HomeMy WebLinkAboutF_LANDSCAPE_PLANS_180810 33.pdfIN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDSGENERAL PLANTING SPECIFICATIONSPART 1 GENERAL1.01 SCOPE OF WORKThe landscape contractor is to furnish all labor, materials and equipment necessary for performing the following tasks:finish grading, soil preparation and treatments, planting of trees, shrubs, ground covers, sod lawns, seeded lawnsand grasses, plant protection, general maintenance, guarantees and replacements and related items necessary tocomplete the work indicated on the drawings and/or in the specifications.A. Related work: rough grading, drainage, irrigation, see plans by landscape architect, architect, civil engineer forlay outs and description of related work.1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCEA. All plant materials shall be Washington grade no. 1 as per the State of Washington, Department of Agricultureorder numbers 1229, 1230, 1322. The quality, size and condition as determined by standards set forth in the standardsand the American Association of Nurserymen standard ANSI Z60, 1-1973. All plant names shall conform to the latestedition of "Standard Plant Names" as adopted by the American joint committee of horticulture nomenclature.B. Fertilizer is to conform to the Washington State Department of Agriculture laws and federal specifications O-F-241D pertaining to commercial fertilizers.C. The finish grades and compaction of areas to be planted are: Rough Grade is to be established to +/- .10 foot,and minus the depth of the specified imported topsoil if required. Rough grade is to be established by the generalcontractor. Compaction is to be a workable, tillable density.1.03 PRODUCT HANDLINGA. Do not drop plants.B. Do not pick plants by the trunks1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERYA. Deliver fertilizer to the in original unopened containers bearing manufacturer's guarantees, chemical analysis,name, trade name, trademark and in conformance with State law.B. Do not deliver more plant materials than con be planted in one day.C. Deliver plants with legible identification lables.1. Label trees, evergreens, bundles or containers of like shrubs or ground cover plants.2. State correct plant names and size indicated on plant list.3. Use durable waterproof labels with water resistant ink which will remain legible for at least sixty (60) days.D. Protect plant material during delivery to prevent damage to root ball or desiccation of leaves.E. Notify the Landscape Architect of delivery schedule in advance so plant material may be inspected upon arrivalat the job site.F. Remove unacceptable plant material immediately from the site.1.05 PRODUCT STORAGEA. Store plant material in an area that will protect them from weather and damage. Store plant materialin an area soit can be properly maintained and watered.1.06 PLANTING SCHEDULEA. Planting shall be scheduled to avoid periods of exposed soil surfaces to stop wind and water erosion. Afterproperly scheduling work and plant material delivery notify the Landscape Architect of a proposed schedule ofconstruction. This schedule after being approved by the Landscape Architect will be adhered to unless a changeorder is obtained from the Landscape Architect.B. Plant only during periods which are normal for the intended work, as determined by the local season, weatherconditions and accepted local practices. As an optional procedure the landscape contractor, taking full responsibility,may conduct planting operations under unseasonable conditions withoutadded compensation to the contract or tosubcontractors.C. The contractor is responsible to protect his work in progress and that completed as well as all adjacent propertyand public properties adjacent to his work and is responsible for any damage or injuries arising from this contractdue to his actions or neglect. Work of this contract is to be confined to areas designated as work areas.1.07 SITE UTILITIESA. All underground utilities must be located prior to start of any work, call the local LOCATING SERVICE and give instructions for the work site location. (www.callbeforeyou dig.com), (two days before you dig!!!).B. The contractor must be aware of all utility lines, and underground and overhead obstructions. He shall familiarize himself and his work force with all utilities, mechanical and electrical plans so that his working, digging, drilling operationsdo not damage lines. If damage occurs the contractor will provide repair and/or replacement by the original installerand this shall be at the contractors expense for all buildings, equipment, underground and overhead utilities, paving,surfacing, stairs and/or forms damaged as a result of the contractors' work. Repair shall be in a manner satisfactoryto the Owner before final payment is made.1.08 QUALITY CONTROLA. The contractor is to save all delivery slips, empty bags and containers on site for verification by the Owner and/orLandscape Architect. Bulk material such as soil shall be documented by bill of laden and weight and/or measurementof physical amounts while still in the truck.B. The contractor shall at all times provide all means to protect his work until conditional approval is given for the work and/or for any required time to assure vigorous plant establishment. 