HomeMy WebLinkAboutApproved Minutes 02/27/2017 � ci�rv ca� �� ��� ' ��� M 1 N UTES City Council Regular Meeting 7:00 PM-Monday, February 27,2017 Council Chambers, 7th Floor, City Hall—1055 S. Grady Way CALL TO ORDER AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Law called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order at 7:00 PM and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Councilmembers Present: Councilmembers Absent: Armondo Pavone, Council President Ed Prince Randy Corman Ryan Mclrvin Ruth Perez Don Persson Carol Ann Witschi ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRESENT Denis Law, Mayor Jay Covington,Chief Administrative Officer Shane Moloney,Senior Assistant City Attorney lason Seth, City Clerk Gregg Zimmerman, Public Works Administrator Jan Hawn,Administrative Services Administrator Preeti Shridhar, Deputy Public Affairs Administrator Cliff Long, Economic Development Director Angie Mathias, Long Range Planning Manager Commander Dave Leibman, Police Department ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT-ADDED PROCLAMATION MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE THE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT AHEAD OF THE PUBLIC HEARING.CARRIED. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES RENTON TO BE AN INCLUSIVE CITY:A proclamation by Mayor Law was read declaring Renton to be an Inclusive City on February 27, 2017,and he invited the community to come together to support the shared values of inclusion, equity,and diversity. Dr. Linda Smith and Ted Rodriguez accepted the proclamation with appreciation. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION.CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARING Tim D Annexation and Proposed Zoning-A-16-002: This being the date set and proper notice having been posted and published in accordance with local and State Laws, Mayor Law opened the public hearing to consider the Tim D Annexation and Proposed Zoning, 2.7 acres located in the vicinity of SE 100th St near 124th Ave SE to the east;and near NE 26th Ct.to the north. Long Range Planning Manager Angie Mathias reported that the petitioner had submitted the 60% Direct Petition to Annex and that it had been certified by King County. She explained that the purpose of tonight's public hearing was to allow Council the opportunity to accept, reject, or geographically modify the proposed annexation, and to hold the first of two required public hearings regarding the proposed zoning for the annexation area. Ms. Mathias described where the property is located, and reported that there are steep slopes on the property, no wetlands or other environmental concerns in proximity to the annexation area with the exception of Honey Creek approximately 700 feet to its southwest, and indicated that public services for the area would not change.She also reported that the current King County zoning is Urban Residential Low, R-1.She reported that Renton zoning is Residentia) Low Density,which allows for either Resource Conservation, R-1,or R-4 zoning, and noted that staff is recommending R-4 zoning for the site. Concluding, Ms. Mathias reviewed the fiscal impact of the annexation, reported that the annexation meets the requirements of City annexation policies and Boundary Review Board objectives,and recommended that Council accept the 60% Direct Petition to Annex and authorize the administration to forward the annexation packet to the Boundary Review Board. Public comment was invited: Marian Lee, King County, expressed concerns about the stability of Mr. Ding's driveway. She also asked questions related to future development that may occur at the site. Mayor Law emphasized that the purpose of the public hearing is to consider the annexation petition. He added that Ms. Lee could sign up to receive future notifications regarding the site. Tim Ding, King County, petitioner, remarked that he currently has to haul his garbage cans down a 500 foot steep driveway and if annexed he could bring his cans to the Monroe Ave SE side of his property which is flat. He also noted that he will save on property taxes if annexed to the city. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Rubin Bonilla, Des Moines, asserted that he had not been notified of the annexation petition even though he owns property abutting the site. He also expressed concern that future development of the Ding property may negatively impact his ability to develop his own property. He added that he had not been asked to include his parcel to the annexation petition. Roger Greene, King County,submitted a letter from residents of the Western Hills neighborhood that is located adjacent to the proposed annexation site. He indicated that residents share many concerns about future development at the site. Bonnie Beaman, King County,stated that she too has concerns about any future development on the site because of the steep slopes.She also cautioned that removing too many trees may trigger landslides in the area. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING.CARRIED. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY PAVONE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX AND AUTHORIZE THE ADMINISTRATION TO FORWARD THE TIM D ANNEXATION NOTICE OF INTENT PACKET TO THE BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD.CARRIED. PUBLIC MEETING North Agape Annexation-A-16-003: This being the date set and proper notice having been posted and published in accordance with local and State Laws, Mayor Law opened the public meeting to consider the North Agape 10% Notice of Intent to Annex petition, approximately 13.9 acres located in the vicinity of NE 1st PI,Yakima Ave NE,and 158th Ave SE to the east; and 156th Ave SE to the west. Long Range Planning Manager Angie Mathias reported that state law requires a public meeting be held with the initiator in order for Council to accept, reject,or geographically modify the proposed annexation.She described where the annexation site is located, its topography, its environmental conditions, and indicated that public services such as fire protection, utilities, and school district would not change. Ms. Mathias also reported that current King County zoning is Urban Residential Medium, R-4.She noted that his area was pre-zoned in 2007 by the City as R-4, and that zoning designation will become effective upon annexation. Concluding, Ms. Mathias reviewed the fiscal impact of the annexation, reported that the annexation meets the requirements of City annexation policies and Boundary Review Board objectives,and recommended that Council amend the boundary to extend east to include 158th Ave SE, and authorize circulation of a 60%Direct Petition to Annex specifying that property owners accept the City's zoning and assume their proportional share of the City's existing bonded indebtedness. There was no public comment. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC MEETING.CARRIED. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE, COUNCIL ACCEPT THE NORTH AGAPE 10%NOTICE OF INTENT TO ANNEX PETITION,AMEND THE BOUNDARY TO THE EAST TO INCLUDE 158th AVE SE,AND AUTHORIZE CIRCULATION OF THE 60% DIRECT PETITION TO ANNEX SPECIFYING THAT PROPERTY OWNERS ACCEPT THE CITY'S ZONING AND ASSUME THEIR PROPORTIONAL SHARE OF THE CITY'S EXISTING BONDED INDEBTEDNESS.CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT-CONTINUED Chief Administrative OfficerJay Covington reviewed a written administrative report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2016 and beyond. Items noted were: • Inclement Weather Response Reminder: The Public Works Department would like to remind residents to help us prevent local residential street flooding by monitoring catch basins near your home and keeping them clear of leaves and other debris. Street sweepers are dispatched daily to clean up debris along major arterials. Also, snow is not far away. Please remember that during snow and ice events,the department sanders and snow plows are dispatched to keep major arterials drivable. Visit our website at http://rentonwa.gov/living/default.aspx?id=21258 to view our snow route maps. It is imperative that motorists do not park or abandon their vehicles within any portion of the traffic lanes. Abandoned vehicles impair snow and ice removal and impact response of emergency vehicles. • The Burlington Northern-Santa Fe Railway Company is in the process of improving their railroad crossings at key intersections this year. The Company will replace the aging rubber material that currently forms the crossing over the tracks with concrete crossings like those that have been installed along Houser Way and the Main Street/Houser Way/3rd Avenue intersection, and at the crossing at Bronson Way North just west of Sunset Boulevard. Two intersections were completed this past weekend: l)Oakesdale Avenue SE between SW 34th and SW 42nd Streets;and 2)the crossing at North 3rd Street between Houser Way North/Factory Avenue North and Sunset Boulevard North. A third crossing is scheduled for the upgrade to concrete approximately two months from now. • The record rainfall this month has caused some landslides in the Kennydale area and . in two places along SR-169. After the devastating Oso mudslide in Snohomish County, the City conducted a comprehensive LIDAR(Light Detection and Ranging)analysis to identify potential future slide risks in Renton. Staff will present those findings, along with information from these latest slides, at the Council's Committee of the Whole meeting on April 17th. • As the 2017 Washington State Legislature continues its work in Olympia,we continue to monitor potential legislation that could impact Renton. Our lobbyist, Doug Levy, along with Preeti Shridhar, our Deputy Administrator for Public Affairs,will provide the Council with a mid-session update on March 13th. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES • This past Wednesday, IKEA Renton opened its doors to a beautiful new 399,000 square foot store adjacent to its current store. Work will now commence on tearing down the old store and completing the parking and landscaping as part of the new store layout. We are proud that the opening of the new store was accompanied by its new name: IKEA Renton! • Preventative street maintenance will continue to impact traffic and result in occasional street closures. AUDIENCE COMMENTS • Angel Swanson, Renton,expressed appreciation for Council adopting the Inclusive City proclamation earlier in the evening. However,she remarked that declaring Renton to be a sanctuary city would be more impactful to the immigrant community. Ms.Swanson read a draft Sanctuary City proclamation, and noted that Council could adopt something similar in the future.She also mentioned that a new group called Renton Resist will be holding their first immigration rally on March 19, 2017 at the Renton Pavilion.She invited City officials to attend the rally. • Chandra Lindquist, Renton,stated that recent political events have motivated her to become more active in the community.She requested that Council declare Renton to be a sanctuary city. She stated that she believes declaring Renton to be a sanctuary city will make the community a safer place for undocumented residents. • Doug Jones, Renton, stated that he supports the draft Sanctuary City resolution that Ms. Swanson had presented to Council. He urged Council to declare Renton to be a sanctuary city. • Howard McOmber, Renton, invited City officials to attend the Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches (REACH)annual fundraising gala occurring on March 18, 2017 at the Renton Pavilion. He also thanked City officials for opening cold weather shelters during the recent periods of inclement weather. Discussion ensued regarding the potential benefits and consequences of declaring Renton to be a sanctuary city. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed on the ConsentAgenda were adopted with one motion,following the listing. a) Approval of Council Meeting minutes of February 13, 2017.Council Concur. c) AB-1861 Mayor Law appointed Shane A. Moloney as City Attorney, effective April 1,2017 at Step D of the salary Grade m49.Council Concur. d) AB-1853 Administrative Services Department recommended adopting a resolution to set the threshold for state sales tax credit for 2017 at$6,022,000 related to the Benson Hill annexation.Counci)Concur. e) AB-1855 City Attorney Department requested authorization to hire a Senior Assistant City Attorney at Step E of the salary Grade m42. Council Concur. f) AB-1859 Community& Economic Development Department recommended approval to develop a work program for 2017 and a revision to Strategy 8.3.1 of the City Center Community Plan. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES g) AB-1860 Community& Economic Development Department recommended approval of the recommended priorities for the Benson Hill Community Plan. Refer to Planning& Development Committee. h) AB-1854 Public Works Department requested authorization to purchase ten vehicles valued at$288,335.The funds required to purchase the vehicles were included in the 2017/2018 Biennial Budget.Council Concur. MOVED BY PAVONE,SECONDED BY PRINCE,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE CONSENT AGENDA, MINUS ITEM 7.b. CARRIED. SEPARATE CONSIDERATION-ITEM 7.b. b) AB-1858 Mayor Law appointed Rocale Timmons to the Community Plan Advisory Board-City Center with a term expiring March 1, 2020.D�{��•^�'���:�^ Q- ^^„�,^��A�•���-�-:••�� MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 7.b.AS COUNCIL CONCUR.CARRIED. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Planning&Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Renton Housing Authority request to waive 100-percent of eligible development and impact mitigation fees for the Sunset Court Apartment development project.The proposed 50-unit affordable rental housing development is a component of the Sunset Terrace Redevelopment Master Site Plan and meets the criteria for a fee waiver as provided in RMC 4-1-210C.The fee waiver will assist the RHA in providing new affordable rental housing and support the City's ongoing redevelopment efforts in the Sunset Area. MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY CORMAN,COUNCtL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. Planning&Development Committee Chair Prince presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff and Planning Commission recommendation to adopt the 2017 Title IV Docket 12 Group A.The Planning and Development Committee further recommended that ordinances for the following items be prepared and presented for first reading when they are complete: • #D-128: Pet Daycare • #D-129: Renton Municipal Arts Commission • #D-130: Light Intensity Commercial • #D-131:Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations #D-132: Projections into Setbacks • #D-133:Administrative Code Interpretations MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY MCIRVIN,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Finance Committee Chair Persson presented a report approving for payment on February 27, 2017 claims vouchers 354126-354128,354132-354145,354187-354489,5256-5257, 5287-5295, 10005 and no wire transfers and one payroll run with benefit withholding payments totaling $2,930,479.50 and payroll vouchers including 602 direct deposits and 75 payroll vouchers totaling$1,279,441.96. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. Utilities Committee Chair Mclrvin presented a report recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to execute the agreement for Water and Wastewater Utilities 2017-2018 General Services project with RH2 Engineering, Inc. in the amount of$227,322. MOVED BY MCIRVIN,SECONDED BY PEREZ, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION.CARRIED. LEGISLATION Resolution: a) Resolution No.4305:A resolution was read authorizing the City to impose a sales and use tax as authorized by RCW 82.14.415 as a credit against State sales tax and use tax, relating to annexations. MOVED BY PERSSON,SECONDED BY PAVONE,COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS READ.CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Please see the attached Council Committee Meeting Calendar ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PRINCE,SECONDED BY WITSCHI,COUNCIL ADJOURN.CARRIED.TIME: 8:11 P.M. Jaso .Seth,C C,City erk Jason Seth, Recorder Monday, February 27, 2017 February 27, 2017 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES Council Committee Meeting Calendar February 27, 2017 Ma�rch 6�2Q17 Manday 4:30 PM Transportation Committee, Chair Perez - Council Conference Room l. Northwest Seaplanes, Inc. Addendum 1 1-16. 2. Sunset Lane Roadway Closures/Detours - Briefing 3. Emerging Issues in Transportation - Including Airport Control Tower Construction CANCELLED Community Services Committee, Chair Witschi 5:30 PM Committee of the Whole, Chair Pavone - Conferencing Center 1. 2016 Insurance Claims Review and Report 2. Neighborhood Program Update 3. Follow-up from Council Planning Workshop