HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Renton School 2018 Capital Facilities Plan2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Renton School District No. 403 Board of Directors Lynn Desmarais, President Gloria Hodge, Vice President Dr. Avanti Berquist Alisa Louie Pam Teal Dr. Damien Pattenaude, Superintendent AAJ May 2018 enton SLH4oL oasYFEIct i#�YICF EXCIELL9711CF I F94JIF7 Approved by the Renton School District Board of Directors on June 6, 2018 2018 CAPITAL FACILITIES PLAN Renton School District No. 403 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................... 1 II. CAPACITY METHODOLOGY .................................. 5 III. INVENTORY AND CAPACITY OF FACILTIES ................... 9 IV. ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS ............................... 13 V. ENROLLMENT DRIVEN FACILITY NEEDS .................... 15 VI. SIX -YEAR FINANCE PLAN .................................. 17 VII. IMPACT FEES ............................................. 19 VIII. APPENDICES ............................................. 23 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This Six -Year Capital Facilities Plan (the "Plan") was prepared by Renton School District (the "District") in compliance with the requirements of the Washington State Growth Management Act (GMA, the Act), King County Code Title 21A.43, and applicable ordinances of the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton. It is the District's intent that the Plan be adopted by King County and the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton as a sub -element of their respective Capital Facilities Plans, and that that those jurisdictions assess and collect school impact fees on behalf of the District, as empowered by the GMA. This Plan, however, is not intended to be the sole planning instrument developed by the District to determine its capital facility needs. The GMA was adopted by the State legislature in 1990 in response to rapidly increasing development; most notably in King County and the surrounding central Puget Sound area. The Act requires state and local governments to manage Washington's growth by developing and implementing comprehensive land -use and transportation plans, by designating Urban Growth Areas, and by protecting natural resources and environmentally critical areas. The Capital Facilities Plan is one element of a County or City's Comprehensive Plan that addresses existing public facility capacities, forecasts future public facility needs, presents a plan for expanding existing facilities or constructing new facilities to meet those needs, and indicates how those public facility improvements are to be financed. The GMA empowers jurisdictions to assess and collect impact fees as one means of financing new public facilities necessitated by private development. This Capital Facilities Plan addresses the impact of growth on public school facilities by examining: 1. anticipated growth of the District's student population over the next six years; 2. the ability of existing and proposed classroom facilities to adequately house those students based on the District's current Standard of Service; 3. the need for additional enrollment driven capital facilities; 4. the method of financing those capital improvements; and 5. calculation of school impact fees based on, among other variables, the number of students generated by recent residential development (student generation factors). This plan is updated annually and submitted to local governments for inclusion as a sub - element in their Capital Facilities Plans. Past Plans have been adopted by King County and the Cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton. The District is currently engaged in - 1 - 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 dialogue with the cities of Tukwila and SeaTac regarding implementation of impact fees within their jurisdictions. Enrollment Projections: Enrollment projections provided by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), as adjusted by Renton School District, indicate a moderate overall increase in K-12 enrollment of 2.9% over the next six years. While there is a 10.8% increase at the high school level over this period of time, the projections show a decrease of 2.2% at grades K- 5, with an increase of 4.5% at the middle schools. The total net increase in student enrollment over the next six years is projected to be 448 students. A 2015 independent study of enrollment trends and projections prepared by Educational Data Solutions for Renton School District, reports less conservative outcomes. Taking into account King County birth rates, population growth and housing starts, K — 12 student enrollment over the next six years is projected to increase by as much as 2,560 on the high end, to as few as 1,203 on the low end, with a recommended projection of 1,851 additional students. For the purposes of this Capital Facilities Plan we used the more conservative projections based on OSPI's cohort survival method. Current Capacity: Student capacity of existing, permanent K-12 facilities, excluding special education facilities and facilities housing alternative learning environments, is 14,302. Based on current enrollment (October 1, 2017 headcount), the District is showing a permanent facility deficit of 1,244 at the elementary level. While the opening of the new Sartori Elementary School this fall will greatly reduce that number, the remaining deficit will still equal the capacity of one elementary school. With the opening of Risdon Middle School this school year, middle school capacity now exceeds current student enrollment, but only by a margin of 50, while high school capacity continues to exceed enrollment, with an excess of 222. Elementary school capacity is the District's greatest challenge. Relying heavily on the use of relocatable classrooms (portables) to accommodate the ever-increasing and fluctuating student population, portables at elementary schools now accounting for over 23% of the District's total K — 5 facility capacity. Portables are, however, not considered permanent structures and are not included in the inventory of permanent facilities. They are viewed as a short-term solution for managing enrollment fluctuation and housing students on a temporary basis, until permanent facilities can be constructed. They are not considered a long-term solution. Enrollment Projections and Future Capacity: Based on OSPI's conservative projections, K-12 enrollment growth will be slowing down, with an overall increase of 448 students over the next six years. While high school and middle school enrollment show increases of 464 and 166, respectively, elementary enrollment shows a decrease of 166 students over the same period of time. -2- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 