HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-404202PROJECT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE l; I 0 I LU t Z 0 Z Li 0 O CL n� 0 OW4Sgei9:MvVpprIb.WW1 F70-$3710a7Fl�-674L`i-01�1o71!,S 37 Crtr ajFeraron aJrpartm rrt of Corramaar+rty dl Economic Oeuewp Trem AdmWiButive f EPW & Aeosmp W1 ACWSTOi ROAD LUA184=237 AmMust 31, 21]1B Page 2D or 12 f. a'0rve i Lasaonls: ]- The l; biect site is located in the EmplaymL±m Area I CamprchensJvr Finn drtxlgriatlnn and complies wrath the goals and palmFm established with this dmignatkon, see FOF 1+4, 2, Tire subjKt site h Imted an the Medium IrlduskrW IM toning desagnatinn and tornpl les with t he toning and deveJopRtutit starbdairds established wain # h Is de4Lignatkon prbvrded the appticarkt oamphes with City Cade and condltlo% of apprtxwair see FOF 15. 3, The proposed prajest caampiies with the CrktkaI Ateas Regullxthans prow4ded the applkcaant compiles with City Code and itwAltlan5 of apotaval. see FOf 16. 4, The proposed project compiles with the site plan review crReria as established by City Cade provided all advisory notes and conditions are complied with, see FOF 17. S. The propoW l project Comp&n with the! street standards as eoai}iishod by My Code, unless modNled Ism* conclusion 71, provided the project campHes with all advlsory notes and conditions at approval Eontalnod hefeln, we PW 11 6, There ark adequate public services and fa cillttes to accommodate the proposed project, sea FOF 17. 7, The requested nwdafraetlons to the CIW,, street standards comply with the modification rrlterla as nstobllih*d by City cotter pcorAde:d the PFOyen C,ornptleri with all advls" notes and condltlons of approval, m-e FOF 19 and 19 J. DE�'lSfOAr: The 602 Mormler Road So Plan and Modilk aflons, File No LUA284 7p237, as depicted In Elihlblt 4, are approved and are sLlb*1 to the fallowing condltIon&: I . A final slu plain Ind udirg sfrtbarck dlamrtnsjons shall be iubmhewed at ttie lIrne of BuIldIng Perim It review for rtvleew and aappeov*I by the Current Plinnang Prooa Ma miger. 2. A 6rtaliad landscape pawn Inelud4% but not 4imited to, the fallowing shall be submitted 4t the time of Construction Permit reyiew for r#0L%W and approval W the Current PlinnIna Project Martakeer prlor 94 parmel imuanre- s. A mrnirTsvr n 10-Feat Omits lMndscaw strip Rlone ill rtre!et front ages, b, Where there are rwlalnlfig walks separating the iandsc-sped rrea� from the parking last, chi 10- Foot lac rkdscapr strip 0411 b* measufed from the back of the retaining wall; C The dotalied landscape plan Include a mix of tress, shrubs. and growndcovear volthin the 10-W% onsor Iandscape strip re±qulre}d alemg all street Irontages; d- Notes s1wing- "caannat plant stmet tress neat a an any randerground ulillty" shall be romavtd from the detailed landscape plan- Any proposal to vary from the 3trtet tree requirement would be raqutred to gas through a separate waria nee process as outlined ark RMC 4-9.2$08; e Streel Imes shall W provided within an 8-fimt wldtr punting strip proposed at than back of tadewallii within the public rkaht-of•way along the easten portion of the pro]W Site; F. A a arkAst,t,pe: Anatyars deritonstrabrig the pro yea ct's ct "lilance wHi~ RMC 