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All materials and equipment shall be new and workmanship and materials
shall be good quality. AD material incorporated into the work shall
conform to the provinces of this pert. AB references to Specifications shall
be of the latest edition.
The Developer or his Contrada shall deliver to the Engineer a materiel list
not less than ten (10) days before commencement of construction. The list
-ball ountain the manufacturer and model number, it applicable, of the
materiel and equipment to be installed as a part of the work so that the
Engineer may determine whether such materials conform to the Plans and
Spec cations. No materials that are not included in the materiel list shall be
installed as a part of the work. The manufacturers technical specifications
for tripe, appurtenances and equipment to be incorporated into the work shall
be mbmitted to the Engineer at lead ten (10) days prior to commencement
Of construction with the materiels listed.
N requested by the District or by the Engineer, a written guarantee made by
the mauutactmer of any materials to be incorporated into the work shall be
furnished, guaranteeing to the District that such materials shall conform to
these Specifications and any specifications otherwise applying to the work.
Non– pressure sewer pipe shall be PVC pipe conforming to AM D -3034 for
deltbs of cover between 5 feet to 12 feet; and Ductile Iron pipe, doss 50,
cement lined conforming to AIWA Standard C -151 and C -104 for depths of
cover less than 5 feet or ek ceding 12 fed and for slopes loss than I% and
and over 15%. Pipes installed at slopes 15% or greater shall incorporate
'field 14' gaskets for the entire ran
PVC sew.– pipe is defied as flexible ca du . Joints shall conform to ASIM
D-3212 using a restrained rubber gasket conforming to ASTM F -477.
Fittings shall be injection molded Secs or factory solvent welded saddle tees.
Saddles fastened to pipe with external band- are not acceptable on any new
Ductile iron pipe is defied as rigid conduit Mechanical or push –on joints
shall conform to AWWA Standard C -110.
Unless otherwise specified, pre -sure pipe shall be constructed of:
(a) Ductile Iron pipe conforming to AVWA C -151 with a mannfacturer s
thin cement lining conforming to ANWA C -104 (except as to thickness)
and with the type of joint, class, thickness, designation and markings
as specified
(b) Cad Inn fittings shall be rubber– gasket and shall conform to AWWA
C -110 and C -111. Valves shell conform to AWWA Specifications
C -500.
(a) Manhole Frames and Covers
Cad Iron frames and covers shall conform to the Olympic Foundry
Company No. I RSOA, or equivalent Coatings shall conform to the
requirements of ASTM A48, dens 30 and shall be free of porosity,
A rink cavities, cold shuts, or cracks or any surface defects which
would impair service ability. Repair of detects by welding, or by the
use of 'smooth–on or similar materiel will not be permitted Cover
to be non –skid type surface and shall have the word 'SEWER' in large
raised letters.
A bituminous coating shall be applied to all surfaces. The finished
coating shill be continuous, smooth, neither brittle when cold nor
sticky when exposed to the sun, and shall be strongly adherent to the
casting. The District shall have the right to require inspection and
approval of all caetngs prior to painting. Manhole rings and coven
shall be machine finished or ground on seating surfaces to assure
non – rocking fit in any position, and interchangeability. At the request
of the Didrid, there shell be made available at the foundry standard
rings and standard covers for use by inspectors in testing fit and
Manholes located outside public rights–of –way, shall be equipped with
a loe Jung device of each design that the cover may be readily
released from the ring. Ali movable parts shall be made of
non – corrosive metals otherwise arranged to avoid possible binding.
At the request of the District, there shell be made available at the
foundry a testing device sortable for proving the capacity of the
of the assembly to resist an uplift pressure on the lid equal to a 20 –foot
head. The lacking frame and cover shall be Metro standard frame
and cover with 3– screw –type locking lids.
All manhole frames and covers shall be identified by the name or
symbol of the manufacturer. This identification shall be in a plainly
visible location when the frames and covers are installed In addition
to the manutecturees identification, the material shall be identified by
the following "NOD" or 'DUG' for modeler or dactile iron respectively.
The manufadmer's identification and the material identification shall
be adjacent to each other and shell be miutmum 1/2 –inch letters,
recessed to be flush with the adjacent surfaces.
b) Precast Manhole Components
Precast manhole components shall conform to AMM C -478 except
as modified herein. Dose section openings to receive pipe shall be
circular, tapered inward and held to the minimum size practical to
accomodate the pipe to be inserted to effectively seal the joint
Pipe to manhole connections shall be made with a rubber boot toddled
in a pre – cored opening.
