HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmend Commercial Industrial Designations-Valley Area (4/12/1999) July 12, 1999 'o✓ Renton City Council Minutes Page 251 Ordinance#4784 An ordinance was read amending Section 3-4-3.B of Chapter 4,Municipal Municipal Court: Judge Pro Court,of Title III(Departments) of City Code by increasing the amount of Tern Compensation compensation for Pro Tern Judges. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4785 An ordinance was read amending Title VI(Police Regulations) of City Code by Police: Bicycle Helmet adding Chapter 26, entitled"Bicycle Helmets." MOVED BY EDWARDS, Ordinance SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4786 An ordinance was read amending Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Planning: Employment Area— Code by adding uses in the Light Industrial,Medium Industrial, Heavy Valley Zoning Code Chang s. Industrial,Commercial Office and Commercial Arterial zones, consolidating duplicate listed uses on the Zoning Use tables, and clarifying procedures and specific use conditions in the RM-H,R-14, IL, IM, IH, CC, CN, CS,CA, CD, CO and COR zones. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4787 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property and Legal: S 2nd St Condemnation property rights by eminent domain and providing for the payment thereof; (Burnett&Logan), authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Williams/Hiatt and Jasper Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the purpose of public parking(Williams/Hiatt and Jasper parcels, located on South 2nd Street between Burnett and Logan Avenues South). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Noting that this issue was discussed during Committee of the Whole earlier in Human Services: "Christmas the evening, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, in April"Program COUNCIL DIRECT THE ADMINISTRATION TO PARTNER WITH THE "CHRISTMAS IN APRIL"ORGANIZERS TO DEVELOP A RENTON PROGRAM FOR NEXT YEAR. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Pl., Renton, 98056,reported that the mooring raft Citizen Comment: Evans— near the canoe launch at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park has been Coulon Park Boat Mooring damaged, and is off-limits to the public until it can be surveyed and repaired. Raft Unavailability Noting that this raft normally receives much use by the Renton Sailing Club,he felt that since the raft was damaged during the winter, it should have been repaired and made ready for the heavy spring and summer use. Mr. Evans said he was told that the Sailing Club's classes for May and June were cancelled, and it was still unknown whether classes will be held this month. Emphasizing that this quality program is open to everyone,regardless of age, size or athletic ability,he urged the City to take all necessary steps to see that the raft is repaired as quickly as possible. Council President Parker explained that the City could not accept the repairs made to the raft by Sailing Club members because of liability issues and the fact that the raft is used by the general public. Unlike Mr. Evans, Mr. Parker understood that no classes offered by the Sailing Club via the City's Community Services Department have been cancelled this year. He concluded that the Administration is already working with the Sailing Club on this matter. Citizen Comment: Campen— Mike Campen,4902 Talbot Rd. S.,Renton, 98055,thanked Council for its Campen Springs Site Approval decision earlier this evening regarding the Campen Springs development. He Amends ORD #4722 & 4773 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4786 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE 4 (DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS), OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" BY ADDING USES IN THE INDUSTRIAL-LIGHT, INDUSTRIAL-MEDIUM, INDUSTRIAL-HEAVY, COMMERCIAL OFFICE, AND COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL ZONES, CONSOLIDATING DUPLICATE LISTED USES ON THE ZONING USE TABLES, AND CLARIFYING PROCEDURES AND SPECIFIC USE CONDITIONS IN THE RMH, R-14, IL, IM, IH, CC, CN, CS, CA, CD, CO AND COR ZONES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. Subsections 4-2-060.A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Zoning Use Table, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title 4 (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended as follows: 4-2-060.A AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Uses, Non Commercial Line 6 Change "common household pets" from AD/H #202 to an accessory use subject to note #201 in the RMH zone. Line 7 Change "hobby kennels" from note AD #248 to an administrative conditional use subject to note #148 in the CA zone and from P #205 to a secondary use subject to the note #269 in the IM zone. Animal Related Services Line 1 Change "kennels" in the IM zone from a permitted use to permitted subject to note #269. Line 2 Change "stables, commercial" from a permitted use in the IM zone to permitted subject to note#270. Line 4 Add "veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels, runs or stables" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#207. Line 5 Add the word "clinics" to read "veterinary offices/clinics with kennels". Change in the IM zone from a permitted use to permitted subject to note#269. 1 v f law ORDINANCE NO. 4786 14.0 Line 6 Add "veterinary offices with kennels, runs or stables" as an administrative conditional use to IL, IH and CO zones subject to note #207, and subject to note #271 in the IM zone . Line 7 Delete "veterinary clinics with kennels". Uses permitted in the IL zone subject to note#74 are consolidated on line 5. Uses permitted in the IM zone are deleted. Gardens and Nurseries Line 6 Change "nursery or greenhouse" from hearing examiner/permitted use in the IM zone, administrative conditional/hearing examiner use in the COR zone, and administrative/hearing examiner conditional in the CO zone, to a hearing examiner conditional use in the IM, COR, and CO zones. Agriculture and Natural Resources Line 2 Change "agricultural crop sales" in the IM zone from a permitted use to permitted subject to note#270. Line 8 Change "mineral/natural resource recovery" from administrative/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zones. In the IM zone, change from a hearing examiner conditional use to hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#220. 4-2-060.B RESIDENTIAL Other Residences and Lodging Line 4 Change "Group Homes I" from permitted/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CA zone. Line 8 Add "hotel" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207, and as an administrative conditional use subject to note #127 in the CS zone. Line 10 Delete "hotels and motels". Line 11 Delete "hotels and" so the line reads: "motels". Add "motel" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH zones subject to note #207. 4-2-060.0 RETAIL SALES Line 5 Delete "books, stationary, art supply". Consolidate the secondary use subject to note #68 in the COR zone on line 6. Add the following uses as secondary uses in IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207. Line 2 apparel and accessories Line 3 appliances Line 4 auto supplies Line 6 books, music, stationery, art supply Line 12 department and variety Line 13 drug store Line 16 fabrics and related supplies Line 18 florist 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4 786 ... Line 19 flowers, plants and floral supplies Line 20 food - Line 22 furniture Line 23 groceries Line 24 hobbies, toys, games Line 25 home furnishings Line 26 jewelry Line 27 liquor stores Line 31 monuments, tombstones, and gravestones Line 32 newsstands Line 33 office and business supplies, computers Line 34 office supplies Line 35 personal medical supplies Line 36 pet shop and grooming Line 37 pharmacies Line 38 photographic and electronic supplies Line 42 sporting goods Line 44 used goods and antiques. Line 7 Add "building, hardware, garden materials" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH and CO zones and subject to note #150. Line 9 Change "coal yards" from a permitted use to permitted subject to note #270 in the IM zone. Line 10 Add"convenience goods" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH and CO zones and subject to note #189. Line 14 Remove note #74 from "eating and drinking establishments" in the IL zone making the use permitted. Line 15 Add"espresso carts and temporary food vendor" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH zones, subject to note #207. Line 30 Remove note#74 in the IL zone making the use permitted. Change the following uses from secondary, subject to note#1, to permitted in the CA zone: Line 3 "appliances" Line 22 "furniture" Line 25 "home furnishings." Line 31 Change "monuments, tombstones and gravestones" from an administrative conditional to a permitted use in the CA zone. Line 40 Delete "Retail Uses (existing legal)" and note#231 in the CO zone. Line 41 Add "retail uses" as a secondary use to IL, IM, and IH zones subject to note #207, and in the CO zone subject to note #259. 4-2-060.D WHOLESALE SALES Line 2 Change "fuel dealers" from a hearing examiner conditional use in the IM zone to hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#270. 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 4-2-060.E CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Parks and Open Space Line 3 Change "park, playground or recreation/community center" from an administrative/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zones. Recreation Facilities Line 5 Delete"Recreation Center". Consolidate note S #187 in the R-14 zone on line 7. Line 6 Delete "Recreation Facilities". Consolidate notes AC #53 in the RMH zone, S #118 in the IM zone, and#173 in the IH and CD zones on line 7. Line 7 Add "Recreation Facilities (indoor or outdoor) to IL zone as a secondary use subject to note #207. Entertainment/Amusement Add the following as secondary uses to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#207. Line 4 "amusement arcades" Line 6 "bowling alleys" Line 8 "dance halls and cabarets" Line 14 "theaters, drive-in." Line 6 Delete the word "centers". Line 7 Change "cardrooms" in the IM zone from a secondary use subject to note #255 to a secondary use subject to note #272. Line 13 Change "theaters" from a secondary use subject to note #170 to a secondary use subject to note #207 in the IL and IM zones. Add "theaters" as a secondary use in the IH zone subject to note #207. Line 9 Move the words "not for profit" to the front of the phrase before the word "gambling." Add the use to IL, IH & CO zones as a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #207, and to the IM zone as a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #270. Add the following as hearing examiner conditional uses to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207: Line 5 "amusement parks" Line 12 Add "sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls" as a secondary uses to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#207. Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Line I Change "library or museum, public or nonprofit" from administrative/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zone. 4 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 4-2-060.F OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Line 3 Delete "medical and dental". Consolidate administrative uses in CN and permitted uses in CO on line 4. Line 4 Add "medical and dental clinics" as a secondary use to IL, IM, and IH zones subject to note#207. Line 7 Add "private conference centers" as secondary uses to IL, IM, IH and CA zones subject to note #207. Remove note #50 in the CO and COR zones to allow the use as accessory with no conditions. Line 8 Add "professional " as a secondary use to IL, IM, and IH zones subject to note #207. 4-2-060.G SERVICES Line 1 Add "auction houses" as a secondary use in the IH zone subject to note #207 and in the CO zone subject to note #223. Change "auction houses" from permitted subject to note #74 to secondary subject to condition#223 in the IL zone. Line 2 Add the word "beauty"to read: "barber, beauty shops". Line 3 Delete "beauty shops. " Consolidate note P#165 in the CC zone, S #68 in the COR zone, and permitted uses in the CA and CD zones on line 2. Line 4 Change "business services, general" from note S #173 to a permitted use in IM and from S #1 in CA to a permitted use. Change from note P #62 to note S #259 in the CO zone. Add"business services, general"to the IL and IH zones as permitted. Line 5 Change "cemetery, crematory, columbarium, mausoleum" from an administrative/hearing examiner use to a hearing examiner conditional use. Add the following as secondary uses to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#207: Line 2 "barber, beauty shops" Line 7 "computer services(retail)" Line 10 "financial; and real estate" Line 11 "funeral homes" Line 13 "laundromats" Line 17 "pet shop and grooming" Line 18 "photography" Line 19 "photo reproduction printing, xerography(retail)" Line 20 "professional services." Line 9 Change "financial institutions" from note S #152 in the IM zone, note S #152 in the IH zone, and note S #23 in the CO zone, to note S #259 in IM, IH, and CO zones. Add "financial institutions" as secondary uses in the IL zone subject to note #259. Line 12 Add "health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH zones subject to note #207, and in the CO zone, change from note S #233 to note #259. Line 14 Add "personal service" as a secondary use to IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #259. Change from note S #234/AD #62 to note S #259 in the CO zone. Line 15 Delete "personal services barber shops/beauty parlors". Permitted uses in the CA and CD zones and secondary use note #68 in the COR zone are consolidated on line 2. 5 1110 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Line 16 Delete "Personal services, general". Permitted uses subject to note #127 in the CS zone are consolidated on line 14. - Line 21 Add "professional sports teams/promoters" as a secondary use to IL, IH and CO zones subject to note#207. Rental Services Line 1 Delete "rental services". Consolidate permitted uses in IL and IM zones subject to note#74, on line 3. Line 2 Add "rental services with outside storage"to the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#225. Line 3 Change "rental services, no outside storage" to a permitted use in the IL zone, subject to note #74, permitted in the IM zone, and secondary subject to note #207 in the IH and CO zones. Line 4 "Add video rentals and sales" to the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207. Repair Services Add the following uses as secondary in IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207 and delete the note #140 in the CA zone to allow these uses as permitted with no conditions: Line 1 "electric repair" Line 2 "repair service" Line 4 "television repair" Line 5 "upholstery repair" Line 6 "watches/jewelry repair." Day Care Services Line 1 Add"family day care" as a secondary use to IL, IM, and IH zones, subject to note #207. Line 2 Change "day care centers" from note AD to note S #259 in the IL, IM and IH zones. Line 4 Change "adult day care , maximum 12 on nonresidential" from note AD to note S #260 in the IL, and from note H to note S #260 in the IM and IH zones. Health Services Line 2 Delete "hospitals". Consolidate hearing examiner uses in the CN, CS, CA, and CD zones on line 3. Line 3 Change "hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses" from note AD/H to H #261 in the CO zone. Add the use in the IL, IM and IH zones as a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#261. 4-2-060.H TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Change "auto impoundment yard" in the IM zone from a hearing examiner conditional use to hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#270. 6 "sr' ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 Line 2 Delete the word "boat". Add "passenger truck leasing" so the line reads: "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck leasing". Add note AD #43 in the CN-zone., and note P in the CA zone. Add as a secondary use in the IL, IM, and IH zones subject to note #207. Line 3 Delete the word "boat". Add "passenger truck rental", so the line reads: "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck rental". Consolidate note P #74 in the IL zone and note P in the IM zone. Add as secondary use subject to note #207 in the IH zone. Change to an administrative conditional use subject to note #43 in the CN zone. Line 4 Delete "automobile, boat, motorcycle sales". Consolidate the permitted uses in the CA zone with line 5. Line 6 Delete "automobile leasing". Delete note AD in the CN zone and note P in the CA zone. Line 7 Delete "automobile rental" from IL, IM, CN and CA zones. Line 8 Delete "automobile sales". Consolidate uses permitted subject to note #74 in IL, and permitted in IM and IH zones, with line 5. Line 9 Add new line "boat leasing, sales, rental". Consolidate uses in the IL zone as permitted subject to note #74, in the IM, IH and CA as permitted. Add uses to the CN zone as administrative conditional, subject to note #43 Line 11 Add "bus terminal, taxi headquarters" as an administrative conditional use in the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #158. Line 12 Add "car washes" as a secondary use in the CO zone subject to note #207 and eliminate note#74 to allow the use as permitted in the IL zone. Line 16 Add "gasoline service stations" as a secondary use in the CO zone subject to note #207 and eliminate note #74 to allow the use as permitted in the IL zone. Line 24 Add "parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% gross floor area limit on parking lots", as an administrative conditional use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note #207. Remove note #43 to allow the use as administrative conditional in the CO zone. Line 25 Change "parking garages, commercial" from a secondary use subject to note #149 to a secondary use subject to note #160 in the CO zone. Add the use as secondary in the IL and IH zones subject to note #160. Line 28 Change "public parking" from a secondary to a permitted use in the CA zone. Add the use as secondary subject to note #207 in the IL, IM and IH zones. Line 32 Change "tow truck operation" from a hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #273 in the IM zone. Line 34 Add "transit centers" as a hearing examiner use in the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207 and as a permitted use in the CD zone. Line 40 Change " Uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships" from a secondary to a permitted use in the CA zone, and to a secondary use in the IL, IM, IH zones subject to note#207. Line 43 Change "wrecking yard, auto" from a hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #270 in the IM zone. 7 Nov ORDINANCE NO. 4786 lowif Air Transportation Uses Line 2 Add "helipads, accessory to primary use" as a secondary use in the IM and IN zones subject to note #207. 