HomeMy WebLinkAboutRS_4th_Dim_Traffic_190709_v1 GTC #18-102 Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. 2813 Rockefeller Avenue Suite B Everett, WA 98201 425.339.8266 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Jurisdiction: City of Renton July 2019 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com i GTC #18-102 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION .................................................................................. 1  2. METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................................. 1   3. TRIP GENERATION .............................................................................................................. 4   4. TRIP DISTRIBUTION ........................................................................................................... 5  5. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS .......................................................... 5  5.1 Turning Movement Calculations ...................................................................................... 5  5.2 Level of Service Calculations ........................................................................................ 11  5.3 Signal Warrant Analysis ................................................................................................. 11   Signal Warrant 1 ..................................................................................................... 12   Signal Warrant 2 ..................................................................................................... 12   Signal Warrant Conclusions ................................................................................... 12  6. CRASH DATA ...................................................................................................................... 12  7. NE 4TH STREET AT BREMERTON AVENUE .................................................................. 13  8. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES ................................................................................................ 13  9. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES ................................................................................. 14  10. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................... 14  LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Site Vicinity Map ............................................................................................................ 2  Figure 2: Development Trip Distribution AM Peak-Hour ............................................................. 6  Figure 3: Development Trip Distribution PM Peak-Hour .............................................................. 7  Figure 4: 2018 Existing Turning Movements ................................................................................. 8  Figure 5: 2024 Baseline Turning Movements ................................................................................ 9  Figure 6: 2024 Future with Development Turning Movements ................................................... 10  LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Level of Service Criteria ................................................................................................... 3  Table 2: Trip Generation Summary ................................................................................................ 4  Table 3: Level of Service Summary ............................................................................................. 11  Table 4: Crash Rate Summary ...................................................................................................... 13  Table 5: Transportation Impact Fee Summary ............................................................................. 14  ATTACHMENTS Trip Generation Calculations ......................................................................................................... A  Count Data and Turning Movement Calculations .......................................................................... B  Level of Service Calculations ......................................................................................................... C  Signal Warrant Analysis ................................................................................................................ D  Crash Data ....................................................................................................................................... E  4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 1 GTC #18-102 1. DEVELOPMENT IDENTIFICATION Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. (GTC) has been retained to provide a traffic impact analysis for 4th Dimension Building development. This report is intended to provide the City of Renton with the necessary traffic generation, trip distribution and intersection analysis to facilitate their review of the development. The 4th Dimension Building development is located in the northeast corner of the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue in the City of Renton. A site vicinity map is included in Figure 1. The development is proposed to consist of 24 apartments with 6,237 square- feet (SF) of commercial space. Brad Lincoln, responsible for this report and traffic analysis, is a licensed professional engineer (Civil) in the State of Washington and member of the Washington State section of ITE. 2. METHODOLOGY The analysis contained in this report is based on the City of Renton Policy Guidelines for Traffic Impact Analysis for New Development and comments identified in the February 15, 2018 pre- application meeting, specifically the signal warrant and level of service analysis for the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue. Additionally, the access to Bremerton Avenue has been analyzed under the future with development conditions. The signal warrant analysis has been evaluated based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). The level of service analysis has been performed in accordance with the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). Congestion is generally measured in terms of level of service (LOS). Road facilities and intersections are rated between LOS A and LOS F, with LOS A being free flow and LOS F being forced flow or over-capacity conditions. A summary of the level of service criteria is included in Table 1. 4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITESITE VICINITYMAPFIGURE 1LEGEND###DEVELOPMENT SITESTUDY INTERSECTION#1#2 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 3 GTC #18-102 Table 1: Level of Service Criteria Level of 1 Service Expected Delay Intersection Control Delay (Seconds per Vehicle) Unsignalized Intersections Signalized Intersections A Little/No Delay <10 <10 B Short Delays >10 and <15 >10 and <20 C Average Delays >15 and <25 >20 and <35 D Long Delays >25 and <35 >35 and <55 E Very Long Delays >35 and <50 >55 and <80 F Extreme Delays2 >50 >80 The level of service at two-way stop-controlled intersections is based on the average delay for the stopped approach with the highest delay. The level of service at all-way stop-controlled intersections and signalized intersections is based on the average delay for all vehicles. The level of service analysis for unsignalized and signalized intersections has been performed utilizing the Synchro 10.2, Build 0 software. The trip generation calculations for the development are based on average trip generation rates published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017). 