HomeMy WebLinkAboutProposed Changes to Residential Setbacks (6/5/1995) Amends ORD 4404, 4502 ww CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4549 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" RELATING TO THE SETBACK PROVISIONS OF THE RC (RESOURCE CONSERVATION) , R-1 (RESIDENTIAL-1 UNIT/ACRE) , R-8 (RESIDENTIAL-8 UNITS/ACRE, R-10 (RESIDENTIAL-10 UNITS/ACRE) , R-24 (RESIDENTIAL-24 UNITS/ACRE) AND RM (RESIDENTIAL, MULTI-FAMILY) ZONES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. Section 4-31-2 .A of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-2 : DEFINITIONS : A. ABUTTING: Lots sharing common property lines . ACCESSORY USE OR BUILDING: A subordinate use or building located upon the same lot occupied by a principal use or building with which it is customarily associated, but clearly incidental to. ADJACENT: Lots located across a street, railroad or right of way, except limited access roads . ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTERS OFFICE: A use containing one or more of the day-to-day functions (e .g. , management, payroll, information systems, inventory control) related to the operation of the company or affiliated corporate group. ADULT FAMILY HOME: A residential dwelling unit providing personal care, room and board to more than one person, but not more ORDINANCE NO. 4549 than four (4) adults, not related by blood or marriage to the person(s) providing the service . A maximum of six (6) adults may be permitted if the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services determines the home is of adequate size and the home and provider are capable of meeting standards and qualifications as provided for in chapters 70 . 128 RCW and 388-76 WAC. ADULT MOTION PICTURE THEATER: An enclosed building used for presenting motion picture films video cassettes, cable television or any other such visual media for observation by patrons there, distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas" as hereafter defined: 1 . Specified anatomical areas: Less than completely and opaquely covered human genitals, pubic region, buttock and female breast below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and human male genitals in a discernible turgid state, even if completely and opaquely covered. 2 . Specified sexual activities : Human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy; fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast . AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Housing used as a primary residence for any household whose income is less than eighty percent (800) of the median annual income adjusted for household size, as determined by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4549 ..r Seattle Metropolitan Statistical Area, who pay no more than thirty percent (300) of household income for housing expenses . ALLEY: A public vehicular right of way not over thirty feet (30 ' ) wide . AIRPORT HAZARD: Any structure, tree or use of land which obstructs the air space required for the flight of aircraft in landing or taking off at the airport or is otherwise hazardous to landing or takeoff of aircraft . ANIMALS, SMALL: Dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, chickens, ducks, geese, birds, rodents and other animals of similar size and characteristics . ANIMALS, MEDIUM: Goats, sheep, pigs and other animals of similar size and characteristics . ANIMALS, LARGE: Horses, ponies, cows, llamas, oxen, buffalo, deer and other animals of similar size and characteristics . AQUIFER: A geological unit of porous and permeable rock, sand or gravel capable of yielding usable amounts of water. AQUIFER PROTECTION AREA (APA) : The portion of an aquifer within the zone of capture and recharge area for a well or well-field owned or operated by the City or the recharge-discharge area of a spring used for water supply by the City as defined in 4- 31-4 of this Code . ARTERIAL: A major or secondary arterial as specified in the City' s Arterial Street Plan. 3 Amok 441110 ORDINANCE NO. 4549 AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC (ADT) : An average of at least one motor vehicle crossing in one direction per working day for any continuous thirty (30) day period. SECTION II . Subsections 4-31-4 . 1 .D. 5 .a and 4-31- 4 . 1 .D.5 . c. (2) of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-4 .1.D.5 .a: Front Yard: A minimum depth of thirty feet (30 ' ) . 4-31-4 .1.D. 5 .c. (2) : Corner Lots : The side yard along a street shall not be less than thirty feet (30 ' ) in depth: provided, that for pre-existing legal lots one hundred fifty feet (150 ' ) or less in depth, the side yard shall be a minimum of twenty five feet (25 ' ) . SECTION III . Subsections 4-31-5 .D.5 .a, b and c . (1) of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-5 .D.5 .a: Front Yard: (1) Along streets existing as of September 1, 1995, the minimum front yard setback shall not be less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . A front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) may be allowed by the Development Services Division if the average front setback of primary structures on lots abutting the side yards is less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . In such case, the front yard setback shall not be less than the average of the front setback of the 4 w.r ORDINANCE NO. 4 5 4 9• �++� abutting primary structures; however, in no case shall a minimum setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) be allowed for garages which access from the front yard street (s) . Modifications to this requirement due to site constraints or lot configuration may be approved by the Development Services Division. (2) Along streets created after September 1, 1995, a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15 ' ) for the primary structure and a minimum depth of twenty feet (20 ' ) for attached garages which access from the front yard street (s) . The front yard setback of the primary structure may be reduced to ten feet (10 ' ) if all parking is provided in the rear yard of the lot with access from a public right of way or alley. b. Rear Yard: A minimum depth of twenty feet (20 ' ) . c . Side Yards : (1) Interior Lots : A minimum depth of five feet (5 ' ) . SECTION IV. Subsections 4-31-6 .D.7 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-6 .D.7 : Setbacks . a. Primary Structures and Attached Accessory Structures : (1) Front Yard: (i) Along streets existing as of September 1, 1995, the minimum front yard setback shall not be less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . A front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) may be allowed by the Development Services Division if the average front setback of primary structures on lots abutting the side yards is 5 1400 ORDINANCE NO. 4549 less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . In such case, the front yard setback shall not be less than the average of the front setback of the abutting primary structures; however, in no case shall a minimum setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) be allowed for garages which access from the front yard street (s) . Modifications to this requirement due to site constraints or lot configuration may be approved by the Development Services Division. (ii) Along streets created after September 1, 1995, a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15 ' ) for the primary structure and a minimum depth of twenty feet (20 ' ) for attached garages which access from the front yard street (s) . The front yard setback of the primary structure may be reduced to ten feet (10 ' ) if all parking is provided in the rear yard of the lot with access from a public right of way or alley. (2) Rear Yard: A minimum depth of twenty feet (20 ' ) . However, if the lot abuts a lot zoned RC, R-1, R-5 or R-8, a twenty five foot (25 ' ) setback shall be required of all attached dwelling units . (3) Side Yards : (i) Interior Lots : (a) Detached single family and attached accessory structures on lots which do not have zero lot lines, shall have a minimum depth of five feet (5 ' ) on each side of the detached unit . (b) Attached single-family, semi attached single family, townhouse, duplex, triplex, fourplex and attached 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4549 accessory structures . A minimum depth of ten (10) feet for the unattached side (s) of the structure . (c) Special Requirements : If the R- 10 lot abuts a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5 , or R-8, a twenty five foot (25 ' ) interior sideyard setback shall be required of all structures containing three or more attached dwelling units on a single lot . (4) Corner Lots : The side yard along a street shall not be less than fifteen feet (15 ' ) in depth, except on previously platted lots which are fifty feet (50 ' ) or less in width in which case the minimum side yard shall be no less than ten feet (10 ' ) in depth. If a corner lot is less than the minimum width required by this Section but greater than fifty (50 ' ) feet in width, then for every two feet (2 ' ) in width in excess of fifty feet (50 ' ) the required side yard shall be increased from a minimum of ten feet (10 ' ) by one foot (1 ' ) up to a maximum of fifteen feet (15' ) . However, in no case shall a structure over forty two inches (42") in height intrude into the twenty foot (20 ' ) sight triangle identified in Section 4-31-15 .C . 