HomeMy WebLinkAboutZoning Code Amendments - Multi-Family Density Ranges (8/19/1996) Amend• ORD 4404, 4548, 4466 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4631 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING SECTIONS 4-31-8 .A AND D AND 4-31-10 .1.B.1.d OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, OF TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) , OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON" DEFINING AND ESTABLISHING THE RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY ZONE AND AMENDING THE ALLOWABLE DENSITIES IN THE MIXED COMMERCIAL SECTIONS OF THE ZONING CODE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I. Sections 4-31-8, 4-31-8 .A. 1, 2 and 3 , and 4-31- 8 .D. l .a, b, c and d of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No . 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" are hereby amended to read as follows 4-31-8 : RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY ZONE (RM) : A. Purpose : 1 . The Residential Multi-Family Zone (RM) is established to provide and protect suitable environments for multi- family dwellings . It is further intended to promote uses that are compatible with a multi-family environment . 2 . This Zone will normally be applied with one of four (4) suffixes : U (Urban Center) , C (Suburban Center) , N ORDINANCE NO. 4631 (Neighborhood Center) , or I (Infill) . The density allowed under this Zone will be identified by the suffix which is applied. 3 . This zoning may be permitted in the following areas as indicated by the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. a. RM-U will occur in areas designated as Center Downtown 25-100 du/ac to 150 du/net acre with bonus) . b . RM-C will occur in areas designated as Center Suburban (10 to 20 du/net acre) . c . RM-N will occur in areas designated as Center Neighborhood (10-15 du/acre) . d. RM-I will occur in areas designated as Residential Multi-Family Infill (10 to 20 du/acre) . 4-31-8 .D. l .a: RM-U: Twenty-five (25) minimum to one hundred (100 maximum dwelling units per net acre with the potential for one hundred fifty (150) dwelling units per acre with design review. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half (1/2) acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995 . b . RM-C: Ten (10) minimum to twenty (20) maximum dwelling units per net acre . c . RM-N: Ten (10) minimum to fifteen (15) maximum dwelling units per net acre . 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4631 d. RM-I : Ten (10) minimum to twenty (20) maximum dwelling units per net acre. SECTION II . Section 4-31-10 . 1 .B. l .d of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) , of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton, Washington" is hereby amended to read as follows : d: Multi-Family Residential : Residential uses at densities between twenty-five (25) and one hundred (100) dwelling units per net acre. Multi-family residential may also be located in a mixed use building of commercial and residential uses . Residential uses shall not be located along the street frontage on the ground floor in the "downtown pedestrian district" as defined in subsection D. l .b below. Density may be increased to one hundred fifty (150) dwelling units per acre subject to administrative conditional approval . The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half (1/2) acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995 . SECTION III. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and thirty days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 9th day of September , 1996 . jibiu\o/(4.1 ' Brenda Fritsvold, Deputy City Clerk 3 ' .. ORDINANCE NO. 4631 r* APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 9th day of September , 1996 . Toni Nelson, Mayor Pro Tem Appr d as to 771)(4...rv%i2.4.._ Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 9/13/96 ORD. 609 : 08/06/96 :as . 4 Now Seatember 9. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 340 Ordinance #4631 An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-31-8.A and D and 4-31- Planning: Multi-Family 10.1.B.1.d of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Density Ranges -Code City Code defining and establishing the Residential Multi-Family Zone and Amendments amending the allowable densities in the Mixed Commercial sections of the Zoning Code. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Annexation: Maplewood An ordinance was read indicating to the King County Auditor the City Heights, Election Council's preference for a special election date on November 5, 1996, for submission of the Maplewood Heights Annexation proposal to the voters of the territory proposed to be annexed. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4632 Following second and final reading of the above-referenced ordinance, it was Annexation: Maplewood MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, Heights, Election COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilmen Parker and Edwards commended City staff, including the Executive: Washington Economic Development Director, as well as the Chamber of Commerce's Blue CEO Article on Renton Ribbon Committee and the Downtown Renton Association for their contributions to the recent Washington CEO article on Renton. Airport: Puget Sound Councilman Corman objected to the tone of a letter received from Paul Helicopters (Airborne Brendle, Puget Sound Industries (Airborne Aviation), responding to citizen Aviation), Complaints re complaints about PSI's helicopter operations at Renton Municipal Airport. Operations Saying it was inappropriate for Mr. Brendle to have personally attacked resident Rick Hlavka, Mr. Corman noted that Mr. Hlavka is not the only citizen complaining about this matter and in any case, citizens should not be put on the defensive in this type of situation. Streets: Union Ave NE Responding to Mayor Pro tern Nelson, P/B/PW Administrator Gregg Paving Zimmerman agreed to report back on when the overlay on Union Avenue is scheduled to take place. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:30 p.m. • ENDA FRITSV LD, Deputy City Clerk 9/09/96 a. '� co,iip ai�,* .yam '^ V� _ 0 (8 � P J cP igg..c , N A g (0 $ 1 ........ c _—.0 go 4, ,..—• --0 a 1 a .. A o CI c • � 0 CD CD ZO n co N r n� Ni O CD ?.r•�ria N• 3cnc � o - r • Ca • a3a d m D J* Ow �yQoy ,cD a) ca 5 m CD 7" o cam' w -- = -< X 0 a �, (D w c'a a) to '� z o 0 a ., na) m = o I- a a O y = (A -� c --c cu =,mac = a� g = o Z Q • CO 0 a , ci h f (a w - aka' X= y w m C ��go +� < =' c c O co to = a m a ca.) w 6'1 cn m �' aCD 0 7 X7—" m c- 0 L �, .< - a) c CD 5 ao y a� �. _— < = f (o . Z (n _ 6' 'c CO °c o - 0 < .--- .� - a o > .... y `� .N a' (o r�' �--) c - z o w - = , o O m y(O N N H ?CD X W 5 D3333712.74 Eigio Z -E8g = o ,c Z�'�,78 a vr. o A m su ; c� 6' u, 1 O 3p m g na°•8 a'8 _mA y N 0 a„ yZR1 agE $8Ec o3 �=Or a/- g AZ 'VA"- A "aim >� e_Qm42m0 8_3'm70o = # gi w a ....._%g dh' c 0 sn 9"4`"s ( a I sou, f-gill g sg-3 m 2 ”ggit ggIII:i - August 19, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 327 regarding this matter be presented for reading and adoption. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See later this page for resolution.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3218 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign an Police: S King County agreement with the State of Washington Department of Community Trade and Narcotics Task Force, Economic Development for funding for the Multi-Jurisdictional Narcotics 1996-97 Funding, CAG- Task Force Program for 1996-1997. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED 96- BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3219 A resolution was read committing City funds and authorizing the Mayor to Streets: Oakesdale Ave SW enter into an agreement with King County for a feasibility study for Feasibility Study, King Oakesdale Ave. SW from Monster Rd. to SR-900, and to sign all documents as County, CAG-96- are required therefore for a route study for Oakesdale Ave. SW. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3220 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Transportation: Renton interlocal agreement entitled "Transit Service Agreement by and between King Shuttle Contract with County and the City of Renton for the Renton Shuttle." MOVED BY Metro, CAG-96- SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3221 A resolution was read authorizing and directing the City staff to initiate work, Development Services: commission studies, expend funds, and take other steps to study the Port Quendall (Lake Wash redevelopment of commercial property located west of I-405 at Exit 7, and to Blvd) Development & EIS conduct the staff efforts to facilitate a "planned action" under State law. MOVED BY , SECONDED BY , COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 9/09/96 for second and final reading: Planning: Multi-Family ' An ordinance was read amending Sections 4-31-8.A and D and 4-31- Density Ranges Code 10.I.B.I.d of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Amendments City Code defining and establishing the Residential Multi-Family Zone and amending the allowable densities in the Mixed Commercial sections of the Zoning Code. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 9/09/96. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Annexation: Maplewood An ordinance was read indicating to the King County Auditor the City Heights, Election Council's preference for a special election date on November 5, 1996, for submission of the Maplewood Heights Annexation proposal to the voters of the territory proposed to be annexed. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE TO SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. August 19. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 323 Planning & Develonment Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee o� report regarding multi-family density ranges. The Committee reviewed the Planning: Multi-Family 1 draft Code amendments implementing the multi-family density ranges which Density Ranges Code were approved as part of the Comprehensive Plan amendments in 1995. The Amendments Committee recommended that 20 dwelling units per acre be established in the Residential Multi-Family Suburban Center and Residential Multi-Family Infill designations, and that 15 dwelling units per acre be established in the Residential Multi-Family Neighborhood Center designation. The Committee also recommended that minimum density be reduced from 75 dwelling units per acre to 25 dwelling units per acre in the Residential Multi-Family Urban and Center Downtown designations, and that parcels less than one-half acre in size be exempted from minimum density in those designations. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 327 for ordinance.) MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THE SPECIFIC ISSUES BROUGHT UP BY THE AUDIENCE SPEAKERS THIS EVENING TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR A RESPONSE TO THE HIGGINS. CARRIED. Annexation: Hughes, This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Monster Rd SW/S 140th St in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing to consider the proposed Hughes 60% Annexation Petition - 18.8 acres located east of Monster Road SW and north of S. 140th Street. Heavy Industrial prezoning was applied to the subject parcels on May 6, 1996. Michael Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained that the property owner seeks annexation for the purpose of obtaining City utility services to facilitate the development of a planned industrial use. The property's assessed value is $618,300. The existing land use is industrial, and since the City Council applied Heavy Industrial prezoning to the property earlier this year, no additional public hearings will be held on the zoning. Continuing, Mr. Kattermann said the annexation is consistent with both the Comprehensive Plan and objectives of the King County Boundary Review Board. In particular, it is located within Renton's urban growth boundary and also within its water and sewer service areas. Having determined that Renton is the logical provider of services to this property, staff anticipates these could be extended without additional costs by using existing staff and facilities. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE HUGHES 60% ANNEXATION PETITION AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE A NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX PACKAGE FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE KING COUNTY BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date 1—/9- y(• PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT August 19, 1996 Multi-family Density Ranges (Referred June 24, 1996 ) The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the draft code amendments implementing the multi-family density ranges which were approved as part of the Comprehensive Plan amendments in 1995. The Committee recommends that 20 dwelling units per acre be established in the Residential Multi-family Suburban Center and Residential Multi-family Infill designations, and that 15 dwelling units per acre be established in the Residential Multi-family Neighborhood Center designation. The Committee further recommends that minimum density be reduced from 75 dwelling units per acre to 25 dwelling units per acre in Residential Multi-family Urban and Center Downtown designations and that parcels less than one half acre in size be exempted from minimum density in those designations. Kathy Keollter-Wheeler, Chair ,Randy Cormam, ice C it j Timothy J. Schlitzer,. tmber cc: Mike Kattermann Jim Hanson mfdenrpt • CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: August 12, 1996 TO: Kathy Keolker-Wheeler, Chair Planning and Development Committee FROM: Rebecca Lind, Principal Planner