HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Issaquah 2018 CFP2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Issaquah School District No. 411 Issaquah, Washington Adopted May 23, 2018 Resolution No. 1116 The Issaquah School District No. 411 hereby provides this Capital Facilities Plan documenting present and future school facility requirements of the District. The plan contains all elements required by the Growth Management Act and King County Council Ordinance 21-A. Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................3 STANDARD OF SERVICE.......................................................................4 TRIGGER OF CONSTRUCTION..............................................................5 DEVELOPMENT TRACKING...................................................................5 NEED FOR IMPACT FEES......................................................................6 ENROLLMENT METHODOLOGY.............................................................8 TABLE ONE: ACTUAL STUDENT COUNTS 2009-10 through 2017-18 ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS 2018-19 through 2032-33 ...................9 TABLE TWO: STUDENT FACTORS - SINGLE FAMILY ............................10 TABLE THREE: STUDENT FACTORS - MULTI -FAMILY ...........................1 1 INVENTORY AND EVALUATION OF CURRENT FACILITIES ......................12 SITE LOCATION MAP..........................................................................13 SIX -YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN........................................................14 TABLE FOUR: PROJECTED CAPACITY TO HOUSE STUDENTS .............14 SCHOOL IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS.................................................15 BASIS FOR DATA USED IN SCHOOL IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS .........16 APPENDIX A: 2017-18 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAPACITIES...................17 APPENDIX B: 2017-18 MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPACITIES ............................18 APPENDIX C: 2017-18 HIGH SCHOOL CAPACITIES...............................19 APPENDIX D: 2017-18 DISTRICT TOTAL CAPACITIES ............................ 20 APPENDIX E: SIX -YEAR FINANCE PLAN...............................................21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") has been prepared by the Issaquah School District (the "District") as the District's primary facility planning document, in compliance with the requirements of Washington's Growth Management Act and King County Council Code Title 21A. This Plan was prepared using data available in May, 2018. This Plan is an update of prior long-term Capital Facilities Plans adopted by the Issaquah School District. However, this Plan is not intended to be the sole Plan for all of the District's needs. The District may prepare interim and periodic Long Range Capital Facilities Plans consistent with board policies, taking into account a longer or a shorter time period, other factors and trends in the use of facilities, and other needs of the District as may be required. Any such plan or plans will be consistent with this Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan. In June 1992, the District first submitted a request to King County to impose and to collect school impact fees on new developments in unincorporated King County. On November 16, 1992, the King County Council first adopted the District's Plan and a fee implementing ordinance. This Plan is the annual update of the Six -Year Plan. King County and the cities of Issaquah, Renton, Bellevue, Newcastle and Sammamish collect impact fees on behalf of the District. Most of these jurisdictions provide exemptions from impact fees for senior housing and certain low-income housing. Pursuant to the requirements of the Growth Management Act, this Plan will be updated on an annual basis, and any charges in the fee schedule(s) adjusted