HomeMy WebLinkAboutVideo Inspection Report Pacific Concrete Services PACIFIC 26220 79th Av S :::_2:::::: Kent, WA 98032 ... __ : Phone: 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 _ , CONCRETE SERVICES -- . ,- -- .i,.‘e;-,y::--.•,;,,--,,d-...,,,,!,.,,,.).,,,:,z.;k4,,-,-:. ' Project-Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE : HG MH1 TO HG MHEX ,r, Renton 1 162 AVE SE Date Pipe Width: Pipe Height: Pipe Type: Surface Condition: 7/24/2012f. t 8 , 8 .' PVC ' Un Paved Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weather Tape/Media t --; , Downstream i 160.2 Dry !, , HG MH1 0 At 0.0 ft/ 1,33i)START DS-Start Inspection Downstream 1‘.7i , ... . . . „ „,..., N 0 e.r3 ; . 1000ft r , 1‘; . N 4 V i 1:1 - Ls./ At 149.1 ft./.$ l'S1 PONDING = 1, : il/At153.0 ft./. _ ....... 3/8-Ponding 0 At160.2 ft./. OMO STOP-Inspection Stopped HG MH EX .. Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph 7 Page -1 of 1 . .• , , i. ' - Pacific Concrete Services - PACIFIC 26220 79th Av_S •— t-_-_-.:7_7.:- Kent, WA 98032 _ . _ .• Phone: 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 CONCRETE SERVICES 6.---,--„atilt-At.rzt, ,A --.. .'-':''..;'' ',,,C':.-.---&.-,a,•-,•• --_--;z:v•--I:---•,-- •,----Lt... ,,...,- •:,:-,..•?-r1 ;,,,,•• •-•-, ...,-,•-,-.T.:re.-- ,:---,-,.,,,_ --n-,•,•,y,---r•, ,,i,- ,:.';',;:•-.: -.- ,.....:%.alt.7*,.7 7. .:''1 ' '-';-.,„'itkr .7'c.,," -T, ...,-,,,D --titzkl.:,,vv--,..e7'.., Tft.,-%. -iz'Y'''-. 0.'• ,,,,,,.<: •:,s3,..5;i 4 ix '-"1:grer'-.:tf-Af f,,APV,Y.,*.,-.c:1''''''-,--, .:),,:i'A 1 r,--1,I i.W... '1 v f.':. '1V44:47' 6 4.._•;.••;, N -''•.c-', op- c'4,-Y NAI,g-11--!%1 val,i,•t0-'1- „,'.',,::-L7t,i,,0:0'1';''kt*f.iVi;i4i6,r.7=L-i: 50.64.i,q,t'si-I'F %„,,-,,.:.i.,4;.-TAP,,-`,A.,-7.--?:g..`0! •,",,f'7.7*-.- Yr..N,,i,nri'-.1'.',;-:* Ieki.taike..fe7;,):-'4.t?N---,A-L-C",'?' Project Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE HG MH1 TO HG MH EX ,, Renton . 162 AVE SE .......„ ___........ ..... ,_ ____ ___ _ • _ ... ... Date Pipe Width: Pipe Height: Pipe Type: Surface Condition: . , , 7/14/2012 8 8 PVC .. Un Paved —,.______,._ ..._„...._ ,______ ,• . _ _ _,_ ' . Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weather Tape/Media# c Downstream 159.6 HG MH1 I M SAt0.0 ft./. 0 0 ft )2.03 START DS-Start IrTip-ectiOriD3-wiiitream — , \I r. -- . . v . : . Y. ? , - - Nv; f, I : co. a,0 11 103.0 k k •E [?: ,N.e• I [.. . 6 to 464,-)) -At1418.S A./. kif ,..! •%/: 7-e..----17v PONDING . „ , 5/8”Ponding P I i' if 0 .AtI59- ;1. -Inspection Stopped C)HG MH EX 711(011, 17°1 . . TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Page 1 of 1 r, Pacific Concrete Services PACIFIC 26220 7.9th Av S Kent, WA 98032 Phone: 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 CONCRETE SERVICES ,if yy y, , rip y { (, Ft 1�• ' r' ?