HomeMy WebLinkAboutAudience Comment ----__ ___ _- li «te� e ;/#1< The Facts Newspaper . .. . ..:.:. Page 4 ; • r, Mr. Charlie's World $y Charlie James March is lPVottter The State of The Washington State Black Community "Visionary YW'o rnei r, t theme honors We are doing better than most of the Black communities in the nation.Notp because lance, and ittjt WC organized better,we just have a smaller ou of poor y,;4 we have planned better are o punst society.iu people,a more skilled Black population and fewer major disasters. ent and change y R Because our Black community is not based in a share cropping ,�{ 1 out here on a mission to as an example of a strong woman Washington State was not a slave State and you camen way we are seniors,we livedo her history i munitiesdo something,{nriginally military service)we have assembled one of the more unique Black coin 1955 when Rosa s deliberately Wehv inthery nation. greatest Black communities in the History of America. ad of going to thek back t We have the rb we need l kbe one of theinof our children We have th bestan seducatedwho Black educated. community the entire nation high because many two,three she changed history. The b p resistance set in motion one of the harms high-techgrgw up with centers ofA were educated.The skills a sophisticatedp growing and harvesting system resi tance s ott. America in Western Washington, elders,As it is our duty to or in Yetmost of Washington. Some say Rosa is duty to passto ro VI most of what gtw have accomplished has been more by accident then because we have plannedjust 42 old,she a everyproblem there are 1955 she was it.The destruction of our central cores in the Central district ti Seattle and Hill top in Tacoma has ready a leader s years od, Mov got uso spread out all over South King and North Pierce Counties,but with the Civil Rightsat a Civil 1985 she was being also opportunities. lady. - I. of the Black community is in Western Washington and we are now h'ghly concentrated a one HAP.;�what Rosa herself had to sa highway 99 which is a major business street.So where do we go from here? schools in themyseat:! ofquickly as we ways re i that I didn't up h We recognize e of Washingtoned State toU Baky is one an Hempe bestf farming ti r' ohvsicatl no give more world and take advantage this it.new We cono to develop Black American farmers as q Y tired have not old,although some people than can so we can get in on economy.Use the New McKinney Center at SVI and OIC in Ya- No the only tired I was,was tires! 1 kimah ea to train a new Martin Luthert King hempCountyfan the,and ljmp construction oft people. Museum) Make the social justice center the nation.We have the only to us to keep our a. county named.for any Black persond and itsi an oppor tunity we need to seize.Bring the major social ot�see, it's up County Foxail has a r justice conferencestma itos lSeattle and makelthis the place where diets t oa along the 999 corridors in south County resident icons bringing Zelda them to a f 3. Systematicallybuilds and small BlackbusinessPierce the American Island Museum of Art l Kingo County{Federal Way is Hub)and in North Pierce and maybe one day they join to become one dette Colvin. Misssl Colvin was the 15 b• one '` 0 miles. _=.: a-ful!rt Washing state Commission on African • a" i° ". .`'. ' v' bus in Montgomery, the way it designed.Right now,it is a joke artin Luther King._°my. thinks Claudette Colvin Alabama a great callyk Claudette Zelda was is a " 5 Etect a Back congressperson to Center a a sacral sari e or�organization in South King the Canadian Rosa Parks. 6. Create the MILK Community County for the African American community. Zelda has also performed at local chi history to(fife you can email Zelda� le from all over the hhe Facts. at N These are the basic thingstowe Washingtono do see how we did.Some cowe achieve these tmmunipeople m t set the standards Nation will be coining to for the future why not us? Pot Shop Bail Bonds PACIFIC NORTHWEST S " t r- .„-,:,,,,,BAIL BONDING Seattle. R -- _;, S J : yE-