HomeMy WebLinkAboutHandout - Graffiti Report Memo G\'� Y f0� POLICE DEPARTMENT + `$ FNTO�' MEMORANDUM DATE: June 7, 2019 TO: Commander Figaro FROM: Erin Churchill SUBJECT: Monthly Graffiti Report—May 2019 Reported Graffiti Numbers: There were 129 new graffiti incidents reported in the month of May. A new graffiti incident is defined as a new unique graffiti tag, which is documented in the month it is reported. These reports come from resident emails/phone calls, patrol officer emails, code compliance, city department reports, and the Renton School District (RSD). Graffiti Reporting Sources in May 70 65 60 0 H „? 50 Sources of Graffiti Reporting a ■Code Compliance fi40 Graffiti Abatement Coordinator ■Online Report 30 27 *Parks ■Patrol 20 ■Resident ` 15 •Volunteer 14 z 10 5 1 2 0 - 2019-05 Graffiti Reporting Sources c:\users\echurchill\documents\monthly graffiti reports\graffiti report for may 2019.docx ems`' (e) 7 Addressee Name Page 2 of 3 Date of Memo Graffiti Locations: The largest portion of graffiti incidents clustered in patrol district#23, this patrol district corresponds to code compliance area 1. Graffiti Incidents in Renton Police Department(RPD)Patrol Districts 60 56 50 0 40 38 RPD Patrol Districts z ■11 m E •15 y y 30 ■21 u 22 ■23 20 ■24 16 ° ■25 11 10 2 2 2 0 _ 2019-05 RPD Patrol Districts Affected Property: The table below shows the property owners/type of properties affected by graffiti in the month of May. Property Owners Affected by Graffiti SO 46 45 a a 40 Q 35 Property Owners W 30 29 ■BNSf 5 •Business 25 •Metro 22 Parks 20 ■Police 15 14 ■PSE ■Public Works Signs 10 ■Renton School District Z 5 5 ■Republic Services 5 4 I .MIMEO 1 III1 1 . •Residence 0 •WSDOT 2019-05 Property Owner c:\users\echurchill\documents\monthly graffiti reports\graffiti report for may 2019.docx Addressee Name Page 3 of 3 Date of Memo Graffiti Types Present: The majority of graffiti in the city during May are best described as generic tags. We have seen an increase in the diversity of Crossroad Locos personal tags. Please refer to Graffiti Gang memo. • 62 generic tags • 1 derogatory • 53 gang • 5 communicative • 4 Sticker • 4 Art Graffiti Outreach/Volunteer Program: At the end of May the volunteer program had grown to three adult, and two teen volunteers. Working on a volunteer structure to encourage the reporting of hours to the CERVIS program. Actions Taken this Month: • Materials were printed and distributed to all community centers and libraries. Additional materials were printed and give to Cyndi Parks to be used at events. Hoping to receive Spanish and Vietnamese translation by the end of week of June 3rd • Continuing to participate in the development of Citizen Request Management (CRM) Project. • Developed and sent out notification to private citizens and property owners. All properties that were notified on 5/17/2019 have met compliance. Future Actions: • Continue entering past reports in to GIS map to increase reporting data. • Attend trainings for CRM training. • Organize clean up at property where resident has requested assistance in the removal of graffiti. -Erin Churchill Graffiti Abatement Coordinator (;) c:\users\echurchill\documents\monthly graffiti reports\graffiti report for may 2019.docx