4-2-060.I STORAGE Line 7 Change "hazardous waste, off site including treatment " from a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #211 to a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #274 in the IM zone. Line 8 Change "hazardous waste, on site (including treatment) from note AC #129/H #235 to note AC#129/H#274 in the IM zone. Line 9 Change "indoor storage" from note AC/S #254 in the CO zone to note AC #254. Add "indoor storage" as an accessory use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note #254. Line 10 Add "indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor area limit for accessory uses" as a secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note #262. Line 12 Add "outdoor storage" as a secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note#263. Line 17 Delete"Self storage, existing". Consolidate permitted uses in the CN zone on line 16. Line 18 Change "Self-service storage" in the IL zone from note AC to note S #264. In the IM zone, change from a permitted use to permitted subject to note #268. In the CA zone add secondary use subject to note #264. Line 19 Delete "self storage, 1 story, 1 building". Delete the hearing examiner use in the CA zone. 4-2-060.J MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Line 3 Change "brick, tile, terra cotta manufacturing, storage" from note AD to note AD #270 in the IM zone. Line 4 Change "cement, line, gypsum manufacturing" from note H to note H #270 in the IM zone Line 5 Change "concrete batching plant" from note AD to note AD #270 in the IM zone. Line 11 Change "electronic manufacturing and assembly" from a secondary use to an administrative conditional use in the CO zone subject to note #20. Add as a secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note#207. Line 15 Add "labs: grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses" as a secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note#207. Line 16 Add "labs, medical and dental" as a secondary use in the IH zones subject to note #207 and in the CO zone as an administrative conditional use subject to the note #207. Change from note P #74 to note S #207 in the IL zone and from note #51 to P in the CA zone. Line 19 Change "manufacturing of stone, clay, glass, concrete" from an administrative conditional use to an administrative conditional use subject to note #270 in the IM zone. 8 ,.. ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 Line 21 Change "research, development and testing" from a secondary use to an administrative conditional use subject to note #20 in the CO zone. Line 22 Change "soap and compound manufacturing" from a hearing examiner conditional use to an administrative conditional use subject to note#270 in the IM zone. Line 23 Change "tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skins" from an administrative conditional use to an administrative conditional use subject to note#270 in the IM zone. Line 25 Add "computer" as an accessory use in the IL, IM , IH and CO zones subject to note#268. Line 26 Add "electronics" as a accessory use in the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#207. Light manufacturing, assembly light finishing and warehousing of: Line 1 Add "prefabricated parts and finished parts" as a hearing examiner conditional use in the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note #207. Manufacturing, assembly, packaging of: Line 2 Add "Articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material" as an administrative conditional use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note #265. Change from a secondary use to an administrative conditional use subject to note #20 in the CO zone. Line 8 Change " signs and advertising" from a permitted use to a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#270 in the IM zone. Solid Waste/Recycling Line 2 Delete "recycling center". Consolidate the hearing examiner conditional use in the CA zone on line 4. Line 3 Delete "recycling collection and processing". Consolidate the permitted use in the IH zone on line 8. Line 4 Add "recycling collection center" as a secondary use in the IH zone subject to note #207. Change from a permitted use to permitted use subject to note #207 in the IM zone. Line 5 Add " recycling collection station " as an accessory use in the IH zone subject to note #207. Line 7 Delete "recycling drop or collection center". Consolidate the permitted use in the CA zone on line 4. Line 8 Delete the word "collection" so that the line reads "recycling processing center". Line 9 Delete "recycling, large scale". Consolidate the permitted use in the IH zone on line 8. Line 10 Change "sewage disposal and treatment plants" from a hearing examiner conditional use to hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #270 in the IM zone. Line 12 Change "waste recycling and transfer facilities" from a hearing examiner conditional use to hearing examiner conditional use subject to note#270 in the IM zone. 9 INO 4100, ORDINANCE NO. 4786 *4410 4-2-060.K COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Line 2 Add "apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication" as an accessory use in the IL, IM IH and CO zones subject to note#266. Line 4 Add "computer and electronics assembly and packaging " as an accessory use in the IL, IM IH and CO zones subject to note#267. Line 6 Change "food preparation" from an accessory use note #50 to a secondary use subject to note #266 in the CO zone. Add as a secondary use in the IL, IM, and IH zones subject to note #266. Line 9 Add "handcrafting of items/products" as an accessory use in the IL, IM, IH and CO zones subject to note#266. Line 15 Add"storage of products in conjunction with retail" as an accessory use in the IL, IM IH and CO zones subject to note#267. 4-2-060.L PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Line 1 Change "government offices and facilities" from an administrative to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zones. Line 2 Delete "Jails" from the CD zone. Social/Social Service Organizations Line 1 Change "community facilities" from a permitted/secondary use to a permitted use in the CD zone, a hearing examiner conditional use in the CA, and hearing examiner conditional in the CO zone. Line 3 Change "philanthropic institution" from note AD/H to note H in COR and from note AD#62/H to H in the CO. Line 4 Change "private club, fraternal or non-profit organization" from note AD/H to note H in COR and from note AD #62/H to H in the CO. Line 5 Change "service and social organizations" from a secondary to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CS zone, to a hearing examiner conditional use subject to note #62 in the CO zone, and to a hearing examiner conditional use in the COR, CD, CA, CN, CC, IH, IM, IL, RM, R-14 and RMH zones. Line 6 Delete "Service clubs and organizations". Consolidate uses on line 5. Line 7 Delete "Service clubs and social organizations". Consolidate uses on line 5. Line 9 Delete "Social Services". Delete note #8 in the CN zone. Utilities Line 2 Change "public utility use or structure" from an administrative/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zones. Line 4 Delete note #74 from"Utilities, small" in the IL zone, making this use permitted. 10 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Communications Line 1 Add "communication broadcast and relay towers" as a hearing examiner conditional use in the IL and IH zones subject to note #207, and in the IM zone subject to note #270. Line 3 Change "radio or television transmitter" from an administrative/hearing examiner conditional use to a hearing examiner conditional use in the CO and COR zones. Line 4 Add "telegraph and other communication" as a hearing examiner conditional use in the IL, IM IH and CO zones subject to note #207. 4-2-060.M SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Line 1 Change "educational institution (public or private)" from an AD/H to H in the CO and COR zones. Line 11 Add "schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music" as a secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note#258. Line 12 Add "business and professional schools" as secondary use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note #207. Line 14 Add "special schools, technical/industrial processes" as a hearing examiner conditional use in the IL, IM and IH zones subject to note#207. 4-2-060.N MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Line 1 Add "changes in height, bulk" as an administrative conditional use subject to note #207 in the IL, IM, and IH zones Line 8 Delete "heights of up to 60 above the maximum height of 250". Delete note H #111 in the CO zone. SECTION II. Subsections 4-2-080.A.6, 43, 115, 148, 150, 158, 189, 207, 223, 225, 233, 234, 253, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, and 274, Conditions Associated with Zoning Tables, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title 4 (Development Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows: 6. Allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation only (see EAV map in RMC- 4-2-080.B)except north of SW 16th St. 43. Limited to automobile leasing and rental. 115. Excluded from the area south of I- 405 and north of SW 16th St. 11 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 148. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of the requirements in RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. Except not permitted in the Auto Mall Area A: Area bounded by Grady Way South, Rainier Avenue South, I- 405, and Lind Avenue South. 150. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. Includes small trees, shrubs, flowers, supplies, and tools within an enclosed area. 158. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B , except exterior storage and long-term parking of commercial vehicles. 189. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area. No freestanding buildings — must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100')of residential zoned properties, external signage shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4- 4-100.E.5.i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three(3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 207. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. 223. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. When operations are predominantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure, a conditional use permit is required. 225. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. Subject to site plan review. 233. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area. No outdoor facilities. No external signage. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 12 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 234. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area. No freestanding buildings.Must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100') of residential zoned properties, external signage shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4-4-100.E.5.i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 253. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Limited to uses which serve adjacent employees subject to the following conditions: No signage other than that located on the cart itself. Cart location must be pedestrian oriented and not street oriented. Cart location cannot be on required landscaping or parking areas unless in a Park and Ride lot where no more than a single parking space may be taken up by the cart. No more than two(2)espresso or other temporary vendors per primary use, except for master planned office parks over five (5) acres in size for which a maximum number of carts will be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three(3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 258. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) No outdoor facilities or storage. Retail sales of products or merchandise produced on the premises; providing, the sales area does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area of the use. 259. Allowed outright in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Outside the EAV consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area. No freestanding buildings Must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100') of residential zoned properties, external signage shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4-4-I00.E.5.i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent(25%)of any one floor of a building whose primary 13 IOW ‘0010 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible.260. Only allowed outright in the Employment Area Valley (EAV). See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. Elsewhere an administrative conditional use permit is required. 261. Except not permissible (at all) within the Employment Area Valley (EAV). (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) 262. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Accessory to a permitted use where adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated and the use is part of a mixed tenancy and/or use development where the average amount of indoor storage, accessory to all permitted uses, does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the total development's gross floor area. 263. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B. Must be associated with a permitted use and if appropriately screened, limited to fifteen feet(15') in height or one story. 264. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation with Light Industrial Zoning. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B with a hearing examiner conditional use permit,. Outside of the Employment Area Valley, self storage is allowed as an administrative conditional use, In the Commercial Arterial zone self storage is limited to 1 story and one building with a hearing examiner conditional use permit. 265. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Consideration must be given to community need(i.e., suitable location)with an administrative conditional use permits 266. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Allowed where incidental to a permitted use, not to exceed thirty three percent (33%)of the gross floor area and allowed for on-site sales purposes only. 267. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Allowed where incidental to a permitted use and shall not exceed thirty three percent(33%)of the gross floor area. 268. Within the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St. the following restrictions apply: 24 hour on-site management is required. No estate, garage or other sales from any leasable spaces. No outdoor storage, including vehicle or trailer storage lots. Temporary customer moving van/truck parking, if provided, must be clearly marked with signage or paint. The dimensions and demarcation of moving van/truck spaces subject to site plan review. 269. Within the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16th St. only indoor kennels are allowed. 270. Excluded within the area south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St. 271. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. (See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080.B.) Within the Medium Industrial zoning south of 1-405 and north of SW 16th St. limited to indoor kennels. 14 '4° ORDINANCE NO. 4786 272. Permitted when ancillary to a permitted primary use where food and beverages are served on the premises and located south of SW 16th St within an area with an Employment Area-Valley land use designation as shown on the City Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. 273. Within the area south of I-405 and north of SW 16th St. no storage yard/impoundment associated with tow truck activities is permitted. 274. The hearing examiner may grant a conditional use permit for off site hazardous waste treatment and storage facility in any zone which allows industrial and manufacturing uses that process or handle hazardous substances; provided, that the use conforms with the criteria set forth in RMC 4- 9-030.G, conditional Use Permit Decision Criteria, and the following criteria: (a)the location must comply with the State siting criteria as adopted in accordance with RCW 70.105.210 and (b) the location of the hazardous waste treatment and storage facility is subject to site plan review and the applicable criteria set forth in RMC 4-9-200. Site Plan Review, except within the area south of I- 405 and north of SW 16th St. SECTION III. Subsections 4-2-070.E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q and R, USES, of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, of Title 4 (Building Regulations), of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended as follows: USES: 4-2-070.E RESIDENTIAL MANUFACTURED HOMES (RMH) AGRICULTURE RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Uses-Noncommercial Line 1 Change"Common household pets" from Type AC/H #202 to AC #201. CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT, AND RECREATIONAL Recreational Facilities Line 1 Change to read "Recreational facilities (indoor or outdoor)". PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change"Service clubs and social organizations"to "Service and social organizations". 4-2-070.F RESIDENTIAL 10 DU/AC PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change"Service clubs and social organizations"to "Service and social organizations". 15 410, ORDINANCE NO. 4786 4-2-070.G RESIDENTIAL- 14 DU/AC (R-14) PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 6 Change "Service clubs and social organizations"to "Service and social organizations". CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreation Facilities Line 1 "Recreation center" is amended to read"Recreation facilities (indoor or outdoor)". 4-2-070.H RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY (RM) PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change "Service clubs and social organizations"to "Service and social organizations". Line 5 Delete"Service clubs and social organizations", Type H. 4-2-070.I CONVENIENCE COMMERCIAL (CC) SERVICES Line 1 and line 2 are consolidated to read"Barber and beauty shops". Type P #165. Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change "Service Clubs and Organizations" to read "Service and social organizations". Type H. 4-2-070.J CENTER NEIGHBORHOOD (CN) TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Amend to read"Automobile leasing and rental". Type AD #43. STORAGE Line 2 Delete "Self storage existing". PUBLIC FACILITIES Line 2 Change"Social Services"to read " Service and social organizations" Type H. Line 3 Delete "Social Services" S#8. 