HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllow Easting & Drinking Establishments at Golf Courses/Parks (4/24/2000) ```t�� mtit11/lll,/, O.icy �►�'.'3► (n r 0 -1 m ° 0. c_ 0) c_ 0 -0 ° n� CD ' �. 'ts� c m = = d) c0 ,. 0o _. m co 0.a r a 0;•m m e 0- Cp CO O O O -. .-•-Np m N _. Z O. = W ... v O c O v � %�0 •..a 0.- ct,-- v m D o a w CD O m y �' n) a o N 0" I, �� a -1 ° C ° CD o ° ° 0' Cr m n: -4`-a CD ''//�///11111111�0? ` 0 0) z ° Li, Q° ' 5 cQ = 0. mo - m _. 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N 0� a700 0 �� 0 DaNA-..O _.N 0 Nm .. . .0 ur CD M"Oy0•I. -".^. ..c �;n° c 15=c)"‹ 0 0 V'.0 N 7 0 .D a=-0.)c)cb 0 .. to j 0 0-0 0 =-Ficom • C O�.-:— , - R rm. I c CD ono wcow.wcom ^Doo �a �myoo oo 'mDaig om a 1 D �' KD x w 7-3 m C -CD o o m 0 o O? ... CO -0. •<'<CD n n aai 0.- o C C 1 i %Po *sot May 8, 2000 `"e Renton City Council Minutes `"" Page 154 Utility: Water Shutoff Policy An ordinance was read amending Sections 8-4-33.B and 8-4-44.A of Chapter 1, for Multifamily Properties Water, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation) of City Code by imposing a fee upon landlords when tenants must be notified of shutoff of water service. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/15/00. CARRIED. Rezone: Renton Technical An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of Renton Technical College,NE 4th St/Monroe & College, located at NE 4th St.between Monroe and Kirkland Avenues, from P- Kirkland Ayes, R-95-099 1 (Public Use)to IL(Industrial Light) (R-95-099). MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/15/00. CARRIED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler explained that while the zoning of this property will change, it will retain a P-suffix, which indicates public use. This means that should the property owners ever propose changing the use in the future, the P-suffix will trigger a public notification process. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4838 An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-8-2 and 2-8-4.B of Chapter 8, Boards/Commissions: Municipal Arts Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of City Municipal Arts Commission Code by staggering the terms of commission appointments and by requiring City Code Housekeeping CIP proposals to be submitted to the Community Services Department. Changes MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4839 An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3-040 of Chapter 3, Environmental Planning: Automall Overlay Regulations and Special Districts, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of District Boundary Changes City Code by amending the Auto Mall Improvement District regulations. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER,. COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance#4840 An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-060.0 and E,4-2-070.A and B, Planning: Eating & Drinking and 4-2-080.A of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, and Section 4-11-160 of Establishments in Regional Chapter 11,Definitions of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code by Parks & Golf Courses amending the Resource Conservation (RC) and the Residential—One Dwelling Unit per Acre (R-1) zones to allow eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmember Nelson commented on the receipt of a letter from Carl, Elaine Parks: Easter Egg Hunt at and Gregory Posey, 10609—62nd Ave. S., Seattle, 98178, expressing Renton Community Center appreciation for the Easter egg hunt and carnival held at Renton Community Center last month. Public Works: Cedar River Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler requested a briefing on the status of the Flood Wall (Aesthetics) Cedar River flood wall. She was concerned that it blocks the view of the river, and wanted to know if it will be softened with landscaping or another appropriate treatment. May 1,2000 Renton City Council Minutes , Page 143 Nor Resolution #3454 A resolution was read setting a public hearing on May 22, 2000, to vacate the Vacation: Alley in 600 Block alley located between 621 and 625 Camas Ave. NE(Stephen Korn/John Born, of Camas Ave(Korn/Born, VAC-00-002). MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, VAC-00-002) COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 5/08/00 for second and final reading: Boards/Commissions: An ordinance was read amending Sections 2-8-2 and 2-8-4.B of Chapter 8, Municipal Arts Commission Municipal Arts Commission, of Title II(Commissions and Boards) of City City Code Housekeeping Code by staggering the terms of commission appointments and by furnishing Changes CIP proposals to the Community Services Department. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/08/00. CARRIED. Planning: Automall Overlay An ordinance was read amending Section 4-3-040 of Chapter 3, Environmental District Boundary Changes Regulations and Special Districts, of Title IV(Development Regulations) of City Code by amending the Auto Mall Improvement District regulations. