HomeMy WebLinkAboutC_ERC_Determination_Ltr_Internal_190523 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SIGNATURES: Gregg Zimmerman, Administrator Public Works Department Date Rick M. Marshall, Administrator Renton Regional Fire Authority Date Kelly Beymer, Administrator Community Services Department Date C.E. Vincent, Administrator Date Department Of Community & Economic Development ENVIRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON-SIGNIFICANCE (DNS) PROJECT NUMBER: LUA18-000256, BSP, ECF, MOD APPLICANT: John Rubenkonig, 8218 210 Pl SW, Edmonds, WA 98026 PROJECT NAME: Seattle Pipe Trades Binding Site Plan PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant is requesting the approval of a Binding Site Plan as well as Environmental (SEPA) Review. The proposed Binding Site Plan would result in the subdivision of the existing 263,476 sq. ft. (6.05 acre) project site zoned IM into two lots and two tracts for Native Growth Protection. Proposed Lot 1 would have an area of 101,161 sq. ft., Lot 2 would have an area of 35,119 sq. ft., Tract A would have an area of 8,259 sq. ft., and Tract B would have an area of 118,937 sq. ft. No changes in access or parking are proposed, all site improvements were constructed through the site plan approval for the addition through LUA15-000344. Two wetlands, Wetlands A and B have been identified on the project site. Both wetlands have been classified as Category III wetlands with a standard buffer requirement of 75 feet. The applicant is requesting a reduced buffer in accordance with RMC 4-3-050B.1.g which states that sites that are separated from critical areas by pre-existing, intervening, and lawfully created structures, roads, or other substantial existing improvements are not regulated as critical area buffer areas. In addition to the wetlands, a flood hazard, seismic hazard, and sensitive slopes are mapped on the project site. PROJECT LOCATION: 595 Monster Rd (APN 2423049122) LEAD AGENCY: City of Renton Environmental Review Committee Department of Community & Economic Development The City of Renton Environmental Review Committee has determined that it does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This Determination of Non-Significance is issued under WAC 197-11-340. Because other agencies of jurisdiction may be involved, the lead agency will not act on this proposal for fourteen (14) days. Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2019. Appeals must be filed in writing together with the required fee with: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057. Appeals to the Examiner are governed by RMC 4-8-110 and more information may be obtained from the Renton City Clerk’s Office, (425) 430-6510. PUBLICATION DATE: May 24, 2019 DATE OF DECISION: May 20, 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 5/22/2019 | 9:43 AM PDT 5/20/2019 | 4:57 PM PDT 5/20/2019 | 2:32 PM PDT 5/20/2019 | 5:44 PM PDT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Project Location Map ERC_Report_Seattle Pipe Trades BSP ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT ERC Meeting Date: May 20, 2019 Project File Number: PR15-000025 Project Name: Seattle Pipe Trades Binding Site Plan Land Use File Number: LUA18-000256, BSP, ERC Project Manager: Jill Ding, Senior Planner Owner/Applicant: Ed Kommers, Seattle Area Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry Journeyman & Apprenticeship Training Trust, 595 Monster Rd SW, Renton, WA 98057 Contact: John Rubenkonig, Rubenkonig Planning & Landscape Architecture, PLLC, 8218 210th Pl SW, Edmonds, WA 98026 Project Location: 595 Monster Rd SW Project Summary: The applicant is requesting the approval of a Binding Site Plan as well as Environmental (SEPA) Review. The proposed Binding Site Plan would result in the subdivision of the existing 263,476 sq. ft. (6.05 acre) project site zoned IM into two lots and two tracts for Native Growth Protection. Proposed Lot 1 would have an area of 101,161 sq. ft., Lot 2 would have an area of 35,119 sq. ft., Tract A would have an area of 8,259 sq. ft., and Tract B would have an area of 118,937 sq. ft. No changes in access or parking are proposed, all site improvements were constructed through the site plan approval for the addition through LUA15- 000344. Two wetlands, Wetlands A and B have been identified on the project site. Both wetlands have been classified as Category III wetlands with a standard buffer requirement of 75 feet. The applicant is requesting a reduced buffer in accordance with RMC 4-3-050B.1.g which states that sites that are separated from critical areas by pre-existing, intervening, and lawfully created structures, roads, or other substantial existing improvements are not regulated as critical area buffer areas. In addition to the wetlands, a flood hazard, seismic hazard, and sensitive slopes are mapped on the project site. Exist. Bldg. Area SF: 39,116 square feet Proposed New Bldg. Area (footprint): Proposed New Bldg. Area (gross): N/A N/A Site Area: 587,789 square feet Total