AR Manholes shall have all interior surfaces, including channeling,
coated (sealed) with a high solids urethane coating, Wasser MC– ADOSHID
or approved equal. Color of coating shall be white.
I1't -- II
Precast manhole elements shell be provided with steps and /or ladders
such that the completed man]mk will contain a eantiunoas vertical
bidder with range equally, spaced at 12 inches open plus or mfg 3/4
inch. The lowest rang shell be not more than 16 inches above the
shell, and the uppermost rung shell be not more then 18 inches below
the spred surface
Joints between precast manhole elements shall be rubber gasketed
surly to pipe joints and shell conform to ASTM C-433. Shop
drawings of the joint design sbaD be submitted to the Engineer for
approved, prior to manufacture. Campdded joints d a show no
visible leakage and shell conform to the dtmemaionsl requirements of
AM C-47&
Standard flat slab covers for shallow manholes shall be a msi the
of B inches thick and aheH conform to the outer dimeoaim nf the
standard sections upon wbm h they ere to be placed. The 24 –mch
diameter opening stall be eccentrically located as shown an the
Standard Plans to provide at east 6 inches minimum radial distance
from the edge of the 24 –fnrh opening to the I=& face of the
standard sedan below. Reinforcing shell be as shown on the
Standard Plena Redaction to 24 inches shag be made by means of
of a Rat slab, for shallow manholes, or an eccentric precast cone for
standard manholes.
(c) Deformed Bar Steps
Galvanized deformed bar steps shall be 1– inch – diameter deformed bar
conforming to AM A-615, Grade 40 or Grade 60, hot bent and
galvanized after beodm& For Bending, the temperature shell be at
Iost 1,600 degrees F. Galvanizing shall conform to ASIM A -123.
Step dimensions and pattern shall conform to the Standard Plana
Polypropylene coated steps shall conform to AM C-478 with deformed
bar conforming to ASTM A-1315_ Steps shall be hone model P -14938
or approved equal
(d) ladders
Precast manhole base sections mina than three fed in height shall be
provided with a ladder as detailed an the Standard Plans. ladders
shall be galvanized steel or polypropylene coated.
Imported badctffi material shall be free from wood bark, roofs or other
extraneous material and shall meet the following regceements:
U.S. Standard % Passing
Sieve Sae By Weigh
2 -1`2' Square Opening 100
1/4 Sieve 25 Yin.
No. 200 10 Max
Saud Equivalent 35 Yin.
vilrellan equipment or other mechanical means. Water settling will not be
Over–excavated material shall be replaced with
trench foundation materiel
conforming to one of the following gradations as
other ream cannot be compacted as specified, each excavated materiel shell
US Standard Clow A'
Shove Size Yin.
Yin. Yee
2 -1/2' square ope®g 98%
95% 100%
2. are 92
1 -17' gsgaare opening 72
75 100
30 60
1 -1{4' square ope®ag 58
0 15
3/4 aqume opening 27
0 1
3/8' square opeong 3
0 0
No. 4 deee 0
0 0
Bedding material shall be well– graded, clean, granular materiel, commonly
known as pea gravel and shall meet the following requirements:
U.S. Standard % Passing
Sieve Sea - �eJ9bt
Pea Gravel: -
3/8' square opening 100
18 sieve 0 -5
Asphalt concrete pavement dball conform to the technical requirements for
Cisss B Asphalt in the latest edition of the State of Washington Standard
Specifications for Road &ridge and Municipal Condnmtion.
For on in the restoration of excavated mess, Top Course and Keystone
material shall be manufactured from ledge or talus rock, be free from wood,
Viand other extane ms material and shall conform to the following
US Standard % Passing
Sieve Size ft W "
5/8° squire opening 100
1/4' square opening 55-75
U.S. No. 40 sieve 8 -24
U.S. No. 2DO slave 10 Max.
Sand Equivalent 40 Yin.
Base comae material shall conform to the following requirements:
U.S. Standard % Passing
Sieve Size By Weight
5/8 2' square opening 100
5/8 square opening 50 -80
1/4' square opening 30-50
U.S. No. 40 sieve 3 -18
U.S. No. 20O sieve 7.5 MaL
Sand Equivalent 40 Yin.