The current high school surplus capacity of 222 will be constantly decreasing until the school year 2022-23, when a deficit of 124 is projected. Similarly, the surplus capacity at the middle school level may become a deficit as soon as the 2018-2019 school year. Options on addressing mitigation of secondary facility deficits will need to be considered, but are not addressed in this Plan. Even with the opening of the new Sartori Elementary School, scheduled for the 2018-19 school year, and the decrease in elementary enrollment foreseen by the enrollment projections, a significant deficit exists, and will continue to exist, at elementary schools. The challenge of adequately housing grades K — 5 is further aggravated by the forthcoming reduction in K-3 class size. Without the addition of any new facilities, we are looking at a 2024 deficit of 1,360, the equivalent of two elementary schools. Capital Construction Plan: For the next six years, one of the District's highest priority will be the construction of new school facilities to accommodate past and projected growth, recognizing and acknowledging the major capacity deficit at the elementary school level. This includes: • Completion of Sartori Elementary School, the District's first urban elementary school, funded by the 2016 Capital Levy, a STEM school, drawing students from throughout the District. • Acquisition of land for future development. • Construction of an additional elementary school, and/or expansion of existing elementary school campuses. • Acquisition of additional relocatable classrooms (portables) and/or the redistribution of existing relocatables, as necessary. Other high priority capital improvements will fall into one or more of the following major categories; Safety and Security, Energy Conservation, Site Improvements, and Building Upgrades. Improvements will occur district -wide, affecting nearly all District facilities, achieving and maintaining the level of service necessary to provide safe, healthy, and nurturing learning environments for all students. Not all of these projects are enrollment driven. The District will also be exploring options for future expansion of its high school facilities. As an alternative to constructing a fourth high school, the feasibility of expanding existing facilities at the Lindbergh High School and Renton High School sites will be considered. Finance Plan: The primary funding sources for capital facilities projects over the next six years include remaining funds from the 2012 bond measure and 2016 capital levy; school impact fees currently being collected by King County and the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton; state funding available through the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction; and, future bond initiatives. -3- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 Estimated expenditures for enrollment driven projects are over the next six years are $92,300,000, of which approximately 32% are secured by the 2012 Bond and 2016 Capital Levy, Impact Fees, and State Construction Assistance Program. The remaining 68% is unsecured. Impact Fees: Impact fees were calculated in conformance with King County Council Ordinance 11621, Attachment A. One factor contributing to the increase in the multi -family fee while reducing of the single-family fee was the change in the overall student generation factors (SGF). While the SFG for single-family homes increased by a healthy 10.11%, the multi- family GFC jumped 66% above the previous year's factor. A comparison of current and last year's fees is shown below. 2017 2018 Change Single -Family $7,772 $6,877 $ 895 Multi -Family $1,570 $2,455 $885 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 II. CAPACITY METHODOLOGY STANDARD OF SERVICE The Renton School District Standard of Service is the standard adopted by the District that identifies the program year, school organizational structure, student/teacher ratios by grade level (taking into account the requirements of students with special needs), daily class schedule, types of facilities and other factors identified by the District to be beneficial in supporting its educational programs and objectives. The Standard of Service is the major determining factor, together with the number of classrooms (or teaching stations) in calculating facility capacity. The District has adopted a traditional elementary/middle/high school organizational structure that houses kindergarten through Grade 5 in elementary schools, Grades 6 through 8 in middle schools, and Grades 9 through 12 in high schools. The school -year calendar adopted by the District is also traditional; typically beginning in late August and ending in mid -June. Similarly, the District maintains a fairly traditional daily schedule, with classes beginning between 7:20 and 9:30 a.m. and ending between 2:03 and 3:10 p.m., depending on grade level. The District and the Renton Education Association recognize that reasonable class size is necessary for optimum learning, and have established the following student/teacher ratios: Grade Levels K-1 20:1 Grade Level 2 22:1 Grade Level 3 24:1 Grade Levels 4-12 29:1 The 29:1 ratio at the secondary level applies to all Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, World Languages, World Language Exploratory and Health classes. Other ratios apply as follows: Band/Orchestra 40:1 Choir 50:1 Middle School PE 35:1 High School PE 40:1 All other classes 31:1 For the purposes of this report, the student /teacher ratio for special education classes held in self-contained classrooms within comprehensive elementary and secondary facilities is assumed to be 12:1. Educational facilities dedicated solely to special education or other -5- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 specialized programs are excluded from capacity calculations, as are associated student headcounts. In response to new State and District graduation requirements, beginning with the 2018- 2019 school year, all District high schools will change from the current semester system to a trimester system, initiating the following changes: • Three 12-week terms instead of two 18-week terms • Five 72-minute periods per day instead of six 57-minute periods • Reduction of classroom efficiency from 82% to 80%, reducing facility capacity Student/teacher ratios referenced above are applicable to both permanent and relocatable classrooms. However, inasmuch as relocatable facilities do not generally allow for the full range of educational activities promoted by the District, they are generally viewed as temporary or interim housing, necessary to accommodate enrollment fluctuations and development driven enrollment increases, but only until such time as permanent facilities can be financed and constructed. For those