HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrchards Rezone - Public Hearing 8/14/1995 Nome Nod $ c aw o 3' m3 = w cn w - (0� O CD r) -+ a ' a��v* " CZ c CD 'c (p , CD CDCD D cn' = ccnn Q - c_ — O s =0 -Co i — U a A. 9 -:�N C N•,-r, 0- Cl) C O 1 0 p = O� w p N r. c3 -{ o:m� cn _ * � . 0 cD ,..m om o A r a �:r, `2 w CD CD p 0 0 = CD CD W AA "' ' 4�`..d 0) CD (3D (D 7 Cl- -, a rri TI ul . '� a) x rn 11 `; .'••' s. 0 c Ib ' L "f.,,,>,• �.. p CD U', CD O6 2. (ZD - O C) w co __ r" a) co cocii ? C') 0 6 a F ca — 7 -< -c- — CD w o- a 0) co 0 ca) < `� = o ac Tz N �� cD(a co 7 O ai N r lD v -.`a r, a_co coo -aa0 < -� C ‘'') (0 I = w ° o Ewa W � ` \ w m � ow � ° a � D m 0 o 5' \ as � 3.03 • s 3. ° �► w a wA3' Ciw coo co `f IN n =(0 � 3aaw i� co g CDw , ri- G 5. aCp 0 _ � 7 = * EL O � 6 cD \ 0 O. O -`G cn _ p p `< Z _ • w _ O = _ = cD n ' 3 Cl) (0 = . '< ( (D.< w p 0 CD o p < 1 z w 0 co = 3 cD _ _ cn �\ CD Qw � � a ~ to O -. �� `° cn Cn ocn � � w = co \ tri 3 um -s D) = = CD 0 O= Cl) Cl) x aigig22-gg aaa fg lIa81151104jtvgEtillg - fiWill!1111;111i:IkFltilial:114; 11/11114i1:X: §gil r.u /IR- lzei=.611E11§.2atkiaaliii. # C_1 t1gNs _ oiA p gg3 Ns a M2ffi IWAIllia;i11 ; 1 Iii!:1!W*.e" k °I1330 r'm I<- eagi=gmi*la tl fg alacam 12 5 ! fo "c2giffi . . •ar= . ti EIEL. gOli Et . wi iSi i 8Z o a R $ fig t/ ini: _ --h$Ball_ca . 1E4 ar a a sa g _m m o amoot ?a August 21. 1995 Renton City Council Minutes *eV Page 326 Nome CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 326 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3143 A resolution was read approving the West View final plat for 12 lots on 2.02 Plat: Final, West View, acres, located in the vicinity of Aberden Ave. NE and NE 12th St. (CSL Aberdeen Ave NE/NE Development & Archer Development, Inc.; File No. FP-95-155). MOVED BY 12th St, FP-95-155 STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3144 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 95-, Agreement interlocal cooperative agreement with the City of Seattle for the emergency with City of Seattle for purchase of water by the City of Seattle. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, Emergency Sale of Water SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading: Planning: Residential Zone An ordinance was read amending Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Minimum/Maximum (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to the minimum and maximum Density Changes density requirements in the Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), Residential, Multi- family (RM) and Residential Manufactured Homes (RMH) zones. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4548 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Planning: Residential Zone MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT Minimum/Maximum THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. Density Changes CARRIED. Planning: The Orchards An ordinance and summary ordinance were read establishing a residential , Demonstration Project, development demonstration project for parcels E, F and G in The Orchards NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE development, located in the vicinity of Duvall Avenue NE and NE 4th Street. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4550 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance and Planning: The Orchards summary ordinance, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY Demonstration Project, KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second reading and adoption: Ordinance #4549 An ordinance was read amending Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV Planning: Residential Zone (Building Regulations) of City Code relating to the setback provisions of the Setback Changes Resource Conservation (RC), Residential - 1 Unit Per Acre (R-1), Residential - 8 Units Per Acre (R-8), Residential - 10 Units Per Acre (R-10), Residential - 24 Units Per Acre (R-24), and Residential, Multi-family (RM) zones. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. f t August 21, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes "'r/ Page 322 err+' MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL GRANT THE VACATION OF LAKE AVE. S. BETWEEN S. 2ND AND S. 3RD STREETS AS REQUESTED, SUBJECT TO THE RETENTION BY THE CITY OF EASEMENTS FOR EXISTING WATER MAINS, SEWER MAINS AND SURFACE WATER FACILITIES IN ALL THEIR CURRENT ALIGNMENTS WITH THE PROVISION THAT SHOULD DEVELOPMENT REQUIRE RELOCATION OF THESE FACILITIES, THAT THE DEVELOPER MAY PROVIDE AND PAY FOR SUCH RELOCATION SUBJECT TO CITY APPROVAL AND RECEIPT OF NEW UTILITY EASEMENTS. CARRIED. Vacation: Maplewood PI This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published SE, SR-169 to SE 6th St in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public (Humble/VAC-95-004) hearing to consider the petition to vacate a portion of Maplewood Pl. SE from SR-169 to SE 6th St. (Robert Humble; VAC-95-004). Property Management Supervisor Tom Boyns explained that Maplewood Pl. SE was originally platted as part of Maplewood Division II. The petitioner is proceeding with plans to construct an office building on an adjacent parcel, and has requested the vacation to enlarge the property. Mr. Boyns concluded with the staff recommendation that Council grant the vacation, subject to the following conditions recommended by the Board of Public Works in a letter entered for the record: 1. The City retain an easement for utilities over the existing utilities; 2. The vacation be reduced in size 360 square feet to four feet behind the existing sidewalk, as requested by the City's Transportation Division to allow room for any future street lighting foundations or traffic control signing; and 3. The petitioner provide easements in their current alignments for US West and Puget Power. Councilmember Nelson asked if the development plans for an insurance office on an adjoining site can proceed even if the vacation is reduced in size as requested by the Transportation Division. Mr. Boyns confirmed that this reduction will have no effect on the planned development. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL GRANT THE MAPLEWOOD PL. S.E. STREET VACATION AS REQUESTED, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. CARRIED. Plannin:: Th- I r r This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Demonstration Project, in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public NE 4th t uva hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. Planning & Technical Services Director Kattermann introduced the subject by explaining that the entire site generally referred to as The Orchards is comprised of 62 acres. Under the original site plan that was approved three years ago, parcels E, F and G were to be developed with 213 multi-family units and 28,000 square feet of commercial and office space. The current August 21. 1995 Renton City Council Minutes 'Noe Page 323 proposal affects only these three parcels. A Comprehensive Plan amendment adopted earlier this year designated the site as Residential Planned Neighborhood, with concurrent R-24 zoning. Jennifer Henning, Senior Planner, added that if Council approves the demonstration project this evening, the proposal would be subjected to amended environmental review and another site plan would be developed. She noted that the dwelling units proposed to be built are a combination of single family homes, individual-lot townhomes, and stacked, flat condominiums. If approved, the proposal will substantially reduce the density on the site. Mr. Kattermann commented on problems with the current R-24 zone, which have emerged in the form of inconsistencies between various Comprehensive Plan policies and the City Code as well as internal inconsistencies in the Code. He noted how the demonstration project would accomplish several objectives, saying it would increase single family housing in the City, achieve the eight to 24 units per acre density requirement, provide flexible standards, ensure physical and economic feasibility, and expedite the needed revisions to the R- 24 zone. Mr. Kattermann concluded that all applicable life safety standards would be maintained. Additionally, the project would have to adhere to the usual plat and site development standards, and it would undergo review by the Hearing Examiner and the ERC prior to its final approval by Council. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Stredicke presented a report Committee concurring in the staff recommendation to establish a residential development Planning: The Orchards demonstration project for parcels E, F and G on property known as The Demonstration Project, Orchards. The demonstration project will allow staff to more quickly and NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE efficiently correct problems and inconsistencies in the Residential - 24 units per acre (R-24) zone, and make it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies. The Committee further recommended approval of the ordinance establishing the demonstration project, and that the ordinance be placed on the agenda for first reading. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 326 for ordinance.) AUDIENCE COMMENT James Minty, 1633 Eagle Ridge Dr. S., Renton, 98055, stated that activities at Citizen Comment Minty - the Castle Rock Restaurant & Lounge continue to greatly disturb nearby Castle Rock Restaurant & residents, with no discernible improvement in the noise level emanating from Lounge this establishment. Adding that some Castle Rock patrons consistently park in no parking zones, Mr. Minty suggested that these areas be designated and re- posted as tow-away zones. Citizen Comment: Webb - Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, reiterated his comments made Audience Comment last week regarding the requirement that those who speak at Council meetings Policies identify themselves by name and address. Saying that speakers should not have to publicly state their addresses because of privacy concerns, Mr. Webb suggested how this information could otherwise be provided for the record. He emphasized that Council has been given a genuine opportunity to be accountable to its constituents regarding this issue, but has refused it. Council President Schlitzer asked the Administration to look into this issue and return with a recommendation. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL vie PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 0 g-P/- gr COMMITTEE REPORT (August 21, 1995) The Orchards Residential Demonstration Project Referred (7/24/95) The Planning and Development Committee concurs in the staff recommendation to establish a Residential Development Demonstration Project for parcels E/F and G on property known as "The Orchards." The demonstration project will allow staff to more quickly and efficiently correct problems and inconsistencies in the Residential 24 units/acre (R-24) Zone and make it consistent with the Comprehensive Plan policies. The Planning and Development Committee recommends approval of the Ordinance establishing the demonstration project and further recommends that the City Council place the Ordinance on the agenda for first reading on August 21, 1995. M Richard M. Stredicke, Chair !/(.l` Kathy K ker-Wheeler, Vice-Chair Randy Corman, Member cc: Gregg Zimmerman Mike Kattermann Jim Hanson Noe DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE • BACKGROUND • DEMONSTRATION OBJECTIVES • SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE BACKGROUND THE ORCHARDS • Located near NE 4th&Duvall • 62 acre site • Approved for Single Family, Multi -Family,&Commercial about 3 years ago • Parcels A-D approved for 119 SF, 63 TH,63 MF BACKGROUND PARCELS E/F & G • Approximately 18.5 acres • Approved for 213 MF&28,000 sq. ft.commercial/office • Comp Plan amended to RPN/R-24 in 1995 Page 1 Nu", BACKGROUND RPN/R-24 PROBLEMS • R-24(formerly PNR)created near final adoption of Interim Land Use &Zoning • Inconsistencies —Between existing code&Comp Plan —Internal to code • Revised proposal better fit with Comp Plan, but not Zone BACKGROUND OPTIONS • Develop approved site plan • Revise R-24 • PUD Ordinance • Demonstration Ordinance DtMONSTRA fION OBJECTIVES • Implement Comp Plan —Increase single family housing/types —Encourage pride of ownership —Achieve density requirements(8-24) • Provide flexible standards • Ensure physical&economic feasibility • Expedite revisions to R-24 Zone Page 2 ORDINANCE SUMMARY • Life safety standards maintained • Maintains requirement for plat& site development standards, flexibility in how they're met • Project review by ERC, Hearing Examiner(public hearing), City Council • Sunset clause CONCLUSION • Demonstration Ordinance pinpoints problems in R-24 • Provides flexibility in project while maintaining standards&process • Better implements Comp Plan CONCLUSION • Review of proposed project at a later date • Staff recommends approval of Demonstration Ordinance Page 3 *too Noe CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 9, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, President Members of the City Council VIA: Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator C Planning/Building/Public Works STAFF CONTACT: Michael Kattermann (x6190) Lenora Blauman (x6168) SUBJECT: UPDATED ISSUE PAPER: Residential Demonstration Ordinance - R-24 Zone ISSUE: The City's existing R-24 Zoning Ordinance requires refinement to: (a) be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and general revisions; and (b) provide more attractive opportunities to the development community. Modification to the R-24 Zone is included in the 1995 Work Program; the modification task is underway at this time. Pending the Zoning Ordinance revision, a proposal has been made to allow an immediate residential project in the R-24 zone (The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G), under a limited Residential Demonstration Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of methods available under existing City regulations; these various methods are presented and analyzed below in this report. The proposal for the Demonstration Ordinance for The Orchards was initially presented to City Council on July 17th. The proposal has been updated, as presented below, in response to queries raised during the review process. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends that the City Council approve the attached Demonstration Ordinance. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Following the adoption of the existing, interim R-24 zone, a number of property owners and developers have informed the City that the current development standards in this R-24 zone are difficult to implement and operate as a disincentive to development. Pending the adoption of the permanent revisions to the R-24 - Zone, a proposal has been made to develop a Demonstration Ordinance to allow an immediate residential demonstration project in the R-24 zone. The project, identified as "The Orchards - Parcels E/F and G", would include 118 residences on an 18.42 acre vacant Memorandum to City Council Page 2 property in northeast Renton and involves redesign of multifamily and commercial portions of an approved project to allow more single family attached and detached dwellings. This Demonstration Ordinance would provide special subdivision and development standards for The Orchards which would amend, supersede and/or incorporate by reference, Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4-31-19. The Orchards development, as created under the Demonstration Ordinance, would be required to be consistent with the intent of the R-24 zone. Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance would meet or exceed the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. Demonstration objectives would include, but need not be limited to those which: 1. Permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasibility given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility. 2. Provide increased availability of residential development, which offers a range of unit types, to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Preserve pride of ownership by creating more detached and attached single- family residences. 4. Allow the City Council to evaluate whether alternative development standards in the R-24 zone will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Specific demonstration features could include: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 2. Dwelling Unit Mix (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage *lose *ore Memorandum to City Council Page 3 4. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Street and Alley Dimensions • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots • Lot Access • Planting Strips • Street lighting 5. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) Regulatory Objectives would include, but need not be limited to, opportunities to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance (pursuant to requirements of ESHB 1724); • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. provisions for Hearing Examiner review and approval of the subdivision and site plan for the purposes of implementation of ESHB 1724, 1-164). The Demonstration Ordinance and resulting demonstration project would allow the City to: (a) evaluate alternative, innovative subdivision and development standards with a specific project; and (b) examine alternative processes required to achieve compliance with new local, state, and federal regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that a third appropriate purpose for the Demonstration Ordinance would include the preparation of formal reports to City officials following the development of the demonstration project for the purposes of: (a) evaluating the success of the project; and (b) assessing the revisions to the R-24 Zone and other zoning ordinances as applicable (e.g. Development Standards, Planned Unit Development Ordinance). These demonstration standards would then be used as a base for revisions to the Building Regulations Title IV, Section 4-31-7 (R-24 zone) and refinements to the City's processing regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that The Orchards should be the only demonstration project permitted under the R-24 zone, as such an ordinance/project should be sufficient to enable the necessary revisions to the R-24 Zoning Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of options available under existing City regulations, as follows: • RETENTION OF THE EXISTING APPROVED ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT PLAN • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS • DEVELOPMENT UNDER FINAL REVISION OF R-24 ZONE STANDARDS • Memorandum to City Council Page 4 • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD ORDINANCE Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options is presented in the attached matrix. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the proposed Residential Demonstration Ordinance would: (1) permit timely development of a residential complex which meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, while simultaneously providing innovative development standards; and (2) facilitate comprehensive, cohesive updating of the R-24 Zoning Ordinance to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and compatibility with other residential zones. This Demonstration Ordinance option is preferred over the other options, based upon the above- described comparative analysis among the options. Attachment: Council currently has two versions of the Demonstration Ordinance in hand. These documents, together with additions suggested by ERC, staff and the Planning Commission, will be the topic of discussion at Planning and Development Committee. Revisions to the ordinance will then be provided and distributed, per Council direction. tirr` V Memorandum to City Council Page 5 THE ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OPTION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for 118 unit single- A Demonstration Ordinance is DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE family development, consistent directed to a single project only. with R-24 purposes, could Flexible development standards proceed immediately on Parcels require more extensive scrutiny E/F & G. y by professional staff & Opportunities for R-24 single- administration than is required family development on Parcels under standard ordinance E/F & G would be enhanced provisions. under Ordinance standards Project would need to provide a which are consistent with the substantial demonstration to Comprehensive Plan and avoid perception that the City is consistent with the purposes of not fully enforcing zoning the R-24 Ordinance. requirements by creating Demonstration application would alternative processes with be required to be reviewed and limited applicability. approved in terms of R-24 revisions would need to purpose/standards by staff, proceed without the benefit of a Hearing Examiner & City demonstration in the event that Council. the evaluation of the Demonstration application would demonstration project were provide guidance for revision to extended beyond the anticipated the R-24 Zone (and perhaps to review period. the PUD Ordinance updates also.) RETENTION OF THE EXISTING Development of 213 multi- Comprehensive Plan & Council APPROVED ORCHARDS family units on Parcels E/F and prefer proposed detached and DEVELOPMENT PLAN 28,000 square feet of attached single-family units commercial/office space on Single-family use has fewer Parcel G could proceed adverse impacts to site and immediately. neighborhood than approved multi-family use. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for R-24 single- For development in the R-24 EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS family development on Parcels zone, conflicts exist (1) between E/F & G could proceed the Comprehensive Plan and immediately. the existing ordinance and (2) within the existing ordinance which could constrain reasonable development. The Orchards' developer is proposing project features which differ from present standards. %IWO Memorandum to City Council Page 6 REVISION OF R-24 ZONE Opportunities for R-24 single- Application for R-24 single- STANDARDS family development on Parcels family development on Parcels E/F & G would be enhanced E/F & G would be delayed until under revised standards which the R-24 Ordinance is are consistent with the completed. Comprehensive Plan and consistent within the R-24 Ordinance. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD Application for R-24 single- Single-family development as ORDINANCE family development on Parcels proposed by the applicant (and E/F & G could proceed as considered desirable by the immediately. City) would be difficult to Opportunities for flexible design accomplish with the existing PUD Ordinance. exist in the PUD Ordinance. Processing of PUD applications is complex and time consuming. Limited revision of the PUD Ordinance to accommodate The Orchards specifically could unduly consume staff resources & would be an interim solution only. Complete revision of the PUD ordinance, to facilitate flexible development opportunities throughout the City, would likely be completed in mid-1996. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 Addition of a New Chapter to Title IX Public Ways and Prope Renton 2 Municipal Code 3 4 Chapter 9-17.1 Renton Municipal Code 5 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 6 City of Renton 7 Department of Planning / Building / Public Works 8 9 SECTION: 10 11 9-17.1-1: Title, Purpose and Scope 12 9-17.1-2: Definitions 13 9-17.1-3: Administering Authority 14 9-17.1-4: Subdivision: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 15 9-17.1-5 Development: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 16 9-17.1-6: Exceptions, Modifications, and Variations 17 9-17.1-7: Display Residences 18 9-17.1-8 Penalties 19 9-17.1-9: Liability 20 9-17.1-10 Conflicts 21 9-17.1-11: Severability 22 9-17.1-12: Repealed Ordinances 23 9-17.1-13: Effective Date 24 9-17.1-14: Termination of Ordinance 25 Note to Reader: Materials denoted by italics and located in a box reflect additions to the Demonstration 26 Ordinance as suggested by the Planning Commission. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOOENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-1: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the Demonstration Ordinance, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 17.1, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Ordinance that a Residential Development Demonstration project, The Orchards, Parcels E/F and Parcel G, exclusively (hereinafter referred to as "The Orchards") be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and standards in the interest of the public and property owners, and to achieve the following objectives: Development Obiectives: 1. To permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasiblity given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility • preserves pride of ownership by creating opportunities to live in and purchase more diverse types of quality single-family style residences. 