accordingly. STANDARD OF SERVICE School facility and student capacity needs are dictated by the types and amounts of space required to accommodate the District's adopted educational program. The educational program standards which typically drive facility space needs include grade configuration, optimal facility size, class size, educational program offerings, as well as classroom utilization and scheduling requirements and use of re -locatable classroom facilities (portables). Different class sizes are used depending on the grade level or programs offered such as special education or the gifted program. With the passage of Initiative 728 in November 2000, the Issaquah School Board established new class size standards for elementary grades K-5. The Board and District Administration will continue to keep class sizes near the levels provided by 1-728; this will be done via local levy funds. There is also legislation that requires the State to fund Full -Day Kindergarten by 2018. The District provided Full - Day Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year. A class size average of 20 for grades K-5 is now being used to calculate building capacities. A class size of 26 is used for grades 6-8 and 28 for grades 9-12. Special Education class size is based on 12 students per class. For the purpose of this analysis, rooms designated for special use, consistent with the provisions of King County Council Code Title 21A, are not considered classrooms. Invariably, some classrooms will have student loads greater in number than this average level of service and some will be smaller. Program demands, state and federal requirements, collective bargaining agreements, and available funding may also affect this level of service in the years to come. Due to these variables, a utilization factor of 95% is used to adjust design capacities to what a building may actually accommodate. Portables used as classrooms are used to accommodate enrollment increases for interim purposes until permanent classrooms are available. When permanent facilities become available, the portable(s) is either moved to another school as an interim classroom or removed. The King County decision to no longer allow schools to be built outside the Urban Growth Boundary Line (UGBL) means District owned property planned for a new elementary school and middle school cannot be used. The District recently sold this planned site to a third party. The District will need to locate alternative sites inside the UGBL. The State does not provide funding for property purchases. Approved Bond funding provides for a new high school, new middle school, two new elementary schools, a rebuild/expansion of an existing middle school and additions to six existing elementary schools. 4 TRIGGER OF CONSTRUCTION The Issaquah School District Capital Facilities Plan proposes construction of a new high school, a new middle school, two new elementary schools, the re-build/expansion of an existing middle school and additions to five existing elementary schools to meet the needs of elementary, middle school and high school capacity needs. The need for new schools and school additions is triggered by comparing our enrollment forecasts with our permanent capacity figures. These forecasts are by grade level and, to the extent possible, by geography. The analysis provides a list of new construction needed by school year. The decision on when to construct a new facility involves factors other than verified need. Funding is the most serious consideration. Factors including the potential tax rate for our citizens, the availability of state funds and impact fees, the ability to acquire land, and the ability to pass bond issues determine when any new facility can be constructed. The planned facilities will be funded by a bond passed on April 26, 2016, school impact fees and reserve funds held by the District. New school facilities are a response to new housing which the