HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Audience Comment -y/Z-��/'7 �vc�!,�-��.� G���r;��'� A RESOLUTIOM OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHfNGTON, DECLARING THE CITY OF RENTON A SANCTUARY CITY WHEREAS,the City of Renton is a welcoming city that serves and protects its residents regardless�f their immigration or refugee status, race, color, creed, religion, natianal origin,age, sex, marital status, parental status, sexuai orientation, gender identity, political idealogy,disability, homelessness, income source,or veteran status; and WHEREAS,the City of Renton is a ruelcoming city where those who are politically victimized can find refu�e and sanc#uary, with a continuin�history of supportin� immigrant ri�hts includin�refu�ees; and WHEREAS, in the City Renton all people, including immigrants, are respected and valued and are vital to ourshared prosperity; and NIHER�AS, immigration has been a cornerstone af our city, region, state and nation`s development throughout aur history; and WHEREAS,Washington's population grew by forty thousand(40,000� unauthorized residents between 2009 and 2014, making ourstate one of just six in the country with a growing unauthorized population; and WHEREAS,Washington isthe natian's eighth largest refugee-receiving state; and �HER�AS, an estimateci ane hundred thousand(10�],t1�0� iVlusiim residentsare praud to caii Washington their home and live peacefully as our neighbors,colleagues and friends; and WHEREAS,more than twenty-eight thousand�28,Q00} unauthorized youth in Washington received temporary status through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals(DACA) pra�ram and they deserve an opportunity to have a brightfuture and to contribute their time and talent to make Renton a city of innavation and growth; and 1'�r��°��,i�t�t8 C?�}`t?��8•'St•.^•t? �t�S�?8ai1 i3^aeifc'zC��4e� S�;l$Rtkl Ri�B+�!'v`Qi58 S?73^�E C1t';•'!e•.iei8 %lrsjtau S±3}SS forthe year2016; and WHEREAS,the State of Washington of has adapted a Resolution of Sanctuary; and WHEREAS, King County has aciopted a Resoiution of Sanctuary; NOW,THEREFORE,THE RENTQN CiTY COUNCTL�OES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section i, The City of Renton deciares itseif to be a Sanctuary City; ancf Section 2. As a Sanctuary City,City empfoyees will serve all residents,and City services wilf be accessible to all residents regardless of immigration status; and Section 3,The City of Renton will not inquire upon a resident's immigratian status in providing municipal services or in the course of iaw enforcement; and Section 4. City empfoyees will not inquire about immigration status an any application for City benefits, services, or opportunities, except as required by federal or state statute, regulation,or court decision; will not limit City services or benefits based on immigration status, unless required by federal orstate statute or regulation, public assistance criteria, ar court decision; and Sects�r �.As a ��^�t:�ary�'�y,the r'�*y�f Fert=�n�:i!! �ax� �el�cies t!?at insts�ct�sr:p!�?y�=t� r��us�#hg application of any requestfrom a state orfederal agency that requires the identification of a resident's immigration status, feavingthat determinatian to federa(authorities; and 5ection 6.The [.ity of�tenton shail refuse any requests that are an extension of any federal immigration poiicy enforcement actions to federal authorities and shall not enter into any agreements to carry out such federal enforcement actions, but lea�e such actions to federal autharities;The City of Renton shall refuse to assist or cooperate with any ICE investigation,detention, or arrest relating to alleged viola#ians of the civi) provisions of federal immigration law; and Section 7.The City of Renton shal) nat provide information aboutthe release status or persona! information of any individual,except in limited circumstances when law enforcement may respond to ICE requests for notification about when an individual wil{be released from custady.The City of Renton shall not detain an individual on the basis of a civil immigration detainer afterthat individual becomes eligible for release from custady 5ection 8.The City of Renton shali review its policies to ensure that they reflect Renton's status as a Sanctuary City, including possible re�ision of City policies to comply with this Resolution.