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 5/08/00. CARRIED. Planning: Eating&Drinking An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-2-060.0 and E,4-2-070.A and B, Establishments in Regional and 4-2-080.A of Chapter 2, Land Use Districts, and Section 4-11-160 of Parks & Golf Courses Chapter 11, Definitions of Title IV (Development Regulations) of City Code by amending the Resource Conservation(RC) and the Residential—One Dwelling Unit per Acre(R-1)zones to allow eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR ' SECOND AND FINAL READING ON . CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading and adoption: Ordinance#4837 An ordinance was read amending the 2000 Annual Budget by increasing Parks: 200 Mill Ave S Tenant expenditure allowances in the amount of$1,500,000 for tenant improvements Improvements (2000 Budget to City facilities; facility operating costs; and to provide fund transfers and Adjustment) interfund loan authorities. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Council President Corman reported that last week,three groups working to Transportation: I-405 Corridor address traffic problems in the 1-405 corridor met to discuss a ten-year plan for Study&Improvements needed improvements. He noted that the I-405/SR-167 interchange was agreed to be in need of a major revision. One idea is to realign this section of I-405 so that two lanes(rather than just one)turn southbound onto 167. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler asked if the subject of further straightening the"S"curves was discussed. Mr. Corman replied that while there was talk of adding one or two lanes to I-405,those present acknowledged the lack of right- of-way available for widening. They further understood that Renton officials are sensitive to the takings issue, given that several homes were lost as a result of the last"S"Curves project. Mrs. Keolker-Wheeler suggested that the City make efforts to get information on this subject to the public, including how they can get involved. Mr. Corman noted that the next six months will be an optimum time for public comment, as Ike *110 • May 1, 2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 142 Municipal Arts Commission Chapter 8 of Title II (Commissions and Boards)of City Code by making two City Code Housekeeping housekeeping changes to the Municipal Arts Commission chapter. Council Changes concur. (See page 143 for ordinance.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Janet Armstrong, president of the Somerset Citizen Comment: Armstrong Community Club,PO Box 5733, Bellevue, 98006, et al., urging the Port of et al. —SeaTac "Split East Seattle Commission,the Port staff, and the Part 150 Study Committee to adhere Turn"New Flight Path to the original purpose and intention of the Part 150 Study, and reject the Split East Turn new flight path proposal. Councilman Corman noted that the concerns contained in this letter echo ones previously expressed by Renton. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler suggested that the signers of this letter be sent a copy of Renton's letter to the Part 150 Study Committee on this issue. Citizen Comment: Bannecker Correspondence was read from Randy Bannecker, Bannecker and Associates, —Utility Shutoff Policy 2240 E. Blaine St., Seattle, 98112,representing the Apartment Association of Seattle and King County. Mr. Bannecker said while he supported tenant notification of impending multi-family utility shutoffs,he urged that the landlord be told in advance that the City is prepared to inform the building's tenants of the potential shutoff. He believed this information would prompt many landlords to settle their past due accounts. Mr. Bannecker also suggested that the City liberalize its policy of service shutoff for failure to pay after 45 days from the date of billing. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THIS LETTER TO THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Planning & Development recommending that the Council adopt the proposed Code amendments allowing Committee stand-alone eating and drinking establishments in both the Resource Planning: ating&Drinking Conservation(RC) zone and the Residential—One Dwelling Unit per Acre (R- Establishments in Regional 1) zone when such uses are located in a regional park or golf course, as well as Parks & Golf Courses creating new definitions for"neighborhood", "community", and "regional" parks. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 143 for ordinance.) Planning: Automall Overlay Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report District Boundary Changes recommending that the Council adopt the proposed Code amendments deleting approximately one and one-half blocks from Area A of the Automall, located between Seneca and Raymond Avenues SW, and redesignating this same area as Area B, as reflected on the modified map of the Automall Overlay District. Proposed modifications to the 1996 Automall Improvement Plan are to remain in Committee. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 143 for ordinance.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Finance: Vouchers Claims Vouchers 181327 - 181730, and two wire transfers totaling $1,391,026.06. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS %10. *tot ~ APPROVED BY `" CITY COUNCIL Date 6--t-1)-1) PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 1,2000 Code Amendments for Eating and Drinking Establishments in Regional Parks& Golf Courses (Referred March 20,2000) The Planning & Development Committee recommends that the Council adopt the proposed code amendments allowing stand alone "eating and drinking establishments" in both the RC Zone and the R-1 Zone when such uses are located in a regional park or golf course, as well as creating new definitions for"neighborhood", "community", and"regional"parks. Rth okiaLf2,„ athy olker-Wheeler, Chair d Cothy !hler, Viecha4 42%---L-N6t.--4..---1-- Dan Clawson,Member • cc: Sue Carlson PLANNINI\ Revision Date 2000 v April 24,2000 Renton City Council Minutes Page 140 its emphasis on community enhancement. Mr. Hardebeck looked forward to changing the lives of six Renton homeowners this weekend, and many more in the future. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Planning: Eating&Drinking accordance with local and State laws,Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing Establishments in Regional to consider proposed amendments to Renton Municipal Code Development Parks & Golf Courses Regulations regarding eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. 4v- Don Erickson, Senior Planner, explained that the proposed amendments would render stand-alone restaurants such as Ivar's and Kidd Valley at Gene Coulon Park and River Rock Café at Maplewood Golf Course permitted secondary uses in both the R-1(Residential—One Dwelling Unit Per Acre) and RC(Resource Conservation)zones. Restaurants are currently only allowed as accessory uses to public and private golf courses in the R-1 zone, and to existing golf courses in the RC zone. The proposal would amend Renton's Development Regulations to make"eating and drinking establishments" (i.e.,restaurants) permitted, subject to the condition that the use occur only in regional parks and golf courses. This change would allow Ivar's and Kidd Valley to become conforming uses in the likelihood that Gene Coulon Park is rezoned to R-1 in the future. It would also make River Rock Cafe a conforming use in the RC zone. Mr. Erickson clarified the difference between a secondary use and an accessory use, saying that stand-alone restaurants are not considered to be normal accessory uses within golf courses or regional parks. Examples of normal accessory uses for these facilities include bait shops at fishing piers,pro shops at golf courses and concession stands at sports fields. Staff has concluded that stand-alone restaurants may be appropriate in larger, regional-type facilities while remaining inappropriate for smaller neighborhood and community open spaces. Continuing, Mr. Erickson said as secondary uses in these zones, any new stand- alone restaurants would require approval by the Park Board and the City Council. He emphasized that no new restaurants are being proposed at this time. Staff recommends that the proposed amendments be approved, along with new definitions for the terms "neighborhood", "community"and "regional"parks,based on descriptions in Renton's 1992 Comprehensive Park, Recreation and Open Space Plan. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler noted that this subject remains in the Planning &Development Committee, which will issue a recommendation for action to the full Council. APPEAL Planning &Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Planning&Development regarding the request from the Washington State Department of Transportation Committee (WSDOT) for a noise variance to conduct resurfacing on SR-167. The Appeal: WSDOT Noise Planning&Development Committee met on this topic on April 20, 2000. In Variance for SR-167 Repaving making its decision,the Committee is required by City Code to detail errors in the Findings and Conclusions from which the appeal was made. In reviewing the record, the Planning &Development Committee determined that there were inadequate Findings and Conclusions from which to make its decision. Therefore, the Planning&Development Committee is remanding this issue *40 *4400 , V1 • 0 • ••-4 77:1(--.4. ,r, • (I.) al 1.7:,' ' E Cif) o , C 7::::) 0 alit 14, y.... • C) 4"") (:) Li) 4.4 e,),0 4 ,...4c.i..0) . ,. _ ':tk) J o ci) a . '..4I . 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C.) �� 1‘1\i(VO Proposed Code Revisions to RC and R-1 Zone Use Tables Allowing Specified Retail Uses in Regional Parks and Golf Courses and New Parks Definitions Public Hearing April 24, 2000 7:30 PM Renton City Council Chambers Summary: These proposed amendments make stand-alone restaurants such as Ivar's and Kidd Valley at Gene Coulon Park and River Rock Café at the Maplewood Golf Course permitted secondary uses in both the R-land RC Zones. Restaurants are currently only allowed as accessory uses to public and private golf courses in the R-1 Zone and existing golf courses in the RC Zone. The proposal would amend the Use Table in Section 4-2-060E to make "eating and drinking establishments" permitted subject to the condition that the use occur only in regional parks and golf courses. This change will allow Ivar's and Kidd Valley's restaurants to become conforming uses in the likelihood that Gene Coulon Park is rezoned to R-1 in the near future. It will also make River Rock Café a conforming use in the RC Zone. Recommendation: Amend Section C, Retail Uses and Section E, Recreation and Entertainment Uses of the use tables in Subsection 4-2-060 for both the RC and R-1 Zones by listing "eating and drinking establishments" as a secondary use in both exiting regional parks and existing and new golf courses. In addition, change the Use Tables for the RC Zone (4-2-070A) and the R-1 Zone (4-2-070B) to reflect the above changes. The proposal also includes new definitions for "neighborhood", "community" and "regional"parks in Section 4-11-160, Definitions "P". Amends Summary.doc\ %ow %or - r,,, •.