Bedding and blacking concrete shall be Portland cement concrete containing
four sacks of cement per cubic yard and maximum aggregate size of 1 -1/2
melee. Maximum slump shall be 3 -1/2 inches.
Except as otherwise noted herein, all work shag be accomplished as recommended
in the latest revision of AWFk and APWA Specifications and according to the
recommendations of the manufacturer of the material and equipment concerned.
AD specified depths shall be compacted depths.
In roadway areas, all asphalt and concrete pavement shall be saw cut When
trenching operations cut through concrete pavement, the pavement shall be
removed to a width of 18 inches greater than the top width of the trench. The
concrete shell be saw cut on a straight line and shall be beveled so that the cat
will be approximately 1 inch wider at the top then at the bottom. Asphalt paving
shall be saw cut ahead of the backhoe to prevent excessive tearing up of the
surfacing and to eliminate ragged edges.
Trenches shall be excavated io the line and grade designated by the District
Unless otherwise specified, trench sides shall be excavated vertically. Trench
widths shall be adequate for proper working space and placement of bedding
material under and around the pipe. The trench width, from the bottom of the
trench to 4' above the crown of the pipe, sball not exceed 40 inches for 15–
inch diameter and smaller pipe, or 1.5 times the inside diameter of 18 –inch
or larger i plus 18 inches. H these widths are exceeded a stronger grade
of pipe and/or a higher classification and amount of bedding material shell be
furnished, as directed by the District
Excavation for manholes or other structures shall be sufficient to provide a
minimum of 18 inches between the structure and the sides of the excavation,
enough to allow for proper compaction of the surrounding baddill.
AR material excavated from trenches and piled next to the trench, shall be
placed and maintained so that the top of the material is at least 2 fed from
the edge of the trench. Excavated material shall be located so that tee access
is provided to all fie hydrants, water valves, meters and other utilities, and
clearance shall be left to enable free flow of storm water in all gutters,
conduds and natural water courses.
The developer shell provide and metall timbering and sheeting as necessary
to protect workers, the work. existing buildings utilities and ..other propertes,
and shall meet all OSHA and WM requirements.
Ali work shall be done in conformance with the requirements: of the agency
in control of the fact ity being bored or jacked. See Roadway and Ra lyray
Crossings for farther details.
Any method may be used for roadway or railway crosxinp' that provides for
satisfactory results and is acceptable to both the District and the governmental
or private agency having control of the road or track, provided that the road
or track shelf be restored to its original condition after the crowing is
completed if tunneling or jacking is elected or required for croaaioge, steel,
cast Iron or concrete pipe cuing shall be placed and the server pipe laid
within the owing. For INdrict .Standards for boring or tunneling ace 'Pater
or Sauer Casing Data on separate duet
R, in the judgement of the District, the native trench bottoms will provide a
Erin base for the sabsegamt placement of bedding, pipe and <baclddl, such
native trench bottom may be used if the bottom is leveled and smoothed Aso
that the entire length of pipe will rest on a well– compacted , ban. Trench
bottoms shell be over- exaavated as necessary to remove all unstable mil and
elimsate 'boffmg' or ' quick' conditions to such a depth as to provide a firm
base. Over–excamted materiels shall be replaced with trench foundation
material as specified in Section 24. Foundation material stall be placed
wban ordered by the Iliatrict
All flexible pipe shall be placed in bedding material of the type specified in
Section 2 -9 n . -The shell be placed from a minimum of 4 inches
below the pipe Iurrell to 4 inches above the pipe as shown on the
Standard Detail herein. Bedding material shall be worked by hand under, around
equired for the full width of the trench.':
All rigid pipe shell be placed in bedding materiel nf the type sthe t a c in
Section 2 -9 (a) or (b). The bedding shall be placed from a minimum of 4
Inches below the pipe barrel to the spring line of the pipe air shown on the
Standard Retail. Bedding shall be placed in more than one lift The fret lift,
to provide at least 4 -inch thickness wider any portion of the pipe, shall be
placed baree the pipe is instsfed' and shall be spread smoothly so that the
pipe is nifforimly supported along the barrel Subsequent lifts of not more
than 6-inch thickness shall be placed as shown on the Standard Detail and
Shoring to be remand, or moveable trench shields or boxes, shall be located
at lead 2 -1/2 pipe diameters away from flexible' pipe if the bottom of the
shoring, shield or box extends below the top of the pipe, unless a satisfactory
means of reconsolidating the bedding or aide support materiel distarbed by
shoring removal can be demonstrated
In solid rock excavation, all ledge rock, boulders or dones shall be removed
to provide a m®nrm clearance of 8 inches under the pipe. All material thus
removed shall be replaced with bedding materiel
The Contractor shall maintain the correct grades between manholes and shall
check all intermediate grade stakes by means of a taut grade wire between at
least three intermediate grade stakes. In the event that the grade stakes do not
line up, the work shell be stopped until the situation is corrected All bench
narks, reference points and stakes shell be preserved. In can of destruction
of any of them, the resulting expense of restoration shall be home by the
Developer. Construction stddog shall eonaid of grade stakes at 10 foot
offsets. Stakes at each manhole and intermediate grade stakes shall be offset
10 fed and located at 50 foot stations between manholes. laser beam
equipment for grade and alignment control is an acceptable alternative.