county or cities have approved for construction. The District's Six -Year Finance Plan is shown in Appendix E. DEVELOPMENT TRACKING In order to increase the accuracy and validity of enrollment projections, a major emphasis has been placed on the collection and tracking data of known new housing developments. This data provides two useful pieces of planning information. First, it is used to determine the actual number of students that are generated from a single family or multi -family residence. It also provides important information on the impact new housing developments will have on existing facilities and/or the need for additional facilities. Developments that have been completed or are still selling houses are used to forecast the number of students who will attend our schools from future developments. Generation rates for elementary school, middle school and high school student per new single-family residence and new multi -family housing is shown on page 10 and page 11. NEED FOR IMPACT FEES Impact fees and state matching funds have not been a reliable source of revenue. Because of this, the Issaquah School District asked its voters on February 7, 2006 to fund the construction of an elementary school, one middle school, expand Maywood Middle School, expand Liberty High School, and rebuild Issaquah High School. District voters also approved on April 17, 2012 a ballot measure that provided funding to expand two elementary schools, rebuild/expand two additional elementary schools, add classrooms to one high school and rebuild/expand one middle school. Due to the high cost of land and the limited availability of a parcel large enough to accommodate a middle school program, the School Board reallocated the moneys designated to build the middle school to expand the capacity of Issaquah and Skyline high schools. On April 26, 2016 voters approved bond funding for the construction of a new high school, a new middle school and two new elementary schools, the rebuild/expansion of an existing middle school and additions to six existing elementary schools. As demonstrated in Appendix A, (page 17) the District currently has a permanent capacity (at 100%) to serve 8288 students at the elementary level. Appendix B, (page 18) shows a permanent capacity (at 100%) for 4480 students at the middle school level Appendix C (page 19) shows a permanent capacity (at 100%) of 5580 students at the high school level. Current enrollment is identified on page 9. The District elementary projected Oct 2018 FTE is 9658. Adjusting permanent capacity by 95% leaves the District's elementary enrollment over permanent capacity at the elementary level by 1784 students (Appendix A). At the middle school level, the projected Oct 2018 headcount is 5034. This is 778 students over permanent capacity (Appendix B). At the high school level the district is over permanent capacity by 479 students (Appendix C). Based on the District's student generation rates, the District expects that 0.763 students will be generated from each new single family home and 0.24 students will be generated from each new multi -family dwelling unit. Applying the enrollment projections contained on page 9 to the District's existing permanent capacity (Appendices A, B, and C) and if no capacity improvements are made by the year 2023-24, and permanent capacity is adjusted to 95%, the District elementary population will be over its permanent capacity by 1986 students, at the middle school level by 1117 students, and will be over its permanent capacity by 1382 at the high school level. The District's enrollment projections are developed using two methods: first, the cohort survival — historical enrollment method is used to forecast enrollment growth based upon the progression of existing students in the District; then, the enrollment projections are modified to include students anticipated from new developments in the District. 