HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-391415Seattle Pipe Trades ,lune 2016 Landscaping • Topsoil Type "A" • Carnpost Temporary Irrigation System + Plants (Trees, Shrubs and Grouhd Cover) Fine Mulch * Seeding + Stakes and Guys + Medium Wood Chip Mulch + Rnot Barrier PART 1 1.01 GENERAL A. The provisions of the WSDOT1AWPA Standard Specifications for Road. Bridge, and Municipal Construction, most current edition apply except as modified herein - IS The landscaping shall be installed using the materials as shown on the Drawings andior as specified in the Specifications. The landscaping shall be installed to grades and conform to areas and locations as shown on the Drawings. C. The term "Contractor" as used In this Specification section shall refer to the Landscape Contractor. C. These specifications shall take precedence over any other notes or details an the plants. 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. Fumish all materials, equipment, labor and related items necessary to complete the work shown on the Drawings andlor as specified in the Specifications, to include installation of compost, topsoil, soil amendments, contractor provided plants, fertilizing, staking and guying, and mulching of trees, protection and other work necessary. The work included in this Specification (whether mentioned or not) shall consist of all labor, tools, materials, tests, permits and other related items necessary for the installation of allplant-relatedmaterials in a first rstq unlit wac�anlike manner- This specification also includes the seeding of areas disturbed by construction and installation operations related to the Work. Restoration seeding shall be incidental to this cantract and shall not be measured for purposes of payment. 1.43 RELATED WORK DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE A. Related work in other sections of these Specificatbris includes but is not limited to - 1 . o-1. Grading, Embankment, acrd Backfill 1.D4 QUALri'Y ASSURANCE A. Standard Specifications Arnerican Standard for Nursery Stock, ANSI Z60.1-2004. American Nursery and Landscape Association, 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 544, Washinglan, D.C. 20005. Homos Thirdr The Staff of the L- H. Bailey HWorium- 1976. MacMillan Publishing Co., New York, All standards shall include the latest additions and amendments as of the date of advertisement for bids. All materials and workmanship for lough grading the site shaJ1 conform to the requirements of the most current edition Standard SpLicification8 for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction by WSDOT and APVVA with supplements by the City of Bellingham unless amended here€n. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Plant Documentatlon: 1, Within 30 days after award of Cantfact, submit documentation that aJJ specified plant materials have been ordered. Should the Contractor neglect to provide this docvmanlatiora within the allocated time, Contractor may forfeit any substitution benefits. 2. List respective growing or storage locations with addresses. 3- List suppliers' names. addresses, and phone number. B. Topsoil: 1- 5llon . 9a Sample, p e 2. Sieve analysis. 3. Soi:1 Tests and Sall Supplter Certificat€ars: See Section 2.01 and 2.02 of these S cdicatfons- 4. Topsoil analysis sliowing nutrients, micronutrients and late recommendations to bring the topsoil into compliance with the Specifications, to grown turf or omamental plants. 5. Topsoil hurnoff test report showing specified proportion of organic to 4norgan3c, propOrtions- C. Compost: 1- Provide a 5 -gallon sarnple for Owner approval five days prior to installation. PTN. NW 114 OF THE NW 714 OF SEC. 24, T IVP. 23N., fR E 04E , WM. 2. Contractor certification that the compost complies with the specifications. D. Mulch: 1. 5 gallon sample of ground wood mulch required for the project in a labeied plastic bag. E, Planting Schedule F. Soil Supplier Certifications: See Subgrade and Planting Soil Section G. Statement of Disease Free Certification for- 1. Plants H Watering Schedule, the Contractor shall submit a wrttter "watering schedule' to the Owner's Representative, coordinated with the Irrigation Contractor, to ensure adequate watering (summer, fall, winter & spring) of ali plant materials during the Guarantee Period of this Contract. 