1 Source: Highway Capacity Manual 2010. LOS A: Free-flow traffic conditions, with minimal delay to stopped vehicles (no vehicle is delayed longer than one cycle at signalized intersection). LOS B: Generally stable traffic flow conditions. LOS C: Occasional back-ups may develop, but delay to vehicles is short term and still tolerable. LOS D: During short periods of the peak hour, delays to approaching vehicles may be substantial but are tolerable during times of less demand (i.e. vehicles delayed one cycle or less at signal). LOS E: Intersections operate at or near capacity, with long queues developing on all approaches and long delays. LOS F: Jammed conditions on all approaches with excessively long delays and vehicles unable to move at times. 2 When demand volume exceeds the capacity of the lane, extreme delays will be encountered with queuing which may cause severe congestion affecting other traffic movements in the intersection. 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 4 GTC #18-102 3. TRIP GENERATION Trip generation calculations for the 4th Dimension Building development have been performed utilizing data published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition, Volume 2: Data (2017). The average trip generation rates for the following ITE Land Use Codes (LUC) have been utilized in the trip generation calculations:  LUC 221, Multifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) – 24 apartments units  LUC 820, Shopping Center – 6,237 SF of retail space  LUC 210, Single-Family Detached Housing – 1 existing residence to be removed ITE Land Use Code 221 has been utilized for the 24 proposed apartments since they will include 3 stories, which meets the criteria of ITE Land Use Code 221. It is also important to note that ITE Land Use Code 820 includes a range of retail/commercial uses, including restaurants, banks and other uses. ITE also publishes a pass-by rate for ITE Land Use Code 820 to account for existing trips along the roadway using the site. This pass-by rate, 34%, has been applied to the daily and peak-hour trip generation calculations. The trip generation of the 4th Dimension Building development is summarized in Table 2. Table 2: Trip Generation Summary Land Use Units/Size Average Daily Trips AM Peak-Hour Trips PM Peak-Hour Trips Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Total Apartments 24 Units 131 2 7 9 7 4 11 Retail 6,237 SF 235 3 3 6 12 12 24 Single-Family -1 Unit -9 0 -1 -1 -1 0 -1 Pass-By Trips --- -80 -1 -1 -2 -4 -4 -8 TOTAL NEW TRIPS 277 4 8 12 14 12 26 The 4th Dimension Building development is anticipated to generate approximately 277 new average daily trips with 12 new AM peak-hour trips and 26 new PM peak-hour trips. The trip generation calculations are included in the attachments. 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 5 GTC #18-102 4. TRIP DISTRIBUTION The 4th Dimension Building development is proposed to have one access to Bremerton Avenue near the north edge of the property. The distribution of trips is based on existing count data and surrounding uses. It is anticipated that 70% of the development’s trips will travel to and from the west along NE 4th Street. The remaining 30% of the development’s trips are anticipated to travel to and from the east along NE 4th Street. It is possible that trips generated by the development could travel to and from the north along Bremerton Avenue; however, the distribution represents the highest potential impact to the study intersections. Detailed trip distributions for the AM peak- hour and PM peak-hour are shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. 5. INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS The intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue was identified during the pre-application meeting for the development and represents the only off-site intersection impacted with 20 peak- hour trips. Additionally, the site access to Bremerton Avenue has been analyzed. The development will not impact any intersections during the AM peak-hour with 20 peak-hour trips and therefore the analysis in this report has been performed for the weekday PM peak-hour. 5.1 Turning Movement Calculations The 2018 existing PM peak-hour turning movements at the study intersections were collected by the independent count firm IDAX in July 2018. The 2018 existing turning movements at the study intersection are shown in Figure 4. The future analysis has been performed for the year 2024, which represents a 6-year horizon period and is beyond when the development is anticipated to be constructed. The 2024 baseline turning movements have been calculated by applying a 2.5% annually compounding growth rate to the 2018 existing turning movements. The growth rate is based on a comparison of daily volumes published by the City of Renton for the year 2012 and daily volumes collected as part of this report. The 2024 baseline turning movements at the study intersection are shown in Figure 5. The 2024 future with development turning movements at the study intersections have been calculated by adding the development’s trips to the 2024 baseline turning movements. The turning movements at the site access are based volumes from the adjacent intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue. The 2024 future with development turning movements are shown in Figure 6. 4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITELEGENDNEW SITE TRAFFIC(DAILY/PEAK-HOUR)TRIP DISTRIBUTION %FIGURE 2DEVELOPMENTTRIP DISTRIBUTIONAM PEAK-HOURXXAWDTAMPEAK7019463308312 4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITELEGENDNEW SITE TRAFFIC(DAILY/PEAK-HOUR)TRIP DISTRIBUTION %FIGURE 3DEVELOPMENTTRIP DISTRIBUTIONPM PEAK-HOURXXAWDTPMPEAK70194810308344 XXX4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGPEAK-HOURTURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMESDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITELEGEND2018 EXISTINGTURNING MOVEMENTSFIGURE 412128209495840134401,30991 XXX4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGPEAK-HOURTURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMESDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITELEGEND2024 BASELINETURNING MOVEMENTSFIGURE 514132231,1016746139461,518106 XXX4TH DIMENSION BUILDING24 RESIDENTIAL UNITS6,237 SF COMMERCIAL SPACECITY OF RENTONTRAFFIC IMPACT STUDYIBSONTRAFFICCONSULTANTSGPEAK-HOURTURNING MOVEMENT VOLUMESDUVALL AVENE 4TH STJERICHO AVE08/15/18BREMERTON AVEGTC #18-102UNION AVENNE 2ND STNE 6TH STHOQUIAM AVE NE 8TH STSITELEGEND2024 FUTUREWITH DEVELOPMENTTURNING MOVEMENTSFIGURE 6048016187121141281,1006746139591,515106 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 11 GTC #18-102 5.2 Level of Service Calculations The 2018 existing level of service calculations have been performed utilizing the existing channelization, existing intersection control and peak-hour factors and heavy vehicle factors from the 2018 turning movement counts. The 2024 baseline and 2024 future with development level of service analysis does not include any changes to the existing channelization or control, such as a signal or roundabout. Additionally, the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue does not include utilization of the center turn lane on NE 4th Street by left-turns from Bremerton Avenue (i.e. a 2-stage left-turn movement) due to the eastbound and westbound left-turn volumes on NE 4th Street. The level of service summary is included in Table 3. Table 3: Level of Service Summary Intersection Approach 2018 Existing Conditions 2024 Baseline Conditions 2024 Future w Development Conditions LOS Delay LOS Delay LOS Delay 1. NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue Northbound F 388.2 sec F >500 sec F >500 sec Southbound F 91.1 sec F 262.4 sec F 425.6 sec 2. Site Access at Bremerton Avenue Westbound --- --- --- --- A 9.3 sec The analysis shows that the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue currently operates at LOS F for both approaches and will remain at LOS F under the 2024 baseline and 2024 future with development conditions. It is important to note that the northbound approach, which the development is not anticipated to add any trips to operates worse than the southbound approach, which will have the highest impact of the development. The intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue is discussed in more detail later in this report. The site access is anticipated to operate at acceptable LOS A under the 2024 future with development conditions. The level of service calculations are included in the attachments. 