HomeMy WebLinkAboutF_Grant Avenue_Geotechnical Letter.pdf Cobalt Geosciences, LLC P.O. Box 82243 Kenmore, Washington 98028 Date: June 27, 2019 Project: 1600 Grant Avenue S. Job No.: 2019-162 Contractor: Gary Location: Renton Weather: Sun 60 Observations: At your request and authorization, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC was on site to evaluate the shallow soil conditions in the area of the proposed detention vault. We have reviewed a geotechnical report prepared by Nelson Geotechnical dated June 10, 2005 as well as our previous geotechnical letters for the project. Based on the civil engineering plans, the proposed detention vault will require excavations of 17 to 23 feet below grade as part of construction. Near the southwestern corner of the vault, excavations of about 20 feet will be required and the lateral distance to the curbline along Grant Avenue S. is approximately 20 feet. We understand that the contractor will place a single block height ecology block wall along the back of the curb and embedded about 12 inches below the top of curb. Additionally, a fence, lights, and Jersey barrier should be placed along the curbline during construction. The soils observed in the existing vault area sidewalls consist of 6 to 8 feet of medium dense silty- sands with gravels. These soils include native glacial till and undocumented fill along the south end of the vault area. Dense to very dense glacial till is situated below the weathered soils and fill materials. It appears feasible to excavate a series of benches or continuous slope from the area near the roadway and ecology block wall downward to the base of the vault excavation. We recommend a minimum 2 feet wide level bench in front of the single-block height ecology block wall. From that point, a series of benches 4 feet wide and 4 feet tall or a continuous 1H:1V slope may extend down until dense to very dense glacial till is encountered (and verified by the geotechnical engineer). Temporary excavations in the unweathered glacial till may extend downward as a continuous slope at 3/4H:1V to the bottom of the vault. These excavations must be verified in the field as safe by the geotechnical engineer during the construction work and periodically until the vault has been backfilled. All slopes must be covered with clear visqueen when active work is not taking place. The geotechnical engineer must be notified daily when work will take place below these slope areas so that they may verify stability prior to personnel entering the excavation. If during the excavation process down to the bottom of vault elevations; it is determined that there is inadequate lateral space to create a safe temporary excavation at the angles discussed above, it will be necessary to either re-grade the slope system, extending the top of the excavation into the shoulder of the roadway or in a worse-case scenario, install a short soldier pile wall at the base of the excavation. Figure 1 shows the excavation recommendations. We have attached the results of a slope stability analysis for static, temporary conditions. We have utilized typical soil parameters for glacial till soils along with loads associated with traffic on the roadway. There is a very slight chance of soil movement and nearly no chance of roadway settlement. We recommend daily visits by the geotechnical engineer or representative from the time period June 27, 2019 Page 2 of 2 Reference: Grant Place between excavation work and until backfill is within 6 feet of the finish grade. Additionally, we recommend that the project surveyor install a series of pins or monuments between the curb and south drive lane and on the level bench just south of the ecology block (near the curb). Similar