reasons, relocatable classrooms capacities are calculated, but not used in the analysis of future facility needs. PRACTICAL CAPACITY MODEL The Practical Capacity Model calculates building capacity based on limitations that existing facilities place on enrollment as a result of current educational program needs, operating policy and contractual restrictions. The calculation is made by reviewing the use of each room in each facility. For every room housing students, a calculation is made, assigning a maximum number of students per room. Sometimes the capacity of core facilities, such as the cafeteria or gym, or the quantity of restroom fixtures, may limit facility capacity to a level below that calculated by collective classroom capacity levels. Capacity at the secondary school level is further limited by class scheduling restrictions and student distribution among elective classes. Based on a typical six -period day, if classrooms are utilized by staff for planning, then capacity is reduced by 17 percent (one - sixth) of theoretical capacity. Since secondary schools offer a variety of elective courses, it is not practical to assume that these classrooms will reach 100 percent of their maximum capacity, without compromising the curriculum. Another factor that has influenced facility capacity at the elementary school level is the transition from half -day to full -day kindergarten. Beginning with the 2014-2015 school year, all kindergarten classes throughout the District were extended to full -day. This change alone resulted in a decreased elementary school capacity of 692, the equivalent of more than one entire elementary school. This change was mitigated primarily by providing additional temporary, relocatable classrooms throughout the District, and by converting other specialized educational spaces, such as computer labs, into traditional K-5 classrooms. 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 In addition to full -day kindergarten, reduced student/teacher ratios as prescribed by the McCleary Act will significantly impact building capacity for grades K-3. A recent survey conducted as part of the K-3 Classroom Reduction Grant Program, authorized by SSB 6080 and validated under the auspices of OSPI, indicated that Renton School District will require an additional 42 classrooms to meet the required K-3 student/teacher ratio of 17:1. This Plan assumes that, beginning in 2020, the District Standard of Service will include a K -3 student teacher ratio of 17:1. 7- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 III. INVENTORY AND CAPACITY OF FACILITIES Renton School District's capital facilities include both permanent structures and relocatable (portable) classrooms. Permanent facilities are further categorized as either K-12 (traditional elementary, middle and high school configurations), Special Instructional Use or Non -instructional Support Facilities. The District maintains a total of 30 permanent and 55 relocatable facilities serving a total student population of 15,453 (October 2016 headcount). The District's permanent K-12 facilities include 14 elementary schools, 4 middle schools, and 4 high schools. Two Special Instructional Use facilities house the District's early childhood, special education and alternative learning programs. Support facilities include the Kohlwes Education Center (admin.), Transportation Center, Facilities Operations and Maintenance Center, Nutrition Services/Warehouse, Renton Memorial Stadium and the Lindbergh Swimming Pool. Total permanent facilities encompass 2,518,466 square feet, with 2,240,456 square feet (93%) devoted to K-12 and instructional special use. See Appendix A for District Maps. The District's relocatable K-12 facilities are used primarily to address enrollment fluctuations and to house students on a temporary basis until permanent facilities can be constructed. For those reasons they are not considered a long-term solution for housing students, and are not acknowledged in the calculation of the capacity of K-12 facilities. Of the 55 relocatable facilities in the District's inventory, 44 are "double portables" containing two classrooms, and 11 are singles. Combined, they provide the District with a total of 99 relocatable classrooms encompassing 88,720 square feet of additional instructional space. Table 1 below summarizes existing K-12 facility capacity. A complete inventory of District facilities, including undeveloped property, follows. Facility capacity worksheets may be found in Appendix B. EXISTING FACILITY CAPACITY Type YP Elementary Schools Middle Schools High Schools Total Permanent 6,384 3,408 4,510 14,302 Relocatable 1,943 552 120 2,615 Total 8,327 3,960 4,630 16,917 Table 2 sox 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 INVENTORY AND CAPACITY OF PERMANENT FACILITIES NAME LOCATION AREA (ft2) CAPACITY Benson Hill 18665 - 116TH Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98058 67,533 536 Bryn Mawr 8212 S 118th St., Seattle, WA 98178 49,157 358 Campbell Hill 6418 S 124th St., Seattle, WA 98178 57,072 356 Cascade 16022 - 116th Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98058 59,164 386 J O Hazelwood 7100 - 116th Ave. SE, Newcastle, WA 98056 66161 597 O Highlands 2727 NE 7th St., Renton, WA 98056 60,000 567 vUi Honey Dew 800 Union Ave. NE, Renton, WA 98059 54,620 324 Kennydale 1700 NE 28th st., Renton, WA 98056 65,169 648 zLakeridge 7400 S 115th St., Seattle, WA 98178 52,958 286 2 Maplewood Heights 130 Jericho Ave., Renton, WA 98059 56,220 456 � Renton Park 16828 - 128th Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98058 65,955 536 w Sierra Heights 2501 Union Ave. NE, Renton, WA 98058 53,992 478 Talbot Hill 2300 Talbot Road, Renton, WA 98055 57,844 480 Tiffany Park 1601 Lake Youngs Way, Renton, WA 98058 58,758 376 Total Grades K-5 Capacity 824,603 6,384 Dimmitt 12320 - 80th Ave. S, Seattle 98178 109,070 884 J J McKnight 2600 NE 12th St., Renton, WA 98056 126,706 872 O p O Nelsen 2403 Jones Ave. S, Renton, WA 98055 124,234 791 U Risdon 6928 - 116th Ave SE, Newcastle, WA 98056 136,582 861 F� Total Grades 6-8 Capacity 496,592 3,408 � Hazen 1101 Hoquiam Ave. NE, Renton, WA 98059 327,395 1,420 p Lindbergh 16426 - 128th Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98058 242,662 1,128 NRenton 400 S 2nd St., Renton, WA 98057 278,373 1,524 = Talley 7800 S 132nd St., Renton, WA 98178 70,831 438 = Total Grades 9-12 Capacity 919,261 4,510 Total Grade Levels K-12 2,240,456 14,302 Meadow Crest ECC 1800 Index Ave. NE, Renton, WA 98056 68,752 464 HOME Program - Spring Glen 2607 Jones Ave. S, Renton, WA 98055 7,005 84 J Z Q Q Renton Academy - Spring Glen 2607 Jones Ave. S, Renton, WA 98055 24,837 48 w J Total Instructional Special Use 100,594 596 Total Instructional Facilities 2,341,050 14,898 N Facilities Operations Center 7812 S 124th