HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotech Attachment CI-405 Renton Stage 2 Design Build WSDOT Contract No: 7624 Defoor Property Reinforced Soil Slope Geotechnical Design Calculations July 2, 2009 Reinforced Soil Slope Design - Defoor Property FHWA Method 1-405 Renton Stage 2 Design/Build Project Engineer: R.S.V.Player Step 1: Establish the geometric, loading, and performance requirements for design. Assumes horizontal backfill a. Geometric and loading requirements: 75 80 85 ft 90 0 := 33.7• deg External Surcharge Loads q := 0•psf Oq := 250psf H = Slope Height, in feet, measured from toe to crest 0 = Slope Angle, degrees 1.5:1 (H:V) Slope q = permanent surcharge load, psf Aq = temporary live load, psf Am := 0.44 Am = Design seismic acceleration b. Performance requirements: FSsliding := 1.5 FSdynamic.loading := 1.1 Per WSDOT GDM Section 7.0 FSglobal := 1.5 FScompound. failure := 1.5 FSlateral. squeeze := 1.5 FSintemal. slope. stability := 1.5 Step 2: Determine engineering properties of the in situ soils. 1. Soil Parameters - Generalized subsurface based on test borinos and test nits Laver 1 - Foundation Soil - Residual Soil/Colluvium underlain by Renton Formation Cl := Opsf (Cohesion of Foundation Soil) (01 := 36deg (Friction Angle of Foundation Soil) 11 := 130pcf (Unit Weight of Foundation Soil) Under seismic loading add 200 psf apparent cohesion due to rapid loading. Laver 2 - Retained Soil - New Fill Placed behind reinforced zone C2 := Opsf (Cohesion of Retained Soil) 42 := 34deg (Friction Angle of Retained Soil) 12 := 130pcf (Unit Weight of Retained Soil) Printed: 6/30/2009 1 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA_ Under seismic loading add 200 psf apparent cohesion due to rapid loading. Ka := tan r45de X212 I P> — 2 I Ka = 0.28 dGWT := 50ft (Depth to Groundwater Table - From Top of Foundation Soil) Step 3: Determine engineering properties of reinforced fill. creinforced.soil := Opsf (Cohesion of Reinforced Soil) (�reinforced.soil 36deg (Friction Angle of Reinforced Soil - Common Borrow) "Y reinforced. soil := 130pcf (Unit Weight of Reinforced Soil) Under seismic loading add 200 psf apparent cohesion due to rapid loading. Step 4: Evaluate design parameters for the reinforcement. Tallow := 1250 16ft Hpullout := 1.5 Le := 3ft (Minimum anchorage length) interface := atan(0.8•tan ((�reinforced.soil)) (4interface = atan(F*), where F* =0.8 to*einforced.soil) interface = 30 deg Step 5: Check unreinforced stability. Perform stability analysis on final slope configuration without any reinforcing. Use computer program S to do this. From SLIDE output, determine the critical zone to be reinforced, where the Unreinforced FS <= Required F;I Required FS = 1.5.. Pau. pgx �+ f dlSuAs r idw m= Critical zone defined by rotational and sliding surface that meet the required safety factor (FHWA, 2001). SLIDE results attached. Tinted: 6/30/2009 2 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA_ Step 6: Design reinforcement to provide stable slope using computer software (SLIDE). Using chart solution for determining reinforcement strength requirements and number of layers to establish preliminary reinforcing layout. u OMMO Maiw POOR ooaMarrrr CHART PROCEDURE: J, N" ruo� r�cs.A w.E...► rt � � srfin 1) Determine force coefficient K from figure above; where % = friction angle of rel hrwd fill: tau �'�r = tali- l { ��r B 2) Determine: Tse=0.3K7r(H 2 where: if = H + q/7= q= a uniform load 3) Debannine the required r+einfomement length at the top k and bottom. 4 of the slope from the figure above. LB+LtTII+iG ASsuwnON5 ! Extensible reinfixcement. ! Slopes constructed wig uniform, coliewonless soil,. c = 0). ! No pare pressm+es within slope- ! Competent, level foundation sails. ! No seismic farces- ! Uniform surcharge not greater than 0.2 Tr H. ! Relatively high soillr+einfforcenimt interface friction angle, = 0.9 % (may not be appropriate for some geo)- printed: 6/30/2009 3 of 9 File: 1405—RS' _Defoor RSS_Design RevA Figure 67 _ Chart solution for determining ng the reinforcement strength requirements (after Sctunertmann„ et. at., 1987)_ NM: Charts. 9 Term-Coilpmatim FS, := 1.5 keinforced. soil = 36.0•deg atan ( tan (reinforced. soil)1 �f := FS, JI 4,f = 25.84 -deg From Chart a. above, K = IL:= 0.05 TS_M,q}{ := 0.5•K•'yreinforced.soil'Hequiv 2 19269.25 21853.00 lb TS MAX 24599.25 ft 27508.00 Oq Hequiv H + 125pcf Minimum Required number of Reinforcing Layers = Ts MAX Tallow 75.00 15.42 H _ 80.00 ft N = 17.48 So, rounding up,NDESIGN = 85.00 19.68 90.00 22.01 Maximum vertical spacing 4.69 4.44 SV = ft 4.25 3.91 S,:= H NDESIGN From Chart b. above, determine LB and LT LB := 0.8•Hequiv LT := 0.4•Hequiv 61.60 30.80 65.60 32.80 LB = ft LT = R 69.60 34.80 73.60 36.80 16 18 NDESIGN : 20 23 77.0 82.0 Hequiv = ft 87.0 92.0 Printed: 6/30/2009 4 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA Using above, chart derived values as starting point, run computer program SLIDE with reinforcing elements to design reinforcing. Usethe following general criteria for Reinforced Soil Slopes: The RSS with slopes steeper than 1.2:1 (H:V) shall have a wrapped face (GDM, 2008). Minimum length of reinforcing is 6 feet (GDM, 2008). Primary reinforcing shall be vertically spaced at 3 feet or less (GDM, 2008). Backfill within the reinforced zone of the RSS shall meet that specified for RSS in FHWA: Sieve Size Percent Passing 3 -inch 100 No. 4 100-20 No. 40 0-60 No. 200 0-50 Use the following properties for geogrid reinforcing in SLIDE: Support type: Geotextile (used for geotextiles, geogrids, and strips) Strip properties: Strip coverage: 100% Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft (assume Tallow used above) Shear strength model: Linear Force application: Passive Force orientation: Tangent to slip surface (for continuous, extensible reinforcement) Anchorage: None (not anchored at slope face or embedded end) Pullout strength: Adhesion = 0 psf (assumes cohesionless backfill) F* = 0.8 tan �reinforced.soil , so geogrid/soil Friction angle = atan(F*) = 30 deg (Interface friction angle between soil and geogrid) Run SLIDE models, varying reinforcing length and spacing until failure surface with FS<minimum required fall either at face (to be taken care of by secondary reinforcing and face vegetation) or all all FS are greater than minimum. SLIDE RESULTS ATTACHED From SLIDE results, use the following lengths of embedment: Horizontal primary geogrid installed at vertical spacing of 2 ft: Sta —9+75 to 10+75, L = 25 ft Sta to 10+75 to 11+75 , L = 45 ft Sta 11 +75 to 12+50, L = 50 ft Sta 12+50 to 13+00, L= 45 ft Sta 13+00 to—16+00, L=40 ft Where: L is minimum length of embedment of primary geogrid Printed: 6/30/2009 5 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 Defoor RSS Design_RevA_ Step 7: Check external stability. Check Sliding resistance- Using SLIDE to determine sliding resistance - model base of RSS on a soil with _ +interface FSsliding = 1.50 Check Deep Seated Global Stability: See SLIDE output. Reinforcing designed for FS>=1.5 outside of reinforced zone. Check Lateral Squeeze (Local Bearing Faulure at the Toe): Reinforced soil slope founded on competent bearing material - residual soil over Renton Formation. Local bearing failure not applicable. Check Settlement: Soil below Reinforced Soil Slope is granular and bedrock, so settlement assumed elastic and rapid. No structures to be constructed on top of reinforced fill for more than a year after completion. The top will then b, regraded prior to use. Settlement not controlling case, therefore not checked. Check Seismic Stability: SLIDE used to check seismic stability. Allow 200 psf apparent cohession in new fill and residual soil/colluvium due to rapid dynamic loading. Assume Ah = PGA/2. Ah = 0.22. FS are >= 1.1. SLIDE output attached. Step 8: Check face stability: Per FHWA, to maintain face stability and provide for compaction quality, use intermediate (secondary) reinforcing in between layers of primary reinforcing. FHWA recommends 400 mm (15.7 inches) or less vertical spacing between layers. If other (greater) spacings are desired, then a face stability analysis should be run. For this location, 12 -inch (-300 mm) spacing between layers is recommended by WSDOT GDM, so no additional face stability analysis is required. Printed: 6/30/2009 6 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA_ Step 9: Final Design Recommendations: Final design recommendations for 1.5:1 (H:V) reinforced slope. Primary Geogrid: Long-term allowable strength (Tallow) = 1250 Ib/ft Vertical Spacing = 2 -ft Minimum Length of Embedment (Le) _ Sta —9+75 to 10+75, L = 25 ft Sta to 10+75 to 11+75 , L = 45 ft Sta 11+75 to 12+50, L = 50 ft Sta 12+50 to 13+00, L= 45 ft Sta 13+00 to—16+00, L=40 ft Secondary Geogrid: Ultimate strength (Tult) = 115 Ib/in Vertical Spacing = 1 -ft Minimum Length of Embedment (Le) = 6 -ft Printed: 6/30/2009 7 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA Constants & Units lb :_ 1000Pa := lb kips := 10001b newton bL:= 1000psf 19 kk 3 = 120.95-pcf _ lb m 1000N �" ft atand(x) := atan(x) tand(x) := tan(x-deg cosd(x) := cos(x-deg) cotd(x) := cot(x•deg) References: FHWA (2001) "Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes Design and Construction Guidelines," FHWA-NHI-00-043, March 2001. WSDOT (2008). Geotechnical Design Manual. November 2008. Printed: 6/30/2009 8 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 Defoor RSS_Design RevA_ SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Printed: 6/30/2009 9 of 9 File: 1405 RS2 _Defoor RSS_Design_RevA �soQsp s,5,ztwl 400 390 380 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200190180170160150140130120110100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 1 T ecck� S J�sw, Coto- �c4iw 't J sd,, Akw P, 1 So, � �CoOuv;uwl C-12D)Q� (@ (AJ GLS 1 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2 3 I405 Renton Stage 2 4 Defoor Property Reinforced Soil Slope, Soil Properties 5 PREPARED FOR: FILE PREPARED BY: Roch Player DATE: June 29, 2009 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 The following soil properties were used in the slope stability analysis for the RSS soil slopes. New Fill - placed fill used to construct the embankment. Primarily silty sand derived from Renton Formation. • Unit weight =130 pcf • Internal angle of friction = 36 degrees • Cohesion (static case) = 0 psf • Internal angle of friction (seismic case) = 34 degrees • Apparent cohesion (seismic case) = 200 psf Residual soil/colluvium/fill - in-place soil consisting primarily of medium dense silty sand. The existing fill and colluvium are generally derived from the Renton Formation and are nearly impossible to distinguish from the residual soil, so they are treated as one unit in the analysis. • Unit weight =130 pcf • Internal angle of friction = 36 degrees • Cohesion (static case) = 0 psf • Apparent cohesion (seismic case) = 200 psf Renton Formation - native bedrock consisting of primarily weakly cemented sandstone with occasional siltstone layers. Soil strength determined using the Hoek -Brown Criteria (see attached). • Unit weight =140 pcf • Uniaxial compressive strength = 300 psi (43.2 ksf) • Geologic strength index (GSI) = 40 • Intact rock constant (mi) for sandstone =17 • Disturbance factor (D) for good quality excavation = 0.0 • Mohr -Coulomb fit, internal angle of friction = 32 degrees • Mohr -Coulomb fit, cohesion (seismic and static cases) = 2100 psf Municipal Waste - material disposed in the Renton Civic dump location. These soils are loose to medium dense and contain a wide variety of materials including silt, sand, slag, EVRIRS2 DEFOORPROPERTYRSS_SOILPROPERMABLEREVA_062909.DOC COPYRIGHT 2009 BY CH2M HILL, INC. • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1 ashes, glass, metal, debris, and other materials associated with municipal waste disposal. 2 Mine tailings may also be incorporated in this material, either as cover soils, or as a result of 3 previous mining activities that occurred in the same area. Strength characteristics of the 4 municipal waste were derived from two sources: 5 • RCRA Subtitle D (258) Seismic Design Guidance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill 6 Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, 7 EPA/ 600/R-95/051, April 1995. 8 • "Shear strength of Municipal Solid Waste", by Bray, J. D., Zekkos, D., Kavazanjian, 9 E., Jr., Athanasopoulos, G. A., Riemer, M. F. (2009), Journal of Geotechnical and 10 Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, June 2009, Vol. 135, No. 6, pp. 709-722. 11 12 Based on the above, a Mohr -Coulomb strength criteria used in the design is as follows: 13 • Unit weight =115 pcf 14 • Internal angle of friction = 28 degrees 15 • Cohesion (static case) = 300 psf 16 • Apparent cohesion (seismic case) = 300 psf 17 18 Stability of the cut slopes through the Renton Civic dump is addressed in a separate 19 analysis. EVRIRS2 DEFOORPROPERTYRSS SOILPROPERTYTABI.E_REVA-062909.DOC COPYRIGHT 2009 BY CH2M HILL, INC. • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL KLE//VFELOCR 8902-8905 SAMPLE NO.: 8902-8905 PROJECT: Renton Stage II PROJECT NO.: 103039 PROJECT LOCATION: Renton, We SAMPLED BY: C lent SAMPLE PREP.: R.Hogg LAB SAMPLE NO.: 8902-8905 SAMPLE NO.: 8902-8905 SAMPLE DESCRIP.: Combined Soil Samples DATE SAMPLED: 6118/2009 DATE REPORTED: 6/292009 REPORTED BY: R. Hogg DIRECT SHEAR TEST OF REMOLDED SOILS UNDER CONSOLIDATED DRAINED CONDITIONS (ASTM D3080) Initial thickness of specimen On.): 1.43 Initial diameter of specimen (in.): 2.50 Rate of deformabon (in/min): 0.02 Dry mass of specimen (g): 189.4 Insitu Dry Density (ib per cu.ft): 102.6 Created by DigiShear Version 3.1.3; Copyright 2004, GEOTAC Slope of line, m 38 Preliminary Friction Angle (degrees) 38.0 Apparent Friction Angle (degrees) 4.0 Normal Stress kps): Max Shearing Stress s): Point 1 1 KSF Point 1 0.86 Kips Point 2 3 JKSF Poiht12 2.50 Kips Point 3 5 KSF Pant 3 3.34 Kips Vert Deformatlon 4D Max Shear*,,,,,'.-,,,: 'Horiz Defornation A Max Shear. Point 1 1 -0.0013 11n. "`":s Point 1 0.1661 In. Point 2 1 0.0198 In. ' Point 2 0.4695 Point 3 1 -0•0034 11n. Point 3 0.2689 4.0 Shear Stress -o oos V�rtical�DlsplaeNmomt '� ` 0.000 8 0.005 3.5 3-06q 2.5 ! 20 0.010 0.015 o.a2o i.o o.s pw� 0.0 0.00 0.10 020 0.30M.'kAAb0b= X0.60 0,70 0.80 0,90 11 0.025 0.00 OAO 0.20 0.30 O.AO ` 0.60 0.50 0.70 0,90 0.90 Www" 0bpb--* O+W 6 5 Y v 4 i v! 3 2 d t � , i 0 � I 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Normal Stress (ksfl KLEINFELDER INC a e EM 1140-2-1913 30 Apr 2000 IDI, �T OF lh/oult. Y HEIGHT (YD) 75 80 90 1fl 110 120 130 140 160 f ,- 12Vu Izw 144V 1800 1780- 1920 zebu EM 2400 kg./M3 a. Angle of internal friction versus unit• . fit (from NAVFAC DM -7 ref. A-1) Figure 3.6. Example correlations for prooerties of coarse-grained soils 'NAlf- OC 4C%\,4.CS �-, ISOL .-I II ezo.,� Vq,6,Cs Or,, go 3,�-. to )a 34 3-9 COMPACTION TEST REPORT 114.0 111.5 109.0 U Q 00000 ZAV for v Sp.G. _ 2.65 0 106.5 104.0 HT IF 101.5 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-00a Method C Standard Oversize correction applied to each point Elev/ Classification Nat. %, > % < Depth Moist. Sp.G. LL PI 3/4 in. No.200 USCS AASHTO 1' to 2` SM A-2-4(0) 10.7 7.0 28.5 ROCK CORRECTED TEST RESULTS UNCORRECTED MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 111.4 pcf 108.7 pcf Silty sand Moisture Content: 10.7% Optimum moisture = 14.0 % 15.0% Laboratory No.: 8905 Project No. 103039 Client: Remarks: Project: Renton Stage II Sampled By: Client Renton, WA Tested By: D. Hicks • Location: TP -1-09 Reviewed By: J. Revard, CET COMPACTION TEST REPORT KLEINFELDER INC. U CL c a) v 112 110 108 106 104 COMPACTION TEST REPORT 4 100 0or I—N 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-00a Method C Standard ZAV for I Sp.G. _ 2.65 Elev! IClassification Nat. % %<Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. Sp.G. LL PI 314 I'n. No.200 14' to 14.5' SM I A-2-4(0) 12.1 0.0 21 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 111.0 pcf Silty sand Moisture Content: 12.1 % Optimum moisture = 14.2 oda Laboratory No.: 8903 Project No. 103039 Client: Corridor Design Builders (CDB) / CH2MHILL Project: Renton Stage II Renton, WA a Location: TP -1-09 . COMPACTION TEST REPORT KLEINFELDER INC. Remarks: Sampled By: Client Tested By: D. Hicks Reviewed By: J. Revard, CET �� Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-00a Method C Standard ZAV for I Sp.G. _ 2.65 Elev! IClassification Nat. % %<Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. Sp.G. LL PI 314 I'n. No.200 14' to 14.5' SM I A-2-4(0) 12.1 0.0 21 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 111.0 pcf Silty sand Moisture Content: 12.1 % Optimum moisture = 14.2 oda Laboratory No.: 8903 Project No. 103039 Client: Corridor Design Builders (CDB) / CH2MHILL Project: Renton Stage II Renton, WA a Location: TP -1-09 . COMPACTION TEST REPORT KLEINFELDER INC. Remarks: Sampled By: Client Tested By: D. Hicks Reviewed By: J. Revard, CET �� • mn ■■■ ■■■■■q■■■M■■■M■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■1\■■■■■E■■■■■■■■■ SEEMM■■■E■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■ nn M■nMM►■NM ■■O■■■- N■M■M■■■■N■■■■ M■■nOa■n ■■■■■ MOMONE OMEN■ ■/ %■�,�■■��INSOMMONEM■■■M■■■■ • OMNI/r�E■■ IN ME MEN■Mi►r■M �► ■ ■E■ . M■E■//NN■E■■►\E■ M■►o■loom ON ■■■■ WHOM E�►�■ ■■■N No ■■■■E■■■ MM��■ M■M■■�■■ M■■■Immom■■■M M■wwam MEMO■■■■■■NOMEE■■■■■NE`N■■■■■■MEW MM■E OMEN ME■■M ■■■�■■■■■■■ ■NMME■■■■■■■■■ mom ��o■■lommom MEMO .. MM■n ON No ■M■■■■■■■MM■■NG.�.�� ■MN■■M■■■■M■■■■G�420■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■ME■ ■■MM��N■M■ ■■■■■■■■■■ENE■M ■EO■■ M■■■■■■■■ ■■E■ ENE EM■■■■■M■■ NONE ■■ ■■■■■ M■N■M■■■M■■■■■■MMM ■■OM ■EMM■■■MM■ME ■■E■■■■■■M■■■■ MMM■M ■M■■■M molm ■■Elev/■M■ ■■ M■ Depth• in. No.2000 • ■����314 ROCK CORRECTED ._ ERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum .. .. y sand MoistureContent: Optimum moisture 16.8 % Laboratory No.: 8902 Sampled : Client .: . . ,. reviewed BY: . REPORTCOMP ACTION TEST COMPACTION TEST REPORT 111 109 107 w U d a C 0 105 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 2.65 103 101 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 698-00a Method C Standard Elev/ Classification Nat. % > % < Depth Moist. Sp.G. LL PI 3/4 in. No.200 USCS AASHTO 10.5' to 11' SM A-2-4(0) 12.9 0.0 25 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 108.1 pcf Silty sand Moisture Content: 12.9% Optimum moisture =16.1 % Laboratory No.: 8904 Project No. 103039 Client: Corridor Design Builders (CDB) / CH2MHILL Remarks: Project: Renton Stage H Sampled By: Client Renton WA Tested By: D. Hicks • Location: TP -2-09 Reviewed By: J. Revard, CET _ COMPACTION TEST REPORT KLEINFELDER INC. SIEVE SIZE % COBBLES % GRAVEL I % SAND % FINES PASS? (X=NO) #4 *CRS.FINE I CRS. I MEDIUM I FINE SILT CLAY 0 0 0 L 0 1 23 1 56 21 100 #16 99 #40 77 #50 49 #100 29 #200 21 MINE lillimilillimillilifi mililimmill mill IN 111 1 liiiinillillilmillilllls 1111111 111 liffinioloinillilliin II 1 IpA1 IA IINIIlIIII SIEVE SIZE % COBBLES % GRAVEL I % SAND % FINES PASS? (X=NO) #4 *CRS.FINE I CRS. I MEDIUM I FINE SILT CLAY 0 0 0 L 0 1 23 1 56 21 SIEVE SIZE PERCENT FINER SPEC." PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) #4 100 #10 100 #16 99 #40 77 #50 49 #100 29 #200 21 Soil Description Silty sand Moisture Content: 12.1% Laboratory No.: 8903 Atterbera Limits PL= LL= P1= Coefficients Dgr,= 0.549 D60= 0.348 D50= 0.305 D30= 0.163 D15= D10= Cu= Cc= Classification USCS= SM AASHTO= A-24(0) Remarks Sampled By: Client Tested By: D. Hicks Reviewed By: J. Revard, CET YZ-- (no specification provided) Sample No.: GB4 Source of Sample: Test Pit: TP -1-09 Date: 6/22/09 Location: TP -1-09 ElevMepth: 141 to 14.5' Client: Corridor Design Builders (CDB) / CHWHILL KLEINFELDER, INC. Project: Renton, WA O ZA N II � Y p O Z5 N II U 11 y N N ;„•t•• O rn tu 11 to r••: .., .,...: .:.. ;.. i.. r..r..r..: ..::...... n II C m >ci C>a rn = ,,,_ C -,O U Y N (co, :.. :. .: .. :..•.. .•... �..�. ”- O r O y N NO y N II O E n 0 p Y -n— d N .. .•...•...•. .. r r0- r W •� qU II_ n rn n m am no m ................ N - - j r Aro E LLN E p1 aEE CO : : : : :...�•. :..: �.Eo o �� E II d N U i :..:.....:. ..:..:..% :.. o = r q lC N O N M -- 'E- E- CCSC Y E L U Y� 7 Old ...;...:.......: ..:.....;. t _ = 2r ..........:.....:.. MO a :.. Cl) N U, r Cl) CM T O OCD PMO t0 a M N r O (ism) ssel3s JEe4S \� . . . . . . . . . . . . .O . . .................. .......................... ......................... ..... .. ................. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. Cp ........ ..... CD ...•...........:.....•. •. N OD O IS M .dO t�0 0 oMN0)Cl)MCl)M cm N— — — — — r —— r r r qsm) sseils ledbuud jofeyy 2 • RCRA Subtitle F (258)Seismic Design Guidance for Municival Solid Waste Landfill Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, EPA/600/R-95/051, April 1995. o o v i 3 X00 w y ci c w o chi .S ra T 3 o ro Y _ _O y �N V O daj TJ v`ni .-V 4 Ca 6i •� y y w $ C ce 3 wo ti O w0 ca .4') S�v V N O 00 d N CCd o ro a.. O ... ro A gyp+• « 41;V� ,,, vl N ° 'C7 C •N •� �^ �" � fV > G 4+ ~ O U ice-. -14 c C o 3 X0.9 +• u U ¢ °obi Wh O 3g�a ..: .�. a� Neoy .V+ LY S's V CO to °oma° a C TJ 'O .15 in U is y� U C. O y I. > ° Q) 'b `� N .y �" v Ute' V V y n; cE C O n1 tlq kms. yg Q ° z 7 Ei u .4 U A. '4 ACts. a -Nd Cd R 00 x d xx N a x rk w O � O a v O p A -N4 it C11 (may N V S V O O o 'D O O �• U d b it $ M O ¢ g II ° M -T et 8 !I ct it N O II P I{ N et O\ 00 C4 $II 15 d II p N U 4y � V it SN $ o s W (13fn II e !I V O O N o N O� N � O N w 3Cd A Co- r d _ ° Cd cam_ Q Cy o oo w y 0 �., O W : ° ° v, G v .. ca 3 a i. ca y 91 W v 'C N O7 O ,n -� id 0�0 y 00 o, v 03 c C z CK � � ° '~ a� o v �_ ani a F• 00 00 N .. cqs ago ea a c am` v (D% T 3 3 uta « ° ov b O 0 e» 03 01) m 8.E as > Q a • RCRA Subtitle F (258)Seismic Design Guidance for Municival Solid Waste Landfill Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, EPA/600/R-95/051, April 1995. - RCRA Subtitle D (258) Seismic Design Guidance for Municival Solid Waste Landfill Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, EPA/600/R-95/051, April 1995. N .-t II N M M M L*, Cj F v d' W c !I N N M w Qa P- 1 N n v M r bA yj •-• .., O 4 � CW,7 <C a .w ?u .moi O N Vb1 M M 4 tet' v N u �,,, •-+ .moi U A a A.V a�,qV 3 Z O 10 a U O - RCRA Subtitle D (258) Seismic Design Guidance for Municival Solid Waste Landfill Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, EPA/600/R-95/051, April 1995. 250 a 200 150 W P� 100 W 50 M + Richardson & Reynolds (1991) O Lopez Canyon 0 Operating Industries (011) Town of Babylon o Private Facility in Ohio A Pagotto & Rimoldi (1987) in Landva & Clark (1990) 0 a o a a 0 + i0 -�-- 24 kPa 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 NORMAL STRESS (kPa) • RCRA Subtitle D (258) Seismic Design Guidance for Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Facilities by Gregory N. Richardson, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Neven Matasovi, EPA/600/R-95/051, April 1995. 350 Figure 6.3 Bi -Linear Shear Strength Envelope for MSW (Kavazanjian et al., 1994). simple shear tests (regardless of the method of interpretation) are significantly higher than 200. If the field K,, consolidation coudi- 6011 is taken into account, the straizn-dependent mobilized shear strength in MSW in TXC tests becomes more consistent with back -calculated field and DS laboratory friction angles. The mo- biliaed strength of MSW TXC at a limiting strain of 5 beyond an in situ stress starter of KD=0.3 provides a secant friction angle on the order of 3842° for confining sn esses up to 21DO kPa. These values ate consistent with values interpreted from SS tests, which are also Km consolidated. Far the initial DS test series, in which shearing was in the Sam direction as the prefetred orientation of the fibrous materials within the waste, a nonlinear shear strength envelope can be de- fined that is independent of the amount of fibrous material in the MSW. As shown in Fig. 1(b), the secant friction angle reduces with inching confining. stress, similar to what is observed for many soils (Dumsn and Wright 20115). Tice DS strength of the Tri-Citics landfill waste materials from this initial test series may be defined by r=c+cr„ � tan(+.) (l) when t=sheat strength of Tri-Cfties MSV In direct shear; v„ =total normal stress; a=cohesion intercept; and a=normal stress dant friction angle given by A+ - log 71) (2) Pa where +.=friction angle, meastired at attatraw stress of I atm; D=change of the friction angle over I log -cycle chaetae of nor- mal stress; and pg=atmospheric; pressure (i.e., 101.3 Val, Setting c=15 kPa, the best fit envelope from. the initial series of DS tests gives 16,=41° and A*=12°: These values are consistent with the results of the TXC tests itimpreW on the basis of a limiting strain of 5% beyond an in situ stress, state of k=0.3. TX unloading tests indicate substantial unconfined compres- sive strength for consolidated MSW. These tests suggest that waste material that has been undear relatively high confining stress has relatively high strength its unconfined ctitndit ons, especially if it Inas been unkiadeif significantly before shearing. Tine fibrous nature of larger waste particles, particle interlocking, and stress history effects on the ''sa 4ike' finer 'cwatste fraction likely con- tribute to the relatively high strength of waste that has been un- loaded. Thews test results help explain field observations of unlopponted high vertical cuts in caasolidated MSW being stable for periods of menthe to years (Kavatzartjian et aL 1495; Eid et al. 20WU). The laburatary-derived strength values for MSW resulting from this work at generally consistent with strength values de- veloped through back anaiyasis of MSW sknpes (Kavatzanjian et ai. 1995; Eid et al. 2000). This suggests that the, tests conducted for this project were not compromised by particle size restrictions. On this basis, it appears that the inclusion of 80-100 nun par- ticles Of fibroins material may be sufficient to capture the reinforc- ing effect of fibrous waste on the smaller than 20 mm matrix material in the waste mass. However, additional testing using evert larger devices and particle sixes may be inquired to confirm this hypothesis. Fig. 12. Relationship of the secant value of friction angle with con- fining stress for dissect shear tests on MSW Recommerick tom 1cw rise hs Pr wdm Ge mrd Similar to soils, there is no unique set of MohrC unlomb strength parameters for MSW. The shear strength of MSW d4xnds on composition, unit weight. coof rung sates, stress history, stress path. and loading rate, among etherfaors. As one would expect, there is significant variability in the available strength data in the literature on MSW. However, the results of ibis comprehensive testing program of MSW in DS, TX. and SS devices, at various waste compositions; confining. stresses. %lining rats. etc. does provide a framework for integrating theavailabledata to develop general guidance for estimating the shear strength of MSW. ftft Satan SttscrtgM.of Af3W The expected stress path or shearing mode is a critical factor in evaluating the shear strength of MSW. In most cases, for shear deformation through the waste mass in an unlined landfill. DS tests provide a reasonable, conservative approximation of the shearing mode. Thetefore, the latae database available from DS truing of MSW provides a reasonable basis#or developittg Mohr - Coulomb strength parameters for MSW. A Vital of 103 large-scale DS tests (i.e., DS tests at last 30 X 30 cm in size and ars law as 122 X 122 can) were collected from eight other studies and com- bined with the Imp -scale DStests conducted on Tri -Cities MSW. The waste material. included in this date set is from landfills in Canada. Maine, Arizmna. Wisconsin, Caiiforaia, Italy, Colombia. and Brazil. Fig. 12 slows secant firiction mgtet versus normal stress fpr this comprehensive large scale DS data set. Although some scatter is observed (which is to be expected, particularly when variations in composidori, emit weight, and waste origin are considered), these results clearly show that the DS strength enve- tope for MSW is nonlinear and stress dependent, with the secant friction angle decreasing ars confining stress increases, Data from the Iarge-scak.MSWset described abov, are plotted in Fig. 1.3. A reasonable mean estimate of the stab shear strength of MSW for use is preliminary stability evaluation can be deveh4)ed from these dma. Using the c, ¢,„ A+ relation ship described in W (1) and (2). the DS static shear strengtho JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING aCt ASCE /JUNE 2W9/719 o LWWM and-CWk 1990 90 © fthwAaon and teynoids, 1992 4 Ha nOn et st. 106 v a t-a�cii�eratat. ls�e so icsusr ai Im et a 7949 70 4 caitoeltb Vit SL2002 ° 4 �tattMerarad ale Wnem Nom 2003 This X60 50 tl i? 40 0 30 p Q t1 00 b g 20 10 100 1000 10000 Fig. 12. Relationship of the secant value of friction angle with con- fining stress for dissect shear tests on MSW Recommerick tom 1cw rise hs Pr wdm Ge mrd Similar to soils, there is no unique set of MohrC unlomb strength parameters for MSW. The shear strength of MSW d4xnds on composition, unit weight. coof rung sates, stress history, stress path. and loading rate, among etherfaors. As one would expect, there is significant variability in the available strength data in the literature on MSW. However, the results of ibis comprehensive testing program of MSW in DS, TX. and SS devices, at various waste compositions; confining. stresses. %lining rats. etc. does provide a framework for integrating theavailabledata to develop general guidance for estimating the shear strength of MSW. ftft Satan SttscrtgM.of Af3W The expected stress path or shearing mode is a critical factor in evaluating the shear strength of MSW. In most cases, for shear deformation through the waste mass in an unlined landfill. DS tests provide a reasonable, conservative approximation of the shearing mode. Thetefore, the latae database available from DS truing of MSW provides a reasonable basis#or developittg Mohr - Coulomb strength parameters for MSW. A Vital of 103 large-scale DS tests (i.e., DS tests at last 30 X 30 cm in size and ars law as 122 X 122 can) were collected from eight other studies and com- bined with the Imp -scale DStests conducted on Tri -Cities MSW. The waste material. included in this date set is from landfills in Canada. Maine, Arizmna. Wisconsin, Caiiforaia, Italy, Colombia. and Brazil. Fig. 12 slows secant firiction mgtet versus normal stress fpr this comprehensive large scale DS data set. Although some scatter is observed (which is to be expected, particularly when variations in composidori, emit weight, and waste origin are considered), these results clearly show that the DS strength enve- tope for MSW is nonlinear and stress dependent, with the secant friction angle decreasing ars confining stress increases, Data from the Iarge-scak.MSWset described abov, are plotted in Fig. 1.3. A reasonable mean estimate of the stab shear strength of MSW for use is preliminary stability evaluation can be deveh4)ed from these dma. Using the c, ¢,„ A+ relation ship described in W (1) and (2). the DS static shear strengtho JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING aCt ASCE /JUNE 2W9/719 law. 0 Lamda add CWK 1990 ftdW*W*WftrwW1991 Co Ecindwetat, low 14W - X&AZ**W *t W. 19% h&%MvA9*D 01 SL 19N Wo,D d- I . . . ..... . . . . . . et st. 2= ui 4 MW -- and - - W 'kwrtWWo.2t1en3 I= 1] 0 am - Q 2=W 0 20 400 SW 9W IOW 12W %W %W IMO M NOT"M gress, kft 30 r 3W a n�rrir+a Sire (tan et al, 0 250 Now Aysersom 4a at. 2W)_ 200 ISO 0, Ice 0 OL a 50 t0a ISO 2W 250 300 350 J*XMit' SbVW kPa Fla. 13. Recommended static: shear stronlo of MSW based prima- rily on direct shear tests and •field.,observations of static slope stability �.. �tbdsl OW6" ­'1_­'_1_W"___Nh1__­1" 401ftimadawr, This envelope represents an estimate of shear strength along the plane of the preferred orientation of long particles within the waste, which is generally the horizontal play. AWJ"This recom- mended shear strength envelope is reasonably consistent with those recommended previously by KAvazaqiian et &1. (1995), Ma- nassero et al. (19917), and EW et al. (21M) but is bawled on sig- nificantly more large-scale in situ and laboratory data, as well as laboratory data at higher confining stresscs. Fig. 13 also includes points representing the four case bistodes of failed waste slopes back -calculated by FAd et al. (2000) ftm lawffifl sites in Maine. Cincinnati, eastern Ohio, and New Jersey. These back -calculated field data points lie within the scatter of the laboratory data. Avss"nwnt of AdMkiwl Fecftv Thd Atli the SAV,k Shaer S&wWh of NSW There are many cases when the failure plane cuts across the elon- gated fibrous particles in the waste mass. For instance, the back - scarp of a potential slide mass that cuts up through a waste zoo 0 MQ 4W WO 80 5000 100 V-i*'f'04Y2 400 ow IWO Fig. 14. Mobilized shear strength in large-scale triaxial compression tests using two different criteria: (a) isot.ropic, consolidation plus 5% axial strain (Wt fit 4.i=230. R1=0.27), (b) anisotropic consolidation to K,=0.3 plus 5% axial strain (best fit 4,-39P. R2=0.99) landfill also cuts across and engages fibrous particles in the waste man. to these cam, the DS, TX, and SS test results indicate that the shear strength of MSW on be significantly higher than that defined by DS testing on waste where its fibrous particles are oriented parallel to the sham plant. For these cases, higher strength values may be justified. Dus from this testing program wom,corobined with dam hom four otbet MW %oft: program that crap1layed TXC tab to define & TXC strength: crivetWe de- fined on the basis of mobilized shear stress at an "W 91*0 of 5% beyond the K,;=03 stress state. As shown in Fig. 14, the K, =03 plus 5% criterion reduces the scatter in test results consid- erably compared to a criterion based upon strain measured from the isotropic consolidation stress state. Ift M and TXLE tests perlormed as part Of fibs Widy Wficate that the peak. strength of waste with fibrous inclusions can be on the order of 50-01'. which is similar to the peak sftu& even- tually reached in TXC' tests, As opposed: to TXC tests, peak strength. is reached in TXE tests at relatively low levels of strain (i.e., 1-4%). Thus, a relatively high friction an&of 50r could be employed to characterize the waste strength in this tq0on of the sliding surface. However. some TXE too exhibited a reduction in strength past the peak, so consideration of posWA strain soften- ing would be required if such a large shear strength value was used in a stability analysis. Waste composition is typically an important factor in estimat- ing MSW properties (Ztkkos et al. 2006; ZeWs et &L 2008). This factor likely contributes to most of the scatter in the strength data roporteid in the literature, so it should be coitsidered. How- ever. the shear strength of MSW materials tested in this stu and by others for waste with constituents that are larger than 20 ram did not appear to vary significantly due to waste content when consistently interpreted. Waste composition does gmdy influence the shape of the stress -strain response observed in 1% testing with specimens with larger amounts of waste products, such as paper. plastic, and wood, having a greater tendency to exhibit upward curvature. However, when intmpreted on the basis of a K, plus 5% axial strain fa IM Ctiletia, differences due to waste composi- tion we minimized. Unit weight was also shown to be an important factor in this study. Variations in unit wd* of 5-20% could produce similar variations in the Measured shear Strength of similarly prepared MSW of similar composition. Strength increased as unit weight 720 / JOURNAL OF GEOTECHNICAL AND GEOENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING 0 ASCE I JUNE 2009 TP -7 515-7-06 515-64 / It R -0-05 Defoor Property Subsurface Investigation Locations 0 25 50 100 150 200 Feet 2 0 TP -15 TP -8 TP -7 515-7-06 515-64 / It R -0-05 Defoor Property Subsurface Investigation Locations 0 25 50 100 150 200 Feet Boning 1@ 0 0 190 feetPage 1 6 o n c 9ME L - :: �t Sf a Olson Olson Olson © v 0 0 4 E✓ ontl SIMON s �t ■ i , f't � SIMON SENSE s O.o®n _ SENSE EY u SENSE7 MINES x MINES i to MINES NINE■ _ 9 Olson loss■ - -- Boll ii MINIM loss■ EN Olson m loss I m BO Nw. Ml. m m m m Ok 4fci-, Am t —___ _ _ _= -_— ___- _ r 'r =a z.. MINES loons loons MINES loons Olson loons loo ns loons MINES MINES MINES ■■MO■ ..... MINES MINES Moons looms looms loss mWT%mA-lfw4*bhdm0f ORO r Ideld Creek 8= ®t Boring Log - Figure A-1 N �S s s� I I � m ®. mm Grom4IA� Deds FwveAW, tep*W and reaft (*M cuftp)ej Q .. ... . .......... ............ INNER RRFF �7��" loons a loons • .p SENSE J :.� MINES .° Mason MINES Epson ............... looms moons looms looms INNER o , : moons �� looms looms LL looms moons looms looms o Icicle Cretk- Engineers Boring Log - Figure A-3 I a rpt Iciele Creek Es Bming Log - Figure A-3 <a mea ENNIS t i ' NINON i t A ENNIS . > :. a monso t e MINES ENNIS Olson r ENNIS longs moons SIMON } o looms o.d moons m moons looms longs NINE■ NINE■ looms � NINEi Baring Log - Figure A-4 Icicle Cnek Test Pit Logs - Figure A-7 . , �y ... .-.a>�.��« Ice � « 2 / Test Pk Logs - Fid A -k I I I MEE I u -44 --XO-VIA 9 z V IV T. .17-77 T -MM T 4T, I 6F6 a ULI Lmo --- ------------ N, �7 44 1 Icids C -r -eek E, -nowen Test Pit, 1ps Test Pit,Logs - Figure A-9 AAL I j REMARKS ICSlaishisk. n Test Pit Logs - Figure A-11. Test Pit TP4:2 04M Sw.�� PROow 0 c c 0 711� .7-11 OWN - ICSlaishisk. n Test Pit Logs - Figure A-11. I Test Pit TP -15 In m Icicle Creek E nginsers Test Pit Logs - Figure A-13 AMIk =1ngttn state l.QG"f F TEST BORINGkertffrent of Transportation Jot t XL -2754 SREms, 15$.1? it project 14051$R41 5 Intenphapgo Improvements sly �uddrese: 1L�. B+6ansan Rd. S. antl t -40S srerl cod - 71 14e 515 4-W stwot 1 of 5 DOW 9mmkientt."LW- ly t}itf#s Smn At?gl 27, 2008 c„ ,, Maj_r 3, 20Q8 wap1�K Egtaprtienl CME 850 wt autohamrmrf station direst H0 6"xlO7' 4'x127` MWW4 Wet Rotq twsrtt my 175826 v 1301"r...6 Left do t4+np>fyc e County King __. suss .NW4;W secam 20 fuse 5 EWM Tawmt�a 23 N ♦ FieW SPY (N) # m*w co+ t 20 40 W 90 ROD FF >✓ OnaoirrlttN+rkit i5tl.0 r i I i I I I I I 1 I i 457.4 1 ! I k I 1 I E 1 I E k 156.0 I I { I I I i 6 P•1: SNty SAND; medkUtn dense, yeiiowisfi brown, moist I I i 10 H0060onsoa, HCl mac tion trot tested 155:0 1 1 I t 11 Length Recovered 1:6 8, Length Retained 1.0 ft 5 teee 1 t I i I 1 I 1 I t I I 153.0 ts" k ! I f I ! E 1 t$1.0 I I i f I 1 t ' U z Silty SAND, eery dense, very dark .y,*Wwish brown,:nxW. I i I i Honxtaeneotrs; 140 reaction ndt Jested 150.o f M I i E t6W4'? Length Rammed 19 ft, Length Ftelalnsd`0.0 ft 10 14g0 ( I 1 I ! I ( 1 148.0 f I I I I i I I taro I i I 1 i I i ! E I I I 146.0 I I f I I 1low 76 Esa tS ly SAND, very dense, very dart:yellowish brown, moist, (100x) Homogeneom. HCl meae ien ntAlasted 145.0 i i i i i i I L�rt n aecb refect o s rt, L ;Reatnsd 0.5 tt 15 144.0 i I 1 I I 143.0 1 I I t I I U2.0 i i I I I 1 I I 141.a I 1 1 I low U-4 Sandy SILT, very.dense. very.da* gray, dry. I i 1 I (tOpySry Homogenoom. HCI reaction M lasted 149 0 1 { i i Length Reroovered 0.4 ft LWQM Retained 0.4 tt sn 1 I i 1—L ' V1Washirrgton sten LOG OF TEST BORING Departmentof Transportation ,lob too: XL -2754 gq, 515 el mwn 158.8;6 (48.5 rtt. j 135 IM 120 115 S cwd HOLE No: -i.5.- 4-06 _......._ Shoot 2-- of ll.�6717 T79 t00Vr D- 811y SMDv vett' dense: y dark ,, dry, {19013'') C-tr Nesrtogettat+us, NG reardten so tested ROb ie # ovbrecl01tt, i, � lletiinedA2°ft 7{ SANDS7't7NE, mods at@:yegpw broom, medium 1. FF Cine SW* W"t 4ftd, very W01(fock, W reaction net 16 tasted spaosd fluid In fait cbndi�im, Ptiaroent tze�svl g� .tM6 ROD C-7 SANDSTONE yWbw sh - medlum' grained. 45 . m 9lYweathe�id, rriodet rvraak'rock; HCi FF tescsfloe►'`n tatted. 016CoMinpities ere: cioaaty spall 0, ertd G1 feEr corrdiHoo, ltt 2tt.y",a6iA tgltit (stit), 31.5 to 32' loose sand;, percwft Reavveredw.0% Rco C4 SANOMNE.bro" ms"ValrW moderately es weattarra 1. mc*'Wiataly, weak rook, HG nw4* an not F tested. Discxuitinuitles are c los* spaced and in fair 1.8 condition, Percent Re overed 91.0% ROD C 9 SANDSTONE, moderate yellow t wn'. med iumWained. 53 sl0* #w,*d, very week, rack, HCI reaction not 1F tasted. ,Otscantinrdties are cift y spsxaod seal ki fair 2 carnrl tion. int vetad 8tl.ti% ROD H C-10 SANDSTONE. art gray,, medium grained, fresh; aceCtr rvQak rook, HG reeeltorl not fid FF. D1:daNftintakies are q*od and in Weir 1 ron�tiart, YViti1 sUtsfrure !smiles. The_Wp �' was coat.. ; rAV Wastdngton State LOG 0-- TEST BORING of Transportation .bb Nd: XL2754 .._ sR 515 Ele ftn 159.0 ft (48.5 m) Protea 1--406/$R-515 4n*mhangg k0mverrNants Fiero SPT (w) » * m*kn f ww* F r �il uFfµ tztan`FkQD 110 90 25 is SW Card S TI HOLE Nm 4-W S4" 8 a 6 t?exxiptim of Nate W End orfbsthole hodnq at JA Itbelm gwtatd:efevation. a This (s o4mmaryr t afl of 1 est swing. admod dais ,ara diivgd-fron r viaruatfi4ld,idsritltis end te%ofstory fast dtia. Thea WSWlable tlg at:12': Ws timed the hole to, 9')' and ZS hours dhewa�F 1"1v. ras,at 80,2'. W6 pint aM #te fla'sm HwT OWN ajod the hole s- a;re -,q%o to 78. Ther'WmWA w,, a4 Sb 2'.. BE Washington State 'I/ Department of Transportation Job No XL -2754 SR 1-405 Renton LOG OF TEST BORING 405 Elevation 136.8 ft Start Card R-72554 HOLE No. CDB -6p-08 Sheet 4 of 5 Driller Henderson, Daniel Lic# 2742 Field SPT p Content DescriptionMoisture -gra 1 1 .1 :1 —mill 65 SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, highly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced and in fair Massive texture with moderately to closely spaced thininterbeds of coal (10 degrees).' 75 • 1 rw j SANDSTONE, light gray, coarse grained, highly weathered, 010 very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced and in /Massive texture_ /�Thin coal beds (20 degrees) from 81.0'to 82.0' 80-1 900 /� —55 %.. SANDSTONE,• gray, coarse grained, highly weathered, very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced and in Massive texture _ � 01-50 >• 10 V0'0 SANDSTONE,• gray, coarse grained, highly weathered, i♦ %a very weak rock. Discontinuities are moderately spaced and in Massive texhure• 1 • standpipe monumentinstalled on this boring. The implied accuracy of the borehole location information displayed • this boring •• is typically • sub -meter in MY) when collected by the HO Geotech 1/ • 1 • 11• •�c- 1 11 - - 4 A .71,:11 • 11 " ivtNasfsington Stato LOG OF TEST BORING D"artment of Ttanslrartation Sm cad R -BA XL2E £i 187" 4 h 4 .EE HOLT-No , dnhrisa.._._�_,.a:__..._._._m. S� .__._ Ems _4....:�..�..... Stsom — S at +� pi1.405 RENTON NICKEL & IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT Stan Match 3, 2OD5 _ C Mtn 4 2005 YYo ttO C 45 wY autohomrner�....,.. Ww" 175308,132 _ 1301599:823 _NW ata of ft ISN t f4 ,,, 20 , 5 Elm rawruaaa � �. a Stand" SpT # � 813—w ( j A m I pesoipAioe+ of NNast 3 3 (1) o a a, My SMD, with **W lwW =*I, ramts and fire Wvtod stand *0 dr .seal bEae9c, t minat toiling, Stratified; i E]lst'tiRd. ldr4E�i r+Wum, Lar* 1Mlrad i $ R ReWW 1;a It 04 C.C.S SM, M.C. = "% MC %4y SAND, *Eth wal arra "wft, vary loose, black, ma*t, ffdne W", SCatllEsd, DWupted, tram of day, Lano Ei wmrad 1,2: k Length Rftw" 1.O 1t 2 0-3 GS SM, WC ='V%' z MC UYUND, With hW* weathered anutat drunks cd 2 sa r drone, VWY ioale,. brwmmh' yaww, malst. Stratified, (4) D", (n*m wai ig conalsta of mrrp4slaly vis Wwod smAllane n*wd milk &Vuiar sari Wong that can be bmken chant by hand. t of Mask staining). 1 Leag0+ Remand 1.0 It, Langot R*Wbved 1.O It e 1 1344 Silly SAND with gnrwel, wNh rale grained sancl lens, 9 m"um darme ft" , wek t an*uod. very stt)s Willing washvigtors State LOG OF TEST BORING Deowtwt of TiansponsW ,)ob No SR 167 flavollan _14S1 l(J45.6 M 9 10 z 19 sm F tp 20 3D 40 7 sw rAd HOLE No st"w'—Z Co DMW-AvW"--jw Desatbw at MAt6ft i6w— starling sI 19,0'.— - — Length Recovered 0,2 ft. Length ltv*wd 0.2 ft 15 1 V-6 I Gr. SM. M.C, -12% 2A mC My SA14D w1h WvvW, very ftnte, gWbh brown, Moillt. 54 I 1 -:of dark OmAvn Omni (74) L==;5 ft, LW0 Rairoed 1, 0 ft I'm 04 Rio C.l Im FF a 95 FF "00 AW FF 0 "0" SANDSTONE, ftM yeawAah brown. fine gnained. C,mp*%* vraa std, V" we" rack. Dismritintsioes so vwY VAMYand In V.90 poor r nditfdn. =27raoswir dicafed by driller) . Longth 210.s ft, Lano Retained 04 ft SANDSTONE, light Wown. fine grained, highly weathemd, very weak fb& DIS=UnUbM OnS C10"tY spaced and in pont condition. Percent Re*Dvored 100, 0% SANDsTOW aghtbmwn, to grained, highly we"wmd, very weak rock. Discontinuities we very dos*y spaced and in fait condition. Percent Recovered 100.0% ra I 70 Washington Slat& LOG OF TF -ST BORING Department of Transportation No 7CL2066 SR 16 140.5 ft t461 M) Elmmmboti ppolaa "05R NTON NICKEL & IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT 14 [a 1"r Is is 20 21 swdard patftation ekmrsA to 20 30 SIX" Qml J3&ARU-- ".-- wm t4o -ARX-10-- - Shoal 3 at arimat Saw Vorla i " 2615 ROD C-10 SANDSTONE, light bromm, Me qfbifled, highly 100 FF w0aftrod, *00 Dlmicoftrtotloii we very V" sock ok** spaced and In good cort0lon, Pwwt Recovered ROD C-11 SANDVONE, light brown, the gatriad, highly0000 YY W 100 weathwed. "W week rda, D4=11nubms are very +r4 4 000% 10*00 00*0 $#*of $009 90## viiia iAapt ROD C-12 SANDSTONE With 02 "r of weathered low graide bibutOmm =01, browilishwww in colot, light gray* firie a*ata0*004 fw Voty VAsk,ro& on. and in tiak conditiiAii 00** ROD C-13 SANDSTONE. light bmwn to 4gtA gray. fine waWad. 00000 too highly wfuttlerad. Very we* mdL 01momikitifte are FF very voldely mmmd sod M good condition. Parasol Recovemd iiia I ROD C-14 SANDSTONE, light gray, fim qrainedhillbly weathered. 0006000 1 too very weak rocIt. Discontirtufts are very closely spaced -110004 OF and in good condb3n, Percent Recovered 100.0% '0000 40004 lose* Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING D"ftent of Transoonat;rin ,t -Aqw- sR6 ---41$l — m 6 Eleviltim ' ptoWj 1-406 RENTON NICKEL & IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT start Cald A.05,902 , --, HOLE PIC —4- DrOW%WY-KIP Lice to20 30 4D SFT HkrDe&*W3on of Mmpsl PW=MG is UjidSTONE, light qnliV.ii�Vfiifiii. highly w""rod, 1011 very weak rock. Discontinvilift are Y" C10601Y "Paced FF t Earid in good condition, Pe(WPt ReODVerad 100,0% -.22 ROD C-16 SANDSTONE with hodwiftl closed layom of sift and too Q organic, olhie gray to bladt bicolor, light gray, fm FF grefirted, ht* wmlllwlsd. vary wrack cods DiscontinWhas are very d0wly so** and in good o0dMon. Parowt Recovered 100,0% -24 so - Ran C-17 SANDSTONE with dosed horizontal seams of organic. 100 black In I=Wt. light gray, have grifined. highly weatimed, FF very weak m*; Discoriftuftles are very closely spaced 0 and in good cont Ptlon. Pmwt Recromd 100.0% ., I i l i i as 26 1 i 1 ROD C-18 SANDSTONE with horizontal dosed "arm of my low 100 grade biturntricus coal, black in color, light gray, fine rock. FF grained, highly weallhared, very weak Discentinufts am vary closely spaced and In good condition, Perow RemAred 100,0% 27 End of last hole boMq at 90 It below ground elevation This Is a uxmWy Log of rest Boring SoWRock desoripitione are derived Iran visual field Identifications and WxwW4ry 1W data. wow table in hofs over night rowft was 89-5'. installed 11 10 plazo Well at 600 With 10.W wAftd Sao diagram, (DY hob) 3MM so mm plazo ...... . ...... . i Adft Washington State LOG OF TEST BORING f7ryi�=rlr �t of Transportation stankcam -&263114 Job N....&-2754 SR __51.6 BoVation 15CO ft HOLE No. "6 Sheet pr*sq 1-405 f SR -S15 Interchange improvements ---- tkaer I3anmr Henderson Lia ._97 site s V K4 _nk MA4 80 rtWn IM.S _---.. _ inspearor MN Liw€ttirttot sUd June 2D, 206 Camplmtton June 200; 2006 Well IM Egwpmeltt CM3;8t90 with Autohommer Stearin t)ilset > voch"j 6 Mesad Rotary Naming 173219.7 Euft 1301605.9 Lafts* tongrtude. County King swmmd on NW/NW r.,,,cc:,., 20 gra ._ s Fwru1 M*WM content FM 20 40 00 SID FW ; DeWiOtbn of MaferW 153:b I I 1 I I I I 152.0 I I I I I ( I # 1gt',9 1 I ! I # l ! I 15E1.0 I 1 I f AA SAYSAN0,001prDebrio. Coal, Aob Cake, Glees ! ! I t 0V VY ttiooe ttte0lc, moiet, hodgVenoys; HCI 149.0 1 I { l 0 5 net fid; 1 a WFlWd Lose, brill behavior IIndksles l I i I '�' passible voids:: 148.0 k I I i L".0'ROODYW 6.5. LengM Retakred.0.6 1 0-2 Silly SAND Mer Debris. Coal, A h Cake, Gless Fragments,very loose, b", moist. homogericws. HCI 146.0 I: 1 I I 1 fiat "W. 100% Drill Flgld Lass. DrM aloha W Indicates E 1 I 1 1 (z) Possis b Voids- 145:0 ! I ! I Racw ed 03 n' tanoh Retained 0,3 ft D.3Sk Alli 011er Debris. CosbAAsh Cake, Class l 1 i I 1 Fv4rterlts4 very toase, very Palo brown moist: 10 1444 I i. I ' lxw*genQus, HO natteste& silk b;j: AuM, Loss. I ! 1 I (2) Leagfb Reeaysred 0.41L Lengill l3efafned A.41i. j I fg3ai i i i 1 I i I f 142.0 i l I I I 1 I ! 1 0+ Silly SAN® Boller Debris, Coal, Ash C "i Giaae iI t! 1I Fre"Ws, rW",, very pale brown mast 141.0 IMUMVVM ee..,3FlulLass . I I { 1 fsi Recovered tk2 R Lend Retafned 0.2'It 1400 I 0,t E I I I I 1 I 2 Debris. Coal, Ash CoM, Glass 2 F�SAND'5010 t>ents' vary k�oara; biadc, moist,, hortc+geriou#, NCI 15 139.0 i 1 not tested,1007L DriN Fluid Losy.. Reoovered:45 RebO S i I 1 I (3) 139.0 I I I i I I I 137.0 E ( I I I 1 ! ! 1 t? 8` Silly SAND-9dW Debris, COW, Ash Cake, Blass l I I 1 0 FreWrOtts, very loose, blecK nlolK 91Wiled. HGI not, 136.6, I 1 1 I 0 tested.1'Q0lii DdN FMdd Lass. I I I 1 (0) Length ReMrered .0.7 !t. Ler'P Reed 0.7 R t35<0 I i I ! i 1 Silty SAND BoW Debris, Coad. AA Cake, Blass i 1 Fraga'aft very loose. very Pais brown, molK 20 AMkh Washington state Departnaertt of Transpwtation ibb No _XL -2754 SR 515 1-405 ISR -545 ln!vpcham lTprovaTenis LOG OF TEST BORING Ejevetjon 154.0 6(46:9 MT)— Start Cato ja-444 HOLE No, _1J_fE_"6 Sheet 2 p( 6 nro. DaMv Henderson H&m 2742 T Paw SST (N) Mows cWtent MW 20 40 60 $9 810wor (N) Onftr A Re FF DswAptfork of Materiel h6mopnous, HCI not tattled, 100% Drill' Fluid Lon. Length Rocovered 0.3 & Wngth Rv4iiriad0.3 M D-8 Silly SAND Soyer Debris. Coal, Ash Coke, Gass FmWrmtg 'vary106s very pale brown moK homo�pqnous. Adt'noet'Zoted, 100% 1 Fluid Lose. (21 LonoAscovered, 0.2 It Length ftalafnarl;0.2 ft D-0 Sky.&AND with 9"wel, Bose, olive brown, moist 3 stratified. MCI not tested, Tm"*Ktri GWoWTilt at26.O 26-- 2 ft 1.6no Recovered 0.5 fL L*vM Retained 0.5 ft. Silly SAND with gravel. 0shoei bW#9W. moist stratified. HCI not lested, 850Drill Fluid Ralum. Length Recovered 1.6 ft, Leno RoWned 1.51. (32) >>4 14 D. -I I N vF -own moist #yGM Jverydense oweW 4W horito'wlm Maottested.100 DrillFluid Relum 30-- Length Ptecovvrad oA ft Length Rateinea 0.1 I't 5.0 1342 Poorly oradecl SAND with trace aft Dan dslone,)i very 01.13 dense, pale brown, moist sirvillied, HCl rot tasted, 35 ConW *11h Sandstom belween 30.2 ft. and 34.0 ft, U"M Rew4eW-D.5 ft. Length Retained 0,51L ROD C-14 No Rmovery 26 SANDSTONE, medium grained, dusky yellow, Wghly weathered, very weak rock visconlinum" we very closely spaced and poor condition. Recovered: 23% ROD- 0 FF: 20, Note Drllrq bot*vW faftates possible voids, 35.5 & to 39.0 8.100% Drill Auld, loss. 40 -- ROD C45 SANDSTONE, medium qralaed. moderate* wealfwW. very weak rock. Discontinuftlet are very rely spaced FF and In goon condition. Recovered- 100% RQD: W FF - 1.0, Iran Stsinft Throughout ' "' Washington SWee Department of'Transport&(;DA job :No &-27$4 SR 515 135 LOG OF TEST BORING sw cwd —* 9► _... f 54.0 tt (4f:8 mj HOLE No. M 5- " , stew B of - .A --P 1-405 t SR -515 tMe[*uMe_ lTpmn#s tom.. Danny Huta rson Ue# 2L T Fold SPT (N) ak"ff it (a mar � of Mbit R0© __ — � � fn I i 2 t5 10 End of test hale boft at, 20.0 it,b bground elevation. This is a sumfnary Lap of Test Said Sc t lcdc desodpbons am do:! fn3 n visual td identttlt 3Wns and WboWory test data, Water level before beft 7.3, betted txx hok water levet to W After 18 hrs mhv,* x741. UP"iNast gecn state LOG OF TEST BORING tfepartrnent of transportation Stan owd $ 2Q 11 . .sok, No XL -2754 SR 515 6levoW 165.3 ft HOLE NO. shoe 1 of 3 t-4tilri / -515 hrChanga Improvertients Rdner _liendarsart. t}annv l.le# _��_. 'a AddneIn A. Pgar Ave end S7th 4 _ inspector tie"w"amins Stant October S. 2006 emoofto Oerotter 9.20(18 We61 los EgUpment CME 850 with Autohitrttmar orrw HoW DW 4 Method " Wet notary Nbrthirg 175263 13p1808 Lem L000wde cowty KhV astAosizo„ NW1/4 of MOM a.m— 20 e,.::.._ 5 €tame Psw SPT (N) Moisture c4ntom RGIE+: 20 4o e0 ti0 and!or RQO ft 3 1✓ + 1SowApGon of MdwW { I I I I ! I No samples CWWded between O.OR to 20.5it. t i 1 t l I ( I i I t j 6- I I 1 ! I I I ! I I I 1 14&0 145:0 I f I 1 l I I t I I I 1 I I I 1 1 f ! i I 13 I ! I I I I I I 1 I 4 6 i I i i 140.0 I ( I ) 1 I 1 I 1 I t 1 t I ! I I I I I f I I I 20 1 1 I I I I I I 1 ) 1 I I 1 t VilsshirlgronStme LOG QF TEST BORING � ' t)epsrkrbrtt oiTransportation SW Catd , ob N4 XL 27'54gR 515 r ib, 156.3 ft HOLe 1o. _ Sheep_ of 3 prate I-05 l SR-5161nte chanp !Tprovarnant5 Wow endgr_g ,,,CkannY ut* 2742 c -r Fiord SPT (N) mowsw, mofetum Content aMr a Desuipon of N obviel Po ROD J ' FF _ 20 40 So so I I I l I i I I C-1 = Si SAND Wkh graven, t va gm$; wet. strattfrett, Earn HQ bottom 185 ri7' ofdeliris, from I i I 1 22:7 to 23:4' reddish brown sand with rounded 1 i I I gravel and the remairlder was olive grey silty and with tine sub r0trrxlad girtt'vartical:sand lam tae.. i k I i f t i t I 1 I i f i I 1 Langth Rere*� it. Length Retained fl. 2k ( ! I I I k 1 I i I l i f I f 1 t i I G2 My SAND with gravel, ohm Vey, wet, siratlRed, HC3 riot 130 l 1 1 1 11848d, 40% water lass anti the bodom .4' wfgt Sand i I 1 I sibnal *"I*. The Core wasn't kept but photo's were I I I Mot l l t 1 i I f I E I t 1 I 1 I Length Recovered: It. Length Retained: ft. 30 l I I i 1 I i I I I i f 1 I i I i C -a SAWDS dt , rt odurn grained, highly weathered. very 126 I i i weak rock, Disc orttirurlUea are y spaced and In poor i I ! 1 condition. Recoteu edsi 096 RQD:35 FF. m I i 1 I ! i f I I i I E I I 35 i I I G-4 SANDSTONE. medium grained, moderately weathered. 120 I very weak rock, i7lacontinuilles are closely spaced and In I poorcmhsiltion. Recovered.100% R00:63 FP2 s� ! I 40 I I I i C4 SANDSTONE. Dlaom4nuftles pare 0 and in 0. 145 i i k I I{ gyt, RQf3:0 FF.0, Mb sanded in and had to E I I I I I I 1 over -team to depth, therefore losfrtig the core. ra i I I I l I I I t i I I ! I t l ! 1 I emll� VVashirtgton date ���� tMparhnent of"frartapottetion Job No &2754 RR 515 110 70 Fuld SPTNI pp*' Mdat m conwo GGp RW, LOG OF TEST BORING stmd cam S�1 ElevaU,n 156:3 ft HOLE No. AI 7- 06 Sheet 3. of 3' 04111W . H�@p eMn, Danny Lid►_2742 DoscriptiOA of MBemial C4 SANDSTONE, medium grained, fthtly weafiierad, very weak rock, Disoorillnu#ies are WW* spaced and to fair condidon. Romdred:100% RQD:93 FRO C 7 $ANDStOt4E , rrted Wn gmkted, stiphtly wea#MW, very weak rook, DisaordImAlft wewidety spaced and In folr condidon. Reoovered:100% ROD:100" FF:O End of teat hole bor€rtg at 55.51f below grwxi elevation. This te•a sum nw y Log of Test:Bor81g. WI/Rock sNscrtplforts are derived f m visual geld kiatlNflcaktrns and 1, orstory test data. Note: REF- tPT Refusal Boring B-5 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 200 feet Page 1 of 2 m Soil/Rock Profile u- C: Groundwater LL c ° o Description a a s E Comments Observations a mcorn _�E d 0 Forest duff and topsoil - 0- ----- ------ -..................................................... - ------------------ Brown silty fine to medium SAND (completely weathered - "` - --- SM -------- bedrock) 5------- - -- - --------- - - --- -- ---- ---- ---- ------------------------------- Brown medium -grained SANDSTONE (slightly weathered, ---- Rock --- --- ' Bedrock encountered at S .:::,:.; very weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 5 feet 10 `.' Rock 1 -r ------................... very --------------------------------- Light gray rriedlumgralned SANDSTONE (fresh. very week)(RentoFornationbedrock) • •. ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Light brown medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very - - ----------- ------------ weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) '...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark brown CARBONACEOUS SHALE (fresh, very weak) ------- ......... 15 15 Renton Formation bedrock ( ) Rock Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 20 ': Rock . 20- -25 Rock . 25- -30 Rock 3 35 Rock . 35 40 Rock 4 5 Rock . 45 50 5 See Figure 4 for explanation of symbols Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 5 c E Boring B-5 Page 2 of 2 Soil/Rock Profile LL L.L 0Groundwater 0 0 1 '0 Description !E *5 .2 a.- Comments ry Observations LCL D 0) 0 cc .2 MO A E CL (D 1-50 I Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very Rock 50- - weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) I 55 -(Renton ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Dark brown CARBONACEOUS SHALE (fresh, very weak) ------- ------------ Formation bedrock) Rock 55— ------------------- --------------------------------------------------- BlackCOAL (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation ------------ ----------- -----....Black NO. 3 COAL SEAM bedrock) (coal seam intact from 57 - 70 feet - not mined) —60 Rock ■ 60- —65 Rock 65- -70 -�� ------ - -------------------------------------------------------- tgray u"rafned SANDSTONE (hash, very week) (Renton 70 - No groundwater observed Boring completed at 71 feet on April 27, 2009 -75 75- -80 80- -85 85- -90 90- -95 95- 10 10 act; r1gurc -t for CxPlananon 01 SYMOOIS Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 5 ai z t F v Boring B-10 Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 186 feet Page 1 of 2 m Soil/Rock Profile a� U_ a� U_ C: c o Groundwater a Description a 8_ Q.=�=p Comments Observations y N l0 O% J __ y '� N 5• E U fM 0 CL y 0 Forest duff and topsoil 0- ---- 1-1 . -------- -- --- ......---- ........................... . .. ...... Brown silty fine to medium SAND (completely weathered ----- SM -------- bedrock) Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very W , ------------ Rock ----- Bedrock encountered at weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 5 feet 10 :. Rock 1 15 :. Rock . 15 20 Rock 2 25 ::. Rock . 25 30 :•. .::.: Rock 3 Dark brown CARBONACEOUS SHALE (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 35 Rock . 35- 5------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- ...................... .......... Black COAL (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation ............ - NO. 3 COAL SEAM bedrock) (coal seam intact from 36 - 49 feet - not mined) 0 Rock . 40- -45 Rock 45 Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very weak) -'. ------------ Rock ----------- 50 (Renton Formation bedrock) 5 See Figure 4 for explanation of symbols Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 10 9 n Boring B-10 Page 2 of 2 m Soil/Rock Profile LL N LL O C Groundwater DescriptionC Comments Observations a J _ 02 fn 0 3 50 Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very Rock . 5 :. weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 55 :.: Rock . 55 60 No groundwater observed 60- Boring completed at 59 feet on April 27, 2009 -65 65- -70 70- -75 75- -80 80- -85 85- -90 90- -95 95 10 10 ow av5—+ ave—FIMiaeVu vt SyulVplS Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 10 a; z 5' Boring B- I I Approximate Ground Surface Elevation: 185 feet Page 1 of 2 m Soil/Rock Profile a� LL LL c °Groundwater a Description a � $ 0- Comments Observations a m 120 o _ 1 E m o N 0 Forest duff and topsoil, ..�- 0— .................................. . ........... .......------------- ----- - Brown silty fine to medium SAND (completely weathered ' --------- - SM ------------ bedrock) ---------------- - Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very - - Rock ' Bedrock encountered at weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 5 feet 10 Rock lo— 15 =. Rock 15 20 - Rock . 2 25 Rock . 25 30 Rock 3 35 ;.. . • ' :'. .'.: Rock 35 Dark brown CARBONACEOUS SHALE (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) 40 Rock 4 ----------------•-------••-------------------............................................ Black COAL (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation ......................... NO. 3 COAL SEAM bedrock) (coal seam intact from 41 - 52 feet - not mined) 5 Rock 45- 50 1 50-1 See Figure 4 for explanation of symbols Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 11 r. a T Boring B- I I Page 2 of 2 m Soil/Rock Profile LL C Ground Water N LL c 0 o Description C � a E Comments Observations :7 J _ 'p N J Q 50 Black COAL (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation Rock ■ NO. 3 COAL SEAM 50 bedrock) (coal seam intact from ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------ -- -- --- 41 - 52 feet - not mined) Light gray medium -grained SANDSTONE (fresh, very weak) (Renton Formation bedrock) a 55 :-: Rock . 55 60 No groundwater observed 60- Boring completed at 59 feet on April 27, 2009 65 65- -70 70- -75 75- -80 80- 85 85- -90 90- -95 95 10 100 0c rigwv y avi capiausuun ui bymo015 Icicle Creek Engineers Boring Log - Figure 11 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM 2 3 I405 Renton Stage 2 4 Defoor Property Reinforced Soil Slope; Aids to 5 Interpreting Slope Stability Results 6 PREPARED FOR: FILE PREPARED BY: Roch Player DATE: June 29, 2009 7 8 As part of the design process for Defoor Property Reinforced Soil Slope, the computer 9 program SLIDE v. 5.0 (Rocscience, 2008) was used to design the length of reinforcing 10 required to meet the minimum factors of safety (FS) outlined by FHWA (2001) and WSDOT 11 (2008). Chapter 7 of FHWA outlines the step to design reinforced soil slopes (RSS). The 12 Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) Geotechnical Design Manual (GDM) 13 gives the minimum criteria for embedment length, vertical spacing of reinforcement, and 14 backfill type for RSS built as part of WSDOT projects. 15 The following general steps were done for the stability analyses: 16 1. Cross-sections were created from the grading model for the Defoor Property. 17 2. Subsurface sections along the Defoor Property were created in SLIDE based on field 18 investigations and intrepratations of the subsurface. 19 3. SLIDE was run to determine the FS of the slope without reinforcing and the surfaces 20 with FS<1.5 were plotted on the output. Analytical methods include Spencer's and 21 GLE/Morgenstern Price. These two methods were chosen based on their satisfying 22 both force and moment equilibrium. 23 4. Trial configurations of reinforcing were developed based on WSDOT minimum criteria 24 and the surfaces with FS<1.5 determined during step 2. 25 5. Reinforcing lengths were varied until no surfaces with a FS less than the minimum 26 passed through the middle or behind the reinforcing. This was done for static stability 27 (FS>=1.5) and seismic stability (FS>=1.1) for both global and block sliding. 28 6. Both FHWA and WSDOT do not allow secondary reinforcing to be considered in global 29 stability analysis, therefore surfaces with FS much less than the minimum still are 30 identified in the SLIDE analysis. These correspond to shallow, face stability issues 31 which are addressed in the design through the use of secondary reinforcing, wrapped 32 facing, and vegetation. These surfaces, however, are plotted on the SLIDE output and 33 are the minimum FS given in the text output. EVR/STABILITYANALYSESINTERPRETATION REVA_062909.DOC COPYRIGHT 2009 BY C112M HILL, INC. • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL 1 7. The surfaces with FS less than the minimum required are the only surfaces shown on the 2 graphical output. All other surfaces calculated by SLIDE have FS greater than the 3 minimum. 4 8. These steps were repeated for different locations with varying embankment heights. 5 9. Plotted outputs are provided for only the final design reinforcement spacing, elevation, 6 and embedment. EVRISTABILITYANALYSESINTERPRETATION REVA_0629D9.DOC COPYRIGHT 2009 BY CH2M HILL, INC. • COMPANY CONFIDENTIAL O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O W O O f r --I r -I N N (`') Cn d' d, Ln Ln to 4-4 7 -r----T-_� ----------- 11 _ _T- OOZ _T-�_ 00 L O LO O cz U) (D CL O U) -0 _ (1) _o _0 m (D U) i +, LL p N O �- O 65- Lo N O II 4-a O7 O W � T O i O � � O °o.°'� OC (D cn �� N v LO 0)Co 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o U-) o Ln o r-4 O O r -I �-i N N M M tet' d' Ln to �,p > - -- __� _ _. ..