Long Range Planning SUBJECT: Multi-family Density Ranges At the Planning and Development Committee meeting of August 14, staff-is requesting Committee approval of the attached draft ordinance amending multi-family density ranges. The proposed ordinance implements changes to the multi-family density ranges in the City which were approved as part of the Comprehensive Plan amendments in 1995. The ordinance provides for the following changes. • 20 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Center Suburban(RM-C),Residential Multi-family Infill (RM-I). • 15 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Neighborhood(RM-N). • Minimum density reduced from 75 du/ac to 25 du/ac in Residential-Multi-family Urban(RM-U) and Center Downtown (CD). • Exempts parcels from the minimum density if they are less than one half acre in size and occur in RM-U and CD. The issue paper, dated June 10,and the Planning Commission recommendation were distributed to the Council at the Council meeting of June 24th. If you have any further questions on these issues, please contact me at extension 6188. P&TS/planning/zoning/mfden '16.10" RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting August 19, 1996 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN COUNCILMEMBERS CLAWSON; KING PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; RANDY CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development Director; MICHAEL KATTERMANN, Planning & Technical Services Director; JENNIFER TOTH HENNING, Senior Planner; SANDY CHASTAIN, Community Relations Specialist; COMMANDER ROB SOFIE, Police Department. PRESS Keith Seinfeld, Seattle Times APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 12, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Community Relations Specialist Sandy Chastain reported on highlights from PRESENTATION the 1996 Renton River Days Community Festival, announcing that for the Community Event: 1996 first time, River Days was an official sanctioned Seafair event. Some of the Renton River Days Report more popular individual events in the week-long festival included: the parade, with 164 entries and approximately 10,000 spectators; the kick-off banquet, where Renton resident Pat Newbury was honored as the 1996 River Days Volunteer of the Year; Kid's Day, which featured performances by the Wenatchee Youth Circus; the Senior Day Barbeque at the Community Center; the Annual Art Show, a juried competition; Armondo's Bike Criterium; the soap box derby for developmentally disabled youth; arts & crafts booths; and sporting events such as the golf and soccer tournaments. Ms. Chastain commented that River Days is a success each year because of the significant financial contributions, hard work, and enthusiasm supplied by many people. She concluded by thanking the Mayor and Council for their continued support of this family-oriented festival. PUBLIC HEARING 'This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Planning: Multi-Family in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public Density Ranges Code hearing to consider the proposed Zoning Code multi-family density ranges for Amendments the Residential Multi-Family C, Residential Multi-Family I, Residential Multi-Family U, Residential Multi-Family RM-N, and Center Downtown zones. Michael Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained that the proposed changes implement and are consistent with 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments. Essentially, they eliminate density bonuses for affordable units. They also reduce some minimum densities. Specifically, the amendments eliminate the density bonus (previously allowed fir✓ ..r August 19, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 322 to 25 units per acre) in the Center Suburban (RM-C) and Infill (RM-I) zones. Density in these zones would be reduced to between ten and 20 units per acre. In the Neighborhood Center Zone, the density bonus to 15 units per acre would be eliminated, bringing the allowable range to ten to 12 units per acre. Finally, for the Urban (RM-U) and Center Downtown (CD) zones, the minimum density would be reduced to 25 units per acre. Parcels less than one-half acre in size would not have to meet the minimum density requirement. Mr. Katterman concluded that staff recommends adoption of the amendments as proposed. Audience comment was invited. Gerald R. Higgins, 417 Whitworth Ave. S., Renton, 98055, said although a vacant lot located at 420 Whitworth Ave. S. is zoned Center Downtown and could be developed with a duplex or a fourplex, this should instead be single family. Mr. Higgins felt that the