HomeMy WebLinkAboutS-286501a a � 6 f: vl � N 11F `0 9 z o 0 a 'c �E fz� raw - d H c 3E m rn4 C N v I R! a4 f¢1 N �® n y��� oil en S. E.1 /4, of SECTION 11A TOWNSHIP 23 N, RANGE 5 E, W.M. Ci A E DRAIN I I A w r 1-0.' Kt/ ever STORM WATER DRAINAGE NOTES I "VCNCHT NIN- l gI7TCR oR I o' 1. BEFORE ANY CONSTRUCTION OR DEVELOPMENT ACfIViTy OCCURS, A PRE - CONSTRUCT IN P = .... .. .. ..... BweMyoNO •.: . ' MEETING enial Cooatnncflan" D red 7 W S.D.O. TFsnd the American PUNT SERVICES DIVISION, PLAN S.D.M.H- NO. 3 TYPE II -48" �6- SAVCUT w..rc,FS REVIEW PROJECT MANAGER. FF, XV w /SOLID LOCKING LID L _ _ RIM EL. =620 (MATCH EX. GROUND) Ij(_ 2. All construction shell be in aavrdance with the latest editidn of the"Stardatb Specifications for Raatl, Bridge and I.E. Z4-(SE -SW 55.12 - _ . Municipal p� by lie Works Association (APWA), as amndod by the City of Renton. �P 0 6 e9 6 7Q9- 3. The stem drainage system shall be constructed according to the approved plies which are on file with the City of EX. SDMH �� �� \ 7S Renton. Any deviation from the approved plans will require written approval fiom the City of Renton Development S.D.M.H. N0. 4 -TYPE II -48" I.E. =54.98 Qci \ J2p F ARTERIAL STREET MINIMUM NOTE, Services Division. P 3" CLASS 'B' A.C. MUST MATCH EXISTING THICKNESS w /SOLID LOCKING LID 1\ �C' 4" A.T.B. IF GREATER. � 4. A of these roved ions must be en the' site whenever construction i} in RIM EL. =62.0 (MATCH EX. GROUND) rj,5 i \905+ /3 6" CRUSHED ROCK `�' e� p 1°b pr0g'G's cJt JS'\ \ \ v J 3. Datum shall ha U.S.G.S. unless otherwise approved by City of Ramon. RePom we benchmark and eleva an are noted EX. I.E. 18 "(SE -NW) =55.04 NEW I.E. 24" NE -55.06 / ST0 pU9 2 ® RESIDENTAIL STREET MINIMUM on the plans NEW I.E. 12 "(SW) =56.06 3 FgSFMa c \ \ \\ �J2' 6' 6" CLASSNED ROCK M R \ y, )96 BE.PL.F*�`x M�}.f► 6. All sedimcntationteresion facilities must be br CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCAT ON, PIPE SIZE p Q �t� F.F. EL. =6Z.5 F 9/N \ 1 OOD S operation prig ro clearing end burr g construction. end they must he j (k' MIN. F satisfactorily maintained until construction is completed and the potential For on -siu; erosion has passed. & I.E. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR ORDERING \l FNCE _ 63 OF MATERIALS. �7, \r)' d!- i1 <' SS 4 7. All retention/detention facilities musr be installed and in operation prior to or in conjunction with all construction activity unless othenviae approved by the Dcvelopmad 9ervicca Division. F.F. EL =62.5 h Pp $' ®C'O(.n Jx6S3 qe Fk J8 C MW. S.D.M.H. NO. 2 - TYPE II -48" g. Gross soed may be applied by hydrosceding. The grsac seed mixture, other than City of Renton approved standard J w SOLID LOCKING LID i rn p qN0 C / mixes, shall be submitted by a Landscape Architect and approved by the Development Services Division. C.B. NO. 2 - TYPE I �9 l 1 N F AOA J`q )F 0 20 ON F SiORA' ry / RIM EL =63.0 (MATCH EX. GROUND) w /SOLID LOCKING LID gSF1fF D{�q /N 8 )4' SS kSnN < /NF \ / / I.E. 24"(SW -NW) =55.27 9. All pipe and appurtenance, shall be laid en s properly prepared foundation n acoordaMC with Section 7 -02.3(1) of J