HomeMy WebLinkAboutMFP19000978.pdfDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Franchise Permit: MFP19000978 IVR Number: 19000978 Permit Informaon Permit Name:Century Link Permits Address/Locaon :02/26/2019Application Date:1253800020Parcel Number:3001 EAST VALLEY RD Permit Type:03/12/2019Issue Date:Franchise Permit Work Class:03/11/2020Expiration Date:Minor Utility Job Number:N.505732Franchise Type:Telephone Description:Place fiber in MH357. Hand trench 10' to bore pit and continue onto private property. Restoration per City of Renton standards. Contacts Name Address PhoneTypeBilling C/O QWEST CORP 1801 CALIFORNIA ST #4600 Denver, CO 80202 Applicant Kim Parker QWest Corporation 931 14th St, Suite 1000A Denver, CO 80202 B: (303) 992-0752Contact Heather Binkly Dycom Industries dba North Sky 11770 Us Hwy 1, SUITE 101 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408 B: (360) 254-6920 O: (360) 450-3287 Contractor Business License Number: 36846Construction Contractor: NORTHSC857Q4 CITY OF RENTON ROW 1055 S Grady Way Renton, WA 98057-3232 Owner QWest/Century Link - Billing 7850 S TRAFTON St TACOMA, WA 98409 Specialized Billing X General Condions & Signature Permission is hereby given for the work described on this permit according to the conditions hereon and according to the approved plans and specifications pertaining thereto, subject to compliance with the Ordinance of the City of Renton. This permit and plans must be posted at the job site at all times. I hereby certify that no work is to be done except as described above and in approved plans, and that work is to conform to Renton Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. Call 425.430.7203 or go to: www.MyBuildingPermit.com one working day in advance to schedule an inspections and for ANY work in the Right of Way. Call 8 1 1 to locate underground utilities at least two full business days prior to any excavation. In accordance with RCW 19.122.033(4) the permit holder is required to contact (Williams Northwest Pipeline at 425.868.1010) (Olympic Pipeline at 206.510.0575) (Puget Sound Energy at 425.375.3397) to request a consultation with the transmission pipeline company prior to performing any construction or excavation activities. This requirement to consult with the transmission pipeline company is in addition to the requirement to Call before You Dig as required in RCW 19.122. (Date)(Signature) Page 1 of 1THIS PERMIT AND PLANS MUST BE POSTED AT THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 | Published: 3/30/2017 Planning Division | 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor | Renton, WA 98057 | 425-430-7200 Email: franchisepermits@rentonwa.gov Website: rentonwa.gov FRANCHISE PERMIT APPLICATION Published: 3/30/2017 TO THE APPLICANT: Submit an electronic copy of the plans with the Franchise Permit Application and the Traffic Control Application to franchisepermits@rentonwa.gov. Permit cost is $360.50. Inspection fee for trenching more than 60 lineal feet or installation of 6 or more poles will be billed at $60.00 per hour. Franchise Agency: Franchise Job Number: Phone: Contact Name: Email: Job Site Address: Project Name: Description of Work: Please check all that apply: ☐ New Construction ☐ Repair/Relocate ☐ Underground ☐ Overhead ☐ Sidewalk ☐ Street ☐ Open Trench ☐ Bore # of feet: Contractor Name: Phone: State Contractors License #: City of Renton Business License #: “I certify that I am the owner or applicant’s authorized agent and do hereby agree to abide to the terms and conditions set forth under this permit and shall comply with the City of Renton’s Trench Restoration and Street Overlay Requirements. ” Signature Date INSPECTIONS SHALL BE REQUESTED 24 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ALL