2 of this Chapter. SECTION V. Subsections 4-31-7 .D. 9 .a, b and c . of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-7 .D.9 .a: Front Yard. (1) Along streets existing as of September 1, 1995, the minimum front yard setback shall not be less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . A front yard setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) may be allowed by the Development Services Division if the average front 7 11100, ORDINANCE No. 4549 setback of primary structures on lots abutting the side yards is less than twenty feet (20 ' ) . In such case, the front yard setback shall not be less than the average of the front setback of the abutting primary structures; however, in no case shall a minimum setback of less than twenty feet (20 ' ) be allowed for garages which access from the front yard street (s) . Modifications to this requirement due to site constraints or lot configuration may be approved by the Development Services Division. (2) Along streets created after September 1, 1995, a minimum depth of fifteen feet (15 ' ) for the primary structure and a minimum depth of twenty feet (20 ' ) for attached garages which access from the front yard street (s) . The front yard setback of the primary structure may be reduced to ten feet (10 ' ) if all parking is provided in the rear yard of the lot with access from a public right of way or alley. (3) If the R-24 lot is adjacent to a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10, a front yard of less than fifteen feet (15 ' ) shall not be allowed. 4-31-7 .D.9 .b: Rear Yard: (1) A minimum depth of fifteen feet (15 ' ) . (2) If the R-24 lot abuts a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10, a twenty five foot (25 ' ) rear yard setback shall be required of all attached dwelling units and a twenty foot (20 ' ) rear yard setback shall be required of all detached dwelling units . 4-31-7 .D.9 .c: Side Yards : _ (1) Interior Lots : 8 v ORDINANCE NO. 4549 "w' (i) Detached Single Family, a minimum depth of five feet (5 ' ) on each side of the detached unit, except detached garages may be located adjacent to the side yard lot line . (ii) Townhouses on Individual Lots . A minimum depth of five feet (5 ' ) for the unattached side of the structure. Attached and detached garages may be located adjacent to the side yard lot line . (iii) All Other Primary Multi-Family Structure and Accessory Structures . A minimum depth of five (5 ' ) feet . (iv) Special Requirements : If the R-24 lot abuts a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10 a twenty five foot (25 ' ) interior sideyard setback shall be required of all structures containing three or more attached dwelling units on a single lot . SECTION VI . Subsection 4-31-7 .D. 9 . c. (3) of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby deleted. SECTION VII . Subsection 4-31-8 .D.4 . of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : 4-31-8 .D.4 : Setbacks, Primary Structures and Attached Accessory Structure : a. Minimum front and rear yard shall be as follows : 9 4110 14110 ORDINANCE NO. 4 5 4 9 Density U C N I Designation FRONT 5 ' 20 ' 20 ' 20 ' REAR 5 ' 15 ' 15 ' 15 ' (1) Front and rear setbacks in the RM-U Zone may be reduced to zero feet (0 ' ) by the reviewing official during the site plan review process provided the applicant demonstrates that the project will provide a compensatory amenity such as an entryway courtyard, private balconies, or enhanced landscaping. (2) If a structure located in the RM-U zone exceeds four (4) stories in height, a fifteen foot (15 ' ) front setback from the property line shall be required of all portions of the structure which exceed four (4) stories . This requirement may be modified by the reviewing official during the site plan review process to a uniform 5 ' front setback for the entire structure provided that the structure provides a textured or varied facade (e .g. multiple setbacks, brickwork and/or ornamentation) and consideration of the pedestrian environment (e .g. extra sidewalk width, canopies, enhanced landscaping) . b. Side Yards : (1) Minimum setbacks for side yards are .ed on a minimum of ten percent (100) of the lot width or five feet (5 ' ) whichever is greater. If ten percent (l00) of lot width is not equal to a whole integer the percentage shall be rounded up to determine the required setback as generally follows : 10 Nome ORDINANCE NO. 4549 Lot Width Yard Setbacks 40 ' 5 ' 50 ' 5 ' 55 ' 6 ' 60 ' 6 ' 70 ' 7 ' 75 ' 8 ' 120+ ' 12 ' (2) The entire structure shall be setback an additional one foot (1 ' ) for each story in excess of two (2) up to a maximum cumulative setback of twenty feet (20 ' ) except as listed in the Special Requirements section below (4-31-8 .D.7 .b) . 4-31-8 .D.7 .a: If an RM-U lot is adjacent to a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10, then a fifteen foot (15 ' ) landscaped strip shall be required along the adjacent street frontage . 4-31-8 .D.7 .b: If the RM lot abuts a lot Zoned RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10, a twenty five foot (25 ' ) side or rear setback shall be <,long the abutting sides of the prope t F . Special Design Standards 4-31-8 .F.1: RM Zoned properties abutting a less intense residential zone may be required to incorporate special design standards (e .g. , additional landscaping, larger setbacks, facade 11 Al tillile ORDINANCE NO. 4549 articulation, solar access, fencing) through the site plan review process . SECTION VIII . This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty (30) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of August 1995 . ())/1444; ' Marilyn etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21 t day of August 1995 . Ea C"-C Q�. 1 Clymer, Mayo Approved to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: August 25, 1995 ORD.468 : 8/16/95 :as . 12 August 21. 1995 Renton City Council Minutes •- Page 326 CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 326 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3143 A resolution was read approving the West View final plat for 12 lots on 2.02 Plat: Final, West View, acres, located in the vicinity of Aberden Ave. NE and NE 12th St. (CSL Aberdeen Ave NE/NE Development & Archer Development, Inc.; File No. FP-95-155). MOVED BY 12th St, FP-95-155 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3144 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 95-, Agreement interlocal cooperative agreement with the City of Seattle for the emergency with City of Seattle for purchase of water by the City of Seattle. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Emergency Sale of Water SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Planning: Residential Zone An ordinance was read amending Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Minimum/Maximum (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to the minimum and maximum Density Changes density requirements in the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), Residential, Multi- family (RM) and Residential Manufactured Homes (RMH) zones. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4548 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Planning: Residential Zone MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT Minimum/Maximum THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Density Changes CARRIED. Planning: The Orchards An ordinance and summary ordinance were read establishing a residential Demonstration Project, development demonstration project for parcels E, F and G in The Orchards NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE development, located in the vicinity of Duvall Avenue NE and NE 4th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4550 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance and Planning: The Orchards summary ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Demonstration Project, KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4549 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Planning: Residential Zone (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to the setback provisions of the Setback Changes Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), and Residential, Multi-family (RM) zones. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Aimmisommesir ' August 14, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes woe Page 314 2. A covenant be recorded against the property requiring connection to the City sewer system: a) if the septic system is failing or failed; or b) if the property is sold or in any way changes ownership from both of the two current owners; or c) if the City makes a blanket policy requiring that all occupied properties within either the City or the Aquifer Protection Area be connected to a public sewer system, when available; or d) by October 1, 2000, if the property has not been connected previously. Staff further recommended that a penalty equal to the City's monthly sewer rate be assessed for failure to connect to the system when available. If, however, the applicant can demonstrate that household income falls below the poverty threshold, as defined by the City's senior citizen discount, the penalty fee will be waived. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee recommending that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Transportation: Lake Wash agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Blvd Bike/Pedestrian for construction of the Lake Washington Boulevard pedestrian and bicycle Facility facility. The City's share of funding for the project is $557,664.00. The Committee further recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 315 for resolution.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending Finance: Vouchers approval of Claims Vouchers #126141 - 126762; three wire transfers in the total amount of $2,186,666.67; approval of Payroll Vouchers #136749 - 137163; and 413 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,142,629.45. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Committee recommending concurrence with the staff recommendation that Council vacate Planning: NE 4th/Union Ordinance No. 4278 and the corresponding site plan for the Ribera/Balko Ave NE Site Plan (Bakke), project located at NE 4th and Union Ave NE (R-88-107), and release the R-88-107 restrictive covenant on Lot 4. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Residential Zone planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Setback Changes recommending that the City Council approve the proposed amendments to the setback provisions of the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), and Mixed Residential (RM) zones. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be placed on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY BETWEEN EXISTING DEVELOPMENT AND FRONT YARD SETBACKS BY REQUIRING A MINIMUM 20-FOOT YARD SETBACK. CARRIED. (See page 315 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS f APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEEDate g- V-9 COMMITTEE REPORT (August 14, 1995) Residential Setback Amendments Referred (11/21/94) The Planning and Development Committee recommends that the City Council approve the proposed amendments to the setbacks provisions of the RC, R-1, R-8, R-10, R-24, and RM Zones. The Committee further recommends that the Ordinance be placed on the agenda of August 14, 1995 for first reading. Richard M. Stredicke, Chair .//a-4) Kathy K lker-Wheeler, Vice-Chair andy Corman, Member cc: Gregg Zimmerman Mike Kattermann 4 ' v" August 14, 1995 ..r Renton City Council Minutes `w/ Page 315 Resolution #3142 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Lake Wash interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Blvd Bike/Pedestrian Transportation for construction of a pedestrian and bicycle facility to be Facility, WSDOT located along Lake Washington Boulevard. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance and summary ordinance were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 8/21/95 for second and final reading: Planning: Residential Zone An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Chapter 31, Setback Changes Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to the setback provisions of the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), and Mixed Residential (RM) zones. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 8/21/95. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Corman suggested that the City air the Renton River Days parade Community Event: River on the public access channel in future years when it becomes available. Days Parade Cablecasting Police: Drug-Free Zone Council President Schlitzer asked that the Administration look into posting Signage "Drug-Free Zone" signs along major arterials in the City. AUDIENCE COMMENT Sarah McDonald, PO Box 1825, Renton, 98059, commented on the concerns Citizen Comment: expressed earlier regarding the Elliot Levee, saying that although dams appear McDonald - Elliot Levee harmless they create a "rolling motion" which can be extremely dangerous. Safety Concerns She suggested that people walk the banks of waterways before floating or kayaking them, emphasizing that children need adult escorts at all times. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, referred to earlier discussion Audience Comment regarding live cablecasting of Council meetings, and concurred with the Requirements/Cablecasting concern regarding privacy issues. of Council Meetings ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY TANNER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:53 p.m. MARILY J TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 8/14/95 #4110 *id rr.► • /7. . »` '''` -%"ii'`i'?''`i"i ''i �5 ;;?'''%� �' �>i?.•i; '`>iEiiiii':'�'3`i�#� /� PROPOSED NDM N TS TQ:RESIDENT ::SEI.B. or: . ::. :::..:: : at iirOtbAhon,VIO:ig cAntAti ; .:;..; I e tt on:.;1fti n <: :«> 5-2 52 What are Setbacks? Setback requirements indicate how close a building can be to a property line. In residential . • areas, setbacks ensure that homes or apartments are not built too close together. Setbacks in residential zones provide multiple benefits including reduced noise and increased privacy. Each residential zone contains setback requirements listed as minimum front, rear and side yards. Sometimes, extra distance is required if an intense use, like an apartment building, shares property lines with land zoned for a less intense use, such as single family development. What requirements are being changed and Why? A number of revisions have been proposed to current setback standards in order to allow greater flexibility while ensuring compatibility between different types of development. These revisions come from the suggestions of Renton citizens, local developers and City officials. These revisions have been proposed by the Planning and Development Committee of the City • Council which is now requesting comment from the public about the proposed amendments. The proposed amendments would modify the current setback provisions in the following zones; RC Resource Conservation R-8 Residential - 8 units/acre R-10 Residential - 10 units/acre R-24 Residential - 24 units/acre RM Residential Multi-Family. The proposed amendments would modify the current setback provisions as generally described below. These changes would apply to future development. RC Zone - Front Setback In the RC Zone, the amendments would reduce the required front yard from fifty feet to thirty feet. (Decrease of twenty feet from current front yard requirement.) R-8 Zone- Rear Setback In the R-8 Zone, the