___. t a 4-4 005 00t, TOZ r �o O LO r r 0 N N O O LO O T (Z 4-4 U) N Q _O .O C/) 7C3 N O � O � N � � N T II (� O 0) LL Q •- O i 7(5CL 0 0 0) oo cn Q OLOE U 0 cn O C N .- (n (n O O o O O O O O O O O o Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln O Lr) O Ln O w O O r -I c- I N N M M fit' d" I n In l0 >+ - - -T I 0 5 - -00v 006 ooz 00 t r L Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta10+50_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 0.729718 Center: -13.366, 241.735 Radius: 26.666 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1.997, 219.940 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 8.342, 226.248 Resisting Moment=5609.3 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7686.95 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148.805 lb Driving Horizontal Force=203.922 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 0.729772 Center: -13.366, 241.735 Radius: 26.666 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1.997, 219.940 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 8.342, 226.248 Resisting Moment=5609.72 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7686.95 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148.81 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=203.913 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 17800 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 691 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 278 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 4 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17800 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 691 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 278 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 4 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -335.705 -407.017 230.735 -3.273 230.735 -3.273 450.743 -407.017 450.743 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -293.624 131.949 -170.632 162.424 -163.129 165.310 -158.902 166.252 -133.057 171.786 -66.140 182.890 -38.650 192.096 -26.857 193.961 -24.615 194.768 20.000 201.918 Material Boundary -272.705 148.955 -261.506 150.593 -241.689 155.135 -227.238 159.541 -207.917 167.773 -205.990 168.266 -187.357 173.529 -173.573 177.346 -172.793 177.548 -171.543 177.827 -149.834 180.728 -137.872 183.030 -109.599 185.386 -99.795 186.061 -96.507 186.831 -72.204 193.123 -57.388 196.753 -51.570 198.283 -32.834 203.594 -30.884 204.193 -29.639 204.683 -12.146 212.470 -7.503 214.527 Material Boundary -400.000 118.632 -335.705 122.528 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -283.971 144.680 External Boundary 20.000 68.632 20.000 201.918 20.000 228.129 18.007 228.048 12.475 227.822 12.261 227.901 11.749 228.071 8.764 226.489 7.684 225.872 0.264 218.132 -0.132 217.791 -1.097 217.363 -1.755 217.243 -1.830 217.231 -5.107 215.250 -6.104 214.663 -6.632 214.340 -7.503 214.527 -9.260 214.904 -11.560 215.341 -14.399 215.225 -24.873 214.746 -33.717 214.288 -41.314 213.840 -47.937 213.394 -53.785 212.941 -59.010 212.477 -60.456 212.336 -63.895 212.031 -68.453 211.626 -72.665 211.252 -76.570 210.905 -80.198 210.767 -83.580 210.864 -86.739 210.954 -89.696 211.039 -92.470 211.118 -95.078 211.193 -112.615 211.746 -137.134 211.992 -170.260 190.000 -171.079 189.454 -235.791 162.463 -244.022 158.439 -244.341 158.332 -244.729 158.201 -245.211 158.040 -245.824 157.834 -246.630 157.566 -247.735 157.197 -249.344 156.663 -251.898 155.815 -253.935 155.137 -256.661 154.239 -268.036 150.493 -272.705 148.955 -279.865 146.597 -281.853 145.669 -283.971 144.680 -287.048 146.242 -288.002 146.726 -290.884 146.306 -312.314 146.401 -344.898 146.918 -350.292 146.663 -384.657 127.024 -397.952 119.786 -400.000 118.632 -400.000 68.632 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta10+50 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 - Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 SupportI Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 0.729718 Center: -13.366, 241.735 Radius: 26.666 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1.997, 219.940 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 8.342, 226.248 Resisting Moment=5609.3 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7686.95 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148.805 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=203.922 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 0.729772 Center: -13.366, 241.735 Radius: 26.666 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: 1.997, 219.940 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 8.342, 226.248 Resisting Moment=5609.72 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7686.95 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148.81 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=203.913 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16420 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2071 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 278 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 104 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1280 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16417 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2074 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 278 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 104 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1283 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -407.017 230.735 -3.273 230.735 -3.273 450.743 -407.017 450.743 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -293.624 131.949 -170.632 162.424 -163.129 165.310 -158.902 166.252 -133.057 171.786 -66.140 182.890 -38.650 192.096 -26.857 193.961 -24.615 194.768 20.000 201.918 Material Boundary -272.705 148.955 -261.506 150.593 -241.689 155.135 -227.238 159.541 -207.917 167.773 -205.990 168.266 -187.357 173.529 -173.573 177.346 -172.793 177.548 -171.543 177.827 -149.834 180.728 -137.872 183.030 -109.599 185.386 -99.795 186.061 -96.507 186.831 -72.204 193.123 -57.388 196.753 -51.570 198.283 -32.834 203.594 -30.884 204.193 -29.639 204.683 -12.146 212.470 -7.503 214.527 Material Boundary -400.000 118.632 -335.705 122.528 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -283.971 144.680 Material Boundary -188.950 182.000 -179.973 182.000 Material Boundary -179.359 186.000 -171.186 186.000 External Boundary 20.000 68.632 20.000 201.918 20.000 228.129 18.007 228.048 12.475 227.822 12.261 227.901 11.749 228.071 8.764 226.489 7.684 225.872 0.264 218.132 -0.132 217.791 -1.097 217.363 -1.755 217.243 -1.830 217.231 -5.107 215.250 -6.104 214.663 -6.632 214.340 -7.503 214.527 -9.260 214.904 -11.560 215.341 -14.399 215.225 -24.873 214.746 -33.717 214.288 -41.314 213.840 -47.937 213.394 -53.785 212.941 -59.010 212.477 -60.456 212.336 -63.895 212.031 -68.453 211.626 -72.665 211.252 -76.570 210.905 -80.198 210.767 -83.580 210.864 -86.739 210.954 -89.696 211.039 -92.470 211.118 -95.078 211.193 -112.615 211.746 -137.134 211.992 -170.260 190.000 -171.079 189.454 -179.359 186.000 -188.950 182.000 -235.791 162.463 -244.022 158.439 -244.341 158.332 -244.729 158.201 -245.211 158.040 -245.824 157.834 -246.630 157.566 -247.735 157.197 -249.344 156.663 -251.898 155.815 -253.935 155.137 -256.661 154.239 -268.036 150.493 -272.705 148.955 -279.865 146.597 -281.853 145.669 -283.971 144.680 -287.048 146.242 -288.002 146.726 -290.884 146.306 -312.314 146.401 -344.898 146.918 -350.292 146.663 -384.657 127.024 -397.952 119.786 -400.000 118.632 -400.000 68.632 Support -179.359 186.000 -154.359 186.000 Support -174.564 188.000 -149.564 188.000 Support -170.261 190.000 -145.261 190.000 Support -167.248 192.000 -142.248 192.000 Support -164.235 194.000 -139.235 194.000 Support -161.223 196.000 -136.223 196.000 Su ort -158.210 198.000 -133.210 198.000 support -155.197 200.000 -130.197 200.000 Su ort -152.185 202.000 -127.185 202.000 Support -149.172 204.000 -124.172 204.000 Support -146.159 206.000 -121.159 206.000 Support -143.146 208.000 -118.146 208.000 Support -140.134 210.000 -115.134 210.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta10+50_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.944270 Axis Location: -170.975, 264.117 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -178.205, 186.481 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -113.204, 211.752 Resisting Moment=4.85604e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.49761e+006 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=56180.5 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=28895.3 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.946480 Axis Location: -169.422, 264.200 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -177.071, 186.954 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -112.215, 211.733 Resisting Moment=4.7653e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.44816e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=56036.5 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=28788.6 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2139 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7862 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2848 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2989 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2025 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2144 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7857 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2782 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 3058 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2017 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -180.769 185.412 -151.678 185.412 -112.615 211.746 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -293.624 131.949 -170.632 162.424 -163.129 165.310 -158.902 166.252 -133.057 171.786 -66.140 182.890 -38.650 192.096 -26.857 193.961 -24.615 194.768 20.000 201.918 Material Boundary -272.705 148.955 -261.506 150.593 -241.689 155.135 -227.238 159.541 -207.917 167.773 -205.990 168.266 -187.357 173.529 -173.573 177.346 -172.793 177.548 -171.543 177.827 -149.834 180.728 -137.872 183.030 -109.599 185.386 -99.795 186.061 -96.507 186.831 -72.204 193.123 -57.388 196.753 -51.570 198.283 -32.834 203.594 -30.884 204.193 -29.639 204.683 -12.146 212.470 -7.503 214.527 Material. Boundary -400.000 118.632 -335.705 122.528 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -283.971 144.680 Material Boundary -188.950 182.000 -179.973 182.000 Material Boundary -179.359 186.000 -171.186 186.000 External Boundary 20.000 68.632 20.000 201.918 20.000 228.129 18.007 228.048 12.475 227.822 12.261 227.901 11.749 228.071 8.764 226.489 7.684 225.872 0.264 218.132 -0.132 217.791 -1.097 217.363 -1.755 217.243 -1.830 217.231 -5.107 215.250 -6.104 214.663 -6.632 214.340 -7.503 214.527 -9.260 214.904 -11.560 215.341 -14.399 215.225 -24.873 214.746 -33.717 214.288 -41.314 213.840 -47.937 213.394 -53.785 212.941 -59.010 212.477 -60.456 212.336 -63.895 212.031 -68.453 211.626 -72.665 211.252 -76.570 210.905 -80.198 210.767 -83.580 210.864 -86.739 210.954 -89.696 211.039 -92.470 211.118 -95.078 211.193 -112.615 211.746 -137.134 211.992 -170.260 190.000 -171.079 189.454 -179.359 186.000 -188.950 182.000 -235.791 162.463 -244.022 158.439 -244.341 158.332 -244.729 158.201 -245.211 158.040 -245.824 157.834 -246.630 157.566 -247.735 157.197 -249.344 156.663 -251.898 155.815 -253.935 155.137 -256.661 154.239 -268.036 150.493 -272.705 148.955 -279.865 146.597 -281.853 145.669 -283.971 144.680 -287.048 146.242 -288.002 146.726 -290.884 146.306 -312.314 146.401 -344.898 146.918 -350.292 146.663 -384.657 127.024 -397.952 119.786 -400.000 118.632 -400.000 68.632 Focus/Block Search Window -177.722 186.683 -177.722 184.523 -167.759 184.523 -167.759 187.109 Focus/Block Search Window -164.688 187.109 -164.688 184.443 -145.859 184.443 -145.859 187.190 Support -167.248 -179.359 186.000 -154.359 186.000 Support -174.564 188.000 -149.564 188.000 Support -170.261 190.000 -145.261 190.000 Support -167.248 192.000 -142.248 192.000 Support -164.235 194.000 -139.235 194.000 Support -161.223 196.000 -136.223 196.000 Support -158.210 198.000 -133.210 198.000 Support -155.197 200.000 -130.197 200.000 Support -152.185 202.000 -127.185 202.000 Support -149.172 204.000 -124.172 204.000 Support -146.159 206.000 -121.159 206.000 Su ort -143.146 208.000 -118.146 208.000 Support -140.134 210.000 -115.134 210.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta10+50 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support: 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.281810 Center: -235.425, 362.740 Radius: 195.189 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -222.578, 167.974 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -111.767, 211.719 Resisting Moment=2.0829e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.62496e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=97859.5 lb Driving Horizontal Force=76344.5 Ib Method: gle/moraenstern-price FS: 1.281090 Center: -235.425, 362.740 Radius: 195.189 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -222.578, 167.974 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -111.767, 211.719 Resisting Moment=2.08171 a+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.62496e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=97858.8 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=76387.4 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15925 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2566 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 8 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 2149 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 15938 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2553 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 220 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 188 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 2137 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -407.017 230.735 -3.273 230.735 -3.273 450.743 -407.017 450.743 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -293.624 131.949 -170.632 162.424 -163.129 165.310 -158.902 166.252 -133.057 171.786 -66.140 182.890 -38.650 192.096 -26.857 193.961 -24.615 194.768 20.000 201.918 Material Boundary -272.705 148.955 -261.506 150.593 -241.689 155.135 -227.238 159.541 -207.917 167.773 -205.990 168.266 -187.357 173.529 -173.573 177.346 -172.793 177.548 -171.543 177.827 -149.834 180.728 -137.872 183.030 -109.599 185.386 -99.795 186.061 -96.507 186.831 -72.204 193.123 -57.388 196.753 -51.570 198.283 -32.834 203.594 -30.884 204.193 -29.639 204.683 -12.146 212.470 -7.503 214.527 Material Boundary -400.000 118.632 -335.705 122.528 Material Boundary -335.705 122.528 -283.971 144.680 Material Boundary -188.950 182.000 -179.973 182.000 Material Boundary -179.359 186.000 -171.186 186.000 External Boundary 20.000 68.632 20.000 201.918 20.000 228.129 18.007 228.048 12.475 227.822 12.261 227.901 11.749 228.071 8.764 226.489 7.684 225.872 0.264 218.132 -0.132 217.791 -1.097 217.363 -1.755 217.243 -1.830 217.231 -5.107 215.250 -6.104 214.663 -6.632 214.340 -7.503 214.527 -9.260 214.904 -11.560 215.341 -14.399 215.225 -24.873 214.746 -33.717 214.288 -41.314 213.840 -47.937 213.394 -53.785 212.941 -59.010 212.477 -60.456 212.336 -63.895 212.031 -68.453 211.626 -72.665 211.252 -76.570 210.905 -80.198 210.767 -83.580 210.864 -86.739 210.954 -89.696 211.039 -92.470 211.118 -95.078 211.193 -112.615 211.746 -137.134 211.992 -170.260 190.000 -171.079 189.454 -179.359 186.000 -188.950 182.000 -235.791 162.463 -244.022 158.439 -244.341 158.332 -244.729 158.201 -245.211 158.040 -245.824 157.834 -246.630 157.566 -247.735 157.197 -249.344 156.663 -251.898 155.815 -253.935 155.137 -256.661 154.239 -268.036 150.493 -272.705 148.955 -279.865 146.597 -281.853 145.669 -283.971 144.680 -287.048 146.242 -288.002 146.726 -290.884 146.306 -312.314 146.401 -344.898 146.918 -350.292 146.663 -384.657 127.024 -397.952 119.786 -400.000 118.632 -400.000 68.632 Support -179.359 186.000 -154.359 186.000 Support -174.564 188.000 -149.564 188.000 Support -170.261 190.000 -145.261 190.000 Support -167.248 192.000 -142.248 192.000 Support -164.235 .194.000 -139.235 194.000 Support -161.223 196.000 -136.223 196.000 Support -158.210 198.000 -133.210 198.000 Support -155.197 200.000 -130.197 200.000 Support -152.185 202.000 -127.185 202.000 Support -149.172 204.000 -124.172 204.000 Support -146.159 206.000 -121.159 206.000 Support -143.146 208.000 -118.146 208.000 Support -140.134 210.000 -115.134 210.000 0 0 T T' cz `4" V ) r_0 V J O ,0 Z3 U �_ O O N i ••-- O 0. (D .(D D T II v1 ,) Yui L.L o i i O O O�a)OO o OC 70 a) co ca ®0 a)J U O a) }' i Cid U) r1 u 0 C) C)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U-) o In o Lo o Ln 0 11) o o W O O c --i N N M M di d" I17 u-) l9 >r 4-4 cn 60 005 00y r 0 L 0 c O cLs E 3 O O U— o _ c N cr u 0 C) C)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U-) o In o Lo o Ln 0 11) o o W O O c --i N N M M di d" I17 u-) l9 >r 4-4 cn 60 005 00y r 0 L 0 CD 0 T T cz -6--& ) ^ W Q- '_/0 V ) O U U _ � O OO 0 /� � LO T II W Q.� 0 i O O O.O O C O 70 N m O .i U LO O c N }' J Cf) cn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T) o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Lr) o w O O �--i �--1 N N M M ct' d" Ln* In Qo 4-4 # 009 oot 3: r►ul 0 _o L -T_�—_r��T_ T—T__� —T— r— r T- —T-- �--- 1' 006 OR oo o �-1 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln 134 O O >y N 44 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln o M d" d' Ln Ln l0 EL out, 0 Ln L T— -- ON OOZ 001 � Q- U� O .O o U O U)'o \ _0 a- U) U LCL / 0 N ! v- a N O Cc CY)O C T ^� i.. O 0- la- . C L C:+--`� W a)- Q cr W+_ cn -0 Q 0 -L— CL) v F5 O a) C.) O JCn m �-- �-1 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln 134 O O >y N 44 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln o M d" d' Ln Ln l0 EL out, 0 Ln L T— -- ON OOZ 001 N N O O T T co r--# U) 6 Q- 0 O U) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o ► n o Ln o Ln o Ln o O O c -I r -I N N M M d' d" Ln Ln �O 44 E ! 005 00t, -T-----T-T--,- -TTTT - ,----T--T- T ---T - -T--T--7 000 OOZ _ oo[ 0 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11 +00_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.106720 Center: -304.570, 461.842 Radius: 303.092 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -178.816,186.069 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -110.790, 228.788 Resisting Moment=3.9477e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.56702e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=10882.8 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=9833.36 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.106750 Center: -304.570, 461.842 Radius: 303.092 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -178.816, 186.069 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -110.790, 228.788 Resisting Moment=3.9478e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.56702e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=10882.9 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=9833.18 lb Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16994 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1497 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1435 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 24 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 27 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17014 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1477 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1435 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 24 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -400.000 -431.061 239.292 -41.859 239.292 -41.859 461.842 -431.061 461.842 Material Boundary -400.000 110.000 -320.000 126.000 -250.000 140.000 -236.900 143.200 -189.100 161.600 -43.600 189.200 20.000 219.000 Material Boundary -266.600 143.300 -257.000 144.400 -238.800 147.700 -206.000 156.100 -143.700 179.700 -96.700 188.200 -73.600 190.800 -44.100 202.000 -23.700 208.300 -3.300 218.000 9.400 226.900 Material Boundary -320.000 126.000 -273.600 140.300 Material Boundary -195.378 178.000 -182.465 178.000 External Boundary -400.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 20.000 219.000 20.000 229.000 11.900 228.200 9.400 226.900 6.900 228.200 -113.100 228.800 -126.300 220.000 -129.300 218.000 -172.800 189.000 -178.958 186.000 -183.063 184.000 -187.168 182.000 -195.378 178.000 -266.600 143.300 -273.600 140.300 -277.600 142.200 -300.000 140.700 -346.000 142.700 -371.000 134.100 -400.000 115.000 -400.000 110.000 Water Table -400.000 110.000 20.000 130.000 Distributed Load -113.100 228.800 6.900 228.200 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+00 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.491290 Center: -324.030, 322.748 Radius: 186.484 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -244.102,154.261 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -240.612,155.962 Resisting Moment=413.264 Ib -ft Driving Moment=277.118 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=1.99223 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=1.33591 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.491300 Center: -324.030, 322.748 Radius: 186.484 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -244.102, 154.261 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -240.612,155.962 Resisting Moment=413.265 Ib -ft Driving Moment=277.118 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=1.99223 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=1.33591 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15283 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3208 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1435 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 114 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1648 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 15222 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3269 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1435 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 114 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1709 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -431.061 239.292 -41.859 239.292 -41.859 461.842 -431.061 461.842 Material Boundary -400.000 110.000 -320.000 126.000 -250.000 140.000 -236.900 143.200 -189.100 161.600 -43.600 189.200 20.000 219.000 Material Boundary -266.600 143.300 -257.000 144.400 -238.800 147.700 -206.000 156.100 -143.700 179.700 -96.700 188.200 -73.600 190.800 -44.100 202.000 -23.700 208.300 -3.300 218.000 9.400 226.900 Material Boundary -320.000 126.000 -273.600 140.300 Material Boundary -178.958 186.000 -142.428 186.000 Material Boundary -126.300 220.000 -83.648 220.000 Material Boundary -183.063 184.000 -149.436 184.000 Material Boundary -187.168 182.000 -155.065 182.000 Material Boundary -195.378 178.000 -182.465 178.000 External Boundary -400.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 20.000 219.000 20.000 229.000 11.900 228.200 9.400 226.900 6.900 228.200 -113.100 228.800 -126.300 220.000 -129.300 218.000 -172.800 189.000 -178.958 186.000 -183.063 184.000 -187.168 182.000 -195.378 178.000 -266.600 143.300 -273.600 140.300 -277.600 142.200 -300.000 140.700 -346.000 142.700 -371.000 134.100 -400.000 115.000 -400.000 110.000 Water Table -400.000 110.000 20.000 130.000 Distributed Load -113.100 228.800 6.900 228.200 Support -195.378 178.000 -150.378 178.000 Support -191.273 180.000 -146.273 180.000 Su ort -187.168 182.000 -142.168 182.000 Support -183.063 184.000 -138.063 184.000 Support -178.958 186.000 -133.958 186.000 Support -174.853 188.000 -129.853 188.000 Support -171.300 190.000 -126.300 190.000 Support -168.300 192.000 -123.300 192.000 Support -165.300 194.000 -120.300 194.000 Support -162.300 196.000 -117.300 196.000 Support -159.300 198.000 -114.300 198.000 Support -156.300 200.000 -111.300 200.000 Support -153.300 202.000 -108.300 202.000 Support -150.300 204.000 -105.300 204.000 Support -147.300 206.000 -102.300 206.000 Support -144.300 208.000 -99.300 208.000 Support -141.300 210.000 -96.300 210.000 Support -138.300 212.000 -93.300 212.000 Support -135.300 214.000 -90.300 214.000 Support -132.300 216.000 -87.300 216.000 Support -129.300 218.000 -84.300 218.000 Support -126.300 220.000 -81.300 220.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+00_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 lb/f13 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 lb/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.717550 Axis Location: -195.730, 304.595 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -195.574,177.905 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -94.284, 228.706 Resisting Moment=1.84059e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.07164e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=123419 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=71857.5 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.717110 Axis Location: -195.730, 304.595 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -195.574, 177.905 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -94.284, 228.706 Resisting Moment=1.84091 a+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.0721e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=123355 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=71839 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2694 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7307 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2477 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2589 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2241 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2657 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7344 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2352 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2760 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2232 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -196.659 177.376 -140.492 177.376 -66.092 228.565 Material Boundary -400.000 110.000 -320.000 126.000 -250.000 140.000 -236.900 143.200 -189.100 161.600 -43.600 189.200 20.000 219.000 Material Boundary -266.600 143.300 -257.000 144.400 -238.800 147.700 -206.000 156.100 -143.700 179.700 -96.700 188.200 -73.600 190.800 -44.100 202.000 -23.700 208.300 -3.300 218.000 9.400 226.900 Material Boundary -320.000 126.000 -273.600 140.300 Material Boundary -178.958 186.000 -142.428 186.000 Material Boundary -126.300 220.000 -83.648 220.000 Material Boundary -183.063 184.000 -149.436 184.000 Material Boundary -187.168 182.000 -155.065 182.000 Material Boundary -195.378 178.000 -182.465 178.000 External Boundary -400.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 20.000 219.000 20.000 229.000 11.900 228.200 9.400 226.900 6.900 228.200 -113.100 228.800 -126.300 220.000 -129.300 218.000 -172.800 189.000 -178.958 186.000 -183.063 184.000 -187.168 182.000 -195.378 178.000 -266.600 143.300 -273.600 140.300 -277.600 142.200 -300.000 140.700 -346.000 142.700 -371.000 134.100 -400.000 115.000 -400.000 110.000 Water Table -400.000 110.000 20.000 130.000 Distributed Load -113.100 228.800 6.900 228.200 Focus/Block Search Window -187.168 182.000 -187.168 176.386 -174.502 176.386 -174.502 182.000 Focus/Block Search Window -168.223 182.000 -168.223 176.177 -141.957 176.177 -141.957 181.932 Support -195.378 178.000 -150.378 178.000 Support -191.273 180.000 -146.273 180.000 Support -187.168 182.000 -142.168 182.000 Support -183.063 184.000 -138.063 184.000 Support -178.958 186.000 -133.958 186.000 Support -174.853 188.000 -129.853 188.000 Support -171.300 190.000 -126.300 190.000 Support -168.300 192.000 -123.300 192.000 Support -165.300 194.000 -120.300 194.000 Support -162.300 196.000 -117.300 196.000 Support -159.300 198.000 -114.300 198.000 Su ort -156.300 200.000 -111.300 200.000 Support -153.300 202.000 -108.300 202.000 Support -150.300 204.000 -105.300 204.000 Support -147.300 206.000 -102.300 206.000 Support -144.300 208.000 -99.300 208.000 Support -141.300 210.000 -96.300 210.000 Support -138.300 212.000 -93.300 212.000 Support -135.300 214.000 -90.300 214.000 Support -132.300 216.000 -87.300 216.000 Support -129.300 218.000 -84.300 218.000 Support -126.300 220.000 -81.300 220.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+00 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: SUDDort 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.114860 Center: -275.380, 461.842 Radius: 311.001 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -248.784,151.980 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -69.681, 228.583 Resisting Moment=8.97612e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=8.05137e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=262851 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=235771 Ib Method: ple/morctenstern-price FS: 1.112110 Center: -275.380, 461.842 Radius: 311.001 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -248.784,151.980 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -69.681, 228.583 Resisting Moment=8.95405e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=8.05137e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=262424 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=235968 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16986 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1505 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 4 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1492 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17141 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1350 Error Codes: Error Code -106 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1340 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -400.000 -431.061 239.292 -41.859 239.292 -41.859 461.842 -431.061 461.842 Material Boundary -400.000 110.000 -320.000 126.000 -250.000 140.000 -236.900 143.200 -189.100 161.600 -43.600 189.200 20.000 219.000 Material Boundary -266.600 143.300 -257.000 144.400 -238.800 147.700 -206.000 156.100 -143.700 179.700 -96.700 188.200 -73.600 190.800 -44.100 202.000 -23.700 208.300 -3.300 218.000 9.400 226.900 Material Boundary -320.000 126.000 -273.600 140.300 Material Boundary -178.958 186.000 -142.428 186.000 Material Boundary -126.300 220.000 -83.648 220.000 Material Boundary -183.063 184.000 -149.436 184.000 Material Boundary -187.168 182.000 -155.065 182.000 Material Boundary -195.378 178.000 -182.465 178.000 External Boundary -400.000 0.000 20.000 0.000 20.000 219.000 20.000 229.000 11.900 228.200 9.400 226.900 6.900 228.200 -113.100 228.800 -126.300 220.000 -129.300 218.000 -172.800 189.000 -178.958 186.000 -183.063 184.000 -187.168 182.000 -195.378 178.000 -266.600 143.300 -273.600 140.300 -277.600 142.200 -300.000 140.700 -346.000 142.700 -371.000 134.100 -400.000 115.000 -400.000 110.000 Water Table -400.000 110.000 20.000 130.000 Support -195.378 178.000 -150.378 178.000 Support -191.273 180.000 -146.273 180.000 Support -187.168 182.000 -142.168 182.000 Support -183.063 184.000 -138.063 184.000 Support -178.958 186.000 -133.958 186.000 Support -174.853 188.000 -129.853 188.000 Support -171.300 190.000 -126.300 190.000 Support -168.300 192.000 -123.300 192.000 Su ort -165.300 194.000 -120.300 194.000 Support -162.300 196.000 -117.300 196.000 Support -159.300 198.000 -114.300 198.000 Support -156.300 200.000 -111.300 200.000 Support -153.300 202.000 -108.300 202.000 Support -150.300 204.000 -105.300 204.000 Support -147.300 206.000 -102.300 206.000 Supoort -144.300 208.000 -99.300 208.000 Support -141.300 210.000 -96.300 210.000 Support -138.300 212.000 -93.300 212.000 Support -135.300 214.000 -90.300 214.000 Su ort -132.300 216.000 -87.300 216.000 Support -129.300 218.000 -84.300 218.000 Support -126.300 220.000 -81.300 220.000 C) C) C) a (D a C) C) C) CD C) C) Ln cD u-) c) i -n c) Ln c) u-) c) L.I� C� 44 C:) C� Ln Lo L�4 co O LO T T co .6--p U) W Q - r_0 V ) 'O V^) W�--r O 0 � {..L S %#.-- Cl) LO T W cUL D--- 02 O O CZ4—.. 