6 To address existing and future capacity needs, the District's six -year construction plan includes the following capacity projects: Facility Projected Location Additional Expansions Completion Date Capacity New High School 2021 Issaquah 1600 New Middle School 2021 Issaquah 850 Rebuild/Expand Pine Lake Middle 2018 Sammamish 242 New Elementary #16 2020 Issaquah 680 New Elementary #17 2021 Sammamish 680 Expand Cougar Ridge Elementary 2018 Bellevue 120 Expand Discovery Elementary 2019 Sammamish 120 Expand Endeavour Elementary 2019 King County 120 Expand Maple Hills Elementary 2020 King County 120 Expand Sunset Elementary 2018 Bellevue 120 Creekside Elementary Portable 2018 Sammamish 40 Maple Hills Elementary Portable 2018 King County 40 Challenger Elementary Portable 2018 Sammamish 40 Pine Lake Middle School Portable 2018 Sammamish 56 Sunny Hills Elementary Portables 2018 Sammamish 80 Issaquah Middle School Portables 2018 Issaquah 208 Issaquah High School Portable 2018 Issaquah 56 Maywood Middle School Portable 2018 King County 56 Based upon the District's capacity data and enrollment projections, as well as the student generation data, the District has determined that a majority of its capacity improvements are necessary to serve students generated by new development. The school impact fee formula ensures that new development only pays for the cost of the facilities necessitated by new development. The fee calculations examine the costs of housing the students generated by each new single family dwelling unit or each new multi -family dwelling unit and then reduces that amount by the anticipated state match and future tax payments. The resulting impact fee is then discounted further. Thus, by applying the student generation factor to the school project costs, the fee formula only calculates the costs of providing capacity to serve each new dwelling unit. The formula does not require new development to contribute the costs of providing capacity to address existing needs. The King County Council and the City Councils of the Cities of Bellevue, Issaquah, Newcastle, Renton and Sammamish have created a framework for collecting school impact fees and the District can demonstrate that new developments will have an impact on the District. The impact fees will be used in a manner consistent with RCW 82.02.050 - .100 and the adopted local ordinances. Engrossed Senate Bill 5923, enacted in the 2015 Legislative Session, requires that developers be provided an option to defer payment of impact fees to final inspection, certificate of occupancy, or closing, with no fees deferred longer than 18 months from building permit issuance. The District adopts the positions that: (1) no school impact fee should be collected later than the earlier of final inspection or 18 months from the time of building permit issuance; and (2) no developer applicant should be permitted to defer payment of school impact fees for more than 20 dwelling units in a single year. The District's recent and ongoing student growth, coupled with the need for the timely funding and construction of new facilities to serve this growth, requires strict adherence to this position. ENROLLMENT METHODOLOGY Two basic techniques are used, with the results compared, to establish the most likely range of anticipated student enrollment: 1. The student 3-2-1 cohort survival method. Examine Issaquah School District enrollments for the last 5 years and determine the average cohort survival for the consecutive five-year period. Because cohort survival does not consider students generated from new development it is a conservative projection of actual enrollment. For the same reason, these projections are also slow to react to actual growth. 