amendments would reduce the required rear yard from twenty five feet to . twenty feet. (Decrease of five feet from current rear yard requirement.) R-8, R-10, R-24 Zones -Zero Foot Sideyard Zero lot line provisions would be amended in the R-8, R-10 and R-24 zones to allow detached structures (single family homes) to be built with no setback from the property line as long as easements on adjacent properties are secured and a ten foot yard is provided between structures. Zero lot line development would not be allowed without site plan review. (Codifies Administrative Determination, no change from current policy.) R-8, R-10, R-24 Zones -Front Setback along Existing Streets In the R-8, R-10 and R-24 Zones, the front yard setback requirements would be modified so that setbacks for new structures along existing streets will be similar to that of existing development. (Variable based upon site specific conditions.) R-10, R-24 and RM Zones - Special Rear Yard requirements when sharing lot lines with Single Family zoned lots In the R-10, R-24 and RM Zones, provisions would be added to require a twenty five foot rear yard whenever an attached structure (multi-family) shares lot lines with an RC, R-1, R-5 (Proposed) or R-8 Zoned lot. In the R-24 and RMZones, this provision would also be required when sharing lot lines with an R-10 Zone. (No change in the R-10. No change for detached units in the R-24 Increase of ten feet in the RM and for attached units in the R-24 from current requirements.) R-10, R-24 and RM Zones - Special Side Yard requirements when sharing lot lines with Single Family zoned lots In the R-10 and R-24 Zones, a twenty five foot sideyard would be required if three or more attached units shared lot lines with an RC, R-1, R-5-(Proposed) or R-8 zoned lot. In the R-24 Zone, this provision would also be required for lots sharing lot lines with an R-10 zoned lot. A twenty five foot sideyard would be required in the RM Zone for all structures sharing lot lines with an RC, R-1,R-5 (Proposed) R-8 or R-10 zoned lot. (Increase of twenty feet in the R-10 and R-24. Increase of ten feet in the RM Zone from current requirements.) RM Zone-Front Setbacks in the Urban Center In the RM Zone, front setbacks in the U suffix (Urban Center / Downtown Center) would be increased from zero feet to five feet, however, they could be reduced to zero through the site plan review process if a compensatory amenity is provided. (Increase of five feet or no change from current provisions.) RM Zone - Special Front Setbacks for Tall Buildings in the Urban Center In the RM Zoned portions of the Urban Center (same as Downtown Center), new provisions would require buildings in excess of four stories to setback the front portions of the structure over four stories by fifteen feet or through the site plan review process a uniform setback of five feet would be allowed. (Increase of five to fifteen feet from current standards.) RM Zone- Side yard Setbacks In the RM Zone, sideyard requirements would be reduced from 20% of the lot width to a general requirement of 10% of lot width or five feet whichever is greater. An additional setback of one foot would be required for each story in excess of two. In no case, however, would a setback greater than twenty feet be required. (Decrease or increase dependent upon lot width and structure height.) RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting June 5, 1995 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Clymer led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TIMOTHY SCHLITZER, Council President; RANDY CORMAN; BOB COUNCILMEMBERS EDWARDS; TONI NELSON; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; RICHARD STREDICKE; JESSE TANNER. CITY STAFF IN EARL CLYMER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; BRENDA FRITSVOLD, Deputy City Clerk; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; SAM STAR, Administrative Analyst; NEIL WATTS, Plan Review Supervisor; JIM GRAY, Assistant Fire Marshall; COMMANDER DENNIS GERBER, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAY 22, 1995, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Joe Scanlon, Project Engineer for the WSDOT I-405 S-Curve Project, gave a PRESENTATION brief update on the status of the project, which is nearly complete. WSDOT: I-405 S-Curve Construction of the detention pond is finished, save cleaning and testing, and Project the vicinity of Mill Ave., Renton Ave. and Houser Way will receive final curb, gutter and sidewalk work later this week. NE 3rd St. is nearly finished, with only clean-up and erosion control work remaining. Work on the Narco road and pedestrian trail is underway and should be completed in about three weeks. Mr. Scanlon concluded that WSDOT is awaiting a recommendation from City staff regarding the resolution of sight distance concerns at the Renton Ave. intersection. Councilman Stredicke inquired about the availability of landscaping plans for the project, noting that Council had requested these on May 1st. Although he was unsure when the plans would be ready, Mr. Scanlon confirmed that the bids for this portion of the project will be advertised later this year. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Planning: Residential in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public Setback Changes hearing to consider proposed revisions to residential setbacks. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained that residential setbacks reduce noise, enhance privacy and maintain a separation from the street and between buildings. Several changes are proposed, both to achieve greater flexibility and to ensure compatibility between uses. Mr. Kattermann clarified that adjacent uses are those across a street or a right-of- way, while abutting uses share a common property line. He reviewed the proposed setback changes for the following zones: Resource Conservation (RC): Reduce front yard setback from 50 feet to 30 feet. Residential/Up to 8 Units/Acre (R-8): Reduce rear yard setback from 25 feet to 20 feet. Allow zero foot side yard if easements on adjacent properties *to June 5, 1995 en to City Council Minutes Paae 224 are secured and ten feet is provided between structures. Modify front yard setbacks so new structure setbacks along existing streets are similar to those of existing development. Residential/Up to 10 Units/Acre (R-10): Allow zero foot side yard (for detached structures only) if easements on adjacent properties are secured and ten feet is provided between structures. Modify front yard setbacks so new structure setbacks along existing streets are similar to those of existing development. Require a 25-foot rear yard setback whenever a multi-family structure abuts an RC, R-1, R-5 or R-8 property. Require a 25-foot side yard if three or more attached units abut an RC, R-1, R-5 or R-8 property. Residential/Up to 24 Units/Acre (R-24): Allow zero foot side yard (for detached structures only) if easements on adjacent properties are secured and ten feet is provided between structures. Modify front yard setbacks so new structure setbacks along existing streets are similar to those of existing development. Require a 25-foot rear yard setback whenever a multi-family structure abuts an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10 property. Require a 25-foot G side yard if three or more attached units abut an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10 property. Residential Multi-Family (RM): Require a 25-foot rear yard setback whenever a multi-family structure abuts an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10 property. Require a 25-foot side yard for all structures abutting an RC, R-1, R-5, R-8 or R-10 property. Reduce side yard setback requirements from 20% of lot width to a general requirement of 10% of lot width or five feet, whichever is greater (dependent upon lot width and structure height). In the U-Suffix Urban Center, increase front and rear yard setbacks from zero to five feet and add provisions requiring buildings over four stories to set back the front portion by five to 15 feet, depending on site plan review. Responding to Councilman Tanner, Mr. Kattermann said the easement to be granted in association with the zero lot line provision is specific and would allow access for general maintenance purposes only. Councilman Corman was concerned that the proposed changes to front yard setbacks along existing streets might prevent someone from improving their home should they want to redesign the front of an older structure. He suggested that such improvements be allowed if the existing front yard setback is generous. In response to Councilman Edwards, City Attorney Lawrence J. Warren agreed that any changes Council adopts relating to setback requirements should be effective prior to July 22, 1995, when Initiative 164 (regarding property takings) takes effect. Audience comment was invited. Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, objected to the proposal to allow zero lot lines in the R-8 zone, and particularly in infill development. Saying that zero lot lines can cause problems between neighbors, she gave examples of instances in which she had seen or experienced the negative effects of zero lot lines. Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Pl., Renton, 98056, questioned whether the proposed changes address cases where a single family rear yard abuts a multi- family use. He too was concerned about zero lot lines, saying that, in certain situations, these could be construed as taking property from one owner and %iv ~ June 5. 1995 .nton City Council Minutes r..= Page 225 giving it to another. He envisioned many potential problems with zero lot lines, and felt that the suggested changes did not adequately address these. In response to Mr. Evans' comment on cases in which single family and multi- family uses share a property line, Mr. Kattermann said whenever an R-24 zoned property (multi-family) abuts an R-10 or less dense property, a 25-foot side yard setback is required. Responding to Council questions on zero lot lines, Mr. Kattermann explained that these are intended to provide more usable property for home owners. As an example, a house could be built on one side of a narrow lot instead of being centered with little space left on either side. Mr. Kattermann added that the proposed zero lot line easement would not transfer ownership, but only grant access for maintenance reasons. The easement would run with the property and thus transfer to any subsequent owner. In response to Councilman Corman, Mr. Kattermann said while zero lot lines would be allowed in infill development under certain conditions, these are most often applied in new subdivisions. Councilmen Corman and Tanner expressed concern that zero lot lines could provoke arguments between neighbors, particularly for infill development. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY TANNER, COUNCIL REFER THE PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SETBACK CHANGES BACK TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AND THE CITY ATTORNEY WITH THE INTENT TO ELIMINATE THE ZERO LOT LINE PROVISIONS. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Versie Vaupel, P.O. Box 755, Renton, 98057, expressed thanks for the recent Citizen Comment: Vaupel replacement of the sidewalk fronting City Hall. On another subject, Mrs. - City Hall Front Vaupel announced she is collecting signatures opposing Initiative 164. Sidewalk; I-164 Opposition Citizen Comment: Siemion Margaret Siemion, 3416 SE 6th, Renton, 98058, said while she appreciated - Maple Valley Hwy plans to install a left-turn lane on SR-169 at Maplewood Avenue, she Improvements continued to predict traffic problems at this intersection. She was disappointed that a pedestrian crossing was rejected for Monroe Avenue, and questioned what the total cost of diverting pedestrians away from Maplewood Avenue will be. Ms. Siemion encouraged Council to examine this situation and act to ensure pedestrian and traffic safety at this intersection. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Committee regarding the Maple Valley Highway signal. Due to circumstances brought Transportation: Maple about by increased traffic on the Maple Valley Highway and the addition of Valley Hwy the park and trail attractions, the City recognizes the community's concern for Improvements, WSDOT the safety of children crossing the highway. Also noted is the grocery store owner's interest for improved access onto the highway. The Committee therefore recommended that Council request the Administration to: ar► 'Nose Nava' Yk (n = = m- m- o — a) CDo, o - a) (p a) m in �•-gyp cn xi ca C 0 C - - 7 3 cr 'oa ' - a0 m - m'' . ) �,, o C � °.a o �ilir ��c Z ®�?i t�`Oc� o o y m m < m m 1 it 0 Nia. or'm% m CD -a 0 z cii, (D C' 7 c C CD D I'2..(9) .0 a .•Z m m 5•o co o m -^ c m 1a���., ..g',...,* �J? 3 • •• * m- a) 0- o' a chi r C_ �h N� �` `� m -I a � � m a). o 3 'a (CI 'c Q Z • � wa � 7 °< � .. o o '11 Q\ \ al `< iU O.`G 6 j d cp O 7 CCD -D Z 6 co - =CD 0I\ o n ►-. o �• o , _ a � n Cm m r_ o Qo . P m ►— � C w � ' Cl) co G (0 n c 7C -, 0_ m (n a) co '^ Cf) CD cr � o � �, cn �� wo � � 0 o - Z (n0 mn5- O o w co 3 c 3 _s CD (D � < � < a o Cl) cn < < w = c Z o * z � co 3 OFm w m o o m , a (o 3c, cotA (n (n 7 m x' w S C .p C O „, R.a D �' s. O (7, W Z o(' 3`°'' cD g3..= °00 d, cv o mn < 'V m 5.r.z j m ,,cot o.J (2Z• * m K•CT) 7 O C p 1��N P -,-< r',•:' (D4 y T(' Oa (9 axO�(7. 0 3. gam. c� � amfDft im �S mew55 �x. a -g ? ma°m h *400 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed the 5th day of June, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, 98055, to consider the following: Proposed changes to residential setbacks. All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Interpretive services and translation services are available upon request. For further information, call the City Clerk's office at 235-2501 (TDD 277-4404). 4Pi.,j/ -, ,,,,„.... „„ i Marilyn J. Il en, City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News May 24, 1995 Acct. #50640 APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ate D s//S/9S- COMMITTEE REPORT MAY 15, 1995 Amendments to the Zoning Code for Residential Setbacks Referred (11/21/94) The Planning and Development Committee requests that the City Council set a public hearing on the proposed changes to residential setbacks on June 5th, 1995. C - — Richard Stredicke, Chair .11 Kathy olker-Wheeler, Vice-Chair - Randy Corman, Member H:\P&TS\PLN\P&DC\RESSET\rl CITY OF RENTON CITY OF RENTON FEB1 5 1995 PLANNING/ BUILDING/ PUBLIC WORKS hEe`ivE® MEMORANDUM CITY CLERK'S OFFICE DATE: February 14, 1995 TO: Richard Stredicke, Chair Planning & Development Committee VIA: Mayor Earl Clyme; FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator(] Planning/Building/Public Works Department STAFF CONTACT: Allan Johnson (277-6187) SUBJECT: PROPOSALS FOR UNRESOLVED SETBACK ISSUES During the previous sessions of the Planning and Development Committee, several issues regarding building setbacks were identified for further exploration. These issues included: 1) Pedestrian Linkages 2) Setbacks of Tall Buildings in. the Downtown 3) Setbacks of Blank Facades 4) Maximum Setbacks in the D'.:wntown 5) Maximum Setbacks in Other Commercial Areas The following tables highlight those areas of concern and indicate suggested resolution to these remaining issues. The current provisions are indicated for comparison. We will discuss these proposals at the Planning and Development Committee meeting on Wed., March 1, 1995. Please call Allan Johnson at ext. 6187 with any questions. PEDESTRIAN LINKAGES CURRENT PROVISIONS PROPOSAL No current pedestrian linkages Require a dedicated pedestrian linkage provisions. from the primary entrance of a structure to the primary street which minimizes conflict with vehicle circulation and promotes pedestrian safety. Allow exceptions if pedestrian safety would be unduly compromised or if the applicant can demonstrate that pedestrian access would be minimal. r February 14, 1995 `"' Page 2 TALL BUILDINGS IN THE DOWNTOWN CURRENT PROVISIONS PROPOSAL Require 10' setback for each story over Require one 15' setback for portions of 4 stories structures over 4 stories. This setback may be reduced through Site Plan if the applicant can demonstrate: *Textured or Varied Facade -- of which more than 1 5% must be translucent (i.e, window) and, *Consideration-of the Pedestrian Environment -- including 5' of additional sidewalk and sidewalk canopies, as well as, mitigation of extensive shadow coverage on the adjacent sidewalk. (Or alternate mitigation measures identified through Site Plan.) BLANK FACADES CURRENT PROVISIONS PROPOSAL No current blank facade provisions. Blank facades shall be defined as facades which are less than 1 5% translucent over a distance of 30 feet or greater. In the Downtown, blank facades shall be mitigated through the Site Plan process. The utilization of blank facades shall be minimized. In other Commercial Areas, blank facades shall be setback a minimum 10 feet from street fronts with a mitigating landscaped strip. This provision may be adjusted through Site Plan if alternate mitigation measures are identified. (Such as: Textured or Varied Facade, Murals, Alternate landscaping i.e. vines, etc.) 44iire Nase , February 14, 1995 Page 3 MAXIMUM SETBACKS IN THE DOWNTOWN CURRENT PROVISIONS PROPOSAL Maximum setback of 15' for buildings of Within the Downtown, the front facade less than 25' in height and 25' for those of a buildings shall be situated over 25' in height. 