Sack pipe shall be laid with bells upgrade and the mint of the pipe to the
alignment and Us& shown on the Plena. Concentric jrmis shall be closed
and a smooth fiat Provided. Open ends of pipes or fdlmgs shall be
temporarily blocked or covered when laying is not in progress.
Adjustment to the lime and grade shall be done by scraping away or filling
and tamping bedding material under the body of the pipe. No wedging or
blocking of the pipe for adjustment to line and grade may be dons.
The pipe shelf be lowered into the trench by means of ropes, tripod, crane or
any other suitable mama, shelf not be dropped or bandied roughly, and shall
be checked for cracks and defects before installation. Any arcked or
defective pipe shall not be haddled
Tees, wyes and standing services shall be installed as shown in the Standard
Data& herein and at such locations as shown on the Plans, or as otherwise
directed by the District They shell not be covered until the District has
completed inspection and recorded their end location.
Variance from established line and grade shall not be greater than 1 /32nd of
an inch per inch of pipe diameter, but shall not exceed 1/2 inch or result in
a Revd or reverse sloping fmert
No joins shall be covered until examined and approved by the District. Only
Nbe �allowweed today pippe. On the request gasket District, proof of mach shall
experience aball be fished before laying may begin.
Joint material shall be installed according to the menntectmer's
recommendations Auer the gasket has been affixed, the pipe shell be
handled to avoid bumping the gasket, kncelmg out of position or loading it
with dirt or other foreign material. Any gradd on dwterbed shall be removed,
Minced, deaned and relube icded before the joint s made. The pipe shall be
properly aligned before the joint is forced home During insertion of the
tounge or spigot, the pipe shall be partially supported by hand, sting or sane
as required to m+*in+ ;z ^:lateral pressure on the gasket and to maintain
concentricity until the gasket is properly poWianed. Pipe deflection and
straightening shell be avoided once the joint s home, to prevent creep of the
Sufficient pressure shell be applied in meting the joint to aware that the joint
is home, as defied in the pipe maimbactmers standard iudractions for
installation Sufficient restraint shall be applied to the Pie to same the
joints once home, are held so by tamping fill under and doagaide the pipe
or other appropriate means: At the end of the day's work, the last pipe laid
shall be blocked in sack a manner as may be requited to prevent creep during
Paeced manhole base sections Waal be placed an a well– compacted bedding
course of bedding material The depth of the bedding shell not be less than
4 inches thick, extending a minimum d 12 inches beyond the outside
perimeter of the ban section_ The balance of any remasin g excavated area
shall be filled with imported haek5g material and well tamped to the Ind of
the top of the bedding before the manhole is set in place. The bedding shall
be well tamped and made smooth end level to own uniform contact support
to the pretest elements
All lift holes and the madde and outside face of rubber gesketed joints
between precast sections slid be thormaghly wetted, pointed, then Mod with
mortar, and smoothed loth inside and .oat Prevost sections shell be placed
and aligned to provide vertical -aides and vertical alignment of ladder rouge.
The completed manhole shah be rigid, true to dimension and welertight
Manholes set in paved drub or other paved areas shall be set to the fmidued
grade of the paving. When required, the manhole frame shall be toed to
conform to the grade of the payed surface. Manholes not set in paved areas
shelf be set at a &Mad grade slightly higher than that at the surrounding
terrain to prevent surface water infiltration into the system. Manholes set
in unpaved areas shall have an asphalt pad 2' thick and 8' in diameter
placed around the manhole reefing. Manholes at the end of a line with no
inflow, shall have eloped floor to drain to the outflow K there is fnDmr,
a cbennd shall be provided Unless needed to dear a payed road, stab –
outs and channel intended to facbate future backup shall be emitted.
