HomeMy WebLinkAboutLetter to City of Renton (Clark Close) - 08.11.2016
Western Washington Division Eastern Washington Division
165 NE Juniper St., Ste 201, Issaquah, WA 98027 407 Swiftwater Blvd, Cle Elum, WA 98922
Phone: (425) 392-0250 Fax: (425) 391-3055 Phone: (509) 674-7433 Fax: (509) 674-7419
August 11, 2016
Mr. Clark Close
City of Renton
Community & Economic Development Dept.
Renton, WA 98057
RE: Finley Short Plat
LUA16-000330, SHPL-A
Dear Mr. Clark:
We are responding to the Advisory Notes to Applicant for Finley Short Plat dated June 30,2016. The
following changes were made in order to address your comments.
Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close | 425-430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov
As a result of revisions made through Lot Line Adjustment (LUA16 000331) and app roval from the
Renton Fire Authority to construct a 16 foot wide shared driveway without a turnaround, please
provide 3 copies of a fully dimensioned preliminary short plat plan prepared by a State of Washington
registered professional land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020.
Response: Acknowledged, 3 copies are provided.
Police Plan Review Comments Contact: Cyndie Parks | 425 -430-7521 | cparks@rentonwa.gov
Recommendations: Minimal impact on police services.
Community Services Review Comments Contact: Leslie Betlach | 425-430-6619 |
1. Parks Impact fee per Ordinance 5670 applies.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable Impact Fees.
Engineering Review Comments Contact: Ann Fowler | 425-430-7382 | afowler@rentonwa.gov
1. The proposed water main improvements as shown on the composite utilities civil plan submitted
with the Land Use Application within the site provides the required 8 inch extension to the fire
hydrant at the proposed shared driveway and extension of the required 6 inch water main extension
into the development, connecting to the existing 16 inch water main located in Aberdeen Ave NE.
Staff Comments:
I. The existing water meter serving lot 4 shall be relocated to the new planter strip.
Response: The water meter has been relocated to the planter strip.
II. A 3 foot clearance is required around the new fire hydrant. Verify adequate clearance can be
obtained with the proposed location of the hydrant. A power vault and fence appear to potentially be
within the required clearance area.
Response: The fire hydrant has been relocated to provide a 3-foot minimum clearance.
III. Applicant shall extend the water main to the west property line for future connection to the dead
end main located to the west of the subject property.
Response: The water main has been extended to the western end of the subject property.
2. Each lot shall have a separate meter. The project proposes one 3/4 inch water service line and meter
to each lot , for a total of three (3) new domestic water service lines and meters.
Response: Each lot is provided with a separate meter and separate water service line.
Staff Comments:
I. All new domestic service lines shall be 1 inch.
Response: The domestic service lines have been revised to 1-inch.
3. The development is subject to applicable water system development charges and meter installation
fees based on the size of the water meters.
I. Water system development charges for each proposed 1 inch domestic w ater service is $3,245.00 per
meter or $9,735.00 for (3) 1 inch meters. This is payable at construction permit issuance.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable development and meter installation fees.
4. Water service installation charges for each proposed 1 inch water service is $2,850.00 per meter. The
total water service installation fee is $8,550.00 for (3) 1 inch meters. This is payable at construction
permit issuance.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable meter installation fees.
5. Drop in meter fee is $460.00 per meter. The total water drop in meter fee is $1,380.00 for (3) 1 inch
meters. This is payable at issuance of the building permit.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable meter fees.
6. Additional water system development charges and water meter charges will apply if a landscape
irrigation meter is required and is based on the size of the meter.
Response: Acknowledged, the project does not include landscape irrigation.
1. There is an 8 inch sanitary sewer main in Aberdeen Ave NE. The applicant has proposed an 8 inch
extension from the sanitary sewer main in Aberdeen Ave NE to provide sanitary sewer service to each
of the internal lots.
2. The development is proposing connection of 3 new single family residences.
3. The development is subject to applicable wastewater system development charges based on the size
of the new domestic water to serve the project.
I. SDC fee for a 1 inch meter is $2,242.00 per meter. The total fe e is $6,726.00 for (3) 1 inch meters.
This is payable at construction permit issuance.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable development and meter fees.
4. The development is in the East Kennydale and Aberdeen Ave NE Special Assessment Districts
I. The SAD fee for the East Kennydale SAD is $666.88 for each additional lot. The total SAD fee for
the East Kennydale SAD is $2000.64 for (3) new lots.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable SAD fees.