1.09 GUARANTEEA. Guarantee all plant materials to be in healthy and thriving condition.1. Trees for a period of one (1) year from the time of coditional approval2. Shrubs, ground cover, sod, hydroseeded areas, seeded areas until active growth is apparent.B. During the guarantee a through the maintenance period , all dead, diseased, dying broken or missing plant materials shall be replaced at once. The replacements are at no added cost to the contract and shall be that specified.1.10 GUARANTEE EXCEPTIONSA. During the guarantee period the landscape contractor shall not be responsible for materials destroyed or damagedby vandalism, accidents caused by vehicles other than acts of God, (or your higher power), or unusual winter freezesor floods.PART 2 PRODUCTS AND HANDLING2.01 SOIL, IMPORTED TOPSOILA. Imported soils for topsoil and planting mix shall be as noted on plan notes.1. A soils test is recommended for all projects and those results supercede any plan notes.2.02 SPECIAL SOILSA. As noted on plan notes if required. A soils test is recommended for all projects and a soils laboratory test resultssupercede plan notes. testing to be done at the project Owners expense.2.03 PLANT MATERIALSA. All plant material quantities, species and varieties, plant size and condition shall be that of the plants indicatedon the planting plan legends. Plants are to be well foliated, well maintained, in acceptable condition and showingnormal habit of growth, have all buds intact and be free from disease and injury, insects, insect eggs, larva, indicationof any root disease, root ball to be weed free, root ball to be free of weed roots. Plant substitution are only to be madewith written consent of the Landscape Architect. 1. Designation of plant root conditiona. BR = bare rootb. B&B = balled & burlapc. Con. = container, (gallon, pots, etc.)d. Box = Wood Boxe. F = FlatsB. Sod shall be as noted on plan set notes.C. Seeded lawn shall be that noted on plan set notes.D. Seeded grasses, wild flower mix, native restoration seed mix shall be as noted on plan set notes.E. All plants shall be acclimated to the conditions prevailing at the project site and have been grown continuouslyin the same type environment and plants shall not be from cold storage or artifical environments.2.04 FERTILIZER AND SOIL AMENDMENTSA. All fertilizer must be approved brands conforming to state fertilizer laws. Composition to be uniform, dry, freeflowing and delivered to the project site in original unopened bags or containers with proper and original labels.B. Planting pit fertilizer to be Agiform tablets, 21-gram size as manufactured by Agriform International Chemicals, Inc.at 20-10-5 analysis.1. Tablets to be at the following rates:a. 1 gallon plants = 1 tablet eachb. 2 & 5 gallon plants = 3 tablets eachc. 7 - 15 gallon plants = 6 tablets eachd. other large plants, 1 tablet for each 1/2" of caliper or 1 tablet for each foot of height whichever is less.2. Place tablets evenly distributed in the plant pit when backfilled two thirds (2/3).C. Sod and seeded areas are to receive formula 124-8 with 50% blue chip or "end" urea at 30 lbs./1000 sq. ft.D. Sod areas are to receive lime, agricultural limestone, at the rate of 100 lbs. /1000 sq. ft.2.05 MULCHA. Mulch is to be medium sized ground fir or hemlock bark of uniform color, free of weeds, insects, splinters and largepieces of wood. Bark shell contain no resins, salts or chemicals that could be detrimental to plant growth. Installed bark mulch must match that of existing adjacent bark in the context of a streetscape and neighboring properties.2.06 TREE STAKING AND GUYINGA. Stakes shall be installed per planting plan details and/or as stated in "Part 3 Execution".B. Guying shall be installed per planting plan details and/or as stated in "Part 3 Execution".PART 3 EXECUTION OF INSTALLATION3.01 SOIL SUB-GRADEA. The soil rough grade and soil sub-grade shall be established by the General Contractor to a tolerance of +/- 0.10 footminus the imported topsoil depth and be sufficient to achieve finish grade elevations after natural settling and compaction.B. The soil Sub-Grades shall be approved by the Landscape Architect. Prior to placement of topsoil's all trenching, sleevingand any related digging shall be properly backfilled per civil plans and approved compaction methods set forth by the projectsite superintendent, Owner or civil engineer.C. Rototill subsoil in all planting areas to a depth of six (6) inches. Remove all rocks, twigs and any other foreign materialsprior to installing/placing of topsoil. No equipment other than that required to spread the topsoil shall cross these planting areas.3.02 TOPSOIL PLACEMENTA. Topsoil grades are to be, 3/4" to 1" below adjacent hard surface in sod lawn areas, 1/2" below adjacent hard surface areas inseeded lawn areas. 