NT ST G 2 / the current State of Washington Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction. This shall include RIM EL =62.0 (MATCH EX. GROUND) S nvessa level: 0' 10" h! q. TO \ / ry 'B of the trench bosom or the top of the foundation material as well ns placement old compaction of I.E. 12 "(SE -N W) =58.50 S 64" 2 j 4 >g B ` �� STOR RJ�q ! mss, Jx)o RM l/N \ f required bedding material to uniform gmdc so that the entire length of the pipe will be supported on a uniPormly dense pVL, 5-286501 (� unyicldi-9 base. All pipe budding shall be APWA Class "C ", with the exception of PVC pipe. All tnatd( bakfill 40� \ / !t/ - ea n COP shall be compacted to minimum 95% for pawner.: and structural fill and 90%otherwise per ASTM D- 1557 -70. Pea - S8 O0. / lb ®/ gravel bedding shall be 6" over and under P.N.C. pipe. C.B. NO. 1 - TYPE I ®1.$39 \ \\ / a / 10. Galvanized steel pipe and aluminized mad pipe for all drainage facilities shall have asphalt trmhrlent NI or better STA. 2 +63.79, 8.5'LT. PRIV RD 1 ln4 �wA \ / APPROXIMATE inside and outside. GR. EL. =62.20 ( ) S / EX. 1 55.303 ( ) @ +f'I/ / 2a>g 5 Z 11. of uctu sea not be permitted within 10 fact of the spring line of ary storm drainage pipe, or 15 far norm the top _ I.E. 12" NW =59.70 / \ AT PROPERTY LINE La Len, Iro1Nr / A�,..�� a F.F. EL =62.5 ye 1 Lt. MiN STIR �' r - rN � / J�v` I \ s Mint_ 12. All catch basin gates shall be depressed 0.10 Poet below pavement level. ( 2 P, / / \ ' ( s 13. Open cut road crossings through existing public rightof -way will net be allowed unless specifically approved by City 4,) �0 \; F.F. EL. =62.5 / �irO� 't \ / SSS - - -- ��� S.D.M.H. NO. 1 - TYPE II -48" of Renton. ^ry ^ry0 \ VG���� / JF ;1, Jx w /SOLID LOCKING LID 14. Rock for erosion protcetien of roadside ditches, where required, shall he of smmd quarry rock placed to a depth or I asp• S3S RIM EL-=62.8 (MATCH EX. GROUND) feu and must meet the following specifications: 4"-N"/401/,70% passing; 2 "-4" rock /30%, -40% passing; and -2" EX. I.E. 18 "(SE -NW) =55.32 rocWlO" /,20 %pawing. 2a- 4)- 0 / ryJ / / �0r ® h NEW I.E."(NE) =55.32 /F .s" . X9$ / / // ('�jp, _)Nj S8 20$ ry ?A IS. All building downspout/ end footing drains shall be connN:ctcd to the norm drainage system, unlc, s approved by the k! ( ® pV� 'S \ / qF 49 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION, PIPE SIZE Development Services Division. An acct ately dimensioned Certified as -built drawing of this dminago system will W \ ^h �4� " 4Or ®2 / Kph �? & I -E. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR ORDERING submincdtoDne City o fRemon upon complction. `S8 ¢609, �N OF MATERIALS. 16. Isscauce or the Building or Construction PemrN by the City of Renton does not relieve the owner of the emrt6mi g i o / TRACT "A" legal obligation and/or liability eamttaed with stone surface water disposition. Further, the City of Remora does out (b h Y! Y F \ F.F. EL =62 -5 accept any obligation fer the proper finetiomag and madmeranoe of the system provided during construction. \ N rf 9 0 ! sk" MIN. k! S.M.H. N0. 2 -TYPE II -54" ! o i SSS \ r \ 17. 