1) up to the primary street 2) or as otherwise determined through Site Plan. Exceptions 1) small not be required of structures of less than 4,000 square feet 2) the building may be setback to accommodate landscaping or pedestrian amenities along the streetfront provided that the building is situated up to the lanascaped area or pedestrian amenity. 3) shall not be required if parking and access provisions could not be satisfied. 4) shall not be required of existing structures or improvements/additions to existing structures. 5) may be waived or adjusted for buildings exceeding 4 stories in height 4111111M. 4411110 *0110° February 14, 1995 Page 4 MAXIMUM SETBACKS IN OTHER COMMERCIAL AREAS CURRENT PROVISIONS PROPOSAL Generally a 15' maximum setbacks for Within other commercial areas, building buildings of less than 25' in height. shall be situated so that 1) the average setback of the structure(s) from the primary street shall not exceed one half of the lot depth 2) or one half of the lot coverage of the structure(s) shall be located on the front half of the lot. 3) or as otherwise determined through the Site Plan process. Exceptions 1) shall not be required of structures of less than 4,000 square feet 2) shall not be required if these provisions would cause the rear facade of the primary structure to be located along any street front. 3) shall not be required if the provisions would create pedestrian barriers between neighboring uses. 4) shall not be required if joint use parking would be precluded or if parking and access provisions could not be satisfied. 5) shall not be required of existing structures or improvements/additions to existing structures. NINO NIIle RECEIVED CITY OF RENTON MEMORANDUM zir._A,4V6 CialACIL DATE: December 19, 1994 TO: City Council VIA: fl Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman 6 STAFF CONTACT: Allan Johnson (277-6187) SUBJECT: DISCUSSION GUIDE ON AMENDMENTS TO SETBACK STANDARDS The 'Issue Paper on Amendments to Setback Standards' identified proposals from the Staff and the Planning Commission regarding numerous setback issues. Discussions with the Planning and Development Committee on this Issue Paper have identified some points of consensus as well as areas needing further discussion. In order to help finalize the discussion on setback issues, this discussion guide has been prepared to summarize points of consensus as well as offer refined proposals resulting from additional research and discussion. This paper is organized in a similar fashion as the Issue Paper. It focuses on each Zone individually and highlights the areas where change is being considered. Each item for consideration is numbered sequentially for easier reference and a summary of proposals is presented for reference. ITEM #. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) PROPOSAL: Following each item summary is a proposal identifying a suggested resolution to each particular setback issue. *laief 4.0 i DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE • ITEM 1 . MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) FRONT 5Q' 30' • 15: " front garage/park 501 30 2Q' w/ rear parking 50' • 30' • * (or average of adjacent setbacks) (no more than 20') PROPOSAL: 1. Require a 30' front setback. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. ITEM 2. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE 25' 25' 10%.of:lot width • (Min. 57 along street 50' 50' 15' PROPOSAL: 1. Maintain current side setbacks. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 2 r L 1 DECISION GUIDE FOR ., SETBACKS IN THE S L.(LOW DENSITY SINGLE F ITEM 3. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) FRONT 30' 30' 15' * front garage/park 30' 30' 20' w/ rear parking 30' 30' 70 * * (or average of adjacent setbacks)(no more than 20'1 PROPOSAL: 1. Revise front setbacks similar to those in the SF Zone to allow higher densities. 2. Do not require more than a 20' front setback. (Add consistent provision within SF, MR and PNR Zones) ITEM 4. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE 15' 15' 10% of lot wid#h (min 51. . along street 20' 20' 15 PROPOSAL: 1. Concur with the Staff recommendation to reduce side yard setbacks to allow higher densities. 2. Set a maximum of 15' side yard. December 19, 1994 3 r l DECISION GUIDE FOR �.. SETBACKS IN THE ....................................... ............................................ ........................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ITEM 5. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) Zero sideyard Yes On interior lot lines Yes except infll PROPOSAL: 1. Allow zero lot line development within interior lot lines of short plats and subdivisions through the Site Plan review process. 2. Do not allow zero lot line for single parcel infill development. (Too difficult to implement) ITEM 6. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) ,'REAR •25' 20' 20' • PROPOSAL: 1. Reduce rear setbacks to 20'. • December 19, 1994 4 4riv 410 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE MIX D RES'ID IA ZI` ITEM 7i. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) •Zero sideyard > • Yes On'interior lot•lines ' Yes except infill PROPOSAL: (SAME AS SF Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Allow zero lot line development within interior lot lines of short plats and subdivisions through the Site Plan review process. 2. Do not allow zero lot line for single parcel infill development. (Too difficult to implement) ITEM 8. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) REAR 25' 20' 20, PROPOSAL: (SAME AS SF Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Reduce rear setbacks to 20'. December 19, 1994 5 L 100 DECISION GUIDE FOR .,., SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 9. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) Zero sideyard Yes On interior lot lines Yes except infill PROPOSAL: (SAME AS SF Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Allow zero lot line development within interior lot lines of short plats and subdivisions through the Site Plan review process. 2. Do not allow zero lot line for single parcel infill development. (Too difficult to implement) ITEM 10. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) REAR 25' 15' 75' abut SF, MR„SFL 25' 25' 20' PROPOSAL: 1. Reduce standard rear setback to15'. 2. Require a minimum 20' building setback when abutting SF, MR, SFL or RC Zones with a 10' minimum landscaping strip and a 6' solid fence. • Allow waivers from the 6' solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided. December 19, 1994 • 6 *of DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ' :. E Mlr::rU<> 11�UL�C1 <FAI11I1�.�( ... 'URBAN...0 CENTER). ITEM_11 . MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE 20% 10% lot width 10% lot width (+2%/ea, story) (+2%/ea story) min. 5', max. 20' min 5', no max. along street 20' 15' 15' Zero sideyard Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed PROPOSAL: 1. Concur with Planning Commission recommendation. ITEM 12. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) . . ....................... ....... REAR 15' 15' 15' Abut SF,MR,SFL 15' 25' 20' PROPOSAL: 1. Maintain standard rear setback.. 2. Require a minimum 20' building setback when abutting SF, MR, SFL or RC Zones with a 10' minimum landscaping strip and a 6' solid fence. • Allow waivers from the 6' solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 7 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1111111111111111.11 G Mil[Uttl(< .NE + HB:CRI- . . D...CV "E . .. . . E ITEM 13. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) FRONT 20' • 20' • 15' PROPOSAL: 1. Maintain current standard front setback. ITEM 14. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE ' 20% 10%lot width 10%.lot width •(+2%/ea. f/. +2) (+I2%/ea fl +2) min.»'5%max. 20' min • along street 20' 15' 15' Zero sideyard Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed; PROPOSAL: (SAME AS MF-U Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Concur with Planning Commission Recommendation. December 19, 1994 8 %Me `1111. DECISION GUIDE FOR ..r SETBACKS IN THE Llll=.....ItC1N GOIVIMUNITY :&.NEI+ HB RFIO D..OENTE E > > >'< ITEM 15. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) REAR 15' 15' 1.5' abut SF,MR,SFL 15' 25' 20' PROPOSAL: (SAME AS MF-U Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Maintain a standard 15' rear setback. 2. Require a minimum 20' building setback when abutting SF, MR, SFL or RC Zones with a 10' minimum landscaping strip and a 6' solid fence. • Allow waivers from the 6' solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 9 *r11r' DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 16. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MINIMUM FRONT below 25' 0' 0' 0' over 25' 15' 0' Q (Portions over 10' for each floor 15' determined through 4 stories) above 4 stories site plan PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Minimum Street Setback". 2. Maintain a standard 0' minimum setback, however, require 10' of landscaping in front of blank facades at pedestrian level. Allow reductions to 0' through the Site Plan process if the blank facade is mitigated. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. 3. Require a 15' stepback for portions of structures over 4 stories. Add a provision which allows for reduction in the building stepback through the Site Plan process providing the project can demonstrate compliance with the following criteria: • Provides a Textured or Varied Facade and Pedestrian Streetfront -- limited blank facades at street level. • Consideration of Bulk and Scale as well as Shadows -- allow summer light to the adjacent sidewalk. • Provides Pedestrian Amenities --such as canopies, sidewalk cafes, display areas, plazas or arcades. 4. When adjacent to a residential zone, require a 10' landscaping strip and 6' solid fence to obscure any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • Allow reductions through Site Plan to encroach on the 10' of landscaping if special buffering conditions are identified through the Site Plan review process. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 10 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 1 L MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MAXIMUM FRONT below 25' 15' 0' 0.' over 25' 25' 0' PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Maximum Street Setback". 2. Reduce maximum setbacks to 0'. Allow for additional setbacks through the Site Plan process provided the project can satisfy the following criteria • Setbacks are needed to allow reasonable parking, access and site design. (assumed for gas stations, mini marts and drive through) • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Landscaped Areas. • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Pedestrian Amenities. (wider sidewalks, sidewalk cafes, plazas, display or sales areas) • Dedicated and identifiable Pedestrian Connections will be provided from the street to the primary structure and between adjacent uses where appropriate and feasible. • Additional Setbacks are needed to prevent blank facades along the street or barriers between adjacent uses. • Shall not be required of Existing Structures, however, compensating Pedestrian Connections will be required. 3. Clarify that Maximum Setbacks apply to the front facade of the primary or most prominent structure. Where the lot abuts more than one street, the maximum setback shall be applied from the primary or most prominent street. December 19, 1994 11 AIM& %1110 '4100# DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ER ITEM 18. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE./ REAR abutting SF 15' 20'• 20 adjacent SF- 15' 20' • 15' abut/ adjct. MF 15' • 20' 15' (screening required) PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow reductions in the building setback to 10' and waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 12 400 DECISION GUIDE FOR w.... SETBACKS IN THE :::::::: f :: CC COMMERCIAL ITEM 19. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MINIMUM FRONT below 25' 0' 0' 0' over 25' 15' 0' 0' PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Minimum Street Setback". 2. Reduce minimum setback to 0' for buildings over 25'. Require 10' of landscaping of blank facades at pedestrian level, however, allow reductions to 0' through the Site Plan process if the blank facade is mitigated. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. 3. When adjacent to a residential zone, require a 10' landscaping strip and 6' solid fence to obscure any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • Do not allow reductions through Site Plan to encroach on the 10' of landscaping. For existing uses which encroach on the 10' of landscaping require special buffering conditions through the Site Plan review process. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 13 41.11111111111111.111. DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE CC CCONVE:NIEN'CE 3MIVIER CIA L 2C NE ITEM 20. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MAXIMUM FRONT below 25' 15' 0' 0' over 25' NA 0' 0' PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Maximum Street Setback". 2. Reduce the maximum setback to 0' Allow for additional setbacks through the Site Plan process provided the project can satisfy the following criteria • Setbacks are needed to allow reasonable parking and access. (assumed for drive through, gas stations, mini marts) • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Landscaped Areas. • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Pedestrian Amenities. (wider sidewalks, sidewalk cafes, plazas, display or sales areas) • Shall not be required of Existing Structures. 3. Clarify that Maximum Setbacks apply to the front facade of the primary or most prominent structure. Where the lot abuts more than one street, the maximum setback shall be applied from the primary or most prominent street. December 19, 1994 14 *to *airo , 1 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 21 . MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE / REAR abutting SF 15' 20' * 20' adjacent SF 15' 20' 15' abut/adjct.'MF 15' 20' 15' * (screening required) PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow reductions in the building setback to 10' and waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 15 i II DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 22. • MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MINIMUM FRONT below 25' 0' 10' 5' over'25' 15' 10' PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Minimum Street Setback". 2. Require a 10' minimum setback regardless of height. Allow a reduction to 0' through Site Plan if the project provides a Pedestrian Facade. 3. When adjacent to a residential zone, require a 6' solid fence to obscure any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. Do not allow reductions through Site Plan to encroach on the 10' of landscaping. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 16 a DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE A. ER M ITEM 23. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MAXIMUM FRONT below 25' 15' • 15' NA over 25' NA NA NA PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Maximum Street Setback". 2. Require a standard 15' maximum setback regardless of height. 3. Allow exceptions to the Maximum Setbacks through the Site Plan review process for project which can satisfy the following criteria • Setbacks are needed to allow reasonable parking, access and site design. (assumed for gas stations, mini marts and drive through) • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Landscaped Areas. • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Pedestrian Amenities. (wider sidewalks, sidewalk cafes, plazas, display or sales areas) • Dedicated and identifiable Pedestrian Connections will be provided from the street to the primary structure and between adjacent uses where appropriate and feasible. • Additional Setbacks are needed to prevent blank facades along the street or barriers between adjacent uses. • Shall not be required of Existing Structures, however, compensating Pedestrian Connections will be required. 