HomeMy WebLinkAboutRegulatory Reform Ordinance - Response to HB-1724 Growth Mgmt Act (3/11/1996) Amends: ORD 4523, 4549 i+rrier'ded L0031 L1i8 LDL1 i7I f / 1-1g351 zie5/� CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON Liy ORDINANCE NO. 4587 • AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, AMENDING TITLE IV (BUILDING REGULATIONS) OF ORDINANCE NO. 4260 ENTITLED "CODE OF GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF RENTON" BY ADDING DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 4-31-2 OF CHAPTER 31, ZONING CODE, AND BY ADDING CHAPTER 36 ENTITLED "RENTON REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE." THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . Section 4-31-2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, of Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No. 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" is hereby amended by adding the following definitions : 4-31-2 : DEFINITIONS COMPLETE PROJECT PERMIT APPLICATION (BUILDING, LAND USE, PUBLIC WORKS) : An application package meeting the submittal requirements listed in section 4-36-4 which is sufficient for continued processing even though additional information may be required or project modifications may be undertaken subsequently. OPEN RECORD PUBLIC HEARING: A hearing, conducted by a single hearing body or officer authorized by the local government to conduct such hearings, that creates the local government' s record through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by section 4-36-6 . CLOSED RECORD APPEAL: An administrative appeal on the record to a local government body or officer including the legislative body, following an open record hearing on a project permit application when the appeal is on the record with no or limited new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed. ORDINANCE NO. 4587 Isar ,ftwro OPEN RECORD APPEAL: An administrative appeal to a local government body or officer including the legislative body, that creates the local government' s record through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by section 4-36-6 . SECTION II . There is hereby created Chapter 36 entitled "Renton Regulatory Reform Ordinance" to Title IV (Building Regulations) of Ordinance No . 4260 entitled "Code of General Ordinances of the City of Renton" which reads as follows : CHAPTER 36 RENTON REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE 4-36-1 : PURPOSE AND INTENT 4-36-2 : APPLICABILITY AND PERMIT PROCESS TYPES 4-36-3 : REGULATORY REFORM EXEMPTIONS 4-36-4 : SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Purpose B. Vesting C. Submittal Requirements for a Complete Application Table 1 : Public Works Permits/Processes and Legend Table 2 : Building section Permits and Processes and Legend Table 3 : Land Use Permits/Processes and Legend D. Letter of Completeness E. Multiple Permit Applications F. Submittal Waiver Process 4-36-5 : DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING/PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT APPLICATIONS 4-36-6 : REVIEW AUTHORITY 4-36-7 : REVIEW PROCEDURES A. Consolidated Review Process B. Multiple Permit Applications C. Pre-application Meeting D. Letter of Completeness E. Land Use Permit Type Procedures Table 4 : Land Use Permit Procedures F. Land Use Permit Type Timelines Table 5 : Consolidated Review Process Flowchart Table 6-15 : Land Use Permit Type Flowcharts 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 *110 G. Time Frame for Final Decision H. Exclusions from 120 Day Time Limit 4-36-8 : PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS A. Applicability B. Notice Of Development Application C. Notice Of Administrative Decisions D. Notice Of Public Hearing E. Notice Of Hearing Examiner Decision F. Notice Of City Council Decision 4-36-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this chapter is to establish standard procedures for all land use and development applications in order to provide for an integrated and consolidated land use permit and environmental review process . It is further the purpose of this chapter to comply with state guidelines under ESHB-1724 for combining and expediting development review to eliminate redundancy and minimize delays, to establish timelines for notifying the public of land use applications, and to revise hearing requirements to allow one open record hearing and one closed record appeal hearing, and for final decisions on development proposals to be made within 120 days of the date of the Letter of Completeness except for development specifically exempted under this chapter. 4-36-2 : APPLICABILITY AND PERMIT PROCESS TYPES All applications for development shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter, except where specifically exempted under section 4 36-3 . Development subject to review by the City of Renton is classified and processed using one of the nine types of land use permit procedures listed below. The review process for the types of permit review procedures are described in section 4-36-7 .E of this chapter. If the code does not expressly provide for review according to one of the eleven types of permit review procedures, and another specific procedure is not required by law, the Development Services Division shall classify the application. A. TYPE I, STAFF REVIEW AND DECISION WITHOUT PUBLIC NOTICE: 1 . Building and grading permits (SEPA exempt or SEPA/land use permit process completed) , 3 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 2 . Business licenses for home occupations without customer visits/deliveries, 3 . Deferrals, 4 . Lot line adjustments, 5 . Minor amendments (less than 100) to a previously approved site plan, 6 . Modifications/deviations/alternates (administratively approved) of/to various Code standards, 7 . Public art exemption certificate, 8 . Routine vegetation management permits (SEPA exempt) , 9 . Shoreline exemptions, 10 . Special fence permits, 11 . Waivers, 12 . Other SEPA exempt actions/activities as outlined in WAC 197-11-800 . B. TYPE II, STAFF REVIEW AND DECISION WITH PUBLIC NOTICE: 1 . Business licenses for home occupations with customer visits/deliveries, 2 . Conditional approval permit for a non-conforming structure . 3 . Short plats of 4 lots or less (SEPA exempt) , 4 . Site plan review (administrative) for secondary uses (SEPA exempt) , 5 . Temporary use permits (SEPA exempt) , 6 . Temporary emergency wetland permit C. TYPE III, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW AND STAFF DECISION: 1 . Binding site plans, 2 . Conditional use permit (administrative) with associated environmental review, 3 . Development permit for work within any area of special flood hazard, 4 . Environmental review for a permitted/secondary/accessory use not requiring any other land use review or permit, (Committee detetrination only -- no staff decision necessary) 5 . Master site plan review (individual phases) 6 . Site plan review (administrative) with associated environmental review, 7 . Shoreline permit with associated environmental review, 8 . Short plats of 4 or less lots (non-SEPA exempt) , • ORDINANCE NO. 4587 1.0 9 . Temporary use permit (subject to SEPA) , 10 . Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above . D. TYPE IV, STAFF REVIEW AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DECISION: Variances, Board of Adjustment E. TYPE V, STAFF REVIEW AND HEARING EXAMINER DECISION: Conditional approval permit for nonconforming use . The City Council may, at its discretion, hold the public hearings instead of the hearing examiner. F. TYPE VI, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW AND HEARING EXAMINER DECISION: 1 . Bulk storage special permit, 2 . Conditional use permits (hearing examiner) with associated environmental review, 3 . Fill and grade permit, special, 4 . Master site plan (overall plan) 5 . Mobile home parks, preliminary and final, 6 . Shoreline conditional use permit, (also requires State Department of Ecology approval) 7 . Shoreline variance, (also requires State Department of Ecology approval) 8 . Short plats of 5 to 9 lots, (environmental review normally not required, unless previously short platted or on lands covered by water or associated with concurrent construction of more than four dwelling units . ) 9 . Site plan review (hearing examiner with associated environmental review) , 10 . Special permits, 11 . Variances, with associated hearing examiner land use review, 12 . Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above . G. TYPE VII, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW, HEARING EXAMINER RECOMMENDATION AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: 1. Preliminary plats, 5 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 r... 2 . Planned unit developments (PUD) , preliminary and final, 3 . Rezones, site specific in conformance with comprehensive plan, 4 . Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above . H. TYPE VIII, STAFF REVIEW AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: 1 . Final plats, 2 . Street vacations . I . TYPE IX, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMETAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: Development regulation amendments . J. TYPE X, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: 1 . Comprehensive plan map or text amendments, 2 . Rezones with associated comprehensive plan map amendments, 3 . Zoning text amendments. K. TYPE XI, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) REVIEW, CITY COUNCIL DECISION AND STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD DECISION (BRB) : 1 . Annexations (10a) (no ERC or BRB review at this stage) , 2 . Annexations (600) 4-36-3 : REGULATORY REFORM EXEMPTIONS • A. Section 418 subsections 1 and 2 of the State Regulatory Reform Act (ESHB-1724, or "the Act") allows a local government to exclude certain project permits from procedure and time limit requirements . This section deals with exemptions from state mandated notice requirements . Permit types listed below may and often do have City Code requirements for review, notification, and appeal beyond state requirements . B. EXEMPTIONS : 1 . Section 418, subsection 1 of the Act states that local governments may determine that there are "special 6 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 circumstances" relative to certain actions or processes that warrant a different review process than that set forth in the Act . Therefore, the City exempts the following actions since they typically require more than 120 days to process or would be deemed emergencies : a. Comprehensive plan amendments with or without any other associated land use application such as a rezone, b. Renton Municipal Code amendments, c . Annexations, d. Planned unit developments, e . Development agreements, f . Environmental Impact Statements, g. Temporary emergency wetland permit, h. Declared emergency under SEPA, i . Street vacations, 2 . The City also exempts the following "approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities" from the notification and procedural requirements of section 418, subsection i of the Act : a. Deferral of off or on-site improvements, b. Drainage connection permits, c. Driveway construction permit (all uses/users) , d. Driveway relocation permit (all uses/users) , e . Franchise utility permits, f . Right of way use permit, g. Release of easements, h. Side sewer permit, i . Side sewer cap permit, • j . Sidewalk repair permit (all uses/users) , k. Sidewalk/curb/gutter construction permit (all uses) , 1 . Permits to stop City water and/or sewer service, m. Water meter applications, n. Other SEPA exempt actions/activities as outlined in WAC 197-11-800 . C. Section 418, subsection 2 of the Act allows local governments to exclude certain approvals and building and engineering permits from the public notification and procedural requirements of the Act if they are categorically exempt from 7 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 environmental review or if environmental review has already been completed at an earlier stage . However, the Act' s 120 day maximum processing time would still apply. Therefore, the City exempts the following actions from the public notification and procedural requirements of the Act since they are typically processed very quickly and would be considerably delayed by imposition of a public comment period (s) : 1 . Building and grading permits (SEPA exempt) , 2 . Business licenses for home occupations, 3 . Board of Public Works variances (i . e . driveway grade) , 4 . Fire installation/construction permits, 5 . Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, sign and special fence permits, 6 . Lot line adjustments, 7 . Final plats, 8 . Minor amendments (less than 10%) to a previously approved site plan, 9 . Occupancy permits, 10 . Open space, agricultural and timber lands--current use assessment, 11 . Public art exemption certificate, 12 . Routine vegetation management permits (SEPA exempt) , 13 . Shoreline exemptions, 14 . Temporary use permits (SEPA exempt) , but not exempting sign requirements, 15 . Water, sewer, storm drainage, roadway permits (SEPA exempt) , 16 . Other SEPA exempt actions/activities as outlined in WAC 197-11-800 . 4-36-4 : SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. PURPOSE : In order to comply with the state law, the City is required to detail the requirements for complete Building, Public Works and Land Use Permit Applications . B. VESTING: Is a legal doctrine whereby a valid and fully complete building application for a project that is permitted under the zoning or other land use control ordinances in effect on the date of the application shall be considered under the building permit ordinance, zoning or other land use controls in effect on the date of such valid and fully complete building application. 8 • ORDINANCE NO. 4587 Nole Supplemental information required after acceptance shall not affect the validity of the vesting for such application. Revisions requested by an applicant to a vested, but not yet approved, application shall be deemed a new application when such revisions would result in a substantial change in the basic site design plan, intensity, density, and the like, involving a change of 10%. or more in area or scale . Vesting for the new application shall occur upon the date of submission of a valid and fully complete building application for the changed project . C. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A COMPLETE APPLICATION: Unless waived by the Development Services Division, the requirements for a fully complete land use, building, or public works permit application shall consist of the information listed on the following tables and any site-specific information identified in a preapplication meeting summary: • . . IC .7‘1:' —I CO ' .?? (1 C) 6): r'n .9, : 0 g 2 Xi (7,' 0 cl. D •• g 3 ,'' 7 CO'CD 2 2 — .1 c 5. ._... a.. c..: c. ua =-. " 0' o 0. o — 70 0 .. -13 =::-0 (0 .< : o ...:: ••-.. ..,...74. 0 a i)-• a ro.! a cg:! 5', g ., o —:. :-.,- ,,,.,..; g ..: > < „ 7 6 0 co c a) m %D .-0 'D n O. . (3,- Fd.: . !_.• = < D .....• n 3 2:. tv. h...,:: 8 ::::::::: !,.0, ...,-.: rn cf) 0 o --- 5. 7 %<, •,.:: = .',.::.]:q •:,:2:ri:::i Ds, 1:, C 15 Ei 2 .,.•;::i; - : 0r n - : 8 o .!..:..' .. :,.:.!:.:: ..;: . 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(SEVVER AND/OR WATER) 3 -. •• L:2;:,.. . .,...:::,..: STORM WATER CONSTRUCTION .:: (.4 ci,).: CA ...f.•':::: (.??..l. C•4 N.• (4 •I>?;•: (..) C.....?:.:. ' PERMIT 0 Xi 0 c A) (-7). --1 .:.;... i "A :mil 1:::•ii .:;!::':;::. 1•] ':i.':, -_,• D _. ='' `-• — CL = CD CO':: C') Pi '...: (...) i..-6 c..a 6.3 ca .: co f...): co °a...-. —. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT (/) Zi. Cil a) z-5* m -ci co CD •—i 1:7 4> 03 4> 03. 03 O: 4=. 0..., c...) N- c.4 .?.,..*:. N COMBINED PERMIT(INCLUDES PLATS) 0 o. ---, 0 0 5 0 ..... = -, "n Z CD CDC ‘<< )•""- CZ 0 >a) g-1)_ 3 5 — c _• (1, ..0 < -, .0 . 000c CD-.. ..8 ,..„, CO '. ')( 8-) a = : Ei--, = fu) co 0 CD co _. = _ 0 :-5 - a. CD U) 1 0 ...--- • •� � � cc -I:o Ntnn � cntnrn � gK to cy a z 2 ° n a �p m d > ; o. N x 0 17 0 o.m m O . ..„ O C) D D D D fn co° PJ m ° * fo ° cI v ,',' -o g ° a Io. ry 3 Su r(1g. a 0:m c, '4 _a a ,Bp = m 2.'2. o •1 i g 2 C H n Cn fn N N C GI -Ci C N iii - y c 6` ^ ^ 7 g. n Ol N g ° f,. 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Required only for public pools/spas/hot tubs (not required for single family or duplex pools/spas/hot tubs, 8 . Required for duplexes only, 9 . Required for other than conventional construction, 10 . Required only if trade-off option is being used for compliance, 11 . For multi-family, one per building, 12 . Not required for additions, 13 . Not required for multi-family projects, 14 . For restaurants and any construction project involving work in the right of way, 4 copies are required. 12 . .22 -r.l- o:r.r.1 o r9 r_n En_ m o-o o o.:0 I 0 0. 25. 2- .,••.•-2- 0_2- 5-:i-,2.,x, 8 I.7.`,.1 2.3 (.0 r 2.: ") a @:-. a 8•:::.@ .4 s, @ s: -2- F8-.. g 5 Ri, - :-..‹.:i...,:.--• z<, -,.: il g g. 5. 5... =' C i'i,7': 1 .' 64..., n,- 2- (D D. 5 ; 0...'43.: 0: s' i'•licu :. .::0 C13 Z 3::. 5. 5*,I' 8:: (T PD.:464= r? 2 a lir 0 ; to.i ,7,-.• st., :::•:::.••,:ii, 0 3". e, a . p., 6 =...,:g.iff 0 a sl o a,: 8 . ciii m.: 5.: 'V -:4:'..*•.••••::0 0 (3,: - -_..... m 0 Er. ..zn-7: 8 ' 5.: 17). : c C: Fc;-: g -•::. , 0 ° P.':;-.71.• 5. CP ni (/) .6 k. ai' ..•.......ii.:1,,'. g ET: o P... 0 ...., 2. :6: z:.'a -v.).:,-la 0 • ^ .-:., .'ri o 0 iii:ii•5". 0, > rn 0. 3 •:•:-.i,•,:s " @ 2' o cr• 7<- 7..„ •iD K w ch I3 "..9. 5 ::,..:::i.:2 5 0 cr,.i.....0 '6.- -,.. r.. ------ R: -p•• :•?.->rD 0 o 0. =. 0. 0: 0 ..--..,, U tU "( 8, al "•• .:.:::.. :.-0 3 m i:i0i 5. 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(nv ?Do �� 1 Y' rc `553 c *rr 6 0 a • n .; .o:- c m -1 N c G) d oa --on rDm 6 r 7-1 n CD fD CD CD m v „ 'n o'• =i m• 3 to 7 CD -5 m 0 0 CD [D G) a Li Z --h -h O- m ?. a a. o o TYPE OF APPLICATION ., Q• CD CD O = •• ° c h c+ -S -I Annexation(10%Notice of Intent) o -- "; �; X .� Annexation(60°/.Petition with Zoning) is p (D O Appeal J S -' fD `S CA C iD �• 'S • ': Business License for Home Occupation' 0CCD O �• • w Comp.Plan Map Amendment/Rezone fD o a (n 'o c+ Ca 's Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment tit O n Conditional Approval Permit for a non- CD ^ <c to Cu fD conforming structure _ -- t - o c+ O Conditional approval Permit for a non- --I CD •t3 O C) ►conforming uses .-( -.S ca: N ui p ; w Conditional Use Permit(Administrative) UN• fD -1 O -O _ _ �' "fi N u A w Conditional Use Permit(Hearing Examiner) 2J Cl.: r, ;� m CC) rD M o 0 w N fn t,. w Environmental Review 0 m O Environmental Review(non project) �7 a co m D 70 n W; cn p Grade and Fill Permit(Special) n c(-) ,iii Kennel License z 0n �l Kennel License,Hobby C) G E to 0 c--h ^' 'il F B --5 < w N �' Lot Line Adjustment O F, P.) 0 -,• P) 73 C o ,r, wN Master site plan(Overall) ? • C) w; -Ui' 1,.. 2,: w VI` Master site plan(individual phases) w W c µ 0 cn cN+ w', 'O .p w Mobile Home Park,Preliminary C tv Co 0 N Mobile Home Park,Final m CD CD Ci "S Modification/Alternate Request • A Plat,Final '17 ti r CD c,t w: N . toPlat,Preliminary 00 to D CD CS: to w N <;, PUD,Preliminary ^j B : .A• PUD,Final 0 CD B A Rezone ... O ch W' N y,: Routine Vegetation Management Permit CD = CJ' N A Shoreline Exemption 0c o C.6 N cn �, w Shoreline Substantial Development Permit to 0 U) w' u, . . w , Shoreline Conditional Use Permit in w N N` #, Shoreline Variance 3 CD to .::,.`:: Short Plat "Preliminary" W, N Ul �?:i ? , 0 Short Plat,"Final" fD < w. N cn- 1'':r.. w .. . . Site Plan CD 'T 0:' tn A.: w Special Permit CD ''`' ' . Temporary Use Permit to i ' tii. '::><: P rY 61, -. .N 'MW Variance iN Waiver `'`' Wetland Permit 16 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 4.0 D. LETTER OF COMPLETENESS : Upon finding an application complete, the Development Services Division will provide a Letter of Completeness to the applicant and property owner (s) . E. MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATIONS : Where submittal requirements are duplicated for various types of permit applications, an applicant shall be required to submit only the largest (not total) number of copies required. For example, an application for a site plan approval with associated variance would require only twelve copies even though the submittal chart indicates that site plan approval requires 12 copies and the variance requires 10 copies . F. SUBMITTAL WAIVER PROCESS : In order to have any of the normally required submittals waived, the applicant must request such waiver(s) at or after a preapplication meeting with City staff. Staff will consider the merits of the waiver request (s) and will provide the applicant with written list of any/all submittals waived. The applicant must submit a copy of the list of City approved waiver(s) at the time of formal application. 17 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 4-36-5 : DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING, PLANNING, AND PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT APPLICATIONS : 10%- NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX: A petition form, supplied by the City, containing the signatures of property owners as identified in King County Assessor' s records as taxpayers of record for properties representing at least ten percent (10%) of the assessed valuation for the areas proposed for annexation. Information requested on the form includes the signatures of all identified taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a mailing address, and property identification number of each parcel . Petitions must conform to the Revised Code of Washington section 35A. 01 . 040 . 60% PETITION TO ANNEX: A petition form, supplied by the City, containing the signatures of property owners as identified in King County Assessor' s records as taxpayers of record for properties representing at least sixty percent (60%) of the assessed valuation for the areas proposed for annexation. Information requested on the form includes the signatures of all identified taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a mailing address, and property identification number of each parcel . Petitions must conform to the Revised Code of Washington section 35A. 01 . 040 . AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN: A notarized statement signed by the applicant or applicant' s representative attesting that the required public information sign (s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements . APPLICATION FEE : The appropriate processing fee as required by the Renton Municipal Code. APPLICATION FORM, BUILDING SECTION: The Development Services Division foLm required for the type of work to be performed (e .g. grading permit application for grading work, sign permit application for installation of a sign, etc. ) . Information requested includes the following: A. King County Tax Assessor' s number for the property, B. Legal description of property, C. Street address, if available, D. Property owner' s name, address and phone number, 18 1✓ ORDINANCE NO. 4587 ,4400 E. Prime contractor' s business name, address, phone number, current state contractor registration number, and F. Either the name, address and phone number of the lender administering the interim construction financing, if any, or the name and address of the firm that has issued a payment bond, if any, on behalf of the prime contractor for the protection of the owner, if the bond is for an amount 506 or more than the total construction project . APPLICATION FORM, MASTER: The City of Renton Development Services Division' s combined Land Use Permit Application form used for most environmental and land use reviews . Information requested includes the name, address, and telephone number for the project applicant, all owners, contact person, tax account number for the property, and other site information. APPLICATION FORM, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: The City of Renton form used for all public works construction projects . Information requested includes the name, address, and telephone number for the project applicant and property owner, legal description, King County Tax Assessor' s number, site area, area of impervious surface, description of work, preliminary cost estimate, and, if applicable, water meter size. APPROVED TESTING AGENCY: An agency as determined by the Washington Association of Building Officials whose purpose is to provide special building inspection(s) . ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX: An 18" X 24" , minimum, plan drawn at a scale of 1/4" = 1 ' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19 .27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments) , including, but not limited to, the following: A. General building layout and room use, B. Window and door size and window ventilating area, C. Plumbing, duct, and electrical layout, D. Opening headers, size and material, E. Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction, including connection details, 19 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 F. Structural members labeled as to size, and spacing as well as bracing, blocking, bridging, special connectors, and anchor bolts, G. Special details as needed, i .e . stairs, fireplaces, special construction, and H. Insulation of walls, slab, floors, and roof/ceiling. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTI-FAMILY: A 24" X 36" plan prepared by an Architect licensed in the State of Washington (unless project exempted by WAC 18 . 04 .410) drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1 ' or 1/4" = 1 ' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19 .27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments) , including, but not limited to, the following: A. General building layout, both existing and proposed-- indicate square footage of rooms, use of each room or area, window and door size and ventilation, opening headers, plumbing, ducting, and electrical layout, including penetration protection, UBC occupancy group, and UBC type of construction, B. Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction; structural members labeled as to size, and spacing; bracing blocking, bridging, special connectors, anchor bolts; insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, C. Details of stairs, fireplaces and special construction, if any, D. King County Health Department approval on plans submitted to the City for dining/food handling establishments, E. King County Health Department approval on plans submitted to the City for public pools/spas, F. Independent plan review by the State of Washington Labor and Industries Electrical Division for I and E Occupancies, and _ G. Asbestos assessment by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA) for interior demolition, and H. Independent review by State Department of Health for hospitals . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION: Records obtained from the King County Assessor' s Office for each tax lot included in an area proposed 20 Nme ORDINANCE NO. 4587 for annexation. The records display all taxpayers of record and assessed value for each tax lot . CALCULATIONS, SURVEY: A compilation prepared by a state of Washington licensed land surveyor clearly indicating the dimensions of the boundaries and the closures for each lot, parcel, tract, and block in the plat, short plat, lot line, and binding site plan and lot line adjustment . COLORED DISPLAY MAPS : Full size plan sheets of each of the following maps colored with a wide tip marker in order to clearly define the site ' s outer property boundary, the area of new construction and/or proposed new lot lines (dashed) , existing buildings, landscaping areas, and adjacent street names for use in presenting the project at public hearing and/or to the Environmental Review Committee : A. Neighborhood Detail Map, B. Site Plan, C. Landscaping Plan, and D. Elevations . CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT JUSTIFICATION: A written description/justification setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed in section 4- 31-36 of the Renton Municipal Code . CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION: A written narrative addressing each of the following: A. Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates) , B. Hours of operation, C. Proposed hauling/transportation routes, D. Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics, E. Any specialty hours proposed for construction or hauling (i . e weekends, late nights) , and F. Preliminary traffic control plan. COVENANTS, DRAFT: A proposed, unrecorded written agreement promising performance or non-performance of certain acts or stipulating certain uses or non-uses of property to be binding upon current and future property owners, including the legal description of that area of property to be encumbered. 21 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 COVENANTS, EXISTING: The recorded limitations on property which may be set forth in the property deed and/or identified in a Title Report . DEEDS (DRAFT) TO CITY FOR ANY LAND TO BE DEDICATED: A legal document proposing to convey ownership of real property and including a legal description of the area to be dedicated . DRAINAGE PLAN/MAP: Plans drawn to scale and stamped by a state of Washington licensed engineer or state of Washington licensed landscape architect and complying with the requirements of section 4-22 of the Renton Municipal Code and the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. DRAINAGE REPORT: A report stamped by a state of Washington licensed engineer or state of Washington licensed landscape architect and complying with the requirements the City of Renton Drafting Standards, section 4-22 of the Renton Municipal Code and the King County Surface Water Management Design Manual (KCSWDM) as adopted by the City of Renton. EASEMENTS, EXISTING: A recorded document by the property owner granting one or more privileges to use the owner' s land to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity. Easements may be referenced by property deed and are identified in the property Title Report . EASEMENTS, PROPOSED: A draft document, including proposed legal description, listing to whom and for what specific purpose or purposes the easement is to be granted. ELEVATIONS, ARCHITECTURAL: A 24" X 36" fully dimensioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of 1/4" = 1 ' or 1/8" =1 ' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19 . 27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments) , including, but not limited to, the following: A. Existing and proposed ground elevations, B. Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure, C. Height of existing and proposed structures--showing finished roof top elevations based upon site elevations 22 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 for proposed structures and any existing/abutting structures, D. Building materials and colors including roof, walls, or other enclosures, E. Fence or retaining wall materials, colors, and architectural design, F. Architectural design of on-site lighting fixtures, and G. Cross-section of roof showing location and height of roof top equipment (include air conditioners, compressors, etc . ) and proposed screening. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: The standard state of Washington form required under WAC 197-11-742 and 197-11-960 . ELECTRICAL PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS : Plans clearly indicating the information required by the WAC 296-46-140 (2) and section 1141 of the currently adopted Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) accompanied by a written statement stamped and signed by a Washington state registered professional engineer attesting to the validity of this data and, including, but not limited to, the following: A. Street address and name of project, B. Description of the scope of the electrical installation or alterations to be done, including the basis for designation of any special occupancy or classified location (s) , C. Name, address and phone number of contact person, D. Floor plan view of the electrical installation or alterations, E. Specifications relevant to the electrical installation, F. Load calculations per National Electric Code (NEC) 220, G. Switchboard and/or panel board schedules, H. Fire alarm and other low voltage system drawings, and I . One-line riser diagram, including available fault current, AIC ratings of switchboards and/or panel boards, and equipment bracing. Riser diagrams and load calculations must be complete to the point of connection between the facilities of the serving utility and the premises wiring. Details of such diagrams and calculations must include the square feet of the building or other structure supplied by each feeder, the total connected load before applying demand factors, the demand factors used, the computed load after applying 23 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 demand factors, and the size and type of conductors used. ENERGY CODE CHECKLIST, RESIDENTIAL: The standard Washington State Energy Office form requesting the information required under WAC 51-11 and detailing building components to be used to comply with the State Residential Energy Code . ENERGY CODE CHECKLIST, NON-RESIDENTIAL: The standard Washington State Energy Office form requesting the information required under WAC 51-11 detailing building components to be used to comply with the State Non-Residential Energy Code . EROSION CONTROL PLAN, TEMPORARY: Drawings of the entire site showing the proposed erosion control measures for the project in conformance with the City of Renton drafting standards (or as approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) and theKing County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. FINAL PLAT PLAN: A plan prepared by a state of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18 . 43 . 010, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40 ' on 18" by 24" plan sheet (s) (or other scale approved by Development Services Division Director) . The original shall be in black ink on stabilized drafting film and shall include the following information with sufficient detail to meet the requirements of the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance: A. Name and location of the subdivision, B. Space reserved for "City of Renton File Number" (large type) at top of first sheet, C. Space reserved for City of Renton "land record number" (small type) at bottom left of first sheet, D. Legal description of the property, E. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, F. Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map as defined below) , G. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations, H. Lot lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot, I . Lot and block numbers, 24 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 J. Addresses for each lot and new street names in accordance with the House Numbering Ordinance and the Street Grid Ordinance, K. Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements and description of any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee and if the grantee is the City, a statement of provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes . ) , L. Coordinates per City surveying standards for permanent control monuments, M. Location of all interior permanent control monuments per City surveying standards, N. Statement of equipment and procedures used per WAC 332- 130-100, 0. Basis of bearing per WAC 332-130-150 1 .b. iii, P. Date the existing monuments were visited per WAC 332- 103-050 1 . f . iv, Q. Verification that permanent markers are set at corners of the proposed lots, R. Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, S . Location, dimensions, and square footages of any existing structures to remain, T. Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, water courses) on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development , U. Certification showing that streets, rights of way and sites for public use have been dedicated, V. Certification by a state of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes will be set, W. Signature and date line (s) for Certification by the responsible health agencies that the methods of sewage disposal and water service are acceptable, X. Notarized signatures of all property owners , Y. Signature and date line (s) for King County Finance Department, Z . Signature and date line (s) for City of Renton Finance & Information Services Director with the following test preceding "There are no delinquent special assessments and any special assessments for any dedicated property herein contained have been paid in full" , 25 'fir►' ORDINANCE NO. 4587 AA. Signature and date line (s) for the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, and BB. Signature and date line (s) for the approval of the Mayor as attested by the City Clerk. FLOOR PLANS, GENERAL: A basic line drawing plan of the general building layout showing walls, exits and designated uses indicating the proposed locations of kitchens, baths and floor drains, with sufficient detail for City staff to determine if an oil/water separator or grease interceptor is required and to determine sizing of side sewer. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: A study prepared and stamped by a licensed professional engineer including soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements . GRADING PLAN: A 22" by 34" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed engineer or State of Washington licensed landscape architect at a scale of 1" to 40 ' (horizontal feet) and 1" to 10 ' (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indicating the following: A. Graphic scale and north arrow, B. Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets, C. Location and dimensions of all on-site structures and the location of any structures within fifteen feet (15 ' ) of the subject property or which may be affected by the proposed work, D. Accurate existing and proposed contour lines drawn at five (5 ' ) foot, or less, intervals showing existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage to include surrounding off-site contours within 100 feet of the site, E. Location of natural drainage systems, including perennial and intermittent streams and the presence of bordering vegetation, F. Setback areas and any areas not to be disturbed, G. Finished contours drawn at five (5 ' ) foot intervals as a result of grading, 26 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 H. Proposed drainage channels and related construction with associated underground storm lines sized and connections shown, and I . General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet) : 1 . Area in square feet of the entire property 2 . Area of work in square feet 3 . Both the number of tons and cubic yards of soil to be added, removed, or relocated 4 . Type and location of fill origin, and destination of any soil to be removed from site 5 . Finished floor elevation(s) of all structures, existing and proposed. HEAT LOSS CALCULATION: A State of Washington Energy Code mandated analysis performed to determine the heat loss of a structure in order to determine the size of the required heating equipment . INSTALLER CERTIFICATION: Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) approval given to those contractors authorized to install Manufactured Homes and designated by a state registration number. IRRIGATION SPRINKLER PLANS (UNDERGROUND) : A 22" X 34" plan drawn at the same scale as, or included on, the Generalized Utilities Plan(s) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indicating the following: A. Scale and north arrow, B. Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets, C. Meter location and size, and D. Proposed type, size, and location of sprinkler piping, sprinkler heads, and back flow prevention devices . LAND RECORD NUMBER: The City of Renton Technical Services Division' s filing number for the final survey document . LAND USE PERMIT CONDITIONS : Environmental or Land Use Permit requirement which may have been placed upon the project in addition to any code-mandated requirements in conjunction with a required Environmental Determination and/or a Land Use Permit . 27 lomi '` ORDINANCE NO. 4587 Examples of Land Use Permits include Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Variances . LANDSCAPING PLAN, CONCEPTUAL: A fully dimensioned plan drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division) , clearly indicating the following: A. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, B. Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, access and existing buildings to remain, C. Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, include easements, D. Existing and proposed contours at 5 ' intervals or less, E . Location and size of planting areas, F. Location and height for Proposed berming, and G. Location and elevations for any proposed landscape- related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing etc . , H. Location, size, spacing and names of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities . LANDSCAPING PLAN, DETAILED: A fully dimensioned plan drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division) , clearly indicating the following: A. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, B. Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, and access, and existing buildings to remain, C. Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, include easements, D. Existing and proposed contours at 5 ' intervals or less, E. Detailed grading plan, F. Location and dimensions of planting areas, G. Location and height for proposed berming, H. Locations, elevations, and details for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing etc . I . Location, size, and spacing of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities, 28 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 J. Names of existing and proposed vegetation, and K. Detailed planting plan (soil mix, planting depth and width, and bark mulch depth) . LIST OF CURRENT PROPERTY OWNERS : A listing of all current property owners and their mailing addresses and King County Assessor' s account numbers within three hundred feet (300 ' ) of the boundaries of the subject site as obtained from a Title Company or the King County Assessor' s Office . The list shall include a notarized statement from the applicant attesting that the ownership information provided is current and accurate . Current shall mean obtained within the past 30 days unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division) . LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT MAP : A drawing of the proposed lot line adjustment prepared by a licensed land surveyor complying with the requirements of section 9-12-7 of the Renton Municipal Code . A. Name of the proposed lot line adjustment (i .e . Smith/Larsen Lot Line Adjustment) , B. Space reserved for "City of Renton File Number" (large type) at top of first sheet, C. Space reserved for City of Renton "land record number" (small type) at bottom left of first sheet, D. Legal description for each of the existing parcels, E . New legal descriptions for each of the altered parcels, including section, township and range, F. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, G. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, and easements, H. Lots lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot, I . Lot numbers, J. "Old" lot line (s) and "new" lot line (s) clearly labeled and differentiated by line type and/or thickness, K. Addresses for each lot and new street names in accordance with the House Numbering Ordinance and the Street Grid Ordinance, L. Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements, description of any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee and if the grantee is the City, a statement of provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes must be shown*, 29 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 40' M. Coordinates per City surveying standards for permanent control monuments, N. Location of all interior permanent control monuments per City surveying standards, 0. Statement of equipment and procedures used per WAC 332- 130-100, P. Basis of bearing per WAC 332-130-150 1 .b. iii, Q. Date the existing monuments were visited per WAC 332- 103-050 1 . f . iv, R. Verification that permanent markers are set at corners of the proposed lots, S . Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, T. Location, dimensions and square footages of any existing structures to remain, U. Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, water courses) on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, V. Certification by a State of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes have been set, W. Notarized signatures of all property owners, X. Signature and date line (s) for the King County Assessor, Y. Signature and date line (s) for the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department . MAILING LABELS : Self-adhesive mailing labels including the name, mailing address, and King County Assessor' s account numbers (optional) for all property owners within three hundred (300 ' ) feet of the boundaries of the subject site . MAP OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS : A plan drawn at the same scale as, or combined with, the grading plan or topography map showing existing topographical or 5-foot contours or less, and structural and natural features . The plan shall include major trees, shrubs, large rocks, creeks and watersheds, buildings, roadways and trails . MASTER APPLICATION FORM: The standardized application form used for the majority of land use permit applications including, but not limited to the following: A. Owner, applicant, and contact person names, addresses and telephone numbers, B. Notarized signatures of all current property owners, 30 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 C. Name of the proposed project, D. Project/property address, E. King County Assessor' s tax account number, F. Existing and proposed land uses G. Existing and, if applicable, proposed comprehensive plan map designation, H. Existing and, if applicable, proposed zoning designation, I . Site area, J. Estimated project cost, K. Whether or not the project site contains any environmentally sensitive areas, and L. Property legal description. MECHANICAL PLANS : Plans as required per section 113 of the currently adopted Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) and section 1141 of the currently adopted Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) along with Statewide Amendments . MONUMENT CARD: A form provided by the City Technical Services Division and filled out by a surveyor providing information regarding a single monument, including the section, township and range, method of location, type of mark found or set, manner of re-establishment of the single monument (if applicable) , description, and a drawing showing the location of a single monument and indicating a reference point to that monument . NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP: A map, drawn at a scale of 1" =100 ' or 1" = 200 ' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) . The map shall show the location of the subject site relative to the property boundaries of the surrounding parcels within approximately one thousand (1, 000) feet or approximately two thousand five hundred (2 , 500) feet for properties over 5 acres and identifying the subject site with a darker perimeter line than that of surrounding properties . The map shall also show the : property' s lot lines, existing land uses, building outlines, City boundaries of the City of Renton (if applicable) , north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet) , graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. PARKING, LOT COVERAGE, LANDSCAPING ANALYSIS : A listing of the following infoLuiation (may also be included on the first sheet of the site plan) : 31 1410, ORDINANCE NO. 4587 41100 A. Total square footage of the site, B. Total square footage of existing area (s) of impervious surfacing, C. Total square footage of existing natural/undeveloped area, D. Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use, E. Total square footage of the footprints of all buildings, F. Percentage of lot covered by buildings or structures, G. Total pavement square footage both existing pavement to remain plus new pavement proposed to be installed, H. Square footage of any on site wetlands, I . Parking analysis to include the total number of parking spaces required and provided, number of compact and "ADA accessible" spaces provided, and parking space dimensions, J. Square footage of landscaping for each area, for interior parking lot landscaping, and total, K. Allowable and proposed building height, L. Building setbacks required by Code, and M. Proposed building setbacks . PLAN REDUCTIONS : 8 1/2" by 11" white, opaque reductions of full size plan sheets including elevations, landscape plans, conceptual utility plans, site plan, and neighborhood detail/vicinity map which will yield legible photocopies . PLAT CERTIFICATE: A document prepared by a title company indicating all parties with an interest in the property and listing all encumbrances . PLUMBING PLAN: Plans as required per section 30 .2 of the currently adopted Uniform Plumbing Code. (UPC) and Statewide Amendments . PRELIMINARY PLAT PLAN: A plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18 .43 .010, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40 ' on an 18" by 24" plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by Development Services Division Director) and including the information required by City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance : A. Name of the proposed preliminary plat (and space for the future City file number) , 32 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 B. Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners, C. Legal description of the property, D. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet, E . Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map as defined above) , F. Drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned, indicating the required yards (setbacks) with dashed lines, G. Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections, (including intersections opposite the subject property) , alleys and other rights of way, H. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations, I . Location and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures , existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, and easements, J. Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, and K. A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the Preliminary Plat Plan: 1 . Total area in acres of proposed preliminary plat, 2 . Proposed number of lots, 3 . Zoning of the subject site, 4 . Proposed square footage in each lot, and 5 . Percentage of land in streets . PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET: An 8 .5" X 11" sheet of paper listing the following information: A. Job address, B. Property owner' s name, C. King County Tax Assessor' s number, D. Legal description of property. PROJECT NARRATIVE : A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including the following: A. Project name, size and location of site, B. Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties, C. Current use of the site and any existing improvements, 33 Ime ORDINANCE NO. 4587 4000 D. Special site features (i .e. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes) , E . Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions, F. Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development (i . e . , height, square footage, lot coverage, parking, access, etc . ) , G. Proposed off site improvements (i .e . installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc . ) , H. Total estimated construction cost and estimated fair market value of the proposed project, I . Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed, J. Number, type and size of trees to be removed, K. Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City, and L. For shoreline applications only: 1 . name of adjacent water area or wetlands, 2 . nature of existing shoreline describe: . a. type of shoreline (i .e. lake, stream, lagoon, marsh, bog, floodplain, floodway) ; b. type of beach (i .e . accretion, erosion, high bank-low bank) ; c. type of material (i .e. sand, gravel , mud, clay rock, rip rap) ; and d. the extent and type of any bulkheading) , and 3 . the number and location of structures and/or residential units (existing and potential) which might have views obstructed as a result of the proposed project, and M. The proposed number, size, and density of the new lots, for subdivision applications only. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A complete, unabridged copy of the proposal (i .e . draft ordinance, resolution, plan or policy) and all attachments . PROPOSAL SUMMARY: A concise description of the scope, intent and timing of the proposal . PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL LETTER: Written confirmation from the Development Services Division Plan Review section that all required improvements have been substantially installed or deferred and authorizing the submittal of the final plat, final short plat, final binding site plan, or final PUD application. 34 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 REZONE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement and other information provided by the applicant to support the rezone which may include, but is not limited to: letters, photographs, site development plans, market research reports, and land use maps indicating in a clear and concise manner why the rezone application should be granted and that the rezone request is timely. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLANS : Plans prepared by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer as detailed by the document "City of Renton Drafting Standards" , unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor. SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the shoreline conditional use permit application and addressing the criteria listed in section 8 of the City Shoreline Master Program used by the hearing examiner in reviewing the permit request . SHORELINE VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the Shoreline Variance application and addressing the criteria listed in section 8 of the City Shoreline Master Program used by the hearing examiner when reviewing the variance request. SHORT PLAT MAP, PRELIMINARY: A fully dimensioned plan, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40 ' on an 18" by 24" plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by Development Services Division Director) and including the information required by the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance : A. Name of the proposed short plat (and space for the future City file number) , B. Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners, C. Legal description of the property, D. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet, E. Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map as defined above) , F. A drawing of the subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned, indicating the required yards (setbacks) with dashed lines, 35 16.0 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 100 J. Addresses for each lot and new street names in accordance with the House Numbering Ordinance and the Street Grid Ordinance, K. Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements and any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee . If the grantee is the City, a statement of provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes must be shown, L. Coordinates per City surveying standards for permanent control monuments, M. All interior permanent control monuments located per City surveying standards, N. Statement of equipment and procedures used per WAC 332- 130-100, 0. Basis of bearing per WAC 332-130-150 1 .b. iii, P. Date the existing monuments were visited per WAC 332- 103-050 l . f . iv, Q. Verification that permanent markers are set at corners of the proposed lots, R.Statement of discrepancies, if any, between bearings and distances of record and those measured or calculated, S . Location, dimensions and square footages of any existing structures to remain, T. Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, water courses) on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, U. Certification by a State of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes have been set, V. Certification by the King County Department of Health that the proposed septiuc system(s) is acceptable to serve the short plat, W. Notarized signatures of all property owners, X. Signature and date line (s) for King County Assessor, Y. Signature and date line (s) for City of Renton Finance & Information Systems Director with the following text preceding "There are no delinquent special assessments and any special assessments for any dedicated property herein contained have' been paid in full" , Z . Signature and date line (s) for the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, and for short plats of five or more lots, signature and date line (s) for the City of Renton hearing examiner. 37 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 ... G. Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections, (including intersections opposite the subject property) , alleys and other rights of way, H. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements , parks, open spaces and reservations, I . Location and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, and easements, J. Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, and K. A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the preliminary plat plan: 1 . Total area in acres of proposed short plat, 2 . Proposed number of lots, 3 . Zoning of the subject site, 4 .Proposed square footage in each lot, and 5 . Percentage of land in streets . SHORT PLAT MAP, FINAL: A plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18 .43 . 010, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40 ' on 18" by 24" plan sheet (s) (or other scale approved by Development Services Division Director) . The original shall be in black ink on stabilized drafting film and shall include the following information with sufficient detail to meet the requirements of the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance: A. Name and location of the short plat, B. Space reserved for "City of Renton file number" (large type) at top of first sheet, C. Space reserved for City of Renton "land record number" (small type) at bottom left of first sheet, D. Legal description of the property, E. Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, F. Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map as defined above) , G. Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys , easements, parks, open spaces and reservations, H. Lot lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot, I .Lot numbers , 36 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 Vie SIGN PLANS : A 24" x 36" plan (or other size plan approved by the Building Official) , drawn to scale, clearly indicating the following: A. Footing, connections to building, size of supports and materials used in supports and sign itself, B. Elevation showing size and heights of any proposed freestanding or projecting signs - clearly indicate ground clearance and clearance to overhead power lines, and C. Elevation of building facade for any proposed wall signs showing dimensions of the building as well as existing and propsed wall signs . SITE PLAN, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTI-FAMILY: A 24" X 36" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed architect at a scale of 1" = 20 ' or 1" = 40 ' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: A. Scale and north arrow, B. Legal description, C. Location, identification, and dimensions of all buildings, property lines, setbacks, streets, alleys and easements, D. Condition of all public right-of-ways and verification of right to use easements, E. Off-street parking layouts and driveways, F. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, stoLtu drainage, meters (domestic and fire) , and grease interceptors, G. Grading plan showing proposed and existing contours and site elevations, H. Landscaped areas, irrigation meter; I. Lighting and sign structures (new and existing) , J. Location of garbage containers and recycling storage, K. Fire hydrant locations (new and existing) within 300 feet of building, L. General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet) : 1 . Full name of the project, 2 . Name, address, and telephone number of owner and agent (s) , 3 . Existing zoning of the project site, 4 . Area, in square feet of the project site, 38 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 5 . Reference to the current building code (i .e . UBC and date of current adopted version) , 6 . Proposed use of each building (if multi-family, the number of dwelling units) , 7 . UBC occupancy group designation, 8 . UBC type of construction of all buildings, 9 Height and number of stories of new buildings, 10 . Area of each building in square feet, 11 . Allowable area calculation, 12 . Occupancy load (maximum capacity) of each building, 13 . Seismic zone of the project site (i . e . Zone 3 ) , 14 . Floor, roof, and wind design loads, and 15 . Identity of special inspection agency selected by the owner to perform special inspections . SITE PLAN, LAND USE REVIEW: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1" = 20 ' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating the following: A. Name of proposed project, B. Date, scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet, C. Drawing of the subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of adjacent streets, D. Widths of all adjacent streets and alleys, E . The location of all existing public improvements including, but not limited to, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc . , along the full property frontage, F. Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, driveways, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, easements, refuse and recycling areas, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, , storage areas, buffer areas, open spaces, and landscaped areas, G. The location and dimensions of natural features such as streams, lakes, marshes and wetlands, H. Ordinary high water mark, existing and proposed, if applicable, I . A legend listing the following must be included on one of the site plan sheets : 1 . Total square footage of the site, 39 err" ORDINANCE NO. 4587 2 . Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use, 3 . Total square footage of all buildings (footprint of each building) , 4 . Percentage of lot coverage, 5 . Parking analysis including the total number of parking spaces required and provided, number of compact spaces provided, and parking space dimensions, 6 . Square footage of interior parking lot landscaping, 7 . Square footage of all other landscaping, 8 . Allowable and proposed building height, 9 . Building setbacks required by code, and 10 . Proposed building setbacks . SITE PLAN, SHORELINE: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1" = 20 ' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating the information requested by the "Site Plan, Land Use" with the following additional information: A. Ordinary high water mark, existing and proposed, B. Name of water body. SITE PLAN, SIGN: A 24" X 36" plan drawn at a scale of 1" _ 20 ' or 1" = 40 ' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: A. Scale and north arrow, B. Location, identification and dimensions of all buildings, property lines, existing and proposed signs, streets, alleys and easements, and the setbacks from property lines and easements, C. Location and dimensions of Off-street parking layouts and driveways, D. Location and dimensions of the landscaped areas, E. General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet) 1 . Note if any proposed signage will flash or be animated, 2 . Name, address and telephone number of owner and agent (s) , 3 . Zoning of the project site, 40 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 .... 4 . Street frontage/s (in feet) for the site or, for multiple tenants building, indicate frontage of individual tenant space, 5 . Type (e . g. freestanding, wall, etc . ) , size and number all existing signs, 6 . Type, size and number of all proposed signs, 7 . Reference to the current Uniform Sign Code (USC and year of current adopted version) , and 8 . Wind design loads . SITE PLAN, SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX: An 8 . 5" by 11" plan drawn at a scale of 1" to 20 ' or 1" to 40 ' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: A. Legal description, B. Explanation of scope of work, C. Existing and proposed construction labeled and differentiated by pattern or line type, D. Dimensions of all property lines and all building setbacks to property lines, E. Dimensions and labels for all streets, alleys, and/or easements, F. Lot size in square feet, G. Location and footprint size in square feet of all existing and proposed structures on property including decks, carports, storage sheds, and garages, H. Location and dimensions of approaches, driveways and public sidewalks, I . Elevation at property corners and contour lines at two (2) foot height intervals, showing proximity to steep slopes, J. Finished floor elevation for properties located within a flood zone, K. The location, height and length of retaining walls, rockeries, etc . , L. Location and distance in feet of nearest fire hydrant to structure, and M. Location of any pool/spa and setback dimensions to property lines and the location of the required six- foot (6 ' ) fence . SPECIAL INSPECTION: A building inspection as required by the current adopted version of the Uniform Building Code (UBC) . 41 two Atiorif ORDINANCE NO. 4587 STREET LIGHTING PLAN: Drawings showing the proposed lighting system, including luminaires, junction boxes, electric wiring, and wiring diagrams using the same scale as the utility plans (or as approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) and conforming to the City of Renton Drafting Standards and the City of Renton Street Light Standards . STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS : An analysis of loads, materials, etc. prepared and stamped by a State of Washington licensed professional engineer. STRUCTURAL PLANS : 24" X 36" plans prepared and stamped by a State of Washington licensed professional engineer drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1 ' or 1/4" = 1 ' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19 .27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments) , including, but not limited to, the following: A. Structural members labeled as to size and spacing as well as bracing, blocking, bridging, special connectors, and anchor bolts, B. Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction; insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, and C. Details of stairs, fireplaces and special construction, if any. TREE CUTTING/LAND CLEARING (TREE INVENTORY) PLAN: A plan, based on finished grade, drawn to scale with the northern property line at the top of the paper clearly showing the following: A. All property boundaries and adjacent streets, B. Location of all areas proposed to be cleared, C. Types and sizes of vegetation to be removed, altered or retained. This requirement applies only to trees, 6" caliper "at chest level" and larger, D. Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/overlap a construction line, and E. Location and dimensions of rights of way, utility lines, and easements . 42 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 �..► TOPOGRAPHY MAP: A map showing the existing land contours using five foot (5 ' ) intervals at vertical intervals of not more than five feet (5 ' ) . For any existing buildings the map shall show the finished floor elevations of each floor of the building TRAFFIC STUDY: A report prepared by a State of Washington licensed engineer containing the elements and information identified in the City of Renton "Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis of New Development" in sufficient detail to define potential problems related to the proposed development and identify the improvements necessary to accommodate the development in a safe and efficient manner . UTILITIES PLAN, GENERALIZED) : A plan drawn on 22" X 34" plan sheets using a graphic scale of 1" = 20 ' or 1" = 40 ' (or other scale or size approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly showing all existing (to remain) and proposed public or private improvements to be dedicated or sold to the public including, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median .islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, refuse areas, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc . , along the full property frontage . The finished floor elevations for each floor of proposed and existing (to remain) structures shall be shown. UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION PLANS : Plans prepared by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer as stipulated by the document "City of Renton Drafting Standards . " VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed in section 4-31-19 . F . 3 of the Renton Municipal Code used by the hearing examiner/Board of Adjustment when reviewing the Variance request . WSEC TRADEOFF FORM: Manual or Wattsun calculations perfoLmed to show compliance with Chapter 5 of the current adopted version of the Washington State Residential Energy Code requirements . WETLAND REPORT/DELINEATION: An analysis of the type and extent of wetlands prepared by a wetland specialist based upon a field investigation using the procedures found in the 1987 Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation Federal 43 tft +'" ORDINANCE NO. 4587 Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands or later adopted identification and delineation methodology. 4-36-6 : REVIEW AUTHORITY The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including many different elected and appointed boards and City staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies is set forth below: A. PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE The Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator or his or her designee shall review and act on the following: 1 . Aquifer protection regulation waivers and modifications, 2 . Building and grading permits, 3 . Conditional approval permits for nonconforming structures, 4 . Conditional use permit, administrative, 5 . Development permit - special flood hazard, 6 . Lot line adjustments, 7 . Master site plan review (individual phases) , 8 . Minor modification to previously approved site plan, 9 . Modifications of storm drainage requirements, 10 . Modifications/waivers of sewer code requirements, 11 . Public art exemption certificate, 12 . Review of business licenses for home occupations, 13 . Routine vegetation management permits, 14 . Shoreline exemptions, 15 . Shoreline permits, 16 . Short plats - 4 or less, 17 . Site plan approval, administrative, 18 . Temporary emergency wetland permits, 19 . Temporary use permits, 20 . Waivers of parking standards, 21 . Wetland variances B. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS The Board of Public Works shall review and act on the following: 1 . Waivers and deferrals of on and off-site improvements, 44 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 2 . Revocable permits for the temporary use of public right of way, 3 . Sewer alternates, modifications, and appeals pursuant to Title 8, 4 . Variances from the noise level regulations in Title 8 . C. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE The Environmental Review Committee shall review and act on the following : 1 . Threshold determinations for environmental checklists, 2 . Determinations regarding whether an optional public hearing is needed for a site plan review application. D. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The Board of Adjustment shall review and act on the following: 1 . Variances not associated with a development permit that requires review by the hearing examiner, 2 . Building permits submitted in conjunction with the above . E . HEARING EXAMINER The hearing examiner shall review and act on the following: 1 . Appeals of administrative decisions/determinations and ERC decisions, 2 . Bulk storage special permit, 3 . Conditional approval permit for nonconforming uses, 4 . Conditional use permit, 5 . Fill and grade permit, special, 6 . Master site plan review (overall plan) , 7 . Mobile home parks, preliminary and final, 8 . Shoreline conditional use permit, 9 . Shoreline variance, 10 . Short plats - 5-9 lots , 11 . Site plan review, 12 . Special permits, 13 . Variances associated with a development permit that requires review by the hearing examiner, 14 . Wetland variances - (involving category 1 or 2 wetlands) , 45 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 15 . Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above . F. CITY COUNCIL The City Council shall review and act on the following: 1 . Annexations, 2 . Appeals of hearing examiner decisions, 3 . Comprehensive plan map or text amendment, 4 . Dedications of property for public purposes, 4 . Development regulations text amendment, 5 . Final plats, 6 . Preliminary plats, 7 . Planned unit developments, preliminary and final, 8 . Release of easements 9 . Rezones with associated comprehensive plan amendment, 10 . Rezones with associated comprehensive plan map or text amendment, 11 . Street vacations, 12 . Zoning code amendments . 4-36-7 : REVIEW PROCEDURES The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures and time requirements for the various development applications reviewed by the City of Renton. All development applications are classified and processed according to one of eight types of permit procedures, as identified in section 4-36-2 . A. CONSOLIDATED REVIEW PROCESS : An applicant may elect to have the review and decision process for required permits consolidated into a single review process: Consolidated review shall provide for only one open record hearing and no more than one closed record appeal period. An appeal of an environmental DeteLmination of Significance (DS) is exempt from limits on the number of appeals . Where hearings are required for permits from other local, state, regional, or federal agencies, the City of Renton will cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the outside agencies to hold a single joint hearing. A flowchart showing the timeline for processing a combined land use, environmental, and building permit application is included in section 4-37-7 . F. 46 • ORDINANCE NO. 4587 B: MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATIONS : Where more than one land use permit application is required for a given development, an applicant may file all related permit applications concurrently, pay appropriate fees, and the processing may be conducted under the consolidated review process . Where required permits are subject to different types of permit review procedures, then all the applications are subject to the highest-number procedure, as identified in section 4-36-2 , and highest level of review authority, as identified in section 4-36-6 , that applies to any of the applications, unless a waiver of submittal requirements is granted. C: PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting prior to formal submittal of a development application is recommended but not required unless a waiver of submittal requirement is requested. The purposes of a pre-application meeting are: 1. To acquaint an applicant with the requirements of the City' s development regulations and other applicable laws . The meeting is not intended to provide an exhaustive review of all potential issues . Pre- application review does not prevent or limit the City from applying all relevant laws at the time of application submittal . 2 . To provide an opportunity for City staff to be acquainted with a proposed application prior to review of a formal application. a. Pre-application meeting submittal requirements are available through the City of Renton Development Services Division. b. An applicant may submit a written request for a waiver from formal application submittal requirements under section 4-36-4 which may be considered during a pre-application meeting. D: LETTER OF COMPLETENESS : 1 . Within 28 days after receipt of an application, the Development Services Division shall provide a written determination that the application is deemed complete or incomplete according to the submittal requirements as listed in section 4-36-4, and any site-specific 47 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 information identified after a site visit . In the absence of a written determination, the application shall be deemed complete. 2 . If an application is determined incomplete, the necessary materials for completion shall be specified in writing to the contact person and property owner. Within 14 days of submittal of the information specified as necessary to complete an application, the applicant will be notified whether the application is complete or what additional information is necessary. 3 . A written determination of completeness does not preclude the Development Services Division from requesting supplemental information or studies, if new information is required to complete review of an application or if significant changes in the permit application are proposed. The Development Services Division may set deadlines for the submittal of supplemental information. E: LAND USE PERMIT TYPE PROCEDURES : Table 4 lists the development applications and explains the basic steps in the review process . The table also outlines the responsible review authority associated with making recommendations, conducting open record public hearings, open record appeals, the responsible official for the permit decision, and appeal bodies . F: LAND USE PERMIT TYPE TIMELINES : The following flowcharts, Tables 5-15, indicate timelines for each of the eight land use permit types, as discussed in section 4-36-7 . E . The timelines include the statutory requirements of the Act which require the issuance of a letter of completeness within 28 days of the application submittal, an open record hearing within 90 days of receipt of a complete application, and final decisions on permits with 120 days of receipt of a complete application. In addition, there is a generalized flowchart for the Consolidated Review Process . 48 l[�JBLE "� ' U_ �� < � Q ± �� � �� o � m 0 LU ��� �� � � Z � W oc m PERMITS W a. =~ ~_ � LAND USE �� � TYPE ' - Bui|diml and Grading Permits' No No No Staff HE CC GC Business Licenses for Home Occupations (No oustonnorvioits/de|ivohes) No No No Staff HE C<� Sc_ Ooh»no|s No No No Staff HE CC Sc Lot Line Adjustments No No No Staff HE CO Sc Minor Modification to Previously Approved Site Plan (<1D%) No No No Staff HE CC Sc Modifications, Deviations, Alternates of various Code stand ynd"o No No No Staff HE CC Sc Public Art Exemption Certificate No No No _ Staff HE CC Sc Routine Vegetation Management Permits (SEPA Exempt) No No No Staff HE CC Sc Shoreline Exemptions No No No Staff HE CC Sc Special Fence Permits No No No Staff HE ' CC Sc VVaivors2 No No No Staff HE CC Sc TYPEU Business Licenses for Home Occupations (With customer visito/daUvehno\ Yes No No Staff HE CC � Sc Conditional Approval Permit (Non-Conforming Structures) Yes No No Staff HE CO Sc Short Plats'4 Lots or Less (SEPAExempt) Yes No No Staff HE CC Sc Site Plan Review (*dnninistnutivo) for ' Yes No Secondary Uses (GEPAexempt) No Staff HE CC Sc _ Temporary Use Permits (SEPAexempt) Yes-o No No Staff HE CC Sc Temporary Emergency Wetland Permit Yes No No Staff HE CC Sc TYPE U|° Binding Site Plans Yea No No Staff_ HE [C Sc _ Conditional Use Permit (administrative) Yen No No Staff HE CC Sc Development Permit (Special Flood Hazard) Yes No No Staff HE CC Sc Environmental Review Yes No No ERC HE CC Sc Master Site Plan Approval (Individual Phases) Yes No No Staff HE CC 8[| Site Plan Review (adrnini3tratiYe) with Environmental Review Yes No No Staff HE CC Sc _ Shoreline Permit ywo No No Staff DOE CC Sc 49 . �~ mL < < 0 0 m P R � � 0 ~ � � � � � � � 0 Of o m [AND USE PERMITS =z m IL Lb cL _J � o' W O 0 0 0 � Short Plats-4 Lots nr Less, with Environmental Review Yes No No Staff HE CC Sc Temporary Use Permits(subieottoGEPA) ^ ` Yes No No Staff HE cc Sc Building Permits submitted in conjunction vvith ,any of the above Yes No No Staff HE cc Sc TYPEI»4 Variances, Board ofAdustment5 ' (and Building Permits submitted in conjunction with above) Yes N/\ BOA BOA_ Sc TYPE . Conditional Approval Permit - (Non'ConhonninDUnos) Yes Staff HE HE CC 8O TYPEVl* Bulk Storage Special Permit Yes Staff HE HE CC Sc - Conditional Use Permit (Hearing Examiner) Yes StaffHE ' HE CC Sc Fill and Grade Permit, Special Yes Stuff HE HE CO Sc Master Site Plan Approval (Overall Plan) Yes Staff HE HE CC 8c Mobile Home Perks. Preliminary and Final Yes Staff HE HE CC Sc Shoreline Conditional Use p*nn»« DOE. ' Yes Staff HE HE 8HB Shom|inoVahanoe« DDE, Yea Staff HE HE GHB Short Plats-6to Q Lots Yes Staff HE HE CO Site Plan Review(Hearing Examiner)with Environmental Review Yes Staff HE HE CC Special Permits Yen Staff HE ' HE CC Variances (associated with Hearing Examiner ' land use review) Yea Staff HE HE Cc ' Building Permits submitted inco 'un:itoOvvith any nf the above Yes Staff HE HE cc - ' 50 ' . . . TABLE4 CL m � O � � < 0Ld .- � � � W � o W 0 � m PERMITS W � Li a. � LAND USE ��� � ' � TYPE \�. Preliminary Plats' 10 Lots orMore Staff, Yes HE HE CC SC Planned Unit Developments, (Preliminary and Staff, Final) ��a HE HE CC Sc Raaonoo. (Site-apocific, not associated with a Staff, Comprehensive Plan Amendment) Yes HE HE CC GC Building Permits submitted inco 'uncitonwitk Staff, any of the above Yes HE HE CC @C| TYPEV1|14 Final Plats No Staff NA CC SC 8tnoatVaoeUo=8 Yen Staff CC CC SC TYPE |}4 Development Regulation Text Amendment Yes Staff CC CC GC TYPEX*� Comprehensive Plan Map orText GtofT. PC, Amendments Yes PC CC CO SC _ Rezones with associated Comprehensive Plan Staff, PC, Map or Text Amendments Yes PC CC CC SC Zoning Code Text Amendments Staff, PC, Yes PC CC CC 3C ' 51 TABLE 4 LEGEND: Staff- Planning/Building/Public Works Division Staff ERC- Environmental Review Committee PC- Planning Commission BOA- Board of Adjustment HE- Hearing Examiner CC- City Council DOE-WA State Department of Ecology SC- Superior Court SHB- Shoreline Hearings Board NA- Not Applicable FOOTNOTES: 1 SEPA exempt or for which the SEPA/land use permit process has been completed. 2 Administratively approved. 3 In lieu of the public notice requirements of Section 4-36-8, public notice of a SEPA exempt temporary use permit shall consist of the on-site installation of a 24"X 30"sign meeting the requirements of Section 4-31-19. At the discretion of the Administrator, additional notice may be required. 4 Environmental Review may be associated with Land Use Permits. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is responsible for environmental determinations. 5 Board of Adjustment shall hear variances where not associated with a development that requires review by the Hearing Examiner. 6 Shoreline Conditional Use Permits and Shoreline Variances also require approval of the State Department of Ecology (DOE). DOE has up to 30 days to make a decision on a permit. This time period does not count toward the 120 day maximum time limit for permit decisions. DOE's decision is followed by a 21 day appeal period, during which. time no Building Permit for the project may be issued. 7 An Open Record Appeal of an Environmental Threshold Determination must be held concurrent with an Open Record Public Hearing. 8 Street vacations are exempt from the 120 day permit processing time limit. • 52 ' TABLE 5 :::.. v::.Y}ijiiiy::•:S•:Jrr'?.:.;::•:r:?: :i iii:::r:^}:.rrr:vr::.