • Taxiway Alpha between Taxiway A4 and Taxiway A5 mayhavetemporary wingspan restiictions during construction. (3) Approach/departure surfaces affected by heights of objects. • No impact to approach/departure surfaces are foreseen at this time. (4) Construction areas,storage areas,and access routes near runways,taxiways, aprons, or helipads. Areas outside of the AOA have been designated for contractor's material storage and staging. Airside access routes to and from the specific work areas have also been designated. Contactor will be required to conform to all safety and security provisions associated with maintaining these storage areas and access routes as identified on the construction phasing plans included in Appendix A. b. Mitigation of Effects If temporary wingspan restriction are determined necessary by the Project Representative the Airport Assistant Manager will be notified at least 5 days in advance. (1)Temporary changes to runway and/or taxi operations. The project will not require any changes to taxi operations other than those required as a result of temporary wingspan restrictions identified in paragraph 2 above. '. � Renton Municipal Airport (2) Detours for Mutual Aid and other airport vehicles. Construction of the project will not require detours for Mutual Aid or any other airport vehicles. (3) Maintenance of essential utilities. Essential Utilities will be maintained during normal business hours(0700-2100). (4) Temporary changes to air traffic control procedures. Other than the aforementioned interim taxiway wingspan restrictions,the project will not require any permanent ortemporary changes to air traffic control procedures. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 4: NAVIGATION AID (NAVAID) PROTECTION This project will be coordinated with the FAA ATO/Technical Operations office through submittal of FAA form 7460-1(form 7460-1 will be filled out by contractor and airport will submit it to FAA). Impacts to the NAVAIDs are anticipated during the shift from 2100 to 0700 for electrical work. These will need to be coordinated a minimum of 2 weeks in advance with the Assistant Airport Manager and the emergency FAA contact. Should the scope of the project be modified and interrupted NAVAID service due to construction occur, the contractor shall notify the emergency FAA contact immediately and address it in the SPCD. Y< � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 5: CONTRACTOR ACCESS Contractor's access to and from the works site, along with the locations for staging equipment and stockpiling material, are shown on the construction phasing plans included in Appendix A. In addition, the following constraints have been placed upon the contractor: a. Location of Stockpiled Construction Materials (1) Stockpiled materials and equipment storage are not permitted within the RSA, OFZ or OFA of an operational runway. Stockpiled materials and equipment adjacent to these areas shall be prominently marked and lighted during hours of restricted visibility or darkness. This includes determining and verifying that materials are stabilized and stored at an approved location so as not to be a hazard to aircraft operations and to prevent attraction of wildlife and foreign object damage. b. Vehic/e and Pedestrian Operations Vehicle and pedestrian access routes for the project will be controlled through the use of fencing and low-profile, water-filled barricades to segregate and channelize such traffic to prevent inadvertent or unauthorized entry of persons, vehicles, or animals onto the AOA. The barricades shall be marked and lighted in accordance with the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5210-5D. (�) Construction site parking. The Contractor must coordinate with Renton Municipal Airport to determine the location for construction site parking shown on appendix A (2) Construction equipment parking. Contractor employees will be required to park and service all construction vehicles within the Contractor Layout Area as shown on the Contractor Layout Plan included in Appendix A. At no time will Contractor employees be allowed to park or service construction equipment within an OFZ orsafety area ofan active runway ortaxiway. At no time will Contractor be allowed to park inactive equipment on a closed taxiway. If it is necessary to leave specialized equipment on a closed taxiway at night, the equipment shall be well lighted. Equipment parked in the designated parking areas shall not obstruct the clear line of sight by the ATCT to any taxiway or runway under air traffic control, nor shall they obstruct any runway visual aids, signs, or navigation aids. (3)Access and haul roads. Contractor's access routes and haul roads shall be limited to those as identified on the Phasing Plans and the Contract Layout Plan as included in Appendix A. The : Renton Municipal Airport contractor shall not be permitted to use any access or haul roads other than those shown. Access routes used by contractor vehicles shall be clearly marked to prevent inadvertent entry to areas open to aircraft operations. Access and haul road locations have been designed such that they do not share or cross any ARFF routes nor do they interfere with NAVAIDs or approach surfaces of operational runways. (4) Marking and lighting ofvehicles. Except for those vehicles under escort, only vehicles that are