2. Based on information from King County, realtors, developers, etc., seek to establish the number of new dwelling units that will be sold each year. The new dwelling units are converted to new students based on the following: a) The number of actual new students as a percentage of actual new dwellings for the past several years. b) Determine the actual distribution of new students by grade level for the past several years, i.e., 5% to kindergarten, 10% to first grade, 2% to 11th grade, etc. c) Based on an examination of the history shown by (a) and (b) above, establish the most likely factor to apply to the projected new dwellings. After determining the expected new students, the current actual student enrollments are moved forward from year to year with the arrived at additions. One of the challenges associated with all projection techniques is that they tend to always show growth because the number of houses and the general population always increases. Enrollments, however, can and do decrease even as the population increases. The reason is as the population matures, the number of kindergartners will go down as the number of 10th graders is still increasing. To adjust for this factor, the number of school age children per dwelling is examined. When this number exceeds expectations, it is probably because the District is still assuming kindergarten growth, while the main growth is actually moving into middle school. When this happens, a reduction factor is added to kindergarten to force it to decrease even though the general population continues to grow. A precise statistical formula has not been developed to make this adjustment. After all of the projections have been made and examined, the most likely range is selected. An examination of past projections compared with actual enrollment indicates the cohorts tend to be more accurate over a ten-year time span while dwelling units tend to be more accurate over a shorter period. The probable reason is that over a ten-year period, the projections tend to average out even though there are major shifts both up and down within the period. Enrollment projections for the years 2018-2019 through 2032-2033 are shown in Table One. Student generation factors are shown in Table Two and Table Three. TABLE ONE: ACTUAL STUDENT COUNTS 2009-10 through 2017-18 ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS 2018-19 through 2032-33 FTE EnrGUment Yea K 1ST ZVD M SIH 5M 6TH 7TH ETH 9M IM 11IH 12TH TOW K-5 64 9-li Total 2DR9-la 593 1319 1351 12M 1371 12M IM 179 I255 1325 1171 1IT! 1147 MUM 7NIJ 3UO 477 15))07 291D-11 613 LM 1355 1385 1319 1400 IM Md 12PE 1326 1333 RID 1015 Idim 741M 3M 4783 14.➢38 2011-12 6W 1396 1423 1374 1417 1346 14' L311 L146 I34I 1319 I?U 1021 Memo 7545 4C" 4934 16.w 2012-13 651 136I 1467 1496 1440 1448 1,02 1447 1339 1412 1353 IZ25 U46 17 2013-14 654 1499 1414 1536 149E 1477 14w- 1391 1463 L444 14W 12D 111 17A* M59 4316 5091 17,96 2014-15 6W 1494 1552 1478 L%5 1555 1312 1*1 I432 105 13M 3292 1115 16,406 8317 4435 5 ISX6 ZOW16 661 1547 155E MS 1548 1iM I600 I55? IP-0 14T2 1489 11B} 1116 WAS m 46'rl 1254 IRAO, 24i6-19+ 1403 1423 16Y3 1609 1650 IW4 I626 IW-6 iiW 1565 14. MO MR "AN 9376 4907 53.93 19,6D6 2U"B 14r. 1%1 153f 101 1611 163D I627 1655 I692 1E9 1545 1243 116' ZRP" 95>6 49B 5 *aAim 2018-19 13-4' 1611 1617 1590 1716 1678 170 1551 16?7 Iff" 1619 Il37L 111 n;,M a76a 5M 5720 MA72 2019-26 1311 I610 16M 1675 1&4 1753 1711 1733 UEO 171.3 1670 M6 1243 29P6 971D 5i23 60B 2m895 2021-21 1406 I530 1670 1739 1723 160 I7PO 1739 17D Mb 1?W 1474 1306 21XW 971P, r^._E =D ZI" IM 22 1398 15M 1539 l72? 1760 1752 I693 1815 I7S IlV5 1706 1505 1350 21r1%'3 9791 52-2 63a5 21,41E 2922-23 1396 1556 1611 11547 1757 1796 1779 1719 IM 1?9i 1792 15U7 1376 21 n 9773 53M 040 2115M 2623-24 1535 1557 IM 1678 1673 1795 =5 I805 1743 19 r 1'S7 159_' 13. n OR 935E 5m 663E 21AM 2021-25 15.8 1695 1616 JM 17.11 1717 =5 1851 U00 1779 1SE Il594 1464 njM 9954 55W dM9 EZ160 MS-26 IW 17E9 1754 1673 170S 1749 1747 1851 EM 1866 1768 IM7 1467 W71 10131 5474 67P W71 2026 27 1557 I707 1761 1811 1705 1743 rrm 1772 rv6 19II 1$55 1373 22fi84 laM 54 T W9 22,587 2"728 156E 1716 1765 1818 IM 1742 ITT2 1834 I73r7 1911 "M 1660 1445 22,70 1045T_ 5373 d9I5 22,7Aa 202E-29 1550 1729 1775 1922 1850 18SIl ITT? 179S 1129 IM ON 1707 221973 im 533 WE Z"75 7CGG.29-30 1553 1710 1786 W2 1954 1M 1910 I79S 12M IM = 1?06 L5V ZRAU 10623 Ml W., ZJAU 2430,31 1555 I713 1768 1843 18M 184- 1919 I936 I323 IBM IRU 1673 153 232" 106i5 -w- 6916 7szr 2031,32 1536 I715 1771 1825 I875 NM 190-1 19" L961 1953 1.847 IIC69 23,333 106" ms 73333 203223 1556 1716 1773 I= 1837 1913 1931 1947 L90 M 6 184? 