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Z o •c a) m (a)) cu o -� co c ( a aEi aEi C° co CD ID a) 2 a) n a`, c c a) m �° zi -� c d m an) a)IX Ct a)aa)) U c E = U L c -o .0 c an c O i W 0 O a a) a: CC a) a) X X v Uo al co rn V) O (° O O cN N N N c O O` vr.r W °) (n N c E 03 .1) m `m - CO- o 3 3 () W 3 3 0) �'o a v V J v d fn W m .- 3 J a) N v) rn Cn t c J 3 o F- c j co O c 0 c c c c c c .0 W y voi d m W d o m > o o 1° o o m o-o v v s s i° uoiYc in t o >, 12 �o c c ° aa)) aa) rnrnm aa)i od > E J = m .- o m a) o V a) co a) a) 3 a) I- U) W S 2 I-- D m J 2 U) (0 Y 2 O Z Z U) Z U) U) O (D O ( I- I- • 03 • Z N M to (O n a-1.0 CO a- co N N N COCOCOM COCOM Cr) CO N CD at OV p Z CO • TABLE 9-1 CITY OF RENTON SURFACE WATER UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PROJECTS NO DESCRIPTION 1996 1997 1998 1999 12000 12001 2002 2003 FUTURE 97-03 TOTAL GRAND TOTAL t Surface Water Utility Comprehensive S20.170 50 S0 ISO SO $100.000 SO So So S100.000 $120,110 2 Small Drainage Problems Program $388.549 $100.000 stao.000 stoo 00o stoo.000 Si°0000 sloo 00o st00.000 so S700.000 Si 088.549 3 PCW Mosquito Abatement Program S25 996 S25.000 s25.000 S25.000 125.000 S25.000 S25.000 S25000 SO $175000 1200.996 SO S0 SO SO SO SO SO S160.356 4 Valley Study Project(ESGRW Plan) z160.356 zo SO 'S0 SO $37s1 5 1�05/Renton Village 132"Culvert s3.751 so SO SO so so so so SO so SO so $4926 6 1-405/P-I Channel Box Culvert S4928 SO so So so s° 7 NE 27th Aberdeen Drainage Improve S1,117.081 so so So So w so so SO so s7.117,oat 8 Cedar River Flood Control Study $5.148 $ts.000 $2 000 S2 000 12.000 S2.000 s2 000 S2 000 SO $27 000 $32.148 SO SO SO So SO S0 SO $9.902 9 Black River Water Quality Managem s9,902 so -�so so so s22<0s3 to Panther Creek Wetland Acqusition Pr $224 0 so so 53 So so so S0 SOs o0o 588.2374. 11 Stream Flow/Water Quality Monitori S23237 $5000 s10.0o0 510000 st0.000 110.000 S10000 510000 SO 588.237 so so so so SO t2 Lower Cedar River Nonpoint Action s33.329 SO SO SO so SO $tl.to< 13 Lower Cedar River Basin Plan $11 104 so so So so so ,SO SO so S0 S0 50 $1 500.000 S1.793.163 14 Lower Cedar River Sediment Manage 5293,163 SO St So0000 SO S0 50 4 51150000 $t a90 78s SO 51,300,000 SO SO SO SO 15 Wetland Mitigation Bank S140.785 $50.000 SO - - S1.350.O $1.4 0,7 So SO SO SO so so 66 16 Maplewd Crk Sed.Pond/Fish Passage s498.666 1340.000 w so Aso s0 so $t74 xa 17 May Creek Basin Plan S174.383 50 SO SO S0 Igo 50 So SO 5100 000 $667.614 18 NE IOth&Anacortes Ave.(Mission $s6? SO S0 50 61a sloo.000 so O Iso SO $° szos�zs 19 SW 7th Capacity Analysis(South Ren s205.425 So so SO S0 S0 S $38.s94 �+°'20 PACCAR 72'Storm Interceptor $ae 594 so so so so Iso so so so s0 $13a,z46 21 Lake Wash.Blvd/NE 44th St Exit Sto $133�46 so so s0 SO SO so So soso. SO so st?68 22 Sub-Basin Hydrologic/Hydraulic Ana 's1 SO SO 50 S° . z6n so so $/76.678 23 P-I Channel(Grady Way to SW 16th $»6 e SO SO SO 50 S0 7a so so so so $2zs.oao 24 NE 10th&Monroe Strom Replaceme s22 so so so so so so so so s.000 so s3o orb $9o.aoo 25 Photogrammetric Mapping of City s6o 00o $30.000 So SO SO s0 so so SO so szso.000 26 Cedar Basin Plan CIP $250.000 so so so SO So s0 s0 so 27 Eastside G.River Flood Cnt.Alt_ $200,000 1400,000 S500000 S810.000 150.000 $800,000 s1500.000 $300000 SO so So SO SO S4060.000 So so so 28 Alternative Onsite SWM Policy Study s60.000 so so so so s6o,000 SO $60,000 29 Renton Stormvvater Manual $60 0 so so so so so 0o so so s° $2o0.000 30 Houser Way North Storm System Rep szoa oso so so so so 0o so soso so so so s2oo.o00 31 Lake Ave S.&S.Tobin St.Storm Sys Szoo.000 so so so so so so so szs oo° szS,tSoo 32 Monroe Ave NE&NE 4th St Infiltrat so $25.000 SO so so so so SO ut 000 ss7.lwo 33 Lake Washington/Cedar River Forum so ste.000 s13.000 so so SO 10 SO SO sl.zoo.000 $t�oo,000 34 Maplewood Ck.Basin Storm Improve so So sos2oo.o00 1200.1)00 seoo.000 so SO $hoo 00o shoo lsoo 35 May Ck.Basin Plan Implementation so SO so S100000 $100.000 s200.000 $200.000 so - 36 Gypsy Basin/Ripley Ln.Improv. so so so so $200000 1400.000 SO SO SO shoo 000 sfioo 000 37 S.Renton Storm System Improv. so SO S0 1250.000 1550.000 S0 SO so m saoo 00o seo°.000 38 Meadow Ave&NE 40th Storm Syste so so so so s0 $150.000 w S° SO $tso.000 stso.000 39 Sunnydale Downstream Storm Sys so so so so so SO 5200.000 SO SO i1200.000 5200.000 d0 2400 BIK Park Place N.Storm System Imp' so SO 50 w So so SO S300.000 SO S300.000 0300,000 41 N 26th St.Storm System improvement Proj So SO 50 S0 So 10 so 5200 000 SO 5200 000 S200.000 42 Kennydale Sub-basin HSH Analysis 50 10 f0 So so So so 5700.000 50 5700.000 $100.000 so St00.000 SO St00 000 $100,000 43 Honey Creek Sub-Basin Storm System An So so so so so 50 44 NE 5th Si&Edmonds Ave.NE StormSO S300.000 50 S300.000 $300.000 Syst 10 SD So s° So So T-- 45 lower Maplewood Creek Project so So SO so so IS0 SO 5500 000 50 5500 000 5- 000 46 SOso s0 5o ISO [s° so So so I II I I I I_ I `SU8T0TAL 1115.512,56s I$1.108.000 IS2.150000 I S1.497000 IS2537,000 152.587000 I52037000 ISi937000 ISO 517853000 1519365.566 w f-rei2 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM •N`" SUMMARY OF CAPITAL PROJECTS NO (DESCRIPTION I 19971 19981 19991 2000( 20011 20021 2003I 20041 FUTURE( TOTAL! 1 Maplewood Supply $95,000 S85,000 $20,000 S20,000 S20,000 $20,000 S20.000 I $270,000 2 Maplewood Pipeline/Rolling Hills $50,000 S10,000 $10,000 S70,000 3 Aquifer Relocations 4 Pipe Oversizirg costs 5 WeMeld Protection S30.000 S30.000 S30.000 $30,000 $70,000 $70,000 530.000 $230.000 6 Levelized Billing 7 8 SIeeVAC/CI Main Replacement S600,000 S500.000 $600,000 $600.000 S500,000 $600.000 S600.000 $4.000 000 9 Aquifer Awareness Program $30.000 530,000 330000 S10.000 $3000o S30.000 $30.000 S250.000 10 Water Quality Monitoring S5,000 $5 000 55.000 515.000 11 Water Supply Planning/RegionaVReuse S15.000 315.000 $5,000 S5,000 $5,000 $5.000 $50.000 12 Water Conservation Compliance S15.000I $15.000 S15,000 215,000 S15.000 S15,000 S90.000 13 Highlands 565 Zone Storage St 500,000 $1,500--000 S I.000 000 --- 54.00000 14 Rolling Hills 490 Zone Reservoir 51,700000 s1700000 13 400,000 15 Photogrammetic Mapping of City 1.. S10.000 1 0 Oo0 17 Maplewood Golf Course ng Zone Res -= -=-M 53 500.000 al. 17 Groundwater Modeling/Mngmnt 040,000 $20.000 18 Water Rate Study $IO 000 --- 560.000 -- S10.000 20 Update Comprehensive Plan S60 000 $24 0.000 21 MI Olivet Reservoir Number 2 1_- $2000000 S2,000000 22 Talbot 16'24'Main Rep -- - l 23 Cathodic Protection Movotonng $20,000 St0 000 $5 000 S5,000 25 000 S5 000 $S 000 $500o S60.000 24 565 Res Recoat --! 0100.000 25 Enwryency Response Projects -- - - ---. = 26 Telemetry Improvements -_- t 27 Cross Connection Data Base S15000 $15.000 SI S.000 F 110000 f15,000 $15.000 $15000 0115000 28 Large Meter Replacement S5o000 I 050 000 29 Fireflow Map Update/Hydraulic Model S20,000 $15.000 S15.000� S 10.000 $10 000 510.000 Sao 000 30 Under River Crossing ---- S 150.000 31 Downtown Redevel Pipe Repl -- _---� 32 12'N.6th St. ---- $t 50.000 f150.000 v48INPY 33 Water Quality Data Base S40,000 S40.000 34 12"Main Grant Ave S to Eagle Point Dev. $t 75.o00 0175,000 35 12"Main Talbot Hill-SW43rd to S192nd 36 GUI Monitoring $zw o0o i2w.000 37 Emergency Response Plan Update $60,000 $50.000 $130,000 38 GUI Compliance Planning 39 Emerg Power Supply-Wells S1200.000 $200,000 St 400,000 40 Update Conservation Plan 520.000 S20.000 41 Aquifer Protection Data Base $50,000 550,000 42 GMA Flaming 43 GIS Data-base and Conversion 'y ->57g00o S30,000 S2o,o0o sic)000 Sto,000 Sto.00 Sto.000 010000 S170,000 44 Water Quality Study(EES) 45 Operating Plan 46 Kennydale Reservoir 03,000 000 $3,000.000 47 Well 3 Rehabilitation 48 Windsor Hills/Houser Way PS 49 Aquifer Artificial Recharge Study Sto0.000 0100,000 50 Highlands 435 Reservoir 51 GUI Compliance Facilities $3 coo.000 51.600.000 52 Corrosion Control Facilities $200,000 0200000 53 Mt Olivet Water Quality S20.000 S20,000 S70 000 I 520.000 120,000 S20.000 $20.000 S20.000 $160,000 54 Reservoir Recoat $300.000 S300.000 55 UpdateCross Connection Plan 1 56 Restore _-- J_ Sprvgbrook Springs s t o00 000 S 1 000.000 57 InterJoint W 11 e0elopm ---_ f40.000- --- sao 000 58 Joint Well Development _ -- 19 000.000 19.000.000 59 196 Zone Reservoir -- -� S3500000 60 Spcvhgtxook Resery Star � $3000.000 13000000 61 Renton up Pump Station(490) 1 = I1 Ao0,000 S 1.400,000 62 Water Supply/Avail Model ri0,000 $30,000 63 South Highlands Pump Station - �= St e00 00o S 1 eoo.000 65 Global PositioningSystem == S- s150.000 65 Fred Nelson Electrical Rehab -- -_-66 No Talbot Hill Pump Station Rehab 0106 o0o 5100 00o f400 000 67 Colifonn Monitoring Stations S30U00 030.000 i ' . SUBTOTAL • l 0845,0001 5955.000 I $2.535.0001 S2.515.0001 12250.000I 02.355.0001 $2,360,000 1 $2,1 ts,000J S29405.000 J 048 815.000 0 c. 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O in c) 'Q' 00 off- O O H U 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O o 0 I U E h- Z w _1 N o Q m d O O O O 40 IC) u) If) O O O O N 1.0 N 8) w O O O O O O O O 0 69 69 69 69. fA 69 69 69. Q I EE � Q ~ 1 5 > co Q 0 I 0 0 M Z 0 0 J U tF (na 0 U) oe O � 5wa "� CO 2 )- O0I tiI- 0 or o) O r) a O o ;�,. 6 t v p re W 2 IC) O 40 N N CO O O N a W W cp w O 4 a � Q) (0 V .-- (O N U. 3 ffi 'o Z a- Q m 69 '_ 6N9 to U 69 69 En (° U) a LLLL11 3 w Q U � W ),, JLL ' LL DtoMMM 0 F. } xJ O -) K r M -Z i- O -.. ri ¢ O CO U) O (°) O O (() N- N .- CV CO O n O N m O) _ _ _ to V3 O) to 69 69 to I— O O Q) 0 CO in LO 10 N- Cal a) IO V co O e- N O) La V O p) 69 69 O) to N to n n a) >- 0 U c M U) (o a) CO C U } ai 2 gQLIJ w Z ui n 0) >, H 0) rn o) N • Z ~• L '� a L L W C Q C d 3CLI 3 0 O U 0 0 0 C g iiiat,�, o U Ca a s C.)• m 8 < m 5 m N m U 5 - O O ,per CO n CV LC) U) CO V N } F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 J ce x U 2 oS • W CO o Q M d M O N U) 1f) �J O O O O CV U) CO CD J ICJ O O O O O O O O U EA EA EA EA EA EA EA E9 Q J I- a W 17 2 > I- 2 < 0 I- o 0 n 2 p 0 -1 0 f- .. a F o x F• 0 0 CO 1- 0 N N U) O U) U) U) N- `fir M ED 1- F.. G) 2 n () O (D (") O U) CO N la W O) W O 4 U) ! Q) U) U) .- I- 0) O 3 I- ° g - Q M fA v <A 49 `A `A v! 4 E5 ID 3 w a m I- LL. Qao U Q O m } o o a) to O Lc) 1n 1n I• n co M O U) co O .- N O U) U) CO EA .- co EA EA EA LL U O /a o I- g0) 0) (NI 0 M O O (O (- CO V) CO O n Oal s_ .- N O) U) 'V CO EA L- C, EA U, EA n F- m (7 ... Z a) V co c Z >- 0 c N v c 7 co R g 2 na) g a) a) a rn WW- a0i w r �,., 3 ILI co z 3 3 F U 0 1 U 0 0 0 CCI) 9 ffi U E U U a , U C �] CO a a 3 2 8 2 m N m N n U O O • Rates Comparison With Surrounding Jurisdictions �.. 1996 Utility Rate Comparison Local Cities and Utility Districts • (Average Monthly Single Family Household) (Assume 800 cf/month) ANK:=<:<::::>;>::>:><::»>:>:>::»>::>::>:::::>::.<I.TY :<;>««<:«: <:::<::<:::><:::::>:::«::::=::>:::<::::::: TAL W1:xT E R........... EWE: > < ate> < >` um er<<<' ;.:..:::.::::.:::::::::::. .R. . ............................... .. . ..... ... ...... . .th..............:�11�.ASS'�.................................. 1. SKYWAY $84.14 23.90 31.46 21.69 7.09 2. BRYN MAWR-LAKERIDGE $81.33 22.40 30.15 21.69 7.09 3. CEDAR RIVER WATER DIST. $75.42 19.66 26.98 21.69 7.09 (33.15 if pumped) 29.10 4. SOOS CREEK WATER DIST. $74.73 16.85 gravity 21.69 7.09 5. COAL CREEK UTIL DIST(W.D.107) $74.73 20.00 25.95 21.69 7.09 6. SEATTLE $71.66 15.67 32.40 20.35 3.24 7. RENTON $71.65 24.58 31.39 10.45 5.23 8. BELLEVUE $66.39 15.13 28.84 12.98 9.44 9. TUKWILA $63.12 19.60 23.10 17.92 2.50 10. KENT $62.78 15.47 24.48 17.70 5.13 11. AUBURN $56.60 12.03 24.36 14.71 5.50 12. REDMOND $55.47 14.72 25.40 9.35 6.00 NOTES AND ASSUMPTIONS: - For comparison purposes, all Solid Waste rates include recycling and yardwaste costs, and applicable city and state taxes, including $0.60/month for LHWMP program costs. - District Solid Waste costs are averaged from the following haulers: Waste Mgmt. Rainier, Meridian Valley, Sea Tac Disposal. - Auburn water rates changed in June 1996 - Tukwila water rates changed in October 1996 - Utility Tax included in rates when applicable. File.Sys/adml.xls - Noir • 1 1/14/96 Rates Comparison With Surrounding Jurisdictions 1997 Projected Utility Rates for Comparison (Average Monthly Single Family Household) (Assume 800 cf/month) RAN :.:::;:;:( 1k;:;:::::::::::WA��T,E................................... EMPONE . .. .................................. ..:..� �#etroj..�.. ::::::3.:.::gain.:: *1. SKYWAY $84.14 23.90 31.46 21.69 7.09 *2. BRYN MAWR-LAKERIDGE $81.33 22.40 30.15 21.69 7.09 *3. CEDAR RIVER WATER DIST. $75.42 19.66 26.98 21.69 7.09 (33.15 if pumped) 29.10 *4. SOOS CREEK WATER DIST. $74.73 16.85 gravity 21.69 7.09 5. COAL CREEK UTIL. DIST. (W.D.107) $74.73 20.00 25.95 21.69 7.09 6. SEATTLE $73.07 16.88 32.40 20.35 3.44 7. RENTON $72.20 24.58 31.39 11.00 5.23 8. BELLEVUE $67.93 16.35 28.89 12.98 9.71 9. TUKWILA $64.62 19.60 24.10 17.92 3.00 10. KENT $64.13 15.47 24.48 17.70 6.48 11 . AUBURN $56.75 12.03 24.51 14.71 5.50 *12. REDMOND $55.47 14.72 25.40 9.35 6.00 *13. WATER DISTRICT 90 $41.28 12.50 Septic 21.69 7.09 NOTES AND ASSUMPTIONS: - For comparison purposes, all Solid Waste rates include recycling, yardwaste costs, applicable city and state taxes, and $0.60/month for LHWMP. - District Solid Waste costs are averaged from the following haulers: Waste Mgmt. Rainier, Meridian Valley, Sea Tac Disposal. - Auburn water rates changed in June 1996 - Tukwila water rates changed in October 1996 - Utility Tax included in rates when applicable. * Projected 1997 rates unavailable File.Sys/adml/xls 1 1/14/96 1 C1 :::__,-,E,_::-:-.:±_:_:__::-:-_;-__E:_:_:-_::-:-::::::_,-:-_,-:::-_EE- ppl ,,,.,,, - . g p __::::::::::::::-H-H-H-.:-::::::::- 4. _ 1 11 Alt- . L \r'\_:z -- , * ------------------=-- 'T\ 41 St \Y!A\<--A\ l s]NrR'L'' _ _-- -� ORE d rr= - J c-_Y_A\\=lA=!_ Isv W -19q. -.7-:-:-:-_-X-H-H-H-:-:-- :-:-.:-:-7.-7.-:-H-_-:-.:-:-:-:-:-:-_ __::::::::::;;;_:_:1:11:_E_E_::._::,H.._:_::;;__:I 4141/1_ ! 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Si 641Fatirfile ir ifiliiitit/ 1 '= IIiiin , , MI m 77, tT .©D '7:111111111111111),11 FI)P,n ii ---"-'"Imm----- fr-k- - - tir tt.,. 32A It; �1� ' A I III I=111 l a r, neo 1 / S. -r{ D@n MW' 11 1, �I77 � • • t = ��� - t.„ /plink", �I R % 1 $�H WMR1illl � � Li. .�acement e �.� 1111iT,•damtItS1Hy S i 1tll� � � � _ 5E 14%I D ��� i \,_ lgo „.., lifl. . ,',,,t,..,,"4, `„ ii\w- -- -- .,.;;._.., '41141111 . frrt \ 1 A t yC litNCTOI.\\ •.��p/ g R fl O . ` III Avvr, JiLiJ v#4 miliiii .., Illr 1- ), , t _ma a 4, ® r gk 'gimi I MI i lit ,\\ i S 252 ST W ■ g�.�' ri �'�IAJ /-ev(,^�_9 !7 -.., SE tSDtlP n Mt a 1,t. z V m 44 ‘ 5"illl ER ,.., ,,,,F, „,4. 1 0 ,4', Alt WI 4 41115 ), , . . t* SR Mt Si Nili111111 �1 N:1111 .� 6 41mga, - ,50T2% g,,,,,.n!10=I ( ' _ .I 3 x 1 EA �'.RI,Td� , • s..a ® •75J 's 'U JJ I- I _i_.i 1. x MS a SE 1MS -Aq•IR H IMA a - _� 1 Oil 5943tlR a M a b, SE 19WeR g 1an . ,.. jA :r - i a q at99ga g�� �� SE Imq R 'V..`.3) I� ? 4aF p - U. § 1BIrt 5t i ' SE 2:N 'p' �b �: ` a1Wq St SE ISO, gg Y e 7 53 R 1821 St p �' R a I •Z S ImR a IFF st_� 1 T S 121q 51 5:1Ba2 a 4` • - n("�/ d a,,, § a s 1 •, �. leans ��� s C , 4.. _ .. . _ I I i S WM a (��\\f ^� a 199M a = - SE 19bE S, SE,Sid a SE 192k a I �1 ©F j � S VIM a �III1 EIc t Air j 5 ssq a SE MN St U5 S x( : :II 'ANTHER; AKE SE meq a ilni 19M a $ co 'Ill I--j s Man a R m9x a tisk f x man a - rdlni plidik s li II �9 . I :.. '' a a„a gam= //!��©ice 1996 thru 1998 City Wide Projects 1996 (blue) Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation (1996) T • UTILITY SYSTEMS • • Long Range Wastewater Management Plan P/B/PW Technical Services Capita Improvement Proiects Sewer Main Grouting and Rehabilitation R. MacOnie, D. Visneski 1997 (red) ��� 9 September 1996 Lift Station Electrical Rehabilitation (1997) ------ City Limits GIS Data Bose & Conversion (1997) WASTEWATER Misc Sewer Projects 1998 (black) GIS Data Base & Conversion (1998) .41 hi 0 0 i 411 I) kill) f ------------- 2 i f: pm, ,,. ,,,, , .. ., ,,,,„, .-_7---:_-_--_:.--_-_:_--_-:-1-.-_-.--.;-_-;-_--;-_-;-__;-_--;_-_-;-__,_-_:_--__:-_:-__-.__:-_-_-__:.-____:_- ::: iAi',er. I- :._• b.i Skt-. ' (. . V- ,' ,t-2 nag/ _ _ _ (S d #�p - 67: M,N AR 1b.1Y;_t•. 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INI 2 rfl®3 -- .��. y ( \ Alci...111 .....,:l- ' - .1t.17111111111 m.�� � i 9 y ® ral ff.illaVirltrill 111 1k, Li....,9 n k \ er r„ I"IIICI °9 - �1 Ili _WASt bf (Elk In 1011Z. IBM m _ • Eitii tc i le�a a - — it, ...Ian A Is rn, 0-ti �I I Q 13}tl q m M eb l - ad10 g. bE 6,N q t s c i� 1..,Ii ` IIIIr® 1 Q j'"'�ra9P5mk = ib � _1 .11,61111PN1141&t14. ir Lri E ItItL10-AA-- tt . ; NI ilik` ., '11 �� t ' ,�, NE Nn A 4 MS 6t 417d1b � ,, ___ II .43 -1 !II ®ICIlG ® q r tj�j Mt. Olivet - �9 k •~ I � "IVI 4,.., INNIkIllIMMIN ca _� \ili ball .'Irk �r illiff Monitoring eir "111111111114111111_/ .. ,.,.,c...,.4_4414eiv..,,..,.._...___I 17:_= I r �T ' , /r ion Corrosion Control111W — — l' ' t ‘ . ---r'n-4; (W.l' alt...ii,*'-i, - er12 1 I ii-iii I?, -. urigielt i- 1 AIMS R. I o �� ��IIP �' ,,,q \\ Sr. ''e 1111111!i�i�� ; LI 11 I S IIyy A / S•M A ....., ,,,,, Vol 12 L---Il� r r 1 • \ _y1 4 115_� 1 1■7,4 I''_ \...''' . \ / ,,,,,, Rolm Fes V.›.. �,za 6tall 11114111jto r Design Rolhirp Fh1t . `idk —, r'= I Reservoir / 4 N4 d g , .AN D '. C� , /�-,6T4 irPI II\. !F E, \ ago P Sta0 I ��W /� ` 'A► r. ,Res! Plot Prai•ct Q \� gCompha SYRIA St.g, NerA - Ilk 4 INd I��� 1 �••T miumme _L\, 1 iSY9mlAId SI -Leti, ' flimAtilSY]39k .�' 1.F.411St 4 Mtl k' -_ STA t tS g � .4f, k "- SE ® C _16TAfl R. `` s 2W SL t Ci^ SE 161e k bf p 8 •F y� S� ��� f § 1I4 163I A s [j J . ' v_ 416bd q �� ` SW DNi \1II 11'I/mAu1411111;111. 9T1m SI 186St - 4,,,,I RB ItUI 161N% !..yzjv bY ... ..1*t 1 - 11 le Arr-nnQ I jr_ . . _, t 4169N k al g�O (\ J 0011 s11]INA 6 ' p NI g _I�vG'Y 9[IANk g g SE Mt _ su t 1:tIT!'V"� n - y 9','- �'4'41rNlP 1 '1. 7111Fg --L- PebeJhk Rd SE '�l�T.,+� r Yt SY SR St In -i �-� \® 4IRgb k ; SE IAIb - 4--; -!_r_.1 i.4. 1 bli 9ti 1YG 5G I S9{3tl SC ) `® / /� .1.iv 1/I/' ®4 1AOm 51 4 A A a 4 t h - 1 1111 3M - / i Y t60m k y < Uld St 4 ISOT fl W 4IAd� �. .. _J17 SE ISltb St 4 19Nb - IM y T il . Y i r .111111111 SE MI,k i /-Ir� IEVIIIIIN �/(J �\ f -"�` ' • � i I r 1 -j � C �ON R4166TA 4 OM St I (.J ( m, Y - rl. s MOT St �lv �. :11. O .., k t:'_ t 419Tx 1 199TkA 0 ar p 4 _ I \\ .41 N SEMdk 1� SElgtlk a ® r S ISb4 A N. . _ _ S SST k ��,\� 4,9]eA A A 19dM A - T • I S MN St 111 CO r- illi 1 q i y b •-•��_Corr.'' '� of Faditis: ' „ a dS MR St � i 4196N k < • M < i '�� 'ANTHER g'AKE / 4 9M� E g�s,91TA a gf99N CO iC S 19pq St 9 NOT SL 4 . a 8 SE AM k 1 4 249N k ' �L-Li/� I++I111 4]OONA II �� i■ S_` 1111PI�� I-\s 4NIdAL` [-i7—AM®— (� n(� 1997/1998 PROGRAMS 19(�7/1998 - Wellfield Protection - Hydraulic Model Development .} ry� r Qry�Q } r .Q } - Maplewood Water Rights Compliance - Fire Flow Mapping Capital aI Improvement 1pl Over r rent PI oiec I s - Aquifer Aworeness Program Water Quality Database Development - Water Conservation Compliance - Emergency Response Plan Update - Photogrommetric Mapping of City - Aquifer Protection Database WATER - Groundwater Model - GIS Database and Conversion • Y - Water Rate Study - Water Supply Model G. �,� UTILITY SYSTEMS - Cathode Protectin Monitoring Program - Coliform Monitoring Station . .�j� PB/PW Tsdv9ical Services _ Cross Connection Program - 1997/1998 Steel/Cl/Asbestos Main Replacement •'•`/ R. MacOnie, D. �6neilo FAO 8 November 1996 Large Meter Replacement Program - City Limits '------:-H---:-:-:-.:-:-:-.:-:-:-:-H-_-:-.:-:-:-:-- :-:_,E-:-::-::17:_:!-:_:1:1.7!:-:li Illillu mm1;1.1.11111k1111—WedR. 17 2:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: lir li[/, , -\,_r! R-7.-:-:-:--_--:-:-:-.:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.:-- -----2 i 1 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -- :=== 1:18,000 ==_ _==== iti r �� 1 ===_=-::=========-= === == = ===- I Culver) s I •` . �- Kj• c-:-:•-•:-:-:-:-.:-:-.:-.:-H-H-7.-:•::::::::::•-:-:-:-.:::-:-::::-.:-:-:-•:-:•-:-:-_-_ ------•:-•:-.7---:-•:-:-.:-.:-.:-:-:-:-:-.:-:-•:-: _ 'Sr 1 •--_-_-----_-_-:-:-:-:-:---:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-.:-.1C-H-H-H-:::::::::-:.-:-:-,7.-: --:-=-X-:-.1:::-.::::-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :- ':8080,81•a nw .__:______:.::::::,:::::::::::::_:____::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,„_:__ __:..:3„:„,:,...„....„::,,,:,::::::„:::::::::::„, ._.____, . .,. ,/, -_:_x_-:_x_x_H_____:_:_:___________________________________________________x__________„_:_:_:_:_x_x_:_:_:_:_x_:_:_x_:_:_, memos v : L 7 -, 4( \ ' - : . . 411 --- ------------ kihiLi\1111, -•::::•33•EttE;K:EcE:K.:33-E:E:E.:E:E:::::::-MMV-Mt&-Mtrim:stE:E.:E.:E:itE.:::::_:: TPU ''''''"cm I.0 1_._,.Ir. , ______________________________________:_:_:_:_:___ ■ mi,._ a § 4,-"- ii-- \ 4 Ilitik mi N, ____ i Vt16. 4 ,_:-\ .., --:::3333E,:a:_:::_ggER:_:3:11.-E.ME:333._:_gr niarrillUMPF:•W"el I —— mi ,.. ,H,.2,_:_:_::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::„±:_:__ il , . :A 1 .. ___________________________„,„,_ 6-=E LAIE:j.,, ,,4 1-EEE:ZES2:2:2:::-:E:E:E:::,/ II 1!� El=:=3C3 �����m1 :� Lower Cedar ' ion . i� = :Hi0�1=� 11 Sediment Man:? \-'` DI �� a'i� 1`Ir•_ III I ■ 'is-- 1�07 s tltr� (AC•- 205 : \ �\ } yam= _ s �." A I� 1111MO rr tfr�\. .4c.;:i p I • :4 hteg---, --- ,.....,_•lem Improv- -.. 44-iii _. ilt ,,,,,i , ,. 1 D 0p_ �°Q� .0 St • \\*_.„,„... �� • `` 1R 3 a C �I ►�r �\,:iiiiia laD...� s �— --� i Q 1 - aQ �D 'I n - Q� �o l I jr-ff01 a � 1►� III _ �'�, � / p' SE 128th St 1- a '- --'- jLIVTIS]IV 1 II 74 " '4N, . lillir , ,iiri,, ' 1 ........ 1 liii. ., - 1 -8111)• v ,,,„,.,„ ...,,r.\...,i*i� r.„ ---_-- �� ���� � � j �_� �r-� � 4thMbrvoe Ave ��.., �� � d,,--_ _ OOP !��� a on System Improvement Project -4 ',Igo. al 4___„,.........., , , 41111 \,\\;\ ... -, : :: - ,,,, vfilimi11/ I ' Rl �_ sw�,� IIIII II OF (111-An �.��� �� r _' _IJ LI \ 1 ill as\ / ��1 \r _ •ar Rrver B-,. jy�pje ood Creek ` / .�, s�apd ■11 •a GP (1997) `hannel Project ratj t.jL (;\,----N4 i ',. ,......„..... fie.: ...-,,,,,w4 4i ---- \"Iy (v 7.,1,.,,,.. „,.). ...,..p.-------- R.,,,c„,_ ',..otir *OLii001k., wipilivot .,„. A •• ... Ai c\l\kraivii c.. IA I al 111 a1 , - OjeC Rills“la sol• in_.7 i '`► , i IF41E --r f land MitigatiORW Z,,� ‘11111110.1' Q tes Bank Projects p � r. 1aria iiiiii i 11,8 cry( (Delsign and Planning,IX1 k , `�' Ilip71 Sit #2 only) v '\ lirli ir D A q g\,.-,, ,,, "T i - I ! 'IIIIIFAVi--1 of � El� t•ii T. iii ivig �,. �Q+ 0 a� Pe r• •k Rd SE IW ,,,,h„... , .. 10,-----vid i„ .[i-, Lf1114 1 PHA Sr RR, 16 CIr- MO • • MI aImliall •71 Iry 1 1 - LE ( r :1 Ili 1 g Ai �_ - s ssttl st Fr SE 192ld St �� 1 ►`+ ize A ' • ' q T I �. L M. L Iffin ` IL 1997 - 1998 Surface Water Programs 1997 — 1998 1997 - R Stormwater gram ti � aVEquvalent UTILITY SYSTEMS On Site Policy Program ♦ ♦ P/B/PW 1997 - City Wide Photogrammetric Mapping M. Dotson • • 1997 - 1998 Lake Washington / Cedar River Forum- ' ��•>' September 1996 Capita i Improvement Proiects LakeWashinton Study Limits 1997 Project/Program or Plan SURFACE WATER 1997-1998 PrPipe System ramImp or Plan Pie System Improvements ------ Channel krprovements 1998 Project/Program or Plan Pipe System Improvements Channel Improvements 3 r � p CI 21 CI; ‘)' 11. 3 L N a) 0 s N c 0 (Ts .. '- CI)) 14 O IS I E2 , .- L.. • s a) o 0 4-a '— C •- e: DI O O ui .1 i •_ E L. DI il;1 4) O -- = re DI � .- = 21 O 6 — I O .� O 0 Tr 3 0 2 ..agz,7; elmC cizs i •" a O 0 C 0 I Ia) V' i > . a) c a) in a) O 4P a) a) = oT: (,) En 43 43) es ca.c u = - -il o -c; CI3 a) 4> >t •- >0 ♦.., 4) - •- CtP 0 it re cti _C 2 •— , c a) a) .. eL >, L. iii.) .4-1 cn CW eciv) 0= OL - - V 4) 0 W -CI CL I- F- .F V • • • • M .4_, § g 5 0 A vi ;_ a) vl 2 4.-a 2.) a) ce CL I— 15 = > �--- c -1--+ ov c E a) a) •- Giii 0_ , a) u L. a� �--+ a 4--+ 6 -0 X a ....., 0 0 _ T .� GIN) a) L • C MI VS > re) 0 C 0 .a o › '.. 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O CD = co N 5 O O O liii' glii '^ Cn c V v IN, n3 CD CD O pun =w3 >� 0 n�m^'CZ C�Nooa =w 13 co .o'o m o o o Co 3cn< (AN c�gn3 <3 <_ �acc -0o ?.o. m -8*/ m o = o� Cw-0 < o o j-� c o o v�--an O_ao 140 o m nNw < = `t�c0D3No0o'mQ= owvcrstyZI -�a '•el -tO� m -.off c CD - o Z�c = o m 7.=0 m 7.PD Dcc000 CO OO[] io-� m 5 CD o ix(0 D--lcp� n—' o c 0 w Z�77c Zo F1 v� f �0W3o co � 3•vcavioai 0.. = 30= 0 -n0c � ccom m3cDow5Do-cDx1T1 o3 .t y►1"j y 3 o m v c0.o 0•Z o w. f►1 Z o $o 91. � o aw.4. .2_.o o ¢ on-wm w0 oo " cScoO n� O 0 co <a �- o �D.N O p`G� x Fo n0 ZD vw 7 w 7 7 (go co w w c w CD O v -. (�0 oc �Ww a Xovv,� a•33o n51- co o �c a o ��'.° �nm o co ! a_000a_ co a a53.�oov o m c o N c o o °' m <-co w �' °-'.o 0 0 = y O w w (xi m o - December 15. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes, Page 417 Ordinance #4697 An ordinance was read levying a special excise tax of one percent (1%) on the EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by any hotel, motel, Increase for Tourism rooming house, tourist court or trailer camp, and the granting of any similar license to use real property; establishing a special fund for the tax; and providing penalties for the nonpayment of the tax or violation of the requirements of the tax. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4698 An ordinance was read providing for 1997 year-end budget adjustments in the Budget: 1997 Year-End total amount of $2,581,407. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Adjustments SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR FIVE MINUTES TO DISCUSS PROPERTY ACQUISITION. Time: 8:57 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:02 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:03 p.m. MARILYN . RSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 12/15/97 i- J1 , /- ' : -9 1997 YEAR END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS The following detail identifies the specific line items of the 1997 Budget that have been revised by Ordinance 688. City funds not identified on this work sheet have not been modified and maintain appropriation balances identified as 1997 Adjusted Budget. Cncl 1997 1997 Final Apprvd Description Adj',Budget Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 000-GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 28,902,149 28,902,149 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division-Salaries 67,990 (17,204) 50,786 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division-Retirement 5,181 (1,311) 3,870 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- FICA 4,873 (988) 3,885 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- Medical 3,924 (1,048) 2,876 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- Ind Ins 209 (47) 162 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- Life Ins 203 (50) 153 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- Dental 935 (248) 687 Tsf Funding from Exec Econ Dev Division- LT Disab 267 (70) 197 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 3,416 783 4,199 Tsf to Fund 316/Hunter Douglas Easement&Agreement 0 22,000 22,000 Tsf to Fund 317/Windsor Hills Street Rehab Project 0 250,000 250,000 Tsf to Golf Course Fund/Netting&Tree Removal 0 177,922 177,922 Adj Legal Services-Other Professional Services 162,011 50,000 212,011 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 23,137 6,779 29,916 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 23,327 11,758 35,085 Reid Middleton Consultant Agreement for Plan Review Services 40,706 25,000 65,706 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 1,915 15,269 17,184 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 55,290 3,942 59,232 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 336,415 14,761 351,176 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 853 4,739 5,592 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 4,000 740 4,740 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 7,053 2,163 9,216 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 4,104 9,720 13,824 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 8,944 (2,452) 6,492 City of Newcastle Patrol Overtime 1,136 13,138 14,274 Fire Suppression Salaries 4,973,786 24,000 4,997,786 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 13,413 7,455 20,868 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 140,134 13,466 153,600 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 24,438 3,330 27,768 Fire Disability Overtime 0 36,000 36,000 Fire Payback/Straight Time Overtime 196,106 25,500 221,606 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 11,550 (2,815) 8,735 Uniform Exams/City of Seatac Joint Testing Reimbursement 17,000 4,000 21,000 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 4,599 (4,599) 0 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 12,194 (3,039) 9,155 Y Contribution/1st Saving Bank/Housing Repair 0 25,000 25,000 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Salaries 0 5,196 5,196 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Salaries 0 28,915 28,915 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Retirement 0 390 390 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Retirement 0 2,203 2,203 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-FICA 0 397 397 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-FICA 0 2,212 2,212 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Medical 0 473 473 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Medical 0 2,141 2,141 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Ind Ins 0 15 15 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Ind Ins 0 108 108 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Life Ins 0 2 2 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Life Ins 0 126 126 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Dental 0 144 144 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Dental 0 458 458 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-LT Disab 0 23 23 Y Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-LT Disab 0 112 112 Funding for Creation of New Economic Dev Dept-Equipment 0 13,000 13,000 Adjusted 1997 Budget 35,051,258 Budget Adjustments 769,509 Amended 1997 Budget 35,820,767 FUND 101-PARKS FUND EXPENDITURES: 6,531,888 6,531,888 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 118,915 80,000 198,915 Insurance Reimbursement/Reimb for Vandalism 128,771 6,414 135,185 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Debris Removal Various Parks 59,716 59,716 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Cedar River Trail Slide Repair 34,093 34,093 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Debris Removal at Golf Course 6,669 6,669 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Emergency Shelter 1,965 1,965 Utility Charges/Sr Center/Meter not read since 1991 6,461 5,870 12,331 Clam Lights Expansion 137,245 9,476 n/a Donation from Wizards of the Coast for Teen Musical 3,500 150,221 Clam Lights Expansion 194,999 560 195,559 Clam Lights Expansion 7,942 525 8,467 Donations for Sr Center Patio Construction 0 14,212 14,212 Adjusted 1997 Budget 7,126,221 Budget Adjustments 222,999 Amended 1997 Budget 7,349,220 H:\Budg el\1997\yebgtadi\97 W RKSHT.XLS P.Henderson version w/50m Legal Page 1 11/21/97 CnG 1997 -.moo 1997 Final Apprvd Description Adj Budget r. Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 103-STREET FUND EXPENDITURES: 4,646,821 4,646,821 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 40,259 15,500 55,759 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 386,935 22,500 409,435 Reimb fm Insurance Fd/Claims Adj for Lt Pole and Signal Eqp Damages 24,508 21,999 46,507 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Storm Damage 96,244 79,324 175,568 Adjusted 1997 Budget 5,194,767 Budget Adjustments 139,323 Amended 1997 Budget 5,334,090 FUND 201-1997 LTD GO BONDS-CITY HALL EXPENDITURES 0 0 97 Lim GO/City Hall/Interest 0 428,613 428,613 Debt Registration Costs 0 500 500 Adjusted 1997 Budget 0 Budget Adjustments 429,113 Amended 1997 Budget 429,113 FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER EXPENDITURES: 147,981 147,981 79 Lim GO/Sr Ctr/Interest 6,050 (2,062) 3,988 Adjusted 1997 Budget 154,031 Budget Adjustments (2,062) Amended 1997 Budget 151,969 FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 594,852.96 594,852.96 C507-95 Ping&Adm/Correct Carryforward Amount-Supplies 89.66 (89.66) 0.00 C507-95 Ping&Adm/Correct Carryforward Amount-Consultant Svc 6,731.42 (6,731.42) 0.00 C507-95 Ping&Adm/Correct Carryforward Amount-Trvl&Training 82.65 (82.65) 0.00 C507-95 Ping&Adm/Correct Carryforward Amount-Advertising 400.00 (400.00) 0.00 C507-96 Ping&Adm/Correct Carryforward Amount 0.00 738.66 738.66 C862-94 Liberty Park Restrooms/Correct Carryforward Amount 0.00 1,212.55 1,212.55 C866-94 N Highland Library ADA/Correct Carryforward Amount 0.00 2,181.28 2,181.28 Adjusted 1997 Budget 602,156.69 Budget Adjustments (3,171 24) Amended 1997 Budget 598,985.45 FUND 105-MITIGATION FUND EXPENDITURES: 0 Benaroya Dev/SW 16th Tech Center 0 103,163 103,163 Adjusted 1997 Budget 0 Budget Adjustments 103,163 Amended 1997 Budget 103,163 FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND EXPENDITURES: 13,000 13,000 Misc Eqp for City Video Productions 9,000 4,000 13,000 Adjusted 1997 Budget 22,000 Budget Adjustments 4,000 Amended 1997 Budget 26,000 FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND EXPENDITURES. (Detail not Listed) 579,066 579,066 LID 314 Principal 200,000 35,000 235,000 Tsf-Out/401/LID 335 Sierra Hts 20,873 30,000 50,873 Tsf-Out/401/LID 337 Dayton Ave 9,046 2,600 11,646 Adjusted 1997 Budget 808,985 Budget Adjustments 67,600 Amended 1997 Budget 876,585 FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP FUND EXPENDITURES (Detail not Listed) 6,754,523 6,754,523 Hunter Douglas Easement/Trail 0 22,000 22,000 Adjusted 1997 Budget 6,754,523 Budget Adjustments 22,000 Amended 1997 Budget 6,776,523 H.\Budget\1997\ye bgtadj\97NRKS HT.XLS P.Henderson version w/50m Legal Page 2 11/21/97 Cncl 1997 vale 1997 Final Apprvd, °fir' Description Adj Budget Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP FUND EXPENDITURES: 13,722,550 13,722,550 Street Overlay Program/Windsor Hills Street Rehab Project 0 250,000 250,000 Adjusted 1997 Budget 13,722,550 Budget Adjustments 250,000 Amended 1997 Budget 13,972,550 FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 20,352,805 20,352,805 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 4,607 (96) 4,511 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 3,281 1,158 4,439 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 2,574 18 2,592 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 145,369 28,246 173.615 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 52,909 80,018 132,927 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 111,525 729 112,254 Adjusted 1997 Budget 20,673,070 Budget Adjustments 110,073 Amended 1997 Budget 20,783,143 FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND EXPENDITURES (Detail not Listed) 9,423,024 9,423,024 Debt Issuance Costs 94,000 (20,000) 74,000 Arbitrage Expense/Adj for IRS Rebate 24,125 20,900 45,025 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Eastside Green Rvr Flood Cntrl 15,803 n/a Other Contributed Capital/Hunter Douglas Dev/Eastside Green Rvr Flood 22,000 n/a Adj Eastside Green Rvr Flood Cntrl 51,588 6,928 96,319 Adj Mill Ave Pipeline 123,748 5,000 128,748 Adj E Maplewood Coll Sys Study 16,067 8,000 24,067 Adj Main Ave Sewer Replacement 9,635 9,000 18,635 Adj SW 16th Sewer Replacement 280,000 (22,000) 258,000 Adj Sunset(Honeycreek)Interceptor 3,004,130 (600,000) 2,404,130 Adj Telemetry Improv/Tsf fm Aquifer Protection Database 0 42,000 42,000 Adj Telemetry Improv/Tsf fm Aquifer Protection Database 50,000 (42,000) 8,000 Adj GMA Ping/Tsf fm Cross Connection Database 11,956 11,561 23,517 Adj Maplewood/Hilands Trans Main/Tsf fm Cross Connection Database 26,798 439 27,237 Adj GMA Ping&Maplewd/Hilnds Trans Mn/Tsf fm Cross Conn Database 15,000 (12,000) 3,000 Adj Maplewood Supply/Tsf fm Water Quality Database 472,570 35,000 507,570 Adj Maplewood Supply/Tsf fm Water Quality Database 40,000 (35,000) 5,000 Adj Maplewd/Rolig His Trans Mn/Tsf fm Water Supply Availability Model 331,367 30,000 361,367 Adj Maplewd/Rollg His Trans Mn/Tsf fm Water Supply Availability Model 30,000 (30,000) 0 Adj Well 3 Elect Rehab/Tsf fm Wellfield Protection&Water Conservation 590,714 30,000 620,714 Adj Well 3 Elect Rehab/Tsf fm Wellfield Protection 43,267 (20,000) 23,267 Adj Downtown Core Rehab/Tsf fm Aquifer Awareness&Wtr Dist#90 Intrtie 5,407 24,000 29,407 Adj Downtown Core Rehab/Tsf fm Aquifer Awareness 43,337 (14,000) 29,337 Adj Large Meter Repl/Tsf fm 565 Reservoir Recoat 50,000 20,000 70,000 Adj Corrosion Cntrl Fac/Tsf fm 565 Reservoir Recoat 1,610,395 74,000 1,684,395 Adj Large Meter Repl&Corr Cntrl Fac/Tsf fm 565 Reservoir Recoat 340,828 (94,000) 246,828 Adj Downtown Core Rehab/Tsf fm Water District#90 Intertie 59,279 (10,000) 49,279 Adj Well 3 Elect Rehab/Tsf fm Water Conservation Prog Implementation 35,881 (10,000) 25,881 Adj Resevoir Recoat/Tsf fm Aquifer Mgmt Model 0 15,000 15,000 Adj Resevoir Recoat/Tsf fm Aquifer Mgmt Model 69,773 (15,000) 54,773 Reduce Cathodic Protection Monitoring/Wa Natural Gas Settlement 35,999 (20,000) 15,999 Adj Storm Sewer Comprehensive Plan 9,727 15,000 24,727 Adj Small Drainage Problems 410,605 (86,091) 324,514 Adj Valley Study Project/Project is Complete 32,907 (3,300) 29,607 Adj Black Rvr Water Quality Mgmt/Project is Complete 9,902 (9,697) 205 Adj Panther Creek Wetland Acquisition 186,410 (89,766) 96,644 Adj Lower Cedar Rvr Nonpoint Action Plan 12,234 (536) 11,698 Adj Wetland Mitigation Bank/Tsf to SW 43rd St Storm Impry Project 236,126 (90,000) 146,126 Adj Wetland Mitigation Bank/Tsf to SW 43rd St Storm Impry Project 160,000 90,000 250,000 Adj SW 7th Capacity Problems/Project is Complete 7,284 (5,086) 2,198 Adj P-1 Channel/Grady Wy to SW 16th/Project is Complete 68,040 (32,931) 35,109 Adj Springbrook Creek Widening Project+Reimb fm Airport 138,000 189,333 327,333 Adj Houser Wy North Storm System Repl/Project is Complete 29,263 (24,004) 5,259 Adj Lake Ave S/S Tobin Storm Imprv/Project is Complete 161,294 (3,260) 158,034 Adj S Renton Sewer Repl Ph I/Tsf to E Renton Interceptor&Telemetry Sys 1,233,302 (72,000) 1,161,302 Adj S Renton Sewer Repl Ph 1/Tsf to E Renton Interceptor 5,541 65,000 70,541 Adj S Renton Sewer Repl Ph I/Tsf to Telemetry Sys 27,147 7,000 34,147 Adj Maplewd Crk Sed.Pond/Fish Passage Chnl/Tsf fm Sm Drainage Problems 580,745 60,000 640,745 Adjusted 1997 Budget 20,197,415 Budget Adjustments (564,708) Amended 1997 Budget 19,632,708 - H\Budget\1997\yebgtadj\97 W R KSHT.XLS P.Henderson version w/50m Legal Page 3 11/21/97 Cncl 1997 `rwe' 1997 Final Apprvd Description Adj Budget Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 402-AIRPORT EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 921,443 921,443 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 16,072 (2,426) 13,646 Funding For Seaplane Base Environmental Assessment 487,600 50,000 537,600 FAA Grant Award: SE Taxilane Project 0 258,303 258,303 Emergency Repairs&Mtc: Cedar Rvr Delta Log Removal 0 13,487 13,487 Tsf Funds to Eqp Rental for Purchase of D087 0 27,856 27,856 Tsf Funds to Eqp Rental for Purchase of D087 0 (27,856) (27,856) Adjusted 1997 Budget 1,425,115 Budget Adjustments 319,364 Amended 1997 Budget 1,744,479 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 6,181,242 6,181,242 Adj Taxes for Additional Revenues Due to Tipping Fee Increase/Excise Tax 113,171 4,990 118,161 Adj Taxes for Additional Revenues Due to Tipping Fee Increase/Refuse Tax 195,132 14,865 209,997 Adj Taxes for Additional Revenues Due to Tipping Fee Increase/Utility Tax 382,963 25,819 408,782 Y Adj DOE 26/39 Grant per 1997 Executed Agreement 79,817 8,058 87,875 Y Adj Local Hazardous Wste Mgt Prog/Sea-King Cty per Executed Agreement 21,289 7,680 28,969 Y Adj King Cty 1997 Business Recycling Prog per Executed Agreement 24,000 (2,516) 21,484 Y Adj King Cty 1997 Special Recycling Prog per Executed Agreement 8,000 40 8,040 Y Adj 1997 King Cty Wste Reduction/Recycling Prog per Executed Agreement 29,636 22,274 51,910 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 7,967 73 8,040 Adjusted 1997 Budget 7,043,217 Budget Adjustments 81,283 Amended 1997 Budget 7,124,500 FUND 404-GOLF COURSE FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 1,582,115 1,582,115 Adj Equipment Rental Charges 48,444 (6,336) 42,108 Y 1997 Equipment Lease/John Deere Mtc Equipment 0 6,823 6,823 Y 1997 Equipment Lease/John Deere Mtc Equipment 0 3,004 3,004 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Overtime 3,500 (1,000) 2,500 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Intermt Adm Salaries 10,000 (10,000) 0 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Intermt Adm FICA 765 (765) 0 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Intermt Adm Ind Ins 949 (949) 0 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Supplies 9,120 (2,120) 7,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Supplies/Custodl 8,000 (3,500) 4,500 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Small Tools/Custodl 10,000 (4,000) 6,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Telephone 1,000 300 1,300 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Training 0 454 454 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Electricity 0 1,739 1,739 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Adm Repairs&Mtc 2,880 7,120 10,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-State Tax 3,500 4,000 7,500 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-CIP-Kitchen HVAC 0 45,042 45,042 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Valet/Parking Impry 0 5,000 5,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-CIP-Design/Impry 0 1,376 1,376 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Overtime 2,000 400 2,400 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Temp Salaries 36,003 (13,003) 23,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Intermt Salaries 35,000 20,000 55,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Intermt FICA 2,738 1,462 4,200 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Intermit Ind Ins 2,734 1,266 4,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Supplies 74,500 15,500 90,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Purch Svc/Drvg Rnge 0 2,483 2,483 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Electricity 14,175 25,825 40,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc WV/Sew/Metro 10,000 3,000 13,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Mtc Vandalism 1,000 (1,000) 0 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Salaries 72,874 (7,874) 65,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-ProshopTemp Salaries 30,000 (3,000) 27,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Temp OT 500 (300) 200 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Intermt OT 1,000 (800) 200 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Medical 11,616 (5,000) 6,616 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Dental 3,519 (1,519) 2,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Proshop Supplies 15,000 5,000 20,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Supplies Drivg Rnge 36,000 9,000 45,000 Adj Expenditures to Reflect Current Operating Activity-Purchases Merchandise 100,000 60,000 160,000 Repair&Replacement of Items during Break-In/Reimb fm Insurance Fund 35,000 6,165 n/a Y Cost of Replacement of 45 Trees Along Maple Valley Highway 0 6,500 n/a Y Tree Removal Along Maple Valley Highway/Funding fm General Fund 0 41,295 88,960 Driving Range Parking Lot Netting Project/Paid by Insurance Fund 0 35,009 n/a Y Netting Project Along Maple Valley Highway/Funded fm General Fund 0 136,627 171,636 Adjusted 1997 Budget 2,163,932 Budget Adjustments 383.224 Amended 1997 Budget 2,547,156 HA Budget\1997\y a bg t o dj\97 W R K S H T.X L S P.Henderson version w/50m Legal Page 4 11/21/97 • Cncl 1997 ".„or 1997 Final SApprvd .`fir Description Adj Budget Expenditures Ad)Budget FUND 501-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 2,273,949 2,273,949 Banker's Auto Rebuild/1996 Insurance Reimbursements/Invoices Paid in 1997 340,485 10,120 350,605 Increase Fuel Supplies for Parks Vehicles 181,000 7,000 188,000 Tsf Funds fm Airport for Purchase of D087 736.785 27,456 764,241 Tsf Funds fm Airport for Purchase of D087 0 400 400 Adjusted 1997 Budget 3,532.219 Budget Adjustments 44,976 Amended 1997 Budget 3,577,195 FUND 502-INSURANCE FUND EXPENDITURES: (Detail not Listed) 4,458,610 4,458,610 Insurance Claims/Nov 1995-Dec 1996 Flood 25,000 7,153 32,153 Insurance Claims/Nov 1995-Dec 1996 Flood 50,000 46,363 96,363 Insurance Claims/Nov 1995-Dec 1996 Flood 90,000 57,190 147,190 Insurance Claims/Nov 1995-Dec 1996 Flood 1,500 87,346 88,846 Insurance Claims/Nov 1995-Dec 1996 Flood 142,000 6,669 148,669 Adjusted 1997 Budget 4,767,110 Budget Adjustments 204,721 Amended 1997 Budget 4,971,831 TOTAL ADJUSTMENTS ADJUSTED 1997 BUDGET 129,238,570 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS-ORD 688 2,581,407 AMENDED 1997 BUDGET FOR AMENDED FUNDS 131,819,977 H\Budget\1997\yebgtadj\97 W RKSHT.XLS P.Henderson version w/SOrn Legal Page 5 11/21/97 • CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4698 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR 1997 YEAR END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS. SECTION I . The following funds are hereby amended as follows : 1997 Budget 1997 Adjusted Amended Budget Adjustment Budget 000 General Fund 35,051,258 769,509 35,820,767 101 Parks Fund 7,126,221 222,999 7,349,220 103 Street Fund 5,194,767 139,323 5,334,090 104 CDBG 602,157 (3,171) 598,986 105 Impact Mitigation Fund 0 103,163 103,163 127 Cable Communication Fund 22,000 4,000 26,000 201 1997 LTGO Debt Fund 0 429,113 429,113 207 1978 LTGO Debt Fund 154,031 (2,062) 151,969 220 L.I.D. Debt Service Fund 808,985 67,600 876,585 316 Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 6,754,523 22,000 6,776,523 317 Transportation CIP Fund 13,722,550 250,000 13,972,550 401 Waterworks Utility Fund 20,673,070 110,073 20,783,143 402 Airport Fund 1,425,115 319,364 1,744,479 403 Solid Waste Fund 7,043,217 81,283 7,124,500 404 Golf Course Fund 2,163,932 383,224 2,547,156 421 Waterworks CIP Fund 20,197,415 (564,708) 19,632,707 501 Equipment Rental Fund 3,532,219 44,976 3,577,195 502 Insurance Fund 4,767,110 204,721 4,971,831 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 129,238,570 2,581,407 131,819,977 TOTAL RESOURCES 129,238,570 2,581,407 131,819,977 SECTION II . A list of all individual budget adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION III . This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. 1 December 8. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes ,�, Page 409 ism.Budget: 1997 Year-End An ordinance was read providing for 1997 year-end budget adjustments in the Adjustments total amount of $2,581,407. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/15/97. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4695 An ordinance was read adopting amendments to the Shoreline Master Program. Planning: Shoreline Master MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE Program Amendments ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. Ordinance #4696 An ordinance was read adopting the 1997 amendments to the City's 1995 Comprehensive Plan: 1997 Comprehensive Plan, maps and data in conjunction therewith. MOVED BY Amendments KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL Council: 1998 Council OPEN NOMINATIONS FOR 1998 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND President and Council NOMINATE COUNCILMAN BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. President Pro tem MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL NOMINATE COUNCILMAN KINGSLEY PARKER 1998 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. EXECUTIVE SESSION MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL RECESS INTO EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR 20 MINUTES TO DISCUSS PERSONNEL. Time: 8:32 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:50 p.m.; roll was called; all Councilmembers present. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 8:51 p.m. MARILYN . E ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 12/08/97 December 8. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 408 widening project, Puget Sound Energy will be relocating their facilities to accommodate the project. The cost for this work will be $116,112 for the roadway portion with a 50% shared cost by The Boeing Company and the Transportation Systems Division ($58,056 each). The transmission relocation cost for the channel widening portion of the project will be paid by Surface Water Utility funds in the amount of $38,397. Funding for the transportation and utility portions are within budget. The Committee recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the Puget Sound Energy Transmission Line Relocation and Easement agreement for the relocation of these facilities. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding year-end Finance: 1997 Year-End adjustments to the 1997 budget. The Committee recommended adoption of Budget Adjustments the ordinance making adjustments to the 1997 budget to cover unanticipated or prior-approved costs. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 409 for ordinance.) Finance: Vouchers Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending approval of Claims Vouchers #153738 - 154112; two wire transfers in the total amount of $1,979,998.46; approval of Payroll Vouchers #156861 - 157133; and 490 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,211,999.21. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3296 A resolution was read expressing support for the submission by King County Fire: EMS Levy of a levy proposal to the voters on February 3, 1998, to fund emergency medical services. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED.* Councilman Parker noted his agreement with the language in the resolution stating that emergency medical services should be approached regionally, since there are no boundaries for people who need them. He added that the intent is to seek voter-approved funding for this program for the next three years, and during that time work to assimilate EMS into the general fund so their provision is assured without having to repeatedly seek voter approval. Mayor Tanner added that the resolution is consistent with the decision reached last week by the County Executives Committee. *MOTION CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/15/97 for second and final reading: EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax An ordinance was read levying a special excise tax of one percent (1%) on the Increase for Tourism sale or charge made for the furnishing of lodging by any hotel, motel, rooming house, tourist court or trailer camp, and the gl-anting of any similar license to use real property; establishing a special fund for the tax; and providing penalties for the nonpayment of the tax or violation of the requirements of the tax. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/15/97. CARRIED. APPROVED BY r..r CITY COUNCILFINANCE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT �` ��'�g Date 7 DECEMBER 8, 1997 APPROVAL OF THE ORDINANCE MAKING YEAR END ADJUSTMENTS TO THE 1997 BUDGET w (Referred November 24TH) T inan Committee recommends adoption of the ordinance which makes adjustments to the 997 budget to c unanticipated or prio roved costs. (.1 - King Parker, Chair 2 ,c( ndy Corm ce Chair Bob EdwaW44.1 .._ mber November 24, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 385 MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS REQUEST TO THE ADMINISTRATION FOR INVESTIGATION AND A REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. EDNSP: Hotel/Motel Tax Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department Increase for Tourism submitted the recommendation of the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee that Council approve a 1% increase in Renton's hotel/motel tax, the proceeds of which would be used for tourism purposes. Refer to Finance Committee; set a public hearing on December 8, 1997, on the proposal. Budget: 1997 Year-End Finance and Information Services Department recomended adoption of 1997 Ad,justmen s year-end budget adjustments in the amount of $2,203,158. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Financial Finance and Information Services Department requested permission to hire the Planning Manager Hiring Financial Planning Manager at step E of the salary range. Refer to Finance at Step E Committee. CAG: 97-, Oakesdale Ave Planning/Building/Public Works Department recommended approval of a SW Construction, The Memorandum of Agreement with The Boeing Company for contributions in Boeing Company the amount of $4,587,645 towards the construction of Oakesdale Ave. SW from SW 16th to SW 31st Streets at a total estimated cost of $11,390,138. Renton's remaining cost share is $3,020,700. Council concur. CAG: 94-114, Cedar Surface Water Utility Division recommended approval of Addendum No. 2-97 River Section 205 Flood to CAG-94-114, agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for cost Damage Reduction sharing of the Cedar River Section 205 Flood Damage Reduction project. The Project, US Army Corps modification requires no budget changes or additional cash contributions on of Engineers Renton's part. Council concur. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a report recommending approval Committee of the Whole of the 1998 Budget as presented by the Executive and amended by the Budget: 1998 Council. The total appropriated in the 1998 Budget will be $106,806,380. The General Fund Budget will be $33,754,273. The amendments to the budget include: 1. Transfer $77,691 from the Finance Department to the Public Works Department to cover the costs of a position transferred back to Public Works from the proposed budget. No budgetary impacts. 2. Eliminate the property tax allocation to the Fire Pension fund -- $328,500. No budgetary impacts. 3. Allocate the property tax changes in the above notation to cover the costs of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) levy, if necessary. No total budgetary impact. 4. Add $5,000 to the Human Services Department budget. This amount will be used to fund $3,000 in services from the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center, and $2,000 for the Renton Area Youth Services. The monies will come from the reserves set aside for property tax refunds. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: 2•q• SUBMITTING DEPT.: FOR AGENDA OF: November 24 Finance and Information Services,Victoria Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent SUBJECT: Public Hearing End of the Year Ordinance,cleaning up revenues and expenditures. Correspondence Ordinance X Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Ordinance New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Legal Dept X Refer Ordinance to Finance Committee of December 8th. First reading of Ordinance on same evening,and second reading on December 15th. Finance X Other:Executive X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required... $2,203,158 Transfer/Amendment.. Amount Budgeted $2,203,158 Revenue Generated.... SUMMARY OF ACTION: The ordinance adjusts the budget for prior approved actions and other expenditures to address the costs of operating the City. There is offsetting revenues to meet many of the requested expenditures. August 18, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 274 '4,see glow Citizen Comment: Greene Correspondence was read from Rose Mary Greene, 530 Index Pl. NE, Renton, - DAWN Funding 98056, encouraging continued funding support for the Domestic Abuse Women's Network (DAWN). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding the Committee of the Whole downtown redevelopment project. The Committee recommended approval of Council: Downtown the reallocation of existing funds and new funding required to complete the Redevelopment Project following public infrastructure improvements: Funding Reconfiguration of Smithers, Logan and Third: Reallocation (not hq 119 1 ! applicable). Gateway Feature: New Funding, $50,000. Street and Pedestrian Improvements on Logan: Reallocation, $200,000; New Funding, $150,000. Development of Piazza (first phase): Reallocation, $200,000; New Funding, $35,000. Development of Seattle Pipeline ROW: New Funding, $250,000. Purchase of Property North of Seattle Pipeline: New Funding, $35,000. Total City Investment: Reallocation, $400,000; New Funding, $520,000. The source for the additional funding will come from the sale of City property located between Logan and Morris Avenues and South 2nd and 3rd, sales tax on construction of the Dally project, and mitigation fees. It is understood that the implementation of these public improvements is contingent upon the Dally Homes purchase and development of the property. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Planning: Downtown Core Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding the Sign Code Area Sign Code update for the Downtown Area. In accordance with the schedule described in Regulations response to City Council Motion and Referral #97027-C, a public hearing regarding proposed sign regulations for the Downtown Area (also called the City Center) is to be held in late September, 1997. The Committee recommended that a public hearing be scheduled for September 22, 1997. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Vacation: SE 5th St (Orff; MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL VAC-97-004) REFER THE MATTER OF APPRAISAL FEE OPTIONS FOR THE SE 5TH ST. STREET VACATION (BRUCE ORFF, VAC-97-004) TO THE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Nelson presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the approval of the proposed City Park, Council: Policy on Naming Recreation and Public Facility Naming Policy. The Committee further City-Owned Facilities and recommended that the resolution regarding this matter be presented for Properties reading and adoption. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 276 for resolution.) Planning & Development Planning & Development Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Committee regarding card rooms in the Employment Area - Valley. The Committee Planning: Card Rooms believes that social card rooms as defined by the Gambling Act of 1973, as Land Use Definitions and amended in 1996, should be regulated at the local level through the City's Restrictions Zoning Code. The Committee recommended that: APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date '" /F-17 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE COMMITTEE REPORT AUGUST 181997 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT The Committee of the Whole recommends approval of the reallocation of existing funds and new funding required to complete the following public infrastructure improvements: Projects Reallocation New Funding Reconfiguration of Smithers, Logan Third NA Gateway Feature $ 50,000 Street and Pedestrian Improvements on Logan $200,000 150,000 Development of Piazza(first phase) 200,000 35,000 Development of Seattle Pipeline ROW 250,000 Purchase of Property N. of Seattle Pipeline 35,000 Total City Investment $400,000 $520,000 The source for the additional funding will come from the sale of the City property located between Logan and Morris Avenues and South 2nd and 3rd, sales tax on construction of the Dally project and mitigation fees. It is understood that the implementation of these public improvements are contingent upon Dally Homes purchase and development of the property. —eatki //e6-e&P 1/01"k-te Kathy KeLer-Wheeler, Council President 04 f Renton Cit Council Minutes Pa a 222 - — OLD BUSINESS Council President Keolker-Wheeler presented a report regarding the Police on system. The Committee of the Com mittee of the Whole Department's records and inform of selecting a new information system toe Police: Records and was briefed by staff on the status Information System replace the currentoutdated PoliceDepartment no acceptable proposals were received. involved request for proposals process, eta Staff is now reviewing all esoftware deve oper,s to developing a eand reeadvert s ng with testing, partnering with knowna more financial information disclosed. The Committenittee for ove recommended an that this item be referred to the Public Sa v C r d coordination with the Administration. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE SECONDED BY EDWARDS, CUNCIL REPORT. CARRIED. Mayor Tanner f er noted that last year, the software and ethnological improvements, including ministration included over $1.5 million in the budget o the Police Department system. ORDINANCES AND The following resolution was presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3268 A resolution was read setting 5th a public eet ii t e her 2700 blocking on y 28, 1997, Maple Valley to consider Vacation: SE 5th St (N of vacating a portion of SE Maple Valley Hwy), Highway (Bruce Orff/VAC-97-004). MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, Orff/VAC-97-004 SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for second and final reading: Ordinance 4670 An ordinance was read providing for 1997 Budget amendments in the amount Budget: 1997 Mid-Year of $196,559 for transportation improvt projects. MOVED BY EEWt, SECONDEDemen BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE �ustments or Six-Year KEDWH TIP ORDINANCE AS.PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. MOTION CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Responding to an inquiry from Councilman Schlitzer, Mayor Tanner said the Executive: Downtown- Administration did hire a consultant to assist with the final design fort e Area Consultant downtown transit hub. The consultant's duties were subsequently broadened to include work on other City-owned properties (including the old Sound Mazda site). Mayor Tanner assured Council that the consultant is not reworking the entire Downtown Renton Plan, as has been rumored. AUDIENCE COMMENT Ralph Evans, 3306 NE l lth Pl., Renton, 98056, asked when the wireless Citizen Comment: Evans - communications facilities Col next be mmittee Chairssed Schltzery h e Planning & Wireless Communications Development replied this has not yet Facilities been scheduled. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:11 p.m. MARILYN P RSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold 07/07/97 June 23, 1997 Renton City Council Minutes Page 212 ORDINANCES AND The following resolutions were presented for reading and adoption: RESOLUTIONS Resolution #3262 A resolution was read updating the City's Six-Year Transportation Transportation: Six-Year Improvement Program (TIP) 1998-2003. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, TIP, 1998-2003 SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3263 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Municipal Court: Funding interlocal cooperative agreement with the State of Washington Office of the for Computer Rewiring Administrator for the Courts for reimbursement of expenses incurred for from State Courts rewiring replacement computer terminals for the Municipal Court. MOVED Administrator BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3264 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Solid Waste: 1997 Local Memorandum of Understanding with the Seattle-King County Department of Hazardous Waste Mgmt Public Health for the Local Hazardous Waste Management Program for 1997 Program, Seattle-King activities. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, County, CAG-97- COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3265 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Solid Waste: 1997 Business interlocal cooperative agreement with King County to receive grant funding Recycling & Special through King County's City Optional Program for business recycling program Recycling Event, King activities and a special recycling event. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED County, CAG-97- BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3266 A resolution was read authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into an Solid Waste: Coordinated interlocal cooperative agreement with the Washington State Department of Prevention Grant, Ecology for grant funds for the City's residential recycling program and Department of Ecology, residential composting program. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CAG-97- CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. Resolution #3267 A resolution was read authorizing the temporary closure of the westbound lane Streets: SW 16th St of SW 16th St. from Oakesdale Ave. SW to Raymond Ave. SW for roadway Temporary Closure and utility construction. MOVED BY CLAWSON, SECONDED BY (Oakesdale to Raymond) KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of July 7, 1997, for second and final reading: Budget: 1997 Mid-Year An ordinance was read providing for 1997 Budget amendments in the amount Adjustments for Six-Year of $196,559 for transportation improvement projects. MOVED BY TIP KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 7/07/97. CARRIED. The following ordinance was presented for first reading and advanced to second and final reading: Finance: Main & Grady An ordinance was read creating a new capital fund to track all expenditures Building Fund Creation and revenues for the purchase and renovation of the Main and Grady building, and reappropriating previously authorized revenues and expenditures from the municipal facilities fund to complete the project. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES f Amends: ORD 4645 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4670 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS. WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1997 Budget as follows : REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS AMOUNT Transportation Capital Improvements, Including $196, 559 Grants EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS Transportation Capital Improvements, Including $238, 359 Grants Adjustments to Ending Fund Balance (41, 800) TOTAL EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS '' $196, 559 SECTION I . The following adjustments are hereby allowed and established in the below listed fund: 1997 Amended TIP Budget TIP Amended EXPENDITURES : Budget Adjustments Budget 317 - Transportation CIP $13, 484, 191 $238, 359 $13, 722, 550 Fund SECTION II . A list of all individual budget adjustments is available for public review in the office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION III . This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. • PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 7th day of July , 1997 . Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 4670 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 7th day of July , 1997 . Jes Tanner, Mayor App d as to orm: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: July 11 , 1997 ORD. 661 : 6/10/97 : as . 2 vale CITY OF r ENTON 1997 TIP BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS tweRKSHEET ORDINANCE No. 4 6 7 0 NEW OLD Acct 1997 TIP 1997 TIP TIP# TIP# # Account Title Account No. Adj Budget Adj Adj Budget REVENUES: BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,105,054 0 1,105,054 BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 317 000000 000 3210 0090 00 000000 1,530,000 0 1,530,000 LOCAL VEHICLE LIC FEE/TRANSP 317 000000 000 3360 0000 81 000000 350,000 0 350,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 317 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 1,500 0 1,500 9601 501 8 PARK AVE/BRONSON/EDA 317 000008 000 3330 0011 30 000000 460,000 (22,000) 438,000 9601 501 8 PARK AVE N/BRONSON-N 10TH/TIB 317 000008 000 3340 0003 80 000000 950,143 (949,244) 899 5 5 9 WALKWAY PROGRAM/METRO 317 000009 000 3370 0007 00 000026 155,000 0 155,000 2 19 22 OAKESDL SW/SW 31ST-SW 16TH/TIB 317 000022 000 3340 0003 80 000000 132,873 842,204 975,077 9801 2 25 HOUSER RELOC/SUNSET/N 8/ISTEA 317 000025 000 3330 0020 20 000000 1,051,037 (14,893) 1,036,144 9801 2 25 HOUSER/SUNSET INTCHG/WSDOT 317 000025 000 3340 0003 60 000000 630,365 0 630,365 9707 4071 281SW 43RD LOOP RAMP DESIG/FAUS 317 000028 000 3330 0020 20 000000 5,093 0 5,093 26 261 291RAMP METERING STUDY/WSDOT 317 000029 000 3340 0003 60 000000 14,921 0 14,921 9802 31 3215R900 HOV/HOUSER INTCH/ISTEA 317 000032 000 3330 0020 20 000000 75,705 0 75,705 9802 31 324SR 900/HOUSER/TIB/TIA 317 000032 000 3340 0003 80 000000 338,029 0 338,029 11 ill 106[HOUSER WY BRDG SEIS RET/WSDOT 317 000106 000 3340 0003 60 000000 22,675 (22,675) 0 11 111 1061BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR/ISTEA 317 000103 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 77,800 77,800 9503 703! 12081 1PARK AVE N/LK WA BLVD/EDA 317 012081 000 3330 0011 30 000000 860,000 (21,832) 838,168 1 1 12108!STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 000 3330 0020 20 000000 301,292 (4,325) 296,967 1 1 12108 1 OPR TRF-IN ART STR/OVERLAY PRG 1317 012108 000 3970 0000 00 000050 320,000 0 I 320,000 34 42 121161 OAKESDALE AV/MONSTER/SR900/KC 317 012116 000 3380 0095 00 000000 50,000 0 50,000 8 13' 12117IMONSTER ROAD BRIDGE/FAUS 317 012117 000 3330 0020 20 000000 1,212,825 (122,400) 1,090,425 9702 402 12121 LK WA BIKE/PEDEST'N PATH/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000000 744,256 0 744,256 402 12121 LK WA BIKE/PEDEST'N PATH/NHS/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000001 102,000 0 102,000 9505 705 12126 TALBOT RD/43 TO SCUFAUS/ISTEA 317 012126 000 3330 0020 20 000000 2,800 0 2,800 19 29 12133 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE/FED AID 317 012133 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 200,000 200,000 9 9 12135 1COMUTE TRP REDUCTN GRANT/WSEO 317 012135 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 55,410 55,410 17 20 12138!SR167/SW 27TH ST/HOV/ISTEA 317 012138 000 3330 0020 20 000000 344,000 0 344,000 24 24 12140 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD/TUKWILA 317 012140 000 3370 0007 00 000027 48,000 0 48,000 9701 401 12147 LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/ISTEA/BRAC 317 012147 000 3330 0020 20 000000 452,000 0 452,000 9701 12147 LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/PUGET ENERGY 317 012147 000 3670 0000 00 000070 0 22,734 22,734 9705 405 12154 N 3RD/SUNSET/MONTEREY/TIB 317 012154 000 3340 0003 80 000000 71,844 0 71,844 9704 404 12155 BRONSON/HOUSER-SUNSET/TIB/UATA 317 012155 000 3340 0003 80 000000 88,819 0 88,819 9506 7os 12157 jAIRPT WY/RAINIER/FED AID ISTEA 317 012157 000 3330 0020 20 000000 1,730 0 1,730 12 12 121581MAIN AV S-S 5TH TO BRONSON WAY/TIB/UAT 317 012158 000 3340 0003 80 000000 1,204,800 0 1,204,800 15 10 12160'ARTERIAL HOV PROJ DEVELOPMENT 317 012160 000 3330 0020 20 000000 21,574 0 21,574 6 6 12163 INTRA-CITY INTRMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 000 3330 0020 20 000000 34,675 0 34,675 38 38 12165 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION/ISTEA 1 317 012165 000 3330 0020 20 000000 272,000 0 272.000 39 39 12166 RR CROSSG SFTY IMPRV/ISTEA/WSDOT 1 317 012166 000 3330 0020 20 000000 100,703 0 100,703 7 4 121701 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG 317 012170 000 3330 0020 20 000000 86,400 0 86,400 7 4 121701 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG/METRO 1317 012170 000 3370 0007 00 000029 0 155,780 155,780 14 141 121721SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALE TO LIND/ISTEA 1317 012172 000 3330 0020 20 0000001 507,581 0 507,581 TOTAL REVENUES 1 12,544,640 1 196,559 1 12,741,199 TOTAL REVENUES AND FUND BALANCE 1 13,649,694 1 196,559 1 13,846,253 1EXPENDITURES: 96041 504,1 0 ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 1 317 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 12,108 0 12,108 9601` 501. JPARK AVE/BRONSON WY N/RECONSTR 317 000008 016 5950 0000 67 000000 1,135,919 (893,799) 242,120 5 51 9IWALKWAY PROGRAM 317 000009 016 5950 0000 67 000000 491,689 0 491,689 96)6 505' 11 SOUTH COUNTY TBD 317 000011 016 5950 0094 41 000145 35,721 0 35,721 9508 708 15 SW 16TH BRIDGE 317 000015 016 5950 0000 67 000000 12,820 0 . 12,820 21 21 16 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACMENT 317 000016 016 5950 0000 67 000417 10,579 10,000 20,579 2 19 22 OAKESDALE AVE SW/31ST TO 16TH 317 000022 016 5950 0000 67 000000 229,101 914,759 1,143,860 9801 2 25 HOUSER WAY RELOCATED 317 000025 016 5950 0000 67 000000 891,037 (150,000) 741,037 9707 407 28 SW 43RD ST LOOP RAMP DESIGN 317 000028 016 5950 0000 67 000000 11,479 0 11,479 26 26 29 ARTERIAL CIRCULATN STUDY IMPRV 317 000029 016 5950 0000 67 000000 614,981 (200,000) 414,981 9802 31 32 SR 900 HOV HOUSER INTERCHANGE 317 000032 016 5950 0000 67 000000 760,088 0 760,088 9502 702' 44 1 N 3RD STREET 317 000044 016 5950 0000 67 000000 17,441 0 17,441 25 25 56 SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLCMT PROGR 317 000056 016 5950 0000 67 000000 39,323 0 39,323 9501 701 70 MILL AVE S REBLD W/I-405 HOV 317 000070 016 5950 0000 67 000000 312,489 0 312,489 9706 406 75 S 192ND ST/5R167/5R515 317 000075 016 5950 0000 67 000032 14,486 0 14,486 23 23 91 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 317 000091 016 5950 0000 67 000430 15,111 0 15,111 11 11 106 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000023 307,940 40,232 348,172 9503 703 12081 PARK/LK WA BLVD INTERSECTION 317 012081 016 5950 0000 67 000000 150,205 (21,832) 128,373 42 34 12083 4TH BLV/LOGAN-MONTERY DR STUDY 317 012083 016 5950 0000 67 000000 74,002 0 74,002 H:\Bdgtdoc\1997\TIP\97WRKSHT.XLS Page 1 6/10/97 • t CITY ONTON 1997 TIP BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS ORDINANCE No. 4670 NEW OLD Acct 1997 TIP 1997 TIP TIP# TIP#, # Account Title Account No: Adj Budget Adj Adj Budget 36 36 121061MISSING LINKS PROGRAM 317 012106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 124,461 0 124,461 35 35 12107 TBZ PLANNING STUDIES 317 012107 016 5950 0094 41 000162 45,953 0 45,953 j 1 1 12108 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 016 5950 0000 67 000000 583,875 (4,325) 579,550 1 4 7 12109 TRANSIT STUDY 317 012109 016 5950 0000 67 000000 221,861 0 221,861 13 8 12111 CBD TRANSPORTATION STUDY 317 012111 016 5950 0000 67 000000 168,892 0 168,892 30 31 12112 CITY GATEWAYS PROGRAM 317 012112 016 5950 0000 67 000000 96,364 0 96,364 22 22 12113 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROG 317 012113 016 5950 0000 67 000000 34,930 (10,000) 24,930 31 32 12115 MISC TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS 317 012115 016 5950 0000 67 000000 136,002 0 136,002 34 421 12116 OAKESDALE AV SW/MNSTR RD-SR900 317 012116 016 5950 0000 67 000000 158,185 0 158,185 8 13' 'MTh,MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE 317 012117 016 5950 0000 67 000000 1,269,685 (122,400) 1,147,285 9702 402 12121 LK WA BLVD/PARK TO N 44TH 317 012121 016 5950 0000 67 000000 156,069 0 156,069 9505 705 12126 TALBOT RD/43RD TO CITY LMTS 317 012126 016 5950 0000 67 000000 12,330 0 12,330 19 29 12133 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE 317 012133 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,000 200,000 300,000 9 9 12135 TRANSP DEMAND MGT PROGRAM 317 012135 016 5950 0000 67 000000 60,293 15,410 75,703 17 20 12138 5R167/SW 27TH HOV 317 012138 016 5950 0000 67 000000 454,106 0 454,106 24 24 12140'INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD 317 012140 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,938 0 100,938 41 41 12144 WINDSOR HILLS REHAB 317 012144 016 5950 0000 67 000000 36,656 0 36,656 28 28 12146 WSDOT COORDINATION 317 012146 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,495 0 10,495 9701 401 12147 LK WA BLVD BRIDGE/MAY CREEK 317 012147 016 5950 0000 67 000000 27,053 62,734 89,787 48 48 12149 VALLEY CONNECTIONS TO WEST 317 012149 016 5950 0000 67 000000 50,000 0 50,000 27 27 12150 PROJECT DEVEL&PRE-DESIGN 317 012150 016 5950 0000 67 000000 222,930 0 222,930 9705 405 12154 NE 3RD-SUNSET N TO MONTEREY NE 317 012154 016 5950 0000 67 000000 188,672 0 188,672 9704 404 12155 BRONSON N-HOUSER WY TO SUNSET 317 012155 016 5950 0000 67 000000 44,586 0 44,586 9506 706 12157 AIRPORT WY/RAIN1ER S RESURFACE 317 012157 016 5950 0000 67 000000 2,722 0 2,722 12 12 12158 MAIN AV S-S 5TH TO BRONSON WAY 317 012158 016 5950 0000 67 000000 1,439,763 0 1,439,763 15 10 12160 ARTERIAL HOV PROJECT DEVELOPMT 317 012160 016 5950 0000 67 000000 135,655 0 135,655 32 33 12162 TRAFFIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPR 317 012162 016 5950 0000 67 000000 121,360 0 121,360 6 6 12163 INTRA-CITY INTERMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 016 5950 0000 67 000000 238,253 0 238,253 38 38 12165 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 317 012165 016 5950 0000 67 000000 314,685 0 314,685 39 391 12166 RAILROAD CROSSG SAFETY IMPROV 317 012166 016 5950 0000 67 000000 101,645 0 101,645 7 4 12170 DOWNTOWN TRANSIT ACCESS 317 012170 016 5950 0000 67 000000 118,485 375,780 494,265 29 30 12171 1-405 HOV DIRECT ACCESS 317 012171 016 5950 0000 67 000000 41,368 0 41,368 14 14 12172 SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALE TO LIND 317 012172 016 5950 0000 67 000000 581,200 41,800 623,000 4o 40 12173 BICYCLE ROUTE DEV PROGRAM 317 012173 016 5950 0000 67 000000 119,200 0 119,200 10 15 12174 TRANSIT PRIORITY SIGNAL SYSTEM 317 012174 016 5950 0000 67 000000 250,000 (220,000) 30,000 16 16 12175 SR169 HOV-140TH TO SR900 317 012175 016 5950 0000 67 000000 262,000 0 262,000 20 17 12176 NE 3RD/NE 4TH TRANSIT 317 012176 016 5950 0000 67 000000 2,000 0 2,000 18 18 12177 PARK-SUNSET HOV 317 012177 016 5950 0000 67 000000 200,000 0 200,000 37 37 12178 SUNSET ROCKERY REPAIR 317 012178 016 5950 0000 67 000000 115,000 0 115,000 3 NEW 12179 1-405/NE 44TH INTERCHANGE 317 012179 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 200,000 200,000 33 NEW 12180 S.2ND/S.3RD/BRONSON 317 012180 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1 13,484,191 1 238,359 13,722,550 ENDING FUND BALANCE 1 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 0000001 165,503 (41,800) 123,703 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCE 1 13,649,694 196,559 1 13,846,253 H.Bdgldoc\1997\TIP197WRKSHT.XLS Page 2 6/10/97 S * \\� (A r -I a) Z a c- (r) c-- 8.15 c v " T %. 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'(O�..r i r�'1V r am,-r,,*. � 04, O (0 CD 070 Ua,».7 C 7w CD- QO ply - j2l Q,S..,a.m 0.+ ��7 (o o m a W m 7'(IS.W O ,.7 7 a 0 O 0-, _=y•w -.n S. -7 m m 7 (1 April 21, 1997 law' Renton City Council Minutes 'Noise Page 132 bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Piper Jaffray Inc. of Seattle, Washington. These bonds are in the amount of $12,660,000.00. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4663 An ordinance was read rescinding subsection 2-9-4.D, amending subsection 2- Parks: Park Board 9-4.E and Section 2-9-6 of Chapter 9, Park Commission, of Title II Ordinance Changes (Commissions and Boards) of City Code clarifying the powers of the Board and amending sections to conform with the current organizational structure and a change in titles. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4664 An ordinance was read providing for 1997 budget amendments in the amount Finance: 1997 Budget of $45,630,595, and creating and establishing the 1997 Limited General Adjustments Obligation Bonds - City Hall Fund (201). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS READ. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 7:52 p.m. AO c,„ ,„ MARILY,1 I TERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder. Brenda Fritsvold 04/21/97 , Amends Ord 4645 A ., CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. 4664 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON: 1 . ) PROVIDING FOR 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENTS; AND 2 . ) CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE 1997 LIMITED GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS - CITY HALL FUND (201) . WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1997 Budget as follows : REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS: AMOUNT 1.) Beginning Fund Balance Carry Forwards $22,267,121 2.) General Governmental Funds Revenue Carry Forwards 240,326 3.) General Governmental Funds New/Adjustments 59,986 4.) Capital Improvement Funds Revenue Carry Forwards 20,019,370 5.) All Other Fund Carry Forwards 388,844 6.) Other Revenue Adjustments (594,256) 7.) Transfers-In 3,249,204 TOTAL REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS $45,630,595 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: 1.) General Governmental Funds Carry Forwards $1,291,680 2.) General Governmental Funds New Items/Adjustments 316,642 3.) Capital Improvement Funds Carry Forwards 37,435,575 4.) All Other Funds Carry Forwards 511,686 5.) Other New Items/Adjustments 2,825,808 6.) Transfers-Out 3,249,204 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS $45,630,595 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I . The following adjustments are hereby allowed and established in each of the below listed funds : 1997 Adopted Budget 1997 Amended EXPENDITURES: Budget Adjustments Budget 000-General Fund $31,207,261 $3,843,997 $35,051,258 101 -Parks Fund 6,900,156 226,065 7,126,221 102-Arterial Street Fund 320,000 0 320,000 103-Street Fund 4,697,878 496,889 5,194,767 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund 371,238 230,919 602,157 105-Impact Mitigation Fund 0 7,043,162 7,043,162 106-Library Fund 1,156,270 1,744 1,158,014 118-Reserve for Paths and Trails 0 0 0 125-1%for Art Fund 1,500 64,701 66,201 127-Cable Communication Fund 13,000 9,000 22,000 201 -1997 Limited G.O. Bond Fund/City Hall 0 0 0 207-1978 Limited G.O. Bond Fund/Sr Center 76,200 0 76,200 212-1989 Limited G.O. Ref Bond Fund/City Shop 295,195 0 295,195 213-1983/Unlimited G.O.Ref Bond Fund/Coulon Park 754,393 0 754,393 215-General Govt Miscellaneous Debt Service Fund 808,675 205,127 1,013,802 219-1989 Unlimited G.O. Bonds/Sr Housing 500,440 2,795 503,235 220-L.I.D.Debt Service Fund 800,313 8,672 808,985 221 -L.I.D.Guaranty Fund 923,000 1,069 924,069 302-Open Space CIP Fund 0 564,186 564,186 , 4664 / tr ORDINANCE NO. 316-Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 1,671,997 5,082,526 6,754,523 317-Transportation CIP Fund 3,117,071 10,367,120 13,484,191 319-Senior Housing Construction Fund 0 0 0 320-L.I.D.Construction Fund 160,000 121,707 281,707 401 -Waterworks Utility Fund 20,983,508 (310,438) 20,673,070 402-Airport Fund 1,186,554 238,561 1,425,115 403-Solid Waste Utility Fund 6,523,113 348,339 6,871,452 404-Golf Course Fund 2,142,034 21,898 2,163,932 421 -Waterworks Construction Fund 3,175,700 17,021,715 20,197,415 424-Golf Course Capital Improvement Fund 0 0 0 501 -Equipment Rental Fund 2,423,215 40,841 2,464,056 502-Insurance Fund 4,767,110 0 4,767,110 601 -Firemen's Pension Fund 334,354 0 334,354 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $95,310,175 $45,630,595 $140,940,770 TOTAL RESOURCES $95,310,175 $45,630,595 $140,940,770 SECTION II . There is hereby established and created the 1997 Limited General Obligation Bonds Fund - City Hall (Fund 201) and there shall be paid into said fund property and/or other general tax revenues sufficient to pay the annual debt service requirements . SECTION III . A list of all individual budget adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION IV. This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval, and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 21st day of April, 1997 . I// a4,/ / Marilyn 'Q ersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 21st day of April, 1997 . Jess anner, Mayor <e)17t) ApprQ A as to f m: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney April 25, 1997 Date of Publication: ORD. 653: 4/01/97 :as . 2 r Y OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEr' Dept/ 1997 . 1996 Requests! Total 1997 Div Description • - Budget Carrytwds New/Adj Adjustments AdJ Budget FUND 000-GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 000 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,431,868 3,288,871 0 3,288,871 6,720,739 REVENUES: P Allen Group/Pt Quendall Act Pin 000 028500 000 3450 0084 00 078122 0 87,839 0 87,839 87,839 Federal COPs Grant Carryforward 000 000000 000 3310 0016 57 000001 70,000 3,461 0 3,461 73,461 Narcotics Grant Carryforward 000 000000 000 3330 0016 80 000000 0 133,026 0 133,026 133,026 Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 000 3410 0071 00 000000 0 0 1,508 1,508 1,508 Inmate Health&Welfare/Phone 000 000000 000 3410 0072 00 000000 0 0 807 807 807 Reimb fm Golf Course/Indirect Cost 000 000000 000 3490 0019 90 000026 103,260 16,000 0 16,000 119,260 SKC Community PH&S Network Grant 000 000000 000 3370 0007 00 000031 0 0 45,000 45,000 45,000 Donations/Day Camp Scholarships Program 000 000000 000 3670 0000 00 000183 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 31,036,733 0 0 0 31,036.733 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE ... 34,641,861 >. 3,529,197 . 53,815 3,583,012 38,224,873 EXPENDITURES: Court December 1996 King County Probation 000 000000 002 5120 0050 41 000120 60,000 5,849 0 5,849 65,849 Exec Provide Funding for 2002 Committee Consultant 000 000000 003 5130 0010 41 000131 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 Exec Provide Funding for Intem/Salaries 000 000000 003 5130 0010 12 000000 0 0 14,744 14,744 14,744 Exec Provide Funding for Intern/FICA 000 000000 003 5130 0010 22 000003 0 0 1,128 1,128 1,128 Exec Provide Funding for Intern/Ind Ins 000 000000 003 5130 0010 22 000006 0 0 128 128 128 Exec Economic Development Brochure 000 000000 003 5130 0013 49 000028 0 640 0 640 640 Exec Reallocate LEOFF Board Travel to Human Resr 000 000000 003 5130 0010 43 000026 1,056 0 (1,056) (1,056) 0 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Scholarships 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000069 0 272 0 272 272 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Capital Outlay 000 000000 003 5130 0021 64 000054 0 210 0 210 210 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Capital Reserve 000 000000 003 5130 0021 64 000066 0 1,775 0 1,775 1,775 Fin Provide Funding for Intem/Salaries 000 000000 004 5140 0010 12 000000 0 0 9,230 9,230 9,230 Fin Provide Funding for Intem/FICA 000 000000 004 5140 0010 22 000003 0 0 706 706 706 Fin Provide Funding for Intern/Ind Ins 000 000000 004 5140 0010 22 000006 0 0 64 64 64 Non-Dept Downtown Renton Association 000 000000 005 5190 0090 49 000057 20,000 5,000 0 5,000 25,000 Non-Dept State Purchasing Contract 000 000000 005 5190 0090 49 000079 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 Non-Dept Tsf to Park Fd to Restore 8%Operating Reserve 000 000000 005 5870 0019 56 000000 0 0 335,500 335,500 335,500 Non-Dept LID 336 Assessment from 1995 000 000000 005 5910 0041 73 000004 0 5,800 0 5,800 5,800 Non-Dept Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000098 560,000 0 2,230,000 2,230,000 2,790,000 Dev Svc Port Qendall Planned Action 000 000000 007 5580 0061 41 078122 0 337,832 0 337,832 337,832 Dev Svc Structural Plan Review Professional Services 000 000000 007 5590 0060 41 000039 28,875 11,831 0 11,831 40,706 Dev Svc WSEO Energy Code Compliance Grant 000 000000 007 5590 0060 43 000060 5,394 6,050 0 6,050 11,444 Police Federal COPS Grant Carryforward 000 000000 008 5210 0029 49 000095 0 84,810 0 84,810 84,810 Police Narcotics Grant Carryforward 000 000000 008 5210 0092 10 000000 0 105,721 0 105,721 105,721 Police K.C.T.F.Narcotics Seizure Fund 000 000000 008 5210 0093 49 000088 0 258,246 0 258,246 258,246 Police City Narcotics Seizure Fund 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000055 0 63,678 0 63,678 63,678 Police Inmate Health&Welfare 000 000000 008 5230 0060 49 000005 0 14,561 2,315 16,876 16,876 Police Electronic Home Detention 000 000000 008 5230 0022 45 000019 40,000 56,265 0 56,265 96,265 Police Contributions/Private/Dare Program 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000015 0 87,234 0 87,234 87,234 Police Dare Program Sales 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000049 0 10,008 0 10,008 10,008 Fire Additional Funding for Suppression Overtime 000 000000 009 5220 0020 10 000011 116,854 79,252 0 79,252 196,106 Fire Uniform Allowance for Inspectors 000 000000 009 5220 0030 10 000001 450 0 1,200 1,200 1,650 Fire Care Bear Donations 000 000000 009 5220 0030 31 000020 0 802 0 802 802 Fire Lock Boxes 000 000000 009 5220 0030 31 000009 0 111 0 111 111 Hum Resr Huntington Travel-1996 Travel Expense 000 000000 014 5160 0010 43 000028 3,000 337 0 337 3,337 Hum Resr Coop Personnel Svc/Firefighter Entry 000 000000 014 5160 0020 41 000020 15,000 2,000 0 2,000 17,000 Hum Resr EHPEC/Police Bloodbome Pathogen Tests 000 000000 014 5160 0010 41 000057 22,598 1,500 0 1,500 24,098 Hum Resr Reallocate LEOFF Board Travel fm Exec 000 000000 014 5160 0020 43 000026 0 0 1,056 1,056 1,056 Ping/Tech Sierra System/Oracle Annual Maintenance 000 000000 017 5320 0023 48 000000 16,871 0 8,500 8,500 25,371 Ping/Tech Add Funding for Annual Equipment Leases 000 000000 017 5320 0023 45 000001 0 0 9,950 9,950 9,950 Ping/Tech Add Funding for CFP Update 000 000000 017 5580 0020 41 000174 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Ping/Tech Parking Zoning Code&Panther Lk Resident Survey 000 000000 017 5580 0020 41 000085 15,375 12,000 0 12,000 27,375 Hum Svcs Consultant Services/SKC Community Grant 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000198 0 0 45,000 45,000 45,000 Hum Svcs Donations Day Camp Scholarship Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000183 6,500 1,554 0 1,554 8,054 Hum Svcs Way Back Inn 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000034 6,000 1,262 0 1,262 7,262 Hum Svcs WA Women's Employment 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000058 5,000 1,250 0 1,250 6,250 Hum Svcs Interpretive Services 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000118 3,167 1,446 0 1,446 4,613 Hum Svcs Renton Emergency Assistance Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000126 0 236 0 236 236 Hum Svcs Salvation Army Utility Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000133 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 30,281,121 0 0 0 30,281,121 Total Expenditures 31,207,261 1,167,532 2,676,465 3,843,997 35,051,258 Ending Fund Balance 000 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,434,600 2,361,665 (2,622,650) (260,985) 3,173,615 I TOTAL-EXPENDITURES&END.FUND BALANCE 34,641,861::;:::3,529,197 :>53,815 i 3.583,012 <..38,224,873 FUND 101-PARKS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 101 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 267,201 111,317 0 111,317 378,518 REVENUES: Tsf fm General Fund to Restore 8%Oper Reserve 101 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 0 0 335,500 335,500 335,500 Tat In fm Fund 316 Contract Landscape Mtc 101 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000101 0 0 75,000 75,000 75•OCO Contribution from Boeing for Rec Programs 101 000000 000 3670 0000 00 000012 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 6,900,190 0 0 0 6,900,190 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE is<;7,167,391 111.317 412,500 .; '523,817- ;:7,691,208 I n\c.,.,lc0r199TCarrov.dAiSR,,Sr'9-X'_S Fa;-;. 4?`7- • OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEF 4111110 Dept/ • • • -1997 1996 Requests/ Total :1997 Div .Description :-'Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget EXPENDITURES: Pk Fac Add Funding for Small Eqp Purchases 101 000000 020 5760 0010 35 000000 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 Pk Fac Correct 1996 Equipment Rental Charges 101 000000 020 5760 0010 45 000002 118,915 3,280 0 3,280 122,195 Pk Fac Complete Phase II Safety Lights Coulon Park 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000000 61,000 6,072 0 6,072 0 Pk Fac Cedar River Trail Landscape Damage/FEMA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000000 0 3,079 0 3,079 70,151 Pk Fac Park Vandalism-Outstanding Purchases/Signage 101 000000 020 5760 0010 49 000037 4,223 594 0 594 4,817 Pk Fac Steel Toed Work Boots 101 000000 020 5760 0010 31 000000 148,348 0 1,250 1,250 149,598 Comm Ctr Outstdg PO's: Clam Lts Supplies;Youth Basketball 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 114,721 20,524 0 20,524 0 Comm Ctr Contribution from Boeing for Rec Programs 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 0 0 2,000 2,000 137,245 Rec Svc Community Band-Outstanding Purchases 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000053 5,000 2,942 0 2,942 7,942 Rec Svc Scripts/Royalties-Outstanding Purchases 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000024 2,705 842 0 842 3,547 Rec Svc Band Concerts Unspent Funds 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000021 5,518 367 0 367 5,885 Pks Lndscpe Tsf-In fn Fd 316 Contract Landscape Mtc 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 25,000 0 75,000 75,000 100,000 Sr Ctr Senior Van Donations/Repair&Maintenance 101 000000 020 5550 0008 48 000087 0 9,568 0 9,568 9,568 PkAdm Private Contributions/Park Improvements 101 000000 020 5740 0010 49 000091 0 1,196 0 1,196 1,196 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5180 0010 11 000000 26,710 0 (2,383) (2,383) 24,327 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000001 2,035 0 (181) (181) 1,854 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000003 2,043 0 (182) (182) 1,861 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000006 2,037 0 (182) (182) 1,855 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5180 0010 12 000000 22,928 0 12,583 12,583 35,511 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5180 0010 22 000003 1,755 0 962 962 2,717 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5180 0010 22 000006 2,031 0 822 822 2,853 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5550 0008 12 000000 12,281 0 4,940 4,940 17,221 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000003 940 0 377 377 1,317 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000006 596 0 532 532 1,128 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/Sal 101 000000 020 5550 0008 12 000000 0 4,597 0 4,597 4,597 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/FICA 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000003 0 352 0 352 352 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000006 0 51 0 51 51 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5740 0020 11 000000 96,048 0 (19,564) (19,564) 76,484 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000001 7,829 0 (1,492) (1,492) 6,337 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000003 7,858 0 (1.496) (1,496) 6,362 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000006 7,477 0 (1,523) (1,523) 5,954 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5740 0020 12 000000 158,226 0 36,773 36,773 194,999 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5740 0020 22 000003 12,105 0 2,812 2,812 14,917 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/lnterrnt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5740 0020 22 000006 14,626 0 1,355 1,355 15,981 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0050 11 000000 62,050 0 (6,214) (6,214) 55,836 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000001 4,347 0 (92) (92) 4,255 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000003 4,747 0 (476) (476) 4,271 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000006 3,259 0 615 615 3,874 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0050 12 000000 12,827 0 33,352 33,352 46,179 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/lntermt FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0050 22 000003 981 0 2,552 2,552 3,533 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0050 22 000006 1,194 0 2,594 2,594 3,788 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0052 12 000000 7,015 0 (956) (956) 6,059 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0052 22 000003 537 0 (73) (73) 464 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0052 22 000006 536 0 (31) (31) 505 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5760 0010 11 000000 65,100 0 (6,076) (6,076) 59,024 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000001 4,962 0 (464) (464) 4,498 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000003 4,980 0 (465) (465) 4,515 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000006 4,700 0 (438) (438) 4,262 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5760 0010 12 000000 102,661 0 25,107 25,107 127,768 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 22 000003 7,854 0 1,920 1,920 9,774 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5760 0010 22 000006 9,533 0 2,343 2,343 11,876 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 5,739,918 0 0 0 5,739,918 Total Expenditures 6,900,156 53,464 172,601 226,065 7,126,221 Ending Fund Balance 101 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 267,235 57,853 239,899 297,752 564,987 ::i•TOTAL-EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE <? : .. : ::•7,167,391 i:11.1,317 . <412,500 %i 523,817: . :7,69t 208 FUND 103•STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 103 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 438,066 501,931 0 501,931 939,997 REVENUES: Sale of Salvage Equipment 103 000000 000 3690 0090 00 000000 0 0 4,171 4,171 4,171 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 4,702,004 0 0 0 4,702,004 I . COTAL:REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE. :.:: ... ,:5,140,070. .: 501 931 .4,171 :::: <::506,102;..:>5,646;172 1 EXPENDITURES: St Mtc Storm Equipment Requirements 103 000000 019 5420 0092 64 000051 0 0 23,778 23,778 23,778 St Mtc Transfer Relief/Rainier Avenue 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000050 • 1,972 49,722 0 49,722 51,694 Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 103 000000 019 5970 0019 55 000102 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 St Mtc Reallocate Proceeds from Sale of Equipment 103 000000 019 5420 0090 31 000000 10,558 0 4,171 4,171 14,729 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's: Signal Lamps,Test Station 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000042 14,147 7,203 0 7,203 21,350 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding P0's: Street Light Poles,Lighting 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000046 14,031 10.477 0 10,477 24,508 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's: Nuts&Bolts 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000047 11,824 473 0 473 12,297 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's:Hand Held Sign Locator 103 000000 016 5420 0095 35 000000 4,540 800 0 800 5,340 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's:Training Class/PC Support 103 000000 016 5420 0095 43 000060 4,995 265 0 265 5,260 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 4,635,811 0 0 0 4,635,811 Total Expenditures 4,697,878 68,940 427,949 496,889 5,194,767 Ending Fund Balance 103 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 442,192 432,991 (423,778) 9,213 451,405 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 5,140,070 501,931 4,171 506,102 5,646,172 F,,8agv_cc199:'VCarrytwaAWR<SHT9'X.-S. Page 2 a'-<;" C OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEN' `w ‘...re Dept/ . > .. 1997 •.. .1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div ..Description • ,Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments .Ad)Budget FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 106 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 281,868 (13,164) 0 (13,164) 268,704 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,186,027 0 0 0 1,186,027 • TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,467,895 • (13,164) 0 (13,164) -<,1,454,731 EXPENDITURES: Library Donations 106 000000 021 5720 0020 31 000000 15,735 1,744 0 1,744 17,479 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,140,535 0 0 0 1,140,535 Total Expenditures 1,156,270 1,744 0 1,744 1,158,014 Ending Fund Balance 106 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 311,625 (14,908) 0 (14,908) 296,717 .`TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE .. 1,467,895 (13,164) 0 (13,164) 1,454,731 FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER Beginning Fund Balance 207 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 65,352 1,444 0 1,444 66,796 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 141,552 1,444 • 0 1,444 . <>142,996 EXPENDITURES: • 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 Total Expenditures 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 65,352 1,444 0 1,444 66,796 :TOTAL•EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE ... . :. 141,552 =1,444 0 .;: 1,444 ::,.:.:142,996 FUND 212-1989 LTD GO REFUNDING BONDS-SHOP Beginning Fund Balance 212 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 63,387 (390) 0 (390) 62,997 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 295,200 0 0 0 295,200 •:<::TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE _. >358,587 s(390) 0.::.:.:....,,,,::-:(390) ':::::358,197' EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 295,195 0 0 0 295,195 Total Expenditures 295,195 0 0 0 295,195 Ending Fund Balance 212 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 63,392 (390) 0 (390) 63,002 :TOTALEXPENDITURES&END FUND.BALANCE. 358,587 :(390) 0 .(390)'. ::>358,197. FUND 215-GENERAL GOVT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT Beginning Fund Balance 215 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 186,148 254,438 0 254,438 440,586 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 800,900 0 0 0 800,900 :.:.TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 987,048 ;....'.254,438 0 >:254,438 >:>1,241,486 EXPENDITURES: Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 215 000000 033 5970 0019 55 000058 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 Arbitrage Compliance Costs 215 000000 033 5920 0019 89 000006 0 0 5,127 5,127 5,127 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 808,675 0 0 0 808,675 Total Expenditures 808,675 0 205,127 205,127 1,013,802 Ending Fund Balance 215 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 178,373 254,438 (205,127) 49,311 227,684 :';TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE..:. . 987,048 .:..1:>•254,438 . 0 .:'';.:254,438 ::' i 1,241,486 FUND 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 102 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 116,069 6,265 0 6,265 122,334 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 333,600 0 0 . 0 333,600 TOTAL"REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE ::449,669 6,265 ;':> 0 6,265,.<'- ;'455,934 EXPENDITURES: Arterial Str Opr Trf-Out 102 012108 016 5970 0095 55 000007 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Total Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Ending Fund Balance 102 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 129,669 6,265 0 6,265 135,934 ...:.TOTALEXPENDITURES&END FUND:BALANCE. > 449.669 ._:..:::;.6,265 ,:i>.0 ,z:.6,265 .,^>:<:455,9 34 FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 104 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0.00 (32,753.75) 0.00 (32,753.75) (32,753.75) REVENUES: C751-94 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000031 0.00 5,698.76 0.00 5,698.76 5,698.76 C507-95 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000046 0.00 7,303.73 0.00 7,303.73 7,303.73 C507-96 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000049 0.00 3,076.67 0.00 3,076.67 3,076.67 C751-96 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000050 0.00 16,409.81 0.00 16,409.81 16,409.81 C856-96 Apple Parent Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000051 0.00 1,430.79 0.00 1,430.79 1,430.79 C856-96 Connections 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000052 0.00 2,971.20 0.00 2,971.20 2,971.20 C859-96 Visiting Nurse Svc 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000053 0.00 1,872.00 0.00 1,872.00 1,872.00 C865.96 Emerg Feeding Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000055 0.00 1,476.75 0.00 1,476.75 1,476.75 C000-96 Renton Comm In School 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000056 0.00 3,554.12 0.00 3,554.12 3,554.12 C507-97 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000057 58,668.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58,668.00 C751-97 Housing Assist Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000058 165,842.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,842.00 C863-97 Sr Trans Support 104 000000 CCO 3330 0014 20 000062 16.960 00 0 CC O CO 0 00 16,960.00 -,'Bayer'EN7\Carmr,..1,`Mi,(SHT3'x_> Pa;a 3 4'2s , vitioY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEr vite Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div ...Description Budget •Carryfwds NewlAdj Adjustments Adj Budget C865-97 Emerg Feeding Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000063 6,174.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,174.00 C000-97 Renton Comm in Schools 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000064 7,781.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,781.00 C000-97 Comm Health Cntr/KC 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000073 27,152.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,152.00 C840-95 Lake WA Boathouse 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000048 0.00 150,732.30 0.00 150,732.30 150,732.30 C862-94 Liberty Park Restrooms Ph II 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000095 0.00 1,451.95 0.00 1,451.95 1,451.95 C866-94 N Highld Library ADA Remodel 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000097 0.00 13,694.35 0.00 13,694.35 13,694.35 ' C000-96 Ada Improvements 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000098 0.00 42,000.00 0.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 C000-96 Senior Center Carpeting 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000102 0.00 19,500.01 0.00 19,500.01 19,500.01 C000-97 City Museum Bathrooms 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000103 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 HCD/Unailocated Capital Funds 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000104 63,661.00 0.00 (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 56,161.00 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE : 371,238.00 -238,418.69 (7,500.00) 230,918.69 602,156.69 EXPENDITURES: C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 31 000000 0.00 89.66 0.00 89.66 89.66 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 41 000001 0.00 6,731.42 0.00 6,731.42 6,731.42 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 44 000015 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 43 000020 0.00 82.65 0.00 82.65 82.65 751-94 Housing Assistance Prog 104 000000 020 5590 0011 31 000000 0.00 3,010.31 0.00 3,010.31 3,010.31 C751-96 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 020 5590 0023 41 000079 0.00 7,168.34 0.00 7,168.34 7,168.34 C507-97 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 9701 00 000000 58,668.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58,668.00 Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 11 000000 0.00 0.00 (1,480.00) (1,480.00) (1.480.00) Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000001 0.00 0.00 1,729.00 1,729.00 1,729.00 Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000003 0.00 0.00 (113.00) (113.00) (113.00) Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000006 0.00 0.00 (136.00) (136.00) (136.00) C751-97 Housing Assistance Program 104 000000 020 5590 9702 00 000000 165,842.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,842.00 C863-97 Senior Transport 104 000000 020 5590 9706 00 000000 16,960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,960.00 C865-97 Emergency Feeding Program 104 000000 020 5590 9707 41 000001 6,174.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,174.00 C871-97 Renton Comm in Schools 104 000000 020 5590 9708 10 000000 7,781.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,781.00 C000-97 Community Health Center/KC 104 000000 020 5590 9709 00 000000 27,152.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,152.00 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 41 000001 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 65 000004 0.00 145,732.30 0.00 145,732.30 145,732.30 C000-96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5940 9656 65 000040 0.00 50,704.00 (8,704.00) 42,000.00 42,000.00 Trf-Out Fund 316/ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5970 9656 55 000076 0.00 0.00 8,704.00 8,704.00 8,704.00 C000-96 Senior Center Carpeting 104 000000 020 5940 9660 65 000042 0.00 19,500.01 0.00 19,500.01 19,500.01 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 020 5940 9760 65 000043 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 020 5940 9761 65 000044 63,661.00 0.00 (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 56,161.00 Total Expenditures 371,238.00 238,418.69 (7,500.00) 230,918.69 602,156.69 '. Ending Fund Balance 104 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE _-.371,238.00 ..:.238,418.69 : (7,500.00) >330,918.69 :.602,156.69 I FUND 105•MITIGATION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 105 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 300,000 6,743,162 0 6,743,162 7,043,162 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 I ;:TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE _ .... s i'600,000 . . 6,743,162 0 : 6,743,162;.>>7,343,162 I EXPENDITURES: WETLAND ACQUISITION/METRO 105 000012 020 5940 0076 65 001081 0 4,457 0 4,457 4,457 TALBOT-SPRINGBRK/GATEWAY 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000006 0 134 0 134 134 ELLENSWOOD CORP 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000058 0 149 0 149 149 KENSINGTON APTS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000079 0 164 0 164 164 SHEETS UNLIM/CORR-PRO 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000087 0 445 0 445 445 WOODLAND INV/YOUNG PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000092 0 51 0 51 51 POLLOS EST/LITOWITZ CONST 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000096 0 99 0 99 99 DALPAY&ASSOCIATES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000114 0 541 0 541 541 SICORP SERVICES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000115 0 4,352 0 4,352 4,352 EVANS REAL ESTATE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000116 0 2,785 0 2,785 2,785 ROB H WELLS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000122 0 519 0 519 519 POWELL STREET HOUSES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000132 0 514 0 514 514 J&J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000133 0 606 0 606 606 TRAVERSO LOUIS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000134 0 1,211 0 1,211 1,211 VALLEY DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000156 0 9,068 0 9,068 9,068 J &J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000157 0 1,180 0 1,180 1,180 GLAUSER CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000158 0 1,180 0 1,180 1,180 ROCKWOOD 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000159 0 1,176 0 1,176 1.176 MARION/ERICA LEE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000160 0 1,166 0 1,166 1,166 CAMWEST 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000161 0 7,574 0 7,574 7,574 TIM BURKHARDT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000162 0 1,739 0 1,739 1,739 MALESIS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000163 0 1,735 0 1,735 1,735 JOHN LANE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000164 0 2,701 0 2,701 2.701 ARCHER DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000165 0 6,919 0 6,919 6,919 DAVID/PATTY MORGAN 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000166 0 576 0 576 576 CHARLES/BEV METZGER 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000167 0 1,153 0 1,153 1,153 SENESCU 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000168 0 652 0 652 652 GLADYS NEAS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000169 0 163 0 163 163 JAMES JACQUES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000170 0 2.295 0 2,295 2,295 LEONA HAWKIN 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000171 0 572 0 572 572 LYLE HOMES/JK INC 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000172 0 50,421 0 50,421 50,421 LYLE H0MES/JK INC 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000211 C 29.919 0 29,919 29,919 h1 A©0y!coc15S CanyM0P,AR<S '3 X__2 Paga 4 412i5' C' OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEN" Dept/ 1997 .1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div - Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad]Budget W.A.DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000212 0 6,690 0 6,690 6,690 COUNTRYSIDE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000213 0 7,911 0 7,911 7,911 FIVE STAR 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000214 0 3,291 0 3,291 3,291 LUKASIEWICZ 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000215 0 549 0 549 549 RYAN SORT PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000216 0 1,098 0 1,098 1,098 BELLA HOME 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000217 0 6,002 0 6,002 6,002 TALBOT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000218 0 40,814 0 40,814 40,814 STROMME SHORT PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000219 0 546 0 546 546 MATHEWS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000220 0 543 0 543 543 J&J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000221 0 1,086 0 1,086 1,086 GMASS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000229 0 27,423 0 27,423 27,423 PARK/DISCRETIONARYNYZIS 105 000406 020 5940 0076 65 001064 0 6,670 0 6,670 6,670 PARK AC/DV/G BORDNER CONSTR 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000102 0 2,712 0 2,712 2,712 PARK AQ/DV/RIVER RIDGE 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000104 0 6,551 0 6,551 6,551 JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000127 0 4,631 0 4,631 4,631 HONEY CREEK LLC 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000173 0 11,855 0 11,855 11,855 PARK/SUMMRWD DEV I/HENDRSN HMS 105 000452 020 5940 0076 65 001017 0 14,464 0 14,464 14,464 PARK TRAILS/RIPLEY LN/BAXTER 105 000455 020 5940 0076 65 001089 0 7,513 0 7,513 7,513 FIRE MITIGATION/MULTI-FAMILY 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000901 0 175,380 0 175,380 175,380 FIRE MITIGATION/SINGLE FAMILY 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000902 0 340,625 0 340,625 ..340,625 FIRE MITIGATION/COMMERCIAL 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000903 0 1,578,527 0 1,578,527 1,578,527 FIRE MITIGATN/METRO EXPANSION 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000904 0 2,129,678 0 2,129,678 2,129,678 FIRE MITIGATN/SALE OF PLANS 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000905 0 2,231 0 2,231 2,231 FIRE MITIGATN PROGIDESIGN 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000064 0 147,757 0 147,757 147,757 G&M INVESTMENTS 105 000501 016 5950 0000 60 000004 0 51 0 51 51 SPIEKER PARTNERS 105 000503 016 5950 0000 60 000022 0 2,032 0 2,032 2,032 BENAROYA 105 000504 016 5950 0000 60 000015 0 11,032 0 11,032 11,032 CONNER HM/LIBERTY VIEW 105 000551 016 5950 0000 60 000030 0 27 0 27 27 K-MART EXPANSION 105 000569 016 5950 0000 60 000098 0 15,704 0 15,704 15,704 LAKE TERRACE ASSOC 105 000571 016 5950 0000 60 000005 0 624 0 624 624 BLUME DISTRIBUTION 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000041 0 183,548 0 183,548 183,548 RIVERTECH 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000044 0 21,271 0 21,271 21,271 E&H PROPERTIES 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000048 0 97,797 0 97,797 97,797 BLUME II 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000063 0 84,582 0 84,582 84,582 CHEVRON FACILITY 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000067 0 12,085 0 12,085 12,085 METRO PLANT EXPANSION 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000081 0 56,591 0 56,591 56,591 K&M MEATS 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000088 0 32,910 0 32,910 32,910 PLUMBER 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000105 0 102,267 0 102,267 102,267 ARCO 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000106 0 27,131 0 27,131 27,131 BONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000118 0 1,788 0 1,788 1,788 RIVERTECH ASSOC 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000121 0 1,019 0 1,019 1,019 TENNESSEE WAREHOUSE 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000129 0 25,385 0 25,385 25,385 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000009 0 2,148 0 2,148 2,148 G SCHNEIDER 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000010 0 3,610 0 3,610 3,610 WINDSOR PLACE ASSOC 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000023 0 5,029 0 5,029 5,029 CROWN POINTE 105 000575 016 5950 0000 60 000013 0 5,376 0 5,376 5,376 LINCOLN PROPERTY CO 105 000576 016 5950 0000 60 000007 0 31,237 0 31,237 31,237 SABEY CORPORATION 105 000581 016 5950 0090 40 000021 0 10,342 0 10,342 10,342 EXIT 7 ASSOC 105 000582 016 5950 0000 60 000025 0 18,727 0 18,727 18,727 CENTRON/THE FERRIS CO 105 000585 016 5950 0090 40 000024 0 2,214 0 2,214 2,214 CONWELL,INC 105 000586 016 5950 0000 60 000028 0 714 0 714 714 BEACHER 105 000586 016 5950 0000 60 000059 0 387 0 387 387 ACCORD INC DBA TACO TIME 105 000590 016 5950 0000 60 000032 0 124 0 124 124 BOEING TRAINING CENTER 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000080 0 73,901 0 73,901 73,901 LUX CORP WAREHSE/OFFICE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000094 0 11,473 0 11,473 11,473 OKEEFE MFG FACILITY 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000097 0 48,748 0 48,748 48,748 RABANCO 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000108 0 204,035 0 204,035 204,035 IMPERIALS BINGO 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000111 0 5,101 0 5,101 5,101 LANCE MUELLER&ASSOC 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000119 0 27,150 0 27,150 27,150 FAA DAYCARE/1601 LIND AV S 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000123 0 1,499 0 1,499 1,499 G&K SERVICES 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000124 0 11,018 0 11,018 11,018 IKEA-NWCP BUILDING 3 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000126 0 6,721 0 6,721 6,721 CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAY 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000128 0 1,400 0 1,400 1,400 TRILLIUM CORP 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60'000129 0 24,299 0 24,299 24,299 HOME BASE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000131 0 47,907 0 47,907 47,907 RADEN WAREHOUSE/34TH&LIND AVE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000203 0 38,966 0 38,966 38,966 RENTON 91 APT/COVENTRY/SIGNAL 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000034 0 5,538 0 5,538 5,538 RENTON 91 APT/COVENTRY/TBZ 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000035 0 17,315 0 17,315 17,315 KOLU4904 LAKE WA BLVD 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000053 0 12,308 0 12,308 12,308 INTERLAKE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000099 0 1,169 0 1,169 1,169 E&H GARDEN&PARK PLAZA 105 000594 016 5950 0000 60 000125 0 34,424 0 34,424 34,424 LEADY(SA 049.90) 105 000596 016 5950 0000 60 000049 0 5,818 0 5,818 5,818 TEUTSH PTNR/JOHN WALKER/BLD 1 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000135 0 37,397 0 37,397 37,397 MARK MILLER CONSULTANTS INC. 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000136 0 37,714 0 37,714 37,714 BC NORTHWEST LP 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000137 0 2,328 0 2,328 2,328 TEUTSCH PTNR/JOHN WALKER/BLDG 2 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000138 0 8,622 0 8,622 8,622 SAFEWAY EXPANSION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000140 0 124,420 0 124,420 124,420 PAC RIM BUILDING SUPPLY 105 000599 016 6950 0000 60 000141 0 10,452 0 10,452 10,452 NORTHWARD DEVELOPMENT. 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000142 0 26.167 0 25,157 26,167 r'iBC)z;•.ti -'Carry Mtlt.F".t5r,T9'X...: Paga 9 4-.7,1- 1 'OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEr ' tisili Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997.. Oiv • Description • • • • Budget Carryfwds : New/Adj • Adjustments Ad]Budget. PACCAR/TRUCK DECKING FACILITY 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000143 0 1,777 0 1,777 1,777 SPRINGBROOK WAREHOUSE 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000144 0 62,771 0 62,771 62,771 NW HANDLING SYSTEMS INC 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000145 0 18,260 0 18,260 18,260 DODGE DEALERSHIP/J SOLOMON 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000146 0 11,759 0 11,759 11,759 SOUND MITSUBISHI USED CAR LOT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000147 0 3,285 0 3,285 3,285 VALLEY DISTRIBUTION CENTER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000149 0 174,410 0 174,410 174,410 ALBERTSON'S EXPANSION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000153 0 2,642 0 2,642 2,642 VILLAGE ON UNION PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000154 0 18,143 0 18,143 18,143 MAZDA DEALERSHIP/SW RAINIER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000155 0 26,540 0 26,540 26,540 WALMART 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000174 0 71,668 0 71,668 71,668 SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000176 0 44,277 0 44,277 44,277 GOOD CHEVROLET 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000178 0 35,086 0 35,086 35,086 FARWEST STEEL DISTRIBUTION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000179 0 19,637 0 19,637 19,637 CHEVRON/MCDONALDS ON 4TH 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000181 0 45,063 0 45,063 45,063 SPRINGSIDE BUILDING 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000182 0 17,308 0 17,308 17,308 PIERRE AUTO SALES 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000184 0 5,740 0 5,740 5,740 LUKE SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000188 0 776 0 776 776 ARCO STATION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000189 0 3,093 0 3,093 3,093 ACT III THEATRE 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000191 0 98,342 0 98,342 98,342 RENTON PLACE PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000192 0 8,095 0 8,095 • , 8,095 MATHEWS SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000194 0 767 0 767 • 767 BURGER KING©ACT III 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000197 0 35,742 0 35,742 35,742 STROMME SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000200 0 771 0 771 771 SW 16TH ST TECH CENTER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000201 0 62,526 0 62,526 62,526 GIBSON SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000205 0 1,535 0 1,535 1,535 GI JOES/EAST VALLEY ROAD 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000206 0 512 0 512 512 THE ORCHARDS II/DUVALL&NE 8TH 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000207 0 30,232 0 30,232 30,232 Total Expenditures 0 7,043,162 0 7,043,162 7,043,162 Ending Fund Balance 105 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 600,000 (300,000) 0 (300,000) 300,000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE : fii 7I:;i : .: :....'•-...,.::.::.:::.::::.......:.:.....:::,.:::.600,000 '6,743,162 . 0 .6,743,162 : :7,343,162:I FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS&TRAILS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 118 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 6,884 (4,395) 0 (4,395) 2,489 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 3,400 0 0 0 3,400 I . ::>TOTAL.REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .. _ <;:.:10,2845 ...(4,395) 0 •• ::..(4,395) 5,889 I • EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 118 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 10,284 (4,395) 0 (4,395) 5,889 .. TOTAL:EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE -.:,.10,284 ::-(4,395) 0 ;:z: .:(4,395). ::5,889 FUND 125•ONE PERCENT FOR ART Beginning Fund Balance 125 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 64,701 0 64,701 64,701 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 I ...TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE :1,500 64,701 0 :64,701f. . :66.201 I EXPENDITURES: Lind Ave Bridge/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000061 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Oakesdale/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000062 0 22,611 0 22,611 22,611 Oakesdale/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000063 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Court Facility/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000064 0 5,270 0 5,270 5,270 Other Art Projects 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000065 1,500 13,320 13,320 14,820 Fire Station#14/1996 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000067 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 Total Expenditures 1,500 64,701 0 64,701 66,201 Ending Fund Balance 125 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 I >:::TOTAL{EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE '> ::;1,500 :<'64,701 0 -::::: i:64,701:..: .:;66,201 I FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND Beginning Fund Balance 127 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 179,499 (2,162) 0 (2,162) 177,337 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 6,000 0 0 0 6,000 :. ;TOTALREVENUES&BEGINFUNDBALANCE : ... ... ,:. :.: s:185,499 .::»(2,162) 0 : (2462) ::1183,337 EXPENDITURES: Prof Svo/Production Video Coverage 127 000000 004 5710 0010 41 000180 8,000 0 5,000 5,000 13,000 Cable Comm Eqp 127 000000 004 5940 0071 64 000084 5,000 0 4,000 ' 4,000 9,000 Total Expenditures 13,000 0 9,000 9,000 22,000 Ending Fund Balance 127 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 172,499 (2,162) (9,000) (11,162) 161,337 1 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE . . :185,499 (2,162) 0 .A 2,162) :183,337 I t, Bdgtucc t 99 T,Cd,ry McA'rrR R 5 f;'9'._' Paga C 'OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTM EN- Nor Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total .1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget FUND 213-1983 UNLIMITED GO REF BONDS-PARK Beginning Fund Balance 213 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 463,323 828 0 828 464,151 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 890,000 0 0 0 890,000 ;TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .1,353,323 828 0 828 1,354,151 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 754,393 0 0 0 754,393 Total Expenditures 754,393 0 0 0 754,393 Ending Fund Balance 213 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 598,930 828 0 828 599,758 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE . 1,353,323 828 0 828 1,354,151 FUND 219-1989 UNLIMITED GO BONDS-SR HOUSING Beginning Fund Balance 219 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 392,657 (473) 0 (473) 392,184 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 508,000 0 0 0 508,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE -' 900,657 (473) 0 (473) 900,184 EXPENDITURES: •. Arbitrage Compliance Cost 219 000000 033 5920 0019 89 000006 0 0 2,795 2,795 2,795 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 500,440 0 0 0 500,440 Total Expenditures 500,440 0 2,795 2,795 503,235 Ending Fund Balance 219 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 400,217 (473) (2,795) (3,268) 396,949 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 900,657 =:(473) .: 0 (473) '.900,184 FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 220 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 184,920 25,118 0 25,118 210,038 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues • 746,554 0 0 0 746,554 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE >?931,474 ...25,118 .--. 0 :<::25,118 , .956,592 EXPENDITURES: Arbitrage Compliance Cost 220 000314 033 5920 0095 89 000006 0 0 5,545 5,545 5,545 Tsf-Out to Fd 401/LID 335 Sal of 1996 Receipts 220 000335 033 5970 0095 55 000060 18,675 2,198 0 2,198 20,873 Tsf-Out to Fd 401/LID 337 Bal of 1996 Receipts 220 000337 033 5970 0095 55 000061 8,117 929 0 929 9,046 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 773,521 0 0 0 773,521 Total Expenditures 800,313 3,127 5,545 8,672 808,985 Ending Fund Balance 220 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 131,161 21,991 (5,545) 16,446 147,607 .TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE .. .. . .: :::931,474 • >i25,118 0 ....::::":::::25,118 ;: :::::956,592 FUND 221-LID GUARANTY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 221 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,800,283 27,209 0 27,209 1,827,492 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 26,000 0 0 0 26,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .. 1,826,283 3':>::27,209 ' 0 ..27,209 I>> 1,853,492 EXPENDITURES: LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 220 221 000000 034 5870 0000 56 000220 0 0 1,069 1,069 1,069 LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 316 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000316 435,000 0 0 0 435,000 LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 501 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000501 488,000 0 0 0 488,000 Total Expenditures 923,000 0 1,069 1,069 924,069 Ending Fund Balance 221 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 903,283 27,209 (1,069) 26,140 929,423 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE ._ . <::1,826,283: `27,209 0 ..:.;27,209;>:- .1,853,492 FUND 302-OPEN SPACE Beginning Fund Balance 302 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0.00 564,186.34 0.00 564,186.34 564,186.34 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 I' :.:::.:TOTAL-REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .;C< .0.00 <i564,186.34 i 0.00.. 564;186.34. :564,186.34 EXPENDITURES: CEDAR RIVER 302 000820 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 294,367.46 0.00 294,367.46 294,367.46 IAC-CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 302 000824 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 166,406.15 0.00 166,406.15 166,406.15 IAC-SPRINGBROOK 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 103,412.73 0.00 103,412.73 103,412.73 Total Expenditures 0.00 564,186.34 0.00 564,186.34 564,186.34 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 :TOTAL:EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE . _ 0.00 ::::564,186.34 :;0.00::,'564,186 347:::::564,186.34 FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP Beginning Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 241,675 2,236,416 0 2,236,416 2,478,091 REVENUES: King County Ms CommissionlCarco HVAC Repl 316 000000 000 3370 0007 03 000001 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 Trf In fm Gen Fd: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000098 560,000 0 2,230,000 2,230,000 2,790,000 Trf In fm Street Fd: Main&Grady Bldg Improvemts 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000102 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 n t9Jyr.Cx19971Caryn,,r,,,RK5HT9'X-F Pae'' 4'' i*of OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEP Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments <`Adj Budget Trf In frm Misc Debt Svc Fd: Main&Grady Bldg Improv 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000058 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 Trf-In frm CDBG Fund/ADA Improvements 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000076 0 0 8,704 8,704 8,704 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 912,500 0 0 0 912,500 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,714,175 2,286,416 ' 2,838,704 5,125.120 6,839,295 EXPENDITURES: PROF SERV/LAN SUPPORT 316 000000 004 5940 0018 41 000185 75,000 0 0 0 75,000 TECHNOLOGY PLAN 316 000000 004 5940 0018 64 000090 385,000 96,536 0 96,536 481,536 ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 316 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 26,919 0 26,919 26,919 COPIER LEASE PROGRAM 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000091 85,497 0 0 0 85,497 MUNICIPAL CAMPUS/PROPERTY ACQ 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000006 0 82,720 0 82,720 82,720 REGIONAL PARK DEVELOPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000012 0 134,000 0 134,000 134,000 MATCHING FUNDS/PARK ACQUISITION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000013 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 DOWNTOWN PARK ACQUISITION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000014 400,000 0 600,000 600,000 1,000,000 DWNTWN PUB SQ/TRANSIT PROP ACQ 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000095 0 7,720 0 7,720 7,720 MAIN&GRADY BLDG IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000015 0 0 2,430,000 2,430,000 2,430,000 MAJOR MTC IMPRVMTS-CARCO THTRE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000019 0 40,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 LK WA TRAIL&BOATHOUSE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000020 0 167,762 35,496 203,258 203.258 KING CTY ARTS COMM/CARCO HVAC REPL 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000023 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 ADA IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000024 0 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 COURT SECURITY 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000025 0 0 6,580 6,580 6,580 CARCO THEATER HVAC IMPRV 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000065 0 10,547 0 10,547 10,547 BOEING TRAIL 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000003 0 36,393 (36,393) 0 0 SPRINGBROOK TRAIL CONNECTION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000006 0 4,095 0 4,095 4,095 MUNICIPAL SPACE NEEDS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000027 0 1,055,093 0 1,055,093 1,055,093 CORRIDOR MAINTENANCE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000033 0 75,000 (75,000) 0 0 N HIGHLANDS WALKWAYS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000070 0 (9,601) 9,601 0 0 FIRE STATION#12 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000086 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 FIRE STATION#11 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000087 0 0 46,000 46,000 46,000 FIRE STATION#13 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000088 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 CEDAR RIV PARK MAINT SHOP 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000092 0 810 (810) 0 0 PARK COMP PLAN UPDATE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000095 0 3,449 0 3,449 3,449 CEDAR RIVER PARK IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000104 0 5,274 810 6,084 6,084 HIGHLANDS GYM ROOF REPLACEMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000116 26,000 0 0 0 26,000 NO HILANDS GYM/CARPET REPLACEMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000117 12,000 0 0 0 12,000 RCC MASONARY MTC 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000118 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 REPAVE COULON PARK PARKING LOT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000119 220,000 0 0 0 220,000 LIBRARY BANK STABILIZATION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000123 0 6,037 (6,037) 0 0 MAJOR MTC EQUIPMENT-RCC 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000086 0 44,116 16,000 60,116 60,116 EARLINGTON PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000097 0 26,386 (8,000) 18,386 18,386 GLENCOE PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000098 0 44,547 0 44,547 44,547 TIFFFANY PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000105 56,000 0 0 0 56,000 PHILLIP ARNOLD PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000106 79,000 0 0 0 79,000 TRF-OUT 101/CONTRACT LNDSCPE MTC 316 000000 020 5970 0076 55 000101 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 MAIN LIBRARY MAJOR MTC 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 91,500 0 6,037 6,037 97,537 LIBRARY IMPRVMT PROJECT/CIP 316 000000 021 5940 0072 65 000039 0 57,439 0 57,439 57,439 Total Expenditures 1,671,997 1,965,242 3,117,284 5,082,526 6,754,523 Ending Fund Balance 316 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 42,178 321,174 (278,580) 42,594 84,772 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE ;%1,714,175.: ::>2,286,416 .:si2,838,704 5,125,120.->3 6,839,295 I FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP Beginning Fund Balance 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 38,826 1,066,228 0 1,066,228 1,105,054 REVENUES: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 317 000000 000 3210 0090 00 000000 1,530,000 0 0 0 1,530,000 PARKAVEBRONSON/EDA 317 000008 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 460,000 0 460,000 460,000 PARK AVE N/LK WA BLVD/EDA 317 012081 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 860,000 0 860,000 860,000 HOUSER RELOC/SUNSET/N 8/1STEA 317 000025 000 3330 0020 20 000000 225,310 810,834 14,893 825,727 1,051,037 SW 43RD LOOP RAMP DESIG/FAUS 317 000028 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 5,093 0 5,093 5,093 SR900 HOVMOUSER INTCH/ISTEA 317 000032 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 75,705 0 75,705 75,705 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 301,292 0 301,292 301,292 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE/FAUS 317 012117 000 3330 0020 20 000000 84,000 1,128,825 0 1,128,825 1,212,825 LK WA BIKE/PEDESTN PATH/1STEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 744,256 0 744,256 744,256 LK WA BIKE/PED PATH/NHS/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000001 0 102,000 0 102,000 102,000 TALBOT RD/43 TO SCL/FAUS/ISTEA 317 012126 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 2,800 0 2,800 2,800 SR167/SW 27TH ST/HOV/ISTEA 317 012138 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 344,000 0 344,000 344,E LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/FED AID 317 012147 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 452,000 0 452,000 452,000 AIRPT WY/RAINIER/FED AID ISTEA 317 012157 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,730 0 1,730 1,730 ARTERIAL HOV PROJ DEVELOPMENT 317 012160 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 21,574 0 21,574 21,574 INTRA-CITY INTRMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 34,675 0 34,675 34,675 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION/ISTEA 317 012165 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 272,000 0 272,000 272,000 RR CROSSG SFTY IMPRV/FEDIWSDOT 317 012166 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 100,703 0 100,703 100,703 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG 317 012170 000 3330 0020 20 000000 86,400 0 0 0 86,400 SW 16TH ST/OAKESDL/LIND/ISTEA 317 012172 000 3330 0020 20 000000 446,671 60,910 0 60,910 507,581 HOUSER/SUNSET INTCHGNVSDOT 317 000025 000 3340 0003 60 000000 74,690 555,675 0 555,675 630,365 RAMP METERING STUDYNVSDOT 317 000029 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 14,921 0 14,921 14,921 HOUSER WY BRDG SEIS RETIWSDOT 317 000106 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 37,568 (14,893) 22,675 22,675 PARK AVE N/BRONSON-N 10TH/TIB 317 000008 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 872,698 77,445 950,143 950,143 OAKESDL SW/SW 31 ST-SW 16TH/TIS 317 000022 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 210,318 (77,445) 132,873 132,873 H'dc,:cc,:199'\C.amewaA',bRKSHT9-X..:; Page 9 4 C OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Now ,eiiie Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 ON Description Budget Carrytwds New/Adj Adjustments AdJ Budget SR 900/HOUSER/TIB/TIA 317 000032 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 338,029 0 338,029 338,029 N 3RD/SUNSET/MONTEREY/TIB 317 012154 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 71,844 0 71,844 71,844 BRONSON/HOUSER-SUNSET/TIB/UATA 317 012155 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 88,819 0 88,819 88,819 MAIN AV S/S 5TH/BRONSON/TIB 317 012158 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 1,204,800 0 1,204,800 1,204,800 LOCAL VEHICLE LIC FEE/TRANSP 317 000000 000 3360 0000 81 000000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 WALKWAY PROG/METRO 317 000009 000 3370 0007 00 000026 0 155,000 0 155,000 155,000 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD/TUKWILA 317 012140 000 3370 0007 00 000027 0 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 OAKESDALE AV/MONSTER/SR900/KC 317 012116 000 3380 0095 00 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 317 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 OPR TRF-IN ART STR/OVERLAY PRG 317 012108 000 3970 0000 00 000050 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,157,397 .10,492,297 0 10,492,297 13,649,694 EXPENDITURES: ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 317 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 12,108 0 12,108 12,108 PARKAVE/BRONSON WY N/RECONSTR 317 000008 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 1,135,919 0 1,135,919 1,135,919 WALKWAY PROGRAM 317 000009 016 5950 0000 67 000000 70,000 421,689 0 421,689 491,689 SOUTH COUNTY TBD 317 000011 016 5950 0094 41 000145 0 35,721 0 35,721 35,721 SW 16TH BRIDGE 317 000015 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,820 0 12,820 12,820 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACMENT 317 000016 016 5950 0000 67 000417 20,000 (9,421) 0 (9,421) 10,579 OAKESDALE AVE SW/31ST TO 16TH 317 000022 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 229,101 0 229,101 .229,101 HOUSER WAY RELOCATED 317 000025 016 5950 0000 67 000000 300,000 591,037 0 591,037 891,037 SW 43RD ST LOOP RAMP DESIGN 317 000028 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 11,479 0 11,479 11,479 ARTERIAL CIRCULATN STUDY IMPRV 317 000029 016 5950 0000 67 000000 220,000 394,981 0 394,981 614,981 SR 900 HOV HOUSER INTERCHANGE 317 000032 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 760,088 0 760,088 760,088 N 3RD STREET 317 000044 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 17,441 0 17,441 17,441 SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLCMT PROGR 317 000056 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 29,323 0 29,323 39,323 MILL AVE S REBLD W/I-405 HOV 317 000070 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 312,489 0 312.489 312.489 S 192ND ST/SR167/SR515 317 000075 016 5950 0000 67 000032 0 14,486 0 14,486 14,486 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 317 000091 016 5950 0000 67 000430 15,000 111 0 111 15,111 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000023 100,000 207,940 0 207,940 307,940 PARK/LK WA BLVD INTERSECTION 317 012081 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 150,205 0 150,205 150,205 4TH BLV/LOGAN-MONTERY DR STUDY 317 012083 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 74,002 0 74,002 74,002 MISSING LINKS PROGRAM 317 012106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 94,461 0 94,461 124,461 TBZ PLANNING STUDIES 317 012107 016 5950 0094 41 000162 10,000 35,953 0 35,953 45,953 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 016 5950 0000 67 000000 380,000 203,875 0 203,875 583,875 TRANSIT STUDY 317 012109 016 5950 0000 67 000000 210,000 11,861 0 11,861 221,861 CBD TRANSPORTATION STUDY 317 012111 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 168,892 0 168,892 168,892 CITY GATEWAYS PROGRAM 317 012112 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 96,364 0 96,364 96,364 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROG 317 012113 016 5950 0000 67 000000 15,000 19,930 0 19,930 34,930 MISC TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS 317 012115 016 5950 0000 67 000000 40,000 96,002 0 96,002 136,002 OAKESDALE AV SW/MNSTR RD-SR900 317 012116 016 5950 0000 67 000000 50,000 108,185 0 108,185 158,185 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE 317 012117 016 5950 0000 67 000000 84,000 1,185,685 0 1,185,685 1,269,685 LK WA BLVD/PARK TO N 44TH 317 012121 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 156,069 0 156,069 156,069 TALBOT RD/43RD TO CITY LMTS 317 012126 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,330 0 12,330 12,330 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE 317 012133 016 5950 0000 67 000000 68,673 31,327 0 31,327 100,000 TRANSP DEMAND MGT PROGRAM 317 012135 016 5950 0000 67 000000 20,000 40,293 0 40,293 60,293 SR167/SW 27TH HOV 317 012138 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 454,106 0 454,106 454,106 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD 317 012140 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 100,938 0 100,938 100,938 WINDSOR HILLS REHAB 317 012144 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 36,656 0 36,656 36,656 WSDOT COORDINATION 317 012146 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 495 0 495 10,495 LK WA BLVD BRIDGE/MAY CREEK 317 012147 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 27,053 0 27,053 27,053 VALLEY CONNECTIONS TO WEST 317 012149 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 PROJECT DEVEL&PRE-DESIGN 317 012150 016 5950 0000 67 000000 160,000 62,930 0 62,930 222,930 NE 3RD-SUNSET N TO MONTEREY NE 317 012154 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 188,672 0 188,672 188,672 BRONSON N-HOUSER WY TO SUNSET 317 012155 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 44,586 0 44,586 44,586 AIRPORT WY/RAINIER S RESURFACE 317 012157 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,722 0 2,722 2,722 MAIN AV S-S 5TH TO BRONSON WAY 317 012158 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 1,439,763 0 1,439,763 1,439,763 ARTERIAL HOV PROJECT DEVELOPMT 317 012160 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 135,655 0 135,655 135,655 TRAFFIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPR 317 012162 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 91,360 0 91,360 121,360 INTRA-CITY INTERMODLTRNS PROG 317 012163 016 5950 0000 67 000000 60,000 178.253 0 178,253 238,253 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 317 012165 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 314,685 0 314,685 314,685 RAILROAD CROSSG SAFETY IMPROV 317 012166 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 101,645 0 101,645 101,645 TALBOT/BURNETT TRANSIT WAY 317 012170 016 5950 0000 67 000000 152,727 (34,242) 0 (34,242) 118,485 1-405 HOV DIRECT ACCESS 317 012171 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 41,368 0 41,368 41,368 SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALETO LIND 317 012172 016 5950 0000 67 000000 446,671 134,529 0 134,529 581,200 BICYCLE ROUTE DEV PROGRAM 317 012173 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,000 19,200 0 19,200 119,200 TRANSIT PRIORITY SIGNAL SYSTEM 317 012174 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 SR 169 HOV-140TH TO SR900 317 012175 016 5950 0000 67 000000 252,000 10,000 0 10,000 262,000 NE 3RD/NE 4TH TRANSIT 317 012176 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 PARK-SUNSET HOV 317 012177 016 5950 0000 67 000000 198,000 2,000 0 2,000 200,000 SUNSET ROCKERY REPAIR 317 012178 016 5950 0000 67 000000 65,000 50,000 0 50,000 115,000 Total Expenditures 3,117,071 10,367,120 0 10,367,120 13,484,191 Ending Fund Balance 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 40,326 125,177 0 125,177 165,503 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE • 3,157.397 <;;10,492.297 0 10,492,297 ><:13,649,694 1 -,vBugiacCi99'1CarryM1l ARKS-a'y'A-` Paga 9 4 c.� liseY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEP Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ > Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget FUND 319-SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION Beginning Fund Balance 319 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 .TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 319 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 320-LID CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 320 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 124,022 0 124,022 124,022 REVENUES: LID 336 LOAN PROCEEDS 320 000336 000 3820 0030 00 000000 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 160,000 <, r>124,022 0 124,022 284,022 EXPENDITURES: LID 336/BURLINGTON RR CROSSING 320 000336 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 121,707 0 121,707 121,707 LID 336/REDEMPTION/INTERIM FINANCING 320 000336 016 5820 0078 00 000000 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 Total Expenditures 160,000 121,707 0 121,707 281,707 Ending Fund Balance 320 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 2,315 0 2,315 2,315 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 160,000 ;: 124,022 0 .'::>:124,022 284,022 FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 401 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,891,480 2,231,836 0 2,231,836 4,123,316 REVENUES: Tsf-In from Fund 220/LID 335 Sierra Hts 401 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000060 15,000 2,198 0 2,198 17,198 Tsf-In from Fund 220/LID 335 Dayton Ave 401 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000061 10,000 929 0 929 10,929 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 19,926,241 0 0 0 19,926,241 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 21,842,721:..:..:2,234,963 0 ;»2,234,963 ::24,077,684' EXPENDITURES: Surf 1Mr Mtc Private Facility Inspection Program 401 000000 019 5380 0032 41 000148 0 36,218 0 36,218 36,218 Wtr Mtc West Hill 2"Waterline Repair 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000000 106,000 0 15,000 15,000 121,000 Wtr Mtc Contract MtdAsphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000010 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Wstwtr Mtc Contract Mtc/Asphatt Patching 401 000000 019 5350 0050 48 000010 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 Surf Wtr Mtc Contract MtclAsphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5380 0032 48 000010 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 Wtr Uti Arbitrage Compliance Cost 401 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 0 246 246 246 Wr Utl Prof Svc: Pacific Gmdwtr Grp;RH2 Engr 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000000 20,000 17,062 0 17,062 37,062 Surf Wtr Prof Svc: Entranco 401 000000 018 5380 0030 41 000148 0 5,814 0 5,814 5,814 Uti Adm Outstanding PO: Payless Drugs 401 000000 018 5390 0010 31 000000 6,000 150 0 150 6,150 Surf Wtr Outstanding PO: Sweet's Group/97 Retrofit Catalog 401 000000 018 5380 0030 49 000016 300 72 0 72 372 WV Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/Salary 401 000000 018 5340 0020 12 000000 16,320 0 32,850 32,850 49,170 Wtr Uti Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/PERS 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000001 1,244 0 2,503 2,503 3,747 Wtr Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/FICA 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000003 1,248 0 2,513 2,513 3,761 'Mr Uti Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/Ind Ins 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000006 123 0 1,134 1,134 1,257 Reduce Tsf to Fund 421/Intermit Staffing:Aq Inspect 401 000000 018 5870 0011 56 000001 2,382,000 0 (514,000) (514,000) 1,868,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 18,450,273 0 0 0 18,450,273 Total Expenditures 20,983,508 59,316 (369,754) (310,438) 20,673,070 Ending Fund Balance 401 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 859,213 2,175,647 369,754 2,545,401 3,404,614 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE ;I: • 02 21,842,721 :..2,234,963 0' >:2,234,963 :24,077,684 FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 421 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 328,754 7,341,399 0 7,341,399 7,670,153 REVENUES: SPEC&PLAN CHARGES 421 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 4,000 0 0 0 4,000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 421 000000 000 3610 0011 00 000000 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 WA NATURAL GAS SETTLEMENT 421 000500 000 3670 0000 00 055320 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 REVENUE BOND PROCEEDS 421 000000 000 3820 0020 00 000000 135,000 4,575,000 0 4,575,000 4,710,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/E KENNYDALE INT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045055 0 1,811,679 0 1,811,679 1,811,679 PWTF LOAN DCD/HONEYCRK INTRCP 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045125 0 2,096,710 0 2,096,710 2,096,710 PWTF LOAN DCD/SANTRY SEW GRNT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045145 0 510,000 0 510,000 510,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/CTRL SEW PH II 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045175 0 188,010 (244,660) (56,650) (56,650) REIMB FM INSURANCE FD/FEMA 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045260 0 144,000 0 144,000 144,000 1-405 CONSTNVTRMN OVRSIZNVSDOT 421 000500 000 3830 0003 10 055015 0 45,318 0 45,318 45,318 1-405 MAY CREEKIWSDOT 421 000500 000 3830 0003 60 055265 0 10,451 0 10,451 10,451 PWTF LOAN DCD/ROLLG HLS RSVR 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055240 0 38,600 0 38,600 38,600 PWTF LOAN DCDICORROSION CNTRL 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055430 0 43,350 0 43,350 43,350 METRO/ROLLG HLS-MPLWD TRANS MN 421 000500 000 3830 0007 00 055065 0 310,394 (310,394) 0 0 PWTF LOAN DCDME 27-ABERDN STM 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065045 0 621,350 0 621,350 621,350 DCD/MAPLEW000 CK 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065120 0 118,519 0 118,519 118,519 LOWER CEDAR RIV ACTION PLAN/KC 421 000600 000 3830 0007 00 065085 0 20,000 (14,000) 6,000 6,000 SCS/EASTSIDE GREEN RVR WfRSHD 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065025 0 11,457 0 11,457 11,457 SCS/P-1 CHNL/GRADY WY-16TH 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065200 0 25,138 0 25,138 25,138 FEMNMAPLEWOOD CK 421 000600 000 3830 0083 50 065120 0 (32,190) 236,998 204,808 204,808 OTHER CONTRIB CAPITAL-STORM 421 0006C0 000 3880 0010 38 000000 0 4,095 0 4,095 4,095 `Bdyidoc 199TCarryMaP"Rr:Sr,T 3'X__-, Pays 12 4'2-r Cr' OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds >3 `.New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget Reduce Tsf to Fund Intermit Staffing-Aquifer Inspect 421 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 2,382,000 0 (39,000) (39,000) 0 Reduce Tsf to Fund Debt Svc Reserve 421 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 0 (475,000) (475,000) 1,868,000 WATER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000010 380,000 0 0 0 380,000 SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000020 245,000 0 0 0 245,000 SURFACE WATER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000040 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE II 9.869,754 17,883,280 (846,056) 17,037,224 20,906,978 EXPENDITURES: BOND ISSUANCE COST/REV BDS 421 000000 018 5920 0034 84 000015 2,700 91,300 0 91,300 94,000 ARBITRAGE EXP 421 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 6,945 17,180 24,125 24,125 Wstewater Proj E RENTON INTERCEPTOR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045000 0 5,541 0 5,541 5,541 Wstewater Proj BOEING LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045010 0 183,924 459 184,383 184,383 Wstewater Proj RENTN CBD I-MILL AVE PIPELINE 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045035 0 123,748 0 123,748 123,748 Wstewater Proj E KENNYDLE/ABERDEEN SEWR INTER 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045055 0 2,571,477 0 2.571,477 2,571,477 Wstewater Proj MISCELLANEOUS SEWER PROJECTS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 100,000 31,506 (16,407) 15.099 115,099 Wstewater Proj NE 7TH STREET SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045068 0 0 300,000 300,000 300,000 Wstewater Proj HONEYCREEK INTERCEPTOR PHS IV 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045125 0 3,309,130 0 3,309,130 3,309,130 Wstewater Proj SAN SEWER MAIN GROUTING 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045145 0 748,473 0 748,473 748,473 Wstewater Proj HIGHGATE LIFT STATION ELIMIN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045150 0 19.785 0 19,785 19,785 Wstewater Proj REPL TELEMTRY/DATA LOGGING SYS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045160 0 27,147 0 27,147 27,147 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH II 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045170 0 66,720 (66,720) 0 • 0 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH III 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045175 0 0 66,720 66,720 66,720 Wstewater Proj E MAPLEWOOD COLL SYSTEM PRED 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045180 0 16,067 0 16,067 16,067 Wstewater Proj KENNYDALE LKFNT SEW SYS STUDY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045190 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 Wstewater Proj SR 169-MAPLE VLY HWY STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045215 0 41,877 0 41,877 41,877 Wstewater Proj LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045225 50,000 (86) 0 (86) 49,914 Wstewater Proj MAIN AVE SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045230 0 9,635 0 9,635 9,635 Wstewater Proj S RENTON SEWER REPL PH I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045235 730,000 323,302 (300,000) 23,302 753,302 Wstewater Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGEMETRY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045240 15,000 12,619 0 12,619 27,619 Wstewater Proj 1997 LNG-RNGE WW MGMT PLAN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045245 0 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 Wstewater Proj REIMB METRO SLIPLINING CR PARK 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045250 80,000 0 0 0 80,000 Wstewater Proj GIS DATABASE AND CONVERSION 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045255 45,000 0 0 0 45,000 Wstewater Proj NW 7TH SEWER REPAIR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045260 0 141,645 0 141,645 141,645 Wstewater Proj SW 16TH ST SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045265 0 280,000 0 280,000 280,000 Water Proj MAPLEWOOD WELLS 17&11 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055005 0 472,570 0 472,570 472,570 Water Proj I-405 CONST/WATERMN OVERSIZING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055015 0 278,843 0 278,843 278,843 Water Proj WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055020 0 8 (8) 0 0 Water Proj WINDSOR HILLS PUMP STA REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055025 0 56,308 (56,308) 0 0 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-RLNG HLS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055065 50,000 591,761 (310,394) 281,367 331,367 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-HIGHLANDS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055070 0 26,798 0 26,798 26,798 Water Proj WATER RESOURCE PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055080 0 (381) 381 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER MANAGEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055085 40,000 29,773 0 29,773 69,773 Water Proj PIPE OVERSIZING COSTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055100 0 51,819 0 51,819 51,819 Water Proj WELL FIELD PROTECTION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055110 20,000 23,267 0 23,267 43,267 Water Proj TELEMETRY IMPROVMTS PHASE III 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055120 0 666 (666) 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER AWARENESS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055135 40,000 3,337 0 3,337 43,337 Water Proj STEEL WATERMAIN REPL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 0 615,259 (10,906) 604,353 604,353 Water Proj AC PIPE REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055175 0 (87,887) 87,887 0 0 Water Proj LAB EQUIPMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055198 0 1 (1) 0 0 Water Proj WTR CONSERVA PROGRAM IMPLEMEN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055200 0 56,735 (20,854) 35,881 35,881 Water Proj 1-405/MILL AVE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055205 0 145,169 0 145,169 145,169 Water Proj UPDATE FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055210 20,000 22,780 0 22,780 42,780 Water Proj GMA PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055230 0 11,956 0 11,956 11,956 Water Proj ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE RESERVO 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055240 0 215,023 0 215,023 215,023 Water Proj PARK AVE WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055245 0 430 (430) 0 0 Water Proj RESERVOIR RECOATING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055260 0 (1,039) 1,039 0 0 Water Proj EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055265 0 251,564 0 251,564 251,564 Water Proj TALBOT 12/24"WATER MAIN" 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 0 16,131 (16,131) 0 0 Water Proj LARGE METER REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055280 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECT BUSINESS RELOC 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055285 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Water Proj DOWNTOWN CORE REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055290 0 5,407 0 5,407 5,407 Water Proj WATER QUALITY MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055310 0 9,145 0 9,145 9,145 Water Proj CATHODIC PROTECTION MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055320 20,000 15,999 0 15,999 35,999 Water Proj 565 RES RECOAT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055330 100,000 240,828 0 240,828 340,828 Water Proj CROSS CONNECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055340 15,000 (164) 164 0 15,000 Water Proj UPDATE CONSERVATION PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055370 0 3,827 0 3,827 3,827 Water Proj GIS DATA-BASE AND CONVERSION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055380 70,000 8,797 0 8,797 78,797 Water Proj WELL 3 ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 0 590,714 0 590,714 590,714 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055410 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Water Proj CORROSION CONTROL FACILITIES 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055430 200,000 1,410,395 0 1,410,395 1,610,395 Water Proj MT OLIVET WATER QUALITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055440 20,000 22,940 0 22,940 42,940 Water Proj WATER DISTRICT#90 INTERTIE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055445 40,000 19.279 0 19,279 59,279 Water Proj PHOTOGRAMMETIC MAPPING OF CITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055450 10,000 4,010 0 4,010 14,010 Water Proj REUSE PILOT PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055470 0 29,800 0 29,800 29,800 Water Proj AQUIFER INSPECTIONS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055475 0 39,000 (39,000) 0 0 Water Proj WATER QUALITY DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055480 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 Water Proj WATER SUPPLY AVAIL MODEL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055485 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Water Proj COLIFORM MONITORING IMP 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055490 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Surf:"..r Pro; STORM SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065005 0 9 727 C 9.727 9,727 -. 8,:g:..1 7., '`,Car-rhva1riRrCSr*T9'A_s Pay,.1' a,"S- valioY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTME Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfvds New/Adj Adjustments Ad]Budget Surf Wtr Proj SMALL DRAINAGE PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 100,000 135,605 175,000 310,605 410,605 Surf Wtr Proj WETLANDS MOSQUITO ABATEMT PROG 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065020 25,000 7,127 0 7,127 32,127 Surf Wtr Proj VALLEY STUDY PROJECT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065025 0 32,907 0 32,907 32,907 Surf WRr Proj NE 27TH-ABERDEEN CONTROL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065045 0 1,094,119 0 1,094,119 1,094,119 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR RVR FLOOD CONTROL STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065055 15,000 5,148 0 5,148 20,148 . Surf Wtr Proj BLK RIV WATER QUALITY MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065065 0 9,902 0 9,902 9,902 Surf Wtr Proj PANTHER CK WETLAND ACQUISITION 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065076 0 186,410 0 186,410 186,410 Surf Wtr Proj STREAM FLOW MONITORING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065080 5,000 12,367 0 12,367 17,367 Surf WV Proj LOWR CEDR RIV NONPT ACTN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065085 0 26,234 (14,000) 12,234 12,234 Surf WV Proj LOWR CEDAR RIV BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065090 0 8,001 0 8,001 8,001 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV SEDIMENT MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065095 0 140,028 0 140,028 140,028 Surf Mr Proj WETLAND MITIGATION BANK PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065119 50,000 186,126 0 186,126 236,126 Surf Wtr Proj MAPLEWOOD CK SEDIMENT POND/FIS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065120 340,000 178,448 62,297 240,745 580,745 Surf Wtr Proj MAY CREEK BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065125 0 67,861 0 67,861 67,861 Surf Wtr Proj MISSION HILLS(NE 10TH)STORM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065145 100,000 571,391 0 571,391 671,391 Surf Wtr Proj SW 7TH CAPACITY PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065150 0 7,408 (124) 7,284 7.284 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD/NE 44TH E 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065160 0 121,780 0 121,780 121,780 Surf 1Mr Proj BASIN/SUB-BASIN HYDROLOGIC ANA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065165 0 55 (55) 0 0 Surf VVtr Proj P-1 CHANNEUGRADY WY TO SW 16 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065200 0 68,040 0 68,040 68,040 Surf VVtr Proj NE 10TH&MONROE STORM REPLAC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065215 0 225,000 0 225,000 225,000 Surf Wlr Proj CEDAR BASIN PLAN CIP 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065220 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Surf Wtr Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065225 30,000 16,649 0 16,649 46,649 Surf VVtr Proj EASTSIDE G RIVER FLOOD CNT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 400,000 27,588 0 27,588 427.588 Surf Mr Proj ELLIOT LEVEE REPAIR&HAB ENHC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065235 0 (179) 179 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE SWM POLICY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065240 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf VW Proj RENTON STORM WATER MANUAL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065241 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf VVtr Proj HOUSER WAY STORM SYSTEM REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065245 0 29,263 0 29,263 29,263 Surf WV Proj LAKE AVE S&TOBIN STORM IMPRV 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065250 0 161,294 0 161,244 161,294 Surf VVtr Proj MONROE AVE NE&NE 4TH INFILTR 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065255 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 Surf Wtr Proj DEBRIS REMOVAL-CEDAR RVR DELTA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065260 18,000 22,491 (18,000) 4,491 22,491 Surf VVIr Proj LAKE WASH/CEDAR RIVER FORUM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065265 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 Total Expenditures 3,175,700 17,162,413 (140,698) 17,021,715 20,197,415 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 694,054 720,867 (705,358) 15,509 709,563 .':TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE >: 3,869,754 >:a117,883,280 ...(846,056)'i::17,037,224 20,906,978 FUND 402-AIRPORT Beginning Fund Balance 402 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,104,295 464,134 0 464,134 2,568,429 REVENUES: 92 FAA/Master Plan Update 402 012015 000 3310 0020 10 000003 0 1,420 0 1,420 1,420 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,098,040 0 0 0 1,098,040 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE . 3,202,335 465,554 0 ::465,554 . :3,667,889 I EXPENDITURES: Tower Roof Replacement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 62 000007 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 Machinery&Equipment 402 000000 016 .5460 0020 64 000000 41,700 1,816 0 1,816 43,516 Consultant/Spec Fees/Bruce C.Allen 402 000000 016 5460 0020 41 000703 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 Tower Water Line Replacement 402 000000 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 7,570 0 7,570 7,570 92 FAA/Master Plan Update 402 012015 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 6,516 0 6,516 6,516 Replace Damaged Pavement 402 012019 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 E Perm Rd Cedar Riv Hngr Bldg 402 012019 016 5960 0046 63 000081 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 ' Rehabilitate SE Taxilane 402 012020 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 59,559 0 59,559 59,559 Sealing/Paint Tower Bldg Exterior 402 012021 016 5960 0046 63 000083 0 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 New Fence SE Comer 402 012023 016 5960 0046 63 000110 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Relocate Hyd Gate 402 012024 016 5960 0046 63 000111 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Metal Siding-5-20 Bldg 402 012025 016 5960 0046 63 000112 0 65,100 0 65,100 65,100 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,139,854 0 0 0 1,139,854 Total Expenditures 1,186,554 238,561 0 238,561 1,425,115 Ending Fund Balance 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,015,781 226,993 (1,000,000) (773,007) 1,242,774 Airport Emergency Fund 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000001 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 Airport Maintenance Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000002 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Airport Obstruction Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000003 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 Airport Bldg Replacement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000004 0 0 280,000 280,000 280,000 Air port Mitigation Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000005 0 0 195,000 195,000 195,000 Airport Avlaga Easement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000006 0 0 210,000 210,000 210.000 Airport Hazardous Material Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000007 0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 . :TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE::>:: .: »3,202,335 ...465,554 0 .!i i465,554 .:i:3,667,889 1 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY Beginning Fund Balance 403 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 154,680 36,258 0 36,258 190,938 REVENUES: Increase Collections for Disposal Fee Rate Increase 403 000000 000 3430 0070 00 000000 6,382,711 0 249,300 249,300 6,632,011 DOE/Coord Prevention Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000000 0 55,454 0 55,454 55,454 KCIWR/R Gmt Prog/1996-97 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000009 11,114 18,522 0 18,522 29,636 Local Hazardous Wste Mgt/SEA-KC Hth 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000094 0 7,938 0 7,938 7,938 KC Optional Business/1996 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000007 25,000 26,917 0 26,917 51.917 KC Optional SpeciaV1996 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000008 10,000 5,713 0 5,713 15,713 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 92,324 0 0 0 92,324 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,675,829 150,802 249,300 400,102 7,075,931 I H 18,:q.,.:c190'`CanylwaeA.Rn'SH'9'X'_� Pa;e._ 4^A' Y OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTME 3 Now ...iso Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carrytwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget EXPENDITURES: Increase Contractor Pmt for Disposal Fee Rate Incr 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000052 5,108,377 0 249,300 249,300 5,357,677 DOE/Coord Prevention Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000070 0 79,817 0 79,817 79817 KC VVR/R Gmt Program 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000111 11,114 18,522 0 18,522 29,636 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 403 000000 018 5920 0037 89 000006 0 0 700 700 700 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,403,622 0 0 0 1,403,622 Total Expenditures 6,523,113 98,339 250,000 348,339 6,871,452 Ending Fund Balance 403 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 152,716 52,463 (700) 51,763 204,479 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE . 6,675,829 150,802 249,300 400,102 7,075,931 I FUND 404-GOLF COURSE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 404 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 62,685 32,495 0 32,495 95,180 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 2,193,677 0 0 0 2,193,677 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,256,362 32,495 - 0 32,495 2,288,857.I EXPENDITURES: Glf Crs Reimb Gen FdlServices 404 000000 020 5760 0061 91 000021 103,260 16,000 0 16,000 119,260 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 404 000000 020 5920 0076 89 000006 0 0 1,241 1,241 .• 1,241 Golf Crs Landscaping/FEMA Project 404 000000 020 5760 0061 63 000020 0 4,657 0 4,657 4,657 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 2,038,774 0 0 0 2,038,774 Total Expenditures 2,142,034 20,657 1,241 21,898 2,163,932 Ending Fund Balance 404 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 114.328 11,838 (1,241) 10,597 124,925 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,256.362 ' 32,495 0 32,495 • 2,288,857 FUND 424•GOLF COURSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 424 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE ...• • ' •• 0 ." 0 . 0 - '' 0 : . . 0 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 424 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 • TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE - . . . .. . 0 • 0 . 0 . . 0 . .., 0 FUND 501-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 501 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 956,938 214,987 0 214,987 1,171,925 REVENUES: City of Newcastle Maintenance Revenues 501 000000 000 3480 0030 00 000000 20,000 0 10,000 10,000 30,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 2,332,609 0 0 0 2,332,609 'TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3.309.547 214,987 .: 10,000 224,987 . 3,534,534 EXPENDITURES: City of Newcastle Maintenance Supplies 501 000000 019 5480 0060 31 000000 491,485 0 10,000 10,000 0 Increase Funding for Parks Vehicles Mtc 501 000000 019 5480 0060 31 000000 0 0 20,000 20,000 521,485 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 501 000000 019 5920 0048 89 000006 0 0 1,826 1,826 1,826 Provide Funding for Diagnostic Equipment 501 000000 019 5480 0060 64 000095 0 9,015 0 9,015 9,015 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,931,730 0 0 0 1,931,730 Total Expenditures 2,423,215 9,015 31,826 40,841 2,464,056 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 886,332 205,972 (21,826) 184,146 1,070,478 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE • • . • .. ... . 3,309,547 ' 214.987 ' ' 10,000 . .224,987. :.3,534,534 FUND 502-INSURANCE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 502 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,458,130 266,735 0 266,735 3,724,865 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 5,224,167 0 0 0 5,224,167 I •. 'TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE..:.: • •• . . • . :.• :-8,682,297 ' .266,735 . ..::..;.0 •••266,735 -8,949,032 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 4,767,110 0 0 0 4,767,110 Total Expenditures 4,767,110 0 0 0 4,767,110 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,915,187 266,735 0 266,735 4.181,922 . • ' • •TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE • •: ••• ' .... ' • .: .' ...- • ....'8.682,297 ' :266,735 • '• • 0••••• 266,735 ....8,949,032 - ,,,,..,1\1,,R,-;--3- (_, P I;,• 42,* Yiil OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTME Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests! Total 1997 Div Description Budget •Carrytwds New!Adj Adjustments Ad)Budget FUND 601-FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 601 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,316,553 257,332 0 257,332 3,573,885 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 633,653 0 0 0 633,653 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,950,206 257,332 0 257,332 4,207,538 I EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 334,354 0 0 0 334,354 Total Expenditures 334,354 0 0 0 334,354 Ending Fund Balance 601 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,615,852 257,332 0 257,332 3,873,184 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,950,206 257,332 0 257,332 4,207,538 I TOTAL ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance 20,731,541 25,807,975 0 25,807,975 46,539,516 REVENUES 94,623,413 20,648,539 2,714,934 23,363,473 117,986,886 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 115,354,954,>46,456,514 2,714,934 49,171,448. 164,526,402 EXPENDITURES 95,310,175 39,247,645 6,382,950 45,630,595 140,940,770 Ending Fund Balance 20,044,779 7,208,869 (3,668,016) 3,540,853 23,585,632 I .TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 115.354,954':..46,456,514 2,714,934 49,171,448 164,526,402 I • M1+r31,1,Rn.S NT]'1 G13 j'1 April 14. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes `✓ Page 124 money derived from those investments; authorizing the execution of an agreement with First Trust National Association of Seattle, Washington, as refunding trustee; providing for the call, payment and redemption of the outstanding bonds to be refunded; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Piper Jaffray Inc. of Seattle, Washington. These bonds are in the amount of $2,646,868.00. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/21/97. CARRIED. Finance: 1997 LTGO Bond An ordinance was read relating to contracting indebtedness; providing for the Issuance Main & Grady issuance of Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds, 1997B, of the City for Acquisition/ general City purposes to provide part of the funds with which to acquire, Improvements renovate, refit and equip the existing Main & Grady Building for use as the primary municipal administrative and law and justice center of the City; fixing the date, form, maturities, maturity amounts, and accreted value at maturity, interest rates, terms and covenants of the bonds; and establishing a bond redemption fund; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the bonds to Piper Jaffray Inc. of Seattle, Washington. These bonds are in the amount of $14,697,738.00. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/21/97. CARRIED. Parks: Park Board An ordinance was read rescinding subsection 2-9-4.D, amending subsection 2- Ordinance Changes 9-4.E and Section 2-9-6 of Chapter 9, Park Commission, of Title II (Commissions and Boards) of City Code clarifying the powers of the Board and amending sections to conform with the current organizational structure and a change in titles. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/21/97. CARRIED. Finance: 1997 Budget An ordinance was read providing for 1997 budget amendments in the amount Adjustments of $45,630,595, and creating and establishing the 1997 Limited General Obligation Bonds - City Hall Fund (201). MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 4/21/97. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS Councilman Edwards suggested that the Administration reiterate the City's Council: State Gas Tax support for an increase in the State gax tax to fund transportation Increase for improvements. Emphasizing that it makes sense for those who drive more to Transportation pay more for improvements, Mr. Edwards was concerned that although many Improvements citizens agree with the need for improvements, the legislature does not seem to be moving towards a solution that will provide the necessary revenues. Mayor Tanner agreed to again contact the City's legislators regarding this issue. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL ADJOURN. CARRIED. Time: 9:30 p.m. rr4) MARILY ERSEN, CMC, City Clerk Recorder: Brenda Fritsvold r� r April 14. 1997 '- Renton City Council Minutes .o.rr Page 122 MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Rezone: Valley Medical Planning & Development Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Center North Campus, 400 regarding the Valley Medical Center rezones. The Committee recommended S 43rd, from P-1 to CO that the clarification of the application of height on abutting and adjacent Rezone: Valley Medical parcels be referred to the Planning Commission. The Committee further Center South Campus, S recommended that the rezones of the north and south campus of Valley 43rd & Davis, from P-1 to Medical Center from P-1 (Public Use) to Commercial Office (CO) be held in CO Committee pending action on the recommendation from the Planning Commission on the related issues. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Vice Chair Parker presented a report Committee recommending concurrence in the staff recommendation to approve the Parks: 1997 Waterfowl Egg interlocal agreement for joint funding for the continuation of an egg addling Addling Program & Study program and study for key waterfowl species. The Committee further recommended that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the interlocal agreement. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Councilman Parker emphasized that this program will involve egg addling only and will not include the more drastic measures of trapping and extermination at this time. Parks: Park Board Community Services Committee Vice Chair Parker presented a report Ordinance Changes regarding amendment of the ordinance governing the Board of Park Commissioners. The Committee recommended concurrence in the staff and Park Board recommendation to amend the current ordinance to clarify powers and to conform with the department's current organizational structure and change in titles. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 124 for ordinance.) Finance Committee Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report recommending Finance: 1997 Budget concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the 1997 adopted budget Adjustments by $45.6 million. The Committee further recommended that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. The final ordinance will ' be presented for second reading and adoption on April 21, 1997. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See page 124 for ordinance.) Finance: 1997 LTGO Finance Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding two ordinances, Bonds Issuance one which refinances existing City debt from 1978, 1989, 1992, 1993 and 1994, and the second which issues capital appreciation bonds to purchase the new city hall building. The Committee recommended first reading of these two ordinances. The first ordinance refinances approximately $2.6 million in refunding bonds, and the second creates $14.7 million in new Limited Tax General Obligation debt to purchase the new building. The refunding proceeds will be placed in escrow for payment of the outstanding Limited Tax General Obligation bonds. The refunding of the bonds along with the new debt will keep the City's annual debt service at $2,000,000 annually. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. (See pages 123 and 124 for ordinances.) APPROVED BY ... ... CITY COUNCIL Date ` — /44' 47r FINANCE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT April 14, 1997 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Referred April 7, 1997 The Finance Committee recommends concurrence in the staff recommendation to amend the 1997 adopted budget by $45.6 million. The Committee further recommends that the ordinance regarding this matter be presented for first reading. The final ordinance will be presented for second reading and adoption Aril-2 f;1 7. King Parker, Chair Randy Corman, Vice-Chair Bob Edwards, Member cc: Maw-Petersen- Billie-Dunph -. Victoria Runkle Paula Henderson April 7. 1997 Renton City Council Minutes r.r Page 110 CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are adopted by one motion which follows the listing. At the request of a Councilmember, item 8.e. was removed for separate consideration. Parks: Park Board Community Services Department submitted proposed ordinance clarifying the Ordinance Changes powers of the Board of Park Commissioners and updating sections to conform with the Department's current organizational structure and official job titles. Refer to Community Services Committee. Parks: 1997 Waterfowl Egg Community Services Department submitted proposed interlocal agreement for Addling Program & Study joint funding of a continued waterfowl egg addling program and study. Renton's cost share is $2,542.00. Refer to Community Services Committee. CRT: 97-004, Gerrard & Court Case filed by Richard McKinney, 1001 Fourth Ave. Suite 3200, Seattle, Collins v. Renton et al 98154, on behalf of Linda Gerrard (individually and as personal representative of the estate of Katrina Holbrook, deceased) and Phillip Collins, v. Kimberly K. Weeldreyer, the City of Renton, and Cinda and John Doe Seitz. Plaintiffs allege wrongful death and bring action for negligence and loss of parental consortium in connection with Katrina Holbrook's death on 5/17/95 when she was struck in a marked crosswalk at Harrington Ave. NE and NE 9th St. in a car driven by Kimberly Weeldreyer. Refer to City Attorney and Insurance Services. Finance: 1997 Budget Finance and Information Services Department submitted proposed 1997 Budget Adjustments adjustments in the amount of $45,630,595, bringing the total 1997 Amended Budget to $140,940,770. Refer to Finance Committee. Transportation: Main Ave Transportation Systems Division requested approval of contract in the amount S Improvements, CH2M of $230,100 with CH2M Hill to perform design engineering services and Hill Engineering Services, prepare construction plans, specifications and a cost estimate for the Main CAG-97- Ave. S improvement project. Renton's cost share is $46,020 with the balance paid from TIB funds. Refer to Transportation Committee. CAG: 95-035, Bronson Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-95-035, Bronson Way N./NE Way N/NE 3rd St, Totem 3rd St. project; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Electric pay estimate in the amount of $17,523.08, commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $34,786.79 to Totem Electric of Tacoma, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Transportation: Oakesdale Transportation Systems Division submitted proposed contract in the amount of Ave SW Alignment & $84,163.39 with Inca Engineers to prepare a feasibility study to determine the ROW Study, Inca alignment and right-of-way needs on Oakesdale Ave. SW from Monster Rd. to Engineers, CAG-97- SR-900. King County has contributed a maximum of $50,000 for the study. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: 1997 Annual Utility Systems Division submitted proposed annual consultant contract list for Corrosion Control Services corrosion control services. Council concur. Consultant Contract List MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED TO REMOVE ITEM 8.e. FOR SEPARATE CONSIDERATION. CARRIED. Separate Consideration Fire Department requested authorization to add burn building and interior Fire: Station #14 Fire walls to the construction of the Fire Training Tower at Fire Station #14 at a Training Tower, Burn total cost of $201,240. Building & Interior Walls CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: g•as. SUBMITTING DEPT: FOR AGENDA OF: April 7, 1997 Finance and Information Services,Victoria Runkle AGENDA STATUS: SUBJECT: Consent X Public Hearing 1997 Budget Adjustments Correspondence Ordinance X Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Draft Ordinance New Business Budget Adjustment Worksheet Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Legal Dept X Refer to April 14, 1997 Finance Committee Finance Dept...... ..X Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required....