1. Complete analysis of the seed shall be include percent of pure seed, germination, other crop seed, inert and weeds, and the germination test data. Ali crop seed in excess of one (1 ) pefuent must be itemized. Contractor must submit original label to Owner. J. Commerciaf Fertilizer product information, including product label, fertiiizer analysis. release rate, release mechanism, etc. K. Seed: Certification of mixture with purity, proportion by weight, weed seed content, and germination percentage as specified in Part 2.10 of this section. I_. RootbalL Deet WSDOT submittal requirements, 1.06 CHANGE ORDERS A. The Contractor shall do no work for extra compensation without prior wrttten approval of the Owner's Representative, in the form of a Change Order - 8. The Contractor shall provide alf pJant materials of the, species, variety and quality noted and specified. 9 unavailable, the Contractor shall notify the Owners Representative in writing immediately and provide the names and telephone numbers of five (5) suppliers that he has contacted. If substitution should be permitted, it can be made only with the prior written approval of the Owner's Representative. The nearest variety, and grade as approved by the Owner's Representative shall then be fLim ished. 1.47 CONDITIONS AT SITE A. Before proceeding with any work, the Contractor shall inspect the site, carefully check all grades and verify all dimensions acrd aunditions affecting the work. B. Contractor shall report to the Owner all deviation and/or conflicts between Drawings, Specifications and Site Condfflons- Extra work arising from failure to do so shall be done at the Contractor's expense. 1.08 QUALIFICATIONS OF INSTALLER A, fnstaHer Qualifications: The Landscape Contractor shall be licensed in the Stats ofWashingtan, shall have a minimum of 3 years experk-nce and shall have completed landscaping work similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and with a record of successful landscape establishment, B. Contractor must be familiar and comply with American Standard for Nursery Stock published by the American Association of Nurserymen. 1.09 UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND OPSTRUCTfQNS A- Existing known utilities have been shown on ArchiiecturallEngineering and Survey Drawings and will be made available from the Owner's Representative or the Utility Companies. The Contractor shall be responsibfe for the protection of known utilities. Promptly notify the Owner of any conflict between proposed work and obstruction(s). Failure to fogow this procedure places upon the Contractor the responsibility and expense of making any and all repairs for damage from work therefrom. B. In the event that undisclosed rock, soils contaminated with toxic substances, hardpan, or underground construction work andiorobstructions are encountered in any plant excavation work to be done under this contract, alternate planting location may selecte 6 the Owner. her It t p g s y be d y e VVhere a erne e planting locations are not approved, the obstruction shall be removed to a depth of not less than one (1) foot below the boffom of roots when planting is property set at the required grade or either solutions to the planting problem will be reviewed wish the Owner's Representative. The Contractor shM be paid for work required to salve the planting problem. such as, the removal of such rack, contaminated saJlsr t•rardpan or underground obstruction encountered at a unit price basis and agreed upon by a Change Order prior to commencement of work. 1.10 PROTECTION OF WORK, PROPERTY AND PERSONS A- Take all necessary precduns to protect work in progress.ices� all property, persons, walks, curbs, pavement and buildings from any damage that might be incurred arising from this Contract. Do not mix planting soil directly on paved surfaces. Locate all underground utilities prior to commencement of work. The Contractor shall pay far any damage at Contractors expense. 1.11 PERMITS, CODES ANIS REGULATEONS A. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all necessary permits and fees as required by Local Aa.rthnrity and prevailing ordinances andlor codes to fully complete the Wolk described hereln. I3. The Contractor shall keep fully informed and shall comply with all existing laws, codes, ordinances and regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work, 1.12 SUBGRADE A. The subgrade Is to be established per Section 3.02 of these Specifications. B. It shall be the Contractors responsibility to verify the existence of a proper subgrade prior to beginning finish grading - 1.13 FINISH GRADING A. The Contractor shall be responsible for establishing a finished grade as indicated on the plans- The depths of planting soils will vory with existing conditions and as shown on the Drawings andlor as specified within these Specifications. 