4-A•07OF4,4U; and x The lecatroni of all surface mounted kereening equipment as Weil as a screening detaii- 3, A roof plan and 5creenin1 dcull dwll be wowaded at l he time of Building Permit review aautl ining haw any rooftop mecfiinical Mlipmem will be screened From pubilC vJew. Rrpwa _ tdmerr LSOJ a4tonstrrRd 7808#0 pop$rp Env*k F10:9El94DU'3.DDAU-45E4-D_n FI5 QEA4432C COV pf Renton Depnrrrtornr ns rurrrn;.R -v F. fronam,r IN mr iniompne fnvrrpnr„rnrpi Rrvrrw ifornmerrer Repair 602 atrper MR ROAD LUAt#,0W23t,.fCF, MOD %#par, 0 Augint 27, 7016 pme 1 or 6 PART TWO: ENVIRONMENTALAEVIEW Ili cOMpkrahLe wit h RCW 4121C.240, the FoRowing envrrn rtmenta I ISEPA) revap,w addresses only Rho sr project impaCts than are not advexuateiv addmsscd under existing development standards and onwranmentaI regulations A. Ertvironmaental Threshold Recarnmtridatlan Based on analysis of probable imp00% atom thk- propps,a1, stalf recommends thattile Responsrble Offrti*Is' i650e ;10 NS--M r+fith tr 14-d APPtal Period. ti. MJil atipn Me•aswes I . Project rcns#ructlon shall comply with the rpcomm"atiam found in the submitted Gea#echnical report prepared by Terra sltsmiitei. Inc-, dated September 26, 2017. 2. The appplicanf5potethnirot cngineef Fhall re,ikew the project's cons#rU[tlgrl and building permit plant to verklr comphince wrath the submitted geote,chnical re part. The ge!o irechnlcaJ engineer shall subrri4 a sealed letter stating that hit/she has revlewed the construe#lean q nd bukldl nil permit gForis and in their opimhsn the plans and spmificatloms rneet the Intoht of the r"rt- 3. Prior to any occupancy of this %Ato and prior to thq i%$uttnat of it Temporary or Final Carllficate of Occupancy for f his Cite. the applicant shank prow kdr a No Further Artkbn (Of iquivalen#) ketteF from t hk Moluntiry Cleo nup program of ttie Wash lnecin Darpadme m of Ecology j ya 00Q tanikrml rig connol latx er wltti the Model Toxics Control Act and any ciftr appllcsblk cleanup Ia*. C+ Enhlbal:L Ewhibit 1 Envirpnmen#,il Review Comm atec JERQ Report Exhiblt 2 Building Acrkdering 621h6h3 Arc hitwurolklrvationi Exhibit 4 Site Kiwi Exh Iblt 5 iandstapv and Trees RelenVian Pion Euh lbli 6 Arboslit ileDart prepared by Sound Urban Fore nr y, LLC. dated February 8, 2018 Exhiblt 7 Grote chNeal Retpon prepared by Terra Assoclite 1. Inc„ dated SeptRmbet 26, 2017 Exhiblt S Cleanup Action Plan memo prepaeee# by Flaiyrt/Snider, dared July 3, 1018 Exhtbl# 9 Preliminary 7echnlcal Inftxmaftn Report prrv4red bw Iramovo Archiltectii Inc„ ailfw May 22. "is Exhibit 10 Report & Ana"is. of the Shared Fackl Ity DrakhAge Plan for t hr Rejllonal Storrs Pond Near Monster Road Sw Rvoiton limo prePIFed by lrmipvg Aa{rhrtum, im,, c#owd M&V 22, 2018 Exhibit JI1 Traffkt Scaping Memo prepared by Transportation EngIn"ring Northwest, daaled Oersmbw 11,2017 Exhlbki 12 Trawort11tion Conrurrency Exhibit 13 Advisory Notes to Applicant D. Lrlwirortenukullmpoebl Fhr Proposai wax cirrulotrd aand rewicwrd by various Cary Deaoaatmvars and Divisions to derermanr whether thr oppf,o;ant woos adi: quarely +defatafo d and addrrsse'd rrwafmimrntal lmpacf5 unfl patrd to Cower ,n tonjuncApel With tire• PrGpoacd development. staff rvvgL Amrx heive fdenfaff d shot the Droposaf is 11kefy to have fhv f0liMVfrr2 proWble Nripacts` SJt ERC Repcirr_603 Monster 180811 $Oi Fnvw"ICI fONTEM4378-#,PB7aG-ae,o7GKrW37 W REVISED PER ADMINISTRATIVE MODIFICATION REPORT & DECISION APPROVED MAY 21. 