painted, marked and lighted in accordance with AC 150/5210-5, Painting, Marking, and Lighting of Vehicles Used on an Airport, shall be permitted access to the AOA. Specifically, vehicles shall be marked with the company name or logo on both sides in no less than 4-inch high letters of a contrasting color. Markings may be painted on the vehicle, or magnetic signs may be used. Construction vehicles under escort are the responsibility of the properly equipped lead vehicle and are not required to have a flag or beacon. All contractor vehicles and equipment operating in the AOA must display orange and white checkered flags or flashing yellow beacons during daytime use and flashing yellow beacons during nighttime use. The flag shall be on a staff attached to the vehicle and shall be at least a 3-foot square having a checkered pattern of International Orange and White squares at least one (1)foot on each side. Flags and beacons must be mounted on the vehicle where they are visible from any direction. (5) Description of proper vehicle operations. Contractor shall provide a detailed Driver's Operation Plan (DOP) as part of its SPCD. The DOP shall specifically address the operation of its vehicles while in the AOA under normal, lost communications, and emergency conditions. (6) Required escorts. Provisionswith respecttoairfield escortsare included inthe Renton Municipal Airport Driver'sTraining Program with which the contractor will be required to comply. (7) Training requirements for vehicle drivers. Provisionswith respectto airfield escorts are included inthe Rerrton MuniapalAirport Driver'sTraining Program with which the contractor will be required to comply. (s) Situational awareness. Provisions with respectto situational awareness are included inthe Renton Municipal Airport Driver's Training Program with which the contractor will be _r� � Renton Municipal Airport required to comply. (9) Two-way radio communication procedures. Provisions with respect to contractor's forces communicating with the FAA Air Traffic Control Tower are included in the Renton Municipal Airport Driver's Training Program with which the contractor will be required to comply. (10) Maintenance of the secured area of the airport, including: (a) Fencing and gates. Access to the AOA will be restricted to the gate or gates as shown on the Contract Layout Plan included in Appendix A. While in use by the contractor, who will be responsible for the control of all vehicles that enter or exit the gate, ensuring that the drivers have appropriate driving permission, are properly badged or are otherwise escorted by a vehicle that meets the requirements for escorting. When not in use,the gate shall be locked in a manner acceptable to the assistant manager. (b) Badging requirements. All contractor personnel and subcontractor personnel that will require airside access will be required to obtain security badges in accordance with the provisions of the Renton Municipal Airport Driver's Training Program with which the contractor will be required to comply. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 6: WILDLIFE MANAGEME NT Contractor's operations shall conform to the Renton Municipal Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Program. Contactor will be required to carefully control and continuously remove waste or loose materials that might attract wildlife. Contractor's SPCD shall detail the procedures for conforming to the Renton Municipal Airport Wildlife Hazard Management Program including sections describing control of the following: a. Trash. b. Standing Water. c. Tall Grass and Seeds. d. Maintenance of Fencing and Gates. e. Disruption of Existing Wildlife Ha bitat. _.' J Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 7: FOREIGN OBJ ECT DEBRIS (FOD) MANAGEMENT The Contractor's SPCD shall include a FOD Prevention Plan (FPP)which will outline the specific activities that the contractor will undertake in order to prevent FOD from entering any active airfield facility as a result of its construction operations. It shall also include a description of activities that it shall undertake upon the discovery of FOD. The worksite will be continually inspected by the Project Representative to determine the adequacy of the Contractor's FOD prevention plan and require corrective action as necessary. The Contractor shall not leave or place FOD on or near active aircraft movement areas. Materials tracked onto these areas must be removed immediately. Materials capable of creating FOD shall be continuously removed during the construction project. Fencing may be necessary to contain material that can be carried by wind into areas where aircraft operate. The contractor shall assign a FOD manager for this project. The contractor will perform a FOD check of the work area after each work shift. Should there be a FOD hazard that requires a more extensive clean-up, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Renton Municipal Airport of the situation. The Contractor will be responsible to clean-up the FOD in an expeditious manner. __., � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 8: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (HAZMAT) MANAGEMENT Contractor's SPCD shall include HAZMAT Management Plan for all of its construction vehicles and equipment. Contractor's operating construction vehicles and equipment on the