Building Area GSF: 39,116 square feet STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends that the Environmental Review Committee issue a Determination of Non-Significance . DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Seattle Pipe Trades Binding Site Plan Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA18-000256, BSP, ERC Report of May 20, 2019 Page 2 of 3 ERC_Report_Seattle Pipe Trades BSP ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW In compliance with RCW 43.21C.240, the following environmental (SEPA) review addresses only those project impacts that are not adequately addressed under existing development standards and environmental regulations. A. Environmental Threshold Recommendation Based on analysis of probable impacts from the proposal, staff recommends that the Responsible Officials: Issue a DNS with a 14-day Appeal Period. B. Exhibits Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Binding Site Plan Exhibit 3: Comments from Department of Ecology, dated May 9, 2019 C. Environmental Impacts The Proposal was circulated and reviewed by various City Departments and Divisions to determine whether the applicant has adequately identified and addressed environmental impacts anticipated to occur in conjunction with the proposed development. Staff reviewers have identified that the proposal is likely to have the following probable impacts: 1. Earth Impacts: The proposed Binding Site Plan would result in the subdivision of the existing 263,476 sq. ft. (6.05 acre) project site zoned IM into two lots and two tracts for Native Growth Protection. No construction is proposed, all site improvements were constructed and mitigated for through the Environmental Review conducted concurrently with the Site Plan approval for the addition under LUA15-000344. No further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: N/A Nexus: N/A 2. Water a. Wetlands Impacts: No construction is proposed, all site improvements were constructed and mitigated for through the Environmental Review conducted concurrently with the Site Plan approval for the addition under LUA15-000344. No further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: N/A Nexus: N/A 3. Transportation Impacts: No new trips are proposed as a result of the proposed binding site plan. All transportation impacts were evaluated and mitigated for through the Environmental Review conducted concurrently with the Site Plan approval for the addition under LUA15-000344. No further mitigation is recommended. Mitigation Measures: N/A Nexus: N/A DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 City of Renton Department of Community & Economic Development Seattle Pipe Trades Binding Site Plan Staff Report to the Environmental Review Committee LUA18-000256, BSP, ERC Report of May 20, 2019 Page 3 of 3 ERC_Report_Seattle Pipe Trades BSP D. Comments of Reviewing Departments The proposal has been circulated to City Department and Division Reviewers. Where applicable, their comments have been incorporated into the text of this report and/or “Advisory Notes to Applicant.”  Copies of all Review Comments are contained in the Official File and may be attached to this report. The Environmental Determination decision will become final if the decision is not appealed within the 14-day appeal period (RCW 43.21.C.075(3); WAC 197-11-680). Environmental Determination Appeal Process: Appeals of the environmental determination must be filed in writing together with the required fee to: Hearing Examiner, City of Renton, 1055 South Grady Way, Renton, WA 98057, on or before 5:00 p.m. on June 7, 2019. RMC 4-8-110 governs appeals to the Hearing Examiner and additional information regarding the appeal process may be obtained from the City Clerk’s Office, Renton City Hall – 7th Floor, (425) 430-6510. DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 CITY OF RENTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE EXHIBITS Project Name: Seattle Pipe Trades Binding Site Plan Land Use File Number: LUA18-000256, BSP, ERC Date of Meeting May 20, 2019 Staff Contact Jill Ding Senior Planner Project Contact/Applicant John Rubenkonig Rubenkonig Planning & Landscape Architecture, PLLC 8218 210th Pl SW, Edmonds, WA 98026 Project Location 595 Monster Rd SW The following exhibits are included with the ERC Report: Exhibit 1: Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Report Exhibit 2: Binding Site Plan Exhibit 3: Comments from Department of Ecology, dated May 9, 2019 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATERECORDER'S CERTIFICATE SEATTLE PIPE TRADES BINDING SITE PLAN 98102-3513 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVE. EAST SEATTLE, Washington LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS FAX# (206) 323-7135 (206) 323-4144 1-800-935-0508 NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 23 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M.CITY OF RENTON LUA18-000256 EXHIBIT 2 RECEIVED 11/26/2018 jding PLANNING DIVISION DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 98102-3513 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVE. EAST SEATTLE, Washington LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS FAX# (206) 323-7135 (206) 323-4144 1-800-935-0508 CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN NUMBER RECORDING NO.VOL./PG. SEATTLE PIPE TRADES BINDING SITE PLAN NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4, SEC. 24 T23N R4E W.M. LUA18-000256 EASEMENTS DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 CITY OF R E N T O N LOT LINE A D J U S T M E N T NO. LUA1 6 - 0 0 0 2 6 5 REC. NO . 