HomeMy WebLinkAboutBlock Grant Program (8/13/2001) August 13,2001 Renton City Council Minutes Page 270 $9,500 to ElderHealth NW/Connection $12,500 to Emergency Feeding Program $7,615 to Visiting Nurse Services of the Northwest CDBG Capital Projects $174,000 to City of Renton Minor Housing Repair $50,000 to King County Major Housing Repair $10,000 to LATCH Angle Lake Senior Housing $10,000 to YWCA Ms.Marshall explained that as part of the funding recommendations, a contingency plan must also be adopted. Should there be an increase in CDBG public services funding,the Human Services Advisory Committee recommended that any increase in funding be allocated as follows: 1. DAWN Shelter Program(currently$9,000)be increased by an additional $6,000. The total amount of the award shall not exceed$15,000. 2. Community Health Center of King County Dental (currently$13,500)be increased by the amount available up to a maximum total award of$23,500. 3. If any funds remain,the amount should be divided equally among Communities in Schools of Renton, ElderHealth Northwest/Connection,the Emergency Feeding Program, and Visiting Nurse Services of NW (healthcare assessments). In the case of a decrease in CDBG public services funding,Ms. Marshall said the decrease will be applied proportionately based on the project's percentage of the total CDBG public services allocation. In conclusion,Ms.Marshall stated that if there is an increase in the CDBG capital funding, the Human Services Advisory Committee recommended there be no change in the funding recommendations. If there should be a decrease, the recommendation is to apply the decrease proportionately based upon the project's percentage of the total CDBG capital funds allocated. The Human Services Advisory Committee acknowledged that the City meets criteria set forth in Section IV of the 2000-2002 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement(ICA) for the King County CDBG Consortium, and recommended allocation of the maximum amount of increased funds allowable to plan and administer the City's CDBG projects in accordance with the CDBG ICA. Responding to Mayor Tanner's inquiry about the City receiving the funds directly instead of having them pass through King County, Ms. Marshall stated that the City is eligible to become a direct entitlement City in 2003. Responding to Councilwoman Keolker-Wheeler's question regarding the stability of DAWN, Ms.Marshall replied that currently the shelter program is a very strong and stable part of DAWN, and she pointed out that it is the only shelter program for victims of domestic violence in South King County. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON,COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. (See page 272 for Community Services Committee report on this subject.) Human Services: 2001 Local This being the date set and proper notices having been posted and published in Law Enforcement Block Grant accordance with local and State laws, Mayor Tanner opened the public hearing (LLEBG) to consider the 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant(LLEBG) August 13,2001 Renton City Council Minutes ../ Page 271 application. Karen Marshall,Human Services Manager, stated that the City has been pre-approved for a grant of$60,490 and the City is required to match 10% for a total of$67,211. Ms. Marshall reported that since 1996, the LLEBG funds have been used to fund the Victim Court Advocate, saying that the combined 2000 and 2001 grants will cover the cost of salary and benefits through approximately September 2003. Explaining that the Victim Court Advocate assists the prosecutor in domestic violence misdemeanor cases, she pointed out that the goal is to successfully prosecute batterers and hold them accountable to prevent future domestic violence from occurring. Ms. Marshall recommended that the LLEBG funds continue to be used for this purpose. Public comment was invited. There being none, it was MOVED BY NELSON, SECONDED BY PERSSON, COUNCIL CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. CARRIED. ADMINISTRATIVE Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington reviewed a written administrative REPORT report summarizing the City's recent progress towards goals and work programs adopted as part of its business plan for 2001 and beyond. Items noted included: * The Cuautla Sister City signing ceremony will take place in the Council Chambers on Friday,August 17th, at 1:00 p.m. The Mayor of Cuautla is traveling to Renton especially for this ceremony. * On August 18th and 19th the South Boeing Bridge will be raised for maintenance work and all traffic will be routed to the North Boeing Bridge for access to and from the airport. * Renton's lifeguards participated in the annual Lake Washington Lifeguard Challenge Cup last week and were awarded fourth place overall,with many of the lifeguards earning individual awards. AUDIENCE COMMENT Kent Correa, 670 Sunset Blvd.NE,Renton, 98056, said that approximately two Citizen Comment: Correa— years ago,construction behind his home began for a development known as