0) O.6 N C: o 2_. O W cis N J U O N � `r-iCL CcoU) O O O O O O O O J Ln O Lo O Un O Ln O w O O r --i r ---I N N M M d' 009 O O O O Ln O Ln O c7' t.f) Ln lD C C Lf F r C Lf Lf I � 1 7 0R O I L C) LO T ,Tyy{{ lv ♦--j U) W Q- 0 V ) .0 VJ _0` W L f -a 0 0 ^� 4-- T C� Q. 07(5 � O l.. 0 0 0 N �_ Dy— cn -0 C) 0 C:) C 1 U) m c• O O O O O C) O U 0 O O O Ln O U-) O U-) O Ln O Ln O Ln O W O O r- I c-1 N N (Y') (y) di d" Ln In QO 4--I l� 9 OOtb I C tf, F r - T- -T-- 006 OOZ 00l N N O Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+50_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: G LE/Mo rgenstern-P rice with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 lb/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.099120 Center: -302.395, 445.490 Radius: 287.939 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -181.558, 184.133 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -112.487, 229.056 Resisting Moment=3.93013e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.57569e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=11378.9 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=10352.7 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.099240 Center: -302.395, 445.490 Radius: 287.939 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -181.558,184.133 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -112.487, 229.056 Resisting Moment=3.93053e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.57569e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=11379.2 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=10351.9 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 17300 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1191 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1010 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 44 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 20 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 1 surface Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17318 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1173 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1010 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 46 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -112 reported for 1 surface Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 +tan (alpha)tan (phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -454.880 240.686 -48.254 240.686 -48.254 450.741 -454.880 450.741 Material Boundary -303.755 128.933 -259.227 137.796 -221.994 152.838 -198.417 158.099 -169.863 167.758 -117.075 176.072 -94.577 178.523 -66.329 183.491 -60.354 184.435 -37.555 192.639 -31.512 195.172 Material Boundary -252.168 148.398 -245.965 149.736 -234.806 152.697 -201.695 158.800 -199.388 159.197 -198.864 159.415 -196.781 160.274 -175.966 168.538 -164.942 176.000 -159.033 180.000 -158.628 180.274 -158.442 180.370 -157.392 180.533 -138.412 183.195 -136.562 183.455 -133.549 183.883 -128.541 184.692 -119.230 185.886 -88.314 189.753 -73.530 191.547 -56.254 194.993 -38.714 201.170 -33.064 203.411 -31.324 204.170 3.521 224.497 4.390 225.178 5.210 225.617 5.436 225.819 8.470 227.718 Material Boundary -398.113 110.354 -330.675 123.632 -303.755 128.933 Material Boundary -330.675 123.632 -295.359 136.045 Material Boundary -31.512 195.172 20.000 210.106 External Boundary -400.000 59.115 20.000 59.115 20.000 210.106 20.000 229.633 16.827 229.380 15.861 229.315 11.987 229.054 11.497 229.057 11.465 228.793 11.452 228.726 10.242 228.121 8.952 227.476 8.470 227.718 7.730 228.088 6.452 228.727 -54.101 228.906 -113.508 229.058 -127.096 220.000 -142.698 209.599 -166.469 193.752 -178.826 185.515 -185.775 182.000 -188.100 180.824 -189.727 180.000 -193.679 178.000 -197.631 176.000 -252.168 148.398 -261.515 143.667 -261.740 143.553 -263.975 142.421 -264.503 142.154 -264.556 142.127 -267.268 143.428 -267.599 143.586 -269.687 143.559 -270.337 143.550 -293.139 136.178 -295.359 136.045 -319.963 135.600 -320.804 135.686 -322.482 135.807 -345.386 137.637 -361.137 132.256 -361.303 132.197 -361.534 132.123 -361.891 132.020 -367.640 130.351 -395.858 111.833 -398.113 110.354 -399.068 109.726 -400.000 109.115 Water Table -400.000 86.127 20.000 133.324 Distributed Load -113.508 229.058 -54.101 228.906 6.452 228.727 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+50 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.435570 Center: -363.389, 429.736 Radius: 301.262 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -230-306,159.462 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -224.405,162.449 Resisting Moment=2028.6 Ib -ft Driving Moment=1413.09 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=6.00811 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=4.18516 Ib Method: ale/moroenstern-price FS: 1.435570 Center: -363.389, 429.736 Radius: 301.262 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -230.306,159.462 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -224.405, 162.449 Resisting Moment=2028.6 Ib -ft Driving Moment=1413.09 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=6.00811 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=4.18516 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15608 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2883 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1010 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 159 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1597 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 1 surface Method: gle/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 15566 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2925 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1010 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 158 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1640 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 1 surface Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 +tan (alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -454.880 240.686 -48.254 240.686 -48.254 450.741 -454.880 450.741 Material Boundary -303.755 128.933 -259.227 137.796 -221.994 152.838 -198.417 158.099 -169.863 167.758 -117.075 176.072 -94.577 178.523 -66.329 183.491 -60.354 184.435 -37.555 192.639 -31.512 195.172 Material Boundary -252.168 148.398 -245.965 149.736 -234.806 152.697 -201.695 158.800 -199.388 159.197 -198.864 159.415 -196.781 160.274 -175.966 168.538 -164.942 176.000 -159.033 180.000 -158.628 180.274 -158.442 180.370 -157.392 180.533 -138.412 183.195 -136.562 183.455 -133.549 183.883 -128.541 184.692 -119.230 185.886 -88.314 189.753 -73.530 191.547 -56.254 194.993 -38.714 201.170 -33.064 203.411 -31.324 204.170 3.521 224.497 4.390 225.178 5.210 225.617 5.436 225.819 8.470 227.718 Material Boundary -398.113 110.354 -330.675 123.632 -303.755 128.933 Material Boundary -330.675 123.632 -295.359 136.045 Material Boundary -31.512 195.172 20.000 210.106 Material Boundary -185.775 182.000 -165.155 182.000 Material Boundary -127.096 220.000 -101.918 220.000 Material Boundary -189.727 180.000 -159.033 180.000 -144.727 180.000 -144.657 180.000 Material Boundary -193.679 178.000 -171.406 178.000 Material Boundary -197.631 176.000 -175.545 176.000 Material Boundary -175.545 176.000 -164.942 176.000 -152.631 176.000 -144.727 180.000 -140.775 182.000 -138.412 183.195 -136.821 184.000 External Boundary -400.000 59.115 20.000 59.115 20.000 210.106 20.000 229.633 16.827 229.380 15.861 229.315 11.987 229.054 11.497 229.057 11.465 228.793 11.452 228.726 10.242 228.121 8.952 227.476 8.470 227.718 7.730 228.088 6.452 228.727 -54.101 228.906 -113.508 229.058 -127.096 220.000 -142.698 209.599 -166.469 193.752 -178.826 185.515 -185.775 182.000 -188.100 180.824 -189.727 180.000 -193.679 178.000 -197.631 176.000 -252.168 148.398 -261.515 143.667 -261.740 143.553 -263.975 142.421 -264.503 142.154 -264.556 142.127 -267.268 143.428 -267.599 143.586 -269.687 143.559 -270.337 143.550 -293.139 136.178 -295.359 136.045 -319.963 135.600 -320.804 135.686 -322.482 135.807 -345.386 137.637 -361.137 132.256 -361.303 132.197 -361.534 132.123 -361.891 132.020 -367.640 130.351 -395.858 111.833 -398.113 110.354 -399.068 109.726 -400.000 109.115 Water Table -400.000 86.127 20.000 133.324 Distributed Load -113.508 229.058 -54.101 228.906 6.452 228.727 Support -197.631 176.000 -152.631 176.000 Support -193.679 178.000 -148.679 178.000 Support -189.727 180.000 -144.727 180.000 Support -185.775 182.000 -140.775 182.000 Support -181.821 184.000 -136.821 184.000 Support -178.099 186.000 -133.099 186.000 Support -175.098 188.000 -130.098 188.000 Su ort -172.098 190.000 -127.098 190.000 Support -169.098 192.000 -124.098 192.000 Support -166.098 194.000 -121.098 194.000 Support -163.098 196.000 -118.098 196.000 Support -160.098 198.000 -115.098 198.000 Support -157.097 200.000 -112.097 200.000 Support -154.097 202.000 -109.097 202.000 Support -151.097 204.000 -106.097 204.000 Support -148.097 206.000 -103.097 206.000 Support -145.097 208.000 -100.097 208.000 Support -142.097 210.000 -97.097 210.000 Support -139.096 212.000 -94.096 212.000 Support -136.096 214.000 -91.096 214.000 Support -133.096 216.000 -88.096 216.000 Support -130.096 218.000 -85.096 218.000 Support -127.096 220.000 -82.096 220.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+50_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 lb/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.683560 Axis Location: -200.529, 305.559 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -198.655, 175.481 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -95.343, 229.011 Resisting Moment=1.92388e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment= 1. 1 4274e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=125522 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=74557.6 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.682430 Axis Location: -200.529, 305.559 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -198.655,175.481 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: 95.343, 229.011 Resisting Moment=1.9236e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.14335e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=125503 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=74596.2 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2685 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7316 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2437 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2579 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2300 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2679 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7322 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2321 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2708 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2293 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 =Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Water Table -400.000 86.127 20.000 133.324 Non -Circ. Failure Surface -197.631 176.000 -149.791 176.000 -62.340 228.927 Material Boundary -303.755 128.933 -259.227 137.796 -221.994 152.838 -198.417 158.099 -169.863 167.758 -117.075 176.072 -94.577 178.523 -66.329 183.491 -60.354 184.435 -37.555 192.639 -31.512 195.172 Material Boundary -252.168 148.398 -245.965 149.736 -234.806 152.697 -201.695 158.800 -199.388 159.197 -198.864 159.415 -196.781 160.274 -175.966 168.538 -164.942 176.000 -159.033 180.000 -158.628 180.274 -158.442 180.370 -157.392 180.533 -138.412 183.195 -136.562 183.455 -133.549 183.883 -128.541 184.692 -119.230 185.886 -88.314 189.753 -73.530 191.547 -56.254 194.993 -38.714 201.170 -33.064 203.411 -31.324 204.170 3.521 224.497 4.390 225.178 5.210 225.617 5.436 225.819 8.470 227.718 Material Boundary -398.113 110.354 -330.675 123.632 -303.755 128.933 Material Boundary -330.675 123.632 -295.359 136.045 Material Boundary -31.512 195.172 20.000 210.106 Material Boundary -185.775 182.000 -165.155 182.000 Material Boundary -127.096 220.000 -101.918 220.000 Material Boundary -189.727 180.000 -159.033 180.000 -144.727 180.000 -144.657 180.000 Material Boundary -193.679 178.000 -171.406 178.000 Material Boundary -197.631 176.000 -175.545 176.000 Material Boundary -175.545 176.000 -164.942 176.000 -152.631 176.000 -144.727 180.000 -140.775 182.000 -138.412 183.195 -136.821 184.000 Distributed Load -113.508 229.058 -54.101 228.906 6.452 228.727 Focus/Block Search Window -189.727 180.000 -196.755 174.246 -174.962 174.246 -174.962 180.000 Focus/Block Search Window -169.252 180.000 -169.252 173.083 -146.876 173.083 -146.876 180.000 External Boundary -400.000 59.115 20.000 59.115 20.000 210.106 20.000 229.633 16.827 229.380 15.861 229.315 11.987 229.054 11.497 229.057 11.465 228.793 11.452 228.726 10.242 228.121 8.952 227.476 8.470 227.718 7.730 228.088 6.452 228.727 -54.101 228.906 -113.508 229.058 -127.096 220.000 -142.698 209.599 -166.469 193.752 -178.826 185.515 -185.775 182.000 -188.100 180.824 -189.727 180.000 -193.679 178.000 -197.631 176.000 -252.168 148.398 -261.515 143.667 -261.740 143.553 -263.975 142.421 -264.503 142.154 -264.556 142.127 -267.268 143.428 -267.599 143.586 -269.687 143.559 -270.337 143.550 -293.139 136.178 -295.359 136.045 -319.963 135.600 -320.804 135.686 -322.482 135.807 -345.386 137.637 -361.137 132.256 -361.303 132.197 -361.534 132.123 -361.891 132.020 -367.640 130.351 -395.858 111.833 -398.113 110.354 -399.068 109.726 -400.000 109.115 Support -197.631 176.000 -152.631 176.000 Support -193.679 178.000 -148.679 178.000 Support -189.727 180.000 -144.727 180.000 Support -185.775 182.000 -140.775 182.000 Support -181.821 184.000 -136.821 184.000 Support -178.099 186.000 -133.099 186.000 Support -175.098 188.000 -130.098 188.000 Support -172.098 190.000 -127.098 190.000 Support -169.098 192.000 -124.098 192.000 Support -166.098 194.000 -121.098 194.000 Support -163.098 196.000 -118.098 196.000 Support -160.098 198.000 -115.098 198.000 Support -157.097 200.000 -112.097 200.000 Support -154.097 202.000 -109.097 202.000 Support -151.097 204.000 -106.097 204.000 Support -148.097 206.000 -103.097 206.000 Support -145.097 208.000 -100.097 208.000 Support -142.097 210.000 -97.097 210.000 Support -139.096 212.000 -94.096 212.000 Support -136.096 214.000 -91.096 214.000 Support -133.096 216.000 -88.096 216.000 Support -130.096 218.000 -85.096 218.000 Support -127.096 220.000 -82.096 220.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta11+50 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.126780 Center: -271.898, 450.741 Radius: 300.648 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -246.735, 151.148 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -68.932, 228.944 Resisting Moment=9.26782e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=8.22501 a+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=280329 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=248787 Ib Method: ale/momenstern-price FS: 1.124550 Center: -271.898, 450.741 Radius: 300.648 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -246.735, 151.148 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -68.932, 228.944 Resisting Moment=9.24944e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=8.22501 a+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=280163 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=249134 lb Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16839 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1652 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 2 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1534 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17018 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1473 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 103 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 12 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1357 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -303.755 -454.880 240.686 -48.254 240.686 -48.254 450.741 -454.880 450.741 Material Boundary -303.755 128.933 -259.227 137.796 -221.994 152.838 -198.417 158.099 -169.863 167.758 -117.075 176.072 -94.577 178.523 -66.329 183.491 -60.354 184.435 -37.555 192.639 -31.512 195.172 Material Boundary -252.168 148.398 -245.965 149.736 -234.806 152.697 -201.695 158.800 -199.388 159.197 -198.864 159.415 -196.781 160.274 -175.966 168.538 -164.942 176.000 -159.033 180.000 -158.628 180.274 -158.442 180.370 -157.392 180.533 -138.412 183.195 -136.562 183.455 -133.549 183.883 -128.541 184.692 -119.230 185.886 -88.314 189.753 -73.530 191.547 -56.254 194.993 -38.714 201.170 -33.064 203.411 -31.324 204.170 3.521 224.497 4.390 225.178 5.210 225.617 5.436 225.819 8.470 227.718 Material Boundary -398.113 110.354 -330.675 123.632 -303.755 128.933 Material Boundary -330.675 123.632 -295.359 136.045 Material Boundary -31.512 195.172 20.000 210.106 Material Boundary -185.775 182.000 -165.155 182.000 Material Boundary -127.096 220.000 -101.918 220.000 Material Boundary -189.727 180.000 -159.033 180.000 -144.727 180.000 -144.657 180.000 Material Boundary -193.679 178.000 -171.406 178.000 Material Boundary -197.631 176.000 -175.545 176.000 Material Boundary -175.545 176.000 -164.942 176.000 -152.631 176.000 -144.727 180.000 -140.775 182.000 -138.412 183.195 -136.821 184.000 External Boundary -400.000 59.115 20.000 59.115 20.000 210.106 20.000 229.633 16.827 229.380 15.861 229.315 11.987 229.054 11.497 229.057 11.465 228.793 11.452 228.726 10.242 228.121 8.952 227.476 8.470 227.718 7.730 228.088 6.452 228.727 -54.101 228.906 -113.508 229.058 -127.096 220.000 -142.698 209.599 -166.469 193.752 -178.826 185.515 -185.775 182.000 -188.100 180.824 -189.727 180.000 -193.679 178.000 -197.631 176.000 -252.168 148.398 -261.515 143.667 -261.740 143.553 -263.975 142.421 -264.503 142.154 -264.556 142.127 -267.268 143.428 -267.599 143.586 -269.687 143.559 -270.337 143.550 -293.139 136.178 -295.359 136.045 -319.963 135.600 -320.804 135.686 -322.482 135.807 -345.386 137.637 -361.137 132.256 -361.303 132.197 -361.534 132.123 -361.891 132.020 -367.640 130.351 -395.858 111.833 -398.113 110.354 -399.068 109.726 -400.000 109.115 Water Table -400.000 86.127 20.000 133.324 Support -197.631 176.000 -152.631 176.000 Support -193.679 178.000 -148.679 178.000 Support -189.727 180.000 -144.727 180.000 Support -185.775 182.000 -140.775 182.000 Support -181.821 184.000 -136.821 184.000 Support -178.099 186.000 -133.099 186.000 Su ort -175.098 188.000 -130.098 188.000 Support -172.098 190.000 -127.098 190.000 Su ort -169.098 192.000 -124.098 192.000 Support -166.098 194.000 -121.098 194.000 Support -163.098 196.000 -118.098 196.000 Support -160.098 198.000 -115.098 198.000 Support -157.097 200.000 -112.097 200.000 Support -154.097 202.000 -109.097 202.000 Support -151.097 204.000 -106.097 204.000 Support -148.097 206.000 -103.097 206.000 Support -145.097 208.000 -100.097 208.000 Support -142.097 210.000 -97.097 210.000 0 Support -139.096 212.000 -94.096 212.000 Support -136.096 214.000 -91.096 214.000 Support -133.096 216.000 -88.096 216.000 Support -130.096 218.000 -85.096 218.000 Support -127.096 220.000 -82.096 220.000 s C) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o GT o o rI ri N N M M V d In 11) 4-4 ro i I �C F �r _TTT- T --T-. 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U- L - 0 (1)4- (1) +r N O � Cc LO O .�, I I -J O (1) T O 0 L CL &- C �-- 0 a� (L) co -o poL-— �tv� Y U -LJC/Jm t' O o O o O o O O O o O O Ln O Ln O Ln O Ln o Un O Ln o 41 w -TT--T-IST T --- F-I---TT-T---F-F--T TT-T---TF--T-r-T- ,- 7--r- ON OOZ 00 [ N N O 3 O O o O o o O O O O O O 'o O O O O L� O O �- O O r -I rl N N M M tet' -t' Ln Ln ON 0 Z OOL Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+00_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.096640 Center: -341.620, 492.527 Radius: 347.330 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -186.913, 181.555 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -116.216, 228.272 Resisting Moment=3.62058e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.30152e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=8683.8 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=7918.54 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.096780 Center: -331.391, 486.307 Radius: 336.799 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -181.798, 184.553 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -112.939, 229.963 Resisting Moment=4.17688e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.80832e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=10330.2 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=9418.69 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16842 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1649 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1507 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 19 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16856 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1635 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1507 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 5 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -195.234 -443.919 243.719 -34.725 243.719 -34.725 492.527 -443.919 492.527 Material Boundary -195.234 159.039 -168.542 166.401 -90.415 181.419 -65.184 185.730 -59.329 186.067 -44.025 191.574 20.000 213.662 Material Boundary -293.721 130.485 -292.798 130.574 -283.429 133.060 -274.472 136.657 -259.553 143.217 -248.862 147.374 -238.448 149.992 -221.518 154.954 -202.807 158.727 -198.406 159.589 -192.978 161.060 -191.104 161.607 -171.416 168.950 -142.418 178.178 -137.157 179.789 -134.242 180.446 -97.234 187.891 -92.154 188.842 -86.375 189.725 -68.978 191.726 -48.669 197.810 -32.816 203.364 -16.497 213.382 3.133 225.422 6.132 227.241 8.239 228.561 Material Boundary -292.798 130.574 -272.698 135.145 -260.164 140.209 -221.311 153.985 -195.234 159.039 Material Boundary -400.000 100.049 -303.414 126.677 -272.698 135.145 Material Boundary -303.414 126.677 -293.721 130.485 Material Boundary -197.889 176.000 -188.690 176.000 External Boundary 9.627 229.015 8.479 228.441 8.239 228.561 7.203 229.079 5.979 229.692 -65.924 229.862 -113.677 229.965 -125.624 222.000 -128.624 220.000 -180.795 185.221 -184.349 182.853 -186.034 182.000 -187.202 181.409 -193.937 178.000 -197.889 176.000 -211.717 169.002 -253.763 147.721 -256.460 146.355 -256.794 146.186 -259.774 147.628 -259.824 147.652 -273.830 140.562 -292.400 131.154 -293.721 130.485 -303.213 129.569 -309.388 129.368 -317.794 128.972 -324.983 128.672 -336.781 129.616 -341.988 129.976 -350.783 130.172 -353.982 129.530 -364.068 127.048 -376.499 118.907 -400.000 103.470 -400.000 100.049 -400.000 53.470 20.000 53.470 20.000 213.662 20.000 230.483 15.395 230.253 11.550 229.976 Water Table -400.000 78.322 -264.419 84.504 20.000 105.289 Distributed Load -113.677 229.965 -65.924 229.862 5.979 229.692 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+00 Static RevA 062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 lb/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.434560 Center: -392.770, 343.242 Radius: 234.657 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -292.967, 130.867 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -280.574, 137.145 Resisting Moment=18791.5 lb -ft Driving Moment=13099.2 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=71.4416 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=49.8005 Ib Method: ale/moroenstern-price FS: 1.434540 Center: -392.770, 343.242 Radius: 234.657 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -292.967, 130.867 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -280.574, 137.145 Resisting Moment=18791.2 Ib -ft Driving Moment=13099.2 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=71.4414 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=49.801 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14748 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3743 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1507 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 177 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1961 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14669 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3822 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1507 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 177 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2040 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -443.919 243.719 -34.725 243.719 -34.725 492.527 -443.919 492.527 Material Boundary -195.234 159.039 -168.542 166.401 -90.415 181.419 -65.184 185.730 -59.329 186.067 -44.025 191.574 20.000 213.662 Material Boundary -293.721 130.485 -292.798 130.574 -283.429 133.060 -274.472 136.657 -259.553 143.217 -248.862 147.374 -238.448 149.992 -221.518 154.954 -202.807 158.727 -198.406 159.589 -192.978 161.060 -191.104 161.607 -171.416 168.950 -142.418 178.178 -137.157 179.789 -134.242 180.446 -97.234 187.891 -92.154 188.842 -86.375 189.725 -68.978 191.726 -48.669 197.810 -32.816 203.364 -16.497 213.382 3.133 225.422 6.132 227.241 8.239 228.561 Material Boundary -292.798 130.574 -272.698 135.145 -260.164 140.209 -221.311 153.985 -195.234 159.039 Material Boundary -400.000 100.049 -303.414 126.677 -272.698 135.145 Material Boundary -303.414 126.677 -293.721 130.485 Material Boundary -186.034 182.000 -138.329 182.000 Material Boundary -128.624 220.000 -86.772 220.000 Material Boundary -193.937 178.000 -150.000 178.000 Material Boundary -125.624 222.000 -84.826 222.000 Material Boundary -197.889 176.000 -188.690 176.000 External Boundary 9.627 229.015 8.479 228.441 8.239 228.561 7.203 229.079 5.979 229.692 -65.924 229.862 -113.677 229.965 -125.624 222.000 -128.624 220.000 -180.795 185.221 -184.349 182.853 -186.034 182.000 -187.202 181.409 -193.937 178.000 -197.889 176.000 -211.717 169.002 -253.763 147.721 -256.460 146.355 -256.794 146.186 -259.774 147.628 -259.824 147.652 -273.830 140.562 -292.400 131.154 -293.721 130.485 -303.213 129.569 -309.388 129.368 -317.794 128.972 -324.983 128.672 -336.781 129.616 -341.988 129.976 -350.783 130.172 -353.982 129.530 -364.068 127.048 -376.499 118.907 -400.000 103.470 -400.000 100.049 -400.000 53.470 20.000 53.470 20.000 213.662 20.000 230.483 15.395 230.253 11.550 229.976 Water Table -400.000 78.322 -264.419 84.504 20.000 105.289 Distributed Load -113.677 229.965 -65.924 229.862 5.979 229.692 Su ort -197.889 176.000 -147.889 176.000 Support -193.937 178.000 -143.937 178.000 Support -189.985 180.000 -139.985 180.000 Support -186.034 182.000 -136.034 182.000 Support -182.628 184.000 -132.628 184.000 Support -179.627 186.000 -129.627 186.000 Support -176.627 188.000 -126.627 188.000 Support -173.627 190.000 -123.627 190.000 Support -170.627 192.000 -120.627 192.000 Support -167.627 194.000 -117.627 194.000 Support -164.627 196.000 -114.627 196.000 Support -161.626 198.000 -111.626 198.000 Support -158.626 200.000 -108.626 200.000 Support -155.626 202.000 -105.626 202.000 Support -152.626 204.000 -102.626 204.000 Support -149.626 206.000 -99.626 206.000 Support -146.625 208.000 -96.625 208.000 Support -143.625 210.000 -93.625 210.000 Support -140.625 212.000 -90.625 212.000 Support -137.625 214.000 -87.625 214.000 Support -134.625 216.000 -84.625 216.000 Support -131.625 218.000 -81.625 218.000 Support -128.624 220.000 -78.624 220.000 Support -125.624 222.000 -75.624 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+00_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.661710 Axis Location: -203.186, 304.713 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -199.515, 175.177 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.354, 229.929 Resisting Moment=1.95838e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.17853e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=126446 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=76093.8 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.659740 Axis Location: -203.186, 304.713 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -199.515, 175.177 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.354, 229.929 Resisting Moment=1.95813e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=1.17978e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=126398 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=76155.2 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 3237 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 6764 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 1963 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2399 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2402 surfaces Method: gle/morpenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 3293 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 6708 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 1791 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2522 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2395 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 Aan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -197.889 176.000 -144.599 176.000 -63.859 229.857 Material Boundary -195.234 159.039 -168.542 166.401 -90.415 181.419 -65.184 185.730 -59.329 186.067 -44.025 191.574 20.000 213.662 Material Boundary -293.721 130.485 -292.798 130.574 -283.429 133.060 -274.472 136.657 -259.553 143.217 -248.862 147.374 -238.448 149.992 -221.518 154.954 -202.807 158.727 -198.406 159.589 -192.978 161.060 -191.104 161.607 -171.416 168.950 -142.418 178.178 -137.157 179.789 -134.242 180.446 -97.234 187.891 -92.154 188.842 -86.375 189.725 -68.978 191.726 -48.669 197.810 -32.816 203.364 -16.497 213.382 3.133 225.422 6.132 227.241 8.239 228.561 Material Boundary -292.798 130.574 -272.698 135.145 -260.164 140.209 -221.311 153.985 -195.234 159.039 Material Boundary -400.000 100.049 -303.414 126.677 -272.698 135.145 Material Boundary -303.414 126.677 -293.721 130.485 Material Boundary -186.034 182.000 -138.329 182.000 Material Boundary -128.624 220.000 -86.772 220.000 Material Boundary -193.937 178.000 -150.000 178.000 Material Boundary -125.624 222.000 -84.826 222.000 Material Boundary -197.889 176.000 -188.690 176.000 External Boundary 9.627 229.015 8.479 228.441 8.239 228.561 7.203 229.079 5.979 229.692 -65.924 229.862 -113.677 229.965 -125.624 222.000 -128.624 220.000 -180.795 185.221 -184.349 182.853 -186.034 182.000 -187.202 181.409 -193.937 178.000 -197.889 176.000 -211.717 169.002 -253.763 147.721 -256.460 146.355 -256.794 146.186 -259.774 147.628 -259.824 147.652 -273.830 140.562 -292.400 131.154 -293.721 130.485 -303.213 129.569 -309.388 129.368 -317.794 128.972 -324.983 128.672 -336.781 129.616 -341.988 129.976 -350.783 130.172 -353.982 129.530 -364.068 127.048 -376.499 118.907 -400.000 103.470 -400.000 100.049 -400.000 53.470 20.000 53.470 20.000 213.662 20.000 230.483 15.395 230.253 11.550 229.976 Water Table -400.000 78.322 -264.419 84.504 20.000 105.289 Distributed Load -113.677 229.965 -65.924 229.862 5.979 229.692 Focus/Block Search Window -189.985 180.000 -192.864 173.434 -173.052 173.434 -173.052 180.000 Focus/Block Search Window -167.093 180.000 -167.093 173.285 -132.727 173.285 -134.242 180.446 Suivort -197.889 176.000 -147.889 176.000 Support -193.937 178.000 -143.937 178.000 Support -189.985 180.000 -139.985 180.000 Support -186.034 182.000 -136.034 182.000 Support -182.628 184.000 -132.628 184.000 Support -179.627 186.000 -129.627 186.000 Support -176.627 188.000 -126.627 188.000 Support -173.627 190.000 -123.627 190.000 Support -170.627 192.000 -120.627 192.000 Support -167.627 194.000 -117.627 194.000 Support -164.627 196.000 -114.627 196.000 Support -161.626 198.000 -111.626 198.000 Support -158.626 200.000 -108.626 200.000 Support -155.626 202.000 -105.626 202.000 Support -152.626 204.000 -102.626 204.000 Support -149.626 206.000 -99.626 206.000 Support -146.625 208.000 -96.625 208.000 Support -143.625 210.000 -93.625 210.000 Support -140.625 212.000 -90.625 212.000 Support -137.625 214.000 -87.625 214.000 Support -134.625 216.000 -84.625 216.000 Support -131.625 218.000 -81.625 218.000 Support -128.624 220.000 -78.624 220.000 Support -125.624 222.000 -75.624 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+00 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.112810 Center: -270.012, 461.426 Radius: 308.562 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -240.879,154.242 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -66.078, 229.862 Resisting Moment=9.15675e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=8.22847e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=270216 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=242822 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.116050 Center: -270.012, 461.426 Radius: 308.562 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -240.879, 154.242 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -66.078, 229.862 Resisting Moment=9.18337e+007 Ib-ft Driving Moment=8.22847e+007 Ib-ft Resisting Horizontal Force=270762 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=242607 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15916 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2575 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 6 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2471 surfaces Method: gle/morpenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16078 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2413 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 75 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 3 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2312 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -443.919 243.719 -34.725 243.719 -34.725 492.527 -443.919 492.527 Material Boundary -195.234 159.039 -168.542 166.401 -90.415 181.419 -65.184 185.730 -59.329 186.067 -44.025 191.574 20.000 213.662 Material Boundary -293.721 130.485 -292.798 130.574 -283.429 133.060 -274.472 136.657 -259.553 143.217 -248.862 147.374 -238.448 149.992 -221.518 154.954 -202.807 158.727 -198.406 159.589 -192.978 161.060 -191.104 161.607 -171.416 168.950 -142.418 178.178 -137.157 179.789 -134.242 180.446 -97.234 187.891 -92.154 188.842 -86.375 189.725 -68.978 191.726 -48.669 197.810 -32.816 203.364 -16.497 213.382 3.133 225.422 6.132 227.241 8.239 228.561 Material Boundary -292.798 130.574 -272.698 135.145 -260.164 140.209 -221.311 153.985 -195.234 159.039 Material Boundary -400.000 100.049 -303.414 126.677 -272.698 135.145 Material Boundary -303.414 126.677 -293.721 130.485 Material Boundary -186.034 182.000 -138.329 182.000 Material Boundary -128.624 220.000 -86.772 220.000 Material Boundary -193.937 178.000 -150.000 178.000 Material Boundary -125.624 222.000 -84.826 222.000 Material Boundary -197.889 176.000 -188.690 176.000 External Boundary 9.627 229.015 8.479 228.441 8.239 228.561 7.203 229.079 5.979 229.692 -65.924 229.862 -113.677 229.965 -125.624 222.000 -128.624 220.000 -180.795 185.221 -184.349 182.853 -186.034 182.000 -187.202 181.409 -193.937 178.000 -197.889 176.000 -211.717 169.002 -253.763 147.721 -256.460 146.355 -256.794 146.186 -259.774 147.628 -259.824 147.652 -273.830 140.562 -292.400 131.154 -293.721 130.485 -303.213 129.569 -309.388 129.368 -317.794 128.972 -324.983 128.672 -336.781 129.616 -341.988 129.976 -350.783 130.172 -353.982 129.530 -364.068 127.048 -376.499 118.907 -400.000 103.470 -400.000 100.049 -400.000 53.470 20.000 53.470 20.000 213.662 20.000 230.483 15.395 230.253 11.550 229.976 Water Table -400.000 78.322 -264.419 84.504 20.000 105.289 Support -197.889 176.000 -147.889 176.000 Support -193.937 178.000 -143.937 178.000 Support -189.985 180.000 -139.985 180.000 Support -186.034 182.000 -136.034 182.000 Support -182.628 184.000 -132.628 184.000 Support -179.627 186.000 -129.627 186.000 Support -176.627 188.000 -126.627 188.000 Support -173.627 190.000 -123.627 190.000 Support -170.627 192.000 -120.627 192.000 Support -167.627 194.000 -117.627 194.000 Support -164.627 196.000 -114.627 196.000 Support 202.000 -161.626 198.000 -111.626 198.000 Support 204.000 -158.626 200.000 -108.626 200.000 Support -155.626 202.000 -105.626 202.000 Survort -152.626 204.000 -102.626 204.000 Support -149.626 206.000 -99.626 206.000 Support -146.625 208.000 -96.625 208.000 Support -143.625 210.000 -93.625 210.000 Support -140.625 212.000 -90.625 212.000 Support -137.625 214.000 -87.625 214.000 Support -134.625 216.000 -84.625 216.000 Support -131.625 218.000 -81.625 218.000 Support -128.624 220.000 -78.624 220.000 Support -125.624 222.000 -75.624 222.000 c c w R E c LL c c c + O O O O O O O O O O O O �o�oLnoLno�oLno Q, . . W O O r A N N M M V a l0 >1 4J 44 ro _L1� I i W -7- -F-- -- 0 Z OOL r + O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln O Lo O Ln O Ln O u-) O Lo O 44 O O c --I .