HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/2019 - Minutes MINUTES/ 22 FEBRUARY 2019 Attending: Laura Clawson, Doug Brownlow, Denise Dhakal, Antoin Johnson,Jessica Kelly, Lynne King, and Colleen Lenahan. Absent:Antoin Johnson, Betsy Prather, and Elizabeth P. Stewart Guests: Kate Dugdale, Public Engagement Coordinator Call to Order President Laura Clawson called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Strategic Plan Check-in Information There was a question on what the board matrix is—it was an item on the agenda, but no one seemed to really understand what it meant. Is this an action item for the board?Tabled until discussion later on the agenda. Public Comments Information Museum Public Engagement Coordinator Kate Dugdale presented the membership survey results and analysis. Highlights from that include the high number of members who live outside the Renton area and the high numbers of members who are over the age of 66. Age and race/ethnicity showed little change from the previous survey; members also continue to indicate that the newsletter is their favorite benefit and that the gift shop discount is not meaningful to them. - The Board believes that an online survey would be more likely to be filled out by younger members, which is something to think about for the next membership survey. - The Board believes that six years between membership surveys is too long. Laura Clawson suggested an ongoing evaluation by including 1-2 questions with membership mailings, such as the newsletter. Board Communications Information Laura Clawson will be out of town for the April meeting, visiting her son in Sydney, Australia. Colleen Lenahan is willing to lead the meeting. For the next meeting's agenda, Lynne King would like to discuss an appeal for fundraising sometime between now and June. Laura would like to do the new board member orientation for Doug Brownlow and Denise Dhakal on March 12 at 5:30 PM. Correspondence Information There was no correspondence. Consent Agenda (Vice President) Action Item A quorum was present. • MOTION:Jessica Kelly moved to approve the consent agenda as amended and Lynne King seconded. Motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Ongoing Business Action Items (1)Strategic Plan revision: Trustees discussed the text of the strategic plan in detail. • MOTION:Jessica moved to delete the phrase"institute a nominations committee"from item 1a. Lynne seconded;the motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. 1a now reads "keep board of trustees fully staffed and representative of the diversity of our community." • MOTION: Lynne moved to reorganize 3a-d, separating parts a and b from each other. Jessica seconded,the motion passed. Section 3 now reads: o a) Develop a sponsorship policy. o b) Create a list of potential business partners and explore opportunities for cultivating partnerships. o c) Formulate a marketing strategy for younger audiences. o d) Organize an Ambassadors' Program to take out the Museum's message. o e) Expand online presence with greater capacity for public interaction. • MOTION:There was a discussion of what kinds of standards are intended for section 2, "improve the museum's physical infrastructure to meet our standards of excellence, care, and access." Colleen Lenahan moved to have "recognized" replace "our,"Jessica seconded;the motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining. Section 2 now reads "improve the museum's physical infrastructure to meet recognized standards of excellence, care, and access." • MOTION:Jessica moved to approve the strategic plan as amended above, Lynne seconded;the motion passed, none opposed, none abstaining.The strategic plan was approved. (See attached.) For the next meeting's agenda,Jessica and Colleen would like to discuss action dates for strategic plan items, and assign those at that time. Laura has started drafting a Renton Historical Society HR policy for those employed by the Historical Society, and believes it to be a priority. She will discuss this with Museum Director Liz Stewart. For the next meeting's agenda,Jessica and Lynne would like to review and update committee assignments for board members. Discussion Action Items (1)4 1h Quarter 2018 Report:Treasurer Jessica Kelly walked the board through the 4th quarter 2018 Finance Report. Lynne King, Doug Brownlow, and Colleen Lenahan discussed the potential for expanding corporate involvement, especially for the annual fundraising benefit. Lynne would like to know if the benefit auction has been scheduled. Rain City Catering is interested in sponsoring again, but would like to know soon when the event is. Mission Moment Information Museum Director Liz Stewart was absent so there was no mission moment. Adjournment Colleen Lenahan moved to adjourn, Denise Dhakal seconded. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm. Kate Dugdale for Antoin Johnson, Secretary Renton Historical Society MUSEUM REPORT For February 2019 Compiled by Elizabeth P. Stewart, Director Sarah Samson, Curator of Collections & Exhibitions Kate Dugdale, Public Engagement Coordinator Nezanet Tewolde, Museum Office Aide Operations Visitors in January: 174 Visitor numbers reflect members and researchers as well as paying visitors. The City of Renton's STREAM Team program had a tour. There were 3 % snow days in February. Administration Grants: In February Director Liz Stewart filed for the first payment for our exterior signage through the Building 4Culture program; the project was completed in early March and she will be able to get full payment shortly. In mid-March we also received notification that our grant application to the Washington state Votes for Women Centennial grant was fully funded, at $4975.These funds will help in developing a 2020 exhibit about Renton women's public impact; the exhibit is provocatively titled What Difference Do Women Make? Exterior signage: In fall 2018 Liz worked with Councilmember Reagan Dunn to apply for a second g- round of funding under the Building 4Culture grant program. Our exterior signage project was ready to go, - &!i'fOIN IHISTOR and we were granted $23,116 for a new door canopy, MUSEUM monumental sign, and building letters to be consistent with our new brand, formulated in 2015. Shine On ^ � ` 1 Signs in Renton built