HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR_Apron_E_ Arborist Boeing ExpansionTree Assessment_190620_v1.pdf Title: Boeing Apron E Expansion Level 2 Basic Tree Risk Assessment Renton, Washington Prepared for: HBB Architects Attn: Mr Aaron Luoma 215 Westlake Ave. North Seattle, Washington 98109-5217 Prepared by: Urban Forestry Service, Inc. Anna Heckman ISA Board Certified Master Arborist® #PN-6153B, ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Date: June 18, 2019 Contents Summary Introduction Findings and Recommendations Method of Assessment Site Map with Trees Located Tree Assessment Matrix Tree Protection Guidelines Critical Root Zone Explanation Assumptions and Limiting Conditions Summary A Level 2 Basic Tree Risk Assessment was conducted on one hundred and three (103) trees in and surrounding the Boeing Apron E Expansion Project in the S1 parking lot in Renton, Washington. 26 trees are street trees and should be managed in conjunction with the city. Seventy (70) of the seventy-seven (77) trees on the property are significant by size and fourteen (14) significant trees are dead, dying, or diseased. This leaves fifty-six (56) significant trees to be retained or removed and mitigated for as needed. Tree retention calculations show that five trees require retention to meet the minimum tree retention standards. These trees should be protected through construction. Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Risk Assessment Urban Forestry Services, Inc. June 18, 2019 Page 2 of 6 Introduction As requested by Aaron Luoma with HBB, I visited the Boeing S1 parking lot south of North 6th St along Logan Ave N. in Renton Washington on May 23rd and 24th, 2019. The purpose of this work was to map and assess the trees impacted by expansion of the airplane construction apron. Trees to be assessed are located in parking lot islands and in long planting strips along the edge of the current parking lot. A public multiuse pedestrian trail on the east side of the parking lot is located between a linear row of onsite retention trees and the City managed street trees along Logan Ave. N. A second linear strip of street trees borders the north property line along North 6th St. Trees were numbered with aluminum tags beginning with #201 on the south west side of the parking lot. Tags are nailed to the north side of the trunk at eye level. Trees are individually identified on the attached Tree Site Plan with photo and data for each tree provided in the attached Tree Assessment Matrix. Tree retention and land clearing regulations for the city of Renton; municipal code 4-4-130 Tree Retention and Land Clearing Regulations, identify Significant trees as 6 inches diameter and 8 inches for cottonwood or alder unless they are considered “dangerous”. Landmark trees are over 30 inches. Priority tree retention requirements (section H1b.) should be implemented in tree preservation selection on the site. Findings and Recommendations: Photo 1: Dead ‘Crimson King’ maple trees in the foreground on the west side of the parking lot and the columnar ‘Armstrong’ maples in the distance are on the east side of the parking lot. Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Risk Assessment Urban Forestry Services, Inc. June 18, 2019 Page 3 of 6 The fifty-five (55) trees in the interior parking lot islands have not been well maintained. Soils are very dry and compacted, and no mulch or organic layer remains from the initial planting. Many trees are in very poor condition and some are dead. Trees in larger planter strips or grown in groups were in better condition than the individual planting areas. Trees less tolerant to drought and heat such as the red maples (Acer rubrum) were in much poorer condition than adjacent, more drought tolerant shore pines (Pinus contorta). Multiple specimens have been structurally damaged beyond reasonable recovery. Some trees have major structural defects due to not having the tree stakes and ties removed (Photo 2). Others were not structurally pruned for balanced canopies when they were young. These trees have or will have structural failures that will impact their longevity on the site. The eastern side of the parking lot has many trees in good condition. These trees are the highest value to retain on the site. Fourteen (14) of the twenty-two (22) trees along the eastern edge of the parking lot can be retained as described in the 60% design. These Armstrong maples (Acer X freemanii ‘Armstrong’) have Perimeter Critical Root Zones (PCRZ) identified in the Tree Assessment Matrix. Trees chosen for retention should have the PCRZ drawn to scale on all plans. Information on the PCRZ can be found in the attached Critical Root Zone explanation sheet. Tree #265 has a split leader that will require significant cabling and pruning to retain safely. This tree is recommended for removal for construction at this time. Photo 2: Tree ties were not removed and have girdled the top of th ese trees. Though there is still living canopy, decay through the trunk impacts their longevity. Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Risk Assessment Urban Forestry Services, Inc. June 18, 2019 Page 4 of 6 Street trees were measured along Logan Ave and North 6th street. The eleven (11) American ash (Fraxinus americana) along Logan Ave are healthy despite the 4 to 8 inches of soil volume loss below the curb since they were planted. This soil volume loss will impact the long term health and stability of these street trees. These trees look to be an American ash, ‘Autumn Applause’ variety, based on early spring form and leaf structure. Fall color or paper documentation of the cultivar is recommended for confirmation if matching these trees in the new landscape is desired. The fifteen (15) Leprechaun ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 Leprechaun™) along North 6th street are not significant trees. These trees are young and were pruned shortly after planting in 2014 resulting in tall skinny trunks that have poor structure. Many of these trees are in poor health and may not survive construction impacts even with the best protection. The healthier specimens could be successfully transplanted to other areas on the property. This species is a unique and interesting small tree selection. The recommendations provided balance the benefits of retaining trees on site with the reasonable ability for those trees to survive construction and provide benefits to the new site. Retention numbers are expected to change as site plans are altered. Example mitigation numbers were calculated for discussion and planning purposes, final numbers for the project should be calculated using the final retention and removal design. Recommendations: 1. Remove 14 significant and 2 non-significant dead and dying trees on the property. (#’s 201, 221, 230, 231, 235, 237, 238, 240, 241, 243, 245, 246, 249, 257, 261, 262) These trees are either dead, unhealthy beyond recovery given reasonable efforts, or are structurally damaged to a point where tree health has been compromised. Though small, these trees fit the definition of “dangerous” due to physical and structural integrity in the Renton tree code. These trees vary in health and structural deficiencies, but all are identified in the attached map and matrix as having no retention value. The sixteen (16) significant trees can be subtracted from the mitigation total in the mitigation calculation sheet. 