2" below adjacent hard surface areas in shrub and groundcover areas to allow for mulch depth.B. All planting beds shall be mounded to ensure the livability of the planting and drainage of the beds. All lawn areasshall have an evenly contoured crown to ensure drainage of the planted area. C. Topsoil is to be minimum 4" depth in all planting areas or as indicated on the planting plan set notes.D. All finish grades are to be constructed to comply with the plans and approved by the Landscape Architect, sitesuperintendent or Owner. There are to be no humps, bumps or hollows only smooth contours with proper drainage. Ensurepositive drainage away from buildings or capture of drainage by mechanical means. All rocks, twigs, roots and buildingdebris 1" or larger in size must be removed from the construction site.E. Finish grades must be inspected and approved by the Landscape Architect prior to planting or laying of sod.3.03 TREE LOCATIONSA. After contractor has achieved approved finish grade and prior to laying sod, seeding and planting of any materials thetree locations are to be staked for approval. The contractor is to provide the stakes. Make field adjustments to avoid anyobstructions to the tree plantings, now and for future growth. The landscape Architect reserves the right to field adjust plantlocations prior to any planting of materials.3.04 PLANTING OF TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERSA. Tree planting pits shall be excavated to six (6") or deeper and twice (two times) the diameter of the root ball. All exca-vated soil shall be spread and smoothly graded onto project site.B. Thoroughly scarify the sides and bottom of the tree planting pit for root growth penetration. Backfill mix soil shall behand compacted in the bottom of the tree pit to elevate the top of the root ball 1" above the "Finish grade". If ground levelwater is encountered and seems to be a problem notify the Landscape Architect for an inspection, the most likely solutionwould be creating a mounded planting bed. Trees are to planted straight, roots roots spread into natural position for bareroot plantings. After backfilling the tree, make a 4" deep watering basin around the base of the tree and flood with waterto force air pockets out of the backfill mix after, after soil settles re-grade and re-establish the final finish grade.C. Stake and/guy trees per planting plan details immediately after plant is in the ground and backfilled. Do not plant moretrees than can be properly planted staked, guyed in one work shift.D. Excavate shrub planting pits to twice (two times) the root ball diameter and at least six inches (6") deeper. Provide ahand compacted crown in the bottom of the planting pit for the shrub to rest on then roll back the root ball cover if B & B and backfill with the proper backfill mix and fertilizers. Use the same procedure with container provided plant materials.make a slight depression around shrub and and water in to void air pockets from backfill mix. E. Ground covers shall be planted in an equilateral triangular spacing pattern at the on center distance shown on the planor in the plant schedule or on the planting plan planting notes. Where ground covers abut curbing, walkways, signs or poles,minimum distance from these surfaces or items shall be 12" from center of plant to curb or pole etc.. Minimum plantingdistance from center of tree planting is 14".3.06 MULCHINGA. After completion of all planting "Fine Grade" around all plantings to ensure proper specified contours for drainage etc. to all areas then top dress all shrub areas that are to receive mulch. Mulch all beds with a minimum depth of 2.5" depthof specified mulch to achieve a minimum 2" layer after settlement of mulch.3.07 PRUNINGA. Upon completion of work under this contract and prior to final inspection of all trees, the trees planted and the treesthat were existing on site, shall be pruned and /or shaped as directed by the Landscape Architect. Pruning and/or shapingshall be done in such a manner as not to change the natural habit or the expected natural shape of the plant. All cuts shallbe flush, leaving no stubs. On all cuts three quarters of an inch and larger in diameter, and any bruises or scars, on the barkshall be cleaned and sealed.3.08 SODDINGA. Grade soil as specified herein to a smooth contour with no irregularities. Refer to the grading/planting plan for properdrainage of site. Sod shall be laid with tight end and side joints, level and smooth. Sod pieces shall not be used if they are less in size than one quarter sod slab. Sod joints shall be staggered by one half of sod slab. Sod shallbe installed crossslope.B. Sod is to be laid using plywood staging to ensure a uniform surface and stop rutting of already laid sod areas. Trimareas