16M 1531 TZ1 3 IN" 5S4 , M" 23" M r♦r `7 Era;mEr11 m(If= She 3d1116n Li .'tZE FLMdM F111 COaj MCEWrIlE TABLE TWO: STUDENT FACTORS -SINGLE FAMILY 2017-18 Single Family Single Family Development Belvedere Cavalia Cedarcroft Claremont @ Renton Forest Heights Glencoe, Preswick & Kinlock @ Trossachs Heritage Estates Highcroft @ Sammamish Issaquah Highlands Issaquah Highlands - Ichijo Sun Ridge Lawson Park Liberty Gardens Overlook @ Brookshire Summit Pickering/Inneswood Estates Rivenwood Shorelane Vistas Symphony Ridge (new area) TOTALS SINGLE FAMILY Elementary School Middle School 6 - 8 High School 9 -12 TOTAL STUDENTS # Planned # Sold K-5 6-8 9-12 Total 94 92 42 17 20 79 49 49 21 12 22 55 27 4 0 0 1 1 91 91 18 3 12 33 24 6 0 1 0 1 211 198 80 45 76 201 86 86 57 20 18 95 121 120 48 19 27 94 311 236 42 27 61 130 35 35 11 5 12 28 31 31 20 6 8 34 36 36 3 1 5 9 38 36 7 2 1 10 30 21 10 9 11 30 52 52 20 8 13 41 38 38 8 6 13 27 57 51 19 6 9 34 1331 1182 406 187 309 902 0.343 0.158 0.261 0.763 These developments are currently under construction or have been completed within the past five years 10 AVERAGE PER UNIT K-5 6-8 9-12 Total 0.457 0.185 0.217 0.859 0.429 0.245 0.449 1.122 0 0 0.25 0-25 0.198 0.033 0.132 0.363 0 0.167 0 0.167 0.404 0.227 0.384 1.015 0.663 0233 0.209 1.105 0.4 0.158 0.225 0.783 0.178 0.114 0.258 0-551 0.314 0.143 0.343 0.8 0.645 0.194 0.258 1.097 0.083 0-028 0.139 0.25 0.194 0.056 0.028 0.278 0.476 0.429 0.524 1.429 0.385 0.154 0.25 0.788 0.211 0158 0.342 0.711 0.373 0-118 0.176 0.667 0.343 0.168 0.261 0.763 TABLE THREE: STUDENT FACTORS - MULTI -FAMILY 2017-18 Multi Family STUDENTS AVERAGE PER UNIT Multi Family Development # Planned # Sold K-5 6-8 9-12 Total Avalon Bay 900 7 3 0 1 4 Issaquah Highlands -View Ridge 38 38 10 8 7 25 Issaquah Highlands -The Brownstones 175 175 19 11 15 45 Lake Boren Townhomes 56 56 2 1 1 4 Lakehouse 41 17 4 0 1 5 Overlook @ Brookshire 42 42 2 1 0 3 Talus: Spring Peak 28 28 0 0 1 1 TOTALS 1280 363 40 21 26 87 MULTI FAMILY Elementary School Middle School 6 - 8 High School 9 -12 TOTAL 0.110 0.058 0.072 0.240 These developments are currently under construction or have been completed within the past fire years. K-5 6-8 9-12 Total 0.429 0.000 0.143 0.571 0.263 0.211 0.184 0.658 0.109 0.063 0.086 0.257 0.036 0.018 0.018 0.071 0.235 0.000 0.059 0.294 0.048 0.024 0.000 0.071 0.000 0.000 0.036 0.036 0.110 0.058 0.072 0.240 INVENTORY AND EVALUATION OF CURRENT FACILITIES Currently, using the 95% utilization factor, the District has the capacity to house 17431 students in permanent facilities and 4195 students in portables. The projected student enrollment for the 2018- 2019 school year is expected to be 20472 including K-5 FTE which leaves a permanent capacity deficit of 3041. Adding portable classrooms into the capacity calculations gives us a capacity of 21626 with a surplus capacity of 1154 for the K-12 student population. Calculations of elementary, middle school and high school capacities are shown in Appendices A, B and C. Totals are shown in Appendix D. Below is a list of current facilities. These facility locations and sites are shown on the District Site Location Map. EXISTING FACILITIES LOCATION GRADE SPAN K-5: Apollo Elementary 15025 S.E. 1171h Street, Renton Briarwood Elementary 17020 S.E. 134th Street, Renton Cascade Ridge Elementary 2020 Trossachs Blvd. SE, Sammamish Challenger Elementary 25200 S.E. Klahanie Blvd., Issaquah Clark Elementary 335 First Ave. S.E., Issaquah Cougar Ridge Elementary 4630 16711 Ave. S.E., Bellevue Creekside Elementary 20777 