2 0 1 6 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 6 (PARCEL Y ) (PARCEL Z ) PROPOS E D TRACT B PROPOS E D LOT 2CHICAGO , M I LWAU KE E , S T . PAU L & PAC I F IC RA I LROAD R -O -W PROPOSED TRACT A PROPOS E D LOT 1 MONSTER ROAD SW (DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)MONSTER ROAD SW(DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)13 24 98102-3513 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVE. EAST SEATTLE, Washington LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS FAX# (206) 323-7135 (206) 323-4144 1-800-935-0508 CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN NUMBER RECORDING NO.VOL./PG. SEATTLE PIPE TRADES BINDING SITE PLAN NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 24 T23N R4E W.M. LUA18-000256 SITE PLAN DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 MONSTER ROAD SW (DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)MONSTER ROAD SW(DEDICATED PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)13 24 CITY OF R E N T O N LOT LINE A D J U S T M E N T NO. LUA1 6 - 0 0 0 2 6 5 REC. NO . 2 0 1 6 0 9 0 1 9 0 0 0 0 6 (PARCEL Y ) (PARCEL Z )CHICAGO , M I LWAUKE E , S T . PAU L &PACI F IC RA I LROAD R -O -W 98102-3513 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVE. EAST SEATTLE, Washington LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS FAX# (206) 323-7135 (206) 323-4144 1-800-935-0508 CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN NUMBER RECORDING NO.VOL./PG. SEATTLE PIPE TRADES BINDING SITE PLAN NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 SEC. 24 T23N R4E W.M. LUA18-000256 BOUNDARY DIAGRAM DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 PROPOS E D TRACT B PROPOS E D LOT 2 PROPOS E D LOT 1 PROPOSED TRACT A ‘’ 98102-3513 BUSH, ROED & HITCHINGS, INC. 2009 MINOR AVE. EAST SEATTLE, Washington LAND SURVEYORS & CIVIL ENGINEERS FAX# (206) 323-7135 (206) 323-4144 1-800-935-0508 CITY OF RENTON BINDING SITE PLAN NUMBER RECORDING NO.VOL./PG. SEATTLE PIPE TRADES BINDING SITE PLAN NW 1/4, NW 1/4 SEC. 24 T23N R4E W.M. LUA18-000256 SITE CONDITIONS DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY Northwest Regional Office  3190 160th Avenue SE  Bellevue, Washington 98008-5452  (425) 649-7000 711 for Washington Relay Service  Persons with a speech disability can call (877) 833-6341 May 9, 2019 Jill Ding, Senior Planner Department of Community & Economic Development City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way, 6th Floor Renton, WA 98057 Re: Seattle Pipe Trades – Binding Site Plan Project Project Number: PR15-000025 / LUA18-000256, Ecology SEPA #201902281 Dear Jill Ding: Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on the Seattle Pipe Trades – Binding Site Plan Project. Based on review of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist associated with this Project, the Department of Ecology (Ecology) has the following comments: Ecology recognizes that this is a rezone proposal, however, future building addition on this property prompts the following comment. This proposed project is located in an area that may have been contaminated with heavy metals due to the air emissions originating from the old Asarco smelter in north Tacoma (visit Ecology’s Tacoma Smelter Plume map search tool: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/dirtalert/). Soil contamination from the former Asarco smelter poses a risk to human health and the environment. Children are at especially high risk from direct exposure to contaminated soil. Construction workers, landscapers, gardeners, and others who work in the soils are also at risk. Ecology recommends sampling and analyzing the soil for arsenic and lead prior to digging and grading, and sending the results to Ecology for review. The applicant may contact Ecology's technical assistance coordinator, Eva Barber for assistance in sampling methodology. If arsenic or lead are found at concentrations above the state cleanup levels, Ecology may recommend soil remediation and entering the Voluntary Cleanup Program with Ecology. The state cleanup level for arsenic is 20 parts per million (ppm) and lead is 250 ppm. If soils are found to be contaminated with arsenic, lead, or other contaminants, extra precautions shall be taken to avoid escaping dust, soil erosion, and water pollution during grading and site construction. Contaminated soils generated during site construction shall be managed and disposed of