adjacent to hard surfaces and shrub beds with a power edge trimmer. Bed areas shall be of smooth curves.C. Water sod with a fine spray to keep it damp and fresh prior to being laid. After sod area is completed, amount doneat the end of work shift, shall be watered as stated above. Be careful not to flood sod areas and ensure that no one walksacross the sod areas. After twenty-four hours sod areas shall be rolled with a water filled roller, at an opposing angle tothe the direction the sod was laid to level and smooth the area.3.09 SEEDING LAWN AREASA. Lawn seed shall be fresh, clean, new crop seed composed of the stated varieties mixed in proportions and testingminimum percentages of purity and germination.B. Lawn seed may be mixed by dealer or by approved method on site. If seed is mixed by the dealer, the contractor mustfurnish a dealers guarantee statement of composition of mixture and percentage of purity and germination of each of thevarieties. If seed is mixed on site, deliver each variety to the site in its original unopened containers bearing dealers guaranteeanalysis. Sow seed at the recommended rate for complete coverage ehen grown.3.10 HYDROSEEDING GENERAL INFORMATIONA. This section includes the requirements for hydroseeding which includes seeds, mulch, fertilizes and tackifier.1. Hydroseeding shall be applied to all areas designated as such on the planting plan.2. The seed mixture, fertilizer, mulch and tackifier shall be applied at the rates specified in part 2 of this section.3. Whenever possible, the contractor shall complete the hydroseeding operations during the spring seeding period.4. The contractor shall not create depressions which would channel flow water runoff.5. Notify the Landscape Architect less than 24 hours in advance of any seeding operation. Work shall not begin untilareas prepared or designated for seeding have been approved.6. Hydroseeding shall not be done during windy weather or when ground is frozen, excessively wet or otherwisenot tillable.7. The hydroseeding equipment shall be that of the industry. Mixing shall be performed in a tank, with built in continuous agitation and recirculation system of sufficient capacity to produce a homogenous slurry of fiber stabilizingand water retaining elements of seed, fertilizer and water in the designated proportions. The system shall have a discharge which will apply the slurry to the areas to be treated at a continuous uniform rate.8. Loading and mixing shall be done with the agitation system operating at part speed. Water should be added tothe tank and good recirculation shall be established. Materials shall be added in such a manor that they are uniformlyblended into the mixture.9. The contractor shall protect areas which have been hydroseeded, against vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Areaswhich have been damaged prior to final inspection, and areas failing to receive a uniform application at the specifiedrate shall be hydroseeded again at no additional cost to the contract.10. Inspection of the application shall be performed at the time of application by a representative of the Owner. Allmaterial shall inspected to loading the system.B. Delivery, handling and storage of materials used in hydroseeding shall not be delivered to the site sooner than six (6)months prior to usage. Materials shall be delivered and stored in their original weather resistant containers clearly markedwith contents, date and location of manufacture, and any other pertinent dates as required by these contract documents.Materials shall stored under cover in a manor recommended by the manufacture. Materials shall be in accordance with themanufacturer's recommendations and the regulations of the governing regulatory agencies.C. The products, seed mixture, fertilizer, mulch and tackifier shall be applied at the rates described below;Seed per acre (as recommended by seed supplier)250 lbs. fertilizer 10-20-20/acre2,000 lbs. silva mulch/acre, on slope areas1,000 lbs. silva mulch/acre, on flat areas40 lbs J-Tac/acre, on slope areasSeed mixture for hydroseeding shall conform to the composition specified in table "A". Seeding rates are shown in"Pounds of Live Seed", (PLS), per acre. PLS is determined by multiplying the percent purity, (expressed as a decimal),and then multiplying this factor by the pounds of seed in the mixture, (PLS = lbs. of seed in the mixture X% germination).The purity and germination percentage shall be as shown on the tag on each seed container. Seed mixtures shall not contain more than 0.5% by weight, weed seed and shall be free of prohibited noxious weed. Additionally, the maximumamount of inert or other seed shall be 2.0% by weightTable "A" COMPOSITION OF SEEDKind and Variety of seed in mixture Proportion by weight. PLS/Acre"See planting plan notes or plant materials legend"D. Mulch for hydroseeding shall be virgin wood fiber made from clean, whole wood chips processed to eliminate factorsthat