2019- City of kmtan p{por menl of Community & Economic Oewafopmen r A$RaRrtstr POE +trout & OWCOWn W3 a CWFTER Ra7AD a! UA28 0 M37 August 3L, HIM Page 71 of 12 4. A 1,"sed site piq n showEng the min Imam 987 s Irar" lop# servies area shawl he wbmitwd ar the time of Construction Permit review for review and approvA by the Current Planning Project Manager, unkess a modification to the site €iandards Is submitted an approved S. The number of propa5ed parking spaces shall be reduced by one} spite to comply With The Max IMum number of parking spates permitted, 6- A revised site pia ri shall be submitted at the time of C"T trucWn Frermit review fOr revIf!* and apprpwal bytheCurren tPlannkndProinctWarla&erftlocatlnllthe retainingwalls aut.516rofrequiredlana Iped areas- 7 A Native Growl h Protecbon easement s hall bat recorded over the protected slope areas, draft ribm"ern documents shad be submitted at the tl me of Construction Permit review for Fevlew acrid approval bye the Property Services sect4on and legal Department. the fuial easemert shall be ricw W prior to the issuance of aL Temporary or Final Ce rtificq ti� of occ upancy- II. The appi Irrant shall obtain an easement for arc ess over parcel 9188"130. Draft ii&m rne!nt decurrenes sisal I be subm Itted at the tlfne for Construction Permit appkkatian far review and approval by that ety's Property Services sealon. Community Services Department, and Legal Department- The appriayed easement shall be recorded prior to t he Isivance of a ConEi ruction Permit, 9, The proposed Improvements, parkIna lot, and sigrnage specifying that those space]# are deilAnated for park use, Iandwaptrio. and 51dowi14. on the CilY's park ProPer#y Itsm1I be subject to approYa+ t3v Tf$L Ckty Commitntty SeMces 4epanmenl and a temparary construrk[on easement may need to be granted prior to the Issuance al the conslrucIion perrmlt For the Installation of these ImproivemenLs. 10. A 1 ighting plan shall be prowdaet at th a time of building permit review for rewew and appaova I by the Currant FPtulr,kng Project Ma niter prior to building permit issu,lrice. I 1 Bicycle parking shall be prw+ded In accordsoce with RMC 4-4 -DR;, 11. A bicwcke aaarkIng di#ail shiAll be provlded it the time of hulading perm It review to the Current Planning Project Wnatjtpr for review and approval prior taa bu1141mg permit oswaanca, 12. A revimid ,rtrewt %ertkon shall bb pmwridid at the tlrrre of Construction Permit rewew ihcrxing all required street improvenvnt elemtnts with In the pubikc right -of, way and the 11-11ant wine punter strip betwimin thecwrband iRdfwaalkwhwathorrl are+no topographic a I constr4Ints, Tho roviiod Street traction shell be rcvlewcd and approved by the Cri s Plan Reviewer and Current Prannmg Proltct Mamplar prior to coristruction pwmit ruvane a. BATE OF DECISION ON LAND USE ACTION: SIGNATURE. a» &N-0,T Vanessa Oolbee 8130=10 1 4-21 PM PUT knirififrr Henning, Pfanning Wrtrrar Dow TafaASMITTED this 3P4 day 0Augwo, 2028to the OwnerlApplicanVConfivcf, OwnerfAppAcasn#-' Caestocf; PNawga 9rfarr Ludwig 12120 Gave "Y Dr, wfrt 7I0 frrrlova AFCNtacm Ear. Tukwila. WA9AJ68 .950Pae+fit'Auertre,Suite 450 Fatomij, WA 994D2 Report A dmo%60J MonirerRa�. :W830 (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE tkrW5+prr r�-rL,obp4IV. 9iD�C 3#E AOA 4-$W?MG49 1DEUE32C Cffv Df Renew+ e7e' trrkke`+Tr of mr* i FCo.romm nen6opment EaY,►ar,r'r+rtnroi RrvVw Coem err" R lWr a;eiaaarOlYSMAK" JUAJ160W Pi ECF,At= Ins liar at August 77. 