II. The SAD fee for the Aberdeen Ave NE SAD is $8,660.03 per base lot. A portion of this fee has
been paid by the existing property owner. The balance owing for the base lot is $3,498.71. This fee
does not apply to any of the additional lots.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable SAD fees.
III. The total of all SAD fees is $5,499.35. This is payable at construction permit issuance.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable SAD fees.
1. A surface water development fee of $1,485.00 per new single family residence will apply. The
project proposes the addition of 3 new residences. The estimated total fee is $4,455.00. This is subject
to final design and payable at construction permit issuance.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable Development Fees.
2. A drainage report, dated March 11, 2016, was submitted by Encompass Engineering & Surveying
with the site plan application. Based on the City of Renton’s flow control map, this site falls within the
Flow Control Duration Standard for Forested Site Conditions. The development is subject to Full
Drainage Review in accordance with the 2009 King County Surface Water Design Manual
(KCSWDM) and the City of Renton Amendments to the KCSWDM. All core requireme nts and five of
t he six special requirements have been discussed in the provided drainage report.
Staff Comments:
i. Core Requirement #3 – The Drainage Report shall include KCRTS modeling of pre developed site
conditions and post developed site conditions. See Section 1.2 of the City Amendments to the 2009
KCSWDM for the use of credits, if applicable. Take special note of Footnote 3 with respect to the full
infiltration credit, which cannot be used when providing the post developed site modeling for the
proposed developme nt. Permeable pavement receives 50% credit for modeling purposes. Note: If the
proposed project does not qualify for the exceptions listed in Section 1.2 of the City Amendments to
the 2009 KCSWDM, flow control facilities will be required to be designed in accordance with Chapter
5 of the City Amendments to the 2009 KCSWDM.
Response: All Drywells for the project have been replaced with Small Infiltration Basins.
According to an email we received from Ms. Ann Fowler on August 1, 2016, use of Small
Infiltration Basins would allow for the use of the infiltration credit when producing the peak flow
ii. Core Requirement #4 – The Drainage Report shall include conveyance analysis for all new and
existing conveyance systems in accordance with Sectio n 1.2.4 of the City Amendments to the 2009
Response: The Small Infiltration Basins have been sized to infiltrate flows up to a 100 -year storm
event. Therefore, flow through the onsite storm system is zero during a 25-year storm event and the
proposed storm sewer is only being provided as a safety measure in the event of an infiltration device
iii. Core Requirement #7 – The Bond Quantity Worksheet is required to be completed and submitted
with the construction permit application.
Response: Bond Quantity Worksheet will be completed and submitted during Final Engineering.
iv. Core Requirement #8 – Provide area calculations of all new and replaced Pollution Generating
Impervious Surface (PGIS). This includes permeable pavement and the drivewa ys of each lot. If the
proposed PGIS reaches 5,000 square feet, water quality will be required to be provided for the site.
Response: A summary of the PGIS area calculations are now provided in the TIR under Section IV.
v. Special Requirement #6 Applicant shall include discussion of special requirement #6 in the final
drainage report. SR #6 relates to the aquifer protection areas, which is applicable to this site.
Response: A discussion will be provided in the final drainage report that will be submitted with Final
Engineering Plans.
vi. Permeable pavements shall not be placed on slopes steeper than 10% as outlined in Section C.2.3.1
of the 2009 KCSWDM. As designed, the proposal places permeable pavement at an 11% slope.
Response: Permeable Pavement has been removed from the Engineering Plans and Small
Infiltration Basins are being utilized to infiltrate stormwater runoff for the shared access driveway.
3. Runoff from the existing site includes one single family residence where no stormwater
infrastructure currently exists on site. Runoff from the site discharges through two different threshold
discharge areas (TDAs). The primary TDA sheet flows northeast into a public catch basin in Aberdeen
Ave NE and through a series of pipes and detention facilities unt il it outfalls into May Creek, and
ultimately Lake Washington. The secondary TDA sheet flows from the site at the north and northwest
property limits into NE 26th Place and is then conveyed to a detention facility where it converges with
the primary TDA and ultimately discharges into Lake Washington.
Response: The threshold discharge areas converge within a quarter mile of the project location.
4. A geotechnical report, dated March 7, 2016, completed by Earth Solutions NW, LLC for the site has
been provid ed. The report discusses the soil and groundwater characteristics of the site and provides
recommendations for project design and construction. Geotechnical recommendations presented in this
report support the use of full infiltration for the site. The soil conditions of the site consisted of slightly
gravelly to extremely gravelly course sand. In situ infiltration testing was completed at two test pits,
which returned an infiltration rate of 20 inches per hour for the lots and an infiltration rate of 1.5 inches
per hour for design of the permeable pavement proposed for the shared access driveway.