St., Seattle, WA 98178 21,894 LU u Kohlwes Educational Center 300 SW 7th St., Renton, WA 98055 57,000 wLindbergh Pool 16740 - 128th Ave. SE, Renton, WA 98058 13,600 `" H Nutrition Services/Warehouse 409 S Tobin St., Renton, WA 98057 27,466 O Renton Memorial Stadium 405 Logan Ave. N, Renton, WA 98055 37,213 a Transportation Center 420 Park Ave. N, Renton, WA 98057 20,243 Ln Total Support Services 177,416 Total All Permanent Facilities 2,518,466 -10- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 INVENTORY AND POTENTIAL CAPACITY OF RELOCATABLE CLASSROOMS NUMBER OF SCHOOL AREA (sq.ft.) STUDENT BLDG.ID LOCATION CLASSROOMS NO(S). CAPACITY 53 McKnight Middle 2 7/8 1,792 48 54 Nelsen Middle 2 7/8 1,792 48 55 Nelsen Middle 2 5/6 1,792 48 56 Nelsen Middle 2 3/4 1,792 48 57 Nelsen Middle 2 1/2 1,792 48 59 Lindbergh High 1 2 896 24 60 Lindbergh High 1 3 896 24 61 Lindbergh High 1 4 896 24 62 Ta I bot Hi I I El ementa ry 1 2 896 29 64 Ta I bot Hi I I El ementa ry 1 1 896 29 65 Dimmitt Middle 1 3 896 24 66 Dimmitt Middle 1 4 896 24 69 Honey Dew Elementary 2 3A/3B 1,792 58 70 Ta I bot Hi I I El ementa ry 1 3 896 29 72 McKnight Middle 2 3/4 1,792 48 73 La keri dge El ementa ry 2 5/6 1,792 58 74 Sierra Heights Elementary 2 5/6 1,792 58 77 McKnight Middle 2 5/6 1,792 48 78 McKnight Middle 2 1/2 1,792 48 79 Dimmitt Middle 2 1/2 1,792 48 80 Honey Dew Elementary 2 2A/2B 1,792 58 81 Cascade Elementary 2 1/2 1,792 58 82 Sierra Heights Elementary 2 1/2 1,792 58 83 Lindbergh High 2 5 1,792 48 84 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 5/6 1,792 58 85 Dimmitt Middle 1 5 896 24 86 Dimmitt Middle 1 6 896 24 87 Dimmitt Middle 1 7 896 24 88 Bryn Mawr Elementary 2 1/2 1,800 58 89 Bryn Mawr Elementary 2 3/4 1,800 58 90 Honey Dew Elementary 2 4A/4B 1,792 58 91 Honey Dew Elementary 2 1A/1B 1,792 58 92 Tiffany Park Elementary 2 1/2 1,792 58 93 Spring Glen 2 1/3 1,792 48 94 Spring Glen 2 2/4 1792 48 95 Campbell Hill Elementary 2 2A/2B 1,792 58 96 Campbell Hill Elementary 2 1A/1B 1,792 58 97 Cascade Elementary 2 3/4 1,792 58 98 Cascade Elementary 2 5/6 1,792 58 99 La keri dge El ementa ry 2 7/8 1792 58 100 La keri dge El ementa ry 2 3/4 1,792 58 101 Campbell Hill Elementary 2 3A/3B 1,792 58 102 Campbell Hill Elementary 2 4A/4B 1,792 58 103 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 1/2 1,792 58 104 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 3/4 1792 58 105 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 7/8 1,792 58 106 Sierra Heights Elementary 2 3/4 1,792 58 107 Sierra Heights Elementary 2 7/8 1,792 58 108 Tiffany Park Elementary 2 3/4 1792 58 109 Bryn Mawr Elementary 2 5/6 1,792 58 110 Hazelwood Elementary 2 1A/1B 1792 58 111 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 9/10 1792 58 112 Maplewood Heights Elementary 2 11/12 1792 58 113 Ta I bot Hi I I El ementa ry 2 1A/1 B 1792 58 114 Ta I bot Hi I I El ementa ry 2 2A/2 B 1792 58 Total 99 88,720 2,711 - 11 - 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 RELOCATABLE FACILITY CAPACITY BY SITE AREA LOCATION ADDRESS RELOCATABLE FACILITY ID (sq. ft.) CAPACITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Bryn Mawr 8212 S 118th St., Seattle 98178 88, 89, 109 5,392 174 Campbell Hill 6418 S 124th St., Seattle 98178 95, 96, 101, 102 7,168 • 232 Cascade 16022 116th Ave. SE, Renton 98058 81, 97, 98 5,376 174 Hazelwood 7100116th Ave. SE, Newcastle 98056 110 1,792 58 Honeydew 800 Union Ave. NE, Renton 98059 69, 80, 90, 91 7,168 232 Lakeridge 7400 S 115th St., Seattle 98178 73, 99, 100 5,376 174 Maplewood Heights 130Jericho Ave. SE, Renton 98059 84, 103, 104, 105, 111, 112 10,752 348 Sierra Heights 2501 Union Ave. NE, Renton 98059 74, 82, 106, 107 7,168 232 Talbot Hill 2300Talbot Rd. S, Renton 98055 62, 64, 70, 113, 114 6,272 203 Tiffany Park 1601 Lake Youngs Way SE, Renton 98058 92,108 3,584 116 Elementary School Total 60,048 1,943 MIDDLE SCHOOLS D i m m i tt 12320 80th Ave. S, Sea ttl e 98078 65, 66, 79, 85, 86, 87 6,272 168 McKnight 1200 Edmonds Ave. NE, Renton 98056 53, 72, 77, 78 7,168 192 Nelsen 2403 Jones Ave. S, Renton 98055 54, 55, 56, 57 7,168 192 Middle School Total 20,608 552 HIGH SCHOOLS Lindbergh 16426 128th Ave. SE, Renton 98058 59, 60, 61, 83 4,480 120 High School Total 4,480 120 INSTRUCTIONAL SPECIAL USE Spring Glen 2706 Jones Ave. S, Renton 98055 93,94 3,584 96 Special Education Total 3,584 96 TOTAL ALL RELOCATABLE CLASSROOMS 88,720 2,711 UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY Skyway Site 4.18 acres NW corner S Langston Rd. & 761h Ave. S -12- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 IV. ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS Renton School District six -year enrollment projections through the 2023-24 school year are based on data published by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). OSPI utilizes the cohort survival method to forecast student enrollment projections for a six -year period based on actual student headcounts documented for the previous six years. Enrollment reports prepared by the District are submitted to OSPI on a monthly basis. The District's October 1, 2016 Enrollment Report and OSPI Report No. 1049, dated March 12, 2018, are included in Appendix C. Renton School District six -year enrollment projections, found on the following page, reflect adjustments to OSPI's report based on the following: 1. Report structure has been modified to reflect middle school versus junior high school grade level configuration. 2. Headcount includes only K-12 students attending comprehensive instructional facilities and excludes students attending special education facilities or facilities dedicated to alternative learning experiences. As shown in Table 3 below, current projections indicate a modest overall increase in student enrollment of 2.9% over the next six years. This includes a substantial 10.8% increase in enrollment at the high school level, offset by a 2.2% decrease at the elementary grade levels K — 5. Middle school grade levels 6 — 8 should experience a moderate increase of 4.5% over the same period of time. PROJECTED ENROLLMENT GROWTH OCT.2017 HEADCOUNT 2023-24 PROJECTION ENROLLMENT INCREASE PERCENT INCREASE ELEMENTARY 7,628 7,462 -166 -2.2 MIDDLE 3,358 3,508 150 4.5 HIGH 4,288 4,752 464 10.8 TOTAL 15,274 15,722 448 2.9 Table 3 -13- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 403 ENROLLMENT PROJECTIONS BY COHORT SURVIVAL* (KK Linear Projection) --HEADCOUNT-- AVE. % - - - - PROJECTED ENROLLMENTS ---- Oct. 2017 SURVIVAL 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Kindergarten 1,248 1,262 1,256 1,251 1,245 1,239 1,233 Grade 1 1,278 102.19 1,275 1,290 1,284 1,278 1,272 1,266 Grade 2 1,248 98.95 1,265 1,262 1,276 1,270 1,265 1,259 Grade 3 1,330 98.52 1,230 1,246 1,243 1,257 1,251 1,246 Grade 4 1,297 98.44 1,309 1,210 1,226 1,224 1,238 1,232 Grade 5 1,227 99.05 