4-2-070.K CENTER SUBURBAN (CS) Social/Social Service Organizations Lines 4 and 5 Change "Service clubs and organizations" and "Social service facilities" to read "Service and social organizations" Type H. 4-2-070.L COMMERCIAL ARTERIAL (CA) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCE PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Services Line 1 Change "Kennels hobby"note from Type AD #248 to Type AD #148. 16 ... ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 86 •.. RESIDENTIAL Other Residences and Lodging Line 1 Change"Group Homes 1" from Type P/H to Type H. RETAIL SALES Line 2 Change "Appliances" from Type S #1 to Type P. Line 13 Change "Furniture" from Type S #1 to Type P. Line 16 Change"Home furnishings" from Type S #1 to Type P. Line 20 Change "Monument, tombstones, and gravestones" from Type AD to Type P. SERVICES Line 2 Amend to read"Barber, beauty" Type P. Line 3 Delete. Line 4 Change "Business services, general" from Type P/S #1 to Type P. Line 12 Delete "Personal services, barber shops/beauty parlor" Type P. Line 16 Change "Professional services" from Type S #1 to Type P. Repair Services Line 1 Change"Electrical" from P #140 to P. Line 2 Change "Television" from P #140 to P. Line 3 Change "Upholstery" from P #140 to P. Line 4 Change "Watches/jewelry" from P #140 to P. Health Services Line 2 Delete "Hospitals". TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Delete the word "boat" and add the words"passenger truck". Line 2 Delete the word "boat" and add the words"passenger truck". Line 5 Delete "Automobile leasing". Line 6 Delete "Automobile rentals". Add a new line "Boat leasing, sales, rental". Add Type P. Line 13 Change "Public parking" from a secondary use to a permitted use Type P. Line 16 Uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships change from a secondary use to a permitted use Type P. STORAGE AND STORAGE FACILITIES Line 1 Delete "self storage, 1 story 1 building" Type H. Change the wording to "self service storage". Change to Type S #264. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Line 1 Change "labs, medical and dental" from Type S #1 to Type P. 17 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Solid Waste/Recycling Line 1 Change "recycling drop or collection center"to "recycling collection center". — Line 3 Delete"recycling center" Type H. PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 1 Change"community facilities" from Type S/H to Type H. Line 4 Change"service clubs and organizations" to "service and social organizations". Type H. 4-2-070.M CENTER DOWNTOWN (CD) CULTURAL\ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreation Facilities Line 1 Change to read"recreational facilities (indoor and outdoor)". SERVICES Line 1 and 2 Consolidate to read"barber, beauty shops". Line 11 Delete "personal services barber shops, beauty parlors". Health Services Line 2 Delete"hospitals' Type H. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURE HOME SALES Line 5 Add"Transit centers", Type P. PUBLIC FACILITIES Social/Social Service Organizations Line 1 Change "Community services" from Type S to Type P. Line 4 Change "service clubs and organizations"to "service and social organizations", Type H. 4-2-070.N COMMERCIAL OFFICE (CO) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Add Animal Related Services Add"Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels". Type S #207. Add "Veterinary office with kennels, runs or stables". Type AD #207. Gardens and Nurseries Line 1 Change"nurseries or greenhouse"from AD/H#62 to Type H. Agriculture and Natural Resources Line 1 Change "mineral/natural resource recovery" from AD/H to Type H. RETAIL SALES Add the following uses at Type S#207: apparel and accessories appliances, auto supplies 18 `.." ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 books music, stationery, art supply department and variety drug store — fabrics and related supplies flowers, plants and floral supplies food furniture groceries hobbies, toys, games home furnishings,jewelry liquor stores newsstands office and business supplies, computers office supplies personal medical supplies pet shop and grooming pharmacies photographic and electronic supplies sporting goods used goods and antiques Add"building, hardware, garden materials" as Type S #150. Change "convenience goods" from Type S#234 to Type S #189. Add"florist" as Type H#207. Line 5 Delete "retail uses (existing legal)", Type S #234. Line 6 Change" retail uses" from Type AD #62 to Type S #259. CULTURAL\ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Parks and Open Space Line 3 Change"park, playground or recreation/community center" from Type AD/H to Type H. Entertainment/Amusement Add"amusement arcades" as Type S #207 Add"amusement parks" as Type H#207 Add "bowling alleys" as Type S #207 Add"dance halls and cabarets" as Type S #207 Add "not for profit gambling, casinos/games of chance/bingo" as Type H#207 Add "Outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment uses" as Type H#207 Add"sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls"as Type S #207 Add"theaters, drive in" as Type S #207 Cultural Change "library or museum, public or nonprofit" from Type AD/H to Type H. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Line 2 Change "medical and dental"to add"clinics". Line 3 Change "private conference centers" from Type AC#50 to Type AC. 19 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 SERVICES Line 1 Change "business services, general" from Type P #62 to Type S #259. Line 2 Change"cemetery, crematory, columbarium' from Type AD/H to Type AD. Line 3 Change "financial institutions" from Type S #232 to Type S #259. Line 4 Change "health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs" from Type S #233 to Type S #259. Line 5 Change "personal services" from Type S #234/AD#62 to Type S #259. Add"auction houses" as Type #223 Add "barber, beauty shops" as Type S #207 Add "computer services(retail)" as Type S #207 Add"financial and real estate" as Type S #207 Add "funeral homes" as Type S #207 Add"laundromats" as Type S #207 Add"pet shop and grooming" as Type S #207 Add "photography and photo reproduction"as Type S #207 Add"printing, xerography(retail)" as Type S #207 Add "professional services" as Type S #207 Add"professional sports teams/promoters" as Type S #207 Add category"Rental Services" Add"rental services, with outside storage" as Type S #225 Add "rental services no outside storage " as Type S #207 Add "video rentals and sales" as Type S #207 Repair Services Add "electrical repair" as Type S #207 Add"television repair" as Type S #207 Add"upholstery repair" as Type S #207 Add"watches/jewelry repair" as Type S #207 Health Services Line 2 Change "hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses" from Type AD/H to Type H#261. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Change "parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% of the gross floor area limit" from Type AD #43 to Type AD. Line 2 Change "parking garages, commercial" from Type S #149 to Type S #160. Add"bus terminal, taxi headquarters" as Type AD #158. Add"car washes" as Type S #207. Add "gasoline service stations" as Type S #207. Add"transit centers" as Type H#207. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Line 1 Change"electronic, manufacturing , and assembly"from Type S #20 to AD#20. Line 3 Change"research develop and testing" from S #20 to AD#20. Add "labs, medical and dental" as Type AD #207. Add"computer"as Type AC #268. 20 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Add "electronics"as Type AC #207. Add "prefabricated parts and finished parts" as Type H#207. Manufacturing, assembly packing of Line 1 Change "articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material" from Type S #20 to Type AD #20. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Line 2 Change "food preparation" from Type AC #50 to Type S #266. Add "apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication" as Type AC #266. Add "computer and electronics assembly and packaging " as Type AC #267. Add "handcrafting of item/products" as Type S #266. Add "storage of products in conjunction with retail sales"as Type S #267. PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Line 1 Change "government offices and facilities" from Type AD/H to Type H. Social/Social Service Organizations Line I Change "community facilities" from Type S #20/H to Type H. Line 2 Change "philanthropic institution" from Type AD #62/H to Type H. Line 3 Change "private club, fraternal or nonprofit organization" from Type AD #62/H to Type H. Line 4 Change "service and social organizations" to read "service and social organizations" Type H#62. Line 5 Delete "service clubs and social organizations". Utilities Line 1 Change "public utility use or structure "from Type AD/H to Type H. Communications Line 1 Change "radio or television transmitter" Type AD/H to Type H. Add "telegraph and other communication" as Type H #207. SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Line 1 Change "Educational institution(public or private)" from Type AD/H to Type H. MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Line 2 Delete "Heights of up to 60 above the maximum height of 250". 4-2-070.0 CENTER OFFICE RESIDENTIAL(COR) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Gardens and Nurseries Line 1 Change"nurseries or greenhouse" from Type AD/H to Type H. 21 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Agriculture and Natural Resources Line 1 Change "mineral/natural resource recovery"from Type AD/H to Type H. RETAIL SALES Line 2 Change "books, stationary, art supply to read"Books, music, stationery, art supply". CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Parks and Open Space Line 3 Change "park, playground or recreation/community center" from Type AD/H to Type H. Cultural Line 1 Change "library or museum, public or nonprofit" from Type AD/H to Type H. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Line 4 Change "private conference centers" from Type AC #50 to Type AC. SERVICES Line 1 and 2 Consolidate "barber and beauty shops". Line 3 Change "cemetery, crematory, columbarium" from Type AD/H to Type AD. Line 6 Delete "personal services barbershops/beauty parlors"Type S #68". PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Line 1 Change"government offices and facilities" from Type AD/H to Type H. Social/Social Service Organizations Line 2 Change "philanthropic institution" from Type AD/H to Type H. Line 3 Change "private club, fraternal or nonprofit organization" from Type AD/H to Type H. Line 4 Change "service and social organizations" to read "Service and social organizations" Type H. Line 5 Delete "service clubs and social organizations". Utilities Line 1 Change "public utility use or structure" from Type AD/H to Type H. Communications Line 1 Change "radio or television transmitter" from Type AD/H to Type H. SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Line 1 Change "Educational institution(public or private)" from AD/H to Type H. 22 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 4-2-070.P INDUSTRIAL LIGHT (IL) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING — Animal Related Services Line 2 Add the word "clinics"to "Veterinary offices with kennels". Line 3 Delete "veterinary clinics with kennels"Type P#74. Add "veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels, runs or stables", Type S #207. Add "veterinary office with kennels, runs or stables", Type AD #207. Add RESIDENTIAL Other Residences and Lodging Add"hotel" as Type S #207. Add"motel" as Type S #207. RETAIL SALES Add the following uses as Type S #207: apparel and accessories appliances, auto supplies books music, stationery, art supply department and variety drug store espresso or carts and temporary food vendors fabrics and related supplies florist flowers, plants, and floral supplies food furniture groceries hobbies, toys, games home furnishings jewelry liquor stores monuments, tombstones and gravestones newsstands office and business supplies, computers office supplies personal medical supplies pet shop and grooming pharmacies photographic and electronic supplies retail uses sporting goods used goods and antiques Add "building, hardware, garden materials"as Type S #150. Add "convenience goods" as Type S#189. Line 2 Change "eating and drinking establishments" from Type P #74 to Type P. 23 *10 Ni✓ ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Line 4 Change "mini marts" from Type P #74 to Type P". CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreation Facilities Add "recreation facilities(indoor or outdoor)" as Type S #207. Entertainment/Amusement Line 3 Change "theaters" from Type S #170 to Type S #207 Add "amusement arcades" as Type S #207. Add"amusement parks" as Type H#207. Add "bowling alleys" as Type S #207. Add"dance halls and cabarets" as Type S #207. Add"not for profit gambling, casinos/games of change/bingo"as Type H#207. Add"outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment uses" as Type H#207. Add "sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls" as Type S #207. Add"theaters, drive in" as Type S #207. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Add"medical and dental clinics" as Type S #207. Add"private conference centers" as Type S #207. Add"professional office" as Type#207. SERVICES Line 1 Change "auction houses" from Type P #74 to Type#223. Add "barber, beauty shops" as Type S #207. Add"business services, general" as Type P. Add "computer services (retail)" as Type S #207. Add"financial and real estate" as Type S #207. Add "financial institutions" as Type #259. Add"funeral homes" as Type S #207. Add "health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs" as Type S #207. Add "laundromats" as Type S #207. Add "personal service" as Type S #207. Add "pet shop and grooming" as Type S #207. Add `photography and photo reproduction" as Type S #207. Add"printing, xerography(retail)" as Type S #207. Add"professional services" as Type S #207. Add "professional sports teams/promoters" as Type S #207. Rental Services Line 1 Delete "rental services" as Type P #74. Add"rental services, with outside storage" as Type S #225 Add "rental services no outside storage" as Type P#74 Add "video rentals and sales" as Type S #207. 24 ,., ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 Repair Services Add"electrical repair" as Type S #207. Add"television repair" as Type S #207. Add "upholstery repair"as Type S #207. Add "watches/jewelry repair" as Type S #207. Day Care Services Line 1 Change "day care centers" from Type AD to Type S #259. Line 3 Change"adult day care 1, maximum 12 on nonresidential property" from Type AD to Type S #260. Add"family day care" as Type S #207. Health Services Line 2 Change "hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses" from Type H to Type H#261. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Change "Automobile rental" to "Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck rental" as Type P #74. Line 2 Change "Automobile sales" to "Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck sales" as Type P #74. Line 4 Change "car washes" from Type P #74 to Type P. Line 6 Change "gasoline service stations" from Type P #74 to Type P. Add"Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck leasing" as Type S #207. Add"boat leasing, sales, rental" as Type P #74. Add "bus terminal, taxi headquarters" as Type AD #158. Add "parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% of the gross floor area limit" as Type AD #207. Add"parking garages, commercial" as Type S #160. Add"public parking" as Type S #207. Add"transit centers" as Type H#207. Add "uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships "as Type S #207. STORAGE Line 5 "Change self service storage" from Type AD to Type S #264. Add "indoor storage" as Type AC #254. Add"indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor area limit for accessory use" as Type S #262. Add "outdoor storage" as Type S #263. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Line 7 Change "labs, medical and dental" from Type P #74 to Type S #207. Add"electronic, manufacturing, and assembly"as Type S #207. Add"labs grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses" as Type S #207. Add "computer" as Type AC #268. 25 14110 ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 Add"electronics" as Type AC #207. Add "prefabricated parts and finished parts"as Type H#207. Manufacturing, assembly packing of Add "articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material" as Type AD #265. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Add"apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication" as Type AC #266. Add"computer and electronics assembly and packaging"as Type AC #267. Add"food preparation" as Type S #266. Add "handcrafting of item/products" as Type S #266. Add"storage of products in conjunction with retail sales" as Type AC #267. PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Service Organizations Social/Social Line 4 Change "service clubs and organizations" to read "service and social organizations" as Type H. Utilities Change P #74 to P. Communications Add "communication broadcast and relay towers" as H#207. Add "telegraph and other communications" as Type H#207. SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Add "schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music" as Type S #258. Add"business and professional schools" as Type S #207. Add"special schools: technical/industrial processes" as Type H #207. MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Add"changes in height, bulk" as Type AD #207. 4-2-070.Q INDUSTRIAL MEDIUM (IM) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Uses Noncommercial Line 1 Change "kennels, hobby"from Type P #205 to Type S #269. Animal Related Services Line 1 Change "kennels" from Type P to Type P #269. Line 2 Change "stables, commercial" from Type P to Type P #270. Line 3 Change to read "Veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels, runs or stables" as Type S #207. 26 '""*. ORDINANCE NO. 4 7 8 6 Line 4 Add the word "offices"to "veterinary clinics with kennels". Change from Type P to Type P #269.Add"veterinary office with kennels, runs or stables"as Type AD #271. Gardens and Nurseries Line 2 Change"nursery or greenhouse" from Type P/H to Type H. Agriculture and Natural Resources Line 1 Change"agricultural crops sales" from Type P to Type P #270. Line 2 Change "mineral/natural resource recovery" as Type H to Type H#270. Add RESIDENTIAL Other Residences and Lodging Add "hotel"as Type S #207. Add "motel" as Type S #207. RETAIL SALES Line 2 Change"coal yards" from Type P to Type P #270. Add the following uses as Type S #207: apparel and accessories, appliances, auto supplies books, music, stationery, art supply department and variety drug store espresso carts and temporary food vendors fabrics and related supplies florist flowers, plants and floral supplies food furniture groceries hobbies, toys, games home furnishings jewelry liquor stores monuments, tombstones and gravestones newsstands office and business supplies, computers office supplies personal medical supplies pet shop and grooming pharmacies photographic and electronic supplies retail uses 27 tiro ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Nod sporting goods used goods and antiques — Add"building, hardware, garden materials as Type S #150. Add "convenience goods" as Type S #189. WHOLESALE SALES Line 2 Change "fuel dealers" from Type H to Type H#270. CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreation Facilities Line I Change "recreation facilities"to "recreation facilities (indoor or outdoor)". Entertainment/Amusement Line 2 Change "cardrooms" from Type S #255 to Type S #272. Line 3 Change "theaters" from Type S #170 to Type S #207. Add"amusement arcades" as Type S #207. Add"amusement parks" as Type H#207. Add "bowling alleys" as Type S #207. Add"dance halls and cabarets" as Type S #207. Add"not for profit gambling, casinos/games of chance/bingo" as Type H#207. Add"outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment" as Type H#207. Add "sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls"as Type S #207. Add"theaters, drive in" as Type S #207. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Add"medical and dental clinics"as Type S #207. Add "private conference centers" as Type S #207. Add"professional office" as Type #207. SERVICES Line 2 Change "business services, general" from Type S #173 to Type P. Line 6 Change "financial institutions" from Type S #152 to Type S #259. Add "barber, beauty shops" as Type S #207. Add"computer services (retail)" as Type S #207. Add"financial and real estate" as Type S #207. Add "funeral homes" as Type S#207. Add "health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs" as Type S #207. Add "laundromats" as Type S #207. Add"personal service" as Type S #207. Add"pet shop and grooming" as Type S #207. Add"photography and photo reproduction"as Type S #207. Add "printing, xerography(retail)" as Type S #207. Add "professional services" as Type S #207. 28 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 _ Rental Services Line 1 Delete "rental services" Type P.Add"rental services, with outside storage" as Type S #225 Add "rental services no outside storage"as Type P. Add "video rental and sales" as Type S #207. Repair Services Add "electrical repair" as Type S #207. Add"television repair" as Type S #207. Add "upholstery repair" as Type S #207. Add "watches/jewelry repair"as Type S #207. Day Care Services Line 1 Change "day care centers" from Type H to Type S #259. Line 3 Change "adult day care 1, maximum 12 on nonresidential property" from Type H to Type S #260. Add "family day care"as Type S #207. Health Services Line 1 Change"hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses" from Type H to Type H#261. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Change "auto impoundment yard" from Type H to Type H#270. Line 2 Change "automobile rental" to "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck rental" as Type P. Line 3 Change "automobile sales"to "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck sales" as Type P. Line 16 Change"tow truck operation" from Type H to Type H#273. Line 21 Change"wrecking yard, auto" from Type H to Type H#270. Add"Automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck leasing" as Type S #207. Add "boat leasing, sales, rental" as Type P. Add "bus terminal, taxi headquarters" as Type AD #158. Add "parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% of the gross floor area limit" as Type AD #207. Add "public parking" as Type S #207. Add "transit centers" as Type H#207. Add "Uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships" as Type S #207. Air Transportation Uses Line 1 Change "helipads" from Type H to Type H#207. 29 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 STORAGE Line 3 Change "hazardous waste, off site (including treatment)" from Type H #211 toe H #274. Line 4 Change "hazardous waste, on site (including treatment)" from Type AC #129/H #235 to Type AC #129/H#274. Line 8 Change"self service storage" from Type P to Type S #268. Add"indoor storage" as Type AC #254. Add"indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor area limit for accessory use" Type S #262. Add"outdoor storage" Type S #263. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Line 2 Change "brick, tile, terra cotta manufacturing, storage" from Type AD to Type AD#270. Line 3 Change "cement, lime gypsum manufacturing" from Type H to Type H#270. Line 4 Change "concrete batching plant" from Type AD to Type AD #270. Line 10 Change "manufacturing of stone clay glass and concrete" from Type AD to Type AD #270. Line 13 Change "soap and compound manufacturing" from Type H to Type H#270. Line 14 Change "tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skins" from Type AD to Type AD#270. Add"electronic, manufacturing , and assembly" as Type S #207. Add"labs grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses"as Type S #207. Add"computer" as Type AC#268. Add"electronics" as Type AC #207. Add"prefabricated parts and finished parts" as Type H#207. Manufacturing, assembly packing of Line 7 Change "sign and advertising" from Type P to Type H#270. Add "articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material" as Type AD #265. Solid Waste Recycling Line 2 Change "Recycling Collection Center" from Type P to Type P #270. Line 4 Change "sewage disposal and treatment plants" from Type H to Type H#270. Line 5 Change "waste recycling and transfer facilities from Type H to Type H#270. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Add "apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication" as Type AC #266. Add"computer and electronics assembly and packaging" as Type AC #267. Add"food preparation"as Type S #266. Add "handcrafting of item/products" as Type S #266. Add"storage of products in conjunction with retail sales"as Type AC #267. 30 `""' ORDINANCE NO. 4786 °— PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Service Organizations — Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change "service clubs and organizations"to read"service and social organizations' Type H. Communications Add "Communication broadcast and relay towers"as Type H#270. Add"telegraph and other communications" as Type H#207. SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Add"schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music" as Type S #258 Add"business and professional schools" as Type S #207. Add "special schools: technical/industrial processes"as Type H#207. MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Add"Changes in height, bulk"as Type AD # 207. 4-2-070.R INDUSTRIAL HEAVY(IH) AGRICULTURE, RESOURCES PRODUCTION AND ANIMAL KEEPING Animal Related Services Add "veterinary offices/clinics no exterior kennels" as Type S #207. Add "veterinary office with kennels, runs or stables"as Type AD #207. Add RESIDENTIAL Other Residences and Lodging Add"hotel" as Type S #207. Add "motel" as Type S #207. RETAIL SALES Add the following uses as Type S #207: apparel and accessories appliances auto supplies books, music, stationery, art supply department and variety drug store espresso carts and temporary food vendors fabrics and related supplies florist flowers, plants and floral supplies food furniture groceries hobbies, toys, games 31 *110 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 home furnishings jewelry liquor stores monuments, tombstones and gravestones newsstands office and business supplies, computers office supplies personal medical supplies pet shop and grooming pharmacies photographic and electronic supplies retail uses sporting goods used goods and antiques Add"building, hardware, garden materials" as Type S #150. Add "convenience goods" as Type S#189. CULTURAL, ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreational Facilities Change "recreational facilities"to read "recreational facilities (indoor or outdoor)". Entertainment/Amusement Add"amusement arcades" as Type S #207. Add"amusement parks" as Type H#207. Add "bowling alleys" as Type S #207. Add"dance halls and cabarets" as Type S #207. Add "not for profit gambling, casinos/games of chance/bingo"as Type H#207. Add"outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment uses" as Type H#207. Add "sports arenas, auditoriums, exhibition halls"as Type S #207. Add"theaters" as Type S #207. Add "theaters, drive in" as Type S #207. OFFICE AND CONFERENCE Add "medical and dental clinics"as Type S #207. Add "private conference centers" as Type S #207. Add "professional office" as Type S #207. SERVICES Line 2 Change "financial institutions" from Type S #152 to Type S #259. Add "auction houses" as Type S #207. Add"barber, beauty shops" as Type S #207. Add"business services, general"as Type P. Add "computer services (retail)"as Type S #207. Add "financial and real estate" as Type S #207. Add"funeral homes" as Type S #207. 32 "" ORDINANCE NO. 4786 Add "health clubs/fitness centers/sports clubs"as Type S #207. Add "laundromats"as Type S #207. — Add"personal service" as Type S #207. Add"pet shop and grooming" as Type S #207. Add "photography and photo reproduction" as Type S #207. Add "printing, xerography(retail)" as Type S #207. Add "professional services" as Type S #207. Add "professional sports teams/promoters" as Type S #207. Rental Services Add "rental services, with outside storage" as Type S #225. Add "rental services no outside storage " as Type S #207. Add "video rental and sales" as Type S #207. Repair Services Add "electrical repair" as Type S #207. Add "television repair" as Type S #207. Add "upholstery repair" as Type S #207. Add "watches/jewelry repair" as Type S #207. Day Care Services Line 1 Change"day care centers" from Type H to Type S #259. Line 3 Change "adult day care 1, maximum 12 on nonresidential property" from Type H to Type S #260. Add"family day care", Type S #207. Health Services Line 2 Change "hospitals, sanitarium or similar uses" from Type H to Type H#261. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AND MANUFACTURED HOME SALES Line 1 Change "automobile sales"to "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck sales"as Type P. Add "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck rental" as Type S #207. Add "automobile, motorcycle, passenger truck leasing" as Type S #207. Add "boat leasing, sales, rental" as Type P. Add "bus terminal, taxi headquarters"as Type AD #158. Add "parking garages, accessory, exceeding the 33% of the gross floor area limit" as Type AD #207. Add"parking garages, commercial" as Type S #160. Add "public parking"as Type S #207. Add "transit centers" as Type H#207. Add"Uses determined by the Zoning Administrator that directly support dealerships" as Type S #207. Air Transportation Uses Add "helipads, accessory to primary use" as Type H#207. 33 41110 ORDINANCE NO. 4786 STORAGE Add "indoor storage" as Type AC#254. — Add"indoor storage exceeding the 33% floor area limit for accessory use" as Type S #262. Add"outdoor storage" as Type S #263. MANUFACTURING AND INDUSTRIAL Add"electronic, manufacturing, and assembly" as Type S #207. Add"labs grinding and assembly of optical lens and eyeglasses" as Type S #207. Add"labs, medical and dental" as Type S #207. Add"computer" as Type AC #268. Add"electronics" as Type AC #207. Add "prefabricated parts and finished parts" as Type H #207. Manufacturing, assembly packing of Add "articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed natural or synthetic material" as Type AD #265. Solid Waste Recycling Line 2 Change "recycling collection and processing stations" to "recycling collection station" as Type AC #207. Line 3 Change "recycling collection and processing centers" to "recycling collection center" as Type H#207. Line 4 Change "recycling, large scale"to "recycling processing center"as Type P. COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ACCESSORY USES Add"apparel, fabric and leather goods fabrication" as Type AC #266. Add"computer and electronics assembly and packaging" as Type AC #267. Add"food preparation" as Type S #266. Add"handcrafting of item/products" as Type S #266. Add"storage of products in conjunction with retail sales"as Type AC#267. PUBLIC FACILITIES Government Service Organizations Social/Social Service Organizations Line 4 Change "service clubs and organizations" to read "service and social organizations" as Type H. Communications Add "communication broadcast and relay towers" as Type H#207 Add "telegraph and other communications" as Type H#207. SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE Add"schools and studios for art, crafts, photography, dance, music" as Type S #258. Add"business and professional schools" as Type S #207. Add "special schools: technical/industrial processes"as Type H#207. 34 `"' ORDINANCE NO. 4786 — MISCELLANEOUS USES AND MODIFICATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Add"changes in height, bulk" as Type AD #207. - SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 12 t h day of July 1999. Marilyn J. eter en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 12 t h day of July ,1999. Jes anner c7;14". Approved as to rm: awAttitea Lawrence J. Warren, City ttorney Date of Publication: July 16 , 1999 (Summary) ORD.786:6/07/99:as. 35 June 28, 1999 `.o Renton City Council Minutes Nile Page 240 Resolution#3400 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Public Works: Skyway interlocal agreement with King County relating to the 1999 update of the Coordinated Water System Skyway Coordinated Water System Plan. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Plan, 1999 Update,King SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL ADOPT THE County(CAG-99- RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 7/12/99 for second and final reading: Municipal Court: Judge Pro An ordinance was read amending Section 3-4-3.B of Chapter 4,Municipal Tem Compensation Court,of Title III(Departments)of City Code by increasing the amount of compensation for Pro Tern Judges. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/12/99. CARRIED. Police: Bicycle Helmet An ordinance was read amending Title VI(Police Regulations)of City Code by Ordinance adding Chapter 26,entitled"Bicycle Helmets." MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS,COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/12/99. CARRIED. Planning: Employment Area— An ordinance was read amending Title IV(Development Regulations)of City Valley Zoning Code Changes Code by adding uses in the Light Industrial,Medium Industrial,Heavy Industrial,Commercial Office and Commercial Arterial zones,consolidating duplicate listed uses on the Zoning Use tables, and clarifying procedures and specific use conditions in the RM-H, R-14, IL, IM, IH, CC,CN, CS,CA,CD, CO and COR zones. MOVED BY KEOLKER-.WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/12/99. CARRIED. Legal: S 2nd St Condemnation An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property and (Burnett&Logan), property rights by eminent domain and providing for the payment thereof; Williams/Hiatt and Jasper authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for the purpose of public parking(Williams/Hiatt and Jasper parcels, located on South 2nd Street between Burnett and Logan Avenues South). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/12/99. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance#4783 An ordinance was read providing for 1999 Budget adjustments in the amount of Transportation: Six-Year TIP, $11,950,201 for transportation improvement projects. MOVED BY Mid-Year Budget Adjustments SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CANCEL Council: Meeting Cancellation BOTH THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL AND COMMITTEE OF THE (8/02/99) WHOLE MEETINGS ON AUGUST 2, 1999. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: :36 p.m. MARIL TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold June 28, 1999 I a May 10, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 167 Council action to specifically permit reimbursement for moving elsewhere. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER BACK TO THE UTILITIES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. RECESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,COUNCIL RECESS FOR FIVE MINUTES. CARRIED. Time: 9:00 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:07 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. Public Works: Oakesdale Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Business Park Wetland concurrence with the staff recommendation to authorize the Mayor and City Buffering Averaging(Use of Clerk to execute the Oakesdale Business Park wetland buffer averaging City Property) easement with the developer,Zelman Renton LLC. The wetland buffer averaging easement will allow the developer to use adjacent City-owned property purchased by the Surface Water Utility to mitigate for 21,370 square feet of wetland buffer that will be used as parking for the Oakesdale Business Park. In exchange, Zelman Renton LLC has granted the City a 225-foot ingress/egress easement and a 100-foot drainage easement along the southwest portion of the site. The Oakesdale Business Park is located north of SW 43rd Street and west of Oakesdale Avenue SW. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning&Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Committee regarding the zoning for the Davis Annexation. The Committee has reviewed Annexation: Davis,Union Ave the plans of the applicant for the 3.8-acre annexation,and discussed potential NE(132nd Ave SE),A-98-003 impacts with staff. Based on this information and the review that will necessarily occur during the project application,the Committee is satisfied that the issues raised during the public hearing can be addressed for this specific project under the proposed R-8 zoning. The Committee therefore recommended that Council adopt the ordinances for annexation and R-8 zoning as recommended by the Administration at the May 3, 1999 Council meeting. The Committee further recommended that the land use and zoning designations for the unincorporated area between Renton and Newcastle be reviewed during the next annual Comprehensive Plan amendment cycle. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMI 1"1'EE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 169 for ordinances.) Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler added that the net density for development in the annexation area will be approximately six dwelling units per acre,which is comparable to the R-5 zoning which Council had been considering imposing on the property. Planning: Employment Area Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Valley Zoning Code recommending that the Employment Area Valley Zoning Code amendments Amendments and additional Zoning Code housekeeping amendments be approved as follows: 1. The amendments shown in the document dated April 8, 1999 be adopted, \i with the changes recommended by the Planning Commission as modified by the Planning&Development Committee. These modifications regulate some uses allowed in the portion of the Medium Industrial(IM)zone falling between W 16th Street and 1-405. The Committee's intent is to enhance the image of enton at this gateway location by regulating uses which may have visual, May 10, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 168 noise or odoriferous impacts. 