HomeMy WebLinkAboutJ-Apron_E_Landscape_Var_190703_v1.pdf 425-869-2670 ■ 800-865-9847 (fax) ■ 8420 154th Avenue NE, Ste 120■ Redmond, Washington 98052 ■ www.dowl.com Alaska ■ Arizona ■ Colorado ■ Montana ■ Oregon ■ Washington ■ Wyoming July 2, 2019 W.O. 13726 Ms. Rohini Nair City of Renton 1055 South Grady Way Renton, WA, 98051-3232 Subject: Boeing Apron E New Stalls & Paint Hangar Project – Parking Lot Landscape Variance Dear Ms. Rohini: On behalf of the Boeing Company, this letter includes our request for a code variance from the City of Renton Landscape criteria for Interior parking lot landscaping, as required by Renton Municipal Code 4-4-070 “Landscaping”. As noted in Section R, to deviate from the provisions of 4-4-070 a variance must be submitted and approved pursuant to RMC 4-9-250B5 (listed in italics above). Variance Request Justification: Detailed below is the justification requirements provided by the City of Renton along with our explanation as to why this project should receive a variance and the measures that the project will take to mitigate any adverse effects that may be encountered by the adjacent property owners.  The applicant suffers practical difficulties and unnecessary hardship and the variance is necessary because of special circumstances applicable to subject property, including size, shape, topography, and location or surroundings of the subject property, and the strict application of the Zoning Code is found to deprive subject property owner of rights and privileges enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity and under identical zone classification; o With respect to the parking lot landscape requirements, the parking lot area this variance covers will be surrounded by a proposed aircraft hangar to the east, proposed Apron E to the north and existing Apron D to the west. (See attached Exhibit A). Boeing follows the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) criteria for minimizing Foreign Object Debris (FOD) for all aircraft operations areas. Specifically, in the apron and hangar areas of Boeing properties that conduct aircraft operations, the Advisory Circular AC 150/5210-24 Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Management is followed. The document provides direction on prevention, detection, removal and evaluation. This is not only constant with other adjacent aircraft facilities but is in compliance with federal guidelines adhered to nationwide for similar facilities. Foreign Object Debris (FOD) is “Any object, live or not, located in an inappropriate location in the airport environment that has the capacity to injure airport or air carrier personnel and damage aircraft”. Further from AC AC 150/5210-24: “The presence of FOD on an airport’s air operations area (AOA) poses a significant threat to the safety of air travel. FOD has the potential to damage aircraft during critical phases of flight, which can lead to catastrophic loss of life and airframe, and at the very least increased maintenance and operating costs. FOD hazards can be reduced, however, through the implementation of a FOD management program and the effective use of FOD detection and removal equipment. “The surfaces of all movement areas including pavements (runways, taxiways and aprons) and adjacent areas shall be inspected and their conditions monitored regularly as part of an Ms. Rohini Nair City of Renton July 02, 2019 Page 2 425-869-2670 ■ 800-865-9847 (fax) ■ 8420 154th Avenue NE, Ste 120■ Redmond, Washington 98052 ■ www.dowl.com Alaska ■ Arizona ■ Colorado ■ Montana ■ Oregon ■ Washington ■ Wyoming aerodrome preventive and corrective maintenance program with the objective of avoiding and eliminating any loose objects/debris that might cause damage to aircraft or impair the operation of aircraft systems.”  The granting of the variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity and zone in which subject property is situated; o The existing area where the parking lot is being proposed is the current Boeing Fire Station and an existing parking lot. Full landscaping, incompliance with the City of Renton code is proposed between the southern end of the parking lot and the public athletic fields. The southern edge of the proposed parking lot is the only portion adjacent to property not owned by Boeing. Being that the project proposes to provide fully compliant landscaping within areas visible to or accessed by the public, there will be no detriment to the public.  The approval shall not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitation upon uses of other properties in the vicinity and zone in which the subject property is situated; and o The property owner is in no way requesting special privilege nor will the owner benefit in any way beyond the ability to continue historic operations at this site. The variance is only being requested to maintain the property owner’s compliance with FAA regulations for this type of facility. Granting of this variance would be consistent with the current property use and adjacent airport and aircraft facilities landscaping requirements and conditions.  