1st 9 P49t 9 of fi L Furth impacts, A Geotechnlcal Repan prepared lay Terra Aswclates, Irlc,+ dated SePternber 26.2017 [J'arhibir 1i was submitted with the project appl Ication materials. The majority of the site lb relatively flat but sit3 lower than the ediacent south parrel and right •ef-way to the east. Adjacent property grades fall onto the project site from slight slopes to as grew It as 40%. No development Is praapost+d within the projected slope areas, The OWSadovta'dCritical Areas Regina#kris require that anv PF)Dtetted slave areas be vrotected within a NaU t i;,rawth Proter;tlon Area tract. 56+bsu rfacet rand It Ions were a xplured f#irexug i the advanca"mcmt of 10 test borinp on that prowl site. The subwrface candltJons chierved to the north of the existing bulid Ing generally consisted of up to 4 inches of asphalt pavement ovotlykrtg 4 to 7 feet of lio&A to rnedkum dense f111. Barlow the All falls, d to 14 feet of colt to medium dense antacrbedded alluvial Soils ctm6l%tin g of ilk, clay, and mrid{gravel host urea were observed, Underlying Iliew upper srdiment5, the test bo rl rip enewnteatad medium 4enie to very dense weathered iiandstone hiodro k. in Test Boring 0- 10, it 6•fout R lids layer of medium stiff to stiff residua I s*ndstone call between the upper ONUVRal soils and deeper %andklone layer wax obwrved. Teal ban rigs lacatad within the exliting 131A 161 rig indl€atad i hAL the eximing conccie Le floor siab rangsi in thickneLs ft om 4 to 8, 5 Inches and rents atop a 2 To 4 •i"Ch thick layer of crushed rock. 8013w the sla b 5TruCure d.S fret of rnedium dense to reeve dense Ill matrtlal overlying 7-5 to 21S feet of soft to dense inter bedded al Iuvial SiAs con srstl rig of tilt, clay. and sand/gra vel mlxtur*% were otmeemd. Unde"ing thet!',o Lipper affuvial wiis the test bearlrigs encountered 3,5 to 18 fern of medium dense tia 6" dense residual Hotly, sandstone. Llltstone, tley*tone, 4nd coal t4 the tarrtrinus of the test borings. Wet sails Wert abierved it 8 of they 10 baTing9 at depth% ringing frarri 7.S to JIl feet, The lubmltted Geoteonical Report condudrs that the project site could accommodate the proposed development from A gaot,RthnirM itarrxdpalnt. A surcharrgo/preload program Is rummmended tO r*duce potential pint constrwIlon swttirment. The report includes racomrnwnditlon for site preparatlon and Rradingr surcharge, oxcnvitions. foundation support, floor eJab•on-grade:, lateral 4arth prrs%urtr for wall desltn. infiktrotron, drainage. ut.116Dk. and pmment, A Clean up Action PIA n mesmo Pr spared by Flc ycl/Snider, dated IU ly 3, 2091E (Exhtit 8) was iubm Itte d with the project applicatmn material,`. The ♦4leonwp Action Plain memo adentillei ground water monitoring locations as well a* artras where the monitarInj$ Wowlfirs