--1 N N M M d' d' Un Ln 110 4J N _ W �tl r 003 OOL 0 C> LO I+ N 'r (Lf N 0- 0 O � O p O U) a a U) CD LL U L. 4- +r O N to O N LO O II p O C Q •C: -p O i O L � O -C O (D O N o) -0 cc [A.C: O -I.- C) O ' U O C N J (A m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u� o �n o Ln o Ln o Lr) o Ln o O O rl -I N N 1� c' 1 V' tet' to In l0 � L N it 4-4 cn I c C -T�-T-T-r-- r I I I T- �r-7 T--7--1 003 OOL N N O iv �-1 O O O O O O O (D O O O O Ln O Ln O Lr) O Lr) O LO O N O ti F'-+ O O i c 1 N N M M d" Ll7 Ln' l0 - �- -T-_ F-- - - - 4-4 5 r --T--T---T--T--T--T--T —r ----------- r- ------ � r �f E HOZ Oil Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+50_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: G LE/Morgenstern- Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.098050 Center: -331.378, 482.825 Radius: 333.377 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -185.769, 182.928 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -113.070, 230.869 Resisting Moment=4.87228e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.43721 e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=12177 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=11089.7 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.098140 Center: -331.378, 482.825 Radius: 333.377 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -185.769, 182.928 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -113.070, 230.869 Resisting Moment=4.87269e+006 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.43721e+006 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=12177.4 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=11089.1 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16217 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2274 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2149 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 20 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 27 surfaces Method: Qle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16238 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2253 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2149 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 21 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 5 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -278.582 -436.227 242.859 -16.833 242.859 -16.833 482.825 -436.227 482.825 Material Boundary -278.582 135.064 -269.170 138.326 -218.118 156.796 -191.608 165.316 -188.796 165.955 -172.849 169.586 -50.692 190.455 -50.637 190.459 -50.495 190.510 -39.004 195.327 Material Boundary -267.201 144.658 -257.478 147.779 -242.475 151.622 -220.797 157.320 -211.331 160.529 -200.891 163.629 -180.905 169.359 -167.071 172.648 -158.119 175.183 -137.113 180.651 -120.873 184.644 -104.083 188.243 -100.735 188.809 -94.866 189.962 -68.982 194.268 -64.698 195.139 -42.481 202.131 -37.108 203.436 -31.027 205.774 -17.374 211.943 -2.562 223.255 2.412 226.891 6.199 228.867 7.702 229.645 Material Boundary -394.646 97.262 -278.582 135.064 Material Boundary -390.913 100.875 -340.779 122.588 Material Boundary -39.004 195.327 20.000 217.225 External Boundary -274.990 142.182 -290.193 137.228 -298.188 134.536 -310.029 131.202 -317.704 129.269 -322.248 127.992 -340.779 122.588 -342.983 122.522 -359.491 121.825 -390.913 100.875 -391.060 100.777 -391.074 100.777 -393.056 100.780 -393.068 100.843 -393.185 101.460 -393.252 101.460 -393.850 101.461 -393.954 100.913 -394.646 97.262 -394.655 97.262 -394.703 97.262 -399.539 97.047 -400.000 97.026 -400.000 47.026 20.000 47.026 20.000 217.225 20.000 231.324 14.485 230.999 11.170 230.848 11.006 230.893 10.880 230.930 10.698 230.839 10.505 230.743 9.218 230.100 8.005 229.493 7.702 229.645 6.730 230.131 5.505 230.744 -56.850 230.809 -113.836 230.869 -127.144 222.000 -148.586 207.710 -186.246 182.610 -195.358 178.000 -199.311 176.000 -212.843 169.155 -247.233 151.762 -247.959 151.394 -250.254 150.233 -250.779 150.489 -253.274 151.704 -254.273 151.199 -258.128 149.248 -267.201 144.658 Water Table -400.000 90.973 20.000 144.319 Distributed Load -113.836 230.869 -56.850 230.809 5.505 230.744 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+50 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.435950 Center: -394.288, 416.834 Radius: 300.243 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -260.656,147.969 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -256.817, 149.912 Resisting Moment=550.281 Ib -ft Driving Moment=383.217 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=1.63537 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=1.13888 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.435950 Center: -394.288, 416.834 Radius: 300.243 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -260.656,147.969 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -256.817, 149.912 Resisting Moment=550.281 Ib -ft Driving Moment=383.217 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=1.63537 lb Driving Horizontal Force=1.13888 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14400 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4091 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2149 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 131 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1733 surfaces Method: ole/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14352 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4139 Error Codes: , Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2149 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 131 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1781 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -436.227 242.859 -16.833 242.859 -16.833 482.825 -436.227 482.825 Material Boundary -278.582 135.064 -269.170 138.326 -218.118 156.796 -191.608 165.316 -188.796 165.955 -172.849 169.586 -50.692 190.455 -50.637 190.459 -50.495 190.510 -39.004 195.327 Material Boundary -267.201 144.658 -257.478 147.779 -242.475 151.622 -220.797 157.320 -211.331 160.529 -200.891 163.629 -180.905 169.359 -167.071 172.648 -158.119 175.183 -137.113 180.651 -120.873 184.644 -104.083 188.243 -100.735 188.809 -94.866 189.962 -68.982 194.268 -64.698 195.139 -42.481 202.131 -37.108 203.436 -31.027 205.774 -17.374 211.943 -2.562 223.255 2.412 226.891 6.199 228.867 7.702 229.645 Material Boundary -394.646 97.262 -278.582 135.064 Material Boundary -390.913 100.875 -340.779 122.588 Material Boundary -39.004 195.327 20.000 217.225 Material Boundary -195.358 178.000 -165.720 178.000 Material Boundary -199.311 176.000 -184.557 176.000 External Boundary -274.990 142.182 -290.193 137.228 -298.188 134.536 -310.029 131.202 -317.704 129.269 -322.248 127.992 -340.779 122.588 -342.983 122.522 -359.491 121.825 -390.913 100.875 -391.060 100.777 -391.074 100.777 -393.056 100.780 -393.068 100.843 -393.185 101.460 -393.252 101.460 -393.850 101.461 -393.954 100.913 -394.646 97.262 -394.655 97.262 -394.703 97.262 -399.539 97.047 -400.000 97.026 -400.000 47.026 20.000 47.026 20.000 217.225 20.000 231.324 14.485 230.999 11.170 230.848 11.006 230.893 10.880 230.930 10.698 230.839 10.505 230.743 9.218 230.100 8.005 229.493 7.702 229.645 6.730 230.131 5.505 230.744 -56.850 230.809 -113.836 230.869 -127.144 222.000 -148.586 207.710 -186.246 182.610 -195.358 178.000 -199.311 176.000 -212.843 169.155 -247.233 151.762 -247.959 151.394 -250.254 150.233 -250.779 150.489 -253.274 151.704 -254.273 151.199 -258.128 149.248 -267.201 144.658 Water Table -400.000 90.973 20.000 144.319 Distributed Load -113.836 230.869 -56.850 230.809 5.505 230.744 Support -199.311 176.000 -154.311 176.000 Support -195.358 178.000 -150.358 178.000 Support -191.405 180.000 -146.405 180.000 Support -187.452 182.000 -142.452 182.000 Support -184.160 184.000 -139.160 184.000 Support -181.159 186.000 -136.159 186.000 Support -178.159 188.000 -133.159 188.000 Support -175.158 190.000 -130.158 190.000 Support -172.157 192.000 -127.157 192.000 Support -169.156 194.000 -124.156 194.000 Support -166.155 196.000 -121.155 196.000 Support -163.154 198.000 -118.154 198.000 Support -160.154 200.000 -115.154 200.000 Su ort -157.153 202.000 -112.153 202.000 Support -154.152 204.000 -109.152 204.000 Support -151.151 206.000 -106.151 206.000 Support -148.150 208.000 -103.150 208.000 Support -145.149 210.000 -100.149 210.000 Support -142.149 212.000 -97.149 212.000 Support -139.148 214.000 -94.148 214.000 Support -136.147 216.000 -91.147 216.000 Support -133.146 218.000 -88.146 218.000 Support -130.145 220.000 -85.145 220.000 Support -127.144 222.000 -82.144 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+50_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 lb/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.662560 Axis Location: -204.204, 306.469 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -200.444,175.427 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.114, 230.852 Resisting Moment=1.93506e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.1639e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=124525 lb Driving Horizontal Force=74899.2 Ib Method: Qle/morQenstern-price FS: 1.660930 Axis Location: -204.204, 306.469 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -200.444,175.427 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.114, 230.852 Resisting Moment= 1.93488e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.16494e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=124486 lb Driving Horizontal Force=74949.3 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2395 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7606 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2484 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2789 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2333 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2346 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7655 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2374 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2963 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2318 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -199.966 175.669 -152.823 175.669 -65.733 230.818 Material Boundary -278.582 135.064 -269.170 138.326 -218.118 156.796 -191.608 165.316 -188.796 165.955 -172.849 169.586 -50.692 190.455 -50.637 190.459 -50.495 190.510 -39.004 195.327 Material Boundary -267.201 144.658 -257.478 147.779 -242.475 151.622 -220.797 157.320 -211.331 160.529 -200.891 163.629 -180.905 169.359 -167.071 172.648 -158.119 175.183 -137.113 180.651 -120.873 184.644 -104.083 188.243 -100.735 188.809 -94.866 189.962 -68.982 194.268 -64.698 195.139 -42.481 202.131 -37.108 203.436 -31.027 205.774 -17.374 211.943 -2.562 223.255 2.412 226.891 6.199 228.867 7.702 229.645 Material Boundary -394.646 97.262 -278.582 135.064 Material Boundary -390.913 100.875 -340.779 122.588 Material Boundary -39.004 195.327 20.000 217.225 Material Boundary -195.358 178.000 -165.720 178.000 Material Boundary -199.311 176.000 -184.557 176.000 External Boundary -274.990 142.182 -290.193 137.228 -298.188 134.536 -310.029 131.202 -317.704 129.269 -322.248 127.992 -340.779 122.588 -342.983 122.522 -359.491 121.825 -390.913 100.875 -391.060 100.777 -391.074 100.777 -393.056 100.780 -393.068 100.843 -393.185 101.460 -393.252 101.460 -393.850 101.461 -393.954 100.913 -394.646 97.262 -394.655 97.262 -394.703 97.262 -399.539 97.047 -400.000 97.026 -400.000 47.026 20.000 47.026 20.000 217.225 20.000 231.324 14.485 230.999 11.170 230.848 11.006 230.893 10.880 230.930 10.698 230.839 10.505 230.743 9.218 230.100 8.005 229.493 7.702 229.645 6.730 230.131 5.505 230.744 -56.850 230.809 -113.836 230.869 -127.144 222.000 -148.586 207.710 -186.246 182.610 -195.358 178.000 -199.311 176.000 -212.843 169.155 -247.233 151.762 -247.959 151.394 -250.254 150.233 -250.779 150.489 -253.274 151.704 -254.273 151.199 -258.128 149.248 -267.201 144.658 Water Table -400.000 90.973 20.000 144.319 Distributed Load -113.836 230.869 -56.850 230.809 5.505 230.744 Focus/Block Search Window -195.358 178.000 -195.358 174.245 -181.576 174.245 -181.576 178.000 Focus/Block Search Window -175.328 178.000 -175.328 174.345 -152.823 174.345 -152.823 178.000 Support -199.311 176.000 -154.311 176.000 Support -195.358 178.000 -150.358 178.000 Support -191.405 180.000 -146.405 180.000 Support -187.452 182.000 -142.452 182.000 Support -184.160 184.000 -139.160 184.000 Support -181.159 186.000 -136.159 186.000 Support -178.159 188.000 -133.159 188.000 Support -175.158 190.000 -130.158 190.000 Support -172.157 192.000 -127.157 192.000 Support -169.156 194.000 -124.156 194.000 Support -166.155 196.000 -121.155 196.000 Support -163.154 198.000 -118.154 198.000 Support -160.154 200.000 -115.154 200.000 Support -157.153 202.000 -112.153 202.000 Support -154.152 204.000 -109.152 204.000 Support -151.151 206.000 -106.151 206.000 Support -148.150 208.000 -103.150 208.000 Support -145.149 210.000 -100.149 210.000 Support -142.149 212.000 -97.149 212.000 Support -139.148 214.000 -94.148 214.000 Support -136.147 216.000 -91.147 216.000 Support -133.146 218.000 -88.146 218.000 Support -130.145 220.000 -85.145 220.000 Support -127.144 222.000 -82.144 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta12+50 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Municipal Waste - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 120 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 300 psf Friction Angle: 28 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.120980 Center: -268.469, 470.827 Radius: 314.096 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -233.560,158.677 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -65.856, 230.818 Resisting Moment=8.56884e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7.64406e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=249049 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=222170 lb Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.124670 Center: -257.985, 452.829 Radius: 293.711 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -230.054,160.450 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -65.691, 230.818 Resisting Moment=7.98113e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=7.09641e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=248068 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=220569 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16642 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1849 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 8 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1763 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16784 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1707 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 55 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 6 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1623 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -436.227 242.859 -16.833 242.859 -16.833 482.825 -436.227 482.825 Material Boundary -278.582 135.064 -269.170 138.326 -218.118 156.796 -191.608 165.316 -188.796 165.955 -172.849 169.586 -50.692 190.455 -50.637 190.459 -50.495 190.510 -39.004 195.327 Material Boundary -267.201 144.658 -257.478 147.779 -242.475 151.622 -220.797 157.320 -211.331 160.529 -200.891 163.629 -180.905 169.359 -167.071 172.648 -158.119 175.183 -137.113 180.651 -120.873 184.644 -104.083 188.243 -100.735 188.809 -94.866 189.962 -68.982 194.268 -64.698 195.139 -42.481 202.131 -37.108 203.436 -31.027 205.774 -17.374 211.943 -2.562 223.255 2.412 226.891 6.199 228.867 7.702 229.645 Material Boundary -394.646 '97.262 -278.582 135.064 Material Boundary -390.913 100.875 -340.779 122.588 Material Boundary -39.004 195.327 20.000 217.225 Material Boundary -195.358 178.000 -165.720 178.000 Material Boundary -199.311 176.000 -184.557 176.000 External Boundary -274.990 142.182 -290.193 137.228 -298.188 134.536 -310.029 131.202 -317.704 129.269 -322.248 127.992 -340.779 122.588 -342.983 122.522 -359.491 121.825 -390.913 100.875 -391.060 100.777 -391.074 100.777 -393.056 100.780 -393.068 100.843 -393.185 101.460 -393.252 101.460 -393.850 101.461 -393.954 100.913 -394.646 97.262 -394.655 97.262 -394.703 97.262 -399.539 97.047 -400.000 97.026 -400.000 47.026 20.000 47.026 20.000 217.225 20.000 231.324 14.485 230.999 11.170 230.848 11.006 230.893 10.880 230.930 10.698 230.839 10.505 230.743 9.218 230.100 8.005 229.493 7.702 229.645 6.730 230.131 5.505 230.744 -56.850 230.809 -113.836 230.869 -127.144 222.000 -148.586 207.710 -186.246 182.610 -195.358 178.000 -199.311 176.000 -212.843 169.155 -247.233 151.762 -247.959 151.394 -250.254 150.233 -250.779 150.489 -253.274 151.704 -254.273 151.199 -258.128 149.248 -267.201 144.658 Water Table -400.000 90.973 20.000 144.319 Support -199.311 176.000 -154.311 176.000 Support -195.358 178.000 -150.358 178.000 Support -191.405 180.000 -146.405 180.000 Support -187.452 182.000 -142.452 182.000 Support -184.160 184.000 -139.160 184.000 Support -181.159 186.000 -136.159 186.000 Support -178.159 188.000 -133.159 188.000 Support -175.158 190.000 -130.158 190.000 Support -172.157 192.000 -127.157 192.000 Support -169.156 194.000 -124.156 194.000 Support -166.155 196.000 -121.155 196.000 Support -163.154 198.000 -118.154 198.000 Support -160.154 200.000 -115.154 200.000 Support -157.153 202.000 -112.153 202.000 Support -154.152 204.000 -109.152 204.000 Support -151.151 206.000 -106.151 206.000 Support -148.150 208.000 -103.150 208.000 Support -145.149 210.000 -100.149 210.000 Support -142.149 212.000 -97.149 212.000 Support -139.148 214.000 -94.148 214.000 Support -136.147 216.000 -91.147 216.000 Support -133.146 218.000 -88.146 218.000 Suopoft -130.145 220.000 -85.145 220.000 Su ort -127.144 222.000 -82.144 222.000 O o + o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o O O r I i N N M M Ln Ln lO J-� W roco T I o O O I r U)NEW- o E O O U 2 = ..O U — U - U- # N O _Z p aO �- T Y � II 0 1V 11cn U - O i O F O N 4- QQ O _3 U U O O U cz _ �o F y i E O r C? - r O o + o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o O O r I i N N M M Ln Ln lO J-� W roco 0 O I C) O M U) L I � Q� CL E 2 O O p _ O O U LL � E ami cin - 3 Z U-- p =o F N LO � o T O -t vr O >, II U N 0) L r ' 220 0 E O (D -cn w �0 N.J U U = C, r O C (D (> CL ' _1 U) U) Cl N LO T � r O M 2 - U U)AAkL_ f Mr _ F O O r Cl Axa - Ir I O Lo �4 o o O o 0 0 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r C Ln o Ln o Ln o Lr) o Ln o Ln o O O 1 I N N M M d to l0 > 4J i 44 77 M� C U) I i I r 009 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 05t, 00t, 096 1 1 F7 -7 -T --F 006 0 Z OOZ -1 1 T -F -T -F -T -TT 1 T 1 T 05l OOl T -7-7-T-7 i i i i 09 i C) to k r I L Ir _ f C) M cu C, 0 N CL _O r O OU _ civ U) CL C E LL LL ti _O O to _ - �: N Q �+ J � o o r cm \ O 000 C Q c))N V--• co r CD C) O N V VJ '�'/^, 1Lf) „� / �+ O N U CL0 n _o I I N 4Y� i i a i L L O M .2 c O U U) � _ f C � r 0 o z �r f L O + o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 0 0 1-0 C) Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o LO o L9 a O O ri N N 1� rl cr Ln L!7 to - -- r 4-4 Emx.-: r 5 OOtb O E O Z 00 L 0 N N O Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+00_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.090410 Center: -372.517, 485.895 Radius: 354.698 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -183.171, 185.963 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -168.552, 195.707 Resisting Moment=35471.2 Ib -ft Driving Moment=32530.2 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=83.2184 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=76.3184 Ib Method: ale/morpenstern-price FS: 1.090420 Center: -372.517, 485.895 Radius: 354.698 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -183.171, 185.963 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -168.552, 195.707 Resisting Moment=35471.5 Ib -ft Driving Moment=32530.2 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=83.2186 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=76.318 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16277 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2214 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1913 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 10 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 17 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Method: gle/moroenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16280 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2211 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1913 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 15 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 9 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -105 = More than two surface / slope intersections with no valid slip surface. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -492.249 247.580 -13.319 247.580 -13.319 519.940 -492.249 519.940 Material Boundary -276.649 137.634 -248.127 147.520 -190.145 168.496 -135.538 178.000 -135.162 178.066 -53.606 193.066 -49.132 192.732 -42.749 195.407 Material Boundary -234.355 159.613 -223.071 163.456 -212.984 166.493 -200.424 169.900 -179.984 174.225 -174.235 175.350 -165.976 177.308 -163.270 178.000 -152.529 180.745 -152.189 180.832 -142.235 183.431 -126.682 187.491 -115.268 190.391 -105.718 192.496 -93.981 194.781 -81.881 196.049 -79.181 196.271 -77.568 196.788 -51.982 202.203 -40.791 204.699 -40.149 204.854 -39.416 205.138 -33.259 208.771 -13.056 220.000 2.610 228.707 5.135 229.899 7.013 230.718 Material Boundary -374.518 109.314 -276.649 137.634 Material Boundary -42.749 195.407 20.000 218.191 External Bounda 20.000 46.030 20.000 218.191 20.000 232.281 19.996 232.281 10.783 231.902 10.568 231.977 10.305 231.846 10.031 231.709 8.746 231.066 7.531 230.459 7.013 230.718 6.258 231.096 5.031 231.710 -57.230 231.817 -114.216 231.921 -129.102 222.000 -132.103 220.000 -153.244 205.909 -186.215 183.934 -193.697 180.156 -197.965 178.000 -212.059 170.882 -234.355 159.613 -241.912 155.794 -242.767 155.361 -244.925 154.271 -245.619 154.611 -247.938 155.748 -248.337 155.547 -250.382 154.513 -259.684 151.568 -272.304 147.560 -274.878 146.619 -279.120 145.362 -308.322 135.316 -339.513 123.638 -345.949 121.241 -349.064 119.990 -352.794 118.473 -353.901 118.095 -356.272 118.381 -361.403 118.043 -373.642 109.897 -374.518 109.314 -375.566 108.616 -376.056 108.290 -376.521 107.981 -385.132 102.253 -386.552 101.308 -388.846 99.782 -389.003 99.783 -390.840 99.789 -390.858 99.883 -390.969 100.470 -391.065 100.470 -391.633 100.472 -391.766 99.769 -392.428 96.275 -392.439 96.275 -392.485 96.275 -395.168 96.186 -400.000 96.030 -400.000 46.030 Water Table -400.000 89.073 20.000 123.353 Distributed Load -114.216 231.921 -57.230 231.817 5.031 231.710 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+00 Static RevA 062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.091580 Center: -468.303, 261.198 Radius: 178.405 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -370.240,112.161 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -368.666,113.209 Resisting Moment=44.194 Ib -ft Driving Moment=40.4861 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=0.206216 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=0.188914 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.091580 Center: -468.303, 261.198 Radius: 178.405 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -370.240, 112.161 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -368.666,'l 13.209 Resisting Moment=44.194 Ib -ft Driving Moment=40.4861 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=0.206216 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=0.188914 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14739 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3752 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1913 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 69 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1496 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14699 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3792 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1913 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 69 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1536 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -105 = More than two surface / slope intersections with no valid slip surface. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Water Table -400.000 89.073 20.000 123.353 Search Grid -276.649 -492.249 247.580 -13.319 247.580 -13.319 519.940 -492.249 519.940 Material Boundary -276.649 137.634 -248.127 147.520 -190.145 168.496 -135.538 178.000 -135.162 178.066 -53.606 193.066 -49.132 192.732 -42.749 195.407 Material Boundary -234.355 159.613 -223.071 163.456 -212.984 166.493 -200.424 169.900 -179.984 174.225 -174.235 175.350 -171.493 176.000 -165.976 177.308 -163.270 178.000 -152.529 180.745 -152.189 180.832 -142.235 183.431 -126.682 187.491 -115.268 190.391 -105.718 192.496 -93.981 194.781 -81.881 196.049 -79.181 196.271 -77.568 196.788 -51.982 202.203 -40.791 204.699 -40.149 204.854 -39.416 205.138 -33.259 208.771 -13.056 220.000 2.610 228.707 5.135 229.899 7.013 230.718 Material Boundary -374.518 109.314 -276.649 137.634 Material Boundary -42.749 195.407 20.000 218.191 Material Boundary -197.965 178.000 -163.270 178.000 Material Boundary -129.102 222.000 -108.514 222.000 Material Boundary -163.270 178.000 -157.965 178.000 -154.005 180.000 -152.529 180.745 -150.045 182.000 Material Boundary -157.965 178.000 -152.965 178.000 -149.005 180.000 -145.045 182.000 -142.235 183.431 -141.117 184.000 Material Boundary -171.493 176.000 -156.925 176.000 -152.965 178.000 Distributed Load -114.216 231.921 -57.230 231.817 5.031 231.710 External Boundary 20.000 46.030 20.000 218.191 20.000 232.281 19.996 232.281 10.783 231.902 10.568 231.977 10.305 231.846 10.031 231.709 8.746 231.066 7.531 230.459 7.013 230.718 6.258 231.096 5.031 231.710 -57.230 231.817 -114.216 231.921 -129.102 222.000 -132.103 220.000 -153.244 205.909 -186.215 183.934 -193.697 180.156 -197.965 178.000 -201.925 176.000 -212.059 170.882 -234.355 159.613 -241.912 155.794 -242.767 155.361 -244.925 154.271 -245.619 154.611 -247.938 155.748 -248.337 155.547 -250.382 154.513 -259.684 151.568 -272.304 147.560 -274.878 146.619 -279.120 145.362 -308.322 135.316 -339.513 123.638 -345.949 121.241 -349.064 119.990 -352.794 118.473 -353.901 118.095 -356.272 118.381 -361.403 118.043 -373.642 109.897 -374.518 109.314 -375.566 108.616 -376.056 108.290 -376.521 107.981 -385.132 102.253 -386.552 101.308 -388.846 99.782 -389.003 99.783 -390.840 99.789 -390.858 99.883 -390.969 100.470 -391.065 100.470 -391.633 100.472 -391.766 99.769 -392.428 96.275 -392.439 96.275 -392.485 96.275 -395.168 96.186 -400.000 96.030 -400.000 46.030 Support -201.925 176.000 -161.925 176.000 Support -197.965 178.000 -157.965 178.000 Support -194.005 180.000 -154.005 180.000 Support -190.045 182.000 -150.045 182.000 Support -186.117 184.000 -146.117 184.000 Support -183.116 186.000 -143.116 186.000 Su ort -180.115 188.000 -140.115 188.000 Support -177.114 190.000 -137.114 190.000 Support -174.114 192.000 -134.114 192.000 Support -171.113 194.000 -131.113 194.000 Support -168.112 196.000 -128.112 196.000 Support -165.111 198.000 -125.111 198.000 Support -162.110 200.000 -122.110 200.000 Support -159.110 202.000 -119.110 202.000 Su ort -156.109 204.000 -116.109 204.000 Support -153.108 206.000 -113.108 206.000 Support -150.107 208.000 -110.107 208.000 Support -147.106 210.000 -107.106 210.000 Support -144.106 212.000 -104.106 212.000 Support -141.105 214.000 -101.105 214.000 Support -138.104 216.000 -98.104 216.000 Support -135.103 218.000 -95.103 218.000 Support -132.103 220.000 -92.103 220.000 Support -129.102 222.000 -89.102 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+00_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.651940 Axis Location: -206.523, 314.365 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -204.772,174.562 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -93.630, 231.884 Resisting Moment=2.44514e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.48017e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148391 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=89828.7 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.652220 Axis Location: -206.523, 314.365 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -204.772,174.562 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -93.630, 231.884 Resisting Moment=2.44383e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=1.47911 a+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=148400 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=89818.5 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2958 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7043 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2483 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2317 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2243 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 3072 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 6929 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2232 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2471 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2226 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -203.303 175.304 -160.126 175.304 -69.152 231.839 Material Boundary -276.649 137.634 -248.127 147.520 -190.145 168.496 -135.538 178.000 -135.162 178.066 -53.606 193.066 -49.132 192.732 -42.749 195.407 Material Boundary -234.355 159.613 -223.071 163.456 -212.984 166.493 -200.424 169.900 -179.984 174.225 -174.235 175.350 -171.493 176.000 -165.976 177.308 -163.270 178.000 -152.529 180.745 -152.189 180.832 -142.235 183.431 -126.682 187.491 -115.268 190.391 -105.718 192.496 -93.981 194.781 -81.881 196.049 -79.181 196.271 -77.568 196.788 -51.982 202.203 -40.791 204.699 -40.149 204.854 -39.416 205.138 -33.259 208.771 -13.056 220.000 2.610 228.707 5.135 229.899 7.013 230.718 Material Boundary -374.518 109.314 -276.649 137.634 Material Boundary -42.749 195.407 20.000 218.191 Material Boundary -197.965 178.000 -163.270 178.000 Material Boundary -129.102 222.000 -108.514 222.000 Material Boundary -163.270 178.000 -157.965 178.000 -154.005 180.000 -152.529 180.745 -150.045 182.000 Material Boundary -157.965 178.000 -152.965 178.000 -149.005 180.000 -145.045 182.000 -142.235 183.431 -141.117 184.000 Material Boundary -171.493 176.000 -156.925 176.000 -152.965 178.000 External Boundary 20.000 46.030 20.000 218.191 20.000 232.281 19.996 232.281 10.783 231.902 10.568 231.977 10.305 231.846 10.031 231.709 8.746 231.066 7.531 230.459 7.013 230.718 6.258 231.096 5.031 231.710 -57.230 231.817 -114.216 231.921 -129.102 222.000 -132.103 220.000 -153.244 205.909 -186.215 183.934 -193.697 180.156 -197.965 178.000 -201.925 176.000 -212.059 170.882 -234.355 159.613 -241.912 155.794 -242.767 155.361 -244.925 154.271 -245.619 154.611 -247.938 155.748 -248.337 155.547 -250.382 154.513 -259.684 151.568 -272.304 147.560 -274.878 146.619 -279.120 145.362 -308.322 135.316 -339.513 123.638 -345.949 121.241 -349.064 119.990 -352.794 118.473 -353.901 118.095 -356.272 118.381 -361.403 118.043 -373.642 109.897 -374.518 109.314 -375.566 108.616 -376.056 108.290 -376.521 107.981 -385.132 102.253 -386.552 101.308 -388.846 99.782 -389.003 99.783 -390.840 99.789 -390.858 99.883 -390.969 100.470 -391.065 100.470 -391.633 100.472 -391.766 99.769 -392.428 96.275 -392.439 96.275 -392.485 96.275 -395.168 96.186 -400.000 96.030 -400.000 46.030 Water Table -400.000 89.073 20.000 123.353 Distributed Load -114.216 231.921 -57.230 231.817 5.031 231.710 Focus/Block Search Window -171.042 180.000 -171.042 171.727 -148.632 171.727 -148.632 180.000 Focus/Block Search Window -193.697 180.156 -193.697 172.552 -176.865 172.552 -176.865 180.000 Support -201.925 176.000 -161.925 176.000 Support -197.965 178.000 -157.965 178.000 Support -194.005 180.000 -154.005 180.000 Support -190.045 182.000 -150.045 182.000 Su ort -186.117 184.000 -146.117 184.000 Support -183.116 186.000 -143.116 186.000 Support -180.115 188.000 -140.115 188.000 Support -177.114 190.000 -137.114 190.000 Support -174.114 192.000 -134.114 192.000 Support -171.113 194.000 -131.113 194.000 Support -168.112 196.000 -128.112 196.000 Support -165.111 198.000 -125.111 198.000 Support -162.110 200.000 -122.110 200.000 Support -159.110 202.000 -119.110 202.000 Support -156.109 204.000 -116.109 204.000 Support -153.108 206.000 -113.108 206.000 SUppOrt -150.107 208.000 -110.107 208.000 Support -147.106 210.000 -107.106 210.000 Support -144.106 212.000 -104.106 212.000 Sul2port -141.105 214.000 -101.105 214.000 Support -138.104 216.000 -98.104 216.000 Support -135.103 218.000 -95.103 218.000 Support -132.103 220.000 -92.103 220.000 Support -129.102 222.000 -89.102 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+00 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Proaerties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.121740 Center: -228.838, 363.333 Radius: 197.832 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -222.505,165.602 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.011, 231.861 Resisting Moment=4.58808e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.09014e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=208189 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=185595 Ib Method: Qle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.120180 Center: -228.838, 363.333 Radius: 197.832 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -222.505, 165.602 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.011, 231.861 Resisting Moment=4.58169e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.09014e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=208177 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=185843 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 17052 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1439 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 6 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1158 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17158 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1333 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 33 surfaces Error Code -105 reported for 1 surface Error Code -106 reported for 163 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 6 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1052 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 77 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -105 = More than two surface / slope intersections with no valid slip surface. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -492.249 247.580 -13.319 247.580 -13.319 519.940 -492.249 519.940 Material Boundary -276.649 137.634 -248.127 147.520 -190.145 168.496 -135.538 178.000 -135.162 178.066 -53.606 193.066 -49.132 192.732 -42.749 195.407 Material Boundary -234.355 159.613 -223.071 163.456 -212.984 166.493 -200.424 169.900 -179.984 174.225 -174.235 175.350 -171.493 176.000 -165.976 177.308 -163.270 178.000 -152.529 180.745 -152.189 180.832 -142.235 183.431 -126.682 187.491 -115.268 190.391 -105.718 192.496 -93.981 194.781 -81.881 196.049 -79.181 196.271 -77.568 196.788 -51.982 202.203 -40.791 204.699 -40.149 204.854 -39.416 205.138 -33.259 208.771 -13.056 220.000 2.610 228.707 5.135 229.899 7.013 230.718 Material Boundary -374.518 109.314 -276.649 137.634 Material Boundary -42.749 195.407 20.000 218.191 Material Boundary -197.965 178.000 -163.270 178.000 Material Boundary -129.102 222.000 -108.514 222.000 Material Boundary -163.270 178.000 -157.965 178.000 -154.005 180.000 -152.529 180.745 -150.045 182.000 Material Boundary -157.965 178.000 -152.965 178.000 -149.005 180.000 -145.045 182.000 -142.235 183.431 -141.117 184.000 Material Boundary -171.493 176.000 -156.925 176.000 -152.965 178.000 External Boundary 20.000 46.030 20.000 218.191 20.000 232.281 19.996 232.281 10.783 231.902 10.568 231.977 10.305 231.846 10.031 231.709 8.746 231.066 7.531 230.459 7.013 230.718 6.258 231.096 5.031 231.710 -57.230 231.817 -114.216 231.921 -129.102 222.000 -132.103 220.000 -153.244 205.909 -186.215 183.934 -193.697 180.156 -197.965 178.000 -201.925 176.000 -212.059 170.882 -234.355 159.613 -241.912 155.794 -242.767 155.361 -244.925 154.271 -245.619 154.611 -247.938 155.748 -248.337 155.547 -250.382 154.513 -259.684 151.568 -272.304 147.560 -274.878 146.619 -279.120 145.362 -308.322 135.316 -339.513 123.638 -345.949 121.241 -349.064 119.990 -352.794 118.473 -353.901 118.095 -356.272 118.381 -361.403 118.043 -373.642 109.897 -374.518 109.314 -375.566 108.616 -376.056 108.290 -376.521 107.981 -385.132 102.253 -386.552 101.308 -388.846 99.782 -389.003 99.783 -390.840 99.789 -390.858 99.883 -390.969 100.470 -391.065 100.470 -391.633 100.472 -391.766 99.769 -392.428 96.275 -392.439 96.275 -392.485 96.275 -395.168 96.186 -400.000 96.030 -400.000 46.030 Water Table -400.000 89.073 20.000 123.353 Support -201.925 176.000 -161.925 176.000 Support -197.965 178.000 -157.965 178.000 Support -194.005 180.000 -154.005 180.000 Support -190.045 182.000 -150.045 182.000 Support -186.117 184.000 -146.117 184.000 Support -183.116 186.000 -143.116 186.000 Support -180.115 188.000 -140.115 188.000 Support -177.114 190.000 -137.114 190.000 Support -174.114 192.000 -134.114 192.000 Support -171.113 194.000 -131.113 194.000 Support -168.112 196.000 -128.112 196.000 Support -165.111 198.000 -125.111 198.000 Support -162.110 200.000 -122.110 200.000 Support -159.110 202.000 -119.110 202.000 Support -156.109 204.000 -116.109 204.000 Support -153.108 206.000 -113.108 206.000 Support -150.107 208.000 -110.107 208.000 Support -147.106 210.000 -107.106 210.000 Support -144.106 212.000 -104.106 212.000 Support -141.105 214.000 -101.105 214.000 Support -138.104 216.000 -98.104 216.000 Support -135.103 218.000 -95.103 218.000 Support -132.103 220.000 -92.103 220.000 Support -129.102 222.000 -89.102 222.000 O LO T c) Cn _ _ / o Q _ o � o • 0-0 o U ii 'D U N ai U- (D O O d x Z �- - �`- O c - a O c LO CD c v C) IIU O T_ 1 W � /1!Q.� P O L O a �O O N _C "O co � cz 0- 0 I F CM c -icncn 3►U r 0 N �o 1 / M 1 Q O > .. 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II ..J c))LL a •c -a O 00 d O - 0) N .� O O N O N .r- U J O U ' � U O N O O •— I .J C) Cn O + �? 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o Ln o n o In o Ln o In o Ln o O O r -I r -I N N M (n IT IZi Ln Ln �O > - 4J N 44 C/) a, _ _ I OOZ OOl O O T Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+50_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.090180 Center: -329.519, 393.521 Radius: 252.877 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -192.516, 180.972 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -186.057, 185.277 Resisting Moment=3058.87 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2805.83 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=10.0656 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=9.23294 ib Method: le/mor enstern- rice FS: 1.090180 Center: -329.519, 393.521 Radius: 252.877 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -192.516, 180.972 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -186.057, 185.277 Resisting Moment=3058.87 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2805.83 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=10.0656 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=9.23293 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15993 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2498 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2313 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 44 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 29 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16022 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2469 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2313 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 44 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 =Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 +tan (alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -454.426 243.937 -0.217 243.937 -0.217 457.628 -454.426 457.628 Material Boundary -274.715 140.199 -227.084 156.708 -189.224 170.405 -157.075 176.000 -63.881 192.220 -48.537 195.042 -47.696 194.979 -46.495 195.482 Material Boundary -226.599 163.358 -206.167 170.860 -204.792 171.276 -202.555 171.970 -187.463 176.000 -173.511 179.725 -146.405 185.397 -145.647 185.550 -137.932 187.110 -117.638 191.818 -101.189 195.820 -96.902 196.623 -84.032 200.259 -81.427 200.616 -68.855 202.195 -61.828 203.106 -51.470 204.385 -39.076 207.525 -12.352 217.693 -5.077 223.493 2.320 229.867 6.218 231.571 6.453 231.670 Material Boundary -352.566 121.546 -304.505 133.146 -274.715 140.199 Material Boundary -46.495 195.482 20.000 213.706 Material Boundary -187.463 176.000 -161.320 176.000 -157.321 178.000 -153.974 180.000 -150.973 182.000 -147.972 184.000 -145.647 185.550 -144.972 186.000 External Boundary -255.592 154.593 -269.152 150.355 -279.018 147.956 -281.026 147.338 -282.867 146.627 -302.269 138.316 -312.620 134.358 -326.593 130.202 -337.887 127.026 -345.201 123.920 -352.566 121.546 -373.938 107.379 -380.122 103.279 -385.973 99.400 -386.741 99.402 -387.979 99.404 -388.033 99.691 -388.108 100.085 -388.397 100.085 -388.776 100.086 -389.140 98.177 -389.576 95.888 -389.603 95.888 -389.633 95.888 -394.611 95.727 -397.655 95.631 -400.000 95.555 -400.000 45.555 20.000 45.555 20.000 213.706 20.000 233.148 11.848 232.937 10.366 232.880 10.157 232.916 9.833 232.754 9.558 232.616 8.342 232.009 7.058 231.367 6.453 231.670 5.830 231.981 4.558 232.617 -53.955 232.762 -114.612 232.896 -129.070 223.253 -130.952 222.000 -132.654 220.867 -134.970 219.326 -147.523 210.960 -169.593 196.250 -170.312 195.771 -187.719 184.169 -195.931 178.695 -201.320 176.000 -217.633 167.841 -226.526 163.394 -226.599 163.358 -237.791 157.759 -239.929 156.690 -240.799 156.255 -243.069 157.384 -243.806 157.751 -243.932 157.750 -244.009 157.712 Water Table -400.000 95.555 20.000 128.380 Distributed Load -114.612 232.896 -53.955 232.762 4.558 232.617 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+50 Static RevA 062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction, Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.452740 Center: -374.939, 457.628 Radius: 329.580 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -231.901, 160.706 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -223.151, 165.082 Resisting Moment=6622.32 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4558.52 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=17.9708 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=12.3703 Ib Method:gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.452740 Center: -374.939, 457.628 Radius: 329.580 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -231.901, 160.706 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -223.151, 165.082 Resisting Moment=6622.34 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4558.52 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=17.9708 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=12.3703 lb Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14713 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3778 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2313 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 158 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1195 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14687 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 3804 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2313 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 158 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1221 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 Aan (alpha)tan (phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -454.426 243.937 -0.217 243.937 -0.217 457.628 -454.426 457.628 Material Boundary -274.715 140.199 -227.084 156.708 -189.224 170.405 -157.075 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -63.881 192.220 -48.537 195.042 -47.696 194.979 -46.495 195.482 Material Boundary -226.599 163.358 -206.167 170.860 -204.792 171.276 -202.555 171.970 -187.463 176.000 -173.511 179.725 -146.405 185.397 -145.647 185.550 -138.468 187.002 -137.932 187.110 -117.638 191.818 -101.189 195.820 -96.902 196.623 -84.032 200.259 -81.427 200.616 -68.855 202.195 -61.828 203.106 -51.470 204.385 -39.076 207.525 -12.352 217.693 -5.077 223.493 2.320 229.867 6.218 231.571 6.453 231.670 Material Boundary -352.566 121.546 -304.505 133.146 -274.715 140.199 Material Boundary -46.495 195.482 20.000 213.706 Material Boundary -187.463 176.000 -157.075 176.000 -156.320 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -152.321 178.000 -148.974 180.000 -145.973 182.000 -142.972 184.000 -139.972 186.000 -138.468 187.002 -136.971 188.000 External Boundary -255.592 154.593 -269.152 150.355 -279.018 147.956 -281.026 147.338 -282.867 146.627 -302.269 138.316 -312.620 134.358 -326.593 130.202 -337.887 127.026 -345.201 123.920 -352.566 121.546 -373.938 107.379 -380.122 103.279 -385.973 99.400 -386.741 99.402 -387.979 99.404 -388.033 99.691 -388.108 100.085 -388.397 100.085 -388.776 100.086 -389.140 98.177 -389.576 95.888 -389.603 95.888 -389.633 95.888 -394.611 95.727 -397.655 95.631 -400.000 95.555 -400.000 45.555 20.000 45.555 20.000 213.706 20.000 233.148 11.848 232.937 10.366 232.880 10.157 232.916 9.833 232.754 9.558 232.616 8.342 232.009 7.058 231.367 6.453 231.670 5.830 231.981 4.558 232.617 -53.955 232.762 -114.612 232.896 -129.070 223.253 -130.952 222.000 -132.654 220.867 -134.970 219.326 -147.523 210.960 -169.593 196.250 -170.312 195.771 -187.719 184.169 -195.931 178.695 -201.320 176.000 -217.633 167.841 -226.526 163.394 -226.599 163.358 -237.791 157.759 -239.929 156.690 -240.799 156.255 -243.069 157.384 -243.806 157.751 -243.932 157.750 -244.009 157.712 Water Table -400.000 95.555 20.000 128.380 Distributed Load -114.612 232.896 -53.955 232.762 4.558 232.617 Support -201.320 176.000 -161.320 176.000 Support -197.321 178.000 -157.321 178.000 Support -193.974 180.000 -153.974 180.000 Support -190.973 182.000 -150.973 182.000 Support -187.972 184.000 -147.972 184.000 Support -184.972 186.000 -144.972 186.000 Support 192.000 -181.971 188.000 -141.971 188.000 Support 194.000 -178.970 190.000 -138.970 190.000 Support -175.970 192.000 -135.970 192.000 Support -172.969 194.000 -132.969 194.000 Su ort -169.968 196.000 -129.968 196.000 Support -166.968 198.000 -126.968 198.000 Support -163.967 200.000 -123.967 200.000 SUppOr1 -160.966 202.000 -120.966 202.000 Su ort -157.966 204.000 -117.966 204.000 Support -154.965 206.000 -114.965 206.000 Support -151.964 208.000 -111.964 208.000 Supoorl -148.964 210.000 -108.964 210.000 Support -145.963 212.000 -105.963 212.000 Support -142.961 214.000 -102.961 214.000 Support -139.960 216.000 -99.960 216.000 Support -136.959 218.000 -96.959 218.000 Support -133.957 220.000 -93.957 220.000 Support -130.952 222.000 -90.952 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+50_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Project Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinci 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.625700 Axis Location: -208.931, 310.162 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -203.952,174.684 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.561, 232.858 Resisting Moment=2.11627e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment= 1.30176e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=131900 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=81134.4 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.625710 Axis Location: -208.931, 310.162 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -203.952,174.684 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -97.561, 232.858 Resisting Moment=2.11551e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment= 1.30128e+007 lb -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=131971 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=81177.3 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2640 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7361 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2448 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2580 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2333 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2665 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7336 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2268 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2750 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2318 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha) (1 +tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -202.267 175.527 -159.709 175.379 -73.402 232.805 Material Boundary -274.715 140.199 -227.084 156.708 -189.224 170.405 -157.075 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -63.881 192.220 -48.537 195.042 -47.696 194.979 -46.495 195.482 Material Boundary -226.599 163.358 -206.167 170.860 -204.792 171.276 -202.555 171.970 -187.463 176.000 -173.511 179.725 -146.405 185.397 -145.647 185.550 -138.468 187.002 -137.932 187.110 -117.638 191.818 -101.189 195.820 -96.902 196.623 -84.032 200.259 -81.427 200.616 -68.855 202.195 -61.828 203.106 -51.470 204.385 -39.076 207.525 -12.352 217.693 -5.077 223.493 2.320 229.867 6.218 231.571 6.453 231.670 Material Boundary -352.566 121.546 -304.505 133.146 -274.715 140.199 Material Boundary -46.495 195.482 20.000 213.706 Material Boundary -187.463 176.000 -157.075 176.000 -156.320 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -152.321 178.000 -148.974 180.000 -145.973 182.000 -142.972 184.000 -139.972 186.000 -138.468 187.002 -136.971 188.000 External Boundary -255.592 154.593 -269.152 150.355 -279.018 147.956 -281.026 147.338 -282.867 146.627 -302.269 138.316 -312.620 134.358 -326.593 130.202 -337.887 127.026 -345.201 123.920 -352.566 121.546 -373.938 107.379 -380.122 103.279 -385.973 99.400 -386.741 99.402 -387.979 99.404 -388.033 99.691 -388.108 100.085 -388.397 100.085 -388.776 100.086 -389.140 98.177 -389.576 95.888 -389.603 95.888 -389.633 95.888 -394.611 95.727 -397.655 95.631 -400.000 95.555 -400.000 45.555 20.000 45.555 20.000 213.706 20.000 233.148 11.848 232.937 10.366 232.880 10.157 232.916 9.833 232.754 9.558 232.616 8.342 232.009 7.058 231.367 6.453 231.670 5.830 231.981 4.558 232.617 -53.955 232.762 -114.612 232.896 -129.070 223.253 -130.952 222.000 -132.654 220.867 -134.970 219.326 -147.523 210.960 -169.593 196.250 -170.312 195.771 -187.719 184.169 -195.931 178.695 -201.320 176.000 -217.633 167.841 -226.526 163.394 -226.599 163.358 -237.791 157.759 -239.929 156.690 -240.799 156.255 -243.069 157.384 -243.806 157.751 -243.932 157.750 -244.009 157.712 Water Table -400.000 95.555 20.000 128.380 Distributed Load -114.612 232.896 -53.955 232.762 4.558 232.617 Focus/Block Search Window -197.321 178.000 -197.321 173.368 -184.603 173.368 -184.603 178.000 Focus/Block Search Window -176.852 178.000 -176.852 172.558 -156.281 172.558 -156.281 178.062 Support -201.320 176.000 -161.320 176.000 Support -197.321 178.000 -157.321 178.000 Support -193.974 180.000 -153.974 180.000 Support -190.973 182.000 -150.973 182.000 Support -187.972 184.000 -147.972 184.000 Support -184.972 186.000 -144.972 186.000 Support -181.971 188.000 -141.971 188.000 Support -178.970 190.000 -138.970 190.000 Support -175.970 192.000 -135.970 192.000 Support -172.969 194.000 -132.969 194.000 Support -169.968 196.000 -129.968 196.000 Support -166.968 198.000 -126.968 198.000 Support -163.967 200.000 -123.967 200.000 Support -160.966 202.000 -120.966 202.000 Su ort -157.966 204.000 -117.966 204.000 Support -154.965 206.000 -114.965 206.000 Support -151.964 208.000 -111.964 208.000 Support -148.964 210.000 -108.964 210.000 Support -145.963 212.000 -105.963 212.000 Support -142.961 214.000 -102.961 214.000 Support -139.960 216.000 -99.960 216.000 Support -136.959 218.000 -96.959 218.000 Support -133.957 220.000 -93.957 220.000 Support -130.952 222.000 -90.952 222.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta13+50 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 lb/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.111250 Center: -227.321, 361.467 Radius: 194.598 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -219.241, 167.037 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.312, 232.822 Resisting Moment=4.4373e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.99305e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=204461 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=183992 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.106810 Center: -227.321, 361.467 Radius: 194.598 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -219.241, 167.037 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.312, 232.822 Resisting Moment=4.41955e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.99305e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=204108 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=184411 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 17288 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1203 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 17 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 1076 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17493 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 998 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 45 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 64 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 16 surfaces Error Code -109 reported for 1 surface Error Code -111 reported for 872 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -109 = Soiltype for slice base not located. This error should occur very rarely, if at all. It may occur if a very low number of slices is combined with certain soil geometries, such that the midpoint of a slice base is actually outside the soil region,even though the slip surface is wholly within the soil region. -111 = safety factor equation did not converge List of All Coordinates Search Grid -454.426 243.937 -0.217 243.937 -0.217 457.628 -454.426 457.628 Material Boundary -274.715 140.199 -227.084 156.708 -189.224 170.405 -157.075 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -63.881 192.220 -48.537 195.042 -47.696 194.979 -46.495 195.482 Material Boundary -226.599 163.358 -206.167 170.860 -204.792 171.276 -202.555 171.970 -187.463 176.000 -173.511 179.725 -146.405 185.397 -145.647 185.550 -138.468 187.002 -137.932 187.110 -117.638 191.818 -101.189 195.820 -96.902 196.623 -84.032 200.259 -81.427 200.616 -68.855 202.195 -61.828 203.106 -51.470 204.385 -39.076 207.525 -12.352 217.693 -5.077 223.493 2.320 229.867 6.218 231.571 6.453 231.670 Material Boundary -352.566 121.546 -304.505 133.146 -274.715 140.199 Material Boundary -46.495 195.482 20.000 213.706 Material Boundary -187.463 176.000 -157.075 176.000 -156.320 176.000 -155.917 176.202 -152.321 178.000 -148.974 180.000 -145.973 182.000 -142.972 184.000 -139.972 186.000 -138.468 187.002 -136.971 188.000 External Boundary -255.592 154.593 -269.152 150.355 -279.018 147.956 -281.026 147.338 -282.867 146.627 -302.269 138.316 -312.620 134.358 -326.593 130.202 -337.887 127.026 -345.201 123.920 -352.566 121.546 -373.938 107.379 -380.122 103.279 -385.973 99.400 -386.741 99.402 -387.979 99.404 -388.033 99.691 -388.108 100.085 -388.397 100.085 -388.776 100.086 -389.140 98.177 -389.576 95.888 -389.603 95.888 -389.633 95.888 -394.611 95.727 -397.655 95.631 -400.000 95.555 -400.000 45.555 20.000 45.555 20.000 213.706 20.000 233.148 11.848 232.937 10.366 232.880 10.157 232.916 9.833 232.754 9.558 232.616 8.342 232.009 7.058 231.367 6.453 231.670 5.830 231.981 4.558 232.617 -53.955 232.762 -114.612 232.896 -129.070 223.253 -130.952 222.000 -132.654 220.867 -134.970 219.326 -147.523 210.960 -169.593 196.250 -170.312 195.771 -187.719 184.169 -195.931 178.695 -201.320 176.000 -217.633 167.841 -226.526 163.394 -226.599 163.358 -237.791 157.759 -239.929 156.690 -240.799 156.255 -243.069 157.384 -243.806 157.751 -243.932 157.750 -244.009 157.712 Water Table -400.000 95.555 20.000 128.380 Support -201.320 176.000 -161.320 176.000 Support -197.321 178.000 -157.321 178.000 Support -193.974 180.000 -153.974 180.000 Su ort -190.973 182.000 -150.973 182.000 Support -187.972 184.000 -147.972 184.000 Support -184.972 186.000 -144.972 186.000 Support -181.971 188.000 -141.971 188.000 Support -178.970 190.000 -138.970 190.000 Support -175.970 192.000 -135.970 192.000 Support -172.969 194.000 -132.969 194.000 Support -169.968 196.000 -129.968 196.000 Support -166.968 198.000 -126.968 198.000 Support -163.967 200.000 -123.967 200.000 Support -160.966 202.000 -120.966 202.000 Support -157.966 204.000 -117.966 204.000 Support -154.965 206.000 -114.965 206.000 Support -151.964 208.000 -111.964 208.000 Support -148.964 210.000 -108.964 210.000 Support -145.963 212.000 -105.963 212.000 Support -142.961 214.000 -102.961 214.000 Support -139.960 216.000 -99.960 216.000 Support -136.959 218.000 -96.959 218.000 Support -133.957 220.000 -93.957 220.000 Support -130.952 222.000 -90.952 222.000 01 co C-1 CD CD L.) 