The approval is the minimum variance that will accomplish the desired purpose. o Boeing prides itself as an environmental steward, trying to minimize and avoid environmental impacts in all of its operations. In addition Boeing prides itself on being a “good neighbor” contributing to the community in positive ways; Boeing goes to significant efforts to enhance the community with aesthetics associated with its facilities with improvements that are in keeping with the Renton Municipal Code criteria and of benefit to neighbors, employees and the larger community. To that end Boeing has always been willing and open to providing landscaping and other community improvements where applicable and when possible. If not for the specific and somewhat special requirements imposed on Boeing by the FAA for this type of facility landscaping would be provided at this location. We are formally requesting that the parking lot landscaping requirements for the shown in Exhibit A for this project be waived based on the justification provided within this variance request. Please let us know if you have any questions. Sincerely, DOWL Travis W Neu, P.E. Project Manager I , COMPRESSED AIR TRAFFIC CURB l�I X -i-c�-�-��-=�1 �'--,-0 ,_2_0_1 9------,0 I BOEING DOMESTIC WATER BOEING FIRE WATER i:= .... --hio cJJ-TBoE1NG HIGH PREssuRE wAT�RL D l NEW BOEING FIRE HYDRANT HIGH-BAY AREA ' HIGH-BAY AREA o �; I � I. z <( c.., I SWING GATE r----..JLNEW BOEING FIRE HYDRANT B □ ' ,, ' ,,, 0 \', B ,I\ �x ' \'' ' ' BL(t 5-2 ,, ,._,'�D er , :'1/-·,c.,-;:Z. -C' ::��7��-=\j---,-\��;,...� STALL \ (1 O'X20') ' � \\ UJ----TURNSTILE GATE PAINT BAY #7 PAINT BAY #B PROPOSED 5-70 PAINT HANGAR BUILDING BUILDING AREA LEVEL ONE AREA -72,145 SF (PAINT BAYS AND SUPPORT) LEVEL TWO AREA -20,504 SF (SUPPORT AND OFFICE) LEVEL THREE AREA -46,940 SF (MECHANICAL) EXISTING BOEING FIRE HYDRANT {TO BE REMOVED) \\ \\ \\I\ l\·-·'.......--LIGHT POLE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM LOWER ROOF AREA SUPPORT AREA (LEVEL 1) SUPPORT AND OFFICE AREA (LEVEL 2) MECHANICAL (LEVEL 3) BOEING HIGH PRESSUR COMPRESS PROPOSED 5-71 UTILITY SUPPORT BUILDING UTILITY SUPPORT BUILDING LIGHT POLE .\\----!00;---l-t-� LEVEL ONE AREA -5,425 SF �l""""''\--+---1---+---=-+------+=-+ LIGHT POLE--t\-\---ll 5-110 5-124 2 BOEING FIRE WATER ---FW-.---t---fW---1�--FW'----FY TURNSTILE GATE......_ _ __,, LO <O --------------------- LO f :c 43' f :c io' ,.,., : I . 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NORTHING EASTING SIZE @ 181702.33 1300394.54 BLDG 5-71 @ 181702.33 1300556.54 {UTILITY BLDG) @ 35' X 162' 181737.33 1300556.54 @ 181737.33 1300394.54 SF 5,670 ----CW ---4" DOMESTIC WATER LINE----FW ---10" FIRE WATER LINE----A---4" AIR LINE ----E ---ELECTRIC AL A FIRE HYDRANT •BOLLARD � BLAS T FENCE FOUNDATION ���������� SOUND WALL FOUND A TION --1:JC' SSE --100' SHORELINE SETBACK -- 7 ' SSR --200' SHORELINE SETBACK --X---X--CHAINLINK FENCE -----1D1-----1D-ORNAMENTAL FENCE GALVANIZATION NOTE BUILDING COORDINATE TABLE DURASLOT DRAIN SYM THERE SHALL BE NO EXPOSED GALVANIZED MATERIALS, COATINGS OR ZINC APPLIED SURFACE TREATMENTS ON ANY EXTERIOR OR UNDERGROUND MATERIALS OR SURFACES. ALL GALVANIZED OR ZINC APPLIED MATERIALS OR COATINGS SHALL BE PERMANENTLY PAINTED OR COATED TO PREVENT EXPOSURE OF THE GALVANIZED/ZINC MATERIALS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OR COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. DATUM NOTE: PLANS PREPARED USING NGVD 29 AS THE VERTICAL DATUM. TO CONVERT TO NAVO 88 ADD 3.556 FEET TO ALL ELEVATIONS. REVISION BY APPROVED DATE SYM BLDG NAME BLDG 5-70 (PAINT HANGAR) BLDG CORNER NO. NORTHING @ 181777.33 @ 181777.33 @ 182010.83 @) 182010.83 REVISION BY APPROVED DATE EASTING SIZE SF 1300302.87 1300610.04 235' X 307' 72,145 1300610.04 1300303.04 ACCEPTABILITY THIS DESIGN AND/OR DRAWN DATE R. TEMPLADO 07.01.19 CHECKED --STS--- ---SS--- SUBTITLE STORM SEWER SANI TAR Y SEWER CONCR ETE INLE T, GRATE TYPE 2 CA TCH BASIN, SOLID LID TYPE 2 CA TCH BASIN, GR ATE LIGHT POLE EXHIBIT A 0 C10 40 20 0 SCALE: 1 :40 X 20 40 80 N 5TH ST KEY PLAN SCALE: NONE C26 AIRP�r W y LAND USE PERMIT/SEPA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DESIGN BY�D=O=WL�--DATE 07.01.19 �OWL CURRENT REVISION SYMB0LO R I G DATE 35989 07.01.19 ORIG APRON E -STALLS PHASE I 199389 DOWL lWN 07.01.19 <ti-BOEING• SPECIFICATION IS APPROVED T. NEU 07.01.19 APPROVED BY 0EPT. 0ATE T. NEU 07.01.19 ���-fE:i;lrn@�-1-""':""-'-'-"ITT�----1\PRl���'ATT<�i:IA<:f'1 ______ 1 sHEETTIRE APRON E -STALLS PHASE 1 SEQUENCE NO. EXHB A CHECKED D.MURATA 07.01.19 APPROVE0 RENTON SITE 1-----------+--------l a, ..___ APPROVE0 1-c=�--------+-------l c.. RENTON DWG NO.CIVIL MASTER 05-APRON-E-C5