inhibit growth and germination. Mulch shall remain in uniform suspension in water under agitation and shall blend with the seed mixture, fertilizer and tackifier to form a homogeneous slurry. When applied to the ground surfaces byhydroseeding, the fibers from a moisture-holding mat and shall have qualities that allow it to bind with itself and the seedto the soil. Mulch, in place shall allow for percolation of precipitation. Mulch fibers shall be colored with water-soluble, non-toxic green dye to aid in visual metering of the hydroseeding application. The dye shall be biodegradable and notinhibit plant growth. Mulch shall consist of a range of fiber lengths with a minimum of 30% averaging 0.15 inch or biggerand 50% or more fibers remaining on Clark Classified 24#-mesh screen. Mulch shall meet the following specifications;Moisture content 10% +/- 3.0%Organic matter (over dried basis) 99.2% +/- 9.8%Ash content 0.8% +/- 0.2%pH. at 3% consistency 4.8% +/- 0.5%Water holding capacity (grams of waterper 100 grams of fiber, oven dried basis) 1,000 minimumMulch shall be packaged in wet-strength Kraft or plastic bag which shall not exceed 100 lbs. in weight. The package shallcontain current labels, the manufacturers name and net weight. Mulch shall be Silvafiber as manufactured by WeyerhaeuserCompany, Tacoma, WA. or Hydro Mulch fiber as manufactured by Conwed Corporation St. Paul, Minnesota.E. Fertilizer shall be furnished in the proportions and guaranties listed in table "B", and be comparable with applicationby hydroseeding the fertilizer shall remain in uniform suspension in water under agitation and shall be blended with theseed mixture, mulch and tackifier. The Nitrogen portion of the fertilizer shall be 50% slow release nitrogen in the form ofUrea-Foam. A second application shall be made 8 to 12 weeks after first application of hydroseed. TABLE "B"Fertilizer CompositionMacro nutrients Application Ratio(N) Nitrogen 10%(P) Phosphorus 20%(K) Potassium 20%Macro nutrients(B) Boron(Co) Copper(Fe) Iron(Mn) Manganese(Mo) Molybdenum(Zn) Zink16 lbs. / AcreThe fertilizer shall not contain any substance harmful to vegetation or that would inhibit growth or germination. Fertilizershall be appropriately packaged and shipped to the project site in a form ready and usable. Packages shall be clearly labeledwith the supplier's name, contents and net weight. Fertilizer stored on site shall be protected from the weather. Fertilizerdamaged as determined by the engineer, by weather shall not be used and shall be removed from the project site fordisposal.F. Tackifier shall be used with the hydroseeding operation to increase the binding of the mulch, seed and fertilizer to thesoil. The tackifier shall be composed of water-solubal polysaccharides and linear polymers, hydrocolbidic in nature, andshall form loose organic protective film on the mulch, seed and fertilizer. It shall be non-toxic and shall not inhibit growth. Tackifier shall be used in hydroseeding applications regardless of slope and shall be applied at the manufacturer's suggested rate with a minimum 40 lbs / acre. 3.11 MAINTENANCE AND GUARANTEESA. All trees shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year, shrubs until active growth is evident as determined by the Landscape Architect. This should approximate one growing season.B. The Landscape Contractor shall make monthly checks of the project during the guarantee period and all dead plantsand plants not in a vigorous, thriving condition will be replaced immediately by the contractor with no additional costs to the contract.C. The landscape Contractor shall not be responsible for replacing plants destroyed by vandalism or accidents causedby vehicles other than the contractor's, or by acts of God including unusual sever weather conditions.D. Should replacement fall due during a non-planting season, the contractor may request the Owner's permission to deferplanting until the proper season. However, the contractor will be responsible to remove all dead materials from the site and properly dispose of that material. This shall include the removal of all roots and backfilling of the planting pit. Re-sodall dead or declining sod areas and re-sod with the specified sod and re-guarantee per the contract.3.12 MAINTENANCEA. Maintenance shall coincide with and be continuous during the planting and sodding operations and/or until vigorousstand of lawn and healthy plants are evident.B. Maintain the sod and/or seeded areas with constant moisture to at least six (6") inches. Keep all sod areas free fromweeds and undesirable grasses by application of a suitable selective weed killer or by hand pulling of weeds. Maintain allareas by watering, weeding,re-soding, re-seeding, mowing, fertilizing edging and any other necessary operations that maybe required to maintain a vigorous stand of grass. Protect areas against damage, including erosion, trespass and provideproper safeguards. Fill all areas that settle