•....,, .. .a......... ................... ��{{..:: :.::::.:...gin•:::::. CONSO DATED REVIEW PRO ESS ::::.rrr::`Sr:::::..:::::::.:>•..::.:::: .:..::;:••:r.;.:>:.:.:.r::.:;•.:•r•.r;rrr:!•r::�:...:;rr••;2.r::•;f::•r:.r:.::�:.rrr••rrf::::<.�:.«:.:::.>::•r:.::.r::.>::.>:<.rr:...;;r::.;.::�.:.';•i;;':.;:r:.>:.>:r:.r >: For Combined Lind Use Enylronrzlentat and.(optional) Ba►id►rtg .::::::::::::::::::.mn.:::......:..:.rn.r:.;•.rr:.:.::P . tart. Submit Land Use Application and SEPA Checklist co C b coi co Determination of Technically Complete Application Max 14 days, Sec. 408(2)and 415(2) Public Notice of Application 14 day Public Comment Period[14-30 calendar days, Sec 415 (2e)] Public Hearing Notice and/or SEPA Determination published, Consolidated Staff Report Issued 0 10 U Min. 15 calendar days until public hearing, Sec 415(6b) b 10 ac E R U O N_ 14 E Open Record Public Hearing Open Record Appeal Hearing of SEPA Determination, if applicable Max. 10 working days, Sec 424(3) Written Decision Issued Notice of Decision Deadline for Appeal of Land Use and Building Permit Decisions U N N V U Q) Cy T 19 Closed Record Appeal Hearing Notice 10 Closed Record Appeal Hearing • 53 c o y o 0 Ci' P r u co co b w o 2 a . ° y c• CD 0 - " Ny a m < E. c y to 0 o '- yr Cl) o.> xtc a: O o0y0* yo - Ctl c nB v, o " ' oas CDa E � x �y R'• a� .-I 0 n rr r CD 0 � n b .. • b z! r- N c oF. �'o 0 0 O o b nya o " = o, UM o - Pn'a $ b s^ a o P e p C vCD Oi. � ti r-t- y•A�, , gv y r /_ 1 p. r V „ C 1 rO y cn , ( a y 0D t� .. O 0 0.,o '-d 0 . cD n C7 v) CD y 0 •-..• .n. ►--, O 0 sa. n A b cP -. in ril 0 .v C o..0 p 54 7 '+r.- rr' C': b o ■ ■ ■ ■ li Q ..., 0 O N (7i tom'' O. `O 'b O• }..4 O 'b 2 F-.1 ✓ a C <0 ° 0 CA ,p C) n -P. y N O N p 6ao oa o G ry) 0 a O '. n .Ct9 n '7 O . 'ICI �j 0-n ti 0 O-o ►-, . N '16 8 `C 0 C (', [n O ft F ►� ) (,�c y N CDy CD ›. )--, o ,,. O y b a r Enb cn p t7 b �. . e � � `° � y cN: V) is O N N 6. 7 E ti cn ' -S .� Cn 0 n •¢p. 1'> O0 t ba P.. . 55 y E .p 0, N -• MMMMM Nue ■ ■ ■ H111/ l7 o 2 P. O O CD �,,, < ,� ~• C'J cr'�. O _ Cn `� N b O K "r-p) y b lJ co � ti y 0 i �. ta.a. P � p cm 5 a a'-a c a o O Cr y N a n'.a ° P- pi EL n G .. N. O O 1 p Uip r' r'Y- .A a o to "0cT . = c' ^. << ul 0 o. ,P CA p° a rn y ►� o C ,, '0 o Oo t o• gb R. � O ... O t:f .i, to PL. H til 0 . �. ` 1 wp CD oC a AD A d � h ' 3 d . CD O n. C E. ra. O O c P ►"t ` ti C �CD1 w CAD a o o a o b t' R o O. a O 0. n y. t• a ° = �c. Q . C g_. G O CA G O y• O O G -P tri 5 ko .� 0. < P y r, pw a a o 0 ii. A CY O `t G A. 56 < G'C 'C C7 G , e 01 P_ r ro °O � 0 C n N h H `3 o • i N D o a ( o n O '6 o g < O "C.;—' - ?-I-)cr t< a �' - °� o0 M a c 0• n CA ▪ N = rl p .emu-- Cr Cl) n' �' n Eo aKZ o tiP � o et- Q • aN • ° P '< n t.:-.; c:, r: 0. t d TD o '- N N ZS no }� `Y • 1 E � or O y o P K )....1 a+ gli r V '.. r-. 0 P 0 N CD o O'O Z r-. 5 Cl) d0• O f/1 0 N• -P-t CD p Q- P. II "0 a b ft o9. 00 En C Pr h0'0 a' 0 i 57 -I *iorf 1-3 tr. a -o n n ►� 0-`� o CD Q o a: E o' • w o I a o• o 1-'►3 r4 - ° ram-'. ° - '� �_ 0 CD — o E '-h n � E .+, CD a.. o A� •P 5 z ►1 y 0 �' P a. o cr Y 0 t� z cps N ~. - 0 V/ ao N CD •• a. o I CD "' n o 3 v.. m P. w r O a o _ Z A. O' O 0 x n rr f� _FS 0- 0 0 •t C.4 O in n n ~~ O 'o N C • P o �0 -',, 0 o ' as CD o x � pa �• o .- N R. N 0 P d . cra 0. N 01 N b - 0.. CD 58 .•-j to .A. t.I N • ■ • • it • IN • -t 'Ti a O 00 .10 - n t i y, c.. a; UN tn t; ,.• n ul n•; w • N C4 = O• y 0 p. 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',7. 7 R 63 44110 'rrr0 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 G: TIME FRAME FOR FINAL DECISION: Final decisions on all permits and reviews subject to the procedures of this chapter shall occur within 120 days from the date an application is deemed complete, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period. If a project application is substantially revised by an applicant, the 120 day time period shall start again after the revised project application is determined to be complete. Development applications which are specifically exempted under section 4-36-3 are not subject to this time frame . H: EXCLUSIONS FROM 120 DAY TIME LIMIT: In determining the number of days which have elapsed since the applicant was notified that the application is complete, the following periods shall be excluded: 1 . The time period in which an applicant has been requested by the Development Services Division to correct plans, perform required studies, or provide additional information. The period shall be calculated from the date the Development Services Division notifies the applicant of the need for additional information until a) the date the Division determines the additional information satisfies the request for information, or b) fourteen days after the date acceptable information has been provided to the City, whichever is earlier. If the Division determines that the information submitted is insufficient, it shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies . 2 . A period of 250 days for the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) , following a Determination of Significance. This time frame shall commence after the final scoping of the DEIS is complete . 3 . Any time extension mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the Development Services Division. I : APPEALS : Table 4, Land Use Permit Procedures, lists the development permits reviewed by the City and the review authority responsible for open record appeals, closed record appeals and judicial appeals . The City has consolidated the permit process to allow for only one open record appeal of all permit decisions associated with a single development application. 64 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 ,,,,,,; 4-36-8 : PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS A: APPLICABILITY: A Notice of Application is not required for actions which are classified as a Type 1 land use procedure under section 4-36-2 and for actions specifically exempted under section 4-36-3, but is required for all land development permit applications subject to notice requirements . B: NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 1 . Within 14 days of issuing a letter of completeness under section 4-36-6 , the City shall issue a notice of development application. The notice shall, at minimum, include the following: a. Applicant and/or owner name, b. Project name and City file number, c . Date of application acceptance, d. Project location, e . Project description, f . A listing of all permits/approvals requested, g. The date the 14 day public comment period expires, h. The following, or equivalent, statements : "In order to receive additional information regarding this particular project, you will need to contact the City' s Development Services Division and request to be made a party of record" and "In order to become a party of record or to obtain further infotulation regarding this project, please contact the City of Renton Development Services Division at 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055 , (206) 235-2550" , i . The date, time, and place of a public hearing if one has been scheduled. 2 . Three notices of development application shall be posted on or near the subject property and mailed to property owners within 300 feet of the boundaries of the subject property. C: NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS Notice of administrative decisions, including threshold environmental determinations, shall be made to all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies . 65 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 *10 Notification of administrative decision: The Development Services Division shall notify all parties of record, the project proponent and affected government agencies of any administrative decision subject to notice . Notification must be made by mail, however, the Development Services Division may also elect to post the notice of administrative decision at or near the project site . The notice shall include : 1 . A description of the decision(s) , including any conditions of approval . 2 . A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3 . Any threshold environmental determination issued for the project . If an application subject to an administrative approval requires an environmental threshold determination, the notice of administrative approval shall include the threshold determination and its appeal process . 4 . The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to the hearing examiner is filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the date of the decision. D: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of a public hearing for all development applications subject to notification requirements and all open record appeals shall be given as follows : 1 . Time of notices : Except as otherwise required, public notification of meetings, hearings, and pending actions shall be made by: a. Publication at least 10 days before the date of a public meeting, hearing, or pending action in the official newspaper if one has been designated or a newspaper of general circulation in the City, b. Mailing at least 10 days before the date of a public meeting, hearing, or pending action to all parties of record, the project proponent and affected government agencies, and c . Posting of three notices at least 10 days before the meeting, hearing, or pending action at or near the project site . 66 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 2 . Content of notice : The public notice shall include a general description of the proposed project, the action to be taken, a non-legal description of the property or a vicinity map or sketch, the time, date and place of the public hearing, where further information may be obtained, and the following, or equivalent, statement : "If the hearing on a pending action cannot be completed on the date set in the public notice, the meeting or hearing may be continued to a date certain and no further notice under this section is required. " E : NOTICE OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION Notice of hearing examiner decisions subject to notice requirements shall be made by the hearing examiner' s office to all parties of record, project proponent, the Development Services Division, and affected government agencies . Notification shall be made by mail and must include : 1 . A description of the decision(s) , including any conditions of approval . 2 . A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3 . Any Threshold Environmental Determination issued its appeal process . 4 . The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to the City Council is filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the date of the decision. F: NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL DECISION Notice of City Council decisions subject to notice requirements shall be made by the City Clerk' s Office to all parties of record, project proponent, the Development Services Division, and affected government agencies . Notification shall be made by mail and must include 1 . A description of the decision (s) , including any conditions of approval . 2 . A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3 . Any threshold environmental determination issued and its appeal process . 67 ORDINANCE NO. 4587 4 . The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless the appropriate land use appeal , writ of review or appeal from the decision of the City Council is filed with the Superior Court within 14 days of the date of the decision. SECTION III . This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval , and five (5) days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 18th day of March , 1996 . Marilyn J. tersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 18th day of March , 1996 . J sse Tanner, Mayor Approved as to legal form: Ctit,,�UP Lawrence J. Warre City Attorney Date of Publication: March 22, 1996 ORD.560-3/15/96-as . • 68 March 18, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 104 Rezone: Jones Park, Wells An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 1.07 acres located Ave S, from P-1 to between Wells and Mill Avenues S. just south of the Cedar River (Jones Park) RM-U from P-1 (Public Use) to RM-U (Residential Multi-family Urban Center), File No. R-95-112. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/96. CARRIED. Rezone: NARCO Site, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 44.64 acres 1500 Houser Way N, from located at 1500 Houser Way N. (NARCO site) from P-1 (Public Use) to RC P-i to RC (Resource Conservation), File No. R-95-126. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/96. CARRIED. CAG: 96-, City of An ordinance was read granting unto the City of Tukwila the right and Tukwila Franchise for franchise to use and occupy the streets, avenues, roads and other public Storm Drainage rights-of-way of the City of Renton for constructing, maintaining, repairing, Interceptor in SW 16th St renewing and operating a storm drainage interceptor, principally along SW 16th St. as more particularly described in the franchise agreement. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/96. CARRIED. The following ordinance and summary ordinance were presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Planning: Regulatory , An ordinance and summary ordinance were read amending Title IV (Building Reform, HB 1724 Regulations) of City Code by adding definitions to section 4-31-2 of Chapter 31, Zoning Code, and by adding Chapter 36 entitled "Renton Regulatory Reform Ordinance." MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER , SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADVANCE THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING. CARRIED. Ordinance #4587 Following second and final reading of the aforementioned ordinance and Planning: Regulatory summary ordinance, it was MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED Reform, HB 1724 BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AND SUMMARY ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Edwards reported on the National League of Cities Conference in Council: NLC Conference Washington, D.C. which he attended last week. He advised that emergency funding for the Cedar River dredging project is being pursued by our Congressional delegation. Regarding ISTEA funding for the Houser Way project, he confirmed that there could be a funding shortfall due to reallocation of the funds by Congress. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:47 p.m. 40 i� // MARILY TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Michele Neumann 3/18/96 March 18. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 103 planning & Development Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Committee report regarding HB-1724 Code amendments. The Committee reviewed the Planning: Regulatory proposed regulatory reform ordinance, and the Council conducted a public Reform, HB 1724 hearing on March 11, 1996. To gain compliance with the State HB-1724 mandate and to meet the State-imposed April 1, 1996 deadline, the Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed ordinance. The new ordinance generally codifies existing policies and procedures currently in place. The Committee will review additional related housekeeping items for future adoption and will accept comments from the public regarding suggested Code revisions. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading to meet the imposed deadline. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 104 for ordinance.) ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3174 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 96-, SW 16th St interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of (Oakesdale to Lind) Transportation (WSDOT) for funding of the design and construction of Stage 1 Project, WSDOT Funding (Oakesdale Ave. SW to Raymond Ave. SW) of the SW 16th St. project - Oakesdale Ave. SW to Lind Ave. SW. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3175 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 96-, Burnett Transit interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Way Project, WSDOT Transportation (WSDOT) for funding of the design for the Burnett Transit Funding Way project, SR-515 to SR-900. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3176 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an CAG: 92-122, May Creek interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Bridge Replacement (Lk Transportation (WSDOT) for construction of May Creek Bridge located on Wash Blvd), WSDOT Lake Washington Boulevard. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY Funding KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 3/25/96 for second and final reading: Rezone: Cedar River Park, An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of approximately 1715 Maple Valley Hwy, 23.07 acres located at 1715 Maple Valley Highway (Cedar River Park) from from P-1 to COR P-1 (Public Use) to COR (Center Office Residential), File No. R-95-125. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/96. CARRIED. Rezone: Heather Downs An ordinance was read changing the zoning classification of 4.37 acres located Park, NE 3rd Ct/Union south of NE 3rd St. and west of Union Ave. SE (Heather Downs Park), from Ave NE, from P-I to P-1 (Public Use) to R-10 (Residential/Up to Ten Units per Acre), File No. R-10 R-95-100. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 3/25/96. CARRIED. CHANGES TO REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE RESULTING FROM PUBLIC HEARING • AND STAFF COMMENTS 3-18-96 The Council Planning and Development Committee reviewed the draft regulatory reform proposal and requested that no changes, other than those mandated by the new State law, be made at this time to existing City regulations or procedures. The Committee felt that additional time and consideration should be given to several suggested policy/procedural changes proposed at the public hearing and in subsequent written correspondence. Further housekeeping changes will still need to be made to City development regulations to make them consistent with the new regulatory reform ordinance. The Committee felt that any public suggestions which would result in changes to the current procedures should be evaluated at that time. The following changes, which did not involve modifications to the City's current procedures were made to the draft ordinance at the request of the public. The first page number listed for each item below is the page number appearing on last week's draft document. Immediately following this number is the correlating page number for tonight's draft ordinance so you may compare the differences: Changes to clarify intent: Page 5 (now page 7), "Permits to stop City water and/or sewer service" has replaced the term "service kills" for easier comprehension. a 24"by 30"sign meeting the requirements of Section 4-31-19. At the discretion of the Administrator, additional notice may be required." Page 34 (now page 50, Table 4, Type III) Added "Temporary Use Permits (Subject to SEPA) as a Type III permit. This will clarify that these larger scale temporary use permits, which are subject to SEPA review, would have the normal notice requirements as stated in new Section 4-36-8 (i.e. initial mail out to owners within 300 feet, three additional small posters, publication, etc.) Page 6 (now page 8) Temporary Use Permits (SEPA exempt) are still listed as exempt from the 1724-mandated processing procedures and public notice requirements. This will save the City from providing notice on the smaller, lower impact temporary uses such as construction trailers. But in order to clarify that the City regulations. themselves will still require the applicant to provide notification in the form of a large on-site sign, we have added the following wording: "but not exempting sign requirements". Changes relating to addition of Master Site Plan Review process: Page 3 (now page 5) Added "Master Site Plan Review, Overall Plan" to the list of Type VI permits to be reviewed by staff, ERC and Hearing Examiner. Page 2 (now page 4) Added "Master Site Plan Review, Individual Phases"to the list of Type III permits to be reviewed by staff and ERC. Page 43 (now page 56,Table 8) Added "Master Site Plan Review, Individual Phases"to list of Type III Permits to be reviewed by staff and ERC. Page 43 (now page 59,Table 11) Added "Master Site Plan Review, Overall Plan"to list of Type VI Permits to be reviewed by staff, ERC and Hearing Examiner. 3 Pages 38, 41 , 43, Table 5, Table 8, Table 9 (now pages 53, 56, 59)-- Changes clarifying the state-mandated 21-day appeal time for Shoreline Permit Decisions were made to the charts. This is a change for us as well as all jurisdictions. The appeal time period was formerly a minimum of 30 days. Changes requested by staff: Page 5 (now page 7)--Added "Release of Easements" to exempt list of approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities along with right of way use permits, and deferral of on and off-site improvements. 5 Wednesday,March 13, 1996 01:47:53 AM Page 2 of 3 CITYOFRE From:Lloyd Hoshide 833 Kirkland Avenue N.E. F 1. Renton,Washington 98056 March 13,1996s.11 Councilwoman Kathy Keolker-Wheeler Chair Planning&Development Committee City of Renton 200 Mill Avenue South Renton,Washington 98055 cc: Councilman Randy Corman Councilman Tim Schlitzer Subject Comments on Regulatory Reform Ordinance-(HB 1724 Compliance) Reference: Letter Gregg Zimmerman to Toni Nelson, dated February 15,1996; Subject Issue P Paper Regarding ESHB-1724 Compliance and accompanying draft RMC 4;Chapter 36, Renton Regulatory Reform Ordinance. Dear Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler: This citizen wishes to submit the following comments on referenced draft ordinance for consideration by the Planning&Development Committee. Page 5,Under Exemptions-approximate middle of the page. As a citizen resident, I object to the inclusion of "Driveway relocations" and Street vacations" as exempt because: Driveway locations,e.g. for church parking lots in residential neighborhoods, are reviewed for impact in the conditional use/site plan review process. In my opinion,it should not be altered without notification. Street vacations can alter traffic patterns and create annoying inconveniences for neighborhood street users. Should we not have way to determined who is affected? Page 6: Also under Exemptions I have a problem with granting a Temporary Use Permit without notification, if the use is for a period longer than say 30 days. Wednesday,March 13,1996 D1:47:53 AM Page 3 of 3 Page 36, Table 4, Land Use Permit Procedures: Conditional Use Permit(administrative)...How does one appeal an administrative decision in a"closed record appeal"before the Hearing Examiner? Thank you for the opportunity to comment.My review was cursory due to the time constraints, however,rather than make an issue of the clipped timing, I am submitting what I can. Yours truly, (a signed copy upon request) Lloyd Hoshide r,I. ti.C RENTOP ..r HELSELL FETTERMAN 31996 t_u 4 Limited Liability Pannarg),,p � - {S OFFICE March 13, 1996 Bob C.Sterbank fltornny At Law EMAIL: baterbankehelsoll.corn DIRECT DIAL; 208.689.2137 Sent via FAX • Planning & Development Committee Renton City Council 200 Mill Avenue S. Renton, WA 98055 Re: Proposed Zoning Ordinance Dear Committee Members: This letter is written on behalf of Warren Vaupel and the North Renton- Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund, to follow up on the comments made at the public hearing before the City Council on Monday, March 11, 1996. The chief problem with the proposed ordinance is that it has been put together and is being rushed before the Council at the very last minute, without adequate time for the public to review it or comment on it. This has led to problems in sloppy draftsmanship and vague wording that prevent the public from having a fair opportunity to have notice of and participate in the decision-making process. Due to the speed with which the Council is apparently moving on the proposed ordinance (we only received our copy from the City Clerk on Friday, March 8, 1996), the following comments are offered simply to highlight our concerns. We reserve the right to submit additional comments, after the draft ordinance has been revised and we have had an adequate opportunity to review it. 1. The draft ordinance contains errors. The draft ordinance contains several apparent errors. For example, on page 5, Section 4-36-3, the draft ordinance proposes to exempt "service kills" from notification and procedural requirements of the ordinance. "Service kills" is not defined anywhere in the draft ordinance, and we assume its inclusion was an error. If not, the term should be defined so that the public can determine whether exempting such an approval is appropriate. Likewise, on pages 49-50, Section 4-36-7,5, the draft ordinance refers to "any threshold environmental determination issued its appeal process." We presume this was meant to read as "ally threshold environmental determination issued and its 1500 PUGET SOUND PLAZA 192c FOURTH AvENUE SEATTLE,WA 98101.2509 P.O.BOX 21646 SEATTLE.WA MR111-3846 PH:12061 Z92-I104 FL 12061 340-0902 EMAIL:hl boIsell.com Planning & Development Committee March 13, 1996 Page 2 appeal process," since that section of the draft ordinance refers to the contents required to be included in mailed notices issued by the Hearing Examiner's office. Third, Table 4 of the draft ordinance appears to indicate that an appeal of a shoreline permit is a "closed record" appeal, filed with the Department of Ecology, when the Shoreline Management Act (RCW 90.58) provides for an open record hearing, filed with the Shorelines Hearings Board (not the Department of Ecology). Fourth, Table 4 appears to indicate that, for matters for which a closed record appeal is provided, there will be no hearing associated with the appeal. This is also a mistake, since the definition of"closed record appeal" provided in Section 4-31-2 presumes that a hearing will be provided at which "appeal argument" will be • permitted. 