• C a7 c QSLCC-CLOLO =NLCo(a ... _ L� N'O O0� � 7 r % 0 a) a) c ,,,,,,��.-.N•O diU7N �y7O N4L 7 Za1NLa2g Nd °'O < O � Oc W N L O U �� O) a N.LO. O_N oo" _>-ow.oE o c8g•co0 =co p m m o� C7 2L a)cDc0-� na U W >. NEo)Ucr, Ec2.452 �ca) > o01 Rm as cod-.S=vo o� m wow a�i� � � � a � c` Q� 2tC= U a O rnro o a,,,I W�Uo3o` Uc 'aom.3ate) Ma`7)7 `�.nCog F¢.W�s, a.0. O O U 0 o�in a� m e -'2 1 OQ c Occ c O.0 .�C a) a).0-`1 a) 6 C.2.....V U a ri Z ,S< Ea>) aoic odSa2TcNE5y0_0-3 a1. a o. mOC §. 2 2 E Sm L.mU a) O N = C .0 .a C L - C O 4- V m ccv0Or cn o — To a°)i E m 5.� U U ) .0 �t a) co 'N c U ... E \\ M ( c W a) O = o N o Z L rn a"_' �" a U t � C' N Q O • O (A w !n \ t4 CV N O o N E ,0 N C O I— OQ a) 0" C "L' C N o Q OC >~ C -co N O 1 O C) s �-1 Fs a) 7 a) N cu .a .\ 0 C� O C 1-� N a� = V cco 0 " Q c co a o ` " rn w i"'7 �.+ Y co C �+ a 2.2 y C U N Z- oo W G O! il !i. CQ c cn � aci c vsa o 1 _ • tY "' C °� Naca a) va) r w Lim H Z CD o Y N € • x V '\ 0 c c Eco 3 ci - a) � — cc 0 Q > +' NO = = 3c o N ca 1— v_> aa0 �' E U � � o � a) � coEm o o` \ �,� �� U O 0 `� c - Y LW >C"- C NiIliHI •Q • _ co cs E y III!IIIII 03 o. P: i«t QO3 • 0 LL c o C/� c E � ttis1111//ii ccn o O aen 0 `) covcrnc� • = oZ v ��� N� 0rnu3m � Eo ,_ o - c C a .��Z`�' �p':c9y'% C a w cc N L C C 0 U �' C •� .•/ ... C N O •0 co N co a) 0 = aVi O Q .0 co O; °j d el-•i Ce Q aa)) mt �.L > � co a) d t W S E a•°) =Wio .r .+ ��- c co to O N — 0 0 G , ,.. 3` _o �. 0.._O co O co . a) Z C CC• = 4 H: Un0 U 8 a U 6 N is•: �1. 4.Z co J 0I. ''//''��'/11111111��$�```` i tow r.r CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 24th day of April, 2000, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the seventh floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Proposed amendment to Renton Municipal Code Development Regulations regarding eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Marilyn t en City Clerk Published South County Journal April 14, 2000 Account No. 50640 411111* April 10,2000 Renton City Council Minutes . Page 125 revisions to the Downtown Identification Sign regulations (as these apply to mid-and high-rise buildings of a minimum of 40 feet in order to exempt taller buildings with freeway orientation from the more restrictive sign regulations applicable in the downtown core). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Eating&Drinking ' Planning&Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report Establishments in Regional recommending that Council set a public hearing on April 24,2000 to consider Parks&Golf Courses proposed Code amendments for eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the request for Development Services: Fred a Release of Easement and a Partial Release of Easement for the Roundup Meyer Release of Easement Company(Fred Meyer),RE-99-001. The Committee recommended (Roundup Co., RE-99-001) concurrence with the recommendation of staff and the Board of Public Works that the City Council release this easement, which is contained and described under King County Recording No. 8905040196, and partially release another easement, contained and described under King County Recording No. 9510090749. The Utilities Committee also recommends concurrence with the recommendation of the Board of Public Works that the City Council collect the requisite processing fee from the applicant. No public funds were spent in acquiring or maintaining the easement to be released or the easement to be partially released. Therefore,these are Class`B"easements and require no further compensation other than the processing fee. Class B Easements: All City of Renton easements for which no public funds have been expended in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance of same or easements originally dedicated or otherwise conveyed to the City by the present petitioner for the release of said easement for which no public expenditures have been made in the acquisition, improvement or maintenance thereof The Utilities Committee further recommended that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Release of Easement and Partial Release of Easement documents, and that the City Clerk record the documents.with King County. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Development Services: Utilities Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the request Kindercare Release of from Exit 7,Inc. (Kindercare)for a release of easement(RE-99-002). The Easement(Exit 7,Inc,RE-99- Committee recommended concurrence with the recommendation of staff and 002) the Board of Public Works that the City Council release this easement,which was reserved via Street Vacation Ordinance No. 2111 and recorded under King County Recording No.20000217001327. The Utilities Committee also recommends concurrence with the recommendation of the Board of Public Works that the City Council collect the requisite processing fee from the applicant. No public funds were spent in acquiring or maintaining the easement to be released. Therefore,this is a Class "B"easement and require no further compensation other than the processing fee. Its APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date 171— /° 41-.° PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT April 10,2000 Code Amendments for Eating and Drinking Establishments in Regional Parks & Golf Courses (Referred March 20,2000) That the Council establish a public hearing for April 24, 2000 to consider these amendments proposed code amendments for eating and drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. (::74.4 Kathy olker-Wheeler, Chair imothy J. Sc l its r, Vice Chair ,(13414,2 Dan Clawson,Member cc: Don Erickson PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENI\ Revision Date 2000 101.0 logio . 4 March 20,2000 Nor Renton City Council Minutes `010f Page 95 to its original condition,which has not yet been accomplished. (See later this page for further discussion of this subject.) Citizen Comment: Peshak— Dennis Peschek, 13451 SE 1415`St., Renton, 98059, said in August of 1998 he RiverRock Restaurant Outdoor spoke to Council about noise emanating from Maplewood Golf Course which Music disturbed residents of his neighborhood. Since that time,the loudspeakers on the course have not been utilized too early in the mornings, and RiverRock Restaurant ceased playing live music outside. Mr. Peschek said he was recently approached by staff of the restaurant who conducted noise tests at his home to determine whether unamplified music could be played outside without disturbing nearby residents. Speaking for himself,Mr. Peschek concurred that the decibel level of the acoustic music which was demonstrated to him in these tests would not present a problem. However,he reserved the right to bring the issue up again if noise levels increase. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. Planning: Allowing Eating & Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Drinking Establishments at submitted proposed amendments to the Resource Conservation(RC) and Regional Parks&Golf Residential—One Dwelling Unit Per Acre(R-1) zones to allow eating and Courses drinking establishments in regional parks and golf courses. Refer to Planning &Development Committee. EDNSP: Toxicity Testing at Economic Development,Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Port Quendall, Exponent requested approval of a contract in the amount of$144,999 with Exponent to conduct toxicity testing on the Port Quendall property; the City will be reimbursed through the Environmental Protection Agency's $200,000 Brownfield Grant. Council concur. Plat: Talbot Ridge, S 47th Development Services Division recommended approval of the Talbot Ridge St/Smithers Ave S (FP-99- final plat; 18 single family lots on a 2.7 acre portion of 4.5 acres in the vicinity 165) of S. 47th St. and Smithers Ave. S. (FP-99-165). Council concur. (See page 98 for resolution.) Transportation: WSDOT Grant Transportation Systems Division recommended approval of an agreement with Funding for Various Projects WSDOT to receive grant funding for the Downtown Transit Access,Arterial Rehabilitation Program, I-405/NE 44th St. Interchange and SR-167/SW 27th St./Strander Blvd. projects. Council concur. (See page 98 for resolution.) MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, • COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 6.c.FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Development Services Division recommended approval of the Monterey Item 6.c. Heights final plat; 10 single family lots on 1.5 acres in the vicinity of NE 14th Plat: Monterey Heights, NE St. and Monterey Ave.NE(FP-00-023). 14`'' St/Monterey Ave NE(FP- Responding to Council inquiry, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator 00-023) Gregg Zimmerman concurred that the landscape restoration described early by Mr.Nelson must be completed before this plat can be recorded. He added that the developer must also resubmit this easement on the City's standard easement form, since the form originally submitted did not conform to the City's requirements. Mr. Zimmerman suggested that Council approve the final plat with these two additional conditions. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE MONTEREY FINAL PLAT WITH THE CONDITIONS THAT 1)THE EASEMENT GRANTED BY GEORGE NELSON FOR UTILITY 111111110 4141, CI OF RENTON COUNCIL AGEND!:,riLL AI#: 4O•a• For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Economic Development, Neighborhoods & March 20, 2000 Strategic Planning Staff Contact Don Erickson (Ext. #6581) Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. Code Amendments for Eating and Drinking Establishments in Correspondence.. Regional Parks & Golf Courses Ordinance g Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper &Proposed Text Amendments Study Sessions Information Recommended Action: Approvals: Refer to the Planning and Development Committee proposed Legal amendments pertaining to retail uses in parks and golf courses in Dept X Finance Dept the RC and R-1 Zones. Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... NA Transfer/Amendment NA Amount Budgeted NA Revenue Generated NA Total Project Budget NA City Share Total Project.. NA SUMMARY OF ACTION: Proposed amendments to the Use Tables in Section 4-2-060 listing "Eating and Drinking Establishments" as a secondary use in the RC and R-1 Zones when located within an existing or new golf course or regional park. Also, amends Use Tables 4-2-070A and 4-2-070B for the RC and R-1 Zones. Section 4-2-080, Conditions Associated with Zoning Use Tables is also amended adding a revised Condition 7 and deleting and reserving Condition 222. Section 4-11-160, Definitions, is amended to add regional, community, and neighborhood parks definition. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council refer the proposed amendments to the RC and R-1 Zones, Zoning Use Table, Conditions Associated with Zoning Uses, and Definitions, to the Planning and Development Committee. G:\STRATPLN\PLANNING\DE\Coulon Park\CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL.doc/ wore *4100 CITY OF RENTON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, NEIGHBORHOODS,AND STRATEGIC PLANNING MEMORANDUM DATE: March 8, 2000 TO: Randy Corman,President Renton City Council VIA: Je' Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Sue Carlson/ STAFF CONTACT: Don Erickson SUBJECT: RC and R-1 Zones Use Table Amendments,New Parks Definitions ISSUE: 1. Whether the RC and R-1 Zones should be amended to allow "eating and drinking establishments" as a secondary use in regional parks such as Ivar's in Gene Coulon Park, as well as public and private golf courses such as the River Rock Café at the Maplewood Golf Course? 2. Whether new definitions should be added to Section 4-11-160, Definitions "P", of the City's Development Regulations for"neighborhood", "community", and"regional"parks? RECOMMENDATION: 1. The Administration recommends approval of the proposed amendments to make "eating and drinking establishments" a secondary use in both the RC and R-1 Zones subject to the condition that the use be limited to locations in regional parks and public and private golf courses. 2. In order to restrict restaurants to regional parks, a park typology needs to be established in the code. The Administration is therefore suggesting that new definitions for "neighborhood", "community", and "regional"parks,be added to the City's Development Regulations. BACKGROUND: The City has been phasing out the Public Use (P-1) Zone over the last few years because: it has the attributes of "spot" zoning; provides limited predictability in term of the type or scale of uses allowed; and, has not been consistently applied to public uses such as schools and parks over the years. Besides not providing much predictability, being vulnerable as a "spot" zone, it also requires conditional use permits for many uses that are allowed. Approximately 50 P-1 rezones of public and private properties throughout the City have been completed. Only about a dozen or so remain. In considering the rezoning of Gene Coulon Park to the R-1 Zone, it came to staffs attention that "eating and drinking establishments" such as Ivar's restaurant in Gene Coulon Park was not a permitted use in the R-1 Zone. \\TS_SERVER\SYS2:\COMMON\-Q:\EDNSP\Don's\RC&R-1 Use Table Issues.doc\d teir *my March 8,2000 Page 2 Eating and drinking establishments are, however, allowed as "accessory uses" to public and private golf courses in the R-1 Zone and existing golf courses in the RC Zone. Since the City has one well established "eating and drinking establishment" in an existing golf course, River Rock Café at Maplewood Golf Course, the question arose whether such a major use was typically accessory to golf courses. The conclusion of staff, including those from the City's Parks Division, was that such larger uses are not ancillary in that they could function on their own, given the right location. It was acknowledged, however, that there are smaller uses, such as refreshment stands and rental shops for sporting equipment, which are ancillary and should be considered accessory to golf courses as well as some larger, regional-type, parks. These latter uses are typically dependent on the park or golf course for their existence. Examples might include a refreshment stand selling hot dogs and soda pop during baseball games at Liberty Park,or, a pro-shop at a golf course. The proposed new provisions would allow such ancillary uses to continue while creating a new secondary use provision for stand alone"eating and drinking establishments" (not dependent on park or golf course activities) in both the RC and R-1 zones. Because "eating and drinking establishments" are already an established use under "retail uses" in the Use Tables in