airport must be prepared to expeditiously contain and clean-up spills resulting from fuel or hydraulic fluid leaks. Transport and handling of other hazardous materials on an airport also requires special procedures. See AC 150/5320-15, Management of Airport Industrial Waste. The Contractor shall have two emergency spill kits on site in case of an oil, fuel or hydraulic spill/leak. The spill kits shall include absorbent pads and/or absorbent logs. In the event of oil, fuel or hydraulic spills; the Contractor shall contain the spill and place the absorbent pads on the spill immediately. Used pads shall be removed from the project site and disposed of properly off-site. . Y Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 9: NOTIFICATION OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Renton Muniapal Airport has in place the following procedures that must be followed in order to affect an immediate response to events that might adversely affect the operational safety at the airport. The Airport contact phone numbers will be provided to the contractor. A list of points of contact for the airport and engineer will be provided at the preconstruction meeting. The contractor shall also provide a list of points of contact available 24-hours a day, at the pre-construction meeting. This list shall be revised as required during the course of the project. a) NOTAMs Coordination with the FAA for issuance and cancellation of any and all NOTAMs required during construction shall be by the Airport Assistant Manager or the Airport Manager. The notification time requirement for issuance of a NOTAM(s) is 2 weeks. The Contractor will schedule the work needing a NOTAM(s), and provide a request no less than 2 weeks prior to Airport Management for issuance of NOTAM(s). The Contractor will confirm that the correct NOTAM(s) is issued for the schedule work on a daily basis. b) Emergency notification procedures. The contractor shall contact the Project Representative associated with the construction project in most situations. [William Adams (425)-430-7473] However, when emergency medical, fire-fighting, and police response situations exist the contractor shall use the airport emergency number (911). This number will ensure the most rapid emergency response. For non-emergency situations call the Airport Office at 425-430-7471, then Airport Assistant Manager at 206-200-6811. For unexpected utility shutoff the Airport will contact the specific utility agency. c) Coordination with City of Renton Fire Department. The airport operations staff will coordinate with the Renton Regional Fire Authority (RRFA). The airport will coordinate construction activities, construction phasing and available access routes during construction with these entities. RRFA personnel will also attend the pre- construction conference for the project. Airport staff is responsible for coordinating with the agencies listed above if construction requires. The Contractor will not deactivate water lines or fire hydrants. At all times, access to the AOA will not be restricted by the Contractor's equipment or activities. Use of hazardous materials on the airfield is not permitted. The Contractor will submit a request for power outages, communication changes and/or water and sewer connection outages to the CM at least seven (7) days in advanced. The CM will notify RNT Operations and RRFA of the outage request. Outages will be restricted to non- peak hours. � Renton Municipal Airport d) Notification to the FAA. ��� Part 77. An FAA Form 7460-1 "Notice of Proposed Construction orA/teration"shall be submittedtothe FAA by Renton Municipal Airport in advance ofthe start of construction activities. Items that will be recorded in the 7460-1 will include the anticipated location of contractor's construction equipment and proposed parking areas for this equipment (i.e. cranes, graders, or other equipment 20' in height or taller). Contractor will be responsible for notifying the Project Representative of any deviations from the originally proposed locations for such equipment or construction activities and will be precluded from moving its equipment into the proposed area until clearance from the FAA has been granted based upon a supplemental submission of an FAA Form 7460-1 for the new location(s) outside of the laydown area identified in Appendix A.. (2) NAVAIDS. For emergency (short-notice) notification about impacts to both airport owned and FAA owned NAVAI Ds, contractor is to call the Airport A s s i s t a n t M a n a g e r a t 206-200-6811. (3) Airport owned/FAA maintained. N/A :; J Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 10: INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS a. Daily Inspections As previously noted,the Project Representative (William Adams—Airport Engineer) will be responsible for conducting daily inspections ofthe worksite to ensure strict conformance with this CSPP. b. Inspections Prior to Re-Opening Airside Facilities At the completion of construction in an area that is intended to be put back into operation with the AOA, and prior to returning the area to service, a complete inspection of the area is to be conducted by the Project Representative. The following outlines the procedure that is to be followed for returning and airside facility back to service: (1) Contractor is to sweep and vacuum all debris from the