2. To provide increased availability of residential development to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State of Washington Growth Management Act. 3. To allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Regulatory Obiectives 1. To create a Demonstration Residential Development which provides an opportunity to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance; • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. HR 1724). Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. 2 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. C. Scope: This Demonstration Ordinance shall apply exclusively to the following lands referred to as The Orchards, under the ownership of Richard Gilroy, in this Commitment and Described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ORCHARDS AREA E-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter AND of the south 30 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, thence N88° 07' 16" W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described property; thence continuing N88° 07' 16" W, along said south line, 286.01 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence NOO° 08' 06"W, along the west line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, 657.39 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence N01° 48' 28" E 30.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, said point being the beginning of a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the right from which the center bears S 01° 48' 28"W; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"; thence S 80° 06' 57" E 150.00 feet to a point of tangency with a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the left;thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04'35"to an intersection with said north line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter;thence S 88° 11'32"E, along said north line, 374.69 feet to the northeast corner thereof; thence SOO° 00'26"W, along the east line thereof, 353.14 feet; thence N 88° 07' 15"W 312.02 feet; thence S 49° 03' 21" W 66.17 feet; thence SOO° 00' 26" W 260.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E(AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 306,608 square feet, more or less, or approximately 7.039 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA F-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88° 07' 16"W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet; thence N 00°00'26" E, 260.00 feet; thence N 49° 03'21" E 66.17 feet; thence S 88° 07' 15" E 312.02 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision;thence S 00°00'26"W, along said east line, 305.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 96,424 square feet, more or less, or approximately 2.214 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA G-The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.). (Contains 399,428 square feet, more or less, or approximately 9.170 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington This Demonstration Ordinance is intended to provide for the subdivision and development of The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G. This Ordinance amends/supersedes and/or adopts by reference: Renton Municipal Code Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4- 31-19, as cited below. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Zoning Ordinance, Section, 4-31-7, Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, and the Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes different review provisions for the approval of the subdivision or development than provisions of other laws or ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Street Improvements, Section 4-34 Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. This Ordinance shall not adversely affect legal restrictive covenants placed upon the property by deed. (Note: For occupancy permit conditions, see Title IV, Chapter 12 of the Renton Municipal Code.) 9-17.1-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Demonstration Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in the existing Subdivision Ordinance (9-12-2), the Zoning Code (4-31-7), and Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34), unless otherwise specified herein. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. The word "shall" and "will" are mandatory;the word "may" is permissive. 9-17.1-3: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: The Hearing Examiner is designated as the official of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Planning/Building/Public Works Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. (Ord. 3105, 1- 24-77, eff. 1-1-77; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). The City Council maintains final adminstrative authority with respect to action concerning subdivision and land use approvals for The Orchards. 9-17.1-4: SUBDIVISION: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Submission and Filing of Plat Applications (Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plats): The procedure for application and administrative staff review of the subdivision for The Orchards Subdivision shall be completed as required in the Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-12 and the Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, as adopted by reference herein. B. Decision Making Process for Plats 1. Preliminary Plats: Decision-making action with respect to the subdivision application for The Orchards will be administered by the Hearing Examiner, as described herein: The Hearing Examiner shall review the preliminary plat for the Demonstration Residential Development to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71; amd. Ord. 2823, 1- 21-74, eff. 1,30-74; Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77). The subdivision review shall occur at a public meeting for which public notification has been provided as stipulated in Section 9-17.1-5 (B) (3) of the Demonstration Ordinance. The Hearing Examiner shall report its recommendations on the matter to the City Council for final action. The Hearing Examiner shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision. The Hearing Examiner shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety and 4 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPNT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts. If the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds and that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision, then the Hearing Examiner shall approve the plat. Upon receipt of the recommendations from the Hearing Examiner on the demonstration preliminary plat, the City Council shall at its next public meeting adopt, modify or reject the Hearing Examiner recommendations. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the City Council deems a change in the Hearing Examiner recommendations approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, the change of the recommendations shall not be made until the City Council shall make and enter findings of fact from the record and conclusions therefrom which support its action. The City Council may adopt all or portions of the Hearing Examiner findings and conclusions. If it finds that the proposed plat does not make such appropriate provisions or that the public use and interest will not be served, then the City Council may disapprove the proposed plat. Dedication of land to any public body may be required as a condition of subdivision approval and shall be clearly shown on the final plat. The City shall not as a condition to the approval of the plat require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners. (Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77) 2. Final Plats: Approvals: The Hearing Examiner shall review all final plats and make findings of fact, conclusions of law to assure conformity with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances of the City, and with the preliminary plat as approved. The Hearing Examiner shall transmit his findings of fact, conclusions of law and conditions of the final plat City Council within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). Certificates: In addition to other requirements as specified herein, the final plat shall contain or be accompanied by certifications in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-6 (C) (8) of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. Certification of approval are to be signed by: (a) the Director of Planning/Building/Public Works; (b) City Council; c)the Mayor; and (d)the City Clerk. Restrictive Covenants: The submission of the final plat shall include copies of such restrictive covenants as may be used in the subdivision in accord with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12-11), and/or Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34-12), herein adopted by reference. 3. Validity Period/Expiration for Preliminary and Final Plat: An approved preliminary plat for The Orchards shall be valid for a maximum period of three (3) years; an approved final plat shall be valid for a maximum period of six (6) months, in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12). A one year extension of the preliminary plat may be granted by the Hearing Exmainer in response to a written request filed by the applicant not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of the three (3) year period, upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the three (3) year period. The Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall provide a certificate, in accord with RMC Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12, adopted by reference herein, verifying that the applicant has 5 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 completed the installation of improvements required at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the specifications and standards of the departments, together with a notice advising the applicant to proceed with preparation of a final plat for that portion of the area in which minimum improvements have been installed and approved. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not be construed as approval of the final plat. The final plat shall be prepared as the approved preliminary plat, and in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-12 of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. The final plat shall be recorded within six (6) months after approval by the City Council or the plat shall expire and shall be null and void. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79). C. Required Plat Improvements 1. Standard Improvements: The following matters shall be addressed in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12) and/or the Street Improvements Ordinance (Section 4-34) as adopted herein by reference: • Grading and Paving of Streets and Alleys • Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks • Installation of Monuments • Installation of Utilities (sanitary sewers, storm drainage,water system) • Installation of Street lights • Installation of Street Signs • Inspection, Approval and Fees 2. Special Improvements: The following improvements shall be provided to the standards and specifications to be established by the Hearing Examiner, at the time of plat review, in order to protect life safety, provide standards for design and installation, and to create a plat which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan (e.g. Land Use Element, Housing Element, Environmental Element, Utilities Element, Transportation Element). Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by Hearing Examiner and/or City Council at the time of action upon the preliminary and/or final plat: a. General Design Standards (Standards and Specifications for Off-site Improvements) • Streets (dimensions, grades, curves, access, intersection offsets, paving) • Sidewalks (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Street lighting • Street Signage • Public Use and Service Areas b. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Streets and alleys (dimensions, public and private rights-of-way, reserve strips, tum-arounds and street ends, curves and grades, curb radius,tangents) • Sidewalks and curbs (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Planting strips • Street lighting • Blocks (length and width) •,Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots c.. Deferred Improvements d. Waived improvements e RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-5 DEVELOPMENT: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS and DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Submission and Filing of Land Use Development Application (Abbreviated Master Plan): In conjunction with the application for subdivision for The Orchards property, an abbreviated master plan (site plan) application shall be provided to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, including the following environmental review documents and abbreviated master plan materials: • Narrative description of the proposed use and a generalized conceptual site plan including: (a) a description of site characteristics and constraints (e.g. significant natural features, contour map); (b) proposed siting of uses, (c) proposed building forms/massing; (d) site coverage; (e) amount of open space; (f) special amenities; (g) screening and buffering; (h) estimated number of parking spaces and/or other transportation related requirements; and (I) public improvements/facilities, if any, needed to support the proposed development. • Description of characteristics of surrounding sites, such as land uses, building forms, circulation patterns, views, environmental constraints, which could be affected by or could impact the proposed Orchards demonstration development. • Environmental analysis documents (e.a. existing Environmental Impact Statement IEIS1, Addendum to existing EIS, or Supplement to existing EIS. or a project specific new checklist) which includes information deemed necessary to analyze the proposed development (such as a transportation study, drainage study). These materials must address requirements established under SEPA Rules and the City Environmental Review Ordinance (4-6). The applicant shall provide these narrative materials and plans, as prescribed by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. Application materials shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) B. Decision Making Process for Abbreviated Master Plan: Decision-making procedures with respect to the development application for The Orchards shall be administered by the Hearing Examiner, simultaneously with and under the same procedures as required for the subdivision of the site (see Section 9-17.1-4 [B]). C. Decision Criteria/Required Improvements: This section of the Residential Development Demonstration Ordinance replaces the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance Section 4-31-7 (R- 24), for the purposes of permitting development of the demonstration property. Purpose: The purpose of the Residential Demonstration Ordinance is to provide a residential development which meets the City's Land Use development goals to: (a) create new residential neighborhoods on large parcels of land in a "neighborhood" development style and (b) create high quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the residential character of the existing neighborhood. The Demonstration development is intended, also, to be designed to encourage better use of common and private open space, greater privacy, and more energy and resource efficient homes. Standards: Development of the Residential Demonstration project (The Orjchards) shall be provided to: (a) protect life safety, (b) provide standards for development design and construction, and (c) create a residential community which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies (e.g. residential development, environmental protection, community design) and with the purposes of the underlying R-24 zone. Standards and specifications to implement these criteria are to be established by the Hearing Examiner, in the below delineated areas: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 7 iimsew RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 2. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions(width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage • Lot Access • Street Design • Street Ownership Patterns 4. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) In addition the provisions of the following ordinances shall generally apply to The Orchards for purposes of review process and development standards EXCEPT THAT where the Hearing Examiner under the aegis of this Demonstration Ordinance, imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the review procedures/processes and upon the development of the land than are established under these ordinances,then the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail: • Comprehensive Plan (Chapters 1 -8) • Site Plan Review Ordinance: See Chapter 31-33, Title IV of the City Code. • Landscaping Ordinance: See Chapter 31-34, Title IV of the City Code. • Parking and Loading Ordinance: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. • Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. • Sensitive Areas: See City Code Chapter 31, Title IV Section 4-31-34; Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by City Council at the time of action upon the subdivision and the abbreviated master plan. Future Improvements: Any future change of use or additional use or exterior structural change which is not specifically permitted by the Hearing Examiner in conjunction with the demonstration project (The Orchards) or which is not permitted under the then existing Zoning Code provisions (e.g. Section 4-31-7) will require review and approval by the City. The application for such change to use or structure shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. 9-17.1-6: EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND VARIATIONS: The Hearing Examiner may grant an exception, modification and/or variation from the requirements of this Demonstration Ordinance, when, in the Examiner's opinion, the intent of the Demonstration Ordinance to provide for flexible interpretation of development standards may be placed in jeopardy as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of each or any of these other ordinances. Exceptions, modifications and/or variations may be granted only when the Hearing Examiner finds that the criteria listed below have been achieved: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions resulting from strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, which would deprive the applicant of the ability to fulfill the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). =' 2. That the exception(s) and/or modification(s) proposed are consistent with the intent of the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 3. That the exception(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), if granted, will result in development which ensures the following, through its form and function: (a) the protection of the natural environment on the site and on surrounding properties. (b) compatibility with the built environment on properties in the vicinity of the site. 8 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPR 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 4. That the granting of the exceptions(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). In granting any exception, modification, or variation, the Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. Application for any exception, modification and/or variation shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time the preliminary plat/abbreviated master plan application is submitted to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. The application shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 9-17.1-7: DISPLAY RESIDENCES: In the event that the subdivision (preliminary plat) and the master plan are approved by the Hearing Examiner/Council, then the applicant could be permitted to develop up to a maximum of eight (8) display homes on the subject property maximum of four(41 disolav homes for Parcels E/F and a maximum of four(41 display homes for Parcel G). These homes shall be designed and sited in a manner which is consistent with the provisions of the Demonstration Ordinance. Further, improvements shall be consistent with the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and such other provisions as established by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to ensure that the structures are viable and that public health, safety and welfare are protected. In the event that the final plat for The Orchards is not approved by the Hearing Examiner and/or The Orchards is not developed for any cause, then the display homes must either. a) be upgraded as/if necessary to address all applicable standard City ordinance requirements (e.g. Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Building Regulations),where such requirements differ from Demonstration Ordinance requirements; or b) removed from the subject property (either by demolition or relocation to an approved site away from the subject property). Upgrading would need to be completed within six months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan; removal would need to be completed within three months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan. 9-17.1-8: PENALTIES: Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) The City Council may direct the City Attorney to initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement or option of any property taken in violation of this Chapter by making application for an injunction in the Superior Court. The City may recover its costs and attomey's fees for maintaining such action. Actions taken pursuant to RCW 58.17.205 shall not be deemed in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 4041, 1-26-87) 9-17.1-9: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building, constructing or modifying any subdivisions in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificates authorized herein. 9-17.1-10: CONFLICTS: In the event that there is a confAct between either the customary development standards or special development standards listed above and the standards and regulations contained in other ordinance(s), the Zoning Administrator shall determine which ordinance shall prevail based upon the intent of the zones. Life, safety and public health ordinances are assumed to prevail. 9-17.1-11: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 9 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-12; REPEALED ORDINANCES: Any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed exclusively with respect to this Demonstration Residential Development. 9-17.1-13: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) 9-17.1-14: TERMINATION OF ORDINANCE: A complete development application for The Orchards Parcels ElF and G, must be submitted within six (6) months of the effective date of this Ordinance, in order for the Ordinance to remain in full force and effect. If a complete application is not submitted to the City within this six (6) month period, the Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. At completion of the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) or in the event that the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) is withdrawn, this Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. 10 CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 9, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, President Members of the City Council VIA: 4 Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator C Planning/Building/Public Works STAFF CONTACT: Michael Kattermann (x6190) Lenora Blauman (x6168) SUBJECT: UPDATED ISSUE PAPER: Residential Demonstration Ordinance - R-24 Zone ISSUE: The City's existing R-24 Zoning Ordinance requires refinement to: (a) be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and general revisions; and (b) provide more attractive opportunities to the development community. Modification to the R-24 Zone is included in the 1995 Work Program; the modification task is underway at this time. Pending the Zoning Ordinance revision, a proposal has been made to allow an immediate residential project in the R-24 zone (The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G), under a limited Residential Demonstration Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of methods available under existing City regulations; these various methods are presented and analyzed below in this report. The proposal for the Demonstration Ordinance for The Orchards was initially presented to City Council on July 17th. The proposal has been updated, as presented below, in response to queries raised during the review process. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends that the City Council approve the attached Demonstration Ordinance. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Following the adoption of the existing, interim R-24 zone, a number of property owners and developers have informed the City that the current development standards in this R-24 zone are difficult to implement and operate as a disincentive to development. Pending the adoption of the permanent revisions to the R-24 Zone, a proposal has been made to develop a Demonstration Ordinance to allow an immediate residential demonstration project in the R-24 zone. The project, identified as "The Orchards - Parcels E/F and G", would include 118 residences on an 18.42 acre vacant Memorandum to City Council Page 2 property in northeast Renton and involves redesign of multifamily and commercial portions of an approved project to allow more single family attached and detached dwellings. This Demonstration Ordinance would provide special subdivision and development standards for The Orchards which would amend, supersede and/or incorporate by reference, Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4-31-19. The Orchards development, as created under the Demonstration Ordinance, would be required to be consistent with the intent of the R-24 zone. Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance would meet or exceed the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. Demonstration objectives would include, but need not be limited to those which: 1. Permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasibility given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility. 2. Provide increased availability of residential development, which offers a range of unit types, to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Preserve pride of ownership by creating more detached and attached single- family residences. 4. Allow the City Council to evaluate whether alternative development standards in the R-24 zone will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Specific demonstration features could include: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 2. Dwelling Unit Mix (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage 'time "44109 Memorandum to City Council Page 3 4. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Street and Alley Dimensions • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots • Lot Access • Planting Strips • Street lighting 5. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) Regulatory Objectives would include, but need not be limited to, opportunities to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance (pursuant to requirements of ESHB 1724); • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. provisions for Hearing Examiner review and approval of the subdivision and site plan for the purposes of implementation of ESHB 1724, 1-164). The Demonstration Ordinance and resulting demonstration project would allow the City to: (a) evaluate alternative, innovative subdivision and development standards with a specific project; and (b) examine alternative processes required to achieve compliance with new local, state, and federal regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that a third appropriate purpose for the Demonstration Ordinance would include the preparation of formal reports to City officials following the development of the demonstration project for the purposes of: (a) evaluating the success of the project; and (b) assessing the revisions to the R-24 Zone and other zoning ordinances as applicable (e.g. Development Standards, Planned Unit Development Ordinance). These demonstration standards would then be used as a base for revisions to the Building Regulations Title IV, Section 4-31-7 (R-24 zone) and refinements to the City's processing regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that The Orchards should be the only demonstration project permitted under the R-24 zone, as such an ordinance/project should be sufficient to enable the necessary revisions to the R-24 Zoning Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of options available under existing City regulations, as follows: • RETENTION OF THE EXISTING APPROVED ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT PLAN • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS • DEVELOPMENT UNDER FINAL REVISION OF R-24 ZONE STANDARDS 401111110 Memorandum to City Council Page 4 • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD ORDINANCE Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options is presented in the attached matrix. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the proposed Residential Demonstration Ordinance would: (1) permit timely development of a residential complex which meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, while simultaneously providing innovative development standards; and (2) facilitate comprehensive, cohesive updating of the R-24 Zoning Ordinance to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and compatibility with other residential zones. This Demonstration Ordinance option is preferred over the other options, based upon the above- described comparative analysis among the options. Attachment: Council currently has two versions of the Demonstration Ordinance in hand. These documents, together with additions suggested by ERC, staff and the Planning Commission, will be the topic of discussion at Planning and Development Committee. Revisions to the ordinance will then be provided and distributed, per Council direction. 'toe 'fir+ Memorandum to City Council Page 5 THE ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OPTION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for 118 unit single- A Demonstration Ordinance is DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE family development, consistent directed to a single project only. with R-24 purposes, could Flexible development standards proceed immediately on Parcels E/F &G. require more extensive scrutiny by professional staff & Opportunities for R-24 single- administration than is required family development on Parcels under standard ordinance E/F & G would be enhanced provisions. under Ordinance standards Project would need to provide a which are consistent with the substantial demonstration to Comprehensive Plan and avoid perception that the City is consistent with the purposes of not fully enforcing zoning the R-24 Ordinance. requirements by creating Demonstration application would alternative processes with be required to be reviewed and limited applicability. approved in terms of R-24 revisions would need to purpose/standards by staff, proceed without the benefit of a Hearing Examiner & City demonstration in the event that Council. the evaluation of the Demonstration application would demonstration project were provide guidance for revision to extended beyond the anticipated the R-24 Zone (and perhaps to review period. the PUD Ordinance updates also.) RETENTION OF THE EXISTING Development of 213 multi- Comprehensive Plan & Council APPROVED ORCHARDS family units on Parcels E/F and prefer proposed detached and DEVELOPMENT PLAN 28,000 square feet of attached single-family units commercial/office space on Single-family use has fewer Parcel G could proceed adverse impacts to site and immediately. neighborhood than approved multi-family use. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for R-24 single- For development in the R-24 EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS family development on Parcels zone, conflicts exist (1) between E/F & G could proceed the Comprehensive Plan and immediately. the existing ordinance and (2) within the existing ordinance which could constrain reasonable development. The Orchards' developer is proposing project features which differ from present standards. a.mmrr. Memorandum to City Council Page 6 REVISION OF R-24 ZONE Opportunities for R-24 single- Application for R-24 single- STANDARDS family development on Parcels family development on Parcels E/F & G would be enhanced E/F & G would be delayed until under revised standards which the R-24 Ordinance is are consistent with the completed. Comprehensive Plan and consistent within the R-24 Ordinance. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD Application for R-24 single- Single-family development as ORDINANCE family development on Parcels proposed by the applicant (and E/F & G could proceed as considered desirable by the immediately. City) would be difficult to Opportunities for flexible design accomplish with the existing PUD Ordinance. exist in the PUD Ordinance. Processing of PUD applications is complex and time consuming. Limited revision of the PUD Ordinance to accommodate The Orchards specifically could unduly consume staff resources & would be an interim solution only. Complete revision of the PUD ordinance, to facilitate flexible development opportunities throughout the City, would likely be completed in mid-1996. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPVR 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPIOIENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 1 Addition of a New Chapter to Title IX Public Ways and Prope Renton 2 Municipal Code 3 4 Chapter 9-17.1 Renton Municipal Code 5 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 6 City of Renton 7 Department of Planning / Building / Public Works 8 9 SECTION: 10 11 9-17.1-1: Title, Purpose and Scope 12 9-17.1-2: Definitions 13 9-17.1-3: Administering Authority 14 9-17.1-4: Subdivision: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 15 9-17.1-5 Development: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 16 9-17.1-6: Exceptions, Modifications, and Variations 17 9-17.1-7: Display Residences 18 9-17.1-8 Penalties 19 9-17.1-9: Liability 20 9-17.1-10 Conflicts 21 9-17.1-11: Severability 22 9-17.1-12: Repealed Ordinances 23 9-17.1-13: Effective Date 24 9-17.1-14: Termination of Ordinance 25 Note to Reader. Materials denoted by italics and located in a box reflect additions to the Demonstration 26 Ordinance as suggested by the Planning Commission. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-1: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the Demonstration Ordinance, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 17.1, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Ordinance that a Residential Development Demonstration project, The Orchards, Parcels E/F and Parcel G, exclusively (hereinafter referred to as "The Orchards") be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and standards in the interest of the public and property owners, and to achieve the following objectives: Development Obiectives: 1. To permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasiblity given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility • preserves pride of ownership by creating opportunities to live in and purchase more diverse types of quality single-family style residences. 2. To provide increased availability of residential development to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State of Washington Growth Management Act. 3. To allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Regulatory Objectives 1. To create a Demonstration Residential Development which provides an opportunity to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance; • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines(e.g. HR 1724). Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. 2 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. C. Scope: This Demonstration Ordinance shall apply exclusively to the following lands referred to as The Orchards, under the ownership of Richard Gilroy, in this Commitment and Described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ORCHARDS AREA E-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter AND of the south 30 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence N88° 07' 16" W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described property; thence continuing N88° 07' 16" W, along said south line, 286.01 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence NOO° 08'06"W, along the west line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, 657.39 feet to the northwest corner thereof thence N01° 48' 28" E 30.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, said point being the beginning of a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the right from which the center bears S 01° 48' 28"W; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"; thence S 80° 06' 57" E 150.00 feet to a point of tangency with a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04'35"to an intersection with said north line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence S 88° 11'32"E, along said north line, 374.69 feet to the northeast corner thereof thence S00° 00'26"W, along the east line thereof, 353.14 feet; thence N 88° 07' 15" W 312.02 feet; thence S 49° 03' 21" W 66.17 feet; thence SOO° 00' 26" W 260.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E(AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 306,608 square feet, more or less, or approximately 7.039 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA F-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88° 07' 16"W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet;thence N 00°00'26"E, 260.00 feet; thence N 49° 03'21" E 66.17 feet; thence S 88° 07' 15"E 312.02 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision;thence S 00° 00'26"W, along said east line, 305.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 96,424 square feet, more or less, or approximately 2.214 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA G-The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.). (Contains 399,428 square feet, more or less, or approximately 9.170 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington This Demonstration Ordinance is intended to provide for the subdivision and development of The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G. This Ordinance amends/supersedes and/or adopts by reference: Renton Municipal Code Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4- 31-19, as cited below. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Zoning Ordinance, Section, 4-31-7, Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, and the Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes different review provisions for the approval of the subdivision or development than provisions of other laws or ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Street Improvements, Section 4-34 Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. This Ordinance shall not adversely affect legal restrictive covenants placed upon the property by deed. (Note: For occupancy permit conditions, see Title IV, Chapter 12 of the Renton Municipal Code.) 9-17.1-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Demonstration Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in the existing Subdivision Ordinance (9-12-2), the Zoning Code (4-31-7), and Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34), unless otherwise specified herein. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. The word "shall" and "will" are mandatory;the word "may" is permissive. 9-17.1-3: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: The Hearing Examiner is designated as the official of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Planning/Building/Public Works Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. (Ord. 3105, 1- 24-77, eff. 1-1-77; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). The City Council maintains final adminstrative authority with respect to action concerning subdivision and land use approvals for The Orchards. 9-17.1-4: SUBDIVISION: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Submission and Filing of Plat Applications (Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plats): The procedure for application and administrative staff review of the subdivision for The Orchards Subdivision shall be completed as required in the Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-12 and the Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, as adopted by reference herein. B. Decision Making Process for Plats 1. Preliminary Plats: Decision-making action with respect to the subdivision application for The Orchards will be administered by the Hearing Examiner, as described herein: The Hearing Examiner shall review the preliminary plat for the Demonstration Residential Development to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71; amd. Ord. 2823, 1- 21-74, eff. 1-30-74; Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77).:? The subdivision review shall occur at a public meeting for which public notification has been provided as stipulated in Section 9-17.1-5 (B) (3) of the Demonstration Ordinance. The Hearing Examiner shall report its recommendations on the matter to the City Council for final action. The Hearing Examiner shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision. The Hearing Examiner shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety and 4 i RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPAfENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts. If the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds and that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision, then the Hearing Examiner shall approve the plat. Upon receipt of the recommendations from the Hearing Examiner on the demonstration preliminary plat, the City Council shall at its next public meeting adopt, modify or reject the Hearing Examiner recommendations. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the City Council deems a change in the Hearing Examiner recommendations approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, the change of the recommendations shall not be made until the City Council shall make and enter findings of fact from the record and conclusions therefrom which support its action. The City Council may adopt all or portions of the Hearing Examiner findings and conclusions. If it finds that the proposed plat does not make such appropriate provisions or that the public use and interest will not be served, then the City Council may disapprove the proposed plat. Dedication of land to any public body may be required as a condition of subdivision approval and shall be clearly shown on the final plat. The City shall not as a condition to the approval of the plat require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners. (Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77) 2. Final Plats: Approvals: The Hearing Examiner shall review all final plats and make findings of fact, conclusions of law to assure conformity with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances of the City, and with the preliminary plat as approved. The Hearing Examiner shall transmit his findings of fact, conclusions of law and conditions of the final plat City Council within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). Certificates: In addition to other requirements as specified herein, the final plat shall contain or be accompanied by certifications in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-6 (C) (8) of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. Certification of approval are to be signed by: (a) the Director of Planning/Building/Public Works; (b) City Council; c)the Mayor, and (d)the City Clerk. Restrictive Covenants: The submission of the final plat shall include copies of such restrictive covenants as may be used in the subdivision in accord with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12-11), and/or Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34-12), herein adopted by reference. 3. Validity Period/Expiration for Preliminary and Final Plat: An approved preliminary plat for The Orchards shall be valid for a maximum period of three (3) years; an approved final flat shall be valid for a maximum period of six (6) months, in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12). A one year extension of the preliminary plat may be granted by the Hearing Exmainer in response to a written request filed by the applicant not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of the three (3) year period, upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the three (3) year period. The Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall provide a certificate, in accord with RMC Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12, adopted by reference herein, verifying that the applicant has 5 Ar.nr. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELO*ENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 completed the installation of improvements required at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the specifications and standards of the departments, together with a notice advising the applicant to proceed with preparation of a final plat for that portion of the area in which minimum improvements have been installed and approved. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not be construed as approval of the final plat. The final plat shall be prepared as the approved preliminary plat, and in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-12 of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. The final plat shall be recorded within six (6) months after approval by the City Council or the plat shall expire and shall be null and void. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79). C. Required Plat Improvements 1. Standard Improvements: The following matters shall be addressed in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12) and/or the Street Improvements Ordinance (Section 4-34) as adopted herein by reference: • Grading and Paving of Streets and Alleys • Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks • Installation of Monuments • Installation of Utilities (sanitary sewers, storm drainage,water system) • Installation of Street lights • • Installation of Street Signs • Inspection, Approval and Fees 2. Special Improvements: The following improvements shall be provided to the standards and specifications to be established by the Hearing Examiner, at the time of plat review, in order to protect life safety, provide standards for design and installation, and to create a plat which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan (e.g. Land Use Element, Housing Element, Environmental Element, Utilities Element, Transportation Element). Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by Hearing Examiner and/or City Council at the time of action upon the preliminary and/or final plat: a. General Design Standards (Standards and Specifications for Off-site Improvements) • Streets (dimensions, grades, curves, access, intersection offsets, paving) • Sidewalks (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Street lighting • Street Signage • Public Use and Service Areas b. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Streets and alleys (dimensions, public and private rights-of-way, reserve strips, tum-arounds and street ends, curves and grades, curb radius,tangents) • Sidewalks and curbs (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Planting strips • Street lighting • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots c.. Deferred Improvements d. Waived improvements 6 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/9S 9-17.1-5 DEVELOPMENT: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS and DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Submission and Filing of Land Use Development Application (Abbreviated Master Plan): In conjunction with the application for subdivision for The Orchards property, an abbreviated master plan (site plan) application shall be provided to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, including the following environmental review documents and abbreviated master plan materials: • Narrative description of the proposed use and a generalized conceptual site plan including: (a) a description of site characteristics and constraints (e.g. significant natural features, contour map); (b) proposed siting of uses, (c) proposed building forms/massing; (d) site coverage; (e) amount of open space; (f) special amenities; (g) screening and buffering; (h) estimated number of parking spaces and/or other transportation related requirements; and (i) public improvements/facilities, if any, needed to support the proposed development. • Description of characteristics of surrounding sites, such as land uses, building forms, circulation patterns, views, environmental constraints, which could be affected by or could impact the proposed Orchards demonstration development. • Environmental analysis documents (e.g. existing Environmental Impact Statement [EIS), Addendum to existing EIS. or Supplement to existing EIS. or a project specific new checklist) which includes information deemed necessary to analyze the proposed development (such as a transportation study, drainage study). These materials must address requirements established under SEPA Rules and the City Environmental Review Ordinance (4-6). The applicant shall provide these narrative materials and plans, as prescribed by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. Application materials shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) B. Decision Making Process for Abbreviated Master Plan: Decision-making procedures with respect to the development application for The Orchards shall be administered by the Hearing Examiner, simultaneously with and under the same procedures as required for the subdivision of the site (see Section 9-17.1-4[B)). C. Decision Criteria/Required Improvements: This section of the Residential Development Demonstration Ordinance replaces the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance Section 4-31-7 (R- 24), for the purposes of permitting development of the demonstration property. Purpose: The purpose of the Residential Demonstration Ordinance is to provide a residential development which meets the City's Land Use development goals to: (a) create new residential neighborhoods on large parcels of land in a "neighborhood" development style and (b) create high quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the residential character of the existing neighborhood. The Demonstration development is intended, also, to be designed to encourage better use of common and private open space, greater privacy, and more energy and resource efficient homes. Standards: Development of the Residential Demonstration project (The Orchards) shall be provided to: (a) protect life safety, (b) provide standards for development design and construction, and (c) create a residential community which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies (e.g. residential development, environmental protection, community design) and with the purposes of the underlying R-24 zone. Standards and specifications to implement these criteria are to be established by the Hearing Examiner, in the below delineated areas: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 7 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 2. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions(width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage • Lot Access • Street Design • Street Ownership Patterns 4. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) In addition the provisions of the following ordinances shall generally apply to The Orchards for purposes of review process and development standards EXCEPT THAT where the Hearing Examiner, under the aegis of this Demonstration Ordinance, imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the review procedures/processes and upon the development of the land than are established under these ordinances, then the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail: • Comprehensive Plan (Chapters 1 -8) • Site Plan Review Ordinance: See Chapter 31-33, Title IV of the City Code. • Landscaping Ordinance: See Chapter 31-34, Title IV of the City Code. • Parking and Loading Ordinance: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. • Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. • Sensitive Areas: See City Code Chapter 31, Title IV Section 4-31-34; Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by City Council at the time of action upon the subdivision and the abbreviated master plan. Future Improvements: Any future change of use or additional use or exterior structural change which is not specifically permitted by the Hearing Examiner in conjunction with the demonstration project (The Orchards) or which is not permitted under the then existing Zoning Code provisions (e.g. Section 4-31-7) will require review and approval by the City. The application for such change to use or structure shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. 9-17.1-6: EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND VARIATIONS: The Hearing Examiner may grant an exception, modification and/or variation from the requirements of this Demonstration Ordinance, when, in the Examiner's opinion, the intent of the Demonstration Ordinance to provide for flexible interpretation of development standards may be placed in jeopardy as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of each or any of these other ordinances. Exceptions, modifications and/or variations may be granted only when the Hearing Examiner finds that the criteria listed below have been achieved: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions resulting from strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, which would deprive the applicant of the ability to fulfill the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 2. That the exception(s) and/or modification(s) proposed are consistent with the intent of the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 3. That the exception(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), if granted, will result in development which ensures the following, through its form and function: (a) the protection of the natural environment on the site and on surrounding properties. (b) compatibility with the built environment on properties in the vicinity of the site. 8 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAR 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELONT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 4. That the granting of the exceptions(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). In granting any exception, modification, or variation, the Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. Application for any exception, modification and/or variation shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time the preliminary plat/abbreviated master plan application is submitted to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. The application shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 9-17.1-7: DISPLAY RESIDENCES: In the event that the subdivision (preliminary plat) and the master plan are approved by the Hearing Examiner/Council, then the applicant could be permitted to develop up to a maximum of eight (8) display homes on the subject property) maximum of four 141 display homes for Parcels E/F and a maximum of four 141 display homes for Parcel G). These homes shall be designed and sited in a manner which is consistent with the provisions of the Demonstration Ordinance. Further, improvements shall be consistent with the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and such other provisions as established by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to ensure that the structures are viable and that public health, safety and welfare are protected. In the event that the final plat for The Orchards is not approved by the Hearing Examiner and/or The Orchards is not developed for any cause, then the display homes must either a) be upgraded as/if necessary to address all applicable standard City ordinance requirements (e.g. Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Building Regulations), where such requirements differ from Demonstration Ordinance requirements; or b) removed from the subject property (either by demolition or relocation to an approved site away from the subject property). Upgrading would need to be completed within six months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan; removal would need to be completed within three months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan. 9-17.1-8: PENALTIES: Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) The City Council may direct the City Attorney to initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement or option of any property taken in violation of this Chapter by making application for an injunction in the Superior Court. The City may recover its costs and attomey's fees for maintaining such action. Actions taken pursuant to RCW 58.17.205 shall not be deemed in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 4041, 1-26-87) 9-17.1-9: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building, constructing or modifying any subdivisions in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificates authorized herein. 9-17.1-10: CONFLICTS: In the event that there is a conflict between either the customary development standards or special development standards listed above and the standards and regulations contained in other ordinance(s), the Zoning Administrator shall determine which ordinance shall prevail based upon the intent of the zones. Life, safety and public health ordinances are assumed to prevail. 9-17.1-11: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 9 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOVENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-12: REPEALED ORDINANCES: Any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed exclusively with respect to this Demonstration Residential Development. 9-17.1-13: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) 9-17.1-14: TERMINATION OF ORDINANCE: A complete development application for The Orchards Parcels E/F and G, must be submitted within six (6) months of the effective date of this Ordinance, in order for the Ordinance to remain in full force and effect. If a complete application is not submitted to the City within this six (6) month period, the Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. At completion of the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) or in the event that the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) is withdrawn, this Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. 10 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information. 46- , Manly tersen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News July 28, 1995 Account No. 50640 5303 ' i■n� _L--_ l��■ I SE RM—N - --o— 4 ...WM ii c:2,= s ,R---8 E tts.o... : bag k 1::: _,_ TA ` 1 fi cn \IE 101,1H St -`-�—,�1171— / Irk U � �., R- �. I !I ! , ! I .t SE118th O 0 -f�8 > < -p ■ 75 IN �. '8 Ill rm 111 11 '1 m = ■■■ � SE 121s 2 ,. S tSt 4 li ---- A -2-,,, % c‘, -A0V III imill11111111".md i ■■ R_ ORCHARPO -n4a 1,1 --x, s\l'ism, W �, l 1 _ .sue■■ . ' c>.' p MI lib:** lir 44 $ ` 1 , - ' an A, .:: \,i‘l I im seotam --1 1 I wet'.:mr-_ -_,-, N.1 w A- G. CS L ES • - I E 11-td ST SE 128th I PE= i iiiiiiii111 5315 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information. Madly '-tersen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News July 28, 1995 Account No. 50640 5303 I I -__ _- w SE RM—N - --o- _ ,�- -- - R-8____ E Cr �1 11 ` 40 .1,3 a-- __L_ 1 L Jr 7 VE 1L St R—‘---- I � ; ! l i I )\t\ I-- w I rf i 1 I L -iC 5' SE 118th St _ . 0 , , -R=8 "...„. .._____. d Z M L TAT [�� " __ "a a SE 121 s Allf--- (e. tSt " k.D '1/4,!\ , \` ```ems 1I1 \� ThE - eiz....0 C--- \ .- W v w All.,r &I.) p ,Th:• * pl )--- Nom! 1r ' N NE 5th S s �`" `"..G._.• .` ---1 I 1 44* x‘ikkkNi' \ A- G. CS • CS rflE Ltd sT SE 128th 1 La ,1 Ili . -- — ...____ 5315 Name Nee 102305 9314 042100 0435 143765 0130 Betty Ventress John & Lorraine West Warren & Connie White 758 Vashon P1 NE 11807 292nd St NE 11843 139th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 Arlington, WA 98223 Renton, WA 98059 102305 9102 664950 0140 880540 0090 Clarence Williams Patricia Williams Louis Williamson Leona Williams PO Box 535 Kathleen Williamson 550 Union Ave NE Preston, WA 98050 4024 NE 6th Ct Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 102305 9100 102305 9208 102305 9285 WINDSOR PLACE ASSOCIATES Sylvia Wood Nathaniel Wright Jr. 5775-E Peachtree 12255 142nd Ave SE Willie Wright Jr. Dunwoody Rd NE Renton, WA 98059 658 Union Ave NE Atlanta, GA 30342 Renton, WA 98059 880910 0050 143765 0140 Yu Kwong Wu John Zable Jzu Chun Lok 11835 139th Ave SE 4002 NE 7th St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 `u 664950 0150 042100 0445 880540 0040 Fadi Nwider Kent & Teresa Olson Marian Ossowski 14620 NE 32nd St #F-13 4001 NE 7th St 4003 NE 6th Ct Bellevue, WA 98007 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 102305 9054 880910 0100 102305 9074 Cathy Palzer PERFECT SHINE INVESTMENT Ben & Violet Pillo 36256 SE Fish Hatchery 4015 NE 7th Ct 860 Chelan Ave NE Rd Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98059 Fall City, WA 98024 042100 0415 102305 9235 664950 0220 Land Turst Posha Rick & Kathy Rae Alvin Randall 1119 S Msn #112 2205 NE 28th St 622 Nile Rd Fallbrook, CA 92028 Renton, WA 98056 Naches, WA 98937 102305 9007 664950 0170 664950 0230 RENTON SCHOOL DIST 403 James Rohrer Salvador & Maria Sahagun 435 Main Ave S 13817 162nd Ave SE 12125 140th Ave SE Renton, WA 98055 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 042100 0585 664950 0160 143765 0100 John Savard Duncan Smith Evelyn Smith 655 Union Ave NE 12115 138th P1 SE 11844 139th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 664950 0050 880960 0010 880960 0060 Richard & Claudia Smith Shirley Smith David & Claire Sokoloski 13872 SE 121st St 4102 NE 6th P1 #1-A 4116 NE 6th P1 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 102305 9071 143765 0090 664950 0060 Harris Stanley James & Latina Storms John & Iris Syjud 652 Union Ave NE 11836 139th Ave SE 12012 138th P1 SE Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 664950 0070 880960 0040 042100 0425 John Syjud Carol Tabacek Dave & Penny Thorbeck 12012 138th P1 SE 2029 Field Ave NE 4017 NE 7th St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 102305 9047 Cheng S H Timothy 143765 0110 Dean & Anne Tibbott Cheng S Ying Carl Ueland 17003 NE 28th P1 3 Salisbury Rd 11848 139th Ave SE Bellevue, WA 98008 Tsimshatsui Renton, WA 98059 Kowloon 664950 0190 664950 0200 042100 0440 Rene' & Renee Van Doorn Rene & Renee Vandoorn Vincent & Heidi Ventin 13863 SE 121st St 13863 SE 121st St 4005 NE 7th St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 042100 0385 042100 0595 143765 0010 �L I Gilmore Richard Grefthen Kevin & Lisa Halloway 4000 NE 7th St Nicole Grefthen 11909 140th Ave SE Renton, WA 98056 663 Union Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 102305 9036 102305 9012 880910 0020 Michael Hertel Annette Hicks Siu Kai Ho 14012 SE 126th St 20548 SE 159th St 4014 NE 7th Ct Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 880910 0030 102305 9282 880540 0060 Tam Hon Hong Ella Jeffery Jay & Tara Jones 4010 NE 7th Ct 333 Vuemont P1 NE #107 4006 NE 6th Ct Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 042100 0515 042100 0430 880910 0090 William Junjek Harvey Keener Chun Beng Khoo 3936 NE 6th P1 4013 NE 7th St Lily Young Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 4011 NE 7th Ct Renton, WA 98056 102305 9236 102305 9336 102305 9080 Michael & Brenda King Russell Kuro Raymond LaBlanc 622 Union Ave NE 761 Vashon P1 NE 11621 SE 47th P1 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Bellevue, WA 98006 880910 0080 880910 0070 042100 0390 Kwok-Yau Lee Anna Yuen-Han Li Ronnie Lindsey PO Box 2849 4003 NE 7th Ct 4004 NE 7th St Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 880910 0010 102305 9148 102305 9008 Denise Lockner Donald Maletta Antonio Manzin Matthew Jones 1509 N 24th St 1419 2nd Ave W #302 7426 4th Ave NE Renton, WA 98056 Seattle, WA 98119 Seattle, WA 98115 880960 0020 102305 9125 042100 0405 Mark & Marinda McAmmond Henry Mead Donald Meinders 4104 NE 6th P1 #1-B 12424 142nd Ave SE 751 Union Ave NE Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 664950 0030 042100 0410 880540 0020 Philip Menager Dean Andrew Mergner Timothy Michaud 12021 140th Ave SE 4016 NE 7th St 4015 NE 6th Ct Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98056 102305 9061 102305 9237 880960 0050 Leslie Morgan James Mutter John Norgaard 20924 SE 155th P1 2222 S 308th St 4114 NE 6th P1 #3-A Renton, WA 98059 Federal Way, WA 98003 Renton, WA 98059 ilmor NNW 102305 9318 880540 0070 664950 0210 Joseph Anderson Jr. Mila Anderson Lloyd Arneson 772 Union Ave NE 4012 NE 6th Ct 13871 SE 121st St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98059 880540 0030 042100 0420 042100 0520 Abdul Majid Assareh Barbara Avery Frances Bennett 2264 157th P1 SE 12513 NE 141st Way 630 Tacoma Ave NE Bellevue, WA 98008 Kirkland, WA 98034 Renton, WA 98056 042100 0590 042100 0400 102305 9056 Karen Black Jerry Bomersheim Paul & Ruth Brandal 3121 N 100th Plz #11 4132 178th P1 SW 1309 Sunnyside Blvd Omaha, NE 68134 Lynnwood, WA 98037 Everett, WA 98205 143765 0280 102305 9291 042100 0380 Marilyn Burkhead Lyle & Susie Bush V A Carlson 11927 140th Ave SE 14030 SE 126th St 3916 NE 7th St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98056 880910 0040 102305 9176 664950 0040 Pak Tong Cheng Ronald Christianson Steven & Cynthia Collin Mei Ying Cheng 14110 SE 126th St 12027 140th Ave SE 5769 Cartier St V6 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Vancouver Bc 102305 9086 102305 9065 143765 0120 Bert & Laurie Corbella Richard Cowan Robert Cunningham 12625 195th P1 SE 4514 NE 4th St Sandra Cunningham Issaquah, WA 98027 Renton, WA 98059 11847 139th Ave SE Renton, WA 98059 880540 0010 102305 9309 102305 9324 J C Currin & J M Lenhart Karl & Janiece Dallmann Gregory & Cynthia Davis 4021 NE 6th Ct 4103 NE 8th St 5703 239th St SW Renton, WA 98056 Renton, WA 98059 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 102305 9348 102305 9212 102305 9123 Jan & Amy Deick Vincent & Janet Doyea Robert Dykeman 767 Vashon P1 NE 12425 142nd Ave SE 14029 SE 124th St Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA' 98059 664950 0180 102305 9297 102305 9325 Randy Ellison Daniel Fetterly G & G ASSOCIATES & CP DO 12116 138th P1 SE 950 Field Ave NE PO Box 4148 Renton, WA 98059 Renton, WA 98059 Bellevue, WA 98009 102305 9326 102305 9066 102305 9342 G & G ASSOCIATES & CP HO G M ASSOCIATES John Gary & Betty Gibbs PO Box 4148 1560 140th Ave NE #100 13247 SE 120th St Bellevue, WA 98009 Bellevue, WA 98005 Renton, WA 98055 NSOP *OE $ Q� O 5 m3 7 wcn cwn � Q —i..cn�pj � Q w m C) CD 'D cQ 7 CD a)CCDD 7 y'm--0 N CD A St c-1 y, C O 7-cn w 0_ to w' 0 CD �; 7' w -t•0 (D CD ? ... * ik 7 Q (D C _- o G C -', Cn 7. O w ........ ,1 Q C 0 C) O -0 7 -, w w 0 cn F,. i''i•:'' C'•...6 '1 cn 7 7 .. m n moo: d� 0,�_F 1 .. � c� m a /�,;•� - yid p�11 0 0 o cn m w o o 0 7 CD _ c m TI , j C 0 u, 0,7 rn m m x : a ? Qsi' -o a, o' m I : co 1• a =:�%0- m i It) O. °; °`< ="m c) 0- o m 11y".c0 n .t:-4.;�° CD 1 w tr � , o � m �' oc � � fD SD II�0 .. 4'a\� CD w u, C * p, w 7' cn o- o" d r w a w 7- C, CD A'" 5 0 O) co O z W Q < n`< 7 O 0 O n 7 cn - w -' v'' - 7 D M w• \ '' w 0 s'0 10 -, o ccnn r CCD `` \ �, m a ° co NCO 0 -0 m * w C • w 0 7 �' C ' CD - CD CO c - �� � 3 ° m •o Z 6 r COm ° •, C� o mQ -• ow -% 0_ CD m m n cn o 1 5 cn CD m ' ° c- cn < CO n o Q -, x- co °' Q w 5. cn w 0, NCO , G � , Q7co (0 7 '50 Q w i w w — °• CDsnw ' wcDa ^� wc � o <S � 77y O m Q � w Q m p _., O. w co cn -0 o o < Z Di cn 7 C o ¢'., 7 � �� nC CD 7 < `G O (D w O O O O 7 0 Iw n `� Cr+ Q 1 w N 1 3 a' a, o w 7 7 m o co o m * au, D- cn w 7 cn wCD CD X cOQQs co9 o,8 o. o wz o Q-O O fm��t'Om .83 W?'.'z8 d"gz O W 3 W .D 61 �Vnm _.d g_ -03 <-D N 17 o-(7, rn Npt W GJ� • .3•m 5 w m a no 3 9).•P 0 O0�ryj 2, $ ?2 -r3mc• W 3moro9c =zIt 7 n Z w 02 n,w c w ci m w C) m av 'o.@ ~W *'m n -_m4 SaloP. �cc' Z � c Cht CD oW WaaomaZ 2O ---0 Se."w = D N SD z0Wo W-.. cZ • b ft o an .v arC v m _W .•, c a$ 5� ..-. o Zt=o 5 CT- C.. _r' CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 9, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, President Members of the City Council VIA: i ' Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Planning/Building/Public Works STAFF CONTACT: Michael Kattermann (x6190) Lenora Blauman (x6168) SUBJECT: UPDATED ISSUE PAPER: Residential Demonstration Ordinance - R-24 Zone ISSUE: The City's existing R-24 Zoning Ordinance requires refinement to: (a) be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and general revisions; and (b) provide more attractive opportunities to the development community. Modification to the R-24 Zone is included in the 1995 Work Program; the modification task is underway at this time. Pending the Zoning Ordinance revision, a proposal has been made to allow an immediate residential project in the R-24 zone (The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G), under a limited Residential Demonstration Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of methods available under existing City regulations; these various methods are presented and analyzed below in this report. The proposal for the Demonstration Ordinance for The Orchards was initially presented to City Council on July 17th. The proposal has been updated, as presented below, in response to queries raised during the review process. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends that the City Council approve the attached Demonstration Ordinance. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: Following the adoption of the existing, interim R-24 zone, a number of property owners and developers have informed the City that the current development standards in this R-24 zone are difficult to implement and operate as a disincentive to development. Pending the adoption of the permanent revisions to the R-24 Zone, a proposal has been made to develop a Demonstration Ordinance to allow an immediate residential demonstration project in the R-24 zone. The project, identified as "The Orchards - Parcels E/F and G", would include 118 residences on an 18.42 acre vacant Memorandum to City Council rr Page 2 property in northeast Renton and involves redesign of multifamily and commercial portions of an approved project to allow more single family attached and detached dwellings. This Demonstration Ordinance would provide special subdivision and development standards for The Orchards which would amend, supersede and/or incorporate by reference, Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4-31-19. The Orchards development, as created under the Demonstration Ordinance, would be required to be consistent with the intent of the R-24 zone. Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance would meet or exceed the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. Demonstration objectives would include, but need not be limited to those which: 1. Permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasibility given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility. 2. Provide increased availability of residential development, which offers a range of unit types, to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Preserve pride of ownership by creating more detached and attached single- family residences. 4. Allow the City Council to evaluate whether alternative development standards in the R-24 zone will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Specific demonstration features could include: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 2. Dwelling Unit Mix (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage �rrr Memorandum to City Council Page 3 4. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) `or • Street and Alley Dimensions • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots • Lot Access • Planting Strips • Street lighting 5. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) Regulatory Objectives would include, but need not be limited to, opportunities to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance (pursuant to requirements of ESHB 1724); • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. provisions for Hearing Examiner review and approval of the subdivision and site plan for the purposes of implementation of ESHB 1724, 1-164). The Demonstration Ordinance and resulting demonstration project would allow the City to: (a) evaluate alternative, innovative subdivision and development standards with a specific project; and (b) examine alternative processes required to achieve compliance with new local, state, and federal regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that a third appropriate purpose for the Demonstration Ordinance would include the preparation of formal reports to City officials following the development of the demonstration project for the purposes of: (a) evaluating the success of the project; and (b) assessing the revisions to the R-24 Zone and other zoning ordinances as applicable (e.g. Development Standards, Planned Unit Development Ordinance). These demonstration standards would then be used as a base for revisions to the Building Regulations Title IV, Section 4-31-7 (R-24 zone) and refinements to the City's processing regulations. The Planning Commission has suggested that The Orchards should be the only demonstration project permitted under the R-24 zone, as such an ordinance/project should be sufficient to enable the necessary revisions to the R-24 Zoning Ordinance. Prior to selecting the Demonstration Ordinance as the preferred method for facilitating appropriate, timely development of The Orchards, staff considered a variety of options available under existing City regulations, as follows: • RETENTION OF THE EXISTING APPROVED ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT PLAN • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS • DEVELOPMENT UNDER FINAL REVISION OF R-24 ZONE STANDARDS Memorandum to City Council Page 4 stow, • DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD ORDINANCE 'e Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options is presented in the attached matrix. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the proposed Residential Demonstration Ordinance would: (1) permit timely development of a residential complex which meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, while simultaneously providing innovative development standards; and (2) facilitate comprehensive, cohesive updating of the R-24 Zoning Ordinance to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and compatibility with other residential zones. This Demonstration Ordinance option is preferred over the other options, based upon the above- described comparative analysis among the options. Attachment: Council currently has two versions of the Demonstration Ordinance in hand. These documents, together with additions suggested by ERC, staff and the Planning Commission, will be the topic of discussion at Planning and Development Committee. Revisions to the ordinance will then be provided and distributed, per Council direction. Memorandum to City Council Nowt `rrr Page 5 r THE ORCHARDS DEVELOPMENT OPTIONS: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OPTION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for 118 unit single- A Demonstration Ordinance is DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE family development, consistent directed to a single project only. with R-24 purposes, could Flexible development standards proceed immediately on Parcels E/F&G. require more extensive scrutiny by professional staff & Opportunities for R-24 single- administration than is required family development on Parcels under standard ordinance E/F & G would be enhanced provisions. under Ordinance standards Project would need to provide a which are consistent with the substantial demonstration to Comprehensive Plan and avoid perception that the City is consistent with the purposes of not fully enforcing zoning the R-24 Ordinance. requirements by creating Demonstration application would alternative processes with be required to be reviewed and limited applicability. approved in terms of R-24 revisions would need to purpose/standards by staff, proceed without the benefit of a Hearing Examiner & City • `' demonstration in the event that +�` Council. the evaluation of the Demonstration application would demonstration project were provide guidance for revision to extended beyond the anticipated the R-24 Zone (and perhaps to review period. the PUD Ordinance updates also.) RETENTION OF THE EXISTING Development of 213 multi- Comprehensive Plan & Council APPROVED ORCHARDS family units on Parcels E/F and prefer proposed detached and DEVELOPMENT PLAN 28,000 square feet of attached single-family units commercial/office space on Single-family use has fewer Parcel G could proceed g y immediately. adverse impacts to site and neighborhood than approved multi-family use. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE Application for R-24 single- For development in the R-24 EXISTING R-24 ZONE STANDARDS family development on Parcels zone, conflicts exist (1) between E/F & G could proceed the Comprehensive Plan and immediately. the existing ordinance and (2) within the existing ordinance which could constrain reasonable development. The Orchards' developer is proposing project features which differ from present standards. "fir✓ Memorandum to City Council , - Page 6 REVISION OF R-24 ZONE Opportunities for R-24 single- Application for R-24 single- Now STANDARDS family development on Parcels family development on Parcels E/F & G would be enhanced E/F & G would be delayed until under revised standards which the R-24 Ordinance is are consistent with the completed. Comprehensive Plan and consistent within the R-24 Ordinance. DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE PUD Application for R-24 single- Single-family development as ORDINANCE family development on Parcels proposed by the applicant (and E/F & G could proceed as considered desirable by the immediately. City) would be difficult to Opportunities for flexible design accomplish with the existing exist in the PUD Ordinance. PUD Ordinance. Processing of PUD applications is complex and time consuming. Limited revision of the PUD Ordinance to accommodate The Orchards specifically could unduly consume staff resources & would be an interim solution only. Complete revision of the PUD ordinance, to facilitate flexible development opportunities throughout the City, would likely be completed in mid-1996. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP- 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP! '.T DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE • 08/09/95 err+` 1 Addition of a New Chapter to Title IX Public Ways and Prope Renton 2 Municipal Code 3 4 Chapter 9-17.1 Renton Municipal Code 5 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 6 City of Renton 7 Department of Planning / Building / Public Works 8 9 SECTION: 10 11 9-17.1-1: Title, Purpose and Scope 12 9-17.1-2: Definitions 13 9-17.1-3: Administering Authority 14 9-17.1-4: Subdivision: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 15 9-17.1-5 Development: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 16 9-17.1-6: Exceptions, Modifications, and Variations 17 9-17.1-7: Display Residences 18 9-17.1-8 Penalties 19 9-17.1-9: Liability 20 9-17.1-10 Conflicts 21 9-17.1-11: Severability 22 9-17.1-12: Repealed Ordinances 23 9-17.1-13: Effective Date 24 9-17.1-14: Termination of Ordinance 25 Note to Reader: Materials denoted by italics and located in a box reflect additions to the Demonstration 26 Ordinance as suggested by the Planning Commission. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-1: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the Demonstration Ordinance, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 17.1, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Ordinance that a Residential Development Demonstration project, The Orchards, Parcels E/F and Parcel G, exclusively (hereinafter referred to as "The Orchards") be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and standards in the interest of the public and property owners, and to achieve the following objectives: Development Objectives: 1. To permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasiblity given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility • preserves pride of ownership by creating opportunities to live in and purchase more diverse types of quality single-family style residences. 2. To provide increased availability of residential development to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State of Washington Growth Management Act. 3. To allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Regulatory Objectives 1. To create a Demonstration Residential Development which provides an opportunity to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance; • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. HR 1724). Development permitted under the Demonstration Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated purposes of the R-24 Zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units. 2 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP; 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP' IT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 `err+ Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. C. Scope: This Demonstration Ordinance shall apply exclusively to the following lands referred to as The Orchards, under the ownership of Richard Gilroy, in this Commitment and Described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ORCHARDS AREA E-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter AND of the south 30 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, thence N88° 07' 16" W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described property; thence continuing N88° 07' 16" W, along said south line, 286.01 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence NOO° 08'06"W, along the west line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, 657.39 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence N01° 48' 28" E 30.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, said point being the beginning of a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the right from which the center bears S 01° 48' 28" W; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"; thence S 80° 06' 57" E 150.00 feet to a point of tangency with a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the left;thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04'35"to an intersection with said north line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,thence S 88° 11'32"E, along said north line, 374.69 feet to the northeast corner thereof, thence SOO° 00'26"W, along the east line thereof, 353.14 feet; thence N 88° 07' 15" W 312.02 feet; thence S 49° 03' 21" W 66.17 feet; thence SOO° 00' 26" W 260.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E(AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 306,608 square feet, more or less, or approximately 7.039 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA F-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88° 07' 16"W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet;thence N 00°00'26" E, 260.00 feet; thence N 49° 03'21"E 66.17 feet; thence S 88° 07' 15"E 312.02 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision;thence S 00° 00'26"W, along said east line, 305.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 96,424 square feet, more or less, or approximately 2.214 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA G-The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.). (Contains 399,428 square feet, more or less, or approximately 9.170 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington This Demonstration Ordinance is intended to provide for the subdivision and development of The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G. This Ordinance amends/supersedes and/or adopts by reference: Renton Municipal Code Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 3 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHL. ER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELc NT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 �11Y 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4- 31-19, as cited below. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Zoning Ordinance, Section, 4-31-7, Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, and the Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes different review provisions for the approval of the subdivision or development than provisions of other laws or ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Street Improvements, Section 4-34 Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. This Ordinance shall not adversely affect legal restrictive covenants placed upon the property by deed. (Note: For occupancy permit conditions, see Title IV, Chapter 12 of the Renton Municipal Code.) 9-17.1-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Demonstration Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in the existing Subdivision Ordinance (9-12-2), the Zoning Code (4-31-7), and Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34), unless otherwise specified herein. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. The word "shall" and "will" are mandatory;the word "may" is permissive. 9-17.1-3: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: The Hearing Examiner is designated as the official of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Planning/Building/Public Works Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. (Ord. 3105, 1- 24-77, eff. 1-1-77; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). The City Council maintains final adminstrative authority with respect to action concerning subdivision and land use approvals for The Orchards. 9-17.1-4: SUBDIVISION: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Submission and Filing of Plat Applications (Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plats): The procedure for application and administrative staff review of the subdivision for The Orchards Subdivision shall be completed as required in the Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-12 and the Street Improvements Ordinance,.Section 4-34, as adopted by reference herein. B. Decision Making Process for Plats 1. Preliminary Plats: Decision-making action with respect to the subdivision application for The Orchards will be administered by the Hearing Examiner, as described herein: The Hearing Examiner shall review the preliminary plat for the Demonstration Residential Development to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71; amd. Ord. 2823, 1- 21-74, eff. 1-30-74; Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77). The subdivision review shall occur at a public meeting for which public notification has been provided as stipulated in Section 9-17.1-5 (B) (3) of the Demonstration Ordinance. The Hearing Examiner shall report its recommendations on the matter to the City Council for final action. The Hearing Examiner shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision. The Hearing Examiner shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety and 4 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP '9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP IT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 err► general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts. If the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds and that the public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision, then the Hearing Examiner shall approve the plat. Upon receipt of the recommendations from the Hearing Examiner on the demonstration preliminary plat, the City Council shall at its next public meeting adopt, modify or reject the Hearing Examiner recommendations. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the City Council deems a change in the Hearing Examiner recommendations approving or disapproving any preliminary plat is necessary, the change of the recommendations shall not be made until the City Council shall make and enter findings of fact from the record and conclusions therefrom which support its action. The City Council may adopt all or portions of the Hearing Examiner findings and conclusions. If it finds that the proposed plat does not make such appropriate provisions or that the public use and interest will not be served, then the City Council may disapprove the proposed plat. Dedication of land to any public body may be required as a condition of subdivision approval and shall be clearly shown on the final plat. The City shall not as a condition to the approval of the plat require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners. (Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77) 2. Final Plats: Approvals: The Hearing Examiner shall review all final plats and make findings of fact, conclusions of law to assure conformity with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances of the City, and with the preliminary plat as approved. The Hearing Examiner shall transmit his findings of fact, conclusions of law and conditions of the final plat City Council within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). Certificates: In addition to other requirements as specified herein, the final plat shall contain or be accompanied by certifications in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-6 (C) (8) of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. Certification of approval are to be signed by: (a) the Director of Planning/Building/Public Works; (b) City Council; c)the Mayor, and (d)the City Clerk. Restrictive Covenants: The submission of the final plat shall include copies of such restrictive covenants as may be used in the subdivision in accord with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12-11), and/or Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34-12), herein adopted by reference. 3. Validity Period/Expiration for Preliminary and Final Plat: An approved preliminary plat for The Orchards shall be valid for a maximum period of three (3) years; an approved final plat shall be valid for a maxifnum period of six (6) months, in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12). A one year extension of the preliminary plat may be granted by the Hearing Exmainer in response to a written request filed by the applicant not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of the three (3) year period, upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the three (3) year period. The Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall provide a certificate, in accord with RMC Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12, adopted by reference herein, verifying that the applicant has s RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHR 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELctif NT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 completed the installation of improvements required at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the specifications and standards of the departments, together with a notice advising the applicant to proceed with preparation of a final plat for that portion of the area in which minimum improvements have been installed and approved. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not be construed as approval of the final plat. The final plat shall be prepared as the approved preliminary plat, and in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-12 of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. The final plat shall be recorded within six (6) months after approval by the City Council or the plat shall expire and shall be null and void. (Ord. 3300, 3-19-79). C. Required Plat Improvements 1. Standard Improvements: The following matters shall be addressed in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12) and/or the Street Improvements Ordinance (Section 4-34) as adopted herein by reference: • Grading and Paving of Streets and Alleys • Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks • Installation of Monuments • Installation of Utilities (sanitary sewers, storm drainage,water system) • Installation of Street lights • • Installation of Street Signs • Inspection,Approval and Fees 2. Special Improvements: The following improvements shall be provided to the standards and specifications to be established by the Hearing Examiner, at the time of plat review, in order to protect life safety, provide standards for design and installation, and to create a plat which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan (e.g. Land Use Element, Housing Element, Environmental Element, Utilities Element, Transportation Element). Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by Hearing Examiner and/or City Council at the time of action upon the preliminary and/or final plat: a. General Design Standards(Standards and Specifications for Off-site Improvements) • Streets (dimensions, grades, curves, access, intersection offsets, paving) • Sidewalks (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Street lighting • Street Signage • Public Use and Service Areas b. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Streets and alleys (dimensions, public and private rights-of-way, reserve strips, tum-arounds and street ends, curves and grades, curb radius, tangents) • Sidewalks and curbs (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Planting strips • Street lighting • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots c.' Deferred Improvements d. Waived improvements a imam RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP T DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 �✓ 9-17.1-5 DEVELOPMENT: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS and DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Submission and Filing of Land Use Development Application (Abbreviated Master Plan): In conjunction with the application for subdivision for The Orchards property, an abbreviated master plan (site plan) application shall be provided to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, including the following environmental review documents and abbreviated master plan materials: • Narrative description of the proposed use and a generalized conceptual site plan including: (a) a description of site characteristics and constraints (e.g. significant natural features, contour map); (b) proposed siting of uses, (c) proposed building forms/massing; (d) site coverage; (e) amount of open space; (f) special amenities; (g) screening and buffering; (h) estimated number of parking spaces and/or other transportation related requirements; and (i) public improvements/facilities, if any, needed to support the proposed development. • Description of characteristics of surrounding sites, such as land uses, building forms, circulation patterns, views, environmental constraints, which could be affected by or could impact the proposed Orchards demonstration development. • Environmental analysis documents (e.a. existing Environmental Impact Statement (EISI, Addendum to existing EIS, or Supplement to existing EIS. or a project specific new checklist) which includes information deemed necessary to analyze the proposed development (such as a transportation study. drainage study). These materials must address requirements established under SEPA Rules and the City Environmental Review Ordinance (4-6). The applicant shall provide these narrative materials and plans, as prescribed by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. Application materials shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) B. Decision Making Process for Abbreviated Master Plan: Decision-making procedures with respect to the development application for The Orchards shall be administered by the Hearing Examiner, simultaneously with and under the same procedures as required for the subdivision of the site (see Section 9-17.1-4[B]). C. Decision Criteria/Required Improvements: This section of the Residential Development Demonstration Ordinance replaces the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance Section 4-31-7 (R- 24), for the purposes of permitting development of the demonstration property. Purpose: The purpose of the Residential Demonstration Ordinance is to provide a residential development which meets the City's Land Use development goals to: (a) create new residential neighborhoods on large parcels of land in a "neighborhood" development style and (b) create high quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the residential character of the existing neighborhood. The Demonstration development is intended, also, to be designed to encourage better use of common and private open space, greater privacy, and more energy and resource efficient homes. Standards: Development of the Residential Demonstration project (The Orchards) shall be provided to: (a) protect life safety, (b) provide standards for development design and construction, and (c) create a residential community which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies (e.g. residential development, environmental protection, community design) and with the purposes of the underlying R-24 zone. Standards and specifications to implement these criteria are to be established by the Hearing Examiner, in the below delineated areas: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 7 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CF@ ER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVEL:ENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 �I+�' 2. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage • Lot Access • Street Design • Street Ownership Patterns 4. Special Amenities(Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) In addition the provisions of the following ordinances shall generally apply to The Orchards for purposes of review process and development standards EXCEPT THAT where the Hearino Examiner, under the aegis of this Demonstration Ordinance, imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the review procedures/processes and upon the development of the land than are established under these ordinances,then the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail: • Comprehensive Plan (Chapters 1 - 8) • Site Plan Review Ordinance: See Chapter 31-33, Title IV of the City Code. • Landscaping Ordinance: See Chapter 31-34, Title IV of the City Code. • Parking and Loading Ordinance: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. • Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. • Sensitive Areas: See City Code Chapter 31, Title IV Section 4-31-34; Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by City Council at the time of action upon the subdivision and the abbreviated master plan. Future Improvements: Any future change of use or additional use or exterior structural change which is not specifically permitted by the Hearing Examiner in conjunction with the demonstration project (The Orchards) or which is not permitted under the then existing Zoning Code provisions (e.g. Section 4-31-7) will require review and approval by the City. The application for such change to use or structure shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. 9-17.1-6: EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND VARIATIONS: The Hearing Examiner may grant an exception, modification and/or variation from the requirements of this Demonstration Ordinance, when, in the Examiner's opinion, the intent of the Demonstration Ordinance to provide for flexible interpretation of development standards may be placed in jeopardy as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of each or any of these other ordinances. Exceptions, modifications and/or variations may be granted only when the Hearing Examiner finds that the criteria listed below have been achieved: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions resulting from strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, which would deprive the applicant of the ability to fulfill the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 2. That the exception(s) and/or modification(s) proposed are consistent with the intent of the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 3. That the exception(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), if granted, will result in development which ensures the following, through its form and function: (a) the protection of the natural environment on the site and on surrounding properties. (b) compatibility with the built environment on properties in the vicinity of the site. 8 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAF 19-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP NIT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE • 08/09/95 ► 4. That the granting of the exceptions(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). In granting any exception, modification, or variation, the Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. Application for any exception, modification and/or variation shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time the preliminary plat/abbreviated master plan application is submitted to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. The application shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 9-17.1-7: DISPLAY RESIDENCES: In the event that the subdivision (preliminary plat) and the master plan are approved by the Hearing Examiner/Council, then the applicant could be permitted to develop up to a maximum of eight (8) display homes on the subject property la maximum of four 141 display homes for Parcels E/F and a maximum of four 141 display homes for Parcel G). These homes shall be designed and sited in a manner which is consistent with the provisions of the Demonstration Ordinance. Further, improvements shall be consistent with the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and such other provisions as established by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to ensure that the structures are viable and that public health, safety and welfare are protected. In the event that the final plat for The Orchards is not approved by the Hearing Examiner and/or The Orchards is not developed for any cause, then the display homes must either a) be upgraded as/if necessary to address all applicable standard City ordinance requirements (e.g. Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Building Regulations),where such requirements differ from Demonstration Ordinance requirements; or b) removed from the subject property (either by demolition or relocation to an approved site away from the subject property). Upgrading would need to be completed within six months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan; removal would need to be completed within three months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan. 9-17.1-8: PENALTIES: Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) The City Council may direct the City Attorney to initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement or option of any property taken in violation of this Chapter by making application for an injunction in the Superior Court. The City may recover its costs and attomey's fees for maintaining such action. Actions taken pursuant to RCW 58.17.205 shall not be deemed in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 4041, 1-26-87) 9-17.1-9: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building, constructing or modifying any subdivisions in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificates authorized herein. 9-17.1-10: CONFLICTS: In the event that there is a conflict between either the customary development standards or special development standards listed above and the standards and regulations contained in other ordinance(s), the Zoning Administrator shall determine which ordinance shall prevail based upon the intent of the zones. Life, safety and public health ordinances are assumed to prevail. 9-17.1-11: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 9 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CfER 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVEL(, ENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 08/09/95 9-17.1-12: REPEALED ORDINANCES: Any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed exclusively with respect to this Demonstration Residential Development. 9-17.1-13: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) 9-17.1-14: TERMINATION OF ORDINANCE: A complete development application for The Orchards Parcels E/F and G, must be submitted within six (6) months of the effective date of this Ordinance, in order for the Ordinance to remain in full force and effect. If a complete application is not submitted to the City within this six (6) month period, the Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. At completion of the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) or in the event that the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) is withdrawn, this Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. 10 NWIISi*,•••••4*** ill 4 tit CV `4 4 t 1 Prl 0 In th cr ... ... .- . .c, --• ir ,c*s.1g1 a.0 (114. 0 cl) J I-i W.0 ... ... ..— -- :4„ It) [ 0 ,,,p, )-- to I cz: ua 4' C em , 4 1 WIZcCIL 2403C -I 2 CC 2 ILICCOIL Cr ul WILL ir. I'Ll 4 , 00CCOC L c rI11-01-1- .0 111241L1-2 ......:...-__.•:...6.....• ........- ... ........ - ...- - ........ , - , 4jo cc occcr_Ja to3co: --- - 0 o 4 .... ILICCZ IL --, _ . 0 4.) r• n-000 ... , ... ' - 7 0 Zr oz - - riX c 1 - CI -I- I ... co -,-1 0 (IJ 1 CO \SN C..-...) c)c) S'-°••• - - 4 "4 irl i., Lr) .."14- ''. ---Z-- 4 ,v a) •-, ,...... ,.., — W f;-.••• ,, .„f _ ---,, °,,.. 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'Ofe'f4nr•cl ES‘° 0, 8 4 , i, • A “ ' 1 INkl;!VA 27, C\,.;-, , '..* A v i• '‘1' t K 42E ,,,, \ 0 ,.._. ... r" Z C) 4 ilul 4—.4 ) [ EM ....-. _ ‘,. ,..„ 0 1-r-i E-4 >i•H co VI th al •H „C 0 trl rI (i) 0 al r-1 4 4 th 0 • 6, In o„) o 0 "C"3 °c'7° Zr, Eo t, s •- 4.. . b.1) c 0 w 161 W4 cw R Z (...) o ,- g c'cu r ccl 2 Clair if $4 2 W a t o W 2 LU g, 0 0 0 CO >- ..... •,F, 8 *01 U a) :c I- ,—, 0 to 0 0 0.4 Sae '‘1111101 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information. / IV'1 , Manly tersen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News July 28, 1995 Account No. 50640 5303 `i 1 g1- I ; ) 1. ; I zZ SE RM-N - -m-- _ w rD � T I�i8 ti L-: _1- r___ 5L 7:1-riti E_________f---------/-+%84-66. vE 1oiTH St R-k, EL - ---1-, (;_rt 1 M LIJ _ '�' SE 118thFPFI 1� It' = = > -> -R- 8 Q I 77.3 ors i. 4 \ M - \\\N4,\\ ., v' _ SE 121 st� St 41. .2.... 9 -. A -_-W ,:.‘ 0 _....„.;___ .,\N.A.. N. ,!‘i... r, LT .. MI i. ...... . -rya d!tIfr � cHAR9 > D '7 Ma r • • -* F-1-140" --4 _ mem ,.. i a4' ,_41,7i .7:,-- < Norm .;1" p •••*: \ 'A :2. =_+_____ r.,el A &1\AktS�r - CS = _ !�� It IPS - I iNE iftd ST H I % SE 128th r c- 5315 CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information. �/ Manly �I tersen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News July 28, 1995 Account No. 50640 NINO July 24, 1995 Renton City Council Minutes Page 301 Planning: The Orchards Planning & Technical Services Division submitted a proposed Residential Demonstration Project, Demonstration Project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th St. and east and west of Duvall Ave. NE; and requested a public hearing be set on 8/14/95 to consider the proposal. Refer to Planning & Development Committee; set public hearing on 8/14/95. Added Item Transportation Systems Division submitted proposed agreement with the Transportation: Lake Wash Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to accept $744,256 Blvd Bike/Ped Facility in federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) funding for construction of the Lake Washington Boulevard Pedestrian/Bicycle Facility. Refer to Transportation Committee. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY STREDICKE, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE ADDED ITEM 7.e. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from Greg and Lisa Halstead, 420 S. 15th St., Citizen Comment: Renton, 98055, regarding the safety, noise, hours of operation, and flight path Halstead - Puget Sound of Puget Sound Helicopters. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY Helicopters STREDICKE, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION) COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Transportation (Aviation) recommending that the City Council award the contract for the seismic Committee retrofit of the Houser Way and Williams Ave. bridges to Diamaco, Inc. in the CAG: 95-054, Houser amount of $39,900. The engineer's estimate for the project is $33,300. Two Way/Williams Ave. qualified bids were received. The low bid is $6,600 over the engineer's Bridges Seismic Retrofit, estimate. 80% ($5,280) of the cost overrun will be requested to WSDOT for a Diamaco Inc. federal grant and 20% ($1,320) of local match will be covered by the Bridge Inspection & Repair Program in the TIP. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the contract documents. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation: I-405 Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Multi-Modal Corridor recommending that Council authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Study, WSDOT resolution and interlocal agency agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to contribute up to $5,350 toward the completion of the I-405 Multi-Modal Corridor Study. This contribution is being made in cooperation with other local jurisdictions who are also participating in the study, and represents the collective acknowledgment of the • importance of the I-405 corridor, including any proposed improvements that may impact the City of Renton. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 302 for resolution.) Transportation: Renton Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Edwards presented a report Transit Shuttle recommending that Council approve the implementation of a public outreach Information Project at program to determine what the public wants in terms of providing local River Days transportation around the City. This information will determine the direction and shape of the Renton Transit Shuttle Program. Elements of the public outreach program will include an information booth, shuttle telephone hotline and a shuttle demonstration project providing shuttle service to the Renton River Days events. The public will also be able to fill out a survey that is intended to determine what they want to support. The cost of implementing the public outreach program, including the information booth, telephone hotline, and operating two small bus shuttle vehicles for two days would be a CII4,40,JF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDAL Al#: 1 .d1 • Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board Planning &Technical Services July24,1995 • Staff Contact Lenora Blauman Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing Proposed Residential Demonstration Project (The Orchards, an 118 Correspondence unit residential complex on a 18.42 acre site, zoned R-24). Ordinance Resolution Old Business Exhibits: New Business Exhibit 1: Issue Paper Study Sessions Exhibit 2: Residential Demonstration Ordinance- Draft document text Information Exhibit 3: Site Map Recommended Action: Approvals: Referral to Planning and Development Committee Legal Dept Finance Dept.... Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required NA Transfer/Amendment NA Amount Budgeted NA Revenue Generated NA Summary of Action:The City's Comprehensive Plan policies encourage a variety of types of residential development in the R-24 zone. The R-24 Zone Ordinance, however, requires refinement in order to be attractive to developers. A proposal has been made to develop a Demonstration Ordinance to allow a residential demonstration project in the R- 24 zone. This Demonstration Ordinance, and the resulting development,would be required to be consistent with the intent of the R-24 zone, but would include alternative subdivision and development standards, as well as innovative processes, designed to streamline the development process. The Demonstration Ordinance and resulting demonstration project would allow the City to: (a) evaluate alternative subdivision and development standards with a specific project; and (b) examine processes required to achieve compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. These demonstration standards could then be used as a base for revisions to the R-24 zone and to the City's processing regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Refer to the Planning and Development Committee for review on August 2, 1995 and set public hearing for August 14, 1995. AGBILL.DOC *IOW CITY OF RENTON PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: July 17, 1995 TO: Timothy J. Schlitzer, President Members of th ity Coun 'I VIA: Mayor Clymer FROM: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrat 6 Planning/Building/Public Works STAFF CONTACT: Michael Kattermann (x6190) Lenora Blauman (x6168) SUBJECT: Residential Demonstration Ordinance - R-24 Zone ISSUE: The City's existing R-24 Zoning Ordinance requires refinement to: (a) be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and general revisions; and (b) facilitate development within this residential zone. Modification to the R-24 Zone is included in the 1995 Work Program; the modification task is underway, with an estimated completion date of Spring 1996. Pending the Zoning Ordinance revision, a proposal has been made to allow an immediate residential project in the R-24 zone, under a limited Residential Demonstration Ordinance. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommends that the City Council approve the attached Demonstration Ordinance. BACKGROUND/SUMMARY: The City's Comprehensive Plan policies encourage a variety of types of residential development in the R-24 zone. The R-24 Zone Ordinance, however, requires refinement in order to be attractive to developers. Revisions to the Zoning Ordinance are anticipated to be completed in 1996. Pending the 1996 adoption of the permanent revisions to the R-24 Zone, a proposal has been made to develop a Demonstration Ordinance to allow an immediate residential demonstration project in the R-24 zone. The project, identified as "The Orchards - Parcels E/F and G", would include 118 residences on an 18.42 acre vacant property in northeast Renton and involves redesign of multifamily and commercial portions of an approved project to allow more single family attached and detached dwellings. This Demonstration Ordinance would provide special subdivision and development standards for The Orchards which would amend, supersede and/or incorporate by reference, Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development- Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4-31-19. The Orchards development, as created under the Demonstration Ordinance, would be required to be consistent with the intent of the R-24 zone. Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance would meet or exceed the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are Memorandum to City Council Page 2 rMO intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. Demonstration objectives would include, but need not be limited to those which: 1. Permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasibility given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility. 2. Provide increased availability of residential development, which offers a range of unit types, to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan. 3. Preserve pride of ownership by creating more detached and attached single- family residences. 4. Allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards in the R-24 zone will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Specific demonstration features could include, but need not be limited to: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 2. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single- family attached units) 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage • Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Street and Alley Dimensions • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots • Lot Access • Planting Strips • Street lighting 4. Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) Regulatory Objectives would include, but need not be limited to, opportunities to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance (pursuant to requirements of ESHB 1724); • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; Memorandum to City Council yam, Page 3 • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. provisions for Hearing Examiner review and approval of the subdivision and site plan for the purposes of implementation of ESHB 1724, -164). The Demonstration Ordinance and resulting demonstration project would allow the City to: (a) evaluate alternative, innovative subdivision and development standards with a specific project; and (b) examine alternative processes required to achieve compliance with new local, state, and federal regulations. These demonstration standards could then be used as a base for revisions to the Building Regulations Title IV,-Section 4-31-7 (R-24 zone) and refinements to the City's processing regulations. CONCLUSIONS: Adoption of the proposed Residential Demonstration Ordinance would: (1) permit timely development of a residential complex which meets the intent of the Comprehensive Plan, while simultaneously providing innovative development standards; and (2) facilitate comprehensive, cohesive updating of the R-24 Zoning Ordinance to achieve consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and compatibility with other residential zones. RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHA 9-17.1 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE NINO 2 Proposed Addition of a New Chapter to Title IX Public Ways and 3 Property, Renton Municipal Code 4 5 Chapter 9-17.1 Renton Municipal Code 6 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE 7 City of Renton 8 Department of Planning / Building / Public Works 9 10 SECTION: 11 12 9-17.1-1: Title, Purpose and Scope 13 9-17.1-2: Definitions 14 9-17.1-3: Administering Authority 15 9-17.1-4: Subdivision: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 16 9-17.1-5 Development: Procedures, Requirements and Development Standards 17 9-17.1-6: Exceptions, Modifications, and Variations 18 9-17.1-7: Display Residences 19 9-17.1-8 Penalties 20 9-17.1-9: Liability 21 9-17.1-10 Conflicts 22 9-17.1-11: Severability 23 9-17.1-12: Repealed Ordinances 24 9-17.1-13: Effective Date 25 9-17.1-14: Termination of Ordinance RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAF ' 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPNWIOIT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 9-17.1-1: TITLE, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: A. Title: This Ordinance shall be hereinafter known as the Demonstration Ordinance, may be cited as such, will be hereinafter referred to as "this Ordinance" and same shall be and constitute Chapter 17.1, Title IX (Public Ways and Property) of Ordinance No. 4260 known as Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton. B. Purpose: It is the purpose of this Ordinance that a Residential Development Demonstration project, The Orchards, Parcels E/F and Parcel G, exclusively (hereinafter referred to as "The Orchards") be conceived, designed and developed in accordance with sound rules and standards in the interest of the public and property owners, and to achieve the following objectives: Development Objectives: 1. To permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods: • sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan • physical feasiblity given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) • economic feasibility • preserves pride of ownership by creating opportunities to live in and purchase more diverse types of quality single-family style residences. 2. To provide increased availability of residential development to meet the intent of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State of Washington Growth Management Act. 3. To allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City's development objectives. Regulatory Objectives 1. To create a Demonstration Residential Development which provides an opportunity to: • evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City's Zoning Ordinance; • evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City's objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; • evaluate compatibility between the City's regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; • evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; • advance the City's policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. HR 1724). Provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares. 2 • • RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP r DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 C. Scope: This Demonstration Ordinance shall apply exclusively to the following lands referred to as The Orchards, under the ownership of Richard Gilroy, in this Commitment and Described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ORCHARDS AREA E-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter AND of the south 30 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence N88° 07' 16" W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described property; thence continuing N88° 07' 16" W, along said south line, 286.01 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence NOO° 08' 06"W, along the west line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, 657.39 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence N01° 48' 28" E 30.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, said point being the beginning of a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the right from which the center bears S 01° 48' 28" W; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"; thence S 80° 06' 57" E 150.00 feet to a point of tangency with a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the left; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"to an intersection with said north line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence S 88° 11'32"E, along said north line, 374.69 feet to the northeast corner thereof; thence SOO° 00'26"W, along the east line thereof, 353.14 feet; thence N 88° 07' 15" W 312.02 feet; thence S 49° 03' 21" W 66.17 feet; thence SOO° 00' 26" W 260.