lower density would be more appropriate for this street, which is a dead-end having only single family homes. Ralph Armstrong, 7722 S. Lakeridge Dr., Seattle, 98178, stated that he was involved as a real estate agent in a pending transaction regarding the property referred to by Mr. Higgins. Mr. Armstrong said if the proposed changes are adopted, the prospective buyer of this property would not be able to obtain financing. He opposed any change from current use and said increased density on this street would not be practical or appropriate. Councilman Corman clarified that the proposed modifications do not change the current zoning of any parcels; they only reduce allowed multi-family densities. Councilman Edwards added that if approved, one of the changes would exempt lots less than one-half acre in size from meeting minimum density requirements. Kellyann Higgins, 417 Whitworth Ave S., Renton, 98055, identified herself as the buyer in the transaction described by Mr. Armstrong. Explaining that she desired to build a single family home on this vacant lot, even though it is zoned multi-family, she said City staff had informed her that this would not be possible and that it would cost an additional $35,000 to install a new sewer line that would be required concurrent with the construction of a duplex on • this property. Mayor Tanner assured Ms. Higgins that with the minimum density requirement exemption for smaller lots, she would be permitted to build one single family home on this property. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE REGULAR ORDER OF BUSINESS AND ADVANCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THIS SUBJECT. CARRIED. 11010" Nam" ..................................................................:.:.:::::::.::: mosiummommonsmirtioEzeINFORMAIIONTHAMtIVESEMBIEBINEEP st MULTI-FAMILYDENSITY A E.D E iTS TO THE ZONIN CODE.....: .::....:.....,,...:.....:.::.::::;::::::::C,ll3 :....e......tA.RIN.....T',�..::oAcK Ro. :. D::Tn :RSA. :. .. ..nsm::::::::: �� ... ..:........ ♦.......: :.... .:........:. ::::::::��:i:? .i F .:::.�.�::.: {: �':::::;::::.::::.} ...i:{.i: Y......:�.:�i:v:�::::i::i::iii:iiiii'�:i� 3. 2.5 :: :: .. r.... all..�T. . .�c .. :;. � :.. ehe d.a1r.'1<... . The proposed ordinance implements policies eliminating a bonus for affordable housing and reducing minimum density in several multi-family designations. These policies were approved as part of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments. The proposed ordinance also makes several housekeeping changes in the names of the designations. The ordinance provides for the following substantive changes. • 20 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Center Suburban (RM-C), and Residential Multi-family Infill (RM-I). • 15 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Neighborhood(RM-N). • Minimum density reduced from 75 du/ac to 25 du/ac in Residential-Multi-family Urban (RM-U) and Center Downtown(CD). • Exempt parcels from the minimum density if they are less than one half acre in size and occur in RM-U and CD zones. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS Section 4-31-8: Residential Multi-Family Zone(RM)-(MR) A. Purpose: 1. The Residential Multi-Family Zone(_RMF) is established to provide and protect suitable environments for multi-family dwellings. It is further intended to promote uses that are compatible with a multi-family environment. Narl 2. This Zone will normally be applied with one of four(4) suffixes: U(Urban Center Core), C (Community Suburban Center),N(Neighborhood Center), or I(Infill District). The density allowed under this Zone will be identified by the suffix which is applied. Section 4-31-8A.3. This zoning may be permitted in the following areas as indicated by the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan with-bonuses. Section 4-31-8A.3a. 4-RM-U will occur in areas designated as Center Downtown 25-7-5-100 du/net acree to 150 du/net acreae with bonus). Section 4-31-8A.3b. 2--RM-C will occur in areas designated as Comity Center Suburban (10 to 20 du/net acre25 du/ac_e- .ith bonus). Section 4-31-8A.3c.3-RM-N will occur in areas designated as Neighborhood Center Neighborhood ((10-15 du/acre)10 12 Section 4-31-8A.3d. 4-RM-I will occur in areas designated as Existing Residential Multi-Family Infill )(10 to 20 du/acre). Section 4-31-8D.la. RM.-U: Seventy Twenty—five(7-5 25)minimum to one hundred(100)maximum dwelling units per net acre with the potential for one hundred fifty(150)dwelling units per acre with design review. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half(1/2)acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995. Section 4-31-8D.lb. RM-C: Ten (10)minimum to twenty (20)maximum dwelling units per net acre. Section 4-31-8D.lc. RM-N: Ten (10)minimum to fifteen(4-2 15)maximum dwelling units per net acre. , Section 4-31-8D.id. RM-I:Ten (10)minimum to twenty(20)maximum dwelling units per net acre. Section 4-31-10.1 Mixed Commercial Zone(CM): Section 4-31-10.1B.1d. Multi-Family Residential: Residential uses at densities between seventy, twenty-five(75 25) and one hundred(100)dwelling units per net acre. Multi-family residential may also be located in a mixed use building of commercial and residential uses. Residential uses shall not be located along the street frontage on the ground floor in the"downtown pedestrian district"as defined in subsection D.lb below. Density may be increased to one hundred fifty (150)dwelling units per acre subject to administrative conditional approval. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half(1/2) acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995. PLANNING/ZONINGMFDENPH Nair U) C E = = a) Ta � V co E c a) �+ = N 2 += 1 u) u) o cn (4 C O a) U E w Q N E N v) N C E. . 2 0 o E a) o V o - n m C a) me nc cszi - v U C u) a) �., = bo = ,a co 1-4 4:+ p i-,-4 O -� a O C) = d Z pI a) X O D dN U W S c W — 1 W ,— 1 W w cog ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Q ■ •■ w a. c El Cl CI El El ❑ C o r N M �t co co I. C a) cC co 4- O d) U co Nor a) Cl) 0 Q O L Q a) a) O O Q O Co U) D C cD O E U "O C as as I vJ o �YJ o0 .r ',roe AiNkR.S.::: MULTI-FAMILY.DENSITY AMEND TO TH ZONING 0D For addhtional;information.> ...lease..cointact ....Ci ...of Rento i.Plannin <a : '< <> ......... The proposed ordinance implements policies eliminating a bonus for affordable housing and reducing minimum density in several multi-family designations. These policies were approved as part of the 1995 Comprehensive Plan amendments. The proposed ordinance also makes several housekeeping changes in the names of the designations. The ordinance provides for the following substantive changes. • 20 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Center Suburban (RM-C), and Residential Multi-family Infill (RM-I). • 15 dwelling units per acre in Residential-Multi-family Neighborhood(RM-N). • Minimum density reduced from 75 du/ac to 25 du/ac in Residential-Multi-family Urban (RM-U) and Center Downtown (CD). • Exempt parcels from the minimum density if they are less than one half acre in size and occur in RM-U and CD zones. PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS Section 4-31-8: Residential Multi-Family Zone(RM){MF) A. Purpose: 1. The Residential Multi-Family Zone (_RMF) is established to provide and protect suitable environments for multi-family dwellings. It is further intended to promote uses that are compatible with a multi-family environment. 2. This Zone will normally be applied with one of four(4) suffixes: U(Urban Center Sere), C (Community Suburban Center),N(Neighborhood Center), or I (Infill-Dist). The density allowed under this Zone will be identified by the suffix which is applied. Section 4-31-8A.3. This zoning may be permitted in the following areas as indicated by the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan with-buses. Section 4-31-8A.3a. -1-RM-U will occur in areas designated as Mixed Use City Core Center Downtown 254 -100 du/net acree to 150 du/net acreae with bonus). Section 4-31-8A.3b. 2—RM-C will occur in areas designated as Community Center Suburban (10 to 20 du/net acre25 dulacre• ith' bonus). Section 4-31-8A.3c.2-RM N will occur in areas designated as Neighborhood Center Neighborhood ((10-15 du/acre)10 12 Section 4-31-8A.3d. 4-RM-I will occur in areas designated as Existing Residential Multi-Family Infill )(10 to 20 du/acre). Section 4-31-8D.la. RM.-U: Seventy Twenty—five(75 25)minimum to one hundred(100) maximum dwelling units per net acre with the potential for one hundred fifty(150) dwelling units per acre with design review. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half(1/2) acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995. Section 4-31-8D.lb. RM-C: Ten (10)minimum to twenty(20)maximum dwelling units per net acre. Element oftx� a CCompre ie-nsive Pla , ., ...ditional froe (5):+nits may be_µchieyed. Section 4-31-8D.lc. RM-N: Ten (10)minimum to fifteen(4-2 15)maximum dwelling units per net acre. , Section 4-31-8D.ld. RM-I: Ten (10)minimum to twenty(20)maximum dwelling units per net acre. Section 4-31-10.1 Mixed Commercial Zone(CM): Section 4-31-10.1B.1d. Multi-Family Residential: Residential uses at densities between seventy twenty-five (7-5 25) and one hundred(100) dwelling units per net acre. Multi-family residential may also be located in a mixed use building of commercial and residential uses. Residential uses shall not be located along the street frontage on the ground floor in the"downtown pedestrian district"as defined in subsection D.lb below. Density may be increased to one hundred fifty(150) dwelling units per acre subject to administrative conditional approval. The minimum density requirements shall not apply to the subdivision, short plat and/or development on a legal lot one-half(1/2) acre or less in size as of March 1, 1995. PLANNING/ZONINGMFDENPH CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed August 19, 1996. at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: Proposed Zoning Code Multi-Family density ranges for Residential Multi- Family C, Residential Multi-Family I, Residential Multi-Family U, Residential RM-N, and Center Downtown. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. Marilyn t sen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News August 9, 1996 Account No. 50640 July 22. 1996 �✓ Renton City Council Minutes ' Page 296 appointed to an additional four-year term ending September 6, 2000. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Civil Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report Service Commission recommending concurrence in the Mayor's appointment of Randall Rockhill to the Civil Service Commission to complete the unexpired six-year term ending 12/31/96 of Robert F. Stevenson, who resigned. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Appointment: Human Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Rights Commission appointment of Charles Marr to the Human Rights Commission. Mr. Marr has withdrawn his name for consideration of appointment to the Commission; therefore, the Committee recommended no further action required. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Parker extended the City's sincere appreciation to those who are willing to serve on its various boards and commissions. Public Safety Committee Public Safety Committee Chair Clawson presented a report regarding the Police: Release of Renton release of Renton Municipal Jail prisoners from Okanogan County Jail. After Municipal Jail Prisoners reviewing the existing procedure, the Committee recommended that no further from Okanogan County action is necessary. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, Jail COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report recommending that a public hearing be set for August 12, 1996, on Planning: Street Grid and Street Design (Street Grid) Subdivision and Zoning Code amendments. Subdivision Zoning Code MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, Amendments COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Multi-Family Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Density Ranges Code report recommending that a public hearing be set for August 19, 1996, on Amendments Multi-Family Density Ranges Code amendments. MOVED BY KEOLKER- WHEELER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: RESOLUTIONS Ordinance #4619 An ordinance was read authorizing the acquisition of certain property (the Council: Property Main & Grady building) and property rights by eminent domain, providing Acquisition, Main & for the payment thereof; authorizing the City Attorney to prepare a petition Grady Building for condemnation in the Superior Court in and for the County of King and for the prosecution thereof for the acquisition of such property and property rights for municipal offices, jail facility, and other municipal space needs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: SIX AYES (NELSON, CORMAN, SCHLITZER, PARKER, CLAWSON, KEOLKER-WHEELER), ONE NAY (EDWARDS). CARRIED. Ordinance #4620 An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 2.63 acres located Rezone: King County at 4518 Talbot Rd. S. from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Office (CO) Property, 4518 Talbot Rd (King County-owned vacant property, File No. R-95-141). MOVED BY S NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. APPROVED BY `� CITY COUNCIL Date /1'2'2'9G PLANNING&DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT July 22, 1996 Multi-family Density Code Amendments (Referred June 24, 1996) The Planning and Development Committee recommends that a public hearing be set for Multi-family Density Ranges Code Amendments on August E9, 1996. 4.2 C,tja ret Cke-) - Okke-CO A , Kathy Ke er-Wheeler, Chair Ianfir- dy Corman,Vice Chair (*--Timothyer cc: Marilyn Peterson Mike Kattermann P&TS:Planning:Zoning:PHMF