2. Remove 41 significant and 5 non-significant trees for construction. (#’s202-208, 212, 219, 220, 222-229, 232-234, 236, 239, 242, 244, 247, 248, 250-256, 258-260, 263-269, 276, 277) These trees are viable and will require replacement if removed for construction. This calculation uses the 60% design for guidance. The number of trees retained or removed for construction is expected to change as designs develop. Trees proposed for removal are Priority 2 significant, non-native trees. 3. Retain and protect 14 of the Armstrong Maples. (#210, 211, 213-218, 270-275) and one red maple (#209). . These trees along the east side of the site should be protected prior to construction following the attached Tree Protection Guidelines. Supplemental irrigation and wood chip mulch should be installed to protect the soil and improve tree resilience prior to construction. Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Risk Assessment Urban Forestry Services, Inc. June 18, 2019 Page 5 of 6 Tree #271 is a “Priority 1 non-native tree over 18” diameter”, the red maple is part of a grove with tree # 210 and 211, and the remainder trees are “Priority 2 significant, non-native trees”. These trees are in the highest retention categories identified on the site. 4. Retain, protect, and manage the 11 American ash Street trees (#278-288) and the 15 Leprechaun ash trees (#289-303) per direction of the City. These trees are regulated and protected by the City of Renton. Tree health and retention values vary and are identified on the attached map and matrix. These data provide documentation of pre-construction condition in case of incident during or post construction. Trees #287, 300, and 301 are identified for removal in the 60% design. These trees will require City approval and mitigation in addition to the mitigation for the trees on the site per City direction. Conclusion: Most of the trees on the site will be removed for construction. Based on the number of trees on the site and the industrial zoning, only five (5) trees are required to be retained. This number does not change even if no trees were designated as dying or “dangerous”. Protecting the thirteen (13) Armstrong maples on the east side of the property satisfies the tree protection requirements for this area. If plans change and less than 5 trees will be retained on the site, the city will need to approve the mitigation option. This option will require at least 32 trees of 2- inch caliper size to be planted on the site to meet mitigation requirements. The street trees will require coordination with the City of Renton for protection requirements, removal and replanting options. The American ash along Logan Ave. can be retained and protected, the Leprechaun ash along North 6th are recommended to be relocated or replaced. Method of Assessment This Level 2 Basic Tree Risk Assessment was conducted according to the ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) training and methodology (see the attached Tree Risk Assessment Level Descriptions). While no one can predict with absolute certainty which trees will fail and which trees will remain healthy, by methodical process we can predict those most likely to fail by the conditions observed and take appropriate action to reduce or eliminate the potential hazard. The time frame for this Level 2 Basic Tree Risk Assessment considers expected conditions and issues over the next year. Because tree conditions change over time, further assessment may be necessary in the future. Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Risk Assessment Urban Forestry Services, Inc. June 18, 2019 Page 6 of 6 Tree Risk Assessment Level Descriptions The tree risk assessment process is based on factors present at the time of assessment. Because trees are living, growing things that change in size and condition over time, the tree assessment process must also recognize and anticipate where and when future assessments should be performed. The Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ) training and methodology, developed and administered by the International Society of Arboriculture is the best available methodology for tree risk assessment at this time. There are three levels of assessment that may be considered and employed according to the expectations of the owner or manager, conditions of the site and of the trees involved: Level 1 Limited Visual Assessment: Includes a broad overview of an individual tree or group of trees near specified targets, conducted to identify obvious defects or other conditions of concern. A limited visual assessment typically focuses on identifying trees with imminent and/or probable likelihood of failure. Level 1 assessments do not always meet the criteria for a "risk assessment" if they do not include documented analysis and evaluation of individual trees. This level is typically used for large populations of trees as a means to quickly identify trees with imminent and/or probable likelihood of failure, at a specified schedule and/or immediately after storms. Level 1 assessments may be done as walk-by, drive-by or aerial patrols as requested by the tree owner or manager. They may not provide enough information to develop risk mitigation recommendations. They can help identify specific areas and/or trees for further inspection at Level 2 or 3. Trees found to require a Level 2 Basic Assessment are assessed, mapped and documented at the higher level at this time. Trees determined to need a Level 3 Advanced Tree Assessment are documented and recommended for additional testing and analysis. The owner is notified with options discussed. Level 2 Basic Assessment: This is a detailed visual inspection of a tree and its surrounding site, and a synthesis of the information collected. It requires that a tree risk assessor walk completely around the tree, looking at the site, buttress roots, trunk, and branches. This basic assessment may include the use of simple tools to gain additional information about the tree or defects. Our Level 2 Basic Assessment Trees are all typically tagged, mapped and information gathered and retained for each tree. Risk mitigation recommendations may be derived from this level of inspection. Defects found in a Level 2 Basic Tree Assessment may require a Level 3 assessment for further testing and analysis. The owner is notified with options discussed. Level 3 Advanced Assessment: Advanced assessments are performed to provide more highly detailed information about specific tree components, defects, targets or site conditions. An advanced assessment is performed in conjunction with or after a Level 2 Basic Assessment if the assessor determines the need for (requires) additional information. This level is particularly useful where there are concerns about trees that may otherwise be of high value, or to obtain better information on how serious or extensive a particular defect is. The Level 3 Advanced Tree assessment may include but not be limited to a root crown inspection with air spade, Resistograph or Tomograph use to determine sound wood or an aerial crown inspection. The preliminary Level 1 Limited Visual Assessment if requested would help determine where field assessments at Level 2 and Level 3 will be needed. Page 1 of 2 June 18, 2019 Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Inventory Renton, Washington URBAN FORESTRY SERVICES, INC. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 PRESERVATION VALUE SYMBOLS SPECIAL, UNIQUE SPECIES, SPECIMEN OR FORM. SAVE. HIGH, GOOD QUALITY, CHARACTER TREE. SAVE IF POSSIBLE. MODERATE, COMMON SPECIES, FAIR CONDI- TION. MAY NEED SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PRESERVE. LOW, POOR SPECIMEN OR SPECIES. HIGH MAINTENANCE OR SOME CAUTION IF RE- TAINED. “DANGEROUS” - HAZARD OR DEAD , DIS- EASED, OR NOT SIGNIFICANT. TREE IS DEAD OR IN VERY POOR CONDITION ND SHOULD BE REMOVED. NON SIGNIFICANT TREE < 6” DIAMETER SIGNIFICANT TREE > 6” DIAMETER #281 #280 #279 #303 #298 #302 #299 #296 #297 #300 #294 #295 #301 #290 #291 #293 #289 #292 #278 #274 #275 #277 #282 #242 #248 #276 #273 #272 #252 #254 #253 #255 #256 #251 #258 #257 #263 #262 #261 #260 #259 #267 #268 #250 #266 #269 #271 #270 #249 #283 #247 #237 #246 #245 #236 #244 #241 #243 #238 #234 #235 #### #### Page 2 of 2 June 18, 2019 Boeing Apron E Expansion, Tree Inventory Renton, Washington URBAN FORESTRY SERVICES, INC. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 PRESERVATION VALUE SYMBOLS SPECIAL, UNIQUE SPECIES, SPECIMEN OR FORM. SAVE. HIGH, GOOD QUALITY, CHARACTER TREE. SAVE IF POSSIBLE. MODERATE, COMMON SPECIES, FAIR CONDI- TION. MAY NEED SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PRESERVE. LOW, POOR SPECIMEN OR SPECIES. HIGH MAINTENANCE OR SOME CAUTION IF RE- TAINED. “DANGEROUS” - HAZARD OR DEAD , DIS- EASED, OR NOT SIGNIFICANT. TREE IS DEAD OR IN VERY POOR CONDITION ND SHOULD BE REMOVED. NON SIGNIFICANT TREE <6” DIAMETER SIGNIFICANT TREE >6” DIEAMETER #208 #203 #206 #207 #204 #202 #201 #205 #215 #211 #213 #210 #209 #222 #218 #217 #225 #216 #214 #212 #221 #220 #219 #230 #226 #224 #223 #228 #229 #231 #227 #232 #286 #284 #285 #263 #264 #### #287 #288 #### #283 #267 #262 #233 #268 #266 #265 #234 #235 #240 #239 Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 201 Poor to Fair Poor to FairShore pine 12.3, (12.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Low Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 12.3 Tree has had unusual historical top loss resulting in unstable growth pattern with decay. Small branches are in decline. Recovery efforts may not be cost effective.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 202 Good Poor to FairShore pine 9.8, (9.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 9.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 203 Fair to Good Fair to GoodRed maple 10.3, 9.2, 6.6, 6 (16.44) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 16.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 204 Fair to Good FairShore pine 7.8, 6.8 (10.35) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 10.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 1 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 205 Poor to Fair Poor to FairShore pine 9, (9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 9.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 206 Poor to Fair FairShore pine 7.8, (7.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 7.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 207 Poor to Fair FairRed maple 11, (11) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 11.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 208 Poor to Fair FairRed maple 10.3, (10.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 10.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 2 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 209 Fair FairRed maple 13.6, (13.6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 13.6 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 210 Fair to Good FairArmstrong maple 18.3, (18.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 18.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 211 Fair Poor to FairArmstrong maple 9.8, (9.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 9.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Root Prune Recommendations Tree 212 Fair Fair to GoodArmstrong maple 8.5, (8.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 8.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 3 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 213 Fair FairArmstrong maple 6.8, (6.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 6.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 214 Fair FairArmstrong maple 10.5, (10.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 10.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 215 Fair FairArmstrong maple 12.3, (12.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 12.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 216 Fair FairArmstrong maple 13.6, (13.6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 13.6 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations 4 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 217 Fair FairArmstrong maple 12.2, (12.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 12.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 218 Fair FairArmstrong maple 15.4, (15.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 15.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 219 Fair FairCrimson King 7.9, (7.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.9 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 220 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 7.1, (7.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.1 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 5 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 221 Dying/Dead Poor to FairRed maple 7.8, (7.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 7.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 222 Fair FairShore pine 10.4, (10.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. contorta CRZ (ft) 10.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 223 Fair FairCrimson King 7.2, (7.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 224 Fair Poor to FairCrimson King 9.1, (9.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 9.1 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 6 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 225 Poor Poor to FairRed maple 6, 6, 6, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2 (13.27) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 13.3 tree is a multi stem. Recovery efforts may not be cost effective.