locations vkrtiwr* calk clean up would be required. The project sltr i% bring cleumrd up under the Washingtoh Modrl Taxies Cantral Art (MICA) through thr Voluntary Cletiaiup Program (VLP) avrrieen by the Depeirn"t of Ec0WRy IEcOlagy), A 6PAoup aetwrk In the VC? program nrareli regular MTCA cleanup 5orsdards but Is done Indapende ntly, and ar Cleanup Arbon Pturi (CAPS K not required. IrkStead, the regolr*d documentaIIon For the cleanup IF submitted as 3 Wka ge for revaww, IypicaPly Oterthe Neatnup tarka piece, and ECalo1v issues an opm Ion 4hout ltio use startuc There are low lewis of toxic themlcaaN In the+ &WIls and ground water prapasrd lar r m@val, Tha cheml€ass include volatile orgarnic cempour ds {VUOJ, pextroteu m hydrastarbons. end to latesd chemicais. T4tarr is rib risk of Fi rc or explosaan from these chemicals a s they are located an wet sails and water. and are generally nnnfIammiWe 0 nature, and at IniufflcWnt conctn#rattions to cause a Tiro or "plosion hamrd- The ch t'mirals are present i n I nsulticien# quantities to be design ate d tis ha sardous waste. The akpplicam inrllcam that approxn mataly 3,MG cubic yardt of sail would be excava< ed for the cleanup of t he proije a sate. It Is e nlimated that 2.OW cubic yards of the excavated W16 would be contaminated and wou Id be removed from the project sita for proper disposal. The remalrikna 2,000 Cubic yards would be C"%4dered non - conta minsted weed would be reused on l he p roject sl te- APOrOXI rnattly 2,000 to 3,000 tuba c yards of common burrow and quo rry snpaits would be Imported as WWI for the emuvitkpn, r�£R,C JteDaart i a4foraaa'rr 3a7 Oki DituS,in Envuldrm It] 9SWCA`S-OEM&45E4-M740e9940EA412C • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNr Y 7 AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ENViRONMENTAL (SEPA) DETERMINATION OF NON -SIGNIFICANCE - MITIGATED tDNS-M) PFt0jZcT NUM13FR: LUAiB-DM37. ECFr WA, MOM) APPLICANT; Brian Ludwig, IN NOVA Airchitects, inc... 550 Paclfit Ave. Stet. 450, tarorria, WA 99402 PROJECT NAME: E01 Monster goad SW 6uiMing PROJ!ECTDE5CRIPTION; The "Pbeont ha (*questing Administrative Site Plan aWoVal, EmAronmental (SEPA) Review. and a street modification for the construction of 161,120 sq. ft. indus#iial building our an emisung 418.768 sq. k (9,61 acre) site weated within the Medium tndvs%rlrrl (IMI lom- The pro asrd twiiding wQI Jcl be a 32-fgcl knterear floor height JUf-up warohatme. The site and building site would be designed toe Implement a 4-foot deep true! weU aakong the east dock f aie of the building. Surf ace parking with a tool of 145 parking spaces Is proposed, The completed building would creratc a vdiculative wbrehouse%hell. with future teriarit improwernents 10 be comstructed by sped(k lease horders. A stecat modif Icatlon has boon retquerttrtaS to rolocate tie required $ •foot iandscape mirip between thr curb raid sidawatk to the baciR of sidewalk. Arycess to tiho iktr 1% currenniv provided via 3 drlvmay cure cuts off of Winner Ftd 5W and one drkvew4y *cress via the woperty to the west The proPo%al would retal n all existing acc rsx points. The me k► m a ppre!d with a coal mine harard, ear lion ha4ard, and protected and se<MAIVe napes, bHsate wetLartd 9Fea5 hae+w been