HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/17/2018 - Minutes Renton LibraryAdvisory Board Meeting Minutes Renton City Hall, TmFloor Council Conference Room October 27, 2O1@~5:3Op.m. V. CALL TO ORDER Chair Kim Unti called the meeting to order at5:4Oprn. In Attendance Members: Laurie 8eden, Lynne King, Erica Richey, Kim Unti City Staff: %e||yBeyrner, K4ar 'aneVon Cleave, Margie Beitner KCLSStaff: ArnyEgg|er Guests: None Absent: Jaime Greene UU. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Lynne King made a motion to approve the agenda aspresented. Laurie Bedenseconded. All were in favor, motion carried, agenda approved. UVU' APPROVAL OF MINUTES Laurie Beden made a motion to approve the September 2018 minutes with one correction. Laurie requested that there be an amendment to the first paragraph on page 4. The following sentence, ""Laurie Beden voiced a concern about the value of the Renton Library Advisory Board and what it brings bo the City and k%LS;she thought o more formal discussion should be held to address this matter"'. Lynne King seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, minutes approved. UV_ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS/PUBLIC COMMENTS None. V. CITY REPORT/Kelly Beyrner Kelly Beynner expressed that she was happy to rejointhe group. She has not been able to attend the monthly meetings due to various other meetings and advisory boards meeting during the same time frame. (CAC—Task meetings twice a month; Budget Advisory Group also fell on the same days\. Kelly commented on the Community Advisory Committee (CAQ Parks &Trails Community Facilities Initiative. The CAC was tasked with looking at the possibility of presenting a potential $70 million tax levy. This was m 6-month process which looked at prioritizing needs and identifying projects. The Committee also provided an alternate of$I4.5 million for funding to complete a backlog of renovation projects. Council voted 4tm21w approve the $14.5 million. Laurie Beden asked if any projects related to this funding affect the libraries. Kelly explained that all projects are required to he C|P or actual assets improved (renovated). *:\onamscvmmissiuns\ubraryanard\ 018\2018ocT\201810xmoMmutes.doo, City of Renton Library Board Minutes October 17, 2018 Page 2 of 6 Sunset Neighborhood Park—the city is working on Phase II. Looking to update City Council on November 4 with 75% design. Downtown Library most of improvements. City still in negotiations on 200 Mill property;this project goes through CED and affects the Library, Park Land, etc. Community Services Department is just now being brought into the conversation so there are no updates yet. Laurie Beden asked if there was any further news on Colpitts. Kelly indicated that the permits have been paid for/pulled—unsure who the developer is. Kelly Beymer reported that the Budget Presentation to Council on October 15, 2018 went well. The City Council has one more presentation from Police. Next steps would be deliberation,then questions from Council. There is nothing related directly to the Library. The Community Services Department budget requests included new staff members, a strategic plan for the Recreation Division to keep up with community needs; more staff for Parks Division to keep up with minimum wage and health care benefits—this Division has not raised salaries for six(6)years. Parks Division was down seven staff members this year. Cold weather shelters added funds. There was a small increase to the Housing Repair Program. The Community Services Department is winding down a bit. The next big events are the Holiday Bazaar at the Renton Community Center and Clam Lights at Coulon Park. Laurie Beden inquired about Coulon Park and the construction going on in park. Kelly said the contractor continues to work on the structural beams under the water walk. The contractor will work until November 20, 2018;then they are scheduled to take December off. Work will start up again in January 2019 and they are slated thru May, 2019. Laurie Beden also asked if there was any progress on the sign for the "Take & Read Library" at the Renton Community Center. Maryjane Van Cleave explained that the cost estimate originally received was too high and they have decided to purchase the sign by another means. The Public Works Sign Shop is making a sign for RCC. Kelly commented that the photos used by the RLAB Board during the Council Presentation were great. Maryjane reiterated that the "Take& Read Library" (shelf) at RCC has been a big hit. The staff really likes it and parents appreciate it as well. Maryjane also noted that there may be a need for books relevant for 8-9 year olds, and asked if the RLAB board members have any stock for this age group. Maryjane mentioned that the Truck or Treat event was this Friday (October 19) and if they had any Halloween books to share