5.3 Signal Warrant Analysis The City of Renton identified that a signal warrant analysis was required for the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue. The signal warrant analysis has been performed based on MUTCD guidelines. The signal warrant has been performed for Signal Warrant 1 and Signal Warrant 2, which are based on hourly volumes and are the most applicable for an existing intersection. Hourly traffic volumes were collected on all approaches by IDAX in July 2018. It is important to note that the hourly volumes on the northbound approach were collected south of the driveways closest to NE 4th Street. The northbound approach volumes have therefore been adjusted based on a comparison to the PM peak-hour turning movement count to include vehicles utilizing from the driveways. 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 12 GTC #18-102 Signal Warrant 1 MUTCD Signal Warrant 1 is based on the 8 hours with the highest volumes. Signal Warrant 1 is based on minimum vehicular volumes, interruptions of continuous flow and a combination of the prior two methods along the major roadway. The posted speed through the intersection is 35 mph therefore 100% of volume thresholds identified in MUTCD is used. The signal warrant analysis shows that the intersection will meet 1 hours of the required 8 hours for Part 1A, up to 5 hours of the required 8 hours for Part 1B and up to 3 hours of the required 8 hours for Part 1C. The intersection will therefore not meet MUTCD Signal Warrant 1. Signal Warrant 2 Signal Warrant 2 is based on any 4 hours throughout the day meeting the volume thresholds provided in volume curves. The northbound and southbound approaches include separate right- turn lanes, which could reduce the volume thresholds for the minor legs. However, the northbound and southbound approaches have been evaluated as a single-lane approach to represent a conservative signal warrant analysis. The volume data shows that the intersection will only meet 3 hours of the required 4 hours for Signal Warrant 2. The intersection will therefore not meet MUTCD Signal Warrant 2. Signal Warrant Conclusions The signal warrant analysis shows that the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue does not currently meet the thresholds for Warrant 1 or Warrant 2 and is not anticipated to meet the thresholds under the 2024 baseline or 2024 future with development conditions. The 4th Dimension Building development should therefore not be conditioned to install a signal at this intersection. The signal warrant data and calculations are included in the attachments. 6. CRASH DATA Crash data for the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue, including 500 feet along each leg, was obtained from WSDOT for the period from January 1, 2013 through the most recent data available. This time period represents approximately 5.5 years. The crash data showed a total of 23 crashes in the study area, but only 12 occurred at the study intersection and only 11 were associated with the study intersection. The other 11 crashes occurred at adjacent driveways and were not associated with the study intersection. The one crash that occurred at the study intersection, but was not associated was due to vehicles queued back from the adjacent signalized intersection of NE 4th Street at Duvall Avenue. The 11 crashes that occurred at the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue are all associated with left-turns, both from the major and minor approaches. The crash rate is summarized in Table 4. 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 13 GTC #18-102 Table 4: Crash Rate Summary Crashes Years Crash Rate per Year Daily Trips Crash Rate per Million Entering Vehicles (MEV) 11 5.5 2 29,000 0.19 The crash rate shows that there are 2 crashes per year and a crash rate of 0.19 per MEV. Both of these rates are below typical crash rates for an unsignalized intersection. Additionally, there were no fatalities reported during the study period. The crash data is included in the attachments. 7. NE 4TH STREET AT BREMERTON AVENUE The intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue currently operates at LOS F and is anticipated to remain at LOS F under the 2024 baseline and 2024 future with development conditions. The northbound approach operates with considerably more delay than the southbound approach and it is important to note that the 4th Dimension Building is not anticipated to add any trips to the northbound approach. There are several options to improve the operations of the intersection, including:  Restricting the northbound and southbound approaches to right-turn only, while still allowing left-turns from NE 4th Street  Restricting the intersection to right-turn only (i.e. restricting left-turns from NE 4th Street) Both of these changes would also reduce the potential for the crash type that historically occurs at this intersection. It is important to note that the 4th Dimension Development does not cause the deficient level of service and therefore the development should only be responsible for the proportionate share of the impact. The development is anticipated to account for 30 of 2,718 PM peak-hour trips at the intersection under the 2024 future with development conditions. The 4th Dimension Building therefore has a proportionate share impact to the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue of 1.10%. It will be the decision of the City of Renton to determine if any improvements to the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue are required and what those improvements are. 8. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES The existing pedestrian facilities in the area include sidewalks along both sides of NE 4th Street. Bremerton Avenue has sidewalks along the west side and along the east side north of the development site. There is not currently sidewalk along the development’s Bremerton Avenue frontage. The development will include frontage improvements along Bremerton Avenue to complete the pedestrian connectivity in the site vicinity. 