HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Renton's Policy Agenda ir ,.�.. � � RENTON S Po�icY A� ENDA • Renton's Policy Agenda is managed and carried out at the County, Regional and State levels with the s applicable commissions, boards, committees and bodies that can influence or decide these priorities. � � � � . � . . � � � . City's Business Plan emphasizes advocating The following principles are required to be City elected officials serving on regFonal and Renton's interests through federal, state successful in the regional agenda and will multi-jur'rsdictional committees wil)be briefedby and regional partnerships. guide city work efforts: staff as appropriate prior to meetings. City interests, participation and leadership Regional cooperation City Councilmembers serving on regionat and in the region covers a wide spectrum of Speaking with one voice multi-jurisdictional committees have agreed to issues and forums. Flexibility provide regular updates at Council meetings. Citv re�ional work efforts include: Discretion to negotiate Council will be prowided opportunities t�weigh in Participation and leadership in regional City interests in the regional arena are on a timely basis on emerging regiona) issues and and multi-jurisdictional committees and categorized in the following broad areas: the development of solutions to address#hese work efforts issues. Transportation Partnerships among jurisdictions for the Growth Important regional activities will be reported to efficient delivery of services Public 5afety Council via briefings,reports,emails and verbal Collaboration on issues of mutual Environment updates from the Mayor and staff. interest Inclusion and Wellbeing The City is well served by working together Council-adopted policies,interest with other jurisdictions, as many city statements,and agreements will guide and interests extend beyond city boundaries. direct the City in its regional work efforts. City interests may be advanced strategically in the region. Regional cooperation and city involvement in regional affairs provides opportunities to address city interests and influence the future of the region. Council, Mayor and staff advocacy at the regional level are all necessary for the City to be successful in advancing city interests and shaping the future of the region. 1 RANSPORTATIQN �,i�,l . . � . • . � • ' . ' . � � . -� � a � � �AdOptBCI POIICiBS Devel4p a system that Expansion of Rapid Ride Advocate Legislature to use money saved on I-405 � ; stimulates,supparts and System projects within I-405 service corridor. �&�4greements � enhances the�afe,efficient Refocation of Downtown Advocate Sound Transit for early action on gComprehensive Ptan and reliabte rruavement of Transit Center to Grady securing property and relocating downtown � = people,vehicles and gnods. WaY transit center to Rainier/Grady site. DBu�iness Plan pr�vide faCili#ies that � Funding Mechanisms for Advocate Sound Transit for optimal design o rotxtote v'sbran#commerce, VTransportation � Infrastructure features to ensure that the facility in Renton ' Im rovement Plan �lean air and water�and includes adequate parking spaces, and access � p health and reGreation. 1-405/SR 167 Direct improvements. ,� ' Connector Project �Trails and Bicycle Master Ma'trttain,presetve and Advocate Sound Transit on timely project delivery �p�an exter�d the lif��nd utilityaf I-405 Widening& Ex ress Toll Lanes for bus rapid transit service along I-405 and in- o transportation ir�vestments. p line station at NE 44th. Bu�get Priorities Establisl��stable,lang-term Loca)and Regional Transit Services and Infrastructure Advocate WSDOTfor optimal design features and Legislative Agenda � �'��"�+�r#°"�,a�t`°"f°� � ' timely delivery of the I-405 Renton-to-Bellevue continuo�tsly improving the Represent City's regional project. quality,effectiveness and a enda with Council Transit Agreements with g Advocate King County for optimal design features eff'iciency of the representation on: King County tr�nsporta#ion system. and timely project delivery of the Eastside Rail South County Area Corridor bike/pedestrian trail. Transportation Board Actively seek grants to leverage city funding. Eastside Transportation Update Trails and Bicycle Maste�Plan Partnership Regional Transit Committee Advocate for Early Implementation of RapidRide Routes in Renton I-405 Executive Board PSRC Transportation Policy Board ; Sound Transit Board Eastside Rail Corridor '� � Advisory Council GRowTH �Tr . . . � . • � • . � • c . � � . Adopted Policies t�tt�ze multipl,e sir��g�es�to Growth Man�gement Ad Lobby the Legislature to more fully fund acconnroodate residential grawth: infrastructure investments needed to support Sc Agt'Cet11@I1t5 Countywide Planning Policies planned growth within urban areas. Comprehensive Plan New s�ngl�#amiJy neighborhoods on PSRC I�rge tratt��►f land outsltle City Lobby transit agencies to provide greater access Business Plan 2035 Growth TargeCs: to transit in Renton. Cer�ter Zoning Code • 14,Q50 New Dwetling Units l�vu t�ult�-f�mily and�r�ixed-use in: .2g,7S5 New Jobs Pursue all opportunities at the Federal,State and Parks,Recreation and Natural �1#y Genterar�d othet'hfgh det�sity Regional levels for grant funding for infrastructure Areas Plan ; ar��� 6rnwth Management Capital Improvement Plan Planntng Council Continue to participate in State and Regional Legislative Agenda infill develop�nent on vacant ar Affordable Housing forums regarding changes in storm water underutilized tand in establish�d regulations,and pursue funding and cost effective eudgeting Priorities neighborhood5�r�d multi-family Represent Gity's regional means to meet new requirements. �r��� agenda with Council Countywide Planning Policies , , representation on: , Continue to seek an Interlocal Agreement with Growing Transit Communities Gtuvu'th focused 3�Regit�nal Gtwwth Growth Management King Counry to more closely align new Compact C�nter--Darvvntov,rn,Landing,and planning Council development in the county with city standards. Sou�tport, ' GrDvvth Management Poficy If no Interlocai is adopted,consider actions such �� l�es���r�t��l. rs�nrth w.