1.14 CONDUCT OF WORK A- The Contractor shall continuously maintain a competent superintendent or foreman during the progress of the work, with the authority to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the work. The Contractor shall give personal attention to the fulfillment of the Contract and shall keep the work under control. Subcontractors shall not be recognized and all persons engaged in the worts will be considered employees of the Contractor and their work shall be subject to the provisions of the Contract and Specifications. B- The Contractor shall confine operatiops to the working areas allotted by the Owner's Representative for operaltons, including material and equipment storage. C, The Contractor shall progressively clean the work site of debris and rubbish as the work proceeds. 1.15 QUALITY ASSURANCE= A. Plant Material: I- Provide duality, size, genus, species, and variety of trees and shrubs indicated, complying with applicable requirements of the current edition of ANSI Z 54.1 "American Standard for Nursery Stock." 2. All plants shall be shipped with certificates of inspection, as required by law. 3. Each tree and shrub shall bear a securely attached waterproof tag tearing legible designafion of botanical and common name - 4. Plant names shall conform to the latest edition of Standard Pant Names as adopted by the American Joint Committee of Horticulture Nomenclature. B- Fertilizer; Conform to most Current Washington State Department of Agriculture and Federal Specifications pertaining to commercial fertilizer, C. Finish Grades{Cornpaction of planting Beds: Firm surfaces, no speoft compaction is required other than mentioned in other sections of these Speciiications- D. Measurements: Measure trees and shrubs according to the current edition of ANSI Z 64.1 with branches and trunks or canes in their normal position. Do not prune to obtain required sizes. Take caliper measurement 5 inches above ground for trees up to 4 -inch caliper size, and 12 inches above ground for larger sizes. Measure main body of tree or shrub for height and spread; da not measure branches or roots tip -to -tip - E. Field quality control and inspections: 1. Notification, All plant material shall b-- inspected and approved by the Owner prior to planting. The Contractor shall give 4B hours notice to the Owner when an inspection is desired. F, Any plant material instal -lad as part of this Contract not found to he in a healthy thriving condition shall be immediately replaced with healthy specified plants as specified and planted at no cost or expense to the Owner, and guaranteed until active heafthy growth is evident. G. The Contractor shall maintain all plants through the construction period until final acceptance of the project. H. Contractor's Responsibility: The Contractor shall not be responsible for replacing plants destroyed by vehicles other than the Contractor's, or Acts of God, after €real irlspecliorllacceptarlce. Should replacement becomes necessary during a non -planting season, the Contractor may request the Owners permission to defer planting until the proper season. However, the Contractor shall immediately remove and dispose dead/dying plants and their roots, backfill the planting pit flush with surrounding grade- Plants used for replacement shall be the same specieslvariety, size, quality as that originally specified in the Special Provisions and they shall be planted as specffied. 1. Upon completion of all planting and all other work required under this Contract, the Contractor shall request a pre -final inspection. J. The Contractor shall request a final inspection uporr satisfactory completion of all punch list items and any other work required under this Contract. Final inspection and final acceptance of the worts shafi establish tris beginning of the guarantee period K. Take all necessary precautions to protect work in progress, all property, persons, walks, curbs. I-. Delivery, Storage, and Handling 1. Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials including, but not limited to fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and lime in containers showing weight, analysts, and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery and while stored at site. 2. Store packaged materials fn secure separate structure or vehicle. 3. Grass Seed: Deliyer in clean conta:irers of uniform weight and label as required by law. 4. Fertilizer. Packaged in new unopened water -proof 50 pound bags, clearly labeled as to weight, manufacturer, and ad content, M- Time of Seeding: 1. Grass seed shall be installed after April 15th and before Octot7er 24th. The Owner may grant approval to the contractors request to seed grass outside the stated time cf seeding, weather conditions permitting and depending on method of seeding. 