identified to the sauthwest Of the project sale, PROJECT LOCATION' W1 Monster Road SVv Building LEAD A6V4CY; City of Renton EnOronmipmaI stawesv CoRimitteei DepartmeM of [nmmaril#y & Econo+nk DOV949pn?sn1 The City of Renton Enwl ronrnentil Review Committee has determined that It darts net have a probable slgnklicant eaduwme Impact on this envirorlmant, An Environmental Impact 5titamem (E131 Is not required under RCW 43,21L.034X2l(c), Condition% were Imposed Ors mk4419nlan measures 0 the Environmental IRoview Committee under tWir aii.OT rl#Y of Section 4-9.0700 Rernton Municipal Code. Thine condkions a rrp nme essaryr to mitigate environmental Impacts Identified during the in%+lronrnental ratvliW prose ss. Because other age nests of j uriwdkctlon rni y be involved. ttie It" &W:"Y well oils act on this proposal for fourtaco (14) darys. Appeals I$ the onvtronmontal detarmination mwtt he filed In ,M ruing on or ba'forer S-0 p.m. an Swperltnbar Lie 2fts. Appeals mull be fi I ed lei wra l ing together with the rrpul r ed fees with; Hearing Examher, City of ftninn, IC65 Soul h �irsdhy W;kW,Nslntork,WA99051. Appeoisitthe Exrminerare ga%mrnerdby9MC4-0-110arid moraloformatlunmay baobtau,ed from tilt Renton OtY C10Fk'S WIC It. (425) 430-6520. PUBLICATION DATE: August 31, 201S DATE OF DECISION August 27, 201B 51 +r f�4— P l regg A. Zimmerman B/2�/gala [ 3:34 PPA 1p�ick M. ar"3baill 8/2712019 1 3:03 PM PDT Grargg Irttmirman, Adrni tiistrbtur Dane! Ric M, Rajiiihaal, Admtnkstr&tUF 0 to Pudic Wyk Deparinient Renton Regional Fart Aukhorlty Catlin HunsaEker 8127r/2018 13:25 PMEhhiVincent B/27/2018 1 3:22 PM PDT Y Infit r AdiminliTra#Pr italic * �t'ikI&IA;; : dmink5traor Daut COmmunity 5ervlur, 13eparsrrkent 0apartn,ent Of Commuluty & Economic Drwelatpmerit EhXUSe011Fnyga0003o 9993DCf3-T)1JM-4S1�4-18WT.gb6940EA40N City 01 Reerr4rk a}tpprTA3edt Of C#rbmuffllFy $ ftun rhrc P&Vrk ph C'rIF Fm rwff"rot Revers [am lrtert Ripon Report Of "gag �?7, W] 1 Prigs 4 pf 1E To mitigate for potentlal impacts that the p-rolect proposal could have on the pro* t site resulting From the project ennstructhirl, sxaff recommends the Faliowing SEPA mltigatian measures: 1. Project can5truttion shall tamely with thr frcommendatkons fowW In the submitted C%Vtechrikal report prepared by Terra Assudates, Inc., dated September 26, 2017. 2. The applicant's geotechnital engineer shall mvwew Lhs proie&s ransisuctian and building perm It plans to verify compliance with the submitted geotixhnrC*l report. The potechnkCak engineer shall Submit a sealed letter stating that he/she has reviewed the cons#rue:uon and b%lkkfins;molt plans and in vicar opt neon ttw plans and raze Acavaris rrifil,►t the intent of the repan. 3- Prior to any nCcupgrie y of this site end prior to the Issuance of a Temporary or Firm Ciertit9rate of Occupancy for this sate. LheF applicant shall provide a No funber Action [ar fqujvait!nfJ letter from the volwnTiry cleanup program of th4lHishington Department of ftlalogy IWDCE} confirming compliance wit h the Model Taxies Control Act and arry other appllca We c lean up law WMIgatlim Mmura1 1, Prolrrt Car tbruetlon ih*li ccimply with the rrrommendabans Found kn the submitted GLcnrchnical report prepared by Terra AssaE'NOs, anCL, dated Swumbeer 26, 2017. 