Utilities Easement Area Flynn Short Plat(SHP-96-106). Stating that he granted the City a utilities Restoration easement as part of the project, Mr. Correa reported that to this day,the easement area has yet to be restored to its original condition. He asked the City for assistance in resolving this problem. Mayor Tanner recommended that a meeting be scheduled with Mr. Correa, Development Services Director Neil Watts and himself in order to find a solution to Mr. Correa's problem. Citizen Comment: Wagner— Rich Wagner,2411 Garden Ct. N.,Renton,98056,announced his resignation Resignation from Planning from the City's Planning Commission. He stated that he has served on the Commission Commission for 13 years and felt fortunate having served during the City's most notable accomplishments,which include the 1992 Community Profile Report and the Comprehensive Plan adopted in the early 1990s. Mr. Wagner encouraged the City to challenge the Commission and the community to think about the future, saying that the current Comprehensive Plan has fulfilled its purpose and its time to think ahead and create a new Comprehensive Plan to help determine what kind of City Renton wants to be in the year 2020 and beyond. Additionally,Mr. Wagner thanked Administrative Secretary Judy Wright and Principal Planner Rebecca Lind for their efforts in making the Planning Commission successful, and said that it has been an honor to serve on the Commission. City of Renton August 13, 2001 Public Hearing on the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant The Renton City Council approved the application for the 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) on 7/9/01. The City has been pre-approved for a grant of$60,490 with the local match of 10% it totals $67,211. A requirement of the grant is that a public hearing be held. Since 1996 we have used the LLEBG funds to fund the Victim Court Advocate. The 2000 and 2001 grants combined will cover the cost of salary/benefits of the Victim Court Advocate from approximately 9/15/01 —9/15/03. The future of LLEBG is uncertain; every year Congress and the President decide if it is going to be continued and at what level of funding. The domestic violence Victim Court Advocate assists the prosecutor in domestic violence misdemeanor cases. The goal is to successfully prosecute batterers and hold them accountable to prevent future domestic violence from occurring. The cases are heard in Renton Municipal Court. The Renton Victim Court Advocate can be reached at 425-430-6654. 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Grady Way, Renton, WA 98055, to consider the following: Application for 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant (LLEBG) All interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and present written or oral comments regarding the proposal. The Municipal Building is in compliance with the American Disabilities Act, and interpretive services for the hearing impaired will be provided upon prior notice. For information, call 425-430-6510. Marilyn . P sen City Clerk Published South County Journal July 27, 2001 Account No. 50640 • July 9,2001 ,"- Renton City Council Minutes `"�` Page 221 Annexation: Vuong, 13642 SE Economic Development, Neighborhoods and Strategic Planning Department 16th St recommended a public meeting be set on 07/23/2001 to consider the 10% Notice of Intent to Annex for the proposed Vuong Annexation; approximately 2.25 acres located at 13642 SE 116th St. Council concur. Human Services: 2001 Local Human Services Division submitted application for 2001 Local Law Law Enforcement Block Grant Enforcement Block Grant, and recommended Council set public hearing on (LLEBG)Application 08/13/2001. Council concur. Utility: Vuong Property Surface Water Utility Division requested the following: approval of a purchase (13642 SE 16th St)Purchase and sale agreement with Binh K. and Ha Tat Vuong to purchase 1.12 acres &NE 10th St/Anacortes Ave located at 13642 SE 116th St. in the amount of$213,500 for construction of a NE Storm System stormwater detention pond; and approval of a consultant contract with CH2M Improvement&Detention Hill in the amount of$122,535 for the NE 10th St./Anacortes Ave.NE Storm Pond Project,CH2M Hill System Improvement and Detention Pond project. Council concur. Airport:WorldWind Transportation Division recommended authorization of an airport sublease from Helicopters Operating Permit South.Cove Ventures dba AeroDyne Aviation to WorldWind Helicopters, Inc. &Sublease and requested approval of a five-year operating permit with WorldWind Helicopters, Inc. Refer to Transportation(Aviation)Committee. CAG: 98-132, Logan Ave S Transportation Systems Division submitted CAG-98-132,Logan Ave. S. Improvements,Gary Merlino Improvements; and recommended approval of the project,authorization for Const Co final pay estimate in the amount of$976,026.51, commencement of 60-day lien period,and release of retained amount of$49,028.69 to Gary Merlino Construction Co., Inc.,contractor,if all required releases are obtained. Council concur. At the request of