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 226 Poor FairRed maple 7.9, (7.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 7.9 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 227 Fair FairLodgepole pine 15, (15) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Pinus contorta var. latifolia CRZ (ft) 15.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 228 Poor Poor to FairRed maple 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 7.3 Tree is in severe decline. Recovery efforts, though possible may not be cost effective and have a low probability of success.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 7 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 229 Poor to Fair Poor to FairRed maple 7.3, 8.6, 8.8, 4, 4 (15.38) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum CRZ (ft) 15.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 230 Fair PoorCrimson King 6.2, (6.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.2 Tree stake ties were not removed. Tree leader was girdled and failed opening the trunk to decay. This tree should be removed despite construction.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 231 Poor to Fair PoorCrimson King 5.5, (5.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 5.5 Tree stake ties were not removed and are girdling the main stem on this tree. Remove tree.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 232 Fair FairCrimson King 5.5, 5, 2 (7.7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.7 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 8 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 233 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 8.7, (8.7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 8.7 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 234 Poor to Fair Poor to FairCrimson King 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 235 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 7.7, (7.7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.7 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 236 Fair FairCrimson King 5.9, (5.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 5.9 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 9 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 237 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 238 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 9.1, (9.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 9.1 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 239 Poor to Fair FairFlowering crab 3.1, (3.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Malus species CRZ (ft) 3.1 Not significant.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 240 Poor to Fair PoorLeyland cypress 11.4, (11.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk × Cupressocyparis leylandii CRZ (ft) 11.4 Tree has trunk damage and significant die back.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 10 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 241 Poor PoorLeyland cypress 9.4, (9.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk × Cupressocyparis leylandii CRZ (ft) 9.4 Tree has lost top and is dying back.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 242 Poor to Fair FairFlowering crab 4.8, (4.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Malus species CRZ (ft) 4.8 Not significant.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 243 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 6.4, (6.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 244 Poor Poor to FairCrimson King 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.3 Multiple dead branches and top die back will be difficult to recover. Recovery efforts may not be cost effective.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 11 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 245 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 5.3, (5.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 5.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 246 Dying/Dead Dying/DeadCrimson King 6.4, (6.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 247 Fair Poor to FairCrimson King 9.8, (9.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 9.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 248 Poor Poor to FairRed sunset red 3.4, (3.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer rubrum 'Franksred' CRZ (ft) 3.4 Not significantNotes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 12 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 250 Poor to Fair Poor to FairArmstrong maple 6.5, (6.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 6.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 249 Poor to Fair PoorAutumn blaze 7.8, (7.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' CRZ (ft) 7.8 Trunk wound at the base has significant decay.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 251 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 6.4, (6.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 252 Fair FairCrimson King 8.1, (8.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 8.1 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 13 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 253 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 8.3, (8.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 8.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 254 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 6.9, (6.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.9 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 255 Poor to Fair Poor to FairCrimson King 6.8, (6.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 256 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 6.4, (6.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 14 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 257 Poor Poor to FairCrimson King 6.3, (6.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.3 Top and crown has died back resulting in a very poor structure that may not be cost effective to recover.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 258 Fair Poor to FairCrimson King 7.5, (7.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 259 Fair FairCrimson King 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 260 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 6.5, (6.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 15 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 261 Poor Poor to FairCrimson King 6, (6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.0 Top die back and 50% crown loss. It may not be cost effective to try to recover.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 262 Poor PoorCrimson King 6.9, (6.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.9 Top die back. Structural recovery may not be cost effective with this tree.