Section 4-2- 060, it was felt that the existing format should be applied to the R-1 and RC Zones where golf courses and regional parks are allowed. The Administration recommends that the Committee not establish a limit on the size of"eating and drinking establishments" noting the proposed new use table provision allowing eating and drinking establishments in these two zones is primarily oriented to existing restaurants which, according to Community Services, are not likely to expand or vary in size. The size of existing restaurants in parks is shown on Attachment A. In addition, such changes would have to be reviewed by the City's Park's Board, and the City Council. The Code presently does not include definitions of the various types of parks, e.g. regional, community, and neighborhood. If the function or type of park serves as the basis for a regulation, there is a need for a definition. The proposed definitions are adapted from the adopted Comprehensive Parks and Trails Master Plan and are consistent with it except that the Master Plan definitions include size goals. Staff recommend elimination of the size thresholds from the zoning definition so that existing parks can be conforming uses. The size ranges presented in the Parks policy documents are really goals that do not need to be reflected in the zoning code. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission reviewed the proposal on February 16, 2000 and recommended that a size limit of 5,000 sq. ft. plus existing banquet facilities be imposed on all "eating and drinking establishments" permitted within Gene Coulon Park and existing or new golf courses. The Commission was concerned about allowing new restaurants into existing regional parks. Whereas they were willing to acknowledge the two restaurants at Gene Coulon Park, they did not think other facilities such as Liberty Park or Phillip Arnold Park should have restaurants. For this reason they wanted to specify that such uses would be allowed in Gene Coulon Park but not other regional parks. The Commission felt banquet facilities at River Rock were an anomaly and that the maximum size for eating and drinking establishments in other parks should not be determined based upon the worst case(River Rock Café). CONCLUSION: Eating and drinking establishments such as restaurants are not typically accessory uses to parks and golf courses and therefore should have their own use designation if they are to be permitted in the RC and R-1 Zones. tow t� o o0 00to oo I I r, 00 En N t� t� N N N t� t� N N -et t- O O O O ON 00 O O en N N n O O O 0 O O O 0 0 0 en O O N N N N -- ,--4 N N N ON NNN NNNNNN N N N z U 0 0 M tr> V] 0 0 v0 _ H in oo qA 0AU aaaa °v) a a a a a a aaaov) ¢ a a 0, cla I 4 O U a a a a a. a a a a x a s a a a a a a a s a z 0 NNNN M N N N N N N N N N N M N N • Cn e-r .--I , -- E. .- e-, - e, -- - e, e-, N U aaaaa a a a as aaaaav� xa a QU kn �n in kn kn in In in e4 I z oono n o 0 0o 0000 In o 0 — El: e-, E e-. -, -. -, e� ,-. - e� e, • Er.-4) aavlarn a a as CT.' a: 00 a a _ v-,0 V VD tn to U U a v) a v) N N N N o o at N N t` t� N N t� N N N r- N N t� N 0000tn N0o o0 0 co 000 000o00 co 0 N N N ,--4N N N N NNN NNNNNN N N x N 00 0 00 00 00 a a.. v] v] 00 a vJ v1 00 v] v] 00 00 00 v0 en v0 a a v) C/j NNNNo at NN N N NNN NNNNNN N N 00ooIn o0 o0 0 co o00 000000 co 0 N N N N '-+ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - 000rn0 warn rnrna D 0rnrn 00rn000a auz v NNNNC 0 NN N N NNN NNNNNN t� t� Q 0000 In -eta o0 00 0 0 000 000000 •ct o 0 7 - rNn FA 00 00 ' v—) 00 N EArnrn EA N� EA EA N N N NamNv) A 00 00 00 00 x x C z• o Q O• x n A • 0 00 0 N 'n W a UI G'a = ,E w 11 a o a.) 0 ,1 N ct V HH! 1tii4 ! ! rpbtlluIriJI1II V' bU IIIIiIt1 ! IJ ; D 6. `nLLI > cMbqtr v�a) w `7N AAW , . %1# 4-2-070A RESOURCE CONSERVATION(RC) USES: TYPE: RETAIL SALES Eating and drinking establishments S #7 CULTURAL,ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreational Facilities Golf courses(existing) P#222 Golf courses,private or public(new) H ©1998 Code Publishing, Inc. Page 1 Noe 4-2-070B RESIDENTIAL R-1 (R'r7 USES: TYPE: RETAIL SALES Eating and drinking establishments S #7 CULTURAL,ENTERTAINMENT AND RECREATIONAL Recreational Facilities Golf courses,private or public(new) P#?2 Golf courses(existing) P#222 ©1998 Code Publishing, Inc. Page 1 %re 410 4-2-080 CONDITIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ZONING USE TABLES: A SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 7. Including restaurants and associated buildings. Limited to locations within an existing or new golf course or regional park. 222. Including accessory restaurants and accessory buildings. Reserved. 