site. (2) Contractor shall perform its own foreign object debris (FOD) checks in all work areas and on all runways and taxiways used as haul routes. (3) The contractor shall request a FOD and compliance inspection from the Airport representative. (4) Once the Airport representative has completed FOD inspection and cleared the area for opening, the contractor shall remove all traffic control barricades. (5) The Contractor will be required to immediately remedy all deficiencies, whether caused by negligence, oversight or project scope change. _' � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 11: UNDERGROUND UTILITIES The contractor shall notify, at least two working days prior to commencing construction operations in an area which may involve underground utility facilities, the Project Representative, Airport assistant manager, the registered utility protection service, and the owner of each underground utility facility shown on the plans. Before commencing any work in the proximity of the FAA facilities, the Contractor shall notify: FAA Rep 425-227-2654 The contractor shall be required to"field verify" all utilities as necessary, by hand/equipment excavation, prior to the start of excavation. This information shall be provided to the Project Representative and Airport Operations. Any underground utilities located during the course of construction which do not appear on the plans shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Project Representative and airport operations. The contractor shall immediately alert the occupants of nearby premises orfacility as to any emergency that it may create or discover at or near such premises orfacilities. The contractor shall report immediately to the Project Representative,Airport Operations, and the operator ofthe underground facility any break or leak on its lines or any dent, gouge, groove or other damage to such lines or their coating or cathodic protection, made or discovered inthe course oftheir excavation. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 12: PENALTIES Safety and security precautions are necessary at the Airport. Failure of the Contractor to adhere to prescribed requirements may have consequences that jeopardize the health, safety or lives of customers and employees at the Airport. The General Notes of the project put the Contractor on notice that the FAA assesses penalties and fines for incursions into to any part of the airport that is not otherwise authorized by the Project Representative. All such penalties and fines resulting from Contractor's operations shall be paid for at the Contractor's expense. See table 1 below for penalties for noncompliance. Repeated violations may result in individual disbarment of the Contractor's personnel. Table 1 Penalties for Noncompliance Violation Consequence 1st occurrence: Verbal Warning 2nd occurrence: Written Warning and $500 Fine Violation of Safety Plan 3rd occurrence: Written warning and $1,000 Fine 4th occurrence: Person removed from project . � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 13: SPECIAL CONDITIONS Airport Operations take precedence over all work, especially if a question of safety is involved. Special conditions such as low visibility, snow removal, aircraft in distress, aircraft accident, security breach, or work being completed by others may require the rescheduling of project work to accomplish air safety. The contractor shall protect workers, vehicles and equipment from prop wash,jet blast and noise at all times. The contractor shall maintain emergency vehicle access to the project site and airport at all times. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to prevent construction related vehicle and pedestrian traffic from entering active taxiway and runway areas. It is possible that unexpected airport emergencies may arise during the progress of the construction work. Construction emergencies may be caused by equipment breakdowns, accidents or even damages to nearby existing structures, property or light fixtures. Airport emergencies may arise during the progress of the work, such as in-flight emergencies that may develop. In the event of a construction or airport emergency, Renton Tower and the RRFA will be notified immediately, informing them of the situation. In order to minimize danger to aircraft, in areas which will be open for aircraft movement after the end of the working day, the contractor shall ensure that all transverse joints are ramped down so no abrupt edges remain. � t Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 14: RUNWAY ANDTAXNVAYVISIJALAIDS(VISAIDS) Airport markings, lighting, signs, barricades and visual NAVAIDs shall be clearly visible to pilots. All must be secured in place to prevent movement by prop wash,jet blast, wing vortices, or other wind currents and constructed of materials that would minimize damage to an aircraft in the event of inadvertent contact. Temporarily closed taxiways/taxilanes will be identified by low profile barricades with red flashers. These barricades will be located outside of the safety area of any adjacent active taxilanes. Temporary pavement markings will not be used to identify the closed taxiways. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 15: MARKING AND SIGNS FOR ACCESS ROUTES All temporary and permanent pavement markings designated for installation during the course of this project have been designed in accordance AC 150/5340-18 and, to the extent practicable, with the Federal Highway Administration Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD} and/or State highway specifications. Any signs that are to be installed adjacent to areas used by aircraft will comply with the frangibility requirements of AC 150/5220-23, Frangible Connections, which may require modification to size and height guidance in the MUTCD. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 16: HAZARD MARKING, LIGHTING AND SIGNING All areas under construction that are normally accessible to aircraft, personnel, or vehicles will be identified and delineated using prominent, comprehensible warning indicators. Hazard marking and lighting will also be specified to identify open manholes, small areas under repair, stockpiled material, waste areas, and areas subject to jet blast. a. Hazard Marking and Lighting. Hazardous areas in the AOA, including any area affected by construction that is normally accessible to aircraft, personnel, or vehicles, open manholes, areas under repair, stockpiled material, waste areas, and areas subject to jet blast, shall be marked with barricades. During periods of low visibility and at night, red flashing lights shall be operational on the barricades. The hazardous area marking and lighting shall be furnished and maintained by the contractor. The contractor shall also mark cables and power-lines; airport surfaces such as RSA, OFA and OFZ; and other sensitive areas for contractor personnel to avoid. b. Equipment (1) Barricades. Barricades, as specified on the plans and in the specifications, will be used to identify and define the limits of construction as well as Contractor's temporary haul and access routes in the AOA. All barricades will be placed end to end such that any gaps left between the ends of the barricades are 4' or less. (2) Lights. Lights affixed to barricades or other hazard demarcations shall beflashing red, meeting the luminance requirements of WSDOT. Lights mounted on barricades shall be spaced at no more than 10ft. apart. Lights shall be operated between sunset and sunrise and during periods of low visibility whenever the airport is open for operations. (3) Maintenance. Contractor shall have a person on call 24 hours a day for emergency maintenance of airport hazard lighting and barricades. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 17: PROTECTION OF RUNWAY AND TAXIWAY SAFETY AREAS a. Runway safety Area (RSA) No construction will be allowed to occur within the RSA without the associated runway being closed. b. Taxiway Safety Area (TSA) Construction activities within the TSA will be subject to the following conditions: (1) No construction will be allowed to occur within the TSA while the taxiway is open for aircraft operations. (2) Blasting operations are prohibited. (3) Excavations. ■ Open trenches or excavations will not be permitted within the TSA. All trenches and excavations adjacent to the TSA shall be backfilled before the taxiway is opened. Ifthe taxiway must be opened before excavations are backfilled,open excavations shall be covered using systems designed to allow the safe operation of the heaviest aircraft operating on the taxiway across the open excavation without damage to the aircraft. ■ Contractor will be required to mark open trenches and excavations at the construction site with b a r r i c a d e and light them with red lights during hours of restricted visibility or darkness. (4) Erosion Control. Soil erosion provisions will be as shown on the plans. c. Taxiway Object Free Area (TOFA) Construction activities within the TOFA will be subject to the following conditions: (1 ) No construction will be allowed to occur within the TOFA while the taxiway is open for aircraft operation (2) Blasting operations are prohibited. � � Renton Municipal Airport �s� Excavations. (a) Contractor will be required to mark open trenches and excavations at the construction site with barricade and light them with red lights during hours of restricted visibility or darkness. �a� Erosion Control. Soil erosion provisions will be as shown on the plans. d. Obstac/e Free Zone (OFZ) No construction will be allowed to occur within the OFZ. e. Runway Approach/Departure Areas and C/earways No construction will be allowed to occur within the Runway Approach/Departure Areas and Clearways. � Renton Municipal Airport SECTION 18: OTHER LIMITATIONS ON CONSTRUCTION a. Prohibitions 1)No use of tall equipment (cranes, concrete pumps and so on) unless a 7460-1 determination letter is issued for such equipment. See Division 01 14 00 1.09 (Use of Tall Equipment)for the approved height limitations and hours of work. 2)No use of open flame welding or torches unless fire safety precautions are provided and the airport operator has approved their use. 3)Blasting is prohibited 4)No use of flare pots within the AOA. b. Restrictions 1)In addition to the project phasing conditions described in Section 2, the Contractor shall coordinate with Renton Municipal Airport to avoid conflicts with other project construction activities and applicable special events. 2)The speed limit within the perimeter fence of the airport is 15 mph. 3)Aircraft always have the right-of-way. � ' Renton Municipal Airport Appendix A: CSPP Drawings � Renton Municipal Airport