WORK BY CALLING THE INSPECTION LINE AT 425-430-7203 OR BY GOING TO MYBUILDINGPERMIT.COM Jobs are required to be called in for job start, re-inspection and project final. Re-inspection fees are billed at $75/hour. All Pre-Construction meetings shall be scheduled at a maximum of 14 days prior to the job start date. Plan Review/Development Engineering Date Approved as submitted Pre-Construction Meeting required Site Construction Inspector Date Approved with comments or redlines Camera inspection of utilities required Development Engineering Manager Date Qwest Corp. d/b/a CTL QC N.505732 Charlene Greene 253.854.4074 Charlene.Greene@CenturyLink.com 3001 E Valley Rd Centurylink to place fiber in MH357, hand trench 10,' 4'x4' bore pit with boring continuing on private property. Disturbance of soft surface. All other work performed on private property North Sky Communications, LLC 360.254.6920 ext 3641 NORTHSC857Q4 BL.028638 3/12/2019 Scott Warlick MFP19000978 Holly Powers 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 RESTORATION PER CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS Charlene Greene 3/12/2019 MFP19000978 Scott Warlick 3/27/2019Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 3:30PM E VALLEY RD TO SW 34TH STTRAFFIC CONTROL PLANJOB # N.505732.C.45PERMIT # ROADWORKAHEADW20-1ROADWORKAHEADW20-1CENTERLANECLOSEDAHEADW9-3NComments: THIS IS TO ACCESS MH 357 AND TRENCH TO BORE PIT LOCATED IN THE PLANT STRIP SOUTH OF SW 27TH ST.THIS IS A RIGHT LANE CLOSURE SOUTHBOUND.THIS WILL BE A CENTER LANE CLOSURE NORTHBOUND.SPOTTER WILL ASSIST PEDESTRIANS AT WORK AREA. MH357 WORK AREA11' X 265' E VALLEY RD @ SW 27TH ST MH 357 ACCESS / TRENCHING RIGHT LANE CLOSURE / CENTER LANE CLOSURE KEEPRIGHTR4-7aKEEPRIGHTR4-7aRIGHT LANECLOSEDAHEADW20-5W4-2350' Legend WORK TRUCK CONES SPOTTER WORK AREA Arrowboard (Chevron) 350' 350'350' 350' ONE LANE TWO WAY TAPER 50' MIN/100' MAX CHANNELIZING DEVICE SPACING (FEET) MPH TAPER TANGENT 50/70 35/45 25/30 40 40 30 20 80 60 Date:3/11/19 Author:Kathy Hubbard, Traffic Control Supervisor Project:N.505732.C.45CERT:TCS # 008909 Designed for CenturyLink:(DO NOT ALTER) Comments: General Requirements1. All signs and spacing to conform to the MUTCD and CITY OF RENTONrequirements.2. Channelizing devices are 28" traffic cones with retro reflective material.3. All signs are 48" x 48" B/O unless otherwise specified.4. Alert affected local residents and businesses.5. Crew is required to leave a minimum of 11' for lane width.6. Work hours will be ____am to ____pm. NOT TOSCALE UNLAWFUL FOR ANYONE OTHER THAN THE CITY OF RENTON TO ALTER THIS CERTIFIED TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN IN ANY FORM WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT FROM: KATHY HUBBARD, TCS# 008909, tcpnd@comcast.net Designed For: CENTURYLINKProject # N. 505732.C.45Kathy HubbardTraffic Control SupervisorTCS # 008909 EXP 4/30/19Approved 3/11/2019Phone 253-737-5198tcpnd@comcast.net _______________________ SPEEDLIMIT35 vicinity map www.invarion.com MFP19000978 NOTICE-NOT FOR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF CENTURYLINK AND AFFILIATES EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN AGREEMENTJOB:SH OF BEFORE YOU DIG811CALL TWO WORKING DAYSRNGE:SECT:TOWN:GEO CODE:WC CLLI:TOTAL EXISTING CONDUIT USED:TOTAL NEW BORE:TOTAL NEW DIRT TRENCHESTIMATED TOTALSTOTAL NEW AERIAL:SIDEWALK (PCC) R&R:ASPHALT (AC) R&R:S.F.S.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.L.F.TOTAL NEW ASPHALT TRENCH:L.F.TOTAL NEW S/W TRENCH:L.F.357982000000”NVICINITY MAPDRAFTED BY: MOUNTAIN LTD/SL 02/18/1923N5E30N.505732W26251KENTWAOB3001 E VALLEY ROADRENTON, WA 9800614%7561/'40#/''#).'/'6#.5..%.%10&#8+&)7.