2. Additional staff review is to occur in the future as part of further Zoning Code housekeeping amendments to evaluate the issue of screening and site maintenance of industrial uses such as heavy equipment sales and storage,taxi and transportation services. 3. The draft Code amendments be forwarded to the City Attorney's office for development of an ordinance. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Schlitzer commended the involvement of many interested businesses in this matter. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending approval Finance: Vouchers of Claim Vouchers 170324- 170805 and two wire transfers totaling $3,116,452.51; and approval of Payroll Vouchers 166266- 166531 and 528 direct deposits in the total amount of$1,324,716.72(May 5, 1999). MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report regarding a Committee skateboard park in Renton. The City of Renton adopted its Comprehensive Parks: Skateboard Park Parks&Recreation Open Space Plan in 1993. At that time,there was discussion about including a skateboard park as a recommended project,but the need and demand had not been defined and there were major concerns about liability. In 1997,the Washington State Legislature amended the recreational land use law to include skateboarding, which had the effect of limiting the City's liability. In addition, the City's current insurance carrier covers skate parks at no additional premium charge. In the past several years,the need and demand for such a facility has become apparent and many other cities have built skateboard parks. Their experience has shown no increased liability and very few problems. Therefore,the Community Services Committee recommended that the City begin the process to identify potential locations for a skateboard park facility, and include the facility in the update of the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation and Open Space Plan. It is the intent of this recommendation to expedite the siting and construction of a skateboard park in the City of Renton. This may require an amendment to the existing Comprehensive Plan, a grant funding application,and the development of a public/private partnership to build the facility. This effort will not displace any existing project currently identified in the adopted Comprehensive Plan. This item will remain in the Community Services Committee for periodic updates. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner noted that,while staff can identify potential locations for a skateboard park and include such a facility in the update of the Comprehensive Parks and Recreation and Open Space Plan,at some point Council will need to appropriate funds for the park's design and construction. Parks: Cedar River Trail Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Maintenance(by Renton of recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Letter King County-owned portion) of Understanding between the City of Renton,the King County Department of APPROVEO BY ,�. CITY Y COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Date � /0-A77 COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT May 10, 1999 Valley Zoning Code Amendments (Referred March 15, 1999) The Planning and Development Committee recommends that the Valley Zoning Amendments and Zoning Housekeeping Amendments be approved as follows. 1) The amendments shown in the document dated April 8, 1999 to be adopted, with the changes recommended by the Planning Commission, as modified by the Planning and Development Committee and shown in Attachment A, dated May 10, 1999. These modifications regulate some uses allowed in the portion of the Industrial Medium Zone falling between SW 16`11 St and I-405. The Committee's intent is to enhance the image of Renton at this gateway location by regulating uses which may have visual, noise or odoriferous impacts. The list of regulated uses is included in Attachment A. 2) Additional staff review is to occur in the future as part of further zoning code housekeeping amendments to evaluate the issue of screening and site maintenance of industrial uses such as heavy equipment sales and storage, taxi and transportation services. 3) The draft code amendments are to be forwarded to the City Attorney's office for development of an ordinance. 64A 6t)helt -- Kathy K,•Iker-Wheeler, Chair 13 —Be�dwai ,L T� Dan Clawson, ember cc: Sue Carlson Mike Kattermann EAVP&D2 EAVP&D2\ Attachment A Valley Zoning Recommendations Modification of Planning Commission Recommendation May 10, 1999 1. The following uses are not allowed in the portion of the Industrial Medium Zone falling between SW 16th St and I-405. Commercial stables, coal yard, fuel dealers, agricultural crop sales, cardrooms, auto impoundment yard, auto wrecking yard, storage yards/impoundment associated with tow truck activities, onsite hazardous waste, off site hazardous waste, brick tile terra cotta manufacturing, cement, lime, gypsum manufacturing, concrete hatching plant, manufacturing of stone, glass, clay, or concrete, sewage disposal and treatment, waste recycling and transfer stations, mineral, natural resource recovery, not for profit gambling/casinos, games of chance, recycling drop or collection stations, soap and compound manufacturing, tanning, curing, storage of rawhide or skins, construction/manufacture of signs and advertising, communication, broadcast and relay towers. 2. The following uses are conditioned in the portion of the Industrial Medium Zone falling between SW 16th St and I-405. A. Veterinary Offices: limited to indoor kennels B. Outside storage (vehicles, equipment, products): limited to accessory uses C. Self storage: 24 management required, no estate garage or other sales from any leasable spaces, no outdoor storage, including vehicle or trailer storage lots, temporary customer moving van/truck parking, if provided must be clearly marked with signage or paint. A maximum of three moving van/truck spaces are allowed in addition to required parking for self storage uses in the RM-I zone. The dimensions and demarcation of moving van/truck spaces are subject to site plan review. D. Kennels and Hobby Kennels: limited to indoor kennels May 10, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes "'time Page 164 She claimed that skateboarders are the first to guard their parks against gangs, alcohol, fighting and other unwanted elements since the activity of skateboarding is a source of pride for them. Ms. Stewart emphasized that skateboarding is not a fad,but rather a sport and a form of recreation,and urged Council to consider the needs of youth for a skateboard facility in Renton. Citizen Comment: Sager— David T. Sager, 1025 N. 28th Pl.,Renton, 98056, inquired when public Labrador Ventures Plat comment will be taken regarding the Labrador Ventures development proposal. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler replied this will be allowed after Council has acted on the appeal,which will likely be next week. Citizen Comment: Olson— Sabin Olson, 15807 SE 116th,Renton, 98059, supported the idea of a Skateboard Park in Renton skateboard park in Renton and believed that the ideal spot would be underneath I-405 between the Cedar River and the Narco site, since the freeway would serve as a much-desirable cover. Citizen Comment: Urback— Mary Urback, 12417 - 12th St. E., Edgewood, 98372, encouraged Council to Valley Zoning Code approve the proposed Zoning Code changes to the Valley area as recommended Amendments by the Planning&Development Committee. (See page 167 for Council —�^ action.) CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. CAG: 99-049, Sunset Blvd City Clerk reported bid opening on 5/03/99 for CAG-99-049, Sunset Blvd.NE Rockery Repair,AAA Rockery Repair; three bids; engineer's estimate$75,000; and submitted staff Rockery recommendation to award the contract to AAA Rockery&Construction in the total amount of$64,962.50. Council concur. Plat: Dalpay,Preliminary,NE Hearing Examiner recommended approval, with conditions,of the Dalpay 19th St(PP-97-174) preliminary plat; 29 single family lots on 4.8 acres located at 3714 NE 19th Street(PP-97-174). Council concur. Public Works: King Surface Water Utility Division recommended approval of the proposed Conservation District Green/Duwamish and Lake Washington/Cedar River Watershed Forum Watershed Forum Projects& projects and programs to be funded by the King Conservation District. Council Programs concur. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Council Utilities Committee concur in staff's recommendation that the request by Centex Homes for Public Works: Centex Homes' oversizing of the extension of the East Renton Interceptor be approved, subject Oversizing Reimbursement on to the following conditions: East Renton Interceptor 1. The actual reimbursement amount will be based on actual cost of the construction; 2. If the oversizing amount requested upon completion of construction is equal to or less than the estimated amount of$89,707.01 (including WSST), Council authorizes staff to reimburse Centex Homes for that amount; and 3. If the oversizing amount requested exceeds the original estimated amount, this matter will be referred back to Council for consideration of additional costs. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Public Works: SW 27th St Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report recommending Culvert Procurement,Utility concurrence in the staff recommendation to award the SW 27th St. culvert • ********** 1 1 1 4fte tiri 1 :: f II ,,...... _F ,, f I 11..r1 ‘11 h I A- li t s ,4`.'''f • • = 6-, — - — — — ...e!. .-... 4 0) t ' 7...)3 ,.. ... ) „..., tze. .... g —... 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O c- p 7o, - - z o0 i = {} 8 oca, N3nnF o - 0 a2 Me §g 3 LO - Y.00 -on <W O ° NAg 73 go . go z �— p s zCa . � .e y 4 �` ', is r+ L w o° u I ; , 44 Q U as (I) N 2 v W CI at(i)c2° • , ao M 0141 1 E c.t kr ix: . ,-,-, ! i t" - , i i j z s ."-' ar a Lii E WHOA Sd 30IA 3S 1V1SOd 'S'fl - 7' a m 0 0 ci LL 2 2 v W ga O co u) Z co +' YI E a _ f_ S iiaDa iialgil s 4 W- O j s;' - _ I. y >> . Ir 01: -_ s - 0 14 at allege 2 Cr, 11 loll? • 1CP- WC) -: 12) i e U t}- �; U 73 im -0 o . . i . of' 44- in 0 8 1 i . �C/�\ Cl) L$9E V Od Sd O 301M3S 1d1SOd 'S'n - n. .i C i 1 ' L , - ' i w 2 i .r +-.. ' u ' 'z i Li7g£ W1:103Sd ia � = W { 30In83S 1VISOd 'S'(1 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting April 12, 1999 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. MINUTES Municipal Building CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF KING PARKER, Council President; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; RANDY COUNCILMEMBERS CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS TONI NELSON AND DAN CLAWSON. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Chief Administrative Officer; ATTENDANCE ZANETTA FONTES,Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; MIKE WEBBY, Human Resources&Risk Management Administrator; GAIL REED, Airport Director; BETTY NOKES, Economic Development Director; JIM SHEPHERD, Community Services Administrator; MICHAEL KATTERMANN,Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance & Information Services Administrator; SANDRA MEYER,Transportation Systems Director; DENNIS CULP, Facilities Director; DEREK TODD, Finance Analyst; REBECCA LIND, Senior Planner; PATRICIA BENSON, Recreation Supervisor; JOE ARMSTRONG, Civil Engineer; COMMANDER KEVIN MILOSEVICH, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF APRIL 5, 1999 AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the week of April 11 to Days of Remembrance— April 18, 1999, to be "Days of Remembrance" in the City of Renton in memory April 11 —18, 1999 of the victims of the Holocaust, its survivors and their liberators, and urging that all Renton citizens strive to overcome intolerance and indifference through learning and remembrance. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION AS READ. CARRIED. SPECIAL PRESENTATION Victoria Runkle,Finance &Information Services Administrator, announced Finance: Financial Reporting that Renton has once again won an award for its Comprehensive Annual Awards (CAFR and GFOA) Financial Report as well as an award from the Governmental Finance Officers Association for the City's budget. Explaining that these awards signify that the City's financial documents are readable and understandable, she introduced the staff members who ensure the integrity of these documents, as follows: Paul Kusakabe, Fiscal Services Director; Rich Richmire, Fiscal Services Manager; Gina Jarvis, Accountant; Linda Honeycutt, Senior Finance Analyst; Debbie Scott,Finance Analyst; and Phil Ramon,Finance Analyst. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Zoning:,Employment Area accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Valley Zoning Changes to consider proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office (CO), Light Industrial (IL),Medium Industrial (IM), and Heavy Industrial (IH) zoning designations within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan designation, adding an expanded range of uses to these zones, and proposing city-wide housekeeping amendments which will change A April 12, 1999 V Renton City Council Minutes Page 121 processing requirements or conditions on uses. Rebecca Lind, Senior Planner, explained that the amendments will allow a wide array of commercial and office uses in the industrial and office designations in the Valley area. Although most would be in the form of secondary uses (subject to conditions), some would be limited to either administrative conditional uses or Hearing Examiner conditional uses. If approved,the majority of Commercial Arterial uses and Commercial Office uses would be allowed without rezoning property or making existing industrial uses non- conforming. . Continuing, Ms. Lind said that staff recommends that development standards for any new uses should retain those of the mapped zone. For example, a commercial or office use allowed in a heavy industrial area would conform to industrial coverage, setback, and height standards. This would provide consistent street appearance and site planning conditions for all affected areas. The Planning Commission supported the overall recommendation but was concerned about the area between SW 16th St., south of I-405. The Commission considered this a major entry into Renton, and suggested that any new uses allowed here should have a gateway stature. Ms. Lind added that the changes are proposed to add additional flexibility to the range of uses already permitted in the Valley. The goal is to ensure that development and redevelopment activity be determined by private market conditions rather than zoning code constraints. The changes should attract more retail, service and office uses to this area which will continue to diversify and strengthen the City's tax base. Ms. Lind concluded that the proposed housekeeping amendments will eliminate duplicate uses and procedures by changing processing requirements or conditions on uses in various zones city-wide. Responding to Councilman Parker, Mayor Tanner explained that Renton has been moving toward phasing much of the Valley area from industrial to commercial use over the last several years. Mr. Parker emphasized that the City should be market responsive. Given that heavy industrial uses are,by choice, likely to locate somewhere rather than Renton's Valley area,he wondered why the City should zone for this use. Councilman Corman agreed,noting that Renton already has a great deal of heavy industrial zoning for Boeing and PACCAR. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted that the issue is complicated by several factors,one being that a large parcel in the Valley is heavily contaminated, and another the presence of significant wetlands in this area. Mike Kattermann, Director of Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning, commented that the proposal before Council this evening retains industrial zoning for much of the Valley so that currently existing industrial uses are not made non-conforming. Audience comment was invited. Jon Cheetham, 21102 Snag Island Dr. E., Sumner, WA, 98390, said while he fully supported the proposed changes, he was concerned that the north/south boundary not be drawn at SW 16th Street. Explaining that he owns a parcel at 208 SW 16th which he has improved and leased to a nearby auto dealership,he said this use is compatible with what the City is trying to accomplish and therefore should not be ruled out as an allowed use. April 12, 1999 %roe Renton City Council Minutes ' Page 122 There being no further audience comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Ms. Lind noted that this item is currently in the Planning&Development Committee where it will remain pending continued deliberations and a recommendation to the full Council. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1999 and beyond. Items noted included: * New to the City's website is a comprehensive guide to Renton's park system with a directory linking to many of the parks, describing amenities, giving driving directions and providing picnic shelter reservation information. * The Renton Community Center will celebrate its 10th anniversary on April 14th with food, entertainment and demonstrations. * All of the paving and sidewalk construction has been completed on Logan Ave. between S. 2nd and 3rd Streets, and the street trees will soon be planted. The street should be open to traffic by Friday, April 15th. AUDIENCE COMMENT Herb Postlewait, 3805 Park Ave.N.,Renton, 98056,urged the City to fully Citizen Comment: Postlewait support Piazza Renton, the volunteer organization which has been working for —Piazza Renton, Request for a number of years to improve the image and economic climate of downtown Support Renton by promoting the creation of a downtown piazza, or meeting place. Mr. Postlewait said while this organization has spent many hours and hundreds of donated dollars in this endeavor, it needs the City to provide full financial backing,personal involvement, and proactive boosterism. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS MATTER TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Comprehensive Plan: 1999 Economic Development,Neighborhoods& Strategic Planning Department Amendments& Change in submitted proposed 1999 Comprehensive Plan amendments (five map Review Process amendments and two text amendments), along with a recommendation to revise the Comprehensive Plan review process to create a preliminary review process and new filing deadlines. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. Fire: Marine Rescue Fire Department recommended approval of an interlocal agreement with the Agreement, King County King County Police Marine Patrol Division concerning the use of marine Marine Patrol Division rescue equipment and personnel. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Fire: Confined Space&Dive Fire Depai lment recommended approval of an interlocal agreement with the Team Rescue Services, City of City of Bellevue to provide mutual aid for confined space and emergency dive Bellevue team rescue services. Refer to Public Safety Committee. Fire: Puget Sound Urban Fire Dept lucent recommended approval of an interlocal agreement with Pierce Search&Rescue Task Force County and the Puget Sound Urban Search and Rescue Task Force relating to (Renton Participation) the City of Renton's participation in the Task Force. Refer to Public Safety Committee. O��Y • City Of Renton PUBLIC INFORMATION HANDOUT April 12, 1999 PUBLIC HEARING: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE EMPLOYMENT AREA VALLEY ZONING AND CITY-WIDE HOUSEKEEPING AMENDMENTS For additional information, please contact: City of Renton Neighborhoods and Strategic • Planning at(425) 430-6588. The Administration is proposing modifications to the zone classifications occurring in the Valley (except Resource Conservation). These amendments allow a wide array of commercial and office uses to occur in the industrial and office designations in the Valley, mostly in the form of secondary uses. The overall effect of the proposal will be to allow the majority of Commercial Arterial zone uses and the Commercial Office zone uses throughout the Valley without rezoning property or making the existing industrial uses non-conforming. Secondary uses are allowed subject to conditions which are described in the notes to the Zoning Use Table. Several of the uses are also limited as either administrative conditional uses or Hearing Examiner conditional uses. The proposal also includes several housekeeping amendments to: 1) consolidate the zoning use table by eliminating duplicate items, and 2) amend several provisions citywide changing processing requirements or conditions on the use in the following zones: Commercial Office, Commercial Arterial, Convenience Commercial, Center Downtown, Center Office Residential, Center Suburban, Center Neighborhood, Residential Manufactured Home Park, Light Industrial, Medium Industrial and Heavy Industrial Zones (CO, CA, CC, CD, COR, CS, CN, RMH,IL, IM,IH). The proposed changes in the industrial and offices zones will add additional flexibility to the range of uses permitted in the Valley. Development and redevelopment activity in the Valley will be determined increasingly by private market conditions rather than zoning code constraints. The City Administration is hoping to attract more retail, service, and office uses in this area which will continue to diversify and strengthen the City's tax base without rezoning the industrial areas to preclude the existing industrial uses. • EAVPH\ N (1) 5 5 cd CD * 0 o '�w 'a' 4-a ci) < c ) ' 444 0 • cn w • 1 .4 ci) 44) * r4 O 14'' W U a) v CO o c- i will CL (/) o (.4-4 . . . . cn � rd a ;8 a) -0 o C r)1 c‘) I (D C.) = ;-.4 L.- P c:) 7.7171 Ct C.4E CI 1.- (;) orp E < '' P' ° ,-..• • . +.) o v-c co V) Va0r..4 0 a) vmC (12 Ct o �. . ' c(1) E � IT] Pt-q �, o � c� U CO 4 Cn 0 0 (1) (L) a) .. ti.74 Fmmt 0 C.12 0 C ;m4 L O 0 c) (n � p V � 4� (I) _C 0) o (1) ci) al 9 (I) o o � 2 o_c1/1 0 cit' .-t--4e CO Q cci (I) 'Ci —0 (.;441 4! 0 a) ,/, cl ci c.) e ci) Aa) a) CD ;-.4 r--1 E E m ".-4 c:). ,;-_-4, 0 1;24 U c:14. ,_, — r!� 0U ' s � U 5 W � co _c g 4.-) T-t 0 0 74Z-ag E 4 ) •.4 E a3 CO a) CD a) to o -4-) 0 rt C/) v-. 0 a) r.-4 ii Ci) rf4 . t -4. .) 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If you would like the notice sent out to any new addresses, please give us that information asap. Thank you. Enclosures CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of April, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055,to consider the following: Proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office (CO), Industrial Light (IL), Industrial Medium(IM), and Industrial Heavy (IH) zoning designations within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan Designation, adding an expanded range of uses to these zones, and proposing city- wide housekeeping amendments which will change processing requirements or conditions on uses. An information packet and draft amendment proposal are available from the Department of Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning, sixth floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Call 425-430-6575 for information. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. ‘D---ititii 7 ii Marilyn tw.n City Clerk ITY OF RENTON"- Office of the City Clerk i }Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 1-- "" •- 5 (DRESS SERVICE REQUESTED U 31s:3 f� 9 9". F".G`. . P k l;Sl.kZ,E:0 c'.$� A .V a .8 i CITy OF�`NTON 125381011001 RADEN GARY APR 5 1999 18289 OLYMPIC AVE S ''7° ^r_,;,_ SEATTLE WA 98188 r -;; NCO ' S Opp/cc OLE s "66• C/ —• .01u,,00.^^.. NdY• �`. . • 3E110111 "` � •� r �3 r.•7^• f :! Hill,I„i,lliiiilillllil,i,lllii., lillt,ll,Ii.i.ii.i.:11.111 .i. ' 17 DDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED U 3: 3 Cf 99 F C 8: Pk:E �.Q:k_T E u S.E 11 44 ;8 i crT y OF RENTON 334040333406 APR 5 1999 SW 19TH LIND L L C 615 2ND AVE STE 400 (-;,�•r ,r�_C;--'t�Ei, SEATTLE WA 98104 `�'�`•'S O'F Ic.r b f �''.Tisi,7.'.^4 ( i r1d� 1 V1 'WARD 1 i'ID , ENDER `) i,k T > ' 44.3441 4 { , —--— 'L'_ L (IlliiltiliN tililtlilliliillltiillltilltlilililillllJlllill!l t� 1 1�/ . Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 - 03;.3-U . 99 " FC1 P+RECCi,,E SE.tk, Q .9213 )DRESS SERVICE REQUESTED _ ___t_. __1 CITY OF RENTON 214610001205 APR 51999 KRAFT/PERRY BROTHERS 900 POWELL AVE SW RECEIvE RENTON WA 98055 r Y c`ERF;'S OFFICE'. Lc .L„�... �,6Ei j`t YARD? �'+,.... -] rt T�`r e r r hD�.� � ,A � (llllillllllliilllitlilll►I11111 CITY OF RENTO.- ``,� _... ____-_---.7__,..__ Office of the City Clerk " • rt ^-" th Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 r -_- ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED �. P F- PC'J ry{ CITY OF RENTON 192305901709 APR 0 7 tggg RA MAC INC RECEIVED REFUSED - RETURN TO SENDER CITY CLERK'S OFFICE NOT AT THIS ADDRESS :A 0 ;. #�0y 9 � C.11 I' k E � $ K,! f ir. S'E,A. a !I y � �l- I. ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED - _. ._ __+ U 334040494505 HILL DOUGLAS H • CITY OF RENTON 7 12033 RENTON S SEATTLE WA 98178 APR 0 6 @92 HAKE ,=iECLIVED' 'CITY CLERK'S Of d1::C'" tSED fORwARO 0 SENDER AUTO +4L8 4i =3 6s Ii,l„I„I,Ii, ,I,i„I,l,,,11,l I,i,i„i,l,„l,lltlmil„l,l„,I,l,:i,l„1 .th Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 ` ' . . ` ' ci -' i `I 03:` 3=0 99. fCii itE4•$.1(:1EB -SAA A fi I ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED 1 1 u i- . ' "L'_' __'L_1: Can °F R ,v7-01;/ 302305910408 APR r. SSC PROPERTY HOLDINGS INC ` 7999 OPERATIONS ACCOUNTING rc-r-,t,' 1201 THIRD AVE,SUITE 2200 :. ,;:� U SEATTLE WA 98101 S OfirrO., II TER � vdRU110. .419131- i-.2:.-62. 11,1„1„1,11„„I,1„1,1„,11,1 i,l,l,lull„Il,,,l,i„ll,„i,l,l,1„Ili.11 ')w NI 01 IA 1. '.ITY OF RENTON _ __ __ _. Office of the City Clerk `_ �' .•;i c; ( iiAa 29'9 5 `.i ' '• - 0 ..22 0 5 k Grady Way - Renton Washington 98055 :_ ;:;t..;d� o- )DRESS SERVICE REQUESTED OF =3 0 9.9. F'C.A .,P R'E SI$ T ET4 g A �a�,,t , t t i; CITY OF RENTON 392680004000 APR 0 71999 VIROPA LLC 1200 WESTLAKE AVE N#505 1'E�j-1���=D SEATTLE WA 98109 C+�CLErIK s OFFICE :n ' i �> `. t '�UTO LaMi/.J C•1 . Ilt{i�l��{.I{��ttl�l�tl,lt�tllti illtlttlilitilitititltilltttltitliliiiiltlitttl 1 APR 0 71999 538401508 GINN MLY LTD PTNRSHP THE RECEIVED • SE 71ST ST CITY CLERK'S OFFICE MERCER ISLAND WA 9¢nin GINN376 980403013 1C97 20 04/02/99 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND GINN 4818 E MERCER WAY MERCER ISLAND WA 98040-4736 RETURN TO SENDER A t>T- sc-_,A46911348 c..C‘O llltt{l,uill:dltAAtttlltttllttttttillititl APR 0 7 1999 142304900806 O W &NAV CO RECEIVED /o UNION PAZ� IC RR CORP CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PO BOX 2500 BROOMr1hL C UNIO500 800382223 1C97 23 04/03/99 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND :UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD 1700 FARNAM ST 4105-FL OMAHA NE 68102-2010 RUTS -_- z Iltittlttlilltttitlttltltttiltttltlitlittthldtittltltttlltl return to sender 4, tee due 500 First-Class Mail • Postage and Fees Paid ...., v.., • USPS Permit No. G-10 • _______„....,„„_,...„ T. CITY OF RENTON • , . . :. . ..a Office of the City Clerk • .• . . ; g 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 ii • : . . , . ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED IMPE003 980552026 1896 14 04/01/99 l FORM 3547 hi :IMPERIALS LL1 14360 SE EASTGATE WAY BELLEVUE WA 98007-6462 0 . >r, cc ci. HJAJA.H.JHAAAJAHAJWAINdlud LLI 1.0 CITY OF RENTON c w n 302305907008 • IMPERIALS MUSIC&YOUTH ORG <2 APR 0 6 1999 2003 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY • SUITE 213 , 0 RENTON WA 98055 I 1-1- • •0- RECEIVED u) 1 .a. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE ' U) • .. . D . - •- ' . 00J3 II - ' iiiholislillessollitillitillhillemishisissillifillielilil _... . -. , ums.p.m • S W"S S'tf./7e,2:re,2. Mitt ll Ill II!ll II!!la:I int:!MI IIIIId IM 111 ii 111111111 4. return to sender 4, fee due 500 First-Class Mail Postage and Fees Paid CITY OF RENTON USPS Permit No. G:10 APR 0 7 1999 6 p CITY OF RENTON RECEIVED • - • ' _ . ..ii Office of the City Clerk CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. 1055 South Grady Way-Renton Washington 98055 • • .• . . .:•ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SMUR201 981013028 1A98 1 1 8 04/0 /99 #A ?Et FORM 3547 :SHURGARD STORAGE CENTERS W 1155 VALLEY ST "400 SEATTLE WA 96109-4426 0 >r, cc cf. 111,1A.1.11110,1.1.1.J.U.1.1.11..41.1d,Lidl LLJ LO J.iquaiivumou(/)C9 SHURGARD INCORPORATED -J OPERATIONS ACCOUNTING <2 1201 THIRD AVE#2200 I—CC U 0 SEATTLE WA 98101 0 li- CL(1) .C1. U) . i. MO. .11891101. Ildulidu1146flullAdhitliddnadd4huhda. . _ ... .. :. . . .. .. cir,6 6/ -qtyzA '. 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U2 ch 4 41.1 H � S t oil C �T�� '� 4 L Z 0, It `h W I+1 o = Z tit�, IQ U. O U v W � y r cE_J B - C.) i + , 'g71jo CD i Lj75£ W1:10d Sd 301A83S 1b'1SOd 'S'fl .- CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of April, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office (CO), Industrial Light(IL), Industrial Medium (IM), and Industrial Heavy (IH) zoning designations within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan Designation, adding an expanded range of uses to these zones, and proposing city- wide housekeeping amendments which will change processing requirements or conditions on uses. An information packet and draft amendment proposal are available from the Department of Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning, sixth floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Call 425-430-6575 for information. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral, comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. Marilyn t rs n City Clerk 3/29/99 Mailed to Parties of Record (200) per attached. bw ow 334040028501 ' 125380006002 ``125381027007 621 COMPANY A&H II CO LLC ADVENTURE 95 LIMITED PTNRSII P 0 BOX 1925 C/O JOSEPH F HOLTON 3701 S NORFOLK BELLEVUE WA 98009 2098 S BREEZY POINT RD SEATTLE WA 98118 CAMANO ISLAND WA 98292 214610001007 192305906005 302305911802 AIR PRODUCTS&CHEMICALS IN ALEXANDER BROADCASTING CO AN BILL C+SOO K TAX DEPARTMENT 700 112TH AVE NE 3122 LEEWARD CT NW 7201 HAMILTON BLVD BELLEVUE WA 98004 OLYMPIA WA 98502 ALLENTOWN PA 18195 142304904402 125381001002 334040492509 ANMARCO ARENSBERG INVESTMENTS BALA EARLINE M 9125 10TH AVE S 3401 LIND AVE SW 3121 SE 5TH SEATTLE WA 98108 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 334040278007 334040292503 125381005508 BALLESTRASSE ARTHUR+EDITH BALLESTRASSE REX BEDFORD PROPERTY INVESTORS 201 SW 12TH ST 201 SW 12TH ST 270 LAFAYETTE CIR RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 LAFAYETTE CA 94549 334040530001 334040267000 219310001009 BENAROYA CAPITAL COMPANY L. BETA-RENTON L L C BIT HOLDINGS TWENTY-TWO INC 1001 4TH AVE#4700 18827 BOTHELL WAY NE#110 444 MARKET ST STE 2100 SEATTLE WA 98154 BOTHELL WA 98011 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 334040612007 918800014006 918800014709 BITNEY-GROUWS CO BLACKNER JV LLC PHASE III BLACKNER JV LLC PHASE V 108 FACTORY AVE N#1 C/O SMITH MARTIN INC C/O SMITH MARTIN INC RENTON WA 98055 1109 1ST AVE#500 1109 1ST AVE#500 SEATTLE WA 98101 SEATTLE WA 98101 918800014501 132304908602 242304912304 BLACKRIVER 800 BLACKRIVER-RIVERTECH L L C BLUME GARRISON PARTNERS III I' C/O CUSHMAN&WAKEFIELD INC 700 FIFTH AVE STE 6000 2825 EASTLAKE AVE E#310 700 5TH AVE#2700 SEATTLE WA 98104 SEATTLE WA 98102 SEATTLE WA 98104 132304900906 192305902905 334040251004 BNSF RAILROAD BONNELL FAMILY L L C BOWEN SCARFF FORD PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT 9631 SE 7TH ST 1157 N CENTRAL AVE 1700 E GOLF RD BELLEVUE WA 98004 KENT WA 98032 SCHAUMBERG IL 60173 182305903805 334040414701 334040480504 BRIDGE ROBERT BRYANT WILLIAM G+KAREN F BUCK DOUGLAS M DBA KCB CO 25100 ROBERTS DR 627 SW 12TH PO BOX 1055 BLACK DIAMOND WA 98010 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98057 334040490008 125381039002 125381030506 BUCK DOUGLAS M+CLAUDIA J BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR BURLINGTON NORTHRN SANTA FE PO BOX 28 PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT TAX DEPT RENTON WA 98057 777 MAIN ST#2680 1700 E GOLF RD#400 FORT WORTH TX 76102 SCHAUMBURG IL 60173 • Noe N 334040257001 362304904208 ""e 302305908204 C&C INVESTMENT/SYSTEMS IN CAMPBELL BETH CAPTEC FINANCIAL GROUP INC 1100 MAPLE AVE SW 1508 SW 43RD 24 FRANK LLOYD WRIGH DR FLR4 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 ANN ARBOR MI 48106 182305906907 302305909202 000580001709 CHRYSLER REALTY CORPORATION CHURCH EUGENE T+PENNY R CITY OF SEATTLE PUBLIC UTIL TAX AFFAIRS 483-00-33 3820 E VALLEY HWY S WATER DEPARTMENT 800 CHRYSLER DR RENTON WA 98055 710 2ND AVE 9TH FL AUBURN HILLS MI 48326 SEATTLE WA 98104 334040422506 334040332002 182305925105 CLEMENTS GENERAL CONSTRUCTI CMD REALTY INVESTMENT FUND COLLINS L L C C/O GOOD CHEVROLET INC 227 W MONROE ST STE 3900 ATTN: WOO HOKWAI PO BOX 935 CHICAGO IL 60606 3702 AUBURN WAYS#B-102 RENTON WA 98057 AUBURN WA 98092 125380005004 334040332606 125380011002 CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAYS CO CONTINENTAL MILLS INC CORK-PRO ASSOCIATES LLC ATN FINANCIAL ACCOUNT DEPT PO BOX 88176 3701 S NORFOLK PO BOX 3175 SEATTLE WA 98138 SEATTLE WA 98118 PORTLAND OR 97208 334040662507 182305912301 182305921104 CUMMINS NORTHWEST INC CURRAN JACK B CURRAN JACK B 811 SW GRADY WAY C/O CCD ENTERPRISES INC 10700 MERIDIAN AVE N#505 RENTON WA 98057 10700 MERIDIAN AVE N#505 SEATTLE WA 98133 SEATTLE WA 98133 , 918800001003 302305910309 334040360508 CURTIS II L.L.0 DA VALLE STRADA DAHLBY THOMAS R 6414 204TH ST SW#200 9125 10TH AVE SO 3213 MOUNTAIN VIEW AVE N LYNNWOOD WA 98036 SEATTLE WA 98108 RENTON WA 98056 334040364500 334040468004 392680001006 DAVIS CHARLES DE-MAR BLDG DENN EDWARD S 15102 SE 282ND ATTN CLIFF GRAY 601 W MERCER PL#501 KENT WA 98042 PO BOX 916 SEATTLE WA 98119 RENTON WA 98057 252304905307 362304910403 242304902008 DRAINAGE DIST 1 DRAINAGE DISTRICT 1 DRB LTD PARTNERSHIP C/O JOHN NELSON 601 WEST GOWE PO BOX 297 C/O MORRIS PIHA MGMNT GROUP KENT WA 98033 KENT WA 98032 3650 131 ST AVE SE#205 BELLEVUE WA 98006 214610003300 918800005004 125360003003 EARLINGTON BUSINESS PARK EARLINGTON PARTNERSHIP EASTGATE THEATRE INC GEORGE MCELROY&ASSOC INC 1100 SW 7TH ST DBA RENTON CINIMAS#311 PO BOX 565048 RENTON WA 98065 919 SW TAYLOR STE 900 DALLAS TX 75356 PORTLAND OR 97205 192305905601 242304912007 192305906401 EASTLAKE INVESTORS ELAND BUILDING PARTNERSHIP EMERY DISTRIBUTION INC PO BOX 700 PO BOX 1037 P 0 BOX 626 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98057 'we -ogre 918800014808 125380021100 214610001502 ESA 0418 FARWEST STEEL CORPORATION FERGUSON HUGH S 450 E LAS OLAS BLVD#1100 P O BOX 889 601 UNION ST TWO UNION SQ#4512 FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33301 EUGENE OR 97403 SEATTLE WA 98101 192305906203 334040414800 125360001007 FORTE RONALD M+JACQUELINE A FRANCESCHINA ANGELO G I JOES INC PO BOX 816 FRANCESCHINA ATTILIO 9505 BOECKMAN RD RENTON WA 98057 6913 S 130TH ST WILSONVILLE OR 97070 SEATTLE WA 98178 334040422001 334040489000 125380001508 GAIDJIERGIS JEFF J+LAURIE K GELVEZON HERNANI C+NANETTE GINN FMLY LTD PTNRSHP THE 2447 MAPLE VALLEY HWY 1876 RANCHO HILLS 7376 SE 71ST ST RENTON WA 98056 CHINO HILLS CA 91709 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 125381026009 302305911703 334040459003 GK SERVICES CO GOLDEN TREASURY L L C GOTTI MARGUERITE ATTN:TAX DEPT 3122 LEEWARD CT NW 1718 HILLTOP RD NW 5995 OPUS PKWY#500 OLYMPIA WA 98502 GIG HARBOR WA 98335 MINNETONKA MN 55343 192305902103 125360004001 242304906108 GREENWELL/RENTON L.L.0 GRIFFIN-SCHOEN PROPERTIES GUY GLENN LEE P 0 BOX 2399 24800 PACIFIC HWY S 10948 SE 284TH KAILUA KONA HI 96745 KENT WA 98032 KENT WA 98031 302305909103 125360002005 334040484506 HAWK FAMILY EAST VALLEY LTD HCWA REALTY CORP HERTZ LEO 22435 SE 288TH C/O HOMEBASE SUPPORT CENTER 608 SW 12TH ST KENT WA 98032 3345 MICHELSON DR RENTON WA 98055 IRVINE CA 92715 334040426507 334040494505 192305906708 HESS JAMES A+CAROL M HILL DOUGLAS H HILL FAMILY TRUST#1 968 ANACORTES CT NE 12033 RENTON S C/O HAROLD W HILL RENTON WA 98059 SEATTLE WA 98178 PO BOX 700 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 334040512504 334040519103 334040514005 HOLMES ELECTRIC CO HOLMES MICHAEL J+KARA H HOLRIC COMPANY PO BOX 179 23 VASHON KEY PO BOX 179 RENTON WA 98057 BELLEVUE WA 98006 RENTON WA 98057 334040403001 242304911504 302305907008 HUNT FLOYD R+DOREEN J HUNTER DOUGLAS REAL PROPERT IMPERIALS MUSIC&YOUTH ORG 18122 40TH AVE S 2 PARK WAY RT 173 2003 MAPLE VALLEY HIGHWAY SEATTLE WA 98188 UPPER SADDLE RVR NY 07458 SUITE 213 RENTON WA 98055 242304912403 242304900804 334040478508 INTL BUSINESS&INSTITUTION JEFFERSON SMURFIT CORP JOHNSON JEFFERY L+LINDA D 335 116TH AVE SE PO BOX 479 E 1406 WOODCLIFF BELLEVUE WA 98004 RENTON WA 98057 SPOKANE WA 99203 Nusi 192305908704 334040425509 0.00- 125379002004 JOHNSON-LIEBER INC JOHNSTON GEORGE+NANCY KERRY HARRY E JR 723 SW 10TH ST PO BOX 9723 820 W LK SAMAMMISH PKWY N 3002 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 BELLEVUE WA 98008 RENTON WA 98055 242304901000 242304902602 392680007003 KING COUNTY KING COUNTY KIRKEBY TRUST PROPERTIES DEPT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 500 4TH AVE#500 C/O TAM 506 2ND AVE#708 M/S 7ST SEATTLE WA 98104 730 ARIZONA AVE,#421 SEATTLE WA 98104 SANTA MONICA CA 90401 214600004102 252304905802 302305909004 KNO CORPORATION KOCH HANS GEORGE KOHL DELORES C/O K&N DISTRIBUTION %ALLPAK CONTAINER 3330 E VALLEY RD 601 SW 7TH 1100 SW 27TH ST RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 