the signs, and completed Director Liz Stewart with King County installation in mid-March. Councilmember Reagan Councilmember Reagan Dunn (L)and Dunn and Renton Mayor Denis Law came by shortly Mayor Denis Law(R). after to check out the new signage. The Parks Division also placed some new bushes on either side of the front door, and gave us new benches around the Chief Seattle fountain to replace the old crumbling benches. Exhibits Switchboards to Selfies and Dear Friends exhibits: These two temporary exhibits continue until April 27, 2019. Kids are thoroughly enjoying the "Please touch' typewriter. Hero's Feast:Finding Community in Dungeons and Dragons exhibit: Student guest curator Allison Moore is forging ahead with the exhibit that will be her thesis project. She has completed interviews with eight D&D players, and has begun the process of collecting objects for exhibit. Public Engagement Coordinator Kate Dugdale has organized an interesting calendar of programs to support the exhibit, including a talk about role playing games and mental health with representative of Game to Grow and a live podcast with d20 Dames, an all-female D&D podcast.The exhibit will run from May 7 to mid-October. Programs and Outreach February—March programs: Several of our planned February programs were rescheduled because of snow. Global Artists Ij Collective, originally scheduled during Black History Month, performed on March 16 to a small but enthusiastic crowd that included Councilmember Armondo Pavone and his son; twenty people attended. Their program traced the history of African American music ` from slavery songs to rap and hip hop. Fifteen people attended the screening of Hidden Figures for Black History Month into Women's + History Month on Sat., March 2. The Volunteer Appreciation Tea has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 7. Collections Photograph collections: Volunteer Jessica Kelly is working on cataloguing the photograph collection of Boeing test pilot (and grandfather to Michele Bettinger) Ragnar - - Svendsen that show him at work in the 1960s through the 1980s. Volunteer Nancy Nishimura continues to make great progress ' scanning glass plate negatives of the Charles W. Sanders Collection. f Volunteers Volunteer Program: In January 20 volunteers contributed 69.5 hours of service, working on collections projects, oral histories, Saturday greeting, and Board service. Two new volunteers started in February—Akash Mungra and Anush Gani—and both will be working as greeters. Renton Historical Society Five Year Strategic Action Plan APPPOVED February 26, 2019 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................., Vision Statement: Capture the Past, Educate the Present, Inspire the Future Mission Statement: The mission of the Penton Historical Society is to document, preserve, interpret, and educate about the history of Penton by supporting a history Museum that engages diverse people of all ages. ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Strategic Planning Document Strategic Goals: To hest meet its mission, the Renton Historical Society will.• I. Create a strong foundation that supports future growth: Strengthen Penton Historical Society finances and Board of Trustees operations. II. Create a physical museum of which all Pentonites can be proud: Improve the Museum's physical infrastructure to meet recognized standards of excellence, care, and access. III. Build bridges that involve all parts of our community in Penton history: Remove barriers between the museum and the community, and ensure that decisions are guided by principles of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. To best meet these goals, the Board of Trustees has established these action items: I. Create a strong foundation that supports future growth: Strengthen Penton Historical Society finances and Board of Trustees operations. a. Kee Board of Trustees full staffed and Board P Y representative of the diversity of our Development 2 Trustees per year community. Comm b. Conduct exit interviews with departing Board trustees. Development 2019 Comm c. Formulate a strategyt lace Penton o replace Finance Regional Community Foundation annual 2019 operating supplement. Comm d. Formulate and adopt an HP policy. Ad hoc comm 2020-2021 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. e. Explore new earned income opportunities. Finance 2021 Comm Fundraising/ f. Increase fundraiser revenue by 25o . Events Comm 2023 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... II. Create a physical museum of which all Pentonites can be proud. Improve the Museum's physical infrastructure to meet our standards of excellence, care, and access. a. Pe lace gallery lighting systems. Staff 2023 P 9 Y 9 9 Y b. Renovate north gallery as a programming space. Staff 2020 ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i c. Replace exterior signage. Staff 2019 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... d. Plan for more and better collection storage. Staff 2019/20 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... e. Adopt technologies to streamline museum operations in the areas of membership, donor Fundraising relations, gift shop purchases, and other public Events 2020 Comm a rea s. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..........................................................................................:.........................................................................: III. Build bridges that involve all parts of our community in Penton history: Remove between the museum and the community, and ensure that decisions are guided by principles of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion. Outreach a. Develop a Sponsorship Policy. 2022 Comm ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................ b. Create a list of potential business partners and Fundraising / 2022 explore opportunities for cultivating partnerships. Events Comm c. Formulate a marketingstrategy for younger Outreach 9Y Y 9 2020 audiences. Comm d. Organize an Ambassadors' Program to take out Outreach g g 2021 the Museum's message. Comm e. Expand online presence with greater capacity for Outreach 2023 public interaction. Comm ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................