$45,630,595 Transfer/Amendment.... Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated $45,630,595 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Finance and Information Services is requesting approval to amend the 1997 adopted Budget by$45.6 million. The adjustments include$4.8 million for General Governmental Funds; $40.4 for Capital Improvement Funds and Proprietary Funds Capital Improvement Projects;and$0.4 million for all other funds. Carry Forward legal obligations total$39.2 million and new requests/adjustments total$6.4 million . 1n„r,,i OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Dept/ 1997 1996 i Requests/ Total 1997 s;: Div Description Budget Carryfwds';, New/Adj Adjustments ;Adj Budget FUND 000-GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 000 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,431,868 3,288,871 0 3,288,871 6,720,739 REVENUES: P Allen Group/Pt Quendall Act Pln 000 028500 000 3450 0084 00 078122 0 87,839 0 87,839 87,839 Federal COPs Grant Carryforward 000 000000 000 3310 0016 57 000001 70,000 3,461 0 3,461 73,461 Narcotics Grant Carryforward 000 000000 000 3330 0016 80 000000 0 133,026 0 133,026 133,026 Inmate Health&Welfare/Commis 000 000000 000 3410 0071 00 000000 0 0 1,508 1,508 1,508 Inmate Health&Welfare/Phone 000 000000 000 3410 0072 00 000000 0 0 807 807 807 Reimb fm Golf Course/Indirect Cost 000 000000 000 3490 0019 90 000026 103,260 16,000 0 16,000 119,260 SKC Community PH&S Network Grant 000 000000 000 3370 0007 00 000031 0 0 45,000 45,000 45,000 Donations/Day Camp Scholarships Program 000 000000 000 3670 0000 00 000183 0 6,500 6,500 6,500 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 31,036,733 0 0 0 31,036,733 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE. 34,641,861 3,529,197 53,815 3,583,012 >:;38,224,873 EXPENDITURES: Court December 1996 King County Probation 000 000000 002 5120 0050 41 000120 60,000 5,849 0 5,849 65,849 Exec Provide Funding for 2002 Committee Consultant 000 000000 003 5130 0010 41 000131 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 Exec Provide Funding for Intern/Salaries 000 000000 003 5130 0010 12 000000 0 0 14,744 14,744 14,744 Exec Provide Funding for Intem/FICA 000 000000 003 5130 0010 22 000003 0 0 1,128 1,128 1,128 Exec Provide Funding for Intern/Ind Ins 000 000000 003 5130 0010 22 000006 0 0 128 128 128 Exec Economic Development Brochure 000 000000 003 5130 0013 49 000028 0 640 0 640 640 Exec Reallocate LEOFF Board Travel to Human Resr 000 000000 003 5130 0010 43 000026 1,056 0 (1,056) (1,056) 0 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Scholarships 000 000000 003 5130 0021 49 000069 0 272 0 272 272 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Capital Outlay 000 000000 003 5130 0021 64 000054 0 210 0 210 210 Mun Arts Municipal Arts Capital Reserve 000 000000 003 5130 0021 64 000066 0 1,775 0 1,775 1,775 Fin Provide Funding for Intern/Salaries 000 000000 004 5140 0010 12 000000 0 0 9,230 9,230 9,230 Fin Provide Funding for Intern/FICA 000 000000 004 5140 0010 22 000003 0 0 706 706 706 Fin Provide Funding for Intem/Ind Ins 000 000000 004 5140 0010 22 000006 0 0 64 64 64 Non-Dept Downtown Renton Association 000 000000 005 5190 0090 49 000057 20,000 5,000 0 5,000 25,000 Non-Dept State Purchasing Contract 000 000000 005 5190 0090 49 000079 0 0 3,000 3,000 3,000 Non-Dept Tsf to Park Fd to Restore 8%Operating Reserve 000 000000 005 5870 0019 56 000000 0 0 335,500 335,500 335,500 Non-Dept LID 336 Assessment from 1995 000 000000 005 5910 0041 73 000004 0 5,800 0 5,800 5,800 Non-Dept Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 000 000000 005 5970 0019 55 000098 560,000 0 2,230,000 2,230,000 2,790,000 Dev Svc Port Qendall Planned Action 000 000000 007 5580 0061 41 078122 0 337,832 0 337,832 337,832 Dev Svc Structural Plan Review Professional Services 000 000000 007 5590 0060 41 000039 28,875 11,831 0 11,831 40,706 Dev Svc WSEO Energy Code Compliance Grant 000 000000 007 5590 0060 43 000060 5,394 6,050 0 6,050 11,444 Police Federal COPs Grant Carryforward 000 000000 008 5210 0029 49 000095 0 84,810 0 84,810 84,810 Police Narcotics Grant Carryforward 000 000000 008 5210 0092 10 000000 0 105,721 0 105,721 105,721 Police K.C.T.F.Narcotics Seizure Fund 000 000000 008 5210 0093 49 000088 0 258,246 0 258,246 258,246 Police City Narcotics Seizure Fund 000 000000 008 5210 0021 41 000055 0 63,678 0 63,678 63,678 Police Inmate Health&Welfare 000 000000 008 5230 0060 49 000005 0 14,561 2,315 16,876 16,876 Police Electronic Home Detention 000 000000 008 5230 0022 45 000019 40,000 56,265 0 56,265 96,265 Police Contributions/Private/Dare Program 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000015 0 87,234 0 87,234 87,234 Police Dare Program Sales 000 000000 008 5210 0040 31 000049 0 10,008 0 10,008 10,008 Fire Additional Funding for Suppression Overtime 000 000000 009 5220 0020 10 000011 116,854 79,252 0 79,252 196,106 Fire Uniform Allowance for Inspectors 000 000000 009 5220 0030 10 000001 450 0 1,200 1,200 1,650 Fire Care Bear Donations 000 000000 009 5220 0030 31 000020 0 802 0 802 802 Fire Lock Boxes 000 000000 009 5220 0030 31 000009 0 111 0 111 111 Hum Resr Huntington Travel-1996 Travel Expense 000 000000 014 5160 0010 43 000028 3,000 337 0 337 3,337 Hum Resr Coop Personnel Svc/Firefighter Entry 000 000000 014 5160 0020 41 000020 15,000 2,000 0 2,000 17,000 Hum Resr EHPEC/Police Bloodbome Pathogen Tests 000 000000 014 5160 0010 41 000057 22,598 1,500 0 1,500 24,098 Hum Resr Reallocate LEOFF Board Travel fm Exec 000 000000 014 5160 0020 43 000026 0 0 1,056 1,056 1,056 Ping/Tech Sierra System/Oracle Annual Maintenance 000 000000 017 5320 0023 48 000000 16,871 0 8,500 8,500 25,371 Ping/Tech Add Funding for Annual Equipment Leases 000 000000 017 5320 0023 45 000001 0 0 9,950 9,950 9,950 Ping/Tech Add Funding for CFP Update 000 000000 017 5580 0020 41 000174 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Ping/Tech Parking Zoning Code&Panther Lk Resident Survey 000 000000 017 5580 0020 41 000085 15,375 12,000 0 12,000 27,375 Hum Svcs Consultant Services/SKC Community Grant 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000198 0 0 45,000 45,000 45,000 Hum Svcs Donations Day Camp Scholarship Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000183 6,500 1,554 0 1,554 8,054 Hum Svcs Way Back Inn 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000034 6,000 1,262 0 1,262 7,262 Hum Svcs WA Women's Employment 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000058 5,000 1,250 0 1,250 6,250 Hum Svcs Interpretive Services 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000118 3,167 1,446 0 1,446 4,613 Hum Svcs Renton Emergency Assistance Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000126 0 236 0 236 236 Hum Svcs Salvation Army Utility Program 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000133 0 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 30,281,121 0 0 0 30,281,121 Total Expenditures 31,207,261 1,167,532 2,676,465 3,843,997 35,051,258 Ending Fund Balance 000 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,434,600 2,361,665 (2,622,650) (260,985) 3,173,615 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 34,641,861 ;:::3,529,197 53,815 '3,583,012 ';=:38,224,873. FUND 101-PARKS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 101 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 267,201 111,317 0 111,317 378,518 REVENUES: MT fm General Fund to Restore 8%Oper Reserve 101 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 0 0 335,500 335,500 335,500 Tsf In fm Fund 316 Contract Landscape Mtc 101 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000101 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 Contribution from Boeing for Rec Programs 101 000000 000 3670 0000 00 000012 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 6,900,190 0 0 0 6,900,190 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND:BALANCE 7167,391 111,317 412,500 523,817 7,691,208 H:\9dgtdoc1997\Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 1 412/97 vtarrY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTME440 Dept/ <1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description ;Budget Carryfwds New/Ad} Adjustments Adj Budget. EXPENDITURES: Pk Fac Add Funding for Small Eqp Purchases 101 000000 020 5760 0010 35 000000 0 0 7,000 7,000 7,000 Pk Fac Correct 1996 Equipment Rental Charges 101 000000 020 5760 0010 45 000002 118,915 3,280 0 3,280 122,195 Pk Fac Complete Phase II Safety Lights Coulon Park 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000000 61,000 6,072 0 6,072 0 Pk Fac Cedar River Trail Landscape Damage/FEMA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000000 0 3,079 0 3,079 70,151 Pk Fac Park Vandalism-Outstanding Purchases/Signage 101 000000 020 5760 0010 49 000037 4,223 594 0 594 4,817 Pk Fac Steel Toed Work Boots 101 000000 020 5760 0010 31 000000 148,348 0 1,250 1,250 149,598 Comm Ctr Outstdg PO's: Clam Lts Supplies;Youth Basketball 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 114,721 20,524 0 20,524 0 Comm Ctr Contribution from Boeing for Rec Programs 101 000000 020 5750 0050 49 000085 0 0 2,000 2,000 137,245 Rec Svc Community Band-Outstanding Purchases 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000053 5,000 2,942 0 2,942 7,942 Rec Svc Scripts/Royalties-Outstanding Purchases 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000024 2,705 842 0 842 3,547 Rec Svc Band Concerts Unspent Funds 101 000000 020 5740 0020 49 000021 5,518 367 0 367 5,885 Pks Lndscpe Tsf-In fn Fd 316 Contract Landscape Mtc 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 25,000 0 75,000 75,000 100,000 Sr Ctr Senior Van Donations/Repair&Maintenance 101 000000 020 5550 0008 48 000087 0 9,568 0 9,568 9,568 Pk Adm Private Contributions/Park Improvements 101 000000 020 5740 0010 49 000091 0 1,196 0 1,196 1,196 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5180 0010 11 000000 26,710 0 (2,383) (2,383) 24,327 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000001 2,035 0 (181) (181) 1,854 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000003 2,043 0 (182) (182) 1,861 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5180 0010 21 000006 2,037 0 (182) (182) 1,855 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/lntermt Salary 101 000000 020 5180 0010 12 000000 22,928 0 12,583 12,583 35,511 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5180 0010 22 000003 1,755 0 962 962 2,717 Gen Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5180 0010 22 000006 2,031 0 822 822 2,853 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5550 0008 12 000000 12,281 0 4,940 4,940 17,221 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000003 940 0 377 377 1,317 Sr Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000006 596 0 532 -532 1,128 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/Sal 101 000000 020 5550 0008 12 000000 0 4,597 0 4,597 4,597 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/FICA 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000003 0 352 0 352 352 Sr Ctr Carryfwd Excess Rental Revenues/Sr Ctr PT/Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5550 0008 22 000006 0 51 0 51 51 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5740 0020 11 000000 96,048 0 (19,564) (19,564) 76,484 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000001 7,829 0 (1,492) (1,492) 6,337 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000003 7,858 0 (1,496) (1,496) 6,362 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5740 0020 21 000006 7,477 0 (1,523) (1,523) 5,954 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5740 0020 12 000000 158,226 0 36,773 36,773 194,999 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5740 0020 22 000003 12,105 0 2,812 2,812 14,917 Rec Svc Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5740 0020 22 000006 14,626 0 1,355 1,355 15,981 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0050 11 000000 62,050 0 (6,214) (6,214) 55,836 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000001 4,347 0 (92) (92) 4,255 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000003 4,747 0 (476) (476) 4,271 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0050 21 000006 3,259 0 615 615 3,874 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0050 12 000000 12,827 0 33,352 33,352 46,179 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0050 22 000003 981 0 2,552 2,552 3,533 Comm Ctr Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0050 22 000006 1,194 0 2,594 2,594 3,788 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5750 0052 12 000000 7,015 0 (956) (956) 6,059 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5750 0052 22 000003 537 0 (73) (73) 464 Comm Ctr Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5750 0052 22 000006 536 0 (31) (31) 505 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Salary 101 000000 020 5760 0010 11 000000 65,100 0 (6,076) (6,076) 59,024 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Retire 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000001 4,962 0 (464) (464) 4,498 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp FICA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000003 4,980 0 (465) (465) 4,515 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Temp Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5760 0010 21 000006 4,700 0 (438) (438) 4,262 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Salary 101 000000 020 5760 0010 12 000000 102,661 0 25,107 25,107 127,768 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt FICA 101 000000 020 5760 0010 22 000003 7,854 0 1,920 1,920 9,774 Pk Fac Restore PT Hours to Level of Service/Intermt Ind Ins 101 000000 020 5760 0010 22 000006 9,533 0 2,343 2,343 11,876 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 5,739,918 0 0 0 5,739,918 Total Expenditures 6,900,156 53,464 172,601 226,065 7,126,221 Ending Fund Balance 101 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 267,235 57,853 239,899 297,752 564,987 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 7,167,391 111,317 <412,500 :: 523,817 .7,691,208 FUND 103-STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 103 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 438,066 501,931 0 501,931 939,997 REVENUES: Sale of Salvage Equipment 103 000000 000 3690 0090 00 000000 0 0 4,171 4,171 4,171 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 4,702,004 0 0 0 4,702,004 TOTAL:REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 5,140,070 501,931 4,171 506,102 5,646,172 I EXPENDITURES: St Mtc Storm Equipment Requirements 103 000000 019 5420 0092 64 000051 0 0 23,778 23,778 23,778 St Mtc Transfer Relief/Rainier Avenue 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000050 1,972 49,722 0 49,722 51,694 Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 103 000000 019 5970 0019 55 000102 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 St Mtc Reallocate Proceeds from Sale of Equipment 103 000000 019 5420 0090 31 000000 10,558 0 4,171 4,171 14,729 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's: Signal Lamps,Test Station 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000042 14,147 7,203 0 7,203 21,350 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's: Street Light Poles,Lighting 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000046 14,031 10,477 0 10,477 24,508 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's: Nuts&Botts 103 000000 016 5420 0095 31 000047 11,824 473 0 473 12,297 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding PO's:Hand Held Sign Locator 103 000000 016 5420 0095 35 000000 4,540 800 0 800 5,340 Tms Sys Mtc Outstanding P0's:Training Class/PC Support 103 000000 016 5420 0095 43 000060 4,995 265 0 265 5,260 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 4,635,811 0 0 0 4,635,811 Total Expenditures 4,697,878 68,940 427,949 496,889 5,194,767 Ending Fund Balance 103 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 442,192 432,991 (423,778) 9,213 451,405 1 TOTAL'EXPENDITURES'&END FUND BALANCE 5,140,070 ;:501,931 4,171 506,102 5,646,172 1 H.l8dgtdoc19971Canyfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 2 4,2,97 OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEIZit Dept/ 1997 1996 1 Requests! Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds' New/Adj Adjustments <Adj Budget FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 106 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 281,868 (13,164) 0 (13,164) 268,704 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,186,027 0 0 0 1,186,027 TOTAL REVENUES&'BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,467,895 (13,164) 0 (13,164) 1,454,731 EXPENDITURES: Library Donations 106 000000 021 5720 0020 31 000000 15,735 1,744 0 1,744 17,479 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,140,535 0 0 0 1,140,535 Total Expenditures 1,156,270 1,744 0 1,744 1,158,014 Ending Fund Balance 106 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 311,625 (14,908) 0 (14,908) 296,717 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END.FUND BALANCE 1,467,895 :::.. (13,164) 0 (13,164) :- 1,454,731' FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER Beginning Fund Balance 207 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 65,352 1,444 0 1,444 66,796 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 141,552 1,444 0 1,444 'r. 142,496 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 Total Expenditures 76,200 0 0 0 76,200 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 65,352 1,444 0 1,444 66,796 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 141,552 1,444 0 1,444,` 142,996 FUND 212-1989 LTD GO REFUNDING BONDS-SHOP Beginning Fund Balance 212 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 63,387 (390) 0 (390) 62,997 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 295,200 0 0 0 295,200 TOTAL REVENUES&`BEGIN FUND;BALANCE 358,587 (390) Q (390) 358,197 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 295,195 0 0 0 295,195 Total Expenditures 295,195 0 0 0 295,195 Ending Fund Balance 212 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 63,392 (390) 0 (390) 63,002 TOTAL EXPENDITURES'&END FUND BALANCE •:358,587 i (390) 0 (390) 358,197 FUND 215-GENERAL GOVT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT Beginning Fund Balance 215 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 186,148 254,438 0 254,438 440,586 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 800,900 0 0 0 800,900 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .987,048 254,438 0 • 254,438 1,241,486 EXPENDITURES: Tsf to Fund 316: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 215 000000 033 5970 0019 55 000058 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 Arbitrage Compliance Costs 215 000000 033 5920 0019 89 000006 0 0 5,127 5,127 5,127 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 808,675 0 0 0 808,675 Total Expenditures 808,675 0 205,127 205,127 1,013,802 Ending Fund Balance 215 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 178,373 254,438 (205,127) 49,311. 227,684 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 987,048 254,438 0 254,438 1,241,486 FUND 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 102 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 116,069 6,265 0 6,265 122,334 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 333,600 0 0 0 333,600 TOTAL'REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 449,669 6,265 0 6,265 455,934 EXPENDITURES: Arterial Str Opr Trf-Out 102 012108 016 5970 0095 55 000007 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Total Expenditures 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 Ending Fund Balance 102 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 129,669 6,265 0 6,265 135,934 TOTAL'EXPENDITURES'&END FUND BALANCE 449,669 6,265. 0 6,265 ;: 455,934'. FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 104 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0.00 (32,753.75) 0.00 (32,753.75) (32,753.75) REVENUES: C751-94 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000031 0.00 5,698.76 0.00 5,698.76 5,698.76 C507-95 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000046 0.00 7,303.73 0.00 7,303.73 7,303.73 C507-96 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000049 0.00 3,076.67 0.00 3,076.67 3,076.67 C751-96 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000050 0.00 16,409.81 0.00 16,409.81 16,409.81 C856-96 Apple Parent Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000051 0.00 1,430.79 0.00 1,430.79 1,430.79 0856-96 Connections 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000052 0.00 2,971.20 0.00 2,971.20 2,971.20 C859-96 Visiting Nurse Svc 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000053 0.00 1,872.00 0.00 1,872.00 1,872.00 C865-96 Emerg Feeding Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000055 0.00 1,476.75 0.00 1,476.75 1,476.75 0000-96 Renton Comm in School 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000056 0.00 3,554.12 0.00 3,554.12 3,554.12 0507-97 Planning&Admin 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000057 58,668.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58,668.00 C751-97 Housing Assist Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000058 165,842.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,842.00 C863-97 Sr Trans Support 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000062 16,960.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,960.00 }ft86gtdoc19971Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 3 4t2147 tiff OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEPt' Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments AdJ Budget C865-97 Emerg Feeding Prog 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000063 6,174.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,174.00 C000-97 Renton Comm in Schools 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000064 7,781.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,781.00 C000-97 Comm Health Cntr/KC 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000073 27,152.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,152.00 C840-95 Lake WA Boathouse 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000048 0.00 150,732.30 0.00 150,732.30 150,732.30 C862-94 Liberty Park Restrooms Ph II 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000095 0.00 1,451.95 0.00 1,451.95 1,451.95 C866-94 N Highld Library ADA Remodel 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000097 0.00 13,694.35 0.00 13,694.35 13,694.35 C000-96 Ada Improvements 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000098 0.00 42,000.00 0.00 42,000.00 42,000.00 C000-96 Senior Center Carpeting 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000102 0.00 19,500.01 0.00 19,500.01 19,500.01 C000-97 City Museum Bathrooms 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000103 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 HCD/Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 000 3330 0014 21 000104 63,661.00 0.00 (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 56,161.00 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 371,238.00 ';.238,418,69 (7,500.00) :230,918.69 602,156.69 EXPENDITURES: C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 31 000000 0.00 89.66 0.00 89.66 89.66 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 41 000001 0.00 6,731.42 0.00 6,731.42 6,731.42 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 44 000015 0.00 400.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 C507-95 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 0002 43 000020 0.00 82.65 0.00 82.65 82.65 751-94 Housing Assistance Prog 104 000000 020 5590 0011 31 000000 0.00 3,010.31 0.00 3,010.31 3,010.31 C751-96 Housing Asst Prog 104 000000 020 5590 0023 41 000079 0.00 7,168.34 0.00 7,168.34 7,168.34 C507-97 Planning&Administration 104 000000 020 5590 9701 00 000000 58,668.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 58,668.00 Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 11 000000 0.00 0.00 (1,480.00) (1,480.00) (1,480.00) Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000001 0.00 0.00 1,729.00 1,729.00 1,729.00 Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000003 0.00 0.00 (113.00) (113.00) (113.00) Ping&Admin: Correct For Retirement 104 000000 020 5590 9701 21 000006 0.00 0.00 (136.00) (136.00) (136.00) C751-97 Housing Assistance Program 104 000000 020 5590 9702 00 000000 165,842.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 165,842.00 C863-97SeniorTransport 104 000000 020 5590 9706 00 000000 16,960.00 0.00 0.00 0:00 16,960.00 C865-97 Emergency Feeding Program 104 000000 020 5590 9707 41 000001 6,174.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,174.00 C871-97 Renton Comm in Schools 104 000000 020 5590 9708 10 000000 7,781.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7,781.00 C000-97 Community Health Center/KC 104 000000 020 5590 9709 00 000000 27,152.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,152.00 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 41 000001 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 C840-95 Lake Wa Boat House ADA 104 000000 020 5940 0007 65 000004 0.00 145,732.30 0.00 145,732.30 145,732.30 C000-96 ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5940 9656 65 000040 0.00 50,704.00 (8,704.00) 42,000.00 42,000.00 Trf-Out Fund 316/ADA Improvements 104 000000 020 5970 9656 55 000076 0.00 0.00 8,704.00 8,704.00 8,704.00 C000-96 Senior Center Carpeting 104 000000 020 5940 9660 65 000042 0.00 19,500.01 0.00 19,500.01 19,500.01 C000-97 City Museum Bathroom 104 000000 020 5940 9760 65 000043 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 Unallocated Capital Funds 104 000000 020 5940 9761 65 000044 63,661.00 0.00 (7,500.00) (7,500.00) 56,161.00 Total Expenditures 371,238.00 238,418.69 (7,500.00) 230,918.69 602,156.69 Ending Fund Balance 104 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 371,238.00 .238,418,69 (7,500.00) : 230,918.69': 602156 69'. FUND 105-MITIGATION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 105 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 300,000 6,743,162 0 6,743,162 7,043,162 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 300,000 0 0 0 300,000 TOTAL REVENUES&:BEGIN FUND BALANCE 600,000.:: 6,743,162 0 ::::6,743,162: 7,343162 EXPENDITURES: WETLAND ACQUISITION/METRO 105 000012 020 5940 0076 65 001081 0 4,457 0 4,457 4,457 TALBOT-SPR1NGBRK/GATEWAY 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000006 0 134 0 134 134 ELLENSWOOD CORP 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000058 0 149 0 149 149 KENSINGTON APTS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000079 0 164 0 164 164 SHEETS UNLIM/CORR-PRO 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000087 0 445 0 445 445 WOODLAND INV/YOUNG PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000092 0 51 0 51 51 POLLOS EST/LITOWITZ CONST 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000096 0 99 0 99 99 DALPAY&ASSOCIATES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000114 0 541 0 541 541 SICORP SERVICES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000115 0 4,352 0 4,352 4,352 EVANS REAL ESTATE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000116 0 2,785 0 2,785 2,785 ROB H WELLS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000122 0 519 0 519 519 POWELL STREET HOUSES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000132 0 514 0 514 514 J&J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000133 0 606 0 606 606 TRAVERSO LOUIS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000134 0 1,211 0 1,211 1,211 VALLEY DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000156 0 9,068 0 9,068 9,068 J &J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000157 0 1,180 0 1,180 1,180 GLAUSER CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000158 0 1,180 0 1,180 1,180 ROCKWOOD 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000159 0 1,176 0 1,176 1,176 MARION/ERICA LEE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000160 0 1,166 0 1,166 1,166 CAMWEST 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000161 0 7,574 0 7,574 7,574 TIM BURKHARDT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000162 0 1,739 0 1,739 1,739 MALESIS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000163 0 1,735 0 1,735 1,735 JOHN LANE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000164 0 2,701 0 2,701 2,701 ARCHER DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000165 0 6,919 0 6,919 6,919 DAVID/PATTY MORGAN 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000166 0 576 0 576 576 CHARLES/BEV METZGER 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000167 0 1,153 0 1,153 1,153 SENESCU 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000168 0 652 0 652 652 GLADYS NEAS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000169 0 163 0 163 163 JAMES JACQUES 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000170 0 2,295 0 2,295 2,295 LEONA HAWKIN 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000171 0 572 0 572 572 LYLE HOMES/JK INC 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000172 0 50,421 0 50,421 50,421 LYLE HOMES/JK INC. 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000211 0 29,919 0 29,919 29,919 H:lBdgtdoc1997\CarrytwdlWRKSHT97.XLS Page 4 4/2297 N,,,,,/OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENM Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Canytwds New/Adj Adjustments iAdj Budget W.A.DEVELOPMENT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000212 0 6,690 0 6,690 6,690 COUNTRYSIDE 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000213 0 7,911 0 7,911 7,911 FIVE STAR 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000214 0 3,291 0 3,291 3,291 LUKASIEW1CZ 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000215 0 549 0 549 549 RYAN SORT PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000216 0 1,098 0 1,098 1,098 BELLA HOME 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000217 0 6,002 0 6,002 6,002 TALBOT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000218 0 40,814 0 40,814 40,814 STROMME SHORT PLAT 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000219 0 546 0 546 546 MATHEWS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000220 0 543 0 543 543 J&J CONSTRUCTION 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000221 0 1,086 0 1,086 1,086 GMASS 105 000400 020 5940 0076 65 000229 0 27,423 0 27,423 27,423 PARK/DISCRETIONARYNYZIS 105 000406 020 5940 0076 65 001064 0 6,670 0 6,670 6,670 PARK AC/DV/G BORDNER CONSTR 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000102 0 2,712 0 2,712 2,712 PARK AD/DV/RIVER RIDGE 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000104 0 6,551 0 6,551 6,551 JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000127 0 4,631 0 4,631 4,631 HONEY CREEK LLC 105 000411 020 5940 0076 65 000173 0 11,855 0 11,855 11,855 PARK/SUMMRWD DEV I/HENDRSN HMS 105 000452 020 5940 0076 65 001017 0 14,464 0 14,464 14,464 PARK TRAILS/RIPLEY LN/BAXTER 105 000455 020 5940 0076 65 001089 0 7,513 0 7,513 7,513 FIRE MITIGATION/MULTI-FAMILY 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000901 0 175,380 0 175,380 175,380 FIRE MITIGATION/SINGLE FAMILY 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000902 0 340,625 0 340,625 340,625 FIRE MITIGATION/COMMERCIAL 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000903 0 1,578,527 0 1,578,527 1,578,527 FIRE MITIGATN/METRO EXPANSION 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000904 0 2,129,678 0 2,129,678 2,129,678 FIRE MITIGATN/SALE OF PLANS 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000905 0 2,231 0 2,231 2,231 FIRE MITIGATN PROG/DESIGN 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000064 0 147,757 0 147,757 147,757 G&M INVESTMENTS 105 000501 016 5950 0000 60 000004 0 51 0 51 51 SPIEKER PARTNERS 105 000503 016 5950 0000 60 000022 0 2,032 0 2,032 2,032 BENAROYA 105 000504 016 5950 0000 60 000015 0 11,032 0 11,032 11,032 CONNER HM/LIBERTY VIEW 105 000551 016 5950 0000 60 000030 0 27 0 27 27 K-MART EXPANSION 105 000569 016 5950 0000 60 000098 0 15,704 0 15,704 15,704 LAKE TERRACE ASSOC 105 000571 016 5950 0000 60 000005 0 624 0 624 624 BLUME DISTRIBUTION 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000041 0 183,548 0 183,548 183,548 RIVERTECH 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000044 0 21,271 0 21,271 21,271 E&H PROPERTIES 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000048 0 97,797 0 97,797 97,797 BLUME II 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000063 0 84,582 0 84,582 84,582 CHEVRON FACILITY 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000067 0 12,085 0 12,085 12,085 METRO PLANT EXPANSION 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000081 0 56,591 0 56,591 56,591 K&M MEATS 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000088 0 32,910 0 32,910 32,910 PLUMBER 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000105 0 102,267 0 102,267 102,267 ARCO 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000106 0 27,131 0 27,131 27,131 BONNELL FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000118 0 1,788 0 1,788 1,788 RIVERTECH ASSOC 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000121 0 1.019 0 1,019 1,019 TENNESSEE WAREHOUSE 105 000572 016 5950 0000 60 000129 0 25,385 0 25,385 25,385 RENTON SCHOOL DISTRICT 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000009 0 2,148 0 2,148 2,148 G SCHNEIDER 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000010 0 3,610 0 3,610 3,610 WINDSOR PLACE ASSOC 105 000573 016 5950 0000 60 000023 0 5,029 0 5,029 5,029 CROWN POINTE 105 000575 016 5950 0000 60 000013 0 5,376 0 5,376 5,376 LINCOLN PROPERTY CO 105 000576 016 5950 0000 60 000007 0 31,237 0 31,237 31,237 SABEY CORPORATION 105 000581 016 5950 0090 40 000021 0 10,342 0 10,342 10,342 EXIT 7 ASSOC 105 000582 016 5950 0000 60 000025 0 18,727 0 18,727 18,727 CENTRON/THE FERRIS CO 105 000585 016 5950 0090 40 000024 0 2,214 0 2,214 2,214 CONWELL,INC 105 000586 016 5950 0000 60 000028 0 714 0 714 714 BEACHER 105 000586 016 5950 0000 60 000059 0 387 0 387 387 ACCORD INC DBA TACO TIME 105 000590 016 5950 0000 60 000032 0 124 0 124 124 BOEING TRAINING CENTER 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000080 0 73,901 0 73,901 73,901 LUX CORP WAREHSE/OFFICE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000094 0 11,473 0 11,473 11,473 OKEEFE MFG FACILITY 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000097 0 48,748 0 48,748 48,748 RABANCO 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000108 0 204,035 0 204,035 204,035 IMPERIALS BINGO 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000111 0 5,101 0 5,101 5,101 LANCE MUELLER&ASSOC 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000119 0 27,150 0 27,150 27,150 FAA DAYCARE/1601 LIND AV S 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000123 0 1,499 0 1,499 1,499 G&K SERVICES 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000124 0 11,018 0 11,018 11,018 IKEA-NWCP BUILDING 3 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000126 0 6,721 0 6,721 6,721 CONSOLIDATED FREIGHTWAY 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000128 0 1,400 0 1,400 1,400 TRILLIUM CORP 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000129 0 24,299 0 24,299 24,299 HOME BASE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000131 0 47,907 0 47,907 47,907 RADEN WAREHOUSE/34TH&LIND AVE 105 000591 016 5950 0000 60 000203 0 38,966 0 38,966 38,966 RENTON 91 APT/COVENTRY/SIGNAL 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000034 0 5.538 0 5,538 5,538 RENTON 91 APT/COVENTRY/TBZ 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000035 0 17,315 0 17,315 17,315 KOLU4904 LAKE WA BLVD 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000053 0 12,308 0 12,308 12,308 INTERLAKE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 105 000592 016 5950 0000 60 000099 0 1,169 0 1,169 1,169 E&H GARDEN&PARK PLAZA 105 000594 016 5950 0000 60 000125 0 34,424 0 34,424 34,424 LEADY(SA 049-90) 105 000596 016 5950 0000 60 000049 0 5,818 0 5,818 5,818 TEUTSH PTNR/JOHN WALKER/BLD 1 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000135 0 37,397 0 37,397 37,397 MARK MILLER CONSULTANTS INC. 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000136 0 37,714 0 37,714 37,714 BC NORTHWEST LP 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000137 0 2,328 0 2,328 2,328 TEUTSCH PTNR/JOHN WALKER/BLDG 2 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000138 0 8,622 0 8,622 8,622 SAFEWAY EXPANSION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000140 0 124.420 0 124.420 124,420 PAC RIM BUILDING SUPPLY 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000141 0 10,452 0 10,452 10,452 NORTHWARD DEVELOPMENT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000142 0 26,167 0 26,167 26,167 t-t:1Bdgtdoc1997LCamytwa\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 5 4/2/97 CITY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEtiS Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Canyfwds New/Adj Adjustments Ad]Budget PACCAR/TRUCK DECKING FACILITY 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000143 0 1,777 0 1,777 1,777 SPRINGBROOK WAREHOUSE 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000144 0 62,771 0 62,771 62,771 NW HANDLING SYSTEMS INC 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000145 0 18,260 0 18,260 18,260 DODGEDEALERSHIP/J SOLOMON 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000146 0 11,759 0 11,759 11,759 SOUND MITSUBISHI USED CAR LOT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000147 0 3,285 0 3,285 3,285 VALLEY DISTRIBUTION CENTER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000149 0 174,410 0 174,410 174,410 ALBERTSON'S EXPANSION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000153 0 2,642 0 2,642 2,642 VILLAGE ON UNION PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000154 0 18,143 0 18,143 18,143 MAZDA DEALERSHIP/SW RAINIER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000155 0 26,540 0 26,540 26,540 WALMART 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000174 0 71,668 0 71,668 71,668 SPRINGBROOK CONDOMINIUMS 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000176 0 44,277 0 44,277 44,277 GOOD CHEVROLET 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000178 0 35,086 0 35,086 35,086 FARWEST STEEL DISTRIBUTION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000179 0 19,637 0 19,637 19,637 CHEVRON/MCDONALDS ON 4TH 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000181 0 45,063 0 45,063 45,063 SPRINGSIDE BUILDING 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000182 0 17,308 0 17,308 17,308 PIERRE AUTO SALES 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000184 0 5,740 0 5,740 5,740 LUKE SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000188 0 776 0 776 776 ARCO STATION 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000189 0 3,093 0 3,093 3,093 ACT III THEATRE 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000191 0 98,342 0 98,342 98,342 RENTON PLACE PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000192 0 8,095 0 8,095 8,095 MATHEWS SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000194 0 767 0 767 767 BURGER KING a ACT III 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000197 0 35,742 0 35,742 35,742 STROMME SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000200 0 771 0 771 771 SW 16TH ST TECH CENTER 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000201 0 62,526 0 62,526 62,526 GIBSON SHORT PLAT 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000205 0 1,535 0 1,535 1,535 GIJOES/EAST VALLEY ROAD 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000206 0 512 0 512 512 THE ORCHARDS II/DUVALL&NE 8TH 105 000599 016 5950 0000 60 000207 0 30,232 0 30,232 30,232 Total Expenditures 0 7,043,162 0 7,043,162 7,043,162 Ending Fund Balance 105 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 600,000 (300,000) 0 (300,000) 300,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&'END.FUND BALANCE s 600,000 6,743,162 0 6,743,162 7,343,162> FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS&TRAILS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 118 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 6,884 (4,395) 0 (4,395) 2,489 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 3,400 0 0 0 3,400 TOTAL REVENUES,&.BEGIN FUND BALANCE 10,284 (4,395) .,0 (4,395) 5,889 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 118 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 10,284 (4,395) 0 (4,395) 5,889 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 10,284: (4,395) 0 ;; (4,395) 5,889 FUND 125-ONE PERCENT FOR ART Beginning Fund Balance 125 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 64,701 0 64,701 64,701 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,500 64,701 0 64,701 66,201 EXPENDITURES: Lind Ave Bridge/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000061 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Oakesdale/1988 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000062 0 22,611 0 22,611 22,611 Oakesdale/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000063 0 1,750 0 1,750 1,750 Court Facility/1989 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000064 0 5,270 0 5,270 5,270 Other Art Projects 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000065 1,500 13,320 13,320 14,820 Fire Station#14/1996 1%Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000067 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 Total Expenditures 1,500 64,701 0 64,701 66,201 Ending Fund Balance 125 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,500 64,701 0 64,701 :66,201' FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND Beginning Fund Balance 127 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 179,499 (2,162) 0 (2,162) 177,337 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 6,000 0 0 0 6,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN F UND BALANCE 185,499 i:`(2,162) 0 (2,162) 183,337 EXPENDITURES: Prof Svc/Production Video Coverage 127 000000 004 5710 0010 41 000180 8,000 0 5,000 5,000 13,000 Cable Comm Eqp 127 000000 004 5940 0071 64 000084 5,000 0 4,000 4,000 9,000 Total Expenditures 13,000 0 9,000 9,000 22,000 Ending Fund Balance 127 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 172,499 (2,162) (9,000) (11,162) 161,337 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE Y. 185,499 (2,162) 0 (2,162) 183,337 H.\Bdgtdoc1997\Cany wd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 6 4f2/97 toe(OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds' New/Adj Adjustments 'AdJ Budget FUND 213-1983 UNLIMITED GO REF BONDS-PARK Beginning Fund Balance 213 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 463,323 828 0 828 464,151 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 890,000 0 0 0 890,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,353,323 828 0 828 1,354,151 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 754,393 0 0 0 754,393 Total Expenditures 754,393 0 0 0 754,393 Ending Fund Balance 213 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 598,930 828 0 828 599,758 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,353,323 828 0 828 1,354 151 FUND 219-1989 UNLIMITED GO BONDS-SR HOUSING Beginning Fund Balance 219 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 392,657 (473) 0 (473) 392,184 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 508,000 0 0 0 508,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 900,657 (473) 0 {473) :i 900,184 EXPENDITURES: Arbitrage Compliance Cost 219 000000 033 5920 0019 89 000006 0 0 2,795 2,795 2,795 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 500,440 0 0 0 500,440 Total Expenditures 500,440 0 2,795 2,795 503,235 Ending Fund Balance 219 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 400,217 (473) (2,795) (3,268) 396,949 TOTAL EXPENDITURES'&END FUND BALANCE 900,657 (473) 0 {473) 900,184' FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 220 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 184,920 25,118 0 25,118 210,038 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 746,554 0 0 0 746,554 TOTAL REVENUES'&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 931,474 25,118 0 25,118 f 956,592 EXPENDITURES: Arbitrage Compliance Cost 220 000314 033 5920 0095 89 000006 0 0 5,545 5,545 5,545 Tsf-Out to Fd 401/LID 335 Bal of 1996 Receipts 220 000335 033 5970 0095 55 000060 18,675 2,198 0 2,198 20,873 Tsf-Out to Fd 401/LID 337 Bal of 1996 Receipts 220 000337 033 5970 0095 55 000061 8,117 929 0 929 9,046 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 773,521 0 0 0 773,521 Total Expenditures 800,313 3,127 5,545 8,672 808,985 Ending Fund Balance 220 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 131,161 21,991 (5,545) 16,446 147,607 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 931,474 25,118 0 25,118 :956,592` FUND 221-LID GUARANTY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 221 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,800,283 27,209 0 27,209 1,827,492 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 26,000 0 0 0 26,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,826,283 27,209 0 27,209 >: 1,853,492 EXPENDITURES: LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 220 221 000000 034 5870 0000 56 000220 0 0 1,069 1,069 1,069 LID Guar Transfer Out/Fund 316 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000316 435,000 0 0 0 435,000 LID Guar Transfer OuUFund 501 221 000000 034 5970 0000 55 000501 488,000 0 0 0 488,000 Total Expenditures 923,000 0 1,069 1,069 924,069 Ending Fund Balance 221 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 903,283 27,209 (1,069) 26,140 929,423 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,826,283 27,209 0 27,209 1,853,492 FUND 302 OPEN SPACE Beginning Fund Balance 302 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0.00 564,186.34 0.00 564,186.34 564,186.34 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL REVENUES'&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0.00 :564,186.34 0.00 564,186.34 1;564,186.34r EXPENDITURES: CEDAR RIVER 302 000820 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 294,367.46 0.00 294,367.46 294,367.46 RC-CEDAR RIVER TRAIL 302 000824 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 166,406.15 0.00 166,406.15 166,406.15 IAC-SPRINGBROOK 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 0.00 103,412.73 0.00 103,412.73 103,412.73 Total Expenditures 0.00 564,186.34 0.00 564,186.34 564,186.34 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0.00 564,186.34 0.00 :564,186.34 >;564,186.34 FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP Beginning Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 241,675 2,236,416 0 2,236,416 2,478,091 REVENUES: King County Arts Commission/Carco HVAC Repl 316 000000 000 3370 0007 03 000001 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 Trf In fm Gen Fd: Main&Grady Bldg;Downtown Prop 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000098 560,000 0 2,230,000 2,230,000 2,790,000 Trf In fm Street Fd: Main&Grady Bldg Improvemts 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000102 0 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 H:\Bdgtdoc1997\Canyfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 7 4/2/97 ClfY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEI io Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments AdJ Budget Trf In frm Misc Debt Svc Fd: Main&Grady Bldg Improv 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000058 0 0 200,000 200,000 200,000 Trf-In frm CDBG Fund/ADA Improvements 316 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000076 0 0 8,704 8,704 8,704 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 912,500 0 0 0 912,500 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,714,175 s 2,286,416 2,838,704 5,125,120 6,839,295 EXPENDITURES: PROF SERV/LAN SUPPORT 316 000000 004 5940 0018 41 000185 75,000 0 0 0 75,000 TECHNOLOGY PLAN 316 000000 004 5940 0018 64 000090 385,000 96,536 0 96,536 481,536 ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 316 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 26,919 0 26,919 26,919 COPIER LEASE PROGRAM 316 000000 005 5940 0099 64 000091 85,497 0 0 0 85,497 MUNICIPAL CAMPUS/PROPERTY ACQ 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000006 0 82,720 0 82,720 82,720 REGIONAL PARK DEVELOPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000012 0 134,000 0 134,000 134,000 MATCHING FUNDS/PARK ACQUISITION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000013 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 DOWNTOWN PARK ACQUISITION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000014 400,000 0 600,000 600,000 1,000,000 DWNTWN PUB SQ/TRANSIT PROP ACQ 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000095 0 7,720 0 7,720 7,720 MAIN&GRADY BLDG IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000015 0 0 2,430,000 2,430,000 2,430,000 MAJOR MTC IMPRVMTS-CARGO THTRE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000019 0 40,000 10,000 50,000 50,000 LK WA TRAIL&BOATHOUSE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000020 0 167,762 35,496 203,258 203,258 KING CTY ARTS COMM/CARCO HVAC REPL 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000023 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 ADA IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000024 0 0 8,000 8,000 8,000 COURT SECURITY 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000025 0 0 6,580 6,580 6,580 CARCO THEATER HVAC IMPRV 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000065 0 10,547 0 10,547 10,547 BOEING TRAIL 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000003 0 36,393 (36,393) 0 0 SPRINGBROOK TRAIL CONNECTION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000006 0 4,095 0 4,095 4,095 MUNICIPAL SPACE NEEDS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000027 0 1,055,093 0 1,055,093 1,055,093 CORRIDOR MAINTENANCE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000033 0 75,000 (75,000) - 0 0 N HIGHLANDS WALKWAYS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000070 0 (9,601) 9,601 0 0 FIRE STATION#12 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000086 10,000 0 0 0 10,000 FIRE STATION#11 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000087 0 0 46,000 46,000 46,000 FIRE STATION#13 IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000088 9,000 0 0 0 9,000 CEDAR RIV PARK MAINT SHOP 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000092 0 810 (810) 0 0 PARK COMP PLAN UPDATE 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000095 0 3,449 0 3,449 3,449 CEDAR RIVER PARK IMPROVEMENTS 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000104 0 5,274 810 6,084 6,084 HIGHLANDS GYM ROOF REPLACEMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000116 26,000 0 0 0 26,000 NO HILANDS GYM/CARPET REPLACEMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000117 12,000 0 0 0 12,000 RCC MASONARY MTC 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000118 23,000 0 0 0 23,000 REPAVE COULON PARK PARKING LOT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000119 220,000 0 0 0 220,000 LIBRARY BANK STABILIZATION 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000123 0 6,037 (6,037) 0 0 MAJOR MTC EQUIPMENT-RCC 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000086 0 44,116 16,000 60,116 60,116 EARLINGTON PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000097 0 26,386 (8,000) 18,386 18,386 GLENCOE PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000098 0 44,547 0 44,547 44,547 TIFFFANY PARK PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000105 56,000 0 0 0 56,000 PHILLIP ARNOLD PLAY EQUIPMENT 316 000000 020 5940 0076 64 000106 79,000 0 0 0 79,000 TRF-OUT 101/CONTRACT LNDSCPE MTC 316 000000 020 5970 0076 55 000101 0 0 75,000 75,000 75,000 MAIN LIBRARY MAJOR MTC 316 000000 021 5940 0072 62 000022 91,500 0 6,037 6,037 97,537 LIBRARY IMPRVMT PROJECT/CIP 316 000000 021 5940 0072 65 000039 0 57,439 0 57,439 57,439 Total Expenditures 1,671,997 1,965,242 3,117,284 5,082,526 6,754,523 Ending Fund Balance 316 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 42,178 321,174 (278,580) 42,594 84,772 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE ..1,714,175 { 2,286,416 2,838,704 ,::::5,125,120j 6,839,295 FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP Beginning Fund Balance 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 38,826 1,066,228 0 1,066,228 1,105,054 REVENUES: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE 317 000000 000 3210 0090 00 000000 1,530,000 0 0 0 1,530,000 PARK AVE/BRONSON/EDA 317 000008 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 460,000 0 460,000 460,000 PARK AVE N/LK WA BLVD/EDA 317 012081 000 3330 0011 30 000000 0 860,000 0 860,000 860,000 HOUSER RELOC/SUNSET/N 8/ISTEA 317 000025 000 3330 0020 20 000000 225,310 810,834 14,893 825,727 1,051,037 SW 43RD LOOP RAMP DESIG/FAUS 317 000028 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 5,093 0 5,093 5,093 SR900 HOV/HOUSER INTCH/ISTEA 317 000032 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 75,705 0 75,705 75,705 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 301,292 0 301,292 301,292 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE/FAUS 317 012117 000 3330 0020 20 000000 84,000 1,128,825 0 1,128,825 1,212,825 LK WA BIKE/PEDESTN PATH/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 744,256 0 744,256 744,256 LK WA BIKE/PED PATH/NHS/ISTEA 317 012121 000 3330 0020 20 000001 0 102,000 0 102,000 102,000 TALBOT RD/43 TO SCUFAUS/ISTEA 317 012126 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 2,800 0 2,800 2,800 SR167/SW 27TH ST/H0V/ISTEA 317 012138 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 344,000 0 344,000 344,000 LK WA BRIDGE REPLACE/FED AID 317 012147 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 452,000 0 452,000 452,000 AIRPT WY/RAINIER/FED AID ISTEA 317 012157 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 1,730 0 1,730 1,730 ARTERIAL HOV PROD DEVELOPMENT 317 012160 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 21,574 0 21,574 21,574 INTRA-CITY INTRMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 34,675 0 34,675 34,675 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION/ISTEA 317 012165 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 272,000 0 272,000 272,000 RR CROSSG SFTY IMPRV/FED/WSDOT 317 012166 000 3330 0020 20 000000 0 100,703 0 100,703 100,703 DOWNTWN TRNSIT ACCES PRG 317 012170 000 3330 0020 20 000000 86,400 0 0 0 86,400 SW 16TH ST/OAKESDULIND/ISTEA 317 012172 000 3330 0020 20 000000 446,671 60,910 0 60,910 507,581 HOUSER/SUNSET INTCHG/WSDOT 317 000025 000 3340 0003 60 000000 74,690 555,675 0 555,675 630,365 RAMP METERING STUDY/VSDOT 317 000029 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 14,921 0 14,921 14,921 HOUSER WY BRDG SEIS RET/WSDOT 317 000106 000 3340 0003 60 000000 0 37,568 (14,893) 22,675 22,675 PARK AVE N/BRONSON-N10TH/TIB 317 000008 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 872,698 77,445 950,143 950,143 OAKESDL SW/SW 31ST-SW 16TH/TIB 317 000022 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 210,318 (77,445) 132,873 132,873 H:\Bdgtdoc1997\Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 8 4/2/97 ,o,Y OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEAT'S Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget 'Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget SR 900/HOUSER/TIB/TIA 317 000032 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 338,029 0 338,029 338,029 N 3RD/SUNSET/MONTEREY/TIB 317 012154 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 71,844 0 71,844 71,844 BRONSON/HOUSER-SUNSET/TIB/UATA 317 012155 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 88,819 0 88,819 88,819 MAIN AV S/S 5TH/BRONSON/TIB 317 012158 000 3340 0003 80 000000 0 1,204,800 0 1,204,800 1,204,800 LOCAL VEHICLE LIC FEE/TRANSP 317 000000 000 3360 0000 81 000000 350,000 0 0 0 350,000 WALKWAY PROG/METRO 317 000009 000 3370 0007 00 000026 0 155,000 0 155,000 155,000 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD/TUKW1LA 317 012140 000 3370 0007 00 000027 0 48,000 0 48,000 48,000 OAKESDALE AV/MONSTER/SR900/KC 317 012116 000 3380 0095 00 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 317 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 1,500 0 0 0 1,500 OPR TRF-IN ART STR/OVERLAY PRG 317 012108 000 3970 0000 00 000050 320,000 0 0 0 320,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,157,397 #s10,492,297 0 S 10,492,297'<:.13,649,694 EXPENDITURES: ARBITRAGE EXPENSE 317 000000 005 5920 0098 89 000006 0 12,108 0 12,108 12,108 PARK AVE/BRONSON WY N/RECONSTR 317 000008 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 1,135,919 0 1,135,919 1,135,919 WALKWAY PROGRAM 317 000009 016 5950 0000 67 000000 70,000 421,689 0 421,689 491,689 SOUTH COUNTY TBD 317 000011 016 5950 0094 41 000145 0 35,721 0 35,721 35,721 SW 16TH BRIDGE 317 000015 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,820 0 12,820 12,820 TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOP REPLACMENT 317 000016 016 5950 0000 67 000417 20,000 (9,421) 0 (9,421) 10,579 OAKESDALE AVE SW/31ST TO 16TH 317 000022 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 229,101 0 229,101 229,101 HOUSER WAY RELOCATED 317 000025 016 5950 0000 67 000000 300,000 591,037 0 591,037 891,037 SW 43RD ST LOOP RAMP DESIGN 317 000028 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 11,479 0 11,479 11,479 ARTERIAL CIRCULATN STUDY IMPRV 317 000029 016 5950 0000 67 000000 220,000 394,981 0 394,981 614,981 SR 900 HOV HOUSER INTERCHANGE 317 000032 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 760,088 0 760,088 760,088 N 3RD STREET 317 000044 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 17,441 0 17,441 17,441 SIDEWALK REPAIR/REPLCMT PROGR 317 000056 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 29,323 0 29,323 39,323 MILL AVE S REBLD W/I-405 HOV 317 000070 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 312,489 0 312,489 312,489 S 192ND ST/SR167/SR515 317 000075 016 5950 0000 67 000032 0 14,486 0 14,486 14,486 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT 317 000091 016 5950 0000 67 000430 15,000 111 0 111 15,111 BRIDGE INSPECTION&REPAIR 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000023 100,000 207,940 0 207,940 307,940 PARK/LK WA BLVD INTERSECTION 317 012081 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 150,205 0 150,205 150,205 4TH BLV/LOGAN-MONTERY DR STUDY 317 012083 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 74,002 0 74,002 74,002 MISSING LINKS PROGRAM 317 012106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 94,461 0 94,461 124,461 TBZ PLANNING STUDIES 317 012107 016 5950 0094 41 000162 10,000 35,953 0 35,953 45,953 STREET OVERLAY PROGRAM 317 012108 016 5950 0000 67 000000 380,000 203,875 0 203,875 583,875 TRANSIT STUDY 317 012109 016 5950 0000 67 000000 210,000 11,861 0 11,861 221,861 CBD TRANSPORTATION STUDY 317 012111 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 168,892 0 168,892 168,892 CITY GATEWAYS PROGRAM 317 012112 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 96,364 0 96,364 96,364 TRAFFIC SIGN REPLACEMENT PROG 317 012113 016 5950 0000 67 000000 15,000 19,930 0 19,930 34,930 MISC TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAMS 317 012115 016 5950 0000 67 000000 40,000 96,002 0 96,002 136,002 OAKESDALE AV SW/MNSTR RD-SR900 317 012116 016 5950 0000 67 000000 50,000 108,185 0 108,185 158,185 MONSTER ROAD BRIDGE 317 012117 016 5950 0000 67 000000 84,000 1,185,685 0 1,185,685 1,269,685 LK WA BLVD/PARK TO N 44TH 317 012121 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 156,069 0 156,069 156,069 TALBOT RD/43RD TO CITY LMTS 317 012126 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 12,330 0 12,330 12,330 SUNSET/ANACORTES AVE NE 317 012133 016 5950 0000 67 000000 68,673 31,327 0 31,327 100,000 TRANSP DEMAND MGT PROGRAM 317 012135 016 5950 0000 67 000000 20,000 40,293 0 40,293 60,293 SR167/SW 27TH HOV 317 012138 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 454,106 0 454,106 454,106 INTERAGC SIGNAL COORD 317 012140 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 100,938 0 100,938 100,938 WINDSOR HILLS REHAB 317 012144 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 36,656 0 36,656 36,656 WSDOT COORDINATION 317 012146 016 5950 0000 67 000000 10,000 495 0 495 10,495 LK WA BLVD BRIDGE/MAY CREEK 317 012147 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 27,053 0 27,053 27,053 VALLEY CONNECTIONS TO WEST 317 012149 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 50,000 0 50,000 50,000 PROJECT DEVEL&PRE-DESIGN 317 012150 016 5950 0000 67 000000 160,000 62,930 0 62,930 222,930 NE 3RD-SUNSET N TO MONTEREY NE 317 012154 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 188.672 0 188,672 188.672 BRONSON N-HOUSER WY TO SUNSET 317 012155 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 44,586 0 44,586 44,586 AIRPORT WY/RAINIER S RESURFACE 317 012157 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,722 0 2,722 2,722 MAIN AV 5-5 5TH TO BRONSON WAY 317 012158 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 1,439,763 0 1,439,763 1,439,763 ARTERIAL HOV PROJECT DEVELOPMT 317 012160 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 135,655 0 135,655 135,655 TRAFFIC SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPR 317 012162 016 5950 0000 67 000000 30,000 91,360 0 91,360 121,360 INTRA-CITY INTERMODL TRNS PROG 317 012163 016 5950 0000 67 000000 60,000 178,253 0 178,253 238,253 N 8TH ST RECONSTRUCTION 317 012165 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 314,685 0 314,685 314,685 RAILROAD CROSSG SAFETY IMPROV 317 012166 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 101,645 0 101,645 101,645 TALBOT/BURNETT TRANSIT WAY 317 012170 016 5950 0000 67 000000 152,727 (34,242) 0 (34,242) 118,485 1-405 HOV DIRECT ACCESS 317 012171 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 41,368 0 41,368 41,368 SW 16TH ST-OAKESDALE TO LIND 317 012172 016 5950 0000 67 000000 446,671 134,529 0 134,529 581,200 BICYCLE ROUTE DEV PROGRAM 317 012173 016 5950 0000 67 000000 100,000 19,200 0 19,200 119,200 TRANSIT PRIORITY SIGNAL SYSTEM 317 012174 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 250,000 0 250,000 250,000 SR 169 HOV-140TH TO SR900 317 012175 016 5950 0000 67 000000 252,000 10,000 0 10,000 262,000 NE 3RD/NE 4TH TRANSIT 317 012176 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 PARK-SUNSET HOV 317 012177 016 5950 0000 67 000000 198,000 2,000 0 2,000 200,000 SUNSET ROCKERY REPAIR 317 012178 016 5950 0000 67 000000 65,000 50,000 0 50,000 115,000 Total Expenditures 3,117,071 10,367,120 0 10,367,120 13,484,191 Ending Fund Balance 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 40,326 125,177 0 125,177 165,503 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3157,397 !;:10,492,297 0 10,492,297 13,649,694 H\Bdgtdoc19971Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 9 42/97 tififY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEN.01 Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj 'Adjustments Adj Budget r. FUND 319-SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION Beginning Fund Balance 319 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE . 0`< $, 0 0 0 0`, EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 319 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ,END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0 FUND 320-LID CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 320 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 124,022 0 124,022 124,022 REVENUES: LID 336 LOAN PROCEEDS 320 000336 000 3820 0030 00 000000 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 TOTALREVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 160,000'I .124,022 0 :124,022 284,0221 EXPENDITURES: LID 336/BURLINGTON RR CROSSING 320 000336 016 5950 0000 67 000000 0 121,707 0 121,707 121,707 LID 336/REDEMPTION/INTERIM FINANCING 320 000336 016 5820 0078 00 000000 160,000 0 0 0 160,000 Total Expenditures 160,000 121,707 0 121,707 281,707 Ending Fund Balance 320 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 2,315 0 2,315 2,315 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END,FUND BALANCE 160,000 124,022 0 124,022 284,022 FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 401 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,891,480 2,231,836 0 2,231,836 4,123,316 REVENUES: Tsf-In from Fund 220/LID 335 Sierra Hts 401 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000060 15,000 2,198 0 2,198 17,198 1sf-In from Fund 220/LID 335 Dayton Ave 401 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000061 10,000 929 0 929 10,929 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 19,926,241 0 0 0 19,926,241 TOTAL REVENUES&``BEGIN FUND BALANCE 21,842,721.> 2,234,963 0 2,234,963 24,077,684 EXPENDITURES: Surf Wtr Mtc Private Facility Inspection Program 401 000000 019 5380 0032 41 000148 0 36,218 0 36,218 36,218 Wtr Mtc West Hill 2"Waterline Repair 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000000 106,000 0 15,000 15,000 121,000 Wtr Mtc Contract Mtc/Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5340 0050 48 000010 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Wstwtr Mtc Contract MtcJAsphatt Patching 401 000000 019 5350 0050 48 000010 0 0 40,000 40,000 40,000 Surf Wtr Mtc Contract Mtc/Asphalt Patching 401 000000 019 5380 0032 48 000010 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 Wtr Utl Arbitrage Compliance Cost 401 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 0 246 246 246 Wtr Utl Prof Svc: Pacific Gmdwtr Grp;RH2 Engr 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000000 20,000 17,062 0 17,062 37,062 Surf Wtr Prof Svc: Entranco 401 000000 018 5380 0030 41 000148 0 5,814 0 5,814 5,814 Utl Adm Outstanding PO: Payless Drugs 401 000000 018 5390 0010 31 000000 6,000 150 0 150 6,150 Surf Wtr Outstanding PO: Sweet's Group/97 Retrofit Catalog 401 000000 018 5380 0030 49 000016 300 72 0 72 372 Wtr Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/Salary 401 000000 018 5340 0020 12 000000 16,320 0 32,850 32,850 49,170 Wtr Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/PERS 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000001 1,244 0 2,503 2,503 3,747 Wtr Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/FICA 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000003 1,248 0 2,513 2,513 3,761 Wtr Utl Aquifer Inspections Intermit Staffing/Ind Ins 401 000000 018 5340 0020 22 000006 123 0 1,134 1,134 1,257 Reduce Tsf to Fund 421/Intermit Staffing:Aq Inspect 401 000000 018 5870 0011 56 000001 2,382,000 0 (514,000) (514,000) 1,868,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 18,450,273 0 0 0 18,450,273 Total Expenditures 20,983,508 59,316 (369,754) (310,438) 20,673,070 Ending Fund Balance 401 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 859,213 2,175,647 369,754 2,545,401 3,404,614 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END i FUND BALANCE 21,842,721, 2,234,963 0 :>2,234,963 24,077,684. FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 421 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 328,754 7,341,399 0 7,341,399 7,670,153 REVENUES: SPEC&PLAN CHARGES 421 000000 000 3410 0050 00 000000 4,000 0 0 0 4,000 INVESTMENT INTEREST 421 000000 000 3610 0011 00 000000 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 WA NATURAL GAS SETTLEMENT 421 000500 000 3670 0000 00 055320 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 REVENUE BOND PROCEEDS 421 000000 000 3820 0020 00 000000 135,000 4,575,000 0 4,575,000 4,710,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/E KENNYDALE INT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045055 0 1,811,679 0 1,811,679 1,811,679 PWTF LOAN DCD/HONEYCRK INTRCP 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045125 0 2,096,710 0 2,096,710 2,096,710 PWTF LOAN DCD/SANTRY SEW GRNT 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045145 0 510,000 0 510,000 510,000 PWTF LOAN DCD/CTRL SEW PH II 421 000400 000 3830 0004 20 045175 0 188,010 (244,660) (56,650) (56,650) REIMB FM INSURANCE FD/FEMA 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045260 0 144,000 0 144,000 144,000 1-405 CONST/WTRMN OVRSIZIWSDOT 421 000500 000 3830 0003 10 055015 0 45,318 0 45,318 45,318 1-405 MAY CREEK/WSDOT 421 000500 000 3830 0003 60 055265 0 10,451 0 10,451 10,451 PWTF LOAN DCD/ROLLG HLS RSVR 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055240 0 38,600 0 38,600 38,600 PWTF LOAN DCD/CORROSION CNTRL 421 000500 000 3830 0004 20 055430 0 43,350 0 43,350 43,350 METRO/ROLLG HLS-MPLWD TRANS MN 421 000500 000 3830 0007 00 055065 0 310,394 (310,394) 0 0 PWTF LOAN DCD/NE 27-ABERDN STM 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065045 0 621,350 0 621,350 621,350 DCD/MAPLEWOOD CK 421 000600 000 3830 0004 20 065120 0 118,519 0 118,519 118,519 LOWER CEDAR RIV ACTION PLAN/KC 421 000600 000 3830 0007 00 065085 0 20,000 (14,000) 6,000 6,000 SCS/EASTSIDE GREEN RVR WTRSHD 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065025 0 11,457 0 11,457 11,457 SCS/P-1 CHNUGRADY WY-16TH 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065200 0 25,138 0 25,138 25,138 FEMA/MAPLEWOOD CK 421 000600 000 3830 0083 50 065120 0 (32,190) 236,998 204,808 204,808 OTHER CONTRIB CAPITAL-STORM 421 000600 000 3880 0010 38 000000 0 4,095 0 4,095 4,095 H:\Bdgtdoc1997\Carryhwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 10 4/2/97 , Y OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEf S Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description Budget Canyfwds New/Adj Adjustments <Ad)Budget Reduce Tsf to Fund Intermit Staffing-Aquifer Inspect 421 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 2,382,000 0 (39,000) (39,000) 0 Reduce Tsf to Fund Debt Svc Reserve 421 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 0 (475,000) (475,000) 1,868,000 WATER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000010 380,000 0 0 0 380,000 SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000020 245,000 0 0 0 245,000 SURFACE WATER CONNECTION CHARGES 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000040 175,000 0 0 0 175,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,869,754 17,883 280 (846,056) 17,037,224 20,906,978 I EXPENDITURES: BOND ISSUANCE COST/REV BDS 421 000000 018 5920 0034 84 000015 2,700 91,300 0 91,300 94,000 ARBITRAGE EXP 421 000000 018 5920 0034 89 000006 0 6,945 17,180 24,125 24,125 Wstewater Proj E RENTON INTERCEPTOR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045000 0 5,541 0 5,541 5,541 Wstewater Proj BOEING LIFT STATION REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045010 0 183,924 459 184,383 184,383 Wstewater Proj RENTN CBD I-MILL AVE PIPELINE 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045035 0 123,748 0 123,748 123,748 Wstewater Proj E KENNYDLE/ABERDEEN SEWR INTER 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045055 0 2,571,477 0 2,571,477 2,571,477 Wstewater Proj MISCELLANEOUS SEWER PROJECTS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 100,000 31,506 (16,407) 15,099 115,099 Wstewater Proj NE 7TH STREET SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045068 0 0 300,000 300,000 300,000 Wstewater Proj HONEYCREEK INTERCEPTOR PHS IV 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045125 0 3,309,130 0 3,309,130 3,309,130 Wstewater Proj SAN SEWER MAIN GROUTING 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045145 0 748,473 0 748,473 748,473 Wstewater Proj HIGHGATE LIFT STATION ELIMIN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045150 0 19,785 0 19,785 19,785 Wstewater Proj REPL TELEMTRY/DATA LOGGING SYS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045160 0 27,147 0 27,147 • 27,147 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH II 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045170 0 66,720 (66,720) 0 0 Wstewater Proj CENTRAL RENTON SEWR REPL PH III 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045175 0 0 66,720 66,720 66,720 Wstewater Proj E MAPLEWOOD COLL SYSTEM PRED 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045180 0 16,067 0 16,067 16,067 Wstewater Proj KENNYDALE LKFNT SEW SYS STUDY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045190 200,000 0 0 0 200,000 Wstewater Proj SR 169-MAPLE VLY HWY STUBS 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045215 0 41,877 0 41,877 41,877 Wstewater Proj LIFT STATION ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045225 50,000 (86) 0 (86) 49,914 Wstewater Proj MAIN AVE SEWER REPL 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045230 0 9,635 0 9,635 9,635 Wstewater Proj S RENTON SEWER REPL PHI 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045235 730,000 323,302 (300,000) 23,302 753,302 Wstewater Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGEMETRY 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045240 15,000 12,619 0 12,619 27,619 Wstewater Proj 1997 LNG-RNGE WW MGMT PLAN 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045245 0 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 Wstewater Proj REIMB METRO SLIPLINING CR PARK 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045250 80,000 0 0 0 80,000 Wstewater Proj GIS DATABASE AND CONVERSION 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045255 45,000 0 0 0 45,000 Wstewater Proj NW 7TH SEWER REPAIR 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045260 0 141,645 0 141,645 141,645 Wstewater Proj SW 16TH ST SEWER REPLACEMENT 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045265 0 280,000 0 280,000 280,000 Water Proj MAPLEWOOD WELLS 17&11 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055005 0 472,570 0 472,570 472,570 Water Proj 1-405 CONST/WATERMN OVERSIZING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055015 0 278,843 0 278,843 278,843 Water Proj WATER QUALITY INVESTIGATION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055020 0 8 (8) 0 0 Water Proj WINDSOR HILLS PUMP STA REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055025 0 56,308 (56,308) 0 0 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-RLNG HLS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055065 50,000 591,761 (310,394) 281,367 331,367 Water Proj TRNSMISS MAIN/MAPLWD-HIGHLANDS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055070 0 26,798 0 26,798 26,798 Water Proj WATER RESOURCE PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055080 0 (381) 381 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER MANAGEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055085 40,000 29,773 0 29,773 69,773 Water Proj PIPE OVERSIZING COSTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055100 0 51,819 0 51,819 51,819 Water Proj WELL FIELD PROTECTION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055110 20,000 23,267 0 23,267 43,267 Water Proj TELEMETRY IMPROVMTS PHASE III 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055120 0 666 (666) 0 0 Water Proj ACQUIFER AWARENESS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055135 40,000 3,337 0 3,337 43,337 Water Proj STEEL WATERMAIN REPL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 0 615,259 (10,906) 604,353 604,353 Water Proj AC PIPE REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055175 0 (87,887) 87,887 0 0 Water Proj LAB EQUIPMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055198 0 1 (1) 0 0 Water Proj WTR CONSERVA PROGRAM IMPLEMEN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055200 0 56,735 (20,854) 35,881 35,881 Water Proj 1-405/MILL AVE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055205 0 145,169 0 145,169 145,169 Water Proj UPDATE FIRE FLOW ANALYSIS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055210 20,000 22,780 0 22,780 42,780 Water Proj GMA PLANNING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055230 0 11,956 0 11,956 11,956 Water Proj ROLLING HILLS 490 ZONE RESERVO 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055240 0 215,023 0 215,023 215,023 Water Proj PARK AVE WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055245 0 430 (430) 0 0 Water Proj RESERVOIR RECOATING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055260 0 (1,039) 1,039 0 0 Water Proj EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055265 0 251,564 0 251,564 251,564 Water Proj TALBOT 12/24"WATER MAIN" 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 0 16,131 (16,131) 0 0 Water Proj LARGE METER REPLACEMENT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055280 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECT BUSINESS RELOC 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055285 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Water Proj DOWNTOWN CORE REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055290 0 5,407 0 5,407 5,407 Water Proj WATER QUALITY MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055310 0 9,145 0 9,145 9,145 Water Proj CATHODIC PROTECTION MONITORING 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055320 20,000 15,999 0 15,999 35,999 Water Proj 565 RES RECOAT 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055330 100,000 240,828 0 240,828 340,828 Water Proj CROSS CONNECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055340 15,000 (164) 164 0 15,000 Water Proj UPDATE CONSERVATION PLAN 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055370 0 3,827 0 3,827 3,827 Water Proj GIS DATA-BASE AND CONVERSION 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055380 70,000 8,797 0 8,797 78,797 Water Proj WELL 3 ELECTRICAL REHAB 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 0 590,714 0 590,714 590,714 Water Proj AQUIFER PROTECTION DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055410 50,000 0 0 0 50,000 Water Proj CORROSION CONTROL FACILITIES 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055430 200,000 1,410,395 0 1,410,395 1,610,395 Water Proj MT OLIVET WATER QUALITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055440 20,000 22,940 0 22,940 42,940 Water Proj WATER DISTRICT#90 INTERTIE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055445 40,000 19,279 0 19,279 59,279 Water Proj PHOTOGRAMMETIC MAPPING OF CITY 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055450 10,000 4,010 0 4,010 14,010 Water Proj REUSE PILOT PROJECTS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055470 0 29,800 0 29,800 29,800 Water Proj AQUIFER INSPECTIONS 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055475 0 39,000 (39,000) 0 0 Water Proj WATER QUALITY DATABASE 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055480 40,000 0 0 0 40,000 Water Proj WATER SUPPLY AVAIL MODEL 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055485 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Water Proj COLIFORM MONITORING IMP 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055490 30,000 0 0 0 30,000 Surf Wtr Proj STORM SEWER COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065005 0 9,727 0 9,727 9,727 H.18dgtdoc1997\Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 11 42197 OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEN*0 Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description s Budget Carryfwds New/Ad} Adjustments' Ad)Budget Surf Wtr Proj SMALL DRAINAGE PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 100,000 135,605 175,000 310,605 410,605 Surf Wtr Proj WETLANDS MOSQUITO ABATEMT PROG 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065020 25,000 7,127 0 7,127 32,127 Surf Wir Proj VALLEY STUDY PROJECT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065025 0 32,907 0 32,907 32,907 Surf Wtr Proj NE 27TH-ABERDEEN CONTROL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065045 0 1,094,119 0 1,094,119 1,094,119 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR RVR FLOOD CONTROL STUDY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065055 15,000 5,148 0 5,148 20,148 Surf Wtr Proj BLK RIV WATER QUALITY MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065065 0 9,902 0 9,902 9,902 Surf Wtr Proj PANTHER CK WETLAND ACQUISITION 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065076 0 186,410 0 186,410 186,410 Surf Wtr Proj STREAM FLOW MONITORING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065080 5,000 12,367 0 12,367 17,367 Surf WV Proj LOWR CEDR RIV NONPT ACTN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065085 0 26,234 (14,000) 12,234 12,234 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDAR RIV BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065090 0 8,001 0 8,001 8,001 Surf Wtr Proj LOWR CEDR RIV SEDIMENT MGT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065095 0 140,028 0 140,028 140,028 Surf Wtr Proj WETLAND MITIGATION BANK PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065119 50,000 186,126 0 186,126 236,126 Surf Wtr Proj MAPLEWOOD CK SEDIMENT POND/FIS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065120 340,000 178,448 62,297 240,745 580,745 Surf Wtr Proj MAY CREEK BASIN PLAN 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065125 0 67,861 0 67,861 67,861 Surf Wtr Proj MISSION HILLS(NE 10TH)STORM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065145 100,000 571,391 0 571,391 671,391 Surf Wtr Proj SW 7TH CAPACITY PROBLEMS 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065150 0 7,408 (124) 7,284 7,284 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASHINGTON BLVD/NE 44TH E 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065160 0 121,780 0 121,780 121,780 Surf Wtr Proj BASIN/SUB-BASIN HYDROLOGIC ANA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065165 0 55 (55) 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj P-1 CHANNEUGRADY WY TO SW 16 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065200 0 68,040 0 68,040 68,040 Surf Wtr Proj NE 10TH&MONROE STORM REPLAC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065215 0 225,000 0 225,000 •225,000 Surf Wtr Proj CEDAR BASIN PLAN CIP 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065220 0 200,000 0 200,000 200,000 Surf Wtr Proj CITY WIDE PHOTOGRAMMETRIC MAPPING 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065225 30,000 16,649 0 16,649 46,649 Surf Wtr Proj EASTSIDE G RIVER FLOOD CNT 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 400,000 27,588 0 27,588 427,588 Surf Wtr Proj ELLIOT LEVEE REPAIR&HAB ENHC 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065235 0 (179) 179 0 0 Surf Wtr Proj ALTERNATIVE ON-SITE SWM POLICY 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065240 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wtr Proj RENTON STORM WATER MANUAL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065241 0 60,000 0 60,000 60,000 Surf Wtr Proj HOUSER WAY STORM SYSTEM REPL 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065245 0 29,263 0 29,263 29,263 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE AVE S&TOBIN STORM IMPRV 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065250 0 161,294 0 161,294 161,294 Surf Wtr Proj MONROE AVE NE&NE 4TH INFILTR 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065255 25,000 0 0 0 25,000 Surf Wtr Proj DEBRIS REMOVAL-CEDAR RVR DELTA 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065260 18,000 22,491 (18,000) 4,491 22,491 Surf Wtr Proj LAKE WASH/CEDAR RIVER FORUM 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065265 0 0 18,000 18,000 18,000 Total Expenditures 3,175,700 17,162,413 (140,698) 17,021,715 20,197,415 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 694,054 720,867 (705,358) 15,509 709,563 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE <;:3,869,754;;: 17,883,280 (846,056) ..17,037,224 20,906,978 FUND 402-AIRPORT Beginning Fund Balance 402 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,104,295 464,134 0 464,134 2,568,429 REVENUES: 92 FAA/Master Plan Update 402 012015 000 3310 0020 10 000003 0 1,420 0 1,420 1,420 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 1,098,040 0 0 0 1,098,040 TOTAL REVENUES.&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,202,335;`:: 465,554 0 465,554 3,067,889> EXPENDITURES: Tower Roof Replacement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 62 000007 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 Machinery&Equipment 402 000000 016 5460 0020 64 000000 41,700 1,816 0 1,816 43,516 Consultant/Spec Fees/Bruce C.Allen 402 000000 016 5460 0020 41 000703 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 Tower Water Line Replacement 402 000000 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 7,570 0 7,570 7,570 92 FAA/Master Plan Update 402 012015 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 6,516 0 6,516 6,516 Replace Damaged Pavement 402 012019 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 20,000 0 20,000 20,000 E Perm Rd Cedar Riv Hngr Bldg 402 012019 016 5960 0046 63 000081 0 5,000 0 5,000 5,000 Rehabilitate SE Taxilane 402 012020 016 5960 0046 63 000000 0 59,559 0 59,559 59,559 Sealing/Paint Tower Bldg Exterior 402 012021 016 5960 0046 63 000083 0 35,000 0 35,000 35,000 New Fence SE Corner 402 012023 016 5960 0046 63 000110 0 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Relocate Hyd Gate 402 012024 016 5960 0046 63 000111 0 10,000 0 10,000 10,000 Metal Siding-5-20 Bldg 402 012025 016 5960 0046 63 000112 0 65,100 0 65,100 65,100 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,139,854 0 0 0 1,139,854 Total Expenditures 1,186,554 238,561 0 238,561 1,425,115 Ending Fund Balance 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,015,781 226,993 (1,000,000) (773,007) 1,242,774 Airport Emergency Fund 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000001 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 Airport Maintenance Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000002 0 0 30,000 30,000 30,000 Airport Obstruction Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000003 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 Airport Bldg Replacement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000004 0 0 280,000 280,000 280,000 Air port Mitigation Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000005 0 0 195,000 195,000 195,000 Airport Aviaga Easement Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000006 0 0 210,000 210,000 210,000 Airport Hazardous Material Reserve 402 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000007 0 0 175,000 175,000 175,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE • 3,202335': 465,554 0 •? 465,554'; 3,667,889 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY Beginning Fund Balance 403 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 154,680 36,258 0 36,258 190,938 REVENUES: Increase Collections for Disposal Fee Rate Increase 403 000000 000 3430 0070 00 000000 6,382,711 0 249,300 249,300 6,632,011 DOEJCoord Prevention Grant 403 000000 000 3830 0003 10 000000 0 55,454 0 55,454 55,454 KCMIR/R Gmt Prog/1996-97 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000009 11,114 18,522 0 18,522 29,636 Local Hazardous Wste Mgt/SEA-KC Hth 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000094 0 7,938 0 7,938 7,938 KC Optional Business/1996 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000007 25,000 26,917 0 26,917 51,917 KC Optional Special/1996 403 000000 000 3830 0007 00 000008 10,000 5,713 0 5,713 15,713 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 92,324 0 0 0 92,324 TOTAL REVENUESi&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,675,829 150,802 249,300 400,102, 7,075,931 H:16dgtdoc19971Carryfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 12 4/2/97 .rY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEfS Dept/ 1997 1996 Requests/ :.:Total 1997 Div', Description Budget Carryfwds New/Adj Adjustments Adj Budget EXPENDITURES: Increase Contractor Pmt for Disposal Fee Rate Incr 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000052 5,108,377 0 249,300 249,300 5,357,677 DOE/Coord Prevention Grant 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000070 0 79,817 0 79,817 79,817 KC WR/R Gmt Program 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000111 11,114 18,522 0 18,522 29,636 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 403 000000 018 5920 0037 89 000006 0 0 700 700 700 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,403,622 0 0 0 1,403,622 Total Expenditures 6,523,113 98,339 250,000 348,339 6,871,452 Ending Fund Balance 403 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 152,716 52,463 (700) 51,763 204,479 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 6,675,829 150,802 249,300 400,102 7,075,931:. FUND 404-GOLF COURSE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 404 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 62,685 32,495 0 32,495 95,180 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 2,193,677 0 0 0 2,193,677 TOTAL REVENUES'8,BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,256,362 32,495 0 32,495 i3 '2,288,857: EXPENDITURES: Glf Crs Reimb Gen Fd/Services 404 000000 020 5760 0061 91 000021 103,260 16,000 0 16,000 119,260 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 404 000000 020 5920 0076 89 000006 0 0 1,241 1,241 • 1,241 Golf Crs Landscaping/FEMA Project 404 000000 020 5760 0061 63 000020 0 4,657 0 4,657 4,657 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 2,038,774 0 0 0 2,038,774 Total Expenditures 2,142,034 20,657 1,241 21,898 2,163,932 Ending Fund Balance 404 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 114,328 11,838 (1,241) 10,597 124,925 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,256,362 32,495 0 32,495 2,288,857 FUND 424-GOLF COURSE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 424 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 'r 0 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Total Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Fund Balance 424 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 0 0 0 0 0. FUND 501-EQUIPMENT RENTAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 501 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 956,938 214,987 0 214,987 1,171,925 REVENUES: City of Newcastle Maintenance Revenues 501 000000 000 3480 0030 00 000000 20,000 0 10,000 10,000 30,000 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Revenues 2,332,609 0 0 0 2,332,609 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND,BALANCE 3,309,547 214,987 10,000 224,987 3,534,534 EXPENDITURES: City of Newcastle Maintenance Supplies 501 000000 019 5480 0060 31 000000 491,485 0 10,000 10,000 0 Increase Funding for Parks Vehicles Mtc 501 000000 019 5480 0060 31 000000 0 0 20,000 20,000 521,485 Arbitrage Compliance Cost 501 000000 019 5920 0048 89 000006 0 0 1,826 1,826 1,826 Provide Funding for Diagnostic Equipment 501 000000 019 5480 0060 64 000095 0 9,015 0 9,015 9,015 Balance of 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 1,931,730 0 0 0 1,931,730 Total Expenditures 2,423,215 9,015 31,826 40,841 2,464,056 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 886,332 205,972 (21,826) 184,146 1,070,478 TOTAL EXPENDITURES8,END FUND BALANCE 3,309,547 214,987 10,000 224,987 3,534,534' FUND 502-INSURANCE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 502 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,458,130 266,735 0 266,735 3,724,865 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 5,224,167 0 0 0 5,224,167 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 8,682,297 266,735 0 266,735 8,949,032'. EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 4,767,110 0 0 0 4,767,110 Total Expenditures 4,767,110 0 0 0 4,767,110 Ending Fund Balance 501 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,915,187 266,735 0 266,735 4,181,922 TOTAL EXPENDITURES'&END:FUND BALANCE 8,682297 .' ::266,735 0 ;266,736 : :8,949,032. H.\Bdgtdoc1997\Carrytwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 13 4/2/97 OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET ADJUSTMEF Dept/ 1997 1996;: Requests/ Total 1997 Div Description j Budget Cartytwds New/Adj. Adjustments'' Adj Budget' FUND 601•FIREMEN'S PENSION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 601 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,316,553 257,332 0 257,332 3,573,885 REVENUES: 1997 Budgeted Revenues 633,653 0 0 0 633,653 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 3,950,206,! 257,332 0 257,332 4,207,538 EXPENDITURES: 1997 Budgeted Expenditures 334,354 0 0 0 334,354 Total Expenditures 334,354 0 0 0 334,354 Ending Fund Balance 601 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 3,615,852 257,332 0 257,332 3,873,184 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE .3,950,206 257,332 0 257,332 4,207,538 TOTAL ALL FUNDS Beginning Fund Balance 20,731,541 25,807,975 0 25,807,975 46,539,516 REVENUES 94,623,413 20,648,539 2,714,934 23,363,473 117,986,886 TOTAL REVENUES'&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 115,354,954 46,456,514 2,714,934 49,171,448 164,526,402 EXPENDITURES 95,310,175 39,247,645 6,382,950 45,630,595 140,940,770 Ending Fund Balance 20,044,779 7,208,869 (3,668,016) 3,540,853 23,585,632 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 115,354,954 s: 46,456,514 2,714,934 49,171,448 164,526,402 H:\Bdgtdoc1997\Canyfwd\WRKSHT97.XLS Page 14 4/2/97 December 9, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 450 Resolution #3237 A resolution was read approving the Orchards Division II Final Plat; 55 single Plat: Final, Orchards family lots on 15.25 acres located in the vicinity of NE 8th St. and Duvall Division II, NE 8th Ave. NE, (FP-96-096). MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, St/Duvall Ave NE, FP- COUNCIL ADOPT THE RESOLUTION AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. 96-096 The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the Council meeting of 12/16/96 for second and final reading: Planning: 1996 WSDOT An ordinance was read adopting the 1996 Washington State Department of Standard Specifications Transportation (WSDOT) and American Public Works Association (APWA) Adoption amendments to the Renton Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/16/96. CARRIED. Finance: 1996 Year-End An ordinance was read providing for 1996 year-end budget adjustments in the Budget Adjustments total amount of $7,958,536. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/16/96. CARRIED. The following ordinances were presented for second and final reading: Ordinance #4643 An ordinance was read amending Section 8-1-9 of Chapter 1, Garbage; Utility: 1997 Utility Rates Subsection 8-2-2.G of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage; 8-4- 31.C.1 and C.4, of Chapter 4, Water; and Subsection 8-5-15.D.4 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code relating to the 1997 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4644 An ordinance was read fixing the rates and/or amount of taxes to be levied at Finance: 1997 Property the rate of $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed property value for the total Tax Rates amount of $14,374,187, and levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the City of Renton, Washington, to finance the departments and activities of City government, and to provide for the general obligation bond principal and interest redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January, 1997. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. Ordinance #4645 An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1997 in the Finance: 1997 Budget total balanced amount of $95,310,175, as amended by the City Council and adjusting miscellaneous park and golf fees. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL ADOPT THE ORDINANCE AS PRESENTED. ROLL CALL: ALL AYES. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER Planning: City of CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM THE CITY OF NEWCASTLE Newcastle Boundary Issues REGARDING BOUNDARY ISSUES TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Human Services: Block MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER Grant Application Review THE REVIEW OF THE BLOCK GRANT APPLICATION FORM TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. +`; RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 9, 1996 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; KING COUNCILMEMBERS PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; RANDY CORMAN. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL EXCUSE ABSENT COUNCILMEMBERS DAN CLAWSON AND BOB EDWARDS. CARRIED. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; LAWRENCE J. WARREN, City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance and Information Services Administrator; PAULA HENDERSON, Financial Planning Manager; SUSAN CARLSON, Economic Development Director; ENOLA CHRISTIAN, Finance Analyst; LINDA HONEYCUTT, Senior Finance Analyst; DEBBIE SCOTT, Finance Analyst; DEPUTY CHIEF DON PERSSON, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL COUNCIL MINUTES APPROVE THE MINUTES OF DECEMBER 2, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. SPECIAL Mayor Tanner presented Victoria Runkle, Finance and Information Services PRESENTATION Administrator; Paula Henderson, Financial Planning Manager; Linda Finance: GFOA Honeycutt, Senior Finance Analyst; Debbie Scott, Finance Analyst; and Enola Distinguished Budget Christian, Finance Analyst with the Governmental Finance Officers' Award Association (GFOA) Distinguished Budget Award for the their work in preparing the 1996 City of Renton Annual Budget. Mayor Tanner explained that the budget staff strives to follow GFOA guidelines in preparation of the annual budget. These guidelines require that the budget information be presented in a readable manner and that comparisons from one budget to the next budget remain consistent. Mayor Tanner expressed his appreciation and commended the budget staff for their many hours of work. Ms. Henderson accepted the award on behalf of her staff and thanked them for their hard work. Stating that it is an honor to receive the GFOA award, Ms. Runkle explained that preparing the budget requires a large amount of work and it is important to present the information as clearly as possible, not only for our community, but on a national level as well. Congratulating her staff, Ms. Runkle remarked that the best part of having a great staff is that it makes her job easier. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Finance: 1997 Budget,& in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public 1998 Spending Plan hearing to consider the 1997 City of Renton Budget and 1998 Spending Plan. Victoria Runkle, Finance and Information Services Administrator, stated that this is the second of two public hearings and the last opportunity for public comment on the 1997 budget. She summarized that the 1997 budget in the total balanced amount of $95,310,175 retains the City's base services at the December 9, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 448 current level without increasing utility rates and property taxes, and without adding new employees. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 450 for ordinance.) AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, 98055, spoke regarding the Citizen Comment: Richter Tonkins Park Tree Lighting Ceremony. As Chairperson of the event, she - Tonkins Park Tree acknowledged and thanked City employees, Downtown Renton Association Lighting Ceremony members and others whose efforts made the ceremony a success. Mayor Tanner echoed Ms. Richter's sentiments, adding that the tree helps bring the spirit of Christmas to Renton. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. Vacation: Maple Valley City Clerk submitted petition to vacate a portion of Maple Valley Hwy. east Hwy/Blaine Dr SE, of Blaine Dr. SE, (RAMAC, Inc./Riviera Apartments, VAC-96-005). Refer (RAMAC/VAC-96-005) to Board of Public Works; set public hearing on 1/13/97 to consider the request. (See page 449 for resolution setting public hearing.) Plat: Final, Orchards Development Services Division recommended approval of the Orchards Division II, NE 8th Division II Final Plat, 55 single family lots on 15.25 acres located in the St/Duvall Ave NE, FP- vicinity of NE 8th St. and Duvall Ave. NE, File No. FP-96-096. Council 96-096 concur. (See page 450 for resolution.) MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence was read from M.B. Escher, Co-Chair of the Renton Citizen Comment: Escher Municipal Arts Commission, reporting that vandalism of the statue called - Statue Vandalism at Interface located at Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park has cost the City Gene Coulon Memorial approximately $7,000 to date. Ms. Escher requested that security at the park Park be increased to better protect the statue. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE AND ADMINISTRATION. CARRIED. Citizen Comment: Escher Additional correspondence from M.B. Escher was read requesting approval to - Establish 20% establish a 20% commission on all art work sold at City art galleries beginning Commission on Art Work in 1997. The Renton Municipal Arts Commission has established two art Sales galleries, one at Carco Theatre and one at the Maplewood Golf Course Clubhouse. The money generated from the commissions would go toward maintaining City-owned art work. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL REFER THIS CORRESPONDENCE TO THE COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE. CARRIED. Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler excused herself from the Council chambers. OLD BUSINESS Council President Nelson presented a report recommending adoption of the Committee of the Whole compensation proposal submitted by the Mayor for non-represented Executive: Non- management employees. The proposal includes a 2.9% cost-of-living increase Represented Management for 1997 (100% of the Seattle area CPI-W mid-year index for 1996) a 25-year Employees Compensation longevity step, and continuation of compensation practices linking certain benefits for non-represented public safety employees to those negotiated by the applicable bargaining unit. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CORMAN, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. r 4 RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting December 2, 1996 Council Chambers Monday,7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER; DAN COUNCILMEMBERS CLAWSON; KING PARKER; TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; RANDY CORMAN; BOB EDWARDS. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; ZANETTA FONTES, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance and Information Services Administrator; SAM STAR, Administrative Analyst; COMMANDER ROB SOFIE, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 25, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. Appointment Planning Mayor Tanner recommended appointment of Mark Smith, 1607 Lake Youngs Commission Way SE, Renton, 98058, to the Planning Commission to complete the unexpired three-year term ending 6/30/98 of John Current, who resigned. Refer to Community Services Committee. Annexation: Maplewood City Clerk submitted certification of the 1996 Special Election results for the Heights, Special Election Maplewood Heights Annexation as canvassed by the King County Canvassing Results Board of Election Returns. Proposition No. 1 (Annexation): Yes - 242, No - 1,064 (Defeated); Proposition No. 2 (Assumption of Indebtedness): Yes - 91, No - 1,199 (Defeated). Information. Finance: 1997 Property Finance & Information Services Department recommended adoption of an Tax Rates O ordinance establishing the 1997 property tax rates. Total General and Excess Dud t Levies is $14,374,187. Council concur. (See page 441 for ordinance.) Finance: 1997 Budget Finance & Information Services Department recommended adoption of the 1997 budget in the total balanced amount of $95,310,175 as amended, including new parks and golf fees. Council concur. (See page 441 for ordinance.) Finance: 1996 Year-End Finance & Information Services Department submitted proposed ordinance to Budget Adjustments adopt the 1996 year-end budget adjustments in the total amount of $7,958,536. Refer to Finance Committee. Finance: Non-Collectible Finance & Information Services Department requested authorization to write- Bad Debts off non-collectible bad debts totalling $49,907.29. Items for write off include: Accounts Receivable - $12,437.42, LID's - $235.39, Utilities - $34,779.26, and Returned Checks - $2,455.22. Refer to Finance Committee. Personnel: Local 21R Human Resources & Risk Management Department recommended approval of Labor Contract, CAG-96- the agreement reached with Local 21R employees for their three-year labor CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL • AI#: . L . SUBMITTING DEPT.: FOR AGENDA OF:December 2, 1996 Finance and Information Services,Victoria A.Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent SUBJECT: Public Hearing Ordinance establishing the Property tax rates for 1997. Correspondence Ordinance X Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Ordinance New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Adopt the ordinance as presented with Council changes Legal Dept X Finance X Other:Personnel and Executive X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required...0 Transfer/Amendment.. 0 Amount Budgeted $$14,374,187 Revenue Generated...$14,374,187. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Adopt the Property rates as presented. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the property rates as presented. c:tdatalagenda.dot CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON, FIXING THE RATES AND/ AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE LEVIED, AND LEVYING THE SAME UPON ALL TAXABL A PROPERTY, BOTH REAL AND PERSONAL, IN THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, TO i1 FINANCE THE DEPARTMENTS AND ACTIVITIES OF CITY GOVERNMENT, AND TO A` PROVIDE FOR THE GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST 4/ 7 REDEMPTION REQUIREMENTS FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING ON THE FIRST DAY OF JANUARY 1997. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. There is hereby levied a tax on all taxable property, both real and personal, within the City of Renton and subject to taxation under the laws of the State of Washington, on the first day of January 1997, at the rate of three dollars and sixty cents($3.60)per thousand dollars of assessed value of such property, such tax being levied for the purpose of raising sufficient revenues to finance the various departments and activities of the municipal government of the City of Renton for fiscal (calendar) year 1997. Provided that where state statute stipulates another rate on a class of personal property, such rate shall apply; and provided further that in the event such rate, when extended, would generate taxes in excess of the maximum amount allotted by law, then such rate shall be reduced to the rate that will generate the following amounts: Estimated 1997 General Property Taxes $12,674,187 Estimated 1997 Fire Pension Property Taxes 322,000 Estimated 1997 Excess Levy Property Taxes' 1,378,000 Total General and Excess Levies $14,374,187 SECTION II. The taxes collected from the levies hereby fixed and made, together with estimated revenues from sources other than taxation which constitute the appropriations of the City of Renton for the fiscal year 1997,shall be so appropriated and as finally itemized and classified in the annual budget for the fiscal year 1997 be adopted by the City of Renton as specified in Chapter 95, Laws of 1969,Extraordinary Session,as amended. SECTION III. A certified copy of this ordinance shall be transmitted to the Clerk of the King County Council and the King County Assessor's office and such governmental bodies as provided by law. SECTION IV. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five (5) days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL THIS DAY OF , 1996. ORD.DOC Marilyn J. Petersen,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS DAY OF DECEMBER, 1996. Jesse Tanner,Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: . 3 Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: ORD.DOC "war+ CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: .5 • C'• SUBMITTING DEPT.: FOR AGENDA OF: December 2, 1996 Finance and Information Services,Victoria A.Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent SUBJECT: Public Hearing Ordinance adopting budget and changes to the Budget Correspondence Ordinance X Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Ordinance New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Adopt the ordinance as presented with Council changes Legal Dept X Finance X Other:Personnel and Executive X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required... $95,310,175 Transfer/Amendment.. 0 Amount Budgeted $95,310,175 Revenue Generated...$94,623,413 SUMMARY OF ACTION: Adopt the Budget as presented and amended. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Budget as presented and amended.. c:Wata\agenda.dot CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON w ORDINANCE NUMBER AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON,WASHINGTON: , 1. ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1997, AS AMENDED BY THF„€ITy . COUNCIL; AND /` is 2. ADJUSTING MISCELLANEOUS PARK AND GOLF FEES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1997, heretofore prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified hereby after due notice and hearing thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted, and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the year 1997, and same by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, labeled as (A) Expenditures and(B)Resources. Ordinance No adopted under the date , 1996, fixes the amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1997. SECTION II. Attachment"A" defines the total sums for expenditures hereby allowed and established in each of the following funds in said 1997 Budget. Attachment"C"defines the amendments to the Budget as passed by the City Council. SECTION III. Certain fees are hereby adjusted and established for the City owned and operated facilities. Such Fees are attached hereto as Exhibit"B"and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. SECTION IV. The acts taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to its passage or effective date are hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION V. A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor,Division of Municipal Corporations,and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. SECTION VI. This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL,this DAY OF DECEMBER, 1996. Marilyn J.Petersen,City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS DAY OF DECEMBER, 1996. Jesse Tanner,Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren,City Attorney Date of Publication: , 1996 ORD.DOC ORDINANCE NO. ATTACHMENT A `ya 1997 BUDGET EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCES Fund Revenues Expenditures General Governmental Funds 000/General 31,209,993 31,207,261 101/Park 6,900,190 6,900,156 103/Street 4,702,004 4,697,878 106/Library 1,186,027 1,156,270 207/1978 Limited General Obligation Bonds 76,200 76,200 212/1989 Limited Refunding General Obligation Bonds 295,200 295,195 215/General Governmental Misc. Debt Service 800,900 808,675 ;SBT CL.., `, ° ' , 45,170,514 45,141,05 Special Revenue Funds 102/Arterial Street Fund 333,600 320,000 104/Community Development Block Grant 371,238 371,238 105/Impact Mitigation 300,000 - 118/Reserve for Paths and Trails 3,400 - 125/1%for the Arts 1,500 1,500 127/Cable Communications 6,000 13,000 -- 1:, s ft F1,015,738 414466738 Debt Service Funds 213/1983 Unlimited Refunding GO Bonds 890,000 754,393 219/1989 Unlimited GO Bonds 508,000 500,440 220/L.I.D Debt Service Funds 746,554 800,313 221/L.I.D Guaranty Fund 26,000 923,000 rSBTTL ` ..��7 y 2170 554 �2`978,146` �&:* »a<k.�:.9.:°c�...+ �,.�s_ .�. ssz�� ;�.:��e'.5" ��c '�"�," 'Y`c� __x...��,.�.a,.. ,. mmaaaew.ea� Capital Project Funds 302/Open Space Construction - - 316/Municipal Facilities CIP 1,472,500 1,671,997 317/Transportation CIP 3,118,571 3,117,071 319/Senior Housing Construction - - 320/L.I.D. Construction Fund 160,000 160,000 rSBTTL /64151 9 g; Enterprise Funds 401/Waterworks Utility 19,951,241 20,983,508 421/Water and Sewer Construction 3,541,000 3,175,700 402/Airport 1,098,040 1,186,554 403/Solid Waste Utility 6,521,149 6,523,113 404/Golf Course 2,193,677 2,142,034 424/Golf Course Capital Fund - - B. ;3Q.5x 0 , Internal Service Funds 501/Equipment Rental Fund 2,352,609 2,423,215 502/Insurance Fund 5,224,167 4,767,110 57 6A, A9I„ Fiduciary Fund 601/Fire Pension 633,653 334,354 • ORD.DOC 0.,,.,,1NANCE NO. ATTACHMENT B FEE CHANGES Green Fee Rates Weekday 18 Holes(Monday-Thursday) $19.00 Weekend Rates 18 Holes(Friday-Sunday) $22.00 9 Holes(Monday-Thursday) $14.00 18 Holes-Weekday Senior Rate(Monday-Thursday) $14.00 9 Holes-Senior Rate $11.00 :' Twilight(1 Hour Prior to Dark) $8.00 Twilight(2 Hours Prior to Dark) $11.00 3rd Nine $8.00 E'✓ Pull Cart Rates (No Change from 1996) 9 Holes $2.00 18 Holes $18.00 Power Carts 9 Holes $12.00 18 Holes $20.00 Trail Fee $6.00 Club Rental (No Change from 1996) 1/2 Set $5.00 Full Set $10.00 Other Fees Non Resident Overnight Moorage $15.00/per night Resident Ball Field Rental--First 2 hours $30/for two hours Resident Ball Field Each Additional Hour $10.00 Non Resident Ball Field Rental--First 2 Hours $40/for two hours Non Resident Ball Field Rental Each Additional Hour $10.00 ORD.DOC 'tame ORDINANCE NO. Nerve CITY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 1 G97,B.uddge't Council 1997 Budget Description Account Number Prosed/amendments Amended To reallocate funding for Victim Advocate position from professional services. GENERAL FUND: Local Law Enforcement Grant 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000188 29,981 (29,981) 0 Intermitttent-Salaries&Wages 000 000000 020 5590 0030 12 000000 0 27,676 27,676 Intermittent-FICA 000 000000 020 5590 0030 22 000003 0 2,117 2,117 Intermittent-Industrial Insurance 000 000000 020 5590 0030 22 000006 0 188 188 To correct coding for Station#14 contract services for grounds maintenance. Parks Fund: Contract Services Station#14 Grds Mtc 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000086 25,000 (25,000) 0 Contract Landscape Maintenance 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 0 25,000 25,000 ORD.DOC CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL AI#: 5; e • SUBMITTING DEPT: FOR AGENDA OF: December 2, 1996 Finance and Information Services,Victoria Runkle AGENDA STATUS: SUBJECT: Consent X Public Hearing 1996 Year-End Budget Adjustments Correspondence Ordinance X Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Draft Ordinance and Budget Adjustment Worksheet New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Legal Dept X Refer to December 9, 1996 Finance Committee Finance Dept...... ..X Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required....$7,958,536 Transfer/Amendment.... Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated $7,958,536 SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Finance and Information Services is requesting approval to amend the 1996 adjusted Budget by$7.96 million. The 1996 Year-End Budget Adjustments are required in the following Funds: 1. Fund 000-General Fund $658,712 2. Fund 101 -Parks Fund 48,258 3. Fund 103-Street Fund 1,550,996 4. Fund 106-Library Fund 1,694 5. Fund 207- 1978 Ltd GO Debt Service Fund 50 6. Fund 212- 1989 Ltd GO Refunding Bonds-City Shop Fund 50 7. Fund 215-Misc Debt Service Fund 553,542 8. Fund 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund 5,670 9. Fund 118-Reserve for Paths and Trails Fund 4,095 10. Fund 125-One Percent for Art Fund 35,000 11. Fund 127-Cable Communication Development Fund 700 12. Fund 220-LID Debt Service Fund 2,120,123 13. Fund 302-Open Space Fund 825,670 14. Fund 316-Municipal Facilities Capital Improvement Fund 80,332 15. Fund 317-Transportation CIP Fund 3,504 16. Fund 401 -Waterworks Utility Operating Fund 785,584 17. Fund 421 -Waterworks Utility Construction Fund 640,270 18. Fund 402-Airport Fund 108,925 19. Fund 403-Solid Waste Utility Fund 1,645 20. Fund 404-Municipal Golf Course System Fund 115,344 21. Fund 424-Golf Course Capital Improvement Fund 1,952 22. Fund 501 -Equipment Rental Fund 58,185 23. Fund 502- Insurance Fund 358,235 TOTAL 1996 YEAR-END BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS $7,958,536 New CITY OF RENTON - 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/EI BUDGET ADJ 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues< Expenditures Adj Budget f' FUND 000-GENERAL FUND Beginning Fund Balance 000 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,156,754 3,156,754 REVENUES: 30,276,035 30,276,035 Y Paul Allen Grp/Port Quendall Planned Action 000 028500 000 3450 0084 00 078122 87,839 87,839 FEMA/Insurance Reimbursement 000 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000027 4,592 4,592 Y Narcotics Task Force Grant 000 000000 000 3330 0016 80 000000 247,916 247,916 Equity Tsf from Street Fund 000 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Tsf Funds from 401 for Partial Purchase of File 000 000000 000 3490 0032 23 000051 886 886 Y Local Law Enforcement Block Grant 000 000000 000 3310 0016 57 000004 7,728 7,728 Boarding Home Inspection Reimbursement 000 000000 000 3380 0022 00 000030 54 54 IS Labor Costs for Newcastle Police System 000 000000 000 3490 0018 80 000008 1,560 1,560 Building Inspection Overtime Charges 000 000000 000 3220 0010 00 000022 375 375 Tech Svc Overtime for Fire Mapping Project 000 000000 000 3490 0032 23 000057 2,620 2,620 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6 33,432,789 I. 1,853,570, ;; 0 <;35,286,359 I EXPENDITURES: 31,200,513 31,200,513 Y Port Quendall Planned Action 000 000000 007 5580 0061 41 078122 351,355 351,355 Building Inspection Overtime Charges 000 000000 007 5590 0060 10 000002 375 375 Y Narcotics Task Force Grant 000 000000 008 5210 0092 10 000000 247,916 247,916 Tsf-Out to Fund 501 for Deductible on Eqp A343 000 000000 008 5970 0021 55 000100 3,718 3,718 Tsf Funds for Partial Purchase of File 000 000000 017 5320 0023 35 000000 (886) (886) Tsf Funds for Partial Purchase of File 000 000000 017 5320 0023 64 000074 1,772 1,772 Missed Carryfwd-DAWN 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000011 1,665 1,665 Y Local Law Enforcement Block Grant-Intermittent/Salaries 000 000000 020 5590 0031 10 000000 7,135 7,135 Y Local Law Enforcement Block Grant-Intermittent/FICA 000 000000 020 5590 0031 20 000003 546 546 Y Local Law Enforcement Block Grant-Intermittent/Ind Ins 000 000000 020 5590 0031 20 000006 47 47 Boarding Home Inspection Reimbursement 000 000000 009 5220 0031 10 000000 54 54 IS Labor Costs for Newcastle Police System 000 000000 004 5180 0080 10 000002 1,560 1,560 Tech Svc Overtime for Fire Mapping Project 000 000000 017 5320 0028 10 000002 2,620 2,620 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 007 5320 0020 45 000002 1,764 1,764 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 007 5590 0060 45 000002 1,535 1,535 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 008 5210 0022 45 000002 4,553 4,553 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 008 5390 0030 45 000002 899 899 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 009 5220 0010 45 000002 1,242 1,242 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 009 5220 0020 45 000002 2,640 2,640 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 017 5320 0028 45 000002 942 942 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 000 000000 020 5590 0030 45 000002 1,120 1,120 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 003 5130 0010 45 000002 2,730 2,730 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 007 5320 0020 45 000002 1,424 1,424 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 008 5210 0010 45 000002 1,880 1,880 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 008 5210 0021 45 000002 2,552 2,552 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 008 5210 0022 45 000002 6,210 6,210 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 008 5230 0060 45 000002 3,360 3,360 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 000 000000 009 5220 0020 45 000002 3,392 3,392 FEMA Insurance Reimb/Fire Dept OT 000 000000 009 5220 0020 10 000003 4,592 4,592 Total Expenditures 31.200,513 0 658,712 31,859,225 Ending Fund Balance 000 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,232,276 1,853,570 (658,712) 3,427,134 TOTAL,EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 33,432.789 >; 1,853,570 0 35286,359 FUND 101-PARKS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 101 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 393,894 393,894 REVENUES: 6,651,540 6,651,540 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000027 48,595 48,595 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE :, 7,045,434 48,595' 0 7,094,029 EXPENDITURES: 6,778,570 6,778,570 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5180 0010 31 000000 934 934 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5180 0011 10 000000 537 537 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5760 0010 31 000000 1,470 1,470 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5760 0010 45 000001 1,586 1,586 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000000 28,375 28,375 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5760 0011 10 000000 1,577 1,577 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 101 000000 020 5760 0012 10 000002 700 700 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 101 000000 020 5180 0010 45 000002 650 650 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 101 000000 020 5740 0010 45 000002 1,260 1,260 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 101 000000 020 5760 0010 45 000002 4,857 4,857 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 101 000000 020 5760 0010 45 000002 6,312 6,312 Total Expenditures 6,778,570 0 48,258 6,826,828 Ending Fund Balance 101 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 266,864 48,595 (48,258) 267,201 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,045,434 48595 0 7,094,029 li:\Budge111996\YEBudadliYEWRKSMT.XLS Page 1 11/26/98 ',raw CITY OF RENTON ',.n✓ 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ : 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 103-STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 103 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,169,035 2,169,035 REVENUES: 4,673,780 4,673,780 Corr Valley CorrV800 MHZ Install Fee Revenues 103 000000 000 3420 0080 00 000000 (5,000) (5,000) FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000063 988 988 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000066 28,503 28,503 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,842,815 24,491 0 6,867,306 EXPENDITURES: 4,878,244 4,878,244 Equity Tsf to General Fund 103 000000 019 5870 0000 55 000000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 103 000000 019 5420 0092 45 000002 19,243 19,243 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 103 000000 016 5420 0093 45 000002 1,449 1,449 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 103 000000 019 5420 0092 45 000002 4,040 4,040 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 016 5420 0095 10 000002 828 828 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 019 5420 0090 10 000002 820 820 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 019 5420 0090 31 000000 458 458 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 019 5420 0092 10 000002 9,408 9,408 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000035 127 127 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 103 000000 019 5420 0092 31 000036 14,623 14,623 Total Expenditures 4,878,244 0 1,550,996 6,429,240 Ending Fund Balance 103 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 1,964,571 24,491 (1,550,996) 438,066 TOTAL IEXPENDITURES'&I END FUND BALANCE 6,842,815 24,491a 0 6,867,306, FUND 106-LIBRARY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 106 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 258,394 258,394 REVENUES: 1,166,850 1,166,850 Private Donations for Purchase of Books 106 000000 000 3670 0000 00 000000 1,694 1,694 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE - '1,425,244 ::1,694> 0 .1,426,936:'. EXPENDITURES: 1,143,376 1,143,376 Private Donations for Purchase of Books 106 000000 021 5720 0020 31 000081 1,694 1,694 Total Expenditures 1,143,376 0 1,694 1,145,070 Ending Fund Balance 106 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 281,868 1,694 (1,694) 281,868 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 1,425,244 1,694 0 1,426,938 FUND 207-1978 LTD GO BONDS-SR CENTER Beginning Fund Balance 207 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 65,265 65,265 REVENUES: 75,000 75,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 140,265 0 0 140,265 EXPENDITURES: 74,863 74,863 Debt Registration Costs 207 000000 033 5920 0055 85 000000 50 50 Total Expenditures 74,863 0 50 74,913 Ending Fund Balance 207 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 65,402 0 (50) 65,352 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 140,265 0 ;q 0 I;C140,265 FUND 212-1989 LTD GO REFUNDING BONDS-CITY SHOP Beginning Fund Balance 212 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 60,918 60,918 REVENUES: 295,900 295,900 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 356,818 ,:0 0 :356,818 EXPENDITURES: 293,381 293,381 Debt Registration Costs 212 000000 033 5920 0096 85 000013 50 50 Total Expenditures 293,381 0 50 293,431 Ending Fund Balance 212 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 63,437 0 (50) 63,387 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE a 356,818 0 0 ;356,818'I FUND 215-GENERAL GOVT MISCELLANEOUS DEBT Beginning Fund Balance 215 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 190,790 190,790 REVENUES: 784,000 784,000 Y 1996 Limited GO Bond Proceeds 215 000000 000 3910 0010 00 000000 553,342 553,342 TOTAL:REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 974,790 553,342 S; 0 I,1,528,1321 EXPENDITURES: 788,442 788,442 Residual Equity Tsf to Fund 501 215 000000 033 5870 0019 56 000501 540,125 540,125 Bond Issuance Costs 215 000000 033 5920 0096 84 000025 13,217 13,217 Debt Registration Costs 215 000000 033 5920 0019 85 000000 200 200 Total Expenditures 788,442 0 553,542 1,341,984 Ending Fund Balance 215 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 186,348 553,342 (553,542) 186,148 TOTAL IEXPENDITURES I&I END FUND BALANCE a: 974,790 553,342, s 0 1,528,132 FUND 102-ARTERIAL STREET FUND Beginning Fund Balance 102 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 170,317 170,317 REVENUES: 325,000 325,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 495517 0 0 495,317: EXPENDITURES: 379,248 379,248 Total Expenditures 379,248 0 0 379,248 Ending Fund Balance 102 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 116,069 0 0 116,069 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE'; `495,317 .. 