711c'Conlmetp shall 6c resrronsiblc far providing adcgnnelc safeguard, safety nicvim, pmleclive egnnipment, naggers, F.F. EL =63. C+ / J)Ay STq (O SHALLOW MANHOLE TYPE B and nny el er r ttded eaMns to pmacct the li1L henith, and safely of doe public, end m Maoa property in mu ection N'w. / h 3, R J� a STA. 2 +74.84, 5.0'RT.(PRIV. RD)= with the perfomwrce of work covered by the eentraa. Any work within the tmveled rightof- -way that limy interrupt \ 64 S \`J / T Y, O normal tmme now shall require an approved trams control plan by One Trnn."Imlan Division. All sections of the F �6" / STA. 1 +70.34 (SAN. SEW) scoaE LINE W.S.U.O.T. Standard 9pee feat om l-07-2Y, TmtcConmoI.qhnIlnpply. \ 2� C \/ RIM EL =62-48 Fj ! 3' <T ' Ox / y 0 ` �?- ry I.E. 8 "(SW) =58.30 EXPANSION JOINTS la. S I denim 6 ^' 4 S O SEE NOTE 2 F-ia gc menaures will be r cd it the Ircation is within then 'for I 1' a ca. p cquir project qm pm c ram . r F�c F 40;, "'T. &S -I IC• F OF I C 11,15 PLL SIGA i INDICAT1NG THAT : A bo DETAIL A 'cl/M� R�1 \\ �0y / Fyln!$ THIS LOT (TRACT "A) IS IA[7'ENDEp Y- APPROACH WITH 12'x 22' CONCRETE METER se, r OF Iy aS / 0 / �T��� FOR FUTURE RFStC'StJ E. I.. $ MONOLITHIC CURB BOX WITH 3/16° STEEL DIAMOND PLATE gtf INSTALL METER BOX AT WAY \ COVER EOUAL TO FOG TITE METER PROPERTY UNE. C SEE NOTE 5 CI \ :s 4 6 1P.r .. +t" aC MCHrl.e SEAL CO. 6 -10 METER BOX. bl (51 \ �"W na" CenNCRC Ve Oa ,6" MIN Eb €A J$^ J / Cr F.F. EL. =63.0 I «ftuuu. FINISH GRADE 9- MAX I SIDEWALK 1 \SS, JC MIN CURB AND GUTTER SEE DETAIL 'IA" 6R \ / ^N. SHOWN HOWEVER, . -.. •'..:' ' : ., •. \ �\ � \ OTHER CURBS MAY i B" '' BE USED (SEE SECTION A -A 21' MIN WATER METER TO BE \ \ / ` STANDARD PLANS) _ JG MIN COVER. 36--MIN-COVER X. SSMH \ / 4 / fir, a !� � COVER SUPPLIED BY THE CITY 72 MIN Rit�EL. =64.4 JS� (�vFSS - TYPE 'K" SOFT _ _ COPPER TUBING Ii \ \ C�'V@A) •K,, SIDEWALK DRIVEWAY OR ALLEY 2 -1/2' W / \ / \\ \�/ SIC qq,M v j ' �'- tytr¢� A - FORD COPPERSETIER VNI 72- 15W- 44 -33G (FORS 3/4' METER) (fir• ( ) -> \ �" a9' I' i p� 7s. E 3 Z 'y �� y Y• ns/ R/N'# rp WATERMA NR� OOP TEERN AI O PROVIDE R yH RILET 44 -44C -E T WITH PACK _ - -- \ \ , G / - ArA ,Ora ao-'nI SLACK IN COPPER SERVICE BOTH INLET AND OUTLET WITH PACK JOINT WITH GRIPPER. /� - K \ k1•,4 3!9" EXPANSION h "� s PAOLDCI( MNC$ ON KEY VALVE SINGLE CHECK VALVE a / JOINTS 'Mr. LINE TO METER. J Cf.. ON OUTLET. �f. \ SEE NOTE 2 s CORPORATION STOP. FORD TAPERED ALL PACK -JOINT FITTINGS SHALL BE WITH GRIPPER. 1 THREAD (CC) PACK JOINT 314' F10001 - RIM EL.= 64.23 (MATCH EX. PAVEMENT) EX. I.E. 15" SE -NW) =57.04 NEW 15' WIPE \ \ \ t�!'�ne'•, t NEW I.E. 8 NE) =57.62 CUR,13 GUT. f�6MOVE 63 \ J _rat- i w• %. .�p/n (PER CITY STD. 0or 1t 5R 20 ; I.}rar" n Na CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION, PIPE SIZE GudzaW \S ~ & I E PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR ORDERING PER GLTi STDS- OF MATERIALS. SET- OVER E),6'_MMG SEWE.K NJ+IW SEE NOTE I ; SIDEWALK (t (F1000) IF SERVICE LINE TO MOUSE IS TO BE INSTALLED IN THE FUTURE INSTALL - ^ W o^ lNgpF.filT>R APPROVAL. S SS GRAPHIC SCALE 20 D 10 20 40 8D , q J " 22 -1/2' FORD C I 14-33 R S 4 FIDT N COMPRESSION 4 COUPLING . �® NEW W JOE CA-) cur 4 DRIV R E 4 RE.PLACF. EaU.ST v Q SItEWAIi= PE.R Q 0 -i STLG S.S.M.H. NO. 1 - TYPE II -48" STA. 0 +04.50, 5.0'RT.