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This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 . (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 +tan (alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -492.192 246.058 3.972 246.058 3.972 515.394 -492.192 515.394 Material Boundary -272.782 142.701 -206.040 162.643 -189.851 170.000 -188.304 170.703 -181.635 172.000 -171.351 174.000 -162.465 175.728 -112.622 185.422 -55.641 199.609 Material Boundary -250.924 153.658 -239.861 155.588 -238.026 155.898 -237.079 156.141 -236.180 156.482 -206.685 163.577 -203.638 165.001 -193.756 170.000 -189.957 171.922 -189.656 172.000 -186.937 172.705 -182.273 174.000 -164.369 178.971 -161.598 179.796 -160.554 180.099 -150.477 183.420 -135.023 188.514 -119.105 192.139 -109.649 194.552 -87.554 199.101 -85.988 199.436 -83.876 200.062 -69.304 204.539 -50.780 208.427 -38.384 210.524 -20.014 218.893 -0.397 231.737 -0.306 231.759 5.068 232.970 Material Boundary -349.882 120.395 -335.053 124.758 -294.404 137.076 -272.782 142.701 Material Boundary -55.641 199.609 20.000 219.360 Material Boundary -189.656 172.000 -181.635 172.000 -168.275 172.000 -162.465 175.728 -150.477 183.420 -149.573 184.000 External Boundary -358.481 114.673 -380.325 100.138 -380.695 99.891 -382.676 98.573 -383.488 98.574 -384.679 98.574 -384.753 98.960 -384.809 99.254 -385.228 99.254 -385.476 99.254 -386.064 96.164 -386.275 95.055 -386.318 95.055 -386.332 95.055 -388.118 95.012 -394.345 94.864 -396.101 94.823 -400.000 94.730 -400.000 44.730 20.000 44.730 20.000 219.360 20.000 233.949 10.664 233.645 9.883 233.619 9.845 233.632 9.638 233.738 9.359 233.599 9.084 233.461 7.801 232.820 6.584 232.212 5.356 232.826 5.068 232.970 4.084 233.462 -100.772 233.624 -115.114 233.645 -117.777 231.870 -118.556 231.351 -128.597 224.637 -129.553 224.000 -133.239 221.544 -148.611 211.303 -160.904 203.115 -204.572 174.000 -205.453 173.412 -205.544 173.367 -208.275 172.000 -212.272 170.000 -216.893 167.688 -223.308 164.477 -234.864 158.694 -235.808 158.222 -237.868 157.191 -240.048 158.278 -240.871 158.689 -248.945 154.648 -250.924 153.658 -286.484 147.455 -298.590 141.597 -316.449 135.455 -328.203 130.619 -339.704 127.167 -349.882 120.395 Water Table -400.000 94.730 23.113 124.322 Distributed Load -115.114 233.645 -100.772 233.624 4.084 233.462 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta14+00_Static_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.113480 Center: -479.787, 333.592 Radius: 249.636 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -349.434,120.693 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -339.172, 127.326 Resisting Moment=30685.3 lb -ft Driving Moment=27558 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=102.932 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=92.442 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.113490 Center: -479.787, 333.592 Radius: 249.636 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -349.434,120.693 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -339.172,127.326 Resisting Moment=30685.6 lb -ft Driving Moment=27558 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=102.933 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=92.4414 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14265 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4226 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 28 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 222 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1977 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 159 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1554 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 286 surfaces Method: gle/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14220 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4271 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 28 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 222 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 1977 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 159 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1599 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 286 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -492.192 246.058 3.972 246.058 3.972 515.394 -492.192 515.394 Material Boundary -272.782 142.701 -206.040 162.643 -189.851 170.000 -188.304 170.703 -181.635 172.000 -171.351 174.000 -162.465 175.728 -155.397 177.103 -154.720 177.235 -112.622 185.422 -55.641 199.609 Material Boundary -250.924 153.658 -239.861 155.588 -238.026 155.898 -237.079 156.141 -236.180 156.482 -206.685 163.577 -203.638 165.001 -193.756 170.000 -189.957 171.922 -189.656 172.000 -186.937 172.705 -182.273 174.000 -164.369 178.971 -161.598 179.796 -160.554 180.099 -150.477 183.420 -140.637 186.663 -135.023 188.514 -119.105 192.139 -109.649 194.552 -87.554 199.101 -85.988 199.436 -83.876 200.062 -69.304 204.539 -50.780 208.427 -38.384 210.524 -20.014 218.893 -0.397 231.737 -0.306 231.759 5.068 232.970 Material Boundary -349.882 120.395 -335.053 124.758 -294.404 137.076 -272.782 142.701 Material Boundary -55.641 199.609 20.000 219.360 Material Boundary -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 Material Boundary -208.275 172.000 -189.656 172.000 Material Boundary -189.656 172.000 -181.635 172.000 -168.275 172.000 -162.465 175.728 -150.477 183.420 -149.573 184.000 Material Boundary -141.574 186.000 -140.637 186.663 Material Boundary -168.275 172.000 -163.275 172.000 -159.572 174.000 -156.572 176.000 -154.720 177.235 -153.572 178.000 -144.573 184.000 -141.574 186.000 External Boundary -358.481 114.673 -380.325 100.138 -380.695 99.891 -382.676 98.573 -383.488 98.574 -384.679 98.574 -384.753 98.960 -384.809 99.254 -385.228 99.254 -385.476 99.254 -386.064 96.164 -386.275 95.055 -386.318 95.055 -386.332 95.055 -388.118 95.012 -394.345 94.864 -396.101 94.823 -400.000 94.730 -400.000 44.730 20.000 44.730 20.000 219.360 20.000 233.949 10.664 233.645 9.883 233.619 9.845 233.632 9.638 233.738 9.359 233.599 9.084 233.461 7.801 232.820 6.584 232.212 5.356 232.826 5.068 232.970 4.084 233.462 -100.772 233.624 -115.114 233.645 -117.777 231.870 -118.556 231.351 -128.597 224.637 -129.553 224.000 -133.239 221.544 -148.611 211.303 -160.904 203.115 -204.572 174.000 -205.453 173.412 -205.544 173.367 -208.275 172.000 -212.272 170.000 -216.893 167.688 -223.308 164.477 -234.864 158.694 -235.808 158.222 -237.868 157.191 -240.048 158.278 -240.871 158.689 -248.945 154.648 -250.924 153.658 -286.484 147.455 -298.590 141.597 -316.449 135.455 -328.203 130.619 -339.704 127.167 -349.882 120.395 Water Table -400.000 94.730 23.113 124.322 Distributed Load -115.114 233.645 -100.772 233.624 4.084 233.462 Support -208.275 172.000 -168.275 172.000 Support -204.572 174.000 -164.572 174.000 Support -201.572 176.000 -161.572 176.000 Support -198.572 178.000 -158.572 178.000 Support -195.573 180.000 -155.573 180.000 Support -192.573 182.000 -152.573 182.000 Su ort -189.573 184.000 -149.573 184.000 Support -186.574 186.000 -146.574 186.000 Support -183.574 188.000 -143.574 188.000 Support -180.574 190.000 -140.574 190.000 Swoon -177.574 192.000 -137.574 192.000 Support -174.575 194.000 -134.575 194.000 Support -171.575 196.000 -131.575 196.000 Support -168.575 198.000 -128.575 198.000 Support -165.575 200.000 -125.575 200.000 Support -162.576 202.000 -122.576 202.000 Support -159.575 204.000 -119.575 204.000 Support -156.572 206.000 -116.572 206.000 Support -153.570 208.000 -113.570 208.000 Support -150.567 210.000 -110.567 210.000 Support -147.565 212.000 -107.565 212.000 Support -144.563 214.000 -104.563 214.000 Support -141.561 216.000 -101.561 216.000 Support -138.559 218.000 -98.559 218.000 Support -135.557 220.000 -95.557 220.000 Support -132.555 222.000 -92.555 222.000 Support -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta14+00_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.616720 Axis Location: -215.465, 315.328 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -209.607,171.334 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -96.755, 233.618 Resisting Moment=2.57448e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=1.59241 a+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=150980 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=93386.4 Ib Method: ole/morgenstern-price FS: 1.616750 Axis Location: -215.465, 315.328 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -209.607,171.334 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -96.755, 233.618 Resisting Moment=2.57425e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=1.59224e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=150980 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=93384.9 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2641 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7360 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2482 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2643 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2235 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2713 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7288 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2230 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2846 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2212 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -208.275 172.000 -168.275 172.000 -72.984 233.581 Material Boundary -272.782 142.701 -206.040 162.643 -189.851 170.000 -188.304 170.703 -181.635 172.000 -171.351 174.000 -162.465 175.728 -155.397 177.103 -154.720 177.235 -112.622 185.422 -55.641 199.609 Material Boundary -250.924 153.658 -239.861 155.588 -238.026 155.898 -237.079 156.141 -236.180 156.482 -206.685 163.577 -203.638 165.001 -193.756 170.000 -189.957 171.922 -189.656 172.000 -186.937 172.705 -182.273 174.000 -164.369 178.971 -161.598 179.796 -160.554 180.099 -150.477 183.420 -140.637 186.663 -135.023 188.514 -119.105 192.139 -109.649 194.552 -87.554 199.101 -85.988 199.436 -83.876 200.062 -69.304 204.539 -50.780 208.427 -38.384 210.524 -20.014 218.893 -0.397 231.737 -0.306 231.759 5.068 232.970 Material Boundary -349.882 120.395 -335.053 124.758 -294.404 137.076 -272.782 142.701 Material Boundary -55.641 199.609 20.000 219.360 Material Boundary -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 Material Boundary -208.275 172.000 -189.656 172.000 Material Boundary -189.656 172.000 -181.635 172.000 -168.275 172.000 -162.465 175.728 -150.477 183.420 -149.573 184.000 Material Boundary -141.574 186.000 -140.637 186.663 Material Boundary -168.275 172.000 -163.275 172.000 -159.572 174.000 -156.572 176.000 -154.720 177.235 -153.572 178.000 -144.573 184.000 -141.574 186.000 External Boundary -358.481 114.673 -380.325 100.138 -380.695 99.891 -382.676 98.573 -383.488 98.574 -384.679 98.574 -384.753 98.960 -384.809 99.254 -385.228 99.254 -385.476 99.254 -386.064 96.164 -386.275 95.055 -386.318 95.055 -386.332 95.055 -388.118 95.012 -394.345 94.864 -396.101 94.823 -400.000 94.730 -400.000 44.730 20.000 44.730 20.000 219.360 20.000 233.949 10.664 233.645 9.883 233.619 9.845 233.632 9.638 233.738 9.359 233.599 9.084 233.461 7.801 232.820 6.584 232.212 5.356 232.826 5.068 232.970 4.084 233.462 -100.772 233.624 -115.114 233.645 -117.777 231.870 -118.556 231.351 -128.597 224.637 -129.553 224.000 -133.239 221.544 -148.611 211.303 -160.904 203.115 -204.572 174.000 -205.453 173.412 -205.544 173.367 -208.275 172.000 -212.272 170.000 -216.893 167.688 -223.308 164.477 -234.864 158.694 -235.808 158.222 -237.868 157.191 -240.048 158.278 -240.871 158.689 -248.945 154.648 -250.924 153.658 -286.484 147.455 -298.590 141.597 -316.449 135.455 -328.203 130.619 -339.704 127.167 -349.882 120.395 Water Table -400.000 94.730 23.113 124.322 Distributed Load -115.114 233.645 -100.772 233.624 4.084 233.462 Focus/Block Search Window -205.453 173.412 -205.453 170.036 -186.507 170.036 -186.507 174.000 Focus/Block Search Window -180.122 174.000 -180.122 169.951 -161.138 169.951 -161.138 174.377 Support -208.275 172.000 -168.275 172.000 Support -204.572 174.000 -164.572 174.000 Support -201.572 176.000 -161.572 176.000 Su ort -198.572 178.000 -158.572 178.000 Support -195.573 180.000 -155.573 180.000 Support -192.573 182.000 -152.573 182.000 Support -189.573 184.000 -149.573 184.000 Support -186.574 186.000 -146.574 186.000 Support -183.574 188.000 -143.574 188.000 Support -180.574 190.000 -140.574 190.000 Support -177.574 192.000 -137.574 192.000 Sumort -174.575 194.000 -134.575 194.000 Support -171.575 196.000 -131.575 196.000 Support -168.575 198.000 -128.575 198.000 Support -165.575 200.000 -125.575 200.000 Support -162.576 202.000 -122.576 202.000 Support -159.575 204.000 -119.575 204.000 Support -156.572 206.000 -116.572 206.000 Support -153.570 208.000 -113.570 208.000 Support -150.567 210.000 -110.567 210.000 Support -147.565 212.000 -107.565 212.000 Support -144.563 214.000 -104.563 214.000 Support -141.561 216.000 -101.561 216.000 Su000rt -138.559 218.000 -98.559 218.000 Support -135.557 220.000 -95.557 220.000 Support -132.555 222.000 -92.555 222.000 Support -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta14+00 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.090800 Center: -231.706, 367.259 Radius: 200.924 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -218.760, 166.753 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.692, 233.594 Resisting Moment=4.55692e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.17758e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=202998 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=186099 Ib Method: ale/morcienstern-price FS: 1.087330 Center: -231.706, 367.259 Radius: 200.924 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -218.760, 166.753 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.692, 233.594 Resisting Moment=4.54241e+007 lb -ft Driving Moment=4.17758e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=202720 fb Driving Horizontal Force=186439 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16651 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1840 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 28 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 222 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 51 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1253 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 286 surfaces Method: ole/moroenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16764 Number of Invalid. Surfaces: 1727 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 28 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 222 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 48 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1143 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 286 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -492.192 246.058 3.972 246.058 3.972 515.394 -492.192 515.394 Material Boundary -272.782 142.701 -206.040 162.643 -189.851 170.000 -188.304 170.703 -181.635 172.000 -171.351 174.000 -162.465 175.728 -155.397 177.103 -154.720 177.235 -112.622 185.422 -55.641 199.609 Material Boundary -250.924 153.658 -239.861 155.588 -238.026 155.898 -237.079 156.141 -236.180 156.482 -206.685 163.577 -203.638 165.001 -193.756 170.000 -189.957 171.922 -1891656 172.000 -186.937 172.705 -182.273 174.000 -164.369 178.971 -161.598 179.796 -160.554 180.099 -150.477 183.420 -140.637 186.663 -135.023 188.514 -119.105 192.139 -109.649 194.552 -87.554 199.101 -85.988 199.436 -83.876 200.062 -69.304 204.539 -50.780 208.427 -38.384 210.524 -20.014 218.893 -0.397 231.737 -0.306 231.759 5.068 232.970 Material Boundary -349.882 120.395 -335.053 124.758 -294.404 137.076 -272.782 142.701 Material Boundary -55.641 199.609 20.000 219.360 Material Boundary -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 Material Boundary -208.275 172.000 -189.656 172.000 Material Boundary -189.656 172.000 -181.635 172.000 -168.275 172.000 -162.465 175.728 -150.477 183.420 -149.573 184.000 Material Boundary -141.574 186.000 -140.637 186.663 Material Boundary -168.275 172.000 -163.275 172.000 -159.572 174.000 -156.572 176.000 -154.720 177.235 -153.572 178.000 -144.573 184.000 -141.574 186.000 External Boundary -358.481 114.673 -380.325 100.138 -380.695 99.891 -382.676 98.573 -383.488 98.574 -384.679 98.574 -384.753 98.960 -384.809 99.254 -385.228 99.254 -385.476 99.254 -386.064 96.164 -386.275 95.055 -386.318 95.055 -386.332 95.055 -388.118 95.012 -394.345 94.864 -396.101 94.823 -400.000 94.730 -400.000 44.730 20.000 44.730 20.000 219.360 20.000 233.949 10.664 233.645 9.883 233.619 9.845 233.632 9.638 233.738 9.359 233.599 9.084 233.461 7.801 232.820 6.584 232.212 5.356 232.826 5.068 232.970 4.084 233.462 -100.772 233.624 -115.114 233.645 -117.777 231.870 -118.556 231.351 -128.597 224.637 -129.553 224.000 -133.239 221.544 -148.611 211.303 -160.904 203.115 -204.572 174.000 -205.453 173.412 -205.544 173.367 -208.275 172.000 -212.272 170.000 -216.893 167.688 -223.308 164.477 -234.864 158.694 -235.808 158.222 -237.868 157.191 -240.048 158.278 -240.871 158.689 -248.945 154.648 -250.924 153.658 -286.484 147.455 -298.590 141.597 -316.449 135.455 -328.203 130.619 -339.704 127.167 -349.882 120.395 Water Table -400.000 94.730 23.113 124.322 Support -208.275 172.000 -168.275 172.000 Support -204.572 174.000 -164.572 174.000 Support -201.572 176.000 -161.572 176.000 Support -198.572 178.000 -158.572 178.000 Support -195.573 180.000 -155.573 180.000 Support -192.573 182.000 -152.573 182.000 Support -189.573 184.000 -149.573 184.000 Support -186.574 186.000 -146.574 186.000 Support -183.574 188.000 -143.574 188.000 Support -180.574 190.000 -140.574 190.000 Support -177.574 192.000 -137.574 192.000 Su ort -174.575 194.000 -134.575 194.000 Support -171.575 196.000 -131.575 196.000 Support -168.575 198.000 -128.575 198.000 Support -165.575 200.000 -125.575 200.000 Support -162.576 202.000 -122.576 202.000 Su ort -159.575 204.000 -119.575 204.000 Support -156.572 206.000 -116.572 206.000 Support -153.570 208.000 -113.570 208.000 Support -150.567 210.000 -110.567 210.000 Support -147.565 212.000 -107.565 212.000 Support -144.563 214.000 -104.563 214.000 Support -141.561 216.000 -101.561 216.000 Support -138.559 218.000 -98.559 218.000 Support -135.557 220.000 -95.557 220.000 Support -132.555 222.000 -92.555 222.000 Support -129.553 224.000 -89.553 224.000 E 0 U O O LO 7— co co ''4— O^/�70 ^ V/ Q '_ v/ VJ 1.L 0 C/) N LL C CD N a) O O O C/D-� 1 --- 0 0iO ^L (L 0 L O FD. 0cn0 N.�- c i) 0 L. 1 V CO C U O C O O J CO ca E 0 U 0 U) 0 - _ -- - 0 r; cu 3 LL Z J- 0 0 m L N ` Al cli r �i E 0 U .6 co 0 0 .N a� 1,4 o + 41 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O o O o 0 CD u-) o Ln o In o Ln o U-) o U-) o 4-4 cn L N N O O T f4 0 + O CD <D C� Q CD C) (D (D (D Q CD Q ` C) Ln (D LO C) LO Q Ln Q Ln Q Ln cD 4 O O 1-4 -4 N N m Cl) '3' V' Ln Lr) l0 ro Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+00_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.091050 Center: -365.983, 450.841 Radius: 317.473 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -195.283, 183.164 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -184.778, 190.161 Resisting Moment=13152.6 Ib -ft Driving Moment=12054.9 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=34.4817 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=31.6041 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.091060 Center: -365.983, 450.841 Radius: 317.473 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -195.283,183.164 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -184.778, 190.161 Resisting Moment=13152.6 Ib -ft Driving Moment=12054.9 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=34.4818 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=31.604 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15718 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2773 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2015 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 105 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 26 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 15742 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2749 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2015 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 105 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 " (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -490.365 250.247 7.164 250.247 7.164 517.705 -490.365 517.705 Material Boundary -268.915 147.996 -235.809 159.471 Material Boundary -207.641 174.933 -199.085 176.712 -180.685 180.814 -163.170 186.072 -157.750 187.710 -155.648 188.463 -152.951 188.964 -143.293 191.196 -143.192 191.219 -128.745 194.558 -112.335 200.033 -109.812 200.950 -104.222 201.552 -78.444 204.812 -61.652 208.963 -61.260 209.059 -61.084 209.110 -50.686 211.920 -24.223 221.547 -16.077 226.229 -7.348 231.437 -2.349 234.491 -1.167 235.384 3.300 235.673 Material Boundary -331.866 127.957 -268.915 147.996 Material Boundary -68.661 206.638 -22.643 219.244 20.000 224.391 Material Boundary -234.274 160.003 -222.416 164.113 -204.095 170.000 -197.870 172.000 -191.936 173.907 -149.769 186.888 -149.673 186.918 -143.553 188.802 -68.661 206.638 Material Boundary -172.147 172.000 -149.673 186.918 -143.192 191.219 -142.016 192.000 Material Boundary -212.147 172.000 -197.870 172.000 -172.147 172.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.820 20.000 43.886 20.000 224.391 20.000 236.487 18.351 236.439 17.705 236.421 9.347 236.165 9.109 236.240 8.636 236.003 8.137 235.754 6.856 235.114 5.637 234.505 4.368 235.139 3.300 235.673 3.137 235.755 -83.792 236.156 -115.633 236.272 -115.646 236.192 -117.562 234.929 -130.968 226.000 -133.971 224.000 -207.641 174.933 -212.147 172.000 -215.220 170.000 -218.334 167.973 -221.075 166.603 -227.804 163.237 -229.807 162.205 -232.573 160.853 -233.479 160.400 -234.274 160.003 -235.573 159.353 -235.809 159.471 -236.481 159.807 -238.573 160.853 -240.828 161.981 -241.900 162.517 -247.655 160.963 -264.985 156.907 -276.416 152.960 -289.045 148.653 -302.459 144.149 -304.589 143.331 -306.219 142.788 -308.867 141.774 -314.637 139.418 -325.729 132.039 -331.866 127.957 -335.898 125.275 -351.673 114.779 -372.618 100.844 -375.784 98.738 -377.626 97.512 -377.731 97.513 -379.628 97.513 -379.638 97.563 -379.757 98.194 -379.807 98.194 -380.425 98.194 -380.490 97.854 -381.223 93.994 -381.228 93.994 -381.280 93.994 -382.130 93.986 -390.035 93.913 -391.664 93.897 -398.215 93.837 -400.000 93.820 Water Table -400.000 93.820 20.000 116.641 Distributed Load -115.633 236.272 -83.792 236.156 3.137 235.755 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+00 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 2501b/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.098930 Center: -477.927, 370.603 Radius: 283.181 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -331.226, 128.383 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -314.049, 139.658 Resisting Moment=84807.3 Ib -ft Driving Moment=77172.7 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=249.757 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=227.274 Ib Method: ale/moraenstern-price FS: 1.098950 Center: -477.927, 370.603 Radius: 283.181 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -331.226, 128.383 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -314.049, 139.658 Resisting Moment=84809.1 Ib -ft Driving Moment=77172.7 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=249.759 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=227.27 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 14073 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4418 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2015 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 165 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1611 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Method: ole/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 14036 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 4455 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 2015 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 164 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1649 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 =Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -490.365 250.247 7.164 250.247 7.164 517.705 -490.365 517.705 Material Boundary -268.915 147.996 -235.809 159.471 Material Boundary -207.641 174.933 -199.085 176.712 -180.685 180.814 -163.170 186.072 -157.750 187.710 -155.648 188.463 -152.951 188.964 -143.293 191.196 -143.192 191.219 -135.537 192.988 -128.745 194.558 -112.335 200.033 -109.812 200.950 -104.222 201.552 -78.444 204.812 -61.652 208.963 -61.260 209.059 -61.084 209.110 -50.686 211.920 -24.223 221.547 -16.077 226.229 -7.348 231.437 -2.349 234.491 -1.167 235.384 3.300 235.673 Material Boundary -331.866 127.957 -268.915 147.996 Material Boundary -68.661 206.638 -22.643 219.244 20.000 224.391 Material Boundary -234.274 160.003 -222.416 164.113 -204.095 170.000 -197.870 172.000 -191.936 173.907 -149.769 186.888 -149.673 186.918 -143.553 188.802 -140.886 189.437 -68.661 206.638 Material Boundary -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Material Boundary -172.147 172.000 -149.673 186.918 -143.192 191.219 -142.016 192.000 Material Boundary -212.147 172.000 -197.870 172.000 -172.147 172.000 -167.147 172.000 -140.886 189.437 -135.537 192.988 -134.013 194.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.820 20.000 43.886 20.000 224.391 20.000 236.487 18.351 236.439 17.705 236.421 9.347 236.165 9.109 236.240 8.636 236.003 8.137 235.754 6.856 235.114 5.637 234.505 4.368 235.139 3.300 235.673 3.137 235.755 -83.792 236.156 -115.633 236.272 -115.646 236.192 -117.562 234.929 -130.968 226.000 -133.971 224.000 -207.641 174.933 -212.147 172.000 -215.220 170.000 -218.334 167.973 -221.075 166.603 -227.804 163.237 -229.807 162.205 -232.573 160.853 -233.479 160.400 -234.274 160.003 -235.573 159.353 -235.809 159.471 -236.481 159.807 -238.573 160.853 -240.828 161.981 -241.900 162.517 -247.655 160.963 -264.985 156.907 -276.416 152.960 -289.045 148.653 -302.459 144.149 -304.589 143.331 -306.219 142.788 -308.867 141.774 -314.637 139.418 -325.729 132.039 -331.866 127.957 -335.898 125.275 -351.673 114.779 -372.618 100.844 -375.784 98.738 -377.626 97.512 -377.731 97.513 -379.628 97.513 -379.638 97.563 -379.757 98.194 -379.807 98.194 -380.425 98.194 -380.490 97.854 -381.223 93.994 -381.228 93.994 -381.280 93.994 -382.130 93.986 -390.035 93.913 -391.664 93.897 -398.215 93.837 -400.000 93.820 Water Table -400.000 93.820 20.000 116.641 Distributed Load -115.633 236.272 -83.792 236.156 3.137 235.755 Support -133.971 224.000 -93.971 224.000 Support -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Support -206.039 176.000 -166.039 176.000 Support -203.036 178.000 -163.036 178.000 Support -200.033 180.000 -160.033 180.000 Support 184.000 -197.030 182.000 -157.030 182.000 Support -194.028 184.000 -154.028 184.000 Support -191.025 186.000 -151.025 186.000 Support -188.022 188.000 -148.022 188.000 Support -185.019 190.000 -145.019 190.000 Support -182.016 192.000 -142.016 192.000 Supporl -179.013 194.000 -139.013 194.000 Support -176.011 196.000 -136.011 196.000 Support -173.008 198.000 -133.008 198.000 Support -170.005 200.000 -130.005 200.000 Support -167.002 202.000 -127.002 202.000 Support -163.999 204.000 -123.999 204.000 Support -160.996 206.000 -120.996 206.000 Support -157.994 208.000 -117.994 208.000 Support -154.991 210.000 -114.991 210.000 Support -151.988 212.000 -111.988 212.000 Support -148.985 214.000 -108.985 214.000 Support -145.982 216.000 -105.982 216.000 Support -142.979 218.000 -102.979 218.000 Support -139.976 220.000 -99.976 220.000 Support -136.974 222.000 -96.974 222.000 Support -212.147 172.000 -172.147 172.000 Support -209.074 174.000 -169.074 174.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+00_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 1000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.636760 Axis Location: -203.723, 345.786 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -211.042, 172.719 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -69.661, 236.091 Resisting Moment=4.1667e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.54569e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=222355 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=135851 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.630250 Axis Location: -203.723, 345.786 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -211.042, 172.719 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -69.661, 236.091 Resisting Moment=4.16475e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.55467e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=222068 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=136217 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 242 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 759 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 254 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 278 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 227 surfaces Method: ale/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 248 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 753 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 225 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 304 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 224 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1+tan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Non -Circ. Failure Surface -212.147 172.000 -170.518 172.000 -74.725 236.114 Material Boundary -268.915 147.996 -235.809 159.471 Material Boundary -207.641 174.933 -199.085 176.712 -180.685 180.814 -163.170 186.072 -157.750 187.710 -155.648 188.463 -152.951 188.964 -143.293 191.196 -143.192 191.219 -135.537 192.988 -128.745 194.558 -112.335 200.033 -109.812 200.950 -104.222 201.552 -78.444 204.812 -61.652 208.963 -61.260 209.059 -61.084 209.110 -50.686 211.920 -24.223 221.547 -16.077 226.229 -7.348 231.437 -2.349 234.491 -1.167 235.384 3.300 235.673 Material Boundary -331.866 127.957 -268.915 147.996 Material Boundary -68.661 206.638 -22.643 219.244 20.000 224.391 Material Boundary -234.274 160.003 -222.416 164.113 -204.095 170.000 -197.870 172.000 -191.936 173.907 -149.769 186.888 -149.673 186.918 -143.553 188.802 -140.886 189.437 -68.661 206.638 Material Boundary -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Material Boundary -172.147 172.000 -149.673 186.918 -143.192 191.219 -142.016 192.000 Material Boundary -212.147 172.000 -197.870 172.000 -172.147 172.000 -167.147 172.000 -140.886 189.437 -135.537 192.988 -134.013 194.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.820 20.000 43.886 20.000 224.391 20.000 236.487 18.351 236.439 17.705 236.421 9.347 236.165 9.109 236.240 8.636 236.003 8.137 235.754 6.856 235.114 5.637 234.505 4.368 235.139 3.300 235.673 3.137 235.755 -83.792 236.156 -115.633 236.272 -115.646 236.192 -117.562 234.929 -130.968 226.000 -133.971 224.000 -207.641 174.933 -212.147 172.000 -215.220 170.000 -218.334 167.973 -221.075 166.603 -227.804 163.237 -229.807 162.205 -232.573 160.853 -233.479 160.400 -234.274 160.003 -235.573 159.353 -235.809 159.471 -236.481 159.807 -238.573 160.853 -240.828 161.981 -241.900 162.517 -247.655 160.963 -264.985 156.907 -276.416 152.960 -289.045 148.653 -302.459 144.149 -304.589 143.331 -306.219 142.788 -308.867 141.774 -314.637 139.418 -325.729 132.039 -331.866 127.957 -335.898 125.275 -351.673 114.779 -372.618 100.844 -375.784 98.738 -377.626 97.512 -377.731 97.513 -379.628 97.513 -379.638 97.563 -379.757 98.194 -379.807 98.194 -380.425 98.194 -380.490 97.854 -381.223 93.994 -381.228 93.994 -381.280 93.994 -382.130 93.986 -390.035 93.913 -391.664 93.897 -398.215 93.837 -400.000 93.820 Water Table -400.000 93.820 20.000 116.641 Distributed Load -115.633 236.272 -83.792 236.156 3.137 235.755 Focus/Block Search Window -209.074 174.000 -209.074 170.184 -193.935 170.184 -193.935 174.000 Focus/Block Search Window -187.101 174.000 -187.101 170.072 -166.933 170.072 -166.933 174.400 Support -133.971 224.000 -93.971 224.000 Support -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Sul?12ort -206.039 176.000 -166.039 176.000 Support -203.036 178.000 -163.036 178.000 Support -200.033 180.000 -160.033 180.000 Support -197.030 182.000 -157.030 182.000 Support -194.028 184.000 -154.028 184.000 Support -191.025 186.000 -151.025 186.000 Support -188.022 188.000 -148.022 188.000 Support -185.019 190.000 -145.019 190.000 Support -182.016 192.000 -142.016 192.000 Support -179.013 194.000 -139.013 194.000 Support -176.011 196.000 -136.011 196.000 Support -173.008 198.000 -133.008 198.000 Support -170.005 200.000 -130.005 200.000 Support -167.002 202.000 -127.002 202.000 Support -163.999 204.000 -123.999 204.000 Support -160.996 206.000 -120.996 206.000 Support -157.994 208.000 -117.994 208.000 Support -154.991 210.000 -114.991 210.000 Support -151.988 212.000 -111.988 212.000 Support -148.985 214.000 -108.985 214.000 Support -145.982 216.000 -105.982 216.000 Support -142.979 218.000 -102.979 218.000 Support -139.976 220.000 -99.976 220.000 Support -136.974 222.000 -96.974 222.000 Support -212.147 172.000 -172.147 172.000 Support -209.074 174.000 -169.074 174.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+00 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loading Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 1301b/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: Water Table Custom Hu value: 1 Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: Water Table Custom Hu value: 1 Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: Water Table Custom Hu value: 1 Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: Water Table Custom Hu value: 1 Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 28 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.095000 Center: -216.724, 350.544 Radius: 176.857 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -209.316,173.842 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.848, 236.147 Resisting Moment=3.82161 a+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.49004e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=194397 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=177531 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.092850 Center: -229.162, 370.603 Radius: 199.666 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -212.741, 171.613 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -81.555, 236.146 Resisting Moment=4.34576e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=3.97655e+007 Ib-ft Resisting Horizontal Force=195827 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=179190 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16468 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2023 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 65 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1331 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Method: gle/morQenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 16498 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1993 Error Codes: Error Code -103 reported for 23 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 153 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 65 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1301 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 451 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ` (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -490.365 250.247 7.164 250.247 7.164 517.705 -490.365 517.705 Material Boundary -268.915 147.996 -235.809 159.471 Material Boundary -207.641 174.933 -199.085 176.712 -180.685 180.814 -163.170 186.072 -157.750 187.710 -155.648 188.463 -152.951 188.964 -143.293 191.196 -143.192 191.219 -135.537 192.988 -128.745 194.558 -112.335 200.033 -109.812 200.950 -104.222 201.552 -78.444 204.812 -61.652 208.963 -61.260 209.059 -61.084 209.110 -50.686 211.920 -24.223 221.547 -16.077 226.229 -7.348 231.437 -2.349 234.491 -1.167 235.384 3.300 235.673 Material Boundary -331.866 127.957 -268.915 147.996 Material Boundary -68.661 206.638 -22.643 219.244 20.000 224.391 Material Boundary -234.274 160.003 -222.416 164.113 -204.095 170.000 -197.870 172.000 -191.936 173.907 -149.769 186.888 -149.673 186.918 -143.553 188.802 -140.886 189.437 -68.661 206.638 Material Boundary -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Material Boundary -172.147 172.000 -149.673 186.918 -143.192 191.219 -142.016 192.000 Material Boundary -212.147 172.000 -197.870 172.000 -172.147 172.000 -167.147 172.000 -140.886 189.437 -135.537 192.988 -134.013 194.