HomeMy WebLinkAboutP_Revised_Landscape_Plan_190329_v1.pdfRVLA, inc., p.s. 33109 SE 110th street Issaquah, WA 98027 phone • 425 443-2830 e-mail • rvla@comcast.net NOTICE 0 12 1 IF THIS BAR DOES NOT MEASURE 1" THEN DRAWING IS NOT TO SCALE NO.DATE BY REVISION DESIGNED DRAWN CHECKED PROJECT NO.: 16-1840.224 SCALE:DATE:JANUARY 2019 SHEET 1" = 10' CITY OF RENTON KENNYDALE RESERVOIR4/6/19STATE O F WASHIN G T ONLICENS E D LANDSCA P E A R CHITECTRICHAR D B .VANDE M A R KNO.481EX P . 1 03/15/19 RV Added wall screen planting per Owner's requirement SCALE IN FEET 10 5 0 10 20 RESERVOIR AND FIRE STATION LANDSCAPING SITE LAYOUT PLAN L-1 55 of 56 Note: An automatic irrigation system has not been provided for this design. Drought-tolerant species and a 8-inch mat of moisture-retaining topsoil have been specified in lieu of an irrigation system. Contractor shall monitor the condition of the plant material for a period of one (1) year following acceptance of the work and manually water as necessary. Contractor shall monitor weekly. Note: All plant installation to take place between October 15 - March 1st unless authorized by the Engineer and Owner. Maintenance: Enhancement site will be added to the reservoir maintenance inventory and will be watered and maintained for a minimum of 3 years Light shaded tone area indicates extent of area to be cleared, grubbed, excavated and to receive new topsoil & hydroseed as indicated on Detail I, Sheet L-2 (approx 5,000 SF). Botanical Name Common Name Size Notes Quantity TREES Acer saccharum Sugar Maple 2" cal.B&B, straight trunk 3 Acer circinatum Vine Maple 5 gal.min. 3' tall, multi trunk 14 Cornus mas 'Hillier's Upright'Cornelian Cherry Dogwood 5 gal.single trunk, B&B 12 Nyssa sylvatica 'JFS Red'Firestater Tupelo 2" cal. B&B, straight trunk 2 Juniperus scopulorum Blue Point Juniper 5 gal.min. 6' tall, B&B 28 Thuja occidentalis ‘Degroot's Spire’ Columnar Arborvitae 5 gal.min. 4' tall, straight trunk 46 Tsuga mertensiana Mountain Hemlock 5 gal.min. 6' tall, B&B 14 EVERGREEN SHRUBS Polystichum munitum Sword Fern 1 gal. 50 Thuja occidentalis 'Emerald Green'Emerald Green Arborvitae 5 gal.Cont., straight form, full,66 well branched & well rooted Juniperus x phitzeriana 'Aurea Improved' Gold Coast Juniper 1 gal.83 Mahonia nervosa Longleaf Mahonia 1 gal.63 Vaccinium ovatum Evergreen Huckleberry 1 gal.30 DECIDUOUS SHRUBS Rhamnus frangula 'Columnaris' Tallhedge Buckthorn 5 gal. field located for screen 15 Spiraea japonica Japanese Spirea 2 gal. 13 Viburnum x bodnantense Bodnant Viburnum 2 gal.4 50% Gaultheria shallon Salal 2 gal.24" O.C.91 50% Rhus aromatica 'Gro Low'Gro-Low Fragrant Sumac 2 gal.24" O.C.91 Prunus laurocerasus 'Mt. Vernon'Mt. Vernon English Laurel 1 gal.24" O.C.106 GROUNDCOVERS Fragaria chiloensis Beach Strawberry 4" pot to be field located by 216 Owner's Rep. MEADOW SEED MIX 50% Perennial Ryegrass 8 lbs mix/1,000 SF 20% Creeping Red Fescue 20% Chewings Fescue 10% Hard Fescue Dark shaded tone area indicates extent of area to be cleared, grubbed, excavated and to receive new topsoil & mulch to the depths indicated on Detail H, Sheet L-2 (approx 3,450 SF). NOTE: verify location of underground power before excavating! Protect & preserve Tree #24 Prunus padus, 15' R root zone 10' fully sight obscuring landscape buffer, typ 1. The Contractor is responsible for verifying the locations of all underground utilities (including irrigation) prior to commencement of work; and, to protect said utilities from damage during demolition, trenching and plant installation. 2. Conflicts between approved planting plans and existing field conditions shall be identified to the Owner prior to planting. 3. Proposals for plant substitutions, location adjustments, soil amendments or any variations from the approved plans shall require prior written approval of the Landscape Architect. 4. Soils located in planting areas that have been compacted to a density greater than that penetrable with a hand shovel (approx. 85%), shall be loosened to increase aeration for a minimum depth of 12 inches for the entire area of the compacted soils utilized for landscape purposes. 5. The Owner, during construction, shall perform an on-site visual analysis of the soils. Verification of the need for additional soil amendments will be made at that time. Recommended amendments shall be applied prior to planting. 6. Use of fertilizer, organic or synthetic slow-release type, and pesticides of any kind shall only be permitted by the Owner. Permitted applications of pesticides shall be applied by licensed applicators only. 7. All plant material shall meet current American Association of Nurseryman Standards for Nursery Stock (ANSI 260.1) requirements. 8. The Owner and the Landscape Architect shall inspect all plant material at the time of delivery. Allow 48 hours minimum notification for inspection request. Plant material that has been approved for installation shall be planted within 24 hours. Installation shall not be conducted under adverse weather conditions without prior approval of the Owner. Plant material that cannot be planted within one day following arrival shall be heeled-in, kept moist and protected at all times from extreme weather conditions. Plants shall be stored at the sole responsibility of the Contractor. 9. Plant pits shall be a minimum of three times (3x) the diameter of the plant's root mass. Additional aeration may be required as directed by the Landscape Architect. 10. Plants shall be symmetrical and uniform in appearance, size and structure. 11. Plant materials shall be guaranteed for a period of one year unless specified otherwise in Project Manual. Plant material that has lost more than 30 percent of its normal foliage shall be replaced as directed by the Landscape Architect. 12. Keep all areas of work clean, neat and orderly at all times. All paved areas are to be cleaned following planting and maintenance activities. 13. Contractor shall provide protection for all persons and property, work in progress, structures, utilities, walks and drives, during the installation of landscape and irrigation work. 14. Layout is based on information supplied by Owner and is not necessarily complete or correct. Contractor shall notify Owner immediately of any discrepancy or upon disclosure of any unforeseen or undescribed condition for further instruction by Owner. Planting NotesMATCHLINE, SEE SHEET L-2 see Sheet L-2 for landscape, this area maintain 3' R clear or shrubs buffer around hydrant groundcover OK this area designed by others plant schedule (this sheet only)