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E(AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 306,608 square feet, more or less, or approximately 7.039 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA F-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88° 07' 16"W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet;thence N 00° 00'26" E, 260.00 feet; thence N 49° 03'21" E 66.17 feet; thence S 88° 07' 15" E 312.02 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision;thence S 00°00'26"W, along said east line, 305.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 96,424 square feet, more or less, or approximately 2.214 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA G-The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.). (Contains 399,428 square feet, more or less, or approximately 9.170 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington This Demonstration Ordinance is intended to provide for the subdivision and development of The Orchards, Parcels E/F and G. This Ordinance amends/supersedes and/or adopts by reference: Renton Municipal Code Title IX (Subdivision Ordinance - Public Ways and Property, Chapter 12), Title IV (Building Regulations): Section 4-31-7, R-24 Zone (Residential Development - Maximum 24 Units to the Acre), Street Improvements, Section 4-34, and Variances, Section 4- 31-19, as cited below. 3 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAT 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP111!►1T DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the development of land than other laws, ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Zoning Ordinance, Section, 4-31-7, Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, and the Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. Where this Demonstration Ordinance imposes different review provisions for the approval of the subdivision or development than provisions of other laws or ordinances (including but not limited to the Subdivision Ordinance, Section 9-12; Street Improvements, Section 4-34 Variance Ordinance, Section 4-31-19), the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail. This Ordinance shall not adversely affect legal restrictive covenants placed upon the property by deed. (Note: For occupancy permit conditions, see Title IV, Chapter 12 of the Renton Municipal Code.) 9-17.1-2: DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Demonstration Ordinance, certain abbreviations, terms, phrases, words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in the existing Subdivision Ordinance (9-12-2), the Zoning Code (4-31-7), and Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34), unless otherwise specified herein. Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. The word "shall" and "will" are mandatory;the word "may" is permissive. 9-17.1-3: ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY: The Hearing Examiner is designated as the official of the City for the conduct of public hearings; and the Planning/Building/Public Works Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. (Ord. 3105, 1- 24-77, eff. 1-1-77; amd. Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). 9-17.1-4: SUBDIVISION: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. Submission and Filing of Plat Applications (Tentative, Preliminary and Final Plats): The procedure for application and administrative staff review of the subdivision for The Orchards Subdivision shall be completed as required in the Subdivision Ordinance Section 9-12 and the Street Improvements Ordinance, Section 4-34, as adopted by reference herein. B. Decision Making Process for Plats 1. Preliminary Plats: Decision-making action with respect to the subdivision application for The Orchards will be administered by the Hearing Examiner, as described herein: The Hearing Examiner shall review the preliminary plat for the Demonstration Residential Development to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71; amd. Ord. 2823, 1- 21-74, eff. 1-30-74; Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77). The subdivision review shall occur at a public meeting for which public notification has been provided as stipulated in Section 9-17.1-5 (B) (3) of the Demonstration Ordinance. The Hearing Examiner shall inquire into the public use and interest proposed to be served by the establishment of the subdivision. The Hearing Examiner shall determine if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts. If the Hearing Examiner finds that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety and general welfare and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets, alleys, other public ways, water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks, playgrounds, sites for schools and school grounds and that the 4 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP (16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP T DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 221994 `rrr� public use and interest will be served by the platting of such subdivision, then the Hearing Examiner shall approve the plat. proposed-plat. Dedication of land to any public body may be required as a condition of subdivision approval and shall be clearly shown on the final plat. The City shall not as a condition to the approval of the plat require a release from damages to be procured from other property owners. (Ord. 3105, 1-24-77, eff. 1-1-77) 2. Final Plats: Approvals: The Hearing Examiner shall review all final plats and make findings of fact, conclusions of law to assure conformity with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances of the City, and with the preliminary plat as approved. The Hearing Examiner shall transmit his findings of fact, conclusions of law and conditions of the final plat City—Council within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommendation. , Certificates: In addition to other requirements as specified herein, the final plat shall contain or be accompanied by certifications in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-6 (C) (8) of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. Certification of approval are to be signed by: (a) the Director of Planning/Building/Public Works; (b) City Council Hearing Examiner; c)the Mayor; and (d)the City Clerk. Restrictive Covenants: The submission of the final plat shall include copies of such restrictive covenants as may be used in the subdivision in accord with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12-11), and/or Street Improvements Ordinance (4-34-12), herein adopted by reference. 3. Validity Period/Expiration for Preliminary and Final Plat: An approved preliminary plat for The Orchards shall be valid for a maximum period of three (3) years; an approved final plat shall be valid for a maximum period of six (6) months, in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12). A one year extension of the preliminary plat may be granted by the Hearing Exmainer in response to a written request filed by the applicant not less than thirty (30) days before the expiration of the three (3) year period, upon a showing that the applicant has attempted in good faith to submit the final plat within the three (3) year period. The Planning/Building/Public Works Department shall provide a certificate, in accord with RMC Sections 9-12-9, 9-12-12, adopted by reference herein, verifying that the applicant has completed the installation of improvements required at the time of approval of the preliminary plat, in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance and the specifications and standards of the departments, together with a notice advising the applicant to proceed with preparation of a final plat for that portion of the area in which minimum improvements have been installed and approved. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not be construed as approval of the final plat. 5 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAP 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP16Mr DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 The final plat shall be prepared as the approved preliminary plat, and in accord with the provisions of Section 9-12-12 of the Renton Subdivision Ordinance, herein adopted by reference. The final plat shall be recorded within six (6) months after approval by the City Council Hearing Examiner,or the plat shall expire and shall be null and void. (Ord. 3300, 3- 19-79). C. Required Plat Improvements 1. Standard Improvements: The following matters shall be addressed in accord with the Subdivision Ordinance (Section 9-12) and/or the Street Improvements Ordinance (Section 4-34) as adopted herein by reference: • Grading and Paving of Streets and Alleys • Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks • Installation of Monuments • Installation of Utilities (sanitary sewers, storm drainage, water system) • Installation of Street lights • Installation of Street Signs • Inspection, Approval and Fees 2. Special Improvements: The following improvements shall be provided to the standards and specifications to be established by the Hearing Examiner, at the time of plat review, in order to protect life safety, provide standards for design and installation, and to create a plat which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan (e.g. Land Use Element, Housing Element, Environmental Element, Utilities Element, Transportation Element). Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by Hearing Examiner and/or City Council at the time of action upon the preliminary and/or final plat: a. General Design Standards (Standards and Specifications for Off-site Improvements) • Streets (dimensions, grades, curves, access, intersection offsets, paving) • Sidewalks (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Street lighting • Street Signage • Public Use and Service Areas b. Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) • Streets and alleys (dimensions, public and private rights-of-way, reserve strips, turn-arounds and street ends, curves and grades, curb radius,tangents) • Sidewalks and curbs(dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) • Planting strips • Street lighting • Blocks (length and width) • Interior and Corner Lots(arrangement, size, dimensions) • Pipestem lots c. Deferred Improvements d. Waived improvements 9-17.1-5 DEVELOPMENT: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS and DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS A. Submission and Filing of Land Use Development Application (Abbreviated Master Plan): In conjunction with the application for subdivision for The Orchards property, an abbreviated master plan (site plan) application shall be provided to the e Ammumow RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CRAIIQ 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 Planning/Building/Public Works Department, including the following environmental review documents and abbreviated master plan materials: • Narrative description of the proposed use and a generalized conceptual site plan including: (a) a description of site characteristics and constraints (e.g. significant natural features, contour map); (b) proposed siting of uses, (c) proposed building forms/massing; (d) site coverage; (e) amount of open space; (f) special amenities; (g) screening and buffering; (h) estimated number of parking spaces and/or other transportation related requirements; and (i) public improvements/facilities, if any, needed to support the proposed development. • Description of characteristics of surrounding sites, such as land uses, building forms, circulation patterns, views, environmental constraints, which could be affected by or could impact the proposed Orchards demonstration development. • Environmental analysis documents (e.q. existing Environmental Impact Statement (EIS], Addendum to existing EIS, or Supplement to existing EIS, or a proiect specific new checklist) which includes information deemed necessary to analyze the proposed development (such as a transportation study, drainage study). These materials must address requirements established under SEPA Rules and the City Environmental Review Ordinance (4-6). The applicant shall provide these narrative materials and plans, as prescribed by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. Application materials shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) B. Decision Making Process for Abbreviated Master Plan: Decision-making procedures with respect to the development application for The Orchards shall be administered by the Hearing Examiner, simultaneously with and under the same procedures as required for the subdivision of the site (see Section 9-17.1-4 [BD). C. Decision Criteria/Required Improvements: This section of the Residential Development Demonstration Ordinance replaces the City of Renton Zoning Ordinance Section 4-31-7 (R- 24), for the purposes of permitting development of the demonstration property. Purpose: The purpose of the Residential Demonstration Ordinance is to provide a residential development which meets the City's Land Use development goals to: (a) create new residential neighborhoods on large parcels of land in a "neighborhood" development style and (b) create high quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the residential character of the existing neighborhood. The Demonstration development is intended, also, to be designed to encourage better use of common and private open space, greater privacy, and more energy and resource efficient homes. Standards: Development of the Residential Demonstration project (The Orchards) shall be provided to: (a) protect life safety, (b) provide standards for development design and construction, and (c) create a residential community which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan Land Use Policies (e.g. residential development, environmental protection, community design) and with the purposes of the underlying R-24 zone. Standards and specifications to implement these criteria are to be established by the Hearing Examiner, in the below delineated areas: 1. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 2. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) 7 ' RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAF_ _, 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELON1 1T DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 221994 3. Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures • Number of Residential Structures Per Lot • Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions(width and depth) • Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) • Use Easements • Lot coverage • Lot Access • Street Design • Street Ownership Patterns 4. Special Amenities(Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) In addition the provisions of the following ordinances shall generally apply to The Orchards for purposes of review process and development standards EXCEPT THAT where the Hearing Examiner, under the aegis of this Demonstration Ordinance, imposes greater or different restrictions or higher or different standards upon the review procedures/processes and upon the development of the land than are established under these ordinances,then the provisions of this Demonstration Ordinance shall prevail: • Comprehensive Plan (Chapters 1 - 8) • Site Plan Review Ordinance: See Chapter 31-33, Title IV of the City Code. • Landscaping Ordinance: See Chapter 31-34, Title IV of the City Code. • Parking and Loading Ordinance: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code. • Signs: See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code. • Sensitive Areas: See City Code Chapter 31, Title IV Section 4-31-34; Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by City Council at the time of action upon the subdivision and the abbreviated master plan. Future Improvements: Any future change of use or additional use or exterior structural change which is not specifically permitted by the Hearing Examiner in conjunction with the demonstration project (The Orchards) or which is not permitted under the then existing Zoning Code provisions (e.g. Section 4-31-7) will require review and approval by the City. The application for such change to use or structure shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. 9-17.1-6: EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND VARIATIONS: The Hearing Examiner may grant an exception, modification and/or variation from the requirements of this Demonstration Ordinance, when, in the Examiner's opinion, the intent of the Demonstration Ordinance to provide for flexible interpretation of development standards may be placed in jeopardy as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of each or any of these other ordinances. Exceptions, modifications and/or variations may be granted only when the Hearing Examiner finds that the criteria listed below have been achieved: 1. That there are special circumstances or conditions resulting from strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, which would deprive the applicant of the ability to fulfill the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 2. That the exception(s) and/or modification(s) proposed are consistent with the intent of the established purposes of the Demonstration Ordinance (Section 9-17.1-1). 3. That the exception(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), if granted, will result in development which ensures the following,through its form and function: (a) the protection of the natural environment on the site and on surrounding properties. (b) compatibility with the built environment on properties in the vicinity of the site. 8 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHAF14110 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOP SIT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 22 1994 '1 ► 4. That the granting of the exceptions(s), modification(s) and/or variation(s), will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. (Ord. 3592, 12-14-81). In granting any exception, modification, or variation, the Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions that it deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest. Application for any exception, modification and/or variation shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time the preliminary plat/abbreviated master plan application is submitted to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department. The application shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request. (Ord. 2667, 10- 4-71; amd. Ord. 3483, 11-10-80; Ord. 3592, 12-14-81) 9-17.1-7: DISPLAY RESIDENCES: In the event that the subdivision (preliminary plat) and the master plan are approved by the Hearing Examiner/Council, then the applicant could be permitted to develop up to a maximum of eight (8) display homes on the subject property) maximum of four 141 display homes for Parcels E/F and a maximum of four f41 display homes for Parcel G). These homes shall be designed and sited in a manner which is consistent with the provisions of the Demonstration Ordinance. Further, improvements shall be consistent with the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Fire Code, and such other provisions as established by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department to ensure that the structures are viable and that public health, safety and welfare are protected. In the event that the final plat for The Orchards is not approved by the Hearing Examiner and/or The Orchards is not developed for any cause, then the display homes must either: a) be upgraded as/if necessary to address all applicable standard City ordinance requirements (e.g. Subdivision Ordinance, Zoning Ordinance, Building Regulations); or b) removed from the subject property (either by demolition or relocation to an approved site away from the subject property). Upgrading would need to be completed within six months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan; removal would need to be completed within three months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan. 9-17.1-8: PENALTIES: Any person or firm who has neglected or failed to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to a fine not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each such violation, or imprisonment for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) The City Council may direct the City Attorney to initiate an action to enjoin the transfer, sale, agreement or option of any property taken in violation of this Chapter by making application for an injunction in the Superior Court. The City may recover its costs and attomey's fees for maintaining such action. Actions taken pursuant to RCW 58.17.205 shall not be deemed in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 4041, 1-26-87) 9-17.1-9: LIABILITY: This Ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person owning any land or building, constructing or modifying any subdivisions in the City for damages to anyone injured or damaged either in person or property by any defect therein; nor shall the City or any agent thereof be held as assuming such liability by reason of any preliminary or final approval or by issuance of any permits or certificates authorized herein. 9-17.1-10: CONFLICTS: In the event that there is a conflict between either the customary development standards or special development standards listed above and the standards and regulations contained in other ordinance(s), the Zoning Administrator shall determine which ordinance shall prevail based upon the intent of the zones. Life, safety and public health ordinances are assumed to prevail. 9-17.1-11: SEVERABILITY: If any part or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such determination shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. 9 RENTON MUNICIPAL CODE CHA192 16 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOIT DEMONSTRATION ORDINANCE AUGUST 221994 9-17.1-12: REPEALED ORDINANCES: Any and all Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed exclusively with respect to this Demonstration Residential Development. 9-17.1-13: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and legal publication. (Ord. 2667, 10-4-71) 9-17.1-14: TERMINATION OF ORDINANCE: At completion of the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) or in the event that the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) is withdrawn, this Demonstration Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. 10 5303 " ' ''-' L --j- .. -1 -._ \ � ---ls r-- SE RM-N - w 0 ;f J i3.051 _40118 libill Er 1 1 T-T , ! L________±-J5i j osilort ,., i I Cf3= C7 vE 10TH St _________,---Li- --b-----Z- 1- I 1--, , , k-• = LL., I ; , i i , , ,_ co Cn �' SE 118th St , 1 cn -0 - a.5 en � - -\ immenomiimmo NN. tr, ____ 0"""ThE 4 • SE 121st St cker2- &NI 'A ---: ft.‘-‘,7, -lila—Eiji \N r, „, \__,,,_ Tiff , R_ i \ ... .. w oA ....�":„ .' Illp:Ap. .- .. v) : -' _ . .s,......... g„). p .....Z,--- -----___ " lillin l, _ :3Tb:'. al r - NOrill , ' / lie ,d1IN .0" ed'A Att SeGtar9 .� �• G — Cs • SE 128th - k...___- I -g 5315 **/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4550 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ESTABLISHING A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT DEMONSTRATION PROJECT FOR PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE ORCHARDS (18 .42 ACRES OF PROPERTY IS LOCATED NORTH OF N.E. 4TH STREET AND BISECTED BY DUVALL AVENUE N.E./NORTHWARD PROPERTIES) . SECTION I . PURPOSE AND SCOPE. A. Purpose: The primary purpose for this Demonstration Project Ordinance is to permit development of a project in the R-24 zone which varies the standards of that zone, as detailed later, in order to determine the best way to amend the R-24 zone . The R-24 zone, as presently drafted, is internally inconsistent and so rigid as to prohibit, as a practical matter, development within that zone that complies with the relevant policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan. At present, there are only three R-24 zoned areas within the City, and The Orchards Project is a property with a current development proposal . The results of this Demonstration Project will be utilized to determine proposed changes in the R-24 zone so as to permit development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan guidelines and yet not pose unnecessary development restrictions on the remaining R-24 properties . A further purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a residential development which meets the City' s land use development goals to create new residential neighborhoods on large parcels of land in a neighborhood development style and create high quality infill development that increases density while maintaining the residential character of the existing neighborhood. This Ordinance is intended, also, to encourage better use of common and private 1 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 open space and encourage greater privacy in homes which are more energy and resource efficient . Development under this Ordinance shall protect life safety and create a residential community which is consistent with the applicable policies of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and with the purposes of the underlying R-24 zone. 1 . Development Objectives : a. To permit flexibility in development of a residential complex that exhibits the following characteristics, while maintaining compatibility with the underlying character of existing Renton residential neighborhoods : (i) sufficient density to meet the intent of the Comprehensive Plan (ii) physical feasibility given the underlying property features (e.g. natural features, accessibility, convenient location, existing improvements) (iii) economic feasibility (iv) preserves pride of ownership by creating opportunities to live in and purchase more diverse types of quality single-family style residences . b. To provide increased availability of residential development to meet the intent of the City' s Comprehensive Plan and the State of Washington Growth Management Act . c. To allow the City Council to determine whether introduction of flexible development standards will enable the creation of residential developments in the R-24 zone which address the City' s development objectives . 