4th Dimension Building Traffic Impact Analysis Gibson Traffic Consultants, Inc. July 2019 info@gibsontraffic.com 14 GTC #18-102 9. TRANSPORTATION IMPACT FEES The transportation impact fees for the 4th Dimension Building are based on the current impact fees and could increase when the fees are actually paid. The current fees are $3,358.55 per apartment unit and $13.29 per square-foot of shopping center. The credit for the existing single-family residential unit is $5,430.85. The traffic mitigation fees are summarized in Table 5. Table 5: Transportation Impact Fee Summary Use Size Fee Basis Impact Fee Apartment 24 units $3,358.55 Unit $80,605.20 Shopping Center (Retail) 6,237 SF $13.29 SF $82,889.73 Single-Family -1 unit $5,430.85 Unit $-5,430.85 TOTAL $158,064.08 The total traffic mitigation fees for the 4th Dimension Building is $158,064.08. This does not account for any potential proportionate share costs for improvements to the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue. 10. CONCLUSIONS The 4th Dimension Building is proposed to consist of 24 apartments and 6,237 SF of retail space replacing 1 existing single-family residential unit. The development is anticipated to generate 277 new average daily trips with 12 new AM peak-hour trips and 26 new PM peak-hour trips. The intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue is the only off-site intersection that is anticipated to be impacted with 20 peak-hour trips. The intersection currently operates at LOS F and will remain at LOS F under the 2024 baseline and 2024 future with development conditions. The trips generated by development represent 1.10% of the 2024 future with development volumes at the intersection and this should be the proportionate share of any off-site improvements required for the 4th Dimension Building development. The current transportation impact mitigation fees total $158,064.08; however, the actual fee will be determined when a complete building permit application is filed. A Trip Generation Calculations 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Trip Generation for: Weekday(a.k.a.): Average Weekday Daily Trips (AWDT)NET EXTERNAL TRIPS BY TYPEIN BOTH DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONAL ASSIGNMENTSGross Trips TOTAL PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEW PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEWLAND USES VARIABLEITE LU codeTripRate%IN%OUTIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)In Out In Out In OutMultifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) 24 units 221 5.44 50%50% 131 1310%00%0 131 0000 66 65Shopping Center (Retail) 6.237 kSF 820 37.75 50%50% 235 23534%800%0 155 40 40 0 0 78 77Single-Family Dwelling (Removed) -1 units 210 9.44 50%50% -9 -90%00%0 -9 0000 -5 -4Totals357 357 80 0 277 40 40 0 0 139 138 A - 1 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Trip Generation for: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour between 7 and 9 AM(a.k.a.): Weekday AM Peak HourNET EXTERNAL TRIPS BY TYPEIN BOTH DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONAL ASSIGNMENTSGross Trips TOTAL PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEW PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEWLAND USES VARIABLEITE LU codeTripRate%IN%OUTIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)In Out In Out In OutMultifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) 24 units 2210.36 26%74%9 9 0% 0 0% 0 9 0000 2 7Shopping Center (Retail) 6.237 kSF 8200.94 62%38%6 6 34% 2 0% 0 4 1100 2 2Single-Family Dwelling (Removed) -1 units 2100.74 25%75%-1 -1 0% 0 0% 0 -1 0000 0 -1Totals14 14 2 0 12 1100 4 8 A - 2 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Trip Generation for: Weekday, Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic, One Hour between 4 and 6 PM(a.k.a.): Weekday PM Peak HourNET EXTERNAL TRIPS BY TYPEIN BOTH DIRECTIONS DIRECTIONAL ASSIGNMENTSGross Trips TOTAL PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEW PASS-BYDIVERTED LINKNEWLAND USES VARIABLEITE LU codeTripRate%IN%OUTIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)% ofExt.TripsIn+Out(Total)In+Out(Total)In Out In Out In OutMultifamily Housing (Mid-Rise) 24 units 2210.44 61%39%11 11 0% 0 0% 0 11 0000 7 4Shopping Center (Retail) 6.237 kSF 8203.81 48%52%24 2434% 8 0% 0 16 4400 8 8Single-Family Dwelling (Removed) -1 units 2100.99 63%37%-1 -1 0% 0 0% 0 -1 0000 -1 0Totals34 34 8 0 26 4400 14 12 A - 3 B Count Data and Turning Movement Calculations www.idaxdata.com 1 to to Two-Hour Count Summaries Note: Two-hour count summary volumes include heavy vehicles but exclude bicycles in overall count. Total 5 2 1 3 3 0 3 3 20 72001005 16 4 Peak Hour 14 16 1 1 32 0 1 4 0 0 4 0 0Count Total 22 27 1 3 53 0 0 3 00100105:45 PM 1 2 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 5:30 PM 2 4 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 5:15 PM 3 5 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 5:00 PM 4 6 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4:30 PM 2 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 202601 0 6 0 EB WB NB SB Total East 4:45 PM 5 4 0 1 10 0 0 0 Interval Start Heavy Vehicle Totals Bicycles Pedestrians (Crossing Leg) EB WB NB SB Total 4 1 4:15 PM 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 West North South 4:00 PM 4 2 0 2 38 1,309 35 0 62 1 63 0 28 2,583 034140012191058949200 Count Total 2 97 2,385 158 0 109 1,992 17 2 58 4,981 0 532 2,483060205062391010 0 0 6 632 2,570 5:45 PM 0 8 243 12 4 0 4 0 8 0 636 2,583 5:30 PM 0 20 293 18 0 17 262 1 7 0 8 0 60142335010 2 0 6 683 2,554 5:15 PM 0 9 311 32 2 0 10 0 10 0 619 2,498 5:00 PM 1 10 355 22 0 11 254 0 11 0 1 1 10015227508 1 0 6 645 0 4:45 PM 1 15 307 18 8 0 6 0 12 0 607 0 4:30 PM 0 4 336 19 0 18 235 0 4 0 2 1 10 0 4:15 PM 0 15 263 16 4 0 6 0 5 04:00 PM 0 16 277 21 0 13 275 Interval Start NE 4TH ST NE 4TH ST BREMERTON AVE NE BREMERTON AVE NE 15-min TotalUTLTTHRT 0 15 267 6 0 8 1 0 9 627 0.93 UT LT TH RT UT LT Rolling One HourEastboundWestboundNorthboundSouthbound UT LT TH RT Peak Hour Date: Wed, Jul 18, 2018 Peak Hour Count Period: 4:00 PM 6:00 PM SB 2.4%0.73 TOTAL 1.2%0.95 TH RT WB 1.6%0.96 NB 1.3%0.94 Peak Hour: 4:30 PM 5:30 PM HV %:PHF EB 1.0% 0 0015 20 0N BREMERTON AVE NE NE 4TH ST NE 4TH ST BREMERTON AVE NE NE 4TH ST BREMERTON AVE NE 2,583TEV: 0.95PHF:281124159020 949 58 1,027 1,3610 4013475150091 1,309 38 1,440 1,013 2 Mark Skaggs: (425) 250-0777 mark.skaggs@idaxdata.com B - 1 1 4th St at Bremerton Ave Synchro ID: 1 Existing 41 102 61 Average Weekday 28112 40120 PM Peak-Hour  28 Bremerton Avenue NE 20 Year: 7/18/2018 1,011 949 949 1,027 34 58  Data Source:IDAX 2,451 NE 4th Street 2,583 NE 4th Street 2,388 North 40 12  1,440 1,309 1,309 1,361 91 Bremerton Avenue NE 40  91158 34140 150 225 75 Future without Project 47 117 70 Average Weekday 32 1 14 46123 PM Peak-Hour  32 Bremerton Avenue NE 23 Year:2024 1,172 1,101 1,101 1,191 Growth Rate =2.5%39 67  Years of Growth = 6 2,842 NE 4th Street 2,994 NE 4th Street 2,769 North Total Growth = 1.1597 46 14  1,670 1,518 1,518 1,578 106 Bremerton Avenue NE 46  106 1 67 39146 174 260 86 Total Project Trips 16 34 18 Average Weekday 907 13 0 5 PM Peak-Hour  9 Bremerton Avenue NE 5 8 -1 -1 4 0 0  18 NE 4th Street 30 NE 4th Street 8 North 13 7  10 -3 -3 4 0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0  000 000 000 Future with Project 63 151 88 Average Weekday 41 1 21 59128 PM Peak-Hour  41 Bremerton Avenue NE 28 1,180 1,100 1,100 1,195 39 67  2,860 NE 4th Street 3,024 NE 4th Street 2,777 North 59 21  1,680 1,515 1,515 1,582 106 Bremerton Avenue NE 46  106 1 67 39146 174 260 86 Includes New and Pass-By trips B - 2 2 Site at Bremerton Ave Synchro ID: 2 Existing 41 102 61 Average Weekday 0410 0610 PM Peak-Hour  0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0 Year: 7/18/2018 0 0 0 0 0 0  Data Source:IDAX 0 --- 102 Site Access 0 North 0 0  0 0 0 0 0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0  0410 0610 41 102 61 Future without Project 48 119 71 Average Weekday 0 48 0 0710 PM Peak-Hour  0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0 Year: 2024 0 0 00 Growth Rate = 2.5%0 0  Years of Growth = 6 0 --- 119 Site Access 0 North Total Growth = 1.1597 0 0  000 0 0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0  0480 0710 48 119 71 Total Project Trips 000 Average Weekday 000 000 PM Peak-Hour  0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0 0 0 0 16 0 16  0 --- 34 Site Access 34 North 0 0  0 0 0 18 0 Bremerton Avenue NE 18  0016 0018 16 34 18 Future with Project 48 119 71 Average Weekday 0 48 0 0710 PM Peak-Hour  0 Bremerton Avenue NE 0 0 0 016 0 16  0 --- 153 Site Access 