this may present a broader audience. Erica Richey reported that the reading area was well stocked with books as of two days ago. VI. KCLS REPORT/Amy Eggler Amy Eggler emailed the KCLS monthly report to Library Advisory Board members and city staff providing highlights on some of the KCLS programs and events. H:\Boards Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 OCT\201810 RLAB Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes October 17,2018 Page 3 of 6 VII. OLD BUSINESS Review Presentation to City Council (October 15)—Laurie Beden complimented Kim Unti on doing a wonderful job on the RLAB presentation to Council. Lynne King said that she really liked the format used. Kelly Beymer stated that the board did a nice job on the presentation. Vill. NEW BUSINESS Justification of Renton Library Advisory Board—Define Board Purpose: Kim Unti opened the discussion—the group is hoping to determine what the current value of this board is to the City and KCLS Library System and better define the on-going purpose of the board. Is it worth RLAB member's time and staff time to continue to maintain the RLAB board? Laurie Beden added that she has been on the board for eight (8) years now and when the board originally was formed it was really clear what the purpose of the board was and what their mission was—being a liaison between Library and City. The RLAB was tasked with working on programs, really getting things going and adding value to the plan of the library. Currently the board is not providing these services; there is uncertainty of what board members can do to be helpful as liaisons-they are not in the community doing surveys, etc. She mentioned that John Sheller is a liaison and questioned where the RLAB is fulfilling their mission. Kim Unti mentioned that as a new board member when she came to the first meetings—the board did not seem to have a real purpose. Other than attending monthly meetings,there was no need to do anything else in the community. Kim indicated that it would be helpful to hear from KCLS and the City as to what the value is of having the RLAB in place. Lynne King also noted that board members and staff alike are all busy with schedules and also questioned the need and value of the board. Kelly Beymer advised that first of all she feels bad about not being able to attend the last six months of RLAB monthly meetings to address this. There could have been conversations about the board and whether to continue with meetings. On behalf of the City we do not want ill feeling. If KCLS did not have a board then this board would be a liaison with the City and KCLS. Having the two boards may be redundant now, but what the RLAB board members provided during the transition to KCLS was amazing. This board was of real value to the City and helped immensely during this transitional period. Kelly also noted that there have been other Advisory Committees formed by the City that provided a very valued service to the City at the time they were appointed. However in some cases once the core function of the advisory board was exhausted or the plan or program was in place then these committees were either disband or put on hold as a "standing committee" to be re-convened only when the need arises. For example, the Non-Motorized Trails Committee. This board met regularly and provided much needed input for the Trails Plan. H:\Boards Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 OCT\2018 10 RLAB Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes October 17,2018 Page 4 of 6 Laurie Beden also mentioned that she searched other Cities web sites to determine what other cities have for Library Advisory Boards and what functions they perform. It appears other cities are having some of the same difficulties in making this board relevant and trouble identifying an on-going purpose. The current By-Laws and Ordinance for RLAB were handed out at the October 17, 2018 meeting. Kelly Beymer mentioned that it might be worth reading over and reviewing since these were developed when the City owned their own Library and then converted to the KCLS Library System. There may be changes needed if the board chooses to continue or determines a new purpose. Laurie Beden pointed out that it was clear that the RLAB was not needed at the Sunset Celebration. They were told everything was taken care of and no assistance was needed. Kelly Beymer noted she was not aware of that communication. Lynne King agreed and mentioned that she helped with the Friends of Renton Libraries; however felt that the RLAB was not asked to participate in the event. Lynne also noted that this is the reason she will not be continuing once her term expires; no reason to continue since there are no needs to address. A discussion followed about why the RLAB was originally established and that this committee was appointed at a time when the community