2 4`r✓ ORDINANCE NO. 4550 2 . Regulatory Objectives : a. This Ordinance creates a Demonstration Residential Development which provides an opportunity to: (i) evaluate new types of subdivision and development standards in the R-24 zone, prior to codifying those standards in the City' s development ordinances; (ii) evaluate existing Code provisions and modify those provisions, as appropriate, to meet the City' s objectives for residential development in the R-24 zone; (iii) evaluate compatibility between the City' s regulations for residential development in the R-24 zone and existing Comprehensive Plan policies, and refine those documents as necessary to meet City objectives; (iv) evaluate procedural obstacles in the platting and development process for the R-24 zone, and refine/streamline the review process to address those obstacles; (v) advance the City' s policy of regulatory reform, pursuant to local, state and federal guidelines (e.g. HR 1724) . b. Provisions of this Demonstration Project Ordinance shall include the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health, safety, welfare and aesthetics, and such provisions are intended to provide for wholesome environmental conditions in the community, adequate public services, and safe and functional streets and thoroughfares . c . Development permitted under this Ordinance would need to be compatible with the underlying character of existing residential neighborhoods and achieve consistency with the stated 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 purposes of the R-24 zone of encouraging coordinated development of new residential neighborhoods, following a more traditional urban development pattern and allowing for a mix of single-family and small scale attached units . B. Scope : This Demonstration Project Ordinance shall apply exclusively to the following lands referred to as The Orchards, under the ownership of G.M. Associates, in this Commitment and described as follows : The property, approximately 18 .42 acres, is located north of N.E. 4th Street and bisected by Duvall Avenue N.E. The legal description for The Orchards is attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein as if fully set forth. Where this Demonstration Project Ordinance imposes different restrictions, standards or review provisions upon the subdivision or development of land than the Subdivision Ordinance, Chapter 9- 12 ; the Zoning Ordinance, section 4-31-7; the Street Improvements Ordinance, section 4-34 ; and the Variance Ordinance, section 4-31- 19, the provisions of this Demonstration Project Ordinance shall prevail . This Ordinance shall not adversely affect restrictive covenants placed upon the property. SECTION II . AUTHORITY. The Hearing Examiner is designated as the official for the conduct of public hearings . The Planning/Building/Public Works Department is responsible for the general administration and coordination of this Ordinance. The City Council maintains final administrative authority with respect to action concerning subdivision and land use approvals under this Ordinance . 4 *4000 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 SECTION III . DECISION MAKING PROCESS FOR A PLAT. A. Preliminary Plat : Decision-making action with respect to a subdivision application for The Orchards will be administered by the Hearing Examiner, as described herein: 1 . The Hearing Examiner shall review the preliminary plat for the Demonstration Residential Development to assure conformance with the general purposes of the Comprehensive Plan and adopted standards . 2 . The subdivision review shall occur at a public meeting for which public notification has been provided as stipulated in section 9-17 . 1-5 (B) (3) of the Demonstration Project Ordinance. 3 . The Hearing Examiner shall make a recommendation as to the preliminary plat and any conditions therefore and the Council shall render the final decision on the preliminary plat . B. Required Plat Improvements : The following matters shall be addressed in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance and the Street Improvements Ordinance: 1 . Creating and paving of streets and alleys . 2 . Installation of curbs, gutters and sidewalks . 3 . Installation of monuments . 4 . Installation of utilities such as sanitary sewer, storm drainage and water. 5 . Installation of street lights . 6 . Installation of street signs . 7 . Inspection, approval and fees . 5 Itayo ORDINANCE NO. 4550 C. Special Improvements : The following improvements shall be provided to the standards and specifications to be established by the Hearing Examiner, at the time of plat review, in order to protect life safety, provide standards for design and installation, and to create a plat which is consistent with the applicable policies of the City' s Comprehensive Plan. Specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by Hearing Examiner and/or City Council at the time of action upon the preliminary and/or final plat : 1 . General Design Standards (Standards and Specifications for Off-site Improvements) a. Streets (dimensions, grades, curves, access, intersection offsets, paving) b. Sidewalks (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) c . Street Lighting d. Street Signage e . Public Use and Service Areas f . Specific Residential Street Standards (On-site Improvements) g. Streets and alleys (dimensions, public and private rights-of-way, reserve strips, turn-arounds and street ends, curves and grades, curb radius, tangents) h. Sidewalks and curbs (dimensions, grades, offsets, paving) i . Planting Strips j . Street Lighting 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 fir+ k. Blocks (length and width) 1 . Interior and Corner Lots (arrangement, size, dimensions) m. Pipestem Lots 2 . Deferred Improvements 3 . Waived Improvements SECTION IV. DEVELOPMENT: PROCEDURES, REQUIREMENTS AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS . A. Submission and Filing of Land Use Development Application (Abbreviated Master Plan) : In conjunction with the application for subdivision for The Orchards property, an abbreviated master plan (expanded site plan) application shall be provided to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, including the following environmental review documents and abbreviated master plan materials : 1 . Narrative description of the proposed use and a generalized conceptual site plan including: (a) a description of site characteristics and constraints (e .g. significant natural features, contour map) ; (b) proposed siting of uses, proposed building forms/massing; (d) site coverage; (e) amount of open space; (f) special amenities; (g) screening and buffering; (h) estimated number of parking spaces and/or other transportation related requirements; and (i) public improvements/facilities, if any, needed to support the proposed development . 2 . Description of characteristics of surrounding sites, such as land uses, building forms, circulation patterns, views, 7 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 rrr+' environmental constraints, which could be affected by or could impact the proposed Orchards demonstration development . 3 . Environmental analysis documents (e .g. existing Environmental Impact Statement [EIS] , Addendum to existing EIS, or Supplement to existing EIS, or a project specific new checklist) which includes information deemed necessary to analyze the proposed development (such as a transportation study, drainage study) . These materials must address requirements established under SEPA Rules and the City Environmental Review Ordinance (4-6) . The applicant shall provide these narrative materials and plans, as prescribed by the Planning/Building/Public Works Department . Application materials shall state fully all substantiating facts and evidence pertinent to the request . B. Decision Making Process for Abbreviated Master Plan: The final decision for the development application for The Orchards shall be made by the City Council following recommendation by the Hearing Examiner, simultaneously with and under the same procedures as required for the subdivision of the site. C. Decision Criteria/Required Improvements : This section of the Residential Development Demonstration Project Ordinance replaces City Code section 4-31-7 (R-24) , for the purposes of permitting development of the demonstration property. 1 . Standards and specifications to implement the purpose of this Ordinance are to be established by the Hearing Examiner, in the below delineated areas : a. Permitted Residential Uses (Primary uses, secondary uses, accessory uses, conditional uses) 8 lee Nue ORDINANCE NO. 4550 b. Dwelling Unit Mix and Density Requirements (Single-family detached, single-family attached units) c . Development Standards for Primary and Accessory Structures d. Number of Residential Structures Per Lot e . Lot Area/Size, Shape and Dimensions (width and depth) f . Setbacks/Yard Frontage (Primary structures, attached and detached accessory structures, projections into setback) g. Use Easements h. Lot Coverage i . Lot Access j . Street Design k. Street Ownership Patterns 1 . Special Amenities (Recreational facilities, open spaces, landscaping) 2 . In addition the provisions of the following ordinances shall generally apply to The Orchards for purposes of review process and development standards EXCEPT THAT where the Hearing Examiner, under this Demonstration Project Ordinance, imposes different restrictions and standards upon the review process and development standards than are established under these ordinances, then the provisions of this Demonstration Project Ordinance shall prevail : a. Comprehensive Plan (Chapters 1 - 8) 9 *owe %moo ORDINANCE NO. 4550 b. Site Plan Review Ordinance: See Chapter 31-33 , Title IV of the City Code . c. Landscaping Ordinance: See Chapter 31-34, Title IV of the City Code . d. Parking and Loading Ordinance: See Chapter 14, Title IV of the City Code . e. Signs : See Chapter 20, Title IV of the City Code . f . Sensitive Areas : See City Code Chapter 31, Title IV, section 4-31-34 ; specific improvement requirements and restrictions will be established by the City Council at the time of action upon the subdivision and the abbreviated master plan. 3 . Future Improvements : Any future change of use or additional use or exterior structural change which is not specifically permitted by the Hearing Examiner in conjunction with the Demonstration Project (The Orchards) , or which is not permitted under the then existing Zoning Code provisions, will require review and approval by the City. The application for such change to use or structure shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request . SECTION V. EXCEPTIONS, MODIFICATIONS AND VARIATIONS . A. The Hearing Examiner may grant an exception, modification and/or variation from the requirements of this Demonstration Project Ordinance, when, in the Examiner' s opinion, the intent of the Demonstration Project Ordinance to provide for flexible interpretation of development standards may be placed in jeopardy as a result of strict compliance with the provisions of each or any 10 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 rrrr of these other ordinances . Exceptions, modifications and/or variations may be granted only when the Hearing Examiner finds that the criteria listed below have been achieved: 1 . That there are special circumstances or conditions resulting from strict application of the provisions of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, which would deprive the applicant of the ability to fulfill the established purposes of the Demonstration Project Ordinance . 2 . That the exception(s) and/or modification(s) proposed are consistent with the intent of the established purposes of the Demonstration Project Ordinance. 3 . That the exception(s) , modification(s) and/or variation (s) , if granted, will result in development which ensures the following, through its form and function: a. The protection of the natural environment on the site and on surrounding properties . b. Compatibility with the built environment on properties in the vicinity of the site. 4 . That the granting of the exceptions (s) , modification(s) and/or variation(s) will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare. B. In granting any exception, modification or variation, the Hearing Examiner may prescribe conditions that he deems necessary to or desirable for the public interest . C. Application for any exception, modification and/or variation shall be submitted in writing by the applicant at the time the preliminary plat and abbreviated master plan application 11 ORDINANCE NO. 4550 is submitted to the Planning/Building/Public Works Department . The application shall state and fully substantiate all facts and evidence pertinent to the request . SECTION VI . DISPLAY RESIDENCES . A. Number of Display Residences : In the event that the preliminary plat and the master plan are approved by the Hearing Examiner/Council, then the applicant could be permitted to develop up to a maximum of four [4] display homes for Parcels E/F, and a maximum of four [4] display homes for Parcel G. These homes shall be designed and sited in a manner which is consistent with the provisions of the Demonstration Project Ordinance and the applicable City Codes . B. Removal of Display Residences : In the event that the final plat for The Orchards is not approved and/or The Orchards is not developed for any cause, then the display homes must either: a) be upgraded if necessary to address all applicable standard City ordinance requirements; or b) demolished or relocated to an approved site away from the subject property. Upgrading would need to be completed within six months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan; removal would need to be completed within three months of denial of the final plat and/or withdrawal of the demonstration development plan. SECTION VII. TERMINATION OF ORDINANCE. A complete development application under this Ordinance shall be submitted within six months of the effective date of this Ordinance or this Ordinance shall be terminated at that point . At 12 Iktue *owl ORDINANCE NO. 4550 completion of the Demonstration Project or in the event that the Demonstration Project is withdrawn, this Ordinance shall be terminated immediately thereupon. SECTION VIII . This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21stday of August , 1995 . Marily . Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of August , 1995 . \(1 .)& E 1 Clymer, May Approved to legal form: Lawrence J. Warred, City Attorney Date of Publication: August 25, 1995 ORD. 499 : 8/17/95 :as . 13 Renton Municipal Code Chap er 9-17.1 Residential Development Demonstration Ordinance 08/16/95 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE ORCHARDS AREA E-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter AND of the south 30 feet of the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence N88° 07' 16" W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described property; thence continuing N88° 07' 16" W, along said south line, 286.01 feet to the southwest corner thereof; thence NOO° 08' 06"W, along the west line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, 657.39 feet to the northwest corner thereof; thence N01° 48' 28" E 30.00 feet to an intersection with a line parallel with and 30 feet northerly, as measured at right angles, from the north line of said northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, said point being the beginning of a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the right from which the center bears S 01° 48' 28" W; thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"; thence S 80° 06' 57" E 150.00 feet to a point of tangency with a 450.00 foot radius circular curve to the left;thence easterly, along said curve, an arc distance of 63.43 feet through a central angle of 08° 04' 35"to an intersection with said north line of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter; thence S 88° 11'32" E, along said north line, 374.69 feet to the northeast corner thereof; thence SOO° 00'26"W, along the east line thereof, 353.14 feet; thence N 88° 07' 15" W 312.02 feet; thence S 49° 03' 21" W 66.17 feet; thence SOO° 00' 26" W 260.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E(AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 306,608 square feet, more or less, or approximately 7.039 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA F-That portion of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said subdivision; thence N88° 07' 16"W, along the south line thereof, 362.02 feet; thence N 00° 00'26" E, 260.00 feet; thence N 49° 03'21" E 66.17 feet; thence S 88° 07' 15" E 312.02 feet to an intersection with the east line of said subdivision; thence S 00° 00'26"W, along said east line, 305.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. LESS the easterly 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.) (Contains 96,424 square feet, more or less, or approximately 2.214 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington AREA G-The northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 10, Township 23 North, Range 5 East, W.M., in the City of Renton, King County, Washington, EXCEPT the west 42.00 feet thereof for Duvall Ave. N.E. (AKA 138th Ave. S.E.). (Contains 399,428 square feet, more or less, or approximately 9.170 acres.) Situate in the County of King, State of Washington • ‘ 1 r I- L. . ft POI . .„„. __ _ ..... . ..., ... ,. >. CD i � n e L I 1 r . 2 MIN , 1 . D 4tim 1 2 Tilt 1 • • tl . — . .. ... . .. • . .. • . NE tth PI 1 . • • • �; f �,, , ;NE 5th S- ! ------------- ._ ,, ,,,' :,,f',,f,—1F,-,..-- 1:f, /// // ` / / y,A ` r1 • All— I N E 4tr St , . I Gti'sY o�, Long Range Flaming The Orchards Planning./ t urr g/PubIc Work: "` Jennifer To th-Hrsming �� 24 August `s 0 200 400 1:4,800 T August 14, 1995 S✓ Renton City Council Minutes Page 309 Sandy Webb, 430 Mill Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said he agreed with this annexation effort but felt that it raised a question regarding how the City conducts business. Explaining that he owns two properties in the vicinity of this annexation which received sewer service in 1976, Mr. Webb said the City should not offer reduced fees or other bargains to those who oppose annexation yet desire to receive municipal services. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY STREDICKE, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL: ACCEPT THE 60% ANNEXATION PETITION, REQUIRE THE ACCEPTANCE OF A PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S BONDED INDEBTEDNESS, IMPOSE R-8 ZONING, AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO SUBMIT A NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX PACKAGE TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. Planning: The Orchards This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Demonstration roject, in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Clymer opened the public NE 4th St/Duvall Ave NE hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. Lenora Blauman, Senior Planner, announced that staff is requesting the public hearing be continued to August 21st so the Planning & Development Committee can consider the proposed ordinance prior to the hearing. Responding to Councilman Stredicke, Ms. Blauman explained that The Orchards received its R-24 zoning earlier this year in conjunction with a Comprehensive Plan designation change. Since then, staff and the developer have considered a variety of ways to best develop the property, with the demonstration ordinance emerging as the preferred alternative. Ms. Blauman said a variety of features would be demonstrated in the project. Councilman Stredicke felt it would be more appropriate for the Hearing Examiner rather than Council to hear these types of matters, given the Examiner's expertise in land use issues. He added that unless a real need can be shown for this demonstration project, the property should be developed according to current City Code regulations. Ms. Blauman replied that regulations guiding development in the R-24 zone were recently changed in accordance with Comprehensive Plan policy amendments. Because these changes had the inadvertent effect of making development under R-24 very difficult, staff is currently drafting proposed revisions to the R-24 standards to rectify this situation. Ms. Blauman added that the demonstration project will help determine whether the proposed revisions to the R-24 standards would be appropriate. Audience comment was invited. There was no response. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONTINUE THIS PUBLIC HEARING TO AUGUST 21ST. CARRIED. Igo 'rrr, LOCATIONS OF POSTINGS DONE ON g 7 , 1995. 1. Aic ros fe00.• '/�'3 Ilk/of-LA- �r N 2. (S1 - 56 ( 2 ( srf7- 3. /4 r` A43 E& / 2 ( s/`S?� 4. / 0 13 /42-- Sc 5 (4Z f.d M 56 d-- sE I z 8 c f- 6. aUUetI( NE S CERTIFICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I C IRk(C7 f ICE f HEREBY CERTIFY THAT v COPIES OF THE ABOVE NOTICE WERE POSTED BY ME IN THREE OR MORE CONSPICUOUS PLACES ON THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED AND TWO COPIES WERE POSTED 9T THE RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING, 200 MILL AVENUE S., RENTON, WA ON DATE OF F3 it(q SIGNED -7 SUBSC ED AND OR TO BEFORE ME this day of , 19 Notary ublic in and for the State of Washington, residing at 7 , . ,...., . . NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 14, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH To consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. i i-7 111111.1111111111 >> • SE 121st St P -Z4 -- -------7-A-7:L\ „2 B\ "4_1.. . 4111111 \ "V m,Im:z› 1:7 � 6' ZT K,Aa. THE, =m. ',\.„.-r-.t R_ `'► w OlzGHA re#N-f.,-z---.i-.m- .-eT-.-7.-.- -4r,.I . t7o,.)t*- . .,, Tie wow i ,1 CS 0 - z1 r�E 14. , sT SE 128th = L 1 IF - li____,. All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office ice-235-2501 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or Warning ! concealment of this notice is a misdeameanor punishable by fine and imprisonment. CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 14, 1995, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. Interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information. Marily 'P tersen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News July 28, 1995 Account No. 50640 err 'w+r NOTICE RENTON CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 14, 1995 AT 7:30 P.M. RENTON MUNICIPAL BUILDING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 200 MILL AVENUE SOUTH To consider a proposed residential demonstration project for The Orchards, a 118-unit residential complex on an 18.42 acre site located north of NE 4th Street and east and west of Duvall Avenue NE. —I- { ‘..1 "cb- SE P. 24� \ 121st St 9 .,....„A..7:-..k :=J----.--, 7, I I ,,, N , i 1 • ___ R_ . \ ' 'gria—inwpr, . Li j ORGHAPPe _ kN A PrA10°. '' (i)g) -* D . " Tb.-3.6 a v , , .. ... , _ , _ „ ,i, ,,,,,, , 1 ../ 14101e-i ow iiee"11-1a :J.— .Z4.17 1 1 agrZi_ \\Iit c•ctotv z CS 01111 -- ME 04 , sT SE 128th L fjj _g. All interested parties are invited to attend and present written and/or oral comments. Complete legal description &further information available in the City Clerk's Office - 235-2501 The removal, mutilation, destruction, or fconcealment of this notice is a misdeameanor arninpunishable by fine and imprisonment.