HomeMy WebLinkAboutECF_Ord5813_AttachB_Response_190315_v1.pdf 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community Homestead Willowcrest Townhomes Ordinance No. 5813, Attachment B Sunset Terrace SEPA Mitigation Document Response 1. Earth The proposal will employ erosion control BMP’s per Appendix D in the City of Renton Amendments to the King County Surface Water Design Manual. BMP’s are outlined in the Technical Information Report (TIR) provided for this application, and include the following proposed measures: • Clearing limits will be delineated by perimeter silt fencing and chain link fencing • Temporary cover will be installed if an area is to remain unworked for more than 7 days in the dry season or more than 2 working days in the wet season. Any area to remain unworked for more than 30 days shall be seeded and sodded. • Perimeter protection will be implemented by silt fencing around the site perimeter as required by drainage paths • A stabilized construction entrance will be built for construction traffic • Catch basin protection will be provided • Surface water will be controlled and conveyed via swales with check dams if necessary • Dust control, if required, will be provided through the limited use of water trucks. • Subgrade areas will be proof rolled to located any soft or pumping soils. If soft or pumping soils are observed, they should be removed and replaced with compacted structural fill. • If deep pockets of soft or pumping soils are encountered outside the building areas, they should be supported with non-woven geotextile fabric prior to placing structural fill. • For earthwork that occurs in wet weather, the ground surface should be sloped so that surface water is directed away from the work area and ponded water does not develop. • Earthwork activities should not take place during periods of moderate to heavy precipitation • Slopes with exposed soils should be covered with plastic sheeting. • Site soils to be used as fill should not be left uncompacted and exposed to moisture. Soil stockpiles that will be used as structural fill should be covered with plastic sheeting. 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community • Permanent cut or fill slopes should be constructed at inclinations of 2H:1V or flatter, 3H:1V where possible for landscape purposes. A geotechnical analysis of the site was completed and did not identify any geologic hazards on site. Soils are primarily silty sand underlain by impermeable glacial till. Approximately 1800 cubic yards of fill will be needed for the proposal. Fill areas will range in height from 0-5 feet. Fill will be obtained from a Washington Department of Transportation approved source. The geotechnical report (Appendix D of the TIR) includes detailed recommendations for possible reuse of on-site earth material for landscaping and other purposes. The existing fill and till soils contain a high percentage of fines and will be sensitive to changes in moisture content, making them difficult to handle and compact during wet weather. The report details the required specifications for reusing on-site soil. 2. Air Quality The contractor will prepare air quality control plans in accordance with the dust and odor control BMP’s outlined in Attachment B. Best practices for minimizing hauling during peak travel times will be followed when feasible. Many of the greenhouse gas reduction measures identified in Attachment B, Table 6 are incorporated in the proposed design. All of the Site Design mitigation measures are included in the proposal: • Tree locations have been identified throughout the site to provide seasonal shading to buildings and parking areas, thereby reducing the heat island effect. • Building footprints are compact and efficient to preserve open space throughout the site. • Native, drought-tolerant plants will be used throughout the site. • Each building has been oriented to maximize passive and active solar opportunities and minimize energy use. The following Building Design and Operations mitigation measures are currently included in the proposed design: • Buildings will meet or exceed City of Seattle Energy Code. The exterior envelope will be super-insulated, and will approach Passive House standards for insulation and air sealing. • The project will meet Evergreen Sustainable Development Standard (ESDS) requirements, many of which are equivalent to LEED standards • Energy Star equipment and appliances will be used throughout the development • All homes will be solar-ready • High efficiency HVAC systems will be used, and will be supplemented with passive systems to provide residents opportunities for natural cooling and ventilation • Floor plans and building masses have been designed to provide maximum daylighting, cross-ventilation, and stack ventilation for all units • High-efficiency LED lighting will be installed in each home 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community • Low-flow plumbing fixtures will be installed in each home • Materials with recycled content will be considered throughout the development • Additional features under consideration and dependent on budget include exterior shading devices, wired windows, vacancy sensors, and rainwater collection for irrigation, The following Transportation mitigation measures are currently included in the proposed design: • Minimized parking: the proposal locates the minimum number of required parking in garages (12 total) and provides 8 additional surface parking spots integrated with the landscaping throughout the site • Pedestrian and Bicycle-friendly spaces: The proposal improves and expands pedestrian connections between Glennwood Ave NE and Edmonds Ave NE with a pedestrian loop and planned connections to the future RHA developing fronting Edmonds Ave NE. The pedestrian loop will provide neighborhood residents with a safe and accessible route to shared open space amenities without the use of a car. 3. Water Resources The site is classified as a Large Lot BMP site, and on-site flow control BMP’s to mitigate the increased impervious coverage of the site will be investigated as the project’s stormwater design advances. A detention vault is currently proposed to meet the Peak Rate Flow Control Standard requirement. Perforated pipe connections will be installed for all roof drain connections from the three proposed townhome buildings. Due to the subdivision and planned future use of the RHA property to the west, the proposal considers the stormwater needs for the Phase 2 development of the RHA multi-family site, as well as the offsite ROW areas of Edmonds Ave NE which are unable to be feasibly collected and detained for the required future street improvements on Edmonds Ave NE. 4. Plants and Animals Per Attachment B, no mitigation measures are required with the implementation of stormwater features and standards. 