0 0 495,317:I H:\Budgell1996\YEBudadi\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 2 11/26/96 • tir ,, - CITY OF RENTON 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues :', Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 104-COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND Beginning Fund Balance 104 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 (103,402.81) (103,402.81) REVENUES: 725,303.80 725,303.80 C94-751 Housing Repair Assistance Program 104 000000 000 3330 0014 20 000031 5,670.01 5,670.01 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 621,900.99 5,670.01 0.00 627,571.00aI EXPENDITURES: 621,900.99 621,900.99 C94-751 Housing Repair Assistance Program/Supplies 104 000000 020 5590 0011 31 000000 4.070.01 4,070.01 C94-751 Housing Repair Assistance Program/Consultant Svc 104 000000 020 5590 0011 41 000001 1,600.00 1,600.00 Total Expenditures 621,900.99 0.00 5,670.01 627,571.00 Ending Fund Balance 104 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 5,670.01 (5,670.01) 0.00 I: : :TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE>:: ,S:621,900.99 5,670.01 `r000 627,571..00.I FUND 105-MITIGATION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 105 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 7,216,659 7,216,659 REVENUES' 300,000 300,000 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 7,516 659 . 0 0 7,516,659 I EXPENDITURES: 7,216,659 7,216,659 Fire Station#14 Construction 105 000464 009 5940 0022 65 000065 (35,000) (35,000) Y Trf-Out/125/Fire Sta#14 1%for Art 105 000464 009 5970 0022 55 000001 35,000 35,000 Total Expenditures 7,216.659 0 0 7,216,659 Ending Fund Balance 105 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 300,000 0 0 300,000 TOTALEXPENDITURES&I END FUND BALANCE 7,516,659 0 0 7,516,659I FUND 118-RESERVE FOR PATHS&TRAILS FUND Beginning Fund Balance 118 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 3,484 3,484 REVENUES: 3,400 3,400 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,884 : 0 0 6,884 EXPENDITURES: 0 0 C/R 2755 SP Paths/OprTrfs-Out 118 000000 015 5970 0041 55 000015 4,095 4,095 Total Expenditures 0 0 4,095 4,095 Ending Fund Balance 118 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 6,884 0 (4,095) 2,789 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE,, 6,884 0 0 5,884I,. FUND 125-ONE PERCENT FOR ART FUND Beginning Fund Balance 125 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 42,713 42,713 REVENUES: 2,000 2,000 Y Trf-IrV105/Fire Sta#14 1%for Art 125 000000 000 3970 0000 00 000001 35,000 35,000 TOTAL REVENUES&,BEGIN FUND BALANCE : 44,713 35,000 0 79,713" EXPENDITURES: 44,713 44,713 Y Fire Station#14/1996 1%for Art 125 000000 003 5940 0090 64 000067 35,000 35,000 Total Expenditures 44,713 0 35,000 79,713 Ending Fund Balance 125 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 35,000 (35,000) 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES:&END FUND BALANCE a t144,713 35,000 0 79.713. FUND 127-CABLE COMMUNICATION DEV FUND Beginning Fund Balance 127 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 195,999 195,999 REVENUES: 8,000 8,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE r:. : <203,999 - s>0 -: 0 C203,999. EXPENDITURES: 23,800 23,800 Add Funding to Cover Expenditure Shortfall 127 000000 004 5940 0071 64 000084 700 700 Total Expenditures 23,800 0 700 24,500 Ending Fund Balance 127 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 180,199 0 (700) 179,499 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 203,999 0 0 203,999 I FUND 213-1983 UNLIMITED GO REFUNDING BONDS-COULON PARK Beginning Fund Balance 213 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 508,321 508,321 REVENUES: 712,000 712.000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,220,321 0 0 1,220i321 EXPENDITURES: 756,998 756,998 Total Expenditures 756,998 0 0 756,998 Ending Fund Balance 213 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 463,323 0 0 463,323 I TOTAL IEXPENDITURES:&:END FUND.BALANCE 1,220,321 0 :a 0 ;:>:1,220,321aI FUND 219-1989 UNLIMITED GO BONDS-SR HOUSING Beginning Fund Balance 219 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 386,332 386,332 REVENUES: 502,000 502,000 TOTAL REVENUES;&:BEGIN FUND BALANCE 888,332 .I. 0 0 888,332'; EXPENDITURES: 495,675 495,675 Total Expenditures 495,675 0 0 495,675 Ending Fund Balance 219 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 392.657 0 0 392,657 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 888,332 0 0 888,332 H:\Budget\1996\YEBudadj\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 3 11/26/96 view OF RENTON 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cncl 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ(I 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues <' Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 220-LID DEBT SERVICE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 220 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,315,904 1,315,904 REVENUES: 783,700 783,700 LID 302 Penalties/LID Assmts 220 000302 000 3610 0051 00 000000 8,950 8,950 LID 302 Interest/LID Assmts 220 000302 000 0361 0055 00 000000 21,945 21,945 LID 302 Curt Princ/LID Assmts 220 000302 000 3680 0000 00 000000 43,551 43,551 LID 314 Penalties/LID Assmts 220 000314 000 3610 0051 00 000000 12,032 12,032 LID 314 Interest/LID Assmts 220 000314 000 3610 0055 00 000000 17,241 17,241 LID 314 Curt Princ/LID Assmts 220 000314 000 3680 0000 00 000000 30,645 30,645 LID 326 Penalties/LID Assmts 220 000326 000 3610 0051 00 000000 4,182 4,182 LID 326 Interest/LID Assmts 220 000326 000 3610 0055 00 000000 3,252 3,252 LID 326 Curt Princ/LID Assmts 220 000326 000 3680 0000 00 000000 5,908 5,908 LID 330 Interest/LID Assmts 220 000330 000 3610 0055 00 000000 898 898 LID 330 Curt Princ/LID Assmts 220 000330 000 3680 0000 00 000000 1,811 1,811 LID 332 Penalties/LID Assmts 220 000332 000 3610 0051 00 000000 47,854 47,854 LID 332 Interest/LIDAssmts 220 000332 000 3610 0055 00 000000 204,316 204,316 LID 332 Curr Princ/LID Assmts 220 000332 000 3680 0000 00 000000 486,090 486,090 LID 337 Curt Princ/LID Assmts 220 000337 000 3680 0000 00 000000 7,117 7,117 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 2,099,604 895,792 0 2,995,396 EXPENDITURES: 690,353 690,353 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000285 033 0592 0095 89 000010 434 434 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000285 034 5870 0000 55 000221 89,311 89,311 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000302 033 5920 0095 89 000010 434 434 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000302 034 5870 0000 55 000221 929,713 929,713 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000313 033 5920 0095 89 000010 434 434 LID 314 Principal 220 000314 033 5910 0095 73 000000 100,000 100,000 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000314 033 5920 0095 89 000010 634 634 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000322 033 5920 0095 89 000010 442 442 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000322 034 5870 0000 55 000221 98,983 98,983 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000323 034 5870 0000 55 000221 80,736 80,736 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000324 034 5870 0000 55 000221 53,426 53,426 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000326 033 5920 0095 89 000010 475 475 LID Residual Equity Transfer Out 220 000328 034 5870 0000 55 000221 27,633 27,633 LID 329 Principal 220 000329 033 5910 0095 73 000000 5,000 5,000 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000329 033 5920 0095 89 000010 509 509 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000330 033 5920 0095 89 000010 450 450 LID 332 Principal 220 000332 033 5910 0095 73 000000 720,000 720,000 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000332 033 5920 0095 89 000010 484 484 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000335 033 5920 0095 89 000010 850 850 Other Debt Sery Costs/Adm Fees 220 000337 033 5920 0095 89 000010 567 567 Tsf-Out/401/LID 337 Dayton Ave 220 000337 033 5970 0095 55 000061 9,608 9,608 Total Expenditures 690,353 0 2,120,123 2,810,476 Ending Fund Balance 220 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 1,409,251 895,792 (2,120,123) 184,920 I S TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND,BALANCE 2,099.604 895,792r, 0 2,995,396 FUND 221-LID GUARANTY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 221 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 696,481 696,481 REVENUES: 24,000 24,000 LID Residual Equity Transfers In 221 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 1,279,802 1,279,802 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 720,481 1,279,802g' 0 ;;2,000,283 EXPENDITURES: 200,000 200,000 Total Expenditures 200,000 0 0 200,000 Ending Fund Balance 221 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 520,481 1,279,802 0 1,800,283 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 720,481 1,279,802 0 2,000,283 H:\Budget1t9961YEBudadj\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 4 11/26/96 CITY O,�, F RENTON ,,,,,. 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 302-OPEN SPACE FUND Beginning Fund Balance 302 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,098,517.70 1,098,517.70 REVENUES. 180,901.36 180,901 36 IAC Springbrook Trail Grant 302 000837 000 3340 0002 70 000000 126,720.00 126,720.00 1996 Interest/KC Open Space 302 000801 000 3370 0007 00 355701 9,770.63 9,770.63 Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000801 000 3370 0007 00 355701 (130.00) (130 00) Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000803 000 3370 0007 00 355703 (88 00) (88 00) Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000804 000 3370 0007 00 355704 (203 00) (203 00) Transfer of Funds for Black River Acq 302 000838 000 3970 0000 00 000099 86,500.00 86,500.00 Black River Conservations Future Grant 302 000807 000 3370 0007 00 000000 450,000 00 450,000.00 IAC Cedar River Trail/KC for Pedestrian Bridge 302 000824 000 3340 0002 70 000000 34,308 10 34,308.10 Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000801 000 3370 0007 00 355701 71,408.40 71,408.40 Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000803 000 3370 0007 00 355703 (103.78) (103.78) Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000804 000 3370 0007 00 355704 (1,313.93) (1,313.93) Investment Interest 302 000000 000 3610 0011 00 000000 48,802.03 48,802.03 I TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 1,279,419.06 825,670.45 0.00 r'2,105,089.51 EXPENDITURES: 1,279,419.06 1,279,419 06 IAC Springbrook Trail 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 126,720.00 126,720.00 1996 Interest/KC Open Space 302 000801 020 5940 0079 60 000000 9,770.63 9,770.63 Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000801 020 5940 0079 60 000000 (130.00) (130 00) Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000803 020 5940 0079 60 000000 (88.00) (88.00) Open Space King County Adm Fees 302 000804 020 5940 0079 60 000000 (203.00) (203.00) Allocate 1996 Investment Interest 302 000806 020 5940 0079 60 000000 361.72 361.72 Transfer of Funds for Black River Acq 302 000838 020 5940 0079 60 000000 86,500.00 86,500.00 Black River Conservations Future Grant 302 000807 020 5940 0079 60 000000 450,000.00 450,000.00 Allocate 1996 Investment Interest 302 000807 020 5940 0079 60 000000 4,064.86 4,064.86 Allocate 1996 Investment Interest 302 000809 020 5940 0079 60 000000 34,720.44 34,720.44 IAC Cedar River Trail/KC for Pedestrian Bridge 302 000824 020 5940 0079 60 000000 34,308.10 34,308.10 Allocate 1996 Investment Interest 302 000837 020 5940 0079 60 000000 9,655.01 9,655.01 Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000801 020 5940 0079 60 000000 71,408.40 71,408.40 Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000803 020 5940 0079 60 000000 (103.78) (103 78) Adj Bal to Agree to King County Open Space 302 000804 020 5940 0079 60 000000 (1,313.93) (1,313.93) Total Expenditures 1,279,419.06 0.00 825,670.45 2,105,089.51 Ending Fund Balance 302 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0.00 825,670 45 (825,670.45) (0.00) I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE r 1279,419.06 11825,670.451,' '.0.00 2,105,089.51 FUND 316-MUNICIPAL FACILITIES CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 316 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 1,856,493 1,856,493 REVENUES' 1,364,739 1,364,739 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Library Bank 316 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000027 6,037 6,037 Tsf-In from Fund 118-Paths&Trails/Springbrook Trail 316 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000002 4,095 4,095 King County Arts Commission Grant/Carco Theatre HVAC Repl 316 000000 000 3370 0007 03 000001 50,000 50,000 Y Option for Downtown Property/Level II Environ Assess 316 000000 000 3170 0035 00 000000 20,200 20,200 TOTAL,REVENUES&-BEGIN FUND.BALANCE 3,221,232 80,332t, 0 !,3,301,564: EXPENDITURES: 2,979,557 2,979,557 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement/Library Bank 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000123 6,037 6,037 Springbrook Trail Connection 316 000000 020 5940 0076 63 000006 4,095 4,095 King County Arts Commission Grant/Carco Theatre HVAC Repl 316 000000 020 5940 0076 62 000023 50,000 50,000 Y Option for Downtown Property/Level II Environ Assess 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000095 20,200 20,200 Reserve Park Beach Front Property 316 000000 020 5940 0076 61 000009 (86,500) (86,500) Trf-Out/302/Reserve Pk Beach Prop/Black River 316 000000 020 5970 0076 55 000099 86,500 86,500 Total Expenditures 2,979,557 0 80,332 3,059,889 Ending Fund Balance 316 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 241,675 80,332 (80,332) 241,675 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 3,221232 80,332 0 3,301.564, FUND 317-TRANSPORTATION CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 317 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 4,425,440 4,425,440 REVENUES: 15,049,268 15,049,268 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 317 000106 000 3950 0020 00 000027 3,504 3,504 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 11.9,474,708 ,3,504 : 0 119,478,212. EXPENDITURES: 19,435,882 19,435,882 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 317 000106 016 5950 0000 67 000000 3,504 3,504 Total Expenditures 19,435,882 0 3,504 19,439,386 Ending Fund Balance 317 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 38,826 3,504 (3,504) 38,826 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 19,474,708 3,504; 0 19,478,212>I FUND 319-SENIOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 319 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 15,239 15,239 REVENUES: 0 0 TOTAL'REVENUES r&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 15,239 0 0 15,239 EXPENDITURES: 15,239 15,239 Total Expenditures 15,239 0 0 15,239 Ending Fund Balance 319 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 I;> TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 15,239 .0 0 15,239 FUND 320-LID CONSTRUCTION FUND Beginning Fund Balance 320 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 0 0 REVENUES: 148,000 148,000 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE ;::148,000 > 0 0 148,000 EXPENDITURES: 148,000 148,000 Total Expenditures 148,000 0 0 148,000 Ending Fund Balance 320 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 0 0 0 0 I'f TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE; 148,000 : 0 0 148,000 I H:1Budget119961YEBudadPIEWRKSHT.XLS Page 5 1126r9e �r CITY OF RENTON m.,� 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ; 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues 'I Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 401-WATERWORKS UTILITY FUND Beginning Fund Balance 401 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 4,046,147 4,046,147 REVENUES: 19,527,477 19,527,477 Fire Station#14 Panther Crk Wetland Acq Program 401 000600 000 3690 0090 00 000018 4,588 4,588 Olympic Pipeline Consultant 401 000500 000 3690 0090 00 000018 28,515 28,515 Reimbursement fm Solid Waste for Clerical Support 401 000600 000 3490 0038 32 000081 745 745 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000500 000 3330 0020 20 000000 10,005 10,005 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000600 000 3330 0020 20 000000 126,885 126,885 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000400 000 3950 0020 00 000067 10,502 10,502 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000500 000 3950 0020 00 000011 11,314 11,314 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000600 000 3950 0020 00 000068 68,690 68,690 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 23,573,624 261,244 S; 0 <,23,834,868 EXPENDITURES: 21,157,804 21.157,804 Tsf Funds for Partial Purchase of File 401 000000 018 5390 0010 35 000000 (886) (886) Tsf Funds for Partial Purchase of File 401 000000 018 5340 0020 91 000030 886 886 Residual Equity Tsf to CIP 401 000000 018 5870 0011 00 000000 528,888 528,888 Olympic Pipeline Consultant 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000000 23,515 23,515 Increase Part Time/Reimbursement fm Solid Waste 401 000000 018 5380 0031 10 000000 745 745 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000000 019 5350 0050 10 000002 7,567 7,567 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000000 019 5380 0032 10 000002 7,567 7,567 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000000 019 5380 0032 31 000000 83,188 83,188 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000000 019 5380 0032 47 000007 23,289 23,289 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 401 000000 019 5380 0032 48 000000 10,404 10,404 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 401 000000 019 5340 0050 45 000002 2,266 2,266 Correct Replacement Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 401 000000 019 5350 0050 45 000002 10,335 10,335 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1996 401 000000 019 5340 0050 45 000002 4,380 4,380 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid Off in 1997 401 000000 019 5350 0050 45 000002 1,190 1,190 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5340 0050 10 000002 7,715 7,715 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5350 0050 48 000000 1,295 1,295 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5350 0050 31 000000 746 746 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5350 0050 10 000002 6,166 6,166 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5380 0032 31 000000 58,725 58,725 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5380 0032 10 000002 6,166 6,166 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5380 0032 10 000002 243 243 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 401 000000 019 5850 0038 31 000000 1,194 1,194 Bi-Monthly Aquifer Inspections/Tsf to Construction Fund 401 000000 018 5340 0020 41 000008 (39,000) (39,000) Residual Equity Transfer to CIP Fund 401 000000 018 5870 0011 00 000000 39,000 39,000 Total Expenditures 21,157,804 0 785,584 21,943,388 Ending Fund Balance 401 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2.415,820 261,244 (785,584) 1,891,480 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 23,573,624 261,244aa 0 23,834,868 H:\Budget\1996\YEBudadli\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 6 11/26/96 • Now CITY OF RENTON vior 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cnd 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADJ a 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues Expenditures Ad)Budget FUND 421-WATERWORKS UTILITY CIP FUND Beginning Fund Balance 421 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 7,355,042 7,355,042 REVENUES: 16,510,260 16,510,260 Revenue Bond Proceeds 421 000000 000 3820 0020 00 000000 (860,000) (860,000) Residual Equity Tsf for CIP 421 000000 000 3870 0000 00 000000 567,888 567,888 Water Connection Charges 421 000000 000 3880 0010 00 000010 50,000 50,000 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 421 000400 000 3830 0020 20 000000 8,000 8,000 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045065 16,407 16,407 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000400 000 3950 0020 00 045260 144,000 144,000 METRO/Rolling Hills/Maplewood Trans Main 421 000500 000 3830 0007 00 055065 310,394 310,394 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000500 000 3950 0020 00 055275 12,848 12,848 WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 421 000600 000 3830 0020 20 000000 13,100 13,100 SCS8-405/P-1 Culvert/Channel/Reclass Revenue 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065042 (56,461) (56,461) WSDOT Reimbursement Tukwila to Renton HOV Project 421 000600 000 3830 0020 20 065042 135,399 135,399 SCS/NRCS/Estside G Rvr Flood Control 421 000600 000 3830 0010 90 065230 (100,000) (100,000) Other Contributed Capital-Storm 421 000600 000 3880 0010 38 000000 4,095 4,095 Wetland Mitigation Bank 421 000600 000 3880 0010 00 065119 50,100 50,100 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000600 000 3950 0020 00 065260 23,007 23,007 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BAIANCE J<23,865,302 a.. '<318,777 a' 0 r:24,184,079 EXPENDITURES: 23,536,548 23,536,548 Debt Issuance Costs 421 000000 018 5920 0034 84 000015 (17,200) (17,200) East Renton Interceptor/Tsf to South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045000 (30,000) (30,000) Boeing Lift Station RepUTsf to South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045010 (50,000) (50,000) WSDOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 8,000 8,000 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045065 16,407 16,407 CBD Sewer Rept Ph II/Tsf to South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045135 (17,080) (17,080) Highgate Lift Station Elimination/Tsf to SW 16th St Sewer Repl 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045150 (280,000) (280,000) Central Renton Sewer Repl/Tsf to South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045170 (200,000) (200,000) LID 337 Dayton Sewer Main/Tsf to South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045220 (26,222) (26,222) South Renton Sewer Repl Ph I 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045235 323,302 323,302 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 045260 144,000 144,000 SW 16th St Sewer Replacement 421 000400 018 5960 0035 65 280,000 280,000 Need New Acct• Maplewood Supply 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055005 233,700 233,700 Water Quality Investigation/Tsf to Maplewood Supply 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055020 (73,700) (73,700) Winsor/Houser Pump Station/Tsf to Steel/AC Mn Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055025 (10,000) (10,000) Rollg Hls/Mplwd Tms Main 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055065 477,394 477,394 Trans Mn Mplwd to Hilnds/Tsf to Rollg HIs/Mplwd Tms Mn 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055070 (47,000) (47,000) Water Resources PlanTsf to Rollg Hls/Mplwd Tms Mn,Reuse Pilot Project 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055080 (49,800) (49,800) Pipe Oversizing 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055100 18,000 18,000 Telemetry Improvements 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055120 12,000 12,000 So.Talbot Hill Reservoir/Tsf to Steel/AC Mn Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055129 (3,225) (3,225) Well Level Telemetry/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055168 (37) (37) Tsf to Steel/AC Main Replacement 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 509,347 509,347 A/C Steel Main Replacement/Tsf fm Ending Fund Balance 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055170 50,000 50,000 Laboratory Equipment/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055198 (4,200) (4,200) Highlands 565 Zone Storage/Tsf to Steel/AC Mn Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055235 (102,000) (102,000) Rollg His Rsvr/Tsf to Rollg Hls/Mplwd Tms Main,Mplwd Supply,Well 3 Rehab 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055240 (640,000) (640,000) Park Ave Main Repl/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055245 (3,000) (3,000) Utility Developers Manual/Tsf to Telemetry,Pipe Oversizing 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055250 (20,000) (20,000) Water Rate Study/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055255 (770) (770) Reservoir Recoat/Tsf to 565 Reservoir Recoat 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055260 (128,989) (128,989) FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 12,848 12,848 Talbot Hill 16 Inch/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Replacement 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055275 (250,000) (250,000) Downtown Main Rehab/Tsf to Corrosion Cntrl Facilities,Well 3 Rehab 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055290 (557,000) (557,000) Water Permits on Sierra/Tst to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055300 (30,000) (30,000) 565 Reservoir Recoat 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055330 128,989 128,989 GUI Compliance Plan/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055360 (50,000) (50,000) Update Conservation Plan/Tsf to Steel/AC Mn Repl 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055370 (1,115) (1,115) Operating Plan/Tsf to Steel/AC Main Replacement 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055390 (55,000) (55,000) Well 3 Rehab 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 380,000 380,000 Well 3 Rehab 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055400 17,000 17,000 Corrosion Control Facilities 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055430 540,000 540,000 WD#90 Intertie/Tsf to Pipe Oversizing 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055445 (10,000) (10,000) Reuse Pilot Project 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055470 29,800 29,800 Aquifer Inspection ProgramlTsf fm Fund 401 Prof Svc:Aquifer Inspections 421 000500 018 5960 0034 65 055475 39,000 39,000 DOT Reimbursement for Flood Damage 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 13,100 13,100 Small Drainage Problems Program 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065015 107,617 107,617 Valley Study Project 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065025 35,000 35,000 Project Closed/Tsf to Small Drainage Problems 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065037 (3,751) (3,751) Project Closed/Tsf to Small Drainage Problems 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065042 (4,928) (4,928) Fire Station#14 Panther Crk Wetland Acq Program 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065076 4,588 4,588 Wetland Mitigation Bank Plan 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065119 50,100 50,100 NE 10th&Anacortes(Mission Hills)Storm 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065145 30,000 30,000 P-1 ChnUGrady Wy to 16th/Reimb fm Parks for Springbrook Trail 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065200 4,095 4,095 Cedar River Basin Plan CIP/Tsf to Small Drainage Problems Program 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065220 (50,000) (50,000) SCS/NRCS/Estside G Rvr Flood Control 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 (100,000) (100,000) Eastside Green River Flood Cntrl/Tsf to Valley Study Project 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065230 (35,000) (35,000) Houser Way Storm Sys Repl/Tsf to Lake Ave S/Tobin Storm Impry Proj 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065245 (50,000) (50,000) Lake Ave S/Tobin Storm Impry Project 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065250 50,000 50,000 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 421 000600 018 5960 0038 65 065260 26,000 26,000 Total Expenditures 23,536,548 0 640,270 24,176,818 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 328,754 318,777 (640,270) 7,261 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 23,865,302 318,777 0 24,184,079 I H:\Budget\1996\YEBudadj\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 7 11/26/96 Nforre CITY OF RENTON N...e 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS Cncl 1996 WE BUDGET ADt 1996 Final Apprvd Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues Expenditures Adj Budget FUND 402-AIRPORT Beginning Fund Balance 402 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 2,103,205 2,103,205 REVENUES: 697,719 697,719 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 402 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000027 107,797 107,797 TOTAL.REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE .... 2,800,924 107,797. 0 g.2,908,721I EXPENDITURES: 695,501 695,501 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 41 000700 107,118 107,118 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 10 000002 361 361 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 48 000070 169 169 FEMA Insurance Reimbursement 402 000000 016 5460 0020 47 000007 149 149 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid off in 1996 402 000000 016 5460 0020 45 000002 1,128 1,128 Total Expenditures 695,501 0 108,925 804,426 Ending Fund Balance 421 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 2,105,423 107,797 (108,925) 2,104,295 TOTAL EXPENDITURES&END FUND BALANCE 2,800,924 107,797 0 2,908,721 FUND 403-SOLID WASTE UTILITY Beginning Fund Balance 403 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 (21,108) (21,108) REVENUES: 6,652,524 6,652,524 TOTAL REVENUES&BEGIN FUND BALANCE 6,631,416 0 0 6,631,416 EXPENDITURES: 6,475,091 6,475,091 Reduce Professional SvclTsf to Storm for Clerical Support 403 000000 018 5370 0060 41 000000 (745) (745) Increase Reimbursement to Storm for Clerical Support 403 000000 019 5370 0050 91 000081 745 745 Replacement Chrgs for Vehicles Paid off in 1996 403 000000 019 5370 0050 45 000002 1,645 1,645 Total Expenditures 6,475,091 0 1,645 6,476,736 Ending Fund Balance 403 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 156,325 0 (1,645) 154,680 TOTAL-EXPENDITURES&END FUND(BALANCE.: 6,631,416 0 ::. 0 6,631,416. H:1Budget\19961YEBudadj\YEWRKSHT.XLS Page 8 11/26/96 CITY C,„,w .=NTON ,,,,,,. 1996 YEAREND BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 1996 Y/E BUDGET ADd 1996 Finat 396 Final Description Account Number Adj Budget Revenues Expenditures Adj;Budget f)Budget )URSE FUND ce 404 000000 000 3080 0000 00 000000 134,446 134,446 1,914,589 1,914,589 0 404 000000 000 3410 0070 00 000001 65,000 65,000 81,011 404 000000 000 3470 0030 00 000006 (20,485) (20,485) 1952 tal Impry 404 000000 000 3470 0030 00 000007 (15,483) (15,483) .82,963'I 404 000000 000 3470 0030 00 000009 (75,000) (75,000) 404 000000 000 3470 0030 00 000021 426 426 81,011 404 000000 000 3470 0030 00 000022 4,200 4,200 1,952 404 000000 000 3470 0060 00 000020 26,000 26,000 82,963 404 000000 000 3610 0011 00 000000 4,000 4,000 0 404 000000 000 3620 0010 00 000010 (1,552) (1,552) 82,963 I 404 000000 000 3620 0010 00 000011 30,000 30,000 404 000000 000 3620 0010 00 000012 1,100 1,100 404 000000 000 3620 0010 00 000013 2,600 2,600 1,188,450 itals 404 000000 000 3620 0040 00 000012 28,000 28,000 2,435,806 ills/Proshop 404 000000 000 3620 0080 00 000003 (11,000) (11,000) 166 ,n 404 000000 000 3690 0081 00 000000 4,000 4,000 540,125 luipment 404 000000 000 3950 0010 00 000002 26,185 26,185 (575,000) nbursement 404 000000 000 3950 0020 00 000011 15,038 15,038 3,718 BEGIN.FUND BALANCE _. 2,049,035 83,029,., S 0 a'.2,132,064 I 19,801 46,000 1,954,035 1,954,035 59,137 nbursement 404 000000 020 5760 0061 63 000020 15,038 15,038 42,494 Chrgs for 1995 Eqp Acq 404 000000 020 5760 0065 45 000002 5,831 5,831 1,760,697 I sr Vehicles Paid off in 1996 404 000000 020 5760 0065 45 000002 2,682 2,682 404 000000 020 5760 0061 31 000000 16,000 16,000 L745,574 404 000000 020 5760 0061 20 000001 (493) (493) 46,000 404 000000 020 5760 0061 20 000003 (510) (510) (11,500) 404 000000 020 5760 0061 42 000002 1,000 1,000 23,519 -tent 404 000000 020 5760 0061 35 000019 (10,000) (10,000) _ 166 404 000000 020 5760 0061 43 000060 800 800 !,803,759 404 000000 020 5760 0061 47 000001 5,500 5,500 803,938 404 000000 020 5760 0061 47 000002 1,199 1,199 {;960, 38 ce 404 000000 020 5760 0061 48 000000 3,500 3,500 ce/Custodial 404 000000 020 5760 0061 48 000020 (2,000) (2,000) 404 000000 020 5760 0061 49 000003 4,000 4,000 1,510,763 strations 404 000000 020 5760 0061 49 000012 (608) (608) ;,304,568 404 000000 020 5760 0065 20 000001 (691) (691) 113,753 404 000000 020 5760 0065 20 000003 (1,186) (1,186) 182,698 404 000000 020 5760 0065 20 000004 (4,784) (4,784) 18,959 404 000000 020 5760 0065 20 000009 (632) (632) 42,575 plies 404 000000 020 5760 0065 31 000000 9,000 9,000 250 404 000000 020 5760 0065 43 000060 764 764 t,173;586 404 000000 020 5760 0065 45 000002 (4,174) (4,174) 404 000000 020 5760 0065 47 000001 14,500 14,500 .357,221 404 000000 020 5760 0065 47 000002 2,504 2,504250 404 000000 020 5760 0065 48 000000 (2,949) (2,949) 4,591 ce 404 000000 020 5760 0068 10 000000 (20,277) (20,277) 28,503 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000001 (1,826) (1,826) 4,492 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000003 (2,246) (2,246) 165 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000004 (7.384) (7,384) 33,708 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000006 856 856 6,037 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000007 (134) (134) 14,887 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000009 (1,284) (1,284) 15,038 oensation 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000010 (271) (271) 26,908 404 000000 020 5760 0068 20 000070 130 130 24,162 404 000000 020 5760 0068 31 000078 13,000 13,000 91,697 age 404 000000 020 5760 0068 31 000079 (19,000) (19,000) 107,797 rise 404 000000 020 5760 0068 34 000000 50,000 50,000 715456 404 000000 020 5760 0068 43 000078 (1,500) (1,500) ,458,130 ge 404 000000 020 5760 0068 43 000079 (1•000) (1•000) ;173,586>I shop 404 000000 020 5760 0068 48 000080 (1.000) (1.000) trig Range 404 000000 020 5760 0068 48 000081 (1,000) (1.000) 1m Intermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7161 10 000000 (10,000) (10,000) 060,988 T 404 000000 020 5760 7161 20 000003 (744) (744) 590,267 -ttermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7161 20 000006 (909) (909) 651,255I tc Temp PT 404 000000 020 5760 7565 10 000000 (6,576) (6,576) PT 404 000000 020 5760 7565 10 000002 (1,498) (1,498) 334,702 p PT 404 000000 020 5760 7565 20 000001 1,060 1,060 334,702 404 000000 020 5760 7565 20 000003 (598) (598) 316,553 tc Intermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7665 10 000000 11,766 11,766 651;255.) it PT 404 000000 020 5760 7665 10 000002 1,078 1,078 mit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7665 20 000001 142 142 r 404 000000 020 5760 7665 20 000003 1,681 1,681 501,480 itermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7665 20 000006 1,023 1,023 765,658 roshop Temp PT 404 000000 020 5760 7768 10 000000 31,000 31,000 874,937 emp PT 404 000000 020 5760 7768 10 000002 395 395 142,076 I i PT 404 000000 020 5760 7768 20 000003 2,300 2,300 op Temp PT 404 000000 020 5760 7768 20 000006 1,850 1,850 782,320 roshop Intermt PT 404 000000 020 5760 7868 10 000000 (23,754) (23,754) 958,536 itermt PT 404 000000 020 5760 7868 10 000002 (653) (653) 740,857 ntPT 404 000000 020 5760 7868 20 000003 (1,838) (1,838) 401,219 rmt PT 404 000000 020 5760 7868 20 000006 (2,181) (2,181) 142,076 I roshop/Drvg Rg Intermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7968 10 000000 43,000 43,000 Rg Intermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7968 20 000003 4,214 4,214 g Rg Intermit PT 404 000000 020 5760 7968 20 000006 3,231 3,231 1,954,035 0 115,344 2,069,379 .e 404 000000 000 5080 0000 00 000000 95,000 83,029 (115,344) 62,685 )RES 8 END FUND BALANCE 2,049,035 83,029 0 2,132,064 ldadj\YEVJRKSHT.XLS Page 9 11/26/98 11/26/96 CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON PROVIDING FOR 1996 YEAREND BUDGET AMENDMENTS WHEREAS, it is necessary and advisable to amend the 1996 Budget as follows: Revenue Expenditure' Use of Ending BUDGET AMENDMENTS: Adjustments Adjustments Fund Balance 1.) Provide for New Grants Awarded-General Gov't Funds $305,644 $305,644 $0 2.) Provide for Port Quendall EIS 87,839 351,355 263,516 3.) Provide for Residual Equity Transfers-All Funds 3,887,815 3,887,815 0 4.) Provide for FEMA Reimbursements-All Funds 859,973 838,067 (21,906) 5.) Provide for 1996 GO& Revenue Bond Adjustments (881,658) (15,483) 866,175 6.) Provide for Unanticipated Operating Revenues&Expenditures 368,622 322,339 (46,283) 7.) Provide for Additional Carryforwards-All Operating Funds 5,670 7,335 1,665 8.) LID Fund Adjustments 895,792 840,321 (55,471) 9.) Open Space Fund Adjustments 825,670 825,670 0 10.) Waterworks Utility Construction Fund Adjustments 414,627 458,215 43,588 11.) Golf Course Operating&Capital Improvement Adjustments 69,943 102,258 32,315 12.) Operating Transfers 35,000 35,000 0 TOTAL 1996 YEAREND BUDGET:ADJUSTMENTS $6,874,937 $7,958,536 $1,083,599 SECTION I: The following adjustments are hereby allowed and established in each of the below listed funds: 1996 Adjusted Budget 1996 Amended EXPENDITURES: Budget Adjustment Budget 000-General Fund $31,200,513 $658,712 $31,859,225 101 -Parks Fund 6,778,570 48,258 6,826,828 102-Arterial Street Fund 379,248 0 379,248 103-Street Fund 4,878,244 1,550,996 6,429,240 104-Community Development Block Grant Fund 621,901 5,670 627,571 105-Impact Mitigation Fund 7,216,659 0 7,216,659 106-Library Fund 1,143,376 1,694 1,145,070 118-Reserve for Paths and Trails 0 4,095 4,095 125- 1%for Art Fund 44,713 35,000 79,713 127-Cable Communication Fund 23,800 700 24,500 207- 1978 Limited G.O. Bond Fund/Sr Center 74,863 50 74,913 212- 1989 Limited G.O. Ref Bond Fund/City Shop 293,381 50 293,431 213-1983/Unlimited G.O. Ref Bond Fund/Coulon Park 756,998 0 756,998 215-General Govt Miscellaneous Debt Service Fund 788,442 553,542 1,341,984 219- 1989 Unlimited G.O. Bonds/Sr Housing 495,675 0 495,675 220-L.I.D. Debt Service Fund 690,353 2,120,123 2,810,476 221 -L.I.D.Guaranty Fund 200,000 0 200,000 302-Open Space CIP Fund 1,279,419 825,670 2,105,089 316-Municipal Facilities CIP Fund 2,979,557 80,332 3,059,889 317-Transportation CIP Fund 19,435,882 3,504 19,439,386 319-Senior Housing Construction Fund 15,239 0 15,239 320-LID Construction Fund 148,000 0 148,000 401 -Waterworks Utility Fund 21,157,804 785,584 21,943,388 402-Airport Fund 695,501 108,925 804,426 403-Solid Waste Utility Fund 6,475,091 1,645 6,476,736 404-Golf Course Fund 1,954,035 115,344 2,069,379 421 -Waterworks Construction Fund 23,536,548 640,270 24,176,818 424-Golf Course Capital Improvement Fund 81,011 1,952 82,963 501 -Equipment Rental Fund 2,745,574 58,185 2,803,759 502- Insurance Fund 5,357,221 358,235 5,715,456 601 -Firemen's Pension Fund 334,702 0 334,702 ... .... ............... ....... . . .. TOTAL EXPENDITURES $141,782,320 $7,958,536 $149,740,856 TOTAL RESOURCES $141,782,320 $7,958,536 $149,740,856 1 SECTION II: A list of all individual budget adjustments is available for public review in the Office of the City Clerk, Renton Municipal Building. SECTION III: This Ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval,and five days after publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this day of December, 1996. Marilyn J. Petersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this day of December, 1996. Jesse Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J.Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: 2 CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Al#: 5', . SUBMITTING DEPT: FOR AGENDA OF: December 2, 1996 Finance and Information Services,Victoria Runkle AGENDA STATUS: SUBJECT: Consent X Public Hearing Non-Collectible Bad Debts Correspondence Ordinance Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Schedule of Non-Collectible Bad Debts New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Legal Dept X Refer to December 9, 1996 Finance Committee for Action Finance Dept...... ..X Other FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required....None Transfer/Amendment.... Amount Budgeted N/A Revenue Generated SUMMARY OF ACTION: Staff requests approval to write-off non-collectible bad debts totaling$49,907.29. Category Amount Accounts Receivable $12,437.42 LID's 235.39 Utilities 34,779.26 NSF Checks 2.455.22 Total $49,907.29 Items for Write Off Accounts Receivable No. Name For Amount Date Billed 01. Dynasties East Police False Alarms $ 25.00 4/21/92 02. Dynasties East Police False Alarms $ 25.00 6/4/92 03. E & H Enterprises Park and Garden Plaza Tie-Ins $ 3,166.96 12/2/88 04. E & H Enterprises Water Purity Samples $ 772.40 11/16/89 05. E & H Enterprises Renton Honda Purity Samples $ 20.25 12/22/89 06. Fore & Son Excavators 12" Bypass $ 925.40 11/16/89 07. Hill, Sabrina M. Damage Claim CL-91-114 $ 1,408.32 11/20/91 08. Holmes,Jody Damage Claim CL-92-176 $ 600.29 1/8/93 09. Johnson,Jay Dedrick Damage Claim CL-92-143 $ 1,440.89 1/6/83 10. Kirshner's Driving School Police False Alarms $ 25.00 7/14/93 11. Love,John, Contractor Damage Claim CL-89-015 $ 1,666.69 8/28/92 12. Marcotte, Steven P. Damage Claim CL-90-037 $ 150.00 8/20/92 13. Moore, Bill Damage Claim CL-92-145 $ 99.85 1/8/83 14. Nesbitt, Frederick R. Damage Claim CL-92-148 $ 1,463.81 11/5/93 15. Pizza Hut Police False Alarms $ 125.00 9/2/94 16. Pruitt, Travis W. Damage Claim $ 125.56 8/12/92 17. Radio Shack Police False Alarms $ 50.00 9/3/93 18. Riedle, Todd A. Damage Claim CL-92-120 $ 28.10 1/6/93 19. Ross, Ann After Hours Meter Turn-On $ 60.00 6/4/93 20. SBT Trucking Clean Up Hydraulic Oil Spill $ 208.90 12/9/93 21. Smith, Clarence &Patricia Repair of Broken Meter Stop $ 50.00 3/20/92 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 12,437.42 All of the above items have been at collections for over two years, and no payments or indication of payments have been made. City of Renton LID Assessment Write-Offs 1996 LID 285-28 Westec LTD $ .26 LID 322-327 Kevin Kinsey $ 235.13 ".le a Co w w °' O Z rn co v 0 v O O o 0) G. 0 ^ w0 Q in Q Z N 0 42 Z Z N Q' Cp ,- ,V., 0 o W in _j '�t re - 2 --r t CC 2 2 re r e�- C) m } } N ( } > } > } F, } � } I- } } y Co Q ¢ iZ w < w < w < w < < rii O Za a QU) a on oa Ma as MQ Ma < m3 0Z _1 Zg Z5 § 5 og § Z O CO N O O co 0) CO O J C) N O K) e- co O O O 1 i . I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 . . i i H N 7 0 CC') N. 4 cco, co M 6 . O N coO O 0 CA N O) 7 co O) Q U) C) CG O U) N. 0 co CI) z W a W 0 )n CO N O O O O C) N N In CO .- 0 O CO C') N. C) 0) O CO m N. < N CO N. 0 1- CA a. N .- O C') r- 0)e Q - ir 0 CO• W O O 0 > W COO CO') coO O U) z 2 W re O 0 co 1- Q N co _ _ , . U. W 01 CO LL ai 0 F N cif al < N 0 m o o ).. a J m W Z W W U) O > W W Q > 0 U) Q cn !) W W I- U) Y v } 2 2 C) >5 2 H I-- 0 D 0 -I F- E- J J .- CO W• 001 CO CON N w CO Q CO < CO0 > Z Z z Z < 2 Z W C/) co O N N co CO 0) Cu- 00 N N Nt r N N N NC) (0 '7 ,- f- co ul N w d' N 0 Co • U) _O a_ Q) O w W Cf O Co rs to W CCn ') • ¢ N pi- O � Z m O Z v U v m woo co 0 Q � � N m Cn > N WN VO . ZW 10 U) Y J1- N Cn z �u m Q ea-) o > m WN > r N co QU) o Q w z >1 a w 1- � zw zm 50 0 0mN OW =CI II/ WNW U) w � m ww 02 x Jw0 1 >Q zW W -, 0) WZCn } m J m 1... > } • wZ � dLNO Q2Q 1. J > OW Q > ZNQ M � Q 0 JQ Q �2.. Q W QQ y Oom ce wai 60� � U N- > _ � _ - CZ Z � . � moo - ¢ a (O ° N- O Mzm Z - ° C cc LLZ ° mUo < < Q0 o3z mw0 Ow ° ZNw O NY QQYmZ mNz CJN5, (0Z U) Qmz O7, 14 a- oZ zNZ O - 0 O• - 0 U) Q a_ co ROD Nd' a .- N 0NCC C0O0. < .- 0 W vCC a' � CC 03cou. 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Q o cotAm OF) Wm. rn Zo I_ M OW n i- Z o v) W o ay: i co M WQ O > Q ZZ co co o mW '( J < U0Z > w ¢ 3 � o5 � zo u) zw : g o F- O W W > CCU J cWC" ZF- O . < < NW SJZ ZaZZ NJoO c0 w• � Q a�0 Z Co Z Z OtL W J U J g Z X O > X F-1 S LL O 2 — X Z .W.l vY Oa )_ (9CoI 3MQ wvY O—a, cZvZ E20 W � � ZVZ � Zmj tOJn w w < 25 mNw M (0O = off < a — aow aOW JcoO 1- 1- o W w1- O - .— LL ncoY aMCC }- .- m 0) D) a OcoY OoY -1a0) m .— a O < %OC 2Qam M CO N v Co co co sr) co co COM co Or N N N N N r N CO co co co co co aD co CD CO co a) a) C) C) co co C) co a) co o to co Co to w W 0 w w `_' 0 0 CC 0 CC D cc a Y CO Z a ¢2 J -I J -I J a O C) ... 0 CI CO e- CO' '7 to C) co et CO N co to co N N N W i t t t C t t t N t t t C) t t t t t '� t t I N t t t V t I lei . . . 6 t t t C) t t i C) t co O N Co a) co 7 to Co C) Co ,- CO N - t` co Co co to • cst co co c') CO N Co n CO t` Co Co to r` - co to Co Y Co Cl Co Co O� CO I N C) 'C a) co Co N V t• co 7 C) Co Co N f` e- co to Co Co 4 r. N o u) .4. � m co ea >. CC Z O. 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Z � JM Q' a C) 0 CO r' Co el Co 7 to Co CO COO to el O O N N I` n Is ep co co ) O to 9 Q) co co co Co Co Co co Co co co co co a) Co a) co C) a) a) a) a) a) M CA rn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z Z _N Z Z Z Z Z Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F- t- H H j UJ J CC a a Cr 0 J H J J J J J a J 0 CO N CO CO 1 . 1 III O < N C C C) C C $ O C t C •coC C CO• C C t N C N N C") N rn r; coto C) C) w Co CO O n C) CO to CO N. N C7 K) (71 C) CO n C7 7 C') C) CO co co O` N O C') N Co C) U) CO Cl C) co C) C') .-. N co C') co N N n O N N CO co to O 'C C') n co CO O) N to to ca'•) tri n n cN') CO ci U)) CCOO coO N N N O () O) N ..... C') co v r .- N N O 0 O U, V N CO CO N N 0 0 C2 O CD CO T Cl _ w 0 Z w u) > w Y Q u) Q U_ [L Z Z co 3 0 > } w > 0 u~) u~) v Z Y rn u) Z r~i N `t Z 0 a 0 a Z Y < 3 uwi 0 a z z n to O u) n 2 w O to O N O 'p CI N n to V' n O N 0 n O v , .- N .- C) CO C) CO N N C) N O J C) W 0rm') .cr to CD n CO co O 0 N C N wt') o CON co co .- o Z co to W No Z rn Z Y OOi ch O' C) d C7 N O CO N CD d' V) CO 0 On n1. Qn ~ wC�r e6 ry °f to co rn i- co � w0 O0w � Zm 3 cocx ' ILI> a) )- °) ZD ` IXwW 0 i rn I- ZD � W Q » u' < = Z3 zwa 0 > < oa ZO < Waa 3 ¢ OM < u' a � Dui � viva 00 u=i = � wad v `r � 9' I--p� = - OV 0i > Ill nz0 U W (Z_7 � 0 Ya3w >- w0 U W 0 m 111 00 mtN) U 2 co g LU mrr) ¢ ow X Iw = $ D MI v. w 2a3w wow ?}� °Dw ¢ ow Mo ¢ I¢- rnw 00 � O CO w .- a' N co 0_ 0 • Cr (i) .- co Y CO Q' > N..-C.' d CO Cr to LL CO e- CC. O N CO N CO C') M CO in co co coCO n N Q rn 9 a a) 9 9 9 a) a) Q) F- CO CO CO CO CO O CO CO CO O) 0 Q) O) C) O) CA CT O) CA CA CA I-' Items for Write Off Returned Checks No. Name Department Amount Date of Check 01. Anderson, Kelly Pet License $ 3.00 7/12/95 02. Baker,William D. Community Center $ 25.00 1/23/95 03. Benton, Lynne A. Community Center $ 22.00 4/21/94 04. Brown, Christine Community Center $ 12.00 8/3/95 05. Cano, Charlene A. Community Center $ 130.00 6/8/94 06. Carson, Barbara K. Pet License $ 6.00 6/10/94 07. Cole, Cari L. Pet License $ 10.00 5/26/94 08. Corliss, Chuck E. Community Center $ 6.50 2/10/94 09. D.B.S. Inc Business License $ 13.75 4/12/95 10. Dodd, Sylvia J. Community Center $ 55.00 11/4/94 11. Donley, Paul D. Utility Account $ 51.62 11/9/94 12. Grosvenor, Vickie M. Community Center $ 30.00 11/20/94 13. Jones, Havalock A. Utility Account $ 66.98 1/23/95 14. Kiepke, Amber Community Center $ 10.00 5/15/94 15. Lockwood, Bail Community Center $ 30.00 3/1/94 16. Mills, Michelle A. Community Center $ 165.00 6/14/95 17. Morgan, Mary A. Utility Account $ 25.00 3/9/95 18. Murray, Tricia Utility Account $ 129.92 2/8/95 19. Sheely, Christina D. Utility Account $ 30.00 12/19/94 20. Speer, Gary Community Center $ 27.25 4/12/94 21. Starks, Robin L. Community Center $ 11.20 6/10/94 22. Stone Hill Development Cor Water Install/Water Utility Conne $ 1,540.00 12/2/94 23. Zielinski, Laura Marlene Community Center $ 55.00 8/15/94 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CHECK $ 2,455.22 All of the above items have been at collections for over one year, and no payments or indication of payments have been made. wp December . 1996 i"' Renton City Council Minutes Page 441 Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler thanked staff for their work on the density workshops and expressed her appreciation for the interdepartmental cooperation in compiling information for Council consideration. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 12/9/96 for second and final reading: Utility: 1997 Utility Rates An ordinance was read amending Section 8-1-9 of Chapter 1, Garbage; 6�JV v rt 1 r-� Subsection 8-2-2.G of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage; 8-4- �C/ 31.C.1 and C.4, of Chapter 4, Water; and Subsection 8-5-15.D.4 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code relating to the 1997 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. Councilmember Corman commended staff and the Citizens Utility Advisory Committee for their work on the utility rates. He pointed out that due to their efforts, there will be no rate increase in 1997. Mayor Tanner also complimented the Advisory Committee for their efforts. Finance: 1997 Property An ordinance was read fixing the rates and/or amount of taxes to be levied at Tax Rates the rate of $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed property value for the total amount of $14,374,187, and levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the City of Renton, Washington, to finance the departments and activities of City government, and to provide for the general obligation bond principal and interest redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January, 1997. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. Finance: 1997 Budget An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1997 in the total balanced amount of $95,310,175, as amended by the City Council and adjusting miscellaneous park and golf fees. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL OPEN Council: 1997 President NOMINATIONS FOR 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND NOMINATE and President pro tem COUNCILMEMBER KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER.* Election Councilmember Corman expressed concern with potential limitation of duties by Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler in serving as Mayor Pro Tern. Noting her excellent performance for 13 years on the Council including three terms as Council President, Councilmembers Nelson, Parker, and Edwards praised Ms. Keolker-Wheeler for her integrity and good judgment, and expressed confidence in her ability to perform the duties of Council President in an exemplary manner. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMEMBER BOB EDWARDS AS 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE NOMINATIONS FOR 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. APPROVE.° BY CITY COUNCIL . Date iig-a-94' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 2, 1996 Density Workshop (Referred June 24, 1996) The Planning and Development Committee met in two workshop sessions on October 15 and November 27, 1996 to review issues associated with density regulations in the Single Family Land Use Designation and R-8 development regulations. Committee members requested a workshop because of recent appeals involving interpretations of Comprehensive Plan Policies and zoning code regulations. Staff presented information and analysis of the City's revised single family capacity, platting and building trends, a profile of average densities in,plats occurring since 1993, four alternative scenarios for making changes in the density regulations, and a matrix of tools which could implement the scenarios. The Committee recommends that these issues be referred to the Planning Commission for study and a report back to the Planning and Development Committee on how the City can amend its policies and/or regulations. The Committee indicated that the Commission should review a variety of solutions. The Committee also gave the following general direction on three implementation tools. 1. Rezoning of properties should not be considered. 2. Shifting growth forecasts from multi-family to single family is supported. 3. Lowering the minimum density within the range determined to be "urban" under the Growth Management Act should be reviewed. certiTi . 0\12th Kathy K olker-Wheeler, Chair Randy Cor ;Vice Timothy J. Sc , Member cc: Mayor Tanner Jay Covington Gregg Zimmerman Michael Kattermann Jim Hanson Rebecca Lind Marilyn Petersen December 2, 1996 `'g►' Renton City Council Minutes Page 441 Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler thanked staff for their work on the density workshops and expressed her appreciation for the interdepartmental cooperation in compiling information for Council consideration. ORDINANCES AND The following ordinances were presented for first reading and referred to the RESOLUTIONS Council meeting of 12/9/96 for second and final reading: Utility: 1997 Utility Rates An ordinance was read amending Section 8-1-9 of Chapter 1, Garbage; Subsection 8-2-2.G of Chapter 2, Storm and Surface Water Drainage; 8-4- fINANLg 31.C.1 and C.4, of Chapter 4, Water; and Subsection 8-5-15.D.4 of Chapter 5, Sewers, of Title VIII (Health and Sanitation), of City Code relating to the 1997 utility rates for all customer classes. MOVED BY CORMAN, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. Councilmember Corman commended staff and the Citizens Utility Advisory Committee for their work on the utility rates. He pointed out that due to their efforts, there will be no rate increase in 1997. Mayor Tanner also complimented the Advisory Committee for their efforts. Finance: 1997 Property An ordinance was read fixing the rates and/or amount of taxes to be levied at Tax Rates the rate of $3.60 per thousand dollars of assessed property value for the total amount of $14,374,187, and levying the same upon all taxable property, both real and personal, in the City of Renton, Washington, to finance the departments and activities of City government, and to provide for the general obligation bond principal and interest redemption requirements for the year beginning on the first day of January, 1997. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. Finance: 1997 Budget An ordinance was read adopting the annual budget for the year 1997 in the total balanced amount of $95,310,175, as amended by the City Council and adjusting miscellaneous park and golf fees. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL REFER THE ORDINANCE FOR SECOND AND FINAL READING ON 12/9/96. CARRIED. NEW BUSINESS MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL OPEN Council: 1997 President NOMINATIONS FOR 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND NOMINATE and President pro tem COUNCILMEMBER KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER.* Election Councilmember Corman expressed concern with potential limitation of duties by Councilmember Keolker-Wheeler in serving as Mayor Pro Tern. Noting her excellent performance for 13 years on the Council including three terms as Council President, Councilmembers Nelson, Parker, and Edwards praised Ms. Keolker-Wheeler for her integrity and good judgment, and expressed confidence in her ability to perform the duties of Council President in an exemplary manner. *MOTION CARRIED. MOVED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, SECONDED BY PARKER, COUNCIL ELECT COUNCILMEMBER BOB EDWARDS AS 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CLOSE NOMINATIONS FOR 1997 COUNCIL PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT PRO TEM. CARRIED. APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL . Date ial-a-94' PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT December 2, 1996 Density Workshop (Referred June 24, 1996) The Planning and Development Committee met in two workshop sessions on October 15 and November 27, 1996 to review issues associated with density regulations in the Single Family Land Use Designation and R-8 development regulations. Committee members requested a workshop because of recent appeals involving interpretations of Comprehensive Plan Policies and zoning code regulations. Staff presented information and analysis of the City's revised single family capacity, platting and building trends, a profile of average densities in plats occurring since 1993, four alternative scenarios for making changes in the density regulations, and a matrix of tools which could implement the scenarios. The Committee recommends that these issues be referred to the Planning Commission for study and a report back to the Planning and Development Committee;,on how the City can amend its policies and/or regulations. The Committee indicated that the Commission should review a variety of solutions. The Committee also gave the following general direction on three implementation tools. 1. Rezoning of properties should not be considered. 2. Shifting growth forecasts from multi-family to single family is supported. 3. Lowering the minimum density within the range determined to be "urban" under the Growth Management Act should be reviewed. c:ed . 6d/AILLea Kathy KVolker-Wheeler, Chair •• Dandy Cor ;Vice b � Timothy J. Sc , Member cc: Mayor Tanner Jay Covington Gregg Zimmerman Michael Kattermann Jim Hanson Rebecca Lind Marilyn Petersen RENTON CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting November 18, 1996 Council Chambers Monday, 7:30 p.m. Municipal Building MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Mayor Jesse Tanner led the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and called the meeting of the Renton City Council to order. ROLL CALL OF TONI NELSON, Council President; BOB EDWARDS; RANDY CORMAN; COUNCILMEMBERS TIMOTHY SCHLITZER; KING PARKER; DAN CLAWSON; KATHY KEOLKER-WHEELER. CITY STAFF IN JESSE TANNER, Mayor; JAY COVINGTON, Executive Assistant to the ATTENDANCE Mayor; DAVID DEAN, Assistant City Attorney; MARILYN PETERSEN, City Clerk; GREGG ZIMMERMAN, Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator; PAULA HENDERSON, Financial Planning Manager; TERRY HIGASHIYAMA, Recreation Director; GLENN KOST, Resource Coordinator; LESLIE BETLACH, Parks Director; JAMES SHEPHERD, Facilities Director; VICTORIA RUNKLE, Finance and Information Services Administrator; PRISCILLA PIERCE, Administrative Analyst; PATRICIA BENSON, Recreation Supervisor; CHIEF ALAN L. WALLIS, Police Department. APPROVAL OF MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL APPROVE COUNCIL MINUTES THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 1996, AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. PROCLAMATION A proclamation by Mayor Tanner was read declaring the day of November 21, Education Day - 11/21/96 1996, to be Education Day in the City of Renton, and urging Renton citizens and businesses to look for ways they can support and improve education in the community. Renton School District Superintendent Gary Kohlwes accepted the proclamation and expressed his appreciation for the City's support and promotion of education by way of the D.A.R.E. program and various recreational programs. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE PROCLAMATION. CARRIED. SPECIAL Chief of Police Alan L. Wallis presented Doris Rogers with a volunteer PRESENTATION appreciation award. Stating that the Police Department was fortunate to have Police: Department a volunteer with previous experience in police records, he described her Volunteer Award contributions to the records unit. Chief Wallis noted that Ms. Rogers has been a volunteer since 1993 and commended her for her 500 hours of service. PUBLIC HEARING This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published Budget 1997 Budget & in accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public 1998 Spending Plan hearing to consider the 1997 City of Renton Preliminary Budget and 1998 Spending Plan. Finance and Information Services Administrator, Victoria Runkle, provided an overview of the 1997 budget. She announced that the total balanced budget amount of $94,910,175 is 3.2% below the 1996 budget. Ms. Runkle reported that the City's key goals are to develop an annexation strategy, to improve Renton's image, economic development, service productivity and innovation, and to address City administration and public safety space needs. Nome November 18, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 424 Continuing, Ms. Runkle described the City's capital improvements for 1997. They are: 1) matching funds for parks acquisition including Cedar River Regional Park, Heather Downs and the downtown plaza; 2) Neighborhood Playground Equipment and; 3) major maintenance of City facilities which includes the community center. In closing, Ms. Runkle said that in the future the City will strive to protect and improve its tax base, improve service to citizens and anticipate change. Responding to Council inquiry, Ms. Runkle stated that there will be no shortfall in the 1997 budget. She explained that the City is using one-time revenues to fund one-time expenditures. Ms. Runkle pointed out that all of the City's fund balances will be at the City's targeted goal of 8%. Audience comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY NELSON, COUNCIL SUSPEND THE RULES AND ADVANCE TO OLD BUSINESS, COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMITTEE REPORT REGARDING THE FIRE STATION #14 AND TRAINING CENTER SCULPTURE. CARRIED. Community Services Community Services Committee Chair Parker presented a report regarding the Committee 1% for Art proposal for Fire Station #14 and Training Center. The Executive: Fire Station Community Services Committee recommended concurrence in the Renton #14 & Training Center Municipal Arts Commission's recommended choice of artist Hai Ying Wu's Sculpture, 1% for Art sculpture design to glorify the men and women firefighters who risk their lives, and sometimes lose their lives in the line of duty. The design is composed of four firefighters (designed in bronze) in a tense moment of action. The base is composed of granite slabs. The names of firefighters who sacrificed their lives will be listed on the side of the base. The height of the sculpture is nine eight feet tall. (See later motion.) Councilman Parker invited Deborah Hansen and M.B. Escher of the Renton Municipal Arts Commission and the artist Hai Ying Wu to display a model of the proposed sculpture to Council. Mr. Parker praised the Municipal Arts Commission for their efforts and choice of artwork. Deborah Hansen stated that the sculpture will be located at the entrance of Fire Station #14 and Training Center located at SW 19th St. and Lind Ave. SW. Commenting that this sculpture will add to the City's already remarkable collection of public art, Ms. Hansen pointed out that the sculpture will be eight feet tall, not nine feet as stated in the committee report. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL AMEND THE COMMITTEE REPORT TO STATE THE HEIGHT OF THE SCULPTURE AS EIGHT FEET TALL. CARRIED. MOVED BY PARKER, SECONDED BY SCHLITZER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT AS AMENDED. CARRIED. AUDIENCE COMMENT Marjorie Richter, 300 Meadow Ave. N., Renton, 98055, commented that she Citizen Comment: Richter attended Metro's community meeting regarding the new transit routing - Downtown Transit changes and in response to citizen comments, she offered the following Hub/Transit Routing clarifications: 1) the Renton Sounding Board received no pay or favors; 2) the routing changes are not politically motivated; 3) the purpose of the transit changes was not to revitalize downtown Renton; and 4) no one can run for Mayor or a Council position unless they are of age and a Renton resident. o CITY OF RENTON FINANCE& INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: November 11, 1996 TO: Council Members FROM: Victoria Runkle VIA: Mayor Tanner SUBJECT: Response to One-time Revenue/Expenditures Questions There are several issues related to the question of why we are using one-time funds to pay for equipment instead of investing it into one large project. In putting the 1997-1998 budget together, my major emphasis was placed on ensuring long term fiscal health of the City. Specifically, the Council asked the following questions: • How would we have funded the programs without the one-time funds? • How would we finance a swimming pool or other major items? Should we use one-time dollars for them instead of the proposal? • What interest costs would be associated with funding these costs in a different way? • Are there dedicated funds? First, we need to describe the source of the one-time monies and how this decision was similar to many made in the past. The following table shows where the funds came from: One-time Revenues $1,530,000 Street Fund Balance 200,000 Capital Fund 1,468,000 From LID Fund 525,8CC ER Fund Balance 192,000 Miscellaneous 3,915,800 Total 400,000 Ongoing REET 4,315,800 Available for All Capital We have used these types of funds for several years. Each year we have used some fund balance to fund one-time items. In 1996 we used $600,000 to meet computer needs from the Rainy Day Fund. We had achieved the 8 percent goal, and were able to transfer funds. Last year we also "swept" the LID Guaranty Fund. We moved $200,000 to the capital fund. In 1995 we used$250,000 from the LID Fund to meet one-time requirements. c:data:council.doc Page 1 11/14/96 'tease NNW REET funds have been used for years for major maintenance needs. Each year we budget approximately $400,000 for ongoing needs. Legally, REET funds must be used for capital facilities. The only difference between this year and previous years is we have more funds to use. We also have some major one-time requirements over the next few years in the area of technology. WHY USE THESE FUNDS AS RECOMMENDED? The primary reason we are in favor of using these funds as recommended is to preserve our options in paying for a new building. The attached graph illustrates our current Councilmanic annual payments. We currently have debt service of approximately $1.4 million a year. When we put the building proposal together our goal was to maintain debt at approximately this level. The goal was not to increase our LTGO payments so that we did not have to reduce services to pay for a new building. Most of our current LTGO debt will be retired by the year 2003. This is illustrated on the attached graph. We have then placed the assumption of what the debt picture would look like if we incurred debt for $500,000 in 1997 and, $500,000 again, in 1998 to meet our normal routine equipment needs. On top of that debt, we have assumed we would borrow $750,000 for the police system in 1998. If we borrowed for these items, the additional debt service payments would be$295,500. In 1998 our interest payments, alone,would be an additional$40,000. The graph finally assumes LTGO debt for the building. The final piece illustrates even with paying the building off in later years, our annual debt service for the next few years would hover in the $2,000,000 range on an annual basis. 1997/1998 STRATEGIES. In putting together the 1997/98 budget with the major objective of obtaining a new building, the overall goal was: can we pay cash for capital one-time items. Further, if we can achieve this goal in 1997/98, how do we endure long term ability to meet these needs, if one-time monies do not exist in the future. Outlined below are the strategies for large one-time expenditures and how we will continue to pay for these in the future. Vehicles. We have purchased our moving fleet with debt since, at least, 1989. This was accomplished then to meet a growing need for cash for operations. It was a policy decision, and one that many cities made in that period of time. However, given our other future needs for our LTGO debt— a new building, major fire equipment, other items noted in the long range plans of the city — it seemed prudent to ask the policy question concerning the use of our debt. Should it be for major capital investment such as a building, golf course, senior and community center, as in the past—or should it be used for short term operating needs—such as vehicles. Given the issues we faced, and our ability to pay without impacting ongoing services, in 1996 we began to analyze ways to reintegrate ongoing costs into the operating budget. Our recommendation is that by the year 2000 our fleet will be primarily cash funded. This is stated with some exceptions. Fleet with an age of less than 10 years will be cash funded. Large pieces of equipment with a 10 to 20 year life are quite expensive, and we are not ready with a complete policy review of whether it is better to have an extra $1,000,000 in the reserves to pay for these things on a very regular basis or whether it is better to debt finance these items. As we further analyze the issues, we will bring a policy paper to you for discussion at the Finance Committee to set policy for the City over the next few years. c:data:council.doc Page 2 11/14/96 In 1999, we believe we will have the cash funding to pay for the "small" equipment. We are collecting a charge from almost all vehicles to pay into the replacement fund. We will also be articulating that some excess end-of-the-year fund balances over the next two years should be placed in the Equipment Rental Fund to secure funding for 1999. Again, by the year 2000, the annual need for approximately $500,000 to replace vehicles should be available throughout the budget in the form of payments to the Equipment Rental Fund. Stating this, I want to also assure you that we are working hard within the administration to get to this point. The last year has been difficult in the area of equipment management and funding. The decisions over the next year will be as difficult. Computer Needs. We have established that productivity and efficiency are one of our major goals for the City. We now have over 500 micro computers, eight servers, two main computers and one computer that must be taken off line by the year 2000. We know, that while it is difficult to quantify, technology does make us more efficient. Examples include checking out books, communicating, producing utility bills and answers more quickly for our customers. Technology permits us to do more with the same staff. Technology also is dynamic. We have to have a turn over of a percentage of machines each year. The older machines do not operate the software, and they simply stop operating. The $400,000 investment in 1997 is very small. Of that total, over$150,000 is for the replacement of our current Payroll system that is operating on our WANG system, and must be replaced by the year 2000. Over 75% of the 1998 expenditure for computers is for a new police system. This and the payroll system are one-time. Again, we have used fund balance in the past for these type of expenditures. We have no plans for changing that overall concept. Certainly, large replacement systems as the police, payroll, utility billing systems can be debt financed. This is an issue of • ongoing expenditures for interest against the option of simply using some savings to pay for these necessary operational requirements. Computers are not something the public uses directly. However, without these technological improvements we will have a serious degradation of services; especially in the areas of court costs,jail expenditures, and tracking difficult offenders. Major Maintenance Needs. We are recommending we spend $597,000 on a significant number of major maintenance projects. While each can be discussed on its own merits, the concept of dedicating our REET to Major Maintenance has been one that has been in place for over a decade. REET funds will comprise over 61 percent of our recommended expenditures. We have been working on a CIP that will outline the requirements over time of our capital infrastructure. It is not ready yet, because as we identify the "needs" of departments, we must then answer the obvious question of long term resolution. The Capital Facilities Plan, adopted several years ago, identified over 1000 acres of parks and space and 39 facilities in the Parks Department alone. In addition, we will have five fire stations, several maintenance shop areas, and other various city owned spaces. We are dedicating a mere $597,000 to maintenance in 1997 and$400,000 in 1998. If we halt maintenance projects, our property will not be maintained. We will have neighborhood parks without play equipment; general repair of our facilities will transcend into a space where replacement at some point will have to occur instead of major maintenance. Roofs have to be maintained — especially in our climate. We would have facilities, the use of which would be questionable. c:data:council.doc Page 3 11/14/96 ',owe w.•' Again, if we use debt to pay for ongoing items, the issue is how much interest is being paid on that debt, leaving actual fewer dollars for concrete. Investment for the Future: Of the requested funds, we are proposing allocating $600,000 to the purchase of two major events. The first is to place monies aside for the potential opportunity in the downtown core. We have also set aside $200,000 as an "opportunity account" for the Parks Department. We have a long history of being able to maximize opportunities in matching grants. However, in order to achieve those grants, we must demonstrate we having matching funds AVAILABLE. The funds must be there, not a promise. We have used these funds in the past to acquire Narco and Black River. We believe we can use these funds for development of areas such as Cedar River park and other opportunities. We have done this in the past. In fact, the 1996 budget included over$100,000 set aside for this expressed use, and again, was used in 1995 and 1996 to acquire property. WHAT WOULD WE DO IF WE USED THESE ONE-TIME FUNDS FOR SOMETHING BESIDES THAT WHICH IS PROPOSED? Many of the expenditures we are recommending for these funds would have to be accomplished. We would take several strategies. 1. We would borrow$1,000,000 for the vehicles over the next two years. We would delay cash financing of short-term fleet for several years. Interest costs would be approximately $22,000; annual debt service would be $166,000. We would have to find that much from operations in 1998 to pay for the debt service. 2. We would borrow another $750,000 for the Police System. The computer system has to be replaced. It cannot operate at all much longer, and in its current configuration provides only minimal amount of help for the police. We would have to find $129,500 from operations to meet the total debt service costs with $17,000 of that being interest payments. 3. The $400,000 for major maintenance would either simply not be replaced — or again, we would have to reduce our operating programs. Borrowing for this kind of expenditure would not be favorably reviewed by the investment firms. In the long term, this kind of borrowing will translate into a lower bond rating which will cost in higher interest rates on future issues (and possibly on any one that we would do for major maintenance.) 4. The additional $400,000 required for computers —we would cut $175,000 from the budget to meet the payroll requirement, and another$100,000 to meet ongoing needs for replacement computers, etc. We would fund only the ones that actually fail. We would do no increases in programming. Training computers and other technological tools would be eliminated. Somewhere, less would be accomplished. 5. Police vehicles are funded in this budget with this one-time money. We would reduce operating costs by $325,000 to meet the police requirements over the next two years. We used this money this year to meet some new initiatives (which we would eliminate in the budget). However, any new growth in the coming years will be first dedicated to police vehicles as it always has been in the past. c:data:council.doc Page 4 11114/96 Nero' WHAT WOULD WE RECOMMEND ELIMINATING, IF WE USED ONE-TIME MONIES FOR OTHER PRIORITIES? The attached spreadsheet illustrates where we would begin cutting the budget. We would first take all new programs that are funded with general governmental funds. We have eliminated the costs for two years -- when they are an ongoing program. Some of the programs are not a net reduction because we would have to do something with these needs. The spreadsheet illustrates we have identified $3,988,749 in first line reductions. These reductions will have a serious impact on our service level. We cannot make up the entire $4 million as we will have expenditures as illustrated on the spreadsheet. SUMMARY Again, our goal in establishing a budget for the next two years was to meet our current level of service, add where absolutely necessary, and establish a new order to meet long term operating needs within the context of the operating budget. We have finished a period of this City where reducing service levels was necessary due to reductions in our employment base We are entering a positive phase where we will no longer have to reduce our current level of services. However, the challenge will be to not significantly add to services that cannot be maintained in the eventual downturn. Further, if we can use this time to return to very conservative, fiscal management, we will be better able to meet the challenges of the future. It is a difficult task to balance obvious needs against ongoing requirements. We know we have needs in the areas of the pool, fire stations, and other capital needs as identified in the Capital Facilities Plan. However, before we can add to our infrastructure, we must ensure we can maintain our current level of services as effectively as possible. Fiscal health is my first priority. We look forward to having continued discussions with you on this topic, and other budgetary issues. These discussions will occur both in the near term and throughout the year. Attachments c:data:council.doc Page 5 11/14/96 co _ .orr < co co n < 0 N C N CO00 < et CO N co 0 co CO COO 0 CO CO N 0 N CO CD :N F- co O et F- N V h I-- co N 0 N 0) C7 CO N et CO CO 0 0) N ID 00 01 CD CI 0 CD CD CO n 0) I et co O C•) Ch CO u). E9 CA fA CD O L- CD CD CO N CD CO CD CD O) N. M O O) O O 0 O) CD N CO C) 0) N C) Cn O CO C) CO Cn p co LO r-- p con LC) CO Q CO O n CA N .- O 0 e- O O O et N 0- N CD CO et N CD CD et M 0 CO 0 et et CD 0 0 0 O) C`') 0) N O) co el 0) CD et 0 o z n C0 Z n O N Z CO C. • N et Cn CA O O CD CD e) CO 0 M N CO CD e- L- N CD N. n et CD n N. CO 0 CD CD CA ID CO 0)O et C) CO CO C) N CO CO et +' CO a) CM +�. 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THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I . The Annual Budget for the City of Renton for the year 1997, heretofore prepared and filed with the City Clerk, as modified hereby after due notice and hearing thereof as provided by law, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, adopted, and confirmed as such Annual Budget for the year 1997, and same by this reference is incorporated herein as if fully set forth, labeled as (A) Expenditures and (B) Resources . Ordinance No 4644 adopted on December 9 , 1996, fixes the amount of tax levies necessary for the year 1997 . SECTION II . Attachment "A" defines the total sums for expenditures hereby allowed and established in each of the following funds in said 1997 Budget . Attachment "C" defines the amendments to the Budget as passed by the City Council . SECTION III . Certain fees are hereby adjusted and established for the City owned and operated facilities . Such fees are attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof as if fully set forth. I) ORDINANCE NO. 4645 SECTION IV. The acts taken pursuant to this ordinance but prior to its passage or effective date are hereby ratified and confirmed. SECTION V. A copy of the Budget as herein adopted shall be transmitted to the Office of the State Auditor, Division of Municipal Corporations, and such other governmental agencies as provided by law. SECTION VI . This ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and five days after its publication. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, this 9th day of December, 1996 . .lid cox/ Marily J etersen, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this qt-h day of December, 1996 . Jes Tanner, Mayor Approved as to form: elaCt44)-1%4"4"PDIA}4-?"^"Ca4""— Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney Date of Publication: December 13 , 1996 2 ORDINANCE NO. 4645 Otc Nor ATTACHMENT A 1997 BUDGET EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCES Fund Revenues Expenditures General Governmental Funds 000/General 31,209,993 31,207,261 101/Park 6,900,190 6,900,156 103/Street 4,702,004 4,697,878 106/Library 1,186,027 1,156,270 207/1978 Limited General Obligation Bonds 76,200 76,200 212/1989 Limited Refunding General Obligation Bonds 295,200 295,195 215/General Governmental Misc. Debt Service 800,900 808,675 SBTTL 45,170,514 45,141,635' Special Revenue Funds 102/Arterial Street Fund 333,600 320,000 104/Community Development Block Grant 371,238 371,238 105/Impact Mitigation 300,000 - 118/Reserve for Paths and Trails 3,400 - 125/1%for the Arts 1,500 1,500 127/Cable Communications 6,000 13,000 Debt Service Funds 213/1983 Unlimited Refunding GO Bonds 890,000 754,393 219/1989 Unlimited GO Bonds 508,000 500,440 220/L.I.D Debt Service Funds 746,554 800,313 221/L.I.D Guaranty Fund 26,000 923,000 SBTTL '' g try(70 554 2,978 14fi Capital Project Funds 302/Open Space Construction - - 316/Municipal Facilities CIP 1,472,500 1,671,997 317/Transportation CIP 3,118,571 3,117,071 319/Senior Housing Construction - - 320/L.I.D. Construction Fund 160,000 160,000 �BT TL , ` y ". �4'751,071 �`r�949 068" e. - .s.+Y�4.. y,Y.> .�w.r'��5..k��.ox�. WW.;a� ,,, . °�s ua✓$�b»x"twr c-aysa.ms�,.,... ':st ys. .�ow.au+K� Enterprise Funds 401/Waterworks Utility 19,951,241 20,983,508 421/Water and Sewer Construction 3,541,000 3,175,700 402/Airport 1,098,040 1,186,554 403/Solid Waste Utility 6,521,149 6,523,113 404/Golf Course 2,193,677 2,142,034 424/Golf Course Capital Fund - - SBTT 3 3 � '�a/ 33t,,,167 34,;03'q, " Internal Service Funds 501/Equipment Rental Fund 2,352,609 2,423,215 502/Insurance Fund 5,224,167 4,767,110 SBTTL, 7576 6 7;T90325''. Fiduciary Fund 601/Fire Pension 633,653 334,354 S . t" F. � 4 or rS LL YNot 1 , 'A VIA ORD.DOC )INANCE NO. 4 6 4 5 ATTACHMENT B FEE CHANGES Green Fee Rates Weekday 18 Holes(Monday-Thursday) $19.00 Weekend Rates 18 Holes(Friday-Sunday) $22.00 9 Holes(Monday-Thursday) $14.00 18 Holes-Weekday Senior Rate(Monday-Thursday) $14.00 9 Holes-Senior Rate $11.00 Twilight(1 Hour Prior to Dark) $8.00 Twilight(2 Hours Prior to Dark) $11.00 3rd Nine $8.00 Pull Cart Rates (No Change from 1996) 9 Holes $2.00 18 Holes $18.00 Power Carts 9 Holes $12.00 18 Holes $20.00 Trail Fee $6.00 Club Rental (No Change from 1996) 1/2 Set $5.00 Full Set $10.00 Other Fees Non Resident Overnight Moorage $15.00/per night Resident Ball Field Rental--First 2 hours $30/for two hours Resident Ball Field Each Additional Hour $10.00 Non Resident Ball Field Rental--First 2 Hours $40/for two hours Non Resident Ball Field Rental Each Additional Hour $10.00 ORD.DOC ORDINANCE NO. 4 6 4 5 CITY OF RENTON 1997 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 1997 Budget Council 1997 Budget Description Account Number Proposed Amendments Amended To reallocate funding for Victim Advocate position from professional services. GENERAL FUND: Local Law Enforcement Grant 000 000000 020 5590 0030 41 000188 29,981 (29,981) 0 Intermitttent-Salaries&Wages 000 000000 020 5590 0030 12 000000 0 27,676 27,676 Intermittent-FICA 000 000000 020 5590 0030 22 000003 0 2,117 2,117 Intermittent-Industrial Insurance 000 000000 020 5590 0030 22 000006 0 188 188 To correct coding for Station#14 contract services for grounds maintenance. Parks Fund: Contract Services Station#14 Grds Mtc 101 000000 020 5760 0010 48 000086 25,000 (25,000) 0 Contract Landscape Maintenance 101 000000 020 5420 0070 48 000085 0 25,000 25,000 ORD.DOC CITY OF RENTON 1997 FRINGE BENEFIT RATE CALCULATION GROSS WAGES: 27,598,522.53 VACATION, HOLIDAY, SICK LEAVE: 3,532,224.37 OTHER BENEFITS: 7,700,202.02 NET WAGES: Gross Wages 27,598,522.53 Less Vacation, Holiday, Sick Leave 3,532,224.37 24,066,298.16 VACATION, HOLIDAY,SICK LEAVE BENEFIT RATE: (3,532,224.37/24,066,298.16) 14.68% BENEFIT RATE: (7,700,202.02/24,066,298.16) 32.00% TOTAL BENEFIT RATE: 46.68% 1/28/97 97RATE2.XLS Please route ahrfile in 1997 Budget file. This means that in addition to the annual salary earned by each employee, an additional 46.68% is provided by the CYity in benefits. BF �// Cr rY OF RENTON MN WCity of Renton JAN 2 91997 LS ✓ ECEIVED MEMORANDUM .a fY CLERK'S OFFICE LW V DATE: January 28, 1997 TO: All Departments/Divisions FROM: Linda Honeycutt, Senior Finance Analyst SUBJECT: 1997 Fringe Benefit Rate The fringe benefit rate for 1997 will be 46.68%. The rate is calculated using 1996 year-end City wide totals for the following benefits. COMPENSATED TIME OFF AMOUNT Vacation $1,736,438.79 7.22% Sick Leave 789,060.28 3.28% Holiday 1,006,725.30 4.18% Total Compensated Time $3,532,224.37 14.68% OTHER BENEFITS AMOUNT Retirement 2,098,468.96 8.72% FICA 1,666,300.66 6.92% Medical/Dental 3,239,634.72 13.47% Other 695,797.68 2.89% Total Other Benefits $7,700,202.02 32.00% TOTAL FRINGE BENEFITS 46.68% If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 2614. • 'Nor *grow NEW PROGRAMS THAT WOULD FIRST BE ELIMINATED Reductions Adds Total Community Services Cleaning Equipment (12,550) 97 Recreation Position (61,136) 98 Recreation Position (62,000) Corridor Maintenace (2Years) (80,000) Parking Lot Sweeping (30,000) Replacement of Plantings (2 Yrs) (20,000) (265,686) Fire Department Capital Outlay (4,000) (4,000) Police Department Marine Patrol (2 Yrs) (32,560) Vacation Payoff(2 Yrs) (44,000) (76,560) Finance/Exec Help Desk(2 Years) (60,000) Volunteer Program (2 Yrs) (150,000) Business Program (50,000) Property Mngmnt (15,000) Retreat Mngmnt (8,000) Title Codification (10,000) (293,000) Misc Downtown Property (400,000) Parks Matching (200,000) Add Debt Service Computer System 129,487 97 Vehicles 83,005 98 Vehicles 83,005 Computer Purchases (1,450,000) 250,000 Copiers (132,500) 60,000 Vehicles (1,500,000) Major Maintenance Reductions (597,500) Police Vehicles 325,000 (3,349,503) Grand Total (3,988,749) 11/13/96 C:DATA:0OUNCIL.XLS e > co U a > a) - ▪ j a rn u) ai Cr p w v O m 0 C� m - C C h ca 0) m U O ® ■ A a a N V) M H ' O Z N LLJ p O: N U 0 Z Q: O W z N O W co ~ • LV ... C LL s O O J Z41 ce i C Z O O N O a o 0 O O O O O O a O X N a a, o rn a V ' m In n � Of c u_ p T 0 0 0 O QO o 8 8 8 In 0 u) O 0 N N FA EA 69 69 . 1 O Renton Fire Department Operations Division Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Response, Hazardous Materials Response Team, Dive Rescue Team and Fire Facilities 2 0 Operations Division Mission • The protection of life and property from the effects of fire and hazardous material; to render medical assistance to individuals and to perform rescues whenever the need arises. 3 0 Operations Division Program Activity • Fire Suppression: Personnel work 24 hour shifts on a 3 platoon system. Each platoon is led by a Battalion Chief. Total personnel on each platoon is 30 with a minimum of 20 on duty each day. There are 4 staffed engine companies, 2 staffed life support units and one staffed ladder truck available to the City of Renton and King County Fire District#25. 4 Q Operations Division Program Activity • Emergency Medical Response: All fire fighters in the Fire Department are required to be Emergency Medical Technician Certified and 95%have received DeFib certification.. The City of Renton receives funds from King County based upon anticipated service levels for both the City and King County Fire District #25. 5 Q Operations Division Program Activity • Hazardous Materials Response Team: This team is comprised of approximately 30 individuals, both officers and firefighters,who receive additional training in first response skills The team works with those facilities located with the City of Renton that use hazardous materials to develop and exercise their emergency response plans on an annual basis. 6 O Operations Division Program Activity • Dive Rescue Team: This team is comprised of approximately 20 members who are both officers and fire fighters,who receive additional training and are available 1 ._� . . for water related emergencies. They train year round in underwater search and recovery,river rescue and other water support functions. 7 Q Operations Division Program Activity • Fire Facilities: Each fire facility is overseen by a Station Fire Captain. They coordinate and provide for the operational supplies,small tools,repairs and maintenance for their assigned station. Currently there are 3 City Fire Stations and one King County Fire District#25 Fire Station. 8 Q Operations Division Total Calls for Service Trends 9 0 Operations Division Emergency Medical Response Trends 10 O Operations Division Fire Call Trends 11 Q Operations Division Fire Loss Trends 12 Q Operations Division Budget Summary t In 1997,the department budget was reorganized to incorporate all of Fire District#25's operating functions into overall Fire Department budget. Accordingly the Operations Division budget reflects a 20.8%increase as a result of this adjustment. 13 Q Operations Division Budget Summary • Salaries of Fire Fighters Local#864 personnel have been adjusted to reflect the negotiated settlement. • Salary increases for Battalion Chiefs have be anticipated and an amount has been included pending fmal outcome of the negotiations with that bargaining unit. 14 Q Operations Division Budget Summary • Medical and dental benefits have been adjusted to reflect estimated increases of 9%in 1997 and 3%in 1998. • Overtime has been increased by$55,000 to hopefully enable full maintenance of current staffmg levels of fire companies in anticipation of Fire Station#14 opening mid 1997. 15 Q Operations Division Budget Summary • An increase of$25,000 for disaster overtime was approved for 1996 2 Noe- Nue' Adjusted budget and reflected in the 1997 and 1998 budgets. • Fire Fighters contract called for an additional 48 hours of straight time overtime to offset the cost of an additional 2%in deferred compensation. 16 Q Operations Division Budget Summary • Capital Outlay includes one time expenditures in 1997 of$17,315 and $5,000 in 1998. Items in 1997 include an industrial strength washer and dryer,Reseal of Station 11 parking lot and Renton's portions of improvements to Station#16(District#25). In 1998 items include Murphy bed for Fire Station#12 and physical fitness equipment. 17 Q Operations Division 1997 - 1998 Objectives • Strive to maintain acceptable response time standards. • Strive to maintain the quality of care in the area of Emergency Medical Response and an efficient Fire Suppression response. • To meet and exceed the minimum training and drill standards for Fire Fighting,Emergency Medical Technician,Defibrillation and Driver Training. 18 Q Operations Division 1997 - 1998 Objectives • To continue to provide quality educational opportunities for fire officers ' and prospective fire officers. • To continue to provide a courteous and effective response to every request made by the public. • To establish appropriate response zones in advance of Station#14 opening. 19 Q Operations Division 1997 - 1998 Objectives • To open the long awaited Fire Station#14 and the M.C. "Scotty"Walls Fire Training Facility. Tentative opening set for July 1, 1997. 3 RENTON FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU CAPITAL FACILITIES r t t RENTON FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU MISSION STATEMENT To provide a fire-safe environment for the community through services such as annual Uniform Fire Code business occupancy inspections, construction plan reviews and field tests, public education, fire investigations, hazardous materials monitoring and enforcement, legislation adoption and administration. 2 FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU BUILDING INSPECTIONS FIRE INVESTIGATION PUBLIC EDUCATION PLANS REVIEW HAZ-MAT INSPECTIONS 3 Building Inspections: Bureau inspects all permitted occupancies. 1996 Bureau will have inspected 740 occupancies(11%Increase from 1990). Bureau has done 744 re-inspections to date. Inspection square footage has grown by 1,815,721sq.ft. since 1994. Company inspections are 1,026 to date. Fire Investigation: Bureau investigates all fires with a$10,000 loss and/or fire related injury, death or arson. Bureau has investigated 34 fires to date for a fire loss of$751,480. 1995 the Bureau investigated 46 for a fire loss of$1,263,895. Our fire losses have shown a decrease over the last few years. 1994 we had $1,478,695 in losses. Public Education: We have delivered 146 programs this year to 6,673 citizens. K-12 School programs. Juvenile Intervention program. Evacuation Planning for business,care facilities,apartments,and others. Fall Prevention education program for seniors. Renton River Days. Fireflies Safety Newsletter for elementary students(bi-monthly). Third Grade station tours in March. Smoke Detector program with Human Services for low income residents. Fire Extinguisher training for businesses. 4 Plans Review Review for compliance of Uniform Fire Code and other City Ordinances. Field testing of sprinkler systems, alarm systems, and other systems. Value of plans reviewed this year show an increase of 28%for a total of$22,090 to date. Construction permits show an increase of 109%for a total of$17,732 to date. Hazardous Material Inspector Reviews tank installation and removal for compliance with Fire Code, City Ordinances,and Environmental Codes. Provides assistance for the Haz-Mat Team. Provides plan review for hazardous occupancies. 5 f 4 4010 RENTON FIRE DEAPRTMENT CAPITAL FACILITIES CAPITAL FACILITIES Currently building a Fire Station/Training Center. Station 14 will handle the Valley industrial area. Training facility will train all Renton's Fire Fighters. Discussing the possibility of combining other Fire Department training divisions. King County Medic 5 will be moving from Valley Medical Center to the facility to enhance their coverage area. 6 SUPPORT SERVICES • Training ■ E.M.S. • Haz-Mat/Confined Spaces ■ Communications ■ Apparatus • Equipment GOALS & OBJECTIVES: Training & E.M.S.: The delivery of certifiable, verifiable, ongoing, realistic, documented training. Meeting the standards and requirements as set by: Federal: NFPA, OSHA, equipment manufacturers State: Legislature, WISHA, vertical standards County. King County EMS, King County Chiefs Local: Specific to the Renton Fire Department Haz-Mat Response Team: There are four levels of training: 1) Recognition: All uniformed fire and police personnel must have annually. 2) Operations: All uniformed fire personnel are trained to this level. 3) Technician: Team members, 33 uniformed personnel. 4) Specialist One, non-uniformed. Works as an advisor to the team. Haz-Mat Training: Recognition & operations: Taught by a member of the Renton Fire Department. Members attend while on duty. Technician: Taught by Renton Fire Department and outside instructors. Eight class and drill sessions are held annually - attendance is mandatory. Facility Drills: Four drills are held in cooperation with area businesses annually. The drills are designed to test their emergency response plans and provide realistic training for many agencies. *ilsof *so APPARATUS Life Cycle: Pumpers & Aerials 1st Run 0-7 years 2nd Run 8-15 years Surplus 16+ years Aid Units 1st Run 0-8 years Surplus 9+ years Current Status: Pumpers Two 1996's Status - 1st run Two 1988's (8 years old) Status - 1st run One 1981 (15 years old) Status - 2nd run Two 1978's (18 years old) Status - 2nd run Aerials One 1992 (4 years old) Status - 1st run (Ladder Trucks) One 1979 (17 years old) Status - 2nd run ** **The 100' stick (or ladder portion) is out of service Aid Units One 1992 (4 years old) Two 1989's (7 years old) One 1987 (9 years old) One 1978 ( 18 years old) Status - Water Rescue Vehicle EQUIPMENT Two categories: ■ Equipment that can be purchased and replaced gradually or incrementally. ■ Equipment that must be acquired or replaced with a single blanket purchase. Incremental Purchases: Axes, generators, aid supplies, nozzles, chainsaws, fittings and adapters, haz-mat supplies, protective clothing (helmets, bunker pants and coats, gloves, hoods, boots), and on and on. Blanket Purchases: Breathing Apparatus: Life span, 10 to 12 years. Purchased in 1986. Need to be replaced in 1999. The estimated cost of replacing the units is $340,000.00. Hose: The cost of replacing hose fluctuates each year. The average annual cost is around $20,000.00. Lifepaks: Life span is 5 years. The cost of replacing eight units is $68,000.00. Radio Equipment: All new radio equipment was acquired in 1996. A 12 year life span is projected. In 2008 the cost of replacing the radios is estimated at $520,000.00. REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE Apparatus: City Shops provide maintenance under the direction of the Fleet Manager. Tools & Equipment (chainsaws, nozzles, tools, etc.), are done by suppression personnel. Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus: The tools and repair shop are located at Station #16. Repair technicians are suppression personnel. The in-house cost of performing this task is 2 to 3 times less than contracting with an outside vendor. 1 ,J City of Renton Department of Emergency Management 1997/98 Budget Presentation 2 O Program Mission • Provide direction and control over City activities that are essential to saving lives, protecting property and restoring City services before,during and after a natural or man made disaster. 3 O Program Activity • Provide training and exercises designed to promote emergency preparedness,and test and evaluate our Emergency Operations Plan,Procedures,and facilities. • Coordinate vital agencies and resources into a program of disaster preparedness, response,and recovery • Provide information and training for the citizens of Renton concerning Emergency Preparedness. • Coordinate member activities for the Puget Sound Urban Search and Rescue Team. 4 0 1996 Accomplishments • In February 1996,the Cedar River flooded it's banks causing major damage. As a result of this event,application for Federal assistance was made through the office of Emergency Management. Damage Survey Reports were coordinated with representatives from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to recover moneys spent by the city. • Provided information and presentations on Emergency Preparedness as requested by public and private agencies. 5 J • Participated in the State sponsored Earthquake Preparedness month program • Coordination of the State Fire Mobilization Plan,The King County Fire Resource Plan,and the Puget Sound Urban Search and Rescue. •Coordinated the placement of emergency shelter supplies in a storage container at fire station#13. •Safety is an ongoing concern off the department,and the office of emergency management deals with many issues. Currently a review of safety standards for Firefighters(Chapter 296-305 WAC)is being done. This becomes effective January 1, 1997. As part of the Health and safety program,physical examinations are given to all firefighters on a yearly schedule. 6 O 1997/98 Objectives • Continue to respond to requests for presentations to the public and to other civic organizations for information and guidance in preparation for an earthquake or other disaster. • Maintain the Emergency Operations Center in preparation for use in the event of a local disaster. 7 CJ • Promote disaster awareness among key officials of the city and other agencies that may be involved during a crisis situation • Perfect the ability of key officials to respond through exercises and test of the Emergency Operations Center. • Establish a second storage container located at Station#13 for 1 Nov replacement of emergency shelter supplies 8 • Update the Emergency Operations Plan. • Be prepared if necessary to respond to the recovery process with Federal and State agencies. 9 11 Budget Summary • The operating budget of the Department of Emergency Management in 1996 was$7,553. The proposed budget for 1997 is $8,580 (an increase of 7.35%) and for 1998 $7,680 (a decrease of 9.5% • Salaries and benefits have been adjusted to reflect expected changes in CPI and Medical benefits. 10 0 Notable Changes • Field Disaster Supplies: An increase of$1,000 for deployment accessories for the USAR team for 1997 • Capital Outlay$2000 to purchase two additional cargo containers for the placement of preparedness and shelter equipment. One in 1997 and one in 1998 2 ` TABLE 2: DEPAr1 MENTAL OPERATING BUDGET,CAPITAL" 1PROVEMENTS, AND DESIGNATED EXPENSES 1995 s: 1996 1997 1998 %Chg °to Chg Department .Actual: Budget Proposed Proposed 96-97 97-98 LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative(City Council) 116,965 116,752 115,029 116,992 -1.5% 1.32 Executive Administration 478,365 508,909 692,367 710,585 36.02 2.6% Judicial(Municipal Court) 843,315 935,703 992,297 1,019,935 6.0% 2.8% Legal(City Attorney) 695,741 710,070 771,070 771,070 8.6% 0.0% Hearing Examiner 109,340 102,726 106,161 110,492 3.32 4.1% City Clerk 342,574 344,853 375,497 368,802 8.9% -1.8% TOTAL LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE 2,586,300 „' 2,719,013 3,052,421 3,097,376 12.3* 1.52 ........... HUMAN RESOURCES&RISK MGMT: Personnel Administration 409,486 402,836 406,107 421,633 0.82 3.8* Civil Service 82,773 79,401 87,589 90,125 10.32 2.9% Insurance 4,105,303 5,122,671 4,767,110 9,853,925 -6.9-8 1.8g TOTALHUMAN RESOURCES/RISK MOT 4,597,562 5,604,908 5,260,806 5,365,683 -6.1% ` 2.0% FINANCE AND INFORMATIONS SERVICES: Finance 1,165,110 1,178,122 1,289,287 1,350,625 9.42 4.8% Information Systems 844,231 865,601 941,800 956,183 8.82 1.5% Sub-Total Financa a<'Info Services 2,009,341 ; 2,043,723 2,231,087 2,306,808 9.2% 3.4%' Limited G.O.Bonds 1,450,757 1,136,686 1,180,070 1,109,742 3.82 -6.02 Non-Departmental 2,947,610 2,275,677 2,450,473 2,858,518 7.7% 16.7% TOTAL FINANCE&INFO SERVICES 6,407,708 5,456,086 5,861,630 6,275,068 7.4$:'. 7.12 POLICE: Administration 1,103,684 1,236,249 1,334,242 1,354,053 7.9% 1.52 Operations Bureau 6,122,849 6,693,224 6,585,030 6,970,180 -1.6% 5.82 Support Services Bureau 2,281,024 2,372,474 2,619,577 2,723,997 10.4% 4.02 TTOTAL POLICE 9,507,557 10,301,947 10,538,849< 11 046,230 2.3fr 4.821 FIRE: Administration 688,112 783,398 746,751 762,543 -4.7g 2.12 Operations 5,514,020 5,599,999 6,766,554 7,020,915 20.8% 3.82 Prevention 467,331 500,043 606,379 629,446 21.34 3.82 Training 96,824 108,431 187,329 200,953 72.8% 7.3% Emergency Management 87,199 94,936 98,066 97,318 3.3% -0.82 Fire District 25 Contract 1,204,998 1,142,716 0 0 -100.0% N/A TOTAL FIRE 8,058,9(39 8,229,523 8,405,079 8,711,175 2.12 3.6%1 PLANNING/BLDG/PUB WORKS: Administration 243,034 262,252 267,138 276,263 1.9% 3.4% Development Services 2,244,125 2,295,068 2,355,170 2,439,197 2.6% 3.62 Transportation Systems 3,067,952 3,168,344 3,407,226 3,945,691 7.52 1.1% Planning/Technical Services 999,370 1,070,194 1,065,927 1,109,378 -0.42 4.1% Utility Systems 15,853,197 18,081,394 17,877,890 16,832,872 -1.1 g -5.8% Maintenance Systems 12,138,660 13,824,214 13,893,152 14,294,491 0.52 2.92 ITOTAL PLANNING/SLOG/PUS WKS 39,546,33$ 38,701,466 38,866,503 '', 38,397,892 0.4% 1.221 COMMUNITY SERVICES: Facilities/Parks ac Recreation 6,239,755 6,608,660 6,900,156 7,139,818 4.42 3.52 Human Services 822,706 276,188 347,421 346,129 25.82 -0.4% CDBG Block Grants 328,352 371,989 371,238 0 -0.2% -100.0% Library 1,052,683 1,143,376 1,156,270 1,189,400 1.1% 2.92 Golf Course 1,354,213 1,898,760 2,142,034 2,157,495 12.82 0.72 TOTAL COMMUNITY:SERVICES 9,797,709 10,298,973 10,917,119 i' 10 832,842 6.0%; -0.82 TOTAL OPERATING BUDGET 75,501,658 81,311,916 82,902,407 83,728,266 2,02 1.08 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM(CIP): Transportation CIP 4,517,819 2,261,405 3,117,071 3,385,800 37.8% 8.6% Impact Mitigation 706,684 0 0 0 N/A N/A Open Space 3,124,784 0 0 0 N/A N/A Municipal Facilities CIP 1,946,083 1,324,500 1,471,997 1,432,218 11.1% -2. 7$ Senior Housing 278,818 0 0 0 N/A N/A LID Construction 0 0 160,000 0 N/A -100.0% Airport(CIP Portion) 19,232 125,365 636,000 1,375,500 407.32 11 6.3% a Golf Course(CIP Portion) 3,573,886 0 0 0 N/A N/A Waterworks Utility 7,402,676 10,210,594 3,173,000 4,605,000 -68.9% 45.1 g TOTAL CIP:PROGRAM 21,569,982 13,921,864 8,558,068.. 10 798,518 -38.52 26.2% ,,.,., OTHER DESIGNATED EXPENSES 3,290,572 2,827,928 3,449,700 3,192,062 22.0% -7.5% TOTAL:EXPENDITURES 100,362,212 98,061,708 94,910,175'? 97,718,846 -3.2g 3.0% CITY OF RENTON 1-4 1997-1998 BUDGET TABLE 2: DEir+.ecTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGET,CAPITAVKMPROVEMENTS, AND DESIGNATED EXPENSES $2.72 $3.05 Legislative/Executive Department: $3.10 •1998 Proposed $5.60 01997 Proposed - $5.26 01996 Budget Human Resources&Risk Mgmt: $5.37 $5.46 $5.86 Finance And Information Services: $6.28 $10.30 iiir Police Department: $10.54 $11.05 Fire Department: $6.23 $8.41 $8.71 Planning/Bldg/Pub Works: 38.70 38.87 $38.40 Community Services: $10.30 $10.92 $10.83 / rJ $0 $10 Millions of Dollars $40 $50 Composition of Expenditures Millions of Dollars Public Safety General Gov't Public Safety General Gov't 22.8% 16.9% 22.9% 17.1% E18.53 $13.78 $18.94 $14.17 Culture/ Culture/ .411W Al% Recreation Recreation 11.9% 12.3% i $9.65 _;,I $10.20 Health& Health& Physical/E • Welfare Physical/Eco Welfare Environmt 0.8% Environmt 0.9% 47.6% $0.65 46.9% $0.72 $38.70 $38.87 1996 Adopted Operating Budget 1997 Proposed Operating Budget CITY OF RENTON 1-4 1997-1998 BUDGET Nr. Name TABLE 4: 1997 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND SOURCES -ALL FUNDS General Government 000 101 ` <103 106 207/212/215 Total Revenues General Parks Street Library Lim GO 1997 Property Tax 10,820,687 1,094,700 0 0 758,800 12,674,187 Sales Tax 7,433,716 2,124,800 2,292,100 0 0 11,850,616 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 696,465 0 0 0 0 696,465 Admissions Tax 357,000 0 0 0 0 357,000 Utility Tax 2,395,200 2,589,678 571,256 1,135,122 0 6,691,256 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 406,500 406,500 EMS Levy Funds 323,900 0 0 0 0 323,900 Gambling Excise Tax 751,000 0 0 0 0 751,000 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 264,000 0 0 0 0 264,000 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 23,041,968 5,809,178 2,863,356 1,135,122 1,165,300 34,014,924 Business License Fee 365,603 0 0 0 0 365,603 Building Permits 671,500 0 20,000 0 0 691,500 Other Licenses/Permits 137,850 0 0 0 0 137,850 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 112,133 0 0 0 0 112,133 State Shared Revenue 1,105,311 0 697,877 13,105 0 1,816,293 Other Intergovernmental 1,192,177 0 0 0 0 1,192,177 Charges for Services 769,200 516,100 0 10,000 0 1,295,300 Fines and Forfeits 723,000 0 0 19,800 0 742,800 Interest Earnings 555,000 24,000 85,000 7,500 7,000 678,500 Miscellaneous Revenues 129,145 489,200 0 500 0 618,845 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources 2,000 0 0 0 0 2,000 Interfund Revenues 2,405,106 61,712 1,035,771 0 0 3,502,589 TOTAL REVENUES 31,209,993 6,900,190 4,702,004 1,186,027 1,172,300 45,170,514 Expenditures Legislative 115,029 0 0 0 0 115,029 Executive: Administration(Mayor) 692,367 0 0 0 0 692,367 Municipal Court 992,297 0 0 0 0 992,297 Legal Services 771,070 0 0 0 0 771,070 Hearing Examiner 106,161 0 0 0 0 106,161 City Clerk 375,497 0 0 0 0 375,497 Human Resources&Risk Mgmt 493,696 0 0 0 0 493,696 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance and Information Services: Finance&Information Systems 2,231,087 0 0 0 0 2,231,087 Non-Departmental/Misc 1,526,919 0 0 0 0 1,526,919 Debt Service 41,562 0 0 0 1,180,070 1,221,632 Police 10,538,849 0 0 0 0 10,538,849 Fire 8,405,079 0 0 0 0 8,405,079 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: Administration 267,138 0 0 0 0 267,138 Development Services 2,355,170 0 0 0 0 2,355,170 Planning/Tech Services 1,065,927 0 0 0 0 1,065,927 Transportation 0 0 2,856,672 0 0 2,856,672 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services 0 0 1,841,206 0 0 1,841,206 Community Services: General Services/Parks 0 6,900,156 0 0 0 6,900,156 Housing&Human Services 347,421 0 0 0 0 347,421 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 0 0 1,156,270 0 1,156,270 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers-Out 881,992 0 0 0 0 881,992 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 31,207,261 6,900,156 4,697,878 1,156,270 1,180,070 45,141,635 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 2,732 34 4,126 29,757 (7,770) 28,879 Fund Balance, January 1 3,431,868 267,201 438,066 281,868 868,429 5,287,432 Fund Balance,December 31 3,434,600 267,235 442,192 311,625 860,659 5,316,311 Reserved for. r�""�" Operations 2,496,581 552,012 375,830 92,502 0 3,516,925 Designated 0 0 0 0 860,659 860,659 Undesignated 938,019 (284,777) 66,362 219,123 0 938,727 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 3,434,600 267,235 442,192 311,625 860,659 5,316,311 CITY OF RENTON 1-8 1997-1998 BUDGET TABLE 4: 1997 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUNDSOURCES-ALL FUNDS Special Revenue Debt Service 102 104 105 118 125 127 213/219 220 221 ArterStr CDBG Impact Mit Paths 1%Art Cable Corn Unlim G.O. LID Debt Sv LID Guar Revenues O 0 0 0 0 0 1,378,000 0 0 Property Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 EMS Levy Funds O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees O 0 0 0 0 0 1,378,000 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Business License Fee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Licenses/Permits O 371,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Federal/State Grants 326,100 0 0 3,400 0 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fines and Forfeits 7,500 0 300,000 0 1,500 6,000 20,000 11,000 26,000 Interest Earnings O 0 0 0 0 0 0 735,554 0 Miscellaneous Revenues O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Revenues O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Financing Sources O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interfund Revenues 333,600 371,238 300,000 3,400 1,500 6,000 1,398,000 746,554 26,000 TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 1,500 13,000 0 0 0 Administration(Mayor) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Court O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Clerk O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Human Resources&Risk Mgmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance Finance and Information Services: O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance&Information Systems O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Non-DepartmentaVMisc 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,254,833 773,521 0 Debt Service O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Police O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Administration O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 Development Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Tech Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Systems O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Maintenance Services Community Services: O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 General Services/Parks O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Housing&Human Services O 371,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 320,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,792 723,000 Transfers-Out 320,000 371,238 0 0 1,500 13,000 1,254,833 800,313 723,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 13,600 0 300,000 3,400 0 (7,000) 143,167 (53,759) (697,000) Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 116,069 0 300,000 6,884 0 179,499 855,980 184,920 1,800,283 Fund Balance, January 1 129,669 0 600,000 10,284 0 172,499 999,147 131,161 1,103,283 Fund Balance,December31 E Reserved for. �• 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Operations 129,669 0 600,000 10,284 0 172,499 999,147 131,161 1,103,283 Designated O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Undesignated 129,669 0 600,000 10,284 0 172,499 999,147 131,161 1,103,283 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE CITY OF RENTON 1-9 1997-1998 BUDGET Nape - TABLE 4: 1997 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND SOURCES-ALL FUNDS Capital Improvement Enterprise 302 316 317 319 320 401 421 I' Revenues Open Space Mun Fac Trans CIP Sr Hsing LID Constr W/S/S,Util W/S/S Const;l Property Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Admissions Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utility Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Real Estate Excise Tax 0 406,500 0 0 0 0 0 EMS Levy Funds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gambling Excise Tax 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Franchise/Leasehold Excise 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sub-Total Taxes 0 406,500 0 0 0 0 0 Business License Fee 0 0 1,530,000 0 0 0 0 Building Permits 0 0 0 0 0 17,000 0 Other Licenses/Permits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Community Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other FederalState Grants 0 0 917,071 0 0 0 0 State Shared Revenue 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 Other Intergovernmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 0 0 1,500 0 0 18,774,536 4,000 Fines and Forfeits 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Earnings 0 71,000 0 0 0 227,874 200,000 Miscellaneous Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 42,000 0 Non-Revenues 0 0 0 0 160,000 110,000 3,337,000 Other Financing Sources 0 795,000 320,000 0 0 25,000 0 Interfund Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 754,831 0 TOTAL REVENUES 0 1,272,500 3,118,571 0 160,000 19,951,241 3,541,000 Expenditures Legislative 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Executive: Administration(Mayor) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Municipal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Legal Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 City Clerk 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Human Resources&Risk Mgmt 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Insurance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finance and Information Services: Finance&Information Systems 0 460,000 0 0 0 0 0 Non-Departmental/Misc 0 85,497 0 0 0 1,044,791 0 Debt Service 0 0 0 0 160,000 4,127,442 2,700 Police 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fire 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Planning/Building/Pub Wks: Administration 0 0 0 0 0 64,028 0 Development Services 0 0 0 0 0 361,486 0 Planning/Tech Services 0 0 0 0 0 143,993 0 Transportation 0 0 3,117,071 0 0 335,245 0 Utility Systems 0 0 0 0 0 3,295,193 3,173,000 Maintenance Services 0 0 0 0 0 9,229,330 0 Community Services: General Services/Parks 0 835,000 0 0 0 0 0 Housing&Human Services 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Comm Dev Block Grants 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Library 0 91,500 0 0 0 0 0 Golf Course 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers Out 0 0 0 0 0 2,382,000 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 0 1,471,997 3,117,071 0 160,000 20,983,508 3,175,700 Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 0 (199,497) 1,500 0 0 (1,032,267) 365,300 Fund Balance, January 1 241,675 38,826 0 0 1,891,480 328,754 Fund Balance,December 31 0 42,178 40,326 0 0 859,213 694,054 Reserved for: Operations 0 0 0 0 0 1,678,681 0 Designated 0 42,178 40,326 0 0 0 694,054 Undesignated 0 0 0 0 0 (819,468) 0 ITOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE 0 42,178 40,326 0 0 859,213 694,054I CITY OF RENTON 1-10 1997-1998 BUDGET TABLE 4: 1997 REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND FUND SOURCES-ALL FUNDS Enterprise Internal Service Fiduciary Total All Funds 402 403 404 424 501 502 601 Total Airport Sol Waste Golf Crs Golf CIP Eq Rental Insurance Fire Pension 1997 Revenues O o 0 0 0 0 322,000 14,374,187 Property Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 11,850,616 Sales Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 696,465 Sales Tax/Criminal Justice O 0 0 0 0 0 0 357,000 Admissions Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,691,256 Utility Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 813,000 Real Estate Excise Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 323,900 EMS Levy Funds O 0 0 0 0 0 0 751,000 Gambling Excise Tax O 0 0 0 0 0 0 264,000 Franchise/Leasehold Excise O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mitigation Fees O 0 0 0 0 0 322,000 36,121,424 Sub-Total Taxes O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,895,603 Business License Fee O 0 0 0 0 0 0 708,500 Building Permits O 0 0 0 0 0 0 137,850 Other Licenses/Permits O 0 0 0 0 0 0 371,238 Community Dev Block Grants 401,040 57,035 0 0 0 0 0 1,487,279 Other Federal/State Grants O 0 0 0 0 0 81,700 2,577,493 State Shared Revenue O 72,403 0 0 0 0 0 1,264,580 Other Intergovernmental 7,000 6,382,711 1,543,000 0 1,328,553 0 0 29,336,600 Charges for Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 742,800 Fines and Forfeits 85,000 6,000 20,000 0 38,000 110,000 180,000 1,988,374 Interest Earnings 605,000 0 282,500 0 488,056 5,106,874 0 7,878,829 Miscellaneous Revenues O 0 0 0 10,000 7,293 49,953 3,674,246 Non-Revenues 0 0 348,177 0 488,000 0 0 1,978,177 Other Financing Sources O 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 4,260,420 Interfund Revenues 1,098,040 6,521,149 2,193,677 0 2,352,609 5,224,167 633,653 94,423,413 TOTAL REVENUES Expenditures O 0 0 0 0 0 0 115,029 Legislative Executive: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 706,867 Administration(Mayor) O 0 0 0 0 0 0 992,297 Municipal Court O 0 0 0 0 0 0 771,070 Legal Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 106,161 Hearing Examiner 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 375,497 City Clerk O 0 0 0 0 0 0 493,696 Human Resources&Risk Mgmt O 0 0 0 0 4,611,108 0 4,611,108 Insurance Finance and Information Services: O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,691,087 Finance&Information Systems 29,081 204,775 103,260 0 162,030 156,002 334,354 3,646,709 Non-Departmental/Misc O 58,073 950,122 0 287,673 0 0 8,835,996 Debt Service O 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,538,849 Police O 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,405,079 Fire Planning/Building/Pub Wks: 3,412 9,977 0 0 0 0 0 344,555 Administration O 625 0 0 0 0 0 2,717,281 Development Services O 6,286 0 0 0 0 0 1,216,206 Planning/Tech Services 1,151,951 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,460,939 Transportation O 6,179,221 0 0 0 0 0 12,647,414 Utility Systems 2,110 64,158 0 0 1,973,512 0 0 13,110,314 Maintenance Services Community Services: O 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,735,156 General Services/Parks O 0 0 0 0 0 0 347,421 Housing&Human Services O 0 0 0 0 0 0 371,238 Comm Dev Block Grants O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,247,770 Library 0 0 1,088,652 0 0 0 0 1,088,652 Golf Course O 0 0 0 0 0 4,333,784 Transfers-Out 1,186,554 6,523,113 2,142,034 0 2,423,215 4,767,110 334,354 94,910,175 TOTAL EXPENDITURES (88,514) (1,964) 51,843 0 (70,606) 457,057 299,299 (486,762) Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures 2,104,295 154,680 62,685 0 956,938 3,458,130 3,316,553 21,285,083 Fund Balance, January 1 4. 2,015,781 152,716 114,328 0 886,332 3,915,187 3,615,852 20,798,321 Fund Balance,December 31 I Reserved for: 44,044 152,716 171,363 0 134,914 0 0 5,698,643 Operations 1,000,000 0 0 0 751,418 3,611,331 3,615,852 13,761,861 Designated 971,737 0 (57,035) 0 (0) 303,856 0 1,337,817 Undesignated 2,015,781 152,716 114,328 0 886,332 3,915,187 3,615,852 20,798,321 TOTAL ENDING FUND BALANCE CITY OF RENTON 1-11 1997-1998 BUDGET • TABLE 5: STAFFING COMPARISONS BY DEPARTMENT 1995 1996 1.9.97 1998 : %Chg. .%Chg . iDepartment Actual Budget Proposed Proposed 96-97 97-98'',. Regular Full Time and Part Time Staff: LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE: Legislative 7.6 7.6 7.6 7.6 0.0% 0.0% Mayor 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0% 0.0% Municipal Court 12.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 0.0% 0.0% Hearing Examiner 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.0% 0.0% City Clerk 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL LEGISLATIVE/EXECUTIVE. 32.1 .. 33.11 33.1 33.1 0:0% 0.0%'. FINANCE&INFORMATION SERVICES: Finance 19.0 18.5 20.0 20.0 8.1% 0.0% Information Systems 6.5 6.0 6.0 6.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL:FINANCE&INFORMATION:SERVICES 25.5 24.5 26.0 26.0 61% 0 0% HUMAN RESOURCES/RISK MANAGEMENT: Human Resources/Civil Service Commission 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 0.0% 0.0% Risk Management 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.0% 0.0% HUMAN:':RESOURCES/RISK MANAGEMENT:: : 6.6 6.6 6.6:: 6.6 0,0% 0.0%. POLICE: Administration 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 33.3% 0.0% Operations Bureau 79.2 83.2 83.2 83.2 0.0% 0.0% Support Services 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL POLICE 1.12.2 116.2.. 1.17.2 117.2 0.9% 0.0% FIRE: Administration 6.0 6.0 5.0 5.0 -16.7% 0.0% Operations 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 0.0% 0.0% Prevention 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 0.0% 0.0% Training 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% Emergency Management 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL FIRE 108.0 108..0 107 U 107.0 -0:9% 0.0% PLANNING/BUILDING/PUBLIC WORKS: Administration 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 0.0% 0.0% Development Services 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 0.0% 0.0% Tranportation Systems 30.5 30.5 31.0 31.0 1.6% 0.0% Planning/Technical Services 13.5 13.5 13.0 13.0 -3.7% 0.0% Utility Systems 19.4 19.0 19.0 19.0 0.0% 0.0% Maintenance Services 55.5 56.5 57.0 57.0 0.9% 0.0% TOTAL PLANNING/BLDG/PUBLIC::WORKS 1564 157.0 157.5 157.5.... 0.3% 0.0% COMMUNITY SERVICES: General Services,Parks&Recreation 71.6 72.6 70.6 70.6 -2.8% 0.0% Human Services 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% CDBG Block Grants 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 0.0% 0.0% Library Services 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 0.0% 0.0% Municipal Golf Course 8.