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.820 20.000 43.886 20.000 224.391 20.000 236.487 18.351 236.439 17.705 236.421 9.347 236.165 9.109 236.240 8.636 236.003 8.137 235.754 6.856 235.114 5.637 234.505 4.368 235.139 3.300 235.673 3.137 235.755 -83.792 236.156 -115.633 236.272 -115.646 236.192 -117.562 234.929 -130.968 226.000 -133.971 224.000 -207.641 174.933 -212.147 172.000 -215.220 170.000 -218.334 167.973 -221.075 166.603 -227.804 163.237 -229.807 162.205 -232.573 160.853 -233.479 160.400 -234.274 160.003 -235.573 159.353 -235.809 159.471 -236.481 159.807 -238.573 160.853 -240.828 161.981 -241.900 162.517 -247.655 160.963 -264.985 156.907 -276.416 152.960 -289.045 148.653 -302.459 144.149 -304.589 143.331 -306.219 142.788 -308.867 141.774 -314.637 139.418 -325.729 132.039 -331.866 127.957 -335.898 125.275 -351.673 114.779 -372.618 100.844 -375.784 98.738 -377.626 97.512 -377.731 97.513 -379.628 97.513 -379.638 97.563 -379.757 98.194 -379.807 98.194 -380.425 98.194 -380.490 97.854 -381.223 93.994 -381.228 93.994 -381.280 93.994 -382.130 93.986 -390.035 93.913 -391.664 93.897 -398.215 93.837 -400.000 93.820 Water Table -400.000 93.820 20.000 116.641 Support -133.971 224.000 -93.971 224.000 Support -130.968 226.000 -90.968 226.000 Support -206.039 176.000 -166.039 176.000 Support -203.036 178.000 -163.036 178.000 Support -200.033 180.000 -160.033 180.000 Support -197.030 182.000 -157.030 182.000 Support -194.028 184.000 -154.028 184.000 Support -191.025 186.000 -151.025 186.000 Support -188.022 188.000 -148.022 188.000 Support -185.019 190.000 -145.019 190.000 Support -182.016 192.000 -142.016 192.000 Support -179.013 194.000 -139.013 194.000 Support -176.011 196.000 -136.011 196.000 Support -173.008 198.000 -133.008 198.000 Support -170.005 200.000 -130.005 200.000 Support -167.002 202.000 -127.002 202.000 Support -163.999 204.000 -123.999 204.000 Support -160.996 206.000 -120.996 206.000 Support -157.994 208.000 -117.994 208.000 Support -154.991 210.000 -114.991 210.000 Support -151.988 212.000 -111.988 212.000 Support -148.985 214.000 -108.985 214.000 Support -145.982 216.000 -105.982 216.000 Support -142.979 218.000 -102.979 218.000 Support -139.976 220.000 -99.976 220.000 Support -136.974 222.000 -96.974 222.000 Support -212.147 172.000 -172.147 172.000 Support -209.074 174.000 -169.074 174.000 O LO LO T- N U) N CL _O V5 U �-0 N U 00 O .0 d � N � v /// }�1 V/ 0� Q - . 7C) O 20 L L � W O O O Q O N ^L W ' � U O � N �.alCn o { (0 O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c O Ln O In O u') O Ln O LO O Ln c _IT F -u, v- win 009 i ►11► i l C) r O 0 as E L 0 U- c 0 c a) cr 001 O LO LO T _O Q N O N (A U _ co O U) O 'O Cn N LL U O N C/) CD N T O O ^L- O O Ocn.c N.� cn-0 Q O L_ U -j U) 0 + 4j0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C) Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o Ln o (D O >r T - - 4-)14-4 I � t u -WOMMUMM 4 k R { Ir I~ EC? .> O U i I 1 o r I -- C=) r F r c, O � O 1 00E Z OOZ 091 00l 09 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+50_Static-NoReinforcing_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.41b/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.086910 Center: -367.189, 492.876 Radius: 351.982 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -185.824, 191.217 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -157.550, 210.134 Resisting Moment=256273 Ib -ft Driving Moment=235782 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=605.196 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=556.805 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.086950 Center: -367.189, 492.876 Radius: 351.982 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -185.824,191.217 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -157.550, 210.134 Resisting Moment=256282 lb -ft Driving Moment=235782 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=605.202 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=556.792 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 17629 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 862 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 400 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 233 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 56 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Method: ale/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17652 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 839 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 400 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 234 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 32 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -102 = Two surface / slope intersections, but resulting arc is actually outside soil region. -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 ' (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -447.253 250.947 10.257 250.947 10.257 499.079 -447.253 499.079 Material Boundary -266.981 150.467 -253.638 155.091 -236.737 160.522 Material Boundary -233.759 161.479 -195.908 173.641 -104.272 201.852 -85.373 206.436 -76.499 208.588 -72.987 209.440 Material Boundary -221.440 167.607 -215.846 169.776 -207.313 172.843 -187.794 180.435 -177.528 182.906 -176.057 183.338 -163.538 186.747 -161.611 187.266 -148.215 191.637 -133.390 195.846 -126.960 197.591 -125.208 198.523 -123.554 198.933 -114.759 200.071 -112.477 200.550 -110.603 200.847 -104.064 202.096 -97.916 204.475 -89.455 207.561 -85.740 207.918 -76.499 208.588 -71.507 208.950 -62.667 210.464 -52.661 211.872 -49.908 212.378 -47.480 214.298 -39.441 218.766 -30.809 226.851 -26.795 230.686 -21.761 233.307 -17.540 235.848 -9.325 236.756 Material Boundary -319.349 134.600 -266.981 150.467 Material Boundary -85.373 206.436 -61.610 209.135 -47.835 211.411 19.431 227.988 External Boundary -400.000 43.141 19.431 43.141 19.431 227.988 19.431 237.608 7.976 237.203 7.802 237.116 7.663 237.047 6.443 236.437 5.163 235.797 3.931 236.414 2.663 237.048 -4.266 236.879 -9.325 236.756 -14.680 236.625 -22.050 236.446 -27.541 236.312 -31.790 236.208 -35.175 236.126 -37.936 236.058 -40.231 236.002 -82.686 236.137 -84.251 236.191 -86.109 236.255 -86.864 236.281 -88.299 236.299 -89.952 236.353 -93.059 236.455 -112.182 236.000 -112.318 235.970 -112.509 235.926 -118.673 235.011 -122.012 233.909 -157.751 210.000 -172.153 200.363 -172.694 200.000 -180.390 194.849 -188.291 189.568 -188.349 189.530 -188.783 189.246 -188.8.83 189.180 -189.002 189.100 -189.143 189.007 -189.319 188.891 -189.542 188.743 -189.836 188.549 -190.789 187.919 -190.837 187.887 -190.860 187.871 -192.957 186.485 -221.102 167.780 -221.440 167.607 -229.319 163.580 -233.205 161.755 -233.759 161.479 -235.311 160.704 -236.206 160.257 -236.737 160.522 -238.269 161.289 -239.207 161.758 -241.369 161.759 -241.711 161.760 -245.919 161.762 -269.601 157.383 -284.425 151.999 -299.440 147.867 -306.744 143.000 -319.349 134.600 -345.472 117.193 -347.276 115.992 -350.252 114.008 -354.084 111.455 -363.483 105.191 -371.080 100.130 -376.321 96.637 -376.560 96.637 -378.320 96.638 -378.338 96.731 -378.449 97.319 -378.541 97.319 -379.115 97.319 -379.230 96.716 -379.912 93.119 -379.921 93.119 -379.969 93.120 -381.389 93.120 -388.596 93.131 -389.452 93.131 -392.359 93.136 -397.625 93.138 -400.000 93.141 Water Table -400.000 88.171 19.431 130.979 Distributed Load -112.182 236.000 -93.059 236.455 -89.952 236.353 -88.299 236.299 -86.864 236.281 -86.109 236.255 -84.251 236.191 -82.686 236.137 -40.231 236.002 -37.936 236.058 -35.175 236.126 -31.790 236.208 -27.541 236.312 -22.050 236.446 -14.680 236.625 -9.325 236.756 -4.266 236.879 2.663 237.048 3.931 236.414 5.163 235.797 6.443 236.437 7.663 237.047 7.802 237.116 7.976 237.203 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+50 Static RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: G LE/Morgenstern- Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.132550 Center: -447.253, 362.606 Radius: 261.311 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -317.986, 135.509 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -297.647, 148.360 Resisting Moment=227284 Ib -ft Driving Moment=200684 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=731.849 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=646.198 Ib Method: ale/morgenstern-price FS: 1.132570 Center: -447.253, 362.606 Radius: 261.311 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -317.986, 135.509 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -297.647, 148.360 Resisting Moment=227289 Ib -ft Driving Moment=200684 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=731.854 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=646.187 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 15822 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2669 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 408 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 353 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1735 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Method: gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 15784 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 2707 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -107 reported for 408 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 353 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1773 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -102 = Two surface / slope intersections, but resulting arc is actually outside soil region. -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -107 = Total driving moment or total driving force is negative. This will occur if the wrong failure direction is specified, or if high external or anchor loads are applied against the failure direction. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -447.253 250.947 10.257 250.947 10.257 499.079 -447.253 499.079 Material Boundary -266.981 150.467 -253.638 155.091 -236.737 160.522 Material Boundary -233.759 161.479 -201.015 172.000 -195.908 173.641 -170.512 181.460 -151.909 187.186 -142.623 190.045 -104.272 201.852 -85.373 206.436 -76.499 208.588 -72.987 209.440 Material Boundary -221.440 167.607 -215.846 169.776 -209.658 172.000 -207.313 172.843 -187.794 180.435 -177.528 182.906 -176.057 183.338 -163.538 186.747 -161.879 187.194 -161.611 187.266 -148.215 191.637 -142.978 193.124 -134.283 195.592 -133.390 195.846 -126.960 197.591 -125.208 198.523 -123.554 198.933 -114.759 200.071 -112.477 200.550 -110.603 200.847 -104.064 202.096 -97.916 204.475 -89.455 207.561 -85.740 207.918 -76.499 208.588 -71.507 208.950 -62.667 210.464 -52.661 211.872 -49.908 212.378 -47.480 214.298 -39.441 218.766 -30.809 226.851 -26.795 230.686 -21.761 233.307 -17.540 235.848 -9.325 236.756 Material Boundary -319.349 134.600 -266.981 150.467 Material Boundary -85.373 206.436 -61.610 209.135 -47.835 211.411 19.431 227.988 Material Boundary -169.752 172.000 -142.847 172.000 Material Boundary -133.834 226.000 -110.775 226.000 Material Boundary -214.752 172.000 -209.658 172.000 Material Boundary -187.645 190.000 -171.409 190.000 Material Boundary -209.658 172.000 -201.015 172.000 -184.752 172.000 -170.512 181.460 -161.879 187.194 -160.666 188.000 Material Boundary -184.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 -151.909 187.186 -142.978 193.124 -141.660 194.000 Material Boundary -174.752 172.000 -169.752 172.000 -142.623 190.045 -134.283 195.592 -133.670 196.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.141 19.431 43.141 19.431 227.988 19.431 237.608 7.976 237.203 7.802 237.116 7.663 237.047 6.443 236.437 5.163 235.797 3.931 236.414 2.663 237.048 -4.266 236.879 -9.325 236.756 -14.680 236.625 -22.050 236.446 -27.541 236.312 -31.790 236.208 -35.175 236.126 -37.936 236.058 -40.231 236.002 -82.686 236.137 -84.251 236.191 -86.109 236.255 -86.864 236.281 -88.299 236.299 -89.952 236.353 -93.059 236.455 -112.182 236.000 -112.318 235.970 -112.509 235.926 -118.673 235.011 -122.012 233.909 -133.834 226.000 -157.751 210.000 -172.153 200.363 -172.694 200.000 -180.390 194.849 -187.645 190.000 -188.291 189.568 -188.349 189.530 -188.783 189.246 -188.883 189.180 -189.002 189.100 -189.143 189.007 -189.319 188.891 -189.542 188.743 -189.836 188.549 -190.789 187.919 -190.837 187.887 -190.860 187.871 -192.957 186.485 -214.752 172.000 -221.102 167.780 -221.440 167.607 -229.319 163.580 -233.205 161.755 -233.759 161.479 -235.311 160.704 -236.206 160.257 -236.737 160.522 -238.269 161.289 -239.207 161.758 -241.369 161.759 -241.711 161.760 -245.919 161.762 -269.601 157.383 -284.425 151.999 -299.440 147.867 -306.744 143.000 -319.349 134.600 -345.472 117.193 -347.276 115.992 -350.252 114.008 -354.084 111.455 -363.483 105.191 -371.080 100.130 -376.321 96.637 -376.560 96.637 -378.320 96.638 -378.338 96.731 -378.449 97.319 -378.541 97.319 -379.115 97.319 -379.230 96.716 -379.912 93.119 -379.921 93.119 -379.969 93.120 -381.389 93.120 -388.596 93.131 -389.452 93.131 -392.359 93.136 -397.625 93.138 -400.000 93.141 Water Table -400.000 88.171 19.431 130.979 Distributed Load -118.673 235.011 -112.509 235.926 -112.318 235.970 -112.182 236.000 -93.059 236.455 -89.952 236.353 -88.299 236.299 -86.864 236.281 -86.109 236.255 -84.251 236.191 -82.686 236.137 -40.231 236.002 -37.936 236.058 -35.175 236.126 -31.790 236.208 -27.541 236.312 -22.050 236.446 -14.680 236.625 -9.325 236.756 -4.266 236.879 2.663 237.048 3.931 236.414 5.163 235.797 6.443 236.437 7.663 237.047 7.802 237.116 7.976 237.203 Support -214.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 Su ort -211.743 174.000 -171.743 174.000 Su ort -208.733 176.000 -168.733 176.000 Support -205.724 178.000 -165.724 178.000 Support -202.715 180.000 -162.715 180.000 Su ort -199.706 182.000 -159.706 182.000 Support -196.696 184.000 -156.696 184.000 Support -193.687 186.000 -153.687 186.000 Support -190.666 188.000 -150.666 188.000 Support -187.645 190.000 -147.645 190.000 Support -184.653 192.000 -144.653 192.000 Support -181.660 194.000 -141.660 194.000 Support -178.670 196.000 -138.670 196.000 Support -175.682 198.000 -135.682 198.000 Support -172.693 200.000 -132.693 200.000 Support -169.707 202.000 -129.707 202.000 Support -166.718 204.000 -126.718 204.000 Support -163.729 206.000 -123.729 206.000 Support -160.740 208.000 -120.740 208.000 Support -157.751 210.000 -117.751 210.000 Support -154.761 212.000 -114.761 212.000 SUpoort -151.772 214.000 -111.772 214.000 Support -148.782 216.000 -108.782 216.000 Support -145.792 218.000 -105.792 218.000 Support -142.803 220.000 -102.803 220.000 Support -139.813 222.000 -99.813 222.000 SQL -136.824 224.000 -96.824 224.000 Support -133.834 226.000 -93.834 226.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+50_Sliding_RevA_062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analvsis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Non -Circular Block Search Number of Surfaces: 10000 Pseudo -Random Surfaces: Enabled Convex Surfaces Only: Disabled Left Projection Angle (Start Angle): 95 Left Projection Angle (End Angle): 175 Right Projection Angle (Start Angle): 5 Right Projection Angle (End Angle): 85 Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadinq 1 Distributed Load present: Distributed Load Constant Distribution, Orientation: Vertical, Magnitude: 250 Ib/ft2 Material Properties Material: New Fill Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 0 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Support 1 Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.610580 Axis Location: -209.246, 340.481 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -213.806, 172.629 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -77.700, 236.121 Resisting Moment=3.99442e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.4801 1 e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=216251 lb Driving Horizontal Force=134269 Ib Method: Qle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.596580 Axis Location: -205.307, 340.582 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -211.217,174.350 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -75.867, 236.115 Resisting Moment=3.81605e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=2.39014e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=209610 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=131287 Ib Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 2583 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7418 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2845 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2526 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2047 surfaces Method: gle/moraenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 2718 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 7283 Error Codes: Error Code -108 reported for 2523 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 2724 surfaces Error Code -112 reported for 2036 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -112 = The coefficient M -Alpha = cos(alpha)(1 Aan(alpha)tan(phi)/F) < 0.2 for the final iteration of the safety factor calculation. This screens out some slip surfaces which may not be valid in the context of the analysis, in particular, deep seated slip surfaces with many high negative base angle slices in the passive zone. List of All Coordinates Water Table -266.981 -400.000 88.171 19.431 130.979 Non -Circ. Failure Surface -214.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 -78.054 236.122 Material Boundary -266.981 150.467 -253.638 155.091 -236.737 160.522 Material Boundary -233.759 161.479 -201.015 172.000 -195.908 173.641 -170.512 181.460 -151.909 187.186 -142.623 190.045 -104.272 201.852 -85.373 206.436 -76.499 208.588 -72.987 209.440 Material Boundary -221.440 167.607 -215.846 169.776 -209.658 172.000 -207.313 172.843 -187.794 180.435 -177.528 182.906 -176.057 183.338 -163.538 186.747 -161.879 187.194 -161.611 187.266 -148.215 191.637 -142.978 193.124 -134.283 195.592 -133.390 195.846 -126.960 197.591 -125.208 198.523 -123.554 198.933 -114.759 200.071 -112.477 200.550 -110.603 200.847 -104.064 202.096 -97.916 204.475 -89.455 207.561 -85.740 207.918 -76.499 208.588 -71.507 208.950 -62.667 210.464 -52.661 211.872 -49.908 212.378 -47.480 214.298 -39.441 218.766 -30.809 226.851 -26.795 230.686 -21.761 233.307 -17.540 235.848 -9.325 236.756 Material Boundary -319.349 134.600 -266.981 150.467 Material Boundary -85.373 206.436 -61.610 209.135 -47.835 211.411 19.431 227.988 Material Boundary -169.752 172.000 -142.847 172.000 Material Boundary -133.834 226.000 -110.775 226.000 Material Boundary -214.752 172.000 -209.658 172.000 Material Boundary -187.645 190.000 -171.409 190.000 Material Boundary -209.658 172.000 -201.015 172.000 -184.752 172.000 -170.512 181.460 -161.879 187.194 -160.666 188.000 Material Boundary -184.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 -151.909 187.186 -142.978 193.124 -141.660 194.000 Material Boundary -174.752 172.000 -169.752 172.000 -142.623 190.045 -134.283 195.592 -133.670 196.000 Distributed Load -118.673 235.011 -112.509 235.926 -112.318 235.970 -112.182 236.000 -93.059 236.455 -89.952 236.353 -88.299 236.299 -86.864 236.281 -86.109 236.255 -84.251 236.191 -82.686 236.137 -40.231 236.002 -37.936 236.058 -35.175 236.126 -31.790 236.208 -27.541 236.312 -22.050 236.446 -14.680 236.625 -9.325 236.756 -4.266 236.879 2.663 237.048 3.931 236.414 5.163 235.797 6.443 236.437 7.663 237.047 7.802 237.116 7.976 237.203 Focus/Block Search Window -211.743 174.000 -211.743 168.553 -195.537 168.553 -195.537 174.000 Focus/Block Search Window -189.733 174.000 -189.733 169.148 -169.814 169.148 -169.814 173.853 External Boundary -400.000 43.141 19.431 43.141 19.431 227.988 19.431 237.608 7.976 237.203 7.802 237.116 7.663 237.047 6.443 236.437 5.163 235.797 3.931 236.414 2.663 237.048 -4.266 236.879 -9.325 236.756 -14.680 236.625 -22.050 236.446 -27.541 236.312 -31.790 236.208 -35.175 236.126 -37.936 236.058 -40.231 236.002 -82.686 236.137 -84.251 236.191 -86.109 236.255 -86.864 236.281 -88.299 236.299 -89.952 236.353 -93.059 236.455 -112.182 236.000 -112.318 235.970 -112.509 235.926 -118.673 235.011 -122.012 233.909 -133.834 226.000 -157.751 210.000 -172.153 200.363 -172.694 200.000 -180.390 194.849 -187.645 190.000 -188.291 189.568 -188.349 189.530 -188.783 189.246 -188.883 189.180 -189.002 189.100 -189.143 189.007 -189.319 188.891 -189.542 188.743 -189.836 188.549 -190.789 187.919 -190.837 187.887 -190.860 187.871 -192.957 186.485 -214.752 172.000 -221.102 167.780 -221.440 167.607 -229.319 163.580 -233.205 161.755 -233.759 161.479 -235.311 160.704 -236.206 160.257 -236.737 160.522 -238.269 161.289 -239.207 161.758 -241.369 161.759 -241.711 161.760 -245.919 161.762 -269.601 157.383 -284.425 151.999 -299.440 147.867 -306.744 143.000 -319.349 134.600 -345.472 117.193 -347.276 115.992 -350.252 114.008 -354.084 111.455 -363.483 105.191 -371.080 100.130 -376.321 96.637 -376.560 96.637 -378.320 96.638 -378.338 96.731 -378.449 97.319 -378.541 97.319 -379.115 97.319 -379.230 96.716 -379.912 93.119 -379.921 93.119 -379.969 93.120 -381.389 93.120 -388.596 93.131 -389.452 93.131 -392.359 93.136 -397.625 93.138 -400.000 93.141 Support -214.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 Support -211.743 174.000 -171.743 174.000 Support -208.733 176.000 -168.733 176.000 Support -205.724 178.000 -165.724 178.000 Support -202.715 180.000 -162.715 180.000 Support -199.706 182.000 -159.706 182.000 Support -196.696 184.000 -156.696 184.000 Support -193.687 186.000 -153.687 186.000 Support -190.666 188.000 -150.666 188.000 Support -187.645 190.000 -147.645 190.000 Support -184.653 192.000 -144.653 192.000 Support -181.660 194.000 -141.660 194.000 Support -178.670 196.000 -138.670 196.000 Support -175.682 198.000 -135.682 198.000 Support -172.693 200.000 -132.693 200.000 support -169.707 202.000 -129.707 202.000 Support -166.718 204.000 -126.718 204.000 Support -163.729 206.000 -123.729 206.000 Support -160.740 208.000 -120.740 208.000 Support -157.751 210.000 -117.751 210.000 Support -154.761 212.000 -114.761 212.000 Support -151.772 214.000 -111.772 214.000 Support -148.782 216.000 -108.782 216.000 Support -145.792 218.000 -105.792 218.000 Support -142.803 220.000 -102.803 220.000 Support -139.813 222.000 -99.813 222.000 Support -136.824 224.000 -96.824 224.000 Support -133.834 226.000 -93.834 226.000 Slide Analysis Information Document Name File Name: Sta15+50 Seismic RevA 062909.sli Proiect Settinas Project Title: SLIDE - An Interactive Slope Stability Program Failure Direction: Right to Left Units of Measurement: Imperial Units Pore Fluid Unit Weight: 62.4 Ib/ft3 Groundwater Method: Water Surfaces Data Output: Standard Calculate Excess Pore Pressure: Off Allow Ru with Water Surfaces or Grids: Off Random Numbers: Pseudo -random Seed Random Number Seed: 10116 Random Number Generation Method: Park and Miller v.3 Analysis Methods Analysis Methods used: GLE/Morgenstern-Price with interslice force function: Half Sine Spencer Number of slices: 25 Tolerance: 0.005 Maximum number of iterations: 50 Surface Options Surface Type: Circular Search Method: Grid Search Radius increment: 10 Composite Surfaces: Disabled Reverse Curvature: Create Tension Crack Minimum Elevation: Not Defined Minimum Depth: Not Defined Loadina Seismic Load Coefficient (Horizontal): 0.22 Material Properties Material: New Fill - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 34 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Residual Soil/Colluvium - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 130 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 200 psf Friction Angle: 36 degrees Water Surface: None Material: Renton Formation - Seismic Strength Type: Mohr -Coulomb Unit Weight: 140 Ib/ft3 Cohesion: 2100 psf Friction Angle: 32 degrees Water Surface: None Support Properties Support: Support 1 Supporta Support Type: GeoTextile Force Application: Passive Force Orientation: Tangent to Slip Surface Anchorage: None Shear Strength Model: Linear Strip Coverage: 100 percent Tensile Strength: 1250 Ib/ft Pullout Strength Adhesion: 0 Ib/ft2 Pullout Strength Friction Angle: 30 degrees Global Minimums Method: spencer FS: 1.095170 Center: -229.936, 362.606 Radius: 192.729 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -217.325, 170.290 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -84.452, 236.198 Resisting Moment=4.42443e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.03996e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=205998 lb Driving Horizontal Force= 188098 Ib Method: gle/morgenstern-price FS: 1.095860 Center: -241.374, 387.420 Radius: 218.527 Left Slip Surface Endpoint: -217.452, 170.206 Right Slip Surface Endpoint: -83.647, 236.170 Resisting Moment=4.79505e+007 Ib -ft Driving Moment=4.37559e+007 Ib -ft Resisting Horizontal Force=197333 Ib Driving Horizontal Force=180071 lb Valid / Invalid Surfaces Method: spencer Number of Valid Surfaces: 16906 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1585 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 92 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1320 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Method:gle/morgenstern-price Number of Valid Surfaces: 17010 Number of Invalid Surfaces: 1481 Error Codes: Error Code -102 reported for 7 surfaces Error Code -103 reported for 25 surfaces Error Code -106 reported for 86 surfaces Error Code -108 reported for 92 surfaces Error Code -111 reported for 1216 surfaces Error Code -1000 reported for 55 surfaces Error Codes The following errors were encountered during the computation: -102 = Two surface / slope intersections, but resulting arc is actually outside soil region. -103 = Two surface / slope intersections, but one or more surface / nonslope external polygon intersections lie between them. This usually occurs when the slip surface extends past the bottom of the soil region, but may also occur on a benched slope model with two sets of Slope Limits. -106 = Average slice width is less than 0.0001 * (maximum horizontal extent of soil region). This limitation is imposed to avoid numerical errors which may result from too many slices, or too small a slip region. -108 = Total driving moment or total driving force < 0.1. This is to limit the calculation of extremely high safety factors if the driving force is very small (0.1 is an arbitrary number). -111 = safety factor equation did not converge -1000 = No valid slip surfaces are generated at a grid center. Unable to draw a surface. List of All Coordinates Search Grid -447.253 250.947 10.257 250.947 10.257 499.079 -447.253 499.079 Material Boundary -266.981 150.467 -253.638 155.091 -236.737 160.522 Material Boundary -233.759 161.479 -201.015 172.000 -195.908 173.641 -170.512 181.460 -151.909 187.186 -142.623 190.045 -104.272 201.852 -85.373 206.436 -76.499 208.588 -72.987 209.440 Material Boundary -221.440 167.607 -215.846 169.776 -209.658 172.000 -207.313 172.843 -187.794 180.435 -177.528 182.906 -176.057 183.338 -163.538 186.747 -161.879 187.194 -161.611 187.266 -148.215 191.637 -142.978 193.124 -134.283 195.592 -133.390 195.846 -126.960 197.591 -125.208 198.523 -123.554 198.933 -114.759 200.071 -112.477 200.550 -110.603 200.847 -104.064 202.096 -97.916 204.475 -89.455 207.561 -85.740 207.918 -76.499 208.588 -71.507 208.950 -62.667 210.464 -52.661 211.872 -49.908 212.378 -47.480 214.298 -39.441 218.766 -30.809 226.851 -26.795 230.686 -21.761 233.307 -17.540 235.848 -9.325 236.756 Material Boundary -319.349 134.600 -266.981 150.467 Material Boundary -85.373 206.436 -61.610 209.135 -47.835 211.411 19.431 227.988 Material Boundary -169.752 172.000 -142.847 172.000 Material Boundary -133.834 226.000 -110.775 226.000 Material Boundary -214.752 172.000 -209.658 172.000 Material Boundary -187.645 190.000 -171.409 190.000 Material Boundary -209.658 172.000 -201.015 172.000 -184.752 172.000 -170.512 181.460 -161.879 187.194 -160.666 188.000 Material Boundary -184.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 -151.909 187.186 -142.978 193.124 -141.660 194.000 Material Boundary -174.752 172.000 -169.752 172.000 -142.623 190.045 -134.283 195.592 -133.670 196.000 External Boundary -400.000 43.141 19.431 43.141 19.431 227.988 19.431 237.608 7.976 237.203 7.802 237.116 7.663 237.047 6.443 236.437 5.163 235.797 3.931 236.414 2.663 237.048 -4.266 236.879 -9.325 236.756 -14.680 236.625 -22.050 236.446 -27.541 236.312 -31.790 236.208 -35.175 236.126 -37.936 236.058 -40.231 236.002 -82.686 236.137 -84.251 236.191 -86.109 236.255 -86.864 236.281 -88.299 236.299 -89.952 236.353 -93.059 236.455 -112.182 236.000 -112.318 235.970 -112.509 235.926 -118.673 235.011 -122.012 233.909 -133.834 226.000 -157.751 210.000 -172.153 200.363 -172.694 200.000 -180.390 194.849 -187.645 190.000 -188.291 189.568 -188.349 189.530 -188.783 189.246 -188.883 189.180 -189.002 189.100 -189.143 189.007 -189.319 188.891 -189.542 188.743 -189.836 188.549 -190.789 187.919 -190.837 187.887 -190.860 187.871 -192.957 186.485 -214.752 172.000 -221.102 167.780 -221.440 167.607 -229.319 163.580 -233.205 161.755 -233.759 161.479 -235.311 160.704 -236.206 160.257 -236.737 160.522 -238.269 161.289 -239.207 161.758 -241.369 161.759 -241.711 161.760 -245.919 161.762 -269.601 157.383 -284.425 151.999 -299.440 147.867 -306.744 143.000 -319.349 134.600 -345.472 117.193 -347.276 115.992 -350.252 114.008 -354.084 111.455 -363.483 105.191 -371.080 100.130 -376.321 96.637 -376.560 96.637 -378.320 96.638 -378.338 96.731 -378.449 97.319 -378.541 97.319 -379.115 97.319 -379.230 96.716 -379.912 93.119 -379.921 93.119 -379.969 93.120 -381.389 93.120 -388.596 93.131 -389.452 93.131 -392.359 93.136 -397.625 93.138 -400.000 93.141 Water Table -400.000 88.171 19.431 130.979 Support -214.752 172.000 -174.752 172.000 Support -211.743 174.000 -171.743 174.000 Support -208.733 176.000 -168.733 176.000 Support -205.724 178.000 -165.724 178.000 Support -202.715 180.000 -162.715 180.000 Support -199.706 182.000 -159.706 182.000 Support -196.696 184.000 -156.696 184.000 Support -193.687 186.000 -153.687 186.000 Support -190.666 188.000 -150.666 188.000 Support -187.645 190.000 -147.645 190.000 Support -184.653 192.000 -144.653 192.000 Support -181.660 194.000 -141.660 194.000 Support -178.670 196.000 -138.670 196.000 Support -175.682 198.000 -135.682 198.000 Support -172.693 200.000 -132.693 200.000 Support -169.707 202.000 -129.707 202.000 SUpimrt -166.718 204.000 -126.718 204.000 Support -163.729 206.000 -123.729 206.000 Support -160.740 208.000 -120.740 208.000 Support -157.751 210.000 -117.751 210.000 Support -154.761 212.000 -114.761 212.000 Support -151.772 214.000 -111.772 214.000 Support -148.782 216.000 -108.782 216.000 Support -145.792 218.000 -105.792 218.000 Support -142.803 220.000 -102.803 220.000 Support -139.813 222.000 -99.813 222.000 Support -136.824 224.000 -96.824 224.000 Support -133.834 226.000 -93.834 226.000