1,285 1,297 1,199 1,215 1,212 1,226 Total K-5 7,628 7,625 7,561 7,479 7,489 7,477 7,462 Grade 6 1,126 96.81 1,188 1,244 1,255 1,161 1,176 1,174 Grade7 1,134 99.92 1,125 1,187 1,243 1,254 1,160 1,175 Grade 8 1,098 100.01 1,134 1,125 1,187 1,243 1,255 1,160 Total 6-8 3,358 3,447 3,556 3,685 3,658 3,590 3,508 Grade 9 1,086 102.35 1,124 1,161 1,152 1,215 1,272 1,284 Grade 10 1,076 99.70 1,083 1,120 1,157 1,148 1,211 1,268 Grade 11 1,015 91.00 979 985 1,020 1,053 1,045 1,102 Grade 12 1,111 105.01 1,066 1,028 1,035 1,071 1,106 1,097 Total 9 - 12 4,288 4,252 4,295 4,363 4,487 4,634 4,752 Total K-12 15,274 15,324 15,411 15,528 15,634 15,702 15,722 CHANGE 50 87 116 107 68 20 %CHANGE 0.3% 0.6916 0.8910 0.7% 0.4916 0.1% * Information adapted from OSPI Enrollment Projects Report No. 1049, January 13, 2017. Headcount and projections do not include enrollment at Special Use facilities. -14- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 V. ENROLLMENT DRIVEN FACILITY NEEDS Table 4 compares the current permanent capacity of Renton School District facilities to current and projected enrollment for the next six years. At the elementary level, the opening of the new Sartori Elementary School in October, 2018, will drastically reduce the current deficit of 1,244 to 506. Beginning in 2020, however, with the implementation of the reduced K-3 teacher/student ratio, the deficit will rise again to 1,377. Even with an overall decrease in elementary enrollment projected over the next six years, the permanent capacity deficit in 2023 is still anticipated to be 1,360. Opening of the new Risdon Middle School in 2017 resulted in a permanent capacity surplus of 50 for grade levels 6-8. By the start of the 2018 school year, however, we expect that surplus to become a deficit of 39, and by 2023, that deficit is anticipated to grow to 100. At the high school level, the District shows a decreasing surplus capacity until 2023, when enrollment finally overtakes capacity, resulting in a deficit of 73. In addition to the current and future projected permanent facility deficits, portable classroom capacity at existing elementary and middle school sites is reaching its maximum. PROJECTED STUDENT CAPACITY 2017-2023 2017 2018 2019 2020' 2021 2022 2023 PERMANENT CAPACITY 6,384 7,119 7,119 6,102 6,102 6,102 6,102 ELEM. STUDENT ENROLLMENT 7,628 7,625 7,561 7,479 7,489 7,477 7,462 K-5 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) CAPACITY3 (1,244) (506) (442) (1,377) (1,387) (1,375) (1,360) PERMANENT CAPACITY 3,408 3,408 3,408 1 3,408 3,408 3,408 1 3,408 MIDDLE STUDENT ENROLLMENT 3,358 3,447 3,556 3,685 3,658 3,590 3,508 6-8 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) CAPACITY 50 (39) (148) (277) (250) (182) (100) PERMANENT CAPACITY 4,510 4,510 4,510 4,510 4,510 4,510 4,510 HIGH STUDENT ENROLLMENT 1 4,288 1 4,252 1 4,295 1 4,363 1 4,487 1 4,634 1 4,752 6-8 SURPLUS (DEFICIT) CAPACITY 1 222 1 258 1 215 1 147 1 23 1 (124) 1 (242) Table 4 1. Does not include relocatable facilities (portables) 2. Reflects implementation of reduced K-3 class size per 3. Includes Sartori Elementary, which opens September 2018 While the projected deficits at the middle and high school levels may not warrant the construction of new facilities, expansion of existing campuses may be a viable alternative. At the elementary level, even ignoring the reduction of K-3 class sizes, a new elementary school seems eminent. Taking reduced class size into account, additional facilities will most likely be required. Renton School District is currently establishing a Citizen Facilities Advisory Committee whose responsibility it will be to develop recommendations for a long-term capital facilities plan. Integral to this plan will be the prioritization of facility needs to be presented to the Board of Directors for inclusion in a 2019 Bond measure. Among the topics to be addressed -15- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 by the Committee will be enrollment driven needs as supported by this document and other data presented by the District and its consultants, the extent to which portables can be expected to accommodate future growth, and the need to acquire real property for future school construction. The bond measure is scheduled to go before the voters in February 2019. -16- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 VI. SIX -YEAR FINANCE PLAN Capital facilities capacity improvements identified in this Plan will be funded by a 2016 Capital Levy, remaining funds from a 2012 Bond measure, impact fees assessed and collected by King County and the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton, and possible future bond initiatives or other unsecured funding. The District may also be eligible for funding through the OSPI School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP). The District's intent in structuring its capital improvement programs is to maintain a constant level of construction throughout the program period in order to optimize the utilization of its management capabilities. The District utilizes a combination of in-house project management (Capital Projects Office) and outside management consultants. Estimated expenditures for capacity improvement projects over the duration of the Plan are indicated in Table 5 below. SIX -YEAR FINANCE PLAN Capacity Improvement Projects PROJECT Estimated Expenditures) ($1,000s) Funding ($1,000s) 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2022-23 Total Secured Unsecured Risdon Middle School 2,500 2,500 2,500 Sartori Elementary 19,500 2,500 22,000 22,000 Elementary No. 16 500 14,000 23,000 9,200 46,700 46,700 Relocatable Classrooms 2,540 1,270 1,270 5,080 2,540 2,540 Land Acquisition 2,670 2,670 2,670 2,670 2,670 2,670 16,020 2,900 13,120 Total 27,210 6,940 17,940 25,670 11,870 2,670 92,300 29,940 62,360 Table 5 1. Estimated expenditures based on tota I project cost inc I uding hard and soft costs. 2. Secured funding includes 2012 bond and 20161evy monies, previously collected school impact fees, and OSPI SCAP funds. 