was in turmoil about losing the City Library and the Renton community moving towards the KCLS System. At that time the board had a definite purpose and served a key role in the community. Kim Unti stated that she would like to hear from both the City and KCLS as to what would be lost by not having this advisory group? Kelly Beymer said that she would struggle with losing ambassadors who have been working with the City for years now; volunteers who are willing to go out in the community as a liaison. On the other hand there is a struggle to find a specific role for the board to serve and it is not our intension to have you feel "burn out". Amy Eggler stated that KCLS would lose five (5) advocates who were selected to go out into the community to engage and help KCLS educate people. The KCLS Library is not able to attend every meeting; with the board in place we feel we have a "neighbor" who is out in the community and can translate back to KCLS for important aspects in the community. The Friends of Renton Libraries function more as a fund raiser committee, not the role of an advocate. Amy stated that KCLS has a good relationship with the city, but sometimes things change and ambassadors or advocates are needed to bridge the gap. Kim Unti summarized saying that this still does not give the RLAB a set task. It might be worth the time to review the By-Laws and Ordinance and make a decision on whether to meet less frequently—possibly quarterly or only meet when issues arise. Kelly agreed that maybe the committee needs to be put on hold or be re-convened only as needed. H:\Boards Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 OCT\201810 RLAB Minutes.docx City of Renton Library Board Minutes October 17, 2018 Page 5 of 6 Erica Richey opined that organizationally there are times where the community(people) are willing to give you really good feedback, but the organization (whether it's the City or KCLS) only use it when needed (basically the "old" way of doing things or concept). It would prove more effective if there was a better way to channel the community feedback in order to grow and thrive in the modern world. Maryjane added that more of a two-way dialog may be more productive,that there is no true engagement or interaction between the parties. She gave the example of the new format being used for the Neighborhood Program. A short discussion followed on how the change to the Neighborhood Program came about. Laurie Beden talked about presenting to Council and mentioned that maybe it is most valuable for the BLAB to stand in front of the camera talking about programs for the Library. If that is an opportunity for the board to promote programs, it might be something to consider. Amy Eggler added that it raises awareness of what the Library is doing. Kim Unti summarized that there may still be value in maintaining the Renton Library Advisory Board. That being said it is going to be different than what By-Laws say with the possibility of meeting on a lesser frequency and recommendations for changes in the ways in which the RLAB can be advocates and ambassadors. Board members agreed to review By-Laws and Ordinance and be prepared to discuss what should be the focus of this advisory board at the November 14, 2018 meeting. This will include the standing of the board (whether they will meet officially on a determined frequency or only re-convene as needed); how frequent meetings will be held, and what board members will be tasked with (re-define purpose). Review and Update RLAB Goals and Timeline—This topic was placed on hold until there is a determination of the standing on the advisory board. IX. BOARD UPDATES AND PROGRESS None. X. INFORMATION Upcoming events were mentioned: October 19—Truck-or-Treating at Renton Community Center(6:00—7:30 p.m.) October 27—Olde Fashioned Halloween Party(1:00—4:00 p.m.)see http://rentondowntown.com It Friday, Nov. 16 and Saturday, Nov. 17-Holiday Bazaar at Renton Community Center Friday, November 30-Clam Lights(Opening Night) XI. ADJOURNMENT Erica Richey made a motion to adjourn the October meeting. Laurie Beden seconded. All were in favor, motion carried, the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Margie Beitner,Administrative Secretary l H:\Boards Commissions\Library Board\2018\2018 OCT\201810 RLAB Minutes.dou City of Renton Library Board Minutes October 17,2018 Page 6 of 6 Minutes approved by: lP Kim Unti, Chair Date Next Meetings: November 14, 2018- Renton City Hall - Council Conference Room 7th Floor December 4, 2018 (Tuesday)—Renton Museum (Boards Holiday Gathering) H:\Boards Comm issions\Library Board\2018\2018 OCT\201810 RLAB Minutes.docx SIGN-IN SHEET Renton Library Advisory Board + ` DATE: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 Name Address city/Zip Phone or Email Do you wish to speak? 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