� ttll e AJF:l s6 nyir ap``.,-[Sl l :c„,twg � t,,, t,ii y' '< - �1 ,, av >,!. .C. ''.:a.': .. . .4-a: 5, i'AT.,41 orf,, J 'I'r ,'. .:d,.. ,��,i .{ M., .. - ,. Project Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE HG MH3 to HG MH1 Renton SE 135 PL Date PipeWidth: Pipe Height: Pipe Type:pe: Surface Condition: 7/14/2012 8 8 PVC Un Paved Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weat#ter -Tape/Media Downstream i 297.1 Dry HG MH3 O e y R� At 0.0 ft.I.- DS /. 00f ft START DS=Starflnspeotion Downstream L1u `kJ'LAt20.5ft9/. At 29.5ft3/. I'L1 _ �. LAT-Lateral connection LAT,tateralconnection' - '- v I At69.4 ft./. Iv' PONDING ----------g.11-=' y 3t71.3 ft./. 3I8"Ponding At74.6ft31. '1_L�� , �'� ,,LAt792ft9/. LAT-Lateral connection -LAT-Lateral connection At 96.4 ft./. = +At 100.2 ft./. t�O n PONDING ; ---------— V• 3/8"Ponding , I.- • At129.3ft3/.JL ' _ r- LAT-Lateral connection rn m N N m 1v :15Q 5 .: NA At 178.5 ft 3/.J"L/ LAT-Lateral connection'-``- -11 1 At 208.1 ft./.if IIf.. , — — 2C0.0fl PONDING I 4/At 210.5 ftJ. At 221.9 ft./.II/ 3/8"Ponding PONDING I • '.y At224.1 ft:/. At231.0ft3/.J„L it 3/8-Ponding LAT-Lateral connection'--- At 243.01t./.ii Iv it At245.0 ft./. PONDING mLLr"-------- 3/8"Ponding At 253.9 ft./.it au.,. _$At255. ft./. PONDING 3/8:Ponding ' 1v ,7:' ,, a At297.1 ft./. }1�j stop&save ®HG MH1 0/911�'� TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph 111 Page 1 of 1 Pacific Concrete Services PACIFIC 26220 79th Av S Kent, WA 98032 . _ _ ....... ____,_._ ..... .... Phone: 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 CONCRETE SERVICES 1, ::,•;:---„"crips,,,fli,-,-,,!--,,, ,ifi.:0--,Irt.P.;:,----,4i0,,,f,A70%.,In-tit:.t4-t-rme'ttioe,-„,.:-.: .*-.,,,,0.4,1R4-,:.•..,,,,n,,, .sage.-.v.! of4w,,,,,,r-;1.1i,..4,eolto 11-r:,e':tt-..-vjo :c.i.,49,k-r1:.--',7„ ,',, 0,-v,,,,N_-i i ,.-6,,-..-i,..9"4,-,43.64ot 0.,zso:*,;;:,.,:viim :"Wp: m,,p0J.1.-*:,,-- i AL 4.:49'a,rtgz,v.:4,,,-,:f.,. .43,1;;:-,;7y%-.1tiiieVil:;,,,..--,ksAri3Od-VgA.t K'''',,,,cjA.4-1,,TV:li':.J.,:t',17:•=1.si,ki-tt,-rit,z'...V,i,,;r:V(i.,-,,,,A 1,:rt, Project Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE ,. HG MH2 TO HG MH1 Renton 162 AVE SE Date Pipe Width: Pipe Height: Pipe Type: Surface Condition: 7/14/2012 8 . 8 PVC Un-Paved , ..„....... Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weather Tape/Media# , Downstream , 162.2 _ - HG MH2 0 i t,-....At0.0 ft./. 4' i. ., >>>>)START DS-Start Inspection Downstream i IlYi , I(' 1... r: i. . , r i . . : c'N 0 (0'— . , . . CO 1COOft l'- [ r/1 1 k; , 1 V ii IL, At1 62.2 ft./. stop&save SHG MH1 ti... TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Pa(e 1 of 1 • „. --.i ' Pacific Concrete Services PACIFIC 26220 79th Av S Kent, WA 98032 Phone: 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 CONCRETE SERVICES 1 - ,2i.:7 r-r-'1.1Cotr.Tr-MPSIV, i'''''';"";,-tv '',-,..iMmtiar,,°,sW'"' .,'•V• -1,1g,Va-„--``'`urk-f,',, --„4,','4e '-,,„,..4,m,__„!:,-.1"-,qe-1,,,,-*-1,-,-')-'',,„-A.4.