3. Unsecured funds includeOSPI School Construction Assistance, future school impactfees and future bond initiatives. -17- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 MRIM 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 VII. IMPACT FEES The GMA empowers jurisdictions to assess and collect impact fees as a means of supplementing the funding of additional public facilities necessitated by new development. In the case of public schools, impact fees are assessed only on residential development. To determine an equitable school impact fee throughout unincorporated King County, King County Code 2 1 A was adopted, establishing an impact fee formula that has in turn been adopted by the cities of Bellevue, Newcastle and Renton, in their respective enabling ordinances. The formula requires that school districts establish "Student Generation Factors" that estimates the number of students generated by each new single or multi- family residential unit constructed, and to establish district -specific construction costs that are unique to that district. Refer to Appendix G for substantiating documentation on Student Generation Factors. Other factors influencing impact fees include: Site Acquisition Costs - the estimated cost per acre to purchase property. Building Acquisition Cost - the estimated cost to construct facilities unique to the district. New Facility Cost Models are provided in Appendix G. Temporary Facility Cost - the estimated cost per classroom to purchase and install a relocatable classroom, including site work and utilities. State Funding Assistance Credit - the amount of funding provided by the State, subject to District eligibility, based on a construction cost allocation and funding assistance percentage established by the State. Beginning in 2013, the District introduced a Voluntary District Fee Adjustment component into the prescribed impact fee formula in response to the declining, and then slowly recovering, economy. This was discontinued in 2016 given improved economic conditions, especially within the construction industry. Based on the Growth Management Act and King County Code 21 A, impact fees for the plan year 2018 are: Single -Family Units $ 6,877 Multi -Family Units $ 2,455 Single -Family and Multi -Family Fee Calculation spreadsheets follow. -19- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENCE FEE CALCULATION SITE ACQUISITION COST FACILITY SITE AREA COST PER ACRE STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST Al Elementary 8 650,000 600 0.359 $3,111 A2 Middle 0 650,000 850 0.128 $0 A3 High 0 650,000 1250 0.126 $0 A Total 0.613 $3,111 BUILDING ACQUISITION COST COST IN 2018 $ STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST B1 Elementary 93.21% 29,640,000 600 0.382 $17,589 B2 Middle 95.88% 46,499,860 850 0.144 $0 B3 High 99.52% 0 1250 0.149 $0 B Total 96.31% 0.675 $17,589 TEMPORARY BUILDING ACQUISITION COST COST PER CLASS STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST C1 Elementary 6.79% 171,600 29 0.382 $153 C2 Middle 4.12% 171,600 26 0.144 $39 C3 High 0.48% 171,600 26 0.149 $0 C Total 3.69% 0.675 $193 STATE FUNDING ASSISTANCE CREDIT COST INDEX SPI SQ FT MATCH % STUDENT FACTOR CREDIT D1 225.97 90 0.3822 0.382 ($2,969) D2 225.97 117 0.3822 0.144 $0 D3 225.97 130 0.3822 0.149 $0 D Total 0.675 ($2,969) TAX CREDIT (TC) AVERAGE ASSESSED VALUE (AAV) 427,300 INTEREST RATE FOR BONDS (i) 3.85% TERM (t = MAXIMUM 10) 10 TAX RATE (r) 0.00119417 TC Total ($4,169.82) ($4,170) FACILITY CREDIT $0 TOTAL FEE $13,754 50%DEVELOPER FEE OBLIGATION $6,877 IMPACT FEE $6,877 * TAX CREDIT (TC) = NPV (net present value) x AAV x r 1+it-I where: NPV = i (I + i)t AAV = Average Assessed Value r = Tax Rate i = Bond Interest Rate as of 03/2017 t = Bond Term -20- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENCE FEE CALCULATION SITE ACQUISITION COST FACILITY SITE AREA COST PER ACRE STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST Al Elementary 8 650,000 600 0.132 $1,144 A2 Middle 0 650,000 850 0.052 $0 A3 High 0 650,000 1250 0.065 $0 A Total 0.249 $1,144 BUILDING ACQUISITION COST COST IN 2018 $ STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST B1 Elementary 93.21% 29,640,000 600 0.132 $6,078 B2 Middle 94.59% 46,499,860 850 0.052 $0 B3 High 99.52% 0 1250 0.065 $0 B Total 96.75% 0.249 $6,078 TEMPORARY BUILDING ACQUISITION COST COST PER CLASS STUDENTS STUDENT FACTOR COST C1 Elementary 6.79% 171,600 29 0.132 $53 C2 Middle 5.41% 171,600 26 0.052 $19 C3 High 0.48% 171,600 26 0.065 $0 C Total 3.25% 0.249 $72 STATE FUNDING ASSISTANCE CREDIT COST INDEX SPI SO FT MATCH % STUDENT FACTOR CREDIT D1 225.97 90 0.3822 0.132 ($1,026) D2 225.97 117 0.3822 0.052 $0 D3 225.97 130 0.3822 0.065 $0 D Total 0.249 ($1,026) TAX CREDIT (TC) AVERAGE ASSESSED VALUE (AAS) 139,108 INTEREST RATE FOR BONDS (i) 3.85% TERM (MAXIMUM 10) 10 TAX RATE (r) 0.00119417 TC Total ($1,357.49) ($1,357) FACILITY CREDIT $0 FEE $4,910 50%DEVELOPER FEE OBLIGATION $2,455 IMPACT FEE $2,455 1+it-1 * TAX CREDIT (TC) = NPV (net present value) x AAV x r where: NPV = i (1 + i)t AAV = Average Assessed Value r = Tax Rate i = Bond Interest Rate as of 03/2017 t = Bond Term -21 - 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 -22- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 XIII. APPENDICES APPENDIX A: DISTRICT MAPS ....................................... 25 APPENDIX B: CAPACITY WORKSHEETS...............................27 APPENDIX C: HEADCOUNT & PROJECTIONS ...........................29 APPENDIX D: STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS .......................31 APPENDIX E: SCHOOL COST MODELS ................................ 33 APPENDIX F: CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS PLAN .......................37 -23- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 -24- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX A RSD BOUNDARY MAP - MUNICIPALITY OVERLAY Renton Srhoc I Ulstrict Map Legend . Bellevue M Renton 0 Kefit 0Seatac . icing County Tukwila Newcastre - City Limits of Renton KC U Albbreviations EEarmaorary S PrLdK Schools: $e cwiAsry $ lKmAp: BHE Beoxn Hill EleinPOtary Oh1S Ornmilt piddle $drool BME B yo M&,Ai Elemimlwy FIr#$ Haler, High Sqhaal CES Cascade Elementary !H$ Lud6ergh Hgh $chao- QHE Campbell Hill Eleme-nLary MM$ MdKnrghl Midine $chop HIDE Hon63Gew Bensmary NW Nelsen MdGa �r.hpgl I IES Hazlewood Ekemwmry RH$ Rarem 3egh Schw ALE FlghLands ELemeetary AN'$ Risdon lAdpy $Ghngl KOE 1Gerrnydaia Elermemary TH$ Talley HV $Ghrol LRE Lskandge Elerwnlay MEC #&Ma 3wtiLttEarly Learning MHE Mop"aud heyhis V&wwrlary RAS RenlauAndamy RPE Rdnldu Park Ekrnareary SES. Sancti Elmeantary SHE Slftm Heights Elernenlary THE Talhol Hill Elernnmh5ry TPE TPany dark Elen khiy -25- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX A -26- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX B =1 4 =1►Ti I =1 ki 11 r_1: &*41: I r &*l F"111 L'7 ASSUMPTIONS StudentlTeacher Ratios: \ Grades K - 1 20:1 Grade 2 22:1 Grade 3 24:1 Grades 4 - 5 29:1 Scheduling Efficiency 1.00 Program Efficiency 1.00 SCHOOL PERMANENT TEACHING STATIONS RELOCATABLE CLASSROOMS TOTAL CAP TOT K-1 2 3 4.5 SPED OTHER CAP TOT K-1 2 3 4.5 SPED OTHER CAP BENSON HILL 31 8 4 3 6 3 7 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 536 BRYN MAWR 23 8 4 4 0 1 6 358 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 174 532 CAMPBELL HILL 24 7 4 3 0 4 6 356 8 0 0 1 6 0 1 198 554 CASCADE 28 8 4 4 0 3 9 386 6 1 0 0 0 6 0 0 174 560 HAZELWOOD 30 8 5 4 7 2 4 597 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 58 655 HIGHLANDS 30 9 4 4 7 0 6 567 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 