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 263 Poor to Fair FairCrimson King 6.6, (6.6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 6.6 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 264 Fair FairCrimson King 7.4, (7.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer platanoides 'Crimson King' CRZ (ft) 7.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 16 Date: 6/14/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 265 Good PoorRed sunset red 16.6, (16.6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Medium Acer rubrum 'Franksred' CRZ (ft) 16.6 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Monitor Tree, Risk of Failure Cable/Brace Subordinate Prune Recommendations Tree 266 Fair Poor to FairArmstrong maple 18, (18) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 18.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 267 Fair FairArmstrong maple 14.8, (14.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 14.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 268 Poor to Fair Poor to FairArmstrong maple 14.9, (14.9) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 14.9 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 17 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 269 Fair FairArmstrong maple 13.8, (13.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 13.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 270 Fair Poor to FairArmstrong maple 13.3, (13.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 13.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 271 Fair FairArmstrong maple 19.2, (19.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 19.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 272 Fair FairArmstrong maple 9.2, (9.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 9.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations 18 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 273 Fair FairArmstrong maple 8.3, (8.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 8.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 274 Fair FairArmstrong maple 8.7, (8.7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 8.7 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 275 Fair FairArmstrong maple 6.8, (6.8) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Armstrong' CRZ (ft) 6.8 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Tree Protection Required, Monitor During Construction Recommendations Tree 276 Poor Poor to FairAutumn blaze 5.5, (5.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Acer x freemanii 'Jeffersred' CRZ (ft) 5.5 Tree is Not Significant and in very poor health.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 19 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 277 Poor PoorRed sunset red 7.3, (7.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Low Acer rubrum 'Franksred' CRZ (ft) 7.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 278 Fair FairAutumn applause 5.5, (5.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 5.5 Not SignificantNotes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 279 Fair Poor to FairAutumn applause 6.2, (6.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 6.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Root Prune Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 280 Fair FairAutumn applause 7, (7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 7.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Root Prune Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations 20 Date: 6/14/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 281 Fair FairAutumn applause 6.2, (6.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 6.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 282 Fair Poor to FairAutumn applause 7, (7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 7.0 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Root Prune Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 283 Fair FairAutumn applause 6.5, (6.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 6.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 284 Fair Poor to FairAutumn applause 5.7, (5.7) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 5.7 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Root Prune Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations 21 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 285 Fair FairAutumn applause 7.1, (7.1) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 7.1 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 286 Fair FairAutumn applause 4.5, (4.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 4.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Clearance Prune Recommendations Tree 287 Fair FairAutumn applause 4.4, (4.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 4.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 288 Poor to Fair FairAutumn applause 3.6, (3.6) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus americana 'Autumn Applause' CRZ (ft) 3.6 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Critical Root Zone Treatment Recommendations 22 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 289 Poor Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2, (2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.0 Trees along this ROW are extremely thin for their height and may break under canopy weight. Leaves are smaller than normal for this variety with a high amount of epicormic sprouting. In some cases looking like residual growth regulator spray impacts. Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 290 Fair to Good Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.75, (2.75) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.8 Trunk has a lean, tree stakes were removed too early.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 291 Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Canopy pruned very high. .Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 292 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Some branch die back in addition to over pruning.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 23 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 293 Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 One of the healthier trees in the row.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Medium Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 294 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Poor root system and pruning. Sun scald on trunk.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 295 Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.3, (2.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.3 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 296 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.3, (2.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.3 Poor pruning and die back in very small canopy.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations 24 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 297 Poor Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.3, (2.3) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.3 Root crown is buried.