Response: Permeable Pavement has been removed from the Engineering Plans and Small
Infiltration Basins are being utilized to infiltrate stormwater runoff for the shared access driveway.
Staff Comments:
i. The design infiltration rate for the site shall be analyzed in accordance with Section 5.4 of the 2009
KCSWDM and the City Amendments to The Manual.
Response: The design infiltration rate for the site was based on the Geotechnical Engineering Study
prepared by Earth Solutions NW LLC (see Appendix A for report). The report mentions that the
2009 KCSWDM was followed for in-situ infiltration testing and that the infiltration rate includes a
total correction factor of greater than 10.
5. No downstream flooding or erosion issues were identified in the drainage report.
Response: The TIR has been revised to mention that no downstream drainage or erosion issues were
1. The proposed development fronts Aberdeen Ave NE along the east property lines. Aberdeen Ave NE
is classified as a Collector Arterial Road. Existing right of way (ROW) width is approximately 60 feet.
To meet the City’s complete street standards for collector arterial streets, minimum right of way width
is 83 feet. Dedication of 11.5 feet of right of way would be required. However, the City’s transportation
group has determined and will support a lesser standard to match the established standard stree t section
for Aberdeen Ave NE. The City established standard street section for Aberdeen Ave NE, which shall
be installed by the developer as part of the proposed development, will allow a pavement width of 32
feet (16 feet from centerline), 8 foot planting strip, 5 foot sidewalk, 1 foot clearance at back of walk
and 0.5 foot curb. This recommendation results in a total right of way width of 60 feet, requiring no
ROW dedication.
Staff Comments:
i. The site plan will need to be revised to include the updat ed pavement width as follows:
1. (1) 10 foot travel lane from centerline
2. (1) 6 foot parking lane
3. 0.5 foot curb
4. 8 foot planter strip
5. 5 foot sidewalk
6. 0.5 foot clearance behind sidewalk
Response: The Grading Plan now contains a street section of Aberdeen Ave which shows the
improvements located within the public right-of-way.
2. Access to each of the lots may be granted via the proposed shared driveway provided the shared
driveway meets requirements for emergency services access and must provide a turnaround in
compliance with City code 4 6 060I.
a. Emergency access is required within 150 feet of all points on the buildings.
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
b. Hammerhead turnaround shall have a design approved by the Administrator and Fire and Emergency
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
c. The requirement for a hammerhead turnaround may be waived provided that Lot 4 will have and
approved fire sprinkler system installed.
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
d. The shared driveway is required to have a minimum 20 foot wide paved roadway and shall be
constructed to support emergency vehicles.
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
e. Joint use driveways must be created upon the common property line of the properties served or
through the granting of a permanent access easement when said driveway does not exist upon a
common property line.
Response: An access tract is being provided for this project which will contain the joint-use
Staff Comments:
i. The proposal includes installation of fir e sprinklers on Lot 1 in lieu of the required hammerhead
turnaround. Applicant shall submit a modification request for approval by City of Renton Fire
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
3. Refer to City code 4 4 080 regarding driveway regulations.
a. Driveways shall be designed in accordance with City standard plans 104.1 and 104.2.
b. Maximum driveway slope is 15%. Driveways which exceed 8% shall provide slotted drains.
Response: The shared access driveway now contains slotted drains. City standard plans for the
driveways will be added to the plans in Final Engineering.
4. Payment of the transportation impact fee is applicable on the construction of the development at the
time of application for the building permit. The current rate of transportation impact fee is $2,951.17
per dwelling unit for single family homes. The project proposes the addition of 3 new residences. The
estimated total fee is $8,853.51. Traffic impact fees will be owed at the time of building permit
issuance. Fees are subject to change. The transportation impact fee t hat is current at the time of
building permit application will be levied.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable impact fees.
5. Paving and trench restoration shall comply with the City’s Trench Restoration and Overlay
Response: City standard plan for Trench Restoration and Overlay detail will be added to the plans in
Final Engineering.
Additional Staff Comments:
1. Grading shall be in accordance with RMC 4 4 060.
Response: Acknowledged.
2. Retaining walls shall not exceed 6 feet in height from finished grade.
Response: Retaining walls have been reduced to 6 feet in height from finished grade.