214610001205 334040473004 334040333000 KRAFT/PERRY BROTHERS LANPHERE ENTERPRISES OF WA LARKSPUR HOSPITALITY CO LLC 900 POWELL AVE SW PO BOX 4040 DEVELOPMENT OFFICE RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98052 4401 HAZEL AVE#225 FAIR OAKS CA 95628 334040333208 125380003009 918800007000 LARKSPUR HOSPITALITY LECUYER FAMILY L L C/ATTN L-O RENTON INC DEV&MGT CO LLC 2111 SUNSET AVE SW 600 UNIVERSITY ST STE 2820 770 TAMALPAIS DR#301 SEATTLE WA 98116 SEATTLE WA 98101 CORTE MADERA CA 94925 242304905605 242305909804 334040258009 LONGACRES JOINT VENTURE LORD GEORGE A JR M&M VENTURES L L C 921 MIDDLE FORK RD 17632 SE JONES RD 23292 160TH AVE SE ONALASKA WA 98570 RENTON WA 98058 KENT WA 98042 334040314604 302305906703 242304907502 MACGREGOR ROBERT S MAGNUSON C A MANUFACTURERS MINERAL CO 1520 TAYLOR AVE SW 918 S 138TH ST 1215 MONSTER RD RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE WA 98168 RENTON WA 98055 334040496005 242304909409 125379001006 MCLAUGHLIN PROPERTIES L L C METRO MODERN HOLDINGS INC P O BOX 60106 821 2ND AVE 2900 LIND AVE SW RENTON WA 98058 SEATTLE WA 98104 RENTON WA 98055 334040363502 125380001003 334040643002 MORRISON G E ENT MOTOR FREIGHT LLC MSI 800-SW 16TH LLC PO BOX 742 C/O WAHL&ASSOC 1109 FIRST AVE#500 KENT WA 98035 1001 FAIRVIEW AVE N#1400 SEATTLE WA 98101 SEATTLE WA 98109 334040515002 334040626007 312305911405 NASS LEROY NESS STEVEN A NORTHWEST KIDNEY CENTERS 15713 SE 128TH 01540 SW CORBETT HILL CIR 700 BROADWAY. RENTON WA 98056 PORTLAND OR 97219 SEATTLE WA 98122 • 918800010004 142304900806 `isie 125381006001 NORTHWESTERN MUTUAL LIFE IN O W R R&NAV CO OGIMA L L C 720 E WISCONSIN AVE %UNION PACIFIC RR CORP C/O TRIMLITE INC MILWAUKEE WI 53202 PO BOX 2500 901 SW 39TH ST BROOMFIELD CO 80020 RENTON WA 98055 302305908303 125381005003 192305903002 OLYMPIC PIPE LINE COMPANY PAC-RIM BLDG SUPPLY INC PAULSON JAMES R&ST GERMAI C/O ALEVY K R SR TX REP 3901 RAYMOND AVE SW 865 LIND AVE SW PO BOX 5568 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 DENVER CO 80217 192305904703 192305902707 242304900408 PELLETIER LEHMAN LLC PIEROTTI LP PIERRE JAME P PO BOX 1890 17034 SE 184TH ST PO BOX 27069 RENTON WA 98057 RENTON WA 98058 SEATTLE WA 98125 334040350004 125380012000 182305925402 PIERRE JAMES P PIETROMONACO I L L C POLACK PROPERTIES 11525 LAKE CITY WAY NE PO BOX 700 PO BOX 3065 SEATTLE WA 98125 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 SEATTLE WA 98114 334040392501 125360005008 334040403506 POPA VIOREL+MIOARA POWELL-ORILLIA L L C POWERS JR FRANK J&JOHN H 17009 SE 14TH LANE 737 MARKET ST PO BOX 508 BELLEVUE WA 98008 KIRKLAND WA 98033 RENTON WA 98055 392680003002 125381004204 125381004006 PRINCIPAL MUTUAL LIFE INSUR PUBLIC STORAGE INC PUGET SOUND BLOOD CENTER& 711 HIGH ST DEPT PT-WA-97406 921 TERRY AVE DES MOINES IA 50392 PO BOX 25025 SEATTLE WA 98104 GLENDALE CA 91201 125380002100 214610003102 192305901709 PUGET SOUND ENERGY/ELEC R L LAWLER INC RA MAC INC PROPERTY TAX DEPT 6411 77TH AVE SE 3020 ISSAQUAH PINE LK#574 PO BOX 90868 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 ISSAQUAH WA 98029 BELLEVUE WA 98009 125381011001 192305907805 214610003003 RADEN GARY RADOVICH JOHN C+CAROL D RECREATIONAL EQUIPMENT INC 18289 OLYMPIC AVE S 2000 124TH AVE NE B 103 PO BOX 1938 SEATTLE WA 98188 BELLEVUE WA 98005 SUMNER WA 98390 252304906404 362304900107 182305925303 RENTON#2 L L C RENTON BUILDING 1-7 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT#403 17373 SW CANYON DR C/O MCELROY GEORGE&ASSOC 300 SW 71.14 ST LAKE OSWEGO OR 97034 PO BOX 565048 RENTON WA 98055 DALLAS TX 75356 334040470505 132304908701 334040400403 RENTON WEST INC RIVERTECH ASSC LTD PARTNERS ROSCHE ONE INTERESTS L P 607 SW GRADY WAY STE-200 PO BOX 41 5350 S STAPLES STE 100 RENTON WA 98055 EDMONDS WA 98020 CORPUS CHRISTI TX 78411 312305901109 214600005000 `'"e 334040487004 ROUTOS JAMES G+SANDRA A RYERSON JOSEPH T&SON SANDOR THOMAS R+VERA M 14522 SE 167TH TAX DIVISION 600 SW 13TH ST RENTON WA 98055 30 W MONROE ST RENTON WA 98055 CHICAGO IL ' 60603 334040388509 242304903709 312305900101 SANFT LOUIE&ADOLPH SCHOBER INC SCOTT R W CONST CO 6120 52ND AVE S 1400 MONSTER RD SW 9840 S CARR RD SEATTLE WA 98118 RENTON WA 98055 RENTON WA 98055 242304912205 125380004007 125381013007 SEATTLE AREA PLUMBING&PIP SEATTLE FUR EXCHANGE SEATTLE TIMES CO 595 MONSTER RD SW 200 SW 34TH ST PO BOX 70 RENTON WA 98055 PO BOX 88159 SEATTLE WA 98111 SEATTLE WA 98138 334040439500 334040380506 334040361506 SHERIDAN PROPERTIES L L C SHIH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNER SHOHEN LTD P 0 BOX 935 P 0 BOX 800 1420 MAPLE AVE SW RENTON WA 98057 MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 RENTON WA 98055 334040000500 334040246509 192305901303 SHURGARD INCORPORATED SNYDER RICHARD M+JEANNE C SPIEKER PROPERTIES L P OPERATIONS ACCOUNTING 750 RAINIER AVE S 1150 114TH AVE SE 1201 THIRD AVE#2200 RENTON WA 98055 BELLEVUE WA 98004 SEATTLE WA 98101 334040499504 302305910408 334040369004 SPINNAKER INVESTMENT SSC PROPERTY HOLDINGS INC STATE OF WASHINGTON 2407 GARDEN CT N OPERATIONS ACCOUNTING DEPT OF HIGHWAY RENTON WA 98056 1201 THIRD AVE, SUITE 2200 OLYMPIA WA 98504 SEATTLE WA 98101 312305903204 334040486501 334040332507 STOKKA TORGER A+RANDI STOTTS LOUIE K SW 19TH LIND L L C 4000 E VALLEY HWY 210 37TH ST SE#81 1109 1ST AVE#500 RENTON WA 98055 AUBURN WA 98002 SEATTLE WA 98101 334040333406 392680002004 242304902503 SW 19TH LIND L L C SYEN LLC AND JYEN L L C SYSTEMS CONTROL INC 615 2ND AVE STE 400 E 15218 PINNACLE LANE 8656 154TH AVE NE SEATTLE WA 98104 VERADALE WA 99037 REDMOND WA 98052 334040365507 000580000107 252304900209 TERRACE VIEW PROPERTIES L L THE BOEING COMPANY THE BOEING COMPANY P 0 BOX 5430 PO BOX 3703 M/S#1F-09 PO BOX 3707 M/S 1F-09 KENT WA 98064 SEATTLE WA 98124 SEATTLE WA 98124 242304905407 125381018006 214600004003 THE BRIDGE GROUP THE SEATTLE TIMES CO THOMAS D FMLY LTD PRTNRSHP 16443 SE 35TH ST - ATT: CASH MANAGEMENT 3407 N WASHINGTON ST BELLEVUE WA 98008 PO BOX 70 TACOMA WA 98407 SEATTLE WA 98111 • 192305906104 334040447008 Wr' 302305908600 THORNBERG PRISCILLA J TIMELESS HOLDINGS PARTNERSH TOSCO CORP 4201 NE 41ST PO BOX 273 PO BOX 52085 SEATTLE WA 98105 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 ATTN: R.S.DUTTON-DC-48 PHOENIX AZ 85072 125381008106 125380002001 334040400007 TRIPLE CROWN PROPERTIES I L UNITED TILE CORP UNIVERSITY STREET PROPERTIE 7701 FORSYTH BLVD SUITE 900 3435 SE 17TH AVE C/O GE CAPITAL ST LOUIS MO 63105 PORTLAND OR 97202 PO BOX 811097 CHICAGO IL 60681 125380017009 392680004000 192305904802 VALLEY INDUSTRIAL BUILDING VIROPA LLC WAL-MART STORES INC#2516 C/O R J HALLISSEY CO INC AGT 1200 WESTLAKE AVE N#505 PROPERTY TAX DEPT#8013 12835 BEL-RED RD STE 140 SEATTLE WA 98109 BENTONVILLE AR 72716 BELLEVUE WA 98005 334040491501 334040497003 334040367008 WASHBURN CHARLES A WASHBURN CHARLES WASHINGTON STATE PHARMACEUT 703 SW 12TH ST 11017 RAINIER AVE S 1502 TAYLOR AVE SW RENTON WA 98055 SEATTLE WA 98178 RENTON WA 98055 918800002001 182305903607 214600003005 WASHINGTON TECHICAL CENTER WBW L L C W-R INVESTMENT BIRTCHER PROPERTY SERVICES 2809 173RD CT NE 515 116TH NE-SUITE 201 364 RENTON CENTER WAY SW REDMOND WA 98052 BELLEVUE WA 98004 RENTON WA 98055 125380003405 334040414909 312305909201 YALE MATERIALS HANDLING NW YI JAY+MI KYUNG YOUNKER LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 7001 NE COLUMBIA BLVD 503 SW 12TH AVE E ORCUTT PORTLAND OR 97218 RENTON WA 98055 3900 E VALLEY RD STE 102 RENTON WA 98055 302305908501 252304907501 YOUNKER RHONDA ZELMAN RENTON L L C 1416 102ND AVE NE 707 WILSHIRE BLVD#3036 BELLEVUE WA 98004 LOS ANGELES CA 90017 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of April, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office (CO), Industrial Light (IL), Industrial Medium (IM), and Industrial Heavy (IH) zoning designations within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan Designation, adding an expanded range of uses to these zones, and proposing city- wide housekeeping amendments which will change processing requirements or conditions on uses. An information packet and draft amendment proposal are available from the Department of Economic Development Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning, sixth floor of the Renton Municipal Building. Call 425-430-6575 for information. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. Marilyn t rs n City Clerk CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 12th day of April, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for public hearings to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office (CO), Industrial Light(IL), Industrial Medium (IM), and Industrial Heavy(IH) zoning designations in the Valley area. All interested parties are invited to attend the public hearings and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Call 430-6510 for additional information. al ,... Marilyn"-gsen City Clerk Published South County Journal April 2, 1999 Account No. 50640 March 22, 1999 ',raw Renton City Council Minutes Page 103 The Committee recommended that Council concur in the Administration's recommendation and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign such documents as necessary to transfer title thereto to Daily Homes, Inc.,or its assigns. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation)Committee Chair Corman presented a report Committee recommending that Council approve supplemental agreement No. 1 to CAG- CAG: 98-108,Seaplane Base 98-108, between the City and Reid Middleton, in the amount of$78,000 for the Rehab Design,Reid Middleton design and construction supervision for the seaplane base rehabilitation project, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Schlitzer presented a report recommending Public Works: Joint Reuse concurrence in the staff recommendation that Council authorize the Mayor and Agreement with King County, City Clerk to execute the modification agreement to terminate the agreement Termination between the City of Renton and King County Department of Metropolitan Services for a joint reuse demonstration project for Class A effluent. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning& Development Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a reort Committee recommending that the City Council set a public hearing on proposed Zoning: Employment Area amendments to the Commercial Arterial (CA), Commercial Office(CO), Light Valley Zoning Changes Industrial (IL), Medium Industrial (IM), and Heavy Industrial (IH)zoning (Various Zones) designations on April 12, 1999. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding class software for the Community Services Department. The Finance: Parks Dept Class purchase of ESCOM class registration/membership/facility scheduling/point of Registration Software, sales software and associated hardware has expenditure approval for 1999. ESCOM This system will allow a much-needed upgrade from the system presently in use. This purchase would include program modules, licenses, peripheral hardware, membership services,and implementation, set up and training. Staff research indicates that this product is unparalleled in terms of quality,user friendliness, training and support. The current software is not Y2K compliant. The Committee recommended approval of this purchase agreement. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Parks: Performing Arts Center Community Services Committee Vice Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a at Renton High School report recommending that Council concur in a recommendation that would allow the proposal of a performing arts center at Renton High School to be more fully explored. The Committee is sensitive to the design and construction timelines imposed by the Renton School District. Therefore, the Committee recommended that: 1. The City Council endorse the request from the Performing Arts Committee of Renton to proceed with planning and fundraising for a performing arts center to be located within the Renton High School site. 2. The City Council request the Renton School District to incorporate the design upgrade from auditorium to performing arts center in their plans for the remodel of Renton High School. 3. To facilitate the design upgrade, the City of Renton will contribute up to APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Date COMMITTEE REPORT March 22, 1999 Valley Zoning Code Amendments (Referred March 15, 1999) The Committee recommends that the City Council set a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Commercial Arterial, Commercial Office, Industrial Light, Industrial Medium, and Industrial Heavy Zoning Designations on April12,1 999. c;;7A/a7.1: e24yeleA A)A -CV Kathy eolker-Wheeler,Chair imothy J. Sch ' ze Alternate Memb Dan Clawson,Member cc: .lay COVington ` f-4) Sue Carlson pl ann ing/z on i n g/EA V P&D March 15, 1999 Renton City Council Minutes Page 90 Nor, ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 1999 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Public Works Department's Maintenance Services Division is working to incorporate such management techniques as outcome management, performance measuring,continuous improvement and performance budgeting. * Renton's Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman is chairing the King County Public Works Directors Group, and consequently will be significantly involved in determining which transportation projects in King County are selected to receive federal funding in 2001 and 2002. * The Seattle Symphony performed at a sold-out concert at Carco Theatre on March 10th as part of a fundraising event to benefit this year's summer teen musical. * The Environmental Protection Agency has awarded$200,000 to the City to be used for clean-up efforts at Port Quendall. Legal: Gambling Legislation City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren reported on a meeting conducted last week @ State Level with representatives from various cities and the Recreational Gaming Association concerning mini-casinos and cardrooms. Renton,among other cities, is concerned with a recent pronouncement by the State Gambling Commission relating to local zoning authority, and a preliminary concurring opinion issued by a member of the State Attorney General's Office last week. The meeting focused on issues of concern to local jurisdictions,which include: that cities receive timely notice about any potential license and have the opportunity to give meaningful input into any licensing decision; that the Gambling Commission be clear on its ability to deny a license,with cause;that the State be prohibited from preempting local zoning authority for gambling uses; that local jurisdictions retain the right to declare moratoria on gambling uses to allow time to•study zoning issues; that cities be allowed to amoritize any existing uses that are not grandfathered under new regulations; and that cities retain their authorization to ban gambling uses outright. Mr. Warren concluded that the Recreational Gaming Association is working to - draft legislation on these issues in the hope that a proposal can be submitted to the Legislature this session, if at all possible. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment: Human Rights Mayor Tanner appointed Edythe Gandy, 3807 NE 8th Ct.,Renton, 98056,to &Affairs Commission the Human Rights &Affairs Commission for a two-year term expiring 4/25/2001. Refer to Community Services Committee. Planning;Zoning Code Economic Development,Neighborhoods&Strategic Planning Department Amendments re: Employment recommended approval of amendments to the Light Industrial,Medium ea n se Industrial, Heavy Industrial, Commercial Office and Commercial Arterial Classification zones within the new Employment Area Valley land use classification. Refer to Planning&Development Committee. CAG: 98-108, Airport Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of Amendment No. 1 Seaplane Base Rehab Project, to CAG-98-108, contract with Reid Middleton for the Municipal Airport's STY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDALL AI #: �.b. Submitting Data: Economic Development, Neighborhoods, and Agenda of: Strategic Planning March 15, 1999 Dept./Div/Board.. Staff Contact Rebecca Lind (ext. 6588) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing... Correspondence.. Zoning Text Amendments to Light Industrial, Medium Industrial, Ordinance and Heavy Industrial, Commercial Office and Commercial Resolution Arterial Zones within the Employment Area Valley Old Business Comprehensive Plan Designation, and miscellaneous housekeeping amendments Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Draft Code Amendments Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept x.... Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: None Expenditure Required... Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. Summary of Action: As part of the 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, the City Council adopted new policies for the Valley area creating a new Employment Area Valley land use classification. To implement the new comprehensive plan designation through zoning, the Administration is proposing modifications to all of the zone classifications occurring in the Valley. These amendments allow a wide array of commercial and office uses to occur in the industrial designations. The overall effect of the proposal will be to allow the majority of Commercial Arterial zone uses and the Commercial Office zone uses throughout the Valley without rezoning property or making the existing industrial uses non- conforming. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Amend the zoning code to provide a wider range of commercial development opportunities in the Valley. .EAVadga/ 01.0 *mot CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS, AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: March 9, 1999 TO: King Parker, President City Council Members VIA: ,�� Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Mike Kattermann, Planning DirectotAi —' STAFF CONTACT: Rebecca Lind (ext. 6588) SUBJECT: Zoning Text Amendments to Light Industrial, Medium Industrial, and Heavy Industrial, Commercial Office and Commercial Arterial Zones within the Employment Area Valley Comprehensive Plan Designation, and miscellaneous housekeeping amendments ISSUE: The proposed code amendments implement the Employment Area Valley Land Use Designation by adding additional uses in the Valley, mostly in the form of secondary uses. The overall effect of the proposal will be to allow the majority of Commercial Arterial zone uses and the Commercial Office zone uses throughout the Valley without rezoning property or making the existing industrial uses non- conforming. RECOMMENDATION: •Add the following list of uses to the Industrial and Office Zones in the Valley as defined by conditions established in the attached notes and use chart. Veterinary offices with kennels, runs, and stables Hotel and Motel Retail sales (many types as listed) Recreation facilities and services Amusement arcades and parks Bowling alleys Dance halls and cabarets Gambling casinos and games of chance (not for profit) Outdoor commercial recreation or entertainment uses Sports arenas Theaters Medical and Dental law March 5, 1999 Page 2 Private conference centers Professional office All services listed in the use tables Rental services with and without outside storage Video rentals and sales Repair,services Auto, boat, motorcycle sales, lease and rental ( In all the Industrial Zones only ) Bus terminal, taxi headquarters Car Washes ( In the Light Industrial and Commercial Office zones only) Gasoline service stations (In the Light Industrial and Commercial Office zones only) Parking garages and commercial parking lots Public parking Transit Centers Uses determined to support dealerships Helipads when accessory to primary use Indoor storage Outdoor storage Self storage( In all the Industrial Zones only) Electronic manufacture and assembly Labs, optical, medical, dental Research, development, testing (In the Light Industrial and Commercial Office zones only) Computer, electronics assembly Prefabricated parts and finished parts Articles, products or merchandise from preprocessed materials ( In the Industrial zones only ) Recycling centers ( In all the Industrial zones only) Commercial/Industrial Accessory Uses Service and social organizations Schools , arts, crafts, photograph, dance and technical/industrial processes ( In the Heavy and Medium industrial zones only) BACKGROUND SUMMARY: As part of the 1996 Comprehensive Plan Amendments, the City Council adopted new policies for the Valley area creating a new Employment Area Valley land use classification. The objectives of the Employment Area Valley designation are to: 1. "Provide for a mix of employment based uses, including commercial, office and industrial development to support the. economic development of the City of Renton". 2."Provide flexibility in the regulatory processes by allowing for a variety of zone designations in the Employment Area-Valley designation" 3."Ensure quality development in Employment Area-Valley. " To implement the new comprehensive plan designation through zoning,the Administration is proposing modifications to the zone classifications occurring in the Valley(except Resource Conservation). These amendments allow a wide array of commercial and office uses to occur in the industrial and office designations. The approach staff used to develop this recommendation relies on the concept of a"pyramid"of zones, In general,uses that are allowed in the Commercial Office Zone are proposed in the Industrial Zones March 5, 1999 Page 3 and Commercial Arterial Zone. Uses allowed in the Commercial Arterial Zone are also proposed in the Industrial Zones. The Commercial Office Zone remains the most restrictive area within the Valley. The majority of changes affect only the Valley and are not added to the zone designations citywide in terms of the type and number of uses allowed. Secondary uses are allowed subject to conditions which are described in the notes to the Zoning Use Table. Excerpts of this table are included in the attached packet for your information. Several of the uses are also limited as either administrative conditional uses or hearing examiner conditional uses. These are indicated on the attached use charts with an AD or H,and often a note specifying a condition. The proposal also includes several housekeeping amendments to 1) consolidate the zoning use table by eliminating duplicate items, and 2) amend several provisions citywide changing processing requirements or conditions on the use. In the latter case, the following uses and zones are proposed for amendment: Common household pets in the RMH zone, hobby kennels in the CA zone, nursery greenhouse in the CO zone, mineral recovery in the CO and COR zone, Appliances, furniture, monuments-tombstones in the CA zone, private conference centers in the IL, IM, IH and CA zones, Professional services in the CA zone, television, upholstery and watch repair in the CA zone, uses that support dealerships in the CA zone,medical and dental labs in the CA zone. CONCLUSION: The proposed changes in the industrial and offices zones will add additional flexibility to the range of uses permitted in the Valley. Development and redevelopment activity in the Valley will be determined increasingly by private market conditions rather than zoning code constraints. The City Administration is hoping to attract more retail, service and office uses in this area which will continue to diversify and strengthen the City's tax base without rezoning the industrial areas to preclude the existing industrial uses. cc: Sue Carlson Jay Covington planning/zoningeaviiss/ • IOW *NO IZONING USE TABLE NOTES Amended 2/24/99 42. Accessory to a permitted use where adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated and the use is part of a mixed tenancy and/or use development where the average amount of indoor storage, accessory to all permitted uses, does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the total development's gross floor area. 43. Reserved Where adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated and said parking is consistent with 48. Allowed where incidental to a permitted use and shall not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area. 50. Allowed where incidental to a permitted primary or secondary use and shall not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area, except for floor area that is devoted to food prepared wholly for retail sales on-site. 52. Allowed where incidental to a permitted use, not to exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area and allowed for on-site sales purposes only. 62. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 141. No outdoor facilities or storage. Retail sales of products or merchandise produced on the premises; providing, the sales area does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area of the use. 141. No outdoor facilities or storage. Retail sales of products or merchandise produced on the premises; providing, the sales area does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area of the use. 144. Including small trees, shrubs, flowers, supplies, and tools within an enclosed area. 145. Except school facilities. 146. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) See EAV Map in RMC 4-2- 080B and sgubject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010, Adult Entertainment Regulations. 148. Reserved Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of the requirements in RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review NOTESPC.DOCnoKspe\ Criteria for Keeping Animals. Except not permitted in the Auto Mall Area A: Area bounded by Grady Way South, Rainier Avenue South, 1-405, and Lind Avenue South. 149. Subject to site plan review. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). 150. Reserved Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Includes small trees, shrubs, flowers, supplies, and tools within an enclosed area. 158. . Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B , e€xcept exterior storage and long-term parking of commercial vehicles. 159. When conducted entirely within an enclosed structure. 160. Provision of peripheral landscaping which does not obscure views into the garage structure in order to maintain visual security. Increased lighting for security. Limited curb cuts and traffic access. Size and location shall be reviewed as part of site plan approval. 189. Reserved Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area. No freestanding buildings — must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100') of residential zoned properties, external signaqe shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4-4-100E5i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 207. Only allowed in Subject to a location in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 212. Located within the Center Institution (CI) Comprehensive Plan designation. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). 217. Limited to the area south of SW Grady Way and west of SR-167/Rainier Avenue S. 223. ReservecdOnly allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. When operations are predominantly conducted out of doors rather than completely enclosed within an enclosed structure, a conditional use permit is required. NOTESPC'.l)OC Fes-re\ Orr. • • *04 225_Reserved Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Subiect to site plan review 227. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location) and subject to the provisions of RMC 4-3-010 and chapter 5-12 RMC, Adult Entertainment. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 230. Which serve adjacent employees subject to the following conditions: No signage other than that located on the cart itself. Cart location must be pedestrian oriented and not street oriented. Cart location cannot be on required landscaping or parking areas unless in a Park and Ride lot where no more than a single parking space may be taken up by the cart. No more than two (2) espresso or other temporary vendors per primary use, except for master planned office parks over five (5) acres in size for which a maximum number of carts will be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25(1/0) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 231. Expansion of existing retail structures subject to site plan review. Construction of new retail buildings on the same site as existing retail buildings, subject to site plan review. Consideration given to community need (i.e., suitable location). The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 233. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No outdoor facilities. No external signage. NOTES PC.DOCttotespe\ The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be • developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 234. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area (i.e., contiguous CO Zone). No freestanding buildings — must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100') of residential zoned properties, external signage shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4-4-100E5i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 248. A maximum of eight (8) adult dogs or cats may be permitted after satisfaction of • the requirements in RMC 4-4-010, Standards and Review Criteria for Keeping Animals. Except not permitted in the Auto Mall Area A: Area bounded by Grady Way South, Rainier Avenue South, 1-405, and Lind Avenue South. 253. Reserved Only allowed in Subject to a location in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Limited to uses which serve adjacent employees subject to the following conditions: No signage other than that located on the cart itself. Cart location must be pedestrian oriented and not street oriented. Cart location cannot be on required landscaping or parking areas unless in a Park and Ride lot where no more than a single parking space may be taken up by the cart. No more than two (2) espresso or other temporary vendors per primary use, except for master planned office parks over five (5) acres in size for which a maximum number of carts will be determined by the Zoning Administrator. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when • alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. NOTES PC.DOCnotz;p'\ • 255. Permitted when ancillary to a permitted primary use where food and beverages are served on the premises and located in an area with an Employment Area —Valley land use designation as shown on the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and located south of 1-405. 258., Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. No outdoor facilities or storage. Retail sales of products or merchandise produced on the premises; providing, the sales area does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area of the use. 259. Allowed outright in the Employment Area valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Outside the EAV consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location). Intended and designed to serve immediate market area No freestanding buildings — must be located in a "primary use" structure. No drive-through service. Signage: For lots within one hundred feet (100') of residential zoned properties, external signage shall be subject to the provisions of RMC 4-4-10QE5i. The design of structures, including signs, shall be generally consistent in character with surrounding uses. No drive-up windows or outside automobile service shall be permitted, except for financial institutions which are permitted three (3) drive-up windows in conjunction with a branch operation and integrated into the exterior wall of a "primary use" structure. No exterior display of merchandise is permitted. Retail and service uses shall be developed as part of larger office structures. Such retail or service uses shall not stand alone and shall not occupy more than twenty five percent (25%) of any one floor of a building whose primary use is office. Direct arterial access to individual uses shall occur only when alternative access to local or collector streets or consolidated access with adjacent uses is not feasible. 260. Only allowed outright in the Employment Area Valley (EAV). See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Elsewhere an administrative conditional use permit is required. 261. Except not permissible (at all) within the Employment Area Valley (EAV). See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. 262. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Accessory to a permitted use where adverse impacts are appropriately mitigated and the use is part of a mixed tenancy and/or use development where the average amount of indoor storage, accessory to all permitted uses, does not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the total development's gross floor area. 263. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Must be associated with a permitted use and if appropriately screened, limited to fifteen feet (15') in height or one story. 264. Only allowed in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation with Light Industrial Zoning. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permit,. Outside of the Employment Area Valley, self storage is allowed as an administrative conditional use, In the Commercial Arterial zone self storage is limited to 1 story and one building with a Hearing Examiner Conditional Use permit. - NOTESPC.DOC+ spx\ 265. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Consideration must be given to community need (i.e., suitable location).with an administration conditional use permit 266. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Allowed where incidental to a permitted use, not to exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area and allowed for on-site sales purposes only 267. Only allowed in in the Employment Area Valley (EAV) land use designation. See EAV Map in RMC 4-2-080B. Allowed where incidental to a permitted use and shall not exceed thirty three percent (33%) of the gross floor area. NOTESPC.DOCnetespe\ 0 d `cam°- d d_ C, • U w O m OC V ca C II co I n ZO p m— u r 11111 pl v°'i a UE10Om co c -o3 0 0 a. c Q U `a) 0cc U Inn I o to O u ` m 1 0_IAN cil N O U E mQ A >, N o u Q y `7 a U N u () aromacO u) o W EMI I . W co V a,�V Ell II ti ar p 0 L. E).c) °o cn n U U a)Z.c L t 0 a c m E m_ 0 II Uac) ouE o C.) X thc . . S0111 N a. a. N N O c :X >. n u) ¢ v Q c N 0111 in n O U — 5 O a. 4_ N a.i N II D C .`s 2 a a. fn Q a ik 0 Z N to V ti -a- O DN o—L J OI O Imo. N 16 C v.''J a_ a. a. ¢ a O U o m U N ccv�e2u`0. >. re ¢ < E .:2. o o W co0vM U c CV N CL'0 ior-DU Q •r. Z. ai O o I S Q 0 r� oo a) o o II H N -- e- 0 _O m N U N 0CC aci . o O 0 & In In N ¢ Q m N 7 on) coo ow 111 c.)O N Q ao rn co o a Q �v waoCUrx in in = Q a Q ►_ • _ W •yCQ 0 0 ION Z a) a) QN ■ II °' ° a i o N YV—ul0U WEm in Q W J N re < 0 _ _12 m u I N Q to V° 0f03 N 0) ` Gcy p Z 0) NI a Q reoUd Q =10 U a. ii U Z Q O > U ao N c h M co CD CD D W 0 Tel—I O c 'u 3 c' diN oco CO ix `m N o v o m E Q W E N E `° o .� 2 a N U e �a •E m a x ., ui II ct u _ m E w al « m a_ c p � NOo 0 In c Y d 0CD = 0 CC v1 E m O1 c n Z w t C Z H . m m m CA a :; E oI E lc 13 2 ' . Z co O EI �= DNN , T o o 13 d E c o N o O II L. N U _ .cc .c .cc " n c H N ° m m • c a. O E E —co E c Y E c E c a Cl.) m 2 d a> • E0 Fa'• Q c •c •c •c d ai Q- aci c o B 10 a> a> a� if if if if A !�1 ! 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O -7 � .O, m L N E E � C � 0 � � C C C C � d Q C9 m O (O 8 2 Z a a a 6 8 u u_ u_ 2 F- [0 V) g fn to V) 5 H ertttttta I 0 U II N O ~ Z U a) O Q 0 coo Z` co O U v c N ti o W Q O a)U N N 0 Z to _ Z u) a. >, N U is u U Z 0_ ,- a) W U a N 2 m O :fl U o C.) CV O U in a` I X Tri x o a c E2 o H c.) II 0 Z —. H M J 17 C O C`, VI CO VIU m a a a a c in CV cc) X r _ N. _ co W N N d' 11 H d IL co ,c N Z co O0 co N CO Nt � (O ,- n V CV 0- II z a a I- a = Q = _.-. M M M U Q m O N `- M O CZ a s a Q ¢ = Q c Z - p O ao M CV N. U _ r 11 c_ J Y. 11 E CO CVQ a o w a ►= a Q w _ m CZ M N M N. d li a ►= a Z' 0 N N cn CV CIa) U Q Ce h.a � a II a o Q v a co c a ra ( .c t c a E c "-in a ._ d c 7 d ti .co o d a) r E E 0 o tt tt3 to C. III 0 c ai C u y 8 = §Q 4 — a co ru U 7 E N 76>iy.5 �? 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C\/ II lin •cr I 2 HI Q (/).iTi O a)U a U X : 111 111 iti N Mn O 1 cn 2 to cn 2 2 cn cn cn c cn mV Er N N N h.Ili f•-• PIV RN2 t� II fn to = S cn N cn cn at Z a) a N N N N N N N I I i 2 1111 o n 2 n n 2 21 cn N Cr) 'o 0 U it 2 Q c E x 2 III O co cn N Z CC _ d I_ 11111 III ' III iI_ 11111 III III c Z Z OU N ce 2 c Q — v z If.) m 2 II Q El 0 fr CI_ 111111 _ O ci I 11111 I II O ni re w O ccII W Cf) CC O TO I • i cu b CD Z Q v d d m (n mo ►- O v m 0 c a .t5 o • 6 z E U 0 3 m ) i5 5 Y 8 a m , m c `m m c w z o .c a� n a to a ; A C9 c E E a vi -i Q a' Q E c9 c > « c to Q _ a m aci E o d '� 3o y _ W ca Z m 0 o E E g L c - r L m E h F- o v, E U y II E E a.1 a) c m g �' N H °� "� `'° Z u •c d x a n C co co v) CO L c m 7 of LL c v' v E E o ccaa cca o n o d n .dc r U 5 a n O E Ti) E a s Q a co o z 0 a cn i— 1— ui 0 . .., M u_ < 'c Ea- A. co co no t) [ V) V) • A El1E3 _ MO ill MT. - ILI v)4 L I -6z 1 (;,-,. cull . Milli . ,. 1 cc., III a_I CL 0_ CL 2 Eli a. 0_ 0- a. a_ a ra co 0 c o 6 11111 NI II a n a a = I n a n a s cx. u) z vi o U 1111■®, ■„® ,,, a a a n[ 11'_ '1 a U a7 co �n �I ' III rn °' c° c Qd d II X I's = N N rs ON 0 n- =< Ell N N N ON_ N O F O N pI El O O O O O ) O- M U cm N a N s d N Q. O 2 N N N N. NCO CO II cn z — a1 CD J 1111 ^O OM .d. dl 2 h O ' O O�l c9a cN N �� aiii_ iii a � � c O U = . li I c E is ec•- 1111 II in 1111111 w o° N _ .r. N z _. io O °i II z r 2 1,2; 1111111 z — 111� II ■ LIII_ II _ II I Q LIII_ II 0 Q ce d 0 w m II I u) Q) 1111111 a n to . y c 7 - z t. o N o ut: a" Cc u,: W N N a) 8 U gi ` Ov • Z cn ,Z 8 8m o u N c c en 0 mt E0 U `n ,E in z .0w Ls c _ >0c• a) `a E a c cl _ 20 wro ti -2n. 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