4. Clarify that Maximum Setbacks apply to the front facade of the primary or most prominent structure. Where the lot abuts more than one street, the maximum setback shall be applied from the primary or most prominent street. December 19, 1994 17 � i DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE M ER C1 ITEM 24. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE / REAR abutting SF 15' 20' * ' 20' adjacent SF 15' 20' 15' abut/adjct. MF 15' 20' 15' * (screening required) PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow reductions in the building setback to 10' and waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 18 4' 11009 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE .................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................. CN CB (COIVIMUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER) ZONE . ...... .. . ........ . ............... . .. ......... ............ . ................... ITEM 25. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MINIMUM FRONT below 25' 0' 10' 5' over 25' 15' 10' : 15' PROPOSAL: (SAME AS CA Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Rename as "Minimum Street Setback". 2. Require a standard 10' minimum setback regardless of height. Allow a reduction to 0' through Site Plan if the project provides a Pedestrian Facade. 3. When adjacent to a residential zone, require a 6' solid fence to obscure any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. Do not allow reductions through Site Plan to encroach on the 10' of landscaping. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 19 411=b, 1010 4110 s. DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE CN I CB (CONIIVIUNITY & NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER.) ZONES>< ` ITEM 26. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MAXIMUM FRONT below 25' 15' 15' NA over 25' NA NA NA PROPOSAL: (SAME AS CA Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Rename as "Maximum Street Setback". 2. Require a standard 15' maximum setback regardless of height. 3. Allow exceptions to the Maximum Setbacks through the Site Plan review process for project which can satisfy the following criteria • Setbacks are needed to allow reasonable parking, access and site design. (assumed for gas stations, mini marts and drive through) • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Landscaped Areas. • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Pedestrian Amenities. (wider sidewalks, sidewalk cafes, plazas, display or sales areas) • Dedicated and identifiable Pedestrian Connections will be provided from the street to the primary structure and between adjacent uses where appropriate and feasible. • Additional Setbacks are needed to prevent blank facades along the street or barriers between adjacent uses. • Shall not be required of Existing Structures, however, compensating Pedestrian Connections will be required. 4. Clarify that Maximum Setbacks apply to the front facade of the primary or most prominent structure. Where the lot abuts more than one street, the maximum setback shall be applied from the primary or most prominent street. December 19, 1994 20 1400 4110 DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITY I :D ITEM 27. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE /REAR abutting SF 15' 20' * 20' adjacent SF 15' 20' 15' abut/adjct. MF 15' 20' 15' * (screening required) PROPOSAL: (SAME AS CA Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow reductions in the building setback to 10' and waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 21 •� i DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 28. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MINIMUM FRONT below 25' 15' 1 5' 15'. • 25' to 80'•` 20' 20' 1:5' over 80' 30' 30' 15' PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Minimum Street Setback". 2. Maintain current minimum setbacks, however, allow for a reduction to 0' for buildings under 4 stories through Site Plan if the project provides a Pedestrian Facade. 3. When adjacent to a residential zone, require a 6' solid fence to obscure any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. Do not allow reductions through Site Plan to encroach on the 10' of landscaping. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 22 ti11 O a, DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE CO (OFFICE ITEM 29. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) MAXIMUM FRONT below 25' 30' 30' NA 25' to 80 40' 40' NA over 80' 50' 50' NA PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Maximum Street Setback". 2. Maintain current maximum setbacks 3. Allow exceptions to the Maximum Setbacks through the Site Plan review process for project which can satisfy the following criteria • Setbacks are needed to allow reasonable parking, access and site design. (assumed for gas stations, mini marts and drive through) • Additional Setbacks would accommodate Landscaped Areas. • Dedicated and identifiable Pedestrian Connections will be provided from the street to the primary structure and between adjacent uses where appropriate and feasible. • Shall not be required of Existing Structures, however, compensating Pedestrian Connections will be required. 4. Clarify that Maximum Setbacks apply to the front facade of the primary or most prominent structure. Where the lot abuts more than one street, the maximum setback shall be applied from the primary or most prominent street. December 19, 1994 23 DECISION GUIDE FOR �.. SETBACKS IN THE ITEM 30. • MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE / REAR' abutting SF 15' 20' * ' 20' adjacent SF 15' 20' 15' abut/adjct.>MF 15' 20' 15' • (screening required) PROPOSAL: (SAME AS CA Zone PROPOSAL) 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow reductions in the building setback to 10' and waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 24 .r ' y 411111V VP DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE IA•L•• • »<>•••• ITEM 31 . MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) SIDE / REAR ' abutting SF 20' 20' " 20' adjacent SF 20' 20' 2:0' abutting MF 20' 20' 20' adjct. MF 20 20' 20' abutting Comm. 20' 20' • 20' adjacent Comm. 20' 20' 20' (screening required) PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 20' building setback and a 10' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi- exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential Zone, use standard front setbacks, however, require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. • December 19, 1994 25 *asof Nue DECISION GUIDE FOR SETBACKS IN THE M 1 ,;DI M 84, HEAVY INDUSTRIAL) ZONES.><»< < >> > <<< ITEM 32. MATRIX OF CURRENT PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED (PLANNING (STAFF) CHANGES COMMISSION) .. .. .......... ............................... SIDE / REAR abutting SF 50' * 50' * ' 50 " adjacent SF 50' * 50' 50' abutting MF 50' * 50' * 50' * adjct. MF 50' 50' 50' abutting Comm. 20' * 20' 20' adjacent Comm. 20';. * 20' 20' * (screening required) PROPOSAL: 1. Rename as "Interior Setback". 2. When abutting (sharing property boundaries with) a Residential Zone, require a 50' building setback and a 15' landscaped strip with a 6' solid fence. • Allow waiver of the solid fence through the Site Plan process if additional buffering is provided, however, do not allow waiver of the solid fence for any outdoor or semi- exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. • When adjacent (across the street) from a Residential or Commercial use require a 20' landscaped front setback. Require screening of outdoor or semi-exposed: storage, loading, repair, maintenance or work areas. Allow a reduction of the landscaped strip to 10' through Site Plan review if additional buffering is provided. • For existing uses which encroach on required setbacks, require Site Plan review to identify special buffering conditions in compensation for standard setbacks and/or landscaping. December 19, 1994 26 4 r