(PRIV. DR.)= STA. 0 +00 (SAN. SEW.) �� { C % \ �F FT Op SAWCJT. fig. WHPJ T. K1u- WITTi l pt rc+4 VAJL a c - L U' , "F,4ALT tlOf MIX. \ \`\ \ �y \ `r1'. V \ e(J �� \\ II' EXPANSION JOINT .\ NOTE, 7 STING CAST IRQI 1. DUMMY ,HINTS SHALL BE PLACED NOT TO EXCEED IS' C/C NOR LESS THAN t0' C /C. THEY SHALL R DUCTILE IRON \\ NOT BE LESS THAN 3/16" IN THICKNESS AND SHALL EXTEND 2-1/4" DEEP. WATERMAN 1/2" TH{U JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED AT BACK, SIDES AND FRONT (BEHIND CURB) OF APPROACH. la 3. CEMENT CONCRETE SMALL BE CLASS 3000 AIR ENTRAINED W 4. AL IwTS SHALL HE CLEANED AND EDGER 6 S, APPR SHALL LOT BE POURED INTEGRAL WITH CURB AND GUTTER, BUT MAY BE POURED INTEGRAL: WI H STANDARD CURB (SEE DETAIL "A " >. \\ 6. GRADE CO CTION SMALL BE 95'/. MODIFIED PROCTOR. � \ e - r FOR SERVICE FROM EXISTING STEEL ASBESTOS CEMENT OR PVC WATER HAMS INSTALL DOUBLE STRAP SERVICE CLAW EQUAL TO MUELLER CO. 3�4 It 'q WA 3/4' OR 1" GALVANIZED PLUG SE-k SR\I(Cr _ RIM EL.= 64.23 (MATCH EX. PAVEMENT) EX. I.E. 15" SE -NW) =57.04 NEW 15' WIPE \ \ \ t�!'�ne'•, t NEW I.E. 8 NE) =57.62 CUR,13 GUT. f�6MOVE 63 \ J _rat- i w• %. .�p/n (PER CITY STD. 0or 1t 5R 20 ; I.}rar" n Na CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION, PIPE SIZE GudzaW \S ~ & I E PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR ORDERING PER GLTi STDS- \ b . _ �A4rw. CITY OF' REN'TON \ Z RIM EL: 3.58 ` F`e•, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ES J.JgF P� d " ccr` CONCRETE MON JS+ n, W /BRASSIE IN CASE SS\ ENGINEER: ` �� ROAD &. UTILITIES PLAN ELEV. =63.15 PT- tJAEGER ENGINEERIN0 CONW SHORT PLAT le," TO 24" FoR ReLOC. F. ro/oo 9419 South 204th Place DESIGNED: Jdd DATE: 2,/4)/00 FILE NAME:CON- ENG.DWG �loATAL� �(oI� Kent, WA. 98031 DRAWN: DGL 700 Phone No. (206) 850 -0934 CHECKED: JJJ SCALE: 1 " =20' FlEe Boa: PAGE: EXPIRE$: 3 - NO. REVISION BY APPR. DATE I Fax No. (253) 850 -0155 APPROVED: SHEET: 3 01: 4, ROLL # 168 SCAMMEDOCT 42000 C U rc- �QbJ°S w -.o'v o� or ejetnOtr[� % /� (aJ S1 OF MATERIALS. SET- OVER E),6'_MMG SEWE.K NJ+IW POUF, W7'fOM I" PLP.CE_ W/ C-HI%JJI,1FJS. REMOVE Eh1ST. PIPE SFf_,r,AF P•,FTER lNgpF.filT>R APPROVAL. GRAPHIC SCALE 20 D 10 20 40 8D -27- 1865 ( IN FEET ) -OLD -2N S- 1 inch = 20 ft. D - 27 -2SKS' \ b . _ �A4rw. CITY OF' REN'TON \ Z RIM EL: 3.58 ` F`e•, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ES J.JgF P� d " ccr` CONCRETE MON JS+ n, W /BRASSIE IN CASE SS\ ENGINEER: ` �� ROAD &. UTILITIES PLAN ELEV. =63.15 PT- tJAEGER ENGINEERIN0 CONW SHORT PLAT le," TO 24" FoR ReLOC. F. ro/oo 9419 South 204th Place DESIGNED: Jdd DATE: 2,/4)/00 FILE NAME:CON- ENG.DWG �loATAL� �(oI� Kent, WA. 98031 DRAWN: DGL 700 Phone No. (206) 850 -0934 CHECKED: JJJ SCALE: 1 " =20' FlEe Boa: PAGE: EXPIRE$: 3 - NO. REVISION BY APPR. DATE I Fax No. (253) 850 -0155 APPROVED: SHEET: 3 01: 4, ROLL # 168 SCAMMEDOCT 42000 C U rc- �QbJ°S w -.o'v o� or ejetnOtr[� % /� (aJ S1 SCAMMEDOCT 42000 C U rc- �QbJ°S w -.o'v o� or ejetnOtr[� % /� (aJ S1