2. Do root seed duhng windy weather or when the ground is excessively wet. 1.16 GUARANTEE /MAINTENANCE A. In accordance with Final acceptance will be certified in writirig by the owner's Representative, B. Contractor has the right to enter upon the property for inspection end curative treatment of any materials needing such which are still under warranty during the entire warranty period. Owner's Representative is to be notified in advance of any corrective or curative treatment measures so as to arrange for convenient access to the area. C- The above guarantee shall be applicable to any growing conditions through which sod and seed areas of like kind could be expected to survive, and any deformity or cause of death which could be attributed to, or affected by, the physiological condition of the plant shall be deemed replaceable cause; however, this would not appty to losses due to ABNORMAL WEATHER conditions such as floods, excessive wind damage, draught, severe freezing or abnormal rains, as determined by the National: Weather Service, D. Replacements made by the Contractor shall be completed during the periods set out as planting periods and shall be subject to the same conditions and shall be made in the same manner as sped ed for the original planting area, and shaft be done at no extra cost to the Owner. E. Replace alt sod and seed areas when plants are no longer in a satisfactory growing condition as determined by the Owner's Representative forthe duration of the guarantee period. Make replacements within seven (7) days of notification from the Owner's Representative- Remove dead sod and seed areas within two (2) days of notification and mark planting pian showing the exact location of replaced areata. F. It is expressly understood that the Contractor will be responsible, during the � Y P 9 Guarantee Period, for normal landscape maintenance of the project. Maintenance of the landscape shall include, but not be limited tti, watering, mowing, weeding, monitoring and treating any disease andlor pest -problems, cultivating and any other maintenance requirements (per standard trade practices) to keep the planting areas in a normal healthy growing condition. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EXISTING SUBGRADE SOIL A. For purposes of this project, if is assumed that the onsite soils for the lardscaped areas shall prove to be inadequate and wilt need total replacement or substantial addition. Therefore, the contractor shall use a topsoil mixture {Topsoil Specifications) as outlined beiaw, D. The Contractor shall be responsible for all soil additives required for the performance of this Contract and for determining the quantity of additives required to fulfill Contract obligations. 2.02 TYPE "A" TOPSOIL A- The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply of all natural sail and soil additives required for the performance of this Contract and for determining the volume of soil and additives required to fulfill Contrant obligations. Soil shall be free of weeds, pests, toxic substances and other undestrable material harmful to omamental plant grovAh- B. This soil shall be used for all planting areas per the Plans. Topsail Type "A" shall be composed of a three-way mix consisting of. 2 Parts Soil : 2 Parts Compost 3 Parts Sand The soil shall be classified as sandy leant. Compost shall be a weed -free decomposed, humus -like material derived from the decomposition of grass clippings, leaves, branches, wood and other organic materials. Compost shaJi be produced at a permitted solid waste composling facility. Composts containing shavings, Cersar sawdust or straw shall not be permitted. See Section 2.03 of these Specifications for a more complete description of acceptable compost. Type "A" Topsoil may be imported to the job site OR mixed on site using soil excavated for the project. If imported or if mixed on site using the formula listed above, the soil must be tested and approved per the procedure listed in Part 2, Section 2.01 of these Specifications. Sand shall consist of 140 percent passing the 318 inch sieve, minimum 95 percent passing the 94 sieve and a maximum of 5 percent passing the #100 sieve. Topsoil (importers or mixed) shall meet the following requirements: Screen Size (approximate particle size): 518' maximum Maturity rneasure (C.N r-d#ie); 30:1 Total Nitrogen: 0 5% minimum PH Range: 5.2 - 6.5 Dolomite limestone may