in accordance with state and local regulations, including the Solid Waste Handling Standards regulation (Chapter 173-350 WAC). For information about soil disposal contact the local health department in the jurisdiction where soils will be placed. The link below provides a fact sheet that explains more how the arsenic and lead clean-up levels were set and why Ecology sees that they are protective for human health: https://fortress.wa.gov/ecy/publications/SummaryPages/1109095.html. EXHIBIT 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 Jill Ding, Senior Planner May 9, 2019 Page 2 Thank you for considering these comments from Ecology. If you have any questions and would like assistance and information about Tacoma Smelter Plume and soils contamination, please contact Eva Barber with the Toxics Cleanup Program at (360) 407-7094 or by email at eva.barber@ecy.wa.gov. Sincerely, Tracy Nishikawa SEPA Coordinator Sent by email: Jill Ding, jding@rentonwa.gov ecc: Sue Soller, Andrew Clapham and Associates, LLC Eva Barber, Ecology DocuSign Envelope ID: 3FA2EDE9-F3B1-41F2-AAC3-1CBF23745F54 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Page 1 of 2 LUA18-000256 ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT The following notes are supplemental information provided in conjunction with the administrative land use action. Because these notes are provided as information only, they are not subject to the appeal process for the land use action. Planning: (Contact: Jill Ding, 425-430-6598, jding@rentonwa.gov) 1. RMC section 4-4-030.C.2 limits haul hours between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division. 2. Commercial, multi-family, new single family and other nonresidential construction activities shall be restricted to the hours between seven o’clock (7:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m., Monday through Friday. Work on Saturdays shall be restricted to the hours between nine o’clock (9:00) a.m. and eight o’clock (8:00) p.m. No work shall be permitted on Sundays. 3. Within thirty (30) days of completion of grading work, the applicant shall hydroseed or plant an appropriate ground cover over any portion of the site that is graded or cleared of vegetation and where no further construction work will occur within ninety (90) days. Alternative measures such as mulch, sodding, or plastic covering as specified in the current King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton may be proposed between the dates of November 1st and March 31st of each year. The Development Services Division’s approval of this work is required prior to final inspection and approval of the permit. Development Engineering: (Contact: Rohini Nair, 425-430-7298, rnair@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments Fire Authority: (Contact: Corey Thomas, 425-430-7024, cthomas@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments Technical Services: (Contact: Amanda Askren, 425-430-7369, aaskren@rentonwa.gov) 1. Title report shows vested owners as dissolved Washington non-profit corporation. Please confirm vested owners of the property and their legal authorization to sign the Binding Site Plan on behalf of the vested owners. All vested parties will need to sign and have an acknowledgement block. 2. Is a new address being requested for the attached new portion of building? 3. Comments from BSP Map: a. Difficult to determine the new property lines as it all is the same line weight and not clearly shown on Sheet 3. More information provided on Sheet 6, but still difficult to determine with the same line width on all linework. b. Proposed Waterline Easement – please provide line on map to add recording number. c. Proposed No-Build easement – is there language to be added or a separate document being recorded to define that easement? d. Is there additional language about Tracts A and B to be added or a separate document? Unclear as to who will own them, maintenance and future of those tracts. ADVISORY NOTES TO APPLICANT Page 2 of 2 LUA**-000*** e. For parking, ingress and egress to the new parcel, will a separate document define the ownership and maintenance? 4. Comments per RMC Binding Site Plan 4-7-230 Section C Approval Criteria: a. Number 2: minimum lot dimensions and setbacks for each newly created lot cannot be met, a commercial condominium is required b. Number 7: Each parcel created by BSP shall have access to public street by means of direct access or access easement approved by City. c. Number 8: If Tracts fall under shared conditions, conditions, maintenance and restrictions shall be identified on the BSP and enforced by covenant or easement. d. Number 9: Note required about future development. Community Services: (Contact: Leslie Betlach, 425-430-6619, lbetlach@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments Police: (Contact: Cyndie Parks, 425-430-7521, cparks@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments Building: (Contact: Craig Burnell, 425-430-7290, cburnell@rentonwa.gov) 1. No comments