3. Provide profile of all utilities.
Response: The profile shown on the grading plan now contains profiles for the proposed wa ter and
sanitary sewer.
4. Utility locations in the landscape plans do not match the submitted utility plans. Updated plans will
be required for construction permit review and approval.
Response: A revised landscape plan will be provided in Final Engineering.
1. Adequate separation between utilities shall be provided in accordance with code requirements.
a. 7 ft minimum horizontal and 1 ft vertical separation between storm and other utilities is required with
the exception of water lines which require 10 ft horizontal and 1.5 ft vertical.
Response: Adequate utility separation is being provided.
Staff Comments:
i. Current utility spacing does not meet this requirement.
Response: Adequate utility separation is being provided.
2. All const ruction utility permits for drainage and street improvements will require separate plan
submittals. All utility plans shall confirm to the Renton Drafting Standards. A licensed Civil Engineer
shall prepare the civil plans.
Response: Acknowledged.
3. A landscaping plan shall be included with the civil plan submittal. Each plan shall be on separate
Response: Acknowledged, a landscaping plan is being provided and a revised landscaping plan shall
be provided in Final Engineering which will match the utility layout shown on the Utility Plan.
4. All electrical, phone, and cable services and lines serving the proposed development must be
underground. The construction of these franchise utilities must be inspected and approved by a City of
Renton inspector.
Response: Acknowledged.
Fire Review - Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas | 425-430-7024 | cthomas@rentonwa.gov
Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments:
1. The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single fami ly unit. Credit will
be granted for the retention of the one existing home.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable impact fees.
Code Related Comments:
1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600
square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of
1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of
the proposed buildings and two hydra nts if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Existing hydrants can be
counted toward the requirements as long as they meet current code including 5 inch storz fittings.
Response: Acknowledged.
2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully
paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed
to support a 30 ton vehicle with 75 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on
the building s. Hammerhead type turnaround is required for dead end roads that exceed 150 feet long.
Application for a variance to provide fire sprinklers in home on Lot 1 in lieu of a turnaround will be
Response: A modification request for approval from the City of Renton Fire Department (CRFD)
has been made and conditional approval has been granted provided that all three of the new homes
be provided with fire protection sprinkler systems.
Engineering Review Comments Contact: Brianne Bannwarth | 425 -430-7299 |
Applicant needs to submit revised Technical Information Report that addresses previous comments in
order to complete review. Recommend placing project on Hold.
Response: A revised TIR is being provided which should address all current and previous
Fire Review - Building Comments Contact: Corey Thomas | 425-430-7024 | cthomas@rentonwa.gov
Recommendations: Environmental Impact Comments:
1. The fire impact fees are currently applicable at the rate of $495.10 per single family unit. Credit will
be granted for the retention of the one existing home.
Response: Acknowledged, the Owner will pay all applicable impact fees.
Code Related Comments:
1. The fire flow requirement for a single family home is 1,000 gpm minimum for dwellings up to 3,600
square feet (including garage and basements). If the dwelling exceeds 3,600 square feet, a minimum of
1,500 gpm fire flow would be required. A minimum of one fire hydrant is required within 300 feet of
the proposed buildings and t wo hydrants if the fire flow goes up to 1,500 gpm. Existing hydrants can be
counted toward the requirements as long as they meet current code including 5 inch storz fittings.
Response: Acknowledged.
2. Fire department apparatus access roadways are required to be a minimum of 20 feet wide fully
paved, with 25 feet inside and 45 feet outside turning radius. Fire access roadways shall be constructed
to support a 30 ton vehicle with 75 psi point loading. Access is required within 150 feet of all points on
the buildings. Hammerhead type turnaround is required for dead end roads that exceed 150 feet long.
Response: Acknowledged.
3. Variance to provide a 16 foot wide fully paved fire apparatus access roadway and not to provide the
required turnaround has been approved with the condition that all three new homes on this short plat
with be equipped with approved residential fire sprinkler systems.
Response: The plans have been revised to show residential fire sprinkler systems for all three new
homes on this short plat.
Planning Review Comments Contact: Clark Close | 425-430-7289 | cclose@rentonwa.gov
As a result of revisions made through Lot Line Adjustment (LUA16 000331) and approval from the
Renton Fire Authority to construct a 16 foot wide shared driveway witho ut a turnaround, please
provide 3 copies of a fully dimensioned preliminary short plat plan prepared by a State of Washington
registered professional land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.020.
Response: Three copies of the Lot Line Adjustment, signed by a State of Washington registered
professional land surveyor, are provided in our submittal package.