�i�1�b�hi h BQard $ 8 as adjusting the Potential Annexation Areas qu�iity,wit�land ef'Ficiently utilized Sound Citles Associatican accordingly. and natur�l features:and bt�ilt arr�enities incorporated. Economic Developme�t Council Continue to pursue enhancing and diversifying Gtowth.p�ys proportiQnal costs Renton's employment base. assc�ci�ted wlth growth, State Habitat and Recreation Lands Goordinating Group Continue to participate in PSRCs boards related to economic development,transportation and Strengthen employment base and growth to ensure Renton's interests are furthered. e�o�omlc gresw#h by a�hieving a mix Statev,ride Comprehensive af irulustrial,;Fr►gh technology,aff��e, butdoor Recreation Plan �nd commerci�i activities. Ativisory Cotnmittee City continue to participate in state and regional forums and planning efforts to maximize funding Park�and recreatian amenities Washington Wiidlife and strategies and foster public and private shoUld be camrnensuratP with Recreation Coalition partnerships to maximize parks and recreation g�Q�h opportunities PU BLIC SAFETY � . . • . ' . • � • . ' . � • . Adopted Policies Promote safety, health and Public Safety Seek$2.4 million per fiscal year in the Operating security through effective Budget to address the training backlog at the & A reements Emergency g communication and service Basic Law Enforcement Academy(BIEA); Preparedr�ess/Response su ort usin t Comprehensive Plan delivery. pp g raffic-fine revenue the state Recovery already receives from iocat jurisdictions ensure Business Plan Facilitate successful full funding of BLEA. Regional Fire Authority neighborhoods through ValleyCom Agreement community involvement. Anima{Service Adopt fhe revised Comprehensive Emergency Regiona)Coordination Provide opportunities for SCORE Management Plan. communities to be better Framework&Agreement prepared for emergencies. Court Services Adopt the revised Disaster Recovery Plan and Com rehensive Emer enc transition to the Disaster Recovery Framework. p g Y Represent City's regional Management Plan , , agenda with Council , Disaster Recovery representation on: Framework Ernergency Management Advisory Committee Domestic Violence Initiative Board � '�� ENVIRONMENT . � � . ' . • � ' . • . � � . Adopted PoliCies Balance development with Environmental Protection Advocate that King County Solid Waste Transfer &Agreements environmental protection. Salmon and WRIA$ Station pian promotes equitable service,costs Activities and impacts throughout the King County solid Comprehensive Plan waste service area. Minimize adverse impacts Aquifer Prdtection Parks, Recreation and to natut'�I systems. City supports the Renton Transfer Station to Starmwater Mana�ement remain open but not be expanded, and favors a Natural Areas Plan Address imp8ct5 of past and Low lmpact new transfer station in the north-east to replace Municipal Code pt'�ctice,where fe�sible, Deuelapment the Kirkland Houghton Station after it closes. through leadership, policy, Solid waste,Composting, Clean Economy Strategy Cegulation 8nd regional and Recyeling coordination. Work with the King County Flood Control District, Represent Citjr's policy Kin Count De artment of Natural Resources, Urban and Community g Y p agenda with Council Washington State Department of Fish and Forestry Development Plan � Reduce costs through , representation on: , energy-saving and Wildlife and other stakeholders to manage large Solid Waste Agreement WRiA 8 and WRIA�5almon woody debris accumulations in the Cedar River resource efficiency Recovery Forums measures. that pose a public safety hazard to recreational King County Cities Climate Cedar River Eauncil users or a risk to downstream infrastructure Collaboration Protect and restore Regional Water Quality (roads and bridgesj in an acceptable manner that Water Resource Inventory aquatic ecosystem health Committee also maintains the habitat benefits it provides. Area (WRIA)8 Interlocal and salmon habitat. King County Ffood Con#ro( Continue to support WRIA's 8 and 9 in their Agreement D'tstrict efforts to secure funding to update and WRIA 9 Interlocal So1id Waste Advisory 6Qard implement their salmon habitat plans_ Agreement Continue to support the King County Flood Puget Sound Salmon Control District's effort, in coordination with Recovery Plan other cities in King Counry,to reduce flood hazards. Salmon Habitat Plan INCLUSIC�N Sc WELLBEING �'� . , . , . , , . . . � . � . . AdOpted POIICIeS �te�ton is an incEusive ci�y Human Services Partner with King County to establish and & Agreements �"������a�run;ties�or ai�. Mental Health and Drug participate in a regional forum on equity and !m#�rove access to services Dependency inclusion to find common areas of focus,take Comprehensive Plan ,���{.pr�g�.��5. collective action to address them, and advocate Affordable Housing for the most vulnerable populations. Business Plan 8�ilt#�tt�e�tipns wit�ALL Homelessness Continue involvement with King County Human Services Strategic comr�unities t�tat reffe�t Plan �enton's diversity. Washington State Criminal Police Chiefs'Association to further bias-free Justice Training Center policing and to build relationships with �r�mote unders#anding and eudget Priorities appreci�tic�n Qf our Represent City's policy communities that lead toward mutual respect and diversity. ; agenda with representation trust. on: Continue to pursue partnerships and build ' Er�cou�a�e volun�eeriSrr�, foundations that would ualif for Best Starts for partic�pa#ian and civic ' King County Police Chiefs' ' q y ��ag�����, cammittee to improve Kids grants. relationships with diverse Continue participation in South King County P�ttner wit}�the cornm�nity cammunities tc�help provide s�r�vices and Workforce Collective to identify shared emerging resourcesso ait resi�en�s Committee to End workforce issues and find solutions. have fond,;�lo#hing and Homelessness sheat��-,and#�ave�he opportur►ity ta�ive a heal�hy,ac�iwe,safe and sustainabte lifestyle.