2. The draft ordinance inappropriately exempts certain land use approvals from notice requirements. The most fundamental problem with the draft ordinance is that, although it codifies notice and application procedures, it exempts too many important types of land use permits/applications from this process, as described below. a. Street vacations. Section 4-36-3 purports to exempt street vacations from "notification and procedural requirements," on the grounds that it is an approval "relating to the use of public areas or facilities." A street vacation, however, is not a use of a public area, it is the elimination of a public area. It therefore is inappropriate to exempt street vacations under this portion of ESHB 1724. Moreover, street vacations often adversely affect adjacent property owners and the traveling public, both of whom are entitled to notice under even a minimal standard of due process. Street vacations should not be exempted from public notice requirements. b_ Deferral of off- or on-site improvements. This category is vague, but if it includes improvements necessary as mitigation under SEPA or otherwise, the public is entitled to notice. Deferral of improvements therefore should not be exempt from the notification requirements. Planning & Development Committee March 13, 1996 Page 3 C. Conditional approval permit for non-conforming use and/or structure. Approval of non-conforming uses and structures is often controversial, because non-conforming uses have impacts on neighboring property owners where the use is inconsistent with other, permitted uses in the zone. The public is entitled to notice and the opportunity to participate in a conditional approval request for a non- conforming use or structure. d. Lot line adjustments . Lot line adjustments are often used in conjunction with other development applications, whereby a property owner will adjust a lot line and then apply for a permit for a larger structure than would have been possible without the lot line adjustment, Lot line adjustments should not be exempted from notice requirements. e. Final plats. Final plat approvals should not be exempted from the public notice process, since final plat approval often entails a determination of whether preliminary plat conditions were complied with, and whether road, utility, and storm drainage systems were designed and installed in compliance with City codes. The public and affected neighbors should have notice of this process, and an opportunity to participate, since they can often provide first-hand testimony concerning whether the applicant has actually installed the plat improvements according to plan, whether the storm drainage system actually works or is flooding neighboring properties, etc. We have been involved in cases where notice to the public of a final plat application resulted in testimony that convinced the local jurisdiction to deny final plat approval because a drainage system was not in compliance with the jurisdiction's code. Had notice not been provided, the local jurisdiction might have unknowingly approved an illegal plat. Final plat approvals should not be exempted from the process. f. Temporary use permits. In its recent consideration and adoption of a temporary use permit ordinance, the Renton City Council already provided for public notice of application for and decisions concerning temporary use permits. The draft ordinance should not now take that away. 3. The draft ordinance allows too much discretion. The draft ordinance also contains a provision allowing waiver of submittal requirements, This provision, however, is entirely too vague and inappropriately 4.410, ,41110 Planning & Development Committee March 13, 1996 Page 4 vests discretion in staff. The draft ordinance does not specify what submittals may be waived, or what conditions justify waiver, or give any direction to City staff as to how to evaluate a request for waiver. The Code sets out a list of information and submittals required to commence the application process, and to trigger vesting. A loosely written waiver process completely undercuts the purpose of requiring submission of a complete application, and would make a determination as to when vesting occurs all the more difficult. For this reason, the provisions allowing waiver of application submittals should be deleted from the draft ordinance entirely. If any waiver process is provided, it should be extremely limited, and should expressly spell out what particular submittals may be waived and under what (limited) circumstances. It should also require that any waiver request be submitted prior to submission of any permit application. 4. The draft ordinance is too vague. Many provisions of the draft ordinance appear to be directed at a particular issue, but are too vaguely worded. For example, Section 4-36-4, relating to vesting, should be rewritten as follows: Vesting: A valid and fully complete application for a project that is permitted under the zoning or other land use control ordinances in. effect on the date of the application shall be considered under the building permit ordinance, zoning and other land use controls in effect at the time a fully complete application is submitted. Likewise, the third paragraph regarding vesting also should be expanded to make its intent clearer: Applicant-requested revisions to a vested, but not yet approved, application shall be deemed a new application when such revisions would result in a substantial change in the basic site design plan, intensity, density, and the like, involving a change of ten percent or more in area, square footage, height, number of units, or scale. Vesting for the new application shall be determined as of the date of submission of the new application only, and note as of the date of the original application. The provisions of Section 4-36-7 concerning public notice requirements also nced to be clarified, so that it is clear that public notice of applications and of Planning & Development Committee March 13, 1996 Page 5 decisions are provided for all applications not otherwise exempted. For example, 4- 36-7.1 should read as follows: APPLICABILITY: A Notice of Application is not required for actions which are classified as a Type 1 land use procedure (Section 4-36-2) and for actions specifically exempted under Section 4-36-3, but is required for all other land development permit applications. 4-36-7.2 should read as follows: Within fourteen days of issuing a letter of completeness under Chapter 4-36-6, the City shall publish a Notice of Development Application in the official newspaper if one has been designated or, if there is no official newspaper, in a newspaper of general circulation. Three Notices of Development Application shall be posted on or within fifty feet near the subject property and mailed to parties of record. Similar changes are necessary for Section 4-36-7.3 concerning notice of administrative decisions. Paragraph A of that section currently contains circular wording, such that it requires notice of decisions that are "subject to notice," without further defining what decisions require notice. Accordingly, Section 4-36-7.3A should be amended as follows: Notification of Administrative Decision: The development services division shall notify all parties of record, the project proponent and affected government agencies of all decisions on land development permit applications, except for applications specifically exempted under Section 4-36-3, Notification must be made by mail, and three notices of administrative decision shall be posted on or within fifty feet of the subject property. A notice of administrative decision shall also be published in the official newspaper if one has been designated or, if no official newspaper has been designated, in a newspaper of general circulation. Parallel changes should be made to Sections 4-36-7.4 and -7.5 Planning & Development Committee March 13, 1996 Page 6 5. Conclusion. The changes described above are a start in the necessary revisions of the draft ordinance. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any revised ordinance and an opportunity to more fully review it and provide additional comments. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, FErfiZ Bob C. Sterbank BCS:rp cc: Warren Vaupel North Renton-Kennydale Neighborhood Defense Fund \lulnrkndtbrdrmm.l lr APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT • March 18, 1996 HB-1724 Code Amendments (Referred February 26, 1996) -fib Geri( Clete NM-- The Planning and Development Committee reviewed the proposed regulatory reform ordinance and4 onducted a public hearing on March 11, 1996. In order to gain compliance with the State HB-1724 mandate and to meet the State imposed April 1, 1996 deadline, the Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the proposed ordinance. The new ordinance generally codifies existing policies and procedures currently in place. The Committee will be reviewing additional related housekeeping items for future adoption and will accept comments from the public regarding suggested code revisions. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading and advanced for second and final reading to meet the imposed deadline. Kathy K lker-Wheeler, Chair n y Corman, ice Chair Timothy J. Sc rt ,Member cc: Jim Hanson Jana Huerter Laureen Nicolay 1724CR March 11. 1996 4440.' Renton City Council Minutes New Page 84 There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE AUTOMALL IMPROVEMENT PLAN; REFER THE IMPLEMENTING CODE AMENDMENTS TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE; AND DIRECT STAFF TO PREPARE AN AMENDMENT TO THE ARTERIAL COMMERCIAL (CA) ZONING DESIGNATION ALLOWING BUS SALES WITHIN 600 FEET OF THE AUTOMALL PERIMETER BOUNDARIES. CARRIED. Development Services: This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Growth Management- in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public Mandated Changes to hearing to consider the proposed ordinance to comply with House Bill 1724, Permit & Appeal Processes State Growth Management mandates, by: consolidating permit applications, establishing a 120-day permit processing time requirement and a maximum processing time for Environmental Impact Statements, and revising the appeal process and notification requirements. Jana Huerter, Land Use Review Supervisor, explained that the State is requiring all local governments to adopt, by March 31, 1996, a combined environmental review and project review process to integrate and streamline various existing regulatory processes. Ms. Huerter reviewed the three minor changes to Renton's regulatory processes resulting from the State requirements, as follows: 1. Changes in the format describing the combined permit process for environmental, land use and building permits. (Renton already allows applicants to apply for all needed applications simultaneously.) 2. Codification of the new mandates regarding public notice requirements. Renton's notification procedures do not require significant change. 3. Slight changes to the City's application submittal requirements, including transferring these to a table format. Ms. Huerter then reviewed the two major changes that are required to the City's regulations, as follows: 1. Per State mandates, appeal opportunities for combined permit applications will be reduced from three to two. 2. The City must process all non-exempted development permits within 120 days of accepting a completed application. Renton typically processes the affected permits in an average of 90 days. Ms. Huerter noted changes that will have to be made in the future to ensure compliance with the State law: 1. Housekeeping changes to reflect the review and appeal procedures, and the processing time, throughout the Code. 2. Revisions to the City's Environmental Ordinane to eliminate conflicts with the new regulations and to comply with State law. 3. Changes to City Code to implement the shoreline- and wetlands-related aspects of the legislation. Audience comment was invited. March 11. 1996 Renton City Council Minutes ..� Pane 85 Lloyd Hoshide, 833 Kirkland Ave. NE, Renton, 98056, expressed disappointment that while he was provided with a copy of tonight's handout on this item, it did not include the full text of proposed ordinance. Noting that the ordinance allows the applicant to opt for only one "open record hearing" and no more than a single "closed record appeal," he asked for clarification of these terms. Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney, explained that an "open record hearing" is one in which live testimony is taken for the record. Thus, a "closed record appeal" is an appeal based on the previously-prepared record with no additional live testimony allowed or considered. Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11 th Pl., Renton, 98056, suggested that staff consider creating a simplified "road map" illustrating the application and appeal processes, as this would be extremely helpful to the general public. Bob Sterbank, 1325 - 4th Ave. #1500, Seattle, 98101, asked that Council allow for written comments to be submitted on the proposed ordinance, as in his brief initial review of it he has discovered several problems. He described these problems as follows: the term "service kill" is not defined; a nonsensical reference exists to "any threshold determination issued its appeal process"; the flow chart is incorrect because shoreline appeals go to the Shorelines Hearings Board, not to the Department of Ecology; "public notification procedures" are not adequately defined (Mr. Sterbank suggested readers be referred to a particular section of City Code which specifically sets these out); and the ordinance exempts too many projects from public notification requirements, including street vacations, final plats, temporary use permits and deferral of on- or off-site improvements. Correspondence was read from Elizabeth Warman, Manager of Local Government Affairs for The Boeing Company, suggesting several changes to the proposed ordinance for clarification and efficiency. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. There being no further public comment, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner invited persons interested in this issue to attend this week's Planning & Development Committee meeting, Wednesday, March 13th at 3:00 p.m., where the proposed ordinance will again be discussed. APPEAL Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a Plannin¢ & Development report regarding the Swan Vue Short Plat (File #SHP-95-185). The Committee Committee convened on March 6, 1996 to consider the applicant's appeal from Appeal: Swan Vue Final the Hearing Examiner's decision of January 18, 1996, imposing mitigation fees Plat, SHP-95-185, Traffic for parks and traffic. The subject property is a 1.47 acre parcel located at the & Park Mitigation Fees 1300-1400 block of N. 38th St. The applicant seeks to subdivide the parcel into nine lots suitable for single-family residential purposes. The Committee discussed the requirements of the State subdivision ordinance requiring the City to consider the question of whether a development will create impacts in the areas of parks and traffic. As this is a project of nine lots, it is SEPA-exempt. Therefore, the basis of the imposition of fees is the subdivision requirements. The appellant urged the Committee to consider that the parcel is located close to the freeway and, therefore, the traffic impact City Of Renton SUMMARY OF PROPOSED REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE As Mandated By ESHB 1724 BACKGROUND: In 1995, the State enacted a new land use regulatory reform law which amended the State Growth Management Act (GMA), the State Shoreline Management Act (SMA) and the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA). A primary goal of the new State law is to integrate the numerous existing regulatory processes, including environmental review (SEPA), into a more streamlined process that will work much the same way in all jurisdictions. This law requires local governments to adopt by March 31, 1996 a combined environmental review and project review process allowing for no more than one open record hearing and one closed record appeal. The law also mandates that the City process all non-exempted permits within 120 days--but does allow specific exemptions for those types of permits and processes that would have special difficulty complying with either the notification requirements or the 120 day time limit. In preparing the draft ordinance, staff reviewed the ordinances of several other jurisdictions, attended Association of Washington Cities informational briefings, and contacted the State to ensure that the proposed changes would comply with the new law. 1 Nary *.rmro MINOR CHANGES RESULTING FROM THE NEW LAW: Combined Environmental/Land Use/Building Permit: The new law mandates local governments to allow an applicant to submit applications for multiple permits concurrently for all types of non-exempt development permits. Since we already offer applicants a combined permit process option which allows them to apply for all needed applications simultaneously, there will be no major changes here. Although we have not had to greatly modify the basic steps in our current permit procedure, it may appear like we have made significant changes since we have gone from text to flow chart format. Public Notification: While the new law mandates numerous public notice requirements, our current notification procedures will not require a great deal of change, since processes mandated by the new law have already been in place in the City for a number of years--the draft ordinance merely puts our current notification policy into code form. Submittal Requirements: Because the 120 day maximum processing time period starts as soon as a complete application is accepted, we reviewed our current application submittal requirements to ensure they were adequate. The submittal requirements listed in the draft ordinance are essentially the same as those currently found in various city submittal instruction handouts or in various sections of the Municipal Code. After consulting with City staff reviewers, these existing submittal requirements were transferred into table (and definition) form, with only minor changes, such as number of copies required for submittal. 2 MAJOR CHANGES RESULTING FROM THE NEW LAW: Process/Appeal Changes: Probably the most major change to our permit processing system will be the reduction in appeal opportunities as mandated by the State. Our current process would allow an appeal of each individual component of combined permit application (i.e. conditional use permit, environmental review, and building permit) to occur in a consecutive rather than combined manner. For example, under our current process, a multiple permit application could be appealed at all of these decision stages: environmental, hearing examiner, and building permit decision stages. Under the new draft ordinance, as mandated by the State, opportunities for appeal of a combined permit application have been reduced from three to two. For example, in the case of multiple permit application with final decision by the Hearing Examiner, any environmental appeal must be heard by the Examiner at the same time as a public hearing on the land use permit. The Examiner will then issue both his determination on the Environmental appeal and the Land Use Permit decision at the same time. Any appeal of the Examiner's Land Use Permit decision and/or the Decision to issue/deny a building permit would have to be consolidated and heard by the Council as a "closed record" appeal. Mandated Maximum Permit Processing Time: While we are now typically processing development permits in under 120 days, the new ordinance mandates a 120 day maximum processing period. We must complete our review within 120 days of accepting a complete application. This limitation will not have an impact on normal permit processing activities since we complete all but the most complicated reviews, which are exempted (e.g. comp plan amendments, annexations), well within 120 days. 3 ADDITIONAL 1724-RELATED AMENDMENTS STILL NEEDED: Housekeeping Changes: The draft ordinance is the first step in bringing the City into compliance with the provisions of 1724. Once the ordinance is adopted, we will be in compliance as far as the consolidated review and appeal procedures and processing time. But, adoption of the ordinance will also require that we subsequently make numerous housekeeping revisions to our existing code sections. For example, the procedural sections and time limitations relative to each type of permit will need to be modified throughout Title 4 and Title 9. Environmental Ordinance Changes: Revisions to our Environmental Ordinance will also be necessary to eliminate conflicts with the new Regulatory Reform Ordinance and to be consistent with the State mandate to incorporate environmental information as early as possible into the planning process at the comprehensive plan, sub-area plan, and development regulation adoption stages in order to shift the environmental decision making process away from the "project review stage" and place it further back at the "planning stage". Shoreline Program and Wetland Regulation Changes: Later this year, other changes mandated by the new State law will also need to be made in order to implement the shoreline and wetland-related aspects of the legislation. 4 PROPOSED ORGANIZATION OF CITY OF RENTON REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE CHAPTER 1 • Explains purpose and intent of new ordinance. CHAPTER 2 • Categorizes the various types of land development permits based upon review process in order to simplify and consolidate the various review steps into a chart format. • Explains which land development permits are subject to the provisions of this ordinance. CHAPTER 3 • Explains which minor permits and processes are exempt from public notification requirements. • Explains which type of permits and major processes are exempt from the 120 day maximum processing time, usually due to the complexity of the procedure (Annexations, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, and Renton Municipal Code Amendments). CHAPTER 4 • Explains the information needed by the City in order to perform an effective review on a given type of application and clearly informs applicants what is necessary for an application to be considered complete. 5 CHAPTER 5 • Explains who is responsible for various types of permit reviews. (Currently this information is located in numerous locations throughout the Renton Municipal Code.) CHAPTER 6 • Explains consolidated environmental and development permit review and appeal procedures for various types of permits and clearly depicts this information in chart format. • Lists time limits for individual steps in the process and limits total review time for applicable permits to 120 days. • Allows, at the applicant's discretion, an opportunity to submit combined building, environmental and land use applications concurrently and to have only one open record hearing and no more than a single closed record appeal on all aspects of the proposal. CHAPTER 7 • Explains how and when the public will be notified of new development permit applications and which types of applications do not require public notice. 6 The Boeing Company /-f^%G ec/ j/' .J l/'" qG P.O.Box 3707 _ sue Su *ow Seattle,WA 98124-2207 5 /4 ."eo�- �ei Z- AA) March 11, 1996 CITY titih Jana Hurder, Community Planning & Development BUIR:.Cin`v,u City of Renton Municipal Building 200 Mill Ave. So. Renton, WA 98055 AWE/NW Subject: City of Renton Regulatory Reform Ordinance/Draft Comment Letter Thank you for the opportunity to review the referenced document. This document is so intended to establish standard procedures for all land use applications and to comply with State guidelines under ESHB - 1724. The following are comments, submitted for your consideration. Section 4 - 36 - 2: Applicability and Permit Process Types, Type II. In this section there are several permits that are SEPA Exempt and/or require an emergency action by requiring public notice. As a result the ability to acquire the needed permit, in emergency situations for example, is slowed. Perhaps it would be appropriate to include Type II permits as Type I permits and eliminate a Type category. Section 4 - 36 - 2: Applicability and Permit Process Types, Type VI and VII. In this section Type VI and Type VII both require a city council decision on preliminary plats, PUDs, site specific rezones, building permits and final plats. Once the city council has made its final policy decision in the form of the comprehensive plan and sub-area plan adoption, there may be limited value to have the city council consider and vote again on actions that involve implementation of their adjusted plan. It is recommended that Type VI and Type VII be reviewed and a decision rendered by the Hearing Examiner with any appeals to be a city council decision. This would further free the city council's attention to major policy decisions. Potentially all actions included in Type VI and VII could be moved to a Type V review. This would allow only rezones to remain within the jurisdiction of the city council. • Section 4 - 36 - 2: Applicability and Permit Process Types, Type VII7 and IX. In this section Type VIII and IX are legislative actions, rather than land use qusijudical actions. It is recommended that these Types be eliminated and the elements contained in them be identified as legislative actions. In Section 4 - 36 - 4 it sets forth submittal requirements for a complete application. This enumeration also requires that a complete application include "any site specific information identified in a pre application meeting summary." This addition, as an application BOE/NG requirement, could mean that an applicant would not know what a complete application consists of until after a pre application meeting. This could defeat the intent of providing applicants with advance information as to what will be required in their application. It could allow the City of Renton to determine when and if an applicant can vest rights with a complete application. It can be recognized that a pre application meeting might very well result in the identification of a need for additional information, that information could be characterized as supplemental and not a determinative for the completeness of an application. In section 4 - 36 - 4 on Table 3 it lists submittal requirements for land use applications. The list does not include those for a Master Site Plan Approval adopted by the City of Renton as Ordinance 4551. As a consequence, the terms and conditions contained in Ordinance 4551 are not defined in the Section 4 - 36 - 4 definitions. That Ordinance includes a number of specific application requirements that should be identified and included in this referenced Ordinance. In section 4 - 36 - 6.3 Pre-Application Meeting it states that a pre- application meeting is recommended. In section 4-63-4 Submittal Requirements reference to the pre application meeting could indicate that this meeting is mandatory. This section states that the applicant may submit a written request for a waiver from formal application submittal requirements (Section 4-36-4) which may be considered during a pre application meeting. It should be clearly stated whether a pre application meeting is mandatory or not. Once this procedure has been clearly defined application completeness and vesting rights can then be determined. • Thank you for your attention and consideration of our comments concerning this referenced Ordinance. The Boeing Company appreciates the continuing cooperative partnership with the City of Renton concerning this regulatory reform effort. If you have any questions please contact Lori Pitzer at 544-7458. Sincerely, Elizabeth Warman BOf/NG Manager, Local Government Affairs cc: Lori Pitzer Paul Crane Nw .ter CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: March 7, 1996 TO: Toni Nelson,President 4."( Members of the Renton City Council VIA: Jesse Tanner,Mayor FROM: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator & STAFF CONTACT: Jana Huerter,Land Use Review Supervisor SUBJECT: ESHB-1724 Code Amendments The draft regulatory reform document was scheduled to go before the Planning and Development Committee on March 6, 1996,however because of several minor changes made to the draft document subsequent to its distribution,there was not sufficient time to transfer the changes into ordinance form. Therefore,this item was not reviewed by the Planning and Development Committee at their scheduled meeting of March 6, 1996. The changes made,which were largely typographical/grammatical, are not reflected in the copies included in the council packets and those available for the public. Additionally,minor changes were made in such areas as the submittal requirements for plats, additional exemptions to the Regulatory Reform Ordinance,and clarification of the public notification section regarding the 300 foot notification range. In order to keep to the schedule and meet the State mandated deadline of March 31, 1996,the public hearing will still be held on March 11, 1996. This item will be scheduled for the March 13, 1996, Planning and Development Committee meeting. cc: Jay Covington Gregg Zimmerman City Clerk MEMO_CC.DOT/ N..,) cn EA * ate, 0 5. m3 = w 0 � , .r' cn !i: I 10111111 w a* m r C ^ ' �.�, O o w 0 �, 3mc oom c2 , y 1 �o' .......• 3 1 (* (D CD D3 = a w -o rn M Qb`•v ;'_ cr �l 0" a - Aai O , m N c p S �����•�� CD m 1 n µ c m 0 Q o m • 0 �o (u ) o 0woo y' (n < r m cn -. = om g .� c m 3 M a* D) QO' a d I C m i � Fam U) w 5' = X' Cl) m 5 m 0 m o- o O Qa °' 5' -- 3• "< m O a cr w =• (D a) 5• Q O) (a 'c 21 l: o ~• m �' a (wnw = cD (n3 _ D o m w , �. n m � � �a � �DOcmn (XD r 13 Li. w (o ► I w w } 1 !. Ii a) O a • CO i w c a w = - a) (n (p x5ccn Cu cc, w (0 (o -a co m m a o �. � Dw cp ; �. am ? = m a O _ = a � � c_ cn 6m 0 �� O o �' < � cn � a c Z cn � c o w' r� = m m � nQ3 ° 0 o O (D O o * Z s C0 m = gym 3 = w p CD CD Q D . ,� m v, 3 Cl) Q w w to 3 (�D m Q cn = = m 0 ? (n (Q w 7 Oo N � - ? CD X N St (� m# O••i••,gzc•o P. 1xm..,-0L 11x1E;C a--..t.i lt-iir. a.RA.l lii-. g m _ 1a.k..l.