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 298 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Recommendations Tree 299 Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.5, (2.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 300 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations 25 Date: 6/19/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: Tree Assessment Matrix Boeing S1 Parking Lot Apron E Inspector: ISA Certified Arborist ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Road Mount Vernon, WA 98273 (360) 428-5810 A. Heckman Tree 301 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.2, (2.2) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.2 Root crown below grade.Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value None Remove Tree Poor Health Remove Tree, Construction Impact Recommendations Tree 302 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.4, (2.4) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.4 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations Tree 303 Poor to Fair Poor to FairLeprechaun ash 2.5, (2.5) Species DBH (in)Dripline (ft)Vigor Structure Risk Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Johnson’ PP 9136 CRZ (ft) 2.5 Notes/Defects Noted Tree:Ye s Pres. Cat/Value Low Monitor During Construction Tree Protection Required, Recommendations 26 Date: 6/7/2019 6/19/2019 Field Work Completed: General Tree Protection Guidelines By Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 2011-12 Page 1 of 3 General Tree Protection Guidelines With Critical Root Zone Explanation Attachment 1. Responsibilities: These Guidelines pertain to any disturbance, use or activity within the Critical Root Zone of any retained tree on this project. See attached Critical Root Zone Explanation for reference. The owner’s arborist and general contractor shall meet onsite before any site work begins, to review and designate the most appropriate methods to be used to protect the retained trees during construction. These guidelines apply to work provided by all contractors and sub-contractors on the project. The project consulting arborist shall be contacted prior to any work that may need to enter the tree protection fencing. Two days notice shall be provided to the project consulting arborist. A proposed method for work shall be provided to the arborist. This method shall be reviewed by the project consulting arborist and either approval and / or comments provided by the project consulting arborist prior to commencing works within the tree protection area. He or she should be notified within 8 hours should any injury occur to any protected tree or its larger roots (greater than 2-inch diameter) so that appropriate assessment and/or treatment may be made. 2. Soil Disturbance: No soil disturbance shall take place before tree protection fences are installed. All evaluated trees to be retained within these areas are clearly illustrated on the Site Plan. 3. Designated Tree Removals: The owner’s arborist and contractor shall confirm on site which trees are to be removed and those to be retained. Directional felling and removal of trees will be completed with great care to avoid any damage to the trunks, limbs, and critical root zones of the retained trees. 4. The Tree Protection Site Plan shows the recommended location of the Tree Protection Fence (TPF). Immediately after the clearing limits and grading stakes are set in the field, the owner’s arborist, during review and discussion with the contractor, will make a final determination on the tree protection requirements depending on construction limits and impact on major roots and soil condition. The arborist may adjust clearing limits in the field so that, in his/her opinion, tree roots and soils are protected while necessary work can proceed. 5. The Tree Protection Fence (TPF) shall be installed along the clearing limits, with special consideration of the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of trees to be preserved. The CRZ of a tree is generally described as an area equal to 1-foot radius for every 1-inch diameter of tree. For example, a 10-inch diameter tree has a CRZ of 10-foot radius. Work within the CRZ may be limited to hand work or alternate method of construction. The Tree Protection Fence (TPF) shall be constructed with steel posts driven into the ground with 6-ft. chain link fence attached. Upon consultation with the contractor, the arborist shall determine the placement of the fence and the extent and method of clearing that may be done General Tree Protection Guidelines By Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 2011-12 Page 2 of 3 near preserved trees. Additional follow-up determinations may be required as work progresses on the project. See attached Critical Root Zone Explanation. No parking, storage, dumping, or burning of materials is allowed beyond the clearing limits or within the Tree Protection Fence. The TPF shall not be moved without authorization by the owner’s arborist or City arborist. The TPF shall remain in place for the duration of the project. Work within this area shall be reviewed with and approved by the owner’s arborist. Call Urban Forestry Services, Inc. at 360-428-5810 with questions. 6. Silt Fence: If a silt fence is required to be installed within the Critical Root Zone of a retained tree, the bottom of the silt fence shall not be buried in a trench, but instead, folded over and placed flat on the ground. The flat portion of the silt fence shall be covered with gravel or soil for anchorage. 7. CRZ over Hardscape: Where the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) includes an area covered by hardscape, the TPF can be placed along the edge of the hardscape if and until it is removed. After hardscape removal, the available CRZ should be backfilled with topsoil up to 6 inches deep and protected with the TPF. Incorporation of topsoil into the existing sub-grade shall be determined by the consulting arborist. Where applicable a specification for topsoil will be provided or approved by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 8. Tree Protection Signs shall be attached to the fence only and shall be shown as required on the Site Plan. They should read “Protect Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of trees to be retained. No soil disturbance, parking, storage, dumping, or burning of materials is allowed within the Tree Protection Barrier. " Monetary Fines based on the appraised dollar value of the retained trees may also be included on these signs. Telephone contact details for the project consulting arborist should also be included in the sign. 9. Soil Protection within the Critical Root Zone (CRZ): Where vehicular access, temporary work pad or storage pad is required within the CRZ of any preserved tree that is not protected with hardscape, the soil shall be protected with 18” of woodchips and/or plywood or metal sheets to protect from soil compaction and damage to roots of retained trees. A biodegradable coir mat netting is recommended to be placed on the existing grade before woodchip placement to protect the condition and confirm the location of the existing grade. The netting is a valuable benchmark upon removal of the material within the CRZ. 10. Landscape Plans, Irrigation Design and Installation Details: Great care shall be exercised when landscaping within the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of any tree. Roots of preserved trees and other vegetation shall not be damaged by planting or installation of irrigation lines The owner’s arborist shall review the Landscape Plan for any potential design and tree preservation conflicts and approve related irrigation and landscape installation activities within the CRZ of retained trees. A proposed method for work shall be provided to and approved by the arborist. 