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL COMMUNITY:SERVICES 98 6 100.6 98.6 98.6 -2.0% 0.0% Total Regular FU11'and Part Time.Staifing': 539.4 546.0 .546.0 546.0 0.0% 0:0%' Limited Term Staff AU Divisions 2.0 2.0 3.5 2.5 75.0% -28.6% Totallntermittant staifng 2.0 2.0 3.5 2 5 75.0% 28.6%; Temporary and Intermittent Part Time Staff: Legislative/Executive 1.0 1.1 0.8 0.8 -27.3% 0.0% Finance&Information Services 0.9 1.6 1.7 1.7 6.2% 0.0% Human Resources/Risk Management 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0% 0.0% Fire 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 N/A N/A Planning/Building/Public Works 18.5 17.0 14.8 14.8 -12.9% 0.0% Community Services 62.5 62.1 62.3 62.3 0.3% 0.0% .Total Tempontry and Intermittent P/T Sreling 83.5 82.2 130 0 80 0 -2.7% 0.0%. TOTAL ALL:STAFFINGa 624.9 630.2: 629.5 628 5 -0.1% 0:2%. CITY OF RENTON 1-13 1997-1998 BUDGET CITE' OF RENTON ..IL Mayor Jesse Tanner October 28, 1996 Dear Council Members and Citizens of Renton: I am pleased to present my first annual budget and biennial spending plan. This budget lays the foundation to secure our City's character as a vibrant community into the next century. The 1997 - 1998 budget reflects my commitment to the following principles: 1) ensuring our City remains in good financial health; 2) continuing to meet the growing service demands of our citizens and businesses; 3) keeping overall costs for our citizens as low as possible; and 4) maintaining our present high quality and levels of service. We began the 1997 - 1998 budget process in February, 1996 at our Council Retreat. Together we created a shared vision of what Renton's future should be. We envision "A City that is characterized by citizen confidence in their elected officials, who lead the development of a safe and healthy community, with a high level of citizen involvement in the process of governing. A City that is friendly to growth and business development, and is innovative in meeting the service demands that contribute to the livability of the City." Once we agreed on a vision, we defined five key goals to move us toward that vision. These goals guided my overall decisions as we developed the 1997 - 1998 budget, in order to ensure Renton maintained its high level of public safety service, beautiful parks and recreationaal opportunities, street maintenance, and business and residential growth, both for the near future and into the next century. The goals are: I. Develop an Annexation Strategy II. Improve Renton's Image III. Promote Economic Development IV. Increase Service Productivity and Innovation V. Acquire Space to Meet City Administration and Public Safety Needs We are making progress in accomplishing many of these goals, but there are obstacles to our progress that are outside our local control. While we are doing a tremendous job in attracting new businesses and increasing our sales tax base, we continue to see an erosion of that base. The state sales tax exemption on manufacturing activities and equipment, research and development activities and equipment, and repair of equipment used in those activities, has had a clear adverse impact upon us. In addition, the only growth we see in property tax revenue is from new development. The base has remained constant or even decreased over the past two years. 200 Mill Avenue South -Renton,Washington 98055 - (206)235-2580/FAX(206)235-2532 ®This paper contains 50%recycled material,20%post consumer The resulting reduced level of revenue has created a considerable challenge to us. Thus, in order to meet the City's goals with this diminished level of revenue, I directed the departments to use the following guidelines in developing the 1997- 1998 spending plan: I. The total employee count could not change. All changes in staffing requirements had to be made by exchanging one position for another. II. All new budget requests had to adhere to the Council's priorities and strategies. III. New and emerging program needs had to be met, as much as possible, with a reallocation of fiscal resources, or IV. New budget expenditures had to pay for themselves with measurable dollars, or V. New programs had to have a return on investment. If the return was in terms of productivity improvements,they had to be measurable. VI. Non-recurring expenditures were identified separately, and funded with one-time monies. VII. Innovative or creative ways to meet expenditure requirements were encouraged. The departments and I examined all current operations and encouraged employees to develop alternative and better ways to provide existing services, where possible. I believe this proposed budget adheres to the vision and goals described above, and that it will provide Renton with predictable, high quality services and opportunities that will make this a city where people choose to live, work, and play. GENERAL OVERVIEW EXPENDITURES. The total budget of $94,910,175 is 3.2 percent below 1996. This budget is comprised of spending for general government operations, utilties management and capital improvements. General Government Funds Of this total, $45,141,635 -- 47.6 percent of the total budget is dedicated for General Governmental Operations. Police, Fire, Parks, Library Services, Recreation, Planning, Development Services, Street Maintenance and Administration define General Governmental Operations. The General Government budget is 3.9 percent above 1996. Salary inflationary increases, public safety requirements, new facilities needs, and implementation of the City's goals constitute the major changes from 1996 to 1997 and 1998 expenditures. Enterprise Funds Of the remaining budget, $30,682,321 is dedicated to the operating and capital spending of the City's four utilities. There will not be a rate increase in our Water, Sewer, and Surface Water utilities in 1997. The County has also decided not to impose a rate increase on their sewer treatment activities. I am recommending a five percent increase to our Solid Waste rates to reflect the costs of disposal. For 1998, we are projecting rate increases below the projected rate of inflation. We will re-examine this as we develop the 1998 budget to determine if these small increases can be eliminated. Despite no or very low increases through 1998, there will be no degradation in the quality or condition of the utilities and the services we provide. Operational innovations and improved management of actual cash flow in the utility capital spending plans make this possible. The Golf Course budget of $2,142,034 for 1997 is 12.8 percent above 1996. This increase reflects stabilizing conditions after our first full year of operations with the new club house, driving range and redesigned course. We are watching this fund closely to make sure there is no increase in the current contribution from the General Fund to pay for debt service. I am proposing increases in green fees by $4.00 on weekends from $18.00 to $22.00 a round. All other green vii fees will increase by $1.00. We believe these increases will not adversly impact the number of rounds of golf, but will help improve the financial condition of this fund now and in the future. Capital and Other Funds The remaining budget is made up of miscellaneous funds and our general Capital Improvement Program. There are no significant changes to the other funds. The largest change in these will be in the Impact Mitigation Fund where we are spending prior-approved monies for the building of our new Fire Station in the Valley. The Airport, Equipment Rental, Insurance and Transportation Funds include few changes from prior years. In 1997 we will dedicate over $997,000 to general government capital projects. Of that total, 52.8 percent is dedicated to major maintenance. In addition, we have allocated over $600,000 to reserves to match possible state funds for the purchase or development of additional park and recreation opportunities. REVENUE: Sales, property and utility taxes, intergovernmental monies, and various permits and fees comprise the major revenues to meet our General Governmental operating requirements. User fees and grants are the primary sources of revenue for the enterprise funds such as the utilities, airport, and golf funds. Capital projects in the utilities are paid with user fees. Transportation projects are paid with grants and the business license fee revenue. General capital project funds are paid from a transfer of one time funds and the Real Estate Excise Tax (REET). General Government Funds Sales taxes: Sales tax will increase by 4.7 percent in 1997 Total Sales Taxes and 6.2 percent in $15,000,000 - 1998. These = increases reflect 2 — e new businesses d $to,000,000 - — like WalMart and the Automall and11 $5,000,000 - _ — general growth we are experiencing in various sectors of $- i the economy. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 Bdgt Est Proj Proj While we are most encouraged by this sales tax estimate, I want to reiterate an issue we have been working on for the past 20 months. Our sales taxes will be $800,000 higher in 1997 over estimated 1996 collections. However, State of Washington's changes to the sales tax laws, negates our efforts to add to our sales tax base. Our 1996 budget for sales tax was $11,312,800. Because of the new State laws we expect the actual collections to be$11,000,000. Our actuals would be even lower, if we did not have growth in various sectors. Seventy two (72) percent of our growth next year will simply compensate for the $600,000 lost due to the negative impacts of the State's law changes. We must continue to work with the state on halting any more erosion of local control and impact. The following graph illustrates the revenues from the manufacturing companies and the decreases we expect to recognize from these sources. viff Manufacturing Sales Tax Revenue OSIC I c 1,500,000 ®SIC II ■SIC III m 1,000,000 umm Ta 500,000 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 (SIC means "Standard Industrial Code." This is a national reporting system whereby businesses report the type of activities they are engaged in for tax purposes. We are able to identify the manufacturing companies as defined by the SIC reporting.) Property taxes. In the State of Washington the County Assessor determines the value of all real and personal property throughout the County. For tax purposes the assessed value of property is 100 percent of its actual value. The tax rate is stated in terms of dollars paid per every $1,000 of assessed value. Valuations are made in the year prior to imposition (assessment)of the tax. Beginning in 1997, each property will be physically examined every six years by an appraiser. Those properties not physically revalued each year will be statistically reassessed based on the physical revaluation of surrounding properties. This is very different than the past practice of accomplishing a revaluation of all properties every two years. At this point, we do not know the long term impacts on revenues or citizens' tax bills of the new valuation process but we do know that in 1997 the valuations citywide have increased by only two percent. This is very good news for homeowners. It means their individual tax bills have finally become more stable. Our rate will not change in 1997, thus any increase for the homeowner should be quite small and will be a reflection of the valuation of the property or of rate changes by other jurisdictions. However, an overall two percent growth rate is incongruent with new construction and increased development activity we are seeing in our community. In 1995 we issued over $126 million in building permit valuation. In 1994 we had building permits of valuations of$145 million. While we understand not all of this would be on the tax rolls by April of 1996, a two percent increase in our valuation would translate into approximately only$70 million in growth. Total Assessed Value by Property Type 4,000 • 3,500 3,000 ■ ■ ■—, (•Annexations ■• 2,500 _ ■_■—■=■=M=.1=1 ®utility AV 2,000 —■—■-113111 ■—■—■-, 13 Personal Prop AV > 1 ,500 ,—■=■—■ ■ —■—■—■ , DConstruction AV to 1,000 500 ,—■—■—■—■— — —■—•—, El Real Prop AV _ I=w-w-.=w-w-w-w-NISI a o VI v Cl) CD 0- E3 a) N a) a) a) a) a) a) a) Assessment Yr/Levy Yr ix arr .✓ We continue to investigate this, and try to understand how our new construction is put on the assessment rolls, and how property is devalued. For the 1997 budget, we have assumed a very conservative estimate of a two percent increase in revenues. In 1998 the estimate includes a four percent increase as we believe the new construction must finally be recognized by the assessor. Utility Taxes. Utility taxes are based upon the actual rate and usage of an individual's or company's utility bill. If a person uses more electricity than their neighbor, they pay more to the utility provider and city in taxes. Deregulation has had a significant impact on the city's revenues from utility taxes. In 1993- 1995 we saw a significant decrease in the amount of taxes generated from phone usage. This was due to both the new ways people access phone service and to Utility Tax Collections $7,000,000 $6,000,000 = =tO 11111 c $5,000,000 E • • ® Cell Phone......- — • 0 Cable v $3,00 • -0,000 _ =-=_ - - -__ • 0 Transfer Station $2 000 000 •_-_To • _•_. e aty utilities alO Natural Gas $1,000,000 - • 0 Phone $ • - - - II ■ Electric 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 Bdgt Est Bdgt Bdgt the decrease in Boeing usage. This effect has now stabilized, and we are anticipating a small increase in our phone revenues in 1997 and 1998. The electricity providers are now beginning to face the same deregulation issues as the phone company. In the future, Boeing and other major users will be able to purchase their electricity from any provider who will give them the lowest cost. The electric companies are trying to be proactive on this issue and find ways to lower their costs so that they can compete. This means that over the next several years, we can not use the same methodologies as before to estimate revenues. We must work closely with electric users, providers, and the state legislature to determine the impacts of this new world. In 1997 electric rates will actually decrease by 5.5 percent. Our revenues will be down by over $150,000 from this change. We, of course, are also users of electricity. The rate decrease will mean we can save approximately $50,000 in our utility bills. We use electricity for street lights, traffic signals, general city, and utility operations. Cellular phone and natural gas tax revenues continue to increase. Cellular phone simply reflects the continued change in people's use of this new tool. Natural gas revenues reflect the change people are making from electricity to gas. We have assumed small increases in natural gas. However, in 1997 our estimates for cellular phone increases are much more aggressive than over the past years. Intergovernmental Revenues. The state has a myriad of revenues that it shares with cities. They are allocated on the basis of population or sales tax revenues. The City of Renton receives only the revenues based on population. Specifically, we receive motor vehicle excise taxes, liquor taxes, vehicle fuel taxes, and criminal justice grants. In 1997 these will total approximately $1.8 million. The growth Renton is experiencing with these revenues is directly related to population growth. x On a statewide basis the actual dollar per capita is decreasing. The dollars are allocated based upon the number of people who live in incorporated areas. As areas are annexed into cities and new cities are formed, the actual dollars are spread to a larger base. This is another area we want to watch most closely in the coming legislative session. Small cities are significant losers in the allocation changes; many of them depend on state revenues for their survival. There has been discussion of many ideas of how to provide assistance to these small cities and while we are sympathetic to their plight, we do not want the state to reallocate dollars from us to smaller cities and continue the erosion in our revenue that has occurred to date. Miscellaneous Revenue Sources. Building permit fees are growing at a sustainable rate. Our admission taxes will increase significantly in 1997 with the opening of the new theater complex. Business license fees will increase by 3.5% overall as Renton regains businesses in the areas where Boeing has vacated. We are seeing a more diverse employment base than we had in the 1980's. Enterprise Funds Utility Rates. Revenues for the utilities come primarily from user fees. As stated earlier, I am proposing no rate increases in our water, sewer, or storm water utilities, and a five percent increase in our solid waste utility for 1997. At this time, we do anticipate a small increase in 1998 (overall the increase will be below the projected rate of inflation) as the table below summarizes. Planning Average Average Estimated Purposes % % Utility 1995 1996 1997 1998 Change Change Bill Bill Bill Bill 1996/1997 1997/1998 Water $24.14 $24.58 $24.58 25.02 0% 1.8% Sewer 12.05 12.29 12.29 12.29 0% 2.7 Metro 17.95 19.10 19.10 19.10 0% 0% Surface Water 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.33 0% 2% Solid Waste 9.8 10.45 11.00 11.52 5% 5% Actual rates for 1998 will be presented to you next year for your consideration as we review the 1998 spending plan. Other Fees. As discussed in the Overview, I am proposing increases at the Golf Course. These increases are within the plan we laid forth when we issued bonds in 1995. At that time we stated fees would increase as the course was completed. There are no other fee increases in this budget. A discussion of the revenues for our capital funding is laid forth in this letter. MEETING OUR GOALS As earlier defined, the goals and principles used to develop my proposed budget maintain existing levels of services provided to Renton residents and businesses. To that base, I have added or changed programs to better meet our five goals and emerging needs. These changes are highlighted below: xi Annexation: The City of Renton is at the crossroads of many developing and emerging areas adjacent to us. We believe Renton has much to offer to the businesses and residents in these neighborhoods. We have an extraordinary parks and trail system, a nationally accredited Police Department, outstanding Fire and Public Works services, and utility capacity to handle growth. The Council and I have often discussed the advantages of having the land use planning and impacts from these areas within our control, in order to better anticipate impacts on our services. The 1997 budget continues the staffing and program resources at 1996 levels, which will allow us to continue to work with residents of these areas and encourage them to annex to Renton. Image: As you are aware we are making significant advancements in improving our community's image, both to our residents and in the region. I am proposing two new programs in the 1997 budget to enhance our current efforts. The first involves concerted energy in the area of graffiti removal. We shifted a staff position from street maintenance to this new program in late 1996. We will fund this position in 1997 along with $6,000 in supplies for removing graffiti from City- owned facilities and public locations. We know from experience, if we tackle graffiti when it occurs, the individuals who deface property become less inclined toward this behavior. The second major initiative is funded with one time revenues. A Coordinated Business Recruitment Campaign is being requested for a total of $50,000 in 1997 and $43,500 in 1998. With these funds, the Economic Development section of the Executive office proposes to develop videos, printed materials, and banners to market Renton. We propose to have trade shows with the Chamber to illustrate the business opportunities and connections in Renton. The campaign also includes putting in more plantings and holiday decorations in our downtown core to connect downtown with other major events occurring in our City such as Renton River Days and "Clam Lights". The Gateways and Image Commission that the Council approved this year will continue its work in 1997 and 1998, and will add a third important element to improving the image of our community. Any work efforts identified by the Commission will be met from within existing resources. Economic Development. We have made remarkable progress in the area of economic development over the past few years. Annual Sales Tax Receipts from Auto Sales These changes have included all $3,000,000 - _ locations of our $2,500,000 $2,000,000 City. The graphs $1,500,000 — illustrate how $1,000,000 — important car sales $500,000 ----s;„ - — are to our entire $- 1 4 fli sales tax base, and 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 the expected revenue increases with the creation of the Automall. Auto sales constitute 22 percent of our total sales tax collections. This is why the creation of the Automall and keeping our downtown dealerships in the City was so important. WalMart will open in Renton in late 1996, and will complement our current major retail centers. The retailer, GI Joes, has also announced they will be building in south Renton. Boeing is, again, increasing its production which will cause an upswing in sales of cars and general retail. The interest by the Paul Allen Group of companies in developing the Port Quendall site at the north end of Renton present a once in a generation opportunity for us to clean up and contain the polluted portions of this site, while developing it with world class amenities and businesses there. The 1996 budget was adjusted to provide funds to complete the environmental impact statement xii (EIS) for the site. Having the City take the lead on the EIS will speed the development process significantly. If the development moves forward, the City will be fully reimbursed for any EIS costs. A major area of emphasis continues to be our downtown. The relocation of the car dealerships from our core to the Automall, 1997 Sales Tax Percentage By Source combined with the opening of the new commuter transfer station and our new free shuttle system, provide us an opportunity to Autos continue our efforts to improve the downtown 22% core. To that end, the budget carries a recommendation of a one time expenditure of Mnfg $15,000 in both 1997 and 1998 to consolidate 7% lDh1111 • Misc and develop marketing plans for the 56% downtown property the City now owns. In Bldg Trades .' addition, I am requesting that we place 15% $400,000 in the capital budget for the purchase of any additional property that might be necessary to put together pieces of property necessary to implement a desired strategy. The $400,000 is in reserve, and we hope that any expenditure will be matched with private or other interlocal funds. Service Productivity and Innovation. Again, in reprioritizing this budget, given our limitations on revenue growth, we had to develop new parameters of decision making. Each department has offered changes to their budget that will either result in increased revenues or is a different way of providing services. I will highlight the major changes in the letter, and I encourage you to read the budget sections for more detail. Administration. An element of our vision is that we have citizens involved with their government. We currently have over 100 volunteers helping us in the Police, Clerk, Finance, Senior Services, and Parks departments. These people provide an immeasurable level of service. As we look to the future, a critical element in maintaining our existing level of services within the context of shrinking financial resources is to increase the use of citizen volunteers. Therefore, I am proposing a Volunteer Coordination Program. We are requesting $75,000 to include contracting with a firm or individual to help organize and manage our volunteer program. Given our track record of volunteers without any management, we believe this program will pay for itself in less than two years. Another area of change is in the reallocation of existing staff resources. I am recommending the reassignment of two full time equivalent positions to assist in providing better and more efficient service to our citizens. An example of one change is the reallocation of a .5 FTE in the Finance Department to better manage our grants and associated cash flow. Over the past few years, we have received over $3 million a year in grants. The federal and state government reporting requirements have increased significantly. This position should be able to ensure our billings are accomplished more timely, and we believe will pay for itself through improved cash flow advantages. xiii The other changes are shown below in the table. Most of these changes are addressed in the various highlights. 1996 1997 Adopted Proposed Planner 1.0 -1.0 Maint. Srv. Wrk .5 -.5 Eng Spec I .5 -.5 Jailer 0 1.0 Grants Acct 0 .5 Tech Srvs 0 .5 2.0 2.0 Police. Court. and Legal Costs. As in the past, our local criminal justice system is causing significant strains on our budget. I have focused much of my attention during the budget preparation process in this area. While I am frustrated by the ever increasing outlays, I am pleased with several innovative ideas the departments have developed that I believe will help slow the rate of law and justice expenditures. We have a new jail contract with Okanogan County to handle all but the most serious offenders. The most difficult offenders will be handled by our jail or will be sent to the King County jail, depending on the needs of the incarcerated person. Faced with rising inmate health care costs, I am recommending an increase for jail health services. Defining the proper facilities will actually save approximately $88,000 in costs. We will be able to target our prisoner population for the correct placement and appropriate care. This will minimize our risk for the population, employees and general liability. The Electronic Home Detention (EHD) program will now be earning $100,000 a year. This program has proven to be quite successful. In m Electronic Home Detention Revenues 1994 we earned c 125,000 approximately $25,000. 100,000 75,000 At the end of 1996 we � 50,000 will earn, at least 3 25,000 — $25,000 more than the c ' ' ' program's actual Q 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 operational costs. We Bdgt Est Bdgt Bdgt will be adding to the program in 1997 in order to sustain the level of earnings we believe we can attain. With all that said, Renton's jail costs continue to escalate. The total budget for all associated jail costs in 1996 are expected to be $1,053,215. We will increase this by an additional $265,000. The increases are as follows: • a new jailer($44,000); • additional costs to King County jail ($132,700); • increase in jail health services ($40,300); • inflationary increase in food costs($23,000); and • added costs to the Electronic Home Detention program ($25,000) xiv '°4100 Ise The new jailer position will be added by eliminating unfilled positions in the Public Works department. Given our daily jail population, and the commitment of a jailer full time to the EHD program, it is time we add a jailer to guarantee the safety of our staff and prisoners. The King County jail costs are increasing due to price increases from the County. We will now have to pay 20 percent more in booking fees —from $90.51 to $108.95 per prisoner. In addition, the daily maintenance fees will increase by 32 percent from $51.68 a day to $68.19 per day. As an alternative to using the King County jail, we will utilize either the Okanagon facility, EHD program, or our own jail for an estimated 40 prisoners. Any growth in the number of jail prisoners translates into increased workload for the Court. In 1997 an additional $20,000 will be appropriated to the public defenders budget. This translates into a 16 percent increase from 1996. Since 1994, the public defenders budget has increased by 38 percent from $105,000 to $145,000. The probation services since 1994 have grown from $20,000 to$60,000 in 1997 --a 200 percent increase in the past three years. Between 1996 and 1997 the budget changes from$50,000 to$60,000 annually for a 20 percent increase. To help stem the rate of increase in probation costs, Judge Ham is recommending the City enter into an independent contract instead of using King County probation services. We are proposing a five year contract at$60,000 per year for this service. We will actually secure more service than we have been receiving, and the fixed costs will provide greater stability to this cost center. We are also pursuing other ways to contain associated court costs, which I hope to bring to you by the 1998 review. The increased activity in our courts also requires an increase in the Prosecutor's budget. We are recommending a $20,000 increase in this budget. This changes the prosecutor's budget by 10.3 percent from 192,890 to 212,890. Since 1994 that budget has increased by $81,000 or 61.4 percent. Other legal costs not associated with the criminal system are also increasing. We are working on many special projects -- condemnation and a major new development in the city. The budget includes an additional $30,000 for work on these projects. They are one time extraordinary projects, and demand distinct work above our normal legal requirements. Fire Department. The proposed budget includes funds to open Fire Station 14 located in the valley neighborhood. The program, utilizing $72,000 in overtime, will save us $325,000 in personnel costs to staff the station full time. In addition, there are small, but significant equipment purchases to ensure the department remains effective. One of the best ideas is to purchase a heavy duty laundry system to wash the officers' bunker outfits. With this one time expenditure of$7,000, we will be saving over$3,000 annually. Community Services. This is one area of major innovation and change. To our existing facilities and maintenance workload, we have added a new fire station, a club house, driving range, and other facilities at the golf course, and several new parks, boulevards, and gateways. Gateways and corridors added to the City over the past two years include Park Ave., South Third, Houser Way, and Bronson Way. All of these areas have significant green space that requires special equipment. All of these must be maintained. To meet this need and still adhere to the guideline of no new positions, we are proposing the addition of $38,000 to the existing $75,000 contract services budget. This total of $113,000 will meet the janitorial and grounds maintenance needs of Fire Station 14 and the above mentioned areas. Contracting costs will be significantly less expensive than adding staff persons, vehicles, and travel time. xv I am also proposing that we contract out the sweeping of parking lots. Several years ago, we eliminated a street sweeper position, and the parking lots for the City owned facilities have not been given the attention required to keep them in good shape. The budget includes $30,000 for street sweeping. In addition, this is one area that we will, as a City, examine in detail next year. We have several different requirements for sweeping. We need to spend some time on this entire issue and identify the most cost effective way to provide these services at the parking lots, airport, and streets. With the purchase of the new building, we need to continue to fund the Limited Term Project Coordinator. This position will help with the space planning and design of the new building. We will continue to examine this need as compared to other needs in the future. We are funding a position in recreation that we have carried, unfunded, for two years. It is clear the recreation division has been understaffed by a position. The Director clearly needs assistance in working on the numerous special projects that are required. Finally, in this department, we are funding the Senior Center Health Support request. We expect revenues to offset the $9,000 of expenditures. This program will provide a nurse at our Senior Center to give assistance and references. Public Works. This department has several different changes. First, a position will be funded in the Signal Shop that previously was funded by Valley Communications. With the addition of several new streets, signals and general growth, our needs became very urgent, and the Valley Comm organization decided to contract the services differently due to the new radio system. A position was transferred from planning with .5 FTE added to the technical services section to work on mapping, and the other half provided to the Finance Department, as discussed earlier. The department also eliminated two .5 FTE positions — one from the Airport and another from Wastewater maintenance. Both of these positions have been unfilled for over 12 months. Thus, no degradation of service will occur as a result of these eliminations. We used this position to meet the increasing requirements of our jail. Another innovation the department will implement in 1997 is to have all design work for Capital Improvement Projects to be accomplished by City employees. This will save $600,000 in capital costs. Finally, we are going to continue to fund the Limited Term Civil Engineer. This position, like the one in Finance, deals directly with the transportation grants the City has been able to attain. The grants require not only financial monitoring, but general monitoring for different kinds of compliance. This position helps the Transportation CIP Manager ensure compliance. Summary. Overall, departments attempted to find innovative ways to continue to provide the current service levels under increasing demands. We started this new thinking early in 1996, and these changes in the budget illustrate a significant effort to be creative. In addition to the ideas being requested, during the process we had a great many other ideas that we will continue to analyze for implementation in 1998 or 1999. We expect the ideas listed above are just the beginning of a new way to provide services to our citizens. xvi 11.0 Some of the areas we will be examining over the course of the next year include: • examining the feasibility of additional intergovernmental agreements that provide overall savings and efficiencies like our Valley Communications and Narcotics Task Force; • reviewing facility management and project management roles and expectations, especially in light of acquiring a new building and being in the leasing business; • analyzing the savings and costs of having more centralized purchasing; and • evaluating information services throughout the City and determine efficiencies and consolidation of efforts. City Administration Space Needs: We are in the middle of the condemnation process for a new building to accommodate and consolidate current City Hall functions, a new jail, Court, and the Parks Department. We are progressing toward accomplishment of this goal. The proposed budget has incorporated the expected purchase of this building in 1997, and we have used one time funds for capital expenditures to ensure our financial condition remains flexible in order to accommodate various purchasing alternatives. CAPITAL PROGRAMS (CIP) The term"capital" has many meanings. It refers to many pieces of our infrastructure including, but not limited to, technological infrastructure (phones and computers), our fleet, new development, and maintenance of our facilities. All of these needs in 1997/1998 are going to be met with one time monies. Technological Infrastructure: In 1996 we completed the Wide Area Network System. Every City employee has access to electronic mail to contact one another. Further, departments have been using the WAN to transfer citywide forms and communication. We now have over 500 devices connected to our WAN. Departments are using more shared printers, scanners, and other devices and processes to improve productivity. Technology, however, is extremely dynamic. I am proposing in this budget several different projects over the next two years to meet productivity improvements. First, we need to replace the programs that operate on the WANG. Over the past two years we have replaced the City's financial system. Over the next two years we have to replace the payroll/human resources system and put in a new Police System. The payroll module will be an internally significant program. However, we expect we can replace this for$150,000. The Police System, however, has wide implications. We are in the middle of evaluating systems which range from everything to a replacement for our existing system, which cannot be accessed from the field by our officers, to implementing a system that will include laptop computers in the vehicles that can tie into a city computer. The Police System will cost $750,000, if we purchase an integrated system. I am proposing to purchase this in 1998 due to the building decisions. The remaining part of the technology plan includes replacement of 386 machines,the beginning of a design for document imaging and management, and general replacement of computers for design and GIS systems, and software that will help us manage the WAN and telephone system at the lowest cost possible. Print Services. In 1996 we began a comprehensive management system of City owned copiers. This has proven to be successful. In 1997 we expect even higher success as we are negotiating our service contracts with more tenacity. In 1997 and 1998 we have identified a continuation of the copier replacement program with cash. By the end of 1997 we should be completely out of the copier leasing business, and have efficiencies of scale in the management of these machines and services. xvii Maintenance /Replacement of Our Infrastructure. Each year we use one quarter of our Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) to meet ongoing maintenance and replacement of our city owned facilities. In 1997 and 1998 we expect to spend to spend approximately $400,000 in REET revenues. The projects we will complete in 1997 and 1998 include: • Replacement of Play Equipment at Tiffany, Maplewood, and Phillip Arnold Play Grounds; • Resurfacing of several parking lots: Gene Coulon, Senior Center, North Highlands Community Center, and Teasdale Park; • General Library Repairs; • Senior Center Roof Replacement; • Community Center Carpet Replacement; • Fire Stations 11,12, and 13 general maintenance; and • North Highlands Community Center Gym Replacement. New Development. In addition, we will be adding one time monies to our CIP Fund for two major needs. We will set aside$200,000 in an account to use as matching funds for any state or county grants we may qualify for to help meet the needs in the Cedar River regional park, Heather Downs, or other development opportunities. We have had monies like this before, and were able to use them to help purchase the Narco property and the newest Black River Acquisition. These funds are for investment. We will be setting aside $400,000 for matching opportunities in the downtown core area. I have discussed this earlier in the Economic Development section. We have been able to acquire different parcels in the downtown to develop a transit center. We now would like to put the correct parcels together to permit both a development that will add to the economic health of the City and the development of a trail system. Finally, as stated earlier, and a project that you are fully aware of, we will be completing a new Fire Station and Training Center by mid 1997. Fire Station 14 — or the Valley Fire Station — is completely funded through mitigation funds. The funds for this Station came primarily from fees we received as part of the negotiations with Metro for the new Treatment Facility. LOOKING TO THE FUTURE The first year of my administration has been an exciting one. We moved toward resolving our criminal justice and administrative space needs through the condemnation of the empty Main and Grady building. The new downtown transfer station opened, the Automall is taking shape daily, and we are negotiating with a major developer to build a world class complex on the northern edge of our City. At the same time, Boeing production will be increasing to significant levels since the early 1980's. The future looks very bright. All of this growth brings with it challenges. We must continue to live within our means while providing a quality level of service for citizens. This will mean constantly examining what services we are providing, what services we need to provide, and shifting priorities as the times and needs change. We must stay on the course through the principles, goals and guidelines we have developed. We must remain vigilant when working with the State Legislature. While we can certainly appreciate increasing the State's overall economic health, it is our duty to provide local services to these and new or existing facilities. New facilities and employment have a great many advantages. They also bring substantial costs in terms of traffic and public safety concerns. xviii Those needs are met at the local level. The State should be encouraged to change its taxing structure to promote economic development. However, their decisions should not have an adverse impact on our local efforts or our level of service to our citizens. Changes to any additional sales tax, property tax, or intergovernmental revenues require our utmost attention over the next few months. As we face the next century, we will encounter changes we can only imagine. This will force us to be flexible, questioning, and focused on the true requirements of government. We share a vision of what our great city is and what it can be. I look forward to implementing programs and setting goals that realize that vision within the changing environment. • Sincerely, Jesse Tanner Mayor xix 4.0 ■� CO RC 0) 01 :Imo 01 73 W Q. w V floq Cl) _ c .� t. O a� Cl) ti ‘IEP v 6 O '- >as 1.. co C) _ co — � � Lce; 6. .� O L , co _ a)cirE(/) o 4.0 CD . a) ,O a) _ a) co 0 01 4-1 42 2 . .0 >4 = 72 cm • . •_ O O O) N � � �? • I � as = Q0) M CCD 0 CD 1.- m -c _ '_ 13 > di a) .i > = - L 0 C4-0 u) = -Fi I o m as 0 'Ng_ ■_ U' 1 -0 E L to a) _ 7:3 p a) C N 'L CD !C 1-0 E 0 x as Om a 1 .9, u) 0 ,,, .c v L > .— o ..., a 2 — mr: 5 44 grE SI sl 0 as pL., X 1- .2 Q 0. 02 v- 1- r ca H III • • • • • i _____I -___,..............., I w 0 00 00 00 00 00 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 oo o 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 h tD 4 M N O • co O IP73 6 ' ti ca W . .._ , an Aia) lLa SIM CD • ..c , 4 3 s: C (111111 ila. 1116,111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. 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L. o CD (3 CDo rn82 •LoU _. co a) c, 00U O t 7 CD c 0 > N = N N N 1 .0 _ CD N O t0 O O > >- CO C� > 63 E -C u O • • • • • S 0 g v .3.I �� 2G ��• O i--- Cz d� c tell fillI � =ma.g ..2 2/ e,,E .. gs 11 te Fzcw 'E� �— a st O U U$ g� iig II ,E g w�a c ¢ vt`o<.�o a mr m ca�z a L ID a Ti 03 L.r �c 0 m c N O cu 1 E .c o Z -v ch rs a c 0 0 '$ 1,- 0 •. as C —c. 2.0 E ' j w 00 'nGI $ —... C o > z co co —� c OZ Lo. °` 6. E y m� co y 1 r N X = O O C , co H m C4 c ate' c> V c 2 o 0 t w '2 uq 'rye I I c a as co .5 w Ela cm c' c �, I; m z m a aci .0 7F. t o tL m � ›3' — 0 as c2coo ;6a > 3 00 LL le j c ;A j o OHilt Nc -3 .0 cU o Q g Vo XgaYc' ` c 0 , � 41 asZ �Y = > g 1 H « € O c r g _ 46 cm) I C w- F-a o "t = e9 co cb— c o Gs NO,t H n,es = I � ° cc v i O 0 ccv � <v cc S0 I 03 o IIItllH �, �. i 4 1 r 00 �i"-1.ruvs:rdit +ur New, November 4, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 416 Parks: Carco Theatre Community Services Department recommended acceptance of a King County HVAC Replacement, King grant in the amount of $50,000 for the replacement of the HVAC system at County Funding, CAG- Carco Theatre. The grant covers approximately 40% of the total cost of the 96- project. Council concur. (See page 417 for resolution.) Public Works: Central Water Utility Division submitted CAG-95-062, Central Renton Sewer Renton Sewer Replacement; and requested approval of the project, authorization for final Replacement, Gary pay estimate in the amount of $35,165.00, commencement of a 60-day lien Merlino Const. Co., CAG- period, and release of retained amount of $103,531.95 to Gary Merlino 95-062 Construction Co., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY EDWARDS, COUNCIL APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA AS PRESENTED. CARRIED. OLD BUSINESS Finance Committee Chair Edwards presented a report recommending approval Finance Committee of Claims Vouchers #140531 - 140938; two wire transfers in the total amount Finance: Vouchers of $2,075,621.87; approval of Payroll Vouchers #148909 - 149204; and 449 direct deposits in the total amount of $1,126,703.74. MOVED BY EDWARDS, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utilities Committee Utilities Committee Vice Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Utility: 1997/98 Utility proposed 1997/98 utility rates. The Utilities Committee supported the 1997 Rates L utility rates proposed by the administration. The Utilities Committee also & l supported the estimated 1998 utility rates as proposed, recognizing that the 1998 rates are based upon certain assumptions, and are subject to possible revision prior to consideration by Council during the 1998 budget process. The proposed 1997/98 residential utility rate increases are as follows: UTILITIES 1997 1998** Water 0% 1.8%** Wastewater 0% 2.7%** Surface Water 0% 2%** Solid Waste 5% 5%** **Estimates, based on current assumptions The Utilities Committee also recommended that Council impose a 0% increase on the 1997 water, wastewater, and surface water rates for low income seniors and disabled citizens, and directed Administration to incorporate this provision into the 1997 Utility Rate Ordinance. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY CLAWSON, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Utility: Interim Water Utilities Committee Vice Chair Schlitzer presented a report regarding the Group, Renton volunteer assessment contributions to the Interim Water Group (IWG). The Participation Utilities Committee recommended concurrence in the Planning/Building/ Public Works Department's recommendation that the City decline the invitation for additional financial participation in the IWG at this time. MOVED BY SCHLITZER, SECONDED BY KEOLKER-WHEELER, COUNCIL CONCUR IN THE COMMITTEE REPORT. CARRIED. Transportation (Aviation) Transportation (Aviation) Committee Chair Schlitzer presented a report Committee regarding the Grant Ave. S. traffic safety improvements. The Transportation Streets: Grant Ave S Committee recommended Council authorize the use of channelization markings Safety Improvements to narrow the roadway, utilize enforcement, and provide any necessary signage on Grant Ave. S. to reduce vehicle speeds and keep vehicles on the right side �..► APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL Date /I- 4—f& UTILITIES COMMITTEE COMMITTEE REPORT November 18, 1996 Proposed 1997/1998 Utility Rates (Referred October 28, 1996 ) zei*ai.eywk‘21 The Utilities Committee supports the 1997 utility rates proposed by the Administration. The Utilities Committee is also supportive of the estimated 1998 utility rates as proposed, recognizing that the 1998 rates are based upon certain assumptions, and are subject to possible revision prior to consideration by Council during the 1998 budget process. 6es:den.L::,LI The proposed 1997-1998 Utility Rate Increases are as follow: Water 0% 1.8%** Wastewater 0% 2.7%** Surface Water " 0% 2%** Solid Waste 5% 5%** ** Estimates;based on current assumptions. The Utilities Committee also recommends that Council impose a 0%increase on the 1997 water, wastewater, and surface water rates for low income seniors and disabled citizens, and direct Administration to incorporate this provision into the 1997 Utility Rate Ordinance. e0/141,et--.. Randy Corm , Chair imothy J. Sc rt r,Vice Chair 0(21,, an Clawson, Member • cc: Victoria Runkle Paula Henderson Ron Olsen Lys Homsby Priscilla Pierce Is. "y J L8 DU ^O CW � m O 8 _. zZ3 w�om _idEos `° _ N o> >_L aO NEgw2_ C"' m c Z8=w ,c9 U i E35g B`o of _ ~u.Zm›' Q. 122 E2 Q � 0�wui-�.�m>.`a.- m aS$g c �Oz4,2�= =V o�0 g 2 45 2 y c I Uz- .-co c Ea mgUi .m 8 out^Ez.gEoi ;o°° 4,da p��$'aoE � cV`ad� oU c_Vv `d`a da2gip a i >. a) a 711., m .t c0 m - N C %0- = c O tp O .-. C t O Z � C7 VI m c 1 m - tE 13 ti U 4)c Z6 O c E Tu N m m M —ow c `° � m o Z 4) rn 0 a � � o > m 0) CO w ` EU °� � 2 - u=i o fix ' � o •- o c ,a al H a) a 7c> U c '•. o < p .0 0L01- c 0 V Z \_ _ pV t Lu c - w ain. 7 a, J c Z 3 di o c oc=n = a � a IS to CO c m w Ec � m .V m 0 r m m o P. H � � t o ‘IbIl m as \ o m t w 0 TelQ �� to c o U co) p m m o m � o > >, 4) c CO . ' 3 a mo H o wd 1n1 Ui• 3 a� o o � c 3 , X �. Qc a o Z. � J E y Z mY 13 `O �� o � �� U o c $. flIt • c •z < ' _1 �:itvi I � ocv ay�=o I-- ' cp t = E i Ocp co co -co - ic "ge• Q • ' P LLI cv o v CD H 0 Nape October 28, 1996 Renton City Council Minutes Page 407 Mr. Sanchez encouraged the City to continue monitoring the situation, implementing traffic revisions as needed, and citing speeders. Councilmen Schlitzer and Edwards relayed their concerns regarding traffic increases and noted that when the Boulevard reopens after completion of the bridge project, more commuters may use the arterial as a bypass route and further increase traffic levels. CONSENT AGENDA Items on the consent agenda are accepted by one motion which follows the listing. Appeal: Anicello Short City Clerk submitted appeal of Hearing Examiner's decision on the Anicello Plat, NE 7th St, SHP-96- short plat, nine lots on 1.62 acres located at 3401 NE 7th St.; appeal filed on 073 10/16/96 by Robert Slater, 3507 NE 7th St., Renton, 98056 (File No. SHP-96- 073). Refer to Planning & Development Committee. Executive: Fire Station Executive Department requested approval for the 1% for Art proposal for Fire #14 & Training Center Station #14 and Training Center's granite and bronze, nine-foot tall sculpture Sculpture, 1% For Art by artist Hai Ying Wu which glorifies men and women firefighters who risk their lives in the line of duty. Refer to Community Services Committee. Finance: 1997 Budget & Finance and Information Services Department submitted 1997 Budget and the 1998 Spending Plan Public 1998 Spending Plan and requested public hearings be set for 11/18/96 and Hearings P \\° 12/9/96. Council concur. Transportation: Renew Public Works Administration recommended renewing the Boeing Airplane Co. North & South Bridge north and south bridge permits which would allow the transportation of Permits, Boeing aircraft and other vehicles across the Cedar River between the Boeing Renton Plant and the Renton Municipal Airport. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: 1997/98 Rates Public Works Administration submitted proposed 1997/98 Utility Rates for briefing only. Refer to Utilities Committee. Public Works: Vehicle Public Works Fleet Maintenance Department requested approval of an Service & Maintenance interlocal agreement with the City of Newcastle to service and maintain their Agreement, City of vehicles and electronic equipment. Revenue generated will be approximately Newcastle, CAG-96- $10,000 annually. Council concur. (See page 409 for resolution.) Streets: Grady Way/Talbot Transportation Division submitted CAG-95-075, Grady Way/Talbot Rd. Rd Overlay, M.A. Segale, Resurfacing and 1995 Street Overlay project; and requested approval of the CAG-95-075 project, authorization for final pay estimate commencement of 60-day lien period, and release of retained amount of $18,928.27 to M. A. Segale, Inc., contractor, if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. Streets: Grady Ave S Transportation Systems Division requested traffic improvements in the amount Safety Improvements of $6,000 to reduce speeds on Grant Ave. S. by the use of channelization markings to narrow the roadway and enforcement of the speed limit. Refer to Transportation Committee. Transportation: Transportation Systems Division submitted proposed consultants list for the Consultants List For Small Transportation Engineering Small Works Roster which will be in force for one Works Roster year and can be renewed a maximum of two additional one-year periods. Refer to Transportation Committee. Utility: Interim Water Utility Systems Division recommended that the City decline the invitation for Group, Renton additional financial participation in the Interim Water Group (a temporary Participation water supply governance organization). Refer to Utilities Committee. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Al#: rC SUBMITTING DEPT.: FOR AGENDA OF:October 28, 1996 Finance and Information Services,Victoria A. Runkle AGENDA STATUS: Consent X SUBJECT: Public Hearing X Submittal of the 1997 Budget and 1998 Spending Plan Correspondence Setting forth the dates for the Public Hearings on the Budget Ordinance Resolution EXHIBITS: Old Business Budget Document New Business Executive Session RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVALS: Set dates for the Public Hearing on the 1997 Budget Legal Dept Finance X Other:Personnel and Executive X FISCAL IMPACT: Expenditure Required... 0 Transfer/Amendment.. 0 Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated... SUMMARY OF ACTION: The Executive submits the 1997 proposed budget to the City Clerk,and asks for two public hearings on the budget on November 18th and December 9th. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: To establish the public hearing dates and to have the dates published. c:\data\agenda.dot CITY OF RENTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING RENTON CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has fixed November 18 and December 9, 1996, at 7:30 p.m. as the dates and time for public hearings to be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton 98055, to consider the following: 1997 City of Renton Preliminary Budget and 1998 Spending Plan All interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present oral or written comments in support or opposition to the proposal. The Municipal Building is fully accessible, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. Please call 235-2501 for additional information or 277-4453 TDD. NOTICE IS GIVEN that copies of the 1997 City of Renton Preliminary Budget are available at no charge from the Finance Department, first floor of the Municipal Building. Marilyn P t rsen, CMC City Clerk Published: Valley Daily News November 1 and 8, 1996 Account No. 50640 CITY OF RENTON RENTON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETINGS 1997-1998 Budget NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Renton City Council has scheduled Committee of the Whole meetings to consider the 1997-1998 City of Renton Budget at 6:30 p.m. on October 28, 1996, and at 6:00 p.m. on November 4, 18, and 25, 1996, and December 2 and 9, 1996. Committee of the Whole meetings to consider the budget will be reconvened immediately following the regular City Council meetings held at 7:30 p.m. on these dates. All meetings are open to the public and will be held in the second floor Council Chambers of the Renton Municipal Building, 200 Mill Avenue South, Renton, 98055. Call City Clerk's office at 235-2501 for information. Marilyn J. rsen City Clerk DATE OF PUBLICATION: October 25, 1996 Valley Daily News Acct. No. 50640 PUGET SOUND AIR POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY KING COUNTY KITSAP COUNTY PIERCE COUNTY SNOHOMISH COUNTY • June 24, 1996 Honorable Jesse Tanner Mayor of Renton 200 Mill Ave. S CITY OF RENTON Renton, WA 98055 JUL I 1 2996 isn - Dear Mayor Tanner: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1997 Proportionate Share Notice Renton $15,473.00 This is notification of your proportionate share of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency's (PSAPCA) annual operating budget for calendar year 1997. This is not a bill and is for • budgeting purposes only. You will receive an invoice in November, with payment due in January, 1997. • Under the terms of the Washington State Clean Air Act (RCW 70.94.093),•cities and counties contribute to preserving clean air in the Puget Sound region. The act requires that the proportionate share be determined annually, with cities and counties notified in June of the amount due for the next calendar year. During its April 11, 1996 meeting, PSAPCA's Board of Directors established a rate equivalent to 31 cents per capita, a rate that has not increased in seven years. The rate was calculated using a combination of population and assessed valuation. More information about the rate calculation and the programs it helps to fund is included in the fact sheets attached. Also included is a chart showing the sources of revenue for PSAPCA's 1997 Fiscal Year,which begins July 1. If you have any questions, please call Dennis McLerran, Air Pollution Control Officer at (206) 689-4004 Sincerely, 4.y// in Granlund, Chairman Board of Directors TML.ak Encl. cc: City Clerk Dennis J.McLerran,Air Pollution Control Officer BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman:Win Granlund,Commissioner,Kitsap County Lynn S.Horton,Mayor,Bremerton Harold G.Moss,Mayor,Tacoma Janet Chalupnik,Member at Large R.C.Johnson,Councilman,Snohomish County Norman B.Rice,Mayor,Seattle Edward D.Hansen,Mayor,Everett Gary Locke,King County Executive Doug Sutherland,Pierce County Executive 110 Union Street,Suite 500,Seattle,Washington 98101-2038 (206)343-8800 (800)552-3565 FAX:(206)343-7522 printed on recycled paper Proportionate Share of Multi-County Air Pollution Control Budget FY 1997 Local Contribution -- Fee To Be Paid By Constituent Cities and Counties Why do cities and counties pay for air pollution control? Regional air quality monitoring and control programs for emissions from non- business sources of pollution are partially supported by contributions from cities and counties. Business and industry account for less than 20 percent of total annual air pollution in PSAPCA's four-county area-- King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish. The rest is the result of individual actions -- driving, home heating and outdoor burning. Tailpipe exhaust from automobiles and other engines, including lawn mowers, outboard motors and off-road vehicles, produce more than 55 percent of all regional air pollution. Indoor and outdoor wood burning are the other culprits. What do we get for our contribution? Your fees help pay for air quality monitoring at 17 of 32 sites in King, Kitsap, Pierce and Snohomish counties. They also support coordination with local planning departments and fire districts, complaint investigations, and air quality enforcement actions referred from local jurisdictions. In addition, local fees help fund programs to educate citizens about their responsibility to help protect regional air quality and the air-friendly choices they can make in their daily lives. Programs include education and outreach to schools and community groups, partnerships with local jurisdictions in promoting clean home heating and alternatives to outdoor burning, a residential asbestos education program, support for a citizen advisory committee, and wood smoke complaint response and enforcement. In addition to these general agency permitting, inspection and public education programs, fees paid for 1996 have helped support the agency's participation in several important regional air quality issues, participation by stakeholders in a long-range planning exercise, and a day-long training session on regional issues for newly elected local officials. PSAPCA prepared and submitted for approval by the Environmental Protection Agency plans requesting redesignation of the central Puget Sound area as an PSAPCA Proportionate Share of Multi-County Air Pollution Control Budget 6/18/96 - 1 - loope "attainment" or clean-air region. These plans summarize the progress made in improving regional air quality since being designated in 1991 as a "nonattainment" area, one that exceeds federal health standards, for carbon monoxide and ozone. They also demonstrate how we will preserve air quality to the year 2010. We hope both of these plans will be approved this year. We also will submit a maintenance plan and redesignation request for particulate matter later this year. These plans are very important drivers for our regional economic development, as they allow new businesses to locate here without the additional regulatory burdens that would be imposed if we were not on schedule in achieving cleaner air. They balance needed environmental controls with regional growth to maintain clean air into the next century. We also are working in a supporting role with the Washington State Department of Ecology (DOE), the EPA, the National Park Service and another local air agency to study and propose solutions to visibility and human and forest health impacts from a coal-burning power plant in Centralia. We also are participating with DOE, EPA, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Port of Seattle to address potential future air quality impacts of the Port's long-range plans for Sea-Tac Airport expansion. In January, we invited representatives of large and small regulated businesses, environmental and health organizations, our citizen advisory council, and our Board of Directors, which represents cities and counties, to join agency staff in an intensive three-day planning exercise called "Future Search." This helped us define a shared vision for air quality in the year 2006, and the outcomes will guide development of a strategic plan to achieve that vision. And finally, we expect to partner with the Puget Sound Regional Council and the central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority again in November to offer a day- long introduction to regional issues and agencies for newly elected officials. The first such session was held-last November to help new leaders understand how local and regional issues are interconnected and about the regional agencies that represent them. The workshop was well-received and recommended as an annual event. What other funding does PSAPCA receive? The agency is funded by a combination of sources including fees from businesses, grants, and the fees paid by cities and counties. Business and industry contribute PSAPCA Proportionate Share of Multi-County Air Pollution Control Budget 6/18/96 -2- about 50 percent of the agency's annual operating budget through fee based programs. Local contributions from cities and counties account for about 14 percent, with state and federal grants making up the balance. The local contribution works out to about 31 cents per person per year, while the smallest registration fee paid by any business is $141 per year. How is the fee for cities and counties calculated? Every year, the Board of the Directors of the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency can select from three methods to determine the proportional share of each city and county in the agency's jurisdiction. The three methods are: 1) Fees based on the population count as of April 1st of the prior year as provided by the Population Estimation and Forecasting Unit of State Office of Financial Management, 2) The assessed valuation provided by the County Assessor's offices for the prior year, or 3) A 50/50 combination of population and assessed valuation mentioned in 1) & 2) above. What method was chosen this year? At the April 11, 1996 meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board selected the 50/50 method of determining the proportional share fee. The share revenue is included in the agency's 1997 approved budget. How can we learn more? We would be happy to make presentations to local officials or community groups. For further information or to schedule a presentation, please call Alice Collingwood, Communications & Education Manager, at (206) 689-4043 or at 1- 800-552-3565, extension 4043. PSAPCA Proportionate Share of Multi-County Air Pollution Control Budget 6/18/96 -3 - NW— F a) o CO 0, C m a) -0 In a) r- ._ _ .— - • LL opt 6,..1461,411.411.1.111111103, ,. 0 U Q a IL C a 0 C O 4-: 7 0 {-' € Ss7:CL Q f } 0 "...• laa' Q pnigglaittPkglagitilleatiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMirldhiF::: S x. a s " a •41.4 gaitligglEESSFIfilig ' XI O • O U �o oo Z•+ Uco i, i o o 61 CVro .. a) O P. x✓ L. Yf i 40 Q .--0 co a) C 0 a) U m d cm C.R 0_ co c �t •4 %— 0 o j o Cl)U Ca. 4 0 1) Ct 0 d .o o c.00 0