SE 16th Street, Sammamish Discovery Elementary 2300 228th Ave. S.E., Sammamish Endeavour Elementary 26205 S.E. Issaquah -Fall City Rd., Issaquah Grand Ridge Elementary 1739 NE Park Drive, Issaquah Issaquah Valley Elementary 555 N.W. Holly Street, Issaquah Maple Hills Elementary 15644 204th Ave. S.E., Issaquah Newcastle Elementary 8440 136th Ave S.E., Newcastle Sunny Hills Elementary 3200 Issaquah -Pine Lake Rd. S.E., Sammamish Sunset Elementary 4229 W. Lk. Sammamish Pkwy. S.E., Issaquah GRADE SPAN 6-8: Beaver Lake Middle School 25025 S.E. 32"d Street, Issaquah Issaquah Middle School 600 2"d Ave. Ave. S.E., Issaquah Maywood Middle School 14490 168th Ave. S.E., Renton Pacific Cascade Middle School 24635 SE Issaquah -Fall City Rd, Issaquah Pine Lake Middle School 3200 228th Ave. S.E., Sammamish GRADE SPAN 9-12: Issaquah High School 700 Second Ave. S.E., Issaquah Liberty High School 16655 S.E. 136th Street, Renton Skyline High School 1122 228th Ave. S.E., Sammamish Gibson Ek High School 379 First Ave. S.E., Issaquah SUPPORT SERVICES: Administration Building 565 N.W. Holly Street, Issaquah May Valley Service Center 16404 S.E. May Valley Road, Renton Transportation Center 805 Second Avenue S.E., Issaquah Transportation Satellite 3402 228th Ave. S.E., Sammamish 12 �.1 to �earl�r •Calag� ,� M Asdeje wuguAr��fr�r war 9d w � • Nexa we � ..�uY_ Qy I. coftef [ ; 3v ft" Mayw od ■ Mladle 3w�e+ pentw,wpr.y��R SITE LOCATION MAP ■ SkyHno High School ' � 0lsavery 5inny Hills pine Lake Clwillengen Muddle Babver laic MMdIe 405 ■ Pacific Cascade Uladie maplowills e 6rarod Rklp ■ h9 quab Middf e ■Issaquah High Ater R' S14 ■ Echo 6kn {hiidren{e agend ■ Bcrwtjrj5dmI ■ Middfi fth Stood M Adminss *igflI5uppar smic 5 ON I 13 THE ISSAQUAH SCHOOL DISTRICT'S SIX -YEAR CONSTRUCTION PLAN The District's Six -Year Finance Plan is shown in Appendix E. Shown in Table Four is the District's projected capacity to house students, which reflects the additional facilities as noted. Voters passed a $533 million bond in April 2016 to fund the purchase of land for and construction of a new high school, a new middle school, two new elementary schools, the rebuild/expansion of an existing middle school and additions to six existing elementary schools. The District does anticipate receiving State matching funds that would reduce future bond sale amounts or be applied to new K-12 construction projects included in this Plan. The District also anticipates that it will receive $500,000 in impact fees and mitigation payments that will be applied to capital projects. The District projects 20,472 FTE students for the 2018-2019 school year and 21,862 FTE students in the 2023-2024 school year. Growth will be accommodated by the planned facilities. Per the formula in the adopted school impact fee ordinance, half of the unfunded growth -related need is assigned to impact fees and half is the local share. TABLE FOUR: PROJECTED CAPACITY TO HOUSE STUDENTS Projected Capacity to House Students Years 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 Permanent Capacity 17826 18348 18348 19028 22158 22158 High School 56 1600 Middle School 346 850 Elementary School 120 680 680 Gross Totals 18348 18348 19028 22158 22158 22158 *Subtotal (Sum at 95% Utilization Rate) 17431 17431 18077 21050 210501 21050 Portables @ 95% 4195 4195 4195 4195 4195 4195 Total Capacity 21626 21626 22272 25245 25245 25245 Projected FTE Enrollment" 20472 20896 21199 21418 21571 21862 Permanent Capacity @ 95% (surplus/deficit -3041 -3465 -3122 -368 -521 -812 Permanent Cap w/Portables (surplus/deficit 1154 730 1073 3827 3674 3383 * Permanent Capacity and New Construction calculations are based on the 95% utilization factors (see Appendix D) The number of planned portables may be reduced if permanent capacity is increased by a future bond issue. 