2 Tha applicants potachnica l enoosr sh4fl mwow the projim&5 construction arid bra MAng plan It plaitF to verify compliance wltai the submitted geotechnical report. The geotethnita I engmeer shalt submit a se+led loll err "Ing that he/she has reuirwtrd the connTwctJon and buiidkng jmrmkt plans and In their ppinkon the pins and spe[kficatiosns meet the kriteRnt of the repQrt. 3. Poor to any occup ocy of this slte and prW to the issuance of i Temporary or F altal Caftkficarte of C)rcupancy For this site, the applicant shall prow kit+ it No Furthgr Action Jot equivalent l litter from the voluntary ciao nup program of the Wash Ingtoo Dotpartmeot of Neology 11N DOE) conf irml erg eampl ianfe with the Model Townes Ccotrot Act and array other applicable c Wo up law Nexus: SEPA Envlmnatlental Rttuliatiorrs, RCW 70.15ob Ha2ardous Waste Cleanup — Model Toxic% Control Act 2. orter r. Starrnrwater Impacts: A 12mlrminary Tethnleal informAtoon Report prepared by On" ArchatecLi Inc., doled May 22. 2019 [Exhiblt 0 and a IRatport & Ano los of The Stimed Farcill#Y Drainage Pl4n far tho Regional 5torrm Pond Near Monger NOW SW Renton WA preprraed by lnnuva ArCNft'tts, lrlc„ looted F,alay Ur 2010 (fxiNbblt J 0) were submitted with the project application mankrl#Is. Wlitft irnpervlaawp surfe ces dotal appraxlmately 1 17,SM square! feet- The project proposal would result hi on expansion of tho exkstiltg buildJn# footprint by approxIm&tely 15.0W square feel and would inemse the pal1wmn genwrating impervious surf am by ipprcximalrrly 48.0W "ursre foot. The amitunj sktormwitcr c 011.*ttkon wiper 0C0eas storrhwater around tho project site and d4chargas It at th rea loco k Ions- Thp exlimn6 north partkir t a rem directs Plow dinbdly to Monster Road SW. There Is cm catch basin at tier northeast corner of the site That pros up a smaa arnount of flow and directs 11 to ihs trust]ng conveyance syiterm atlonit Wiristor ftad SW along thit eastem pardon of the 13FDject ske The remaining impervious wrfarces IparklnR, drkvewrays. and root areas are collected In a ronmyance system that first flaws south from Lhe building's rioftheaslom corner than west akN* the south side of the site an d on to an exd%ang aaffsite conveys nce system which d hoti s ftow% to The exFst Ins re&tk*1 stormweer sVstern about 200 feet "it of the project site, The proposed nwOod of stormwater monagernent would be to prwolde threw maln stormwater collection syste+rris that woul d al I rnerge at the existing rgllDna l stormwater facility tocated a bo uL 2a3D feet west of t he project site. One proposed system wouid collect surface water runoff from surf xa parking areas, another SR ERC_14ep,o-r(_601 Manirear180927 1 REVISED PER CITY COMMENT LETTER DATED 12/21 1 B REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS DATED 05 0.7E19 3 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS TO E2.0. C&O & C6-2 4 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS TO C6,0 REVISED PER CITY COMMENTS TO NGPA & WALL HEIGHTS NO, REVISION JPE 04142119 JPE 06 03 19 JRE OEf 21 f 1� JPE 06/25/19 JPE 07/23/19 By ELATE I APPR J. Eaves/J. Heirs °K"w" J. Eaaw J. "n CH00CMS. Nelson APP1 O-M NOT TO SCALE oraE rrecia AT foil. myx Ir NOT olio= era, Sr;&E AOOOA01Ne1Lr YUMaAL- rewo , 9Eb F�201rrrL: rak+ai isE3/>1441 DATUM DeLuSihr Ehvoltipm 10. 