%*7-2*10'01  ÄEMAIL ™FCXKF"GCINGOGVCNUNNEEQO241,'%6+&™™5#4/1414&54&54REVISION # SHEET # REASON FOR REVISION REVISED BY DATE4'8+5+10 #&&64'0%*$14'2+6$14' 0'9016'59+6*#&&+6+101(0'95195./6.6&'0)+0''44+%-('4&+0#0&12*10'01  Ä'/#+.TKEMHGTFKPCPFQ"EGPVWT[NKPMEQO(+$'4'0)+0''4*#.';/+..'42*10'01  Ä'/#+.JCNG[OKNNGT"EGPVWT[NKPMEQO5%12'1(914-21("/#0*1.'52.+%'%17069+6*.)(41/=/$?1061=#9?(#..+0)61/#0*1.'"/#0*1.'2.#%'0'952.+66'42.#%'0'9%1706(+$'49+6*.&/*+0':+56+0)%6.%10&7+661/#0*1.'"/#0*1.'*#0&64'0%*ž616*'5176*6*'0/#-'#ž:ž$14'2+6 $14'#2241:ž9+6*+0ž(41/%7561/'4$7+.&+0)6*'0*#0&64'0%*ž616*'0146*#&&#59''2+0)%10&7+66*'0726*'9#..610'9´2'0'64#6+1061%7561/'4&'/#4%100&(.1142.#%'0'9106+0%7561/'4/2126'4/+0#6'.&/*+0(&2 4'37'56'&(41/%2#6*'(1..19+0)#&&+6+10#.914-36;Ä97/56127/2 %.'#0/#0*1.'36;Ä6 '/#0%4'961/146#4 %.'#0Ä72#4170&6*'':+56+0)%10&7+65519'&10ž6*#8'&+46 5+.6%1/+0)$#%-+0616*+5*1.'MFP19000978 TTEE CATV CATV CATV GG TS TS WW S S SD SD IRRIG IRRIG C/L C/L R/W R/W R/W P/L P/L B/C B/C B/C EOP EOP TTTUSAMEEPWREETVTVVTSVWSSDVETTTXXX'XXX'XXX'XXX'XITEM #STATIONHT-CL-YRPROPOSED HOAPOLE NUMBER(S) - CTL/PWR/OTHERITEM#STAHT-CL-YRXX'-X"POLE#MAKE READYEXISTING ATTACHMENTSNOTICE-NOT FOR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF CENTURYLINK AND AFFILIATES EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN AGREEMENTJOB:SH OF RNGE:SECT:TOWN:GEO CODE:WC CLLI: BEFORE YOU DIG811CALL TWO WORKING DAYS/6.6&'0)+0''44+%-('4&+0#0&12*10'01  Ä'/#+.TKEMHGTFKPCPFQ"EGPVWT[NKPMEQO(+$'4'0)+0''4*#.';/+..'42*10'01  Ä'/#+.JCNG[OKNNGT"EGPVWT[NKPMEQODRAFTED BY: MOUNTAIN LTD/SL 02/18/1923N5E30N.505732W26251KENTWAOB3001 E VALLEY ROADRENTON, WA 9800624MFP19000978 NOTICE-NOT FOR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF CENTURYLINK AND AFFILIATES EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN AGREEMENTJOB:SH OF BEFORE YOU DIG811CALL TWO WORKING DAYSGEO CODE:WC CLLI:016'(1470&'4)4170&#%6+8+6;6'56#0&8'06+.#6'/#0*1.'76+.+6;8#7.624+1461'064;2.#%'9#40+0)&'8+%'5#0&914-#4'#2416'%6+10#54'37+4'&#0&75'';'#0&*'#&5#('6;2416'%6+102'4('&'4#.56#6'#0&.1%#.4')7.#6+105RNGE:SECT:TOWN:/6.6&'0)+0''44+%-('4&+0#0&12*10'01  Ä'/#+.TKEMHGTFKPCPFQ"EGPVWT[NKPMEQO(+$'4'0)+0''4*#.';/+..'42*10'01  Ä'/#+.JCNG[OKNNGT"EGPVWT[NKPMEQODRAFTED BY: MOUNTAIN LTD/SL 02/18/1923N5E30N.505732W26251KENTWAOB3001 E VALLEY ROADRENTON, WA 9800634 EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L C/L EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W EOP EOP T EOP EOP 016'21("/#0*1.'52.+%'%17069+6*.)(41/=/$?1061=#9?(#..+0)61/#0*1.'21(%6./*&4+8'9#;.+0&#8'59 ž5+&'9#.-&4+8'9#;22'9'22'ž5+&'9#.- ž2.#06'4 ž2.#06'4 42'39'43'35'MFP19000978 NOTICE-NOT FOR DISCLOSURE OUTSIDE OF CENTURYLINK AND AFFILIATES EXCEPT UNDER WRITTEN AGREEMENTJOB:SH OF BEFORE YOU DIG811CALL TWO WORKING DAYSGEO CODE:WC CLLI:016'(1470&'4)4170&#%6+8+6;6'56#0&8'06+.#6'/#0*1.'76+.+6;8#7.624+1461'064;2.#%'9#40+0)&'8+%'5#0&914-#4'#2416'%6+10#54'37+4'&#0&75'';'#0&*'#&5#('6;2416'%6+102'4('&'4#.56#6'#0&.1%#.4')7.#6+105RNGE:SECT:TOWN:/6.6&'0)+0''44+%-('4&+0#0&12*10'01  Ä'/#+.TKEMHGTFKPCPFQ"EGPVWT[NKPMEQO(+$'4'0)+0''4*#.';/+..'42*10'01  Ä'/#+.JCNG[OKNNGT"EGPVWT[NKPMEQODRAFTED BY: MOUNTAIN LTD/SL 02/13/19DRAFTED BY: MOUNTAIN LTD/SL 02/18/1923N5E30N.505732W26251KENTWAOB3001 E VALLEY ROADRENTON, WA 9800644 EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP EOP T EOP EOP EOP EOP 016'"/#0*1.'2.#%'0'952.+66'42.#%'ž0'9%1706(+$'49+6*.&/*+0':+56+0)%6.%10&7+661/#0*1.'016'"/#0*1.'*#0&64'0%*ž616*'5176*(140'9%1706(+$'4 %10&7+661ž:ž$14'2+6 5''+/2146#06#&&+6+10#./'55#)'$'.19 016'"%7561/'4&'/#4%10PF(.1142.#%'0'9106+0%7561/'4/2126'4/+0#6'.&/*+0(&2'8#..';41#& %6./*'#568#..';41#&5+&'9#.-40'33'39' R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R /W R/W R/W R/W R/W R /W R/W R/W R/W  %6./* /21264''5)4#55&4+8'9#; 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