11. Backfill and Grade Changes: The owner’s arborist will determine to what extent backfilling may be allowed within the Critical Root Zone of a preserved tree, and if needed, the specific General Tree Protection Guidelines By Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 2011-12 Page 3 of 3 material which may be used. Grade cuts are usually more detrimental than grade filling within the CRZ and should be reviewed by the arborist well in advance of construction. 12. Tree Maintenance and Pruning: Trees recommended for maintenance and approved by the owner, shall be pruned for deadwood, low hanging limbs, and proper balance, as recommended for safety, clearance or aesthetics. All pruning shall be done by an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist. ANSI A300 American Standards for Pruning shall be used. Limbs of retained trees within 10 feet or less, of any power line, depending on power line voltage, may only be pruned by a Utility Certified Arborist. This pruning must be coordinated with the local power company, as they may prefer to provide this pruning. 13. Underground Utilities: Utility installation within the Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of any retained tree shall be reviewed by the Project Consulting Arborist. A less root disturbing route or minimal impact installation method of utility installation may be discussed and recommended i.e. tunneling or trenchless excavation. Trenching through the Interior CRZ of a retained tree is not usually allowed. See CRZ Explanation to differentiate between the Perimeter and Interior CRZ. An Air spade and Vac., Truck may be required when utility installation is mandatory near a retained tree or other methodology such as trenchless excavation. 14. Root Pruning: Required work may result in the cutting of roots of retained trees. Cutting roots 2” or greater should be avoided. Potential root pruning needs should be reviewed in advance with the Project Consulting Arborist to minimize potential root fracturing and other damage. Severed roots of retained trees shall be cut off cleanly with a sharp saw or pruning shears. Applying pruning paint on trunk or root wounds is not recommended. Severed roots shall be covered immediately after final pruning with moist soil or covered with mulch until covered with soil. Excavation equipment operators shall take extreme care not to hook roots and pull them back towards retained trees. In all cases, the excavator shall sit outside of the CRZ. Soil excavation within the CRZ shall be under the direct supervision of the owner’s arborist. 15. Supplemental Tree Irrigation: If clearing is performed during the summer, supplemental watering and/or mulching over the root systems within the Tree Protection Fencing of preserved trees may be required by the owner’s arborist. The arborist should be notified of the proposed schedule for clearing and grading work. Supplemental watering and mulching over the root systems of roots impacted or stressed trees are strongly recommended to compensate for root loss and initiate new root growth. Long periods of slow drip irrigation will be most effective. A large coil of soaker hose starting at least 18" from the trunk and covering the Interior Critical Root Zone area is recommended. Water once per week and check soils for at least 12 inches infiltration. This work shall be under the direct supervision of the owner’s arborist. 16. Additional Measures: Additional tree protection recommendations may be required and may be specified in Urban Forestry Services, Inc. report(s). 17. Final Inspection: The owner’s arborist shall make a final site visit to report on retained tree condition following completed work and shall report to the city to release the bond for the retained trees. Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Rd. Mount Vernon, WA 98273 Title: Critical Root Zone (CRZ) Explanation Source: Urban Forestry Services, Inc Jim Barborinas, ISA Certified Arborist PN-0135 ASCA Registered Consulting Arborist #356, Tree Risk Assessor Qualified Date: 2018 Not to Scale The Critical Root Zone (CRZ) of a tree is established on the basis of the trunk diameter. The CRZ is a circular area which has a radius of 12 inches for every inch diameter of trunk measured at 4.5 feet above grade. Root systems will vary both in depth and spread depending on size of tree, soils, water table, species and other factors . However, this CRZ description is generally accepted in the tree industry. Protecting this entire root zone area should result in no adverse impact to the tree, except for potentially increased exposure. The above CRZ drawing has been further differentiated into the ’Perimeter’ (PCRZ) and ‘Interior’ (ICRZ) to help define potential impact and required Post Care. Generally, the full PCRZ is considered the optimum amount of root protection for a tree. As one encroaches into the “Perimeter CRZ, but not into the “Interior CRZ” the greater Post Care the tree would require to remain alive and stable. The ‘Interior CRZ is half the radius of the full PCRZ. Disturbance into the ICRZ could destabilize or cause the tree to decline. The ‘Interior’ CRZ should never be disturbed if the tree is to have any chance of survival. This ‘Interior’ CRZ would approximately equal the size of a rootball needed to transplant this tree which in turn would require extensive Post Care and possibly guying. This Post Care Treatment would include but may not be limited to; regular irrigation, misting, root treatment with special root hormones or growth stimulants, mulching, guying and monitoring for several years. Lack of this treatment would be fatal. Tree Trunk Critical Root Zone (CRZ) = 12” Radius for every Tree inch diameter is generally considered optimum protection. Perimeter Critical Root Zone (PCRZ) = the outer half of the CRZ The greater the disturbance allowed in this area, the greater Post Care is required. Interior Critical Root Zone (ICRZ) = the inner half of the CRZ Protecting only this area would cause significant impact to the tree, potentially life threatening, and would require maximum Post Care Treatment to retain the tree. See Post Care Treatment below. ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITING CONDITIONS Urban Forestry Services, Inc. 15119 McLean Rd. Mount Vernon, Washington 98273 1. Limitations of this Assessment This Assessment is based on the circumstances and observations as they existed at the time of the site inspection of the Client’s Property and the trees inspected by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. and upon information provided by the Client to Urban Forestry Services, Inc. The opinions in this Assessment are given based on observations made and using genera lly accepted professional judgment, however, because trees and plants are living organisms and subject to change, damage, and disease, the results, observations, recommendations, and analysis took place and no guarantee, warranty, representation, or opinio n is offered or made by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. as to the length of the validity of the results, observations, recommendations, and analysis contained within this Assessment. As a result, the Client shall not rely upon this Assessment, save and except for representing the circumstances and observations, analysis, and recommendations that were made as at the date of such inspections. It is recommended that the trees discussed in this Assessment should be re - assessed periodically. Urban Forestry Services, Inc. shall not be required to give testimony or to attend court by reason of this report unless subsequent contractual arrangements are made, including payment of an additional fee for such services as described in our fee schedule and contract of engagement. Sketches, diagrams, graphs, and photographs in this report, being intended as visual aids, are not necessarily to scale and should not be construed as engineering or architectural reports or surveys. 2. Reaction of Assessment The Assessment carried out was restricted to the Property. No assessment of any other trees or plants has been undertaken by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. Urban Forestry Services, Inc. is not legally liable for any other trees or plants on the Property except those expressl y discussed herein. The conclusions of this Assessment do not apply to any areas, trees, plants, or any other property not covered or referenced in this Assessment. 3. Professional Responsibility In carrying out this Assessment, Urban Forestry Services, Inc. and any Assessor appointed for and on behalf of Urban Forestry Services, Inc. to perform and carry out the Assessment has exercised a reasonable standard of care, skill, and diligence as would be customarily and normally provided in carrying out this Assessment. The Assessment has been made using accepted arboricultural techniques. These include a visual examination of each tree for structural defects, scars, external indications of decay such as fungal fruiting bodies, evidence of insect attack, discolored foliage, the condition of any visible root structures, the degree and direction of lean (if any), the general condition of the tree(s) and the surrounding site, and the current or planned proximity of property and people. Except where specifically n oted in the Assessment, none of the trees examined on the property were dissected, cored, probed, or climbed and detailed root crown examinations involving excavation were not undertaken. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the trees recommended for retention are healthy, no guarantees are offered, or implied, that these trees, or all parts of them will remain standing. It is professionally impossible to predict with absolute certainty the behavior of any single tree or group of trees, or all their component parts, in all given circumstances. Inevitably, a standing tree will always pose some risk. Most trees have the potential to fall, lean, or otherwise pose a danger to property and persons in the event of adverse weather conditions, and this risk can only be eliminated if the tree is removed. Without limiting the foregoing, no liability is assumed by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. or its directors, officers, employers, contractors, agents, or Assessors for: • any legal description provided with respect to the Property; • issues of title and or ownership respect to the Property; • the accuracy of the Property line locations or boundaries with respect to the Property; and • the accuracy of any other information provided to Urban Forestry Ser vices, Inc. by the Client or third parties; • any consequential loss, injury, or damages suffered by the Client or any third parties, including but not limited to replacement costs, loss of use, earnings, and business interruption; and • the unauthorized distribution of the Assessment. The total monetary amount of all claims or causes of action the Client may have as against Urban Forestry Services, Inc. including but not limited to claims for negligence, negligent misrepresentation, and breach of contract, shall be strictly limited to solely to the total amount of fees paid by the Client to Urban Forestry Services, Inc. pursuant to the Contract for Services as dated for which this Assessment was carried out. Further, under no circumstance may any claims be initiated or commenced by the Client against Urban Forestry Services, Inc. or any of its directors, officers, employees, contractors, agents, or Assessors, in contract or in tort, more than 12 months after the date of this Assessment. 4. Third Party Liability This Assessment was prepared by Urban Forestry Services, Inc. exclusively for the Client. The contents reflect Urban Forestry Services, Inc. best assessment of the trees and plants on the Property in light of the information available to it at the time of preparation of this Assessment. Any use which a third party makes of this Assessment, or any reliance on or decisions made based upon this Assessment, are made at the sole risk of any such third parties. Urban Forestry Services, Inc. accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss suffered by any third party or by the Client as a result of decisions made or actions based upon the use of reliance of this Assessment by any such party. 5. General Any plans and/or illustrations in this Assessment are included only to help the Client visualize the issues in this Assessment and shall not be relied upon for any other purpose. This report and any values expressed herein represent the opinion of Urban Forestry Services, Inc. Our fee is in no way contingent upon any specified value, a result or occurrence of a subsequent event, nor upon any finding reported. The Assessment report shall be considered as a whole, no sections are severable, and the Assessment shall be considered incomplete if any pages are missing. The right is reserved to adjust tree valuations, if additional relevant information is made available. This Assessment is for the exclusive use of the Client.