points should be installed every 20 feet along the detention vault excavation where the steeper excavations are required (about 40 feet laterally along Grant). Survey data should be provided within 24 hours of data acquisition. Sincerely, Cobalt Geosciences, LLC Phil Haberman, PE, LG, LEG Principal PH/sc 2063311097; phil@cobaltgeo.com 6/26/2020 6/26/2020 6/26/2020 *** GEOSTASE(R) *** ** GEOSTASE(R) (c)Copyright by Garry H. Gregory, Ph.D., P.E.,D.GE ** ** Current Version 4.30.24-Double Precision, August 2018 ** (All Rights Reserved-Unauthorized Use Prohibited) ********************************************************************************* SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS SOFTWARE Simplified Bishop, Simplified Janbu, or General Equilibrium (GE) Options. (Spencer, Morgenstern-Price, USACE, and Lowe & Karafiath) Including Pier/Pile, Planar Reinf, Nail, Tieback, Line Loads Applied Forces, Fiber-Reinforced Soil (FRS), Distributed Loads Nonlinear Undrained Shear Strength, Curved Strength Envelope, Anisotropic Strengths, Water Surfaces, 3-Stage Rapid Drawdown 2- or 3-Stage Pseudo-Static & Simplified Newmark Seismic Analyses. ********************************************************************************* Analysis Date: 6/ 27/ 2019 Analysis Time: Analysis By: Cobalt Geosciences, LLC Input File Name: C:\Users\Phil\Desktop\Arlington Geostase\GRANT TEMPO.gsd Output File Name: C:\Users\Phil\Desktop\Arlington Geostase\GRANT TEMPO.OUT Unit System: English PROJECT: Grant Place DESCRIPTION: 1600 Grant, Renton BOUNDARY DATA 6 Surface Boundaries 7 Total Boundaries Boundary X - 1 Y - 1 X - 2 Y - 2 Soil Type No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) Below Bnd 1 0.000 50.000 20.000 50.000 1 2 20.000 50.000 25.000 50.000 1 3 25.000 50.000 29.000 50.000 1 4 29.000 50.000 37.000 42.000 1 5 37.000 42.000 47.000 27.000 2 6 47.000 27.000 67.000 27.000 2 7 0.000 42.000 37.000 42.000 2 User Specified X-Origin = 0.000(ft) User Specified Y-Origin = 0.000(ft) MOHR-COULOMB SOIL PARAMETERS 2 Type(s) of Soil Defined Soil Number Moist Saturated Cohesion Friction Pore Pressure Water Water and Unit Wt. Unit Wt. Intercept Angle Pressure Constant Surface Option Description (pcf) (pcf) (psf) (deg) Ratio(ru) (psf) No. 1 Weathered Till 115.0 125.0 0.00 34.00 0.000 0.0 1 0 2 Glacial Till 120.0 130.0 100.00 38.00 0.000 0.0 1 0 WATER SURFACE DATA 1 Water Surface(s) Defined Unit Weight of Water = 64.000 (pcf) Water Surface No. 1 Specified by 4 Coordinate Points Pore Pressure Inclination Factor = 0.50 Point X-Water Y-Water No. (ft) (ft) 1 0.00 58.00 2 96.00 30.00 3 120.00 20.00 4 155.00 20.00 WATER SURFACE DATA HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED SEISMIC (EARTHQUAKE) DATA Specified Peak Ground Acceleration Coefficient (PGA) = 0.000(g) Default Velocity = 0.000(ft) per second Specified Horizontal Earthquake Coefficient (kh) = -.2800(g) Specified Vertical Earthquake Coefficient (kv) = 0.000(g) (NOTE:Input Velocity = 0.0 will result in default Peak Velocity = 2 times(PGA) times 2.5 fps or 0.762 mps) Specified Seismic Pore-Pressure Factor = 0.000 Horizontal Seismic Force is Applied at Center of Gravity of Slices EARTHQUAKE DATA HAS BEEN SUPPRESSED LINELOADS OR POINT LOADS 2 Lineload(s) Specified Lineload X-Pos Y-Pos Force Spacing Inclination No. (ft) (ft) (lbs) (ft) (deg) 1 2.00 50.00 400.0 2.0 90.00 2 22.00 50.00 400.0 1.0 90.00 METHOD A Selected: LINELOAD capacity subtracted from Driving Forces/Moments. NOTE - An Equivalent Line Force Is Calculated For Each Row Of Lineloads Assuming A Uniform Distribution Of force Horizontally Between Individual Point Loads (if applicable). TRIAL FAILURE SURFACE DATA Circular Trial Failure Surfaces Have Been Generated Using A Random Procedure. 