4-2-Oa Conditions 222.docD.n.rrn nt-I\ %me ‘0110 vr.. r.. 4-11-160 DEFINITIONS P: PARKS, NEIGHBORHOOD. A combination playground and park designed primarily for non-supervised, non-organized recreation activities. They are generally small in size. Accessory uses normal and incidental to such parks are allowed. PARKS,COMMUNITY. Larger than neighborhood parks, these are designed for organized activities and sports, although individual and family activities are also encouraged. Where there are no neighborhood parks.the community park can serve this function. Accessory uses normal and incidental to such parks are allowed. PARKS. REGIONAL. Regional parks are large recreational areas that serve an entire city or region and often include one specific use or feature that makes the park unique. Accessory uses normal and incidental to such parks are allowed. R.I.RC Park.,Definition dod)�Kuru�trt+\ %go (cY p EXHIBIT "A" � ♦ + � CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT Meeting of February 16, 2000 RI/RC Zoning Use Table Amendments & New Parks Definition The Planning Commission after hearing the staff presentation recommended that a size limit be imposed on all "eating and drinking establishments" permitted within Gene Coulon Park and existing or new golf courses. In addition the Commission recommended that the gross floor area of all such uses in a single golf course or park be limited to 5,000 sq. ft.,plus existing banquet facilities. This latter provision was in reference to the banquet facility at Maplewood Golf Course, which is estimated to be between 1,500 sq. ft. and 2,000 sq. ft. in size. Members felt banquet facilities were typically an accessory to restaurants and that the maximum size for "eating and drinking establishments should not be determined based upon this anomaly(River Rock Café). The Commission was also concerned about allowing new restaurants into existing regional parks. Whereas Commissioners were willing to acknowledge and deal with the two restaurants at Gene Coulon Park, they did not think other facilities such as Liberty Park or Phillip Arnold Park should have restaurants. For this reason they specified that such uses should only be allowed in Gene Coulon Park rather than other existing or potential regional parks. Planning Commissioners were less concerned about additional restaurants in golf courses. Members recommending that "eating and drinking establishments" be allowed within existing or new golf courses subject to the provision that all such uses in either a single golf course or park (Gene Coulon Park) be limited to 5,000 sq. ft. in area, excluding existing banquet facilities(River Rock Café). Following the above review, it was moved and seconded: That the Planning Commission accept the staff's recommendation pertaining to allowing "eating and drinking establishments" under the Retail Sales category in the Zoning Use Tables in Section 4-2-060 with the following changes to Section 4-2-080, Condition #7, which defines limitations on noted uses as follows: "Limited to locations within an existing or new golf course or within Gene Coulon Park. Gross floor area of all such uses in a single golf course or park shall be limited to 5,000 sq. ft. plus existing banquet facilities." Motion carried. carried. &rjA.Li 3i ' loo Becky Lemke, Vice Chair Date Document3\ CITY OF RENTON PLANNING COMMISSION.doc\ , *trio moo' `...., EXHIBIT "B" CI 'UV. O C k ets p 6" X p :74 U O A-- y U y 8 U •cn 4 O �5Ci O "d ' g 'O }.� O E �. �i 4,xf , x a) t rn .1C to bA E 3 � Q C ''d 00 p. O '0 E 00 P. U w 'O G ,Gyp rr0"n i"0 a b a �. w '',,,-,_,ItR al tc4-1d Gi .5c, •. oL G- '_' U4, O. aJpii o - ° -0 . N c� i)d .o • aa~) C7 v) bA s~ y o •g •y g o o ct 2 „' a) 0 3a. a) O a C a� g � °tOg oa •� 1, • � � rn g N Q v ... „ b bn . o an cl r a, N a a �',, .T. b3) W N 0 ° o C Gil NI ,, b U a2 Uo .- v , y 3 3o o ct 4td � .S a•tu d +, 4- a.•0iN d " v) wax,,,.. > = O 0 N a in, g N E , C3 CI 'et cn El O vi 0 1+M�1 CC V �'' O W C/D 3r a.) ,- ^" 'O G Doc unicut31 %Iov 41i10 Donald Erickson - R-C and R-1 Amendments Page 1 New- "ar'r ATTACHMENT "A" From: Leslie Betlach To: Donald Erickson; James Shepherd Date: 2/21/00 3:06PM Subject: R-C and R-1 Amendments Don, following are the Square footage for the restaurants, kitchens, banquet rooms etc. As you can see there is considerable square footage at the golf course dedicated to serving food and beverages. We are in the process of beginning to prepare a Master Plan update regarding the former restaurant/lounge. One of the items we will be addressing is whether an outdoor picnic pavilion at that location would be viable for golf tournaments. We also have had over the course of the last 5 years, discussions on expanding the restaurant/lounge areas. It is extremely important that we do not set ourselves up for Hearing Examiner Conditional Use Permits when and if the City chooses to expand. Maplewood Golf Course Maplewood Greens Banquet Rooms -4,108 Square Feet Banquet Staging Area in Kitchen - 555 Square Feet Lounge- 916 Square Feet Restaurant- 1,354 Sq. ft. Kitchen - 1,063 Sq. ft. Outside patio area -4,794 Sq. ft. (Please note -this is not exclusively used for dining and drinking but food and beverages are served here primarily during peak season). The above square footage do not include the storage areas. In addition the square footage for the main lobby area which is utilized for Sunday Brunches and special occasions are also not included. And lastly the outside tented picnic area utilized during peak season is not included. All areas are served by the Concessionaire. Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park Ivars - 1,540 Sq. ft. Kidd Valley-2.150 Sq. ft. CC: Rebecca Lind Documcnt3\ . Nis" 4110