34 North 0 0  000 18 0 Bremerton Avenue NE 18  04816 07118 64 153 89 Includes New and Pass-By trips B - 3 Location:NE 4TH ST W/O BREMERTON AVE Date Range:7/18/2018 - 7/24/2018 Site Code:04 Time EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total 12:00 AM 126 90 216 ------------------126 90 216 1:00 AM 91 69 160 ------------------91 69 160 2:00 AM 36 40 76 ------------------36 40 76 3:00 AM 46 81 127 ------------------46 81 127 4:00 AM 48 249 297 ------------------48 249 297 5:00 AM 189 563 752 ------------------189 563 752 6:00 AM 553 766 1,319 ------------------553 766 1,319 7:00 AM 630 1,034 1,664 ------------------630 1,034 1,664 8:00 AM 714 903 1,617 ------------------714 903 1,617 9:00 AM 724 823 1,547 ------------------724 823 1,547 10:00 AM 725 745 1,470 ------------------725 745 1,470 11:00 AM 771 794 1,565 ------------------771 794 1,565 12:00 PM 800 897 1,697 ------------------800 897 1,697 1:00 PM 823 867 1,690 ------------------823 867 1,690 2:00 PM 945 889 1,834 ------------------945 889 1,834 3:00 PM 1,013 951 1,964 ------------------1,013 951 1,964 4:00 PM 1,231 999 2,230 ------------------1,231 999 2,230 5:00 PM 1,235 979 2,214 ------------------1,235 979 2,214 6:00 PM 1,067 982 2,049 ------------------1,067 982 2,049 7:00 PM 819 809 1,628 ------------------819 809 1,628 8:00 PM 691 618 1,309 ------------------691 618 1,309 9:00 PM 598 426 1,024 ------------------598 426 1,024 10:00 PM 357 296 653 ------------------357 296 653 11:00 PM 234 185 419 ------------------234 185 419 Total 14,466 15,055 29,521 ------------------14,466 15,055 29,521 Percent 49%51%-------------------49%51%- 1. Mid-week average includes data between Tuesday and Thursday. 7/24/20187/23/20187/22/20187/21/2018 Wednesday Thursday Friday 7/19/20187/18/2018 Mid-Week Average7/20/2018 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mark Skaggs:425-250-0777 mark.skaggs@idaxdata.com 1B - 4 Location:NE 4TH ST E/O BREMERTON AVE Date Range:7/18/2018 - 7/24/2018 Site Code:02 Time EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total EB WB Total 12:00 AM 150 91 241 ------------------150 91 241 1:00 AM 100 64 164 ------------------100 64 164 2:00 AM 32 37 69 ------------------32 37 69 3:00 AM 48 74 122 ------------------48 74 122 4:00 AM 59 227 286 ------------------59 227 286 5:00 AM 222 518 740 ------------------222 518 740 6:00 AM 576 719 1,295 ------------------576 719 1,295 7:00 AM 682 975 1,657 ------------------682 975 1,657 8:00 AM 782 885 1,667 ------------------782 885 1,667 9:00 AM 753 798 1,551 ------------------753 798 1,551 10:00 AM 732 721 1,453 ------------------732 721 1,453 11:00 AM 762 794 1,556 ------------------762 794 1,556 12:00 PM 798 888 1,686 ------------------798 888 1,686 1:00 PM 778 859 1,637 ------------------778 859 1,637 2:00 PM 885 892 1,777 ------------------885 892 1,777 3:00 PM 982 966 1,948 ------------------982 966 1,948 4:00 PM 1,076 1,032 2,108 ------------------1,076 1,032 2,108 5:00 PM 1,040 992 2,032 ------------------1,040 992 2,032 6:00 PM 951 977 1,928 ------------------951 977 1,928 7:00 PM 764 803 1,567 ------------------764 803 1,567 8:00 PM 637 599 1,236 ------------------637 599 1,236 9:00 PM 553 433 986 ------------------553 433 986 10:00 PM 330 292 622 ------------------330 292 622 11:00 PM 217 186 403 ------------------217 186 403 Total 13,909 14,822 28,731 ------------------13,909 14,822 28,731 Percent 48%52%-------------------48%52%- 1. Mid-week average includes data between Tuesday and Thursday. 7/24/20187/23/20187/22/20187/21/2018 Wednesday Thursday Friday 7/19/20187/18/2018 Mid-Week Average7/20/2018 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mark Skaggs:425-250-0777 mark.skaggs@idaxdata.com 1B - 5 Location:BREMERTON AVE S/O NE 4TH ST Date Range:7/18/2018 - 7/24/2018 Site Code:03 Time NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total 12:00 AM 0 6 6 ------------------0 6 6 1:00 AM 0 5 5 ------------------0 5 5 2:00 AM 0 2 2 ------------------0 2 2 3:00 AM 0 1 1 ------------------0 1 1 4:00 AM 0 1 1 ------------------0 1 1 5:00 AM 1 3 4 ------------------1 3 4 6:00 AM 12 16 28 ------------------12 16 28 7:00 AM 51 43 94 ------------------51 43 94 8:00 AM 60 73 133 ------------------60 73 133 9:00 AM 42 50 92 ------------------42 50 92 10:00 AM 22 47 69 ------------------22 47 69 11:00 AM 19 56 75 ------------------19 56 75 12:00 PM 26 57 83 ------------------26 57 83 1:00 PM 22 73 95 ------------------22 73 95 2:00 PM 9 68 77 ------------------9 68 77 3:00 PM 10 79 89 ------------------10 79 89 4:00 PM 26 127 153 ------------------26 127 153 5:00 PM 24 119 143 ------------------24 119 143 6:00 PM 12 108 120 ------------------12 108 120 7:00 PM 14 77 91 ------------------14 77 91 8:00 PM 5 64 69 ------------------5 64 69 9:00 PM 2 50 52 ------------------2 50 52 10:00 PM 1 38 39 ------------------1 38 39 11:00 PM 0 23 23 ------------------0 23 23 Total 358 1,186 1,544 ------------------358 1,186 1,544 Percent 23%77%-------------------23%77%- 1. Mid-week average includes data between Tuesday and Thursday. 7/24/20187/23/20187/22/20187/21/2018 Wednesday Thursday Friday 7/19/20187/18/2018 Mid-Week Average7/20/2018 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mark Skaggs:425-250-0777 mark.skaggs@idaxdata.com 1 The northbound approach shown in the counts represents approximately 40% of the total northbound approach due to driveway volumes that were not included in this data.B - 6 Location:BREMERTON AVE N/O NE 4TH ST Date Range:7/18/2018 - 7/24/2018 Site Code:01 Time NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total NB SB Total 12:00 AM 19 9 28 ------------------19 9 28 1:00 AM 6 5 11 ------------------6 5 11 2:00 AM 3 3 6 ------------------3 3 6 3:00 AM 7 5 12 ------------------7 5 12 4:00 AM 0 15 15 ------------------0 15 15 5:00 AM 5 25 30 ------------------5 25 30 6:00 AM 32 42 74 ------------------32 42 74 7:00 AM 41 61 102 ------------------41 61 102 8:00 AM 36 37 73 ------------------36 37 73 9:00 AM 38 41 79 ------------------38 41 79 10:00 AM 29 44 73 ------------------29 44 73 11:00 AM 35 23 58 ------------------35 23 58 12:00 PM 38 35 73 ------------------38 35 73 1:00 PM 27 25 52 ------------------27 25 52 2:00 PM 35 28 63 ------------------35 28 63 3:00 PM 36 46 82 ------------------36 46 82 4:00 PM 70 42 112 ------------------70 42 112 5:00 PM 61 38 99 ------------------61 38 99 6:00 PM 67 42 109 ------------------67 42 109 7:00 PM 49 33 82 ------------------49 33 82 8:00 PM 33 30 63 ------------------33 30 63 9:00 PM 34 25 59 ------------------34 25 59 10:00 PM 19 19 38 ------------------19 19 38 11:00 PM 7 8 15 ------------------7 8 15 Total 727 681 1,408 ------------------727 681 1,408 Percent 52%48%-------------------52%48%- 1. Mid-week average includes data between Tuesday and Thursday. 