Manhole channels shall be made to conform to the sewer grade and shell be
brought together with well – rounded junctions. Channel aides shag be carried
vertically to the crown elevation of the varfons popes The concrete shelf
shall be smmotbly finished with slopes to drain. Channels abaR not narrow
down to lase than: the inside diameter of the pipe.
All pipe openimga, when practical, shell be cored before setting the manhole.
Pipe connections jbll be made by use of a rubber boot connector, Kor –N-
Send or equal
No bacldiling shall be performed until after the District has inspected the
installation of the pipe and bedding and approved' backbiting•
The initial badM shall be hand placed select material spread evenly over the
bedding material and compacted by hand to an elevation of 6 inches above
beefifing will not disturb the pipe in any way. Subsequent No of not more
than 2–foot thickness shall be placed as shown an the Standard Details and
individually compacted to a mininiu m of 90 percent maxmum density.
Subsequent badMmg shall be performed by pushing materiel from the end
of the trench : -long and directly one the pipe so that the material will be
applied in a rolling slope, rather than by side falling. Back5Dfng from the
aides of the trench will not be done until the District has determined that
material has been carefully placed over the pipe to a sufficient depth.
In areas such as existing paving, or in areas to be paved where the District
determines that minor settlement would be detrimental and the native excavated
material is not meltable for compaction as backfR the trench shall be bacldilled
with imported bacldfl material as specified in Section 2 -7.
Compaction of backfill and baddhf procedures in public . rights–of –way shall,
at the minimum conform to the requirements of the governmental agency
having jurisdiction thereof.
Rrjabag aW be mmnaded to 95 jimmi of rom-1— theoretical dodty
in all areas where paying will be Placed over the backfiD or in shoulder areas
and to 90' quad of maximum theoretical dea ty in all other seem,:
Measurement of compaction dm& shell be by the modified AASHM method
6801 132ND PLACE S.E.
Compaction of bacffiB shall be achieved by power operated tampers, roller 3 -17 TESTING OF PRESSURE SEWER PIPE
vilrellan equipment or other mechanical means. Water settling will not be
acceptable as a means of compaction. N excavated material has a California
All force mamas shall be tested at a minimum pressure of at lead 50 percenE
Bearing Setio for compacted and seated sample of lee then 7, or for any
above the design operating pressure for at lead 30 nmmteL leakage slrail
other ream cannot be compacted as specified, each excavated materiel shell
not exceed the summit given by the following formula
be replaced with imported backBH material No backfll -hail be placed
without immediate g mMl;Lmi accordmg_to these V@dcllhm.
L= 113650
The District will requite that the services of an independent testing laboratory
Where: L = allowable leakage in gallons per hour
or county testing beboratary be employed to perform m –place density testa to
N = the number of pipe joints
ascertain whether the specified density can be or has been obtained. The
D = the pipe diameter is inchva
costs of these tests shall be borne by the Developer.
P = the test presume in psi
Regardless of the approval of the District as to the miner of compaction or 3 -18
testing, the Developer shall repair any settlement of trenches and excavations
that may occur wtthm two years after completion and formal acceptance of the
The material and strength class of aide sewer pipe shall be the acme as the
work by the District.
serer pipe to which A connects and these specifications shall be applicable
to side sewer work. The slope of aide sewers shall not exceed 2 –foot vertical
to 1 –foot horizontal and grade shall not be less than 2 percent Side sewers
shall have minimum 48' cover. Then change in slope exceeds 2 inches per foot,
Prior to pipe testing, all pipes shall be cleaned as provided in this section
standard wye bends s1mE be used Ali side sewers shall be plugged and the
An inflatable bell of a size that will inflate to fit saugly into the pipe shall be
plugs blocked
furnshed by the Contractor and placed in the last manhole on the pipe to be
cleaned The bell may be used with a tog lime or a rope may be fastened to
The ands of all side sewers at the property lines shall be marked with a
the bail to locate and control its position at all times. Water shall be
2' x 4' board, the bottom of which shall be located at the imam of
introduced behind the bell and the bell shall pass through the pipe with only
the end of the aide sewer and the top of which shell be painted green and
the force of the water impelling ft. All debris flushed ahead of the ball shall
extended 4 fed above the ground with the length of the board and labeled
be removed at the fast manhole where presence of the debris is noted in the
'SEWER' in 2' high white stenciled letters The entire length of the board shall
event that cemented or wedged debris or damaged pipe shall stop the ball, the
be wrapped with a heavy gauge were which is attached to the spigot end of the
obstruction shell be removed
No connections shall be made to the aging sewer system without the
Ail non – pressure sewer pipe shall be air tested The procedures set forth in
presence of the District, Written application for connection shall be made to
the District for connection, and the connection shall be made at a time agreed
this auction shall be employed in conducting the testing. All facilities and
personnel for conducting the testing rider the observation of the Didnct shall
upon with the District.