1000 Trial Surfaces Have Been Generated. 1000 Surfaces Generated at Increments of 0.2402(in) Equally Spaced Within the Start Range Along The Specified Surface Between X = 0.00(ft) and X = 20.00(ft) Each Surface Enters within a Range Between X = 39.00(ft) and X = 60.00(ft) Unless XCLUDE Lines Were Specified, The Minimum Elevation To Which A Surface Extends Is Y = 0.00(ft) Specified Maximum Radius = 5000.000(ft) 5.000(ft) Line Segments Were Used For Each Trial Failure Surface. The Spencer Method Was Selected for FS Analysis. Selected fx function = Constant (1.0) SELECTED CONVERGENCE PARAMETERS FOR SPENCER METHOD: Initial estimate of FS = 1.500 FS tolerance = 0.000001000 Initial estimate of theta(deg) = 15.00 Theta tolerance(radians) = 0.0001000 Minimum theta(deg) = -45.00 ; Maximum theta(deg) = 45.00 Theta convergence Step Factor = 5000.00 Maximum number of iterations = 50 Allowable negative side force = -1000.0(lbs) Maximum force imbalance = 100.000000(lbs) Maximum moment imbalance = 100.000000 (ft/lbs) Selected Lambda Coefficient = 1.00 Specified Tension Crack Water Depth Factor = 0.000 Total Number of Trial Surfaces Attempted = 1000 WARNING! The Factor of Safety Calculation for one or More Trial Surfaces Did Not Converge in 50 Iterations. Number of Trial Surfaces with Non-Converged FS = 461 Number of Trial Surfaces With Valid FS = 539 Percentage of Trial Surfaces With Non-Converged and/or Non-Valid FS Solutions of the Total Attempted = 46.1 % Statistical Data On All Valid FS Values: FS Max = 3.949 FS Min = 1.517 FS Ave = 2.236 Standard Deviation = 0.439 Coefficient of Variation = 19.62 % Critical Surface is Sequence Number 535 of Those Analyzed. *****BEGINNING OF DETAILED GEOSTASE OUTPUT FOR CRITICAL SURFACE FROM A SEARCH***** BACK-CALCULATED CIRCULAR SURFACE PARAMETERS: Circle Center At X = 857.436744(ft) ; Y = 1624.705094(ft); and Radius = 1784.692358(ft) Circular Trial Failure Surface Generated With 6 Coordinate Points Point X-Coord. Y-Coord. No. (ft) (ft) 1 17.538 50.000 2 21.953 47.653 3 26.374 45.319 4 30.802 42.997 5 35.237 40.687 6 39.264 38.603 LINE LOAD FORCE(S) DISTRIBUTED TO ADJACENT SLICES: Slice No. H-Force V-Force 2 0.000 156.202 3 0.000 243.798 Force Distribution Factor = 0.500 Sum of the Lineload Forces = 600.00(lbs) Iter. Theta FS FS No. (deg) (Moment) (Force) (fx=1.0) Lambda Delta FS 1 -15.0000 1.397042 1.516231 -0.268 0.1191890E+00 2 -19.9500 1.564362 1.517297 -0.363 0.4706517E-01 3 -18.5480 1.429439 1.516990 -0.336 0.8755032E-01 4 -19.4599 1.474328 1.517189 -0.353 0.4286094E-01 5 -20.3342 2.123034 1.517382 -0.371 0.6056523E+00 6 -19.5177 1.480084 1.517202 -0.354 0.3711747E-01 7 -19.5648 1.485330 1.517212 -0.355 0.3188224E-01 8 -19.8518 1.534745 1.517275 -0.361 0.1746999E-01 9 -19.7502 1.512691 1.517253 -0.359 0.4562339E-02 10 -19.7712 1.516724 1.517258 -0.359 0.5336489E-03 11 -19.7740 1.517276 1.517258 -0.360 0.1755442E-04 12 -19.7739 1.517258 1.517258 -0.360 0.1598607E-06 Factor Of Safety For The Preceding Specified Surface = 1.517 Theta (fx = 1.0) = -19.77 Deg Lambda = -0.360 The Spencer Method Has Been Selected For FS Analysis. Selected fx function = Constant (1.0) SELECTED CONVERGENCE PARAMETERS FOR ANALYSIS METHOD: Initial estimate of FS = 1.500 FS tolerance = 0.000001000 Initial estimate of theta(deg) = 15.00 Theta tolerance(radians) = 0.0001000 Minimum theta(deg) = -45.00 ; Maximum theta(deg) = 45.00 Theta convergence Step Factor = 5000.00 Maximum number of iterations = 50 Maximum force imbalance = 100.000000(lbs) Maximum moment imbalance(if Applicable) = 100.000000 (ft/lbs) Selected Lambda Coefficient = 1.00 Tension Crack Water Force = 0.00(lbs) Specified Tension Crack Water Depth Factor = 0.000 Depth of Tension Crack (zo) at Side of First