7/24/20187/23/20187/22/20187/21/2018 Wednesday Thursday Friday 7/19/20187/18/2018 Mid-Week Average7/20/2018 Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Mark Skaggs:425-250-0777 mark.skaggs@idaxdata.com 1B - 7 C Level of Service Calculations HCM 2010 TWSC 1: Bremerton Avenue & NE 4th Street 4th Dimension Building 2018 Existing Conditions PM Peak-Hour Gibson Traffic Consultnats, Inc. [BJL 08-102] Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 13.6 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 40 1309 91 58 949 20 34 1 40 12 1 28 Future Vol, veh/h 40 1309 91 58 949 20 34 1 40 12 1 28 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 00000000000 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Free Free Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length 100 - - 100 - - 80 - 0 - - 100 Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 93 93 93 96 96 96 94 94 94 73 73 73 Heavy Vehicles, % 1 11222111222 Mvmt Flow 43 1408 98 60 989 21 36 1 43 16 1 38 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 1010 0 0 1506 0 0 2158 2673 753 1911 2712 505 Stage 1 ------1543 1543 - 1120 1120 - Stage 2 ------6151130 - 791 1592 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - 4.14 - - 7.52 6.52 6.92 7.54 6.54 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.21 - - 2.22 - - 3.51 4.01 3.31 3.52 4.02 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 688 - - 441 - - ~ 27 22 354 41 21 512 Stage 1 ------121176-220280- Stage 2 ------448279-349165- Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 688 - - 441 - - ~ 20 18 354 29 17 512 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver ------~ 2018-2917- Stage 1 ------113165-206242- Stage 2 ------356241-286155- Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0.3 0.8 $ 388.2 91.1 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1NBLn2 EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBRSBLn1SBLn2 Capacity (veh/h)20 354 688 - - 441 - - 28 512 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 1.862 0.12 0.063 - - 0.137 - - 0.636 0.075 HCM Control Delay (s) $ 812.9 16.6 10.6 - - 14.5 - - 260.3 12.6 HCM Lane LOS F C B - - B - - F B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 5 0.4 0.2 - - 0.5 - - 2 0.2 Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon C - 1 HCM 2010 TWSC 1: Bremerton Avenue & NE 4th Street 4th Dimension Building 2024 Baseline Conditions PM Peak-Hour Gibson Traffic Consultnats, Inc. [BJL 08-102] Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 39.4 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 46 1518 106 67 1101 23 39 1 46 14 1 32 Future Vol, veh/h 46 1518 106 67 1101 23 39 1 46 14 1 32 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 00000000000 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Free Free Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length 100 - - 100 - - 80 - 0 - - 100 Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 93 93 93 96 96 96 94 94 94 73 73 73 Heavy Vehicles, % 1 11222111222 Mvmt Flow 49 1632 114 70 1147 24 41 1 49 19 1 44 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 1171 0 0 1746 0 0 2501 3098 873 2214 3143 586 Stage 1 ------1787 1787 - 1299 1299 - Stage 2 ------7141311 - 915 1844 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - 4.14 - - 7.52 6.52 6.92 7.54 6.54 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.21 - - 2.22 - - 3.51 4.01 3.31 3.52 4.02 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 598 - - 356 - - ~ 15 12 295 24 11 454 Stage 1 ------85134-171230- Stage 2 ------391229-294124- Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 598 - - 356 - - ~ 9 9 295 ~ 15 8 454 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver ------~ 99-~ 158- Stage 1 ------78123-157185- Stage 2 ------282184-223114- Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0.3 1 $ 1168.9 262.4 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1NBLn2 EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBRSBLn1SBLn2 Capacity (veh/h)9 295 598 - - 356 - - 14 454 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 4.728 0.166 0.083 - - 0.196 - - 1.468 0.097 HCM Control Delay (s) $ 2490.7 19.6 11.6 - - 17.6 - -$ 792.7 13.8 HCM Lane LOS F C B - - C - - F B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 6.6 0.6 0.3 - - 0.7 - - 3.2 0.3 Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon C - 2 HCM 2010 TWSC 1: Bremerton Avenue & NE 4th Street 4th Dimension Building 2024 Future Conditions with Development PM Peak-Hour Gibson Traffic Consultnats, Inc. [BJL 08-102] Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 49.8 Movement EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBR NBL NBT NBR SBL SBT SBR Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 59 1515 106 67 1100 28 39 1 46 21 1 41 Future Vol, veh/h 59 1515 106 67 1100 28 39 1 46 21 1 41 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 00000000000 Sign Control Free Free Free Free Free Free Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop RT Channelized - - None - - None - - None - - None Storage Length 100 - - 100 - - 80 - 0 - - 100 Veh in Median Storage, # - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Grade, % - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Peak Hour Factor 93 93 93 96 96 96 94 94 94 73 73 73 Heavy Vehicles, % 1 11222111222 Mvmt Flow 63 1629 114 70 1146 29 41 1 49 29 1 56 Major/Minor Major1 Major2 Minor1 Minor2 Conflicting Flow All 1175 0 0 1743 0 0 2526 3127 872 2242 3170 588 Stage 1 ------1812 1812 - 1301 1301 - Stage 2 ------7141315 - 941 1869 - Critical Hdwy 4.12 - - 4.14 - - 7.52 6.52 6.92 7.54 6.54 6.94 Critical Hdwy Stg 1 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Critical Hdwy Stg 2 ------6.52 5.52 - 6.54 5.54 - Follow-up Hdwy 2.21 - - 2.22 - - 3.51 4.01 3.31 3.52 4.02 3.32 Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 596 - - 357 - - ~ 14 11 296 ~ 23 10 452 Stage 1 ------82130-170229- Stage 2 ------391228-283120- Platoon blocked, % - - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 596 - - 357 - - ~ 8 8 296 ~ 14 7 452 Mov Cap-2 Maneuver ------~ 88-~ 147- Stage 1 ------73116-152184- Stage 2 ------273183-209107- Approach EB WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 0.4 1 $ 1335.4 $ 425.6 HCM LOS F F Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBLn1NBLn2 EBL EBT EBR WBL WBT WBRSBLn1SBLn2 Capacity (veh/h)8 296 596 - - 357 - - 13 452 HCM Lane V/C Ratio 5.319 0.165 0.106 - - 0.195 - - 2.318 0.124 HCM Control Delay (s) $ 2848.6 19.6 11.8 - - 17.5 - -$ 1192.4 14.1 HCM Lane LOS F C B - - C - - F B HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) 6.7 0.6 0.4 - - 0.7 - - 4.6 0.4 Notes ~: Volume exceeds capacity $: Delay exceeds 300s +: Computation Not Defined *: All major volume in platoon C - 3 HCM 2010 TWSC 2: Bremerton Avenue & Site Access 4th Dimension Building 2024 Future Conditions with Development PM Peak-Hour Gibson Traffic Consultnats, Inc. [BJL 08-102] Intersection Int Delay, s/veh 1 Movement WBL WBR NBT NBR SBL SBT Lane Configurations Traffic Vol, veh/h 16 0 71 18 0 48 Future Vol, veh/h 16 0 71 18 0 48 Conflicting Peds, #/hr 0 00000 Sign Control Stop Stop Free Free Free Free RT Channelized - None - None - None Storage Length 0 ----- Veh in Median Storage, # 0 - 0 - - 0 Grade, % 0 - 0 - - 0 Peak Hour Factor 92 92 92 92 92 92 Heavy Vehicles, % 2 22222 Mvmt Flow 17 0 77 20 0 52 Major/Minor Minor1 Major1 Major2 Conflicting Flow All 139 87 0 0 97 0 Stage 1 87 ----- Stage 2 52 ----- Critical Hdwy 6.42 6.22 - - 4.12 - Critical Hdwy Stg 1 5.42 ----- Critical Hdwy Stg 2 5.42 ----- Follow-up Hdwy 3.518 3.318 - - 2.218 - Pot Cap-1 Maneuver 854 971 - - 1496 - Stage 1 936 ----- Stage 2 970 ----- Platoon blocked, % - - - Mov Cap-1 Maneuver 854 971 - - 1496 - Mov Cap-2 Maneuver 854 ----- Stage 1 936 ----- Stage 2 970 ----- Approach WB NB SB HCM Control Delay, s 9.3 0 0 HCM LOS A Minor Lane/Major Mvmt NBT NBRWBLn1 SBL SBT Capacity (veh/h)- - 854 1496 - HCM Lane V/C Ratio - - 0.02 - - HCM Control Delay (s) - - 9.3 0 - HCM Lane LOS - - A A - HCM 95th %tile Q(veh) - - 0.1 0 - C - 4 D Signal Warrant Analysis 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Start Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB9535152542613741442335252846423842333025198Bremerton - NB000003301281501055548655523256560303513530Higher Minor9535152542128150105554865552846656042353025198150 75120 60Total Minor953515298424024718812190126102608113312284824832238NE 4th St - EB126 91 36 46 48 189 553 630 714 724 725 771 800 823 945 1013 1231 1235 1067 819 691 598 357 234NE 4th St - WB91 64 37 74 227 518 719 975 885 798 721 794 888 859 892 966 1032 992 977 803 599 433 292 186Total Major 217 155 73 120 275 