--' -‘, ',...x.f 7'v,,,,,, - 1, . _ -:, :.,' .,. -1,- 4*--',:t4,-r•,`,---.,-., - (iii4.,e'ca:';;Z:-.; 7:..-N-4+---,-,- .5e,A,r,,'N.,.-- . -,.- ,.,,,..L„„-..,-,- ,:,,,,Afi,,,,!?;.e-*4...,,o--"s- Project Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE HG MH4 TO HG MH3 Renton f SE 135 PL Date Pipe Width: Pipe Height: Pipe Type: Surface Condition: 7/14/2012 T 8 8 - . PVC , Un Paved • Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weather Tape/Media# Downstream 173.5 - Dry HG MH41(1) )))>)START-C)S—Start Inspection Downstream 0.08 1 • r-'LAT-Lateral connection 1 I ' N; • At 41.1 ft3/. _Li_it ,--!, LA-T-Lateral connection?, '" -1,;' ; +1 L At 46.3 ft 9/. • 'V/1 ------- ' ',,LAT-Lateral connection r ' C ' k , 1\/ - • 1 \/. Lc 011 t 1 At87.7 ft 3/. J1_i, LAT-Lateral connection E'-LT) •I +...I:‘,1_At 94.2 ft 9/. Z 11 .,-..-4,3 1 LAT-Lateral connection - - 1 iC00 ft co st,' • X; At 124.21t./.4 f 4 At125.4 ft./. PONDING c,, :•ril1.1Y, 3/8"Ponding L, 1 At142.6 ft 3/.„...;t4 :--- LAT-Lateral connection •:-.••• 4, 1-L.At 149.1 -...- 11, 7":, LAT-Lateral connection 1 : 1.• . , 4 L.1., At173.5 ft./. 1 • 3,--;,-m stop&save /HGMH3 • 0 V----- i eb_119-- TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph Page 1 of 1 ' . I : _ . • .- ----i - • - Pacific Concrete ServicesPACIFIC • 26220 79th Av S u:_-:._-- .1-1::--1- '7.-- --:----:-- --- --- Kent, WA 98032 Phone:. 253-856-2572 Fax: 253-859-5087 CONCRETE SERVICES • , - .. .. - - - , . . . _ - ,- ,--_,,„-_--------.-- ----- --_,.:1,-„,--.7.-mv7„...„:„.,,,,,,,,zmmv,,--x.74-4.7.:;,,,,,,,rtr - •fi,..-. :',:.2-----__ .- ''''' - - '-- - TV--1115peCtiarl'ANithrTIVe4ROTI' - p . I -Project'Name: Asset ID: City: Address: HARMONY GROVE , HG MH3 TO HG MH5 , RENTON . SE 135TH PL , ......... _ .. ...._ ..„_ __...„....___... Date Pipe Width: Pipe Height: Pipe Type: Surface Condition: - ' 7/14/2012 , 8 '.. 8 PVC ' Un Paved •.... - • Direction: Surveyed Footage: Weather Tape/Media# Upstream 151.3 - - Dry • , HG MH50 ,-; ' 4i CI At 151.3 ft./. >5:0>STOP-Inspection Stopped N./. . .: . - . V• '. ZO 0 ft • , . .' —__ soot " • 40.0 ft . .. . - . • . . . - 52.0 ft . . -.- • Hi i . '60.3 ft • -...- ,. . fr, ' el 7., • \/.L 70.0 ft 0 - • _____ . . . :.' 'r ,.'':'.. " i 1 .. • . ... , <07) . . . . .i .., . • . SO 0 ft • . V' 103.0 ft • . .- 00.0 ft _ . . 120.0 ft • • _ . . . 130 0 ft • , . • 140.0 ft i„r . .- •• . ..- 4 tit..—At00-ft-i • 1 -- 1E:0 0 ft `i.i.i>>START US-Start Inspection Upstream . , . . ' .. (OHG MH3 , . . 'd) . . . . . , .. • . . • . . • , • . . . • . . . , . . . , , .. . . . TV Inspection with Pipe-Run Graph . . Page 1 of 1 . .. . . . , . . . . . . .