•„IIlli j? _ — S - ° 3 nag. 3 1 z `�a SQL. . oiqiI �7 rA 0' A-i . *-==m Et R3 c.til 1 1-3 - DI.E 5• g g I i • g gi. ..”1 - , g MB gS m _ - z aa•fi !i m CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed March 11, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: Proposed ordinance to comply with House Bill 1724, State Growth Management m4lates, by: consolidating permit applications, establishing a 120-day permit processing time requirement and a maximum processing time for Environmental Impact Statements and revising the appeal process and notification requirements. All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. Marilyn J. s , CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News March 7, 1996 Account No. 50640 February 26. 1996 1'"' Renton City Council Minutes Page 65 Citizen Comment Evans - Ralph Evans, 3306 NE 11th Pl., Renton, 98056, asked for clarification Annexation Area regarding the proposal to "prezone" property located outside of Renton's city Prezoning; Directional limits. Mike Kattermann, Planning & Technical Services Director, explained Guide Sign Policy that prezoning areas outside of the City provides a certain degree of assurance regarding future zoning for property owners interested in annexing. On another subject, Mr. Evans asked who would be responsible monetarily for any church directional guide signs installed under the City's proposed guide sign policy. Councilman Parker replied that the requesting organization would pay for the signs. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. Vacation: Lind Ave City Clerk submitted petition to vacate a portion of SW 21st St. between Lind SW/East Valley Road Ave. SW and East Valley Road; petition filed by Martin Seelig (VAC-96-001). (Seelig, VAC-96-001) Refer to Board of Public Works; set a public hearing on March 18, 1996, to consider the request. (See page 67 for resolution setting the public hearing.) Development Services: Development Services Division submitted proposed ordinance to comply with Growth Management HB-1724, State Growth Management mandates, by: consolidating permit Mandated Changes to applications, establishing a 120-day permit processing time requirement and a (Permit & Appeal Processes maximum processing time for Environmental Impact Statements, and revising City Code sections pertaining to the appeal process and notification requirements. Refer to Planning & Development Committee; set a public hearing for March 11, 1996, to take input on the proposed changes. Council concur. H&HS: 1996 CDBG Human Services Division recommended acceptance of an additional $9,862 in Reallocations Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for 1996, and also recommended that the balance of $24,983.67 remaining in the Minor Home Repair Program be reallocated to the Housing Rehabilitation Project for deferred home loans. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: Black River, Planning & Technical Services Division recommended approval of Heavy Prezoning (68th Ave S & Industrial (IH), Arterial Commercial (CA), and Residential Multi-Family Infill MLK Jr Way) (RM-I) prezoning for approximately 100 acres located outside the City limits southeast of 68th Ave. S. and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way (Black River), and requested that public hearings be set for March 18 and April 22, 1996, to take input on the proposed prezoning classifications for these properties. The purpose of prezoning is to facilitate future annexations in this area. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Planning and Development Committee Chair Keolker-Wheeler presented a planning & Development report recommending that the City Council approve the remaining 1995 Committee Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as follows: Planning: Comprehensive Plan, 1995 Amendments 1. Pan Abode Land Use Map Amendment the application will be held over to the 1996 review period. 2. Residential Planned Neighborhood (RPN) Text Amendments; refer these to the Committee of the Whole and hold a public hearing on March 25, 1996. 3. Center Office Residential Text Amendments; approve as recommended by the Planning Commission. rr.► 'yr CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: (D,sp . Submitting Data: Planning/Building/Public Works For Agenda of: Dept/Div/Board.. Development Services Division 2/26/96 Staff Contact Jana Huerter x2518 Agenda Status Consent. X Subject: Public Hearing... Amendment to various codes to consolidate permit applications, Correspondence.. establish permit and EIS processing time requirements, and revise Ordinance appeal and notification process in order to comply with HB-1724 Resolution. mandates. Old Business Exhibits: New Business Issue Paper Study Sessions Draft Ordinance Information. Flow/process Chart Recommended Action: Approvals: Set public hearing for March 11, 1996. Legal Dept X Refer to the Planning and Development Committee Finance Dept Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... None Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted None Revenue Generated Total Project Budget City Share Total Project. Summary of Action: HB-1724 was created for the purpose of establishing standard procedures for all land use decisions that provide for consolidated land use and environmental review. Key elements include notice requirements, process and approval timelines, and a consolidated permit process. The proposed ordinance allows for consolidation of permit applications, establishes a 120 day permit processing time requirement and a maximum processing time for Environmental Impact Statements (EIS's), and revises sections of the code pertaining to appeal process and notification requirement to comply with HB-1724 mandates. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council approve the proposed revisions to the codes and adopt the attached ordinance. HB1724/ CITY OF RENTON PLANNINGBUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 15, 1996 TO: Toni Nelson,President City Council Members VIA: Mayor Jesse Tanner FROM: Gregg Zimmerman,Administrator 6, a STAFF CONTACT: Jim Hanson,x2563 SUBJECT: ISSUE PAPER REGARDING ESHB-1724 COMPLIANCE IS SUE: Pursuant to HB-1724, local governments planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) must implement certain provisions of the house bill by March 31, 1996. Local governments must establish by ordinance or resolution an integrated and consolidated project permit process, and issue a notice of final decision on a project application within 120 days after the applicant has been notified that the application is complete. RECOMMENDATION: • Adopt ordinance which allows consolidation of permit applications. • Adopt ordinance which establishes a maximum 120 day permit processing time requirement and a maximum processing time for Environmental Impact Statements (EIS's). • Amend various sections of the code pertaining to permitting and appeal processes and notification requirements to comply with HB-1724. BACKGROUND SUMMARY: HB-1724 was created for the purpose of establishing standard procedures for all development permit decisions that provide for a consolidated land use, environmental, and building permit review. The standardized procedures intend to: 1) allow timely and informed public participation, 2) eliminate redundancy in permit application, review, and appeal processes, and 3) minimize delays. The Development Services Division has generally processed permits within the mandated time frame. However, in order to comply with HB-1724, the mandated processes and corresponding time frames need to be codified. Key elements of HB-1724 include notice requirements, process and approval timelines, and a consolidated permit process. HB-1724 specifically addresses timelines for notifying the public of an application, notification to the applicant of completeness or incompleteness of application, and the timeline for making a decision on a land use application. The requirement to consolidate land use permit applications (e.g. application for environmental review, site plan approval, and shorelines under Issue Paper re: ESHB-1724 npliance ..,. February 7, 1996 Page 2 concurrent applications) is a process already practiced by the Development Services Division. However, a process also incorporating building permits has not yet been codified. HB-1724 mandates that the consolidation of permits be codified and that there be no more than one consolidated open record hearing on appeals of threshold determinations or project permit decisions. The process to consolidate permits will effect the City's process, but not significantly. An applicant already has the ability to submit concurrently for numerous land use actions, a building permit, and a shoreline permit. The requirement for only one open record hearing requires us to combine an appeal of an environmental determination with the public hearing for a land use permit(e.g. site plan review, conditional use permit). CONCLUSION: Staff is working with the City Attorney to amend the various sections of the Municipal Code which address appeal and permit processes. The proposed amendments will reflect the requirements of HB- 1724 and will bring the City into compliance by the March 31, 1996 deadline. In the meantime, staff will continue to work on the Title 4 reorganization which will consolidate the permit process procedures for various land use applications (including timelines, notification and appeal procedures) into one section of the code rather than spread throughout the code. RMC TITLE 4 CHAPTER 36 . RENTON REGULATORY REFORM ORDINANCE 4-36-1 PURPOSE AND INTENT 4-36-2 APPLICABILITY/PERMITS CLASSIFIED BY TYPE 4-36-3 EXEMPTIONS 4-36-4 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS • Table 1: Public Works Permits/Processes and Legend • Table 2: Building Section Permits and Processes and Legend • Table 3: Land Use Permits/Processes and Legend 4-36-5 REVIEW AUTHORITY/ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4-36-6 REVIEW PROCEDURES • Consolidated Review Process • Multiple Permit Applications • Pre-Application Meeting • Letter of Completeness • Land Use Permit Type Procedures • Table 4: Land Use Permit Procedures • Land use Permit Type Timelines • Table 5: Consolidated Review Process Flowchart • Table 6 - 13: Land Use Permit Type Flowcharts • Timeframe for Final Decision • Exclusions from 120 Day Time Limit 4-36-7 PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS • Applicability • Notice Of Development Application • Notice Of Administrative Approvals • Notice Of Public Hearing • Notice Of Appeal Hearings • Notice Of Decision SECTION 4-36-1: PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of this chapter is to establish standard procedures for all land use applications in order to provide for an integrated and consolidated land use permit and environmental review process. It is further intended to comply with State guidelines under ESHB-1724 for combining and expediting development review to eliminate redundancy and minimize delays, to establish timelines for notifying the public of land use applications, and to revise hearing requirements to allow one open record hearing and one closed record appeal hearing. Final decisions on development proposals shall be made within 120 days of the date of the Letter of Completeness except for development specifically exempted under this Chapter. 1 NNW. NNW' SECTION 4-36-2: APPLICABILITY AND PERMIT PROCESS TYPES All applications for development shall be subject to the provisions of this Chapter, except where specifically exempted under Section 4-36-3. Development subject to review by the City of Renton is classified and processed using one of the 8 types of land use permit procedures listed below. The review process for the types of permit review procedures are described in Section 4-36-6.5 of this Chapter. If the code does not expressly provide for review according to one of the 8 types of permit review procedures, and another specific procedure is not required by law, the Development Services Division shall classify the application. TYPE I, STAFF REVIEW/DECISION WITHOUT PUBLIC NOTICE: • Building and Grading Permits (SEPA Exempt or SEPA/Land Use Permit process completed) • Business Licenses for Home Occupations without customer visits/deliveries • Deferrals • Lot Line Adjustments • Minor Amendments (less than 10%) to a previously approved site plan • Modifications/Deviations/Alternates (administratively approved) of/to various Code standards • Public Art Exemption Certificate • Routine Vegetation Management Permits (SEPA Exempt) • Shoreline Exemptions • Special Fence Permits • Waivers TYPE II, STAFF REVIEW/DECISION WITH PUBLIC NOTICE: • Business Licenses for Home Occupations with customer visits/deliveries • Short Plats of 4 lots or less (SEPA Exempt) • Site Plan Review (administrative) for Secondary Uses (SEPA Exempt) • Temporary Use Permits (SEPA Exempt) • Temporary Emergency Wetland Permit TYPE III, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW AND STAFF DECISION: • Binding Site Plans • Conditional Use Permit (administrative) with associated Environmental Review • Development Permit for work within any area of Special Flood Hazard • Environmental review* for a Permitted/Secondary/Accessory use not requiring any other land use review or permit • Site Plan Review(administrative) with associated Environmental Review • Shoreline Permit with associated Environmental Review • Short Plats of 4 or less lots (Non-SEPA exempt) • Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above. 2 * Committee determination only—no staff decision necessary TYPE IV, STAFF REVIEW AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT DECISION: • Variances, Board of Adjustment TYPE V, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW AND HEARING EXAMINER DECISION: • Bulk Storage Special Permit • Conditional Use Permits (Hearing Examiner) with associated Environmental Review • Fill and Grade Permit, Special • Mobile Home Parks, Preliminary and Final • Shoreline Conditional Use Permit+ • Shoreline Variance+ • Short Plats of 5 to 9 lots* • Site Plan Review (Hearing Examiner with associated Environmental Review • Special Permits • Variances, with associated Hearing Examiner Land Use Review • Building Permits submitted in conduction with any of the above TYPE VI, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE REVIEW, HEARING EXAMINER RECOMMENDATION AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: • Preliminary Plats • Planned Unit Developments (PUD), Preliminary and Final • Rezones, Site Specific in Conformance with Comprehensive Plan • Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above TYPE VII, STAFF REVIEW AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: • Final Plats TYPE VIII, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE, PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION AND CITY COUNCIL DECISION: • Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendments • Rezones with associated Comprehensive Plan Map Amendments • Zoning Text Amendments • Development Regulation Amendments +Also requires State Department of Ecology Approval * Environmental Review normally not required, unless previously short platted or on lands covered by water or associated with concurrent construction of more than four dwelling units. 3 TYPE IX, STAFF REVIEW, ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE (ERC) REVIEW, CITY COUNCIL DECISION AND STATE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD DECISION (BRB): • Annexations (10%)* • Annexations (60%) * No ERC or BRB review at this stage 4 SECTION 4-36-3: REGULATORY REFORM EXEMPTIONS Section 418 (1842) of the State Regulatory Reform Act (ESHB 1724) allows a local government to exclude certain project permits from procedure and time limit requirements. EXEMPTIONS: Subsection 1 of this Section states that local governments may determine that there are special circumstances" relative to certain actions or processes that warrant a different review process than that set forth in 1724. Therefore, the City is proposing to exempt the following actions under this Subsection since they typically require more than 120 days to process or would be deemed emergencies: • Comprehensive Plan Amendments with or without any other associated land use application such as a Rezone • Renton Municipal Code amendments • Annexations • Planned Unit Developments • Development Agreements • Environmental Impact Statements • Temporary Emergency Wetland Permit • Declared Emergency under SEPA We are also proposing to exempt the following 'approvals relating to the use of public areas or facilities"from the notification and procedural requirements under the authority of Subsection 1: • Deferral of off or on-site improvements • Driveway Construction Permit (all uses/users) • Driveway Relocation Permit (all uses/users) • Franchise Utility Permits • Right of Way Use Permit • Side Sewer Permit • Side Sewer Cap Permit • Sidewalk Repair Permit (all uses/users) • Sidewalk/Curb/Gutter Construction Permit (All uses) • "Service Kills" • Street Vacations • Water Meter Applications • Drainage Connection Permits Section 418, Subsection 2 of the Act allows local governments to exclude certain approvals and building and engineering permits from the public notification and procedural requirements of the Act if they are categorically exempt from environmental review or if environmental review has already been completed at an earlier stage (however, the Act's 120 day maximum processing time would still apply). Therefore, the City is proposing to exempt the following actions under this Subsection since they are typically processed very quickly and would be considerably delayed by imposition of a public comment period(s): • Building and Grading Permits (SEPA Exempt) • Business Licenses for Home Occupations • Board of Public Works Variances (i.e. driveway grade) 5 • Conditional Approval Permit for Nonconforming Use and/or Structure • Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Sign and Special Fence Permits • Lot Line Adjustments • Final Plats • Minor amendments (less than 10%) to a previously approved site plan • Occupancy Permits • Open Space, Agricultural and Timber Lands--Current Use Assessment • Public Art Exemption Certificate • Routine Vegetation Management Permits (SEPA Exempt) • Shoreline Exemptions • Temporary Use Permits (SEPA Exempt) • Water, Sewer, Storm Drainage, Roadway Permits (SEPA Exempt) 6 SECTION 4-36-4 SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: PURPOSE: In order to comply with the State Building Code Act, RCW 19.27.095, and the requirements of the State Regulatory Reform Act which amends the Growth Management Act by adding clarifying language on the contents of a complete project permit application, the City is required to stipulate the requirements for Building, Public Works and Land Use Permit Applications VESTING: A valid and fully complete building application for a project that is permitted under the zoning or other land use control ordinances in effect on the date of the application shall be considered under the building permit ordinance in effect at the time of application and the zoning or other land use controls in effect on the date of application. Supplemental Information required after acceptance shall not affect the validity of the vesting for such application. Applicant requested revisions to a vested, but not yet approved, application shall be deemed a new application when such revisions would result in a substantial change in the basic site design plan, intensity, density, and the like, involving a change of 10% or less in area or scale. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR A COMPLETE APPLICATION: Unless waived by the Development Services Division, the requirements for a fully complete land use, building, or public works permit application shall consist of the information listed on the following tables and any site-specific information identified in a preapplication meeting summary: Table 1: Public Works Permits/Processes and Legend Table 2: Building Section Permits and Processes and Legend Table 3: Land Use Permits/Processes and Legend Upon finding an application complete, the Development Services Division will provide a Letter of Completeness to the applicant and property owner(s). MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATIONS: Where submittal requirements are duplicated for various types of permit applications, an applicant shall be required to submit only the largest (not total) number of copies required. For example, an application for a site plan approval with associated variance would require only twelve (12) copies even though the submittal chart indicates that site plan approval alone requires 12 copies and the variance requires 10 copies. SUBMITTAL WAIVER PROCESS: In order to have any of the normally required submittals waived, the applicant must request such waiver(s) at or after a preapplication meeting with City staff. Staff will consider the merits of the waiver request(s) and will provide the applicant with written list of any/all submittals waived. The applicant must submit a copy of this list at the time of formal application. 7 •440•0 Noe co a) c.) . .- c L 5c:....9 (Go) co -03 •*- Z 0 i„ ,::,_ _- c ., -F- a) c a) < SecZ 0 a- > 21 m ED- C1- 5 LII) co r, e. 0 ...›.... 49- , M Q. 0 70- •-•< 0 co -,-• >. 5., Z 0 L.L. ,.7a; ()r: N:::.4. co :.i.4: Ce) :;:tal, ‘t ]:'g1 Cq F' :?: v. 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Information requested on the form includes the signatures of all identified taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a mailing address, and property identification number of each parcel. Petitions must conform to the Revised Code of Washington Section 35A.01.040. 60% PETITION TO ANNEX: A petition form, supplied by the City, containing the signatures of property owners as identified in King County Assessor's records as taxpayers of record for properties representing at least sixty percent (60%) of the assessed valuation for the areas proposed for annexation. Information requested on the form includes the signatures of all identified taxpayers of record, the date of signing, a mailing address, and property identification number of each parcel. Petitions must conform to the Revised Code of Washington Section 35A.01.040. AFFIDAVIT OF INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION SIGN: A notarized statement signed by the applicant or applicant's representative attesting that the required public information sign(s) has been installed in accordance with City Code requirements. APPLICATION FEE: The appropriate processing fee as required by the Renton Municipal Code. APPLICATION FORM, BUILDING SECTION: The Development Services Division form required for the type of work to be performed (e.g. grading permit application for grading work, sign permit application for installation of a sign, etc.). Information requested includes the following: • King County Tax Assessor's number for the property, • Legal description of property, • Street address, if available, • Property owner's name, address and phone number, • Prime contractor's business name, address, phone number, current state contractor registration number, and • Either the name, address and phone number of the lender administering the interim construction financing, if any, or the name and address of the firm that has issued a payment bond, if any, on behalf of the prime contractor for the protection of the owner, if the bond is for an amount 50% or more than the total construction project. APPLICATION FORM, MASTER: The City of Renton Development Services Division's combined Land Use Permit Application form used for most environmental and land use reviews. Information requested includes the name, address, and telephone number for the project applicant, all owners, contact person, tax account number for the property, and other site information. 15 APPLICATION FORM, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: The City of Renton form used for all public works construction projects. Information requested includes the name, address, and telephone number for the project applicant and property owner, legal description, King County Tax Assessor's number, site area, area of impervious surface, description of work, preliminary cost estimate, and, if applicable, water meter size. APPROVED TESTING AGENCY: Per Washington Association of Building Officials whose purpose is to provide special inspection. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX: An 18" X 24", minimum, plan drawn at a scale of 1/4" = 1' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" Section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: • General building layout and room use, • Window and door size and window ventilating area, • Plumbing, duct, and electrical layout, • Opening headers, size and material, • Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction, including connection details, • Structural members labeled as to size, and spacing as well as bracing, blocking, bridging, special connectors, and anchor bolts, • Special details as needed. i.e. stairs, fireplaces, special construction, and • Insulation of walls, slab, floors, and roof/ceiling. ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTI-FAMILY: A 24"X 36" plan prepared by an Architect licensed in the State of Washington (unless project exempted by WAC 18.04.410) drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1' or 1/4" = 1' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" Section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: • General building layout, both existing and proposed—indicate square footage of rooms, use of each room or area, window and door size and ventilation, opening headers, plumbing, ducting, and electrical layout, including penetration protection, UBC occupancy group, and UBC type of construction, • Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction; structural members labeled as to size, and spacing; bracing blocking, bridging, special connectors, anchor bolts; insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, • Details of stairs, fireplaces and special construction, if any, • Dining/food handling establishments to have King County Health Department approval on plans submitted to the City, • Public pools/spas to have King County Health Department approval on plans submitted to the City, • I and E Occupancies require independent plan review by the State of Washington Labor and Industries Electrical Division, and • Interior demolition requires asbestos assessment by the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA), and 16 • Hospitals require independent review by State Department of Health. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION: Records obtained from the King County Assessor's Office for each tax lot included in an area proposed for annexation. The sheets display all taxpayers of record and assessed value for each tax lot and are used to certify the sufficiency of petitions submitted for annexation applications. CALCULATIONS, SURVEY: A compilation prepared by a State of Washington licensed land surveyor clearly indicating the dimensions of the boundaries and the closures for each lot/parcel/tract/block in the plat/short plat/lot line/binding site plan adjustment. COLORED DISPLAY MAPS: Full size plan sheets of each of the following maps colored with a wide tip marker in order to clearly define the site's outer property boundary, the area of new construction and/or proposed new lot lines (dashed), existing buildings, landscaping areas, and adjacent street names for use in presenting the project at public hearing and/or to the Environmental Review Committee: • Neighborhood Detail Map, • Site Plan, • Landscaping Plan, and • Elevations. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT JUSTIFICATION: A written description/justification setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed in Section 4-31-36 of the Renton Municipal Code used by the Hearing Examiner when reviewing the Conditional Use Permit application. CONSTRUCTION MITIGATION DESCRIPTION: A written narrative addressing each of the following: • Proposed construction dates (begin and end dates), • Hours of operation, • Proposed hauling/transportation routes, • Measures to be implemented to minimize dust, traffic and transportation impacts, erosion, mud, noise, and other noxious characteristics, • Any specialty hours proposed for construction or hauling (weekends, late nights), and • Preliminary traffic control plan. COVENANTS, DRAFT: A proposed, unrecorded written agreement promising performance or non-performance of certain acts or stipulating certain uses or non-uses of property to be binding upon current and future property owners, including the legal description of that area of property to be encumbered. COVENANTS, EXISTING: The recorded limitations on property which may be set forth in the property deed and/or identified in a Title Report . DEEDS (DRAFT) TO CITY FOR ANY LAND TO BE DEDICATED: A legal document proposing to convey ownership of real property and including a legal description of the area to be dedicated. DRAINAGE PLAN/MAP: Plans drawn to scale and stamped by a State of Washington licensed engineer or State of Washington licensed landscape architect and complying with the requirements of Section 4-22 of the Renton Municipal Code and the 1990 King County Surface Water Management Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. 17 DRAINAGE REPORT: A report stamped by a State of Washington licensed engineer or State of Washington licensed landscape architect and complying with the requirements the City of Renton Drafting Standards, Section 4-22 of the Renton Municipal Code and the 1990 King County Surface Water Management Design Manual (KCSWDM) as adopted by the City of Renton. EASEMENTS, EXISTING: A recorded document granting one or more property rights by the property owner to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity. Easements may be referenced by property deed and are identified in the property Title Report. EASEMENTS, PROPOSED: A draft document, including proposed legal description, listing to whom and for what specific purpose or purposes the easement is to be granted. ELEVATIONS, ARCHITECTURAL: A 24" X 36" fully dimensioned architectural elevation plan drawn at a scale of 1/4" = 1' or 1/8"=1' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" Section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: • Existing and proposed ground elevations, • Existing average grade level underneath proposed structure, • Height of existing and proposed structures--show finished roof top elevations based upon site elevations for proposed structures and any existing/abutting structures, • Building materials and colors including roof, walls, or other enclosures, • Fence or retaining wall materials, colors, and architectural design, • Architectural design of on-site lighting fixtures, and • Cross-section of roof showing location and height of roof top equipment (include air conditioners, compressors, etc.) and proposed screening. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST: The standard State of Washington form required under WAC 197-11-742 and 197-11-960. ELECTRICAL PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS: Plans clearly indicating the information required by the WAC 296-46-140(2) and Section 1141 of the currently adopted Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) accompanied by a written statement stamped and signed by a Washington State registered professional engineer attesting to the validity of this data and, including, but not limited to, the following: • Street address and name of project, • Description of scope of electrical installation or alterations to be done, including bases for designation of any special occupancy or classified locations, • Name, address and phone number of contact person, • Floor plan view of the electrical installation or alterations, • Specifications relevant to the electrical installation, • Load calculations per National Electric Code (NEC) 220, • Switchboard and/or panelboard schedules, • Fire alarm and other low voltage system drawings, and • One-line riser diagram, including available fault current, AIC ratings of switchboards and/or panelboards, and equipment bracing. Riser diagrams and load calculations must be complete to the point of connection between the facilities of the serving utility and the premises wiring. Details of such diagrams and 18 calculations must include the square feet of the building or other structure supplied by each feeder, the total connected load before applying demand factors, the demand factors used, the computed load after applying demand factors, and the size and type of conductors used. ENERGY CODE CHECKLIST, RESIDENTIAL: The standard Washington State Energy Office form requesting the information required under WAC 51-11 and detailing building components to be used to comply with the State Residential Energy Code. ENERGY CODE CHECKLIST, NON-RESIDENTIAL: The standard Washington State Energy Office form requesting the information required under WAC 51-11 detailing building components to be used to comply with the State Non-Residential Energy Code. EROSION CONTROL PLAN, TEMPORARY: Drawings of the entire site showing the proposed erosion control measures for the project in conformance with the City of Renton drafting standards (or as approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) and the 1990 King County Surface Water Design Manual as adopted by the City of Renton. FINAL PLAT PLAN: A plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.010, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40' on 18" by 24" plan sheet(s) (or other scale approved by Development Services Division Director). The original shall be in black ink on stabilized drafting film and shall include the following information with sufficient detail to meet the requirements of Section 9-12-12 of the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance: • Name and location of the subdivision, • Space reserved for City of Renton file number, • Legal description of the property, • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, • Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map), • Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations, • Lots lines with all property lines dimensioned and square footage of each lot, • Lot and block numbers, • Addresses for each lot and new street names in accordance with the House Numbering Ordinance and the Street Grid Ordinance, • Reservations, restrictive covenants, easements and any areas to be dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose, and any limitations, and identifying the grantee (if the grantee is the City, a statement of provisions reserving, granting and/or conveying the area with a description of the rights and purposes must be shown), • Coordinates per City surveying standards for permanent control monuments, • Display all interior permanent control monuments located per City surveying standards • Location and dimensions of any existing structures to remain, • Location of existing conditions (such as wetlands, steep slopes, water courses) on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, • Certification showing that streets, rights of way and sites for public use have been dedicated, • Certification by a State of Washington licensed land surveyor that a survey has been made and that monuments and stakes will be set, • Signature and date line(s) for Certification by the responsible health 19 agencies that the methods of sewage disposal and water service are acceptable, • Notarized signatures of all property owners, • Signature and date line(s) for King County Finance Department, • Signature and date line(s) for City of Renton Finance Director with the following test preceding There are no delinquent special assessments and any special assessments for any dedicated property herein contained have been paid in full" • Signature and date line(s) for the Administrator of the Planning/Building/Public Works Department, and • Signature and date line(s) for the approval of the Mayor as attested by the City Clerk. FLOOR PLANS, GENERAL: A basic line drawing plan of the general building layout showing walls, exits and designated uses (indicating the proposed locations of kitchens, baths and floor drains) with sufficient detail for City staff to determine if an oil/water separator or grease interceptor is required and to determine sizing of side sewer. GEOTECHNICAL REPORT: A study prepared and stamped by a licensed professional engineer including soils and slope stability analysis, boring and test pit logs, and recommendations on slope setbacks, foundation design, retaining wall design, material selection, and all other pertinent elements. GRADING PLAN: A 22" by 34" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed engineer or State of Washington licensed landscape architect at a scale of 1" to 40' (horizontal feet) and 1" to 10' (vertical feet) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indicating the following: • Graphic scale and north arrow, • Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets, • Location and dimensions of all on-site structures and the location of any structures within fifteen feet (15') of the subject property or which may be affected by the proposed work, • Accurate existing and proposed contour lines drawn at five (5') foot, or less, intervals showing existing ground and details of terrain and area drainage to include surrounding off-site contours within 100 feet of the site, • Location of natural drainage systems, including perennial and intermittent streams and the presence of bordering vegetation, • Setback areas and any areas not to be disturbed, • Finished contours drawn at five (5') foot intervals as a result of grading, • Proposed drainage channels and related construction with associated underground storm lines sized and connections shown, and • General Notes addressing the following (may be listed on Cover Sheet): ❑ Area, in square feet of the entire property ❑ Area of work in square feet ❑ Both the number of tons and cubic yards of soil to be added, removed, or relocated ❑ Type and location of fill origin, destination of any soil to be removed from site ❑ Finish floor elevation(s) of all structures, existing and proposed. HEAT LOSS CALCULATION: A State of Washington Energy Code mandated analysis performed to determine the heat loss of a structure in order to determine the size of the required heating equipment. 20 r"' INSTALLER CERTIFICATION: Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) approval given to those contractors authorized to install Manufactured Homes and designated by a state registration number. IRRIGATION SPRINKLER PLANS (UNDERGROUND): A 22"X 34" plan drawn at the same scale as, or included on, the Generalized Utilities Plan(s) (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly indicating the following: • Scale and north arrow, • Dimensions of all property lines, easements, and abutting streets, • Meter location and size, and • Proposed type, size, and location of sprinkler piping, sprinkler heads, and back flow prevention devices. LAND USE PERMIT CONDITIONS: Environmental or Land Use Permit requirement which may have been placed upon the project in addition to any code-mandated requirements in conjunction with a required Environmental Determination and/or a Land Use Permit. Examples of Land Use Permits include Site Plan Review, Conditional Use Permits and Variances. LANDSCAPING PLAN, CONCEPTUAL: A fully dimensioned plan drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division), clearly indicating the following: • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, • Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, and access and existing buildings to remain, • Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, include easements, • Existing and proposed contours at 5' intervals or less, • Location and size of planting areas, • Proposed berming, locations, and height, and • Location and elevations for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing etc. • Location, size, spacing and names of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements in relationship to proposed and existing utilities. LANDSCAPING PLAN, DETAILED: A fully dimensioned plan drawn at the same scale as the project site plan (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division), clearly indicating the following: • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow, • Location of proposed buildings, parking areas, and access, and existing buildings to remain, • Names and locations of abutting streets and public improvements, include easements, • Existing and proposed contours at 5' intervals or less, • Detailed grading plan, • Location and dimensions of planting areas, • Proposed berming, locations, and height, 21 • Locations, elevations, and details for any proposed landscape-related structures such as arbors, gazebos, fencing etc. • Location, size, and spacing of existing and proposed shrubs, trees, ground covers, and decorative rockery or like landscape improvements, • Names of existing and proposed vegetation, and • Detailed planting plan (soil mix, planting depth and width, and bark mulch depth). LIST OF CURRENT PROPERTY OWNERS: A listing of all current property owners and their mailing addresses and King County Assessor's account numbers within three hundred feet (300') of the boundaries of the subject site as obtained from a Title Company or the King County Assessor's Office. The list includes a notarized statement for the applicant to sign attesting that the ownership information provided is current (obtained within the past 30 days unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Divisionl and accurate. LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT MAP: A drawing of the proposed lot line adjustment prepared by a licensed land surveyor complying with the requirements of Section 9-12-7 of the Renton Municipal Code. MAILING LABELS: Self-adhesive mailing labels including the name, mailing address, and King County Assessor's account numbers (optional) for all property owners within three hundred (300') feet of the boundaries of the subject site. MAP OF EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: A plan drawn at the same scale as, or combined with, the grading plan or topography map showing existing topographical (5-foot contours or less), structural and natural features. Include major trees, shrubs, large rocks, creeks and watersheds, buildings, roadways and trails. MASTER APPLICATION FORM: The standardized application form used for the majority of land use permit applications requesting information including, but not limited to the following: • Owner, Applicant, and Contact Person names, addresses and telephone numbers, • Notarized signatures of all current property owners, • Name of the proposed project, • Project/Property address, • King County Assessor's Tax Account Number, • Existing and proposed land uses • Existing and, if applicable, proposed Comprehensive Plan Map designation, • Existing and, if applicable, proposed Zoning designation, • Site area, • Project cost, • Whether or not the project site contains any environmentally sensitive areas, and • Property Legal description. MECHANICAL PLANS: Plans as required per Section 113 of the currently adopted Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) and Section 1141 of the currently adopted Washington State Energy Code (WSEC) along with Statewide Amendments. NEIGHBORHOOD DETAIL MAP: A map, drawn at a scale of 1" =100' or 1" = 200' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director), used to depict the project site on public notices and to assist staff in reviewing the project's compatibility with surrounding land uses. The purpose of the map is to show the location of the subject site relative to the property boundaries of the surrounding parcels within approximately one thousand 22 (1,000) feet (approximately two thousand five hundred (2,500) feet for properties over 5 acres) and by identifying the subject site with a darker perimeter line than that of surrounding properties. Other information contained on the map is as follows for the site and adjacent priorities: lot lines, existing land uses, building outlines, City of Renton limits (if applicable), north arrow (oriented to the top of the plan sheet), graphic scale used for the map, and City of Renton (not King County) street names for all streets shown. PARKING, LOT COVERAGE, LANDSCAPING ANALYSIS: A listing of the following information (may also be included on the first sheet of the site plan): • Total square footage of the site, • Total square footage of existing area(s) of impervious surfacing, • Total square footage of existing natural/undeveloped area, • Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use, • Total square footage of the footprints of all buildings, • Percentage of lot covered by buildings or structures, • Total pavement square footage (existing to remain plus new proposed), • Square footage of any on site wetlands, • Parking analysis (total number of parking spaces required and provided, number of compact and "ADA accessible" spaces provided, parking space dimensions), • Square footage of landscaping for each area, for interior parking lot landscaping, and total • Allowable and proposed building height, • Building setbacks required by code, and • Proposed building setbacks. PLAN REDUCTIONS: 8 1/2" by 11" white, opaque reductions of full size plan sheets (including: elevations, landscape, conceptual utilities, site plan, and neighborhood detail/vicinity map) used by staff to prepare public information posters and to provide the public with information about proposed projects, yielding legible photocopies. PLAT CERTIFICATE: A document prepared by a title company indicating all parties with an interest in the property and listing all encumbrances. PLUMBING PLAN: Plans as required per Section 30.2 of the currently adopted Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) and Statewide Amendments. PRELIMINARY PLAT PLAN: A plan prepared by a State of Washington registered land surveyor in accordance with RCW 18.43.010, fully dimensioned, drawn at a scale of 1" = 40' on an 18" by 24" plan sheet (or other size or scale approved by Development Services Division Director) and including the information required by Section 9-12-9 of the City of Renton Subdivision Ordinance: • Name of the proposed Preliminary Plat (and space for the future City file number), • Names and addresses of the engineer, licensed land surveyor, and all property owners, • Legal description of the property, • Date, graphic scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet, • Vicinity Map (a reduced version of the Neighborhood Detail Map). • Subject property with all existing and proposed property lines dimensioned. Indicate required yards (setbacks)with dashed lines, • Location of the subject site with respect to the nearest street intersections, (including intersections opposite the subject property), alleys and other rights of way, 23 • Names, locations, widths and other dimensions of existing and proposed streets, alleys, easements, parks, open spaces and reservations, • Location and dimensions of any existing and proposed structures, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, and easements, • Location of existing conditions on or adjacent to the site which could hinder development, and • A legend listing the following included on the first sheet of the Preliminary Plat Plan: • Total area in acres of proposed Preliminary Plat, • Proposed number of lots, • Zoning of the subject site, • Proposed square footage in each lot, and • Percentage of land in streets. PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET: An 8.5" X 11" sheet of paper listing the following information: • Job address • Property owner's name • King County Tax Assessor's Number • Legal description of property PROJECT NARRATIVE: A clear and concise description and summary of the proposed project, including the following: • Project name, size and location of site, • Zoning designation of the site and adjacent properties, • Current use of the site and any existing improvements, • Special site features (e.g. wetlands, water bodies, steep slopes), • Statement addressing soil type and drainage conditions, • Proposed use of the property and scope of the proposed development (i.e., height, square footage, lot coverage, parking, access, etc.), • Proposed off site improvements (i.e. installation of sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc.), • Total construction cost and fair market value of the proposed project, • Estimated quantities and type of materials involved if any fill or excavation is proposed, • Number, type and size of trees to be removed, • Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City, and • For shoreline applications only: ❑ name of adjacent water area or wetlands, ❑ nature of existing shoreline (describe type of shoreline-- such as lake, stream, lagoon, marsh, bog, flood plain, floodway; type of beach—such as accretion, erosion, high bank, low bank: type of material--such as sand, gravel, mud, clay rock, rip rap; and the extent and type of any bulkheading), and ❑ the number and location of structures and/or residential units (existing and potential) which might have views obstructed as a result of the proposed project, and • For subdivision applications only: 0 proposed number, size, and density of the new lots. 24 NNW PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: A complete, unabridged copy of the proposal (i.e. draft ordinance, resolution, plan or policy) and all attachments. PROPOSAL SUMMARY: A concise description of the scope, intent and timing of the proposal in order to provide an overview of the proposal without extensively researching the entire proposal description. PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL LETTER: Written confirmation from the Development Services Division Plan Review Section that all required improvements have been substantially installed or deferred and authorizing the submittal of the final plat, final short plat, final binding site plan, or final PUD application. REZONE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement and other information provided by the applicant intended to support the rezone which may include, but is not limited to: letters, photographs, site development plans, market research reports, and land use maps indicating in a clear and concise manner why the rezone application should be granted and that the rezone request is timely. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION PLANS: Plans prepared by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer as stipulated by the document"City of Renton Drafting Standards", unless otherwise approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor. SHORELINE CONDITIONAL USE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the Shoreline Conditional Use Permit application and addressing the criteria listed in Section 8 of the City Shoreline Master Program used by the Hearing Examiner in reviewing the permit request. SHORELINE VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the Shoreline Variance application and addressing the criteria listed in Section 8 of the City Shoreline Master Program used by the Hearing Examiner when reviewing the Variance request. SHORT PLAT MAP, PRELIMINARY: SHORT PLAT MAP, FINAL: SIGN PLANS: A 24"x 36" plan (or other size plan approved by the Building Official), drawn to scale, clearly indicating the following: • Footing, connections to building, size of supports and materials used in supports and sign itself, • Elevation showing size and height of any proposed freestanding or projecting signs--clearly indicate ground clearance and clearance to overhead power lines, and • Elevation of building facade for any proposed wall signs showing dimensions of the building as well as existing and proposed wall signs. SITE PLAN, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MULTI-FAMILY: A 24"X 36" plan drawn by a State of Washington licensed Architect at a scale of 1" = 20' or 1" = 40' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: • Scale and north arrow, • Legal description, 25 , W • Location, identification, and dimensions of all buildings, property lines, setbacks, streets, alleys and easements, • Condition of all public right-of-ways and verification of right to use easements, • Off-street parking layouts and driveways, • Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, paving, storm drainage, meters (domestic and fire), and grease interceptors, • Grading plan showing proposed and existing contours and site elevations, • Landscaped areas, irrigation meter, • Lighting and sign standards (new and existing), • Location of garbage containers and recycling storage, • Fire hydrant locations (new and existing)within 300 feet of building, • General notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet): ❑ Full name of the project, ❑ Name, address, and telephone number of owner and agent(s), ❑ Existing zoning of the project site, ❑ Area, in square feet of the project site, ❑ Reference to the current building code (UBC-1994), O Proposed use of each building (if multi-family, the number of dwelling units), O UBC occupancy group designation, ❑ UBC type of construction of all buildings, ❑ Height and number of stories of new buildings, ❑ Area of each building in square feet, ❑ Allowable area calculation, ❑ Occupancy load (maximum capacity) of each building, ❑ Seismic zone of the project site (Zone 3), O Floor, roof, and wind design loads, and O Special inspection agency selected by the owner to perform special inspections. SITE PLAN, LAND USE REVIEW: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1" = 20' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating the following: • Name of proposed project, • Date, scale, and north arrow oriented to the top of the paper/plan sheet, • Subject property with all property lines dimensioned and names of adjacent streets, • Widths of all adjacent streets and alleys, • All existing public improvements including, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, etc., along the full property frontage, • Location and dimensions of existing and proposed structures, parking and loading areas, driveways, existing on-site trees, existing or proposed fencing or retaining walls, free-standing signs, easements, refuse areas, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, or public utility transformers, • Location and dimensions of proposed structures, storage areas, buffer areas, open spaces, and landscaped areas, • Location of garbage containers and recycling storage, • Natural features such as streams, lakes, marshes and wetlands, • Ordinary high water mark, existing and proposed, • A legend listing the following must be included on one of the Site Plan sheets: • Total square footage of the site, 26 • Square footage (by floor and overall total) of each individual building and/or use, • Total square footage of all buildings (footprint of each building), • Percentage of lot coverage, • Parking analysis (i.e. total number of parking spaces required and provided, number of compact spaces provided, parking space dimensions), • Square footage of interior parking lot landscaping, • Square footage of all other landscaping, • Allowable and proposed building height, • Building setbacks required by code, and • Proposed building setbacks. SITE PLAN, SHORELINE: A single fully dimensioned plan sheet drawn at a scale of 1" = 20' (or other scale approved by the Development Services Division Director) clearly indicating the information requested by the "Site Plan, Land Use"with the following additional information: SITE PLAN, SIGN: A 24"X 36" plan drawn at a scale of 1" = 20' or 1" = 40' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: • Scale and north arrow, • Location, identification and dimensions of all buildings, property lines, existing and proposed signs, streets, alleys and easements. Clearly dimension the setbacks from property lines and easements, • Off-street parking layouts and driveways, • Landscaped areas, • General Notes addressing the following (may be listed on cover sheet): D Note if any proposed signage will flash or be animated, D Name, address and telephone number of owner and agent(s), D Zoning of the project site, D Street frontage/s (in feet) for the site or, for multiple tenants building, indicate frontage of individual tenant space, D Type (e.g. freestanding, wall, etc.), size and number all existing signs, ❑ Type, size and number of all proposed signs, ❑ Reference to the current Uniform Sign Code (USC), and 0 Wind design loads. SITE PLAN, SINGLE FAMILY/DUPLEX: An 8.5" by 11" plan drawn at a scale of 1" to 20' or 1" to 40' (or other size plan sheet or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the following: • Legal Description, • Explanation of scope of work, • Existing and proposed construction labeled and differentiated by pattern or line type, • Dimensions of all property lines and all building setbacks to property lines, • Dimensions and labels for all streets, alleys, and/or easements, • Lot size in square feet, • Location and footprint size in square feet of all existing and proposed structures on 27 property including decks, carports, storage sheds, and garages, • Approaches, driveways and public sidewalks, • Grade: elevation at property corners and contour lines at five foot (5') height intervals. Show proximity to steep slopes, • Retaining walls, rockeries, etc., • Location and distance in feet of nearest fire hydrant to structure, and • Location of pool/spa (if proposed) and setback dimensions to property lines. Indicate location of required six-foot (6') fence. SPECIAL INSPECTION: As required by Uniform Building Code (UBC). STREET LIGHTING PLAN: Drawings showing the proposed lighting system, including luminaires,junction boxes, electric wiring, and wiring diagrams using the same scale as the utility plans (or as approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) and conforming to the City of Renton Drafting Standards and the City of Renton Street Light Standards. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS: An analysis of loads, materials, etc. prepared and stamped by a Washington State licensed professional engineer. STRUCTURAL PLANS: 24" X 36" plans prepared and stamped by a Washington State licensed professional engineer drawn at a scale of 1/8" = 1' or 1/4" = 1' (or other size or scale approved by the Building Official) clearly indicating the information required by the "Permits" Section of the currently adopted Uniform Building Code and RCW 19.27 (State Building Code Act, State-wide Amendments), including, but not limited to, the following: • Structural members labeled as to size and spacing as well as bracing, blocking, bridging, special connectors, and anchor bolts, • Cross section details, as needed, to show typical foundation, floor, wall, ceiling and roof construction; insulation of walls, floors and roof/ceiling, and • Details of stairs, fireplaces and special construction, if any. TREE CUTTING/LAND CLEARING (TREE INVENTORY) PLAN: A plan, based on finished grade, drawn to scale with the northern property line at the top of the paper clearly showing the following: • All property boundaries and adjacent streets, • Location of all areas proposed to be cleared, • Types and sizes of vegetation to be removed, altered or retained (for trees, 6" caliper- "at chest level"- and larger), • Future building sites and drip lines of any trees which will overhang/overlap a construction line, and • Rights of way, utility lines, and easements. TOPOGRAPHY MAP: Existing land contours using five foot (5') intervals at verticals of not more than five feet (5'). Any existing buildings shall have finished floor elevations indicated. TRAFFIC STUDY: A report prepared by a State of Washington registered engineer containing the elements and information identified in the City of Renton Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis of New Development"in sufficient detail to define potential problems related to the proposed development and identify the improvements necessary to accommodate the development in a safe and efficient manner. 28 UTILITIES PLAN, GENERALIZED (sewer, water, storm water, transportation improvements): A plan drawn on 22"X 34" plan sheets using a graphic scale of 1" = 20' or 1" = 40' (or other scale or size approved by the Development Services Division Plan Review Supervisor) clearly showing all existing (to remain) and proposed public improvements including, but not limited to: curbs, gutters, sidewalks, median islands, street trees, fire hydrants, utility poles, refuse areas, free-standing lighting fixtures, utility junction boxes, public utility transformers, etc., along the full property frontage. Indicate finished floor elevations of proposed and existing (to remain) structures. UTILITIES CONSTRUCTION PLANS: Plans prepared by a State of Washington licensed civil engineer as stipulated by the document"City of Renton Drafting Standards". WSEC TRADEOFF FORM: Manual or Wattsun calculations performed to show compliance with Chapter 5 of the Washington State Residential Energy Code requirements. WETLAND REPORT/DELINEATION: An analysis of the type and extent of wetlands prepared by a wetland specialist based upon a field investigation using the procedures found in the 1987 Federal Interagency Committee for Wetland Delineation Federal Manual for Identifying and Delineating Jurisdictional Wetlands. VARIANCE JUSTIFICATION: A written statement setting forth the reasons in favor of the application and addressing the criteria listed in Section 4-31-19F3 of the Renton Municipal Code used by the Hearing Examiner/Board of Adjustment when reviewing the Variance request. 29 SECTION 4-36-5: REVIEW AUTHORITY The regulation of land development is a cooperative activity including many different elected and appointed boards and City staff. The specific responsibilities of these bodies is set forth below: PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATOR OR DESIGNEE The Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator shall review and act on the following: Building and grading permits Conditional Use Permit, Administrative Site Plan Approval, Administrative Development Permit- Special flood hazard Lot line Adjustments Minor modification to previously approved Site Plan Public Art Exemption Certificate Review of business licenses for home occupations Routine Vegetation Management Permits Shoreline exemptions Shoreline permits Short Plats -4 or less Temporary Emergency Wetland Permits Temporary Use Permits Waivers of parking standards Wetland variances BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS The Board of Public Works shall review and act on the following: Waivers and Deferrals of on and off-site improvements Revocable permits for the temporary use of public right of way Variances from the Noise Level Regulations in RMC Title 8 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE The Environmental Review Committee shall review and act on the following: Threshold Determinations for Environmental checklists Determinations regarding whether an optional public hearing is needed for a Site Plan Application BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT The Board of Adjustment shall review and act on the following: Variances not associated with a development permit that requires review by the Hearing Examiner Building permits submitted in conjunction with the above 30 HEARING EXAMINER The Hearing Examiner shall review and act on the following: Appeals of Administrative Decisions/Determinations and ERC decisions Bulk Storage Special Permit Conditional Use Permit Fill and Grade Permit, Special Final Plats Mobile Home Parks, Preliminary and Final Shoreline Conditional Use Permit Shoreline Variance Short Plats - 5-9 lots Site Pan Review Special Permits Variances associated with a development permit that requires review by the Hearing Examiner Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above Wetland Variances- (involving Category 1 or 2 wetlands) Building permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above CITY COUNCIL The City Council shall review and act on the following: Annexations Appeals of Hearing Examiner Decisions Comprehensive plan map or text amendment Development Regulations Text Amendment Final Plats Preliminary Plats Planned Unit Developments, Preliminary and Final Rezones with associated comprehensive plan amendment Rezones with associated Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendment Street Vacations Zoning Code Amendments 31 SECTION 4-36-6: REVIEW PROCEDURES 4-36-6 REVIEW PROCEDURES: The purpose of this section is to outline the procedures and time requirements for the various development applications reviewed by the City of Renton. All development applications are classified and processed according to one of eight types of permit procedures, as identified in Section 4-36-2. 4-36-6.1 CONSOLIDATED REVIEW PROCESS: An applicant may elect to have the review and decision process for required permits consolidated into a single review process. Consolidated review shall provide for a only one open record hearing and no more than one closed record appeal period. An appeal of an environmental Determination of Significance (DS) is exempt from limits on the number of appeals. Where hearings are required for permits from other local, state, regional, or federal agencies, the City of Renton will cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the outside agencies to hold a single joint hearing. A flowchart showing the timeline for processing a combined land use, environmental, and building (optional) permit application is included in Section 4-36-6.6. 4-36-6.2 MULTIPLE PERMIT APPLICATIONS: Where more than one land use permit application is required for a given development, an applicant may file all related permit applications concurrently, pay appropriate fees, and the processing may be conducted under the consolidated review process. Where required permits are subject to different types of permit review procedures, then all the applications are subject to the highest-number procedure and highest level of review authority that applies to any of the applications. 4-36-6.3 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting prior to formal submittal of a development application is recommended. The purposes of a pre-application meeting are: a. To acquaint an applicant with the applicable requirements of the City and other laws. The meeting is not intended to provide an exhaustive review of all potential issues. Pre-application review does not prevent or limit the City from applying all relevant laws at the time of application submittal. b. To provide an opportunity for City staff to be acquainted with a proposed application prior to review of a formal application. Pre-application meeting submittal requirements are available through the City of Renton Development Services Division. An applicant may submit a written request for a waiver from formal application submittal requirements (Section 4-36-4) which may be considered during a pre-application meeting. 4-36-6.4. LETTER OF COMPLETENESS: Within 28 days after receipt of an application, the Development Services Division shall provide a written determination that the application is deemed complete or incomplete according to the submittal requirements as listed in Section 4- 36-4, and any site-specific information identified after a site visit. In the absence of a written determination, the application shall be deemed complete. If an application is determined incomplete, the necessary materials for completion shall be specified in writing to the contact person and property owner. Within 14 days of submittal of the information specified as necessary to complete an application, the applicant will be notified whether the application is complete or what additional information is necessary. 32 '411re vase A written determination of completeness does not preclude the Zoning Administrator from requesting supplemental information or studies, if new information is required to complete review of an application or if significant changes in the permit application are proposed. The Development Services Division may set deadlines for the submittal of supplemental information 4-36-6.5. LAND USE PERMIT TYPE PROCEDURES: Table 4 lists the development applications and explains the basic steps in the review process. The table also outlines the responsible review authority associated with making recommendations, conducting open record public hearings, open record appeals, the responsible official for the permit decision, and appeal bodies. 33 TABLE 4 UNNIEUSERERMIERROftOORES OPPRIPiV,i NOMPNINF*0 PIM a. 0 0 z 0 0 <a- u_ Z 0 o 0 al LU k= X < 0 le r w r4 re - z E uj 0 g Z 0. CO U) 03 C.) WQ O 0 0 1:1- LAND USE PERMITS LU 0. W -J -J O. CZ 0 IX CI O TYPE I Building and Grading Permits' No No No Staff HE NA SC Business Licenses for Home Occupations (No customer visits/deliveries) No No No Staff HE NA SC Deferrals No No No Staff HE NA SC Lot Line Adjustments No No No Staff HE NA SC Minor Modification to Previously Approved Site Plan (<10°/_?) No No No Staff HE NA SC Modifications, Deviations, Alternates of various Code standards2 No No No Staff HE NA SC Public Art Exemption Certificate No No No Staff HE NA SC Routine Vegetation Management Permits (SEPA Exempt) No No No Staff HE NA SC Shoreline Exemptions No No No Staff HE NA SC Special Fence Permits No No No Staff HE NA SC Waivers No No No Staff HE NA SC TYPE II Business Licenses for Home Occupations (With customer visits/deliveries) Yes No No Staff HE SC Short Plats-4 Lots or Less (SEPA Exempt) Yes No No Staff HE SC Site Plan Review(administrative) for No Yes Secondary Uses (SEPA exempt) No Staff HE SC Temporary Use Permits (SEPA exempt) Yes No No Staff HE SC Temporary Emergency Wetland Permit Yes No No Staff HE SC TYPE 1113 Binding Site Plans Yes No No Staff HE Conditional Use Permit (administrative) Yes No No Staff HE Development Permit (Special Flood Hazard) Yes No No Staff HE Environmental Review Yes No No ERC HE Site Plan Review(administrative) with Environmental Review Yes No No Staff HE Shoreline Permit Yes No No Staff DOE Short Plats-4 Lots or Less, with Environmental Review Yes No No Staff HE Building Permits submitted in conjunction with any of the above Yes No No Staff HE Legend and footnotes follow on page 3(p . 34 TABLE 4 LAND OSEPERMIVPROettVRES INE11.11111111 IMEN 0 a. 0 0 z g 2 a_ z Z p <°- rUJ 0 0 0 0 --I w r: Ztj 25 re , icX < OW 0 0 — Ce O. < () z 0 0. _ 1.1.1 0 w u < ce z Le 0 Ed < :1 0 z o cn co 5 co c.) WO c.) o o LAND USE PERMITS TYPE IV3 Variances, Board of Adjustments (and Building Permits submitted in conjunction with above) Yes NA BOA BOA SC TYPE V3 Bulk Storage Special Permit Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Conditional Use Permit (Hearing Examiner) Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Fill and Grade Permit, Special Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Mobile Home Parks, Preliminary and Final Yes Staff HE HE CC SC Shoreline Conditional Use Permits Yes Staff HE HE DOE Shoreline Variances Yes Staff HE HE DOE Short Plats- 5 to 9 Lots Yes Staff HE HE CC Site Plan Review(Hearing Examiner)with Environmental Review Yes Staff HE HE CC Special Permits Yes Staff HE HE CC Variances (associated with Hearing Examiner land use review) Yes Staff HE HE CC Building Permits submitted in conjunciton with any of the above Yes Staff HE HE CC TYPE VI3 Staff, Preliminary Plats- 10 Lots or More Yes HE HE CC SC Planned Unit Developments, (Preliminary Staff, and Final) Yes HE HE CC SC Rezones, (Site-specific, not associated with Staff, a Comprehensive Plan Amendment) Yes HE HE CC SC Building Permits submitted in conjunciton Staff, with any of the above Yes HE HE CC SC TYPE VII3 Final Plats No Staff NA CC SC TYPE VIII3 Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendments Yes Staff CC CC SC Development Regulation Text Amendments Yes Staff CC CC SC Legend and footnotes follow on page 50 . 35 ..: ..: .:...:.....:.......................... TABLE 4 >PERM E:. z z o w a Oa. C9 0. Z a 1,., z < < 2 w• o = < 0 re re a w < a O w V Qre z• E o cc O a W W ▪ O zO N coco U LAND USE PERMITS a. vre o tx o U Rezones with associated Comprehensive Plan Map or Text Amendments Yes Staff CC CC SC Zoning Code Text Amendments Staff, Yes PC CC CC SC LEGEND: Staff- Planning/Building/Public Works Division Staff ERC - Environmental Review Committee PC - Planning Commission BOA- Board of Adjustment HE- Hearing Examiner CC- City Council DOE-WA State Department of Ecology SC- Superior Court NA- Not Applicable FOOTNOTES: SEPA exempt or for which the SEPA/Iand use permit process has been completed. 2 Administratively approved. 3 SEPA Environmental Review may be associated with Land Use Permits. The Environmental Review Committee (ERC) is responsible for environmental determinations. 4 Board of Adjustment shall hear variances where not associated with a development that requires review by the Hearing Examiner. 5 Shoreline Conditional Use Permits and Shoreline Variances also require approval of the State Department of Ecology (DOE). 30 4-36-6.6. LAND USE PERMIT TYPE TIMELINES: The following flowcharts indicate timelines for each of the eight land use permit types, as discussed in Section 4-36-6.5. The timelines include the statutory requirements of HB 1724; a letter of completeness within 28 days of the application submittal, an open record hearing within 90 days of a complete application, and final decisions on permits 120 days of a complete application. In addition, there is a generalized flowchart for the Consolidated Review Process. 37 TABLE 5 .im.iili!ifpfippoptopoilgpooipAgig.oyifopm.i.gogatImptioompaRiggiggioggise ............................:.............................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. Submit Land Use Application and SEPA Checklist co fsi Determination of Technically Complete Application Max 14 days, Sec. 408(2)and 415(2) Public Notice of Application 15 day Public Comment Period[14-30 calendar days, Sec 415(2e)] Public Hearing Notice and SEPA DNS published and Consolidated Staff Report Issued Public Comment, min. 15 calendar days, Sec 415(6b) c E d Deadline for Appeal of SEPA Determination a Min. 3 days Open Record Public Hearing( and if applicable) Open Record Appeal Hearing of SEPA determination Max. 10 working days, Sec 424(3) Written Decision Issued 5 working days Notice of Decision Max. 14 calendar days, Sec 415(9) Deadline for Appeal of Land Use and Building Permit Decisions U N_ N UQ W l0 8 Hearing Notice is Min. 15 calendar days Closed Record Appeal Hearing 38 .. �.r ate'. c Q a w In • Qa 18 Z a' O CL fl �, C/) In In G� U a w LL en w i O 'C 0-4 1 '1:, V43 .y W - y © p, � � N �� Z o a� a. H w N .� cis tn k �, .. 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TIMEFRAME FOR FINAL DECISION: Final decisions on all permits and reviews subject to the procedures of this chapter shall occur within 120 days from the date an application is deemed complete, unless the applicant consents to an extension of such time period. If a project application is substantially revised by an applicant, the 120 day time period shall start again after the revised project application is determined to be complete. Development applications which are specifically exempted under Section 4-36-3. are not subject to this timeframe. 4-36-6.8 EXCLUSIONS FROM 120 DAY TIME LIMIT: In determining the number of days which have elapsed since the applicant was notified that the application is complete, the following periods shall be excluded: a. The time period in which an applicant has been requested by the Development Services Division to correct plans, perform required studies, or provide additional information. The period shall be calculated from the date the Development Services Division notifies the applicant of the need for additional information until 1) the date the Division determines the additional information satisfies the request for information, or 2) fourteen days after the date acceptable information has been provided to the City, whichever is earlier. If the Division determines that the information submitted is insufficient, it shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies. b. A period of 250 days for the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), following a Determination of Significance. This timeframe shall commence after the final scoping of the DEIS is complete. c. Any time extension mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the Development Services Division. 4-36-6.9. APPEALS: Table 4, Land Use Permit Procedures, lists the development permits reviewed by the City and the review authority responsible for open record appeals, closed record appeals and judicial appeals. In compliance with HB-1724, the City has consolidated the permit process to allow for only one open record appeal of all permit decisions associated with a single development application. 47 SECTION 4-36-7: PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENTS 4-36-7.1 APPLICABILITY: A Notice of Application is not required for actions which are classified as a Type 1 land use procedure (Section 4-36-2) and for actions specifically exempted under Section 4-36-2, but is required for all land development permit applications subject to ESHB 1724 notice requirements. 4-36-7.2 NOTICE OF DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION Within 14 days of issuing a letter of completeness under Chapter 4-36-6, the City shall issue a Notice of Development Application. The notice shall, at minimum, include the following: • Applicant and/or owner name • Project name and City file number • Date of application acceptance • Project location • Project description • A listing of all permits/approvals requested • Date the 14 day public comment period expires • The following, or equivalent, statements: "In order to received additional information regarding this particular project, you will need to contact the City's Development Services Division and request to be made a party of record" and "In order to become a party of record or to obtain further information regarding this project, please contact the City of Renton Development Services Division at 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, WA 98055, (206) 235-2550 • Date, time, and place of a public hearing if one has been scheduled. Three Notices of Development Application shall be posted on or near the subject property and mailed to parties of record. The Notice of Development Application shall be issued prior to, and is not a substitute for, required notice of a public hearing. 4-36-7.3 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS Notice of administrative decisions, including threshold environmental determinations, shall be made to all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies. A. Notification of Administrative Decision: The Development Services Division shall notify all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies of any administrative decision subject to notice. Notification must be made by mail, however, the Development Services Division may also elect to post the notice of Administrative Decision at or near the project site. The notice shall include: _ 1. A description of the decision(s), including any conditions of approval. 2. A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3. Any Threshold Environmental Determination issued for the project. If an application subject to an administrative approval requires an environmental threshold determination, the notice of administrative approval shall include the threshold determination and its appeal process. 4. The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to the Hearing Examiner is filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the date of the decision. 48 wr 4-36-7.4 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice of a public hearing for all development applications subject to ESHB requirements and all open record appeals subject to ESHB requirements shall be given as follows: A. Time of Notices: Except as otherwise required, public notification of meetings, hearings, and pending actions shall be made by: 1. Publication at least 10 days before the date of a public meeting, hearing, or pending action in the official newspaper if one has been designated or a newspaper of general circulation in the City; and 2. Mailing at least 10 days before the date of a public meeting, hearing, or pending action to all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies. 3. Posting of three notices at least 10 days before the meeting, hearing, or pending action at or near the project site. B. Content of Notice: The public notice shall include a general description of the proposed project, action to be taken, a non-legal description of the property or a vicinity map or sketch, the time, date and place of the public hearing, where further information may be obtained, and the following, or equivalent, statement: If the hearing on a pending action cannot be completed on the date set in the public notice, the meeting or hearing may be continued to a date certain and no further notice under this section is required. 4-36-7.5 NOTICE OF HEARING EXAMINER DECISION Notice of Hearing Examiner decisions subject to ESHB 1724 requirements shall be made to all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies. A. Notification of Decision: The Hearing Examiner's office shall notify the Development Services Division, all parties of record, and the project proponent of any decision subject to notice. Notification shall be made by mail and must include: 1. A description of the decision(s), including any conditions of approval. 2. A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3. Any Threshold Environmental Determination issued its appeal process. • 4. The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to the City Council is filed with the City Clerk within 14 days of the date of the decision. 49 Nor Nato" 4-36-7.5 NOTICE OF CITY COUNCIL DECISION Notice of Hearing Examiner or City Council decisions subject to ESHB 1724 requirements shall be made to all parties of record, project proponent and affected government agencies. A. Notification of Decision: The City Clerk's Office shall notify all parties of record, the Development Services Division, and the project proponent of any decision subject to notice. Notification shall be made by mail and must include: 1. A description of the decision(s), including any conditions of approval. 2. A statement explaining where further information may be obtained. 3. Any Threshold Environmental Determination issued its appeal process. 4. The decision date and a statement that the decision will be final unless an appeal to the City Council is filed with the Superior Court within 14 days of the date of the decision. 50 SECTION 4-31-2: DEFINITIONS Complete Project Permit Application (Building, Land Use, Public Works): An application package meeting the submittal requirements listed in Section 4-36-4 which is sufficient for continued processing even though additional information may be required or project modifications may be undertaken subsequently. Open Record Public Hearing: A hearing, conducted by a single hearing body or officer authorized by the local government to conduct such hearings, that creates the local government's record through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by RMC Section 4-36-6. Closed Record Appeal: An administrative appeal on the record to a local government body or officer including the legislative body, following an open record hearing on a project permit application when the appeal is on the record with no or limited new evidence or information allowed to be submitted and only appeal argument allowed. Open Record Appeal: An administrative appeal to a local government body or officer including the legislative body, that creates the local government's record through testimony and submission of evidence and information, under procedures prescribed by RMC Section 4- 36-6. 51