Council,Planning/Building/Public Works Administrator Gregg Zimmerman provided additional information regarding items 7.c. and 7.e.,the purchase and sale agreement for the Vuong property located at 13642 SE 116th St,the consultant contract for the NE 10th St./Anacortes Ave.NE Storm System Improvement and Detention Pond project,and the proposed Vuong annexation. He explained that the original design to alleviate flooding along NE 10th St. and Anacortes Ave.NE,which included an outlet to Honey Creek,required a Hydraulic Permit by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). WDFW denied the permit because of concerns that the proposed pipe system would increase peak flow to Honey and May Creeks and adversely affect fish life. Continuing,Mr.Zimmerman stated that an alternate design is being pursued to use a detention system to reduce peak stormwater flow and flooding which requires the purchase of 1.12 acres located at 13642 SE 116th St. for the construction of a detention pond. The purchase and sale agreement contains a clause that makes the sale contingent on the site being feasible for construction of the detention pond. Mr.Zimmerman explained that the subject property is located in unincorporated King County; therefore, a public meeting is requested to consider the 10%Notice of Intent to Annex for the proposed Vuong Annexation consisting of approximately 2.25 acres. Responding to Council inquiry regarding funding for this project,Chief Administrative Officer Jay Covington confirmed that funds have been set aside in the 2001 Surface Water Utility Capital Improvement Program budget to address the flooding problems in this area. CITY OF RENTON COUNCIL AGENDA BILL Ai#: 7.d . Submitting Data: Community Services For Agenda of: 7/9/01 Dept/Div/Board.. Human Services Staff Contact Karen Marshall, ext. 6652 Agenda Status Consent X Subject: Public Hearing.. X Application for 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Correspondence.. (LLEBG) and scheduling of public hearing. Ordinance Resolution X Old Business Exhibits: New Business • Study Sessions Information 1. Resolution to apply for funds. Recommended Action: Approvals: Council concur and set public hearing for August 13, 2001. Legal Dept No Finance Dept No Other Fiscal Impact: Expenditure Required... $6,721 Transfer/Amendment Amount Budgeted Revenue Generated $60,490 Total Project Budget City Share Total Project.. SUMMARY OF ACTION: Applications for 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants are due July 25, 2001. The Department of Justice administers LLEBG grants. Renton has been preapproved for the grant amount of$60,490; the grant is based on the number of violent crimes the City has had in the past three years. These funds are available to cities, counties and states and can be used for seven different purposes. Since 1996 we have used the funds in the area of crime prevention - to fund legal advocacy services for victims of domestic violence. The grants require a local match of 10%. Cities have 2 years to expend the funds after receiving the award. Before we can spend the funds, we must convene an advisory committee to review the application and make non-binding recommendations on the use of funds. The Renton Domesitic Violence Task Force serves as the Advisory Committee. A public hearing must also be held. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The attached resolution authorized staff to apply for the 2001 Local Law Enforcement Block Grant. Set public hearing for August 13, 2001 I:lmydocuments\AgendabillLLEBG91800.dot/ CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 6 8 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR FUNDING ASSISTANCE FOR A LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT TO THE BUREAU OF JUSTICE. WHEREAS, strong, healthy individuals and families are essential to maintaining thriving communities; and WHEREAS, Domestic Violence is recognized in King County, Washington state, and nationally, as one of the greatest threats to family and community health; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Renton, Washington, has adopted the City of Renton Human Service Plan and Policies (1992) which identifies the need for domestic violence victim assistance programs; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Justice has funds available to assist the City in handling domestic violence; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RENTON, WASHINGTON, DO RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. The above recitals are found to be true and correct in all respects. SECTION II. The City Council authorizes application for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant to the Bureau of Justice to be used for legal advocacy domestic violence services. 1 • u *44110 RESOLUTION NO. 3 4 6 8 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL this 25thday of September , 2000. en. I Marilyn J. et en, City Clerk APPROVED BY THE MAYOR this 25thday of September , 2000. Jes anner, Mayor Approved as to form: Lawrence J. Warren, City Attorney RES. 809:9/5/00:ma 2