567 HONEY DEW 21 8 1 4 2 0 1 2 5 324 8 0 0 2 1 6 1 0 0 1 222 1 546 KENNYDALE 31 9 4 5 8 2 3 648 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 648 LAKERIDGE 24 6 3 3 0 2 10 286 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 174 460 MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS 26 11 6 2 0 4 3 456 1 12 1 0 0 4 8 0 0 328 784 RENTON PARK 30 8 4 3 6 3 6 536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 536 SIERRA HEIGHTS 27 8 4 3 4 3 5 478 8 0 0 1 4 0 3 140 618 TALBOT HILL 25 8 3 1 6 4 3 480 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 72 552 TIFFANY PARK 24 7 4 2 2 3 6 376 4 0 0 0 3 0 1 87 463 TOTAL 374 113 57 43 46 36 79 6,384 64 0 0 11 47 0 6 1627 1 8011 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAPACITY 2020 - 2023 ASSUMPTIONS StudentfTeacher Ratios: \ Grades K - 1 17:1 Grade 2 17:1 Grade 3 17:1 Grades 4 - 5 29:1 Scheduling Efficiency 1.00 Program Efficiency 1.00 SCHOOL PERMANENT TEACHING STATIONS RELOCATABLE CLASSROOMS TOTAL CAP TOT K-1 2 3 4.5 SPED OTHER CAP TOT K-1 2 3 4.5 SPED OTHER CAP BENSON HILL 31 8 4 3 6 3 7 471 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 BRYN MAWR 23 8 4 4 0 1 6 286 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 174 460 CAMPBELL HILL 24 7 4 3 0 4 6 294 8 0 0 1 6 0 1 191 485 CASCADE 28 8 4 4 0 3 9 314 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 174 488 HAZELWOOD 30 8 1 5 4 7 1 2 4 520 2 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 58 578 HIGHLANDS 30 9 4 4 7 0 6 492 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 492 HONEY DEW 21 8 4 2 0 2 5 266 8 0 0 2 6 0 0 208 474 KENNYDALE 31 9 4 5 8 2 3 566 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 566 LAKERIDGE 24 6 3 3 0 2 10 232 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 1 174 406 MAPLEWOOD HEIGHTS 26 11 6 2 0 4 3 379 12 0 0 4 8 0 0 300 679 RENTON PARK 30 8 1 4 3 6 1 3 6 471 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 471 SIERRA HEIGHTS 27 8 4 3 4 3 5 413 8 0 0 1 4 0 3 133 546 TALBOT HILL 25 8 3 1 6 4 3 434 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 51 485 TIFFANY PARK 24 7 4 2 2 3 6 321 4 0 0 0 3 0 1 87 408 TOTAL 374 113 57 43 46 36 79 5,459 64 0 0 11 47 0 6 1550 7009 -27- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX B MIDDLE SCHOOL CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS Student/Teacher Ratios Core Classes 29:1 Band/Orchestra 40:1 Choir 50:1 PE 35:1 All Other 31:1 SPED 12:1 Scheduling Efficiency 0.80 Program Efficiency 0.95 SCHOOL PERMANENT TEACHING STATIONS I CLASSROOMS RELOCATABLES TOTAL TOTAL GEN. SCI PE DRAMA COMP CTE ART MUSIC SPED OTHER CAP. TOTAL SPEC. USE CAP. CAPACITY DIMMITT 43 19 5 3 0 2 2 1 2 5 4 884 7 0 154 1038 WKNIGHT 43 17 7 4 0 2 2 1 3 4 3 872 8 0 176 1048 NELSEN 53 14 6 4 1 3 3 1 2 9 10 791 8 0 176 968 RISDON 49 18 6 3 1 3 2 1 3 3 9 861 0 0 0 861 TOTAL 139 68 24 14 2 10 9 4 10 21 26 3408 23 0 507 3915 HIGH SCHOOL CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS Student/Teacher Ratios Core Classes 29 Band/Orchestra 40:1 Choir 50:1 PE 40:1 All Other 31:1 Scheduling Efficiency 0.80 Program Efficiency 0.90 PERMANENT TEACHING STATIONS/CLASSROOMS RELOCATABLES TOTAL SCHOOL TOTAL GENERAL SCI PE DRAMA COMP CTE ART MUSIC SPED OTHER LAV. TOTAL SPEC. USE CAP. CAPACITY HAZEN 77 48 6 5 3 6 4 3 2 9 0 1420 0 0 0 1420 LINDBERGH 59 34 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 0 1128 5 0 104 1232 RENTON 78 44 6 5 6 7 5 3 2 5 0 1524 0 0 0 1524 TALLEY 27 19 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 5 438 0 0 0 438 TOTAL 241 145 17 15 14 19 13 10 7 20 5 4510 5 0 104 4614 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL FACILITY CAPACITY ASSUMPTIONS Student/Teacher Rations General 24:1 Pre K - 3 17:1 Special Ed. 12:1 Program Efficiency 0.95 PERMANENT TEACHING STATIONS/CLASSROOMS RELOCATABLES TOTAL SCHOOL TOTAL I GENERAL SPEC.ED. Pre K-3 CAPACITY TOTAL SPEC. USE CAPACITY CAPACITY SPRING GLEN 9 2 7 0 132 4 2 72 204 MEADOW CREST 21 0 1 20 352 0 0 0 352 TOTAL 30 2 8 20 484 4 0 72 556 im 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX C z p z W ac 4 Wb � iY i'J I'Y TY iY IY rY SO N N Y11 Q Ill r-1 1u�"�yy n ,, • + - i { T+ .--i mar .a rl iy N N I''1 rl c Yiwp u'Y %M 44pp Ow W I� iP1 g In � # v JY +4'F 4 44 ri P` YfY A'F O '+I +Y Fl ri Ip r1 � O -r O -r '8k lyb5 8 � WmI1'�+ �V�Op4 r4+ m m C4 od+ O O O O 4 h 1 � � N 4 IL f�M1 fWYS .rt F 4 ti �u"7 j V4 � �Q Rs ifY T iY M G r'i} T-1 !'T ri Q5 N J s r !J i'hY F4 M N � M � M � A rl rl � Q t• G .rt rl �¢ rl rl � F/ rF rl rl QY � �� -I J S i G ++ N w5 ; yI Yo N d m r+ w Jj I � Ili LA U qw p4 y4 q ww 4 #J 4 yV� 5A� fG yn �p O w MOM 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX C Q uD W ry il- r4 c4 r4 �Ln m 75 MN ti r+i eN ry O 4 Q Ch eN ,--i 4 tD p rn ,--i 01 .ppad� ni rol C. r-- SO od U5 ry rw n m OS # M rri m 11 a -- O ry fm *r ey rri ry .y o8 rah +Y # .y ra T tp hk ry r-1 Iti O h r �- c ev a6 4 r-1 ry r� rQ N O Q ry Q ►+ 1 -1 Ch �+ h- u3 -C r 4 ra n*. Gs 87 -r n, Ik iw uA ,-I r- UD 00 rti Z rw 05 6 D Lo -1 M O N ,-1 T h W Q #� � Gti , Oti T-4 - R 71 N rA T h ID S G a v sp c co q u-. rl ri av rw �, ri fn V 'I rtf UN u's r-r US m T ry h Q5 w5 m Q I'+ u'S f4 rw ry Iw u3 a¢ ry m oq v, m rw ti Ln ,--i r "i rl 2 C 2 r-1 r-I r-1 W .. 2 z g�qj tO V_ Y C l.3 H H C 2 [C J -30- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX D STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS The formula for determining school impact fees, as established by King County Council Ordinance 11621, Attachment A, requires that school districts provide "student factors based on district records of average actual student generation rates for new developments constructed over a period of not more than five years prior to the date of the fee calculation." The Ordinance also provides that, in the event this information is not available in the District, "data from adjacent districts, districts with similar demographics, or county -wide averages must be used." King County currently assesses and collects impact fees on behalf of eleven school districts, including Renton School District. Of those eleven districts, seven districts conduct their own surveys to develop their unique student generation factors based on district records and actual development data. The remaining four districts, including Renton, rely on averages of student factors developed by other districts. In accordance with King County Ordinance 11621, Attachment A, the District has chosen to use a county -wide average based on all districts that have performed their own student generation factor surveys as well as those that have similarly relied on county -wide data. The Student Generation Factors in the table below represent an average of the student rates calculated by the other ten school districts. STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS ELEMENTARY MIDDLE SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL TOTAL (K-5) (6-8) (9-12) SINGLE-FAMILY 0.382 0.144 0.149 0.675 MULTI -FAMILY 0.132 0.052 0.065 0.250 TABLE 6 The table on the following page details the student generation factors developed by the Districts referenced above, and the averages used in this Plan's impact fee calculations. -31- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX D COUNTY -WIDE STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS DISTRICT SI NGLE-FAMI LY MULTI -FAMILY K-5 6-8 9-12 TOTAL K-5 6-8 9-12 TOTAL Auburn 0.193 0.077 0.073 0.343 0.103 0.031 0.044 0.178 Enumclaw 0.345 0.130 0.135 0.610 0.083 0.031 0.033 0.147 Federal Way 0.220 0.120 0.143 0.483 0.597 0.237 0.323 1.157 Fife 0.325 0.136 0.137 0.598 0.127 0.057 0.066 0.250 Highline 0.152 0.026 0.065 0.243 0.093 0.047 0.070 0.210 Issaquah 0.354 0.153 0.148 0.655 0.119 0.063 0.075 0.257 Kent 0.398 0.096 0.185 0.679 0.117 0.028 0.029 0.174 Lake Washington 0.424 0.171 0.119 0.714 0.058 0.019 0.019 0.096 Northshore 0.331 0.108 0.081 0.520 0.036 0.013 0.009 0.058 Riverview 0.345 0.130 0.135 0.610 0.083 0.031 0.033 0.147 Snoqualmie Valley 0.389 0.162 0.134 0.685 0.089 0.041 0.047 0.177 Tahoma 0.345 0.130 0.135 0.610 0.083 0.031 0.033 0.147 TOTAL 3.821 1.439 1.490 6.750 1.588 0.629 0.781 2.998 AVERAGE 0.318 0.120 0.124 0.675 0.132 0.052 0.065 0.250 -32- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX E FACILITY COST MODELS Facility cost models are a calculation of the cost to construct educational facilities unique to the District. This is accomplished by utilizing both District specific data as well as information available from OSPI. OSPI constants are factors established by OSPI as part of its School Construction Assistance Program. State Funding Assistance Percentages are unique to individual school districts while the Construction Cost Allocation (per square foot of construction) is constant throughout the state. The State Area Allocation (per student) is used solely by OSPI to determine a District's eligibility for state funding. It is not meant to represent or reflect the unique spatial needs of a District necessary to provide its adopted programs and standard of service. The District Area Allocation utilized in the cost models reflects historical data from previously constructed facilities, or facilities currently under construction, adjusted to reflect current programs, anticipated funding and other topical issues. The applied Cost per Square Foot is an average of recently bid school projects of similar grade levels in the Puget Sound Region, as reported by OSPI. Elementary and Middle School Cost Models follow. -33- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX E ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COST MODEL FACILITY INFORMATION Building Site Work Student capacity 600 Area (acres) 8 SF per student 116 Cost per acre $600,000 Generic classrooms 30 Right-of-way LF 2,000 Gym and cafeteria Separate Right-of-way cost per LF $440 Building area (SF) 69,600 Utility improvements $350,000 Cost per SF $325 Demolition Site Preparation Area (SF) 50,000 Area (acres) 8 Cost per SF $15 Cost per acre $30,000 CONSTRUCTION COST Demolition $750,000 Site prep $240,000 Building $22,620,000 Site work $4,800,000 Right-of-way improvements $880,000 Off -site utility improvements $350,000 Subtotal $29,640,000 Cost per SF $426 SOFT COSTS Professional fees 10.0% $2,964,000 Sales tax 10.0% $2,964,000 Change Order Contingency 7.0% $1,830,395 Permits 2.0% $522,970 Special inspections 1.0% $261,485 Art 0.0% $0 Work under separate contract 0.5% $130,743 Temporary Facilities/Moving & Storage 0.5% $130,743 Furniture, fixtures & equipment 8.0% $2,091,880 Project management 2.0% $522,970 District administration 1.5% $392,228 Mitigation 2.0% $522,970 Project contingency 7.0% $2,074,800 51.5% Subtotal $14,409,183 CONSTRUCTION COSTS + SOFT COSTS 1 $44,049,183 ESCALATION Year Inflation Rate Amount 2019 2.62% $45,203,271 2020 2.79% $46,464,442 2021 2.74% $47,737,568 2022 2.85% $49,098,089 2023 2.86% $50,502,294 2024 2.89% $51,961,810 Note: Amounts do not include property acquisition -34- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX E MIDDLE SCHOOL COST MODEL FACILITY INFORMATION Building Site Work Student capacity 850 Area (acres) 15 SF per student 140 Cost per acre $400,000 Generic classrooms 31 Right-of-way LF 1,000 Building area (SF) 119,000 Right-of-way cost per LF $350 Cost per SF $325 Utility improvements $231,000 Demolition/Abatement Site Preparation Area (SF) 52,924 Area (acres) 15 Cost per SF $15 Cost per acre $30,000 CONSTRUCTION COST Demolition $793,860 Site prep $450,000 Building $38,675,000 Site work $6,000,000 Right-of-way improvements $350,000 Off -site utility improvements $231,000 S u btota 1 $46, 499, 860 Cost per SF $391 SOFT COSTS Professional fees 10.0% $4,649,986 Sales tax 10.0% $4,649,986 Change Order Contingency 7.0% $1,830,395 Permits 2.0% $522,970 Special inspections 1.0% $261,485 Art 0.0% $0 Work by separate contract 1.0% $261,485 Temporary Facilities 0.5% $130,743 Moving and Storage 0.5% $130,743 Furniture, fixtures & equip. 10.0% $2,614,850 Project management 1.0% $261,485 District administration 1.5% $392,228 Mitigation 2.0% $522,970 Project contingency 7.0% $3,254,990 53.5% S u btota 1 $19,484, 315 CONSTRUCTION COSTS + SOFT COSTS $65,984,175I ESCALATION Year Inflation Rate Amount 2019 2.62% $67, 712, 960 2020 2.79% $69,602,152 2021 2.74% $71,509,251 2022 2.85% $73,547,264 2023 2.86% $75,650,716 2024 2.89% $77,837,022 Note: Amounts do not include property acquisition -35- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX E -36- 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX F CHANGES FROM PREVIOUS PLAN PERMANENT STUDENT CAPACITY 2017 2018 CHANGE Elementary 6,172 6,384 212 Middle 2,990 3,408 418 High 4,679 4,510 -169 Tota 1 13,841 14,302 461 ACTUAL STUDENT ENROLLMENT (October Headcount) 2017 2018 CHANGE Elementary 7,622 7,628 6 Middle 3,216 3,358 142 High 4,279 4,288 9 Tota 1 15,117 15,274 157 IMPACT FEES 2017 2018 CHANGE Single -Family 7,772 6,877 (895) Multi -Family 1,570 2,455 885 STUDENT GENERATION FACTORS 2016 2017 CHANGE Single -Family Elementary 0.359 0.382 0.023 Middle 0.128 0.144 0.016 High 0.126 0.149 0.023 Total 0.613 0.675 0.062 Multi -Family Elementary 0.091 0.132 0.041 Middle 0.027 0.052 1 0.025 High 0.032 0.065 0.033 Total 0.150 0.249 0.099 ADDITIONAL IMPACT FEE FACTORS 2016 2017 CHANGE Land Acquisition/Acre 550,000 650,000 100,000 Temp Bldg Acquisition 171,600 177,000 5400 State Match Percentage 0.3822 0.3822 0 Ave. Assessed Value - Single 375,989 427,300 51,311 Ave. Assessed Value - Multi 123,175 1 139,108 1 15,933 Bond Interest Rate 3.95% 3.85% (0.00) Tax Rate / $1000 2.64198 1.19417 (1.44781) 37 2018 Capital Facilities Plan Renton School District No. 403 APPENDIX F