be furnished, by the Developer. All equipment and personnel to conduct the
test eheH be subject to the approval th the Although air testing may
Connections to existing manholes slhall be made u follows R the manhole
be performed for the convenience o1 the Contractor before beckBRrag no
is give,° manhole change shall be tightly covered. prior to breaking into
pipe shall be accepted until air tests have been performed after backfllsg and
the manhole wall, to prevent debris from entering the sewer line.
Immediately after the connection s made, the new pipe shall be plugged.
The plug shall not be removed without permission of the District H the
�g wormhole is not 7ive,' a plug shall be installed in the downstream or
All types tees and ends of aide sewer dubs shall be plugged with flexible
joint caps, or an alternate acceptable to the District, and securely fastened to
discharge InPe0la in addition to above:
withstand the internal test pressure. Such plugs or caps shall be readily
Connections of new mein- to existing sewer tines shell be made air follows:
removable and their removal shall provide a socket suitable for making a
A new manhole shall be placed over the _casting line. The manhole shall be
flexible– jointed lateral connection or extension. No double plugs shall be
precast 54 –inch. diameter except that the base doh stiati be tad in place. The
net connection shall be plumed and blocked and the 'existing . over pipe _
Immediately following the pipe cleaning, and manhole channeling the pipe
dheIl not be opened without the permission of the District.
installed shall be tested with low pressure air. Air shall be slowly supplied
to the plugged pipe installation until the internal air pressure reaches
Connections of side sewers to an existing sewer line shell be made as follows,
pounds per square inch greater than the average bacir pressure of any ground
or as limbed by the District Engineer.
water that may submerge the pipe. At lead two minutes shall be allowed
A For ductile iron made with a
) Pile, the connection
for temperature stabilization before future procedure. A. pressure gauge with
a maianum of 30 shefl be used for tailing.
duel or stainless dad with ductile iron }lunge, tapping tea, Romer
iron n , Rom c
model or equal S FL by Yj adapter is required..
The pipe shall be acceptable it the time required in seconds for the pressure
H For PVC AC pipe, the connection shall be made with a sewer
) or
to decrease from 3.5 to 3.0 psi greater than the average beck pressure s equal
to or greater than the listed values for corresponding sizes of pipe sham on
coddle, lh l
omse stye ' CB° or equal.
the air test graph located elsewhere in Part Four. Hazards created by use of
or drilled to gee a smooth symmetrical
The existing serer pipe ze.
air pressure for testing pipe' shall be guarded against, and all plugs shall be
nd e:: place th correction shat be :bedded withere 4 –inch
a c
sec rdy blocked to prevent blowouts:. A: supply air regulator shall : be
thick concrete o
thick ad in
m glace to the lower quadrant of the pipe barrel
installed on the air supply to the sews that will allow only a maximum
le founded
Unsuitsbis f ion material shell be overexcaveted .aad replaced with
nf 8 prig in the line to be tested and all pressure shall be relieved from the
sewer line before removal nf test plugs.
beddng material.
When required by the Engineer, all sanitary sewers constructed of flexible 3 -20
pipe shall be deflection tested not less than 30 days after the trench bacldill
and compaction has been completed The red shaE be conducted by pulling
Ail traffic control aheH be per the llsnud nd Uniform lralfic Control Devices,
and/or agency During construction, traffic shall not be delayed.
a solid pointed mandrel with a diameter equal to 95 percent of the pipe
diameter through the comps pipe ino. Testing shall be conducted an a
lapp a
far more than 5 minutes miles previously approved by the District m3 the
5 rout s mil
manhole –to- manhole bass and shall be done after the lime has been
agency Of jurisdiction.
completely flushed out with water. The Contractor will be required, at his 3 -21
expense, to locate and repair any sections failing to.. -pass the test and to
retest the section
Prior to acceptance. all due shall be flushed at the contractors expense and
All manholes shall be subject to an acceptance test at the request of the
Owner. Manholes shall be tested -byan approved vacuum test
Water testing of the manholes shall not be allowed
The vacuum test shall be performed prior to the loddllat ,n of the manhole
All lift holes shell be plugged and seams seeled All pipes entering the
manhole shall be temporarily plugged taking care to securely brace the
pipes and plugs to prevent them from being drawn into the manhole.