707 1272 1605 1599 1522 1446 1565 1688 1682 1837 1979 2263 2227 2044 1622 1290 1031 649 420600 900480 720Total Intersection 226 160 76 125 290 736 1356 1845 1846 1710 1567 1655 1814 1784 1897 2060 2396 2349 2128 1704 1338 1063 672 428Warrant 1A Analysis - 8-Hour Minimum Vehicular VolumeNo No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 1Warrant 1A Satisfied: NOWarrant 1B Analysis - 8-Hour Interruption of Continuous TrafficNo No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 3Warrant 1B Satisfied: NOWarrant 1C Analysis - 8-Hour Combination of WarrantsWarrant 1A No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoWarrant 1B No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 2 Based on 80% of Warrant VolumesWarrant 1C Satisfied: NOWarrant 2 Analysis - 4-Hour Vehicular VolumeRequired on Minor00000250115115115115115115115115115115115115115115115150275300No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 2Warrant 2 Satisfied: NOSIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS - EXISTING CONDITIONSNE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue1A 1B1A(80%)1B(80%)Warrant Volume Req.D - 1 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Growth Calculations2012 Volume (Renton Map):25,8002018 Volume (count):29,521Growth Rate (Calc): 2.27%Growth Rate (Assumed):2.50%Years of Growth:6Total Growth: 116%EXISTING ADT VOLUMESStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 9 5 3 5 15 25 42 61 37 41 44 23 35 25 28 46 42 38 42 33 30 25 19 8Bremerton - NB 0 0 0 0 0 3 30 128 150 105 55 48 65 55 23 25 65 60 30 35 13 5 3 0NE 4th St - EB 126 91 36 46 48 189 553 630 714 724 725 771 800 823 945 1013 1231 1235 1067 819 691 598 357 234NE 4th St - WB 91 64 37 74 227 518 719 975 885 798 721 794 888 859 892 966 1032 992 977 803 599 433 292 186BASELINE ADT VOLUMESStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 10 6 3 6 17 29 49 71 43 48 51 27 41 29 32 53 49 44 49 38 35 29 22 9Bremerton - NB 0 0 0 0 0 3 35 148 174 122 64 56 75 64 27 29 75 70 35 41 15 6 3 0NE 4th St - EB 146 106 42 53 56 219 641 731 828 840 841 894 928 954 1096 1175 1428 1432 1237 950 801 693 414 271NE 4th St - WB 106 74 43 86 263 601 834 1131 1026 925 836 921 1030 996 1034 1120 1197 1150 1133 931 695 502 339 216BASELINE VOLUME CALCULATIOND - 2 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Start Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 10 6 3 6 17 29 49 71 43 48 51 27 41 29 32 53 49 44 49 38 35 29 22 9Bremerton - NB000003351481741226456756427297570354115630Higher Minor 10 6 3 6 17 29 49 148 174 122 64 56 75 64 32 53 75 70 49 41 35 29 22 9 150 75 105 53Total Minor 10 6 3 6 17 32 84 219 217 170 115 83 116 93 59 82 124 114 84 79 50 35 25 9NE 4th St - EB 146 106 42 53 56 219 641 731 828 840 841 894 928 954 1096 1175 1428 1432 1237 950 801 693 414 271NE 4th St - WB 106 74 43 86 263 601 834 1131 1026 925 836 921 1030 996 1034 1120 1197 1150 1133 931 695 502 339 216Total Major 252 180 85 139 319 820 1475 1862 1854 1765 1677 1815 1958 1950 2130 2295 2625 2582 2370 1881 1496 1195 753 487600 900 420 630Total Intersection 262 186 88 145 336 852 1559 2081 2071 1935 1792 1898 2074 2043 2189 2377 2749 2696 2454 1960 1546 1230 778 496Warrant 1A Analysis - 8-Hour Minimum Vehicular VolumeNo No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 1Warrant 1A Satisfied: NOWarrant 1B Analysis - 8-Hour Interruption of Continuous TrafficNo No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 5Warrant 1B Satisfied: NOWarrant 1C Analysis - 8-Hour Combination of WarrantsWarrant 1A No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoWarrant 1B No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No NoNoNoHours Satisfied 3 Based on 80% of Warrant VolumesWarrant 1C Satisfied: NOWarrant 2 Analysis - 4-Hour Vehicular VolumeRequired on Minor00000200115115115115115115115115115115115115115115115115225280No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 3Warrant 2 Satisfied: NOSIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS - BASELINE CONDITIONSNE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue1A 1B1A(80%)1B(80%)Warrant Volume Req.D - 3 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102NOTE: Development trips include new and pass-by trips.179178Bremerton - SB0% 100% 178Bremerton - NB0% 0% 0NE 4th St - EB70% 0% 125NE 4th St - WB30% 0% 53EXISTING ADT VOLUMESStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 9 5 3 5 15 25 42 61 37 41 44 23 35 25 28 46 42 38 42 33 30 25 19 8Bremerton - NB 0 0 0 0 0 3 30 128 150 105 55 48 65 55 23 25 65 60 30 35 13 5 3 0NE 4th St - EB 126 91 36 46 48 189 553 630 714 724 725 771 800 823 945 1013 1231 1235 1067 819 691 598 357 234NE 4th St - WB 91 64 37 74 227 518 719 975 885 798 721 794 888 859 892 966 1032 992 977 803 599 433 292 186Portion of Existing TripsStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 1.32% 0.73% 0.44% 0.73% 2.20% 3.67% 6.17% 8.96% 5.43% 6.02% 6.46% 3.38% 5.14% 3.67% 4.11% 6.75% 6.17% 5.58% 6.17% 4.85% 4.41% 3.67% 2.79% 1.17%Bremerton - NB 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.33% 3.34% 14.25% 16.70% 11.69% 6.12% 5.35% 7.24% 6.12% 2.56% 2.78% 7.24% 6.68% 3.34% 3.90% 1.45% 0.56% 0.33% 0.00%NE 4th St - EB 0.87% 0.63% 0.25% 0.32% 0.33% 1.31% 3.82% 4.36% 4.94% 5.00% 5.01% 5.33% 5.53% 5.69% 6.53% 7.00% 8.51% 8.54% 7.38% 5.66% 4.78% 4.13% 2.47% 1.62%NE 4th St - WB 0.61% 0.43% 0.25% 0.50% 1.53% 3.49% 4.85% 6.58% 5.97% 5.38% 4.86% 5.36% 5.99% 5.80% 6.02% 6.52% 6.96% 6.69% 6.59% 5.42% 4.04% 2.92% 1.97% 1.25%BASELINE ADT VOLUMESStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 10 6 3 6 17 29 49 71 43 48 51 27 41 29 32 53 49 44 49 38 35 29 22 9Bremerton - NB 0 0 0 0 0 3 35 148 174 122 64 56 75 64 27 29 75 70 35 41 15 6 3 0NE 4th St - EB 146 106 42 53 56 219 641 731 828 840 841 894 928 954 1096 1175 1428 1432 1237 950 801 693 414 271NE 4th St - WB 106 74 43 86 263 601 834 1131 1026 925 836 921 1030 996 1034 1120 1197 1150 1133 931 695 502 339 216DEVELOPMENT ADT VOLUMES Based on existing portion of ADT tripsStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 2 1 1 1 4 7 11 16 10 11 1269771211101198752Bremerton - NB 0 0 0000000000000000000000NE 4th St - EB 1 1 000255666777891111976532NE 4th St - WB 0 0 0012333333333344332211FUTURE WITH DEVELOPMENT ADT VOLUMESStart Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 12 7 4 7 21 36 60 87 53 59 63 33 50 36 39 65 60 54 60 47 43 36 27 11Bremerton - NB 0 0 0 0 0 3 35 148 174 122 64 56 75 64 27 29 75 70 35 41 15 6 3 0NE 4th St - EB 147 107 42 53 56 221 646 736 834 846 847 901 935 961 1104 1184 1439 1443 1246 957 807 698 417 273NE 4th St - WB 106 74 43 86 264 603 837 1134 1029 928 839 924 1033 999 1037 1123 1201 1154 1136 934 697 504 340 217FUTURE WITH DEVELOPMENT VOLUME CALCULATIONInboundOutboundBremerton - SBBremerton - NBNE 4th St - EBNE 4th St - WBTrip Dist (Inbound)Bremerton - SBBremerton - NBNE 4th St - EBNE 4th St - WBTrip Dist (Outbound)Development DailyD - 4 4th Dimension BuildingGTC #18-102Start Time 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300Bremerton - SB 12 7 4 7 21 36 60 87 53 59 63 33 50 36 39 65 60 54 60 47 43 36 27 11Bremerton - NB000003351481741226456756427297570354115630Higher Minor 12 7 4 7 21 36 60 148 174 122 64 56 75 64 39 65 75 70 60 47 43 36 27 11 150 75 105 53Total Minor 12 7 4 7 21 39 95 235 227 181 127 89 125 100 66 94 135 124 95 88 58 42 30 11NE 4th St - EB 147 107 42 53 56 221 646 736 834 846 847 901 935 961 1104 1184 1439 1443 1246 957 807 698 417 273NE 4th St - WB 106 74 43 86 264 603 837 1134 1029 928 839 924 1033 999 1037 1123 1201 1154 1136 934 697 504 340 217Total Major 253 181 85 139 320 824 1483 1870 1863 1774 1686 1825 1968 1960 2141 2307 2640 2597 2382 1891 1504 1202 757 490600 900 420 630Total Intersection 265 188 89 146 341 863 