14 SCHOOL IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS DISTRICT Issaquah SD #411 YEAR 2018 School Site Acquisition Cost: ((Acres x Cost per Acre)/Facility Capacity) x Student Generation Factor Student Student Facility Cost/ Facility Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ Acreage Acre Capacity SFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary 7.00 $1,000,000 680' 0.343' 0.110 $3,536 $1,134 Middle/Jr High 10.00 $1,000,000 850 ' 0.158' 0.058 $1,861 $681 High 30.00 $1,000,000 1,600 ' 0.261 ' 0.072 $4,902 $1,343 TOTAL $10,299 $3,158 School Construction Cost: ((Facility Cost/Facility Capacity) x Student Generation Factor) x (Permanent/Total Sq Ft) Student Student %Penn/ Facility Facility Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ Total Sq.Ft. Cost Capacity SFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary 92.37% $30,000,000 680 ' 0.343' 0.110 $13,998 $4,491 Middle/Jr High 92.37% $55,000,000 850 ' 0.158' 0.058 $9,456 $3,458 High 92.37% $95,000,000 1,600' 0.261 ' 0.072 $14,338 $3,928 TOTAL $37,791 $11,876 Temporary Facility Cost: ((Facility Cost/Facility Capacity) x Student Generation Factor) x (Temporary/Total Square Feet) Student Student %Temp/ Facility Facility Factor Factor Cost/ Cost/ Total Sq.Ft. Cost Size SFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary 7.63% $250,000 80 0.343 0.110 $82 $26 Middle/Jr High 7.63% $250,000 56 0.158 0.058 $54 $20 High 7.63% $250,000 224 0.261 0.072 $22 $6 TOTAL $158 $52 State Matching Credit: Area Cost Allowance x SPI Square Footage x District Match % x Student Factor Student Student Current Area SPI District Factor Factor Cost/ Cosy Cost Allowance Footage Match % SFR MFR SFR MFR Elementary $225.97 90 8.00% 0.343 0.110 $559 $179 Middle/Jr High $225.97 108 0.00% 0.158 0.058 $0 $0 High School $225.97 130 0.00% 0.261 0.072 $0 $0 TOTAL $559 $179 Tax Payment Credit: SFR MFR Average Assessed Value $780,064 $321,036 Capital Bond Interest Rate 3.85% 3.85% Net Present Value of Average Dwelling $6,374,447 $2,623,446 Years Amortized 10 10 Property Tax Levy Rate $1.49 $1.49 Present Value of Revenue Stream $9,498 $3,909 Fee Summary: Single Multi - Family Family Site Acquistion Costs $10,298.78 $3,157.92 Permanent Facility Cost $37,790.93 $11,876.49 Temporary Facility Cost $158.05 $52.08 State Match Credit ($558.85) ($179.28) Tax Payment Credit ($9,497.93) ($3,908.94) FEE (AS CALCULATED) $38,190.99 $10,998.27 Local Share $22,914.59 $6,598.96 FINAL FEE $15,276 $4,399 Each city or county sets and adopts the amount of the school impact fee. For the applicable fee schedule, please consult with the permitting jurisdiction for the development project. W BASIS FOR DATA USED IN SCHOOL IMPACT FEE CALCULATIONS SCHOOL SITE ACQUISITION COST: • Elementary Two new sites are planned for purchase • Middle School One new site is planned for purchase • High School One new site is planned for purchase SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION COST: • Elementary $30,000,000 is the proportional cost of the project providing additional elementary capacity • Middle School $55,000,000 is the proportional costs of the projects providing additional middle school capacity • High School $95,000,000 is the proportional cost of the project providing additional high school capacity PERCENTAGE OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY SQUARE FOOTAGE TO TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE: Total Square Footage Permanent Square Footage (OSPI) Temporary Square Footage STATE MATCH CREDIT: Current Area Cost Allowance Percentage of State Match 16 2,634,410 2,459,774 187,572 $225.97 39.54% 1 0 Z W rv/� y`1 'o W roe�/�bdb Q/oSWnWjXb� 1 �d'lcob _ V Q C.����� 1 V bdb, Ibc ko 0 N� 0 O ONg r0e) db'J SS�Sb1N� �'Sb1N0a `U)i NHS/� li Q �B1b��bdb y�A G OV A% y� W rZ0,a W WooN��y 0 & 1 N youb�ObN 64l/fib "bow% O�SS•`S•ybo% �O d/bONb1S-yO * S7ct yoS 'T b 0 o b m �p O n OD N b N O !'� M n N C M co .- to M N a- -a b N a inw W m 1 b m m b m to co 0 N � O n O � � OD w M m m N m m m r m M O M m tb m m O! m G1 R G1 ann C! 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