HomeMy WebLinkAbout23_24_25_Environmental Report Terracon Consultants Inc. 21905 64th Ave W Mountlake Terrace, WA, 98043
P 425-771-3304 F 425-771-3549 terracon.com
August 14, 2015
Mr. Jon Blaha
Ryan Companies US, Inc.
50 South Tenth Street, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55403-2012
RE: Confirmation of Environmental Setting
Approximate 25.88-Acre Area
Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C, Boeing Longacres Park
Renton, King County, Washington
Dear Mr. Blaha:
Terracon Consultants, Inc. (Terracon) has been retained by Ryan Companies US, Inc. (Ryan) to
provide confirmation of the general environmental setting for the approximate 25.88-acre vacant
parcel legally described as Lots 9-10, 15-19, and Tract C of Boeing Longacres Park, City of Renton
(City), King County, Washington (the Property). The Property includes the entirety of King County
Tax Assessor Parcel Numbers 0886700090, 0886700100, 0886700150, 0886700160,
0886700180, 0886700190, 0886700380, and 0886700170. The Property is located in part of the
south ½ of Section 24, Township 23 N, Range 4 E and is north of SW 27th Street and west of
Oakesdale Avenue SW.
Per your request, Terracon has prepared this letter to summarize our findings regarding the
potential for wetlands, streams, lakes, and critical habitat to be present at the Property.
Information reviewed by Terracon for these findings was limited to available on-line resources
and/or from prior reports provided to Terracon from Ryan.
Terracon reviewed the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map, published by the U.S.
Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service (see attached). The NWI map did not identify
a wetland area on the Property. Freshwater Forested/Shrub wetlands and Freshwater Emergent
wetlands were identified on the east-, west- and south-adjoining properties respectively,
approximately 80 to 300 feet from the Property boundary. A report entitled “Longacres Office
Park, Surface Water Management Project, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan” prepared for
Boeing Commercial Airplane Group (Boeing) by Shapiro and Associates, Inc. (Shapiro); dated
August 1998 (Shapiro Report) was prepared for a 164-acre parcel which included the Property.
No wetland areas were identified on the Property. In addition, a flood insurance rate map
(FIRM) for the Property (see attached) identifies a 100-year floodplain, Zone AE, in close
proximity to the northwestern Property boundary, which may extend onto the Property. The base
flood elevation shown on the FIRM for Zone AE is 16 feet above mean sea level. Southern
portions of the site are located within Zone X, outside the 100-year or 500-year flood zones.
Mr. Jon Blaha
August 14, 2015
Page 2 of 3
It should be understood that the Shapiro Report was performed in 1998. As such, Terracon infers
that the information may be subject to change following a current review by a wetlands
professional, if required. Terracon did not field verify the Shapiro Report findings and provided a
review of the third party work on the behalf of Ryan.
Stream and Lakes
The Property is currently characterized by generally level topography with general gradient
toward the northeast. Based on the topographic map, the elevation of the Property is
approximately 20 feet NGVD. Review of the topographic map and visual observations of the
Property did not identify streams or lakes. Several areas of surface water were observed on the
central portion of the Property which appeared to be the result of seasonal rain events or surface
water runoff. No readily apparent low-lying areas and/or wetlands are known to be or have been
reported to be present on the Property. A copy of the USGS 7.5-minute Renton, Washington,
topographic quadrangle map dated 1994 is attached.
Habitat Data
Terracon reviewed information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) online databases to identify the potential
occurrence of critical habitat and federally- and state-listed threatened and endangered (T&E)
species located in the Property vicinity. Terracon conducted a preliminary review using the
USFWS Information, Planning and Conservation System (IPAC) Endangered Species Act species
list to identify species of concern determined by the activities proposed at the Property. Based on
a review of the website, the IPAC list indicates that there are ten protected species that may occur
in King County. No T&E species were reported on the Property in information obtained from
either agency. Based upon a review of the online USFWS and WDFW databases, there are no
critical habitats mapped on the Property, and the nearest habitats are mapped on the Green River
approximately 1,100 feet to the west and a small creek approximately 800 feet to the east and
south. These habitats are associated with bull trout and salmon, these species or their suitable
habitat are not present on the Property. A copy of the WDFW Critical Habitat map is attached to
this letter. A review of the WDFW Priority Habitats Section (PHS) webpage indicated that no
PHS features (species occurrences, nesting areas etc.) are identified at the Property.
A report entitled “Boeing Longacres Office Park, Property Disposition Report (PDR), Renton,
Washington” prepared for Boeing Shared Services Group by WHPacific, dated October 2008
(WHPacific Report) was for the 154-acre Boeing Longacres facility, which encompassed the
A review of the WHPacific Report indicated that a wildlife corridor was identified through the
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) which extended through the central portion of the
Property (Tract C). The report noted that the corridor was originally designated to provide for
stormwater treatment, wetland mitigation and wildlife habitat; however no easements or deed
restrictions were present within the corridor.
Project Mngr:
Approved By:
Checked By:
Drawn By:
Project No.
File No.
Consulting Engineers and Scientists
21905 64th Avenue W., Ste 100 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
FAX. (425) 771-3549PH. (425) 771-3304
Boeing Longacres Lots 9-10, 15-19, Tract C
SW 27th Street & Oakesdale Ave SW
Renton, King County, Washington 1
June 2015
as shown
USGS Renton WA Quadrangle, published1994.LEGEND:
Sou rce: Esri, DigitalG lo be , G eo Eye, Ea rt hstar Ge og ra ph ics, CNES/Airb usDS, USDA, USGS, A EX, Ge tmapp ing, A erog rid , IG N, IGP, swisstop o, and
PH S Re po rt C lip Ar ea
Ju ne 2 , 20 15 0 0.3 0.60.15 mi
0 0.55 1.10.275 km
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