The test Mead shall placed at the top of the manhole in accordance to
the mmufectorers recommendations. A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury
shall be dram on the manhole, the valve on the vacuum line of the test
head closed, and the vacuum pump shut.; off. The time shall be measured..
for the ;vacuum to drop to 9 inches of mercury. The manhole shall pass if
the time it takes the mercury to drop from 10 inches of memory to 9 `
inches of mercury meets or exceeds the values indicated in Table 1 below.
TAwfw w
JANUARY 1, 2000
user Contractor shell notify
sg and T.V. inspection. AB
meapleted and the roadway
A. Tv ;-
to the T.V. inspection, if required The T.V, camera mud be pulled' through
the pipe without use of a hydraulic flashing nozzle. VHS video tape of this
Inspection dell be sabmithid to Ahe District along with a completed' certified
report by the Contractor. Video mud start at the downstream manhole and
proceed opinion against the flow. All detects revealed by the T.V. inspection
shall be rep Bred by the Contractor to the District's satisfaction, try pipe or
sanitary manhole cheund with a sag that: creates a standing water depth of
1/4 –huh may be rejected by the District (No sag of 1/2 –lath or greater will
be accepted.) Depending onthe severity and extent of the defects, the
District may require that the entire pipe' nun be relayed
A side sewer permit will be required from the District before installation of ,
L sewers. ' Commercial waste disckarge from futures. and equipment that
may contain grease, including bet not limited to, scullery sinks, pot and pan
winks, ds issidien, soup - kettles. and floor: drains located in areas where
grease containing materials may exist will require a grease Interceptor prior'
to entering the sanitary sewer system Commercial establishments that may
discharge oil into the sanitary newer system will require an of separator prior
to entering the sewer system:
All catch home located long project shell have a dreemgoard sediment catch
basis insert model 9226 as manufactured by Ultra–Drain Guard model 300.9 as
mandectmed by Foss Dinvironmentnd or approved equal installed. Inserts are
to be cleaned and replaced by Contractor per manufacturer's recommendations
or by District direction.
..n. •r ..:.... w • v+< �ar�o. �vr-• a avow
Sl�i 6 pp 6
I'D 5.34DIaob
_ _ a
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JANUARY 1, 2000
user Contractor shell notify
sg and T.V. inspection. AB
meapleted and the roadway
A. Tv ;-
to the T.V. inspection, if required The T.V, camera mud be pulled' through
the pipe without use of a hydraulic flashing nozzle. VHS video tape of this
Inspection dell be sabmithid to Ahe District along with a completed' certified
report by the Contractor. Video mud start at the downstream manhole and
proceed opinion against the flow. All detects revealed by the T.V. inspection
shall be rep Bred by the Contractor to the District's satisfaction, try pipe or
sanitary manhole cheund with a sag that: creates a standing water depth of
1/4 –huh may be rejected by the District (No sag of 1/2 –lath or greater will
be accepted.) Depending onthe severity and extent of the defects, the
District may require that the entire pipe' nun be relayed
A side sewer permit will be required from the District before installation of ,
L sewers. ' Commercial waste disckarge from futures. and equipment that
may contain grease, including bet not limited to, scullery sinks, pot and pan
winks, ds issidien, soup - kettles. and floor: drains located in areas where
grease containing materials may exist will require a grease Interceptor prior'
to entering the sanitary sewer system Commercial establishments that may
discharge oil into the sanitary newer system will require an of separator prior
to entering the sewer system:
All catch home located long project shell have a dreemgoard sediment catch
basis insert model 9226 as manufactured by Ultra–Drain Guard model 300.9 as
mandectmed by Foss Dinvironmentnd or approved equal installed. Inserts are
to be cleaned and replaced by Contractor per manufacturer's recommendations
or by District direction.
..n. •r ..:.... w • v+< �ar�o. �vr-• a avow
Sl�i 6 pp 6
I'D 5.34DIaob
_ _ a