1578 2105 2090 1955 1813 1914 2093 2060 2207 2401 2775 2721 2477 1979 1562 1244 787 501Warrant 1A Analysis - 8-Hour Minimum Vehicular VolumeNo No No No No No No No Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 1Warrant 1A Satisfied: NOWarrant 1B Analysis - 8-Hour Interruption of Continuous TrafficNo No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No No Yes No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 5Warrant 1B Satisfied: NOWarrant 1C Analysis - 8-Hour Combination of WarrantsWarrant 1A No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoWarrant 1B No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes No NoNoNoNoHours Satisfied 3 Based on 80% of Warrant VolumesWarrant 1C Satisfied: NOWarrant 2 Analysis - 4-Hour Vehicular VolumeRequired on Minor00000195115115115115115115115115115115115115115115115115220275No No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No No No No No NoHours Satisfied 3Warrant 2 Satisfied: NOWarrant Volume Req.SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS - FUTURE WITH DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONSNE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue1A 1B1A(80%)1B(80%)D - 5 E Crash Data OFFICER REPORTED CRASHES THAT OCCURRED at OR withn 500 feet each direction of THE FOLLOWING INTERSECTION IN THE CITY OF RENTON01/01/2013 ‐ available 2018PRIMARY TRAFFICWAYINTERSECTING TRAFFICWAYDIST FROM REF POINTMI or FTCOMP DIR FROM REF POINTREFERENCE POINT NAMEREPORT NUMBER DATE TIMEMOST SEVERE INJURY TYPE# INJ# FAT# VEH# PEDS# BIKESJUNCTION RELATIONSHIPBREMERTON AVE NE 317 F N NE 4TH ST E700237 8/4/2017 6:59 No Apparent Injury 00200At DrivewayBREMERTON AVE NE NE 4TH ST E2383684/12/2013 16:43 Possible Injury 1 02 0 0 At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH ST 30 E BREMERTON AVE NEE303059 1/27/2014 17:39 Possible Injury 10200Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 398 F W BREMERTON AVE NE E344182 7/24/2014 18:03 Possible Injury 10110At DrivewayNE 4TH ST E BREMERTON AVE NE E394798 1/24/2015 13:22 No Apparent Injury 00200At DrivewayNE 4TH ST 60 F W BREMERTON AVE NE E400681 2/10/2015 15:46 Possible Injury 10200Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 156 F W BREMERTON AVE NE E426359 5/21/2015 15:33 No Apparent Injury 00300Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 152 F W BREMERTON AVE NE E557751 6/22/2016 17:45 No Apparent Injury 00200At DrivewayNE 4TH ST 313 F E BREMERTON AVE NEE562169 7/8/2016 18:47 Possible Injury 10200Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 290 F W DUVALL AVE NE E230765 3/7/2013 12:33 No Apparent Injury 00200Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 180 F W DUVALL AVE NE E761942 1/18/2018 7:27 No Apparent Injury 00300Not at Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH ST 858 F E UNION AVE NE E220901 1/9/2013 14:49 No Apparent Injury 00200At DrivewayNE 4TH ST BREMERTON AVE NE E31869512/25/2013 18:01 No Apparent Injury 00200At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE3439227/23/2014 16:16 Possible Injury1 02 0 0 At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE4235525/4/2015 16:40 Possible Injury1 0 20 0 At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE4364956/19/2015 15:58 Possible Injury1 03 0 0 At Intersection and Not RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE4699279/29/2015 16:00 Possible Injury2 02 0 0 At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE46993110/7/2015 7:35 No Apparent Injury00400At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE5630107/6/2016 16:32 Possible Injury1 0 20 0 At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE62801012/30/2016 15:59 Possible Injury20200At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE63009812/28/2016 17:05 Possible Injury10200At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE6877053/3/2017 17:30 No Apparent Injury00200At Intersection and RelatedNE 4TH STBREMERTON AVE NEE7148819/23/2017 15:33 No Apparent Injury 00300At Intersection and RelatedNOTE: Highlighted crashes represent crashed identified to occur at and are associated with the intersection of NE 4th Street at Bremerton Avenue as identified by GTC.Under 23 U.S. Code § 409 and 23 U.S. Code § 148, safety data, reports, surveys, schedules, lists compiled or collected for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, or planning the safety enhancement of potential crash sites, hazardous roadway conditions, or railway-highway crossings are not subject to discovery or admitted into evidence in a Federal or State court proceeding or considered for other purposes in any action for damages arising from any occurrence at a location mentioned or addressed in such reports, surveys, schedules, lists, or data.WSDOT - Transportation Data, GIS and Modeling OfficeCrash Data and Reporting Branch - TRJE - 1 FIRST COLLISION TYPE / OBJECT STRUCKVEHICLE 1 ACTION VEHICLE 2 ACTIONVEHICLE 1 COMPASS DIRECTION FROMVEHICLE 1 COMPASS DIRECTION TOVEHICLE 2 COMPASS DIRECTION FROMVEHICLE 2 COMPASS DIRECTION TOMV DRIVER CONTRIBUTING CIRCUMSTANCE 1 (UNIT 1)Entering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadEastSouthSouthNorthImproper TurnEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadSouthWestWestEastInattentionFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead Stopped for TrafficEastWestVehicle Stopped Vehicle Stopped Follow Too CloselyVehicle turning right hits pedestrianMaking Right TurnNorthWestFail to Yield Row to PedestrianEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadEastSouthWestEastDid Not Grant RW to VehicleFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead Stopped for TrafficEastWestEastVehicle Stopped InattentionFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ both moving ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead SlowingWestEastWestEastFollow Too CloselyEntering at angleMaking Right Turn Going Straight AheadSouthEastWestEastInattentionFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead Stopped for TrafficWestEastVehicle Stopped Vehicle Stopped InattentionFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ both moving ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead SlowingEastWestEastWestFollow Too CloselyFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Stopped for Traffic Going Straight AheadVehicle Stopped Vehicle Stopped WestEastOtherEntering at angleMaking Left Turn SlowingNorthEastEastWestDid Not Grant RW to VehicleFrom opposite direction ‐ one left turn ‐ one straightMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadWestNorthEastWestImproper TurnEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadSouthWestWestEastOtherEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadSouthWestWestEastImproper TurnFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead Stopped for TrafficEastWestVehicle Stopped Vehicle Stopped InattentionEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadNorthEastWestEastImproper TurnFrom same direction ‐ both going straight ‐ one stopped ‐ rear‐end Going Straight Ahead Stopped for TrafficWestEastVehicle Stopped Vehicle Stopped InattentionFrom opposite direction ‐ one left turn ‐ one straightMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadWestNorthEastWestInattentionEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadNorthEastWestEastDid Not Grant RW to VehicleEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadSouthWestWestEastInattentionEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadNorthEastWestEastImproper TurnEntering at angleMaking Left Turn Going Straight AheadSouthWestWestEastDisregard Stop Sign ‐ Flashing RedWSDOT - Transportation Data, GIS and Modeling OfficeCrash Data and Reporting Branch - TRJE - 2