be added as needed - Foreign matter by dry weight: I.0% maximum ConduC-,Wfty. 4mmhoslcrn maximum The Contractor shall send a minimum of one (1) representative sample of mixed or imported soil to an approved soil testing laboratory (state or commercial laboratory) to determine fertility analysis for the following: magnesium, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus levels, calcium, minor elements, soluble salfsfccnductivity and pH. The test results shall be submitted to the owner for approval prior to use on the project site- The Contractor shall be responsible for whatever soil additives may be required, as recommended by the testing laboratory- The cost for testing and soil additions shall be borne by the Contractor - 2.43 COMPOST A. Applicability of State Law: Compast used fn this project shall tae obtained from a composting facility that complies with all state laws and regulations governing composting facilities, LE. WAC 173.350.220, RGW 99.64, etc. Compost shall be tested in accordance with WAG 173.350.220. This code is available online at www.ecy.wa,govlpr rant ISwfaffacllM08e 350. html, B. Compost shall meet the definition for "composted materials" in WAG 173-354 section 220. This code is available online at uuv r_ecy,wa.govfurooramsJswfa/fadIitie05.htm.1. Compost shall be a stable. mature compost derived from Aerobically well decomposedinaturally processed and mixed organic waste matefiats including yard debris, manures, bio -solids, woad wastes or other organic. B. Content:, un4eached cattle and{or horse manure mixed not more than 50 percent by volume of sawdust, wood shavings or other bedding mateiia€s. Compost comprised of mainly wood shavings w111 be rejected. Compost sha11 be free from matter or chemicals harmful to tender plant life (cedar products are unacceptable}. The Owners Representative shall judge the quality of compost on the basis of the criteria listed below: • Odor: Earthy smell that is not sour, sweet or ammonia -like- • Color. Brown to black in color. • Texture: Crumbly ,mixed particfe sizes, • Temperature: Stable temperature. boas not get hot when re -wetted. fled, • Content: • Texture: Friab€e with particle sizes: 1" minus diameter • Aging: Composted material shall have been aged no less than one- half year at 130-140degr+ees Fahrenheit, and turned at regular intervals, prior to installation. • Organic matter Conten# between 35 and 55 percent las determined by loss of ignition test method (ASTM D 2974). + pH between 5-5 and 7.0 + Carbon:nitrogen ratio between 20:1 and 35;1 (a CN ratio of 35: t is preferred for native plantings). • Maximum electrical conductivity of 3 ohmsfcm. Moisture content range between 35 and 50 percent .No viable weed seeds. • Manufactured inert material (plastic, concrete, ceramics, etc.) should be Dass than 1 percent on a dry weight or volume basis. + Metal shall not be in excess of limits in the fallowing table: Metal Arsenal CadMiuxrr Limit (mglkg dry weight) 5 20 porn -; loppm Copper 5 750 ppm Lead s 160ORT mercury mopybdenum 5 8 ppm _ <5 9 PPM Nickel s 210 rrr Selenium - - . s..�Aro • The client shall reject compost showing any of the following qualities: large parties, lumps, clumps, pathogens, heavy metals, or a foul offensive odor, + Test for suitability; take a 4 x 6 ft. x 4" high pile, separate from batch, take ternp day 1, record, temp day 2, record, temp day 3 record- All should be within 20 degrees of ambient temperature. 2.04 FERTiLIZER A and B A. Shall be complete commercial grand fertilizer with chemic al analysis shown on unopened container when delivered. Fertilizer for seed and plant establishment, is seen as incidental to the successful Completion of the task. As such, the cost will be bDrne by the Contractor. B. Commercial Fertilizer "A" (install before seeding) for seed lawn areas during planting shall exhibit the following analysis: Total Nftrogen (N) 10% 4.69 Ammoniacal Nitrogen 3-2% Urea Nitrogen 3.3% Goated Slow Release Urea Nitrogen 2-3% Slowly Avallable Water Soluble Nitrogen* 1.6% Water Insoluble Nitrogen Available Phosphoric Acid (P,0s) Slaw Release 20% Soluble Potash (Kz0) Slow Release 20% Sutfur (S) 4% Baron (S) 0.06% Ut-1 2-'iI6 REVISION 5ET I CURRENT PLANNING .. + jding 061081201 7 i "1 k z Z �U ZR LU z 2 p. z CL (L I I STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED QSCAPE ARCHITECT SIGNED AND DATED JOB NUMER 5% SHEET7 5,7 R-3914 015 C!t C7 t3 Q M co Q f2iz r4 QC �u 1-1 Q CL 1-3 CL-ni+a cap -5�j "1 k z Z �U ZR LU z 2 p. z CL (L I I STATE OF WASHINGTON REGISTERED QSCAPE ARCHITECT SIGNED AND DATED JOB NUMER 5% SHEET7 5,7 R-3914 015