Slice = 0.000(ft) Depth of Water in Tension Crack = 0.000(ft) Theoretical Tension Crack Depth = 3.135(ft) NOTE: In Table 1 following, when a tension crack with water is present on the first slice (right facing slope) or on the last slice (left facing slope), the "side force" in the tension crack is set equal to the water pressure resultant. *** Table 1 - Line of Thrust(if applicable) and Slice Force Data *** Slice X Y Side Force fx Force Angle Vert. Shear No. Coord. Coord. h/H (lbs) (Deg) Force(lbs) 1 17.54 50.00 0.000 0.00 1.000 0.00 0.0 2 20.00 49.35 0.500 13.52 1.000 -19.77 -4.6 3 21.95 48.02 0.158 54.85 1.000 -19.77 -18.6 4 25.00 42.33 0.000- 149.36 1.000 -19.77 -50.5 5 26.37 42.71 0.000- 197.20 1.000 -19.77 -66.7 6 29.00 42.62 0.000- 306.24 1.000 -19.77 -103.6 7 30.80 42.21 0.000- 384.70 1.000 -19.77 -130.1 8 32.72 41.62 0.000- 451.90 1.000 -19.77 -152.9 9 35.24 40.60 0.000- 280.49 1.000 -19.77 -94.9 10 37.00 40.00 0.103 158.05 1.000 -19.77 -53.5 NOTE: A value of 0.000- for h/H indicates that the line of thrust is at or below the lower boundary of the sliding mass. A value of 1.000+ for h/H indicates that the line of thrust is at or above the upper boundary of the sliding mass. ***Table 2 - Geometry Data on the 10 Slices*** Slice Width Height X-Cntr Y-Cntr-Base Y-Cntr-Top Alpha Beta Base Length No. (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (deg) (deg) (ft) 1 2.46 0.65 18.77 49.35 50.00 -27.99 0.00 2.79 2 1.95 1.83 20.98 48.17 50.00 -27.99 0.00 2.21 3 3.05 3.15 23.48 46.85 50.00 -27.83 0.00 3.45 4 1.37 4.32 25.69 45.68 50.00 -27.83 0.00 1.55 5 2.63 5.37 27.69 44.63 50.00 -27.67 0.00 2.97 6 1.80 5.63 29.90 43.47 49.10 -27.67 -45.00 2.03 7 1.91 4.74 31.76 42.50 47.24 -27.51 -45.00 2.16 8 2.52 3.68 33.98 41.34 45.02 -27.51 -45.00 2.84 9 1.76 2.65 36.12 40.23 42.88 -27.35 -45.00 1.99 10 2.26 1.11 38.13 39.19 40.30 -27.35 -56.31 2.55 ***Table 2A - Coordinates of Slice Points Defining the Slip Surface*** Point X-Pt Y-Pt No. (ft) (ft) 1 17.537538 50.000000 2 20.000000 48.691026 3 21.952528 47.653118 4 25.000000 46.044104 5 26.374077 45.318614 6 29.000000 43.941564 7 30.802148 42.996507 8 32.715420 42.000000 9 35.236708 40.686814 10 37.000000 39.774694 11 39.264442 38.603337 ***Table 3 - Force and Pore Pressure Data On The 10 Slices (Excluding Reinforcement)*** Ubeta Ubeta Ualpha Earthquake Force Stress Force Pore Force Distributed Slice Weight Top Top Bot Pressure Hor Ver Load No. (lbs) (lbs) (psf) (lbs) (psf) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 1 185.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 2 410.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 3 1104.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 4 682.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 5 1621.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 6 1166.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 7 1043.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 8 1075.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 9 553.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 10 302.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 ***Table 3A - Center of Pressure of Water Loads On the 10 Slices*** Only Applicable Slices Listed Slice X-Ubeta Y-Ubeta Ubeta-Moment No. (ft) (ft) (ft/lbs) ***Table 3B - Center of Pressure of Distributed Loads On the 10 Slices*** Only Applicable Slices Listed Slice X-Dload Y-Dload Dist-Load Dload-Moment No. (ft) (ft) (lbs) (ft/lbs) TOTAL WEIGHT OF SLIDING MASS = 8145.54(lbs) EFFECTIVE WEIGHT OF SLIDING MASS = 8145.54(lbs) TOTAL AREA OF SLIDING MASS = 70.51(ft2) ***TABLE 4 - SOIL STRENGTH & SOIL OPTIONS DATA ON THE 10 SLICES*** Slice Soil Cohesion Phi(Deg) Options No. Type (psf) 1 1 0.00 34.00 2 1 0.00 34.00 3 1 0.00 