9El9L1DCFA bx3A0 45E4-R9a7-W940EA402Fr DEPARTiV1ENT OF COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMM rrFEE REPORT r41- MEr<rJ`NC7 oA-M: August 27, 2010 PART ONE! PROJECT RACXGROUND a�ra)jfct filame 601 Morr5ter Rd Prale er Ncimber; I UA,JJ8•QWjI37, ECF, SA -A. MOO ftD*t mantiw III I Dfn4, Senlasr Planner 04W1CI'/AApko t. OCT Monster Road. LLC, 7011' Ave, SCR ZM, 5a,Rttk. WAM04 ccoract, Brian Luekwi& knnova ArChlteCts, I nc-, 950 Pa€ific Avernus. Suite 450, TrFUDMS, WA 3"W Pf`04ra LOCUUMP: 602 Min ster (Road SW 10i rrR1 No. 242304- I Pn cr Summary, The applicant is requesting Aden knastrative 51tc Ptan apprmi, Environmental ♦ISE PA) Rev**, and i strehe't mcdlflcirtion fear ttw constructlon of 161,320 set- ft. indtntnol btikWing on an exiifing 418, 76B sq ft- (9.61 aeml site located within the Medium kndusirkal [ I MJ 2one- The proposed bur Id i ng would be is 32-loot Interior clear h mot tilt -up warrhousa- The cite and bugging Site wau Id be dtsi� tis irf,plcfnerix a 4-foot ditp truth Well along the e'atT dock fbte of the buIIdIng Surface parkin$ with a feat*l of 14S parlung tares is proposed. The camp*te4 bapolrig woL;U Create a SiDeculan'vr W-WehpaSe Sher with future ten*nt improwornerrU to he constructed by sptclPlc ream hok%orr. A street madrflemian has been requested fo Felocate the mqukred B•feat landxutpw strip between the CUFb and srderwalk to tie back of sbdewilk. Access to the site 4 cur►entlY provided via titter driveway curb Cats off of Monster Rd SW end ekRr dflutiwray access velar thor ayrop4rty to the wait- Thy prtposol would rettln all exlkting erce ss pwri i«. The Cite ks mapped w ith s coal mine hward, ozro5 a n iry*rw d. and prolerted and sensitive crapes Offtsete wetland areas have been Iderwhed to the sauthwast of ttke project wile t:xi%t, a9ldg, Area Sf 146,762 sq. ft. Proposed Ilia 8ldq Arro: 161,120 $od ft Slue Arra ! 9.81 P[rres STAIV Stiff Rn:4meT~onds that the Environmental Revaew Committee issue a Datermrnavon of RECOM44J"NDATfOM. Non•3ignif>canee-Mitigated (DNS-M). Project a;vcatipe Map Si3_aERC_Aeptlrs WJ fntnnartr 2#1MZY 4 rl�l eyYaa is }ONAL { REU SE OF DOCUMENTS TNS MUM W SUN 920 PEM MrJLLT IN ACMMAP i fill WAC M-23-07ls AND UW TER 19.34 RGS UNA11*010M ALI.ihh M ff &V OF ?W ee,p14UAVOC W 4r5 OCCenA'IR 91 #aY IlMif sae flp(t OT, 4Y ttoniFeCetTeota AND SiON✓UX THE MM AND OE9OS i40 MFMT1D }a:7WK AS Aar MaMPAE tT OF ,HE PRIYUSIlM IC t IS THE PROPERT1 IF a YNA ,Id 1399CSS Are] IS NOT TO K LIM]. IN * of 00 rF PART. FOR MY OTHER PMIUT Wal M itreTlrtFa AiralOp¢191tlFi up Ir &M oarCHTm NN()VA architects 950 Pacific Avenue. Smite 450 Tacoma, WA 98402 25 - 7},400 1 �1 PROLOGIS 12720 Gateway Dr,, Suite 110 Tula, WA 0816 206-414-762 R-404202 IN COMPLIANCE WITH CITY OF RENTON STANDARDS RECORD DRAWING 03-15-2021 NO RECORD INFORMATION SHOWN ON THIS SHEET. rDEVE LOP MENr ENGINEERING 15 eclair 0711 CITE` OF PROLOGIS RENTN 9 001MONSTER ROAD E. W pAkper E T Record Drawing documents 03-15-2021 puu�,iH{ rn4. Planning/Budding/Public Works Dept. PROJECT CONDITIONS C 1,1 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL! (SEPA) DNSNE�r 51 Im Z 0 Z LU CE U] 0 J 0 CL