5. Energy A wide array of suggested GHG reduction measures are incorporated into the proposal (please refer to the detailed list in the Air Quality section of this document). The proposal increases the development density in a mixed-use neighborhood with established transit connections. The site is located in the CV zone and is within a half-mile of multiple bus routes and future Rapid Ride expansion. The proposal improves pedestrian 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community connections between the Willowcrest site and the neighboring RHA sites, from Glennwood Avenue NE to Edmonds Avenue NE, providing a framework for future pedestrian-oriented networks throughout the neighborhood. 6. Noise All City-required noise mitigation measures will be incorporated into construction plans and contractor specifications, including: • Location and barrier guidelines for stationary equipment • Construction hour restrictions • Equipment operation and maintenance best practices • Noise mitigation training for construction crews 7. Environmental Health All City-required precautions to safeguard against environmental health hazards will be incorporated into construction plans and contractor specifications, including: • Hazardous materials awareness training to grading and excavation crews • Contingency planning to safely identify, segregate, and dispose of hazardous waste • Development and implementation of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan and related BMP’s • Best practices to avoid hazardous material spills from routine equipment operation • Prepare and maintain a current spill prevention, control, and countermeasure plan 8. Land Use Construction plans and specifications will incorporate mitigation measures for dust control during construction. The contractor will provide a traffic control plan for the project. 9. Socioeconomics Per Attachment B, the mitigation measured outlined in this document addressing dust, noise, aesthetics, and transportation are sufficient to address construction-related impacts that could negatively affect area businesses. 10. Housing The proposal provides 12 new homeownership opportunities for residents in the 60-80% AMI range. The affordable homeownership community land trust model answers the City’s specific needs for upward mobility opportunities and energy efficient, healthy housing for low- and moderate-income households. It is expected that over a 50-year period up to 7 families may purchase and own each home. This means that the 12 homes in this development can create stability and economic mobility for up to 84 families over the next five decades. 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community 11. Environmental Justice Per Attachment B, the mitigation measures outlined for noise, dust, traffic congestion, and visual quality will also mitigate short-term impacts to neighborhood residents. 12. Aesthetics The surrounding neighborhood features a mixture of single family, duplex, multi-family, and commercial buildings. The Willowcrest buildings will be similar in size and scale to the Glennwood Townhomes directly to the east. The buildings and site at Willowcrest are scaled with pedestrians in mind: porches and balconies moderate the massing and facades of the townhomes. Willowcrest will have a more contemporary aesthetic than the Glennwood Townhomes and will bring a vibrant variation to the neighborhood aesthetic as it evolves through revitalization efforts. The Willowcrest townhomes are grouped into three buildings of four units each. This creates a balance between the mass and scale of the buildings and the amount of open space on site. The buildings are distributed across the site to create a variety of private, semi-private, and public spaces near each building. The spacing of the buildings on site also maximizes solar access and view access. The site subject to the Residential Design Standards outlined in RMC 4-2-115. Features related to these requirements are detailed in the compliance matrix included in this application. Additional aesthetic features are outlined in the Statement Addressing Project Compliance included in this application. 13. Historic/Cultural Per Attachment B, no native “A” horizon was identified at the Edmonds-Glennwood site, no further archaeological investigations are recommended for these areas. 14. Transportation Trip generation estimates have been prepared for this proposal and are outlined in a memo from Transpo Group dated 1/21/19 included in this application. Transportation impacts related to construction activities will be mitigated as needed according to the City’s requirements. The construction entrance will be on Glennwood Ave NE. The contractor will provide a traffic control plan for review and approval. 15. Parks and Recreation The site is not adjacent to any existing parks. For additional information on open space and recreation amenities provided on site, please refer to the Residential Design Standards 177 Western Avenue West, Suite 266, Seattle, WA 98119 | p: 206.331.3795 | e: info@thirdplacedesigncoop.com third place design co-operative where architecture meets community Compliance Matrix and the Statement Addressing Project Compliance included in this application. 16. Public Services Police • A construction mitigation plan will detail security measures to be implemented during construction to reduce criminal activity. • The proposed site design and individual building designs have been planned to maximize visibility and safety for residents and police. Rather than have a strict front or back to the buildings, each building at Willowcrest is designed to acknowledge its current and future neighbors and share active facades in all directions. All sides of the buildings are designed with main entries, ground level porches, second level balconies, and pedestrian circulation. The sidewalk that defines the central amenity axis connects the Willowcrest Townhomes to the Glennwood Townhomes, and provides clear sightlines to the shared open spaces and playground. Building A and B are directly oriented to this path, and the porches, balconies, and windows that look out onto the path and the shared open spaces will provide more “eyes on the street” for consistent awareness of and engagement with the area, increasing safety for residents. Fire and Emergency Medical Services The shared access drive for Glennwood Townhomes and Willowcrest townhomes ensures emergency vehicle access for both buildings. A hammerhead within the Willowcrest site allows for turn-around space, and the future access drive from Edmonds Avenue NE through the RHA site to the west will provide continuous fire access through the three sites. Each townhome at Willowcrest will have fire sprinklers Accessibility All townhomes at Willowcrest will be Type B Accessible Units. Accessible circulation paths through open spaces will be provided as required. The woonerf-type access drive provides greater accessibility throughout the development and eliminates curbs and curb cuts. 17. Utilities The proposal will demonstrate compliance with City requirements for fire-flow and wastewater collection.