34.00 4 1 0.00 34.00 5 1 0.00 34.00 6 1 0.00 34.00 7 1 0.00 34.00 8 2 100.00 38.00 9 2 100.00 38.00 10 2 100.00 38.00 SOIL OPTIONS: A = ANISOTROPIC, C = CURVED STRENGTH ENVELOPE (TANGENT PHI & C), F = FIBER-REINFORCED SOIL (FRS), N = NONLINEAR UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, R = RAPID DRAWDOWN OR RAPID LOADING (SEISMIC) SHEAR STRENGTH NOTE: Phi and C in Table 4 are modified values based on specified Soil Options (if any). ***TABLE 5 - Total Base Stress Data on the 10 Slices*** Slice Alpha X-Coord. Base Total Total Total No. (deg) Slice Cntr Leng. Normal Stress Vert. Stress Normal/Vert. * (ft) (ft) (psf) (psf) Stress Ratio 1 -27.99 18.77 2.79 59.38 75.27 0.789 2 -27.99 20.98 2.21 228.95 210.21 1.089 3 -27.83 23.48 3.45 349.81 362.41 0.965 4 -27.83 25.69 1.55 392.69 496.64 0.791 5 -27.67 27.69 2.97 489.40 617.54 0.792 6 -27.67 29.90 2.03 513.09 647.44 0.792 7 -27.51 31.76 2.16 433.24 545.44 0.794 8 -27.51 33.98 2.84 327.41 426.54 0.768 9 -27.35 36.12 1.99 239.34 313.70 0.763 10 -27.35 38.13 2.55 97.16 133.52 0.728 ***TABLE 5A - Total Base Force Data on the 10 Slices*** Slice Alpha X-Coord. Base Total Total Total No. (deg) Slice Cntr Leng. Normal Force Vert. Force Normal/Vert. * (ft) (ft) (lbs) (lbs) Force Ratio 1 -27.99 18.77 2.79 165.59 185.34 0.893 2 -27.99 20.98 2.21 506.26 410.44 1.233 3 -27.83 23.48 3.45 1205.50 1104.43 1.092 4 -27.83 25.69 1.55 610.18 682.43 0.894 5 -27.67 27.69 2.97 1451.11 1621.61 0.895 6 -27.67 29.90 2.03 1044.10 1166.78 0.895 7 -27.51 31.76 2.16 934.61 1043.58 0.896 8 -27.51 33.98 2.84 930.74 1075.44 0.865 9 -27.35 36.12 1.99 475.16 553.14 0.859 10 -27.35 38.13 2.55 247.70 302.34 0.819 ***TABLE 6 - Effective and Base Shear Stress Data on the 10 Slices*** Slice Alpha X-Coord. Base Effective Available Mobilized No. (deg) Slice Cntr Leng. Normal Stress Shear Strength Shear Stress * (ft) (ft) (psf) (psf) (psf) 1 -27.99 18.77 2.79 59.38 40.05 26.40 2 -27.99 20.98 2.21 228.95 154.43 101.78 3 -27.83 23.48 3.45 349.81 235.95 155.51 4 -27.83 25.69 1.55 392.69 264.88 174.57 5 -27.67 27.69 2.97 489.40 330.10 217.57 6 -27.67 29.90 2.03 513.09 346.08 228.10 7 -27.51 31.76 2.16 433.24 292.23 192.60 8 -27.51 33.98 2.84 327.41 355.80 234.50 9 -27.35 36.12 1.99 239.34 287.00 189.15 10 -27.35 38.13 2.55 97.16 175.91 115.94 ***TABLE 6A - Effective and Base Shear Force Data on the 10 Slices*** Slice Alpha X-Coord. Base Effective Available Mobilized No. (deg) Slice Cntr Leng. Normal Force Shear Force Shear Force * (ft) (ft) (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) 1 -27.99 18.77 2.79 165.59 111.69 73.61 2 -27.99 20.98 2.21 506.26 341.48 225.06 3 -27.83 23.48 3.45 1205.50 813.12 535.92 4 -27.83 25.69 1.55 610.18 411.57 271.26 5 -27.67 27.69 2.97 1451.11 978.78 645.10 6 -27.67 29.90 2.03 1044.10 704.25 464.16 7 -27.51 31.76 2.16 934.61 630.40 415.49 8 -27.51 33.98 2.84 930.74 1011.45 666.63 9 -27.35 36.12 1.99 475.16 569.76 375.52 10 -27.35 38.13 2.55 247.70 448.47 295.58 Average Effective Normal Stress = 308.5810(psf) Average Available Shear Strength = 245.4067(psf) Total Length of Failure Surface = 24.5347(ft) ****TABLE 7 - SLICE REINFORCEMENT DATA**** ***Lineload Slice Force Data on the 10 Slices (Only Applicable Slices Listed)*** Slice Horiz Force Vert Force Result Force Inclin(deg) Moment@Base Cntr No. (lbs) (lbs) (lbs) (ft/lbs) 1 0.0 200.0 -200.0 90.00 0.350987E+03 2 0.0 400.0 -400.0 90.00 0.590506E+03 SUM OF MOMENTS = -0.216998E-04 (ft/lbs);Imbalance (Fraction of Total Weight) = - 0.2664009E-08 SUM OF FORCES = -.152455E-06 (lbs);Imbalance (Fraction of Total Weight) = - 0.1871643E-10 Sum of Available Shear Forces = 6020.98(lbs) Sum of Mobilized Shear Forces = 3968.33(lbs) FS Balance Check: FS = 1.517258 **** END OF GEOSTASE OUTPUT ****