as specified . At the end of the guarantee period the lawn shall be healthywith no bare or discolored spots or areas. C. Maintain all trees and shrubs in a vigorous thriving condition by watering, pruning, cultivating, spraying and any othernecessary operation. Spraying shall be done by a licensed, bonded applicator and as approved by the landscape architect.All tree supports, stakes, guys and other mechanicals shall be kept intact and adjusted as required and effective in supportof the trees.D. During the period of construction, the contractor shall keep all new areas clean and in good condition. Keep site freeof trash and debris. Keep concrete and all paved areas swept and washed down. Protect all drainage systems to be freeof soil and in proper order, those installed and those existing.E. Refer to maintenance frequency schedule for proper maintenance definitions and scheduling.3.13 CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCEA. At the time of completion of the entire project, a final inspection will be made for conditional final acceptance. At thattime a site visit inspection report will be issued. This report will contain a list of required items to finish the project or willact as the final inspection report. Final acceptance will be the end of the guarantee period after all required replacementsand/or repairs have been mad to the satisfaction of the Owner. The Landscape installation shall be ready for inspectionat the time it is called for or the Landscape Contractor will pay consultants hourly fee time to and from the site.MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY SCHEDULEJAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC MONTHSTASKSMow turf & remove clippings24444442Edge lawn areas12222221Fertilize lawn areas, see noteControl lawn pestsControl lawn weedsControl shrub, tree pestsLime application / lawn areasLeaf cleanup Fertilize plantings 1A1B1B1B1AAs required to be done by a licensed commercial vendorAs required to be done by a licensed commercial vendor2234444443221(numbers represent times per month)Trash clean upAerate lawn areasWinterize irrigation systemActivate irrigation systemThatch lawn areasCranefly controlRe-bark mulch areasPrune Fl. trees after bloomPrune hedges / broadleafsPrune hedges sheared plantsAs needed1111Every visit111111As needed111notes:* Fertilize (A). 15-5-10 at 8 lbs. per 1000 sq.ft.* Fertilize (B). 214-8 at 7 lbs. per 1000 sq.ft.* tree staking and guying maybe removed after 12 months.* In very cold weather tender plant material should be covered withvisqueen or landscape fabric and their root areas thickly mulched.* Maintenance needs/requirements may vary from scheduled herein.All maintenance procedures should comply or exceed horticultural standardsMAINTENANCE TASK DEFINITIONS1. Mow turf and remove clippings; Cut the grass at a uniform height as specified by the variety. Cut the grassat a frequency that will assure that no more than 1/3 rd. of the top growth is removed at one time. Remove allthe grass clippings from the site at each mowing.2. Edging turf; Cut the grass that grows horizontal out over the turf limits, (curbs, sidewalks and bed areas).This grass is cut at 90 degrees to the surface.3. Clean off paved sidewalks and entry areas; After each mowing and/or edging all the sidewalks and entry areas shall be cleaned free of grass, bark & dirt.4. Fertilize turf; Four to six pounds of actual nitrogen fertilizer per 1000 sq.ft. shall be applied on an annual basisThe fertilizer shall be such that it gives a balanced feeding throughout the year.5. Control turf pests; Integrated horticultural control of disease and insects through chemical use.6. Control turf weeds; Selective control of weeds through chemical and cultural practice.7. General bed work; Control of weeds, trash and leaves in bed areas and smoothing mulch.COUNTY TREE PROTECTION NOTES1. CONTACT THE PLANNING AND LAND SERVICES DEPARTMENT ATCITY OF RENTON TO ARRANGE A PRE-CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCEPRIOR TO ANY LAND DISTURBANCE.2. ALL TREE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL MEASURESSHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO GRADING, CLEARING, OR OTHERVEGETATION REMOVAL.3. TREE REMOVAL SHALL BE CONSISTANT WITH THE APPROVEDTREE CONSERVATION PLAN. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THEAPPROVED TREE CONSERVATION PLAN CONSTITUTES A VIOLATIONTO TITLE 18H AND OTHER APPLICABLE PIERCE COUNTY REGULATIONS.4. TREES THAT BECOME DISEASED, SEVERELY DAMAGED, OR WHICH DIE SHALL BE REMOVED AND REPLACED BY THE PROPERTY OWNER. ALL TREES REMOVED SHALL BE REPLACED WITHIN 60 DAYS OF REMOVALWITH A HEALTHY TREE MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF TITLE 18H.40.050B. REPLACEMENT TREES SHALL BE PROPERLY IRRIGATED ORWATERED AS NECESSARY TO PROMOTE SURVIVAL. THE TREE DENSITYUNITS PROVIDED BY THE PEPLACEMENT TREES SHALL BE EQUIVALENTTO THAT PROVIDED BY THE TREES BEING REPLACED.PR LUA: 12-070,PP C